#yOu cAn tRuSt mE 😒 sure hawke
viiisenyas · 2 years
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I haven’t produced a WIP update in ages! D:
Tagged by: @plisuu (thank you so much!)
Tagging: @sulky-valkyrie @oxygenforthewicked @gloriousonemahanon @psalacanthea and anyone else who would like to participate!
Summary: Reginald is having trouble coping with the loss of his mother and Valeriana comforts him.
Warnings: Brief mentions of torture
Side notes: This is a snippet of my upcoming chapter “The Broken Circle.” I decided against putting in the second half of this because plenty of you already hate my Hawke as it is and this man is an expert at ruining the moment. But you’ll see the smut soon enough 😇
His fingers tightened against her waist as he sobbed into her neck and the tension within him diminished. Everything that he held in for weeks poured out in front of her, and in a moment of weakness, he crumbled. He didn’t expect her to stay with him after he began to blubber. Not after the boy he loved left after his father died, and the sense of security he longed for all these years was finally bestowed to him as Valeriana guided him to kneel in the cool grass.
She closed her arms around him, swaying gently and the familiar droning hum of magic intertwined with the peaceful sounds of the forest. Hawke relaxed against her as his breathing became consistent.
After a long moment, the mage pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, and she rested her palms against his cheek.
She used her thumbs to brush away the tears that collected beneath his eyes and he emitted a soft sigh.
He hadn’t realised her hands were this soft, and he found himself leaning into her touch as she allowed a hand to linger on his face while the other descended to his neck.
“You really shouldn’t be alone, Hawke. Do you want me to get—”
“No.” The answer was sudden, and he grasped the loose sleeves of her tunic as she pulled back. “Just… stay with me, Valeriana. Please.”
She hesitated and nodded slowly before he let go of her tunic. He moved to sit in the grass and Valeriana followed, settling beside him while he fixed his gaze on the stars above. After his father’s death, it brought him solace as he often pondered if he was watching him. But on this night, numbness overcame him.
Is this what it’s like to be an orphan?
“I’m so sorry about your mother,” her slender fingers slipped between his, and she squeezed his palm gently. “But I don’t think she would want you to blame yourself.”
“You don’t know my mother.” A humourless laugh escaped him, and he sniffled. “I wish I could’ve saved her from that damned ogre.”
She let go of his hand, and placed it on his knee. “I know how you feel, but there was nothing you could have done, Reggie.”
“And exactly how do you know what I’m feeling?” He deadpanned.
She inhaled through her nose slowly and her emerald gaze moved toward the clearing of the forest. “Because I felt the same way when my parents died.” Her voice lowered an octave as she looked at him. “I blamed myself for years, but what happened to them wasn’t my fault. And what happened to your mum wasn’t yours.”
“I’m sorry.” He’d nearly forgotten that she, too, was an orphan, and he avoided her gaze.
“There’s nothing to forgive,” She smiled.
Her kindness made the burden he carried feel a bit lighter and he fixed his eyes on the sky once more as he listened to the whisper of the wind drifting between the trees.
He wasn’t sure how much time had passed as a comfortable silence settled between them, and his heart swelled with gratitude for Valeriana’s company.
As he turned to thank her, he was surprised to feel the softness of her lips brushing against his. Reginald’s eyes widened as she pulled back with a soft gasp.
“I’m sorry, I… shouldn’t have done that.” Her cheeks reddened as she ran her fingers through her hair and Valeriana lowered her gaze.
Without a second thought, he reached forward and hooked his index finger beneath her chin. He tilted her head up, silently urging her to look at him. “And if I wanted you to? What then?”
She offered a sheepish smile and Hawke pressed his lips against hers. Valeriana grasped the collar of his tunic and he wrapped his arm around waist, tugging her closer.
He kissed her with fervour, and the melancholy that shrouded his heart diminished as warmth spread in his chest when Valeriana’s fingers brushed against his cheek. Had he been younger, he would have mistaken the feeling for love as he foolishly did before but he knew better, and he didn’t care. For once someone was there for him when he needed them, and that’s all that mattered in the moment.
Hawke savoured the sweet taste of berries lingered on her tongue, and exhaled through his nose as he tangled his fingers into her hair.
He reclined into the grass, pulling her on top of him. His hands wandered across her back. He moved his lips to her neck and she emitted a soft sigh while he began to pull her tunic above her waist.
As his fingers moved under her garments, Reginald felt the softness of her skin begin to change, and she reached back to catch his wrist.
“Don’t.” She warned, pulling away.
His brow furrowed in confusion and he unconsciously swiped the pad of his index finger against her raised flesh.
“What is it?”
Her lips curved downward and she took a deep breath. “It’s… it’s nothing.”
“Val,” Hawke reached up to cup her face and he gently stroked her cheek with his thumb. Her emerald gaze met his, and he exhaled through his nose. “You can trust me.”
A long pause came and he waited patiently as Valeriana moved off of him to settle into the grass with her back turned. Another sigh escaped her and she reluctantly pulled her tunic over her head. She gathered her long hair over her shoulder, and the moonlight revealed the silver scars carved into her skin.
His lips fell open in shock as he took in the sight of the scars that littered her back, and he sat up abruptly.
“What in blazes happened?”
“I dropped some books in the library,” She murmured, sparing him a glance over her shoulder. “And Trevelyan flogged me for it.”
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
Dabi's incredible constant snark and apathy to contrast the League's more action oriented personalities Vs Hawks' incredible ability to piss off anyone he meets in 2 seconds, from AFO to Endeavor + Dabi's fierce tenacity to survive 8 years past his one month left to live, a strong heart, Vs Hawks' lucky natural birth and resilience to survive all the shit up to now, a strong mind. Their constant cat-and-mouse game and hiding their true selves, both geniuses in their own right. DabiHawks is too powerful a relationship. We still don't know whose going to get the last laugh in their Divorce Arc Part 2: or is it part 3? It was an actual line by Dabi too, I sure hope they get Toga and the Twice clones on their side, best middle finger to Dabi ever. Also Dabi's photographic memory to memorize every move he sees on sight and copy it to perfection Vs Hawks' yeah I'm not listing every freaking thing he memorized about PLF in a month, too fucking many- Touya's dying optimism Vs...Keigo, who gained it. The tension of Hawks holding a blade to Dabi's throat and Dabi casually throwing an arm around his shoulder and them always smiling and acting jolly with each other when inside they're probably thinking "ugh I really hate this guy" but just keep smiling :) :) :) Pls, I love them. There's an endless list of parallels to find in them and even similar energy. I keep going back to the basic ones but that's because it's too much effort to dig through the manga to verify things. And about that! We really wrote Hawks always snuggling up to Dabi who was annoyed by his advances, but it's the other way around (like it always is, we're always switching them up) because Ultra Impact recently got a DabiHawks event and there is SO MUCH there I haven't caught up on yet, but at one point Hawks is injured from a fight and Dabi is a naughty cat choosing this time to cozy up to him, "No fatalities, good work Hawks. The No.2 hero really is different from all the others" and Hawks is all "ow...I'm hurt, don't pat me like that" 😒 ("Come on, this is just my way of sayin' good work, you definitely earned some trust this way.") LMAO DABI ARE YOU SURE?! Can't win with this man. It's what he wasn't impressed by during High-End, but if Hawks let them die he'd just put it in his expose video. Hawks is all "well then it was all worth the effort" the effort being that this pigeon used his body to deflect bombs and everyone at PLF is worried about him while Dabi is just 😏 Really reading like a League Found Family + Hawks fic. And there's this one scene where Dabi wants to ditch a PLF meeting because Geten keeps nagging him about skipping them in the first place so he's all "Tch...Ah, Twice. Can you make a clone for me? Then I can skip it." So then Dabi clone is all, "Fine. Sure thing...did you really think I would say that?" Because who can tick off Dabi other than another Dabi? Get teased back you loser. So now original Dabi is instantly triggered because he can dish out sass but can't take it, especially not from himself, he WILL fist-fight himself in a Denny's parking lot if he has to. "Huh? Fine, then I'll make you go. Ice guy, No.2 lend me a hand." Lmaoooo why are you recruiting help? You can handle a single clone, man. Another scene: Geten: I'm not waiting. You shouldn't need a replacement in the first place. Hawks: Haha...sorry to say, but I agree with him there. Dabi: Like I said? You did it this time, Hawks. Hawks: Now now, you can't expect your subordinates to follow your commands if you act out in front of them, commander. Dabi: Tch...I'll remember this, hero. Hawks: Haha. It is my job to maintain public safety. Oh, Hawks. You don't realize the kind of grudges Touya can hold 😔
Also...Hawks insincerely-sincerely calling Dabi "commander" and Dabi nonchalantly calling Shigaraki "boss" hmmm what is the reason. I think the one mystery I can't solve is how Touya's personality turned into Dabi. No matter how much I look, nothing about Dabi matches Touya except for when he's being manic, which they got rid of in the episode! Instead he's walking all calmly down the stairs, while in Hori's sketch he was a hyperactive cat running and leaping "Shigaraki must've woken up!" >:D literally looking like he got the zoomies at 4am, a caption saying "Dabi running down the stairs" easier than running up for you, eh? *leaps over with one hand over the railing* "Just a sec, Machia." *eerily looms over Skeptic and grips him like a ragdoll, like those cursed emoji memes that try to grab you but more forceful and dynamic* "From the day we met, I knew you'd be perfect for this." How long exactly, was Dabi planning this, what was the image of his reveal in mind that made him go, "you're perfect for me!" when he joined the League, what could they offer him? Is that why he was so apathetic, but suddenly when the League gained power and new allies, he's suddenly interested? In October, right after Kamino + Overhaul that he was absent for except revenge arc because he can't resist a good revenge and murder opportunity to spread his name. (It did, Snatch. Confirmed it for him too that he was making the news.) right so October, that was the only time he was mildly interested...in still his own agenda, because he was recruiting Hawks atm and told Shigaraki that he only looks out for himself and has no interest in going out in a blaze of glory alongside him. Dabi, hey Dabi, WHAT CHANGED?!?!?!
Yum, Dabihawks parallels. Gotta love them and how many of them there are XD
LMAO, I didn't notice that we also switch the flirty behaviour in fanon but you're goddamn right. Hawks is the pissed off cat sassing back while Dabi is the flirty/flighty cat having fun messing with this new stray to wander into his domain. It's probably why I find fics to be a bit disappointing because I miss this behaviour in Dabi.
I am disappointed with the changes the anime made with Dabi in the latest season too. Describing Dabi as a cat with zoomies is accurate and it's a shame they cut that T-T I think they lessened on his manic behaviour to make him come across more "cool" and "suave" but it also takes away from Dabi...
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heavensenthearty · 4 years
Lolll I'm trying so hard not to sound mean...but do people really think zukka is going to happen in the live action?? Like...how would that make any logical sense whatsoever?? In the whole of three seasons they only spent two episodes together...kataang or Zutara actually make sense lmfao
Well, I suppose there is a remote possiblity for Zukka to become canon in Netflix's LA...
Hey, hey, hey! 🙌🏽😳🙌🏽 Hear me out, okay? Just hear me out...
I have dealt with Netflix's reboots in the past.
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☝🏽 This is a poster from Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments series, or the way I call it: The really, really, really big Shadowhunter Chronicles fever dream — and hey, I'm not saying the series was that bad; and yes, I know it was originally from Freeform and Netflix got the rights later, but my point is that the main plot of this series was some sort of Tinder!AU including ALL characters across two separated series in the original TSC. And when I say all, I really, really, really mean it.
Characters who had never even met each other in the books were suddenly hooking up, including the female character who canonically hated handsome men with the regarded hottest guy in the series 🙄 Crack-ships from the producers' part everywhere!
I can tell now that The Mortal Instruments books didn't have perfectly written romances — something that my 13-yo self couldn't do — but I'm sure even she could tell having everyone sleeping with everyone wasn't a better option 😒
What I'm trying to say is that these books in specific were picked for a LA of their own because they were an inclusion boom back in their time, and I suppose they were pretty above 2007 standards, but in the effort of making everything more dramatic/progressive/feminist they did nothing but ruin the good parts of the original writing. And curiously, it all gave birth to a toxic fandom, too 🤔
And furthermore it wouldn't be the first time a reboot also applied to the characters' sexuality. See She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 1985 version vs. 2018 version for example:
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What would you say if I told that 1985!Adora was in a relationship with 1985!Sea Hawk and 1985!Catra and Adora were constantly fighting over him because Catra had a crush on him, too?
So, technically, Catradora is a fanon ship 😅
What I mean with all of these is that reboots, especially the ones in which Netflix has any intervention, can (and most probably will) change a lot of things for the sake of ratings... even if results may vary.
There is a possibility for everything. In ATLA's case: they can leave the story and the canon ships as they are, they can change the story but not the ships, they can make Zutara canon, they can make all sorts of juggling to fit Zukka into this whole thing — there's a reason why fanon ships have so much AUs, there are truly infinite scenarios; Zukka has no place in our OG story, but I don't think Netflix has much interest in following that story by the book (no pun intended) and I don't trust their creative ideas not because of the sake of shipping, but because of the sake of everything.
Some classics are better left as they are 🤷🏽‍♀️...
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