#ya know your mental and emotional issues are still s h i t when someone being mad at you still scares you
lady-tortilla-chip · 1 year
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The Brother’s Reaction to MC having a Nightmare
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this gif... holy SHIT 
Whether you started the evening snuggled up under his chin or all alone in your room, he’s an extremely light sleeper since he’s got to keep an ear out for Mammon being stupid at 2 am
So when you start to move restlessly and/or whimper and cry, naturally he’ll awaken and see what the issue is
Lucifer will sit up and gently rest a tentative hand on your trembling shoulder, so as not to startle you
His presence only seemed to make it worse! Your tears got bigger and your cries got louder, your breathing became more uneven until you woke with a start, your own shrill scream scaring you into a frightened, crying ball in front of him
Boi is at a loss…
Was this his fault?
“MC, darling, what has gotten into you? Are you alright?”
“L-Lucifer?” You whimper, watery eyes roving aimlessly in the darkness “L-L-Lucifer?! Where are-”
Wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close, he reassures you: “I’m here, right here princess,” “I’ve got you, it was just a dream MC... nothing to worry about.”
Strokes your head, smoothing your rumpled hair and supporting your back while you hide your puffy, tearstained face in his collar and cling to him for dear life until you calm down
You’re still shaking when the usually stiff demon presses a kiss to the crown of your head and begins to rock from side to side, murmuring gentle, reassuring words in your ear
“Nothing can hurt you as long as you’re in my arms, MC.” “Deep breaths my love, deep breaths…”
Mammon’s vivid scary stories before bed had obviously been a bad decision, Lucifer decided as he dabbed your cheeks with a kleenex
his poor, sweet human having nightmares about silly campfire tales…
How endearing, yet upsetting
He’ll carry you to the kitchen bridal style and hold you close after getting you a glass of water, then carry you back to bed and tuck you safely against his broad chest for the rest of the night making a mental note to hang Mammon upside down from the banister the following morning
He woke up from his dream about goldie who had read “∞” on the ATM and opened his door in answer to the frantic knock to find his favorite human crying
You rushed into his arms, burying your face in his chest to hide your shuddering sobs, nearly sending the now blushing Avatar of Greed off balance in your haste
“Jeez, human! Wha… What happened? Why’re ya crying like that?”
No, like seriously, plz stop crying babie or he’s gonna cry too
Returns the hug, holding MC firmly as he regains his footing and manages to shut the door behind you
“MC, sssh, I’m right here! You don’t hafta worry, ok? Luckily you’ve got the best demon on the job to make ya feel better! Hug me as hard as ya need, ok?”
*forehead and cheek smooches*
Lets you curl up in his lap until you can talk to him without stuttering or choking on tears
Holds you the whole time, almost as if he’s afraid to let go for fear you’ll cry again
“Bad dream? What was it about?”
“Th-Those characters from Levi’s horror game w-were eating you alive and I c-couldn’t move!” You whimper tearfully, “You were begging me for help a-and I couldn’t do anything to save you from them because every time I moved th-these ropes got t-tighter around my neck a-an-”
First of all, he’s horrified that Levi showed you those games when he knew they gave you nightmares. Unfortunately, you had to if you didn’t want to be called a normie for the billionth time that week
Second, he, the great Mammon, begging a mere human for help? Yeah right
Even though he knew in his heart of hearts that that would definitely be the case
“They’re not real, remember that. And if you still think those freaks are lurking in the dark, come find me and the great Mammon will protect you!”
You can't help but giggle and hug him more tightly, knocking him back onto his pillow
Neither of you felt like moving, so Mammon pulls the sheets up over your shoulders and you snuggle together until the morning comes
At the breakfast table, Mammon doesn’t hesitate to screech at Levi for giving you nightmares while cradling your tired, sleep-deprived body against him
Doesn’t hear MC’s knock at first, he’s too absorbed in the 14th episode of I Was Eating Avocado Salmon Sushi at a Hundred-Yen Revolving Sushi Restaurant When Suddenly I Was Thrown Back in Time a Thousand Years to the Heian Era, Where I Was Selected to Be a Personal Chef for a Princess and Was Later Chosen as a Possible Candidate to Be Her Husband… Now someone Please Tell Me How That’s Even Possible
As the knocking gets louder and more frantic, the otaku finally notices and pauses the anime, goes to the door and opens it a tiny bit
Just enough to see the teary-eyed MC, hugging their waist in discomfort, shivering in fear, and looking left and right down the hall for danger
“... Yeah?”
“L-Levi? C-Can I come in? *sniff* I just had a really scary dream-”
“I-uh… Ummm I g-guess,”
He lets you in and on a whim, places a tentative hand on your back
He expected you to push him away, but when you choked and rushed into his half-open arms and buried your face in his chest, leviachan.exe has stopped working
What was he supposed to do with his hands?!?!??
MC was crying and he was just standing there like a normie? Wh… WhAt wOULd HenRy dO?
“MC, h-hey, it cant’ve been that bad… here, um let’s s-sit down a-and you can talk to me. Sound good?”
He feels you nod and leads you to his large gaming beanbag chair and you get squooshed against his side, shivering and sniveling, but warm and safe
Levi dries your face with the edge of his shirt and after a few moments of comfortable silence, you begin to explain your dream
The slimy creatures scaling the walls of the House of Lamentation with their slimy entrails dripping whitish goo in their wake. Eight spindly legs to each monster, sixteen sinister red eyes, and countless rows of gleaming fangs ready to take a chunk out of anyone who came too close
They managed to get into the house and they chased you and the brothers, but the otaku had tripped over a fallen suit of armor and a spider creature made its move before he could get away
At that point, you’d woken up absolutely terrified and rushed to see if Levi was ok
“But you’ve played horror games with me and we watched My Sister and I Found a Spider and Took It Home, Realizing Soon After it Was a Demon Who Eventually Escaped From the Glass Jar We Used for a House and Ate Our Toes, Transporting Us To Hell Where We Were F-”
“Yeah… I know… B-But it wasn’t that bad. I was reading one of the books Satan recommended. It was a really well-written horror story and it had very realistic pictures. I just can’t seem to get those gross monsters out of my head:(”
Your voice slowly trailed off and Levi realized what he had accomplished
You… You weren’t crying anymore!!
Also, you weren’t breathing really hard or shaking too much! Had… had this yucky otaku really calmed the human down?
*gasp* he was rubbing your back too!? And you hadn’t slapped his icky hands away?
You… you were ok with this? B-Being all snuggled up together on the beanbag chair?
“L-Levi, I-I’m ok now. I’ll leave you alone… I hope I didn’t wake you up…”
“Something wrong?”
“No… I-um,” (he couldn’t let you get away now! This was perfect! He had you all to himself!! No WAY was he gonna screw this up!!) “You c-can stay a little longer if you’d like… I-I was in the middle of I Was Eating Avocado Salmon Sushi at a Hundred-Yen Revolving Sushi Restaurant When Suddenly I Was Thrown Back in Time a Thousand Years to the Heian Era, Where I Was Selected to Be a Personal Chef for a Princess and Was Later Chosen as a Possible Candidate to Be Her Husband… Now someone Please Tell Me How That’s Even Possible… Do you maybe want to stay and watch?”
“You don’t mind? I don’t want to intrude-”
“No! It’s fine!”
And so he fumbled with the remote and hit the play button, but couldn’t focus on a single word the protagonists were saying
You. Fell. Asleep.
On. Him.
“Maybe… Maybe MC doesn’t think I’m a… ‘yucky otaku’ after all… But don’t get your hopes up, Levi.”
He fell asleep in his chair, book resting on his chest when he heard a short, quick (almost frantic) string of taps on his door
Being a light sleeper (just like his papa), he immediately woke up to hear your voice on the other side of the door
“Satan? Are… Are you awake? *sniffle*”
It was you
What could you possibly want at this hour?
Upon opening the door, your body crashed into his own, but not before impulsively throwing your arms around his neck and breaking down on his shoulder
“M-MC? Are you alright?”
No, you weren’t
Judging by your stormy sobs and trembling figure, something must have shaken you up horribly for you to act like this
The sweet MC he knew usually kept their cool
He leads you to his big armchair and sits you down, careful to keep a firm hand on your back for support, both emotional and physical
Your eyes were wide and glassy, pupils darting to each corner of the room looking for monsters, bad demons, giant bugs, etc.
Finding none, you finally make shy eye contact with the blonde demon who has kept his arms close about you and dabbed your endless tears away until you were calm enough to speak
“MC, did you have a night terror or something?”
“*sniffle* M-hm. I-I’m sorry S-Satan, I was just so scared I c-couldn’t stay in my room all alone and you were the first person I thought of. So… I ran here. Did I wake you?”
“I fell asleep in my chair again MC. So I would have awakened during the night anyway,” He replied, “Plus, I don’t mind at all. I’m… I’m happy you came. What was your dream about?”
“It was really twisted… are you sure you want to know?”
“You’ll feel better when you talk about it and I’m always up for a story.” He smiled.
He sat back in his chair tentatively resting your head on his chest as you began describing the terrors from only minutes before
“Asmodeus and I, we watched some of those cringey teen romance movies this afternoon and somehow they morphed into a really scary dream. You and I, the rest of your brothers, the angels, Solomon, Diavolo, and even Barbatos were playing spin the bottle for some reason and I landed on you, but when I kissed you, you turned to dust! Th-Then when I landed on Mammon and Beel, the s-same thing happened again, but no one seemed to notice! Th-”
Noticing you were getting worked up again, Satan rubbed soothing circles into your back, hushing you gently and assuring you that everything was fine and ‘innocent’ kissing games weren’t actually deadly
Unless they were
But he didn’t mention that to you at that moment
Instead, he cradled you in his lap and read to you until your eyelids began to droop once more for some much-needed sleep
Being the good boy he is, he tucked you into his bed
Before he could walk back to his chair
“Satan, aren’t… aren’t you gonna lay with me?” You ask, tired, sweet voice ringing in his ears, “I-If you don’t mind that is. I mean it is your bed, after all, I didn’t mean t-”
He’s blushing up to his ears at your request, but nonetheless rolls onto the mattress next to you and you snuggle up close and fall asleep almost instantly
“As long as you’re here with me, you’ll be safe MC.”
Why… Why was he up so early? What was that noise? Wait… Where were you?
He could’ve sworn he fell asleep with you in his arms
Sitting up groggily he looked around after rubbing the crust of sleep from his eyes
Something was moving and whimpering next to him, caught in a snare of fluffy blankets
The fearful cries of “Asmodeus! Oh, Asmo please don’t die! No, no, no, NO!!” broke the sweet demon’s heart
Your ragged breathing turned to a blood-curdling scream and you shot upright, but the blankets blocking your vision increased your tearful unease tenfold and you began struggling even harder against them
Taking action, Asmo tugged at the sheets, doing everything he could to help you
When your face emerged from the heap, you took a great gasp of air and immediately began sobbing your heart out
Asmo paused, knowing it unwise to approach someone who’d just escaped the clutches of a nightmare, but he couldn’t just sit there and stare at you!
Luckily, you chose that moment to look around
Your eyes met his amber ones in the semi-darkness and you tackled him, wrapping him in an impossibly tight hug
“Darling, wh-”
“Oh my god! I thought I killed you! I r-ruined your pretty face! You just sh-shriveled up a-and-”
“Sweetheart, hey~” He murmured, closing his arms around your back and cradling the back of your head in his hand, “Don’t cry anymore, Asmo’s here…”
His gentle comforting coos as he rocked from side to side brought your tears to a halt and soon you were able to look him in the face
Your glassy, frightened eyes had almost a look of reverence when you ever so slightly cupped your palm over his cheek, afraid he would crumble away at your caress once more
When he didn’t, you let out a shaky sigh of relief and visibly relaxed; shoving your face in his shoulder and wrapping your legs and arms around him so he couldn’t escape
It was quiet for a moment
Asmodeus settled his forearms around your waist and said
“Dearest, are you alright?”
“I… I don’t know.”  You fisted his shirt in your palms and looked at him, “That was a really vivid one.”
“Tell me what it was about!” He smiled sympathetically and stroked your cheek, “I have bad dreams sometimes too, MC. If you tell me yours I’ll tell you a few of mii-iiine!”
You couldn’t help but crack a small grin as his sweet tone and nod
“Yesterday Beel told me about the one time he touched Satan’s favorite plant. He’d seen Satan pet the stalk and petals before and he wanted to do it too. (Satan is a plant dad, fight me) But when he touched it, it shriveled up and died on the spot. I… I had a dream where I touched you and you shriveled up! I tried to help you, but every time I touched you, you screamed in pain! Then… Then you died in my arms and I woke up.”
You clung to the demon as he moved, lost in thought. Settling back into the abundant pillows and tugging a sheet over your shoulders, he began to speak
“That sounds absolutely terrifying! What would you do without me?”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” He nuzzled your cheek and hugged you tighter, “Why don’t we find a way to help you forget about it? I have a couple of suggestions… if you’d like to hear them~”
He’d only been gone for a minute… or four… maybe five…? Right?
Why were you writhing around like that? You sounded like a lost little puppy and… were those tears?
“MC? Are you awake?”
No reply, just your continued whines of discontent and a steady stream of tears soaking the pillow
He dropped his snacks on the floor and carefully knelt on the edge of the mattress, putting a gentle hand on your forehead
Lucifer used to do that when he was sick, long ago when they still lived in the celestial realm. Maybe it would help you? Somehow? Hopefully?
The strangled sob that fell from your lips as you forced his hand away broke his big heart in two
Hold on, your eyes were closed! Wait, you were having a bad dream!
Throwing all caution to the wind (and not knowing the consequences of waking someone in this state) and began shaking you rather roughly, scaring you awake and making you bonk heads when you sat up too quickly
Now you were crying for more reasons than one
Your head hurt, two big scary hands had your shoulders in a tight grip, there was a large figure looming over you in the dark, your dream was still raging and replaying in your head, and it was really dark and uncomfortably warm
Even in the dim light, Beel witnessed the look of pure terror that crossed your face
You thought his heart was broken? Well it just fucking shattered
You were scared? Of him?
“MC, it’s just me! Don’t be afraid!”
He’d woken you up, but apparently he’d only made things worse…
Beel is vewy sowwy :(
Those lovely amethyst eyes…
“B… Beeley?”
“MC? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I didn-”
You silence the ginger demon by throwing yourself into his arms in unparalleled relief, afraid you hadn’t really woken up and the shadow of your favorite brother was just MC’s Nightmare, Continued
Happy you’re in his arms, he squeezes back with all his might and burying his face in your shoulder
“I just had the worst nightmare Beel. I’m so happy you’re here…” You murmur, wiping your nose on your sleeve.
“Is your head ok?”
The pair of you sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, Beel offers you a tissue to dry your face, but you can’t seem to stop crying
“MC, maybe if you told me about it, you’d feel better!”
His sweet, honest smile made you melt
But the contents of your dream… You looked guiltily toward the bed on the other side of the room where you knew the Avatar of Sloth was sleeping peacefully
“You… You promise not to tell Belphie?”
“What do you mean?”
“W-Well I dreamt about that time… you know… when he killed me? He gave me a hug before bed like he always does a-and I love Belphie’s hugs but I can’t help but think about... that. I feel bad, it’s the same as holding a grudge! I’m sorry Beel.”
*insert pikachu face meme* = beel
“Why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault you had the dream.”
“I know… I feel bad though. Did I wake you up?” You ask, changing the subject.
“Nuh-uh. I was already up grabbing snacks.” He pointed to the untidy pile a few feet away. “Maybe some TSL and food will bring your smile back. Don’t worry about your dream MC, the secret is safe with me. Plus, you’re only human and I guess being killed would be really scary for you. I didn’t protect you that time, but if anyone ever tries to hurt you again, I’ll be there before you can say Burgers from Akuzon, ok?”
The smile lifts your lips before he finishes his sentence warms his heart and puts a happy smile on his own as you give him a final squeeze and whisper
“Thanks a lot, Beeley.”
It is said the Avatar of Sloth could sleep through anything, even the loudest storm and the echoes of 4th of July from the human world
But when the precious human cuddled up in his arms every night begins to move around and/or whimper in fear, Belphegor is awake in minutes only to find you squirming away from him and begging to some invisible entity “Just… Just d-don’t hurt them! I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry, please don’t hurt me I-”
The seventh born is squeezing your hand and whispering encouragement in your ear, telling you you’re safe and that it’s just a dream
Slowly opening your eyes you look around, still terrified and jumpy from your vision, but the warm hand intertwined with yours and the comforting arm around your back, plus the familiar scents of the twins’ room slowly bring you back to reality
“Belphie? I-Is that you?”
“Who else would it be, dummy.”
You ignore the half hearted insult and bury your face in his chest, allowing your heart to reach a normal pace and his natural scent and warmth to wash over you
“Tell me about it. Sounded pretty scary.”
“I’m sorry for waking you up Belphie, I know how you hate losing sleep…”
“Just… Be quiet and tell me your dream!”
“S-Sorry… Um, so I didn’t know you too well yet and an angel came and took the precious grimoire, but me and Beel were caught up in it and there was this whole thing with Purgatory Hall and Luke and-”
“Your stories can put me right to bed you know that? Anyway, so what happened? Did Lucifer tear the angel’s head off?” He looked rather hopeful…
“Of course not! Lucifer was gonna make me choose who I wanted to save, either Beel or Luke and I didn’t want either of them to get hurt so I said ‘both’ and Lucifer got really mad and scary and in my dream he ended up hurting Luke and Beel and he would’ve gotten me if you hadn’t woken me up.”
“You’re welcome.”
“... *sigh* Thanks for listening Belphie.”
With a sigh of his own, he pulled you into his arms, resting his chin on your shoulder
“It was just a dream. You don’t have to be afraid, you know. I’m right here for you. Always.”
“Aww, than-”
“Forget I said that! Shut up and go to sleep!”
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