s-k-y-w-a-l-k-e-r · 5 years
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S w e a t e r ! E l l i o t
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freebooter4ever · 4 years
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90's (grunge surf cabin in the woods during winter?) aesthetic for @xmxisxforxmaybe : Not exactly representative of your blog, but rather a place that might be nice for you to escape to for a while. Mythical though, because it must somehow be simultaneously on a beach with hot sand, yet in a forest, with cold weather in order to make the inside home cozy ^_^. For some reason I associate your blog most strongly with Elliot, so I put parts of 90/80's NYC in, plus some quirky rustic imagery, plus some things that feel delicate but strange. Also I swear I didn't deface that wood, I just took a photo bc I thought it was funny! Including it because for those not in the know, that particular texture and smell of weathered wood damp from the rain with light moss is one of the most soothing things in the world.
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hexiva · 4 years
Oh, PLEASE do the five songs for Elliot + Leon 🖤
I got this one covered!
Let’s Talk About Spaceships, by Say Hi (just them. chatting. and Elliot zoning the fuck out.)
And what's that saying again They're only words And words can't kill me Well I can't even spell them And the cadence Of what she says is swell
Let's talk about spaceships Or anything except you and me, okay? Let's talk about spaceships Or anything except you and me, okay? Okay...
Man on the Moon,  by Kid Cudi (not so much a song that fits their relationship as a song that fits both of them as people, their sense of being ‘outsiders’)
I never gave a fuck I never a fuck about what -----s thought about me I mean I did but like fuck it you know'm sayin You gon' love me man You gon' love me man
But my mind is all crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy They got me thinkin I ain't human, Like I came in from above, above, above, above Feelin like a airplane in the sky But then they say I'm crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy They got me thinkin I ain't human, Like I came in from above, above, above, above Feelin' like a bird sittin' high high
Heathens, by Twenty-One Pilots (another song for the two of them bonding over being outsiders, plus Elliot’s paranoia and trauma, plus Leon’s moral ambiguity and how that relates to Elliot being a very moral person)
We don't deal with outsiders very well They say newcomers have a certain smell Yeah, trust issues, not to mention They say they can smell your intentions
You're lovin' on the psychopath sitting next to you You're lovin' on the murderer sitting next to you You'll think, "How'd I get here, sitting next to you?" But after all I've said, please don't forget
All my friends are heathens, take it slow Wait for them to ask you who you know Please don't make any sudden moves You don't know the half of the abuse
Young Folks, by Peter Bjorn and John (Leon doubting whether Elliot would still like him if he knew everything he’s done, plus the two of them just. chilling)
If I told you things I did before Told you how I used to be Would you go along with someone like me? If you knew my story word for word Had all of my history Would you go along with someone like me?
I did before and had my share It didn't lead nowhere I would go along with someone like you It doesn't matter what you did Who you were hanging with We could stick around and see this night through And we don't care about the young folk Talkin' 'bout the young style And we don't care about the old folks Talkin' 'bout the old style too And we don't care about their own faults Talkin' 'bout our own style All we care 'bout is talking Talking only me and you
All the Way Down, by Kelela (Elliot’s anxiety getting the best of him, even while being with Leon makes him feel safe)
So comfortable when I'm with you Kinda took me by surprise I love it and I don't know why You shot it and you got it And I don't wanna fight it So hold me while we’re taking this ride
You, when it's good I'm questioning You, then I stop to take it in Is my head in the way? Cause my heart can't explain Where we going now?
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izzy-b-hands · 5 years
Sledgefu: A quiet, cozy night in with the cats. Maybe Snafu is feeling a little insecure bc Gene’s spending a lot of time with new friends at school? He feels a little left out bc Gene is always talking about them, but Gene doesn’t realize it until he really slows down and really listens to/looks at Snaf while they’re snugged up on the couch. If you want to 💞💞💞
Ooh yes I love it!! Thank you for sending this in!!!
Also, ended up putting together a playlist of what I listened to as I wrote this, so if folks are wanting some extra atmosphere as they read, here it is: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2z3p8nXomzQRkWjvY3PK5a?si=uK7XQngWTtOg7UlG5dUm_A 
Gold Still Glitters is below the cut!
He knew Eugene wouldn’t make dinner, he hadn’t for the past couple of weeks. Busy at the university library, studying away with a few classmates he’d gotten to know better as the semester had gone on. He’d even met a few of them now, Ted and Michael and a particularly intimidating man who, despite having the highest grades out of any of Eugene’s friends, insisted on going by his nickname of Flea. It was given to him in the Army, and was actually short for Flea-Brain, but Eugene had talked him into using just Flea. Good-hearted boy couldn’t bear to call a new friend something like that is what it was, and it made Snafu’s heart swell. That was his man, being so sweet!
But his heart hurt as he sat at the table alone, set for two on accident. It was simply his habit now, and he hadn’t even realized he’d done it until he sat down to the gumbo he’d made. 
Delilah hopped up onto the extra seat, her little nose delicately touching the bowl meant for Eugene, and that broke him. 
“This is stupid,” he scolded himself as the tears rolled. He wiped them away in between spoonfuls of his dinner. “Isn’t it, Delilah? I should be happy your papa is out there makin’ new friends. It’s a good thing.” 
She meowed softly, and he gave up on the food. That felt equally silly, putting it all away right away after he’d worked most of the day to make it, but his appetite was gone. 
Better was sitting in the bedroom with Delilah on his lap, the other cats scattered on the bed and Ack Ack with his soft nose batting at the hand Snafu let drop down to where the dog was sat on the floor. The radio played, and seemed desperate to drag him down even as he tried to clamber back up, as they rotated through love song after love song, mixed with more melancholy hits. If not for the cat sleeping on him, he’d have turned it off. 
Despite the whirring wheels of his mind, he found himself drifting off when the front door suddenly slammed. 
“Snaf? Sorry I’m so late!” 
Eugene’s voice echoed down the halls, but Snafu couldn’t bear to answer it. 
“Snafu? You here?” 
Delilah woke and looked at him, as if asking why he wasn’t responding, but he didn’t make a sound.
He listened as Eugene’s footsteps came up the stairs, then to the bedroom. 
“Thought I heard music,” Eugene said as he opened the door. “What happened?” 
Snafu shook his head. He loved Eugene, but as wonderful as it was to see him, he wanted nothing more than to be alone until he got over his feelings, the stupid frustration that told him to call Eugene on it, on getting home so late and missing dinners, on only having time for homework and friends but little for his husband. But Eugene hadn’t done anything wrong, and it wouldn’t be fair to yell and shout and fuss at him for doing what every other student was doing, trying to learn and work and live and balance it all. 
“You’re crying,” Eugene said softly, and strode over to the bed, carefully moving the cats in way of his sitting next to Snafu. “Something happened. Tell me; I’m here to listen.” 
Delilah purred as he lifted her to his shoulder and buried his face in her fur, hoping to hide the next burst of tears. 
“Okay. I don’t know what this is about, and I want you to tell me, at some point. But if you aren’t ready yet, that’s okay. Tomorrow’s Saturday though, and I’ve got nowhere to be. No extra classwork, no study sessions, no extra hours at work. Thought maybe that would mean we could stay up a little together. Do some reading, or just sit and relax, whatever you might want. If you want,” Eugene said, gentle as anything, and it made the tears fall even harder. 
“I gotta borrow your dad, Delilah,” Eugene continued as Snafu set her down beside him, and she meowed at the loss of lap. “Y’all come on down and join us if you want, okay?” 
A few meows and a tiny woof from Ack Ack answered him as he turned off the radio, then led Snafu downstairs, and Snafu knew they’d probably stay put. It was late now, nearly eleven at night, and the pets had their routine they didn’t like to deviate from, especially for bed time. It would also mean they wouldn’t get their bed back for the night as the cats would take it over, but there was always the guest bedroom. 
“How was your day?” Eugene practically chirped, as cheerful as the birds he loved watching, though the bags under his eyes told a different story, or at least screamed a need for a decent night of sleep. 
“Just okay? You get a full day off of work and it’s just okay?” 
Snafu shrugged. “Made gumbo. Spent most of the day in the kitchen, ‘cept for headin’ out to the market for a few things.” 
Eugene stopped and stared at him as they reached the living room. “That’s all?” 
“I don’t know,” Snafu snapped in spite of himself. “I cooked, and I tried to clean some while the supper was simmering, and the damn back door knob was loose again so I fixed that, and I kept the cats and dog in their food and cuddles for the day, and cleaned up the litter boxes and Ack Ack’s corner of the backyard, and-” 
He sighed, exasperated. “I kept busy. I don’t know what you want me to say. I know I’m not nearly as busy as you get, but I tried to make my day off something useful.” 
Eugene took a deep breath, and Snafu braced himself. Eugene didn’t deserve that yelling, but he hadn’t been able to hold back, and he’d deserve whatever Eugene tossed back at him. 
Instead, Eugene took his hand and kissed it. “I meant, did you do anything for you? Read something you like, listen to a good record? Hell, just take a nap?” 
“Oh,” Snafu said, and shrugged. “No. I didn’t do any of that.” 
“Sounds like we got stuff to do tomorrow then, to catch you up on some relaxin’,” Eugene smiled. “Come on. Come lay on the couch and be lazy with me.” 
“It’s gonna be midnight before we know it,” Snafu said. “Not that I don’t want to, but you need to sleep-” 
“There some law against fallin’ asleep on the couch with my man?” 
Snafu grinned. “No, there isn’t.” 
“Well then, I say we’ve got a reservation over here,” Eugene tugged gently on his hand, pulling him till they both fell back on the couch together, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “I missed you today.” 
The lump in his throat was back again, the tears threatening to fall again, his heart hurting again as they adjusted to lay more comfortably on the couch, and he tried to respond without his voice breaking. “Missed you too.” 
“You gonna talk to me now?” Eugene murmured as they snuggled close. “C’mon. You know I’m not gonna let you sit all melancholy like y’are right now. Out with it.” 
“…I shouldn’t be upset by it. Because it’s a good thing,” Snafu sighed. 
“Okay, we’re getting somewhere!” Eugene’s voice rumbled in his chest, pressed as close as they were, his back to Eugene’s chest, Eugene’s arm draped over him. “But maybe this good thing isn’t good for you?” 
“It’s good for someone I love, so it should be good for me too,” Snafu replied. “Because I love them, and I want good things for them.” 
“Well that’s…good,” Eugene said, then chuckled. “But that doesn’t mean whatever this is couldn’t still upset you somehow. Can’t help how things make you feel, sometimes.” 
“I know. But…” 
“You can tell me what it is, you know that,” Eugene whispered. 
“Alright. I…it’s been a little difficult. Without you home at night. Eatin’ dinners alone, goin’ to bed alone even some nights. And then when you do come home-” 
Snafu cut himself off with a sigh and resisted the urge to turn and bury his face into Eugene’s chest, and not say anymore. “When you do, as much as I love hearing about your new friends, and I do, I really do, I swear it, sometimes it feels like that’s all we talk about, and then it’ll be so late it’s already time for bed and then the sun rises and we do it all over again and I miss you.” 
He turned then, and focused on the beat of Eugene’s heart near his ear as he continued. “I’m proud of you in a way I can’t even put words to, because it just overwhelms me, you goin’ back to school and all. And I’m happy you’ve made friends, because you should! It’s good. But sometimes I miss that little bit of extra time we had, for just us. Even though I know that we’ll still find that time again, in one way or another, because things can’t stay the same forever, but gold still glitters even after you melt it down and make it into something new.” 
Eugene was silent, and Snafu fought the urge to break away from him and run upstairs, to avoid the storm that his words were surely going to bring. Granted, Eugene had never been that way with him, but other lovers had in the past, and he never wanted to make Eugene that sort of upset, but if anything would…perhaps this would.
“God, Flea was right. I always tell him how mad I am that he’s the smartest asshole outta all of us in the classroom, and now I gotta tell him he was right again, and he’s smartest about things like this too.” 
Snafu moved his face out of Eugene’s chest. “Things like this?” 
“He told me tonight, that he could tell last time we were all hangin’ out together that you seemed like you felt left out, and that he couldn’t believe that the man I described to them could be the same as the quiet and sad-lookin’ man I’d brought with me that day. And I figured maybe you were just tired or had a rough day at work and I didn’t ask…and I should have asked. I’m sorry, Snaf.”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for,” Snafu said as he carefully moved Eugene’s arm and sat up. “I’m bein’ a damn fool over this. I’m a grown man, actin’ like a child because I’m not gettin’ enough attention.” 
“No,” Eugene protested softly, and sat up so he was right beside him, their thighs touching and Eugene’s hand reaching for his. “You’re my husband, and you love me, and so you’ve been missin’ me and I didn’t notice, and that’s not right. I been watchin’ you go about your night after I get home, but I wasn’t paying any attention, and I should have been.” 
“I gotta do the same for you,” Snafu said.
“You have been! Who else would listen to me blabber on and complain about school, talk for hours about the dumb shit those boys at school tell me? You’ve been lookin’ right at me, keepin’ your eyes trained on me to keep me feeling happy and loved, and I looked back but I looked right through you,” Eugene replied. “No more of that. I promise.” 
The tears slipped down his face yet again before he could stop them, and he could hear Eugene’s soft sound of confusion as he closed his eyes and chuckled. 
“Happy tears, I promise. I’ve never had anyone I was with react like this. I was waitin’ for yellin’ and carryin’ on, so this is,” Snafu shook his head and laughed. “This is so reassuring and wonderful and I…I just love you so damn much.” 
Eugene’s arms wrapped around him, and held him tight. “I love you too, and I’m gonna show you just how much more often. Starting tonight.” 
“I think you did just now,” Snafu said. “But if you’ve got something else in mind, you know I don’t often say no to you.” 
“We’re gonna have to kick the cats off the bed for it,” Eugene smiled and kissed him softly.
“You mean pick them up and carry them into the guest room, and drag Ack Ack’s bed in there since he likes sleepin’ with ‘em so much?” Snafu asked against Eugene’s lips before kissing him back, letting his hand move to wrap around Eugene’s neck, a thumb caressing his cheek. 
“Exactly,” Eugene said as they parted lips, foreheads still touching. “You ready for bed?” 
“I am. Now that you’re here with me,” Snafu sighed, and held Eugene’s hand tight as they stood and headed for the stairs. He couldn’t believe he’d ever gotten so lucky, that the universe had given him so sweet a man. 
But he was so happy to have him, to be his forever, and to know now more than ever, that Eugene was his always as well.
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ghoulsonline · 4 years
41, 57, 62 ☺️
Thanks for the asks!!! 
 41.  What was the last book you read?
This sounds pathetic but I read Red Wheelbarrow the companion to Mr. Robot season 2 and it literally changes the game, I loved every second of it, and the little inserts it really was super immersive and a quick read. But if we are talking like traditional books I would say, Trick Mirror by Jia Torentino!
57. How many relationships have you had?
 I have had only two “official” relationships aka. lasting longer than a year
62. What’s your favourite animal?
I love Anteaters right now, their snouts really speak to me
Also @xmxisxforxmaybe, I love your work and you are such a rami icon. 
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bohemian-napsodyy · 5 years
Hi there, I just want you to know that I love your blog so much! I was wondering if you have any Ahkmenrah x reader fics you could recommend? I love the fic you did for this and cannot get enough!!!
aww omg thank you so much anon! I’m so happy you like my blog
And I doooo!! There’s one particular series I am like,,, absolutely in love with??? it’s called Remnants by @xmxisxforxmaybe and it’s honestly the best masterpiece I have ever read --  I’m so emotionally invested in it I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love it!
You can find the masterlist for it here!
Happy reading my dear anon! :) 
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Soft Asks: 14, 24 ☺️
Thank you ❤❤
14. Favorite feel-good show?
My favorite feel good show is The Office, I've always loved that show and it's just so funny and there's so many moods.
24. What’s something you do to de-stress?
I love to draw and write, I probably should share some of my pieces but I'm too nervous.
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justice-for-shayla · 5 years
I’m sorry for whatever soured you on the fandom. Your writing is excellent, so I hope you’re still creating whatever you want to create. I LOVED The Shadow and The Soul and I’m HERE for it if you ever gain the inspiration to finish it. I wish you nothing but all the 💕good and happy💕 in your endeavors.
Thank you, this is very kind. I’m still writing on my main, but not for this fandom and tbh I’m so happy that I got my inspiration back for that. Maybe someday I’ll be able to finish the stuff I hadn’t finished. Thanks for taking the time to say this :)
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transeliot · 5 years
Thank you so much!!
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s-k-y-w-a-l-k-e-r · 5 years
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freebooter4ever · 4 years
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHH so when I make southwest PA references i know someone will get it!!! ^_^ I have probably driven through your hometown! i took road trips all over the western side of that state almost every weekend, and a few to nyc/central PA too. Bees/AutumnBees/Demonsandsuch an old friend of mine on tumblr and I did a big thanksgiving road trip to gettysburg in 2014ish and took route 40 and stopped at all the weird/haunted places we could find lol! plus nick’s sister had a small fishing place in the laurel highlands, so i’ve been all over that area, gotten myself lost while exploring PLENTY of times. never managed to run out of gas though came pretty close to it. way back when nick was one of those scruffy off the grid river guides who spent life kayaking and taking people down the rapids in ohiopyle. just about the only place i never did hit up was centralia...was always a little too nervous about that one haha.
Also yes the burgh is totally a town, one of the reasons why i eventually just left as much as i loved it, everyone knew everyone, sometimes the small art/music scene could get cliquish, one of my friends who grew up in the area used to say you know you have become a real yinzer when you complain about pittsburgh constantly but the minute any outsider insults the city you pick a fight lol.
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hexiva · 4 years
Obviously I LOVED your Elliot piece and can see you’re a Robot fan. 1. What is your favorite thing about writing Elliot? 2. What is your least favorite thing about writing Elliot?
Oooohh hello! Thank you so much for reading and for following! (I have some other Elliot pieces posted too, if you’re interested! </self promotion>)
1. My favorite thing about writing Elliot is probably aaaaa uuuhhhhh the catharsis? Like . . . watching the show . . . you bond with Elliot so hard, you just want to protect him. And if you’re writing him, you can do that! You can write a story where he gets sad and then he gets hugged. You may have noticed my fic so far has been pretty heavy on the h/c and the hugging. 
2. My least favorite thing is probably the fact that he’s so up in his own head that it can be hard to get him to like. Fucking TALK to other characters. Which of course is necessary to progress the story. He’s happy to talk to the reader, of course, because the reader is his imaginary friend, but like, talking to other characters? with his mouth? he does NOT like it
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
I l💛ve you and cannot fathom ANYTHING going on in a fandom justifying sending hate. You are talented, I love that you write what makes you happy, your sense of humor is DIVINE, and I consider you a safe, joyous presence on this hellsite.
Thank you darling 💛. The whole thing has been just...weird. Folks have the right to their feelings and their opinions about the drama and to be upset, don’t get me wrong, but goddamn was it a punch in the chest to wake up today to literally an inbox full of angry, hateful anons, saying triggering shit. 
All because I reblogged a picture of someone who is involved with what is going on before I went to bed last night, as far as I can tell, and they took that as implicit that I agree with that person re: what started all the drama (I don’t, they need to learn from this mistake they’ve made, apologize for it, and do the work to be better in the future.) 
I’m incredibly lucky and grateful to have you and other friends who reached out to me here and on Discord today. Normally I can just delete and ignore anons, but this constant stream took a major toll today (in part probably because I’ve still been a bit fragile after the crap that went down with my mum, thank god I talk to my therapist tomorrow lmao.) 
Thank you for this message, and for your support and love 💛!
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sherlollydramoine · 5 years
Would you rather date Sami now OR meet Rami 10 years from now but marry him?
Oh.. Ouch..
Sami now…. because at least I’d still be part of the family! :)
I change my mind... Rami. It doesn’t matter, he’s still going to be lovely.
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Happy Easter! This is not an easter-themed story but nonetheless, we've got something new here. From the requests, 'sit on my face and I'll show you how much I missed you' and 'don't worry, honey, you can pull my hair as hard as you want while I'm between your legs" with some slight modification.
Pairing: Merriell Shelton / Female Reader
Warnings: Oral sex (female receiving) Facesitting. It's pretty tame, as far as some of my stories go.
Word Count: 1.6
Tags: @edteche2 @xmxisxforxmaybe @diasimar @txmel @paradoxicaltornado @404-not-found-xix @sherlollydramoine @itswormtrain @gloriousangelsdarkworld (I’m sorry I’m awful for keeping updated tag lists so pls lmk if you want to be added or taken off)
You loved coming home to him. Especially after you’ve been away for longer periods of time. God, there truly was nothing like it. Merriell Shelton was an amazing lover even on his worst days. But when he had gone days without you, the man was all but ravenous. You had gotten home while he was still at the shop, and while his lack of immediate presence was something you missed, you were grateful you had the time to freshen up and get started on dinner.
“She’s home!” He calls when he opens the door to your shared apartment, quick to shed his shoes and move to meet you in the kitchen, no doubt smelling the food warming on the stove, “And she made dinner.” His voice much closer now, a pair of arms are wrapping around your waist to pair with it.
“Hi baby,” You greet warmly, sinking back into his body as you tilt and turn your head to kiss him, slow and sweet, “How was your day?” You ask, enjoying the way he curls himself around you, nuzzling his face into your neck. You think distantly that if he were a cat, he’d be purring.
 “Too long,” he sighs, following it up with a kiss on your neck, “Knowin’ I had ta’ wait all day ‘till I could see you.” Another kiss, “That smells good, by the way.” he adds. 
You hum, pleased with his response. “Hungry?”
His lips then suck at the juncture between your neck and shoulder, slowly and so intensely that you have to grip the countertop in front of you for stabilization.
You let out a shaky laugh, one hand coming up to cup the back of his head, encouraging him to keep kissingsuckingbiting at your skin, “Missed me then?”
“Come sit on my face and I’ll show you how much I missed you.” he breathes into your ear and in that moment, you feel every ounce of need in his body surge through yours. Not wasting another second you reach forward, turning the stove off before turning around and kissing him hard and passionate, hands tangling in his hair. Dinner completely forgotten.
Your lips meet in a frenzied kiss, both of you moaning softly into the kiss as your hands grab at each other, desperate after your time apart. His slide up your back and shoulders to keep you close, not letting you pull away from him for a second. His tongue slides against yours in the most delicious way and the only thought running through your brain is getting that tongue someplace else. His breathing is loud in your ears, every second feels like making up for lost time and it’s crazy because you were only gone for like five days. But you’ll be damned if it wasn’t the longest 5 days of your life. 
“Sit on my face,” He all but begs against your lips, hands now pulling your hips against his, something hard at your hip, “Baby, please? Let me show you.” 
You could never say no to him. You let him drag you down the hallway, never stopping kissing, touching, grabbing you. You giggle against his lips at the way he absolutely refuses to pull away from you to see properly, even when he accidentally backs into the corner of the wall between the hallway and your shared bedroom. Once you’re in the room, he’s sinking to his knees in front of you. 
It’s not often you see him like this, and it always takes your breath away. All big eyes and natural seduction as he pops the button of your jeans and drags them down and off your legs. He sits back for a second, letting his hands run up your calves and thighs, letting one thumb rub against your clothed clit. Your eyes flutter, but you don’t break eye contact. 
You watch in a daze as he rubs circles, he watches you back, upping the pressure until your mouth drops open on a gasp and your hips push forward. He hums, pleased, and leans forward, taking the fabric on your panties between his teeth, using his hands to assist the fabric down your legs to pool at your ankle. 
Your whole body is vibrating with anticipation as he slowly gets back up on his feet. His eyes stay locked on yours as he walks past you and lays himself across your shared bed. Once settled, he smirks, 
“Gonna make me wait all night?” 
Your desire to wipe the insufferable smirk off his face is only a secondary reason for how fast you find yourself scrambling up the bed to straddle his face. He laughs at your urgency and your heart swells a little at how much you just missed him. Once you’re in position he turns his head, kissing sloppily at your inner thigh, trailing up and up and up until his lips are brushing against the junction between your thighs and your pelvis. His head settles back against the pillow and for a moment you think you’ll die if he doesn’t start doing something. And just when you think you can’t take any more of his intense stare and the building anticipation, he’s using his hands on your ass to tug you down, sitting you fully on his face.
His tongue immediately goes to work, lapping at your folds and using the hands on your body to make you rock against his face. Your hands fly to his hair, desperately needing something to hold on to as the pleasure zolts through your body. 
“Oh shit,” You gasp, high pitched and breathy as your clit bumps and rubs against his nose. All at once, the room is too hot, and you're tugging at your shirt, practically ripping it from your body and working just as quickly to take your bra off.
He moans excitedly underneath you, eyes lighting up when your boobs bounce free, one hand sliding up your body to squeeze one, his fingers teasing and tugging at your nipples.
You work your hips up and down on his face, moaning with every hum and grunt he lets out against your pussy. You're moaning loudly, probably too loudly, but you couldn’t give less of a shit about that when his tongue dips into your entrance. He knows you love that, the feeling of him, warm and sofuckingwet wiggling inside of you. You can’t help to way your hips move to grind back on the movement, letting him fuck you with his tongue. 
He’s making you feel so good, you wouldn’t be surprised if his chin and neck were drenched. And it’s that thought that sends heat through your, your orgasm starting to race towards you faster than you anticipated.
“Merriell, oh fuck, I’m-” You start to warn, fingers tugging on his hair hard to keep him where you need him. You’re riding that edge, between holding back and giving in, on the cusp of orgasm when your eyes meet his. You had expected him to look cocky beneath you, smug as he usually is when he gets you off. But the man beneath you is desperate. He looks like he’s getting just as much pleasure from this as you are, cheeks flushed, eyebrows pulled down in such a way that if you didn’t know any better you’d say he was in pain. 
It’s the knowledge that he gets off on this that does it for you. His name tumbles off your lips and you can hear him moaning, borderline whining, beneath you, muffled by your thighs that threaten to cut off his oxygen completely. You collapse beside him, panting through the aftershocks of your orgasm as he catches his breath. 
“Fuck, I missed you.” you sigh, turning to drape yourself over his still fully clothed body.
He laughs, capturing your mouth in a filthy kiss that tastes like you, “Not nearly as much as I missed you.”
You hum, agreeing to disagree. You then glance down his body, seeing if you could repay the favor only to find a wet spot at the front of his jeans. You look back up at him, heat once again rushing to the crux of your legs, “Did you...?”
He grins, not in the least bit embarrassed, “Ya looked so good baby, I couldn’ta stopped it if I tried.” 
You grin back at him, letting your hands run through his hair as you gaze at each other, basking in the afterglow, “Sorry I pulled your hair so hard.” You say after a moment, becoming aware of the stiffness in your fingers from their grip.
“You know I don’t mind,” He quips, lips tugging into a small smirk, “use them reigns, girl.”
You both fall into an easy laughter, tangled up with each other on ruffled sheets. It felt almost like you had never left. Except for the persistent need between your legs.
“I could go again,” You admit, placing a wet kiss on his shoulder, letting your legs tangle further with his, “could you?” 
You know he’s not hard, you’d be able to feel it. But the gleam in his eyes and how quickly he moves to lay between your legs on his stomach tells you that him not being hard isn’t going to stop you from getting another.
“Think I’ve got a way to pass the time ‘til I can.” He bites at your thigh, enjoying the gasp that leaves your lips at the slight pain, your hands already finding their way to his hair again, “and don’t worry, you can pull my hair as much as you want while I’m down here.”
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redrydersrequiem · 2 years
Tv/movie masterlist
⭐️= personal favorite
As always credit to the original authors
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Hazbin hotel/helluvaboss
Night at the museum
Remnants by @xmxisxforxmaybe
Time traveling princess by @evangeline-perry
Goddess of mystery by @ramiramblings 
Umbrella academy
I don’t need a partner by @lady-ashfade
Hard feelings by @mangoshorthand
Fic recommendations by such-fun
The Hunter and the pirate by @nicolejones412
Remember by @themind-on-paper
American horror story
It’s only forever by @7-wonders
Buffy the vampire slayer
The bookworm by @thatfanficstuff
Spike masterlist by @prose-for-hire
The man behind the monster part2 by @prose-for-hire
Spike masterlist by @inkandpen22
True blood
The valuable sun by @alonely-dreamer
Impossible by @thatfanficstuff ⭐️
Baby fangs by @likeahoreibledream
Symbiote by @the-writer-of the-fandoms
The sandman
The sandman and the girl without dreams by
House of the dragon
HOD masterlist by @heartysworld
Coaxed into paradise by @herhenyratargaryan
Unexpected reunion by @earthling55
A true victory by @symra-sensei
Amusement by @theficthatwaspromised
Little mouse by @eddiemadmunson
Love is blind by @animusxy
Blood of my blood by @ultralightpoe
The dragon dance by @dreamcatcher2113
Last of her house no more by @themotherofhorses
Red moon by @hamatoanne ⭐️
The invitation
Once upon a December by @descendantofthesparrow⭐️
Violet witch and Xavier Thorpe by @pinkydevil16
Sully family
Your first flight by littlerizzler
One of us by forever—darling ⭐️
Secret cove by fandomwriter90
End of the beginning by openpandorabox
Tiny hands by Mae-is-crazy
Same soul different body by fleursbending
A drop in the ocean by thecapybarra526
Experiment 56 by byunpum
Hear me by ohdeersthings
Inflamed by
The right profile by thankeywa
Rising phoenix pt1 pt2 by Villiansimpqueen⭐️
The barren lands by Villiansimpqueen⭐️
Orphic by kxnxrki
Ma miles by mechformers ⭐️
What do I tell my family by plzfeedmebread
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