#y’all are just unable to think critically about a piece of media because you find something problematic
1v1-me-irl · 10 months
I know everyone else is sick of meta humor in movies but I will never be I’m not sorry
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shoichee · 3 years
ALSO CAN I ASK FOR SOME RANDOM GOM HCS U HAVE? like just random ones u have or if u want like some toxic hcs abt them :D
I’m assuming that I can include their negative traits of their personalities as well 👀 Also including Momoi in this… lots of analyzing for this hc, so I used my brain here pls appreciate AGAIN these are all headcanons/interpretations of possible toxic hcs about them and only a few are canon
Kuroko Tetsuya
Kuroko is the hardest person to find a “negative/toxic” trait in, and it doesn’t seem like he has any
kind, understanding, hardworking, and compassionate; he’s everything a good-natured protagonist is
but he’s only like this to people/hobbies he cares about/close with; anything else he’s quite apathetic and also very passive/neutral about
the biggest hint to this is when Akashi criticizes Kuroko for cherry-picking who the GoMs should “go all out against” and who to casually toy with
and Akashi is absolutely correct
most of the series is portrayed through Kuroko’s perspective, and Akashi is the first direct outside perspective who comments on his actions/attitude
it’s obviously not that Kuroko didn’t “notice”... he clearly sees and knows what these GoMs are doing; after all, he had a conversation with Aomine about how observant he is to everything around him
of course, if you were close to him, all your opinions and issues matter to him
it’s the fact that what’s not really important to him is suddenly now important just because someone he knows is involved
just an example: if someone was advocating climate change, he has no opinion on it until someone he knows cares about the issue
in other words, he has a subtle hypocritical view on things, especially when he interacts with others
another clear negative trait could be that he’s too idealistic or perhaps naive, seeing things in a clear black-or-white picture and not necessarily a gray area
WE know, as an audience, that the GoMs honestly needed therapy and a proper adult to guide their out-of-control talents
but Kuroko, in his eyes, had viewed them as “bad” and “evil” in their ways of basketball until they changed after their respective matches
he’s probably someone who doesn’t yield to other opinions once he forms his own, and this may make him unable to consider things in other people’s perspectives
which is again, ironic: someone who doesn’t have generally a strong stance but once they do, it’s very unyielding, which further proves Akashi’s comment about Kuroko’s tendency to nitpick which to care about
a final hc about a potential flaw he might have here in a different ask!
Kise Ryota
y’all… it’s as canon as day that he has a mean side
straight from the author himself, it’s confirmed that Kise is only kind to those who he respects, and to the rest, he’s cold-hearted
in the manga, it’s very clear that he’s super judgmental on every first impression on people he meets, boxing them into categories based on the way they look, act, and speak
only when they surpass his preset expectations (low or high depends on his preliminary judgments of them) is when he opens his mind to the rest of their personality
this is a very close-minded way of thinking, and I hope I don’t need to explain why LOL
this can be interpreted as him being two-faced by the majority of the people in his school
his way of speaking can definitely be very cruel and crass, and to sensitive people, his words can easily shatter hearts
Kise’s negative/toxic traits are pretty straightforward here, so let’s move on
Midorima Shintarou
his harsh words can be considered a “negative” part of his personality, but I think it’s a lot more than just that
it’s confirmed in the series that he’s a bystander and almost always minds his own business
on one hand, one can say he’s self-driven and that he constantly strives for self-improvement
on the other, it can be interpreted as him being very dangerously ambitious and selfish, in which most actions he takes are for the sole reason of self-improvement and not for altruistic reasons
for example, when he helped Kuroko and Kagami in the training camp, it was under the reasoning that them becoming stronger would be a good challenge for himself to test and learn
that’s not to say that he can’t have friends, but most friendships he’s built are with capable people who can potentially provide him with some new beneficial skill/goal to strive towards
after all, he’s only learned to trust Takao as a friend only after seeing him as someone capable
because he’s so focused on himself, he’s extremely likely to turn a blind eye to injustice, most also likely to use Oha Asa to justify their “misfortunes” as he continues on his day
he’s not cold-hearted, but altruism comes by Midorima a lot rarer than the average person
now, we know that his Oha Asa aspect is used to balance his serious side as the “comedic side” of him, but if we really think about it, his obsessions with the horoscopes could be a huge obstacle in the future, where he may refuse to listen/depend on others in favor of his own intuition and the stars; after all, no one knows everything, and depending on the stars as one’s next source of advice and guidance isn’t a sound decision to commit themselves to
he seems like the person who overthinks and jumps to conclusions when it comes to social situations, but instead of confronting the person, he turns to fate and fortune if Takao isn’t near to help
Aomine Daiki
I wouldn’t be surprised if Aomine had a skewed sense of beauty standards from all those magazines he consumed and from being around Momoi for the majority of his life
of course anyone can distinguish pieces of media from reality, but during the most impressionable years of life, without experiencing other types of people and physiques, he would have limited knowledge on what “beauty” is and whatnot
this probably would be more of a problem in his adolescence than adult
a very given negative trait is his short temper plus his tendency to turn to physical violence when someone nags him to a certain point, seen with how he’s treated Wakamatsu in the beginning (though this seems to almost disappear by the end of the series)
what I’ve noticed in every scene he’s in, is that everything seems to revolve around him and his hobbies of basketball and Japanese idols
what I mean is that everytime we see Aomine, it’s always Momoi approaching to Aomine or just him always being the center of attention; never once has he approached Momoi for anything and it’s always been the other way around
in other words, people have to cater to him in order to get along with him/be in good graces (additional example: Imayoshi letting him do as he pleases to get him to be cooperative and participate in the games)
we’ve actually never seen Momoi��s hobbies outside of being a manager for her basketball teams and just anything basketball-related
he can be quite apathetic, choosing to only pay attention and try in things he’s interested in… which is basketball and those magazines
he seems to mature in the Last Game though, so I’m not quite sure to what extent these headcanons would apply to older Aomine (these also don’t really apply to Puremine)
Momoi Satsuki
the author probably also included this type of anime trope as comedy, but belittling another female for her body is definitely a no-go in reality; I feel like this is something most people gloss over really lightly
her body comments on Riko are actually what made me skeptical of her character at first before the show really shows her entire personality
that being said, it seems that she always takes the opportunity to look down on other girls (especially to those she is a stranger to) as a sort of “competition” when there’s boys around
definitely at certain moments, she screams a “pick-me girl” type of person (real phenomenon, you can search this up!)
while Kuroko doesn’t seem to actively mind this, I think she also has no good sense of boundaries and what’s considered appropriate touch and consent; people can chalk this up to “oh it’s just infatuation,” but this definitely isn’t okay if we really think about this
her life also seems to revolve around either Aomine or Kuroko, and based from that, I’d feel like she’d have a difficult time forming her own identity/life separate from her “manager life,” especially once she graduates from Touou
can definitely be interpreted as too clingy at certain moments, while others may think it’s her way of showing that she cares
Murasakibara Atsushi
most people would chalk up Murasakibara as “lazy,” and on the surface level, it does appear to look that way…
I think his true negative trait is that he has a lack of intrinsic motivations to drive him to do things
it’s different from being lazy; someone can be lazy while still having a goal, and certainly someone can be lazy while they’re motivated by thoughts of “I want to learn more,” “I want to get stronger,” etc. (you guys, it’s me right now in college)
and he doesn’t have that
part of this was contributed to the fact that he’s already so gifted with genetics and thus, there’s never been a goal for him to have to work towards to when he’s already at the top
he doesn’t actively seek out, and while that may be a characteristic of sloth, it’s not exactly right either
he willingly does things if people around him give him the motivations/reasons to do so; a person of sloth wouldn’t do anything even with all the motivations and goals handed right to their face
snacks/food are examples of extrinsic motivations that fuel him to carry on daily life
Himuro is always the main motivator for Murasakibara to come out and watch matches, and he also does whatever Akashi orders in both Teiko and present days // a person who can give the giant the motivation to do tasks would get along with him the most
searching out for a challenge against his basketball skills is something that’s never crossed his mind
why? he grew to be like the way he is because of the lack of results from his “search” of a challenge throughout his games
again, it’s only when Murasakibara gets handed a silver-platter of a challenge, Jason Silver, that actively gets him pumped up and raring to go
as such, Murasakibara is equivalent to a rusty machine, extremely difficult to start up and find compatibility with, but very powerful and efficient once he finds that spark
Murasakibara finding any partner or friend in the future would be extremely difficult because he ticks a different tune from the rest
Akashi Seijuro
his entire Bokushi side was a giant-ass red flag for very obvious reasons LOL anyways, moving on…
it’s difficult to pinpoint a negative characteristic for Oreshi because he’s the pinnacle of a gentleman character… but that technically is also his negative trait
for him to maintain that perfect image for himself and others, he has always carried himself in such a way that doesn’t allow for errors or expressions of “weakness”
thus, bottling up his frustrations and emotions to the point of no return is something very familiar to Akashi, and I’d feel like Bokushi is the result of his overflowing emotions left unchecked in the first place
I also predict that if Akashi continues to carry himself without letting himself wind down and feel emotions on the spot rather than locking it up inside him, a day will come when he splits into two halves again with a “new” Bokushi to deal with his current life (and let the current Oreshi take a backseat in his psyche to take a break from the turmoil)
also will tend to overwork himself to manage people’s expectations as well as his own, and he’s not one to depend on people not because he sees them as inferior or incapable, but because he’s doing this out of habit from being in positions of authority and responsibility for much of his life
and so, he may tend to hide important things or just not speak about his problems in general to those close to him because he feels like he can do it all himself and spare everyone the work and stress associated with them (a leader mentality)
throughout the majority of his life being calm and calculated, his emotions would definitely escape from him in forms of uncontrollable lashes of anger… before he would realize what he’s done… that is, assuming that another Bokushi hasn’t form within his subconscious yet
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serialreblogger · 4 years
You want to talk more about the bigotry in Harry Potter? Go ahead! I've actually heard stuff like that before, but have yet to do much research on it personally and it's been a while since I read it, so I'm interested.
Before we begin I should start with a disclaimer: this analysis will be dedicated to examining as many bigoted aspects of Harry Potter’s writing as I can think of, so--while I personally am more or less comfortable balancing critical evaluation with enjoyment of a piece, and strongly advocate developing your own abilities to do the same--I know not everyone is comfortable reading/enjoying a story once they realize its flaws, and again, while I think it’s very important to acknowledge the flaws in culturally impactful stories like Harry Potter, I also know for some people the series is really really important for personal reasons and whatnot. 
So! If you’re one of those people, and you have trouble balancing critical engagement with enjoyment, please feel free to skip this analysis (at least for the time being). Self-care is important, and it’s okay to find your own balance between educating yourself and protecting yourself.
On another note, this is gonna be limited strictly to morally squicky things to do with Rowling’s writing and the narrative itself. Bad stuff characters do won’t be talked about unless it’s affirmed by the narrative (held up as morally justified), and plot holes, unrealistic social structures, etc. will not be addressed (it is, after all, a kid’s series, especially in the first few books. Quidditch doesn’t have to make sense). This is strictly about how Rowling’s personal biases and bigotry impacted the story and writing of Harry Potter.
Sketch Thing #1: Quirrell! I don’t see a lot of people talking about Quirrell and racism, but I feel like it’s a definite thing? Quirinus Quirrell is a white man who wears a turban, gifted to him by an “African prince” (what country? where? I couldn’t find a plausible specific when I was researching it for a fic. If there’s a country which has current/recent royalty that might benevolently interact with someone, and also a current/recent culture where turbans of the appropriate style are common, I couldn’t find it). Of course, it wasn’t actually given to him by an African prince in canon, but it’s still an unfortunate explanation.
More importantly, ALL the latent Islamophobia/xenophobia in the significance of the turban. Like, look at it.
“Man wears turban, smells like weird spices, turns out to be concealing an evil second face under the turban” really sounds like something A Bit Not Good, you know? If you wanted to stoke the flames of fear about foreignness, it would be hard to do it better than to tell children about a strange man who’s hiding something horrible underneath a turban.
Also, Quirrell’s stutter being faked to make you think he was trustworthy is a very ableist trope, and an unfortunately common one. “Disability isn’t actually real, just a trick to make you accommodate and trust them” is not a great message, and it’s delivered way too often by mass media. (Check out season 1 of the Flash for another popular example.)
Sketch Thing #2: The goblins. Much more commonly talked about, in my experience, which is good! The more awareness we have about the messages we’re getting from our popular media, the better, in my view. 
For those who haven’t encountered this bit of analysis before: the goblins in Harry Potter reek of antisemitic stereotypes. Large ears, small eyes, crooked noses, green/gray skin, lust for money, control of the banks, and a resentful desire to overthrow the Good British Government? Very reminiscent of wwii propaganda posters, and in general the hateful rhetoric directed towards Jewish people by other European groups from time immemorial. 
I’m also extremely uncomfortable with how goblin culture is handled by Rowling in general. Like, the goblins were a people that were capable of using magic, but prohibited by the British government from owning wands. That was never addressed. They also had a different culture around ownership, which is why Griphook claimed that the sword of Gryffindor belonged rightfully to the goblins--a gift isn’t passed down to descendants upon death, but instead reverts to the maker. This cultural miscommunication is glossed over, despite the fact that it sounds like Griphook’s voicing a very real, legitimate grievance.
To be honest, apart from the antisemitism, the way Goblin culture is treated by the narrative in Harry Potter is very uncomfortably reminiscent to me of how First Nations were treated by English settlers in North America, before the genocide really got started. The Goblins even have a history of “rebellions,” which both raises the question of why another species is ruling them to begin with, and more significantly, is eerily reminiscent of the Red River Rebellion in Canada (which, for the record, wasn’t actually a rebellion--it was Metis people fighting against the Canadian government when it tried to claim the land that legally, rightfully belonged to the Metis. But that’s another story)
In sum: I Don’t Like the implications of how Rowling treats the goblins.
Sketch Thing #3: Muggles. Ok because we’re all “muggles” (presumably) and because I’m white, talking about this might rapidly degenerate into thinly-veiled “reverse racism” discourse, so please y’all correct me if I stray into that kind of colossal stupidity. However, I am not comfortable with the way non-magical humans are treated by Rowling’s narrative.
The whole premise of Harry Potter is that Evil Wizards Want To Hurt The Muggles, right? Except that it’s not. Voldemort’s goal is to subjugate the inferior humans, rule over non-magical people as the rightful overlords, but that’s hardly mentioned by the narrative. Instead, it focuses on the (also egregious and uncomfortably metaphorical) “blood purism” of wizarding culture, and how wizards would be persecuted for their heritage.
But muggles, actual muggles, are arguably the ones who stand to lose the most to Voldemort, and they’re never notified of their danger. We, the muggles reading it, don’t even really register that we’re the collateral damage in this narrative. Because throughout the series, muggles are set up as laughingstocks. Even the kindest, most muggle-friendly wizards are more obsessed with non-magical people as a curiosity than actually able to relate to them as people. 
I dunno, friends, I’m just uncomfortable with the level of dehumanization that’s assigned to non-magical humans. (Like, there’s not even a non-offensive term for them in canon. There’s “muggle,” which is humorously indulgent at best and actively insulting at worst, and there’s “squib,” which is literally the word for a firework that fails to spark.) It’s not like “muggles” are actually a real people group that can be oppressed, and like I said this kind of analysis sounds a bit like the whining of “reverse racism” advocates where the powerful majority complains about being insulted, but... it kind of also reeks of ableism. People that are not able to do a certain cool, useful thing (use magic) are inherently inferior, funny at best and disposable at worst. They suffer and die every day from things that can easily be cured with magic, but magic-users don’t bother to help them, and even when they’re actively attacked the tragedy of hundreds dying is barely mourned by the narrative. 
It gives me bad vibes. I don’t Love It. It sounds uncomfortably like Rowling’s saying “people that are unable to access this common skill are inherently inferior,” and that really does sound like ableism to me. 
Either way, there’s something icky about consigning an entire group of people to the role of “funny clumsy stupid,” regardless of any real-world connections there may or may not be to that people group. Don’t teach children that a single genetic characteristic can impact someone’s personhood, or make them inherently less worthy of being taken seriously. Just, like... don’t do that.
Sketch Thing #4: The house elves. Everyone knows about the house elves, I think. The implications of “they’re slaves but they like it” and the only person who sees it as an issue having her campaign turned into a joke by the narrative (“S.P.E.W.”? Really? It might as well stand for “Stupidly Pleading for Expendable Workers”) are pretty clear.
Sketch Thing #5: Azkaban. Are we gonna talk about how wizarding prison involves literal psychological torture, to the point where prisoners (who are at least sometimes there wrongly, hence the plot of book 3) almost universally go “insane”? This is sort of touched on by the narrative--“dementors are bad and we shouldn’t be using them” was a strongly delivered message, but it was less “because torturing people, even bad people, is not a great policy” and more “because dementors are by their natures monstrous and impossible to fully control.” 
“This humanoid species is monstrous and impossible to control” is, once again, a very concerning message to deliver, and it doesn’t actually address the real issue of “prison torture is bad, actually.” Please, let’s not normalize the idea that prison is inherently horrific. Of course, prison as it exists in North America and Britain is, indeed, inherently horrific and often involves torture (solitary confinement, anyone?), but like--that’s a bad thing, y’all, it’s deeply dysfunctional and fundamentally unjust. Don’t normalize it.
Sketch Thing #6: Werewolves. Because Rowling explicitly stated that lycanthropy in her series is a metaphor for “blood-borne diseases like HIV/AIDS”. The linked article says it better than I could:
Rowling lumps HIV and AIDS in with other blood-borne illnesses, which ignores their uniquely devastating history. And Lupin’s story is by no stretch a thorough or helpful examination of the illness. Nor is its translation as an allegory easily understood, beyond the serious stigma that Rowling mentioned.
That Lupin is a danger to others could not more clearly support an attitude of justifiable fear toward him, one that is an abject disservice to those actually struggling with a disease that does not make them feral with rage.
This definitely ties into homophobia, given how deeply the queer community has been affected by HIV/AIDS. Saying a character with a condition that makes him an active threat to those around him is “a metaphor for AIDS” is deeply, deeply distressing, both for its implications about queer people and their safety for the general population, and for the way it specifically perpetuates the false belief that having HIV/AIDS makes a person dangerous.
Sketch Thing #7: Blood Ties. This isn’t, like, inherently sketch, but (especially for those of us with complicated relationships to our birth families) it can rub a lot of people the wrong way. Rowling talks a big talk about the folly of “blood purism,” but she also upholds the idea that blood and blood relations are magically significant. 
Personally, I’m very uncomfortable with the fact that Harry was left with an abusive family for his entire childhood, and it was justified because they were his “blood relatives.” I’ve had this argument with ultra-conservative family friends who genuinely believe it’s a parent’s right to abuse their child, and while I don’t think that’s what Rowling is saying, I do feel uncomfortable with the degree of importance she places on blood family. I’m uncomfortable with the narrative’s confirmation that it is acceptable (even necessary) to compromise on boundaries and allow the continuation of abuse because “it’s better for a child to be raised by their Real Family” than it is to risk them to the care of an unrelated parent.
Genetic relations aren’t half as important as Rowling tells us. For people with a bad birth family, this can be a damaging message to internalize, so I’ll reiterate: it’s a pretty thought, the love in blood, but it’s ultimately false. The family you build is more real, more powerful and more valid than any family you were assigned to by an accident of genes.
I can think of one or two more things, but they’re all a lot more debatable than what I have here--as it is, you might not agree with everything I’ve said. That’s cool! I’m certainly not trying to start a fight. We all have the right to read and interpret things for ourselves, and to disagree with each other. And again, I’m not trying to ruin Harry Potter. It’s honestly, as a series, not worse in terms of latent bigotry than most other books of its time, and better than many. It’s just more popular, with a much bigger impact and many more people analyzing it. I do think it’s important to critically evaluate the media that shapes one’s culture, and to acknowledge its shortcomings (and the ways it can be genuinely harmful to people, especially when it’s as culturally powerful as Harry Potter). But that doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t enjoy it for what it was meant to be: a fun, creative, engaging story, with amazing characters, complex plots, heroism and inspiration for more than one generation of people. 
Enjoy Harry Potter. It is, in my opinion, a good series, worth reading and re-reading for enjoyment, even for nourishment. It’s also flawed. These things can both be true.
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wishfuledarchive · 5 years
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[ sofia carson. cisfemale. demisexual.] wearable art and a fresh manicure always remind me of sojourner ‘georgie’ avara, who happens to be a twenty four year old art history + restoration student. they are known for being alluring and selfish which probably explains why they are into impact play & service submission. 
this is long just so y’all know before you even start, if you make it through this whole thing you deserve all the good things in the universe. smash that heart & i’ll slide in your dms for plots. this applies for all of the intros that will be posted following this one. before liking please make sure you’ve read my intros and have some idea of where you’d like the plots to go before liking, if you need ideas there are a bunch listed at the end of their intros ! ♡ 
           Sojourner Avara was born to Amelia and Javier Avara. He was an investment banker and financial advisor to some of the most powerful people in the city. She was a journalist from America who moved abroad to work at La Paris Journal, she thought she’d be doing hard hitting ground breaking journalist but has spent most of her career writing puff pieces. Just as Amelia was ready to cut her losses and move back home she met Javi. He was sweet, charming, funny and instantly she fell for him. They were married after a year of dating and a few months later they found out they were expecting their first and only child, any dreams Amelia had of leaving the city were banished with the first kick of her baby. From the moment she was born Javier was certain that Georgie would do great things. Without a second thought to the jump in he moved their family from their rundown apartment in the heart of the city to a multi bedroom palace in the suburban paradise to give her a chance to blend in with those from High Society. He started her training young, enrolling her in the same preschools as them, using the same nannies, tutors even maids as them.
           Growing up Georgie loved her life, they went to events, luncheons and even Christmas parties by some of the oldest families in the city. Everytime she had to meet a new person her father would lavish her in new dresses, shoes and hairbows it made her feel like a princess. She loved going to their homes that seemed like castles, she’d always find time to slip away and wall down the grand halls of their homes in awe of their family portraits some dating back to the start of the city. She knew that that’s what she wanted, to leave behind a legacy for her family. Something they could be proud of, passed down from generation to generation so that even a hundred years from now someone like her would be standing in the position she was, staring up at a portrait of her. She was a child then, she didn’t understand that to be apart of this club, she had to be born in. 
          At age thirteen the real world came crashing into Georgie’s life for the first time. She’d gotten an A on an essay that she and her father had stayed up all night working on, he’d read and reread it so many times that he could say it outloud to her by heart. Instead of going home she begged her driver to take her to her father’s office instead. The guards all smiled when she arrived, walking with her to the elevator and buzzing her onto her father’s floor she waved to everyone in the office as if she was a princess in a parade as she made her way down the hall. It didn’t seem strange to her that his secretary wasn’t out front until she barged into his office and found her pinned against a wall while her father was hastily unbuttoning her shirt. She froze, so did he. They both just stared at the other for a moment before his secretary broke away and hastily fixed her shirt as she scurried out the door. How could he do something like this? To her, to her mother? She wanted to push him out of the window and see if he’d survive the twenty story fall. He forced Georgie to promise to keep what she saw to herself, that mama would be very mad at her if she said anything. Wanting to keep the peace, to keep her family in tact. She stayed silent. Though her relationship with her father was never the same. 
          Two years later things went from bad to worse. There were rumors floating around about Javier, how clients were coming in to talk about their portfolios and him not having anything to show them, being unable to take out money they’d invested that he said had turned a profit and then one day, like smoke. He was gone. Before he could be arrested he’d disappeared into the night with over five million dollars. Leaving Amelia to raise Georgie with no money and a tarnished reputation. All of the connections she’d made with those in high society were gone, many of her friends parents had invested money with her father and now as a result, wanted nothing to do with her. It was a harsh reality that switched a light in the young girl. She could remember having conversations with her father where he told her that money was the only thing that mattered, and he was right. The instant their money was gone, so was her life. 
          Amelia was forced to take Georgie out of her private school, sell their house and move back the city. She didn’t want to make it harder for her mother so she didn’t say anything, she didn’t complain as her dresses began to fade, she didn’t ask for new clothes, she swallowed the food that tasted like dust and she locked her ball of rage in a box and tucked it deep within herself. Deciding instead to control as much of her life as she could. Refusing to allow herself to wind up in an another chaotic situation. Her mother quickly remarried and almost overnight the life Georgie knew was back, to a degree. They moved from Paris to her mother’s hometown in Austin, Texas. She didn’t have to worry about food, or shelter. She got to buy whatever she wanted and even go back to private school.
         It’s been over ten years since her father disappeared. She doesn’t think about him anymore but he’s had more influence over her life than she’d like to admit. His desire to be financially stable, to be successful, to be the best of the best is embedded so deeply into her subconscious that it rules her every move. 
Is very bossy, thinks they know everything, is naturally a leader but can be a bit overbearing and forceful however she’s mad ambitious, she has big plans for herself and her career and she won’t stop until she’s at the top
Understands that the key to success is to NETWORK so social relationships are very important to her, she goes through a lot of hoops to make sure that her image is always up to par 
Constantly stalking social media, all of which is perfectly curated btw 
Honestly she doesn’t like conflict, she’s not the type of girl who will start a fight with someone or put someone down purposely. She wants peace and harmony for everyone. 
She’s a wee bit sensitive, like yell at her and she will probably not act like it bothers her but then go to the bathroom and cry. She’s especially sensitive to criticism!! 
While she is very emotional, her emotions take precedence over everything else. If she feels something she has to get it off her chest right away so she can move on with the rest of her day without being upset.  
She’s got v expensive tastes, she’s always been drawn to beauty and the finer things in life - it’s why she fell in love with art at a young age 
Though she is ambitious she’s not aggressive in the way she goes about it, she’s more of the charm the pants off of anyone and everyone around her so of course she gets the opportunity you wanted
Very responsible, organized, trustworthy (at times), she’ll rarely jump to conclusions or take uneducated risks 
Might not always show it but she’s very loyal to the people she cares about
She’s naturally trustworthy, and doesn’t have much patience for those who don't show respect for others, who take foolish risks, and who lead disorganized lives.
Suffers from inner tension and negative, self-destructive behavior - when things are going well, she constantly fears that something will come along to change that (naturally this becomes a self fulfilling prophecy)
She puts a lot of pressure on herself when it comes to her endeavors and because of this tends to feel immensely dissatisfied with herself and her accomplishments, she’s honestly never satisfied when it comes to anything she does there’s always something she could have done better. 
She doesn’t feel like she can show her real self to anyone, and tbh she doesn’t even know who her “real” self is anymore - maybe she never did in the first place 
Has an extreme fear of losing control, as such, she can be intensely fearful of, or threatened by, change. 
She's most comfortable with the darker side of her nature than the lighter aspects. 
Super impatient, she lives life in the moment and waiting for something to happen is like waiting for death. 
She’s very much so in her head, at times she’ll intellectualize her emotions instead of feeling them. She doesn’t do anything without planning it out so she hella doesn’t get people who’ve committed crimes of passion or excessively emotional 
She'll rarely sulk or play any drawn-out games of manipulation, you can pretty much know what she'll want at any given time.
She is a sexual person but she needs to have an emotional connection to feel sexually fulfilled - her intellectual nature allows her to have casual sexual connections which she often uses to advance her career
Venus in Pisces people project themselves as dreamy, soft-hearted partners. Everything about the way they flirt promises a lovely time. Theirs is an elusive charm -- they are sweetly playful, a little moody, and perhaps a little irregular. They appreciate romance and poetry, and they prefer to "feel out" both you and the relationship you share, so don't expect too much planning ahead.
wanted connections 
enemies / rivals 
friends turned enemies 
friends who only like georgie bc she’s the queen bee 
friends who want to overthrow her 
forced friends (i.e their parents are bffs so we have to hang out but idk if i actually like you)
lab partner 
drinking / partying buddies bonus points if they only get along while fucked up - this could also be romantic tbh
dance team members bonus points if your chara needs help w/ dance and georgie is just determined to make them good 
dance partner 
someone who knows about georgie’s dad and is blackmailing her (no one at ulysses knows abt her dad but this muse)
the reckless muse who drags perfect lil georgie into mess 24/7
the muse who just wants to know georgie and she’s keeping them 10 ft away at all times bc NO YOU CANT KNOW ABOUT MY PAST SO STAWP ASKING 
georgie thinks your muse hates them, or vice versa and they share a cigarette/drink/cab late at night and find out that’s not true 
someone who has a crush on georgie & she takes advantage of that (makes them help her w/ homework, buy her coffee, carry her books etc but does noTHING for them)
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 083: Your Hands Can Still Reach
Previously on BnHA: tHEY TOOK my SON. MY SON.
...oh god. yeah so. Vlad was a badass and so was Aizawa, but neither of them ultimately managed to stop Dabi and his group from kidnapping my child. Dabi bragged about how they were going to unravel society’s trust in U.A. after they let the students get attacked on multiple occasions. Back in the forest, Deku’s group tried to stop Dabi and co. from escaping, but Kurogiri’s appearance made that all but a foregone conclusion. Tokoyami was saved at the last second thanks to Aoyama’s intervention, but Kacchan literally disappeared right in front of Deku’s eyes. Like, they made eye contact, and Kacchan was all “stay away Deku” and like deadly serious because there was nothing else he could do, and then he was just. Gone. It was amazing omg
Today on BnHA: Everyone licks their wounds. It’s depressing. The U.A. faculty has a meeting to discuss how badly they fucked up (spoilers: a lot) and whether or not there is a traitor in their midst. All Might is particularly distraught, at least until Naomasa calls him to let him know the police have a lead on the League of Villains’ location. Class A visits Deku in the hospital. Kirishima tells Deku that he and Todoroki overheard Momo talking to the cops about the tracker she planted on the Noumu. Seeing where this is headed, Iida starts to protest, but Kirishima passionately says that because he was unable to do anything before, he feels like he has to do something now. He’s planning to go and try to save Bakugou, and tells Deku that it’s not too late.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 141 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.) 
 everyone’s just licking their wounds on this opening page. Aizawa and the kids who are still able to stand are dragging the unconscious and wounded kids out of the woods
jesus this is fucking grim
Momo please be okay oh my god. such a fucking hero. saved the fucking day and no one even realizes it yet
and Kendou’s dragging Tetsu and the unconscious captured villain because she’s also a fucking hero!! YESSSS GIRLS. YESSSSSS
Tsuyu and Ochako are catching up with the others, but they’re all just surrounding Deku who’s on the ground just screaming
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someone needs to knock this kid out now for his own good. this is so far from on brand
JESUS CHRIST look at all this fucking collateral damage
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fifteen kids in critical condition from the poison gas. holy shit. and 11 more injured, and one MISSING and POSSIBLY DEAD, although I know he’s not dead but THEY FUCKING DON’T AND HOLY SHIT THOUGH
and Pixie is also in critical condition from head trauma. realistic consequences!!!! now we’re getting to the point where not only is it more realistic than most anime, but most live action entertainment as well. someone gets banged on the head and doesn’t immediately recover?? holy fucking shit
and my girl Ragdoll is. probably fucking dead omfg. a large pool of blood and missing in action. wtf. realistic fucking consequences
holy shit I was wondering how the cops actually manage to contain these massively strong villains, and fucking look at this shit though
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damn. I honestly don’t know how anyone has the balls to try and break the law if they know there’s even the slightest risk of them being wrapped up like an evil burrito and stuffed into a metal containment tube for the rest of their lives
can we give Tetsu and Kendou a round of applause. and Deku. and Tokoyami. not a single one of these villains was apprehended by the cops, or even the pros. this was all the kids. even class B was representing too for the very first time
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I don’t know about you, but to me that could not have possibly gone any better. fanfic lodge, you lived up to your reputation and then some. more like canon domestic fluff and angst lodge. can I get a fuck yeah. holy shit
now we’re cutting to the next day at U.A.
the pros are holding a meeting
they’re saying they need to acknowledge “the disgrace” of allowing their students to be assaulted at a camp that was meant to prepare them for exactly this kind of thing
and they underestimated how far along the villain alliance had already come along. like, they were fairly sure there would be trouble soon, but these guys were already organized and making plans
yep. these are fast-paced villains for sure. y’all thought this was One Piece, but this is BnHA! we’ve already had like... four arcs. and it’s only chapter 83
okay Midnight’s bringing up something really important here
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“ever since All Might came on to the scene...” but the thing is, he’s not on the scene any more. not really. and now we’re starting to see the result. he’s been trying to delay this as long as possible, but...
Mic is saying that the peace that All Might brought about made them complacent. it’s true, societies do have astonishingly short memories
All Might himself seems fucking devastated
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please don’t beat yourself up, you couldn’t have foreseen this happening. you went and made the world better for a little while, and then you got hurt and now the world is starting to regress back. you were one man standing up against all the bad shit that was out there and you fucking did it somehow, even if just for a little while. and you fucking inspired a whole new generation to carry on that fight after you
okay and here is the biggest mistake they all actually made during this whole thing
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yeeeep. big mistake. I know, hindsight and twenty-twenty, but. they were trying to seem strong and stable, but in truth they were anything but, and they went and put these kids out there in the spotlight and inadvertently made them targets. and on top of that, now it makes them look even more careless and incompetent by willfully ignoring the threat. while you were playing games, the bad guys were organizing their fucking shit
by the way, it’s so bland to see the Sheriff talking and not having it be in old-timey cowboy jargon. so I’ve taken the liberty of rewriting this:
“ta think we were fixin’ to giddy on up with the sports festival right after that first peck o’ trouble. reckon we got no choice but to yield this time. the abduction of a student is a real conniption. them there varmints didn’t just take Bakugou away -- they done took society’s trust in heroes away at the same time.”
(ETA: so I finally was able to read the Viz version, and. lmao. I don’t think I did a half bad job.
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totally called the usage of the word “varmints.” )
Rat Principal says the media is already “ablaze with criticism.” can’t fucking blame ‘em
he’s also speculating that the villains targeted Bakugou due to the rowdiness he displayed at the festival. basically, if a U.A. student -- and not just any student, but the kid who won the sports festival at that -- were to end up going villain, that would pretty much be the straw that broke the camel’s back as far as the public’s trust goes
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so he’s saying no one outside U.A. knew where the lodge was. although I’ve been wondering about that. just how many forest lodges are there within reasonable distance of U.A. that could accommodate two classes’ worth of students for a week or two of training though? like, was this facility itself actually a secret, or was it just a secret that this was the facility they chose? because it could have just been process of elimination
but I like the traitor theory better :D
Midnight’s telling him to drop it but they need to fucking consider this though?? like, I get that the last thing they all need is to stop trusting even each other, but ALSO, if there is a traitor in their midst then they need to fucking address that shit though
at the very least, information flow needs to be much more tightly controlled from this point out. and they need to step up their own intelligence game. where my spy heroes at yo
anyway so yeah, now the Sheriff is saying that they can’t start turning on each other with suspicion because they’ll end up crumbling from within. exactly the point I expected them to make. but they still need to do something. maybe do the Tyrion thing from Game of Thrones where they feed different people different fake stories and see who takes the bait
(ETA: okay, so despite saying a few chapters ago that I wasn’t going to talk about traitor theories, I ended up going on a 1,500 word tangent about my top traitor suspects lol. it got so out of hand that I ended up cutting it from this recap, so I’ll actually be putting that up as a separate post. you can find that here.)
the principal is starting to say something about that topic, but he’s interrupted by a phone call
lmao All Might’s ring tone
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he’s walking outside and clenching his fist in dramatic frustration
who’s calling I wonder. Gran or Deku? or Nao maybe
yeah it’s Nao
he just finished taking Aizawa and Vlad’s statements and says there’s been a development
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ha ha it’s Momo’s tracking device! isn’t it?!
okay whoa. I’m not even gonna try summing this up so I’ll just post and discuss
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pressing pause on this for a second to smdh at the fact that they just initially dismissed this lead as being fucking irrelevant. why
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so does this mean the villains are no longer using that hide-out? and did Momo not tell anyone about the tracker? has she also figured out that their location was compromised and that they don’t know who they can trust? is she still unconscious from the Noumu attack?
All Might is thanking Nao for the information and transforming into Muscle Might on the spot
now we’re cutting to the hospital
Deku omg. my poor fucked up son
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holy shiiiiiiit the angst
Kacchan has been gone for three days holy shit
(ETA: actually by my best estimate it’s about 48 hours from the time he’s taken up until the time he gets rescued. we’ll say roughly 12 hours from the attack to the U.A. faculty meeting the next morning; then this hospital scene which takes place approximately 24 hours after that; and then finally the rescue which takes place later tonight. we’ll say another 12 hours later just to make it neat and tidy. Deku saying ��for the two days that followed” is a little confusing, but this is the only timeline that makes sense, and the other translations seem to bear it out.
and yes this is important to me lol because it makes a big difference in Kacchan’s mental and physical state. 48 hours is a long time to go without eating or drinking or sleeping -- none of which I can imagine that he would have been able to do -- and three days would be pushing it even more, so yeah. I need to know these things or else the angst lover in me can’t stop speculating over them lol.)
he’s turning to look at a little bowl of fruit, or something, with a note from his mom
so now on top of everything else he’s feeling guilty about making his mom worry
your mom? like, what about Bakugou’s mom though?? how is she holding up
(ETA: omg. from what I’ve seen of Bakugou’s mom, probably a hell of a lot of people got screamed at over these past couple days. I love her ngl)
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are you in shock. are you just trying not to think about it
ah! Kaminari’s popping his head in!
...nooooot just him!
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I wonder how many of the kids were here visiting their other friends too. and I don’t see Momo among this number so maybe she is still asleep. Jirou and Hagakure were hurt by the gas... not sure who else was hurt
how the fuck did they treat Hagakure though. that must have been difficult
Iida’s now summarizing exactly what I said
he says Momo sustained serious head trauma. omg. but I’m so fucking glad she’s okay. she was so brave and smart and composed in such a horrible moment
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Todoroki ;_; I wonder if he feels guilty because he couldn’t catch the marble in time
and now Deku is having a crisis
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and Kirishima’s just looking at him with a straightforward look and says “then let’s go save him this time around”
Kirishima you’re the fucking best. every young shounen needs a Kiri in their life. unless they are the Kiri. in which case they need a Tetsutetsu
he says he and Shouto came to the hospital yesterday and ran into each other
they were both like “what are you doing here” and then “I couldn’t stand being at home and doing nothing”
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so anyway. Iida is speculating that Kiri and Todo want to ask Momo to make another tracking device
and he’s saying that they should leave it to the pros. naw. fuck the pros except the U.A. faculty and All Might
and Kirishima can’t leave it to them omg
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(ETA: the way he’s clutching his chest here is so heart-wrenching. it’s the exact same way Bakugou clutches his own chest in chapter 118 when he’s wracked with guilt over what happened to All Might. damn these kids and their overdeveloped sense of responsibility and reckless disregard for my feels)
he says he wasn’t able to do anything, he knew they were targeting his friend but he couldn’t do anything and he only stayed put and Bakugou got taken
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Kaminari’s telling him (a) to shush (this is a hospital!!!) and (b) that Iida’s right, even though he knows how Kiri feels
“I KNOW IIDA’S RIGHT” oh my god this man will not be deterred
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ohhhhhhhh my heart omgggggg
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 he’s the one Todoroki was carrying. was he not the same guy with the airbender quirk though?? or does class B have two guys who look incredibly similar to each other?
apparently he’s preoccupied with “a certain very big hero.” ?? don’t tell me it’s Mt. Lady
I’m gonna go look him up to see if he’s the airbender guy or not. surely with a class B minor character there is minimal spoiler risk
yep he is the airbender guy. I fucking love his quirk and I kiiiiiiinda wish he was in class A, actually. just, I’d really like to see how those air walls could be utilized in combat. they work for defense and for getting from place to place, and they’re just really cool
okay now I’m off to go read another chapter and inject that glorious angst deep into my veins
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admirable-mairon · 7 years
My thoughts on Fëanor-
-and false claims that piss me off
See, I have been wanting to just sit down and write things about Fëanor for so long now but I’ve never gotten around to actually doing it. What is the purpose of this? Well mainly as entertainment for my followers, but also to clear up some things that I keep seeing repeated over and over again, and oh how many posts I would reblog on here if only they didn’t take a cheap, unfunny jab at Fëanor - The character I love more than any other in any form of media ever.
I will unfortunately be unable to share actual quotes in this piece. I let my friend borrow my english copy of the Silmarillion and so I only have the swedish version here, which is admittedly HILARIOUS occassionally, but it means that if I have a quote - I will have to translate it for you, so it won’t be exact word for word.
I won’t be talking about the different texts and exact words, but rather misconceptions I’ve seen prodding around about him, and direct arguments I’ve seen come from different parts of the fandom. I see the majority of the Tolkien fandom as the gosh darn best people I’ve ever had the joy of stumbling upon - endless amounts of fan-pieces, whether it’s art, music or writing that never seem to go away. They just get better and better and I love you.
But like I said there are SEVERAL things that are always brought up falsely about Fëanor that I just can’t stand for, sort of like the criticism against Thranduil that ‘OH HE’S JUST A RACIST SHITHEAD AND HE’S WRONG’, when in truth he’s the only actually rational and sane character in the movies.
THAT is the type of things I will bring up here. Read on further if you think it might me amusing. If you decide not to I wish you a pleasant evening/morning/day :D
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There are many things one might dislike about Fëanor - Hell one might simply not be interested in him? I have several characters that I couldn’t care less about for no better reason than ‘Meh I guess I just don’t?’.
One might dislike his arrogance - he’s the very definition of ‘Holier-than-thou’ in many ways, and his passion can be off-putting for many. Maybe the whole concept of ‘GREATEST OF THE ELDAR WAS HE’ pisses you off on a sheer principle? That’s all well and good - I dislike Galadriel for the same reason (though I would argue there is no basis to claiming that she’s the GREATEST in any way as she hasn’t really done anything worthy of mentioning, but I digress - that is not what I’m here for, and the malcontent I have with her is mainly because of petty arguments on tumblr). 
When people lie about Fëanor to support their own dislike of him - I get downright pissed off. 
To be more direct - Here are the things I will be discussing in this piece:
He was a bad Father / He ruined his children / He forced his children to swear the oath with him
He left His people to the Helcaraxë 
He was to blame for all the kinslayings
There was nothing but fire and greed inside him
All of these are so-called critisisms I’ve seen directed towards him during my years on here. I have not seen many of them on here lately, but it is likely that that’s because I’ve made a point to unfollow and potentially block those who spew nonsense like this. 
He was a bad Father / He ruined his children / He forced his children to swear the oath with him
Mostly inspired by things I keep hearing as well as an anonymous ask I recieved this morning 
I love feanor too but he sort of brought tragedy on his children
*the heaviest sigh*
Okay. Just. Gimme a moment. 
Okay no. 
Here’s the thing: The Silmarillion is filled with questionable forms of parenting. There’s Finwë not understanding what had to be done to deal with Fëanor as a child, there’s Indis also lacking in that understanding, there’s parents that seem to give no shits about their children, hell I love Curufin and I do think he adored Celebrimbor more than anything, but he was a little too damaged to know how to handle him, not to mention the fact that a pair of Kinslayers were better parents than Elwing and Eärendil ever were. 
But Fëanor wasn’t one of them. How do I know?
His sons would not have done everything they did unless they loved their father with every fibre of their being. They were not copies of him (aside from Curufin) and to me it seems clear that they were encouraged to follow their heart’s desires rather than strictly follow in his footsteps. 
When Nerdanel left - or however that went over - ALL SEVEN OF THEM CHOSE THEIR FATHER. ALL OF THEM. ALL SEVEN. 
When Fëanor was distraught and coing crazy with agony over losing his father and the Silmarilli - When he swore that oath - his sons wasted NO TIME in getting up to stand there with him. 
They stuck with him through thick and thin, they didn’t hesitate to stand there with him and support him fully. They were a family - a close-knitted one at that - and they adored him. That much is clear. 
Just because someone is a biological parent doesn’t earn them any form of respect as a parent, nor any love from their children if they haven’t deserved it. Fëanor was loved by his sons and he loved them dearly - He is one of the few parents in these damn series that deserve the title of ‘Actually great and supportive dad’. 
Fëanor did not bring tragedy on his children - let’s all be very clear on that. If anything - tragedy was brought unprovoked onto him and his children, who - by the by - were grown men by the time they left Valinor and swore the Oath
Eru was completely alright with all of this. The Valar were cruel, whether they meant to be or not, and Fëanor was used by Melkor. The fëanorions wanted what was rightfully theirs - what their father and grandfather died for - and the whole world suddenly decided to say ‘Hah fuck no finders keepers shitheads!’.
It can naturally be argued that his death fucked them up, and that he shouldn’t have barged forward to take on Balrogs on his own, but TBH if it fucked over them that bad it only further supports the argument that he was an amazing father that they loved so dearly that they would do literally ANYTHING to get back and honor. Furthermore one could naturally point out that burning ships was a Rude AF thing to do, but to be fair every single one of his sons was in on it aside from Maedhros who suffered the loss of Fingon, but perhaps Fingon would still at least be safe and out of harm’s way in Valinor. Burning the ships was arguably and admittedly very ‘rude’, but it was not an ill action directed towards his people or most importantly his son.
Which brings us beautifully to the second subject....:
He left his people to the Helcaraxë
Except he really didn’t. 
He left FINGOLFIN’S people - not his own. Seems minor and pointless perhaps, but I assure you it’s of great importance. 
After the kinslaying at Alqualondë it was only natural that tensions would grow unbearable. When people break - when people do terrible things - they often regret them afterwards, become angry and need to find someone to blame it on. Given how Fëanor was their king and that he was the one who encouraged them to leave the cage the Valar had put them in, it would be natural to blame Fëanor for the horrendous act they’d all just committed.  Because let me remind you - The Nolofinwëans ALSO took part in the first kinslaying.
Fingolfin’s people had long been - for a lack of a better word - talked shit about Fëanor and his people. Ever since Finwë died and they left the safety of their cage, there had been constant nagging about how Fëanor shouldn’t be their king, how he didn’t deserve it, why did they have to do this, it was too far away, this was going too far by now, Fingolfin should lead instead.  And Fëanor - Never having been one for taking anyone’s shit - basically said ‘Oh okay then you can WALK BACK HOME YOU PIECES OF SHIT WE’RE GOING TO MIDDLE-EARTH AND YOU CAN STAY BACK COMFORTABLY HERE’. 
FINGOLFIN was the one to insist they cross the Helcaraxë, along with his people. There was the option of returning back to Valinor, which I assume Fëanor would assume that they would do, because after all that’s what they had been complaining about for weeks, wasn’t it?  Believe me - I love Fingolfin - and it was an asshole move to burn the ships.  But Fëanor didn’t leave his own people to the Helcaraxë - He left Fingolfin and his people to do whatever they wished (as long as it didn’t involved the ships they’d killed for), and they chose to walk along the Helcaraxë. 
Did they have much of a choice? Could they return or was it more of a 50-shades kind of situation of ‘OH BUT SHE COULD LEAVE WHENEVER SHE WANTED but really she couldn’t’? Finarfin returned just fine, but then again he hadn’t killed any teleri. 
That whole part can certainly be discussed and argued about, but the fact remains that Fëanor did NOT leave his own people to the Helcaraxë - He left Fingolfin’s. The dramatic noldor flare version of ‘IF YOU DON’T STOP COMPLAINING I’LL TURN THIS THING AROUND AND YOU ALL CAN WALK HOME’
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He was to blame for all the kinslayings
This is - as we all can see - A clear and obvious fucking lie. 
Fëanor died before the sun was created. Fëanor died at the very beginning of the First Age. 
He was literally not alive long enough to be blamed for any of the other kinslayings. 
He created the silmarillis - he and his sons had the only right to them. 
The kinslayings post Alqualondë happened because of incompetent leadership, corruption and betrayals within the good ol’ people of Middle-Earth. Need I mention that the only Fëanorion killed by Melkor’s forces was Fëanor himself? The rest were killed by other elves. Not only that but the fëanorions were known to be diplomats - the strongest war-forces out there to be sure, and warlords for the legends - but the Union of Maedhros wasn’t their fault. The fact that Thingol fucked up and told a human to fetch a Silmaril because this human couldn’t understand a simple metaphor for ‘I will never let you marry my daughter’. Sort of ‘I will let you marry my daughter when Hell freezes over’, and he’d take that seriously? Not that I doubt it - Beren seems like the kind of fella who would barge into Hell with buckets of ice because ‘I WILL BE ALLOWED TO SHAG THE FEMALE ELF IF I DO THIS’.
Wars and conflicts such as the ones that raged through the First Age are NEVER black and white. Never. There is no good guy and there is no bad guy (aside from Melkor, but he wasn’t the ONLY bad guy). There were the Fëanorions and their property, and people who thought that they had the right to them. 
Overall bad leadership and simple stupidity as well as over-dramatic elves and kings and humans were to blame for the Kinslayings: Not Fëanor. 
That would be like blaming the one who made my phone in case it’d get stolen. “OH IF ONLY YOU HADN’T MADE THIS PHONE THIS WOULDN’T HAVE HAPPENED”
There was nothing but fire and greed inside him
I saw this written in that one post about why Galadriel giving Gimli three strands of her hair was an amazing scene (which it was because that move was SAVAGE). 
This is the only place in which I will quote something word for word in this:
“Even when she was young, Galadriel’s ability to see into other’s hearts was very strong, and she knew that Fëanor was filled with nothing but fire and greed”
*muffled shrieking*
To be fair - Galadriel is a child of Indis. That is not to say that Indis herself was bad (even though I literally hold no love for her whatsoever, aside from the fact that she gave us great characters through that womb of hers - good job), but rather that Finwë’s family was very heavily divided and separated by an understandable conflict.
Fëanor - understandably - hates that side of the family.  Because of that, because they’ve never been given a chance because they aren’t worth his time - it’s natural that they dislike him in turn. 
Galadriel is Finarfin’s child, but acts more like a Noldo than he does. It would be LOGICAL for her to be biased against him. Because of that it wouldn’t be surprising if she saw the passion in him and interpreted it as Fire and Greed because of bias - whether she was aware of it or not. 
Fëanor was indeed the greatest elf that has ever existed and ever will exist - greatest in both beauty, mind and strength. He did ask for her hair three times because he wanted to capture it's beauty in gems, but that they inspired the silmarilli? Really? Nah. It might have driven him to create them out of spite, but we have a pretty clear case of stroking Galadriel's ego to deal with here if we are to assume that the SILMARILLI - the very gems that caused most of the tragedy during the First Age - were crafted in her image.
But more than that the phrase "she saw that in his heart there was only fire and greed" pisses me off.
No. There was not. There was passion in his heart. Fëanor lived to create - especially things of beauty. Everything - literally everything about this cocky little shit was about passion and creation. He cared for his people - he wanted to share wonders with the world freely and out of the rule of the Valar/Gods. He wanted freedom and he wanted to create, he has three times too much energy in his soul.
If that is what they mean by "only fire and greed", then yes.
All in all this has been amusing and interesting to write and I hope I’ve made at least some lick of sense to you - the reader.
This was really just a long and complicated way of saying that it is OKAY to dislike a character. Not every character appeals to everyone. There is legit nothing wrong with that. 
But I lose respect for people - grownups - who can’t even admit that their reason for disliking someone or something is petty. I cannot respect people who go far enough that they end up lying and making things up just to make themselves seem more sensible and mature, when in all seriousness all it tells me is that someone lacks the self-confidence to admit that ‘Yeah. I like this thing but not that. There’s no reason really, I just thing this thing is neat and that one isn’t because I’m a petty asshat’. 
No character - Especially not in a masterpiece like The Silmarillion has perfect characters, only ones with different grey areas in what’s okay and what isn’t.  There is nothing wrong in liking some and disliking some.  But OWN that. if the reason is petty OWN it.  Try to have at least some semblence of confidence and insight to know when you’re being petty and when you aren’t. 
We’re a great fandom - I truly and utterly believe that.
I love you
( @first-son-of-finwe )
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ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
The Anchor King of Vanity
>It’s time.
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Time to show him real news.
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It’ll be the story of the century.
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Heh heh! I can see the bulletin now.
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Then let’s get going!
>Mona becomes our van and we drive off to take Chaz Monerainian’s heart.
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>Meanwhile in the studio of A. Nigma High School, Chaz was once again hogging the camera and poor Tina Kwee is nowhere in sight.
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So Principal General Barrage is now asking all students, teachers, and even our visitors to assemble in the gym to find out who sent me, Chaz Monerainian, that Phantom Thieves calling card. This is Chaz Monerainian and this has been Chaz’s Corner!
>With that, the broadcast ended.
News Team Member 1: Are you sure it was wise to kick Tina out of the News Team, Chaz? What if that calling card is because of how your treat her.
News Team Member 2: He’s right, man. What you’re doing does seem a little... Villainous.
Chaz: What can I say? In the media game, you do whatever it takes.
>The two News Team members just stare at him. Then finally, they just sigh in defeat and leave to get ready for the assembly.
Chaz: Well that’s how my father said it.
?????: Then yer father’s an idiot. No wonder yer so messed up.
Chaz: !
>A red wave passes over him. When it was over, Chaz was now in a castle where there was a room full of mirrors, a throne, and on that throne was an apple, clearly poisoned.
???????: You put others down just for your own popularity.
???: You claim that you’re a piece of art, but all I see is a mess.
?????: You have a dark heart that limes for the spotlight. But we’ll be taking both.
>Suddenly, ten mirrors broke open and we step in... I hope this doesn’t mean 70 years bad luck.
Joker: Target: Chaz Monerainian.
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You are suppose to spread the news of what really happens at your school, but you talk more about yourself.
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Yer a lyin’ piece of shit that you would push anyone just to get all the fame and glory.
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You even hurt a girl who wanted to do her job to the best of her abilities to satisfy your own desires.
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You even once criminalized the man she loved for attention.
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As thieves of justice, we cannot allow this to go on any longer.
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You will pay for your cruel ways and your vanity.
Spirit: Tina’s future depends on us taking your distortion and making you see the error of your ways.
Mona: We will take your Treasure and succeed in our mission.
Joker: We are the Phantom Thieves and we will take your heart!
Chaz: You can’t do that. I kind of need my heart to make me a great news caster.
Panther: You’re anything but great. You’ve completely replaced the news with your show. How will anyone know what’s really going on at A. Nigma High?
Spirit: I’m surprised Barrage is letting you get away with this.
Chaz: That’s because he recognizes talent when he sees it. Even without that robotic eye of his.
Queen: No. It’s because he’s doing his job. But we’re going to remind him that he has to enforce the rules on all of the students. Including you.
Spirit: Now you’re going to know what it’s like being a Detentionaire. Look like Lee Ping and Biffy Goldstein are about to have some company.
>With fury growing inside him, Chaz’s eyes become a gold color.
Shadow Chaz: You dare speak to your king like this!? I shall have your head on the chopping block for this. Mirror mirror on the wall, help me defeat these thieves once and for all.
>With that, the Shadow changes his form.
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Oracle: Persona!
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>Necronomicon scans the Shadow.
Oracle Got it! Oberon is weak to Nuclear moves.
Queen: This is my area. Persona!
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>I change Personas.
Joker: Persona!
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Noir: I’ll help too just in case. Persona!
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Spirit: Me, too. Persona!
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>Spirit summons his Persona, Tokebi.
>Oberon uses Summon.
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Oberon: Now, my dear fan, let us broadcast a very special edition of Chaz’s Corner!
Skull: In your dreams, pal!
Queen: Right. Soon, your little fan here will see the truth about you. Let’s go, Johanna!
>Johanna uses Freila on Oberon. It knocks him down. Queen passes the Baton to Noir and Milady uses Psio on Titania. However, she dodges it. Thoth uses Taunt on Titania. It enrages her. Milady uses Psio on Titania. It got her this time and it was more effective since Titania was enraged.
Noir: Time to punish them!
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>After the attack, Oberon and Titania were still up. Still enraged, Titania attacks me. Oberon uses Nocturnal Flash. Luckily, it missed all of us. Johanna uses Marakukaja to raise our defense. Thoth uses Freila on Oberon. It knocks him down. I pass the Baton to Noir and Milady uses Psio on Titania again. It knocks her down again.
Joker: Let’s do it!
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>After the attack, Oberon and Titania are still stand. Titania was now weaker. Then, Tokebi uses Zionga on Oberon. He didn’t get shocked this time. Titania, still enraged, attacks Spirit. Oberon uses Brave Blade on me. It takes a lot of health out of me. Luckily, Johanna uses Diarama to heal me. Then, Thoth uses Psy Wall on Queen. Milady uses Tetrakarn on Spirit. Tokebi uses Zionga again on Oberon. This time, it shocks him.
Spirit: You’re free to attack, Queen.
Queen: I’ll see to it.
Joker: So will I.
>Titania hesitates and Oberon is disabled from Shock. Johanna uses Freidyne on Oberon. It knocked him down and was super effective because of the Shock. Queen passes the Baton to Noir and Milady uses Psiodyne on Titania. Titania is gone. Noir attacks Oberon. Luckily, she didn’t get Shocked. Thoth uses Freila again. Milady uses One-shot Kill. And Tokebi uses Assault Dive. Now Oberon was getting weak.
Oberon: This is the story of the century! I won’t let you take this from me!
>Oberon uses Maziodyne. It leaves me Shocked.
Spirit: Don’t worry. I’ll handle it.
>Queen and Noir defend themselves and I am unable to move. Tokebi uses Baisudi on me and cures me of the Shock.
Oberon: You little shit! I’LL KILL YOU!
>Oberon uses Brave Blade on Spirit. Luckily, the Tetrakarn protects him and the attack reflects back at Oberon. It was a critical hit.
Spirit: Here goes nothing!
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>After the attack, the Shadow resumes his normal form and a familiar light comes out of him.
Mona: And here we have the Treasure!
>I take the Treasure. It was a toy microphone.
Chaz: All I’ve ever wanted was to become a reporter just like my father and his father before him. I wanted to do whatever it takes.
Noir: Even if it means making others miserable? Even pursuing your dreams shouldn’t be done at the expense of others.
Queen: You have to better plan your future to make sure that it works out for everyone and not just you.
Chaz: ...
Crow: A real reporter tells only the truth of what is happening in their community and not just with themselves. You need to think more clearly before you decided what should be shown to others.
Joker: From now on, tell the truth when it needs to be told and don’t make it all about you.
Chaz: ... Okay. I’ll think twice before I decide what I should talk about before I get on the air. I’ll even apologize to Tina for giving her the boot. I promise as a Monerainian.
>With that, the Shadow returns to his true self.
Mona: We’ll hold you to that.
Spirit: I hope it works. Tina really needs this.
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It will. Don’t worry.
>With the Treasure in our possession, we leave the now disappearing Palace.
>In the school gym, Principal General Barrage had gathered everyone, including us, to find out who sent Chaz the calling card.
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You maggots know why I called you here! One of you sent this to the school news room! (begins brandishing the calling card) Just because it’s not in your handwriting doesn’t mean we can’t identify you. Later after I dismiss detention, I am taking this to Public Safety Canada where they have experts in this sort of identification! So these Phantom Thieves had better turn themselves in now if they wish to avoid not only expulsion or being fired, whichever the case may be, but also an arrest!
>Suddenly, the gym doors open and in comes Chaz Monerainian. He slumps all the way to the stage.
Barrage: About time you showed up, Mr. Monerainian!
Chaz: I... I have something to say... I’ve been... Taking advantage of my position as senior anchor of the school news team... I’ve been manipulating information to gain more popularity to be more like my father. I even... Ruined Tina Kwee’s chances for my own gain... I’ve abused my status to even make the goodest of students look bad.. (begins tearing up) I’m nothing but a bad lousy reporter! I’ve ruined everyone’s lives! How... How could I possibly... Pay for all this!? (sobbing)
>Chaz was on his knees sobbing like mad. As for Barrage... He was a different kind of mad.
>Everyone just stared for a moment in silence.
Barrage: Fine! I’ll give the guilty party one last chance. Step forward or pay the consequences!
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(whisper) This looks bad.
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(also whispering) Not to worry. Me and Biffy came up with something.
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(also whispering) You’ll love it. Watch this.
>Futaba presses something on her phone and a projection screen comes down. Then, the Phantom Thieves logo is projected on it and Futaba’s altered voice is heard.
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Hello, A. Nigma High School. I am Phantom Thief Alibaba and we had just taken the heart of Chaz Monerainian. And also, by the time you are watching this, we are already half way out of Canada. So go ahead. Send that calling card to be examined, it won’t do you any good now. They don’t even know how we did it. This Alibaba, out.
>The message ended. Barrage was furious, but knew the message was right. In his frustration, he crushes the calling card.
Barrage: What are you maggots all looking at!? Assembly dismissed!
>Everyone came out and were either talking about what happened out loud or on their phones.
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I can’t believe the Phantom Thieves actually did it.
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Can’t really say Chaz didn’t deserve it. The way he flaunted his popularity like that.
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Now the guy’s just as cursed as we are. Something I really won’t forget while I’m at Horizon.
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Alright, y’all. Back to class.
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(chatting on her phone) OMG, what a waste of time. I was in the middle of setting up an appointment at the salon. Oh well, I’ll just go back to tormenting Biffy. I know it seems wrong, but I just love his company. But still, the Phantom Thieves were here at our school?
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I know. I kinda reminds my of dad’s movie: Ace Von Chillstein in High School Thieves Guild. I wonder if I’m the main character in this brand new story... Am I the one they call Joker?
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(noticing them texting each other even though they’re right next to each other) You know, there are a couple of seats with your name on it that need to be filled. So I suggest you hurry.
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You know what I just realized. All this Phantom Thief business happened when those students came here to look for people interested in transferring to Horizon High.
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You’ve noticed that, too?
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Are you sayin’ that there’s somethin’ suspicious about them? You better not. There’s no way they’re guilty of something. Like that Yusuke guy. I know he seems weird, but he’s gotta style that’s definitely earned my respect.
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You’re so compassionate, Chopper. I also love that about you. (sighs) It’s really going to make me miss you while you’re in New York.
Chopper: Don’t worry, Beth. Me and Emmett will be staying at my uncle’s place there. And I’ll message you everyday. You’ll away be in my heart, babe.
Beth: Aww, thank you. You’ll always be in mine.
Irwin: Oh, brother. What do those two see in each other.
Grayson: You’ll understand when you have someone for you. For now, let’s just head to class. It looks like Barrage is heading this way.
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(translating skater slang) Heh! What a great prank! ... It is a prank, right?
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Who knows, bro. Those P Thieves aren’t like a lotta people. They’ve actually changed a few hearts.
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Including in New York. Like that octopus teacher at Horizon.
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And let’s not forget Spider-Man and Norman Osborn’s son... I mean, Peter Parker and Harry Lyman.
Fred (Blonde Skater): Speaking of which, you sure you and Ted wanna go to that nerd school?
Ned: Me and Ted do love being Skaters, but we wanna give something new a try.
Ted: Besides, we get to go to New York. Now I can show up my damn cousin, Chris.
Ned: That, too.
Zed: Okay. Just don’t forget, we’re always bros and since I just got my license (which was not easy since I keep almost crashing during my driver’s test), it’s only an 8 hour dive.
>The four skaters fist bumped.
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I’m glad to see such close and devoted friends are willing to go a long ways... Just hope you have travel papers and passports. Now you better get going. Classes are starting again. 
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Phantom Thieves, You've taken my heart But nothing will tear Our bond apart
How was that?
Rud the Drummer: A little forced, but very true.
Cyrus: It’s a working progress.
Goob the Bassist: I’m sure you’ll get it soon, Cyrus.
Skeeter the Guitarist: Hopefully before the end of this summer.
Rud: You know I still think it’s a bit of a shame that we’re using that science school as an excuse to get to New York.
Cyrus: Can we help it that Ross Caliban saw our number one hit, Go It Solo, and liked it so much that he asked us to come over to New York to perform a collaboration?
Rud: I guess.
Cyrus: Relax, guys. I already know enough science to help us at Horizon. No cheating this time. It’s just plain old studying.
Goob: And you can count on us to help you along the way.
Cyrus: I know... Thanks, guys.
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Cyrus: Okay, okay! We’re goin’! Jeez, since when did the Tazelwurm care about education?
>In a classroom.
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Aww, man, we’re awesome!
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It’s just shame Holger was in class when Phantom of Thieves did heist.
Lee: Maybe next time, Holg.
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Wait until the after school report, this will be the story of the century.
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Just try not to go overboard like Chaz.
Tina: You can bet on that.
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It looked like your principal was serious about turning in the calling card.
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He had a complicated past. Military.
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Alright, settle down! Class is about to start!
Lee: Sorry, Mom. I mean, Mrs. Ping.
>Suddenly, the door opened.
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I hope I’m not disturbing class.
Mrs. Ping: No we were just about to start.
Lee: Why are you here, Dad?
Mrs. Ping: Principal Barrage said that school will be closing early today. So your father’s treating us to lunch at a restaurant today... Now take your seat! As for you visitors, go keep my husband company outside.
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Sure thing, Mrs. Ping.
>Me, the Phantom Thieves and Dr. Ping leave the room.
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You’re wife sure is tough.
Dr. Ping: I know... But that’s one of the things I love about her.
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I know the feeling.
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Strength can be a fine character trait.
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Indeed it can.
Ann: (laughing) Get a room, you two!
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I think this heist was a good one. We got to learn a bit more about our Reserved Members. Just like with our last heist.
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I just wish someone would actually let us know that they wish to join the Reserved Team as well instead of relying on luck from our heists.
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I’m sure something will come along. Just wait.
Dr. Ping: Same here... In the meantime, why not join us for lunch? I’ve got enough for everyone, even Lee’s friends.
Ren: Sure. I guess we have time.
>We go with Dr. Ping to the parking lot to wait for school to be out.
>Another successful heist.
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