#nathaniel demerest
theirwolfbicanthrope · 3 months
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"So, how do you like me so far?"
Andrew Divoff as Nathaniel Demerest | The Djinn, Wishmaster (1997)
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mmmothies · 10 months
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threateningly drinks a milkshake at you
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Djinn getting jobs HCs
Nathaniel Demerest
He would not get a job. Period.If you are hurting for money, then make a wish.
He literally has no wants for money. Needs on the other hand,
Once he realizes that you must pay for everything, including for him, Nathaniel somehow gets the money to cover himself.
He’s a bit of a shopaholic. He loves to go to places where you have a personal retailor accompany you in the store, ex: Saks Fifth Avenue.
Nathaniel knows he has expensive taste. He loves luxurious life, it’s the closest he can get to being a king, for the time being.
You have suggested he look into Rent-A-Date sites or something similar as a side hustle.
Nathaniel takes your advice but stores it in the back of his mind.
Steven Verdel
Verdel gets OFFENDED that you tell him to get a job. Even as a joke. 
He's seen enough new media to know how this human society treats others with no job or money.
And a nagging voice in his head yelling at him to barter for his rent.
His resume is nothing but lies. At the very least, vaguely formed sentences.
Scores as a lawyer. Since he's great at convincing people and well, he's from Hell.
Gets a lot of souls this way.
Probably the only one who can pass as human.
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littleliteraturersj · 2 years
Djinn's Chapter Excerpt:
-Quickly crossing to the sink, he gazed into the mirror. While djinn were indeed immortal and could not die, they did however still age. No being was totally immune to the passage of time. Physically not much would change of a djinn overtime, save for one small detail-
Their tendrils.
The twin tentacle-like growths that sprouted from every djinn's scalp; These were the only parts of his race that changed overtime. Even in younglings the tendrils were present. At birth they presented as dark nubs protruding from the skull. He could recall, before he had been chosen, that many of the elders had their own at spectacular lengths.
He himself was a rather young djinn. His own tendrils only reached little past his shoulders, whereas many of the elders' reached well below their knees. It was an impression of age among his people. At first glance it was a characteristic that bespoke of a djinn's lifespan and experience, the only one aside from visible form and height that easily separated a knowledgeable djinn from one more foolish.
Djinn was pleased to see that little had changed since the last time he had laid eyes on his countenance. This meant that he had not been trapped for quite as long as he had expected. Perhaps there was hope yet. Hope. His face muscles contorted as if he had tasted something rotten. He had to be truly desperate to recite such a word. 'Hope' was something reserved for those of a weaker, more pathetic nature. His eyes sank to the view of the hand soap near the basin to entertain the impulse to scrub his skin clean, as though the short use of the word alone had dirtied him.
Instead he let his lips quirk. Djinn indulged himself one last appreciative glance at his features before sobering up. He retrieved the fire opal from the depths of his garments and held it in the palm of his hand. As always the loathsome little jewel felt cool and pristine against his skin. The tiny amount of humor he had felt left immediately. He couldn't refrain looking down upon it with a grimace. While he had been freed from the despicable gem, he couldn't quite part with it. Perhaps it was to serve as an added reminder of his duty. Or maybe he had grown a reluctant attachment to the infernal object. Crushing it beyond recognition would give him such a divine elation, but the opal still served purpose.
When mankind at last fell to their knees in total subjugation, then and only then could he safely destroy the tainted jewel once and for all. His gaze scorched its ruby-red surface with a promise. Soon.
Though 'soon' couldn't come soon enough.
With his other hand, Djinn cast his focus on the thought of his brothers, willing forth the veil between worlds. It was a simple gesture and initially one would have thought the wave of his hand had done nothing-
Until the room began to shift.
Slowly but surely a distortion in his surroundings became evident. It looked as though this reality was that of a pond with its smooth surface disrupted by beginning rainfall. The air around him wavered and danced in blurred and strange patterns. The details of the room became less distinguishable, waving back and forth in an almost serpentine manner. The visual was strikingly similar to being underwater. And just as suddenly as the change had begun, other additions to the wavering scenery made themselves present: Humanoid forms.
As always his kin were more than ready to answer the call.
A soft cacophony of devilish whispers eased into the space, emitting from the human-like shapes that writhed and wandered throughout the shimmering of this plane. With every passing second, these figures became more clear and less human-like. Djinn was slightly startled by their clarity. Had the veil between this world and his people's thinned over the passage of time? Or had his brothers become all the more determined to breach the Earthly barrier? He personally believed less of the former theory, the latter seemed more likely.
Just when he thought he might lay eyes on old familiar faces, the melding of worlds had reached its peak. Through the surroundings of the small bathroom, the djinn that had answered the call were almost discernable. All were dressed in their typical garb to wander the void somewhat comfortably. They lacked their coloration, instead taking on an invisible appearance as though they were made of glass. It was as if the walls of the room had taken on lives of their own. Even the foretold tendrils that grew from their scalps were defined enough to see. Their voices carried the same effect in that the words became less floaty and whispery, and instead became stronger and more solidified.
All said voices were male, for every djinn of the Ifrit tribe were male. Not one female resided among them. The opposite gender would only be found in their opposing tribe of the Marid. Whereas the Ifrit were born of the smokeless fire, the Marid presided over water.
Djinn turned from the mirror, gazing about at all who had gathered. His eyes fixed upon seven figures despite the continued twisting of the atmosphere. For a second time he was taken aback as he realized that all of the eldest of the Ifrit had appeared before him. He gave a low hum to test his voice. It had been quite a while since he had last spoken his mother tongue.
To the ignorance of human ears, their language would no doubt be impossible to make sense of. However for Djinn, he understood the voices of his brothers perfectly. From their different positions set in the walls, the other djinn looked down upon him:
"At long last you seek our council. We were beginning to grow concerned, child."
Djinn had to refuse his urge to let his lip curl at the word. No one had the gall or authority to address him as something so low, but coming from his elders, the comparison was truth. To them, he might as well have been exactly that.
"Indeed. Tempting thoughts arose."
"Thoughts of choosing another in your place."
"Where have you been all this time? Surely not hiding away? Shirking your duty?"
The sting of the implication had him grinding his teeth. Nonetheless, he answered, raising his head to address them in turn; "Elder Ones, as you well know I was made prisoner to the sorcerer Zoroaster's gemstone-" He was interrupted.
"Yes, yes. A tale you have told so frequently I have lost count."
"Where is your Waker, boy? You hasten to waste breath with us, while you should be in the company of your Wishmaker instead."
Hot indignation rose within. Addressing him as a child was humbling, but boy? That had been meant as a sincere insult. Letting himself have a moment to stew, Djinn swallowed down the vicious words that wanted to lash out through his lips, choosing to replace them with others; "Do allow me to continue. I find myself in quite a predicament and am in need of your wisdom."
There was but a fleeting moment in which the others exchanged looks. One of the seven promptly turned to him and nodded; "Proceed, however do keep it concise." A hint of sarcasm at the word. Djinn forced himself to ignore it;
"While I have not only been trapped inside Zoroaster's jewel, I was also ensconced inside of a statue. After the," He didn't want to say the word, knowing if he did it would leave quite an unpleasant taste on his tongue. But there was no room for the luxury of preference, so he begrudgingly continued; "Failure of my third Waker, I was transported back inside it. It wasn't until a second break-in of the museum it had been kept in, that I was freed once more. My fourth Waker had made his first wish swiftly-"
"I fail to see this so-called predicament you say you are in. Rather it sounds more like another yarn you are spinning. Yet another failure that you are beginning to enlighten us of."
The same elder interrupted him a second time. It was apparent then that this was the one on the council that was the most fed up with him. In turn, Djinn was starting to become quite fed up with the other djinn as a result; "I am not finished, Elder One."
"Then I suggest you make haste in doing so quickly. Has it not occurred to you that nearly one millennium has passed in the span of your fumblings? Your tenure as our chosen is nearly at its end."
It was true. He had been given exactly one thousand years to grant the djinn freedom. While he still had about two hundred years left in the arrangement, time was rapidly becoming an eager rope around his neck. If he were still unsuccessful in completing the prophecy, his tribe would have him exiled and replaced. Be it as it may that no djinn could die, being banished from his people would be just as suffice as a death sentence. While the entirety of their race as a whole was already exiled, if this humiliation came to fruition, then he would be cast out from his brothers, forced to wander alone through the endless ash-covered plane of the void between worlds. Not even the Marid would have him.
An exiled djinn was a dead djinn.-
(For my fellow Djinn lovers. I decided to expand on his lore a little. I hope you get a kick out of it.)
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seph7 · 3 months
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Andrew Divoff as Nathaniel Demerest/The Djinn in Wishmaster 2 (1999) - Part 4.
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Obscure Characters List - Male Edition (N-Z)
Obscure Characters I love for some reason (N-Z). (By obscure I mean characters that have little to no fanfic written about them. Not necessarily characters nobody’s ever heard of.) Don’t ask me to explain why. UPDATED: Tumblr is being a butt about post length or something so I’m splitting up the lists.
Nigel Billingsley (Jumanji 2 and 3)
Night’s Cavalry (Elden Ring)
Nothing (The Night House)
Pazuzu (The Exorcist)
Pierre Despereaux (Psych)
Prince Anton Voytek (Vampire 1974)
Prince Escalus (Romeo and Juliet, no particular adaptation)
Prince Quartus (Stardust)
Prince Septimus (Stardust)
Professor Petrie/Phantom of the Opera (Phantom of the Opera 1962)
Peter Quint (Turn of the Screw, the book and maybe some other adaptations. Not the Bly Manor Flanagan show.)
Reese Kelly (Scarlet Hollow)
Rene Belloq (Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark)
Roland Voight (Hellraiser 2022)
Ronin (Star Trek)
Rorschach (Watchmen)
Rupert Giles (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Rusty Nail (Joyride trilogy)
Salem Saberhagen (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
Sam Wayne (Scarlet Hollow)
Silver Surfer/Norrin Radd (Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer)
Simon Jarrett (SOMA)
Sir Lancelot (Night at the Museum 3)
Sportacus (LazyTown)
Starscourge Radahn (Elden Ring)
STEM (Upgrade)
Sutter Cane (In the Mouth of Madness)
Thantos DuBaer (Twitches 1 and 2)
The Auditor (Hellraiser: Judgment)
The Babadook (The Babadook)
The Black Knight Ghost (Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed)
The Curator (Dark Pictures Anthology)
The Designer (Devil’s Carnival 2)
The Djinn/Nathaniel Demerest/Professor Joel Barash/Steven Verdel (Wishmaster series)
The Faun (Pan’s Labyrinth)
The Fox (The Little Prince 1974)
The Jester (The Jester, A Short Horror Film series)
The Kinderfänger (Crypt TV)
The Knight/Tarhos Kovács (Dead by Daylight)
The Look-See (Crypt TV)
The Man (Carnival of Souls)
The Merman (Cabin In The Woods)
The Metal Killer (Stage Fright 2014)
The Mirror (Oculus)
The Narrator (Stanley Parable)
The Other (Hellfest)
The Phantom (Phantom Manor)
The Projectionist (Pearl)
The T-1000/Cop (Terminator 2, Terminator Genisys)
The Tall Man/The Entity (It Follows)
The Thing (The Thing 1982)
The Torn Prince/Royce Clayton (Thirteen Ghosts remake)
The Torso/James “Jimmy” Gambino (Thirteen Ghosts remake)
Thomas Alexander “Alex” Upton (TAU)
Tiger Mask/Dave (You’re Next)
Tommy Ross (Carrie, 1976)
Valak (The Conjuring)
Valdack and his real world counterpart (Black Mirror)
Van Pelt (Jumanji 2)
Venable (Wrong Turn 2021)
Viktor (Underworld series)
Viktor Frankenstein/Dr. Whale (Once Upon a Time)
Vladislaus Dracula (Van Helsing 2004)
Wade Thornton (Nancy Drew, Ghost of Thornton Hall)
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Westley/Dread Pirate Roberts (The Princess Bride)
Wildwind/Dark Skull, Stormy Weathers, and Lightning Strikes (Scooby Doo and the Legend of the Vampire)
“William”/The Headless Figure (Crypt TV)
William “Billy” Butcherson (Hocus Pocus 1 and 2)
Xenan the Centaur (Xena Warrior Princess)
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Supernatural!Horror Villains: Soulmate Marks
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Explanation: This is a description of what your soulmate mark (Indicating that the Horror Villain in question is your soulmate) looks like and what it does over the years with their changes.
I’m not sure whether Michael counts as supernatural?? I mean, in some timelines he is isn’t he? And in others he’s just, oddly durable?? Well, he’s here. 
Warnings: References to some of their terrible (Here meaning: Tragic) origin stories?
Candyman / Daniel Robitaille: It was a very normal name to have on your skin for a long time. ‘Daniel’ was plain and simple, and the words were written in a very regular font- just like everybody else. One day, though, it started stinging like a bitch and then transformed, and since then it’s been ‘Candyman’- and bees are rather attracted to the spot- and it tastes like honey if you lick it.
Carrie White: Carrie’s name is typed quite simply, so if anybody just looked at it- they wouldn’t think anything of it at all. They’d think it was just a regular old soulmate mark. But it stings every now and then, when she uses her powers. Prickles, like a shiver up your spine when you’re creeped out.
Poly!Chucky Lee Ray and Tiffany Valentine: Once upon a time, they were totally normal. You just had ‘Charles’ on the inside of your wrist and ‘Tiffany’ just below. But then one day, the ‘Charles’ one faded almost to nothing- before being replaced the next day with ‘CHUCKY’ in all caps. ‘Tiffany’ stayed the same for years after that, but one day faded too before coming back in caps as well. Hers fizzes when water hits it.  
Freddy Krueger: For your whole life it was just plain old ‘Fred’ on your arm- but then one day, wellll… it caught on fucking fire. Yep, your skin actually lit up out of nowhere, and sizzled for a good two minutes. When the blinding pain was gone and you dared to look at the damage, you were shocked to find that you skin was absolutely fine. There was nothing wrong! It was like you hadn’t just spontaneously combusted. Everything seemed normal… except ‘Fred’ had been erased totally and the name ‘Freddy’ was burnt into your skin as if someone branded you.
Poly!Granny Boone and Mayor Buckman: The day the massacre happened, their names faded in and out of existence for hours as if dying slowly. You were so stressed the whole time- you hadn’t ever met your soulmates and something horrible was happening to them… Eventually, they both went out completely like lights. // Now, the closer you are to Pleasant Valley the clearer the names come back once again, while the further away you are they will get fainter- might even disappear totally again. The day you will step into Pleasant Valley boundaries they will return, fully.
Harper Alexander: Very similar to Boone and Buckman. It was very normal for a long time, until the day of the massacre when you felt an extraordinary amount of anxiety for a while… before ‘Harper’ faded out of existence, entirely. Now it fades and gets stronger again depending on how close you are to Pleasant Valley, Georgia.
Inkubus: When you hit around 17 years old, the name ‘Incubus’ had a rough, bold looking ‘K’ scratched on over the c as if someone took a blade to your skin- though they hadn’t. Also, its odd, but you can’t seem to put the name anywhere near any religious object, sanctuary, or personnel of any kind without it causing you to feel sick.
Jason Voorhees: When you were in your late 20’s, ‘Jason’ completely dulled to greyness on your hand and you thought he was dead. You grieved, and you moved forward. But… one day, you glanced at the lost mark again, and noticed… little, green sprouts had started growing right out of your skin in the letters.  
Jennifer Check: One day, it started to itch terribly and after hours of the torment, of you scratching and rubbing your mark red you looked down to check it again and find to your shock that the redness had formed into a peculiar shape. It takes the shape of the word ‘Succubus’, right behind ‘Jennifer’.
Jerry Dandridge: Your ‘Jerry’ mark has basically the same attributes (And weaknesses) of a vampire. Its oddly cold to the touch compared to the rest of your skin, it burns when it touches a cross (As long as the wielder believes), it doesn’t show in a mirror (You just see plain, unblemished skin), and it also prickles under sunlight so you find yourself covering it up most of the time.
Michael Myers: Michael’s boldens impossibly blacker every time that he gets up again when he should have died. It dies down to its normal state of course a couple of minutes later each time, but every time you see it explode with thickness you have to wonder; Just what the hell is your soulmate doing??
Midnight Man: Oddly enough, the ‘Midnight’ written on the inside of your arm is in a very uncomfortable red colour - so much so that people have thought you were bleeding when they caught a glimpse of it, - and also, it’s written in a very messy handwriting. Like a child’s handwriting, at that.
Pennywise (Both): It shifts!! Sometimes multiple times a day, actually-‘Clown’, ‘Georgie’, ‘Spider’, ‘Alvin’, ‘Werewolf’, and ‘Leper’ are only some of them. A recurring one, though, is ‘Spider’. During his naps, ‘Spider’ fades the tiniest bit; As if your soulmate is at rest.
The Djinn / Nathaniel Demerest: For just a flash when he ‘grants a wish’, ‘Djinn’ changes font from something regular (Albeit a bit bigger than the everyday soulmate mark) to something gothic and curled- spreading out over your skin like its releasing something terrible. Then it goes back to normal, once the wish has been ‘successfully’ granted.
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tinalbion · 2 years
Omg, asks are open! :D I wanna request again for my nasty Djinn boi - can I please get a scenario where the reader challenges the Djinn with a game of Mario Kart, but the Djinn keeps winning and it ends up in a pillow-fight, only for the Djinn to tackle the reader to the couch and fluffy smut ensues?
Okay, SO this took ages, I know, shame on me. But also I've really been into the Djinn more and more lately, so a while back before I got swamped, I was writing this and finally finished it. I hope you enjoy it because ooh boy.
I love Nathaniel/ The Djinn. So, enjoy!
Rating: Explicit
Length: 2.6k
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The fact you had refused to make any wishes besides the first one was starting to get to the Djinn more and more every day, he was here to do a job, and yet here you were, defying everything he'd been here to do and set out to accomplish. You were the one thing stopping him from completing anything, and yet here you sat in your living room with your hands on a contraption that he had little interest in. It had been a few weeks since he appeared thanks to that blood-red jewel and he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
He watched you curiously as he remained in his Djinn form, hoping to make you uncomfortable at least while he was here, but you seemed more content with him being here. It confused him for a moment but he wouldn’t let you see that, he was an all-powerful being and wanted nothing more than to collect the souls necessary to summon his brethren to Earth. You defied him over and over again until he grew irate. 
He paced along your living room floor, his eyes bore into the back of your head as he watched you play your video game, the complete idiocy of it all. When you looked back and your eyes met his, he didn’t quite understand the feeling that welled up within him as you flashed your kindest smile. He shifted uncomfortably and looked away, his voice low and annoyed whenever he spoke.
“Have you decided on a wish yet, my pet?” he asked smoothly.
You sat there and thought for a moment, you scrunched your face and then shook your head. “Not yet, BUT, I would definitely make one if you made a deal with me.”
The Djinn scoffed at the thought and looked at you with an intense gaze. “A deal, you want to make a deal?”
You nodded again and spun around fully to look at him, your legs crossed as you leaned against the sofa and waited for an answer from him, which you already knew he would skirt around a direct answer only to have you state this desire in a wish. You knew his games, yet you really enjoyed his company and wanted nothing more than to catch him off guard for once. Your growing affection for this creature was startling at first but it slowly slipped into something more, something comfortable. He probably had no idea.
The Djinn was familiar with many feelings and emotions in his time, he’d lived for millennia, and he’d experienced them all, yet there was one that escaped him that had begun to poke away at the back of his mind like a little infection. Slowly, surely, it grew every day after you’d surprise him with the things that came out of your mouth. He had been surprised by humans before, but never like this. You didn’t react in fear of his presence, though at first it was shocking, but never did you run out of cowardice. 
As you looked at him like that, the twinkle in your eye, he was almost so willing to allow you to say whatever you wanted, no wishes necessary, but he stopped himself as his forked tongue darted out for a moment as he paused.
“Let’s hear the terms of this deal then, shall we?”
You smiled excitedly and rubbed your hands together. “So, I just want you to relax while you’re here, it’s been so long since I’ve had any sort of companionship, I kinda like having you around. So if you just hang out with me and just… I don’t know, forget about the wishes for right now… maybe I’ll be so inclined to make one at a later time?”
The Djinn watched as you batted your lashes at him, your innocence made you look so frail sometimes in his eyes, but you seemed to be telling the truth. When he came to you, there wasn’t much in your life and you almost clung to him the moment he appeared. 
He let out a slow exhale and shook his head, his mind screamed for him to stick to the plan, but sometimes sacrifice had to happen in order to get anything done. So he did as you asked and relaxed. For his sake, he slipped into his human glamour, Nathaniel, as he called himself, and he begrudgingly took the second controller you handed him. He sat beside you and watched as your shoulders didn’t keep the tense stance and you let them drop, your defenses were down. He looked at you curiously from the corner of his eye and watched as you pressed the buttons and waited for him to follow suit. 
You explained the game to him as simply as you could, but you waited patiently as his thumbs moved the buttons and joysticks around, testing the waters as he got used to the controls. You giggled when his car flew off the side of the track and respawned, yet he was confused and didn’t understand the entire point of this.
“It’s a race!” you responded happily. “It’s just a fun little thing to do to have fun with one another, just play some games, enjoy each other's company, you know.” 
Nathaniel looked over at you and didn’t say anything for a moment as he mulled things over, so you started the race and you both ended up competing against the bots in-game, you somehow managed fourth place while Nathaniel ended up in first. Not bad for a beginner. 
After he had somehow managed to relax and take his mind off of the jewel and wishes for about an hour, you settled back in the cushions of the sofa and allowed your hand to brush against his as he set down the controller. His smile was infectious as he offered you another round, and you had grown playfully frustrated that someone who didn’t even know what a video game was just this week had schooled you in Mario Kart for five straight rounds.
With a hearty laugh, you pushed your controller onto the coffee table in front of you and sighed. “You know, I think you cheated.”
“You dare say that I cheated on this contraption? I never cheat.” His face looked bemused as you crossed your arms, a single brow raised. 
“Uh huh, I bet you’ve gotten all of your past poor, unsuspecting souls as fairly as possible, didn’t you?” Your voice was dripping with sarcasm, but you never meant it in ill faith, you couldn’t seem to be upset by him or what he was and how he did things. 
“I am a fair man if anything,” he stated, “and I give them what they wish if they so wish it.” 
“How vague. Well then, how about one more round? I win, you have to stay another week, and if you win, without cheating, then I will finally make a wish.”
The Djinn smiled at this bet and held out his large hand eagerly, so you took it in yours and shook, but you couldn’t find the will to pull away as your hand slid gently across his, your eyes looking at every detail of his hand. Sure, in human form, he was incredibly attractive and his blue eyes could cause you to freeze in place from how intense they were, but you shouldn’t have thought of him like this. He was a powerful demon, one who preyed on people in order to take over Earth, and here you were making heart eyes at him. 
One more round was all it took for you to stand up and yell at the screen as you laughed hysterically. You lost again. So when you had decided to take one of the pillows that were thrown about on one of the chairs and whipped it at the Djinn, he turned in surprise and cocked his head to the side. 
"And what was that for, my sweet?" 
That was a new nickname you hadn't heard before. 
You shrugged and looked almost distraught. "You absolutely destroyed me in this game! And I don't think you did it fairly," you said with a faux pout and then you grabbed another pillow and aimed it at him, but he was too quick.
The Djinn was already gone from view and you suddenly fell back into the sofa, laughing as you felt his arms wrap around your waist, his face was so close to yours that you could feel his breath hot on your neck. He had tackled you before you could make a move to hit him again, and now you were in a situation you couldn’t ignore. He was so close, maybe it wouldn’t hurt if you had just craned your neck slightly to reach him…
Your lips were pressed on his and he didn’t pull away, he didn’t push himself off of you, instead, it took him a moment to register as he slightly pulled away to steady himself. 
“What do you think you’re doing, child?” His voice was so low, so breathy, it made you shudder in delight. 
“Kissing you, are you opposed?”
Nathaniel grumbled low as he eased back into it, he allowed you to wrap your hands around his neck as his body slid between your legs as you lay back on the couch to get comfortable. You both were already panting by the time you attempted to sit up, your eyes darted from his down to your hands. 
“Nathaniel,” you huff, “could you, well uh, I want you in your true form… is that okay…?” The flush you felt rush to your face was so hot that you couldn’t even imagine how sickly you must have looked to him. It was hilarious. 
Now, this was indeed an odd request from a mortal, typically he wore the human guise to not scare them off as easily, but here you were so open and vulnerable, you enjoyed his form. The Djinn couldn’t help but feel a little proud at that, so he pushed himself from you, his obvious erection caught your attention, but suddenly he was there before you in his true glory. 
“You know that you could just wish to have a partner who could fulfill your fantasies, child, sex is a human desire, not one of the Djinn.” His face seemed smug as he neared you again, still skeptical if he should be doing this despite you being so hungry for it, so much so that he could smell the arousal coming from you. 
All you could do was shrug and give him a humble smile. “Yet here you are, giving into it as much as I am.”
He couldn’t argue with that as he made his way back between your legs, his sharp teeth nipping at your earlobe and you couldn’t help but gasp his name, then you whined as your hips slowly raised upward, rubbing against him and feeling so much pleasure just from the brief contact. You pulled away, breathless. 
"I hope you know that none of my wishes will be counting toward this," you warned, "I don't want this out of pity either."
He hummed as his face was so close to yours, his tendril hung around his neck as he looked at you, searching your eyes for something else as clenched his jaw. "Then I suppose our agreement will have to be discussed later." 
You liked the sound of that. 
His mouth continued to assault your skin, nipping at your flesh as you writhed beneath him, his magic pulsated around you and you were being affected more than you let on. He was doing this on purpose to see how far your limits could be tested, and you were already twitching with him barely touching you, his hands removing your clothing while you watched him eagerly. 
As he stood and positioned himself above you, he dragged you by your legs and dragged his nail up and down your skin as you shivered from the feeling, your little sounds only fed him and persuaded him to continue. The pad of his thumb slowly rubbed up against your leg and hooked itself under your underwear, tugging at them teasingly until he heard that melodic whine you gave him, so he obliged to your desires and ripped them from your body to see you laid bare for him. He wouldn’t admit it but your form was something to behold, something that touched a nerve within him as he looked you up and down for the first time. 
It was almost too much for you as he left you squirming under his gaze, but you couldn’t hold it against him, this probably wasn’t something he did very often. But the excitement in you grew when he pushed his knee deeper between your legs and made sure to slowly grind it against you, your reaction was one to be expected as you lay there with a moan that tumbled from your lips, your body reacted to him so beautifully. He had wondered to himself why he hadn't taken you before today if you wanted him this badly, he had time to make up for it.
His sharp teeth nipped at you once they lowered to your throat, his long tongue soothing the stinging from his bites while your panties grew more and more soaked with each passing minute. Oh, how he hissed at the sounds you made, his thirst grew unquenchable the longer he denied to feel you against him. 
"You're sure you want this, child?" He hadn't asked for you, of course, he wouldn't, he mostly asked for himself so he could prepare himself. When he saw your face as you nodded your head in agreement, he knew there was no getting out of this and his excitement only pulled him deeper.  “Then I suppose the pleasure will be mine.”
He rolls you onto your stomach with ease while he watches your face as you peek at him from over your shoulder, his eyes burn into yours while his hand slides down your back and rests just above the curve. Nothing about your shared moment with the Djinn was something either of you had expected, but once you had accepted that this was what you’d wanted, you wouldn’t dare take back the intense feeling that suddenly overtook your entire body. Your muscles tensed as the Djinn slowly slid himself inside of you, his chest now pressed against your back as he buries himself to the hilt within you. You let out a low hiss as the Djinn placed his arms on either side of you, hovering over you as he leaned down, and his teeth sunk into your shoulder while he thrust into you. Each sensation took over you as you felt the pain meld with the pleasure, his hot breath sparked against your stinging flesh while he took you, and you just knew you’d wake to find his bruises left all over your skin. 
You weren’t sure how much time had passed nor did you care, you groaned and begged for him to continue his assault on your body, and he was more than willing to deliver it, maybe it was how sweet you sounded when you begged that easily kept his attention on you.
The Djinn’s low chuckle beside your ear only sent shivers up your spine as he pounded into your aching cunt, you were almost thankful that he couldn’t see the face you made as his cock slid out from you as it dripped with your excitement, only to have his hips snap into yours once again. 
“I’ve barely done a thing to you and you’re already about to break…” he grumbled low beside your ear. “I have so much more I need to do with you, child.”
You had been in for a long night, but there was no regret in your eyes when you realized he would probably stay true to those words: he would break you. 
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127. “Are you wearing my shirt?” with Nathaniel pleas
Yesssssss we always need more Djinn/Nathaniel content!!!! I’m so glad I can provide <3 <3 <3
Warnings: Smooching/smutty suggestions
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It was so nice to be able to sleep in on your day off. It would have been better if your lover was there beside you when you woke up, but you had gotten used to it. Your Djinn lover came and went as he pleased, causing grief and misfortune to anyone who dared to be in his line of sight. But he always came back to you. You still never understood why, especially with how often he complained about humans and how he wanted to bring an end to them. Even so, your heart warmed every time he appeared.
You threw on one of his button up shirts and made your way to the kitchen, not bothering to worry about dressing any further. The beauty of living alone and being able to walk around half naked was always a treat on lazy days like this. Making your way to the kitchen, you started up a pot of coffee and leaned against the counter. Your gaze focused on the pot as the coffee maker slowly warmed up and began to drip the amber liquid. 
"Are you wearing my shirt?"
With a loud gasp and a hand clutching your chest, you spun around quickly to be met with Nathaniel smiling at you from where he sat at your kitchen table. You hadn't heard him come in, and you had only passed the table moments ago. Bastard knew just how easy it was to spook you and he took every opportunity to. Not only that, but he was fully dressed in a nice suit and tie on a Sunday morning. The sadist. 
"You're going to kill me one of these days, I swear," you said with a huff as you brushed your hair back from your face. 
Nathaniel only shrugged and stood up from the table, making his way over to you. "Perhaps, but not today," he said with a little smirk. "You never answered my question." 
"Who else would leave their clothes all over my apartment?" You cheekily tugged on his sapphire blue tie with a smile. He always had such impeccable taste in clothing and incredibly nice suits that you had to admit drove you wild. 
Nathaniel smirked. "Are you saying that I, an eternal being, somehow own enough silly material possessions to cause you annoyance?" His hands found their way to your hips, simply holding you close to him. 
"You've got expensive taste for someone who hates humans and their frivolities," you teased. 
Nathaniel merely hummed in agreement, fingers stroking along your hips. "I don't understand the desire to wear my clothes. What does it do for you exactly?" 
"Maybe I just want to be closer to you." Taking the opportunity, you let your hands slowly slide up his torso and rest on his shoulders. 
His own hands began to shift, cupping your ass and bringing you flush to him. "Is that so?" 
"Mmhhmm." You pressed your lips to his, enjoying the feeling of how close he was. Nathaniel deepened the kiss, his mouth exploring yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck. While not frantic, there was the undeniable feeling of lust simmering just below the surface. 
When he pulled away, he whispered against your lips. "Perhaps we should continue this back in bed." 
You smiled and pressed a soft peck to his lips. "Before or after coffee?"
He pondered for a moment. "After. A little delay only makes the finale all the sweeter."
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Another set of Drawtobers! More spooky scary this round.
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caffsrandomspace · 3 years
This evil man
*points at my fave*
I love him.
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Nathaniel and Verdel HCs on tech
Nathaniel fucking loves cell phones. Even more now than what he saw in the 90s.
You can tap a square and it shows you events around the world?
Not to mention, he sees other peoples wishes. He will cause chaos on twitter.
He’s that lurker online who doesn’t have any photos of himself.
He somehow wins every single twitter beef.
He’s the more malicious anonymous. He’s the guy who will end your career before you even delete your tweet.
Doesn’t really understand video games, but will try them out for light amusement.
Is very good at puzzle games like Tetris and Doctor Mario.
At first, Verdel is very much an old man when it came to electronics.
He would figure out that he would need to tune down his natural magic as to not set anything off, especially alarms.
However, once he gets into the groove of how the majority of tech works, he’ll easily assimilate. 
Verdel doesn’t quite understand cars, considering his speed is unmatched. However, he enjoys car rides. 
Hates grocery stores. His high sense of smell cannot handle it. Would rather go to a farmer’s market, reminds him of bazaars. 
Really likes RPGs and MMOs where he can interact with other players. Yes, he will spill the beans on what he really is, no one believes him.
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The Djinn - general headcanons
Oodles of thanks and affection to @carpenter-synth for assisting in the refinement of these thoughts (or straight-up giving me some of them). N/SFW below the cut.
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If you like museums, do yourself a favor and take him with you. He’s been around a long time, seen a lot of historical events, experienced a lot of different cultures. Who needs a tour guide when you’ve got someone who knows firsthand what the Aztecs smelled like?
Have you ever wanted to wear a large fire opal on your person? You’re in luck! He’ll set The Stone of the Secret Fire in whichever form of jewelry you prefer, as long as it’s touching your skin. Be grateful – he’s spoiling you! He trusts you! He’s claiming you. He might also be making you a prime target for thieves, but don’t worry, he can handle that. 😊
Despite having been… involved with humanity fairly frequently throughout its history, he’s never really been immersed in it before, and he’s certainly never needed to worry much about passing. You’re going to have to teach him to human at a deeper level than mimicry, especially in this day and age. He’ll be more resistant to some things than others (he’ll love most technology), and you’ll never get him to truly care about social constructs, but do your best.
If your family/friends/coworkers happen to meet him before you were ready, he will not hesitate to introduce himself as your boyfriend, despite any instructions you may have given him to the contrary. He wants to watch with a smile as you squirm under the interrogation that follows – why didn’t you tell us about this handsome man in your life? He’s so charming, where’d you find him?? Oh look how sweet and affectionate he is, stop saying he’s evil incarnate, how mean -
He’s so sick of being cooped up in that gem – yes, he’s got that grand evil scheme to carry out, BUT… maybe he just wants to stretch his legs for a bit. He’s been away for a while, maybe he wants to see how the world has changed in his absence, take in some sights, indulge in a little luxury… maybe he wants to hang around and play house with you. So what? You’re not allowed to judge him, human.
You may find his newly-acquired hobby of smoking to be a bit of an annoyance – at least you don’t have to pay for them (he can poof them into existence, with your help of course), but the smell isn’t great, etc. He will need to be reminded that his human form is susceptible to things like emphysema and lung cancer. Maybe try getting him to switch to vaping? (It won’t work – it’s the fire he likes.)
Speaking of habits – he’s highly adaptable and quick to learn, and will pick up more than a few of those, plus mannerisms and lingo. If you play your cards right, this process can help humanize him in a good way. (He may bolt awake in the middle of the night, panicking about having been “corrupted by humanity” or whatever, but he’ll be fine.)
Make no mistake – the fact that he usually prefers to use his high charisma stat to get his way doesn’t mean he’s weak physically. He’s especially strong in his true form, and could throw you across the room if he wanted. He’s perfectly capable of picking you up, holding you down, etc. Plenty of opportunities to be mandjinnhandled.
Does he know how a human body works? Of course, he’s had eons to learn, and he’s observant. No matter what formation your parts come in, he knows how to get you up and running. Or purring, or gasping, or moaning, or screaming. He likes to calmly observe as he gets you more and more wound up. It’s so easy: do this, touch here, say that – human gets aroused.
Knowledge is one thing; with experience, he’s truly lethal. He’s desperately hungry to learn what you like, specifically. Show him what you want - or don’t, and let him figure it out. He might enjoy that more.
Despite his overall understanding of humans, he hasn’t spent a lot of time inhabiting a human form, especially in this context. He’ll discover that he’s at the mercy of his current biology for better or worse; that rush of endorphins he gets when you kiss him like that? Nice. Do it again. He’ll treat it like an experiment, curiously exploring the chemical reactions of this form. What else can you make him feel?
The horns/tentacles he has coming out of his head in his true form are rather sensitive; stroke them or twirl them around your fingers and you’ll have him purring. It seems transferable to human form, too: massage or rake your nails over his scalp, run your fingers through his hair, tug on it – you’ll drive him crazy.
The veneer of charm that he puts on along with his human suit falls away when he reverts to his djinn form – in the bedroom, he’ll become more animalistic, less gentle. He is aware that he’s bigger and sharper that way, and he still maintains control so he doesn’t hurt you (unless you want him to), but he can get rough. You’ll be patching up tooth-and-claw marks later.
A relationship is a learned behavior for him, and having sex with you is a habit he picks up that turns into a hobby he enjoys, despite the difference in species. (It’s more fun for him in his human form, due to increased chemical and physical compatibility.) It probably started because of curiosity, or possessiveness, or even just well, I have you, I might as well play with you the way humans do.
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majinkura · 3 years
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Every time he does this,this scene has me cracking up.
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seph7 · 3 months
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Andrew Divoff as Nathaniel Demerest/The Djinn in Wishmaster (1997) - Part 4.
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polyghoul · 4 years
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♡ ♡ Genderfluid Djinn/Nathaniel Demerest icons requested by anonymous (please reblog if you save)! ♡ ♡
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