#y’all had one job
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plugnuts · 1 year
Fuck it. Stansweep it is
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velvetstreets · 2 years
not one picture of Jack and Omar Apollo from the Variety Hitmakers event— RIDICULOUS
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Wha- How?? What am I supposed to do, float up? Jump and break my legs? Use the Force?
These people had one job and they BOTCHED it.
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slythereen · 8 months
lestappen playing padel publicly… rbr and christian posting lestappen content… openly supporting their friendship all of a sudden… do you think christian horner sent max on an extraction mission
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magpigment · 9 months
this is just for fun and very lighthearted but!
i love hearing other people’s thoughts and opinions about things so feel free to talk about your favorites and why they’re your favorites in the replies/tags/comments/wherever!
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starbuck · 4 months
every time i check the black sails tag it’s just people saying things that are technically true, but that’s as far as they take it?? What about the ritual sacrifice? the symbolic goat deaths? the murder rope?? zombie house???? we used to have fun on here…
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Clementine Kesh is the Anakin Skywalker of F@TT and there are too many Natalie Watsons in the fandom.
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evansbby · 11 months
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Hot take: Not only Finn, but a majority of the main cast is most definitely aware of byler endgame. Like I could make a 5+ min compilation of all the evidence that supports this, if that’s what y’all really need…
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myfriendtheghost · 1 year
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goodnight my beautiful lil dork
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jackalopesao3 · 1 year
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MC really doesn’t understand the threat of the rodent menace.
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elekinetic · 1 year
interesting replies on twitter.
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my jobs are killing my creativity here sooooo badly recently 😭 i’m way too exhausted to post on here much but thankfully my vacation is coming up soon so i will finally be able to catch my breath and think about my f/os properly 🙈
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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it’s ✨okay✨, right~?
#s o rry rant incoming im just. re a l l y crabby after working for 8.5 consecutive hours with no proper break okie~? </3#ayEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THE ADMINS AT MY WORKPLACE CAN GO K I C K R O C K S#their time management is somehow worse than mine and i suck balls at it?????? SJCFJFFHDHHD I THOUGHT Y’ALL WERE BETTER AT YOUR JOBS MANSSSSS#the!!!!! admins!!!!!! sent in over a hundred samples without any info sheets and stuff so the morning shift literally couldn’t get started!!#doing the morning shift’s part of the job was. annoying. to say the least. especially when said work could’ve actually been done (ʘ‿ʘ)#dammit workplace admins you had one job </3#and n o it’s not to send in the sample info sheet things at the same time as the pm shift’s reporting time </3#and as if that weren’t enough.. the!!!! admin!!!! refused to go home in the evening?????? and sent in like 80 samples at like 8.30pm??????#and that’s not counting the samples that were yeeted in at 5pm </3 truly sadge#and o f c o u r s e we haaaaaaaad to be short-staffed today lmfao. the two workstations life compels me to lay down on the floor and c r y .#but bc i’m just ✨too great✨ at my job you see (lies) i finished my stuff way too early and had to do other extra tests too s o b s#and that included a test that i don’t fully know how to do (sadge)#well. at least that test involved the use of a microscope. thank you past me for attaining magic skills with microscope zooming and stuff#seriously. thank you past me. i can almost forgive you for choosing to enter the f r e a k i n g ✨s c i e n c e✨ industry of all things#but hmmmmmmm im amazed that i actually managed to finish everything across those two stations. am i too good at my job or ✨w h a t✨ (lies)#but man. m a n. none of this even gets into my secret beef with the data entry admin.#she can’t spell for her life. it s e r i o u s l y grinds my gears whenever i see her spell the word ‘content’ as ‘contant’.#but no. her spelling got on a w h o l e new level of questionable when she spelled the word ‘crackle’ as… ‘cracker’. like??? how????????#and she told me to ask the senior analysts if it was possible to retrieve the results for a test that we’d write the results for ✨by hand✨#from some kind of system????? like i was just so!!!!! baffled!!!! that she couldn’t understand that there was no system to check????#though. hm. i guess saying that i have ✨secret✨ beef with that admin would be an understatement. i think none of the others like her either#but! i do have secret beef with the janitor bc he alwayyys magically appears behind me whenever i’m doing something important/holding acids#well! at least we don’t cross paths when i’m working the pm shift. the janitor dude was spared from my presence for the week lmao#hfhfhfhhfhfhfhffffffff well. m. i’m sorry if you read all that. i’ll be more normal tomorrow i swear!!!! (blatant lies)#i feel like tling something ✨t o x i c✨ to match how im feeling thoughhh… hm. maybe the p a r a s ite chapter from the d*27m annequin anth…?#been thinking about that song lately ngl.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.#oh wellssssss at least i can try to enjoy what’s left of my long weekend lmaooo goodnighttttt#inedible blubbering
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bioswear · 7 months
Idk hot take for a Saturday morning, but maybe people shouldn’t be SO quick to switch to a mentality of: “well I’m not voting at all” about American politics in regards to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict/genocide just bc America has had its dick in those affairs LONG BEFORE fucking Biden Presidecy and people are seemingly just NOW feeling publically vocally outraged about it bc it’s in the forefront news (as you should be), but maybe also let’s use our fucking brains for a moment if you are American:
we should, and can easily, also still focus on that which is in our own backyard, if you don’t vote fucking blue, because green/third parties are not actually viable in the deeply established two party system we have had for CENTURIES, we get fucking DeSantis or some other horrible Fascist Republican and then America is going to have its own genocide against LGBTQ+ people, fascism goes up, continued attacks against drag/immigrants/etc.
You also know damn well that any Republican, If one were president, would be doing the same fucking thing of providing aid to Israel, so I guess personally I’m just confused as to why everyone is surprised biden is doing the same.
You can and should support a free Palestine, and hold contempt for Israel and condemn their actions, AND also know that voting blue is Americas literal only chancE RIGHT CURRENTLY NOW this upcoming year, to remain somewhat of a democracy instead of a ChristoFascist regime, especially with Biden being one of the ONLY blue candidates like… our hands are TIED
Like YEAH it’s gonna fucking suck to vote for Biden but like you also gotta fucking Buck up sometimes and do things you don’t particularly WANT to do. It’s called duality and compromising in life and sometimes it’s fucking unavoidable.
But idk what the fuck do I know 🤪 I’m just a girl who thinks maybe you shouldn’t just fucking give up one of your only recognized rights in America just because some actions you can’t control from a crusty old moderate blue white man in a country whose affairs are more complicated than your messiest situationship is upsetting (rightfully so, I might add) you
#personal txt#I’m sorry that tragedies are like trends these days but I haven’t seen ANYRHING about any of the crises we had earlier in the year#like yeah ALL of it is important but also#you can’t NOTvote next year you will actively be contributing to a horrible fascist regime in America#please use your fucking eyes and brain: I did NOT say Americans shouldn’t support Palestine. they should#I’m saying maybe don’t base your gut reaction politics on things that have been out of the public’s hands for DECADES. US has always backed#Israel. it isn’t right and it’s corrupt and it’s awful yes. all those. but it won’t change#just like how the two party system is so ingrained that it nullifies 3rd parties#vote blue just so we don’t fucking die in America and then hope Biden kicks it or smth#Kamala takes over. elections come again. we hopefully have more democratic candidates#but like#we CANNOT not vote#I will literaally kill myself if Trump or DeSantis win all because you fuckstains#learned your politics from fucking tiktok and tumblr#come at me if my hot take (which isn’t even a hot take but PURE observation)#bothers you enough but idc#I’m seeing too many people being like WELL NOW IM NOT VOTING AT ALL#good job on giving up one of your only rights in this world you fucking Sheep#the amount of people goingIM NOT VOTING. IS CONCERNING TO ME#like y’all can’t do this right before fucking election year 🫠#republicans WANT you to not vote you stupid clods. why would you willingly give them what they want#Biden sucks so fucking much and I’d rather eat glass but I know in the big picture voting blue fucking matters#like MULTPLE things can be important at once#but imo it’s important to know what you do and don’t have immediate control over#can you control what’s happening in Gaza? not a fucjing chance. these people hate each other so much and for so long#and yes it’s terrible and horrible and Israel needs to just fuck off forever#but like I highly doubt they would listen to the opinion f outside affairs#also I don’t think majority of people even understand just HOW complicated the US relations with Israel is and I don’t either so I won’t#pretend like I do#you can more easily control the outcome of the US political landscape by FUCKING VOTING
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