#y pestis
countesspetofi · 11 months
Have an Autoimmune Disease? Blame the Black Death
More from The Department of What Doesn’t Kill You Makes Your Life Miserable.
If my autoimmune-disease-riddled brain understands this correctly, gene variants that were more resistant to the plague happened to also be the ones associated with making your immune system go cuckoobananapants and start attacking your body. So a lot of the people with those variants survived the pandemic and became the ancestors of us schmucks with our lupus and our Crohn’s and our rheumatoid arthritis and our what have you.
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junwuhater · 7 months
Day 18 hating jun wu
If jun wu was a bacterium he'd be Bacillus F
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conscious-naivete · 9 days
‘pneumonic devices’ <- typo i just came across that made me laugh more heartily than i have all day (and i was present for my coworkers bickering about the merits of tinsel!)
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davidsankey · 1 year
Speculation on Y. Pestis Bronze Age European plague, and the plague depicted in Sophocles rendition of Oedipus legend - which has gone on to inspire reworkings of the tale down to the present day (including Freud)
The following is PURE SPECULATION.  3 things conjoined -a while ago I greatly enjoyed Mark-Anthony Turnage's "Greek" https://youtu.be/8Tgp3K6TU2Y  , an opera based on Stephen Berkhoff's East End updating of Sophocles  "Oedipus Rex". This "In Our Time" on it reminded me that the story was (1) set in the Bronze Age , and (2) Thebes was suffering with a "plague" that Oedipus's Answer to the riddle of the sphinx cures https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001mlm4   . The thing is - there was indeed a real-life plague in the Bronze Age, which we now know infected people in Britain also,  https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38393-w and caused by the familiar Yersinnia Pestis bacterium that also caused the Black Death  ..... Could this be the "smoking gun" that traumatised a population who, uncomprehending the scale of the tragedy wove it into a myth that influenced people over centuries (including Freud)   down to the present day?????  We probably will never know, but it is worth considering    
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Phylogeny, Cladogram and distribution map from  https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38393-w/figures/1 
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jinkiezzsstuff · 7 months
Wing Grooming
lucifer x gn reader
warnings: i’ve written before but i don’t do it often so be aware, written on mobile, no mention of skin colour/bodytype/gender/hair type, no use of Y/N, slightly sexual but no real smut, cursing.
i love lucifer and i love the wings shtick <3 also i’ve worked with birds so im applying my knowledge of them here teehee
lemme know whatcha think this is only the second time homegirls written an xreader. also writing on tumblr sucks it deleted my shii so many times and i had to keep rewriting paragraphs
𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔗𝔴𝔬 :)
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Lucifer anxiously paced around his room in the hotel, unable to relax due to his wings, they were itchy. Normally he used various different objects to break the casting of new feathers, and remove those pesty pin feathers. He’s been so busy at the hotel recently, he completely neglected his feathers causing some unfortunate issues with his malt. After all he didn’t have only two he had a whole six, and it wasn’t easy to take care of all at once. In all honesty, Lucifer would rather cut them off before asking for assistance with preening them. Tossing his hat to the side his wings popped out unwillingly loose feathers flying around him. Curling the first set in front of him, he picked through to find the cause of the itch and discomfort. Chills ran up his back as his fingers gently searched through, they were sensitive from lack of care not to mention preening never failed to give him goose bumps. A knock sounded from his door making him jump, his wings puffing out around him. “Uh, ah, one moment.” He shouted in a sing songy voice, jumping to his feet from where he sat he hurried over eager to get back to preening.
Swining the door open you stood on the other side smiling with papers in your grasp. Keeping his wings hidden slightly behind him and the door he greeted you with a charming smile. "Hi luce, Charlie said these belonged to you something to do with the different rings?" Quirking your head to the side you observed the king with curiosity. He was visibly uncomfortable, fidgeting and shifting from side to side. "Are you alright?" He blew air out in a pft sound at you and stood a little straighter. "Just a little feather issues, you know how it can be..." Lucifer trailed looking off to the side trying hard to ignore the stinging itch that shot through one wing.
“Oh can I help in any way, if that’s not strange?” You ask innocently but Lucifer’s mind went immediately to the gutter with the thought of you tracing your hands down his back and his combing through feathers, it made him shiver with delight. Although his blush was evident and his demeanour dropped to a slightly more shy one, you remained waiting patiently for his answer. “It’s- uh, normally, i don’t let anybody touch them. Um, but you can! Of course..” He trailed switching between stretching himself up with confidence and shrinking down again with doubt, regardless of his apprehension he still stood aside opening the door wider for you to enter. “It’s just the preening process is all. Difficult to reach.” Lucifer muttered as you welcome yourself into his room. With a bright smile you reassured him that you would do as he asked and you’d rather help than have him be stuck with that icky discomfort.
Setting the paperwork down on a table, Lucifer closed the door and lingered next to a bench sofa whistling as his wings flapped him at random behind him. Turning to him he looked a little shy still not fully meeting your gaze. Unsure of what exactly to do but you gave him an assuring smile. “I don’t have to do this, I can get Charlie to?”
Lucifer laughed quickly shaking his head. “Ha ha, no that would make things worse actually, you’re much preferred! Just y’know it’s a lot to work on.” Plopping down on the bench he outstretched his wings behind him on full display for you, his heart pounding against his ribs. You felt a zap of emotion shoot through you at the admission that you were wanted by him for this job.
It wasn't a secret Charlie's dad woo'd you the moment he waltzed in the door, but your loyalty was with Charlie and you didn't want to disrespect her by eye fucking her divorced father while he's here to help. Although Charlie seemed pretty enthralled that her father was making an effort to spend time with her friends, even elbowing you and whispering that he seemed to particularly enjoy conversation with you.
After that it was harder to ignore the way you felt for the King, Charlie would constantly drop not so subtle hints that her dad took a liking to you and that caused your mind to wander and fantasize. From there on you got more confidence putting yourself in situations to catch him alone in conversation or help him with different tasks he had to complete. Beginning your work on his wings, you hummed quietly to yourself easily spotting several pin feathers coming in that needed to have the keratin shell taken off. Carefully you split the feathers away and massaged off the shells one by one listening to Lucifers pleasant hms, groans and sighs. He visibly slumped, and his body rested just barely against your thigh as you worked on the very top wing. “These look pretty cluttered hun, have you been struggling to care for them?” You didn’t even notice the pet name slip as you called everyone off handed pet names, but Lucifer did notice and it brought him a warmth he hadn’t felt in a very long time. Sweetly talking to him about his wings without judgement, combing them comfortingly, humming like an angel just to him. It felt as good as when his ex wife was still around caring for his wings. It’d been so long since someone was by his side caring for him like this.
Lucifer never responded properly to your question about upkeep only humming in a trance like state as you worked your way through the top set of wings "You're so good at this, sheesh, I wish you'd do this all the time." You blushed faltering slightly which Lucifer panicked about, tensing and opening his eyes. "Of course i'm only spit balling, heh, it's just so relaxing like a sauna!" Shaking your head you moved down to the last set of feathers not missing the way he shuddered with your touch. "It's alright i don't mind that you say that. It feels nice actually, to help you." Lucifer didn't say anything feeling suddenly heated as ever as if hell wasn't hot enough. The feathers closest to his hips were unsurprisingly the most sensitive and the touches although innocent felt suggestive to him. The King felt dirty for feeling a euphoric sense of pleasure ripple through his bodv and straight to his junk while you unknowly worked through his feathers. “You okay? Did I hurt you?" You asked noticing his breath picking up and his body stiffening. Lucifer grinned and turned to look at you you meeting his gaze and seeing just how dazed he truly was. "I'm just... well,"
It was like his throat closed as he looked back at you crouched down to get at the last row of feathers that were draped along the floor. The king swallowed snapping his head forward again. “Ahem, I’m sensitive, good, sensitive.” He had hoped you understood his insinuations. Which you had. Breathing in deeply you flattened your hand out spreading your fingers and combing through the feathers more methodically from the base of his wings and outward. That cause him to jump up standing straight, you followed in persuit, panicking that you crossed a big line. His wings twitched but he stayed staring forward rigid, you quickly walked around the bench calling to him softly. “Lucifer i am so sorry if i crossed the line, that, that was unacceptable i’m so sorry.” To which Lucifer spun to you, face red, grabbing your shoulders he smiled a somewhat embarrassed smile. “No no, that was completely fine, i just,” Lucifer pulled away tucking his hands away from you, again which was kind of upset you.
“I think if we continue that, type of grooming, I won’t be able to control myself.” Although still shy about his admission his eyes were half lidded and his smile sly. You felt fire explode in your stomach all innocence out the window as your mind settled on one thought. You were gonna bang your friends divorced dad.
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kyracooneyx23 · 3 months
Favourite Pest - Kyra Cooney Cross
Kyra Cooney-Cross x matildas!reader
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part 2 of this
summary: You find out what's caused your best friend to act so strange.
warnings - nothing except its terrible
It was so nice to finally be back in camp with the Matildas again. Despite how much you tried to hide it, your time away from the sport had been the toughest months of your life. You were so grateful for all the physios and trainers at Chelsea that had made your return in time for the world cup possible. 'I don't know whether I should be happy or not that your back.' Caitlin said from opposite you on the table.
'that's so rude Cait,' you say placing a hand to your heart to feign hurt 'You should be glad your favourite person is back so your not stuck with these two losers.' You tease causing Mackenzie and Alanna to gasp.
'I'm just saying, now that you're back Kyra's going to be back to her pesty habits again.' She groans shooting a look at the young midfielder who was staring at the back of your head for the last twenty minutes since you had sat down to have dinner. Caitlin smirks slightly seeing her teammate pining over her best friend who was completely oblivious to what was going on.
Katrina had warned the other Matildas about what was going on with Kyra, but it wasn't a surprise to any of them as they'd been sick of the two of you being a simp for each other but not noticing because you both shared the same singular braincell. They were all just praying for one of you to man up and confess so you could finally get together.
'Kyra's only ever a pest when you're around. Since you've been gone she's actually been quite pleasant.' You turn around in your chair to look at Kyra, shocked that your best friend could ever be anything but wild around your tillies teammates who were your favourite people to annoy together. When you catch her gaze you send her a playful smile but she quickly looks down at her plate making you frown.
'Yeah, you bring out the wild child in Kyra.' Alanna pipes in, throwing a piece of carrot at you, the vegetable only slightly missing your eye you whack the tall girl before dipping your hand in the leftover pasta sauce on your plate and smearing it all over her face. 'Oh, your going to regret that.' She responds pouring a glass of freezing water over your head. You screech hopping off your seat and trying to shake the water off of you, catching everyone in the rooms attention.
'Fuck you Lani.' You snap at her, causing Mini to tell you to watch your language. You roll your eyes walking towards the bathrooms to dry yourself off a little bit.
Whilst your off in the toilets Tony comes in to where the players are eating to tell everyone the room arrangements as he reads of the names Kyra feels her heart sink as she finds out she'll be rooming with you. Normally she would be excited knowing the two of you would end up staying way past your bedtime watching movies and planning pranks but now she felt sick. Just looking at you laughing with Caitlin and Alanna made her stomach do flips, she was choking on her words and you were halfway across the room, she couldn't bare to imagine all the ways she could mess up if she had to sleep in a room with you.
Mini must've noticed Kyra's discomfort and places a discreet hand on her knee. 'If its really that bad I can ask if me and you can room together instead, I'm sure Charli wouldn't mind rooming with y/n.' The older girl whispers in Kyra's ear.
'What if she finds out though?' Kyra asks dully fiddling with the fork in her hand. She didn't want you knowing that she had swapped rooms just to be away from you.
'It's ok, I'll make sure she doesn't' Katrina assures Kyra wrapping an arm around the blonde.
'thanks Mini.' she mumbles leaning into the warm arms of her motherlike figure.
You walked back into your room noticing half your team gone. You look around for Kyra but she is nowhere to be seen. You thought it was weird for the whole time you were apart all you could talk about was how you couldn't wait to be reunited but now you were here it felt like she was ignoring you. 'y/n/n!' Charli's voice rings through the room as she walks over you pulling both of your suitcases. 'I'm sorry, but you're stuck with me for now.' You laugh, the girls infectious mood making you feel brighter.
You walk alongside the defender making small conversation with each other until you reach your hotel room. You begin to unpack your suitcases, giving up after a few seconds. Instead deciding to get into bed and watch a movie which you hardly got halfway through until the two of you passed out, the jetlag properly kicking in.
The next morning everyone was up early for training. You made your way into the breakfast room very slowly still not fully awake, you keep your eyes peeled for Kyra but she isn't anywhere to be seen. You're about to sit down at the table with Macca, Lani and Cait but before you can place your stuff down an arm is chucked around your shoulders leading you towards a different table.
'It's time we get you, they've already got their fair share of you last night.' Ellie Carpenter, who also only recently came back from her ACL injury, tells you sitting you down next to her at a table with Sam, Hayley, Mary and Courtney. You greet everyone and join in with their conversation but your only half engaged noticing Kyra walk into the room with Mini completely avoiding you as she sits down at the table furthest from yours.
'Is something up with Kyra?' You ask the five girls who pause their conversation.
'She has seemed a little bit off recently hasn't she?' Hayley states everyone on your table looking at Kyra who isn't touching her food instead looking into the distance her usual smile absent from her face.
'I assumed the two of you would be joint by the hip now your back,' Mary adds 'has something happened?' You shrug not knowing why your supposed best friend was acting this way.
'Maybe she's just jetlagged.' Sam states looking at you with concern. She was one of the people who looked out for you the most, being your Chelsea teammate she felt obliged to make sure you were ok, always doing anything you needed. You don't say anything else eating your breakfast before Tony calls everyone outside for training.
Your walking outside with Macca after getting changed into your training gear. 'Y/N, could we please talk for a second?' Tony asks you once your on the pitch you check his expression to see if your in trouble not knowing why you would be, you hadn't pulled any pranks this camp, afterall the person who always helped you execute your plans was avoiding you.
'Yeah sure.' You follow him to the benches on the side of the pitch.
'Is everything ok with you and Kyra?'
'I'm not sure, why?'
He hesitates for a second before responding to your question. 'You were meant to room with her but she requested to swap with Charli, and usually you two are the best of friends, if somethings happened I don't want to it affect the game on Friday.' The words shock you, you were already confused about why Kyra was avoiding you and had no clue why she would ever request not to room with you. You had hardly spoken a word to her, you were her best friend surely she would of been excited to get to spend time with you now you were back. Tears begin to form in your eyes and you rub them away, angry at the way she was treating you when you didn't even know what you'd done.
'I'll talk to her about it, thanks for letting me know.' You tell the Swedish man walking away trying not to let your anger show. You focus on training hardly talking to anyone except Sam who you do all the partner drills with. It gets to the time when you do a mini scrimmage and you are on opposite teams than Kyra. You play for a while not having many opportunities to create chances until Kyra receives the ball and you're barely two meters away, she is debating who to pass to when you decide to go and slide tackle her. You take her legs out causing her to fall onto the floor backwards whilst you run off with the ball before passing it to Sam who slots it past Teagan.
You walk to stand next to her as the ball is kicked back into play but she moves away when you get near her, you frown but put you attention back on the scrimmage.
You continue playing a while longer before Tony calls everyone back, giving a short debrief on tactics and all that before sending everyone off to enjoy the rest of their days as it was only a half day today. You grab a drink of water squirting some on Alanna who wraps you up in a headlock before carrying you inside and chucking you onto a couch in the games room where everyone went for a bit of free time. You lay on the couch before you notice Kyra walking in with Charli, you get up and walk over to the pair.
'Kyra, I think we should talk.' You tell her, Kyra gulps she'd never seen you so serious before and it was scaring her. When she doesn't respond you link arms with her pulling her away with you up to your room. You sit on your bed patting Charli's bed motioning for Kyra to sit there, cautiously she sits waiting for you to break the awkward silence. 'No need to look so scared, i just wanna talk.' You say calmly even though you were beyond pissed at the girl.
'How's your knee?' Kyra asks anxiously watching as your clench your jaw in frustration.
'I'm not here to talk about my knee Kyra, I'm hear to talk about the way you've been acting.' You snap at her getting straight to the point.
'What about the way I'm acting?' She laughs lightly and you can see sweat beads forming around her forehead.
'Don't act dumb, I've been back for over 24 hours and you've spoken a single sentence to me. I've tried to get your attention but all you do is avoid me, and I'm left wondering what the fuck I've done to make you act this weird. I'm not the only one who's noticed literally everyone I've talked to has asked me if somethings going on with us. It's not fair being treated this way when you won't even tell me why.' Your voice breaks and you feel your eyes begin to water 'I was so fucking excited to be back here not only because I'm playing the sport I love but because I got to be back with one of my most favourite people in the world, so how do you think it's making me feel when she is ignoring me and requesting for us not to room together?' You wipe your eyes not wanting to look like a baby in front of Kyra. Her mouth is slightly opened and her face is filled with hurt.
'I'm so sorry y/n/n.' Is all she manages to say after a long awkward silence.
'Really?' You ask slightly disgusted at her childish behavior 'Is that all you're going to say, I think I at least deserve an explanation.'
'I want to tell you but I'm scared it will mess things up even more.' She whispers looking down at her feet and playing with the rings on her fingers, one of them being yours.
'Kyra, I've seen you do the most stupid stuff and we've gotten into fights like this before and shit much worse but we always figure things out, I think we've got too strong of a friendship for it to be ruined by a silly argument.' You state.
'Ok here goes nothing.' She whispers under her breath not loud enough for you too hear. 'This is going to sound really dumb but when you were gone I started getting these weird feelings and I was really confused but I just blamed them on me missing you but after a while they didn't go away. I kept getting butterflies in my stomach whenever you would call and you were all I could ever think about, I wanted to spend every second of my free time with you. Then when you walked in I went into like shock or something, I was so terrified of messing up I didn't know what to do with myself so then I thought I'd stay away from you and the feelings would go away but I still don't know why I'm feeling this way and I'm scared because your the best friend I've ever had and I just want to say I really really like you y/n. Please don't be mad.' She speaks so fast it takes you a while to comprehend what she's just said. When you don't reply immediately Kyra instantly regrets confessing, you probably think she's weird now, why would anyone ever fall in love with their best friend. She considers getting up and just running away, maybe she'd move to Hawaii or some place like that and change her name so people would forget a mess like her ever existed. She's about to get up and leave when you speak.
'Why would I be mad, I like you too Kyra.' You say and Kyra's mood lifts but only for a second as you complete your sentence, 'I mean why wouldn't I, your my best friend.' Kyra's cheeks flush bright red and she buries her face in her hands not sure what to do with herself.
'No I don't mean as in friend, I mean I like like you.' Kyra says slowly trying to help you process the information 'as in more than friends.' Your jaw drops at her words, you didn't realise she liked you like that.
There had been times before your injury when you had begun to feel differently around Kyra, but you'd never told anyone this because you'd rather get to have her as a friend than not have her at all. You understood now why she had avoided you, you probably would've done the same if you hadn't told Sam about it and she told you to accept the feelings but not close off Kyra.
You had tried to ignore the way Kyra made you sweat with nerves and the constant need you felt to impress her, assuming that she didn't feel the same way. But here she was saying that she did and you didn't know what to do about it.
Your brain was telling you not to do anything irrational but the rest of you wasn't listening. You got moved nearer to Kyra, placing a soft kiss on the girls lips. For a moment you were worried when she just froze but then she began kissing you back.
The two of you melted into the kiss, her arms wrapping around your neck as you placed your hands on her hips. It was soft and delicate, but it still managed to make your heartrate go wild. You'd only ever dreamed of it never imagining it to be real one day.
You pulled away when air became an issue watching as a large grin spread onto Kyra's face as the two of you sat in a comfortable silence.
'Do you forgive me now?' She asked and you laughed lightly.
'I will if you give me one more kiss.' You tease seeing her blush lightly. The aussie places her lips on yours again and you both fall back onto the bed. When your separated again she places a soft kiss on your nose.
'Do you want to head out and see the others?' Kyra asks you, causing you to shake your head.
'Can we just stay here for a while?' You ask 'I've only just got my best friend back, I think time just the two of us is well overdue.' A smile breaks out on Kyra's face and you match it on yours. You shuffle over slightly on the bed making room for Kyra next to you. She joins you the two of you lying so you can face the tv.
You turn the tv on and flick it onto a random channel, having a feeling that you and Kyra won't really be paying much attention. For a while you lay in silence, not saying anything. You're just glad that you've got your best friend back, even though it wasn't in the way you imagined and Kyra is relieved that she no longer has to act like a stranger around you, a massive weight lifted off her chest that she doesn't have to hide her feelings from you anymore.
'I'm sorry.' She whispers to you breaking the silence.
'Shut up stupid.' You shake your head not hearing it, placing a light kiss on her cheek. She gives you one in return before peppering kisses all over your face you laugh as she wraps her arms around you, lying on top of you and keeping you in position so you can't move. 'Fuck of Kyra.' You say but your words are muffled as she places a long kiss on your lips.
'I see what Caitlin meant by you being a pest.' you tell her laughing as she frowns at you.
'But you love me.' She grins and you shake your head slightly.
'Yep, you'll always be my favourite pest.'
sorry this is shit
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bloodlust-1 · 6 months
You’re too sweet for me ₊ ⊹ part 1
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Halsin x fem Tav (dark urge) — Explicit 18+
Summary: Tav takes a dip in the river to calm those pesty dark thoughts, hoping it'd help settle these murderous urges. But things turn interesting when Halsin finds her, offering to keep her company in the water. If only he knew just how pure he was in her eyes, a shame it'd be to destroy such an image.
Note: I like this power dynamic. Halsin’s no match for this attitude. This isn't proof-read yet so pls don't bully me :')
Lovely photo by @moonslittlestar
Tav pushed back the droplets of water with her palms, fluttering her wet eyelashes against the moonlight by the riverbank. Its light reflected white against the ripples of water Tav bathed herself in.
The cool water was almost therapeutic to her, settling those dark urges so late at night. It'd be a shame if another Alfira incident happened again...
A smile crept on her lips.
Whatta shame for the poor bard.
With a menacing giggle, she ran her fingers through her wet hair, enjoying the sound of the silence of night. It was so calm compared to the rapid evil thoughts that tainted her mental.
Tav knew she had to be a good girl.
At least for now.
A crunching of rocks and sticks startled her, and she quickly wrapped her arms around her bare chest; turning her head towards the sound.
Startled, Tav turned to see Halsin approaching quietly. His tall figure was outlined against the moonlight, and his eyes held a gentle warmth as he looked at her.
“Oh - Tav...I didn't know you bathed around this time. Is it alright if I join you?” he asked, his voice carrying over the gentle sounds of the flowing water.
A mischievous smile played on Tav’s lips, meeting his gaze. “Of course, cause that isn't weird at all,” her tone laced with sarcasm as she nudged her head at him.
Why not? If it was anyone who didn't find this weird, it'd be Halsin.
The air between them seemed thick with unspoken desire while Halsin turned away, undressing each article of clothing off his body.
Tav's eyes trailed down from the bare muscles of his back all the way down to his toned ass. A smirk crossed her lips, turning away to leave him to his privacy as he walked into the water.
What can she say - he was beautiful.
Total eye candy.
With a graceful ease, Halsin stepped into the water beside Tav, the coolness of the river enveloping him. The closeness between them felt electric, their gazes locked in a silent pull.
"It's a peaceful night to indulge ourselves." His eyes traced over the contours of Tav's face and into her collarbones, stopping at the plump of her breasts that hid in the water. His lips parted slowly, "I assume you've been here for some time now?"
Tav caught his lingering gaze and nodded with a small smile, "For only about 15 minutes before you showed up." Tav circled around Halsin, cupping water into her hands and pouring the cool water over his shoulders, "I'm happy it was you who found me."
Tav's hands draped over his back, rubbing the water into his skin, "I am a bit of a lone wolf, but your presence is always welcomed." The coolness from her breath hit against Halsin's damp skin causing him to chuckle at her perfumed words.
"Nature spoils me with someone of your bountiful looks." He leaned back slightly, allowing Tav to run her hands up his back, neck, and then hair with water.
"Have you given thought about what I've said the other day?" He spoke with confidence and Tav let out a laugh.
Oh yeah - that.
Halsin confessed his feelings for her some time ago and she never got back to his proposition. Halsin wanted more than just lingering stares. He wanted to feel her, touch her, please her.
The only problem...He was too nice for her.
These evil thoughts and bloodlust for murder made Tav hesitant to pursue something more with Halsin.
He was so pure and she was the darkness of his shadow.
"Oh Halsin." Tav gently scraped her nails down his back, leaving behind faint red streaks on his skin, "You're too sweet for me."
A chill ran up his back before Tav submerged herself under the water, and Halsin turned his head back, looking around the find her.
Just then, Tav slowly rose up from the dark water in front of him, the water rolling off her body like the softest petal of a flower. Her eyelashes battered with water droplets and it rolled off her bare nipples for Halsin's pleasure.
Tav was an absolute tease. A beautiful mess of a woman who gnawed at his deepest darkest fantasies. Halsin never experienced someone like her and he was practically begging for Tav's attention.
His eyes consumed every detail. Every scar and the faint stretch marks on her breasts. Halsin's eyes gleamed at the soft pudge of her love handles when he noticed them. Tav's body was a piece of art; nature's purest gift.
Tav tilted her head, watching Halsin’s eyes dart around her wet body and then back to her lustful eyes. “You couldn’t handle someone like me,” she teased, a mischievous glint playing in her eyes. “Trust me, I would destroy any innocence you think of me…and maybe it’s best to keep it that way.”
Halsin hummed to her words. Captivated by Tav’s boldness, he felt a wave of desire but masked it with a seductive charm. His voice was smooth as he replied, his words dripping with honeyed persuasion.
“My love,” he began, his gaze intense yet inviting. “Innocence has its allure, but the fire in your eyes tells a different story...Perhaps it is not about handling you but rather embracing the chaos you bring."
He continued, leaning closer to her, his hands resting on her hips, "Even nature's most dangerous of predators has its beauty. You have hunter eyes -" Halsin brought one of his hands to rest on her cheek, bringing her body against his in a tight-knit, "Piercing. Dangerous. But beautiful."
Her breasts pressed against the muscles of his chest and it brought a fever across her cheeks. The sweetness in Halsin's voice was enough to make Tav question her better judgment.
Tav giggled and tickled his muscular arms with the tips of her nails softly, "Mmm, you're so tempting, druid." Tav gently peeled herself away from him. She clutched onto his hands, leading him deeper into the river until the water reached her shoulders.
Tav splashed a handful of water toward Halsin, causing him to chuckle as he playfully splashed back. Laughter filled the night air in this innocent water fight.
Suddenly, Halsin dove underwater briefly, only to resurface moments later in a swift movement, scooping Tav up into his arms, her laughter ringing out.
Tav held onto his shoulders for support as his strong arms wrapped securely around her thighs, locking her in place. Their eyes met in the dim moonlight, their laughter faded into a comfortable silence.
Tav’s gaze drifted down to Halsin’s wet hair and face, illuminated by the soft glow of the moon above. Her fingers traced over his brow, dipping into the crevices of his scars.
She couldn’t help but admire his rugged charm. Had Tav not felt like such a bad influence on Halsin, he would have already been hers since the night of the tiefling party. It’s not like she didn’t already try.
But he denied her.
Oh how the tables turn.
Without hesitation, she leaned in closer, teasingly hovering the plump of her lips over his. Eyes like daggers bore into Halsin, and he shifted her down enough for Tav to hook her legs around his waist.
Tav hummed with her voice soft in a whisper, “I bet you want to kiss me so badly right now, hmm?”
Halsin chuckled deeply in his chest, clicking his tongue softly against his teeth. “You’re making me feel like a young Druid again…I’d chase you like bait on a fishing line.”
Tav wrapped her arms around his neck, laying her head gently against his nape and purring into his ear, “Maybe I’m just waiting for you to bite the bait then.”
Halsin crooked his neck to meet Tav’s gaze. She rested her head on his shoulder and smiled up at him playfully. Tav pressed her thumb over Halsin’s bottom lip, grazing the skin in small strokes, “Remember what you said to me at the tiefling party?”
She dragged her thumb down, pulling his lower lip seductively until it dipped back up into place. His face went hot and she could feel his muscles stiffen.
Halsin closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath before nodding his head to the memory, “I do.”
Tav traced small circles into the nape of his neck, feeling the goosebumps caress her skin as she planted a single kiss on his neck, “And what did you tell me?”
Halsin shamefully answered her with defeat, “That I will not keep you all to myself.” He tilted his head away, exposing more of his neck to her.
“A shame, really.” She scuffed. Admittedly, Tav still held that against him. Rejection was something she never really experienced when it came to sex.
He was the first.
And to see him now, crumbling at the smallest touch satisfied her deeply.
“Now tell me, Druid…” Tav leaned her head up, coming face to face with Halsin, “How are we going to fix this problem?”
She nudged her hips against him, feeling the tip of his hardened length poking at her inner thighs under the water.
“Allow me to take you out of this river and I’ll show you, bratty love.”
Her lips tugged into a smirk at the word "bratty."
Tav's eyes gleamed, and her hands cupped his jaw, forcing his face closer to hers with a tug. A breathy chuckle left her lips before crashing them against Halsin's.
He hesitated at first from her force, but then slowly melted into the kiss, hugging her tighter than before. The drive in her kiss startled him, and he could feel all the emotions spilling out into a sweet kiss on his tongue.
Tav nibbled down on his lower lip, dragging her sharp canine across his delicate skin; causing him to wince softly as the small cut began to bleed.
His blood tasted bitter and warm, but the druid only encouraged her by mixing the flavor between their tongues.
Finally, Tav pulled away with a soft gasp. Her chest rose up and down with lustful eyes, “You talk a big game...I wonder just how well that tongue works..”
Halsin planted a kiss on her jawline, his voice strong and assertive, “I can show you.”
She lifted an eyebrow, “And risk someone catching us out in the open?”
He nodded with flushed cheeks. His eyes fell hazy as the blood on his lips smudged across his skin. The sting of his cut only bothered him for a moment before it all melted away into pleasure.
This painful pleasure was...intoxicating.
She's such a bad influence and he didn't even care.
Tav’s voice was low and husky as she leaned in closer to Halsin, her breath warm against his skin. Her eyes sparkle mischievously, “Very well…but - you got to earn it,” she murmured teasingly with dominance. “Show me, just with your tongue, and maybe then I’ll reconsider your…proposition."
Halsin’s hands instinctively found their way to her hips, fingers kneading gently into the plush of her skin, "A fair bargain. I would have more faith in me, however."
She pressed her index finger across his lips, hushing Halsin. Leaning into him with charm in her tone, "Tongue, not words."
Halsin nodded.
Next part here
Any thoughts? Comment 👇🏼 I love to engage!
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a-s-fischer · 29 days
One of the things that I really wish more people knew about bubonic plague* is that not everybody who got it before antibiotics died. Like your odds were not good. You had a better than fifty percent chance of dying. But you had around a one in four to one in three chance of living. For you, an individual with the plague, this is bad. I hope your will is up to date and you have made your peace with the divine.
But on a societal level after a plague epidemic, there were going to be a lot of people who had gotten the plague and survived. And plague frequently did not leave its victims unscathed. Plague often left its survivors with severe medical problems, including neurological problems. So in the aftermath of a large epidemic of plague, you are going to have a society that is suddenly much smaller, full of people who have boatloads of trauma, and suddenly with a much higher proportion of people with disabilities. And I'm not sure why but when I see discussions of the societal effects of plague epidemics in the Medieval and Early Modern periods, I rarely see that last one discussed. I think, however, it was probably pretty important to the experience of the plague and its aftermath.
*I am talking specifically about bubonic plague. Plague comes in three forms, all caused by the bacteria Y. pestis. The other two forms of plague, pneumonic, and septisemic had 100% or near 100% mortality rates before modern medicine.
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thebisexualdogdad · 9 months
One piece preferences - snow day (GN!reader)
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Luffy -
● starts the most intense snowball fight ever
● he's climbing into trees to hide and launches snowballs at you from above
● he accidentally hits Zoro with a snowball and yells “Y/N did it!” before falling out the tree and running away
● rolls a snowball the size of him that completely buries you when it hits
● builds a huge snow fort that resembles the
Going Merry
● “Luffy how did you get this so detailed”
● “I used to build a lot of sand castles when I was a kid”
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Nami -
● wants to spend all day by the fireplace
● makes you guys hot cocoa with the secret marshmallows Sanji was hiding
● and you get snuggled up under some blankets
● Luffy begs you guys to come and play with him
● “no way Luffy I am not getting sick just because you want to play in the snow”
● “what about you Y/N??”
● “go out in the cold with you or stay in here all warm and cozy with my girlfriend… sorry Luffy gonna have to pass”
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Sanji -
● spends hours making the best soup you've ever tasted
● you were busy outside playing with Luffy and Usopp and he yells from the ship deck “Y/N my love dinner is ready!”
● and you have nice hot soup to warm you back up after being out in the snow
● Luffy “where's our soup Sanji??”
● “Sorry, did you guys want some?”
● Luffy and Usopp look at each other dumbfounded and you laugh
● “I'm only messing with you guys I made enough for everyone”
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Zoro -
● thinks the snow is a great opportunity to do endurance training
● he trains in the snow for hours in minimal clothing to build an immunity against the cold
● “Zoro please come inside you're gonna get sick”
● “I barely feel a thing”
● “that's not a good thing!”
● “yes it is it means I'm getting stronger”
● “no it means I'm going to have to take care of you when you catch the flu”
● “well you taking care of me doesn't sound like such a bad thing”
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Usopp -
● immediately plops down into the snow to make snow angels
● you make one next to him and afterwards he draws a giant heart around them in the snow
● “aw how cute Usopp”
● but then Luffy goes running directly through your snow angels
● “Luffy what the hell man!!”
● “sorry Usopp let's have a snowball fight!”
● Usopp huffs but then you hit with a snowball and he laughs “game on!!”
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Shanks -
● wants to spend all day in bed with you
● “where are you going love?”
● “to get ready before we set sail”
● “it's snowing outside we won't be able to sail until tomorrow which means today you and I get to stay in bed and do absolutely nothing”
● he pulls you back into bed with him and you only leave to get food
● and he shoos off any members of the crew that try to disturb you
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Buggy -
● he doesn't just build a snowman he builds a whole snow castle
● and you don't know how he does it but he somehow makes working snowball canons
● he makes his crew run around while he's shooting snowballs at them
● “did you see that Y/N! I hit Cabaji right off his unicycle!”
● “nice shot babe let me have a turn”
● he comes up with an entire point system and you compete to see who can score more points
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Mihawk -
● is completely unfazed by the snow
● “mihawk where are you going?”
● “I've got a man to kill”
● “but it's snowing outside”
● “so? Some pesty snow won't stop me”
● “can you at least wear a shirt under your coat so you don't get sick out in the cold”
● “... fine but only because you asked me to”
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nebulousmedic · 16 days
For the sniper scout medic could their name be Rural Urgent Care? Apothecary Minute Clinic?
That or the TBH creature Trifecta
2 and a half Offensive Classes
Dull blades? Bc Quick fix kukri and bat?
Sinners and Saints?
The Red Death (because plague doctors often put various herbs and plants in their beaks to ward off sickness)
Autopsy Central
Miasma Theory
Daddy Issues Cubed
Y pestis (transmitted through fleas and other animals like cats and rats)
Patience Pests and Pestilence
Enjoy these gay little fuckers possessing me for a ship name for at least 15 minutes
The Colonized.
Daddy Issues Cubed has me rolling ngl, I think it's almost perfect were it not for the fact that Heavy also has daddy issues (sorta) and I can't help but think of Sniper/Scout/Heavy with that ship name.
Dull Blades is kinda cool, as is Miasma Theory and Autopsy Central, but I honestly wouldn't be able to remember that it is their ship name. Unlike say Dealing with the Brat, Support Sandwich, Offense Omelette where you can kind of tell by the name. I guess we might have to settle with MedicSniperScout.
It's hard to relate their themes in any way. The closest I was able to get is Australian Baseball Injury, but even then it's kind of a mouthful and doesn't roll off the tongue or stick all that well. I also thought of Cracked Skulls/ Crackin Skulls but ehhh I dunno.
Thanks for your input though! These are really cool ship names
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thatgenericwriter · 2 years
The kiss of death
Pairing: Tony DiNozzo x fem! reader
Summary: This takes place during season 2 episode 22. The reader is Tony's girlfriend and is the one who opens the letter and inhales some of the y-pestis (a.k.a the plague).
Warnings: swearing and a lil angst if you squint really hard (mostly just worried Tony)
P.s. they are in a few different places during this episode and I've decided to label the new places in bold and separate them with "....."
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In the NCIS building
The ding of the elevator makes you and Tony pull apart.
Smirking he looks down at me, "Wow. I get to see my girlfriend before work and get to kiss her?! Must be my lucky day."
Flicking him on the forehead I tell him not to get used to it as we walk out of the elevator and towards his desk. "I just happened to have some extra time before work today and thought I could come say hi to my favorite person."
Speaking of my favorite person, I hear Kate call my name from her desk. I start walking faster and I can hear Tony grumbling from behind me about how my favorite person out of all the people he works with is Kate.
Kate waits infront of her desk, arms open and waiting for me. I get to her and practically jump into her arms. We sway back and forth as Tony scoffs, setting his things down.
"I've missed you so much! Dealing with Tony everyday is hard without you." I say as we peel ourselves away from each other. Kate opens her mouth to reply only to be interrupted by a deep voice from behind me.
"Well if it isn't my lucky day." Gasping I turn around only to be met with a smirking Gibbs.
"Gibbs!" I practically yell as I run into his arms. Gibbs and I have grown close over the past few years. We bonded over our love for boats and our shared "hatred" for Tony.
"Hey there kiddo." He says with a little chuckle, "What are you doing here?" I reluctantly pull away from his warm arms and point beside me towards Tony's desk.
"I'm visiting with this loser before I go to work." I hear Tony scoff and I turn towards his desk. He has a pouty look on his face and his arms are crossed over his chest defensively.
"You know I'm just kidding Tony." I say as I walk over to his desk and sit on the edge of it. Putting his hand over mine he pulls me down and gives me a light peck on my lips.
He leans back in his chair while smirking at me. "Yeah I know. I just wanted another kiss."
That earned him another flick to his forehead and an eye roll. I turn my head towards McGee as he sorts through the mail.
"Whatcha got there McGoober?" Tony asks as McGee takes a letter from the pile and shows us. The back is facing us and I can see that it is sealed with a kiss. Literally, there is red lipstick in she shape of lips on the seal.
McGee reads who it's addressed to, "It's addressed to'NCIS Special Agent'." Everyone looks over at me.
I raise my hands in defense, "I was not the one who sent that." I look over at Tony and smirk. "But I will be finding out who is sending letters to my boyfriend." I hop off of the desk and walk the short distance to where McGee is standing.
He holds the letter above his head and effectively out of my reach. "How do we know that this is for Tony?" He asks looking around the room. We all give him deadpan looks. "Fine." He finally says giving to letter to me.
I turn around to Tony again. "Let's see who your secret admirer is." I say tauntingly as I rip open one of the short sides of the letter. I see a little bit of dust, and not thinking much about it, blow it off.
I see Tony's smile drop. I look around at everyone else, and they all have shocked and worried faces.
"Hey honey." I turn back around to look at Tony, "Why don't we put the envelope right here on my desk. Okay?"
I nod a little and place it down gently on the desk. I can hear Gibbs shouting at everyone to evacuate and Kate calling the emergency people.
"Come here." Tony pulls me around to the side off his desk and unscrews a water bottle lid that Kate had thrown to us. "I need you to tip your head over this trash can for a second." He coaxed me over gently. I do as I'm told and I can feel him pour the water on my hair tying to rise it out a little.
I hear Gibbs call for us to get moving and Tony rings my hair out and lifts my head up. I look at him through the tears that are welding up in my eyes. "I'm so sorry." I tell him as some tears escape my eyes.
"Hey now, none of that. It wasn't your fault." He wipes some of my tears away. "Right now we need to go to the showers and clean you off really good." He takes my hand and leads me to the showers.
In the showers
I had refused to get in a separate shower than Tony. Even though the space is cramped and there are no doors to any of the stalls, I didn't want to leave his side.
The others where trying to make me feel better by stating all of the different, harmless, things that the dust could be. But I stayed silent, just standing there letting Tony wash me down from head to toe.
"Did you hear McGee babe? Anything alive would have been killed by going through the post office." Tony says as he rinses my hair out one last time.
Their conversation make me feel a little bit better. But the icing on the cake is hearing Gibbs say, "Even so, I'm gonna kill the son of a bitch who sent that."
I smile a bit looking up at Tony. Knowing that it was probably nothing and I should relax a little.
In autopsy
We had just gotten our blood drawn by Ducky and we are now sitting on some of the autopsy tables waiting for the Bethesda agents to come pick up Tony and I. We were the only ones who definitely breathed in some of the powder.
Ducky was more concerned for me, considering I was the one who opened the letter. He wasn't the only one concerned for me though. Gibbs was trying to convince Ducky to let him leave and find out who sent the letter, McGee was continuously apologizing to me for giving me the letter, and Kate was trying to reassure me that it was most likely nothing to worry about.
Tony was the most concerned, he would not leave my side (not that I minded) or stop asking me how I was feeling. I was getting a little annoyed at answering all of his questions, even though I had already told him I was feeling fine. As I opened my mouth to go off on him, I hear the doors open behind me. I turn around to see people in gas masks and orange jumpsuits coming through.
Tony hopped off of the table offering his hand to me. "Welp it's time for us to go." He says while helping me hop off of the table. Slinging his arm around my waist and pulling me close to his side he looked over at the agents waiting for them to lead us out.
Ducky was giving them our blood samples when I heard Kate sneeze again. The Bethesda agents and Ducky looked over at her in concern.
"What?" She asks looking at their faces, "Oh come on guys it's just a cold." One of the agents looked over at her and shook his head at her.
"You are more susceptible to airborne pathogens." He gestures for her to stand up, "You will have to come with us as well."
Kate looked at Gibbs in disbelief, silently asking him to say they were wrong. But all he did was nod his head twords where Tony and I are standing and telling her to go. She got up reluctantly and started to follow us as we left to go to Bethesda.
At Bethesda
We are all standing in a hallway. The guys that brought us here said that the doctor would be around soon.
'I hope he gets here soon. Kate won't stop sneezing and I'm not feeling good.'
Tony wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. "Kate could you aim your sneezes away from us." I glance over at Kate and if looks could kill, Tony would be 6 feet under.
Before Kate could strangle Tony to death, a doctor walked up to us. I could feel Tony's grip on me get tighter as the doctor got closer to us.
After talking to him for a few minutes, which was more of Kate and him flirting that anything, he lead us to a big room. It had a smaller "room" that had all glass walls and ceiling. There were four beds lined up against one of the glass walls, and each one had its own blue light hanging over it.
We walk through the doors and meet our nurse, Emma. She gives us our pills we have to take and I already know that Tony is going to make a stupid joke.
"Prophylaxis is a measure taken for the prevention of disease, Tony." Kate says after he laughed at the name.
"That's why I use them." Tony retorts back, making our nurse laugh. I see Kate glance at me and Tony scoots closer to me.
"Oh." Nurse Emma says quietly looking me up and down. "Um, anyways you can choose any of the beds."
Tony starts to follow Kate to the opposite end of the room where the last 2 beds are. I start to follow but the room starts to spin a little. I catch myself on the end of the first bed and try to regain my balance.
Nurse Emma grabs my other arm and helps me sit on the edge of the bed. The commotion caught everyone's attention and Tony rushes back over to me.
He cups my face and asks me what's wrong. "It's nothing Tony the room just started to spin a little. I'm fine." I try to give him my most serious face so he'll stop worrying about me.
"Just try to rest for a little while." Dr. Brad suggest to me. I nod my head in response and lay down on the bed facing Tony.
"I'll be right here when you wake up okay?" I nod at him and close my eyes.
I slowly start to wake up to the sound of Tony and Kate talking quietly. I start to turn and look over at them when I suddenly start to violently cough.
Dr. Brad and Nurse Emma come running into the room, while Tony hurries over to my bed.
"Tony we need you to stand back!" I hear Dr. Brad say. Nurse Emma tries to keep Tony back while Dr. Brad starts to hook up machines to me.
I can hardly focus on what is going on around me. My lungs feel like they are on fire and I can't stop coughing. I'm sweating and fighting to get air back in my lungs. Dr. Brad puts a breathing tube on me and instructs me to try and take deep breaths.
After a few minutes my breathing is back to normal. Tony is sitting on Kate's bed talking to Nurse Emma. Dr. Brad is standing next to me writing on his clipboard.
"What do I have?" I croak out turning my head to look at him. He glances over at Tony and leans down next to me. "Pneumonic plague." He says gently.
So many questions run through my head but the only one I ask is, "Does Tony have it?" Dr. Brad shakes his head slowly, "You were the only one whose blood came back positive."
I let out the breath of air I was holding and nod my head slowly. "Good. I would hate for them to suffer because of me." Dr. Brad smiles at me through his mask before patting my hand and walking towards the doors.
Nurse Emma gives Tony and Kate masks. Kate puts hers on but Tony hesitates. "Do it Tony." I say through small coughs. He looks at me and nods his head, putting the mask on.
Nurse Emma tells them to follow her out of the room, but Tony refuses to leave. I see them start to argue before passing out.
"(Y/N). (Y/N) wake up!" I gasp and sit up quickly, a little too quickly. I start to cough aggressively again. I hear a slapping sound and see Tony rubbing the back of his head.
"You could have woken her up in a better way." Gibbs says as he crouches next to me. I start to breathe normally again and lay back down.
"H-hey Gibbs." I croak out through my heavy breaths. He leans in close and whispers in my ear, "You are not going to die. You hear me." I let out a few wheezes and nod my head.
"Good." He kisses my forehead and stands up to leave. I watch him walk away before turning my head towards Tony. He has some tears in his eyes but is smiling at me.
"Scoot over." I listen to him and make room. He lays down beside me and holds me close. I still feel like shit but at least I know I get to spend the rest of my life with Tony.
Author's Note:
Is the ending kind of rushed? Yes. Am I going to fix it? No. I also know that I have not posted in a very long time (sorry) but now my school is out for the summer and I am planning on writing a lot more fics so stay tuned!!
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ff2-soda-pop · 1 month
Okay list of things I’m getting from typing things in the website:
- ‘Dipper’ got me a note direct to Dipper, presumably from Bill given the capital letters and use of “PINE TREE”. It tells him to stare at the sun
- ‘Mabel’ just made stickers get placed on things
- ‘Stanley’ sent me to an eBay listing for brass knuckles
- ‘Stanford’ got me a medical record from when Ford was 18
- ‘Soos’ got me a letter from Soos about how life’s been going so far
- ‘Wendy’ got me a letter from Wendy with a “totally legit way to ward off evil triangles”
- ‘Gideon’ sent me to a Google search for “sweat resistant bolo ties”
- ‘Robbie’ got me an IM conversation between him and Thompson about going to try and find Bill.
- ‘Pacifica’ got me a letter from her that’s mostly her insulting Bill
- ‘McGucket’ sent me to the music video for Cotton Eye Joe
- ‘Mason’ (Dippers real name) got me a letter by Dipper with notes from Ford about an anagram and codes
- ‘Bill’ sent me to a video of a Sesame Street clip about a triangle
- Tried ‘Alex’ just to be funny. Got sent to a Google search for flannel
- ‘Piñata’ shows a gif/video(?) of a bill-shaped piñata being hit. Bill repeatedly says “OW” while the girl hitting him is encouraged to hit him more
- ‘Gravity Falls’ tells me “NEVER HEARD OF IT”
- ‘Virus’ sent me to a pdf titled “Complete Genome Sequence Of Y ersinia pestis Strain 91001, an Isolate Avirulent to Humans”. I did not read this nor do I really want to
- ‘Baby’ shows me an image of an ultrasound with a weird Bill Cipher baby in it
- ‘Waddles’ sent me to a site for a pig adoption place in Pennsylvania
- ‘Monster’ sent me to a Google search for a Sesame Street book
- ‘Weirdmageddon’ gave me a news article about how “nothing happened” in Gravity Falls
- ‘Tad Strange’ gave me a video of bread
- ‘Babba’ got audio of Dipper singing Disco Girl, and seems to be extended audio of the clip in the show
- ‘Platinum Paz’ got a story about Pacifica. It seems Blendin wasn’t the first person Bill tried to possess…
- ‘Cipher’ sent me to the Wikipedia page for triangles
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rreskk · 1 year
I saw your post about some problem with the requests so just in case I will ask you again...
Could you write a fanfic where Trevor is annoying Reader by embarrassing her in public, but she's too sensitive and she gets hurt by this...?
I hope you'll see it this time 😅 have a good day 💋
Sorry this took long! I hope you enjoy. Much love!
Summary: A heist meeting committee, but Trevor accidentally says something that's over your limit.
TW: -Suggestive content (sexual)
Pairings: Fem!reader/Trevor Philips
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“She won’t be able to handle the fire.” Trevor grinned, eyes never leaving yours as the table discussed future crew-members for the next heist.
You were a potential getaway driver, but also Trevor’s “closest” female friend.
“So much for a reliable member.” His voice coiled again.
This time, it was brutal. You couldn’t tell if this was a joke as everyone looked at you… Weird. They looked as if you were nothing special, your talent bringing nothing ethical to the discussions, or the heist overall.
“Anyways…” And just like that, Michael had excused your pathetic excuse for a getaway driver. You had looked at Trevor, hoping he’d understand your hurt, but he wasn’t even focussing on you. He had his eyes peeled on the board ahead, acting as though he didn’t just offend your honour.
His eyebrows twitched at your low voice. He turned to you, about to continue his pesty behaviour before noticing your utter devastation. His heart dropped.
“Trevor.” You repeated; eyes glassy, nose stuffy, fingers fidgeting.
He couldn’t understand, nor work-out the reason for your sudden change in mood. A second ago, you were laughing at his stupid jokes.
“What… What’s wrong?” For the first time in a while, he seemed uncertain.
“So much for a reliable member…?” You whispered, “I’m not that bad.”
Then it clicked.
He had forgotten your sensitivity. It was never a bad thing considering you were both strong friends, but he’d occasionally slide by with a horrible joke that… Maybe doesn’t seem offensive to him.
“Oh… [y/n], I didn’t mean it like that. It was just a joke, you know?” Trevor tried to enlighten you with a creepy smile.
“Right… It’s just… Everyone seemed to believe you.”
“Believe me?” He scoffed gently – “No one on this table believes anything I say. C’mon, [y/n], I didn’t mean it. You’d be a perfect driver, yeah? Why else would I bring you to this shithole? I ain’t gonna bring some amateur to the party. That’s like bringing a Christian woman to a sex dungeon full of prostitutes and whore – “
“Okay, okay… I get it.” You were quick to cut him off before he said any further commentary that is clearly… Irrelevant to the situation.
Trevor seemed to be entertained at your disturbance.
“See. You have nothing to worry about… Anyone else makes you cry, I’ll slice their neck. Got it?”
“Trevo – “
“Got it?”
You slowly nodded, “Yes… I get it.”
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ticklish-n-stuff · 9 months
I am such a sucker for teasy Draken and lee takemichi and I would like to exPLOIT THAT
Lemme just-
😮‍💨 clam down a bit
But yes I would love to see the that ❤️
Fools glee
I had so much fun with this prompt. Mitchy and Draken are such a fun pairing, I hope you like it x3
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Takemitchy x Draken (platonic)
Lee: Takemitchy
Ler: Draken
Warnings: Tickles! Cussing!
Takemitchy had really done it this time. No amount of strength or willpower could save him from his current predicament.
Only a fool would go out of his way to tease Draken about his girlfriend (except Mikey), and Takemitchy was indeed that fool. 
“Run” was the only warning the vice captain muttered out, his eyes ready to kill on sight.
“Eep-” Takemitchy had never tried to run so fast before. He wasn’t sure what Draken had planned for him, and he definitely wasn’t ready to find out. 
After a while of running: “Phew… I think I’m safe now” Takemitchy sighed out in relief, observing his surroundings. No sign of Draken, good. He couldn’t help but feel a bit proud, did he really just outrun the Draken?!
“Gotcha, crybaby!” the taller male suddenly roared, pouncing on his victim.
“GYAH!” well so much for that… 
 He tackled him onto the ground, straddling his waist to prevent him from running away. Not like Takemitchy stood a chance to begin with. 
“Think you’re very funny, huh?” the tattooed man gave him a mock disapproving glare.
“W-wait! I uhh… I’m sorry?!” the pinned boy tried smiling all innocently, with big eyes that screamed for mercy. 
“Not gonna work, Mitchy. Now… prepare to die~” Draken looked down at him with a sinister grin, making Takemitchy gulp. Then, the worst came to happen. Takemitchy’s eyes almost bulged out of his skull when he saw Draken raising his hands, fingers curling in the air and wiggling towards him. 
“Hold ohohon a sehehecond! W-we dohon’t have to do thahat!” poor Mitchy was already giggling at the mere sight, Draken couldn’t help but let out an amused snort at his adorable friend. 
“Pfft, I haven’t even touched you, dumbass. Atleast not yet~” his tickly fingers slowly ghosted all over Takemitchy’s torso.
“WAH! Nohoho! Draken plehehease!” Takemitchy squealed in glee, already feeling the tingles. His legs kicked out from behind like an excited puppy, and hands shot up to cover his face. If he can’t see the fingers, then it won’t affect him, right? 
A moment of silence passed, did Draken finally stop? Should Takemitchy take a peek? No! He’s probably waiting for him to lower his guard, so Mitchy’s hands stay stubbornly stuck on his face…
“Ah… I’m gonna getcha, crybaby hero~” Draken leaned down, teasingly whispering against his friend’s ear. 
“EEHEEK!” an ear-shattering squeal escaped the ticklish boy’s throat, hands instantly faltering. His eyes quickly locked onto Draken, who was staring him down with… a fond smile? It looked too sweet, Mitchy’s face bursted like a ripped tomato. 
“There you are! Now I can properly begin your punishment~” and this time he wasn’t messing around. Ken’s fingers quickly dove against Takemitchy’s torso. Squeezing at his sides, scratching his tummy, poking at his navel. All sending the poor boy into hysterics.
“NAHAHAO! DRAKEN! PLEEEHEHEHEHEAAAA!” his words would fall deaf, being overpowered by his shrieks of ticklishness. 
“Heh, you’re so sensitive, how pathetic. Hmm, I should probably check and see if all your ribs are still intact, since you’re always getting into trouble” somehow Draken’s smirk turned even more sinister as his fingers slowly crawled up to Takemitchy’s ribcage. “One… two… three… four… five…”
“W-wait! EEP! NO STOP- EHEEP?! HEHEHELP! GYAH!! NOHOHOA! STAHAP COUNTING!” Takemitchy held onto the offender’s wrists as a weak attempt to get him to stop (or pretend to). 
“For fucks sake Mitchy, made me lose count. Now I’ve gotta start alllll over again~”
Mental note to never EVER get on Draken’s bad side again (or do lol). 
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gallifreyanhotfive · 6 months
Hey guys sorry for not being very active on...any of my accounts recently--I have contracted the Plague (not really Y. pestis but...well, you get what I mean), and it hurts to look at screens lmaoooo
That being said, can y'all send me some audio recommendations??? My brain is too foggy to come up with any ideas (or coherent thoughts for that matter) myself.
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dear-mrs-otome · 2 years
Hello friends. Would you like to meet the antagonist of Faust's route? The dastardly entity responsible for untold pain and misery, for putting our intrepid couple through the metaphorical wringer? The arch-enemy of mankind for centuries??
(spoilers behind the cut)
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Here you go! Yersinia pestis, or Y. pestis to its friends, in all its gram-negative, electron scanned, color enhanced glory.
Aww, but Mrs O, you say, it's so cute! Look at its widdle fimbriae waving hewwo! Its pastel pink Lisa Frank inspired palette!
But don't be fooled! This tiny cold-blooded killer is responsible for more deaths than possibly any other infectious agent in the history of humankind - we all know it as the bubonic plague. The Black Death. It's cut down hundreds of millions of people over the course of human history, and it is still a threat today.
Transmitted to humans primarily by the bite of fleas, Y. pestis is a nasty character - without treatment, mortality rates upon infection are 30% - 90%. It sets up shop in a nearby lymph node, gets busy, and the resulting damage causes tissues to die. Victims tend to develop large, swollen, and painful lymph nodes called buboes, which is where the illness gets the name 'bubonic plague'.
One thing to note though, for Faust's route, is that while we generally think of this type of plague as THE plague...there are two other forms an infection with Y. pestis can take. A septicemic infection, where the bacteria enter the blood stream rather than the lymph nodes and which is almost always fatal, and a pneumonic version. This one here is the stuff of epidemiology nightmares. It often is the result of inhaling airborne droplets from another infected individual, and it can spread from person to person very easily unlike the usual bubonic form which requires bodily contact or a bite from an infected flea. It causes fevers, weakness, and violently severe coughing, and without antibiotics is nearly 100% fatal in a frighteningly short period of time - most victims are dead within mere days. Sometimes hours.
The first major recorded outbreak of the bubonic plague was the Plague of Justinian, which began about 1,500 years ago in 541 CE and ravaged the Sasanian and Byzantine empires. It's estimated that the plague resulted in anywhere from 15 to 100 million deaths, up to 40% of the population of Constantinople at the time, and some historians believe people were dying at a rate of 5,000 per day in the capital city.
The second plague epidemic, the one many people are more familiar with, was the one we refer to as the Black Death. This epidemic began raging across Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia in the late 1330s, with Europe being hit particularly hard. By the time it was over Europe would see its population cut between 30% and 60%, and the Middle East losing about a third of its people as well. Numbers are difficult to estimate but they range from 75 -200 million dead.
There is, however, a third plague epidemic, although not as well known. In the 18th century the plague made a resurgence in SW China, remaining somewhat localized until the mid 19th century when it spread to Hong Kong and from there globally. There were outbreaks in the United States, India, many African countries, SE Asian countries, Russia, South America, the Caribbean, and most importantly for our story purposes - Europe. The largest outbreak was in Lisbon, but there were many smaller pockets of infection in various cities across the continent.
This was around the time the plague bacterium got its scientific name, Yersinia pestis, because of this man - a secondary character in our vampire love story, albeit with a slightly different name:
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Say hello to Alexandre Yersin, a Swiss-French doctor and scientist.
Keenly interested in bacteriology, in 1886 he studied in Paris where Louis Pasteur was doing work in microbiology and worked on antiserum for rabies and antitoxin for diphtheria, two other famous scourges. (Antiserum, in the briefest of explanations, is basically a way to transfer antibodies from someone/something exposed to an infectious agent to a different person, thereby triggering the recipients immune system earlier and more vigorously EDITED TO ADD: this also applies to venom and this is actually how antivenom is made as well!)
In 1894, he was sent to Hong Kong to investigate the plague outbreak and it was here that he identified the bacteria responsible, the one that now bears his name, along with confirmation of its transmission route via rodents. (A Japanese scientist in Hong Kong at the same time, Kitasato Shibasaburou, independently identified the bacterium almost simultaneously as well, but because his documentations were not as clear it is Yersin who is generally credited with the initial find)
Yersin spent the next few years continuing his studies of the plague, traveling back to Paris in 1895 to develop the first anti-plague serum. It was the work of scientists like him, and so many others at this time, that paved the way for modern medicine and a path towards eradicating the diseases that have held us in their skeletal grip for so much of mankind's history.
...And perhaps, in the world of Ikevamp, that path owes just a little bit to a certain bespectacled German priest.
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