#yaaaaaay kinktober
darlingrutherford · 4 years
Well it's kinktober soooo...back to me thinking of lots of inappropriate things about characters I like. 😂 Like Lana in the middle of a dirty dance sandwich with Alistair and Cullen on either side of her in a dark club with music so loud you can barely hear yu yourself talk. 🎶🔥
I like this 👀👀 Lana gets a bit inappropriate when she drinks, so regular shy Lana would be incredibly willing to be in the middle of that in a club 👀 ahfjshfd
In the spirit of the spooky season, maybe they're participating in a Halloween pub crawl 👀 would give them all a reason to drink and let loose a little bit (because, Maker knows, Cullen and Lana both need a bit of encouragement in public lmao)
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jaesqueso · 3 years
Yaaaaaay someone is joining me in writing Kinktober stuff!! I’m excited to read yours!
Except I’ll probably give up halfway
YES 🔥🔥🔥
I'm very excited to read yours too!
Hey, you can use me to boost you up if you feel like giving up mid way, I'll probably need some encouragement too at some point 😂
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Kinktober Day 29: Breeding Kink with The Djinn/Nathaniel Demerest
WE ARE SO CLOSE TO THE FINISH LINE LADS I CAN TASTE IT >:3c I hope y’all enjoy this one cause I kind of had way too much of a ball imagining the Djinn interacting with a child and like dealing with them lolllll This one is also another one that kind of delves into The Djinn’s POV as well as the reader’s so yaaaaaay lol
The Djinn/Nathaniel Demerest x AFAB Reader
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It all started when your sister asked you to babysit your niece for the afternoon while she did a job interview. Nothing you couldn’t handle, of course. And it wasn’t like you had anything better to do today. Though the Djinn could have begged to differ. He was forced to wear his human suit, that of Nathaniel Demerest so as not to scare the child. He thought it was all rather stupid to cater to the feelings of a being that could barely speak without drooling all over themselves, but he did it for you. After all, you promised to make it up to him later, and he would milk that for all it was worth.
But seeing you with the child, Nathaniel began to have different feelings bubble up within him. Something about you looked… right. You balanced the chubby infant on your hip as you moved around your apartment, doing different things that needed to be done. When the child cried, you held it so tenderly and shushed its painfully loud shrieks. He watched you feed it lunch, various smashed foods in multiple shades of unappetizing colors. You would spoon up the dribble that the child missed and they eagerly accepted with a happy yell and a clap of their hands.
The Djinn were not born the way humans were born, they were simply created. But even so, he found the small infant to be endearing in a way that only a helpless creature could. He knew you would be opposed to him referring to your niece like that so he simply kept his thoughts to himself. It wasn’t until you had placed her in his lap so you could go take a quick shower that he even allowed himself to get this close to it. But even he had to admit that this giggly child that squealed in delight at his attention tugged at his heartstrings for a brief moment. If he had a heart, that was. 
When your sister came to pick up the child, blabbering on about how she got the job or something of the like, Nathaniel simply stood behind you and smiled cordially, but his mind was elsewhere. As you closed the door behind your sister, you turned to him and noticed the unreadable expression on his face. “What’s up with you?” you asked.
“You long for a child of your own, don’t you?”
You sputtered at the sudden accusation. “I mean, maybe someday but-”
Nathaniel crossed the room, pulling you into an embrace that forced you to look up into his smug face. He hummed softly as his thumb stroked your bottom lip. “You know if you want one, all you have to do is wish for it.”
“Wait a minute, hold on here,” you said, pushing your hands against his chest to get some room. “I know your heart didn’t grow three sizes or some shit just from holding her. You just want me to use my wishes.”
“And if I do?” Nathaniel asked, twirling a lock of your hair around his finger, his other hand dipping to your lower back. “It’s inevitable really, I can’t exactly provide you with one without it. Not for lack of equipment, of course.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Of course,” you repeated in a mocking tone. 
It was then you found yourself teleported into your bed on your stomach, completely bare. You tried to squirm away but Nathaniel only chuckled as he pulled on your hips, his hard member suddenly stroking along your folds. You both hated and loved when he did this, disorienting you and simply taking what he wished from you. The fact that he had chosen you out of any others, and even spending his time on Earth with you instead of trying to wrench your wishes out of you, it made your heart flutter and your sex ache for him.
He gave you no time to prepare for him, slowly impaling you with his cock as he groaned deep from within his chest. You were pulled against his chest, seated fully on him as one of his clawed hands settled on your throat. “I would give you the world, Y/N, all you have to do is wish for it,” he said, the voice of his demon form tickling your ear.
You could barely speak as he worked you on his member, your walls clenched tightly around him as he murmured sweet nothings into your ear. “You want your belly to swell with child, hmm? My child?” He chuckled darkly as he continued, “One I had never considered, though with your state of arousal it seems to be something you want very much.”
You didn’t dare hold your whimpers back as he cooed praises into your ear. You tightened around him, the coil in your body threatening to snap at any moment. He knew this, forcing your hips down until you were completely seated on him, squirming to try to get some sort of friction but nothing worked.
“Now is the time to decide, my love,” he whispered. “Tell me your wish, and I shall grant it.”
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