#xwp nonsims
xwhitepolar · 1 year
how I feel when the new followers aren't bots
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xwhitepolar · 14 days
friends! I want to get a Steam Deck, has anyone tried it and if yes do you like it? do you recommend?
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xwhitepolar · 1 year
do you also have blogs you dearly admire but keep on accidentally mispronouncing their urls? or realize after YEARS that you have been misreading them altogether (not just, "idk how to say your name", but also "wow the letters were not in this order yesterday were they?") ?
because sometimes I'm here like - 😭
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[ID: gif of Good Omens character Furfur, mispronouncing Aziraphale's name three times in a row as "Azirapalala", "Azirapapap", and "Aziphapalala"]
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xwhitepolar · 1 year
People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
Thank you for tagging me @loosiap !!! 😭😭💓💓💓
Last song: who knows 😂 Circus-P's CMYK album while I was studying, for sure, but before that the last song I *actively* listened to was GHOST's Aura
Favorite color: green probably! but as an artist I love them all
Currently watching: There's Back to The Future 2 on tv tonight!
Last movie: Back to The Future 1 was on tv a week ago lmao
Last reading: You don't want to know it asdjha... I had never read or watched Twilight as a teenager, but I wanted to have that experience, you know??? it's a big part of 2000s culture. So I'm listening to an audiobook on YouTube! At the same time, I'm trying to finish Gregory Maguire's Wicked. I have very mixed feelings about it...
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: SPICY. 2nd place is sweet and 3rd is savory
Last thing I googled: Gregory Maguire 😂 I didn't want to misspell the name
Currently working on: fixing my chin acne 😬 also I'm learning to go on quad skates + some rollerblade tricks! Today I practiced going backwards!
Tagging: this is always the hardest part for me please don't make me do it 😂😭
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xwhitepolar · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
helloooo!! haven't done one of these in a while and now I have a bit of free time so here I come! (*/ω\*)
5 things that make me happy 💖
all of the lovely lovely songs from my lovely lovely vocaloid producers 🎶
paint shop errands 🎨
plants of all kinds 🍀
tabletop RPG themed nights 🎲
I don't watch anime that much, but I'm watching kimi no todoke and it's making me so happy! I had to add it to the list 😍
dang I have so many more, it was hard to pick five 😆 wbu? what made you happy today? ❤ I appreciate you so much!!
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xwhitepolar · 1 year
💌 | Forget about sims, lets learn about YOU! Tell us one fact about yourself, and then send this to 5 other Simblrs to do the same 👽
Finally getting to reply to this ask!!! I had an intense exam session and after that I was away with family, so... here we are now!
One fact about me: since 2021, I'm a plant mom! Probably not really a fun and interesting fact though 😂
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these are the plants I own! Photos from the Vivai Le Georgiche online shop. I get my supplies from them!! Their soil is THE BEST. I plan on visiting their shop as well someday, but I don't live close by at all so I didn't have a chance thus far. The plants pictured are not necessarily the same variety as mine, but they are the most similar looking! Mine are:
Monstera Adansonii
Hoya Memoria
Asparagus Setaceus
Asparagus Sprengeri
Neon Pothos
Peace Lily
Maidenhair Fern's cousin, probably
Calathea Zebrina
Caladium (mixed varieties)
(not pictured) Avocado!
Whenever I need to unwind, I go outside and look after them. It makes me forget about all my responsibilities for a few minutes :)
The caladium (9) is the one plant I got JUST because it looked terrible. It was forgotten in a corner of my local shop (NOT the one I linked. they are amazing.) and the cashier looked at me like??? why are you buying this??? it's ugly?? But it has made a full recovery since! And the monstera (1) has been with me since the beginning of my plant journey. I'm hyper protective of her lmao
Thank you for asking!! Mwah mwah!!!! 🎀
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xwhitepolar · 1 year
Hi 💕 What's the name of this cute sim in your new pfp 👉👈
aww omg thank you for asking, I love her so much 😭💞
Actually, she's called just like this blog! WhitePolar YumeDust (if you know a bit of Japanese, yume = dream) is the name I gave her years back, tho I'm not sure it fits her anymore 💭 I'd probably pick a shorter name that highlights her fun personality more?
Some facts about her! ⬇
Her pronouns are she/they, and I actually wish there was something in-between - I should choose a neopronoun for her ahh edit: she/they/fae, thank you for the suggestion in the replies😍
She's an alien (obviously) and her pointy ears are supposed to be wing-shaped and pink/orange-ish
I almost always draw her with a high ponytail and bangs, and not once with horns xD
She is VERY TALL and flat chested, very very gender
She likes to pull (innocuous) pranks and have fun
She is cheerful, outgoing, full of wonder, and always assumes the best out of people. Inner child sort of
Originally, she was brought to life as I tried to represent that side of my personality <3
Thank you for asking about her and for reading this far 🥹🥹🥹 she's my baby ❤
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xwhitepolar · 1 year
I'm keeping windows 7 on my desktop pc for Sims 2 but it's becoming more and more obsolete 😭 most of the games I want to try on Steam require w10, the text-to-speech softwares are terrible (you can't install additional voices... I have the default English but I'd need an italian one too for some books) + more and more things are becoming incompatible. I need to update both its hardware and software UGH
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xwhitepolar · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I got tagged by @profesionalpartyguest <3 tysm!!
are you named after anyone? my grandmother! I'm part Southern Italian and the tradition there is to reuse family names, so..
when was the last time you cried? hm. The other night but I can't remember what about. Probably some lie my brain was telling me about my (sort of) bf
do you have kids? Not yet, and I'm not yet sure I want to have them ahh
do you use sarcasm a lot? Always. I try to be funny to mask my shyness lmao
what sports do you play/have you played? Swimming, rollerblading, kung fu and yoga! And tennis but only for funsies. I should get more active again tbh
what’s the first thing you notice about other people? idk how to explain it, but, the Vibe™
scary movies or happy endings? More leaning towards happy endings, but I'm trying to slowly get into scary movies as well! I like scary books, it's watching it on screen that is a bit too much sometimes
any special talents? interesting skills developed over time? multiple. But special talents? not really I fear :(
where were you born? at the hospital ;)
what are your hobbies? drawing!!!! singing, tending my plants, learning languages, gaming also
do you have any pets? 4 cats! They're all friends with the nhood cats so they all come to our backyard and just hang out. It's wholesome really (we call it... *drum roll*... the cat café)
how tall are you? 5'5 (165cm more or less)
fave subject in school? Currently?? gosh none of them. I have few exams left before I graduate and none of them spark my passion really. Tho I love going to class in general
dream job? I used to want to be a game designer or developer, but after facing the hard reality of the industry and many other factors, I put that away. Rn I dream of having a job that I like enough, to have a salary that allows me to live with ease and, if I ever have kids, to allow us all to have vacations together and show them the world a little
eye colour? brown yeee
who has been tagged? who hasn't? idk I haven't been here all week ahh :') @silverspringsimmer @heddatheraccoonsims2 you don't seem to have been tagged yet :D
// Edit: adding @loosiap / @mourky because you're always so nice to me <3
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xwhitepolar · 1 year
How about wheel of fortune, the tower and the world for ask game? (◕‿◕。)
nice nice questions I see!!! thank youuu!! <3
[tarot asks]
wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle? the tower: favorite colors to wear? the world: do you like waking up early?
wheel of fortune: Lately I've been listening to CMYK (Circus-P's latest album) on repeat, so I thought I'd get that on shuffle, but my phone said no xD I got:
Pinocchio-P's Because You're Here Crusher-P's Propaganda Will Stetson's cover of buzzG's Fairytale,
Yeah, I never grew out of my vocaloid phase >u< and yes the last title includes the comma! it's not a typo :D
the tower: I actually wear mostly black/dark gray with splashes of color, like black pants and a red tshirt, or dark gray pants and a colorful shirt, bright colored shoes, a jean jacket with patches, etc. if I had to pick one color *only*, not including black, it would be pink! or red :D I'd also love to wear more green but I don't have many green items :(
the world: ehhhhhhhh ,,,,,, when I was younger, I'd have said NO, but lately I'm actually preferring being up early over idk, getting up at 10am. Because I feel like the days are longer, you know? I feel like I have more time on my hands!
Lou you're a sweetheart, thank you for asking!! I hope you have a great day!!! 💗
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xwhitepolar · 1 year
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you go girl. definitely not a bot
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xwhitepolar · 2 years
is it me, or is the bot problem becoming worse? maybe it’s just an impression because I have two accounts now (so I get double the bots), but I feel like they’re genuinely increasing which is, in my opinion, concerning
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xwhitepolar · 1 year
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I realized I forgot to make last week's sims post, oopsie!
While I don't have new content (although I did make more trans PV townies!) I decided to replay Tomodachi Life on my pc!
Still a sims game, right? hmm.. maybe not xD
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xwhitepolar · 1 year
💌 | It's time to spread some positivity! Send this to 5 other simmers to show how much you appreciate them & their content 💛
ahhhh thank youuuu!!! it was much needed 🥹🥹💓 and back at you, dear!!
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xwhitepolar · 1 year
☾☯❀ for the language day ask!!
Speak your language day asks!
☾ : favourite word from your language
ahh è difficileee, non so scegliere 😆 è mezz'ora che ci penso ahahah. una delle mie preferite forse è "profumo". Perché si può dire profumo di pane, profumo di fiori, connota un odore positivo. In inglese si dice solo odore, e profumo viene utlizzato solo per indicare quello per la persona :(
/ ahh it's hard, I can't choose 😆 I've been thinking about it for half an hour ahahah. One of my favourite words might be "profumo", translating to "a good smell/perfume". You can say profumo for bread, flowers, etc, while in English you just say smell for both good and bad odours and perfume for the body spray :( maybe scent would be an alternative? is it only used for good odours? idk oops
☯ : what do you love about your language?
in generale, non adoro la mia lingua :') ne adoro i dialetti però. Amo che in ogni zona d'Italia si parli una lingua diversa praticamente. Io purtroppo capisco bene solo due dialetti ma non li so parlare, quindi è buffo sentirmi conversare con i miei cugini e zii (loro che parlano in dialetto e io rispondo in italiano ahah). Mi piace anche che a differenza dell'inglese si possa dire "ti voglio bene" e "ti amo" in due modi diversi, invece che usare solo "I love you" <3
/ generally speaking, I don't love my language :') I adore its dialects, however. I love that in every area of Italy there's basically a different language. Sadly I only understand 2 dialects really well, but I can't speak them, so it's funny hearing me speak with my relatives (they speak in a dialect and I respond in italian ahahah). I also like that, unlike English, we have different ways of saying "I love you": "Ti voglio bene" for platonic love, and "Ti amo" for deep romantic bonds <3
❀ : which language(s) would you like to speak fluently?
me lo chiedo spesso asjdsajda mi piace imparare lingue e sono tutte belle, non so quale scegliere T--T di sicuro i dialetti dei miei genitori, quello di mio padre in particolare. Poi beh... cinese mandarino, giapponese, spagnolo, il dialetto greco che parlavano i miei bisnonni, non sai quante 🙈
/ I often ask that question to myself asjdsajda I like learning languages and they're all beautiful, I can't choose one T--T surely my parent's dialects, esp my father's. Then well... Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, the Greek dialects my great grandparents spoke, etc, you have no idea how many languages I want to learn 🙈
Grazie per l'ask!!! Have a nice day!!
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xwhitepolar · 2 years
I wanted to get up early today but I stayed in bed reading all about the linda files and the corruption they bring 🫣 oopsie
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