todays-xkcd · 6 months
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A really mean prank you can play on someone who's picky about words is to add a 'definitely->definitively' autocorrect rule to their keyboard.
Definitely [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[A chart with definitely and various alterations, each with a meaning.]
Definitely - Definitely Definetly - Almost Definitely Definately - Probably Definatly - Probably not Defenitely - Not Telling (It's a surprise) Defintely - Per the Prophecy Definetely - Definitely, Maybe Definantly - To be decided by coin toss Defanitely - In one universe out of 14 million Defineatly - Only the gods know Definitly - Unless someone cute shows up Defiantly - Defiantly
[Caption Beneath:] People think the word "definitely" is often misspelled, but it's actually just several words with different meanings.
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rattyshipss · 1 year
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dudefrommywesterns · 7 months
I'd defanitely miss you too🥺💖 I have a blog on here I used to interact with quite a bit a few years ago that suddenly stopped posting and I still wondered if they're ok and think about them and it'd be the exact same for you🥺💖 You're an amazing person and I'm so happy you're on here and posting and that I get to be your friend🥰 - Rattyshipss
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into-my-inner-mind · 9 days
To my boyfriends father
Really. He's dealing with stress in the way you taught him and it's not good enough for you? so you tell him to start disasociating even thought he hates it. You pathetic, worthless peice of shit. you are the defanition of a waste of space. You are nothing, You are worthless. You disopoint me, but compared to his mother you are sadly the better option. I can't wait tills he no longer has to deal with you.
I want him to be happy. Even if by then we've broken up. I don't care. I want for him to have a chance at having good mental health for once in his life
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thealmightyemprex · 3 years
10 Favorite Male Disney villains period
When discussing Disney villains we tend to limit ourselves just to animation .These are my favorite Disney villains period from animation,live action ,movies,TV ,etc
Scar from Lion King (1994)
I love this usurping bastard Evil prince who wishes to kill his brother and nephew to gain the throne . He is a classical villain :Intelligent ,sneaky ,manipulative and power hungry.I know some take umbrage with the facthe is so childish and petty in the second half ,but that is one of the reasons I like him as a villain ,he views power the same way a child would,the same way Simba did at the start of the movie .He desires power but doesnt know ho0w to handle it.He isone of my absolute favorite bad guys
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Long John Silver from Muppet Treasure Island (1996)
Disney has done three versions of the infamous pirate and all are great ,but Tim Curry's take is my all time favorite.Robert Newtons take is defanitive ,and Treasure Planets version is complex ,but this is simply Tim Curry's best performance,bringing the over the top villainy while still selling the father figure role to Jim Hawkins.This performance holds a special place in my heart
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Pete from various Disney projects (1925-Now)
Disney's FIRST villain and of their classic cartoon characters my favorite .Often placed in direct opposition to Mickey and the Gang , either as a nefarious criminal , a figure of authority or even just a mean neighbor ,he is both very intimidating while also being a good comic foil .Also I gotta praise both Jim Cummings and Billy Bletcher ,as while many actors have voiced Pete those are the two I most associate with the big brute
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Professor Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
Criminal mastermind who delights in his villainy and whose sophisticated facade hides a rage filled feral monster underneath .Being voiced by Vincent Price is just the cherry on top .
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The MCP from Tron (1982)
Evil David Warner AI ,enough said
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Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
A racist judge who destroys half of Paris ,persecutes the Roma ,abuses Quasimodo ,killing Quasimodos mother and vows to kill Esmerelda unless she sleeps with him .....All while claiming to be a man of God .Truly the darkest of Disney's animated villains
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Mr Dark from Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983)
Leader of a sinister supernatural carnival ,this guy is one hell of a creepy villain ,and Jonathan Pryce gives one hell of a performance
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Captain Hook from Peter Pan (1953)
This revenge hungry pirate captain is my favorite part of Peter Pan .A mixture of being elegant,blood thirsty and a bit of a bufoon .He is able to be comedic while still being a threat and I like that he can just seemlessly switch from a regal gentleman to a vicious killer
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Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
This guy TERRIFIED me as a kid ,from how uncanny valleyish he was in most of the movie to how deranged he was at the end of the movie ,he feels like he is out of a horror movie .Doom is my favorite Christopher Lloyd performance .And that VOICE still haunts my nightmares
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Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls (2013 -2016)
Of all the male animated show villains ,Cipher is by far my favorite .This little demon is such a great antagonist
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@metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @filmcityworld1 @ariel-seagull-wings @marquisedemasque
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azure-witch13 · 6 years
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This is... this is defanitally  Ryo shining through I swear. 
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wasdiamond · 6 years
You're so freaking obsessed with yourself. You try so hard to be funy it's embarasing. Talk to a doctor, something's defanitely wrong with you.
definitely doesn’t have an “A” in it and, my dear anon, you forget an “N” there in ‘funny.’ just letting you know, for future reference!
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nabsmash3 · 4 years
I can defnately spell defanitely.
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craniumaniac-moved · 7 years
Diary symbol! Fuck me the fuck up.
meme: send ☱ for a journal entry about your muse ››
          It is 2008 and Plumeria is helping Guzma’s mother go through his school supplies and old assignments shortly after their high school graduation, deciphering what to get rid of and what to keep. Plumeria happens upon a journal dated a few years ago, and she may remember it from when Guzma started being forced into school counseling. He said he gave up using the thing, but that was clearly a lie. The journal is filled nearly to the brim with angry scribbles, worrisome doodles, and attempts at some silly S shape she’s witnessed him draw before (and he insists it looks like a skull). There are very few words written, save for the first few pages, after which it is clear he took his journaling technique in a different direction. Surely she can’t help but read the entry…
The school counsiler counsoler councalor counciler told me to keep a jurnal and I think that’s dumb but whatever. She actually gave me a stupid jurnal so I guess I’ll use it. She better not of been lying when she said she wasn’t going to make me share it with her.
I’m sposed to write about what makes me mad and how I get all brused up. FUCK HER!!! I already told her I’m mad cuz I HATE SCHOOL and all the bruses are from beating down DUMBASSES AND NERDS!!! So I’m not going to write about that stuff.
I want to write about what makes me happy like Champ and Spidey and Bug types in genral and winning Pokemon battles and food and chocolate and GTA and music like blink or Eminem or DMX!!! Oh and Mama and Melia Plumeria also.
Speeking of P she’s real real important to me. Yesterday I was looking at her and I didn’t think she could tell but then she told me to quit being a creep and to get that dumb look off my face but I saw her smile alittle bit after so I know she liked it. I just think she’s real pretty is all. I don’t just think it cuz she’s my bestfriend I really really think so. If I asked her to be my girlfriend she would probly say no but I don’t think I want a girlfriend anyways. Mama keeps saying she allready knows me and P are going to be married some day and I think that’s real funny. So yeah I’m not asking her to be my girlfriend but is it stupid I want to ask if she wants to have sex? I haven’t had it yet and I don’t think she has either unless she is hiding it from me maybe but we don’t keep secrets so yeah. Some kids are talking about how they allready had it. I want to try it real bad but don’t really got no body to do it with exept P. We cuddle and kinda kiss sometimes so trying more wouldn’t be to wierd I don’t think. I watch alot of porn so I bet I would be good at it!!! So yeah that’s kinda on my mind lately. Defanitely Definetly Defnately not going to tell the stupid counciler but she keeps free condoms out side her office so I’m going to take some of them next time they make me go there.
EW GROSS I can’t beleive I wrote so much!!! PEACE OUT JURNAL!!!
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aylookatmenow · 7 years
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rattyshipss · 8 months
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multlfarlous · 7 years
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livsformer · 7 years
#NowPlaying Woke Up av Dae Dae
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hellyeahstelena · 7 years
Can you please gif Stelena caress and a defanition for caress? Thank you
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authcenter · 3 years
You defanitely aren't mean at all😂❤ (TW Violence?) But I thought someone said you were so I thought I was gonna have to shank somebody👀😤😂 - Temporaryselfshippingblogname
some people have said irl that i look mean when i literally just have resting bitch face. i joke about being menacing and evil a lot but really im sweet and cool i promise 😭
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lyrics-code · 4 years
Love Life Pages Lyrics - Dae Dae
Love Life Pages Lyrics – Dae Dae
  You know this that, this that DefAnition type shit, girl you feel me? Shit you gotta go and search if you don’t know what you’re talking about. I got London with me now, yeah
I got London with me now Hundreds on me, now that dude ceiling At the top, stack that paper on that pussy Cause I ain’t been broke in a minute Wake up and take something Face it, you basic Be patient like wait bitch Low…
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