#xu jinglei
dare-g · 2 years
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Dazzling (2002)
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Spring Subway (2002) Le Geng and Jinglei Xu in Spring Subway (2002)
(via Spring Subway (2002))
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avatarskywalker78 · 22 days
OC Introductions - Zhān Xiulan 
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Wip: Sophia Reynolds AU
Zhān Xiulan grew up on Shadow and first met Mal Reynolds when she was hired by his mother to work on their ranch. The two soon became firm friends and always confided in each other - bonding over their somewhat strict upbringings and their shared frustration over the lack of prospects on Shadow - which was why Mal was the one about her budding romance with Jackson, another ranch hand. Though Jackson was something of a rogue, she was truly in love with him and truly believed she had a future with him. But it turned out she was wrong - Jackson didn't really love her at all, and ditched her when she found out she was pregnant, and though she wanted to keep her child but couldn’t see how, because her parents would never accept her being unmarried.
She was initially reluctant to confide this particular problem to Mal, given he was raised Catholic, but in the end decided to trust in their friendship - if nothing else he could be a listening ear. She was right to do so, as Mal was furious on her behalf and wasn't going to stand for her child being taken away, so he offered a suggestio; given that everyone knew he and Xiulan were close...why not say he's the father? He'd be happy to marry her if it means she gets to keep her kid, and she made a point about only telling him about Jackson - it's believable and he can withstand the flack, being from something of a well-off family. Though she initially refuses - worried about dragging him into the mess - she has to concede that these are all very good points.
So they tell their respective parents and get married soon after - they still get some grief but this dies down pretty quickly, and Xiulan doesn't expect Mal to throw himself into parenthood once the kid is born...except the moment Sophia is born he loves her; turns out his plans not to get too attached didn't really work out (and she suspects it never would've done because he has a good heart) and he does consider Sophia his daughter, so for the next seven years they happily co-parent her
But then war breaks out in the 'verse and Mal leaves to fight, and the next thing she knows she's fleeing with her young daughter, just hours before Shadow is destroyed. With no way to reach Mal, they go into hiding - and in the aftermath of Serenity Valley she fears he's been killed in action, though she doesn't say so to Sophia. By 2517 she's running a small business on her new homeworld and is utterly stunned when it turns out Mal's alive - and believed the two of them lost for good on Shadow.
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon
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yesterdays-xkcd · 9 months
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I'm waiting for the day when, if you tell someone 'I'm from the internet', instead of laughing they just ask 'oh, what part?'
Online Communities [Explained]
[Hand-drawn fantasy style map with land and sea areas representing populations of online communities, plus some fictious jokes and references. Each area or item is labeled.] Map of Online Communities and related points of interest Geographic area represents estimated size of membership
[A giant continent with:] The Icy North (Yahoo, Windows Live) containing the Mountains of Web 1.0, AOL, Qwghlm, Yahoo Games, Reunion dot Com, Classmates do Com, Faceparty, E-Harmony, Friendster (off the coast of which is the The Lonely Island), My Space containing The Series of Tubes, MySpace Bands, and the much smaller Attractive MySpace Pages, Blurty, O.K. Cupid, Cyworld, Orkut, Facebook, and Livejournal & Xanga - the coasts of which form the Bay Of Angst.
[The Noob Sea is bordered by AOL, the Icy North, MySpace, and an island system off the coast of Yahoo Games consisting of:] Second Life (and the much smaller island Third Life), Lineage, World of Warcraft, Runscape, Ultima Online, EverQuest, Final Fantasy 11, and further off, 2Channel and 4Chan. [To the east is labelled "Here be anthopomorphic Dragons].
[The Gulf of Youtube is bordered by Facebook, Myspace, and the island continents of:] Piczo, Broadcaster, the river Bit Torrent, Flickr, Last.FM, and DeviantArt with the subsection Gays of Web 2.0, and off the south coast and between another island is the Straits of Web 2.0.
[Off the pennisula of MySpace, island of Second Life, and island continents of Broadcaster et al is the Sea of Culture which hoasts the Peer-to-Peer Shoals. The Sea of Culture is separated from the Ocean of Subculture by and island system consisting of:] Digg, Fark, Reddit, Slash Dot, Soviet Russia, and Something Awful, which surround the Bay of Trolls, and Spaaarta (You're The Man Now Dog), Stumble Upon, and Delicious on the south end of the Viral Straits and the north end of the Sea of Memes, the Isle of Slash, Numa, and Your Base.]
[On the south end of the Sea of Memes, mostly made up of the IRC isles with a dotted outline where Usenet is located, is:] Stallman's Airship, Google's Volcano Fortress, Sourceforge, and the Wikipedia Project bridged island system that connects to M.I.T., EnGadget, Gizmodo, and Make Blog.
[West of the Wikipedia Project lies the Blogipelago with:] BoingBoing, Technorati, [something that can be read as T.W.B. or T.M.Z.], Cory Doctorow's Balloon, Sulawesi, Xu Jinglei, Post Secret, the Shipwreck of the S.S. Howard Dean, the Huffington Post, and the Wet Sea.
[North of the Blogipelago lies the Compass Rose-Shaped Island, with the north arm labelled Practicals (Noob), the south Intellectuals (Pi), west Focus on Real Life (I.R.L.), and the east Focus on Web (dot Com).]
(Not a complete survey. Sizes based on the best figures I could find but involved some guesswork. Do not use for navigation.) Spring 2007
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slenderpinkbook · 1 year
Xu Jinglei's Blog <3 most widely read blog in the world in 2007
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rosebudblog · 6 months
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Uno de los más prolíficos escritores del siglo XX es sin duda Stefan Zweig. Odiado, censurado y perseguido por los alemanes en el periodo nazi terminó su vida suicidándose en unión de su segunda esposa.
Zweig nació en Viena en 1881 y falleció en Petrópolis (Brasil) en 1942. Conocido por su faceta de escritor, fue también crítico literario, periodista e historiador. Pertenecía a una familia judía, aunque él nunca ejerció la religión de sus mayores. Se licenció en Filosofía y viajó por gran parte de los países del primer mundo. Pacifista declarado tanto en la Primera como en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, fue perseguido por el régimen nazi y huyó con su mujer hasta Brasil donde el 22 de Febrero de 1942 ambos se suicidaron ante el avance de las tropas alemanas y la posibilidad de una victoria nazi global. En su nota de despedida dejó escrito “Creo que es mejor finalizar en un buen momento y de pie una vida en la cual la labor intelectual significó el gozo más puro y la libertad personal el bien más preciado sobre la Tierra”.
La producción literaria de Zweig es ingente y quien quiera conocer la historia moderna de Europa debe acercarse a sus obras entre las que destacan: Castellio contra Calvino (un auténtico tratado contra la intolerancia y que debía ser de lectura muy recomendada en los colegios), Momentos estelares de la humanidad o El mundo de ayer, publicada tras su muerte y que es su autobiografía. En la ficción pura dejó grandes obras como Carta de una desconocida, Veinticuatro horas en la vida de una mujer o Novela de ajedrez. Otra de sus especialidades fueron las biografías destacando las de Fouché, María Antonieta, Erasmo o Balzac.
Con este bagaje de contenido era normal que el cine se acercase a su obra y que llevara a la pantalla algunas de sus obras. He revisado las adaptaciones y si no he contado mal un total de 26 películas se basan en sus novelas. Vamos a revisarlas:
OBRA:LA CASA AL BORDE DEL MAR: La casa al borde del mar (1924, Alemania).
OBRA: ARDIENTE SECRETO. Se realizaron 3 versiones en cine: El ardiente secreto (1923, Alemania); El ardiente secreto (Alemania, 1933 y dirigida por el solvente Robert Siodmak); Secreto en llamas (USA, 1988, dirigida por Andrew Birkin con Faye Dunaway, Klaus Maria Brandauer
OBRA: AMOK. De esta novela con el aborto inducido de por medio se realizaron 4 versiones: Amok, película soviética de 1927 dirigida por Kot Mardjanishvili a quien no tengo el gusto de conocerle película alguna; La locura del trópico, de Fedor Ozep (1934) -otro del que no tengo el gusto de conocer-: Amok: la curiosidad de esta versión mexicana de 1944 es fue dirigida por un exiliado español, Antonio Momplet; Amok: la versión más reciente es 1993, dirigida por Joel Farges y con Fanny Ardant en elenco  de actores.
OBRA: CARTA DE UNA DESCONOCIDA. Sin duda es la novela de Zweig de la que se han hecho más versiones, un total de 6: Narkose (Alemania,1929); Parece que fue ayer (Alemania, 1933, dirigida por John Stahl); Rosas blancas: (Finlandia, 1943). Curiosamente no aparecía el nombre de Zweig en los créditos ya que Finlandia participaba en la guerra con los nazis y el nombre del escritor austriaco estaba proscrito en los países de influencia alemana; Carta de una desconocida: (USA, 1948) Sin duda la gran adaptación de las obras de Zweig. Dirigida por Max Ophuls es una de las películas archivada para la posteridad en la Biblioteca de los Estados Unidos por ser "cultural, histórica o estéticamente significativa"; Feliz año amor mío: película mexicana de 1957 sin grandes valores artísticos; Carta de una mujer desconocida: (China, 2004) de Jinglei Xu. Primera y muy buena adaptación de una obra de Zweig al cine chino.
OBRA: MIEDO. De esta se han realizado tres versiones hasta la fecha: Silenciosa acusación: (Alemania, 1928); La Peur: (Francia, 1936); Ya no creo en el amor (La Paura): (Italia, 1954). Otra de las grandes adaptaciones de Zweig, en este caso dirigida por Roberto Rossellini y con su por entonces compañera Ingrid Bergman.
OBRA: 24 HORAS EN LA VIDA DE UNA MUJER. Se han hecho 4 versiones todas con el mismo título que la novela: 24 horas en la vida de una mujer. La primera es argentina de 1944; la segunda y la tercera son francesas de 1952 y 1968; la más reciente es alemana de 2002.
OBRA: IMPACIENCIA DEL CORAZÓN. Se han hecho dos versiones: La piedad peligrosa, norteamericana de 1946 e Impaciencia del corazón, mejicana de 1960.
OBRA: NOVELA DE AJEDREZ. Dos versiones: Juego de reyes (Alemania, 1960). La última novela que escribió Zweig la dirigió en cine Gerd Oswald; The royal game (Alemania, 2021). La más reciente adaptación, dirigida por Philipp Stolzl.
OBRA: VIAJE AL PASADO. En 2013 Patrice Leconte (Francia) realiza esta adaptación con el título La promesa.
OBRA: MARÍA ANTONIETA. Uno de los géneros en el que más trabajó Zweig fue en el de las biografías. Algunas se consideran obras maestras como las de Magallanes, María Estuardo o Erasmo de Rotterdam. Sin embargo, solo una ha sido llevada al cine y en el ya lejano 1938: María Antonieta, película norteamericana dirigida por W. S. Van Dyke protagonizada por Norma Shearer y Tyrone Power.
ADAPTACIÓN DE VARIAS OBRAS: El Gran Hotel Budapest (USA, 2014) de Wes Anderson, que adapta y toma referencias de varias obras: Veinticuatro horas en la vida de una mujer, La piedad peligrosa, La embriaguez de la metamorfosis' y su autobiografía El mundo de ayer.
Por último, en 2016 se realiza un biopic sobre el escritor austriaco: Stefan Zweig: adiós a Europa, de María Schrader y en la que se narra los últimos años de su vida.
Podemos resumir diciendo que el cine se ha acercado un total de 30 veces a sus obras o a la vida de un escritor esencial para entender el siglo XX y que luchó hasta su muerte contra la intolerancia y la dictadura.
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cinemaronin · 2 years
开往春天的地铁 Spring Subway (2002)  directed by Zhang Yibai
video edit by Denis La Funk (Cine Ronin) https://www.youtube.com/c/DenisLaFunk
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twoflipstwotwists · 5 years
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Good luck to Team China at 2019 Junior Worlds! (Piibunina)
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sinetheta · 6 years
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Spring Subway ( 開往春天的地鐵). dir. Zhang Yibai ( 張一白). 2002.
“After seven years, is there still love?” 
Spring Subway is a mellow Chinese romance film directed by Zhang Yibai. Jianbin (Geng Le) and Xiaohui (Xu Jinglei), are a young married couple of 7 years living in Beijing. Their relationship is at a halt, plagued by the boredom of their existence and their silent suffering in the urban city. The supporting cast includes Zhang Yang, Gao Yuan Yuan, Tu Qiang and Fan Wei. Jianbin is laid off from work but hides this from his wife by spending most of his time riding the Beijing metro and hiding his briefcase in the public washroom. As he spends most of his time sitting on the subway, Jianbin becomes aware of the various romances that blossom in the environment around him. Jianbin’s life continues to spiral downwards as he becomes aware of his wife’s affair with another man and his increasing shortage of money. 
Spring Subway is Zhang Yibai’s first feature film as a director after primarily working with music videos in the past. This independent, stylistic film represents a new style in Chinese cinema, experimenting with chronological conventions and breaking the fourth wall to directly address the audience. Despite being an independent film in its genre, Spring Subway garnered positive attention and was well received in China.
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cfensi · 6 years
Live-action The Outcast tries to recreate anime-styled fighting
Live-action The Outcast tries to recreate anime-styled fighting
Supernatual martial arts manga/anime hit Hitori no Shita: The Outcast /Under One Person / 一人之下  is one of several anime to be produced into an live-action.  Here’s a glimpse at their martial arts choreography testing that tries to recreate the style of the anime. I’m always skeptical of adaptations but the fighting choreography looks really unique:
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chinesemovieposter · 6 years
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Lan Ke and Wei Fan in Spring Subway (2002)
Geng Le and Xu Jinglei
(via Spring Subway (2002))
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
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Fancast time - Xu Jinglei as Zhān Xiulan, Sophia Reynold’s mother, former ranch worker on Shadow, and Mal’s (legal) wife, who wants nothing but the best for her daughter and is a good parent. Also shares the same view on the Alliance as Sophia and Mal because of what they did to her homeworld.
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lesravageurs · 7 years
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Ravageuses smile. | Xu Jinglei
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thedirehoneybadger · 7 years
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Jiang Wen’s role in My Father and I (2003)
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Letter from an Unknown Woman dir. Xu Jinglei (2004)
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