#y'all are the best thanks for sticking around love y'all mwah
nixiecat · 4 months
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I look fucking great today but my muscles are so sore... yknow I bet there's enough freaks following me that we could get one person who's really weird about each specific part of me that hurts so I can get like. a full body massage all at once what do we think
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
Hi, sorry for my bad English, I'm still learning to write in English. So I was playing The Sims 4 and I automatically remembered posts about what it would be like if the boys played Minecraft and Roblox, so I asked myself: How would each of them feel and react playing The Sims 4? I'm a new follower and I love your posts!
YES this is so cute omg, also to anyone else sending asks I SEE THEM I will get to them, I got like 35 of y'all in my inbox and I LOVE YOU ALL just be patient, thank you mwah. Anyways, the headcanons below da cut, here we go.
Kazuma Kiryu
Fascinated by The Sims. Mostly watches the kids play it, but they end up roping him into playing eventually. Needs some help at first, it takes time to learn the ropes, but he's pretty good at picking up on it. Says things like "Ah... I see." a lot. Out of all the games the kids have shown him, The Sims seems to stick the quickest.
Majima Goro
Takes a million years in character creation alone. Like decorating things or dressing the people up. Total chaos lord, if something catches on fire in game he just gets confused. A lot of saying "What do I do, c'mon, tell me!" really quickly and loudly. Talks to his Sims, says things like "Darn it, I told ya to go HERE."
Akiyama Shun
Makes his Sims hit on everyone. Actually a bit of a chaos gremlin but only in games like The Sims specifically. Once he realizes that game is basically him making a bunch of tiny people do funny stuff, he will proceed to do exactly that. Will always pick THE most styling outfits for his Sims.
Saejima Taiga
Squints a LOT, especially when trying to read options in the charater creation menu or when a Sim has choice bubble pop up. When he sees a Sim isn't happy, he says things like "Huh? Didn't I just feed ya?". His first playthrough is super messy and the house he builds is totally not functional so it'll take him a few attempts to actually get going in the game.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Honestly the most basic of all the boys at Sims. Plays it straight, pours in exactly a reasonable amount of hours, struggles an average amount. It's not his most favorite type of game to play and he prefers to watch others play it as he finds their choices more interesting than his own.
Ryuji Goda
He's all about that house building, babey. Probably ends up building himself some monstrosity of a tower and is like "Look what I made!". He actually kind of likes The Sims a lot once he realizes it's supposed to be a little chaotic. This makes him actually relax more, whereas with other games he can get a little frustrated when something unusual happens.
Nishikiyama Akira
Probably the most likely to make his Sims look like himself and/or people he knows. If not people he knows directly, then something like a celebrity or famous character. Pretty good at matching his Sims to people's appearances, although he mostly cares about the character creation than anything else. Might not even play the game beyond making characters honestly.
Daigo Dojima
Very precise gamer. House has to be spick and span, all the Sims have to be happy before he turns the game off. Fond of the decorating or dress up aspects and likes to see his Sims make friends or start relationships. Treats it more like a dating sim than anything.
Mine Yoshitaka
Sort of like Daigo but he treats it like a business management Sim. His Sim is going to be the very best like no one ever was. Won't really tell anyone he plays the Sims as it's kind of his guilty pleasure game. Prefers having as few Sims as possible in one game so it's easier to manage them all.
Tatsuo Shinada
Best Sims player to watch in a livestream of all the boys. Total goofball, tons of "What's this option do?" and general fucking around and finding out with his gameplay style. Makes the most random looking Sims. Naturally comedic when he plays it. Tries super hard to romance other Sims though.
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
Alright y'all, in honor of Valentine's I'm doing a quick break from requests and making a holiday post! Enjoy, and happy Valentine's to all from me AND the boys!
Relationship or not, remember that you are more then enough and I love each and every one of you mwah!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💝💖💗
Imagine: what each of the boys would do as your Valentine
George would treat you to an at home spa day!
First things first of course, and that being a nice hot breakfast
But after that, it’s all you baby!!
You guys would take a nice warm (and scented ofc) bath together and just relax and unwind
Then when you’re all nice and clean, you go get changed into what’s most comfortable for you, ie fresh PJs, a robe, ect.
And then back to bed, where George has a whole set up that he’s been planning for you
A fragrent, but not overwhelming candle burns in the corner, offering a low, amber light
Nearby, a slow record plays quietly, adding the perfect amount of white noise to the background
And finally, a few rose petals are scattered on the freshly made bed
George invites you to come lay down, while he works some lavender scented oil into his hands
You can’t hide your excitement as you trot over to the bed and get comfortable
“Stop squirming now, you’ll tense up again!”, George laughs, as he respectfully exposes your back to the cool air
Somehow you manage to settle yourself, and George goes to work, rubbing slowly outward from the base of your spine to the curves of your hips
He repeats this gesture aaaall the way up your spine, placing kisses here and there to your bare skin and using his expert thumbs to gently loosen any knots his palms can’t stretch out
But before moving on, he makes sure to pay extra attention to the stress knots in your shoulder blades until they’re as loose as he can get them
He slides up to your arms, getting all the pressure out of the joints as he rubs from your wrists up, then down to your legs to help relieve the soreness from your day to day hustle and bustle
and when all’s said and done, you feel weightless from the relief and steady massage, ready to go back to sleep
George grabs a nearby blanket and drapes it over you, the warmth helping to lock the oil into your skin and muscles
He lays down beside you and presses a kiss to the apple of your cheek, and with but a soft whisper he says, “Happy Valentine’s, love”
For Valentine’s day, John wants to do something extra special!
But what?
He’s pretty good about being sweet and sentimental when he wants to be, but how can he turn that into a gift...
Under normal circumstances, he’d tell you that a day of good behavior on his behalf is a gift in itself
And while that could certainly be true, you deserve better then that
So, he does some thinking and goes for the one gift he can give that few to none have ever received
John works tirelessly and in secret so as to keep it a surprise
Judging on obsession and perfectionist work ethic alone, you would almost mistake him for Paul
But finally, finally it’s all ready to go
You wake up that day like any other, and you almost forget what day it is
John appears to already be awake somewhere in the house considering he’s not beside you
Then, it comes to you
Excited to see if he’s been planning something, you hop out of bed and go off to find him
If he doesn’t have any plans today, you certainly can come up with a few!
John hears you coming and catches you around a corner
You give a yelp of surprise as john picks you up in his strong arms and gives you a spin
He wishes you a good morning and happy valentine’s day followed immediately after by a smattering of kisses before he sets you down
“Now come on, I have a surprise for you!”
John leads you into the living room amd sets you on the couch
Looking a bit antsy, he tells you to close your eyes
You comply, and by now the suspense is killing you
At last John’s footsetps return, “Now promise you won’t laugh, alright?”
You gasp in mock hurt, “I would never!”
John sighs and rolls his eyes, but he suposes that’ll sufice
Fianlly you get to open and you’re... well, you’re lost for words
In John’s arms is a large framed canvas, and painted there upon it is a loving, beautiful rendering of a photogrpah he keeps on his desk
It’s of the first dance you and he ever shared
He carefully guides it into your lap so you can get a better look
“Well? Do you like it?”
You trace your finger ever so lightly along the curve of John’s painted back as he holds you close in the picture still slow dance, a soft smile drawn onto his lips
Tears well up in your eyes as you slowly put the treasured piece down
“John...”, you turn to face him, unable to get the words out
But you don’t have to
John’s expresion softeneds and he leans in for a kiss, “...Happy Valentine’s”
Paul also has a bit of thinking to do for his gift
His knee jerk response is to dedicate a song to you!
And while he does start working on one (for later, of course), he decides perhaps he should think a bit deeper for today
But what can he do that’s more personal then music?
He doesn’t really have much else in the way of outstanding talent
(Or so he thinks)
Well... He definitely knows he wants to produce a labor of love for you
After all, he would go to great extents to make you happy, so whatever he can do to make that happen, he’d gladly do it!
So, he thinks and thinks, and at last it comes to him
He breaks out some paper and some colorful things to write with and sets to work
When the day comes, he preps a little tray of breakfast and nestles his gift to you along with the plate and utensils
“Room service!”, he knocks sharply on the bedroom door and lets himself in without waiting for a response
Slowly, you begin to stir at the disturbance, but you awaken for sure after Paul snaps the shades open
A stream of soft light floods the bedroom, forcing you to get up
“Paul, wha...?”
“Happy Valentine’s Day!”, he happily declares
He swings around to fetch the tray from where he left it, then crosses back over to your bed side
“Here we are!”, Paul lays the tray in your lap, then comes around to sit beside you
“Oh, thank you Paul, this is lovely”, still a bit sleepy, you give him a kiss then pick up your fork and knife
“Wait wait! Look at this first!”, he retrieves a small stack of what appears to be printer paper neatly tied together by the corner
You take it and examine it
The front has a big, poorly drawn heart done in red crayon with you and Paul’s initials written in the middle
Already a smile blooms across your face, which grows into a full laugh as you flip through each page
It’s a little coupon book of romantic favors, all written in assorted, Valentine’s themed colors and messy handwriting
Breakfast in bed, dinner at a restaurant of your choice, a massage, movie night, 5 kisses, and more are among your choices
“Paul, I love it! Thank you...”, you land on a coupon that says 1 makeout session, then shoot him a look
“...Can I redeem this one now?”
Paul glances at it and chuckles, giving you a sly smile, “Hm, I think I can give you that one for free. Just this once...”
Breakfast will have to wait ;)
Now, Ringo is a simple man
He loves you very much of course, and would do anything to give you the best day ever!
But considering the gift is supposed to be something of a surprise... 
That does complicate things a bit on what he should do for you, given that he can’t, you know, ask
He does a bit of thinking and even asks the other lads for ideas, despite the fact they aren’t much help
“How should we know?”, they say... Can you believe that?
‘How should they know’, how should he know?
So, he invests lots of thought into it...
All the spare brainpower he can muster...
And then... He’s got it!
He has to move quick to get everything together, given that Valentine’s is just around the corner, but he just might manage!
With everything set, he takes some time to get everything together for the big day, all neat and pretty
He even throws in some overtime while you sleep to spruce the place up a bit
The next day you climb out of bed in the morning and make your way downstairs
How strange that Ringo didn’t come to bed last night...
Not that you’re exactly complaining, that is
That man can snore something fierce
Hardly a few steps from the hall to the living room and you can already hear the good old sound of your boyfriend's rhythmic snoring
You yawn, closing your eyes and stretching as you round the corner, “...Dear, are yo-?”
But when you open your eyes, all you see is wall to wall of what appear to be handmade Valentine’s decorations
Sparkly, cut out heart banners, paper steamers, and a few clusters of balloons blown at various sizes are hung randomly around the room
Then, there on the coffee table, a massive bouquet of roses, over a hundred at least, provide a fragrant backdrop to a small teddy bear and a handmade card
You pick up the bear and give it a cuddle, then go for the card
On the front, two stick figures, one of which has been illustrated with quite a comically large nose, stand on a green hill with some hearts floating between them over their connected stick hands
The inside is addressed to you with a simple message of “Happy Valentine’s Day! Peace and love, Ringo”
You gasp and coo at the overwhelmingly sweet gesture, “Oh, Ritchie! Did you do all this yourself?”
Ringo snorts abruptly at the sound of his name and mutters, “Surprise!”, as he falls off the couch with a thump
Groggily, he comes to his senses, “Oh, uh... Happy Valentine’s! Uhm, D-do you like it?”, he asks nervously
You laugh and kneel down, your head hovering just above his as you give his forehead a kiss
“I love it”, you smile, and when you kiss him again, and again, and again, Ringo thinks...
Perhaps he did alright after all
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