#y/n x eula
pigeonpeach · 9 months
Genshin WOMEN as cats!
Just pure fluff! Gender neutral reader
Characters included: Beidou, Candace Dehya, Eula, Ei, Jean, Lisa, Navia, Shenhe, Yae Miko
Oh so very stressed. Even once assured her state is temporary and will be reversed by tomorrow. For the day Lisa is left in charge as you must now try to get your catified wife to calm down. Tasty fish perhaps? In reality the real thing she need is a looooong nap. You must make her a comfortable bed, one plush and warm that makes her feel safe and loved aka your lap she wants to sleep on your lap and you have no choice but to oblige. And jean is a deep sleeper. Commonly does she get little sleep. So now that she can she basically sleeps the day away enjoying your pats and kisses.
Upon her relief that it is temporary she is a most silly kitty. She decides to go out to get fresh fish from Poisson, curious to see if it tastes better now that she’s a cat. You and her body guards must simply accompany her. You hold her on a plush pillow as she meows orders to you. A strange sight indeed for any passerbys. But nonetheless is she a verrry pretty kitty. Oh you cannot neglect her! She deserves many chin scratches and ear scratches too! And she expects them, politely bumping her head into you for more.
She probably just goes back to sleep I’ll be real. Lisa probably concocted the ordeal herself for some experiment or just for fun. She will explore Mondstadt’s city. Expecting you to follow and buy her needs. If course being s tasty meal. Afterwards she can’t help but nap in the warm grass making you sit down with her. Before you know it you also take a nap.
How obscene! Herself? a cat?! Who dare do such a thing! She demands vengeance immediately! The world must know her wrath! You have a very vocal and very angry kitty on your hands so… maybe catnip would be useful? It helps immensely as she now acts like a silly little kitty who keeps dosing off. Once she’s back though she will seek vengeance upon you for daring to drug her in such s state! Even if it was for her benefit!
The crew is more panicked than she is. Simply lounging about, eating fish. She sits on your lap like its a throne. A day off is very appreciated. She ends up overfed though as her crew worries about her. You have to physically stop her from eating her 7th fish in a row! She is small now she can’t eat a while shark like before! She ends up annoyed when she can’t drink with her men like before either. Oh well at least she has you. It’ll be a funny story to tell her friends back at shore.
Confused! She is however very calm. She tries to go about her day as normal but that doesn’t go well. She concludes that she should spend the day napping. You however want to spoil and pamper her as she’s so small and very very cute. A elegant white kitty! Your affections are not denied. She does enjoy the chin scratches. She loved her sides being pet. Just don’t let Cloud Retainer see otherwise she’ll freak out.
She is a cat? How so? How can this be? Fascinating? Unfortunately she must give up desserts for the day which is the most devastating news. Thunderstorms will be a plenty as she mopes having to endure one day of no sweets. She will pout and sulk. Not in your lap but instead resting against your thigh. She will try some fish but is repulsed by its non sweet flavor! How horrible!
Also very alarmed! She is a protector of Aaru Village! How can she give up one day. You end up contacting Dehya to take over as Candace tries to enjoy cat life. The sand in her toe beans is annoying. But for her the worst is eating unseasoned meat. Kitty stomachs cannot handle spices or advanced flavoring she oh so adores. How unfortunate for her. But at least she has you! You will have to find something entertaining for her to do. Maybe play with the kids or climb trees? Unlike the other catified women she won’t nap until tired. And she is a resilient woman. When she sees you tuckered out and sleeping however she joins you, resting on your chest.
Worried but also kind of excited. What adventures can she have now? She wants to go all across sumeru but you make her settle on just sumeru city. She wants to try alot of things. Namely hunting! She’s hunted before sure but she wonders if its easier to be a cat? She aims for pigeons and cranes. With no success you decided to make her a hearty meal of chicken as compensation. Just then she managed to catch one! Oh she is so proud! Proudly showing off her catch with pride! You get to prepare it though, she isn’t interest in eating a mouthful of feathers. She’s also bummed out at no seasonings but hey she’s just proud she could catch something. She also very happy to spend this time with you. It’ll be a funny story to share.
Yae Miko
Unlike most of the ladies here, she is definitely doing this on purpose and is likely doing so for multiple days. She does so in order to get up to some silly mischief as her fox form has become too noticeable. She steals food all while getting away with it because she’s a cute kitty! She spies on rival writers, she causes drama between civilians. You end uo having to quarantine her until she turns back. Oh but then she goes back to mess with you! Is the kitty following you to work her or just a kitty? You’ll never know now. Your lap is never safe again!
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Hmmm, how about this for a request. Shehe, Rosarian and Eula with an S/O that's an airhead but is weirdly super competent in battle and strategy
Them with reacting to an airhead reader turning out to be good at fighting
characters: Shenhe / Eula x gn!reader
warnings: brief mentions of blood, but nothing gore-y
a/n: left out Rosaria bc I have ABSOLUTELY NO clue about her.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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While Shenhe might have hurried to your help when encountering the sight of you fighting off a group of treasure hoarders on your own, when you’d defeated them by the time she arrived she didn't bat much of an eye. Not even when you almost trip over a small object on the ground while rushing to greet her.
Was it because of her circumstances of growing up not around humans, but Adepti or simply her way of thinking, but for Shenhe, being generally clumsy and being able to fight didn’t cancel each other out. She had seen serious and crafty people be forced to depend on others for protection, just as she had seen airheads like you be able to defend themselves. 
So while she may not be shocked about your skills, she still checks you on any wounds you might have sustained, happy that you were alright.
“See? I told you I’m fine”, you assured Shenhe with a gentle smile when she was done looking for any injuries, only for her to respond with an acknowledging hum, her gaze wandering back onto your face, only to freeze once it reached your hand, covered in red scratches and dried up blood.
“Ah, my hand? That’s from when I tripped on my way back to the city, I was about to head home to bandage it up when I was attacked”, you explained before letting out a brief embarrassed chuckle, cheeks heating up ever so slightly as you did so.
“I’ll accompany you on the rest of the way”, Shenhe ‘offered’, although her determined tone made it sound like no refusal you could muster would be enough to dissuade her.
Good for you that you had no intentions to refuse anyway, simply shooting her a brief smile before continuing to march into the direction of the city, the Adeptus’ Discipline by your side the whole way to make sure you didn’t injure yourself again.
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You had the tendency to get lost or somehow get yourself separated from the group whenever someone wasn’t looking, so when she noticed you had vanished once again after briefly taking her eyes off of you, Eula began frantically looking for you.
So when Eula finally spotted your bright red uniform in the sea of white that Dragonspine was, only to see you stand surrounded by a group of vanquished Hilichurls, she couldn't help but be completely dumbfounded. Flabbergasted even.
Sure, you were a member of the reconnaissance unit, but your usual clumsiness had made her assume you would be dead meat if faced with combat, the hours of excruciating planning she did before setting out on a mission to assure you would be as far from danger as possible suddenly feeling… pointless.
“Captain Lawrence, it seems I got separated for a bit. I’ve been trying to find you, but instead ran into this group of hilichurls”, you eagerly reported when you spotted her, rushing over to her side, only for the captain to continue to stare at you with her mouth slightly open.
“...Eula?” You asked concerned, seeing her seemingly snap out of thoughts as she looked at the scene behind you, her eyes widening ever so slightly when her gaze landed on the motionless Mitachurl.
“I- You-”, she began before cutting herself off and clearing her throat, regaining her composure as she straightened her posture, looking just as professional as usual.
“Good work, let’s get back to the group”, Eula spoke before readying herself to depart, only to halt in her tracks for a moment once the two of you set out, struggling to look you in the eyes ever so slightly as she opened her mouth.
“Make sure to stick close to me for the rest of the mission. Having to look for a member of the team costs a lot of time.”
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Some Eula and Dehya angst to fluff where they’re trapped in a cave with their badly injured S/O who starts to break down and say they’re scared.
(Genshin Impact) Eula, and Dehya getting trapped with their injured S/O
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Eula's heart aches the moment she hears her S/O's voice shaking, alongside their injuries.
Part of her feels like this cave-in was her fault. If she was more observant, then they could've avoided this mess.
But she knows better than to self loathe. S/O needed her now, and that's what she was going to do.
(Eula) "Look at me, S/O. You will not die, not while I'm still here."
She gives their hand a reassuring squeeze before kissing their forehead, and nodding.
Honestly, with her vision and strength, she could pulverize any boulders blocking their path. But that could cause the cave-in to get worse, and she was going to get them out without any further harm.
What good is being a reconnaissance captain if she couldn't scout a safer way out?
(Eula) "Grab my hand, and don't let go. If you need to sit down to rest, let me know immediately, got it?"
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Dehya grabs a hold of S/O, firmly enough to get their attention, but not so hard that it'd make them get hurt or panic even more.
(Dehya) "Shhh! Hey, hey! Listen to me, you're going to be okay! We'll get out of this stupid cave, and then I'll make sure to treat you to something nice, alright?"
Truthfully, her heart was absolutely pounding, they didn't look great, and seeing them panic made Dehya want to comfort them more than anything.
Sand caves were common in the desert, and while she had her fair share of getting stuck in them before, it was something she'd still rather avoid.
After helping them up, she bridal carries them for the moment, making sure they wouldn't trip and fall.
(Dehya) "Stick close. I may need to sit you down a couple times as we go by, so save your strength."
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Discovering Your Past - Eula & Keqing x Male!Reader
In which they find out you were abused by your ex.
CW: Mentions of past trauma - physical abuse and SA. Modern AU. A/N: My fics are getting longer recently. I wonder if you guys mind?
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Injuries are a natural part of life. 
A scraped knee, a concussion, a sprained or broken limb - all creatures will have to endure these hardships one way or another. And, as the saying goes, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Each wound leaves a scar, each fight or accident is a lesson for the future on what to do or avoid. 
What about those on the other end? Most feel regret about hurting others, are forced to do it or are convinced of their actions' justified nature. Yet among those are some starkly different cases. People who enjoy causing pain, be it physical or mental. And, undoubtedly, she was one of them. 
Fate had it that your heart longed for her. She was a beauty, benign and friendly, whose charms worked on you without fail. She pushed, she pulled, slowly dragging you into her web. Your mind was too clouded with feelings to notice just how badly she trapped you. Like a spider she wrapped you in silky touches and words of affection like in a cocoon, and you were completely oblivious to your situation. And that she was - an apex predator, an effortless liar and natural manipulator. She stoked the flames of family conflicts, estranging you from your loved ones. Friends? She gave you a simple choice - it's me or them. You were coaxed into signing off your house under her name, as she encouraged you to do with many of your belongings, until you had nothing. Time and time again she pulled your strings through your heart, backing you into a corner. Alone. Unable to escape. Without anyone to turn to, anywhere to get away. 
When your eyes opened at last, nobody was there to hear you scream. 
Years. It took you two whole years to escape her clutches, two years of cruelty hidden behind a veil of love. With only the clothes on your back and some Mora in your pocket, you set off to another nation. There, you found a new home, and a new love. Sweet, caring and warm. 
But wounds of the past cannot be hidden forever. 
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You push the door behind you, closing it with an accidently loud thud. Eula kicks off her high heels and enters the hall, placing down her bag and taking her jacket off. You put yours on the hanger and move to take hers, but she sends you a sharp look and walks past you, doing it herself. 
The silence is tense. You know what you did. 
“Honey, listen. I know I shouldn't have started that discussion-” You try to speak, but she turns around and cuts you off. 
“Yes, you shouldn't have.” 
Her eyes send daggers towards you. Your heart aches at the sight of your lover so full of anger, all because of you. Her family wasn't easy to interact with. Her choice of career made her the pariah of the line, but after she married you, the relations seemingly normalized enough to make them liveable. Seemingly. 
“I’m sorry. I shouldn't have. I mustn't do that ever again. I promise I won't.” You raise your open hands, as if showing you're unarmed. What was supposed to calm her down just irritates her. 
She scoffs and approaches you. “I say you are an intelligent man, but times like these are when I doubt it. What's so hard to understand in ‘my family isn't normal and the less you interact with them the better’?”
She's right. Eula has told you time and time again that the opinions her father, mother, grandparents, uncles and aunts hold are final. Nothing will change them, they won't ever back down. They are egomaniacal with a tendency to bring those around them down to elevate themselves. And yet, there's something drawing you to them, something natural that tells you that they can be a source of warmth. 
Because that's how things are supposed to be. A family should love each other, be united and supportive instead of polarized and hateful. Something in your soul doesn't seem to understand that you can't find any support in her side of the family. 
“I know, Eula. I try to-”
“Then your ‘trying’ is not enough!” Her voice elevates further. There is something building in your chest. The pressure crawls from your heart up through your throat, rotting itself inside your neck. A choking feeling. 
“Y/N, you shouldn't talk to them! Never, ever. You know how it ends, don't you? They bring you down, they hurt and belittle you. And you know that, don't you?” 
Her eyes are narrowed. She speaks louder now, her words coming from a place of compassion and love rather than hostility. Your mind, however, is focused on something else. 
Something familiar. 
Her tone picks up, and so does your heartbeat. She's almost screaming now. 
“Sorry, dear, but are you masochistic? Or just stupid?! I will have vengeance!”
Your hyper focused eyes spot movement. Her hand goes upwards, your chest sinking. Body stiffening, you turn your head down and sideways, exposing your cheek. 
Just as she taught you. 
Fighting back was pointless. 
You deserve it. 
You hold your breath. 
The blow doesn't connect. You hear the sounds of a barefoot step. You crack your eyes open. You see Eula has taken a step back, her eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. She blinks a few times and pulls her hand back towards her body. 
“Not t-that kind of vengeance.” Eula barely mumbles the words out in pure confusion. She shakes her head in disbelief, her gaze leaving you and dropping to the floor. “Never. I w-would never-”
You spring back to life, as if a grave threat or danger just vanished. 
“No no no, it's alright, honey. I just got a little scared of you, haha. It's fine, really!” You smile sheepishly, shame crawling under your skin. On reflex or out of habit, you rub your cheek. “Maybe I really am stupid, for being scared and all, you know?”
She takes a slow step closer. Her voice is far quieter than mere seconds ago, now down from a scream to a whisper.
 “No. Don't call yourself that. My… My emotions got the better of me, honey. I’m sorry.” Eula’s voice composes, worry furrowing her brow as she stretches out her arm towards you, this time taking care to do it slowly. “May I…?”
You smile and nod, letting the palm of her hand connect to your cheek. Her touch is gentle, fingers tracing your skin with utmost care. 
Your skin is so soft, so smooth, familiar. Her heart clenches, her mind holding no doubt about your reaction. You are not someone easily scared, nor are you particularly fearful of harm. Something, somebody…
“Who was it?” Her hand trails down smoothly, coming to rest on your shoulder. “Who hurt you?”
You shake your head. “What? What do you mean? Nobody, I’m fine-”
“I said…” She huffs and crosses her arms over her chest. “... who hurt you?” 
At an instant, the thoughts in your mind already form into a rebuttal, a measly attempt to cover the truth. But you know better than that. Eula isn't that stupid. 
You sigh, trying to figure out what to say. Seeing your hesitation, she places both of her arms on your shoulders, her eyes focusing on yours. Within her beautiful irises fading from deep purple to light yellow you find a steadiness worthy of a captain, but also a lover. 
“You don't have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable, honey.” She speaks softly, stroking your skin in calming circles. “I just need to know if justice has been served, or some additional, very particular and very severe vengeance needs to be added to my to-do list.”
“My ex-girlfriend is… She’s no longer a threat, alright?” You close the distance between you and Eula and embrace her. Your lover secures her arms around you right away, providing you with just the comfort you seek. “I just don’t want to go back to those days. They’re over and I just want to focus on you… On somebody that actually loves me. Somebody that doesn’t scream at me for no reason, belittles and insults me, and…”
Your voice trails off. Images and sensations rush through your memory. Every insult, every impact weighs on your voice, trapping it beneath the torrent of nightmarish memories. Eua squeezes you tighter. 
“Shh. Don’t think about it now, sweetie. You're here, safe in my arms. I promise to be your shield. However…”
Eula's characteristic pout forms on her face. 
“For not telling me about this, I will have vengeance.”
“That was a little shameful for me-” She cuts you off. 
“Silence. My retribution is nigh. For your transgression, I shall cuddle you and feed you ice cream while subjecting you to the terror of your favorite movie.” She narrows her eyes theatrically before gently, but firmly grabbing a hold of your wrist. “You cannot escape now.”
You smile in horror. 
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The screen flashes with a jump scare as a curtain is moved aside. A disfigured monstrosity covered in black goo and rags opens its jaw to reveal a set of sharp, but surprisingly pristine teeth.
“Brains!” Its voice is clearly augmented in some way, deep and a little echoing. 
The punk screams at this sight but before he can do anything, the zombie grabs his head with its skeletal hands and bites down. The rest of the group squeals. The man's head is cracked open like an egg, filling the undead's mouth with fake blood and flesh-like props. 
“Oh my…” Keqing can't help but gasp a little, her arms tightening around your chest slightly. “That's a lot of jaw force…”
As the zombie digs into the man's brain, a joke comes to your mind. 
“He's not going to extract a lot of brain from him, is he?” 
In response, Keqing chuckles a little. “Yeah. But at least he is also quite brave. If not for him, that girl would have been the meal instead.”
“True, true.”
The movie continues. The female lead escapes the locker she was trapped in moments ago as her friend is being devoured. Another character throws an empty bucket of paint at the creature, making it fall back, before raising up and exclaiming joyously: 
“More brains!”
The kids scream and run away. Keqing, as much as she finds the movie interesting, can't help but recall one scene in particular. 
A smirk settles on her delicate features. “So… How's the movie? Do you like it?”
You nod vigorously. “Of course! It's a classic that I wanted to watch for a long time now, but never got around to that. And I can confidently say that I regret not watching it earlier. It's a lot of fun.”
Keqing hums in understanding. Her fingers, one of them brandishing a beautiful and intricate golden ring, slowly move up onto your leg. 
“Did you enjoy any scene in particular, honey?” Your eyes follow her hand as it moves up, each finger making a slow, deliberate step. 
Just a glance at her slight blush and sly smirk is enough to make you catch on, making your cheeks heat up as well. You gulp. 
“Well…” You start, but Keqing places a finger on your lips, silencing you. 
“Aw, sweetie~ I know full well how you were eyeing that girl. Your thoughts were betrayed by much more than just your stare.”
Her hands move up, sliding underneath your shirt and caressing your exposed chest. You feel her desire through her movements, careful, seductive, yet impatient at the same time. A little shiver of excitement crawls through your body. 
“Honestly, Y/N, I can't blame you. That redhead was quite a beauty, after all. ”
Her hands clench over your body as she rolls to sit on your lap, her eyes, twinkling with desire, pointed right at you. Keqing sends you a wink. Your hands settle on her buttocks. 
“But you see, my dear, you got me just a little too jealous to resist showing this handsome guy which girl his attention should be on~” Her hands shift to meet yours, fingers wrapping around your wrists. “So relax and let me have the spotlight~”
Your eyes widen as she hoists your arms off her and pins them to the wall above your head. You try to struggle away, but her grip is iron thanks to the additional strength provided by her Vision. An attempt to release your body from underneath hers fails as well. You're nervous - this never happened before. 
“Keqing, you're-” You start to say, but are interrupted by her right hand locking onto your throat. 
Your hands clench, eyes growing wide. You choke, any words of protest dying in your restricted windpipe. You look at Keqing, who smiles mischievously, completely oblivious to your discomfort. 
“What did I say? Bad boy!” She uses her other hand to pry yours off her choking arm. You relent, shocked and increasingly scared at her sudden roughness. “Now stay still, or you'll regret it~”
Tears form in your eyes as she leans and begins kissing and licking your cheek, adding small bites here and there. You close your eyes, not wanting to see what happens next. The feeling of her genuine affection recalls different images in your mind. The past and the present melt into one in your mind. 
As you lay helpless, Keqing continues loving you until her tongue hits an unusual note of salt on your skin. She pulls back and, upon seeing you crying, lets go of you right away. Her hands go to cover her mouth in an expression of pure horror. 
“I’m sorry! I’m… Oh Gods, I didn't mean to-!” 
You squirm away and, in response, Keqing jumps off of you. She reaches towards you, but ultimately stops herself. Shame, guilt and sadness light up her face, hidden behind her small hands. 
You wipe your eyes with your sleeve. By now your senses have returned. Her reaction brought you back at an instant. You get up and approach her. 
“Keqing, I'm sorry, nothing-” 
You're interrupted as she dashes past you. You can only call out to her as she runs to the bathroom and slams the door behind her. The sound of a lock turning halts your movements. 
You sigh and drop back down on the couch. The movie is still playing. Your ears pick up the sounds of soft sobbing from behind the bathroom doors. The heart tells you to get up, to talk to her, to knock down the door if need be, but the brain speaks with reason. She needs time, and you know it. It's better to let her calm down on her own. If you were to approach her now, she likely wouldn't speak to you, let alone open the door. 
Tears return to the corners of your eyes. Your heart aches at the sound of her pain. You can tell what she's thinking. That she's awful, dangerous, creepy, abusive. That it's all her fault. 
But the truth? She's not the problem. You are. 
The TV's noise irritates you. You turn it off and throw the remote across the room. Your head falls into your hands. 
How could you have done this to her? 
Why can't you just let go? 
Why are you so weak? 
A shaky sentence manages to make its way out of your lips. 
“It's all my fault.”
Deafening silence was all that filled the following hour when her crying died down. You went through every possibility of what would happen when the bathroom door would open. You planned what to tell her and how, you anticipated all of her possible reactions. You knew you couldn't fail again. You couldn't leave her in the dark and risk another incident like this. 
She shouldn't suffer because of me, you thought. It was your obligation to be transparent with your wife. Not like you weren't dying to apologize, to comfort her, to let her know it isn't her fault. But you were patient. 
When the door finally opened, Keqing looked abysmal. Her make-up was completely gone, first made running with tears, then washed away along with them. Her hair was a mess, not a trace of her usual prim and proper style left. Her eyes were red and barely open. 
You spoke gently. You hugged her, asking for a chance to explain yourself. She nodded wordlessly and you sat with her by the table. There, you told her everything. You told Keqing about your previous partner and about exactly what you suffered at her hands. Your wife was very quiet, but still nodded every now and then. From the shakiness of her voice when she spoke the few words in your conversation, you could tell she was stopping herself from bursting into tears again. Nonetheless, you continued until the story was told. 
“As such, Keqing, my wife, my love, the sun to my moon, none of what happened is your fault.” You continue, following the script you prepared in your mind. “It was my weakness and my inability to move on that caused all of this in the first place. For that, I’m… sorry. I truly am.”
She nods. Her eyes are focused on her hands, fingers fiddling with each other. Keqing slowly lifts her eyes to meet yours. You spot tears gathering on her features. 
“Why… I don't understand…” She starts, but upon realizing her instability, she sniffles and swallows the sadness weighing on her chest. “Why would you ever say that you're weak?” 
You sigh. “I should have moved on by now, but instead, I kept it with myself and now it hurt you as well. It is my pain and thus my responsibility to handle it.”
“No, n-no that's… How… How could someone such as you be weak?” She shakes her head. “You survived so much. So much pain, so much fear, so much hurt… And yet here you are, Y/N. Not only trusting another woman, a woman whom you not only married, but also allowed into your bed. I can't imagine myself doing something like that so quickly. You've moved on, honey. You regained the strength to trust and to love again. How can this be called anything but strong?”
You open your mouth to challenge her on this, but she acts first. 
Keqing breaches the gap between you and falls into your arms. Her body wraps around yours, holding onto you tightly. One of her hands travels to your cheek. 
“Y/N, you're strong. For having endured it, for having moved on, trusted again.” 
You drop your gaze. Perhaps she is right. Keqing gently lifts your cheek to direct your attention back at her. She smiles, her tearful eyes shining with boundless affection. 
“You're the strongest man I've ever known.”
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Thanks for reading!
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xcyphoz0a · 8 months
Hello there! I hope your day is going well, but if not I hope it gets better dude!!!🤗
I wanted to know if it’s alright to request an idea for sagau? Like I might make a post about this but I always thought it would be cool to have y/n retain some realistic features even though they isekai into tevat!
Like for example; the hair being more textured, shines in reflection , the way they would have different shades and saturation throughout the skin, they way how your touch feels ‘real’ or different, oh and ur eyes, oh how the characters could look how your pupils reflects, etc.
Idk I always thought if I were to make and character of mine or y/n still retaining little features they had back their own world seem kind of cool and interesting to think how people would react to it!
Even better is if they don’t know you’re the ‘creator’ of their reality and they were only able to hear your voice and how you express yourself!!
Anyways sorry for making this so long 🥲 I’m just kind of curious on how you or others would feel on this idea 💡
Unique differences
Gender neutral reader, ideas TW/CW: sagau Character(s): Some characters from Mondstadt Word count: 608 Proofread: n/a | The differences you hold is what makes you unique, so special, lovable. | A/N: hello! I hope this fits your tastes..? might have a part two if i manage to find some more ideas!
Taglist: @chaoffee
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When you arrive you probably don’t know why some random citizens look at you with such amazed, perplexed gazes, with you likely thinking there’s something on your face that you don’t know was there.
You’re also slightly confused why the hilichurls don’t attack when you’re an inch near them, and why the slimes seem to be more docile, why you barely manage to see abyss mages– everything’s odd.
If you arrive near Mondstadt, Amber is the first one to find you and lead you towards the headquarters of the knights of Favonius, but she definitely notices something different with you. You haven’t spoken yet, so she doesn’t know who you really are, perhaps, you’re like the traveller, she thinks.
But when you properly introduce yourself to Jean and the others the whole knights that are in the headquarters, such as Albedo, Sucrose, Kaeya, Lisa, perhaps Eula, gather around you, murmuring to themselves that you’re 99% the creator that they’ve only ever heard, and you’re just standing there. 
With your voice, the different, more dynamic and ‘lively’ look that you have seemed to make more sense–your eyes held the shine and reflection of their own appearance, your skin seemed to be much softer… and you assume that you’ve managed to retain some realer features you had in your original world.
Don’t worry, don’t fret, they love you with or without differences. Even if you weren’t the creator, Mondstadt welcomes you with open arms.
Best to say now the whole of Mondstadt finally knows their creator’s here in their region.
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While Albedo knows that you are the creator, he can’t help but wonder if he can try to run some tests–he doesn’t want to hurt you, he just has an infinite curiosity ridden area in his mind.
Same goes for Sucrose too, but she doesn’t want to come off as rude or disrespectful, so she only holds these curiosities within her, oftentimes writing this in her journal, it’s not creepy, I promise.
Jean finds your presence nice, but more than others, it feels as if you’re like a safe haven for her with only just your presence, and you can visibly see her tired eyes brighten up when you pat her head for her hard work.
For Lisa, she also holds some questions for you, though she’d rather stay where she is, watching and hearing you enthusiastically talk about the books and literature in your world in the library.
Diluc wishes he was the person to find you first and lead you to Mondstadt– his feelings towards the knights of Favonius may be neutral and slightly, very slightly bad, but he’s still grateful that you managed to arrive safely. If you manage to visit Angel’s Share often, he’s somehow always there, wiping a glass or two.
Kaeya’s teasing his brother. No hard feelings though! Just pure friendly sibling rivalry. But when you’re near, his charismatic face fades as he’s rendered to someone yearning for affection–it’s adorable.
Same goes for Eula. She’s not often seen in Mondstadt due to her… ‘status’, but when you welcome her with open arms and no judgemental gaze, she feels… so appreciated. She’s barely felt this before other than in the knights of Favonius, but this… feels more different, warm, loving.
Venti’s elated, often like him a majority of times, but for him, he feels the joy that he’s never felt before–it’s pure, unadulterated joy that stems from his chest, as his mind fills with endless pure and innocent praise and lyrics for you with his lyre. The weather in Mondstadt seems to be more light, a refreshing breeze whenever Venti’s with you for some reason…
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shinobusupremecy · 8 months
How would the genshin characters hug you/react to you hugging them
A/N: Just wholesome hcs, hope you guys enjoy! I also realize how many of the characters I forgot on my last post. 😭
Characters included : Eula, Jean, Beidou, Ganyu, Shenhe, Yelan, Itto, Kazuha, Raiden Ei and Yae Miko
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❄️- I cannot see Eula being very used to hugs so when you do hug her I can see her freeze up a little
❄️- ”Oh Y/N…” Awkwardly hugs back. Her hugs are pretty stiff
❄️- Usually when you hug her you wrap your arms around all of Eula so that she can’t even move her own arms, when she is able to wriggle one arm free she will pat your head
🛡️- Jean loves your hugs and appreciattes it alot when you come into her office and just hug her
🛡️- Sure it may be distracting but it is the distraction she needs
🛡️- You usally hug her from the side or even sit in her lap and hug her from the side.
🛡️- Jean always has a spare hand to pat your arm that wrapped around her while she wrote her paperworks
🛡️- When she is done however that is when she can hug you in a less one sided way.
”Y/N, you have no idea how happy I am to see you today”
❄️- Ayaka can just be doing her work and you will come up from behind to hug her, wrapping your arms around her waist and putting your chin on her shoulder while she writes paperwork
❄️- ”Oh hello Y/N, I didn’t hear you coming” Ayaka says and smiles, lightly petting your head. After she is done signing paperwork though she will give you a proper hug.
❄️- Her hugs are very soft and she usually sets her head at the crook of your neck, she breathes in very content and happy that you are here with her
⚓️- ”Oh? You want a hug? Then a hug is what you’ll get!” Those are the last words you will hear before Beidou crushes your spine in a bearhug.
⚓️- Beidou’s hugs are like said, bearhugs. With two big arms wrapping around you and then squeeze!
⚓️- But if Beidou does not feel as playful and same with you she will just wrap her arms around you and hug you normally
⚓️- Her hugs are really sweet and warm. She loves stroking her hand on your back. Preferbly if you can sit on her lap and she can do the same.
❄️- Ganyu would never except your hugs, everytime you do she is never really prepared leading to a yelp and then hug
❄️- If she holds something she accidently drops it and then hugs you. Even if that has lead to accident sometimes, atleast she values your hugs more than the item she is holding-
❄️- Ganyu loves your hugs and always hug back softly. You can feel the heat from Ganyu’s cheek on your shoulder or the crook of your neck
❄️- She doesn’t mind hugging and can stay there forever, her hugs usually lasts very long but you never dare to be the one to let go first.
❄️ - She would not know what a hug is either. INCREDIBLY stiff. You hug her and it is like hugging a rock.
❄️- She will just stand there all quiet.
❄️- ”I am hugging you, this is a hug. Usually you do this when you love or appreciatte someone or this is one way to greet your close friends” You patiently explained.
❄️- ”Oh okay” Shenhe then wrapped her arms around you and like you did she squeezed…hard.
❄️- ”okay maybe not that hard!-” You wheezed out and Shenhe stopped hugging before hugging you a little softer…this time too loose
❄️- ”Is this better?” You let out a hum of reassurance and you could feel Shenhe nodding with the way her head moved, rested on your shoulder.
❄️- She got used to hugging more later on, her hugs were light and she never squeezed. Her cold hands sent shivers down your spine at times but you didn’t mind <3
🎲- After a long day of work there was nothing more Yelan wanted to do than come home and hug you.
🎲- as soon as she opened the door you were there to greet her with a hug
🎲- If Yelan held something she would drop it (or gently put it down if it’s delicate) and hug you back
🎲- You could tell she was waiting for that hug all day when she just melted in your arms. Her body relaxing almost like you had to hold her from falling onto the ground
🎲- She is usually the first one to break away from the hug, she did so but that was just so you two can cuddle in bed later.
🎲- ”Okay let’s not let the cold air in” Yelan chuckled, she stepped into her home more and closed the door behind her.
🎲-”Let’s just cuddle in bed, I am exhausted” Yelan sighed, her shoulders drooping. You giggled at Yelan before taking her hand and leading her into the bedroom where you two fell asleep in eachothers arms
👹- Bearhugger number 2!
👹 He is tall and has strong arms, usually when he hugs you you get swept from your feet as well, your feets dangling, your arms being unable to hug Itto back while he swings back and forth like you are his plush
👹- Shinobu sometimes have to remind Itto to be careful hugging you, so that he does not break your spine <3
🍁- Sweet boy loves your hugs even if he himself does not initiate on them first.
🍁- Kazuha is the type to recite poems while hugging you, whispering it into your ear to soothe you.
🍁- You usually hug him whenever you feel like it while he mostly does it when he hasn’t seen you for a long time.
🍁- He always complements you while hugging you, he is just so sweet <3
🍁- ”Your eyes are beautiful like maple leaves that depart from the tree”
Raiden Shogun/Ei
🍡- Ei was not used at all to these hugs
🍡- When you hugged her for the first time she tensed up.
🍡- ”Y/N, what are you doing?” She asked while your arms were wrapped around her.
🍡- ”A hug” you replied smiling at her
🍡- ”I see…” Ei would then awkwardly try to hug you back even if her hug was extremely loose, you could barely feel her hands on your skin.
🍡- Yae would be very anused to see the oh so strong electro archon loose her composure over some hug.
🍡- Ei does get more comfortable with the hugs though and when she has resched that point her hugs are quite nice! Very comforting.
Yae Miko
🦊- She is not a hugger type of person but will of course accept your hugs because she loves you
🦊- You usually give her side hugs or back hugs when she is reading a book, if the book looks interesting enough or Tae reccomends it while you are hugging her, you will read with her.
🦊- You can see her sitting on the stairs of Narukami Shrine reading a novel. You sit beside her and give her a side hug.
🦊- ”Greetings to you too Y/N” Yae replied sparing you a glance.
🦊- ”Hello!” You greeted her back. Yae let out a amused sigh when she saw that you were not gonna let go of her anytime soon.
🦊- When Yae hugs you however her hugs are a bit more loose, you can always feel her fingers trail lightly over your back, especially when your back is bare.
🦊- She always rest her hand on your shoulder when she hugs you, she won’t admit it but she always feel a sense of peace hugging you.
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glazesunflower · 1 year
Shenhe, Sara, and Eula with a gn reader who asks them to stay with them bc they're afraid of being left by people? or like comfort fluff headcanons along those lines if that's okay
Gentle Reassurances
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Characters: Shenhe, Sara and Eula x GN!Reader.
Warnings: Your regular hurt/comfort.
Notes: "Tumblr drabbles!" I say as I come back with a post that's 4.5k words. I really know no self control. And I might have misunderstood the prompt for Shenhe and Eula but I think I got it right with Sara. Either way, I hope you still enjoy this <3
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As the morning sun spilled its golden light into the apartment, Shenhe stirred from her slumber, her eyelashes fluttering with the remnants of her sleep. The warmth that filtered through the window caressed her cheeks as she blinked herself awake. With a soft yawn and a graceful stretch, she untangled herself from the all too warm embrace of her bed and rose to meet the day.
Her gaze met yours, and the softest of smiles curved her lips. 
"Good morning, my love." She whispered, her voice a gentle melody in your ears. "How did you sleep?"
You feel your lips growing into a smile too, a tender curve of affection for her eyes only. 
"I slept very well, thank you. How about you, my heart?"
A soft chuckle rolled out of her lips as she drew nearer, her presence and her scent wrapping you in morning bliss. 
"I slept well too." She admitted, her voice a soft caress in the space that separated you. She leaned in, her lips meeting yours in a delicate kiss. "I must admit, being in your arms feels so nice and warm in the morning."
Returning the kiss, your fingers found themselves lost in the winter of her hair, your fingertips grazing her skin softly. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the situation.
"You’re awfully cuddly this morning, Shenhe. Not to say I don’t enjoy it. Because I do, very much."
Shenhe nuzzled closer, a playful glint in her winter eyes that’s not lost to you. 
"Cuddly. Hm… Yes. I suppose you could say I am in a cuddly mood.”
“Yes.” You nodded, closing your eyes briefly. It had been a while since you had time to spend in each other’s company like this. You’ve been awfully busy at work lately. “I missed this.”
As the last remnants of sleep left her softened stare, you found her demeanor shifting, the subtlest change in her expression that you’ve learned to read as well as an open book with the passing of the time.
And so, you have also learned that, with Shenhe, it’s always best to be upfront about it all.
“Is everything alright?” 
You watched her brow twitch. Just the faintest bit. But you had your answer hidden there.
“I believe there’s something… That I would like to discuss with you.”
Concern edged into your voice. "Of course. What is it, my love?"
She met your gaze, vulnerability etched across her winter features. A sight she reserved for the intimacy of your shared home and nowhere else. Moments passed, each heartbeat a testament to her internal struggle.
"It feel like I should share…" The words almost trembled, laden with a raw uncertainty she could hardly conceal. Not to you. "Something that has been on my mind as of late, these past weeks."
Her words became quieter as she sought the right phrasing. You sat up, a sense of urgency mingling with your worry. 
"Are you alright?" A pause. And then. “Are… Are we alright?”
Her gaze held yours, and you could feel the fear dancing within the depths of your ribcage. Shenhe inhaled, her breath shuddering as she prepared to lay bare her heart. 
"I believe I feel…" Her voice wavered, just the faintest bit, her resolve clashing with her unease to tell you. She pressed on still, determination lending her strength. "Unattended. We certainly don't spend as much time together anymore, and you being away for long has awoken… Unpleasant emotions within me. That I feel I should share with you. I have given it much thought, and I believe that… I feel worried.” She shut her winter eyes, a barrier against the tumultuous emotions she can’t decipher within the cage of her chest. “…That we are beginning to drift apart.”
Your heart ached at her words. Of course, you had been neglecting her. You could blame the increasing amount of work you’ve had to do for the past weeks, but you only have yourself to blame, really.
Still, you lost no time in cupping her cheek, your touch a balm to her uncertainties. Your voice was soft as the winter's breeze.
"Oh, sweetheart. I didn't know you felt that way. I have not been paying enough attention to you lately, right?"
Her gaze held yours, a silent confirmation crossing the beautiful winter of her eyes.
“I would say that, yes.” Her voice was a hushed whisper, her body still close to yours. "I struggle to comprehend these emotions still. Rationally, I understand you cannot be with me at all times. But somehow, in the depths of me…” Vulnerability quivered in her voice, a fear laid bare that you rarely see. “I harbor the fear of losing you.”
You felt the birth of tears pressing behind your eyes, and your hands were fragile threads when they caressed her back. Offering some comfort for her or for you, you’re not entirely sure.
"And you feel like you’re losing me lately, my love?"
Shenhe nodded, her head coming to rest on the curve of your shoulder, her winter hair cascading down your neck and arm.
“I have tried to push away those feelings of worry. I have tried meditation, training, going down the Harbor to collect my thoughts. But even still…” She closed her eyes, leaning into your touch further. “I can feel these emotions eating away at me from within. I despise them. I shudder at the possibility of… Losing you for good.”
With a heavy chest, you cradled her face gently. You brushed her cheeks with the softest of touches, a gentle caress to the winter of her skin.
"Don’t push those feelings away, my heart. I’m glad you told me. And I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, I really am.” A soft smile struggles to bloom on your lips, brimming with understanding. “What can I do to make it better?"
Her sharp eyes soften around the corners at your words, her gaze studying your features with necessity, wanting to engrave it all in the heaven of her memory. In case. Just in case.
“I believe I would enjoy spending more time with you.” Her lips danced with hesitation, but her winter eyes held yours with that deep affection you’d learnt to recognize in all of her gestures. "Being with you… It makes me happy." 
Your chest swelled at her words, carrying all the tenderness you knew she harbored for you deep inside. You really couldn't help yourself. Your lips found her cheek, pressing a kiss to her tender skin, a loving gesture that conveyed just how deep your devotion for her ran. 
"Then, that’s what we’ll do. I’ll take this weekend off and we’ll go somewhere.” You took her hand in yours, playing with her long fingers. “Just the two of us, in a cabin by the mountains. We’ll have picnics and swim in rivers. How does that sound?"
You watched her expression painted with eagerness and anticipation, her winter eyes lighting up at the words leaving your lips.
“That certainly sounds enjoyable, my dear.” If you didn’t know her like you do, you wouldn’t be able to hear the bubbling excitement in her voice. But you did know her, and you saw the subtle way her lips curved, softer in her happiness. “It is bound to be a fantastic time with you. Just you and me, and the nature of the mountains.” Her fingers brushed your cheek, a tender touch that said so much, so much to you. “I promise to protect you from any danger we may encounter, my heart.”
You nodded, entirely too happy with the promise of happiness in the future, of how the situation has been healthily salvaged.
“Thank you, my love. And we can even make a campfire and roast some potatoes too!” Your lips brushed her temple in a fleeting kiss. “We can do anything you want. This weekend is all about you, Shenhe. And I’m yours, completely."
The weight of your words settled into her heart, a promise that resonated deeply, echoing in the chambers of her heart. You watched with delight her subtle smile growing into something playful, the faintest teasing gleam in her beautiful eyes.
“Oh, if that's the case…" She drew closer, her body pressed against yours in affectionate proximity, and you lost your breath altogether. "You don't quite know what you just signed up for."
Her gaze held yours, mischief dancing in her winter eyes, and you were suddenly so glad to have this conversation at all. You were really, really looking forward to those days with her.
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The night begins to settle in, casting a soothing veil over the land of the wind, and you and your girlfriend Eula find yourselves taking a rest from the current mission you’re working on together. 
Staring at the city beyond, the ethereal glow of the Anemo lanterns lights up the streets, casting a warm, golden light in the buildings below. Around you, the gentle rustling of leaves comes with a cool, refreshing breeze that sweeps through the campsite, carrying with it the faint scent of wildflowers that flourish in the fields nearby. The hillsides around the camp are blanketed in a sea of emerald, the tall grasses swaying in harmony with the breeze. And you breathe in, leaning back in your elbows, feeling content.
"Isn't this a beautiful sight, my love?" 
You remark, your gaze still looking at the beautiful landscape around the two of you.
"I prefer to focus on the mission, but I suppose it is very picturesque."
How beautifully practical, your Eula. Her focus really is resolutely on the mission at hand and nothing more. You really expected nothing less from her. Still, a soft chuckle leaves your lips.
"Come on, stop thinking about that. It's late, and we should rest. We even set up the campfire. We'll resume the mission tomorrow."
Her hesitation is palpable in the air, but Eula finally nods her agreement. 
“Very well, if that’s what you wish. So long as it won't impede our progress tomorrow."
"I promise it won't."
You assure her, reaching out your hand to her. With a gentle tug, you draw her close, and your lips find hers in a tender kiss. You find delight in the way Eula’s cheeks quietly bloom with pink colors. You love her a little bit flustered, always.
“Don’t. I'm still on the job. I'd better make myself scarce.” She murmurs, her words a step between embarrassment and resolve.
You really can’t help yourself when she’s like this. You have to tease her.
"You're adorable when you're flustered, my dear.” 
"Don't tease me while I'm on the job, or I'll…!" 
You grin, a playful glint in your eyes, but Eula's voice trails off, her implication clear.
"Go on.” You prompt her, a playful smile dancing on your lips. You really can’t get enough of her.
"…Or I'll get my vengeance!”
A deeper blush warms up her features as the realization of her words hits her. She averts her gaze, hiding her flushed face where you can’t see her. Pity.
"Okay, okay. I won't tease you anymore." 
You concede, your hand finding its place over hers, a soothing gesture of breaching the distance. A peace offering. She lets you caress her skin gently for a moment. Then, Eula's voice takes on a quieter tone. 
"You know? I'm not used to this. To… Receiving affection like this."
Your voice is gentle, almost tentative when you say,
"And how do you feel about it, my heart?"
Your thumb keeps tracing soothing patterns over her knuckles. You hope that helps ease the sudden tension that’s built between the two of you. Eula’s voice remains soft as she admits, 
"I feel that… It's a little embarrassing.” She shakes her head, locks of blue hair falling over her eyes. Then, she clears her throat, her demeanor entirely changed. “I'm on the job, as I mentioned. Could you please refrain from holding my hand for now? I can't quite concentrate on my duties if we keep this up."
Understanding her concern, you remove your hand and reposition yourself closer to her. You can’t help but feel disheartened, though.
"Of course… I respect that." A contemplative pause settles between you before you break it again. You really can’t keep the question festering inside. "Can I… Can I ask you something, Eula?"
She meets your gaze, curiosity and hesitancy drawn all over her glazy stare.
"Yes, what do you wish to ask?"
"Lately, I've noticed something different when you're around me," you begin, your gaze fixed on the dancing flames before you. The heat of the fire is an ironic contrast to the conversation you’re having. "Especially when I try to be affectionate. And I can't help but wonder…” You breathe in. Then, you let it all out. “Do you still want this? Us being together?"
The abruptness of your question takes Eula aback. Her sharp eyes widen, larger than you have ever seen her.
"What? Why… Why would you say something like that? After all, we both want the same thing, don't we? I'm not the type to give up on something once I've set my mind to it..."
Her tone turns frosty, the frown in her features deeper, and you find yourself surprised with the shift in her demeanor. Have you dug a breach between the two of you?
"You don’t have to be like that, Eula." You offer gently, your voice is a soft thing. "I just sense that there's more beneath the surface. I'm here to help, if you'll let me."
Her reply remains stern. She turns her face away from you again.
"You really don't have to worry about that. Your concern is unnecessary. I'm simply focused on the job. Nothing more."
Her response makes your chest feel tight, heavy with unpleasant emotions. Your voice carries a tinge of melancholy when you say, 
"I have no way of knowing what’s on your mind if… If you don't tell me, Eula. I mean well. I love you. But I don't want to force you into saying anything you're not comfortable with.” You take a deep breath, stealing glances at her, still turned away from you. “Just know that, should you wish to speak, I will gladly listen to what's troubling you, my heart."
Eula's voice wavers softly in the stillness between you.
"Even if I opened my heart to you, you wouldn’t understand... You might even end up hurting me.”
"Why do you think that?"
You can’t help but ask, genuine concern lacing your words. Her response comes as a whisper, weighted with vulnerability. One she hadn’t allowed you to see before.
"My life is full of complicated issues. Even if I shared everything with you, you would never understand what drives me to do what I do…"
For a moment, you say nothing. But then, you let your hand tentatively find hers, softly in the way you touch her cold skin, despite the fire burning.
"Try me, my love." You encourage her, tender and gentle. "I want to understand."
And surprisingly, against all odds, Eula turns to you. Her winter eyes are heavy with everything you just don’t know yet, and then something else. Resolve.
With a sigh, Eula begins to open up. 
"You really want to hear it? Perhaps it’s best that I do not burden you with this…" Her tone wavers, a mix of hesitation and resignation. But she’s almost there. She just needs a little push.
"Nothing of yours could ever be a burden, my heart." You assure her, your grip on her hand gentle but oh, so firm. "I promise."
Resolute now, Eula continues. 
"Well, if you think you are able to face this, then I shall tell you. But you must listen closely. I've been harboring this secret for a long time now…"
Her voice drops to a whisper, the vulnerability in her words touching your heart and painting it blue. "I was once abandoned by someone close to me. Because of that, I am afraid of making myself vulnerable. Once I become intimate with someone, the threat of abandonment returns and causes me constant mental torment. This makes it difficult for me to accept the affection of others, even if deep in my heart I really do want it, perhaps more than anything else in the world… I do not wish to be seen as a weakling, so I refuse to acknowledge my weakness…"
A sigh escapes her lips as she pushes forward, revealing more of her inner thoughts for your ears only. 
"I don't know how to accept what you're giving me. You may already have figured this out, but I'm not very good at expressing or demonstrating my feelings. I fear I may be unable to give you what I want in return, which is a happy and normal relationship. I'm afraid, so frightened that I've shut you out and pushed you aside. If I allow myself to open my heart to you, I may only be met with more despair, betrayal… Disappointment…"
As her words die off, you let them hang in the air for just a moment, taking them all in. Eventually, your voice takes on a tender quality as you respond to her inner struggles. 
"I know you've been hurt in the past, but if you close yourself off to love and affection now, you might find yourself leading a very lonely life, Eula.” You stretch your hands out to her in offering. “I can only offer you what I have, words of love for you and a heart that swells when you're around. I don't mind waiting and taking things slow, if that would make you more comfortable. I just want to be by your side, if you'll let me."
Eula's gaze meets yours, a complex array of emotions shimmering within her beautiful eyes, and you feel the tightness in your chest a little more present.
"Perhaps I am the issue. That I am unable to accept your love and support… I can't bear the thought of losing you someday. I don't want you to leave me the way everyone else has… I am so terrified, and so lonely… And you… You are the only one who can understand me, so I can't bear to lose you, too.”
The vulnerability in her words overwhelms your heart, pushing you to take both of her hands in yours, pressing a tender kiss to each of her fingers. Loving, loving, loving. 
"You won't lose me. Not tonight, or in the foreseeable future. I promise, Eula. I will stay with you as long as you want me to."
And to that, to your gentle words of affection, to the tenderness in your touch, to the gentleness of your lips against her cold fingers, Eula’s beautiful eyes fill with tears.
“Thank you…”
She leans her head against your shoulder, finally, finally allowing herself a moment of peace. You hold her close, fast and quickly, like you can’t bear the thought of not taking her in your arms now, caressing her back slowly.
“I won’t try to push my affection on you anymore, okay? We’ll go at your pace. I’m just happy to be with you.”
And when Eula pulls you close to her, closer still, her chest pressed against yours with an intimacy far too beautiful to oversee, you find your answer tucked there.
“Thank you… Thank you for waiting for me all this time… I promise to repay your love tenfold.”
She presses a kiss on your cheek, then leans her head on your shoulder and gazes up at the beautiful stars above. And you think that waiting can’t be a terrible thing. Not if you can hold her as closely for just a moment longer.
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"That was such good training, my love!" You exclaim, offering her a towel to wipe off the exertion after a long session of bow practice that you’ve been witnessing for the better part of the last hour. "You did great."
Sara bows in acknowledgment, a gracious and beautiful smile on her lips.
"Thank you very much! I always give it my best. If I am able to keep training and become stronger, then I can help protect more people. The people I care about are always on my mind, and I want to do the best I can to help them. My love for the people I care about is the reason I train day and night."
Your smile softens as you take in her dedication. It’s one of the many, many things you adore about her.
"I really admire how dedicated you are, my love."
Sara’s smile grows, radiating a sense of purpose, feeling good with your compliment.
"I am glad you can see that I am truly dedicated to the people we care about. With the help of my fellow samurai, I do everything I can to ensure that Inazuma is a safe place for everyone."
"You're so strong." You murmur, your gaze lifting to meet hers. Your chest swells with affection. And then, something else. "I can't help but…"
"Cannot help but what, my love?” Sara's brow arches in curiosity as she waits for you to continue. When you don’t reply, she insists. “What's on your mind? You know you can tell me anything."
You hesitate, your words carrying a hint of self-doubt, terrible in your ears.
"Oh, never mind. It's silly."
"My love, nothing is ever silly when you share it with me. Your thoughts, no matter how trivial they may seem, are important to me.” With gentle insistence, Sara steps closer to you, her hands finding a place for them on your shoulders. “If something's on your mind, please, don't hesitate to tell me."
A wistful smile tugs at your lips. 
"Well… I can't help but feel that I'm way out of my league here… Being with you…"
Oh, how stupid you feel the moment those words leave your lips. You regret them immediately.
But Sara's touch is comforting as she steps toward you, her presence reassuring like she’s always been, a source of comfort and love where you always find your shelter and home. 
"My love, you are never out of your league when it comes to me. I do not care about positions or statuses. All I care about when I'm with you is you. You will always be enough for me, no matter what."
"But… You're such a strong and resilient warrior, and I'm just… me." You shrug, a sense of vulnerability creeping into your words. You’ve started this. May as well go all the way, let your inner most troubles shine through in the dim light of the evening sun. "There's got to be someone out there who's better for you, I…"
Sara's voice resonates with a deep sincerity as she addresses your concerns, cutting them short. 
"My love, I have searched far and wide across the continent for someone who could fill the empty space in my heart. Yet, when I found you, that emptiness vanished as if you were the missing piece I'd been looking for.” Her voice is stern, but her eyes are so filled with poorly-hidden affection for you. “I couldn't want anyone more than you, and I mean that with all my heart. You are the one for me, and I don't wish for anyone else but you."
You cannot help but be moved by her words, your eyes welling up with unshed tears, carrying all your doubts. 
"You mean it?"
Sara leans forward, her gentle touch wiping away your tears. The brush of her thumb across the tender skin of your cheeks is so gentle that you can’t fight the closing of your eyes.
"My love, I mean it with every fiber of my being. There is no one else but you for me. I am happier than I've ever been, and I know that being with you is exactly where I'm meant to be. You are the person I needed, and I'm not leaving your side."
You clutch onto her clothing, as if grounding yourself in her presence. You know you might be a little selfish, asking for this much reassurance, but you can’t help but want more. To need more of her.
"You really mean those words? You won't leave me?" 
Sara's touch remains tender as she cups your cheek, and you melt in the way her eyes brim with love for you. 
"My love, my words carry the weight of my truth. I don't wish to leave your side, now or ever. I don't know how much longer it would take for my heart to mend if you were to leave. I'm not sure it ever would. I will do everything in my power to ensure we are never separated. You are the only one I need, and I don't desire anyone else in my life."
Your vulnerability defrosts in her arms as she presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. Your lips bloom into a smile. Quiet, small. But it’s a beginning.
"Thank you for saying that… You have no idea how much it means to me."
"My love, every word is sincere.” Sara assures you, her voice a soothing balm to the scars and stitches hidden in your heart. "You are such an integral part of my life, and I'm grateful every day for having you. You mean a great deal to me as well, and I can't fathom what life would be without you."
And with that, you cannot help yourself. You reach up, holding the side of her face as you lean to her. Your lips find hers in a tender kiss. And you whisper,
"I love you.”
Of course, Sara is quick to smile at that, beautiful and reverent.
"I love you too, my dear." She doesn’t hesitate to say, the affection evident in her tone. "I consider myself fortunate to have found you."
Apologizing for your sentimentality, you sheepishly admit, "Sorry for being sappy."
But still, you watch Sara chuckle warmly, pulling you into a gentle embrace that you absolutely enjoy, taking her all in.
"My love, there's no need to apologize. There's no such thing as being too sappy. Expressing your emotions is a beautiful thing, and it's heartwarming to see how much you care. Don't hesitate to share your love with me."
With a contented smile, you lean in closer. Closer still.
"Shall we do something fun now? After this heartfelt conversation?"
You delight in the way Sara's eyes light up with enthusiasm. For your eyes only. How lucky you feel.
"That sounds wonderful, my love. How about a visit to the beach or a peaceful picnic? Those are two of my favorite ways to unwind and enjoy time with the ones I cherish."
"The beach sounds perfect." You smile, your excitement mirroring hers. "It's been a while since we've enjoyed the sea together."
"I would love that." She replies to you with a gentle smile, colored with all the love she harbors for you in every inch of her being. "I'm sure the beach is just as breathtaking as I remember. It's been far too long since I've felt the sea breeze and the warmth of the sun. It's the ideal way to spend an afternoon, together."
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If you enjoyed this, please consider liking or reblogging it <3!
You can check more of my writing on (this link!). Thank you!
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sl-vega · 7 months
✧Other Friendly Faces✧
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✧Kazuha✧-member of the literature club and in the same English class as Xingqiu. He specializes in poetry, mainly haikus and free verses.
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✧Furina✧-President of the drama club and usually directs school plays. When she was younger, she was a successful child actress, though due to losing passion for the art, she stepped back and decided to focus on her director career.
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✧Chiori✧-a member of the textile and drama club. Chiori is usually in charge of costume design for school productions. She runs a fairly successful mini-business where she sells her own designs, and she has many fashion companies begging for her to work for them, though she expresses no interest in working for someone else's brand.
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✧Freminet✧-part of the swim team and Lyney and Lynette's younger brother. Like his sister, he's quiet and reserved, but a good listener. The two of you haven't talked much, but you do know about his love for the ocean and his soft spot for penguins.
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✧Yun Jin✧-member of the music club and choir. She is also part of the Yun Han opera troupe, and has quickly risen to fame due to her starring role in the critically acclaimed musical: "The Divine Damsel of Devastation".
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✧Eula✧-Captain of the dance team and student council vice-president. She's cold, harsh, and brutally honest (and holds a grudge for just about anything) and she doesn't have the best reputation due to that, but her talent and work ethic (almost) makes up for all that.
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additional notes:
-in case you're wondering why some of these r so short, it's cuz these guys r just side characters, but i wanted to make some profiles for them
-i keep on forgetting to mention everyone's ages so here's a quick list:
-freminet and yun jin are sophmores (tenth grade, 15-16)
-furina, eula, and chiori are seniors (twelfth grade, 17-18)
-kazuha is a junior (eleventh grade, 16-17)
-furina supremacy fr fr
-everyone else in the main cast (y/n's group + xingqiu's friend group) are all juniours
-eula's twitter header found here
-i promise the plot will actually start after this :>
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<prev ll next>
Pairing: Xingqiu x FEM! Reader
Genre: fake dating, strangers to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst (?), high school smau, modern smau
⋆。°✩-Synopsis: Xingqiu just got entered into a special writing contest, the type that's invite only, the theme this year is love, the only problem is that he has zero romantic experience. but he really wants to prove himself as a writer. meanwhile, you just found out that your boyfriend cheated on you, and you need to show him that you're 100% over him, the only problem is that there's no way you can get an actual boyfriend that quickly. clearly, the solution to both of your issues is to fake date each other. it shouldn't be hard for an actor such as yourself, all you need to do is stick to the script.
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(OPEN) Taglist: @freyao7, @thatoneswordgirl, @sn1perz, @latay7, @esmetrees, @nmriki0, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @httpsrenren, @cupid-spams, @aixaingela, @kaitfae, @luvkvni, @danhenglovebot
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ermegtei · 2 years
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៚ aether, diluc, kaeya, venti, jean, eula, rosaria, fischl, childe, zhongli, xiao, ningguang, ganyu, ayato, thoma, itto, heizou, yae miko, scaramouche, la signora
ᝰ genshin chars reaction to will you marry me ?
꒦꒷ why did this take so long i'm gonna cry + i wanna write for more women <33
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goes completely silent for a moment, you'd think they just shut down right there. before you could tug on their shirt, they turn around with enlarged pupils— did you seriously? noticing your excited gaze on them, blood rushes to their cheeks. what are they going to do with you?
〉aether, diluc, jean, xiao, ganyu, thoma, cyno
surprised, but definitely not disappointed. a chuckle escapes their lips as they turn to face you while running their tongue over their lips. oh gosh, with their hard stare on you, you're the one getting all shy!! if you're lucky, you'll get a maybe from them.
〉kaeya, rosaria, zhongli, ningguang, ayato, heizou, yae miko, la signora
a part of them wants to scream yes and kiss you all over, another part of them wants to run away and scream into their pillow. but they look at you with a frown, murmuring something about you being foolish and not worthy, but you don't notice the way they grip the glass in their hands&lt;333
〉eula, fischl, xiao (yes, again), scaramouche
〉venti, childe, itto
#-reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
Genshin bachelorettes and bachelors proposing!
Characters: Jean, Diluc, Eula, Itto, Kuki Shinobu, Kujo Sara, Navia, Clorinde, Arlecchino
Cw: fem reader, fluff mostly, some suggestive themes.
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Arataki Itto
Oh this was a hard decision. Not that he didn’t want to spend his life with you but if now was the right time to propose. He isn’t exactly the most well off. His gang camps out in the wilderness and he knows your parent’s expect him to improve. And he wants to. With Shinobu’s help he starts to get a education much to your surprise. Slowly working himself up to have more than a basic reading level. When he can land a more steady income then he’ll propose. He wants to get you the best ring in all of Tevyat. Unfortunately he can’t afford that. But Shinobu advises him to aim for more affordable but still pretty rings.
As for the proposal itself. He’s definitely going for either the big party with friends or if he’s spent most of his mora on the ring already he’ll just ask you on a quiet little walk with just you present. But knowing Itto, you probably would’ve found the ring before all that.
Itto may not be the best in terms of providing money, but he’d never slack off elsewhere. His granny raised no coward! If you’re the breadwinner he’ll gladly take up the house chores. He is a bit dumb yes but he is the most loyal and devoted man you could meet. With unwavering support and loyalty. Never will he let you face anything alone.
Eula Lawerence
Marriage is a bit complicated for her. She has renounced her family yes, she is disowned yes. But the subject of last names is what gets her. Truth be told… her last name is a small price to pay for you. She knows the other option isn’t ideal. If you take her name it’ll ruin your reputation.
But.. she’s certain its you she wants. Its you she wants to come home to. Its you she wants to sleep next to every night. And its you she wants to grow old with and feed birds with. She decides to discuss it with you.
Her proposal is less romantic and more straightforward. She knows this is a serious discussion and doesn’t want any miscommunication or misunderstandings. She wants to know if you would take her last name or have her take yours. The decision is yours sure but eitherway she wants only you to be her bride. No one else. No matter how many letters her family sends.
Diluc Ragnvindr
Oh he’s shy! Diluc’s been thinking for so long. How the naked ring finger on your hands seems to irritate him. How he perks up, red and flustered like a schoolgirl when one of his business partners accidentally calls you Mrs Ragnvindr. Said business partner later told him he should consider getting a ring soon. With that he starts planning.
A romantic little date alone at the winery. He takes you out for a picnic near the lake. There is a great deal of preparation taken into this. The entire slime and hilichurl population nearby is turned to zero. Adelinde planting many flowers along the path he’s planning and in the spot he’s picked out. You can be certain Diluc has left nothing to chance here other than your answer. He prepares the finest suit and the finest dress for you. Afterwards there will be a engagement party.
Kuki Shinobu
She too is also more straight forward and less romantic. One night you two were cuddling as she just randomly asked if you want to marry her. Bit jarring sure but hey at least she asked in a semi romantic context.
She handles all the coordination. You two work like a team to save money for a court house wedding with a killer after party. Needless to say the Arataki Gang is heavily involved in throwing the best celebration ever for Kuki Shinobu.
Kujo Sara
For so long Sara believed she was undeserving of love. That her only place in this world was serving the shogun and keeping the peace. But you gave her something other than the shogun to report to. Her home felt more welcoming with you in it. You didn’t change much yet she felt more at ease. She lets you preen her wings, picking out old or damaged feathers to let new ones grow. But unlike the family who took her in you keep her feathers. You say it’s because you can’t throw away something that was apart of her. She secretly likes seeing you collect them. Maybe you’ll even have accessories made out of them and then that sends her to the conclusion that she needs to marry you. Her position is dangerous yes. But she can’t imagine a life without you.
She very much leans to the traditional methods. Asking your parents for their approval. Setting a nice dinner to ask you during.
The ceremony is quite special, she’s a nervous wreck as she worries about anything that could go wrong. But as long as she has you, she won’t have much. To worry about anymore.
Jean Gunnhildr
Oh she’s been planning this for awhile. She’s had the ring ready but she’s been too nervous. The romantic set up she prepares end up not being perfect enough for her so she plays it off. Until you end up proposing yourself, of course she agrees but she’s embarrassed she took too long.
A traditional and beautiful wedding. She ends up letting you plan most of it as she’s already busy but she’s more than eager to help. Its a biggggg event. The acting grandmaster getting married is treated almost like a festival. The people of Mondstadt send you their well wishes and plenty of gifts. To your surprise alot of businesses offered lower price’s because of Jean. She is well beloved by the nation so no doubt is no one going to overprice it. Catering, flowers, decorations, you used the extra money saved to tip the servers well. The Mondstadt Chapel being the location, it was like half of Mondstadt attended. And those who didn’t receive a invite would wait outside. Lord Barbatos seemed to pleased with your union, with clear skies and only a tickling wind. It’s intimidating walking down the isle to see half of Mondstadt looking at you. But when you see just how smitten Jean looks. How she wipes tears as she tries to maintain composure. You don’t feel as scared knowing just how happy she is. She can hardly keep her hands off of you either.
Your honeymoon is in a nice cottage far from the city as you two go together. Lisa left in charge, knights making sure to maintain the perimeter. Its perfect.
Her proposal will infact be a crazy set up. Sending you on a goose chase to meet with her, each location being a significant place in your relationship. The restaurant you had your first date at, the alley you had your first kiss in, etc etc. the clues hidden closely. Passerby’s participating by helping out or giving you clues as well. And when you finally find her its in Poission, with the flowers blossoming and the wind in your hair. The guards place a pillow on the ground before she gets on one knee, a ring displayed. The ring her father gave her mother. She wants you to have it. To be hers forever and for all eternity.
The wedding is no less complicated. Creative decorations, dozens of desserts, etc. the macaroons decorated to look like either yours or her face. The cake is beautiful. Youve never felt so pretty as when she takes your hand and showers you in praises that would have you marry again if you could. Just the look in her eyes alone has you under a spell. Pure and raw devotion. A lone tear as she knows she’ll never be alone again. Four seats are left empty. Two for her parents. Two for Melus and Silver. But she knows they’re cheering from the grave as she pulls you in for another kiss and another dance. Navia has been through so much heartbreak. You can tell she’s pained at the fact she cannot do her own father daughter dance, not with her dad or Melus. So you make extra sure to be close. But you… all dressed in white… its a great distraction for her. Reassuring her that she’ll never be alone again.
She is a sappy but subtle person. She goes through the effort of the surprise. Making sure you would say yes though. She prepares only the best, a reservation in a private table, the best foods for you to stuff yourself with. She smiles slightly wiping your face herself. The ring is hidden in a cake, with the box sitting ontop. Protected from the icing. You recognize it immediately.
She’d likely prefer a more small wedding. If you want something big then she’ll compromise but for the most part it is mostly close friends and relatives. Clorinde goes through the typical groom and bride stuff where she avoids seeing you in your dress. Walking in to your dressing room, blindfolded to give you a kiss to reassure you everything is fine. She has the finest of everything picked out. No accidents allowed. Her sword is also still hidden on her person at all times just in case. By the end of the reception your lipsticks have blended into one color as she just got too excited.
She is a romantic at heart yes, but she’s also extremely business minded. She will make her intentions of marriage clear to you. Presenting the pros of it. She’s relieved when you agree but she decided to stage a proper proposal randomly. She wants to surprise you but not too much. There’s some red herrings for you for a little bit. False headings. Until Lyney and Lynette perform a private little magic show in which she magically appears to slip the ring on your finger. Of course the children are absolutely delighted!
The wedding happens in two parts. There’s the business one. With her harbinger colleagues and others. You got to meet the Tsarsita who bestows you with her blessing, a nerve wracking ordeal indeed. You spend the entire day at Arlecchino’s side trying to dodge the confusing questions the harbingers ask. They feel oh so scary but fear not, for she will not stand to watch her beloved wife be intimidated. If they get out of line she will not hesitate to put them back in their place.
The second one is for the orphanage. All of her children called to attend in the biggest ceremony. A large celebration filled with warmth and joy for you. Your family and friends can come to this one and only this one. It’s something you actually were more than fine with considering her colleagues. The children are so very happy to see their father so happy too. Her hand never leaves your side. You dance until your feet are sore. Unfortunately you teo don’t get to have a honeymoon but the kids will make sure you have no chores for a week straight while you and your husband wife relax.
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Eula with a reader that’s full of kindness
characters: Eula x gn!reader
warnings: none
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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There weren’t all too many people in Mondstadt that were ready to lend someone like Eula not only an ear, but even went so far as to offer her kindness and friendship from the beginning. And yet you did.
Eula wasn’t proud of saying this, but she couldn’t help but be very suspicious at first, trying to keep you an extra arms length away from her, trying to figure out your motive for trying to cozy up to her the way you did, only to find… nothing. Once she noticed that there was no secret scheme of yours however, she started to also notice how your kindness wasn’t just limited to her. And before she knew it, she started to appreciate it more than she probably had any legitimate reason to.
It was cold, snow was falling from the skies and covering every inch of surface as far as the eye could see. It didn’t take any kind of magical heat vision to see her own breaths every few seconds. And still, you were nowhere to be found. Did you stand her up? No, that was impossible, not even someone as cynical as her could believe you breaking your promise. Probably got yourself into some sort of weird situation again…
Just as she finished her thought however, you appeared in her vision, hurrying over towards her with your hands pressed between your armpits.
“I hope you didn’t have to wait long, Eula. I… met an old acquaintance”, you lied as obviously as you shivered, an uneasy smile on your lips that made her want to groan. As the weather got colder, you managed to bump into old acquaintances more and more frequently, only for your gloves, scarves and other winter wear to coincidentally go missing.
It didn’t take a master detective to figure out what was going on, and frankly, Eula felt a bit insulted you thought you’d fool her for even a second.
“Which made you so busy that you forgot to bring along gloves, I see”, she stated, her sarcasm not exactly subtle and yet all you did was awkwardly smile at her. Dear Gods, what was she going to do with you?
“Just because you grew up in a wealthy household doesn’t mean you can just gift your stuff to whoever you see. Or did you forget your family is far from affluent now?”, Eula gave you a brief lecture, before letting out a sigh and pulling off her right glove, holding it out to you.
"Put this on.”
Just as you were about to protest about how her own hand was going to get cold however, she shut you up by grabbing yours, keeping both of them warm.
“Let’s go, we don’t have all day.”
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Eula teaching her clumsy S/O how to dance
(Genshin Impact) Eula teaching her clumsy S/O how to dance
Honestly I'd probably step on her feet by accident then get pulverized by her greatsword for doing so.
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Eula has always known S/O to be off-balance eternally.
They had a nasty habit of tripping over objects that weren't even there, dropping bags, and just in general getting themselves injured in the strangest ways.
(Eula) "Is that a bruise on your arm? How did-..." sigh "You walked into the door the wrong way? What exactly is the wrong way to go through a door?!
Their clumsiness didn't really bother her as much as it concerned her.
Regardless, when they asked Eula if she could teach them to dance, her heart skipped a beat.
Wanting to save face, Eula tried her best to seem nonchalant.
(Eula) "Hm, it's about time you asked. Very well, I shall become your teacher. Come along, there's no time to waste."
The blush and creeping smile on her lips betrayed her actual thoughts, gently taking their hand and dragging them to an open space.
Eula had the patience of an Archon teaching S/O her dance.
A normal dancer would have problems trying to follow along with the ones she had learned, let alone for S/O who struggled to stay upright for more than five minutes on a good day.
Despite all the stepping on each other's shoes, the almost faceplants, Eula had fun.
Both of them let out several bouts of laughter, the two of them dancing under the moonlight to the best of their ability.
Eula didn't care if they struggled. It was something that was close to her heart that S/O wanted to learn.
That alone made her happy.
But getting to hold them so close to her was also quite the bonus.
(Eula) "I think you have the basics down now. That wasn't so hard, was it?"
Her hand gently brushes the hair out of their face as she stares lovingly at them.
Before she snaps back to attention and quickly looks away, blushing even more.
(Eula) "N-Next time, I will not be so easy on you. Your future lessons will be more grueling than the last!"
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Mondstadt Girls and an Inazuman Deserter!Reader - Amber, Rosaria & Eula x Male!Reader
A/N: A bit specific to be sure, but I hope it's still entertaining! C/W: Some mentions of frontline hardships and horrors.
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There weren't any early warning signs to what was about to befall Inazuma. 
It was as if the Almighty Shogun, so beloved by her people, one day decided to pay her subjects back by trampling on their ambitions. And so Inazumans were forced to, willingly or less so, give up their Visions. Not all went smoothly, however. An obvious backlash was what Narukami’s outrageous demand to hand over Watatsumi’s Visions had been met with, escalating into an invasion in a matter of days. 
At first, the small but professional army of your homeland managed to strike at Watatsumi's unprepared shores, but excited news reports of rapid progress soon died down. Watatsumi's resistance was ferocious, which in tandem with the enlistment of every Vision Bearer in the small state forced the shogunate’s troops back. Not only did they defend their home island, but also succeeded in taking the fight to the bordering Yashiori Island. Unofficial channels reported mounting losses, and with mounting losses came the dreaded mobilization. 
The recruiters and state officials chanted the word “defend!” at anyone who would listen. But what ethical merit had it when you were the aggressors? 
As a male in his prime years, you were one of the first to get drafted when things got rough for the Shogunate. The punishment for evading this duty was harsh - multiple years of prison and unavoidable social ostracism was what awaited you if you were to refuse the God of Thunder's call. With only 24 hours to pack, you took only the necessary items and said your goodbyes for what could very well be your final time. You were off to the frontlines, fighting a war you never asked for and had no business supporting. 
What awaited you was hell. 
With the competent commanders either dead, wounded or having deserted altogether, the military was condemned to fight under inexperienced and cowardly commanders. Soon the “meat assaults”, as your comrades called them, would become the staple of military tactics. There was scarce food, scarce medical assistance, intelligence, scouting, ammunition and everything necessary to fight, and your comrades were melting before your eyes. No friendship lasted - sooner or later a “category second load” was all that you were left with. Bodies were everywhere, rotting under artillery fire in the trenches, on the fields, beaches and forests with nobody to collect them, let alone give them a burial. You lived among them, getting weaker and sicker with each day. The stench was overpowering, barring you from keeping anything in your stomach - not that you had anything to eat but dry crackers and cat soup anyway. The wounded lay scattered among your unit, slowly bleeding out and succumbing to their injuries with few chances of being rescued and tended to. With the losses mounting, you soon came to regret your skill at avoiding suicidal assaults. You were surrounded with homeless and criminals forced into uniform. With the latter came prison discipline as rank integrity and morale decayed. You found your “comrades” to change from fellow citizens to murderers, rapists, robbers, smugglers, bandits - criminals both petty and serious. Humiliations, beatings, lynchings and animalisation became an integral part of your daily life as you found yourself amongst them. Until you couldn't take it anymore. 
You fled. You deserted your post, cast your weapon into the sea, burned your uniform and spent all your savings on bribing locals to smuggle you back to Ritou where you took off with the Krux towards the mainland. 
Whatever you faced there would be a far better life than one of chaos and decay on the frontlines. 
You survived, yes. You made it through hell with your life, but it didn't mean you were proud of it. In the eyes of your people, you have become a coward, a traitor and an unworthy man. Would others share their outlook?
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Your first encounter with a certain Outrider wasn't long after you've got yourself a job. As an equipment technician for the Knights of Favonius, you were charged with keeping her and the others’ weapons and armor in top condition. 
Amber made quite the impression on you when she came crashing through the balcony and into the workshop, scattering tools, weapons and outfits across the entire room. She knocked over a candle while bashfully apologizing, setting some fabric on fire. Despite the rough landing, the mess and the arson, her genuine smile and bright disposition sparked a true wildfire in your heart, one she - as you would come to know - shared. 
All was well for a few months. Amber didn't take interest in politics, placing the war outside of her attention. She did once mention it, but stopped at simply wishing your family safety. She didn't pay much attention to your scars - she had many of her own from the various accidents she had and adventures she regularly embarked on. You having some too didn't really strike her as unusual. 
What Amber did notice was your attitude towards certain topics. Wherever her service in the Knights or war in general came up, you turned rather pessimistic and dismissive. Phrases akin to “we’ll die anyway” or “we are replaceable” would frequently reach her ears. This, combined with your general dislike towards war-related topics and scarce - if any - sharing of your past in Inazuma gave her more than enough clues. She quickly put two and two together and, preferring to stay genuine, asked you outright. 
After hearing about what got you in Mondstadt, she didn't know what to say. She just sat there, blinking, her mouth slightly agape. In her defense, nothing could have prepared Amber for a story about sleeping amongst rotting corpses or hearing another soldier cry for help for hours until he finally bled out. 
It's no wonder you wanted out. Nobody deserves this treatment for risking their lives for their god. What kind of god Raiden Shogun even is? One who strips her followers of their Visions and sends her soldiers to fight in these conditions, without even bothering to show up and support them? Your desertion, no, your escape is fully justified. If anything you should be proud to have made such a bold decision, risking execution if your despicable superiors were to find out. 
For Amber, hearing you doubt yourself as man was an honest surprise. In a situation as inhuman as that, how could you even consider societal expectations? Only people truly separated from reality would call you a wimp. These people are likely women or those fortunate enough to never experience actual war first hand, so you shouldn't bother about their opinions.
As for herself, well… Amber knows that, as an Outrider, she will be sent to the frontlines should the need arise. But she rests easy, knowing that offensive warfare isn't something very likely to be in Mondstadt’s future. Even if there will be, Amber is sure that it will happen only if absolutely necessary and in good cause. 
Amber: You've been through things that no man should ever experience. You are very brave to have said ‘enough’ and left that hell behind, no matter the risk. Now, my brave warrior, you deserve to rest - I swore to defend every citizen of Mondstadt, including you. If you could, leave the defending to me! I’ll make sure that you won't ever have to fight again! Outrider's promise!
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When you arrived in Mondstadt, you were obviously placed in Rosaria’s sights. Every outlander that takes residence in the city must be investigated, as per her orders. There wasn’t a lot to go off, as she found. You didn’t speak Mondstadtian, only the universal language of Teyvat. Your face was slightly different from the locals, hinting at a South-Eastern origin. You were of a rather sturdier stature, suggesting your previous occupation involved physical tasks. After a few weeks of witnessing absolutely ordinary behavior from you, she just tagged you as a blue collar immigrant and called it a day. 
The war left you hurt, but it did leave you with some skills too. You were in generally fit physical form - after eating up, that is - and more than remembered the training you received back in Inazuma. Being practical, you decided to start with a simple guard job. As it happened, the leader of the nation left his city to embark on a crusade of sorts, leaving the local force - The Knights of Favonius as you came to know them - very short handed. This meant that you were quickly accepted first as a squire and then promoted to a regular knight after a few months of work and some exams. 
Nobody wanted to be on guard duty. Except for you, that is. You were tired of killing, tired of constantly being on alert and risking your neck every second. You were thankful for the opportunity to lean back and pretend to work while still getting the money and the credit for standing in for someone else. And that’s how your life flowed for the most part. 
The first time Rosaria actually spoke to you in person came when she was outside the cathedral for her usual smoke break. Normally she would smoke inside the church, but that day she wasn’t in the mood to put up with the whining of that one young nun who would always make it out as if it was a big issue. When she reached into her pockets, as luck would have it, she couldn’t locate her cigarette pouch. When she started heading home, annoyed, she stumbled upon you, casually smoking in a secluded spot. It was a habit you caught from your comrades - the stress had to be resolved in some way, after all. When Rosaria came up to you and asked for one of your cigarettes, you gladly shared - and that’s how the relationship started. 
The closer you got to each other, the more interested Rosaria became in your past. You never spoke of it, and she could tell it was not the most pleasant of topics for you. She understood that - Rosaria herself disliked talking about her “was”, after all. But she couldn’t stop her curiosity from asking the questions - where did you get all these scars? From monsters? As if a guy like you would succumb to some Hilichurls. 
She would come to learn the truth one Friday night. Both of you had just a little too much to drink, resulting in the alcohol loosening your tongue. You went on and on about what happened to you in Inazuma, and Rosaria managed to remember enough of it to piece together a coherent backstory in the morning.
It was a story like many others she heard throughout her life. A mistreated soldier, fighting for a cause he didn’t support, escaping back to freedom. The recurrence of stories like yours didn’t make it any less tragic, of course. But that’s just it, no? It happened, and there was nothing you could do about it anymore. It was fate’s dark design, and no matter how much you would try, you couldn’t change it. The right course of action was to make peace with the past and move on. 
Much to her surprise, however, you didn’t seem to take the reasonable route this time. Your choice of desertion seemed to weigh you down. You were frequently referring to yourself as a traitor and a coward, both of which Rosaria would find amusing. Because you were neither. 
Rosaria: “Ah, really now? This “coward” you speak of somehow had the courage to go against the will of his god, just as this “traitor” saw the so-called conquest for what it was - a civil war. You refused to accept tyranny, you refused being treated by your god as some nameless cannon fodder. More - not only did you resist and escape with your life, but you also recovered. You rolled your sleeves up and returned to civilian life, determined to regain what was taken away from you. This is a feat no ordinary man is capable of, Y/N.”
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After an entire year in hell, there was no chance you would be willing to ever find yourself near a weapon anymore. Not professionally at least. You needed a job to keep yourself afloat, and you decided that the simpler, the better. You decided to do as many have - you took a loan and started your bakery. 
It was a difficult task at first, but you managed to get a foothold, and it was fairly simple from then on. Was it monotonous? Sure, but that’s what you signed up for. You decided that routine would do you good. 
During your uneventful but still busy days, you would turn your attention towards the streets and the people that walked them. One particular, blue haired woman caught your attention. She was clearly a member of the Knights, but unlike the others she wasn’t very popular among the people of Mondstadt, so much so that other shopkeepers oftentimes refused to sell her any of their wares. Was she a criminal of some sort? An outcast? You asked your fellow store owner for a reason, and it absolutely baffled you. 
It turned out she was Eula Lawrence, a woman from a tyrannical clan that once ruled the city. When you asked a few knights that did their shopping at your store about what kind of a person she was, your suspicions turned out to be true. She has been hurt by her family name and her somewhat distant attitude, on top of her way of speaking of course. 
When she came to you the first time, she asked if you also didn’t want her to visit your shop. Her face betrayed genuine surprise as you handed her a loaf of fresh bread, but she was even more suspicious when you refused to take her money. There was something very unusual about your attitude, so starkly different from how others treated her. 
Nonetheless, she accepted the gift. She accepted it the second time. And the third. And the fourth, and the fifth and over and over and over again. The profit decrease of a few loaves of bread was negligible, but Eula still insisted on paying for her food after being given so much. You still gave her a discount, though. 
Over time you started getting along better and better. You started looking out for her in more ways as well, getting her medication when she was sick or getting her back to the Knights of Favonious barracks when she went overboard with alcohol. It was a bad habit, and you tried distracting her from her worries with offers to go out, even if she wanted to drink - at least she wouldn’t drink alone. 
This quality time brought you closer, progressing up to the point of you inviting her to live in the same home. Eula obviously welcomed the chance to take her living conditions up a notch, as the barracks weren’t really a nice place to live in. You were overjoyed at her accepting the proposal, but anxiety lingered in your mind - how long would it be before she found out? And what would happen when she did? Eula was a woman of honor, a proud soldier with a well developed moral code and the determination to stick to it. How would she look at you when she found out you were nothing but a pathetic deserter? 
Unbeknownst to you, the Spindrift Knight has long since figured that something is up with you. No ordinary baker would have a body so rugged as yours, and you seemed aware of the fact - whenever she invited you for her ice baths, you would politely decline. On hot days you still wore a more revealing shirt, letting her see and examine your scars discreetly. She had seen many of such marks before, she herself had many, and it was easy to guess that they were man made. Your habits also supported her suspicions - she found a dagger under your pillow and a dusty spear in your closet, though she never saw you use either. 
One day, Eula decided enough was enough - if she were to love you with all the honesty of her heart, you would have to be genuine as well. She approached you with a stern expression and a single demand - “spar with me”. You accepted, being uncertain at first but later relaxing and giving it your all. You thought that a woman such as her wouldn’t be impressed with weakness, and so you called on all your experience and knowledge. What you didn’t realize was that Eula kept a close eye on you and concluded that you had to have any sort of military training to fight like you do. You still lost the fight though. The captain called you out and, not wanting to keep pretending anymore, you told her everything. 
Eula was, above all, pleased that you were able to be honest with her (and that she figured everything out correctly, of course). Admitting to such a decision required bravery, just as escaping the horrid conditions you were fighting in. Facing the risks involved with avoiding detection and sailing to a whole new nation, filled with foreign designs and speaking in a foreign language was a true testament to your courage. 
Second, far stronger, came the disgust. How could any soldier be treated as deplorably as the men of Inazuma were? No food, no water, no supplies and no help are the rewards for putting your lives on the line and taking the lives of others? Just the thought makes Eula’s teeth grit to this very day. To think that all these neglected aspects of planning might as well have killed you…
She didn’t need time to consider if she loved you now that she knew of your past. You were still the man that gave her bread that one day, still the man that faced monsters with her, side by side, still the patient and caring man that touched her heart. If anything, knowing of the extent of your bravery and determination only made her admire you more.
Eula: “The right to live isn’t something exclusive to women, children and the elderly, you know. Every man has the same right to not die in a war as a woman. Not only those that volunteered deserve respect - any soul that carried the burden of war deserves acknowledgment for their bravery. What you had been forced into was not war - it was a crime. And for that I will have vengeance on that god of yours, I swear it.
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Thanks for reading!
144 notes · View notes
lovelyney · 2 years
CHARACTERS. amber, barbara, eula, fischl, jean, lisa, mona, sucrose
SCENT. headcanons.
WARNINGS. none, as far as i’m aware?
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯2022 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: When she figured out she liked you, she panicked internally because it randomly happened when you two were taking a break from guarding.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Then she started visibly panicking and getting all blushy and sheepish around you, trying to avoid you to make the feeling disappear, so she didn’t embarrass herself.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: She didn’t want to go to Jean because it’s rather weird going to your boss for love advice, so she went to Eula !!
who told her to BREATHE because the poor girl was so out of breath by the time she finished talking. . .
Eula doesn’t know much about falling in love, but having read about it, she was able to give her friend a few pointers (:
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Had to compose herself like four times before actually confessing to you; the poor girl was so nervous, lol.
she ended up writing you a love letter to save herself from tripping over her words and chickening out.
she also picked you a bouquet of various Monstandt flowers!
𖠵𝟎𝟓: When you sighed in relief with a smile, explaining that you thought she was avoiding you because you felt she was disappointed in you, she felt her heart swell with guilt.
you warmly assured her that the letter and flowers made up for it all and that you would love to go out with her (:
𖠵𝟎𝟔: She’s the absolute sweetest and most hyper gf when she fully warms up to your guys’ relationship !!
𖠵𝟎𝟕: She likes to call you “bunny” and “love-bug.”
❝Oh! Are you off to do your commissions for today, bunny? Do you have everything you need? Extra medical supplies, gliding license, water. . . I’m sorry, I know, I know! You can take care of yourself. . . I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you!❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Writes to Collei about you and the adventures you guys have together.
granted, if you visit Sumeru, she’ll be absolutely thrilled to meet you !!
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Crafted you a Baron Buddy to cuddle whenever you have to leave Monstandt ):
𖠵𝟏𝟎: When Dvalin flew into Monstandt, her mind immediately went to “oh no, where’s (NAME)? Are they alright? What if they’re hurt, and i’m not around?”
after he flew away, she immediately went to go and find you to check up on you and pressed multiple kisses all over your face to ensure that you were 100% okay and unscathed.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Holding hands everywhere you go !!
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Her staring at you with luminous eyes whenever you tell her about one of your adventures or something cool that happened.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: If you didn’t know how to glide beforehand, she definitely would’ve taught you by now !! She’d be extra encouraging and gentle with you, especially if you’re scared of heights. (🙌)
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Gives you a forehead kiss whenever you’re about to leave somewhere.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Everyone in Monstandt loves you as a couple; they look at you two and are like, “damn, I really am single, huh.”
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Takes you out on many picnic dates !!
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Whenever Eula sees you two doing something cute together, she'll always ask when the wedding is.
𖠵𝟏𝟖: When you need a break from everything, she’ll take you high up somewhere and let you spill everything you want to her.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Almost like a smaller version of Jean when it comes to dating !!
𖠵𝟎𝟐: She was very shy and conflicted when she first started to like you because she hadn't hardcore crushed on someone since she was a little girl.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: However after all the nervousness of confessing to you, she was quick to warm up to you !!
𖠵𝟎𝟒: She cares and worries about you so much.
even if it's as simple as a scratch, she'll start to panic and immediately go into nurse mode !!
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Initially she never had written love songs before, but now it feels like that's all she writes.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Still gets flustered whenever you give her affection; she's not used to this kind of intimacy.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: You had come across that bitch Albert (that's his name, right ?? idfk, LMAO) looking at her through the windows of the church, and not only did you threaten him, you also consulted Jean because the mf deserves to be in prison.
rest assured, you kept a better eye out for people like that and became a tad more protective over her.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Runs her song ideas by you first before performing them. (unless it's a surprise and written for you specifically !!)
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Always yelling at people who crowd around her when you guys are hanging out.
you're also helping her say no to people and stand her ground !!
𖠵𝟏𝟎: She likes to call you “songbird” and “my (melody).”
❝Songbird, are-are you sure you're not worried about rumors spreading? I know most of my loyal and devoted fans wouldn't spread anything nasty around, but I also know that some can way overstep boundaries. . . I just want to make sure you're comfortable. You will tell me if you aren't, r-right?❞
𖠵𝟏𝟏: She likes to pamper you but also likes to be pampered. so you guys rotate !!
𖠵𝟏𝟐: You guys are always finding and making new recipes together.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: She's always in the sweetheart phase with you. She gets all giddy when she thinks or talks about you; she's just very in love and mesmerized by you.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Loves to slow dance with you !! Or just dance with you in general.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: You guys are the definition of puppy love. 𖠵𝟏𝟔: You always try to make it to her performances and practices to support and encourage her.
and in return, she always offers her unconditional support towards you whenever you may need it; she's always supportive you, though.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: She fully convinced herself that she didn’t have any chance with you because she figured the rumors got to you before she even had a chance to confess.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: However, once she told Amber, there was NO going back. The outrider was determined to get you two together.
and so, she became Eula’s wingwoman, asking you if you thought of Eula any differently because of the rumors before confirming your answers with her friend.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Her face flushed as Amber explained everything, begging her to confess to you.
she ended up caving in, doing a little reading on how she should adequately confess to you.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: She ended up confessing to you over dinner at the tavern (idek if they sell food there, LMAO, just roll with it.)
𖠵𝟎𝟓: The joy and relief weren’t very recognizable, but the small smile that graced her lips didn’t go unnoticed by you.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Sometimes calls you “(my) dear” and “(my) love.”
❝I’m sorry, I don’t intentionally mean to eavesdrop. . . But did I hear you correctly? Did you just call (NAME), my SIGNIFICANT OTHER, desperate for dating me? Now, I don’t know who in Teyvat you think you are, but you’d better keep their name out of your mouth. You can trash talk me all you’d like, but don’t you DARE label them such unruly things, or else the most devastating revenge will be inflicted on you. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Yeah. . . she doesn’t take people putting a bad name to yours very lightly.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Teaches you her way of dancing, laughing sweetly whenever you accidentally miss a step. It’s an endearing thing to watch (:
you guys also ballroom dance from time to time! she loves to do the cliche dip you down and then kiss you.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Likes to pinch and squish your cheeks, softly cooing at your preciousness.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Kisses the back of your hand before she leaves somewhere.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Despite not knowing much about romance in general, she knows how to treat you right and does everything in her power to ensure she doesn’t mess things up.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Always lifts your chin with her index finger before kissing you on your lips and forehead.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: She keeps you far away from her family or anyone related to her; she knows they would probably disapprove of your guys’ relationship.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Always glances at you when you two are fighting together to see if you’re holding up ok. 
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Told Amber that you make her feel like she’s more than what rumors whisper and that she’s finally doing something right.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Has you sword train with her; she finds comfort in watching you fight because it means you can defend yourself when she’s not at your side. 
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: She heard of you from Katheryn when she asked if she could go and check up on you because you hadn’t returned from a commission in a while.
it felt like time had stopped when she saw you, watching you with eyes of sunshine as you fought fiercely, still managing to look so ethereal while doing it. she somehow managed to drown out the sound of Oz trying to get her attention.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: The pounding of her heart against her chest was enough for her to feel too nervous about going up and introducing herself, which wasn't like her in the slightest.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Upon returning to Monstandt City, the girl almost immediately ran to Mona to boast about how amazing you were and how she hoped to see you again. The astrologist immediately picked up what was happening and just stared at her friend deadpanned.
she tried to deny her feelings at first, but when Oz agreed with her, she finally came to terms with it.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: She initially started to panic, not knowing exactly what to do with the information given to her.
Mona calmed her down before giving a few pointers and advice to help her out. 
𖠵𝟎𝟓: She started by asking Katheryn to see if you mentioned any of your interests so that she could get you the appropriate gifts.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: After you cleared your last hilichurl camp for the day, she sprinted up to you, a bouquet of cecilias in her hands and a confession bursting from her lips.
keeping an eye on her, Mona waited in a nearby bush to ensure everything went smoothly.
you felt unbelievably flattered that she thought of you in such a way because you had started looking up to her after hearing stories told by Katheyrn about her. you happily accepted her confession before asking if she'd like to have a lunch date sometime. she nearly passed out from how quickly the blood rushed to her face.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: This girl loves and admires you so so much!
𖠵𝟎𝟖: She loves to call you “(my) (shining) star” and “(my) love.”
❝Ah! You're off to finish your endeavors at the Adventures Guild, my shining star? I, Fischl, shall escort you, so the shadows and darkness of this wretched world won't lay claws on you!❞ 
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Mona could write a whole story about you two, granted how much Fischl talks bout you to her.
that said, the astrologist is happy to know that you make her feel so loved. she couldn't thank you enough for that, knowing how lonely the girl was deep down, inside and out.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: She lets down her walls when it's just the two of you, allowing herself to talk to you normally and spill her feelings. she trusts you with her life, so she doesn't really think much of it.
sometimes she just doesn't have the energy to keep up the act, so when she's super tired, she'll collapse in your arms or lap, needing to bask in your warmth and comfort after a long day.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Daydreams about the day she'll marry you, making you her prince/princess. 
𖠵𝟏𝟐: Always tries to pick out the finest quality of gifts for you, claiming, “the most bewitching jewel in the universe only deserves the most unrivaled gratuity.”
𖠵𝟏𝟑: You bought her a dark purple ribbon decorated with specks of gold as a gift, which you wouldn't usually buy given the price. Still, you wanted to get something that showed how much you appreciated her. She adores it so much, but she felt so bad upon knowing the cost. She felt undeserving of it, knowing it costed you so much.
she keeps it neatly tied around her wrist every day and protects it with her life, making sure nothing bad happens to it (getting dirty, stolen, etc.)
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Loves resting against your chest to listen to your heartbeat.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: If you can fit into her clothes, she'll dress you up in them and fawn over how good you look.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: If you're out for a while and haven't returned, she'll send Oz to go and find you.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: She never really gave relationships much thought. And as a result of her busy schedule, she never considered pursuing her romantic interests.
she thought you were supposed to feel that way with your close ones, but then Lisa informed her otherwise and put the pieces together for her.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Despite Lisa’s insistent that she tell you, she explained that the knights kept her so busy that she had no time for romance.
after that, Lisa allegedly threatened that if she didn’t tell you, she would take matters into her own hands. that, of course, drew Jean’s attention, and she caved in, saying she’d figure out a way to tell you.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Jean also decided to pick up a few books on romance and read about relationships because even though she wasn’t doing this really out of her own free will, you meant the world to her, and if she did have a chance with you, she wanted to make sure she did everything right.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: When she had gone over her plans in her head a few times, she gathered a bunch of flowers and asked you if you wanted to go on a picnic out at Windrise.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: In discussing your adventures with her, she almost forgot to confess to you, distracted by how serene you looked.
but, alas, she cleared her throat and presented you the flowers she managed to conceal, anxiously expressing how she felt about you for the past few weeks.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: For the first time, she thanked Lisa’s stubbornness as you graciously acknowledged her feelings, telling her they were nothing short of reciprocated.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Congrats !! You’ve earned yourself a mom gf !!
𖠵𝟎𝟖: While she won’t call you nicknames in public, she will call you “(my) dandelion” and “hon” in private.  
❝You really know how to distract me from my work, don’t you, my little dandelion? If it were anyone else, perhaps I’d be irritated. However, since it is you, I suppose I shall indulge your advances. . .❞
𖠵𝟎𝟗: The amount of times she overworks herself has gradually decreased ever since you two started dating, and Lisa and Kaeya couldn’t be happier.
she also makes sure you don’t overwork yourself! you two take good care of each other.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Her having to deal with Lisa’s constant teasing about you.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: She’s such a sweetheart, and her constant worrying comes from just wanting the best for you.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: She wouldn’t know what to do with herself if something were to happen to you.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Doesn’t know a whole lot about dating, so if she’s stuck on something, she’ll go to Lisa for some words of advice.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Your input on issues is something that she takes into consideration greatly. she always has you in mind one way or another.
if she’s stuck on an investigation or something of the sort, she’ll always ask for your intake, and you two will work together on it.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: You guys are seen as the “Parents of Monstandt.”
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Reserves most of her affection in more private moments so that the two of you don’t get teased.
she’ll give you forehead kisses anywhere, though. it's her way of sending protection and good luck when she's not around you.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Barbara was absolutely thrilled to know that you might become her sibling-in-law.
she also asked Jean if she could sing at your guys’ wedding. bye, i be melting at my own headcanon, LMFAO.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Since she’s no stranger to love, she understood at once that she had fallen in love with you.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Aside from that, she had a sneaking suspicion she would fall in love with you sooner or later due to the charm of your personality. Consequently, it wasn’t as surprising to her as it may seem.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: The problem at hand was figuring out a way to tell you. She wanted it to be flawless, the perfect confession for a perfect person per se.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: After a while of mulling over ideas in her head, she decided on getting a particular romance book and highlighting the confession.
that way, she’d discreetly confess to you, and it’d be up to you to decipher what she was trying to say.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Sat there with an innocent smile as you read through the page, your cheeks gaining a rosy hue at her message.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Made you verbally confess to her just to tease you.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Loves to call you “cutie” and “(my) darling.”
❝My darling, how come you look so tired? Has today maltreated you? Here, come sit between my legs. I’m almost done with this paperwork then, I can give you every ounce of my affection and love. Does that sound good, cutie?❞
𖠵𝟎𝟖: As much as she loves to tease you, she knows your boundaries and when to stop.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Insisted that you work as her assistant at the library so that you two could have more time together.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: She loves to be the mom of the relationship and take care of you. Especially when you’re exhausted or overworked.
takes really good care of you, and she’s persistent on doing it.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: So help anyone who dares lay a hand on you wrongfully or puts a bad name on yours. They’ll be done with the second she hears about them.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: She’s a very affectionate person no matter the place or time.
she loves carding her fingers through your hair and pressing gentle kisses down your jawline.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Shopping dates !! She absolutely loves taking you out shopping, simply because she loves to pick out clothes for you to try on. (Although she thinks you look good in just about everything.)
𖠵𝟏𝟒: She’s incredibly loyal and dedicated to you. never hesitating to decline any flirtatious advances towards her that aren’t yours.
however, she’ll always play along with your flirty remarks. she finds them cute and endearing; she always finds some way to one-up you, though.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Sometimes whenever you’re talking to someone, and she’s around, she’ll go up behind you and wrap her arms around you, nestling her nose into your neck.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Shamefully flirts with you in front of everyone, especially if that said person has been making advances toward you.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: One day, while she chatted to Fischl about something, she caught sight of you ordering from Good Hunter; you had turned around a little, and she saw how you looked (from the front) and immediately flushed red.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: While she tried denying her friend's claims that you entranced her, she knew it was, without a doubt, true.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Since then, she tried to be on the lookout for you, almost coming off a little stalkerish—but I promise she meant well. She was just too nervous about approaching you. 
𖠵𝟎𝟒: Looked up information on you with the help of her astrology, being cautious not to dive in too deep as to respect your privacy.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: Was against the concept of confessing to you, but you seemed so subdued and amiable, so she finally caved.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Trusted the stars and galaxies that everything would fall into place for her. Or in other words, trusted everything would go smoothly.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Stumbled into you while you were out running errands and asked if you wanted to go stargazing with her—her voice quieter and softer than normal.
it was like there was the entire galaxy in her eyes when you agreed, pointing out where you lived and leaving a chaste kiss on her cheek before waving goodbye.
her heart raced as she rushed to go tell Fischl, her hand never leaving where your lips were.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: This girl loves you more than every star in the night sky combined, and she never fails to tell you so.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Loves to call you “(my) love,” “starlight,” and “hydra.”
❝Ah, what brings you to me at this time of day, hydra? If I had known you were coming, I would’ve cleaned up a little better. . . Has something happened? Are you hurt? Sick? Did someone hurt you? I swear to Celestia if someone—Oh? You-you just missed me? O-Oh, um. Why didn’t you j-just say so? Come sit on my lap!❞
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Every night before she goes to bed she thanks the stars for meeting you.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: You’re the only one that gets to see her hair down! she melts whenever you run her fingers through it.
if your hand stops or pulls away, she’ll grab it and place it back in her hair.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: She feels horrible that she can’t buy you as many gifts as she’d like, especially if you buy her lots of things.
wishes she could grab the entire galaxy and seal it in a jar for you to keep.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Sometimes she can be a little shy when initiating affection, especially in public, but when you two are alone she’s suffocating you in her love.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: She’s teaching herself how to cook lots of different dishes so that you have a meal to come home to whenever/if you're too exhausted to cook.
that said, if you can cook, she loves your dishes !! often asking if you can teach her how to make some of them.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Struggles to stay awake in the mornings whenever she’s snuggled up to you.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: And when the sun has clocked in for the day, she’ll find herself admiring you while you’re asleep before drifting off herself.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Another precious baby !! She was also incredibly shy and nervous around you.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Being a good friend of Albedo's, he wanted you to meet her, but she didn't have the confidence to look you in the eyes (she found them really pretty), so she just shyly hid behind Albedo while he introduced her.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: Turned to Noelle for advice; the knight in training didn't know much herself, so she found a few books for her to skim through that would potentially help her.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: You actually ended up confessing to her before she could, and she had never felt more relieved in her life, LOL.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: That said, she ADORES you; you make her so much happier than she could ever dream of.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: She likes to call you “crystalfly” and “love.”
❝A-Ah! Welcome home, love! Y-You're home earlier than usual. Ah. . . you look so exhausted, h-have you rested at all today? U-Um, would you like to rest in my lap? I-I've also come up with a new calming potion if you'd like to take that to help relieve your stress as well.❞
𖠵𝟎𝟕: If you do happen to be stressed or overworked, she'll let you play with her ears and hair !! She loves when you do it, so it's a win-win.  
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Sometimes she finds herself thinking of you while she's researching/experiments, her head in a faraway place as she thinks about happy you make her feel.
Albedo doesn't mind at all; he finds it sweet if anything. he only really cares if she accidentally drops something and almost gets herself hurt.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Albedo finds it fascinating that her eyes light up like stars whenever she talks about you (he often asks about how you guys are doing because he knows that she adores talking about you.)
𖠵𝟏𝟎: Looks for ways that she can help you with her alchemy. An example is a potion that relaxes you and some type of ointment that can close a deep wound.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Sometimes you borrow her glasses and omg she melts into a puddle right there and then. If she didn't need them, she'd let you wear them 24/7 because she thinks you look so cute.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: A huge cuddle bug !! Not so much in public, but at home, she loves to be wrapped around your arms !!
𖠵𝟏𝟑: A great listener, her ears and arms are always open to you !!
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shinobusupremecy · 9 months
Spending christmas with the genshin characters
A/N: To celebrate christmas please enjoy this! It is just you celebrating christmas with the different characters. You can kinda notice which xharacter K am more familiar with then others😅
Anyways I hope you all have a very good christmas! 🎄 and a happy new year!
Not really proofread
Eula never really celebrsted any holidays like that, she often did it with Amber or she just did it alone
Now that you came into her life she has another person she can celebrste every holiday with
The people of Mondstat are still holding a very big grudge on her because of the family she was unfortunetly born into so buying meals was something you had to do
Trees however Eula easily could cut down with her claymore
You both decided to celebrate at your house
When it came to buying gifts you thought Amber could accompony Eula
After you both had bought gifts you two decorated the tree hbging around the ornaments you and suprisngly Eula owned.
You and Eula cooked the christmas meal together and after that you opened the gifts she got for you
Eula was thankful that she could celebrate such a nice holiday with you <3
You kinda had to drag Jean off of her desk so she can celebrate christmas like everyone else and enjoy herself
You decided that Jean and Barbara if she wished to, could come and celebrate at your house
Jean is obviously very familiar with christmas and she prepared stuff in advance like the shopping of meals, christmas tree and a present for you
Jean cooks pretty well because she is sure to get the meassurements right and she got high praises from you and (if you decided to celebrate with your family too) your family as well
You and Jean decorated the tree before putting in all the gifts under it
You shook your presents you got from Jean to try and predict what she would get you but it was hard to say
Jean was good atleast knowing what you wished for christmas
”I have tried to pay extra attention to what you wished for christmas”
How you imagine christmas to be celebrate is how it went with Jean
It was way more different celebrating christmas at the Crux Fleet then your house.
Still though it was very nice with Beidou going through further lengths to ensure your image of christmas would be perfect
One thing you know is you mentioning the christmas tree and next you see her men hauling in one on the fleet
You mostly told Beidou about how you celebrate christmas with the meals and gifts
Beidou nodded and promised you that she will fix everything when you two get on land
When you two finally came back to Liyuee you bought some stuff for her you think she would like, like weights and clothes
Beidou knows what you wish for, you might underestimate how much Beidou pay attention to these kinda things
The only thing you could hear fro the Crux Fleet as they sailed through the ocean was loud laughter, music and dances
After that whole night you and Beidou decorated the tree, yes a little bit of the wrong order but Beidou’s men couldn’t help but to start drinking and celebrating
You and Beidou decorated the tree and also got to open the presents you had for eachother
To finish off that wild christmas night you and Beidou had you just cuddled into eachothers arms
Ayaka was well familiar with the holiday called christmas even though she doesn’t really celebrate it
However it became different when you came into her life
You told Ayaka about christmas and taught her all the traditions.
Being as rich as she is *cough cough* she easily prepared for the holiday, only a snap of her finger and it was on.
Although shoving a whole tree inside the estate proved to be a bit difficult but it worked out!
Decorating the tree was a peaceful time
The food that you introduced on the christmas dinner was different from what her and her brother excpected but the food was delicious nonetheless and Ayaka was grateful that you showed her the different meals
If you can cook or helped cooking then you showed Ayaka how to make the different meals as well.
Ayaka knew you gave presents on this holiday so she bought you loads of stuff
While you gave her some jewlery and clothes
The Kamisato estate was lively the whole day of christmas cheer!
Ei/Raiden Shogun
Ei had no idea at all about what christmas was
You guessed that celebrating christmas in your way wasn’t at all common in Inazuma but the tradition was near and you can’t just go a year without celebrating it
You explained to Ei what christmas was, the different traditions, customs and meals while she sat there with a utter confused look
”You’re saying you have a whole tree inside your house?” Ei asked which you nodded.
Even if all of this was new to her Ei was willing to learn seeing that she might know more about humans that way as well plus, one more holiday tradition can’t hurt *wink wink*
Anywho she trusted your judgement about everything, you only had to say the word and Ei made the tenryo commision abide by your wishes. Even they were a bit confused as to why you shove a whole tree in your house for one holiday but some questions just couldn’t be answered, not even by you
When it came to dinner you had to show the chefs the reciepe because we all know how good Ei’s cooking is
Ei asked Yae for info about this holiday which the pink fox just replied
”In this holiday it is populaur to give gifts to one another”
”Like you do when it’s someone’s birthday?” Ei asked
Ei didn’t know that asking what you wished for christmas would be a dead giveaway on what she’s gonna get you but you never really cared. This was her first time celebrating christmas anyways
Eitherway it was very educational for Ei and a fun time for you <3
Celebrating with Kazuha isn’t as easily done since he wanders all the time but he can obviously make an exception for you and stay at your place to celebrate
Even if he didn’t, the christmas you will have with him will be as enjoyable as any other
You could explain christmas to him and he would lidten clearly engaged. Or he just stares on your beautiful face <3
You told him that it was common to give gifts and so he bought you some gifts, you did as well
You gave him ink and paper so he can write down his poems while he gave you a necklace
He recited poems to you as you both walked around in Chinju forest. Saying it was just peaceful was an understatement.
Yae Miko
She was very well educated in what christmas was and when you asked if she could celebrate it with you she smiled
”Oh you wanna celebrate christmas with me? What an honour” Was what she said
You two decided to celebrate at your own home and whether you did it with your family plus Yae Miko or not it turned out well no matter what
Your family loved Yae Miko, she easily charmed her way into your parents heart.
Anywho the food served was different but Yae was very fond of it
She is very good at reading people and easily got you the stuff you wished for, even the stuff you didn’t think you wished for!
”Wow! No way I always wanted this! How did you know?”
”Oh please, I see the way your gaze lingers”
Yae enjoyed herself quite alot and even if she didn’t celebrate christmas before she will definetly do it more now that you are here.
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neeuqiakeht · 11 months
Eula: Y/N made me feel things.
Rosaria: What things?
Eula: Feelings.
Rosaria: They made you feel feelings?
Eula: Yeah.
Rosaria: What a bitch.
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