#y’all really making me want to burn this blog to the ground tbh
thebrandonross · 8 months
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A warm day in January.
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connectedfeelings · 4 years
favorite fics?
I’m assuming you mean SS fics, so here you go!
Time Travel AU
An Inch of Gold by @kuriquinn​ | Complete
Team 7 is sent on a mission to investigate a disturbance outside of the village, where they encounter an unconscious girl in a crater. The mysterious Sarada insists she's a shinobi from the Hidden Leaf trying to rescue her teammates. When the team discovers she possesses a Sharingan, things become even more unbelievable. [Part of the Legacy of Fire Series]
Probably my absolute favorite Naruto fic. @kuriquinn is an amazing writer, and has written many great SS fics. Though this one is more focused on Sarada meeting genin Team 7, it has cute SS moments and Uchiha family moments. I definitely recommend reading this fic if you haven’t already!
A Twist in Time by @wolf08​ | Complete
With Konoha on the verge of destruction, Sakura is sent on a last-resort mission to save her world by travelling to the past. Join her in coping with her old body's shortcomings, testing the natural laws of time, falling in love all over again, and rediscovering who she is. Time-travel. SasuSaku. REAL publication date: Jan 2015
I followed this fic from 2016 until its end, and I still reread this from time to time. Well written and has a great plot. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Reversing Time by havanatitianna | Incomplete
The shinobi nations had been burnt down to the ground by the Ten Tails, but Sakura had been given a chance to change everything. To make everything right. However, and as years passed by, things would turn out to be so much more difficult than she'd ever imagined. Not your regular Time travel. Sasusaku. MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH
This one hasn’t been updated in over a year, but it has over 40 chapters and 300K words. I love the plot progression in this one, and it definitely is worth the read.
Modern AU
Trial & Error by @manhattanchase​ | Ongoing
[Saku/Sas] - AU - Slow Burn - Life as an associate at Konoha's most revered law firm was hard enough without Sasuke Uchiha showing up . . . .
Found out about this fic through my SS twitter mutuals, and they were right in promoting it because it’s so good! Things have gotten more interesting and I love the SS development here.
All I Want for Christmas by @theredconversegirl​ | Complete
Sakura's rude (but still oh-so-hot!) boss loves to see her suffering. Sasuke can't believe his annoyingly, perfect assistant can be so stubborn. After months working together, do they really know each other? *Full Sumary & Disclaimer inside. [SasuSaku] [Slow Burn] [Eventual Smut] [Office AU] [Holiday Special Gift Fic]
This fic was not what I had expected, but it’s so good! Also the smut. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dispatch by okashira | Complete
A comprehensive collection of online articles, magazine clippings, etc. documenting the dating history of pop stars, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura.
(AU in which the K in Kpop means 'Konoha.')
This fic is written through blog posts and news articles with fan comments and it is so creative! It made it feel like SS were actual Kpop stars! It’s two chapters, and it’s a really fun read.
On Truth and Lies by the general girl | Complete
Karin just knows that she will marry Uchiha Sasuke. Then one day in walks Haruno Sakura. — AU SasuSaku, one sided SasuKarin.
This fic is told entirely through Karin’s POV, and I love it when I read fics from a different POV. This was well written, and you can really feel how Karin feels when she sees SS. Loved SS’s relationship in this too.
Blank Period
Touch by GreyCatsidhe | Complete
After the war, Sakura suggests a new therapy to help Sasuke heal and get better sleep. The recovering Uchiha is uncomfortable with the implications of the healing and what the fluttering in his stomach means. Cannonverse, after the war, pre-Gaiden.
My favorite SS blank period fic. I love how we start with Sasuke in the jail cell before he was set free by Kakashi to go on his redemption journey. There’s plenty Team 7 moments here, too, which I’m a sucker for, but SS’s relationship development was my favorite part of this fic. It’s sooo good.
In Times of Peace by @southsidestory​ | Complete
The war is over, and like Konoha, Team 7 has rebuilt itself from the ground up. Everything has changed, but Sasuke and Sakura remain much the same. Eleven years, she thinks, is a long time to be in love. SasuSaku.
@southsidestory has written a lot of great SS fics, but this has to be my fave. Well written and it just made me feel, you know?
Home is Where the Heart Is by @xxlovendreamsxx​ | Complete
/SasuSaku./ And with every moment together, they get just a little closer, a little more comfortable with each other. Fall a little more in love. Post-war. Pre-epilogue.
This was the first blank period fic I followed and it still holds up to this day. @xxlovendreamsxx has been writing ss fics for as long as I’ve been in this fandom and they never disappoint!
Quietus by @angel-chu​ | Ongoing
When first he laid eyes upon her, he thought her the very personification of spring. He watches, from the depths of shadow; waiting to steal her away from the land of the living. Waiting to make her Queen of the Dead. Hades/Persephone retold. SasuSaku.
What is there to say about Quietus that hasn’t been said already? It’s honestly a masterpiece. I found this fic in 7th grade and it’s such a long, well-written, absolutely well thought of fic. I haven’t read all of the new updates yet, but this fic has been ongoing for a while and still captures everyone’s attention including mine because of the plot, the progression, and @angel-chu‘s magnificent writing. 
A Breathless Sort of Attraction by WellHowAboutThat | Complete / Oneshot
Every twist of her hips had Sasuke struggling to remember how to inhale and exhale. Sasusaku Oneshot
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) That’s alldfjksdksjdkvcv
The Last Will and Testament of Uzumaki Naruto by BlushingLotus | Complete
Naively manipulated into believing his death may be imminent, Naruto starts to enforce his will while he's still alive… much to Sasuke and Sakura's dismay. Slightly AU since Sasuke has returned. Rated for language and lemon SasuSaku
This fic is hilarious! The funniest one on this list, tbh. 
Ripples by Yellow Mask | Complete
Complete. AU from 309 onwards. Following a botched mission, Sakura is made a slave by Sound, a position that could very well alter the future…especially concerning a certain familiar missing-nin. SasuSaku.
There are not enough Shippuden era SS fics now, y’all! This one’s my favorite by far.
I also have an SS Fic Rec page on here with some other really good fics! It hasn’t been updated though, so some fics on this list are not yet on that page.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 25: Oh Hai Mai
Heyyy we’re back. Thank for bearing with me, it’s been kind of chaos over here. Everything from a pandemic (we are very sloooowly reopening over here but I’ve been quarantined so long I can french braid my damn leg hair.) to important political protests, to getting an evacuation order because an arsonist burned down 90 acres in the heat of summer (luckily we’re all fine), to a vole that ate everything in my pandemic self-care garden so I lost my entire mind and waged war and dug so many holes and put out 17 mouse traps and set off so many critter bombs under the ground trying to kill the little bastard like it was Caddyshack (It’s still alive, ps, I lost that war). These last 3 months have been the longest decades of my life. The only month longer was the one where I’m pretty sure I had mono and it made me positive that my basement was haunted.
Man, bring back my haunted basement, Sorry if this comes through in my writing, I tried but, I can’t edit it out. You get FML-Rachel today.
Lets get back to a good, mindless distraction, lets turn on Yugioh.
BUT------->it just so happens that this episode of Yugioh has cop stuff in it, I’m just going to be blunt. We’re going into Valon’s backstory, he’s very much a victim of problems within the bizarre Yugioh legal system, and much like a Gotham supervillain, he is a symptom of the problem more than the cause.
I’m not going to ignore that, but in case you are overwhelmed about that right now, if you want to like...save this for later--I have another FMA recap coming out soon that I wrote in a simpler time before....the corona freakin ruined us all.
Last we left off, we were on the heels of Joey Wheeler, who decided to book it down the street because he wants to murder the hell out of Valon.
Youknow...Joey is one hell of a protagonist. He just does...so MANY antagonistic things.
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Joey has decided that although the world is ending, and everyone left alive will be absorbed into the Great Leviathon’s big yummy tummy, which can only be prevented by three people, of which he is one of--he’s going to go sprint in completely the other direction.
We even managed to get Kaiba on board. We were ready. We were done, but then Joey had to lose his freakin mind because that’s just what Joey Wheeler does sometimes.
Normally heroes avoid the call to duty because of a severe lack of self confidence, but this is Joey, and he’s going to avoid the call to duty because of too much self confidence.
And so Joey and his Chaperone turn a corner and walk into this random orc who’s just casually living his best life and touring SF.
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One of my worst fears walking through SF, tbh. Running into high school people. Not so much the orcs.
Yo, I wonder what the bushman was doing through all of this? So IRL, we have this guy who just...hides in a bush and jump-scares tourists. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be in a bush and then just...all these orcs show up and you’re all.
...oh no, now I’m the fool...
I just want to know if bushman made it, or if he’s in a paper card that’s just a picture of foliage.
(read more under the cut)
Anyway, Joey was already in the process of running, so they just turned around on this street of...so much parking.
Like y’all there is SO MUCH PARKING this episode. I was trying to pay attention to anything else, but like...do you see this!? It takes nearly half an hour usually to get a spot but this--this right here?
And the crazy thing is, recently my bro had to go pick up some old guy from a cruise that...got quarantined...and so bro had to go the Pier and like--this is what the city looked like. This is a pandemic, it’s just lots of parking, so I want to criticize Yugioh, and I normally would, but I can’t. I’ve seen the receipts. They called it. This is what the endtimes look like and it’s so much parking.
Also, they were too lazy to draw cars but damn, they called it.
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So, left with no other option, Joey decides to...be Joey, and punches a huge orc covered in armor.
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So Valon’s here, because apparently SF has just...no one left alive in it except for these few kids and that one Uber Eats driver. I imagine it’s a lot easier to find Joey if you just follow the only one screaming in Japanese in a Brooklyn accent at the top of his lungs.
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And Valon decides that this one way street isn’t good enough, and that they must duel somewhere else.
I assumed it would be a tall structure, but considering Kaiba just blew up the tallest structures in the Financial District...I was like...what else is tall? And bear in mind, I’m a mess, so I was like...OMG I wish it were Macy’s!!!
Now I hear you saying that’s weird, and we shouldn’t have a very fancy Macy’s in 2020, and you’re correct. but we still have one, and the top floor is just...a massive Cheesecake factory, and I can’t think of anything more 00′s than a Yugioh duel on top of that specific Cheesecake Factory.
And I’ve never really thought before about where the best Yugioh duel would be, and it’s there. It’s at the high rise Cheesecake. Listen Yugioh, if you need an insider to choose locations for your Netflix remake of S4--call me.
So anyways, instead of doing the right thing and going to the Cheesecake Factory on top of Macy’s like any other self respecting 00′s teenager, Valon and Joey are going to drive through the most boring parts of town.
They had an opportunity to go chase eachother through any tourist attraction, Lombard street, Ghirardelli Square, the Palace of Fine Arts, China town, reuse some assets and drive through Japan town, that fountain that looks like Yoda--but no...they decided to drive through literal trash.
Just...a missed opportunity, and it should have been a Cheesecake Factory.
Also, I totally and fully acknowledge that a strange nostalgic affection for the Cheesecake Factory is a weird Millennial thing (much like our weird encyclopedic knowledge of Sailor Moon) but listen. You have your thing, too. You go do you, I’m gonna soak my sorrows in a bowl of Chinese chicken salad so wide, it’ll last me 3 days.
Anyways, Joey’s gonna steal that guy’s bike.
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Yugioh just predicting the future in 2003. We actually have a HUGE problem right now with vehicle theft in the city to an almost comedic degree, which is partly why the parking situation has gotten so incredibly dire. It’s kind of incredible that this guy left his bike out because after about 1 day in the city you learn pretty fast that you need to be constantly checking on your street parked vehicle--I mean, that guy was just asking for it, honestly. If Joey hadn’t taken it, some other guy would have absolutely taken it, (even that orc would’ve taken it, the city has no consideration for cars.)
Sorry --one sec-- that was an earthquake just now. As I’m typing this. Just a little guy. Just a little treat for me...
...but still like...c’mon. I’m also getting this weird issue where Tumblr doesn’t save my drafts so like...this is like the 3rd time I’ve had to write this like...I just want to make a Yugioh post for my tiny funtime tv blog, Universe. Don’t @ me right now, Universe.
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...is it the space between two piers? What is this? We don’t have rivers in SF, it is a peninsula covered in very steep hills. Like very VERY steep hills. All water just rolls into the ocean and there’s a couple of lake thingies but...no rivers that I know of (And like maybe this is a thing, and I just haven’t seen it? Learn something new every day.)
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*loud, audible sigh* home. Where we belong. At the warehousssssssse.
Back at the RV base, Duke Devlin is still babysitting. Maybe this is to make up for the two seasons he spent trying to date a girl Rebecca’s age, that they felt like going out of their way to show that he has indeed no longer horny now. Got to hand it to them, that’s a lot of character development right there. Although at the same time, it has made Duke Devlin a very non-character.
But imagine how insanely complicated would it have been if Duke got involved in that bizarre love-square that is Yugi, Tea, and the Ghost that killed Yugi by accident.
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PS that’s either a freeway onramp (which is too far South from where they were, I think) or it sure does look like old Embarcadero behind them. Youknow, that lifted street from the 80′s that fell down in Loma Prieta and was never rebuilt? I just freakin love that it’s still here in 2003. This bizarre Yugioh alternate California.
Anyway, because this is alternate California, Seto set a massive fire and the entire city didn’t immediately go up in flames. Apparently they just kinda ran away from the explosion and damage before anyone noticed.
Probably because most people on Earth are dead anyway, so what more can these two actually do?
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And so Yami ends up getting lectured by the wife.
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And justifiably, the wife seems to have absolutely no confidence that Yami will be able to do a damn thing right.
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Wifes all around this episode.
Speaking of,
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At this point, Arthur Hawkins senses that Yami’s nearby, so he opens the door just to freakin dump some guilt on him.
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...Rebecca seems to be a character that’s mostly there to recap the lore and also to dump on Yami. I don’t mind that. Yami needs to get dunked more often, and I’m saying that in S4, where the entire season’s tagline is “how many times can we dunk on Yami?”
So lets check on Yugi, how’s that kid doing? It’s been quite a number of episodes since we last saw him.
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Yep, still hanging out in the Han Solo cosplay room.
And then, because I guess everyone is just hanging out in the same 4 blocks, Mai and Tristan have a heart-to-heart.
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In the show, this conversation was Mai (who is now a serial killer) saying “Oh hey, Tristan, where’s Joey?” and Tristan saying “It’s ALL YOUR FAULT he wants to kill Valon--thanks a lot, Mai! GODS!” all indignant like.
Not how you would ordinarily talk to a serial killer, just saying. No one from the Yugi crew fears this woman...at all...and she has killed over 20 people in front of them and is trying very hard to kill Joey Wheeler all the time.
Like what would it actually take for them to fear this woman? They can’t, right?
Meanwhile, Valon is trying to explain to Joey that his obsession with Mai is in fact damaging any relationship they could have had.
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So then when you’re like OK...this is actually very valid points on Valon’s part, and Joey really does need to step back and let people make their mistakes considering Joey was barely a part of her life to begin with. But then, Valon just turns a 180 and...it becomes a catty love triangle where only one person in the triangle even feels romantic emotions.
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I just...so Valon is doing this fight because he thinks Mai is in love with Joey.
This whole time I was like “well maybe it’s more that Valon is trying to defend Mai’s right to make her own choices” but no...he just straight up thinks Mai is in love with Joey. And, in fighting Joey, Valon himself is ignoring Mai’s life choices
Just a whole lot of misunderstanding that would have been fixed with better ways than dueling with cards. At least that one guy in S2 who tried to marry Mai actually dueled HER instead of some random guy.
It just really feels like these boys are having a pissing contest and Mai was never let in on the deets that this was even happening.
Mai needs to hang out with older men. Set her up with Roland, this is ridiculous.
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Back at the RV, which got very, very big in this shot, Seto has an odd convo with Mokuba about how they are probably not going to get Kaiba Corp back. And then no one really argued with him about that.
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He’s taking it really well. Maybe because this isn’t even the first time or the second time or even really the third time Seto’s lost everything. Kid’s really freakin great at failure. At least this time Mokuba isn’t currently abducted, which is really good improvement for these two.
Outside the RV, Tristan has decided to...give up as well, just right here, in the middle of traffic. Then he gets Orc’d...these orcs are kind of like Slenderman, in that they kinda...show up...but then that’s all they do because the designers didn’t actually want to animate anything.
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And then this happens.
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God bless this story boarder for this random series of events presented in just this way.
Also here’s yet another example where Tea just has...no fear. She’s actually only out here because she was like “that’s it, we’re getting another driver” and was going to chew out Duke Devlin. The Orc being in the middle of the road was not the reason she walked out here.
Anyways, Yami killed it because everyone here can just throw cards forever, these things are not threatening.
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The subplot of everyone refusing to drive with Duke Devlin after he busted his car in Death Valley is still ongoing, and it’s still low key hilarious that no one will outright say “Duke, your driving is just so bad” and instead, Duke just has to sit there and watch Joey STEAL A MOTORCYCLE just so he won’t have to drive shotgun with Duke Devlin.
Rebecca, our plot-dump device, then informs us that Valon has Special Rules.
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Because Valon, if you’ve forgotten, has a card that allows him to physically punch his opponent in the face.
They should have invented that card a long time ago TBH.
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SO, lets get into Valons tragic backstory. First off, go turn on your Les Mis Soundtrack, because this is some old school cop stuff.
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So apparently Valon, as a child just...stayed in the system forever. We don’t know why yet, but lets just assume that it’s tragic and heavy handed. If he steals a loaf of bread and ends up in 12 Juvies (which is a line from the show and not an exaggeration--12 Juvies) then I will expect him to be singing by the end of this and I will be very disappointed if he does not.
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Anyways, he was such an asshole, that he caught the attention of some very illegal rich bastard who was trying to turn prisoners into...card murders. (it was Dartz.) because apparently...Dartz also funds prisons and that is...that is some deep lore.
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And so probably about the same time that Yugi was Dueling to the death on Pegasus’ Island, and about the same time that Marik was hanging out in the ocean next to Pegasus’ Island with a pair of binoculars, and about the same time that Noah was underneath Pegasus’ Island just watching Pegasus steal KaibaCorp, Dartz decided to make his OWN murder island--because I guess he got jealous.
Anyway, Valon won, and didn’t even need to set anyone on fire.
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Those little green things there--those are all souls of prison inmates.
Millennials got DARK, OK? Freakin...we had a show for 9 year olds that went deep into the school-to-prison pipeline and didn’t even try to hide it under any layers of symbolism. Like Hunger Games at least had two people survive.
This was a show to sell PAPER CARDS.
Now, there’s a lot of good conversation going on right now about errors in the modern justice system on not just a local scale, but on a global scale, especially regarding racial profiling and criminalization of poor, sick, and young, and we better keep pushing it. But it’s surprising when people pretend like this hasn’t been talked about for a long time. Because...we’ve been talking about it in kids and YA shows for a long time. This is not something that just popped up in 2020.
Like millennials didn’t invent this obsession with dark and gritty stories with uncomfortable themes. It’s been around for thousands of years, but back in the 90′s and 00′s, a lot of shows for YA and younger enjoyed talking about the problems with prisons and abuse of power with our justice systems--a lot. Batman, X-men, Death Note, so so many, hell, even the OC.
And like, don’t get me wrong, we still have these shows running around, but I’ve been there’s been a trend of stories (not saying names) where just...nothing bad happens. And, that’s kind of sad because...they CAN have small elements that are more progressive in them, but only brought forth with a very risk-free cotton candy fluffy coating to make the majority of the population happy.
I could go long about this, and I’m getting very cryptic. If a kid escapes to more colorful worlds where nothing bad ever happens, that’s OK--sometimes you need that, but when nothing bad ever happens surrounding certain experiences where bad things normally happen--the meaning of the story changes because it isn’t a real experience anymore.
Like I don’t want to tangent too much, and I just had to delete a lot of examples, but I know a lot of people want to write stories about misrepresented minorities and about real deal serious situations and are just so afraid of misrepresentation that they go in completely the wrong direction by not putting in anything uncomfortable at all. I think it’s important to look at the work and ask yourself is this about the minority the work should be about--or is this work about patting the majority of the population on the back and saying neat, we’ve achieved utopia without having to even do anything?
...anyway, obvi I’m ranting, but I feel like we’re taking a step backwards when it comes to the importance of kids programming and that we do need to talk to kids about prison again. This is a show about paper cards, and they don’t do a great job at talking about...the reality of prison, this was exaggerated with genre stereotypes, but at least they didn’t cover it with rainbows and unicorns, because this isn’t about how great Joey and the “normal” people are at saving Valon, this is about how society screwed Valon beyond repair, and I am 99% certain we will see this guy’s soul stuffed in a brick above Dartz’ snake fireplace.
Like, yeah he duels to the death on an island, but that’s imagery that is very close to real life prison issues. We don’t talk to kids a lot about how a lot of inmates get enlisted into the military during war times (and quite literally...duel to their death...on islands). We don’t talk about how we use inmates to betray eachother for a chance at maybe getting amnesty. We don’t talk about how a lot of the victims of this system are essentially children, and have been caught in a system of endless prison for what will probably be the rest of their lives. We don’t talk about how we’re systematically turning kids into criminals so much in kid’s shows of late...and Freakin Yugioh just did in a filler season. 
....................I think our standard for modern kids programming to talk about serious issues is way too low if Yugioh just threw this out there in a filler season, is all I’m saying.
++++++++++++++++++END OF PRISON RANT++++++++++++++++++++++
 So, Valon is free but...is he?
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Not really, he’s just gone from one jailer to another, but at least this time he gets his own room. Don’t blame him for latching onto Dartz’ dream to end the world, because the world for him has been one behind bars. He doesn’t know it. Never been there.
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It’s just interesting juxtaposed to Joey because Joey had some sort of Season Zero history with a gang and I haven’t watched that episode yet.
So that’s it for now, again, I’m very slooow lately. I slept for 3 hours today...and I don’t know why. But hey--we all got through three (four???) months of this...we just gotta go...one month at a time.
That and I accidentally did my taxes early so there’s that. See? Good things still happen.
Also, because I only slightly referenced the most incredible movie ever made on San Fransisco soil, I’ll just leave this here. The true hallmark of our city.
Anyway you know the drill, here’s the link
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justice4sasuke · 4 years
Umm, I just wanted your opinion on an yt video about sasuke called “the conflict and compromise of uchiha sasuke” by crafswarf
Here’s the video if anyone is interested. I’m just going to watch it and make notes as I go.
“cutting off bonds but can’t seem to ignore Naruto” - I feel Sasuke would have had no problem ignoring Naruto if Naruto wasn’t constantly chasing after him. There is no indication in the series that Sasuke would have sought out Naruto of his own volition.
“Sasuke was so far gone he was impossible to root for” - and yet here I am, though the creator does qualify that that is how Kishimoto wants us to see him which is correct. Maybe I’m just getting ahead, let’s find out.
Viewing Sasuke through the lens of Karin??? I have a hard time taking that seriously because Karin is mostly a gag character and Kishimoto doesn’t take her seriously. 
“if there were one character who would accept Sasuke no matter what it would be her” - not to get ahead of what I’m going to cover later on the blog, but that was Itachi’s whole character arc so, disrespect. 
“Sasuke at his most likable” - Listen, I’ll be honest with y’all...my favorite Sasuke is kage summit through reconnecting with Itachi era Sasuke. So I’m not in the headspace to call early Sasuke the most likable Sasuke. But that’s just me. My favorite FMA character is Kimblee so that’s my taste is characters. 
I have already made a lot of the points being stated so not to concerned about mentioning them.
I don’t think Sasuke is even remotely “behind” Naruto is terms of training or strength. Sasuke sees it that way, but it’s not that Naruto is better, Naruto is just progressing very rapidly and has the fox that is assisting in that. 
Girl, not that clip of Naruto using rasengan on Kabuto to emphasize Naruto getting stronger and Sasuke wasn’t progressing because he couldn’t beat Itachi. Kabuto sucks it’s not very impressive to beat him and Itachi would wreck Kabuto and Naruto (but not really Naruto because he’s the main character has the fox, the cheater 😂)
I think it’s a mistake to not also touch on the fact that no one in the village was supporting just the fact that Sasuke wanted revenge. Especially the point where Kakashi straight up tells him to give it up. 
“Naruto’s only forcing his will onto Sasuke thoughtlessly, giving him no option. Sasuke will be taken back to the Lead and that’s final. Through his lack of understanding and his desire to avoid pain, Naruto is being just as selfish as Sasuke was in starting his new path” - 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Okay but this is T
He said genocide so points for that as well.
“Itachi’s planned path might have led Sasuke back to the Leaf village a hero, one who could potentially make the shinobi world a better place” “refusing Itachi’s path for him and refusing to compromise” 
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Fully lost me with that one. Sasuke does not owe anyone compromise. The onus should not be on Sasuke to go to the Leaf and work out how to fix shit. It’s the Leaf that killed everyone Sasuke knew and loved. It is their duty to recognize their wrong and atone for what they did. But they won’t so I say burn it to the ground.
The idea that Sasuke goes against Itachi because Itachi “got one over” on him by making Sasuke fight him to the death and he’s mad he never surpassed Itachi so he contradicts what Itachi wants is ludicrous. - I’ve covered it a little and I will cover it more. Sasuke hero worshiped Itachi even when he hated him. He’s not contradicting Itachi out of pride, he’s doing it out of love for Itachi. Because like Itachi’s love for Sasuke was stronger than the village, so is Sasuke’s love for Itachi. 
That Sasuke’s doing this to “surpass” Itachi fully got me out of it. I’ll try to keep paying attention. 
No one is allowed to talk about Sasuke’s exchange with Kakashi and Sakura unless they bring up That Panel. (I don’t even know if it’s in the anime tbh, which is further proof that That Panel was an accident or Kishimoto’s intern sneaked in and made it good). I don’t want to talk too much about That Panel now though I’m saving it.
Fun fact that might have been changed by the anime so take it with a grain of salt: Hinata didn’t die during Pain’s attack. 
I have a big problem with Sasuke’s character being so heavily tied to Naruto, and this is something I want to cover when I’m talking about shippuden so I’m just going to say straight out I don’t like it and move on. I’ll talk more about it on the blog. 
The end of Naruto is such a mess I don’t even want to think about it until I have to so I’m just not going to say anything for now.
That Karin thing really was dropped, huh? For the best. Wow, I’m rereading through my initial notes and this video sure forgot to tie up some of those strings left dangling earlier in the video.
So, overall I probably only agreed with like two things? I think the ending really failed in that, much like the Naruto series itself, it dropped the genocide thing to tie everything up in a neat little package and didn’t address the fact that a serious wrong occurred and 1. no one acknowledged the wrong or 2. attempted to give retribution for the wrong. 
I think this video has a premises of Naruto as a series being good or at least adequate which I disagree with on principle. Once again this blog probably isn’t even halfway done so there will be plenty of time for me to talk more about my myriad of feelings.
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wannawrite · 7 years
Crystals In The Night
who?: Wanna One’s Lai Guanlin genre: 🌸 type: bullet point, part of Christmas collab wink wonk blog navigator. • last instalment of mine for the collaboration with @onlyjihoons and @hwinkinghwi • you and Guanlin plan to meet at Orchard,,,but as usual, things never really go to plan oh shit, this collaboration has drawn to an end sooner than I expected, oh dear I’ll miss it terribly. It was an amazing experience working with such talent, skilled and competent authors, they are definitely seniors in this field. Thank you to my bebs for putting up with me and never hesitating to help me when I got stuck. Sorry for how messy all my works have been, and how inconsistent my schedule is :( Looking forward to collaborating with you guys again!!!💓 If anyone would like to work with us, please reach our dms! - Admin L 
• Orchard Road - the busiest road at this time of the year • I’m doing a lot of explaining in this collaboration but basically, Orchard Road is equivalent to Hollywood Boulevard or downtown • something like that • history: the whole stretch used to be a fruit plantation but that was gone ages ago so now in replacement, a concrete shopping stretch • the most popular outlet for avid shoppers and tourists alike • in summary, Orchard Road is where you go if you want to shop • now • a couple of days ago, your internet best friend - whom you had met in real life a few times - called you to say that he would be in Singapore for work around Christmas time • his name is Lai Guanlin by the way • you had screamed in excitement and immediately, the two of you planned to meet up along the Orchard Road stretch to admire the blinking Christmas decorations • on Christmas Eve • tbh Guanlin was a shady person • he never once mentioned the kind of work he did • you had put your trust in him but still... • he never seemed to be on social media anymore IG, Twitter, private Snap • Guanlin had talked about ‘photoshoots’ and ‘studio time’ so you just assumed he was a model • you wouldn’t bat an eye if he was • how did you get so lucky? your internet friend had turned out to be a the handsomest man you had ever talked to • and probably the sweetest too • the first time you guys had seen each other face to face was in Taipei, Taiwan when you were on a family holiday • disclaimer: I’m not exactly sure which part of Taiwan Guanlin is from but let’s just say he was in Taipei for work ;) • you were stumbling around like a lost sheep on the streets of Ximending - another shopping hotspot - frantically calling Guanlin’s phone • and he was not answering • the bright city lights, the flashing signboards and the bustling busyness of the crowd threw you into worry • a dozen thoughts raced in your mind • ‘was he a real person?’ • ‘what if it was all a scam?’ • ‘do I even know who he truly is?’ • your parents would have thrown a fit but thankfully, your uncle had occupied their time by ushering them into a nearby eatery • and your cousin had accompanied you to search for the Houdini of an internet friend you had • ‘come on y/n, you can’t give up like this! you’ve known him for...2 years? it’ll be worth it!’ she encouraged, elbowing you in the ribs • you shoved through the crowd, still calling his mobile • ‘the number you have dialled is currently unavailable. Please-‘ • an upset groan slipped past your lips yet you refused to give up • suddenly, you heard a familiar voice yelling in the distance • a voice you had heard a thousand times • on Snapchat • wishing you goodnight • telling you about his day when you face timed • Lai Guanlin • your feet thudded in the direction of his voice, ears craning to hear more • you had to find him • and he found you • Guanlin had a slender, fine-boned figure, one any catwalk model would be jealous of. His skin was honey tan, kissed by the warm golden rays of sun. • dark glossy locks framed his sculpted face, his full brows furrowed and his pink lips pursed • he seemed to be speaking furiously to an older teenage girl, a scowl marring his handsome features • but it was Guanlin for sure • and if your guess was right, that teenager would be his older sister • still hidden as a mere face in the crowd, your shaking hands had dialled his number again • his phone was buzzing in the pocket of his jeans • sighing, he turned to his sister. ‘I’m sorry but they’re calling, it’s been four times, I have to answer.’ • ‘hi y/n! ugh sorry I didn’t pick up. where are you right now?’ Guanlin’s hopeful eyes began scanning the crowd but not in your direction. • when all he received back was your heavy breaths, he panicked, fearing you had lost your way • lol I’m just behind you turn around • ‘l-look...behind you’ • puzzlement crosses his face but he obeys nonetheless and that confusion is replaced by pure shock and happiness • y’all do have that warm, massive hug like any internet best friend would have • how cute • just reminiscing about it makes you all soft and warm • to the outside world, you must look like a complete lunatic staring into space, slender fingers curled around the straw of your frothy Starbucks drink and stirring it slowly • strange • ‘oi that person a bit suspicious hor, kuai da dian hua gei mata.’ [quick, call the police] • but you pay those inquisitive eyes no mind and continue breathing your own air • just thinking about your friend makes your heart start to flutter madly again • 💓💓💓 • ooooh ;) • the only thing that stabbed your heart was that you were sitting in Starbucks for a long time now • and it was a Starbucks further away from Orchard Road because you didn’t want to have a first look at the lights without him • so sweet :”) • my friends would be like ‘lol we’re looking at them already you were late’ • hi i’m always late • Guanlin said he could get off at about 7.30pm so you said ‘let’s meet at 8pm’ • the illuminated screen of your phone revealed that it was 8.15pm • *sips tea* • you swiped to check your texts • you: hi lin, i’m here • you: where are you? • you: call me when you reach okay! • the LED screen shut off before there ever was a reply from him • but like the understanding best friend you are, you brushed it off, constantly reminding yourself that he was probably busy at work and would be fired if he checked his handphone for even a second • you stirred the drink on your table again • hmm, it still wasn’t melting • 8.20pm • your lips curved around the top of the straw, taking a sip, eyes darting to locate Guanlin • how interesting would it be to meet a stranger’s eyes as they glared out of Starbucks’ glass window, sitting ramrod straight in the plush booth, shoulders stiff and shoes tapping the ground anxiously • it appeared as if lasers from your eyes could cut holes through the glass • 8.35pm • don’t get mad don’t be mad don’t worry stay calm breathe stay collected • no new messages • hah Guanlin what the hell • you focused on your pleasant surroundings instead of the thing making you lose your temper • it was an appropriately busy time at Starbucks • meaning, the baristas and staff were able to put up with the workload and there wasn’t some kind of ridiculous snaking queue of 30 people • hi i’ve been in one. it was when Starbucks here was offering one for one and the queue went outside the shop and it was all students • me too sis me too • you watched the baristas as they effortlessly mixed delicious drinks • delightful aromas wafted through the air • the smell of ground coffee beans, the fluffiness of fresh whipped cream, all the different types of candied spice made your mouth water • even as the night progressed, the cashiers still took customers order with joy, beaming and wishing them ‘merry Christmas’ • muffins and other sweet and savoury treats were being swiped off the shelf before your eyes • speaking of eyes, your own were tired, a little droopy and glossed over • but you knew that as soon as you saw Guanlin, they would light up like a candle in the night, bright with alertness and burning with energy • he really had that effect on you, goodness • was it love? • CHRISTMAS LOVERS • but you couldn’t give it much thought as the calming ‘tick-tocks’ of the wall clock went by and the delectable smells of the kitchen lulled you into a deep sleep • head buried in your arms on the table, hoodie keeping your lap warm • your dream comprised of you, Lai Guanlin and a mistletoe hanging over both your heads • it made you smile • no new messages 9.45pm • one unread message 10pm • hi I found out that Starbucks at The Cathay is open 24/7 while researching for this fic • finally, your eyelids began to flutter open, brain trying to process all that had happened in a span of two hours • after all, you did have a pretty wonderful dream so all was good • oh • Guanlin • his disappearance and not answering your calls • your face fell immediately, heart sinking to the bottom of the ocean - the worst part was that it had floated to the top of ‘lake happiness’ with your dream • it was only a while after that you realised a man sitting in front of you • well you hoped so • right up to his nose was covered by a cotton black mask that hugged his jaw and he had pulled a red bucket hat over to hide his coloured hair • but it wasn’t Guanlin - his eyes were a different shade of hazel • but this guy was equally cute • ‘oh! hi,’ you greeted awkwardly, face beginning to heat up as you probably looked like a mess • it seemed like he smiled, then realised you couldn’t see through the mask, eyes widened before he pulled it off and grinned again • snaggletooth • ‘hi! I’m Woojin, Guanlin’s friend. He told me to sit with you until he came back.’ • you nod, smiling • wait • golden bronze skin, snaggletooth, large brown eyes..... • coloured hair, trying to hide his identity • you lowered your voice by a notch, creeping closer • ‘a-aren’t you...Park Woojin?’ • pause • explanation: you know bits and pieces of the k-pop world but because you’re kind of slow and oblivious you can’t catch up fast enough, thus, you know nothing about Wanna One other than what your friend’s tell you at school • honestly, I only know two people in my school who stan Wanna One so • you only know Woojin because your best friend has a huge sticker of him on her file • Woojin raises his eyebrows, pleasantly surprised and nods • ‘wow Guanlin never told me you were a fan, hanging out with him must be a dream come true.’ • wait wha- • ‘he most likely won’t ever tell you so I will. Please don’t get mad at him for being late, he had a huge argument with our manager today because even after our shoot was over, he wasn’t letting us go for the free time that was scheduled. So they fought and now he’s probably in deep shit but whatever, at least he has you.’ • manager? shoot? • your throat tightened, chest constricted • oh my god • GUANLIN IS AN IDOL • A REALLY POPULAR ONE AT THAT • ‘he’s outside talking to our manager now. I should go get him.’ • so now you’re kind-of-friends with another idol what is happening • all I wanted was my baby boy Linlin • but hey, you aren’t complaining • hehehe time to text my other best friend >:) • the soft rattle of the bells by the door is picked up by your sensitive ears, it feels as if time stops and all you can zoom in on is Guanlin • before he knows it, you launch out of your seat and right into his arms • thank God he’s tall and strong • he’s a paper fairy irl I’m sure of it • your hands grip his thin shirt tightly, eyes squeezed shut in happiness as your chin rests on his shoulder • ‘you’re here, it’s really you,’ you whisper so it’s only audible to the two of you • and maybe third-wheel Woojin • Guanlin went all out to protect his identity. mask, glasses and a baseball cap • he smiles through his mask, you can practically feel the happiness radiating from him • ‘you didn’t get in too much trouble, did you? I’m sorry.’ you ask, voice low. feet trailing behind as you exit Starbucks • Guanlin’s eyes frost over with sadness. ‘No, no, don’t be. I’ll work it out, don’t worry. I’ve already told hyung...wait, how did you know?’ • he whips round to face Woojin, who casually says, ‘You know I had to.’ • Guanlin can only sigh and agree • however, as you walk down the busy street, cool breeze brushing past, he cheers up • ‘come on, let’s go see those Christmas lights!’ • without thinking, he slips his hand into yours and happily skips towards Orchard Road • MY HEART SOMEONE HOLD ME • Woojin quickly sneaks off to meet Jihoon • you don’t say a word, enjoying the feeling of your hands entwined together • ‘woah.’ the gasp leaves your lips before you can stop it, but it’s safe to say everyone is blown away by the Christmas decorations • government invests in this okay • I think so • a lot of people invest in these things here • there’s a massive arch greeting you at the entrance, calming blue and purple wire Christmas trees illuminate the structure, giving it a ‘wonderland feel’ • HYPE • Guanlin clutches you close, partly afraid of losing you in the crowd, partly because he feels reassured when he’s around you • both of you venture further, admiring all the sights of the busy road • you step through a futuristic portal Narnia entering The Walk Of Wonder, the reflective silver fabric blankets a myriad of blue fairy lights. it feels like magical creatures dancing among you, welcoming you into their universe • Guanlin’s phone camera does all the work • he has an adorable gummy smile on his face as he shows you pictures he took • ‘oh god! delete that! I wasn’t ready!’ • but he doesn’t listen and sets it as his wallpaper • Guanlin looks so amazed by what he’s seeing, like a small child, amusement evident in his cheery gaze • love love love love • you’re busy looking around for mistletoe • The Tree of Time indicates there’s only a couple of hours left before Christmas • maybe a few more hours til your first Christmas kiss • ooh ;) • ‘hey,’ Guanlin calls. ‘What’s that?’ He gestures to what seems like a mini village, warm lights emitting from the set up • shrugging, you venture forward to find Endless Wonder Christmas Village • btw you can find more about all these/if you need a visual representation of all this, click here • exchanging smug grins, you and Lin dash in the direction of delicious food • me too • you guys settle at a white picnic table, feasting under the stars • ‘oh god,’ Guanlin says. ‘I can’t believe I’m eating at this hour. I’m going to get fired.’ • you roll your eyes. ‘Shush, you’re 63kg [profile weight during pd101] at the most you need to gain weight. Don’t worry, I’ll fire your manager then.’ you drop another cookie into his mouth • mouth full, he grins widely, eyes forming slender crescents • ‘i’m happy seeing you eat. Idol life is stressful, take care of yourself.’ • ‘you sound like one of my hyungs,’ he teases playfully • ‘I mean it and I’m sure they do too. You should relax and enjoy yourself.’ • Guanlin daps a napkin on the sides of his mouth, hanging his head to avoid being spotted by fans • then, he meets eyes with you and smirks, reaching for your hand • ‘let’s go have fun!’ • fun? Pop-up amusement rides sound fun • ‘Guanlin I swear if you get me on this thing I’ll-‘ • *screams* • as the Teacup ride starts spinning • he laughs mercilessly. ‘This is a ride for kids, y/n!’ • he tells you ridiculous stories of his hyungs after. ‘Minhyun can’t ride the Viking ship ride, ever. He has nightmares of it.’ • Guanlin visibly loosens up once you know his idol status, but he does worry that someone might recognise him • despite his worries, he throws caution to the wind just to spend more fun times with you • lol fck rumours, fck paparazzi, I deserve to hang out with my best friend and enjoy too • eventually, you two pack up and continue exploring the lights as the night grows darker • ‘mhm, I’ll tell you my whole idol story when we get ice cream at midnight,’ he promises • you seal it with your pinky • a dozen more pictures fill up both camera rolls as you two pose beside candy canes • snowmen • gingerbread men • which Guanlin buys the edible kind for you at the Christmas market • ‘hehehe hyungs must be so jealous of all the good food we’re eating >:)’ • guys, whenever I see this ‘>:)’ it just reminds me of Red Velvet during Peek-A-Boo • I can’t dksjskdksjsbd • ‘omg y/n you’re so evil you bit off his head.’ • GUANLIN’S REFERRING TO THE GINGERBREAD OF COURSE • ‘hehehe >:)’ • also you: ‘stfu Guanlin don’t lie and say you wouldn’t too.’ • walk walk walk • ‘truth or dare lin?’ • ‘dare.’ • ‘I dare you to take an ornament from that tree.’ • PLEASE DON’T ACTUALLY TAKE ANYTHING THIS CHRISTMAS • you ended up with a new purple star ornament in your arms • Guanlin signs it with a heart using a borrowed Tokyo Hands marker • ‘can’t ignore my adoring fans :”)’ • you sigh his baseball cap, which he’s surprisingly thrilled about • after all the excitement has died and the two of are worn out, you settle at an ice cream parlour that’s still open • maybe since its the holidays • you talk while spooning ice cream into each others’ mouths • how romantic • where is mY MISTLETOE GOD DO YOUR THING LET’S GET IT • ‘I enjoyed my time today, it was so good to have a break and spend it with you,’ Guanlin says, honesty in his voice. ‘I’ll miss you so much. You truly light up my life.’ • aha this collaboration cannot end without my puns • you chuckle, placing your hand in his again. ‘Ahh, I’ll miss you too. Please don’t make your manager mad and you can tell me more about your group the next facetime. I’ll be sure to buy your album on iTunes.’ • cue gummy smile before a devilish grin overtakes his cuteness • ‘you better, if not,’ he pauses to launch tickles at your sides. ‘I’ll tickle you to death.’ • laughing, you fight him off, gently pushing his hands away • comfortable silence fills the gaps as you stare out at the streets, still lively, still bright like stars against the midnight sky • ‘go,’ you say softly. ‘go make me proud. go be my star and shine on stage.’ • he nods, heart bursting with love for you. ‘I will. Don’t worry. Ooh, you should come to our performance sometime.’ the sides of his mouth blossom into a smile at the thought of you cheering in the crowd for him • ‘ehhh, does that mean my Christmas gift this year is a Wanna One lightstick?’ • Guanlin puts his hands up in mock surrender. ‘you caught me, what can I say?’ • you both collapse into laughter but truthfully, he knows there’s a prettily wrapped Wanna One lightstick sitting in your P.O box • and maybe, you get his more of his love than usual💖 • MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!💚❤️❤️💚💚❤️❤️💚💚❤️❤️💚💚❤️💚
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ultiimate-chimera · 7 years
All 50 Unless you can figure out who and message me-
i’m pretty sure i know who this is but i’ll do it anyways- also fight me-
Do you prefer writing with black or blue pen?
Already answered!
Would you prefer to live in the country or the city?
Country tbh, but just outside a city too, primarily for convenience (also I hate long travels)
If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
this doesn’t specify if it means actual possible skill here s o shapeshi f t-
Do you drink your tea or coffee with sugar?
I only drink tea but f UCk do i ever drown it in sugar
What was your favourite book as a child?
I have like 0 memories of my childhood so idk? I really liked the Where’s Waldo books though lmao-
Do you prefer baths or showers?
Already answered! 
If you could be a mythical creature, which would you choose?
Do you prefer reading paper or electronic books?
Already answered! 
What is your favourite item of clothing?
scARVES tbh?? and necklaces too if the chain isn’t scratchy or catches ur hair easily. also sweaters are a necessity
Do you like your name? Would you ever change it?
g od no I hate my name tbh. and yes I plan on changing it sometime but I’m not 100% certain what to change it to yet-
Who is a mentor to you?
l ots of people tbh?? @buttercupforgiveness and @underkinsans were the first people to approach me when I first made this blog and had little to no understanding of how2kincommunity so I’m thankful for that- and I still tend to go to buttercupforgiveness for clarification on some kin things every now and then so-
but otherwise aside from in terms of tumblr, I guess my qpp and my dad ?
Would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for?
Already answered! 
Are you a restless sleeper?
YE S gosh I need to shuffle around like every 5 seconds I just cannot stay still ever-
Do you consider yourself a romantic?
Not really ?? I wouldn’t say so but-
Which element best represents you?
Already answered! 
Who do you want to be closer to?
uHH well for one I’d like to maybe talk to @funnybone800 more sometime cause they great but I suck at conversing and friendshipness but. aND basically all my mutuals? y’all are gr8 i hope u all have a nice day
Do you miss someone at the moment?
I feel like I do but I don’t know who if that makes sense? I can’t really pinpoint it and memory is bad so
Tell us about an early childhood memory.
s o one time when my dad and mom were still together i tried making them breakfast at like 7 am when i was a small child who couldn’t even reach the freakin. stove top. i managed to get the egg carton and drop it on the floor. fun times.
What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
What can you see outside your bedroom window?
a stupidly tall fence, the neighbour’s line of trees, a trampoline, some sorta big swing thingy, and lawn chairs.
What are you most thankful for?
uhh. friens.
Do you like spicy food?
YES but I hATE the burning sensation
Have you ever met someone famous?
Nope, not that I remember.
Do you keep a diary or journal?
A physical diary/journal, nope. I do journal kin memories on my phone though! I have bad memory lol-
Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
Pen, tbh. I’ve never been a fan of the freakin noises pencils make when you write with them. just sounds bad-
What is your star sign?
Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
Crunchy, I hate the texture of soggy cereal-
What would you want your legacy to be?
? ??? ??
Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?
I do really like reading, but I never have the patience for it to do it often- and I last read Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto!!
How do you show someone you love them?
Do you like ice in your drinks?
YEA I always crunch on the ice once I finish the drink
What are you afraid of?
p eople in general and embarrassing myself publicly
What is your favourite scent?
Already answered! 
Do you address older people by their first or last name?
First name, unless it’s a teacher (primarily out of habit lol)
If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
b inch i would be moving to different countries every y ear
Do you prefer swimming in pools or in the ocean?
Ocean tbh? It feels a lot more open n free. unless something fucking touches your leg while you’re underwater-
What would you do if you found $50 on the ground?
mine now-
Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?
I’ve seen a ton tbh!! I used to make wishes all the time on em when I was a kid.
What is one thing you would want to teach your children?
I would teach em that it’s okay to express emotions even if people are assholes abt it tbh
If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
i uhhhh. would probably get a buttercup tattoo on my wrist maybe or somethin
What can you hear right now?
The hum of my computer’s fan, the wind outside, the TV, and my cat occasionally meowing.
Where do you feel the safest?
in forests-
What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
my shitty mo m-
If you could travel back to any era, which would you choose?
I would n ot tbh. not gonna mess with time im content with where everything is thank you very much lol-
What is your most used emoji?
🅱. self-explanatory lmao
What is your favourite season? Why?
Autumn and winter!! The colours are really pretty and I can’t stand hot weather so
How would you spend your ideal day?
buying a fuckton of shit ive wanted and also leaving home-
Describe yourself using one word.
What do you regret the most?
probably lots of things that’re in my repressed memories now lol-
Invent your own word. What does it mean?
“Misprae”, to miss someone from a past life.
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hi hi!! i love your blog and i was wondering if the mods have ever tried to match each other up with anyone?? (looking at you mod chimi! XD) if you haven't, you should!! who would each of the mods be matched up with for haikyuu!!, BNHA, and KNB?
HELLO hi this is chimi and actually before i was a mod, akaashi matched me with kuroo on here hahahaha but i haven’t officially matched anyone up?? haha but here i go!!!!
MIRIAM: i informally matched you up with iwaizumi and i still stand by that because the two of you would be so so SO sweet together and so supportive and like an ultimate parent duo?? so kind. so great. for BNHA i told you the other day (lmao) i’d match you up with ojirou!! he’s so kind and good and he’s honestly such a good guy and he really means well and i feel like between the two of you, you could guide any of your friends into doing good things!! for KNB, i have no clue because i’ve seen like two episodes and it makes no sense so i’m gonna leave that up to nana and akaashi haha
AKAASHI: hmmmmm for haikyuu i’d match you with suga!! you need someone who’s kind and supportive and always there but also someone who would push you out of your comfort zone a little?? and i feel like suga would be the calm presence you need without being too much :) for BNHA you and sparky!! denki is his actual name and i feel like he’d be fun enough to let you live a lil but also exercise your chance to be in control and you’d love that lmao you guys would be super cute. i love sparky. idk for KNB but probably danny phantom guy
NANA: okay i know i matched you up with ennoshita and i still lowkey stand by that but i feel like you and aone would be so cute??? idk you’re vivacious and he’s so dead silent but WOW you’d be cute lmao. for BNHA you and frogger (i think her name is tsuyu) because she’s a lil weird and you guys could b weird together but she’s still very sensible and could help when you get a lil crazy and you two would be a v v good match
LILO: OH MAN i think i’d match you with kags?? you’re both kind of serious but i feel like you’d get him to loosen up a little and between the two of you, both of you could have more fun!! for bnha i’d put you with Iida because you would definitely help him relax but he’d keep you on a good schedule and keep you motivated and it’d be adorable
anyways i’m chimi and that’s my analysis mod chimi out 
aye it’s my turn
MIRIAM: I will forever ship you with Iwa-chan, no exceptions. lol idk bnha so i’ll skip, but knb!!! hoo i think i’d ship you with kasamatsu? idk i feel like you two would just be so loyal to each other? and so cute? idk man but i can soooo  see it happening and like kasamatsu knows how to treat a lady right and thats exactly what u deserve because you’re gonna come home from work all tired and he’ll be there waiting with a bottle of wine and movies.
CHIMI: I ship you with Kiyoko!! Honestly you’re the prettiest couple ever and kiyoko would treat you so right!! she knows just the right things to make u blush like hell and she would soooo use it to her own advantage. for knb, i ship you with midorima! his uptight ass would piss you off so much and he’d be one of those people who are like “he’s an asshole why do i like him” but you guys would make such a good power couple honestly? like you both deeply care about each other and you constantly tease each other its so cute im
NANA: ok pls no hate but i ship you with Ushiwaka. idk why tbh? i just feel like you’re gonna be the one who’s there for him as he is for you and you will go through your battles together in each others arms. for knb, i ship you with Takao!! (i fukn love him lmao) because i feel like he’s piss you off sometimes by being cocky but he’ll find away to make you laugh, and even when things get bad, despite his asshole cheekiness, he’s there for you!!
LILO: man lets see, i think i’d ship you with ennoshita? since i feel like you’ll show him what it means to be treated right, and you will control his sassiness when it gets out of hand because lord know chikara is able to slice anyone with his burns. for knb i’d say kuroko? idk man i think he’d genuinely be interested in you as a person and i feel like you would’ve made a big effect on him by doing or saying somthing that means a lot to him.
ye thats all, thank -akaashi
HEY HEY HEY Now its my turn and since i want to i will also match the other mods with khr and assassination classroom
CHIMI: For haikyuu i can only say the same as AKAASHI, You and Koyko would be a really great pair. And Tanaka and Noya would die in a corner because of so much beauty on one place. For KNB I would say Riko because both of you are strong woman and have do deal with a bunch of kids. BNHA hmmmmm, that was had because it is a long time ago since i read the manga but i think you would really get along with Torodoki, i don’t know why but i lowkey ship you both. AS I think Karasuma is a good match for you, at first i thought maybe Bitch-Sensei but nah he is better. And one thing you know this Badass of a man would love you belive me. And for the last in KHR i ship you with Fon (i know that you don’t know him so if you google him don’t be shocked  just ask :P) hes is a real calm character and you two would get super along.
MIRIAM: Haikyuu and Iwa-chan do i need more to say, when is the wedding and can i make the decoration for the party? KNB I would say Kasamatsu because he is like the KNB Iwa-chan. To be honest they a really similar. Ok another hard BNHA but i think Uraraka would be a great match. Both of you are really cute and sweet and aaaaaaaaaaa i high-key ship you both ok. Isogai for AS with his kind and honest personality he would be a good match for you. And the last match for you is from KHR and i would say that i ship you with Dino. This Italian Mafia Boss would adore you and carry you with his hands when he’s not lying on the ground because he’s a clumsy handsome shit.
AKAASHI: For Haikyuu I say you and Kenma fit together, especially after i read the latest HQ chapter, you would make a great couple. KNB was really easy there i ship you with Kiyoshi, he is sweet and caring and i think he would take good care of you. BNHA was had, really hard serious i need really to reread this shit. But i ship you with Denki. I think you two fit together. AS was easy i ship you with Nagisa, both of you are the definition of look harmless but truthly you are badass. Beware world this two will take over you with their cuteness. And the last but not least KHR. I ship you with the rain Guardian of the vongola 10th generation. Yamamoto is a cute airhead with a golden hearth and would love you with every inch of his body.
SOOOO i hope you like it — mod nana
Okay haha my turn!!! First i am sorry to dissapoint y’all (totally not from south usa - i just like to say it lol) but i only can do matchups for haikyuu!!, i haven’t seen the other anime mentioned, I KNOW!! But as extra i do everyones favorite abs swimming anime.
CHIMI: I matched you before and i stand by it, you and Bokuto man!! That would be an explosive and wonderfull thing. I mean he would love you will all his heart and hold you in his beefy arms it would be awesome. I mean it is very possible that you two die doing some serious dumb shit, but hey if thats not worth it, you don’t deserve to have him lol (and i know you do!!!). For Free!: that will possibly be a surprise for you (and maybe you have to google the name ahah i sure did) Seijuro Mikoshiba. You two would be peferect for eachother, i mean he is funny and goofy but still is very serious about sports and his team and i think thats really you.
AKAASHI: you need someone who is strong, loyal and sweet at the same time. Someone who tells you that you are beautiful and sweet everyday of your life. I have the feeling that Akaashi would be a great pick for you. I all seriousness, i dont only pick him because i know he is your fav. I think he is a kinda serious character who will take your problems and moods very seriously and will comfort you in the most amzing way. He may seem reserved some times but he gives the best hugs and will wisper in your ears from time to time how beautiful you are. Free!: Okay okay i think i ship you with Gou, i mean she is very devotedly and cares much about others. She would make you nice meals and you two would sit together talking sports and literaly everything you come up with.
NANA: okay i told you that before and my opinion on that has not changed. I love to see you with Tanaka, you two would be perfect for eachother. He is supportive and will always be by your side. Also he will pick you up when you are sad or angry and will make you laugh again. I think you two would rock! Free!: There is just on answer to that and not just because i know you like him - Rin Matsuoka. I mean he is hard from the outside but deeply cares about people he loves. So yeah he would make you little gifts from time to time and just hiding them in the appartment waiting for you to find them and when you scream up in joy he stands behind you gently kissing you on the head. I mean YES!! i can see it.
I hope that was’nt to cheezy, well you know me haha i am a fluff ball haha and also THANK YOU for that awesome question i really, really loved doing this!!!! - mod Miriam
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