todays-xkcd · 6 months
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A really mean prank you can play on someone who's picky about words is to add a 'definitely->definitively' autocorrect rule to their keyboard.
Definitely [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[A chart with definitely and various alterations, each with a meaning.]
Definitely - Definitely Definetly - Almost Definitely Definately - Probably Definatly - Probably not Defenitely - Not Telling (It's a surprise) Defintely - Per the Prophecy Definetely - Definitely, Maybe Definantly - To be decided by coin toss Defanitely - In one universe out of 14 million Defineatly - Only the gods know Definitly - Unless someone cute shows up Defiantly - Defiantly
[Caption Beneath:] People think the word "definitely" is often misspelled, but it's actually just several words with different meanings.
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notagaybastard · 2 years
Do you?
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aroace-poly-show · 1 year
i just realized definetely is spelled wrong in my bio this word is the bane of my existence
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Okay so uhhh... visions came upon me and this was the result lol
Based on this absolute atrocity (affectionate... kind of)
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[ID: A fourteen panel comic done in grayscale based on a Twitter thread from David Jenkins.
First panel: Neil Gaiman is surrounded by a crowd of fans, a bright spotlight is shining on top of him. One of the fans points a microphone in his direction and says "Mr. Gaiman! How would describe season two using only three words?"
Second panel: A close up shot of Neil, he smiles and says "Uhh... I'd say it's quiet, gentle, and romantic". "Romantic" is written in a flourished cursive font. There are little floating red hearts surrounding him.
Third panel: A shot of the crowd of fans saying "Awww" in unison, there are little hearts floating around. They find it adorable.
Fourth panel: A black screen titled "At David Jenkins' Twitter"
Fith panel: David Jenkins is sitting in table far away from the point of view, at the center of the image, a spotlight is shining on top of him. There is a crowd of fans forming a semi-circle around him, they are squished against one another, stoping at the little fence that is surrounding the table . A fan standing near the front says " I LOVE U... three words to describe season 2?"
Sixth panel: A close up shot of David Jenkins, he is sitting with both elbows proped up on the table, supporting his head with his hands. The harsh light is shining in on him, he looks serious and solemn. His head is tilted down but his eyes are looking directly at the camera, the whites of his eyes make a stark contrast against his shadowed figure. He says " Fucking sweet...".
Seventh panel: The shot is arranged in the same way as in fifth panel. David Jenkins is far away, sitting at his table , the fans are surrouding him in a semi-circle. The fan near the front replies "Give us one more word David"
Eight panel: A huge shock wave tilts the crowd back. All lights are out, except for the spotlight shining in on David Jenkins. David's arms are unnaturally elongated in a spider-like way, fiercely gripping the table with both hands.
Ninth panel: David lauches into the crowd. The point of view remains the same, but now his head is extremely close up the camera. He emphatically says "FUCKING"
Tenth panel: The scene is seen from the side, now we can see that David still remains sitting at his table, but his neck is extended in a long unnatural arch. He is directly looking at the fan from before, his head on top of them. The fan still has the microphone poiting in David's direction. A new spotlight is shining in on both of them. David says, "SWEET"
Eleventh panel: A close up shot of the crowd. The camera lies a little ways below David's head, only the bottom of it is visible. We see that the fan with the microphone is crouched and almost completely tilted back. The fan is looking directly at Jenkins. The crowd continues squished together, watching intently with shocked faces. David continues, saying "YOU"
Thirteenth panel: The shot is arranged in the same way as in the previous panel. David continues, saying "SLUTS". The letters are written in an emboldened font. The crowd is completely shocked, but also weirdly flattered, all of them are blushing.
Fourteenth panel: David Jenkins goes back to sitting at his table, in a movement similar to a metal spring coiling up again after being streched out. He is sitting far away from the camera, at the center of the image. The fans forming a semi-circle around him. They continue blushing, with some assorted murmurs of bafflement as in "oh my god", "dude what" and "why". /END ID]
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moondirti · 3 months
there’s something so erotic about a man who grabs your jaw when you keep avoiding his gaze so he can force your eyes on his
featuring: SOAP, afab reader, oral, spitting, mild dubcon (i.e. boundary crossing)
soap has always been intense. a bullet shot off in a steel room, bound to ricochet until it makes contact with something that can absorb its impact. you're in the right place at the right time: a bar, the gym he frequents, perhaps even a football game he'd been anticipating for weeks. it doesn't really matter what context he first spots you in – all that energy, that orderless enthusiasm he seems to prescribe to everything, sharpens to focus solely on you. bonnie wee thing that keeps sliding him wily looks, instilling in him a mission he knows he won't back down from.
at first it's how to approach you. easy enough; you like him too, that much he can tell. so when you eventually agree to a farmers market date (where he intends to spoil you rotten with food from every stall), it becomes about opening you up. figuratively at first, you have a hard time keeping up with him without getting overwhelmed. startled at how forthcoming he is, stunned at the manner in which he treats you. like he's known you for years, a childhood best friend you only met last tuesday. he calls right after your first date, asks you to accompany him for coffee before his morning run. shows up at your door unannounced, carrying tools to fix the fan you briefly complained wasn't working. is bold enough to sneak his hand on your thigh while you're watching a movie later that evening, gradually moving higher as your breath begins to falter.
he spares no effort once things get sexual, either. if you expect him to go easy for your first time, you'll come to sorely regret the mistake. quick to slip out of his too-tight shirt, even quicker to spread your legs out on your couch. manages to get your joggers off but opts to merely shift your panties to the side, fingers hooked in the thin material (which he will pocket later). when he envelops your entire cunt with his mouth, his tongue digs into every fold, every hole if it means he can swallow down the smallest part of you.
taste s’good hen, bloody mad wae it
only you’re not looking at him. instead, you’ve thrown your head back, too lost in the pleasure to pay attention to the show he’s putting on for you. why exactly, he's not sure. he’s being good, isn’t he? giving you everything you need? his heart races a mile per minute and something needy, something dark twists within him. he laves his tongue over your hole once more, collecting the juices that pour for him and gathering it behind his teeth alongside a hefty glob of saliva.
when he moves up your body, he tucks your chin in his palm, pulling your head down to face him.
it's too much. too much. he doesn't seem to realise it, but you're breathing is still inconsistent and shallow, and you're about to cry from overstimulation. now he's forcing eye contact, nose kissing yours, and pressing down on either side of your jaw so you're forced to open your mouth wide. you know what's coming, see it from the way his cheeks move. it's all you can do to brace yourself for the inevitable, unable to voice your aversion to the kink. fisting your hands, tensing your throat. but it's as you close your eyes that his self-restraint snaps.
so, he spits. it's thick and messy and heady with the smell of your sex. he doesn't even aim it properly. a significant amount of it lands on your lip, some even on your nose. your tongue gets the brunt of it though, the new weight of fluid causing you to gag. yet his pupils are blown so wide they're barely blue anymore, a cerulean ring around bottomless black, fixated on the sloppy state of your mouth, and it's hard to deny him anything that boils him down to such a state. like a puppy. over-eager and exhilarated when you indulge him so.
you never learn to like it, though it becomes a routine thing.
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jekyllnahyena · 14 days
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life as a motorsport fan in the year of 2024
(we haven't even reached the halfpoint of the season)
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unknownhomosapien · 4 months
if someone wondering, how reverse!nerevar gonna look like
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i actually redesigned his look, because didnt like previous, soo...
(well, he don't have a face actually, but nobody said he cant make an illusion)
His prosthetics made mostly from bonemold, except some dwemer detailes that help him move. Prostetics covering his bones under.
Mask literally "fused" with something that left from his face. It is a part of ordinator's helmet, Nerevar just crushed it. Don't ask what happened with ordinator.
Most of his body actually badly inflicted by corprus, so he hide it under clothes.
Face marks are actually reversed version of the original with some minor changes.
Azura's curse didn't changed him fully, so face, tips of his fingers, legs and chest was still a chimer color. Plus, only sclera become red.
His "god" name is Mora Ind, it sounds very similar to Morrowind.
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maegalkarven · 9 months
We know what it wasn't a big secret to the cult of Bhaal what their Chosen (Durge) is a lil (a lot) obsessed with the Chosen of Bane.
Orin def told everyone who would listen about it, as Balthazar's note on "Prayer for Forgiveness" might imply.
But have we thought about the other side of this?
How many of Bane's servants present at Gortash's coronation saw Durge and went "Ugh, not them again. ANYONE but them. Dark Lord Bane, we serve you well and do not deserve this".
How many of banites had to watch their Chosen act like a lovesick fool at his own coronation and tried very hard not to cringe?
Like bhaalists were not pleased with their Chosen's affections, but I bet Gortash was INSUFFERABLE with Durge by his side.
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pageofheartdj · 11 months
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I don't know about Leo's orientation but there is definitely some romance aversion/repulsiveness going on xD
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Leo claiming Don Suave as handsome doesn't exactly mean much, people can appreciate each other on aesthetic level too.
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wolfholz · 10 months
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quick sketch bc i was wondering if vash his pant-belts have the same automatic opening mechanism as the ones on the punisher lmao
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oh to be that pillow....
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doalkaynaksuyu · 3 months
fyozai, and the rest is up to you (guess who)
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hello anon
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soildweller · 10 months
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Been liking the idea of brent as a werewolf being kind of a buster wilde situation where its an entirely different personality to him as a human
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nimviridis · 8 months
I need to say I think some people don't understand this yet, but this couple:
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Is as queer as this one:
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Because gender is not on our goddamn chromosomes or any of that shit, Jim is non binary, a couple composed by a cis guy and a non binary is queer and a couple composed by a cis woman and a non binary is also queer and even if they were all cisgender, a couple composed by bisexuals/pansexuals is also queer even if it is F/M!!
None of these people are straight!
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justaz · 9 days
somehow for some reason the knights take on a spell that lights up the scars that litter their bodies. arthur has the most with leon as a close second. gwaine and percival and pretty much tied for third though gwaines are much smaller - from more brawls than battles. elyan and lancelot have their fair share but less that the others. that is until they turn to see merlin lit up like a goddamn glowstick. the others (bar lancelot) had been expecting maybe a few nicks from being on the outskirts of battles or mishaps from working on a farm back in ealdor, not……this. the light (which shines through their clothes as if the fabric isn’t even there) is practically blinding on merlin, covering every inch of skin. more so than even arthur. lancelot prompts them all to move on and everyone does, holding themselves back from asking the questions they desperately want answered
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aaronontherun · 26 days
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