#wu lala
dare-g · 2 years
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Dazzling (2002)
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bakudekuism · 9 months
ii wanma like make a ms! izu nd creepypasta / angels of death crossover @___@ idk i realy love Izuku, Jeff da Killer , && Issac Fostr soo why not make dem lik frens buh dey lowkey hav the most toxic Friendship cus Jeff wouldnt b a good persn IMO (LOLL SORY) :DD
since Issac is lowkey too old for school (comfirmed to b in his 20s LOL) is kinda just Jeff && Izuku at school ^____^ but since Issac cant readdd Izuku like teaches him after school :pp 💕💕💕
Jeff lowkey defendsz Izuku sumtimes nd others he like puts Izuku down either in front of the bullies or wen the bullies leaves ;---; idk he is weird nn iv been like lookin ' at othr pplz Headcanon 's for Jeff so i feel lik it wuld match himmm o.o
Issac nd Izuku 'z relationship is kinda like Rachael nd Zack 's but they r closer && I feel lik Issac wuld b nicer 2 Izuku for some reason like a big brother nd litle brother relationship!!! ^____^ 🎀
if i evr made dis I wouldnt like make Issac / Izuku cus ISSAC WULD BE LIKE 10 YRS OLDER THEN IZUKU T____T ... probabli not evn jeff x Izuku is this au / story cus my jeff wuld b to toxic so probably bakudeku orrr a bakukarideku love triangle / dekubowl :pp
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goodbuttaken · 21 days
shiz and giggles list jmen, která reálně mají/nedávno měli lidé v česku
(part 3, [mostly czech, asian and pronoun-like] short names; per 2016, kdy je KdeJsme naposled mohlo sbírat)
Ban (1 jméno, dřív i příjmení)
De (2 příjmení v Praze, 15 ex jmen)
Ill (31 příjmení, hodně v Náměšti nad Oslavou)
Ell (5 příjmení), Illie (1 jméno)
Elf (1 příjmení)
Ič (2 příjmení, FM)
Iš (16 příjmení, jižní Morava)
Ižo (10 příjmení, JV a SV cíp ČR) vs Ižóf (8, úplný S Čech) vs Ižof (4, úplný J) vs Ižol (4, Hradec Králové) vs Iž (9, Přerov/Zlín) + Izsó (14), Izso (3), Ižyk (1) a dřív i Izo
Id (2 příjmení, Praha)
Re (17 příjmení, skoro všichni Šumperk), Ré (5, taky)
Le (4 jména, 569 příjmení)
Ly (5 jmen, 6 příjmení)
Or (14 jmen, všichni v Brně + 2 ex příjmení)
Ot (1 příjmení)
Xi (další sudden ex jméno i příjmení), Wi, Ri
Ro, So, Xo, Co, Pho
Ra, Ka, Xa, Ca, Na
Xe, Te, Ce, Ve
Si (1 jméno + řada složených)
Xxx (do 2011 obojí; komunikace s těmi lidmi by mě *fakt* zajímala)
Pan (do r. 2011 51 jmen a 4 příjmení)
Lo (po redukci 2011 zůstalo 1 příjmení), La (4)
Do (1 jméno, 241 příjmení)
Vo (49 příjmení, ex jméno)
Ko (1 příjmení, ex jméno)
Lé (1 příjmení)
Foo (1 příjmení)
An (5 jmen, 1 příjmení) + složeniny, Am (ex jméno)
Ye (1 jméno, 7 příjmení), Yeová (2)
Yu (4 příjmení), Yuová (1), Yú
Au (2 příjmení), Ou
Du (1 jméno a 5 příjmení), Bu (stále 1 příjmení), Cu (6), Ku (2), Gu (1), Lu (1)
Mu, Fu, Ru, Su, Ju, Nu
Wu (1 jméno, 11 příjmení, ale do 2011 jich bylo 232 + 1 Wuová)
Tu (nyní 7 jmen a 3 příjmení)
Hu (17 příjmení, ex jméno), Chu (ex 11 jmen a stále 62 [dřív 267] příjmení)
Vu (6 jmen a 365 příjmení, ze jmen tohohle typu top přeživší)
Xu (19 příjmení, ex jméno), Qu (ex příjmení), Qi (jméno ještě ano)
Ky (34 ex příjmení), Ký, Ny, Hy, Dy, Cy
Go (1 příjmení, ex jméno), Ge (8 příjmení, 2 ex jména)
Yi (jedno jméno), Ai (taky)
Ia (6 ex jmen)
Ke (2 jména, ex příjmení), Que (1 jméno, ex příjmení)
Ač (11 příjmení), Áč (25), At
Oo (dvě ex příjmení), Uu (dvě ex jména)
Be (1 příjmení, 10 ex jmen)
I, A, E (vše ex obojí)
Y, Ý (ex jména)
O (4 ex příjmení)
Ayu, Uy
Ay (8 příjmení), Aw (1 příjmení, Kyjov)
Aia (jméno, Luhačovice)
Bi (ex 2011)
Sy (1 jméno, 1 ex příjmení)
Ba (9 příjmení)
Bá, Da, Dá, Tá, Bé
Bo (stále 3 jména)
Mo, Moo, Boo (vše ex 2011)
X (ex jméno)
Ya (jméno, Brno)
Ha (dřív 487 jmen a 365 příjmení, teď 22, resp. 66), Che (2 příjmení, ex jméno), Chi (3 příjmení v Kolíně + 2 jména), do r. 2011 taky Cha, Há, Cho a Huh
Tu (7 jmen, 3 příjmení), Tú (2 jména)
Hop (33 příjmení, ale i 2 jména)
Cá (1 příjmení, Cheb)
Cé (7 příjmení)
Ok (2 příjmení [ÚnL, Kladno], ex jméno)
Ox (3 příjmení, Teplice)
Oi, Oi Tak, Od, Ng, Šé, Oh, Ol, Ip, Is, Ib, Xú, Lý, Sú
Ťie (1, Praha)
Ji (2 příjmení, ex jméno), Di (1 jméno, ex příjmení), Mi (1 jméno i příjmení), Mí (ex jméno), Zi (2 ex jména)
Vi (4 příjmení, 14 ex jmen), Wi (5 ex příjmení)
Li (23 příjmení a 36 ex jmen), Ni (5 ex jmen, 28 ex příjmení)
Ut, Út, Er, Ur, Uz, Us
Fˇs, Bˇk, Wˇs (ex 2011)
Ině, Iňová (celkem 15, jižní Čechy)
Iňa (jméno, Hlinsko)
In (ex 1 příjmení + řada složených jmen), In Santi (3), Im
Pa Sait (1), Paa (1 v Karlových Varech)
Ma (4 příjmení, ex jméno)
Maąa (do r. 2011 jich bylo 5), Paąa (těch bylo dokonce 10)
Ao, Ąaąo
Bang (1 jméno), Bong (1 jméno i 4 příjmení)
V Yun (ex 2011), V Yacheslav
I ching, I ting, I ying (tj. varianty originálního názvu Knihy proměn)
D' Escragnolle Taunay, D´marco Odremán, Sita Nzolamesso Da S S (etc.)
pod. Al -, El -, Ó - (etc.) příjmení
Inyi (1 příjmení v Litovli)
Uyi (1 jméno v Ústí nad Labem)
Yuy Sya Gen, Sha Re Ja
Uj (11 příjmení, Ivančice + Vysočina), Új (ex)
Uc (8 příjmení)
Oz (3 jména v Brně, 1 příjmení)
Sič (30), Síč (65 příjmení), do r. 2011 i Sick
Onn (1 jméno, Brno), Oňa (1 příjmení, Bystřice p/H), Ong (2 příjmení, západ Čech)
Úa Séaghdha, Ün
Ág (3 příjmení, Blansko)
Lala (3 jména), Lála (1)
Chat (3 příjmení, dřív i jméno)
Gag (1 příjmení, Brno)
A. C., B K, K C, K. C. (ex 2011 příjmení), J C (ex jméno)
Jo (do 2011 obojí), Joo (26 příjmení, 1 jméno), Joová (4), No (ex), Ne (do 2011 jméno), Nee Tha Blay
Jojo (do 2011 příjmení), Nou Nou (2 v Brně)
Man (ex 18 jmen, příjmení běžné: 528)
Md a Mhd (do r. 2011 spousta arabských jmen, vyřazeno)
Jazz Jasper (Aš), Jax (Praha)
Je Young (ex jméno)
Gay (1 příjmení v Jihlavě, do r. 2014 i 1 jméno), That Gay (ex 1)
My (8 jmen a 1 příjmení)
That (ex 4 jména)
Ho (39 příjmení, dřív i jméno), Hoe (3 ex křestní)
Vy (1 jméno a 2 příjmení, Praha)
Ty (1 jméno)
He (2 příjmení, dřív 6 jmen), On (3 ex jména + složeniny, 1 ex příjmení)
His (2 příjmení, Přerov)
She (1 ex příjmení), Ona (19 ex příjmení), Ta (46 příjmení, 1 jméno)
Her (3 ex příjmení)
Oni (2 příjmení, 1 jméno)
Ono (2 příjmení, Brno)
To (18 příjmení, ex 6 jmen)
Them (1 jméno)
Nic (3, všichni v Orlové)
End (1 příjmení v Jablonci)
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bizarrequazar · 11 months
GJ and ZZH Updates — October 15-21
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
10-15 → Vogue+ posted a video featuring Gong Jun. [subbed video]
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a douyin of Gong Jun in his outfit from the 09-30 Elie Saab show. Caption: "The inventory is loading, and @ Gong Jun Simon's Paris fragments are dropped~" BGM is 秋雨不问梧桐意 by CC雨涵.
10-16 → The Japanese television station LaLa TV announced that it would be airing Zhang Zhehan's unreleased 2016 drama Castle in the Time starting 12-27. At the time of this post, this is very questionable due to both to the general circumstances with Zhang Zhehan as well as because whalers reacted in a very organized fashion, indicating that they were tipped off about this ahead of time and thus the scam is likely involved. Additional Info: - The drama was not released in China due to regulations about the use of Korean actors, the female lead being Korean. [summary of the rather messy production history] A version of the show with a recast female lead and a new title was greenlit by the NRTA (#4 in the linked file) in February 2021; the version announced by LaLa TV is the original one. - The drama was filmed when Zhang Zhehan was contracted with Yu Zheng, who came out in support of the scam a few months ago. (see 07-16) - Japanese fans who looked into the production company found that it has faced a number of lawsuits recently, including one that closed on 08-09 with them having to pay 1.32 million RMB. As well, the two individuals who hold copyright for the show are both severely in debt.
→ Deeyeo posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted eight photos of "Zhang Zhehan".
→ Gong Jun posted another video of himself camping with a collie, this one of him making a mixed drink. Caption: "My special blend is really delicious! #100 kinds of beauty of the motherland#" Gong Jun's studio reposted this with the added caption: "Camping, @ Gong Jun Simon unlocks a new menu to welcome the delicious crit😋"
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted a video of Gong Jun with the collie.
→ 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ GXG posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Tiffany & Co. posted a clip of Gong Jun from their event the previous weekend.
10-17 → Nothing of note.
10-18 → Ranyi Music's Weibo was suddenly wiped. The reason is not known at the time of this post.
→ The Instagram posted seven photos of "Zhang Zhehan" at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris and two with the Eiffel Tower in view, because the scam gang are still desperate to try to one-up Gong Jun. Fan Observation: - UNESCO offers tours for €15 per person. The other people in the group photo appear to be other members of the same tour. - It was noted that the tree leaves in the outside photo don't match the current season in Paris.
→ Chrison posted an interview with Gong Jun from the Tiffany event. [subbed video]
10-19 → Sohu Fashion posted an interview with Gong Jun from the Tiffany event. [subbed video]
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted a home video-style video of Gong Jun in New York. Caption: "Dropped some fragments 🎮🌉" BGM is Summer Night Wind by Layton Wu.
→ Zhang Sanjian appeared on a random Malaysian YouTube show.
10-20 → Deeyeo posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
Addition 10-24: Net-A-Porter posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ 361° posted two photo ads [1] [2] featuring Gong Jun.
→ Tiffany & Co. posted a short video of Gong Jun from their event. Gong Jun reposted this with the added caption, "Join me in diving into the secret realm of the fantasy sea and appreciating the ocean treasures from @ Tiffany & Co."
→ Marie Claire posted an interview with Gong Jun from the Tiffany event. [subbed video]
→ Tangle Teezer posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
10-21 → Gong Jun attended an offline event for 361°.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of Gong Jun from a pre-event photoshoot. Caption: "Neat, stylish and full of vitality. @ Gong Jun Simon writes in an unrestricted style and feels the heat of sports." BGM is Indie Energy by ElectroAnimals. This was reposted by 361°.
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted a video of Gong Jun doing spray paint art at the offline event. Caption: "The birth of art!" BGM is The Good Times by Song Zuying.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted eleven photos of him from that day. Caption: "Go out energetically and walk freely. @ Gong Jun Simon awakens love and arrives with surprises as promised."
→ 361° posted five photos of Gong Jun from their offline event.
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Additional Reading: → N/A
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This post was last edited 2023-10-24.
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y2klostandfound · 1 year
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Space Channel 5 Part 2 on 电子游戏软件 (Video game software No.92) (2002-03)
Translation in English:
Manufacturers:SEGA Release Date:2002.2.14 Type: Music ACT Price: 6800 yen other: -
Manufacturers:SEGA Release Date:2002.2.14 Type: Music ACT Price: 6800 yen other: -
Ulala in Double report
This winter, Ulala's dynamic dance and music will make everyone HAPPY again!
HAPPY Space Musical has opened!
The dance incident caused by the Moro star (Morolians) was finally resolved with the efforts of Ulala, a reporter from Space Channel 5. The world seems to have returned to peace, but recently there has been an incident of a mysterious organization making people dance wildly! The report of Ulala started again!
To save the charmed people!
As long as there is evil in the galaxy, there will be people who love music, dancing and games in this world! One year after the release of the first generation, the sequel of "Space Channel 5" appeared again, and the reporter was still Ulala! In this story, Ulala used her dance to get rid of the evil group that made people dance wildly. The new work adds new dance battles, musical instrument battles, song battles, and a new recording method! Since this work will be launched in PS2 and DC versions at the same time, it has attracted much attention. Below we will provide you with a detailed report on "Space Channel 5 PART.2"!
In this incident, FUSE, the producer of "Space Channel 5", once again used Dance Ulala. Since two years have passed since the Morolians incident,and as a reporter, Ulala has not been able to improve her visiting skills because the world has been peaceful, but her dancing and singing skills have improved a lot! In this work, Ulala put on a white dress, with her pink hair and vigorous dancing, she looks very charming!
Dance group on stage!?
The evil organization that suddenly appeared is a "Dancing troupe (Rhythm Rouges)" that makes people dance wildly and abducts them. The guy in the middle wearing a red turban seems to be their leader, surrounded by some odd-looking, bad-hearted minions. From their eyes will shoot a beam of light that makes people dance, very dangerous! But the danger is dangerous, their cute look but often let you forget the danger!
It's going very well!
Ulala is back in action!
Are jaguars dangerous?
the evil force in the galaxy
Everyone goes crazy dancing
Special Catalog : Here are the highlights The duel of musical instruments!
Guitar! Dance Ulala holds the guitar for a fierce dance! And a drum kit! Playing the drum kit is also a must! This is the new musical instrument battle imported by this work. The types of musical instruments can be completely developed by yourself, and you don’t have to worry about the difficulty of operating the musical instrument. This is a very easy-to-use system. If skilled, you will certainly let you excited!
Still dancing
The theme of the game is dancing. Wu Lala, hurry up and rescue them! Once the rescue is successful, people will dance with Wu Lala. There are so many types of dances and roles, and it takes a lot of energy to watch them all!
Fierce battle with strange plants
Ulala will display all her talents to fight! Oh, what's that in front of her? Is it a large dangerous plant? It caught Wu Lala. Danger! O sky, fly freely in the air? What kind of difficulties will Ulala really face?
Fly, Ulala
The superstar of the whole universe, SPACE MIKEL (SPACE MICHAEL) decided to make an appearance this time! After the retirement of the previous director, he took up the post of Director of Space Channel 5. In the midst of a busy schedule, SPACE MIKEL(SPACE MICHAEL)revealed the situation of the super dance for us!
Special Catalog : A software full of aura in music!
Pleasant music, dynamic dance, fanatical performance, Ulala's performance is perfect! It is worthy of the title of "Space Musical". Players seem to have also participated in a musical that costs 20,000 yen to see at the Imperial Theater. This work will be sold on both PS2 and DC versions on February 14th, and I highly recommend it to everyone!
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Sons of Garmadon episode 5-6
Mr E: (Cracks his neck)
Zane: Are you the quiet one??? ARE YOU THE QUIET ONE
Omg I forgot Zane used a bow and arrow for a while.
I love his fighting style, and weapons.
I like how we only see Zane fight seriously when its with other nindroids and powerful villains.
Because, you know, hes made out of titanium.
This scenes so cool. No joke, just Zane and this guy fist fighting it out as Zane screams for answers.
It just feels so real
Zane (sparking and injured): You dont have to do this….
Mr E: (kicks him off the cliff)
the way Zane was so quiet, so pleading and understanding
I hate this
I remember seeing a post that says the animators were allowed to put more injuries on Zane since hes a robot and there wouldnt be as much gore.
Which is so true, because theres a huge gash on Zanes face and the only thing thats showing is wires.
Like imagine that sort of injury on the other ninja. Blood would be flowing.
I hated that so much he looked like he really died.
Stop. What is Mr. E putting in Zanes chest. Istg if thats a tracker im going to shit myself.
Even the intro music changed…
God, all of them finding Zane like that. They sound so scared.
The transition from the bright spotlight to the doctor/mechanic lights was so good
Jesus christ Zanes in actual bad shape. Like actually. This is what would happen if one of the other ninja got hurt this bad. Zanes in a coma and its up to him to get better and wake up.
This is scary I dont like this 😭
It makes you think. That whole fight and falling off a cliff probably hurt a LOT
Wait so theyre LEAVING ninjago city? As in abandoning everything? I mean, thats the right move, but thats just crazy to me. Its been so long since theyve been outside of ninjago.
Jay: Maybe hes thirsty! Give him some milk!
Cole (handing Wu to Kai): I tried that! He doesnt like milk!
Kai (handing baby Wu to Jay): Dont ask me! Ask him!
Jay (handing Wu to Cole): Oh! maybe he needs a diaper change!!!
Cole (holding Wu as if he has a disease): ohmygosh, DO WE EVEN HAVE DIAPERS?!?!?
Jay: What if we used one of our hoods!
i love them all sm
Theyre all idiots
I love how Harumi is the one calming baby Wu down with a lullaby. Now we know she probably did this so if she ever needed to steal Wu he’d be comfortable going with her.
The fact that Harumi and Lloyd are comforting each other on their parents makes me so sad
She obviously asked him just so she could know more about Garmadon.
Lloyd: Uh! I um, better go see, uh. I have to go. That way.
Ok I get that Lloyd fell first, (which I like to pretend never happened) but if Harumis whole thing is becoming Garmadons daughter. Why is she making moves ON HIS SON. like thats so weird 😭
I get it tho, shes probably trying to gain his trust, and if they were involved, that realization would probably hurt a lot more.
Cole (watching over baby wu): awwww
Baby Wu: Wa… wa… WAAAAAA
Cole: no no no please dont cry!!! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE. haha! Look at me! Hey! Lala! See, im not crying!
Baby Wu: WAAAA
Cole: Ughhhh FINE. but this is between you and me. 😒
Cole: shine little glow worm glimmer glimmer. Dont get dimmer dimmer
AWWWWW cole is so cute with kids
My favs for this season are definitely him and Lloyd.
Pls tell me it has Wus name on it and thats why Cole gasped
Jay: Woaah… look at that storm!
Nya (navigating the ship): You know, there was an ancient tribe in ninjago that worshipped a storm spirit called Wohira.
Yayayayay Nya and Jay time :)
I love them sm and small moments with them are so cute
Look at Jay listen to his girlfriend infodump 🥺
Nya: They believed Wohira protected them.
Jay: Wohira? Haha thats silly.
(Storm crackles and shakes the ship)
Just googled what who wohira is and apparently its woJira.
“Wojira (also known as the Sleeper in the Deep, the Great Serpent, or the Mighty Serpent of the Wave and the Storm) was a storm spirit in the form of a giant sea serpent. Before time had a name, she used the Amulets of Wojira to rule the seas of Ninjago.”
Huh, I hope Wojira comes up in the show she seems so cool
Ok so the ninja are all gathered up, and they learned that a trap was set from an audio recording Zane took. Ofc that trap is the thing Mr. E placed in Zanes body. But they think they can track the quiet one with the recording.
Its so funny to think that rn Harumi is probably shitting herself. She looks so scared 😭
Pixal: We need to go under the storm, its interfering with my signal and i cant trace the recording
Harumi: UM! wont we be spotted if we go under the storm 😀 we’ll be seen by the sons of garmadon!
Lloyd: Harumis right.
Jay: So where do we go?
Cole (barges in holding a map): HERE! it was with the baby the whole time!
Ohhhh so the blankey was a maaaap
Kai: I dont get it? Why was the baby wrapped in a map?
Cole: I dont know, maybe they didnt have any diapers either.
Harumi (sick of their bullshit): THIS, part here looks like it can be the central part of ninjago 😀
Which in harumi translation is: hurry the FUCK up and stop MESSING AROUND so we can find the MASK.
Jay(trying to stab his meatball): Haha! Come here you little sucker!
Jay: (stabs kai)
Cole: (covers baby Wus eyes)
Jay: I… am so sorry….
Kai: Dont. Just dont.
Uhhhhh zane?
Holy shit holy shit holy shit
What THE FUCK is that
It looks so creepy i hate it
It reminds me of coralines other-mothers hand.
The way it walks against the floor ughhh
i hate it so much
Nya: What are you feeding him?
Cole(feeding baby wu): tea!
Nya: WHAT?!? you cant feed a baby tea!?!?
Cole: He wont drink anything else!
Ooooo the lights went out….
Awww the way they abandoned everything to see if Zane was okay 🥺
Lmaoo Harumi going back for the map
God this is actually so scary, the background music was perfectly picked for this scene.
Pixal sounds so scared and frantic :(
Wait so they lost control of the WHOLE ship?!?!?
Cole: Samurai X is on their way? They must be here to help!
Wait so Pixal transferred herself to samurai x already?
Pixal: Im afraid that is unlikely…
Wait what
Pixal: Because my system is overrun…
Kai: Youre making no sense Pix.
Pixal: Now… would be a good time to make a minor confession.
Pixal: I am Samurai x…
Ohhh so shes overrun. so someones controlling her body!?!?!?
Cole: Are you serious???
Nya: How is that possible?!?!
Jay: Totally called it!
Cole: You did NOT
Jay: Did too!
(explodes the fucking air thruster)
Istg if they destroy the destinys bounty AGAIN-
Awwww Cole cares sm about the baby 🥺
Jay redirecting literal solid lightning is crazy to me
Lloyd: Harumi! Take this! (Hands her a sword)
Harumi: But I don’t know how to fight 🥺
I hate that Nya is the one stuck looking for that disgusting ass metal spider
okay but who is controlling Samurai x specifically. Is it Mr E?
Im gonna be forever confused by the small things Harumi does, like saving Lloyd when he could have easily died and no one would suspect anything.
Aaaa so she was ‘kidnapped’ by Samurai x.
Jay: He did not just?!?
Kai: He just did!!!
Lloyd: Pixal stop this!
Samurai x: There is no pixal, only the quiet one.
Okay thats actually so smart though. With Harumi right there too.
Lloyd: (stabs the suit)
Samurai x: (ejects from the suit landing on the ship.)
Lloyd: I did not think this through…
Harumi: We’re gonna…
Lloyd: Were not gonna die! You hear me?!?!
Harumi: The map! Maybe we can use it as a parachute!
Lloyd: WHAT IS THIS?!?!? A CARTOON?!?!?
Lloyd (puts harumi in the samurai x suit): the suit should break your fall!
Harumi: What about you?!?!?
Lloyd: sorry only room for one…
Harumi: NO I NEED YOU!!!
This scene would have been so dramatic and touching if Harumi wasnt who she was 😭
Also the ‘I NEED YOU’ makes me wonder if Lloyds a part of her plan. Like she actually needs him for everything to work.
Lloyd: And I need that map.
Harumi was probably so pissed at that moment as she crashed in the suit and Lloyd swung down.
Nya (getting strangled by a spider): AAAAAAA
(A spear stabs the spider with perfect aim)
Zane: what in the name of ninjago is happening around here???
We missed you 🥺
Pixals back!!!!
Samurai x: (throws sword at the last air thruster)
Pixal: (Back online.)
Pixal as samurai x: (watches as her body throws the sword into the air thruster just a little too late)
God that must suck for her. To imagine your seconds late to having saved them all.
Everyone: (holding onto the ship as it goes down)
Jay: She got the last thruster!
Kai: Any ideas!?
Zane: Not one!
Kai: Yeah me neither…
Nya: That is NOT helpful!
HFJDJFNF I love them all
Zane: Maybe we can create enough drag with the sails!
Kai: WHAT SAILS!!?!?
(Their sails completely destroyed)
Zane: 😶
Wait wait wait okay Jay might be onto something
Jay: The rain! It could slow our fall!
this is actually so cool
Like the way the rain is going under and hitting the bottom of the ship.
Nyas such a girlboss
Good job Cole, like honestly. If he hadn’t gone straight for the baby. Wu would probably be dead, A baby would not have survived that impact.
Awwww Jay helping Nya up.
The forest they landed in is actually gorgeous
Pixal: Zane?
Pixal: I needed to keep my identity a secret, to protect the ones I care about…
Zane: You dont need to lie to me, you didnt like being stuck in my head :)
Pixal: that too. ☺️
AWWWWWWW he knows her so well 🥹
Kai: Wheres Lloyd and Harumi?
Oh god theyre alone.
Omfg and to think its that stupid ‘extinct’ one that was in the episode that had Lloyd magically age up
Pixal and Zane are genuinely so cute
awwwww Cole with baby Wu :)
Cole: What do you think the babies name is?You think he’s a Cole jr?
Ik ppl say that the show writers kinda just threw Jays inventing quirk away which makes me rlly sad but its nice to see that they sometimes show him fixing stuff, like the crashed bounty.
The dinosaur: RAAAAAAH
Cole: …what do you think that was…?
Kai: Probably just some cute little critter?
Jay: Or a big critter… A great big vicious critter with lots of teeth and claws and pinchers—
Cole: You cant tell all of that from how it sounds 🙄
nvm lol
Jfjebfjdnf wish I could screenshot on netflix, Jays covered in soot and id love to draw him
Cole: Look on the bright side! Cole jrs okay! so you can change his diaper.
Jay: ha. Ha. Ha, hilarious.
She looks awesome in her samurai x mech
Pixal: My suit! I mean— your suit.
Nya: Its okay Pixal, its yours now :)
lloyds actually super smart to put a note on the mech
Aaand the sons of garmadon are coming
Keep forgetting the place theyre in is Primevals eye.
Harumi: I didnt imagine myself here.. But, Ive always dreamed of being with you 🥺
That was cringy as shit thats when you know shes overdoing it 💀
oooo now theyre on their way to Stranglers Path
Lloyd: Naaah, the name doesnt mean anything. Just some bored map maker— (Gets fucking snatched)
Omfg I hate that Harumis sword throw was actually so cool
Also why does she keep saving him when its most convenient to just let him die?
Like, she had the map, she had the sword, she couldve continued on.
Im assuming the “i need you” scream she did when they were falling to their deaths has smth to do with her plan.
Lloyds voice actor is actually really good
Lloyd: How did you learn to throw a sword like that?!?!
Harumi trying to cover her ass: I- I dont know! I just saw you in trouble and I… I guess it was luck
Lloyd: LUCK?!?!? That wasnt just LUCK! That was—
Harumi: (kisses him on the cheek)
im gonna kms
Zane and Pixal working together inside the bounty is so cute
Maybe I shouldnt kms
Zane: Is it working?
Pixal: No.
Zane: How about now?
Pixal: NO.
Zane: I detect frustration from you, yet that emotion is not needed for this task? Is something wrong?
Pixal: No…
Pixal: Yes.
I love how Zane acts all calculating and ‘different’ than an ‘average’ human, which ppl would usually chart it up to him being a robot.
But then we have Pixal, a whole nother example and she acts just like everyone else 😭
I love how thats just how Zane is
Pixal: Was i more useful in the computer…?
Pixal: I like having a body, but if I was more useful in the computer…
Zane: The choice was always yours pixal. And I for one, like seeing you like this.
i love robot love
The way they just went back to working 🥺
The levitation oni mask is genuinely awesome. And the way it looks like it has no drawbacks. Amazing.
I dislike the ninja talking about Lloyd having the hots for the princess VERY much
Cole: Pliers.
Kai: Pliers?
Jay: I dont have the pliers! (Someone hands it to him) oh, why thank you!
Baby Wu: (walking with two legs)
Jay: hehe, COLE. I thought you put the baby down for a nap.
Cole: you mean little Cole jr? Yeah i did, but he was a little restless.
Jay: Uh huh yeah. Then why is little Cole jr standing in front of me and PASSING ME THE PLIERS.
the way they all ran
Cole: Im no expert… but do babies do that?
Kai: No. No they do not. And they also dont know what pliers are.
I keep forgetting that Kai like, RAISED Nya, so he definitely knows all this stuff.
Baby wu: (grabs a hot cup of tea and blows it)
Kai: And they DEFINITELY dont do that.
Jay: Okay! Now ive seen it all! Now i REALLY quit!!!
Baby wu: aaaa. Ninja neva quit.
Harumi: AAAA (screaming at the sons of garmadon insignia)
Shes such a good actor i hate her 😭
Ohhh i forgot Lloyd and Harumi find a boat and like ride it or smth
Harumis giggle is so cute ☹️
I think Harumis trying to recruit Lloyd, which is why shes saving him and manipulating him. If she plans on keeping him long-term thats the only reason I can think of.
Harumi: Garmadon wasnt the greatest villain…
Lloyd: Oh, no? You probably grew up thinking it was Morro, or the devourer. Wait, don’t tell me. Pythor!
Harumis probably thinking ‘this bitch’
Harumi: no. Its the one you never even knew was there in the first place. The one who gets away.
Lloyd: The quiet one…
Okay this scenes actually really creepy when you know
I love how skeptical Nya is until Wu says his catchphrases
Nya: But how did he get so… Young?
Jay: Haha! Who knows! Hes a living fortune cookie. Everything he does is a puzzle MEANT TO TORTURE US.
Jays got his facts straight
Ohhh okay so it was the reversal blade that made Wu young, got it.
I love how the animation makes this feel like a new show but they always tie things back together.
Jay: But when is he going back to good old Wu?
Jay to the baby: No offense, you look good for your age.
hes so funny
Ughhh the sons of garmadon
Why am I pretending I dont like them I actually genuinely like their characters 😭
Cole: Let us take care of this wu, you looked after us, let us look after you.
I mean honestly, Wu didnt do much ‘taking care’ of you guys
I love when the ninja bicker in fight scenes
Okay but Lloyd is genuinely smart, the way he noticed there were no rocks and had Harumi stop the boat.
I hate that Harumis so cute, i hate that she has a nice singing voice, i hate that shes such a girlboss gaslighter
And i hate that theres a giant fucking dinosaur fish in the river 💀
Theyre gonna be pulled to a waterfall by the current
Knew it.
Nya: Look! The signal to search for the quiet one is working! But thats weird, it says it originated from the bounty…
Kai: but thats impossible…
Zane: The only ones on the ship were us, Pixal, and…
Nya: Harumis the quiet one.
Zane: We must warn Lloyd!
Ultra Violet: I wouldnt do that if I were you…
Love the ninja protecting their friends. Cole was holding baby wu and Jay jumped in to save them 🥺
I love crowd fight scenes. Just the heroes having to fight off groups of henchmen
Aaaand they lost.
And Lloyds with Harumi.
This is so great.
They made it to the temple with the mask 😐
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kennycantdecide · 1 year
@cerinelle-stellarium tagged me to list five of my favorite ships and why I love them!
1. Hikalala (Hikaru Hoshina/Lala Hagoromo) - Star Twinkle Precure
Theyre perfect for each other! Hikaru helps Lala loosen up and accept herself as the wonderful person she is while Lala gives Hikaru confidence in who she is. They both help each other be who they are.
2. Frosen Steel (Ruby Rose/Penny Polendina/Weiss Schnee) - RWBY
Ruby/Weiss? Good ship. Ruby/Penny? Phenomenal ship. Weiss/Penny? Amazing. Combine them all for the best ship in existence next to Hikalala. They all help each other cope with their trauma and help each other to be better people and accept that they deserve love and aren’t only worth what they do for others.
3. Lumity (Luz Noceda/Amity Blight) - The Owl House
Canon!!!! Amity became so much happier and became a better person after meeting Luz. Luz helped her accept that she isn’t her mother, and Amity helped Luz understand that she is lovable the way she is, quirks and all.
4. Junnana (Junna Hoshimi/Nana Daiba) - Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
Problematic because they tried to kill each other? Nah… it was gay, man. Messiest divorce arc I’ve ever seen but later on I could see Junna being there to help Nana understand change isn’t always bad. Nana can help Junna know she doesn’t need to always be perfect
5. Marcanne (Marcy Wu/Anne Boonchuy) - Amphibia
Okay, yeah, originally, kinda toxic, but they truly care about each other, and by the end of the series, they’ve grown to become better people. Ever since Marcy at the Gates aired, I knew I loved the ship more than I’d ever love Sashanne, not for hating on that ship, but simply because I LOVE Marcanne. I have to say I like it more than Sashannarcy even! They’re there for each other no matter what and are willing to try time and time again to be worthy of each other.
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mtvarchives · 3 years
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Method Man — Jan. 8th, 2003
< rapper, songwriter, producer, actor >
Total Request Live VJ, La La Anthony
[3rd photo — right]
< TRL VJ, author, business woman, producer, actress >
insta: mtv.archives
twitter: mtvarchivez
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asianpopweekly · 7 years
Check out my favourite songs of 2017!
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sunnylighter · 3 years
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Since a part of my Grass Is Always Greener fics is that it’s a crossover between the show and the movie, all the counterparts have nicknames to know who’s who. I was itching to draw everyone, so enjoy.
If it isn’t obvious, neither Lloyd picked out their nickname. In fact it’s a running joke in my fics that no Lloyd can have a good nickname (the third one who showed up got called Lala). Not when Lord Garmadon is around. Of course, Lord G has no concern over whether or not the Lloyds like their nicknames, he just thinks they make sense. L-L-O-Y-D spells Luh-Loyd. And of course it also spells Lil’Loyd, but is different enough to refer to the shrimp.
Neither Lloyd is particularly fond of their nicknames, but given how much their friends tease them over it, they’re resigned to their fate.
Kai: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/665309278078484480/since-a-part-of-my-grass-is-always-greener-fics-is
Jay: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/665309466173063168/since-a-part-of-my-grass-is-always-greener-fics-is
Zane: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/665309829655576577/since-a-part-of-my-grass-is-always-greener-fics-is
Cole: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/665309666189983744/since-a-part-of-my-grass-is-always-greener-fics-is
Nya: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/665310377023782912/since-a-part-of-my-grass-is-always-greener-fics-is
Lloyd: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/665310135877500928/since-a-part-of-my-grass-is-always-greener-fics-is
Garmadon: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/665310761757835264/since-a-part-of-my-grass-is-always-greener-fics-is
Wu: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/665310516805353472/since-a-part-of-my-grass-is-always-greener-fics-is
Misako: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/665310939510374400/since-a-part-of-my-grass-is-always-greener-fics-is
Pixal: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/665311205953503232/since-a-part-of-my-grass-is-always-greener-fics-is
Echo: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/665311481694404608/since-a-part-of-my-grass-is-always-greener-fics-is
(Old) Skylor, Morro, and Harumi: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/665312154429407232/since-a-part-of-my-grass-is-always-greener-fics-is
Nelson: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/674922536376598529/whats-this-another-for-the-nickname-series-owo
Skylor: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/687950829961003008/update-to-the-nickname-series-since-i-finally-was
Lloyd #2: https://sunnylighter.tumblr.com/post/728810588404318208/heyaven-asked-me-to-see-a-picture-of-the-two
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fyeahcindie · 2 years
hey, I'm looking for city pop-esque chinese music, is there any chance you know of artists who do city pop or, something like high energy faux 80s? I'm not great with genre names, but something like 《Love Rain》from 9m88 or 《夜晚 24K Remix》from Julia Wu. love your blog as always hope you're having a good one <3
Hi there! =D
Thank you for the question. I think the new one from LaLa Hsu 徐佳瑩 might fit. It's a remake of a 70's hit from The Stylistics, but with some modern city pop - electropop feel:
I think you can figure out which of the following songwriters are responsible for the new version vs. the original:
葛大為 / 徐佳瑩 / 陳君豪 / Luigi Creatore / Hugo E Peretti / George David Weiss
Producer:徐佳瑩 LaLa Hsu & 陳君豪 Howe@成績好工作室 Arrangement:陳君豪 Howe Chan (fr. 佛跳牆 Buddha Jump) Sampling Song:Can't Give You Anything (But My Love) Synth/Bass/Drum machine/Sampling:陳君豪 Howe Synth Bell: 陳建瑋 Jacky Chen Brass Arrangement:陳君豪 Howe & 錢威良 Will’z Chieng
Trumpet:David Smith (I think that's him) Backing Vocals Sung / Arranged by:李雅微 Shivia Lee & 徐佳瑩 LaLa Hsu
Full credits, description and lyrics back at YT.
LaLa links:  Spotify,  Instagram,  YouTube,  BinMusic YT,  Weibo 
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linghxr · 4 years
Mandarin Music March: Masterpost
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31 songs. 31 artists. 1 month.
Welcome to Mandarin Music March! This month marks a full year since I started listening to more Chinese music, and I want to celebrate! Originally, I was compiling a list of songs suited for intermediate learners to share as a playlist, but instead I’ve decided to embark on a 31-day challenge of sorts. Every day this March, I’ll be sharing one of the songs I gathered along with its lyrics + a vocab breakdown. It will be madness!!! *Some of these songs (and artists) have been mentioned on my blog before, but I haven’t featured full lyrics for any of them.
The songs I’ll be sharing are all songs I think intermediate learners should be able to understand. Of course, intermediate ranges from “not a beginner anymore” to “almost advanced”—some of the songs are easier or harder than the others. I think intermediate learners should be able to follow the songs when listening alone and should be able to understand basically everything when presented with the lyrics.
I’ll be updating this post with links to all the individual song posts. See you tomorrow!
Day 1: 張惠妹 (A-Mei) - 愛 什麼稀罕
Day 2: 阿肆 (A Si) - 我在人民广场吃炸鸡
Day 3: 持修 (Chih Siou) - 膽小鬼
Day 4: 许飞 (Xu Fei) - 寻水的鱼
Day 5: 吳卓源 (Julia Wu) - 原來的我
Day 6: 任然 (Ren Ran) - 刚好
Day 7: 陶喆 (David Tao) - 黑色柳丁
Day 8: 刘力扬 (Jeno Liu) - 崇拜你
Day 9: 原子邦妮 (Astro Bunny) - 蒸���的世界剩���我
Day 10: 刘思涵 (Koala Liu) - 不懂不痛
Day 11: 楊乃文 (Naiwen Yang) - 星星堆滿天
Day 12: 黄龄 (Isabelle Huang) - 抱歉
Day 13: 陳忻玥 (Vicky Chen) - 煙幕
Day 14: 陈粒 (Chen Li) - 剧烈
Day 15: 容祖兒 (Joey Yung) - 看清
Day 16: 打扰一下乐团 (Excuse Me) - 逃
Day 17: 徐佳瑩 (LaLa Hsu) - 人啊
Day 18: 刺猬 (Hedgehog) - 白日梦蓝
Day 19: 孫盛希 (Shi Shi) - 夢遊
Day 20: 郁可唯 (Yisa Yu) - 没空寂寞
Day 21: 戴佩妮 (Penny Tai) - 你要的愛
Day 22: 周迅 (Zhou Xun) - 翅膀
Day 23: 林憶蓮 (Sandy Lam) - 歸零
Day 24: 逃跑计划 (Escape Plan) - 哪里是你的拥抱
Day 25: 蔡健雅 (Tanya Chua) - 遺書
Day 26: 盧凱彤 (Ellen Loo) - 你根本不是我的誰
Day 27: 郭顶 (Guo Ding) - 下次再进站
Day 28: 1976 - 方向感
Day 29: 朱婧汐 (Akini Jing) - 唯一
Day 30: 告五人 (Accusefive) - 愛人錯過
Day 31: 周笔畅 (Bibi Zhou) - 500万个灵魂和每一条皱纹
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trashexplorer · 4 years
BLCD 2020: October Releases
✓ - have      
💡 - interested
✘ - not interested (but will probably still listen to)    
🙏 - dying for
1. Sahara no Kurowashi 2 side Alkil 💡
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Release Date: 2020/10/14
Cast: Satou Takuya x Kumagai Kentarou
Synopsis: Adaptation of the second volume of the series.
2. Dear+ Comics November Issue Takane no Hana wa Chiraserete Itai  💡
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Release Date: 2020/10/14
Cast: Tadokoro Hinata x Terashima Takuma *I’M SCREAMING SO MUCHHHH MY DREAM CAME TRUEEE
Synopsis: Special CD for the series of the same name.
2. Lala no Kekkon 2 💡
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Release Date: 2020/10/20
Cast: Eguchi Takuya x Saitou Souma
Synopsis: Adaptation of the second volume of the series.
3. Kan’iteki Pervert Romance 3 ✘
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Release Date: 2020/10/25
Satou Takuya x Furukawa Makoto
Masuda Toshiki + Ono Yuuki
Synopsis: Adaptation of the third volume of the series. 
4. Riseiteki Pervert Romance ✘
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Release Date: 2020/10/25
Cast: Masuda Toshiki x Ono Yuuki
Synopsis: Sho knew from a young age that he was gay, and everyone around him knew it and had generally been very supportive. He was also very clear that he had a specific fetish: a beautiful, red blush! Sho always thought he had a preference for the cute, blushing type, so he was surprised when he felt electricity flow through him at the sight of Nao blushing on stage while being forced to wear women’s clothes as part of a college event. Once Sho set his target on Nao, he thought he was extremely clear and upfront about his feelings for Nao, but it took Nao a little time to realize that Sho wasn’t joking at all – He really wanted to pin Nao down and have his way with him at any cost! (futekiya)
5. Abarenbo Honey ✘
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Release Date: 2020/10/28
Ono Yuuki x Kumagai Kentarou
Shirai Yuusuke x Itou Kentou
Synopsis: Takuma is a badass Omega delinquent more preoccupied with constant fights for his turf than with being cautious and taking his heat suppressing medicines. One day, when he challenges his archrival Hachi, something strange starts to happen with his body!
6. Shangri-la no Tori 💡
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Release Date: 2020/10/28
Cast: Matsuda Kenichirou x Nakajima Yoshiki *sigh
Synopsis: With troubles hanging over his head, Apollo arrives on the island for a new job, at a brothel known as Shangri-La. What he didn’t know was the job description–to be a stud to get the prostitutes in the mood before servicing clients. And they’re men! Will he be able to handle it…? (sennoakatsuki)
7. Tokyo 24-ku Drama CD Vol. 4 Tademaru Kazuki ✘
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Cast: ??? x Mizunaka Masaaki *finally, we now know who he Akihiro is, but Tademaru is still a mystery
Synopsis: Extras from the game of the same name.
8. Madou Soshi Season 1 Part 1 💡
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Release Date: 2020/10/31
Cast: *I was supposed to announce this back in July?, but I forgot. 😂
Wei Wu Xian - Suzuki Tatsuhisa
Lan Wangji - Hino Satoshi
Jiang Cheng - Midorikawa Hikaru
Lan Xi Chen - Morikawa Toshiyuki
Jin Ling - Murase Ayumu
Lan Sizhui - Kobayashi Yuusuke
Lan Jingyi - Shimono Hiro
Nie Huaisang - Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
Ghost Soldier - Hoshi Souichirou
Jin Zixuan - Takahashi Hiroki
Lan Qi Ren - Shingaki Tarusuke
Wen Ning - N/A
Su She - Ichiki Mitsuhiro 
Narrator - Miki Shinichirou
Synopsis: Desc in the title.
Comment: That certainly is star-studded. But this is going to be produced by Frontier Works, so they definitely have the budget for that. Why all the veteran BL actors, though? I’m pretty sure that there’s not going to be any R-18 stuff here.
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nahalism · 4 years
Songs that make you want to experience love (of any kind) or remind you of it??
u just opened pandoras box.. like.. u think ur ready, but ur not ready. and i cant apologise for what im about to do because what song isnt a love song?.. you have proposed an existential question & for that i refuse to keep this uncompletable task concise. hold on 2 ur toupee, clutch ur peals 🤧
verdena // valvonauta
the nerves // hanging on the telephone
dionne warwick // walk on by
luther vandross // anyone who had a heart
stevie wonder // all in love is fair, never dreamed youd leave in summer, lately, superwoman (where were you when i needed you)
ms lauryn hill // i gotta find peace of mind
lenny williams // cause i love you
donny hathaway // ill love you more than you ever know (& the amy winehouse cover of this)
eva cassidy, autumn leaves
nina simone // you dont know what love is, just say i love him, you can have him, everything must change
chet baker // my funny valentine, almost blue, the autumn leaves
the police // roxanne
amy winehouse // take the box, wake up alone, you sent me flying, stronger than me
nat king cole // nature boy, smile, the very thought of you
etta james // id rather go blind
gladys knight & the pipps // midnight train to georgia
al green // how can you mend a broken heart, lets stay together
janis joplin // maybe
anita baker // angel
simply red // holding back the years, you make me feel brand new
luther vandross // a house is not a home
deniece williams //  free, silly 
boyz II men // i cant make you love me
michel’le // something in my heart
patrice rushen // remind me
toni braxton // another sad love song, breathe again
tamar braxton // all the way home, love and war
the delfonics // lala means i love you, hey love
bobby womack // if you think your lonely now
rick james ft teena marie // fire and desire
the gap band // yearning for your love
jahiem // ghetto love, could it be
mariah carey // anytime you need a friend, my all
tamia // stuck with me, so into you
shai // if i ever
new edition // can you stand the rain, if it isnt love
ATL // make it up with love
blackstreet // dont leave me
bow wow // let me hold you, my baby
jhene aiko // feel like a man, wait no more, my mine, you vs them
twenty88 // 2 minute warning
corrine bailey rae // the whole of her self titled album
yebba // my mind
neyo // do you, part of the list
erykah badu // green eyes, other side of the game, next lifetime, in love with you, out my mind just in time
keyshia cole // send from heaven, love, i should have cheated, trust and believe
whitney houston // i learned from the best, run to you, saving all my love, im your baby tonight
michael jackson // lady in my life, break of dawn, butterlies, baby be mine, keep it in the closet, who is it, give in to me, rock with you .. etc etc etc
abba // lay all your love on me
seal // kiss from a rose
patrick swayze // shes like the wind
phil collins // in the air tonight
the police // roxanne
tracy chapman // fast car, baby can i hold you
james blunt // 1973
chris isaak // wicked game
fleetwood mac // rihannon, dreams janis ian // at 17
googoo dolls // iris (duh)
oasis // wonderwall (duhh x2)
dido // white flag
joni mitchell // both sides now, a case of you
randy crawford // almaz, one day ill fly away
little dragon // never never, twice
lana del rey // video games, blue jeans
london grammar // hey i, wasting my young years
ellie goulding // starry eyes (acoustic), guns & horses (acoustic)
avril lavigne // when your gone, im with you
paramore // misguided ghosts, decode
hiatus kaiyote // the lung
jorja smith // wandering romance, goodbyes
kelsey lu // dreams
kelela // all the way down, turn to dust, enough, better, take me apart
king krule // slush puppy, many more
SiR ft masego // ooh nah nah
fka twigs // papi pacify
steve lacy // dark red
iamddb // more
abra // pride
sonder x brent faiyaz // lovely
pharoah sanders // harvest time
james blake // wilhelm scream
portico quartet // the visitor
kokoroko // ti de
funkadelic // maggot brain, ill stay
collard // everglade
feng suave // honey theres no time, by the poolside
mac demarco // still beating, my kind of woman, let her go, let my baby stay, one more love song
connan mockasin // do i make you feel shy
gas dapperton // prune, you talk funny
blood orange // saint, out of your league, best to you, never good enough
majid jordan // her, u, king city, warm
japanese breakfast // triple 7, the woman that loves you, everybody wants to love you
frank ocean // higgs *or just insert his whole discog*
daniel ceasar // japanese denim
xavier omar // speculate
sza // pretty little birds, caretaker ft dram, babylon, warm winds, 2 am, passport
jeremih // british headboards, worthy ft. jhene aiko, raindrops, & obvs bday sex
j cole // runaway, shes mine pt1 & 2
travis scott // astrothunder
drake // come winter, cameras/good ones go, doing it wrong, east district... anything ending in interlude .. *again, insert practically any of his songs*
tory lanez // 1 call
partynextdoor // tbh, wus good/curious, west district, rendezvous, wednesday night interlude, persian rugs, spiteful, cant let the summer pass, her way, thirsty, muse, the right way
serani // do you good (!!!)
miguel // girl with the dragon tattoo, pussy is mine
vybz kartel & gaza slim // anything a anything
movado // when yuh feel lonely
nicki minaj // save me, i lied, autobiography
tokio hotel // monsoon
my chemical romance // the ghost of you, helena
nickelback // how you remind me & someday
whilst she sleeps // seven hills, our courage our cancer
pierce the veil // stained glass eyes and colourful tears, i dont care if your contageous, im low on gas and you need a life jacket, southern constellations, the new national anthem, bulls in the bronx, caraphernalia, disasterology
(& lol dont roast me but id b lying if i didnt include dem)
vanessa ann hugends // say ok :) 
lmnt // open your eyes
edward mccain // ill be
jesse mccartney // im leavin (lol dont roast me)
lindsay lohan freaky friday songz (?) // the ultimate, take me away
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kennycantdecide · 4 years
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I made myself a header of my top 8 comfort characters...
This was really fun too, so if you want, I’m willing to make these for others too! All you gotta do is send me the characters you want (2-8 characters) and what fandom they’re from. You also should tell em what you want for the background (one solid color or multiple colors, you can choose them or I can).
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, August 3
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Kim Kardashian’s $1 billion divorce hell -- she’s scared to leave Kanye West 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Mike Tyson is ready to kick off Shark Week 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Jessica Simpson’s best body ever -- the healthy approach she took to achieve her slimmed-down figure 
Page 6: Jason Aldean’s untold story -- he experienced his fair share of hardship and heartache on his wild ride to the top 
Page 7: Mariah Carey’s memoir shares her incredible story of living in the spotlight and her struggles with body image and the people who helped her and who failed her, Gwen Stefani and ex-husband Gavin Rossdale’s relationship has gone from bad to worse -- they never saw eye to eye when it came to parenting but Gwen has been even more up in arms since their son Zuma broke both his arms in two separate incidents and Gwen wants the boys to be supervised a lot more when Gavin has them, being one of the world’s most in-demand actresses is a double-edges sword for Jennifer Aniston -- she’s looking at 18-hour days juggling the second season of The Morning Show with the Friends reunion and she’s got a couple other projects in development and there won’t be enough hours in the day to do everything 
Page 8: After giving each other the cold shoulder for years Heather Locklear and Denise Richards have mended ties -- the animosity began in 2006 when Denise broke girl code by dating Heather’s estranged husband Richie Sambora but Denise has apologized and now the two are talking like good friends again, David and Victoria Beckham are thrilled about the engagement of their son Brooklyn Beckham to actress Nicola Peltz, though Emma Roberts may be understandably nervous after finding out she and boyfriend Garrett Hedlund are expecting their first child together Emma’s aunt Julia Roberts has promised to guide her through every step of the pregnancy
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Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- from emerald to neon stars inspire envy in shades of green -- Charlize Theron, Selena Gomez, Constance Wu 
Page 11: Lupita Nyong’o, Angela Bassett, Lilly Singh 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Olivia Palermo vs. Lala Rudge, Vanessa Bell Calloway vs. Zuri Hall 
Page 13: Mia Goth vs. Kaia Gerber 
Page 14: News in Photos -- Olivia Culpo, Brian Austin Green picked up a cup of coffee
Page 15: Duchess Camilla reopening the Youth Action Wiltshire Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centre 
Page 16: Celeb parents dote on their little ones -- Alessandra Ambrosio and daughter Anja, Shay Mitchell and daughter Atlas, Cardi B and Offset and daughter Kulture, Christina Milian and daughter Violet 
Page 18: Baby Steps -- these celeb tots prove good genes run in the family -- Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade and daughter Kaavia, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend’s kids Luna and Miles, Kate Hudson’s daughter Rani, Anderson Cooper and son Wyatt 
Page 20: No Passport Needed -- these stars know how to have a fun staycation -- Rita Ora and her cat Bruno, Sofia Vergara, Elizabeth Hurley, Kate Upton in daughter Genevieve’s princess tent 
Page 22: Melissa Gorga in a red bathing suit, Katherine Schwarzenegger, Gavin Rossdale brought his dog to the tennis court 
Page 23: Christina Anstead and her husband Ant Anstead and her kids Taylor and Brayden, Luann de Lesseps showed off her bikini bod 
Page 24: Inside My Home -- Krysten Ritter’s bohemian base 
Page 26: More troubles for Will and Jada Pinkett Smith -- Will didn’t want to go on Jada’s show Red Table Talk because he felt awkward and embarrassed about airing their dirty laundry so publicly but he reluctantly agreed to it because Jada begged him 
Page 27: Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are already parents to five children together and Tori is eager to add another one to their brood because six kids is the number she’s always dreamed of, Chandler Powell is growing concerned over the welfare of his workaholic wife Bindi Irwin -- due to the coronavirus pandemic Bindi and her family had to lay off some of the staff at their zoo in Australia and as a result Bindi has been working around the clock to pick up the slack, Kate Beckinsale is planning to whisk her Canadian beau Goody Grace away on an overseas vacation because she wants to introduce him to her native London and her favorite parts of Europe as soon as it’s safe to travel
Page 28: Zach Braff and Florence Pugh are ready to walk down the aisle together around the holidays and may even start a family shortly after that, Meghan Trainor and husband Daryl Sabara were planning to start a family later this year after she finished up her tour with Maroon 5 but now that the pandemic has caused the shows to be postponed until 2021 Meghan and Daryl are unsure if they should stick to their original timeline, Love Bites -- Rachel Bilson and Bill Hader called it quits, Jesse Tyler Ferguson and husband Justin Mikita welcomed their first child, Skylar Astin and Lisa Stelly dating 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Kim Kardashian and Kanye West marriage in crisis -- Kanye’s erratic behavior has pushed wife Kim to her breaking point as a billion-dollar divorce looms 
Page 34: Losing Kelly Preston: A family’s heartache -- how a devastated John Travolta and his kids are doing after tragically losing wife and mom Kelly 
Page 36: Summer of Fun -- take some vacay inspo from these stars who’ve been having a blast visiting spots around the country -- Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez in the Hamptons, Max Ehrich and Demi Lovato in Southern California, Mike Fisher and Carrie Underwood in Wyoming 
Page 37: Ana de Armas and Ben Affleck in Yucca Valley, Hailey and Justin Bieber in Utah, Kristin Cavallari in Barrington, Illinois 
Page 38: Interview -- Ricky Martin slows down -- the hip-shaking singer dishes on his raw and soulful new tracks 
Page 40: Model Condition -- they’ve still got it; find out how the top supermodels of the ‘80s and ‘90s have managed to stay fit and fabulous -- Christie Brinkley, Elle Macpherson, Naomi Campbell 
Page 41: Christy Turlington, Tyra Banks 
Page 44: Style Week -- Devon Windsor’s latest collection 
Page 46: What’s Hot Right Now -- Sara Sampaio 
Page 47: Travel like a celeb 
Page 48: Summer goals -- Olivia Palermo 
Page 50: Black swimsuits -- Barbara Palvin 
Page 51: Fruit minis -- Issa Rae 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 58: Buzz -- Liam and Chris Hemsworth’s adventure time -- living it up while down under; Aussie brothers Liam and Chris spend the weekend on the Queensland coast 
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Chrishell Stause when asked who she’d like to date, Drew Barrymore on her body, Vivica A. Fox on how she’s keeping busy during the pandemic 
Page 61: John Legend joking about why he would never cheat on his wife, Mandy Moore on quarantine life, Charlize Theron on being single, Tom Bergeron revealing he was axed from Dancing With the Stars 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Leo Maya Rudolph 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Christian Slater 
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