#the djinn x reader
yandere-fetish · 2 months
So I've been thinking of the Omegaverse lately and I can't quit thinking about adopting the entire fantasy trope around it.
Like, for example, just imagine...
An Alpha Siren who happens to discover its Omega Reader while there's a cruise ship above, which leads Alpha Siren to follow the ship to port while attempting to gather Omega Reader's attention, stalking you from a distance, leaving little love trinkets everywhere you go, before finally kidnapping you and dragging you need into the dark abyss.
Or reverse it— An Alpha Reader hunting down their Omega Siren, searching the ends of the Earth, diving in vast oceans, countlessly losing your Omega Siren after a single glance, only for your Omega Siren to come to you, half laying on the deck, wagging their tail desperately, wantonly begging for their Alpha Reader to impregnate them.
An Alpha Dragon that captures treasures in their vast abode while waiting on their perfect omega, then happens to discover Omega Reader gathering herbs. We can even turn you into an Omega Witch. Captured by the dragon, fighting for your life, even when your heat kicks in...
Or maybe an Omega Dragon that sneaks up on Alpha Witch Reader in the forest one day and refuses to leave your side. Whines like a puppy, guards like a dog, purrs like a cat, but is as horny as a rabbit when it comes to its heat.
How about an Alpha Naga hunting in the forest, searching for prey for their tribe, then comes across Omega Reader collecting samples, safeguarding the forest, or whatever else you may be doing for planet earth, and takes the chance to observe a new species before falling quickly. Alpha Naga ends up causing your premature heat, kidnapping you from your tent, and hiding you deep in a cave. Your heat gets the better of you but that doesn't mean you won't put up a fight.
Or an Omega Naga that you find as an adventurer that fights you tooth and claw. After winning, maybe it just slithers away or, because of Alpha Reader's pheromones, they go into heat. Maybe you help Omega Naga through its heat intimately, or maybe they are the ones who claw at your shirt, coiling their tail around your legs, their forked tongue kissing your neck and face, even the slippery cocks that end up slipping between its orifice.
Take an Omega Selkie that adores the shore and while swimming to the surface, catches wind of your Alpha pheromones, which leads to the Omega Selkie searching everywhere for you, discovering your swimming form scuba diving or just swimming leisurely, they end up playing with you in their seal form before revealing their true self when you have to leave. It's pretty hard to turn down a tempting and innocent creature that's leaking for you to sate their desires.
Or an Alpha Selkie who dominated the waves, blending in with humans while protecting the seas, they also dare to sift through the human omegas before coming across you, which leads to your rejection and his perseverance until you end up being emotionally and physically attached. Now you’ve got no where to run and no where to hide with Alpha Selkie breathing down your neck and following you at every turn.
Maybe try an Alpha Harpy bleeding from a wound in a fight and comes across you, an Omega Bird Hybrid, before passing out, to which you take them in and clean them up, feeding them, nursing them back to health. Alpha Harpy refuses to leave at the end, declaring themselves your mate, grabbing many courting gifts to give you, nonstop attempts to mate you, aiding you in building your nest and even collecting your meals.
Or maybe an Omega Harpy that is in constant need of affection but refuses themselves from having any contact with it due to their abused childhood, thus leading Alpha Reader, who has Omega Harpy as a pet, to care for their needs, to learn more about habits and behaviors, before attempting to try anything, which leads to multiple disputes that ends bloody for Alpha Reader before you honestly takes care of Omega Harpy through their heat, platonically, thus ending up with them falling for you.. but more slowly and with caution.
We could try an Alpha Cereberus Pack that has lived for thousands of years, most of them mateless and horny, until one night where they meet their perfect little Omega, you, a Cat Hybrid. They're sent to guard the demon that's killing your neighbors, all the while watching you, individually, invisibly, before the demon comes after your Omega Cat Hybrid Reader— which sends Alpha Cereberus Pack feral and ends up taking the demon's life and disappearing with you...
Or an Omega Cereberus Pack that have been abandoned by their last owners or their parents (bc that's the way of life what cruel abusive demons do) and are starved, on the brink of death, when innocent Alpha Cat Hybrid Reader finds them in the wet rain before taking them safely home. You take good care of the Omega Cereberus Pack, even as they snap and growl at your every move, but eventually, they grow fond of you, growing like wild weeds, and, out of nowhere, they've become adults, begging in heat one day.
Maybe enjoy an Omega Arachne that is super shy and scared of others that are not of their kind due to the screams of terror when coming in contact with someone else. Omega Arachne who's lived alone for a few hundred years, succumbing to loneliness.. then they caught a whiff of Alpha Reader's pheromones and suddenly went into a force heat, which causes your rut to come into play, but not until you've stumbled upon their web (in a cave, in a forest, or maybe on a mountain).
Or an Alpha Arachne that has set his eyes on you, an Omega Arachne (or maybe an Omega Lamia) since you were born, watching, waiting, for the perfect time to strike and capture you in their web. Alpha Arachne designs a web for the upcoming mating season and delivers many prey of all kinds for the honeymoon, and even if they don't end up catching your attention, they take matters into their own legs and kidnap you for their own. After a clutch or two, they know you'll be fine.
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flowerbetweenfangs · 4 months
Bring the Storm
M! Djinn (specifically a Jann)/ F! Reader
(Originally posted on A03)
Djinn are known as genies here in the west. A jann was a specific kind of djinn who took on the form of a storm and, strangely enough, a white camel. They were one of the few who weren't actively malicious to humans. In fact, they gave them knowledge.
I didn't seen a lot of rep and thought I'd try it out.
(From the Monster's POV)
Old torches that had rotted long ago sputtered to life, illuminating your path as you entered the cave’s mouth. 
You took one and used it to light the way. Hands ran over worn-away walls, eyes flicking across ancient pictures and carvings. A tattered map was your only guide as you attempted to navigate the tunnels. 
I figured you would try to enter the treasure room, but instead, you moved toward the library. 
An ancient door creaked open with the softest touch. You found a place for your torch and began to look through the shelves. Feverish fingers pushed between books, your breathing labored as you tried to find the right ones. 
As I crept closer, I could catch the scent of you. The way your hand rested at the curve of your neck, your eyes crinkling as you tried to read the spines of tomes long forgotten. Hear the sound of them being moved from the shelves and to a table. I flitted just out of sight, stirring the pages and papers. 
You were so entranced by the collection, I don’t think you would have noticed anything short of them bursting into flames. 
Once you’d gathered enough, I dared venture closer. I thought your attention would be elsewhere. 
Instead, you whirled around to face me. 
The grin across your face would have lit up even the darkest of rooms. So genuine… So… Overjoyed. 
We stared at one another, studying the other’s form. Slowly, you reached up to touch me. When your fingers brushed against my chest, I was a puff of smoke, my form apparating to a darker part of the library. 
Your eyes lit up, and you then began to follow me, questions running from your mouth like a broken dam. No fear. Only curiosity.  
Not about what I was, that you seemed to have already figured out. A Djinn was a rare sight. Jann even more so. I expected, fear, revulsion, begging me not to end your life. 
Instead, you asked my name. 
I told you it, reluctantly. You repeated it and smiled. 
Then, came the inquiries about the library. What ancient knowledge lined the shelves? Could I translate things written in forgotten languages? Was I present for certain events? Did I know famous figures in your history? 
You counted off on your fingers, comparing conflicting reports, and which side you found had more merit. The questions soon started again. 
They came too fast for me to properly answer, so I put a small cloud to your lips. 
Your eyes still glowed, not wanting to waste the opportunity. Lips moved against me, letting warm breath roll over my twisting form. But you remained silent if eager. My eyes drifted to the contact, and I slowly retracted. 
I informed you that I would answer three questions, in exchange for something of equal value. 
That gave you pause. 
What could a creature like me, entombed with treasures and tomes that no human could use in their entire lifetime, possibly consider a fair price to pay? You looked ready to give up your very soul for a chance to peruse the shelves. 
You nodded, now much more cautious with your curiosity. You retreated back to the books, determined to find what you could on your own. A breeze rolled over your shoulder as I, too, read along. 
If you noticed, you were too polite to say. Although you did shift so the tome could be seen from behind. 
Hours passed, pen scratching over the paper as you translated ancient words. You called for me. I never left your side, but still made a show of appearing at it. 
You told of a beast that terrorized your village, and that there seemed to be no way to defeat it. It had dried your wells and withered your crops, leaving everyone at its mercy. 
It would hold off its attacks and replenish the resources with the sacrifice of one unmarried woman a month. There was no doubt they were being sent to their death… Or worse. 
But it was better to knowingly sacrifice one than risk the entire village, the elders had rationalized. 
The ancient texts showed nothing and I could tell your task was urgent. 
Preparing, you pulled out a journal, pen hovering over the paper. The tip of your tongue pressed down in sync with the pen, the blot of ink starting to bleed. 
I reminded you of the price. Nothing in life ever came free, after all. 
The fire in your eyes remained, and I was sure even the worst storm couldn’t extinguish it. 
So, I took the pen and papers from you and set them down on the table. 
You seemed concerned, almost frightened, but you had a resolve. The line between bravery and stupidity grew thinner as I circled around you. Books flew off shelves, pages flipping to show ancient beasts. Scrolls unrolled and encircled you. Powerful winds threw your body around, threatening to slam you into the shelves.
Fists balled, you shouted at the growing storm to name its price. 
The dark clouds forming began to show images. 
The water returned after a stone was removed from each pathway, a task that could easily take twelve people. 
The crops flourished when a minion of the beast was killed, while it was small, it proved to be fast and nimble, scampering out of sight. 
And finally, the fall of the creature at the hands of a much larger shadow. In its place, a new being stood over the village as a protector. 
Three questions. Three answers. One price. 
“There are people to move the rocks blocking the water. People to kill the creature in the fields. But who will bind the new protector of the village?” 
The storm cleared, and I appeared in front of you. My touch was a light breeze as I cupped your face, brushing over your lip. You took me into your mouth, the tip of that tantalizing tongue tracing, sending a chill through my form. 
Who would have thought such a tongue would have more than a talent for words? 
Your eyes shimmered with the one thing you desired more than knowledge. Power? Or something more… Primal? But you had found your answers, and you were willing to pay the price. 
Clothes and inhibitions slipped away, and you stood before me, naked as the day you were born. Years of living in the desert had never left me feeling so heated.  
I could feel myself forming, tailoring myself to your every desire. Down to the last eyelash. Of course, it wasn’t perfect. Nothing ever is. I was still mostly fog, but enough to get the job done. The small taste we’d shared was only the beginning. 
Papers flew in the air as we slammed into the nearest bookshelf, our lips meeting. Your very breath became my own. Legs wrapped around my waist, hands tangling in smoke that became solid at your touch. 
Your thighs and calves slipped down me, before I wrapped my newly formed hands around them and I ground my hips. A moan passed your lips, the sound vibrating through me. In it, I could see a brief flash into your mind, the carnal need that you had long suppressed.
Then, I ran my hands up your body, following every slight curve and angle, before seizing your wrists and holding them above your head. They lifted you up the shelf, becoming manacles and leaving your legs dangling. I wrapped them around my shoulders. 
My newly formed mouth mingled with your lower lips. The conversation between us was rather one-sided, but I don’t think you minded listening to what I had to say. 
My tongue plunged in, drawing a sigh or moan out of you with each lick. Despite how quiet you attempted to be, each noise was an explosion in my ears. It showed me a flash of memory, a piece of your being. So much to learn... 
Fingers formed and became more refined as they continued to explore, going deeper than my tongue ever could. And what wonderful sounds they drew from you. 
What great scholar doesn’t make sure that his findings are thorough and sound? Checks all his sources, and makes sure to cite them. My hands and mouth hungrily researched, making sure to take note of every sigh and whimper that they drew from you. 
You shook, breath hitched, sweat glistening on your skin in the torchlight. Like a sacrifice to be made, but to a different beast than expected. Fog caressed your flesh and you cried out, calling my name, citing the source of your pleasure over and over again. 
What a good little student. 
When I felt that my mouth and fingers had done enough work, I slowly released you.  Sliding down safely into my arms, your legs wrapped around my waist. Far more securely this time. 
I held you close, fingers tangling in your hair. Burying my still-forming face into your neck, I inhaled your scent. Warmth mingled, the thundering of your heart signaling your own storm building.  
And I wanted to be caught up in it. 
Our lips crashed together again, your nails raking down my back. When we parted, your teeth clamped down on my neck and shoulder. You refused to let up as if you were afraid I would cease to be solid if you allowed me a moment’s respite. 
What a wonderful sensation it was. Feeling the heat of your breath, the rumbling in your throat as the primal side of you teased, seeing the hunter’s glint in your eyes. 
Hips ground into mine, a new bit of research needing to be done. 
Your back pressed to the shelf, arms and legs entangled around me. It was a sight that I wouldn’t forget. I leaned in, covering your mouth with mine. You eagerly plunged your tongue in, exploring just as I had. 
My hips rolled, and I could feel you tighten around me. A perfectly formed addition, sliding so easily inside you. Not one to rush into things, I teased. Sliding in just enough to make you writhe, trying to slide down onto me, before pulling back again. You clutched me even tighter, eyes clouding over with ecstasy. The impatience was returning, but you wanted it to last. 
I gradually let more go in, and you rewarded me with moans and sighs. Each sound stoked something inside me, and I could feel myself start to give in. 
My tongue probed as I thrust, allowing myself to finally drown in the sensation of you. 
You took me all the way inside, a catching breath coming to your lips. The new sound drew my attention, for I feared that I had harmed you. Instead, your fingers laced at the nape of my neck. You had come this far, and you were prepared to ride out the storm. 
 With that, our forms became one, fog and skin twisting and entangling with one another. The sweat and condensation covered both of us, making us slick, forcing one to cling tighter to the other. 
As I continued to thrust, your moans turned to screams of pleasure. You held onto me so tight that I feared I wouldn’t be able to move. But I pressed you firmly against the shelf, determined.  
Each time you took me in, I could feel the bond growing, tying us closer and closer together. Until it felt like a millstone around my neck. The tantalizing answers to questions unasked, just out of my reach. 
You had turned the tables on me. But rather than demanding a price, you held the answers just out of reach. 
We slipped from the shelf. I caught us, your body levitating inches from the ground. I began to thrust in earnest, bringing you into the air, forcing you to cling even tighter to me. Once more, you brought me to the brink, tantalizing me with the answers. 
I felt it slip by, fingers brushing before it was yanked away. I unraveled, spilling all I had inside you. I don’t know how much of it you were able to take or comprehend, but I could feel the change start within you. So much power and knowledge dumped inside a mortal, it was a miracle you survived. 
Thankfully, I was able to stay solid enough to guide you to the floor rather than drop you. 
As you laid on the ground, I formed a protective cloud around you. Unneeded, probably, but to let you know I was there. Your labored breathing filled my ears, and I craved the physical form again. An amorphous hand grabbed yours. And as you slipped into slumber, you clutched it tight. 
The next morning, once you’d dressed, we exited the mouth of the cave. 
The fire in our eyes was back, this time making your eyes glow in the darkness of the night. More determined than ever to bring the storm back to the village. 
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eetherealgoddess · 7 months
helloo, I just want to tell you I've been your fan since I downloaded tumblr. I can't, your fanfics are to die for. 😭 I'm sorry, I've been the one liking your stories from the start, I hope it doesn't bother you and I'm sorry if it does.
can I request a really really dark supernatural au smut bonten x fem reader? I can't explain how much I love your supernatural au fanfics😭
Although idk who you are specifically, I appreciate all your likes and the request so you don’t have to be sorry!! I embrace all feedback!! Unfortunately, I don’t think I made this dark enough, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!! ♡︎♡︎♡︎
Y’all it’s wild cuz blood actually makes me queasy and uncomfortable. Especially gore and yet I write and read it even though I gotta pause to breathe from time to time lmao. This one is FULL of blood and gore. So be mindful!! ꨄꨄꨄ
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ꨄBlood Thirstyꨄ
Oneshot - Yandere Bonten Djinn Au
❦Your blood is enticing to Bonten❦
Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchiyo, & Haitani Brothers x Reader
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The male leads are Djinn, based off of the show Supernatural, though I’ve created my own version for the story. I’ve never watched the show but I searched up supernatural monsters and found Djinn.
In this story, they’re tattooed beings who drink blood and eat flesh. They trap their victims by luring them with their glowing eyes that cause a hypnotic trance. Their tattoos will glow the same color as their eyes. They can only be killed with a silver knife laced with an antidote created by Djinn slayers.
Djinn are not mine nor is this the original type of creature. There’s also another definition that has nothing to do with the show so you should research that if you want to find out because I don’t have enough info on that to be able to explain it.
Not fully proofread
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There may be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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Blood Thirsty
You were quiet, hand covering your own mouth as your eyelids flutter closed. You lean your back against the shelf of books, hiding in an aisle of the abandoned library as you sit with your knees to your chest. You contain your vomit as you listen to the sounds of your friend's flesh ripping apart, the blood splattering against the floors as the putrid smell of death reaches your nose. Your other hand is placed against your pounding heart as your body tenses, hair sticking up as you prevent yourself from having an anxiety attack.
Earlier, you and your friends had gone to a local nightclub just to get out and have fun. Because the night club is owned by Djinn yakuza members, it was a sacrificial night, the full moon being the reason for this massacre. A ritual that was made into an agreement between humans and Djinn. Djinn can survive off of animal prey, which is what they eat until the night it’s time to feed. You had no idea the building was owned by not only a criminal organization but Djinn creatures at that. Not until one of your friends said, “Who knew Djinn could give us such a great time?”
Apparently your other three friends didn’t know either, eyebrows furrowing when they heard the news. It was already dangerous to be out late at night since that’s when they prowl on a full moon, but to also attend a Djinn club is just asking to be somebody’s meal. You smacked her shoulder and asked, “Why did you bring us here knowing that it’s feeding night?”
“They’re hot!” She responds, “If they’re gonna be active tonight then I know I can score at least one in exchange for my blood!” The creatures are known to be attractive, adding to the hype of the tattooed beings. Unfortunately, your friend is so boy crazy that she’ll put everyone at risk just for a chance with a murderous creature.
You all escaped and ran as fast as you could when all hell broke loose, ending in this dark dusty library, choosing your spots to hide in. You knew you couldn’t stay in the same spot for long. You knew you were going to have to move before they stopped feeding. The blood curdling screams of your friends begin to quiet down as you look over to the original friend who put you all in this predicament. She sat at the aisle across from you, eyes wide as well as her own hand covering her mouth as her body trembled. You both eyed each other in terror before you motioned for the door opposite of the sound. It was a few aisles down. You both have the potential to make it as they continue to eat.
You nod at her before standing on your feet, crouching as you peeked behind your aisle, instantly regretting it as you turned back away from the gruesome scene. Holding your stomach you ease your way to the other side of the aisle in front of you, hands trembling as you hold your breath once pausing, listening for any movement towards you. When all you heard was the usual ripping and bone cracking you turned to look at your friend who's following behind on her own side. You both move again and again until you finally make it out of the door, sprinting down the hall until you make it outside.
Your original plan was to keep running until you didn’t hear your friend behind you, turning around you noticed her standing in place, staring to the side.
“F/n! F/n! Come on!” You call out to her, confused as to why she stopped.
“But he’s so pretty.” She says breathlessly, her eyes beginning to glow purple.
You follow her sight, startled when you notice the shirtless man with a large tattoo on the left side of his torso, as well as a symbol on his neck. His purple mullet flowing in the wind as he stands across from her, eyes and tattoos glowing purple. Blood stained his mouth as well as his chest, his hands dripping with the substance as he licked some of the liquid off his fingers. You turn away as you grab her face, turning her to face you.
“Wake up! Wake up now! We’re gonna be killed!” You shake her face as her mouth hangs open, slobber dripping as you shift your gaze back to the male who stood still. You know you should leave her, but you can’t. You know it’s her fault, as well as yours for even being out in the first place on a night like this. Tears fall down your eyes as you contemplate whether or not to leave her to die. The only way she can be pulled out of the trance is by the Djinn releasing her or death.
You could be a savior and offer yourself up, but fear overtook your senses. You couldn’t possibly save her, so you decide to make a run for it while you still can, releasing her face. Before you could run, claws wrap around your wrist, yanking you back as you fall on the grass, bottom making contact with the ground as another tattooed being crouches over you. You noticed the yellow glow against the tiger symbol on his neck as well as the symbol that matches with the purple eyed Djinn on the right side of his chest.
His smile was as cold as his golden gaze, eyes refrained from glowing as he stared down at your fearful face. Blood covered his torso as well as his hands. You could see that his teeth were also stained with red as his smile widened.
“Where do ya think you’re going?”
You could only stare back at his face before you looked over to your friend, your hand reaching out in reflex as you called out to her when she walked over to the male. A hand on your chin forces you to turn your attention back to the brunette with blonde strands hanging over his face.
“Hey! Pay attention to me. I asked you a question.” He eyes you with an irritated gaze, causing you to yelp when he squeezes your chin tightly, claws poking your skin.
“Playing with your food, Kazu?” Another shirtless man walks toward the two of you from inside the building, fresh blood covering his mouth as well as his whole torso while the large tattoo on the right side of his body as well as the one on his neck glows purple.
He stops next to you both, sniffing the air as he eyes you and your friend with a lazy smile.
“Are you radiating that sweet scent, darling?”
“N-no! I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You say as you pull back from the man’s grip.
The purple eyed man’s fingers met his chin. “Hm. Of course you don’t. You smell it?” He faces the crouching man.
“Yeah. That’s what brought me over here. Never smelled blood like that before.” The tiger symboled man pushes himself from the ground, standing over you as their intense gazes study you like you’re a new specimen.
Your eyebrows furrow as you notice their eyes becoming dim, faces turning red as they hold dazed looks on their faces.
“Man, your smell is intoxicating.” Kazutora breathes out, chest rising as he drags a large sniff of the air.
“Maybe we should preserve this one, yeah?” The short haired man suggests.
“You think boss’ll allow it?” Kazutora questions.
“Allow what?” A pink haired man entered the scene, walking until he reached the two men standing above you. His hair covered in blood as well as his face, hands, and chest, as if he rubbed himself against the liquid while feeding. You eye the blue glow of his wrist, the symbol matching the iciness of his piercing eyes. He sniffed the air, facing you as he observed your figure. Bending over, he grabs your arm, pulling you up on your feet and smelling the limb.
His face instantly warms, eyes dazed as he continues to sniff the sweet aroma, using a hand at the back of your neck to pull you closer as he nuzzles your neck. You put your hands on his chest as you pushed yourself away, his hand preventing you from moving as you struggled in his grasp.
“What is that?” He pulls back, turning to the others as he releases your neck only to keep a hold of your arm.
Kazutora shrugged. “That’s what we’re trying to figure out.”
You hear the sound of flesh ripping along with a familiar scream of pain. Turning your head, you eye the gruesome sight. The man has your friend’s detached arm in his hand. A big gash is left where her arm used to be as her legs tremble, her eyes staying wide as they continue to glow purple. Blood drips from the wound as he bites into the flesh of the arm, more blood staining his mouth as he moans while satisfying his hunger.
Your hands shake as you eye the display in horror, tears streaming down your face as you watch your last friend become a beast’s meal. Instincts going haywire, you wanted to run away, but if you did, you knew you’d be easily captured by the Djinn considering their abilities. They have the upper hand against the human species. You’ve always wondered why they didn’t just take over. You could only stand there amongst the men, feeling helpless, weak, and vulnerable. It disgusted you to be so human in this predicament. You were going to die and you had no choice but to accept it.
“Awe, she’s crying. I think you’re hurting her arm, Sanzu.” Kazutora jokes, pointing at your tears. You ignored him as you turned your head away from your friend who’s shoulder just got bitten off, using both of your hands to cover your ears, the sound driving you crazy.
Sanzu releases you just in time for you to lean over and vomit. Bile burning your throat as you gag and dry heave.
“Disgusting.” Sanzu hissed as he walked towards the purple mullet. Kazutora leaned over with his hands on his knees.
“It’s amazing how you still smell sweet. There’s no way boss won’t take you home with us.” He beams.
“He does have a thing for sweet things.” Ran states with a cigar in his mouth, sparking it before shoving the lighter in his pants pocket.
A short man walks out of the building, the men immediately turning their attention to him. The atmosphere darkens almost as much as the voids you’d call his eyes. He gave you an icy glare, causing a rapid chill to run up your spine as well as sending alerts to your instincts. Your body tenses as he comes closer. You hear him sniffing, eyeing the blood on his mouth as well as on his chest, bloody claws by his sides. He stops in front of you, gazing into your soul as you shift in discomfort.
His gaze slightly softens as the familiar red hue forms on his face, panting softly as he drags more of your fumes through his nostrils. You eye the blood staining his platinum hair, the stench of flesh and blood surrounding you. His palm rests on the side of your neck for a moment before he uses a claw to nick the skin, slicing a small cut in between your neck and shoulder causing you to flinch. He leans in, warm breath grazing your neck before his tongue slithers against your wound. His sunken eyes widen as his hands grab your shoulders, pulling you in as you place your hands on his chest in an attempt to push him away before you yelp from the fangs piercing through your skin.
He gulps your blood down, moaning against you as you fall backwards. He lands on top of you, a hand sliding behind your neck while the other balances next to your head. Your hands grip his shoulders as your eyes shut tightly in pain. You hiss and whimper under him as the others, including Sanzu and Rin, watch as if they’re in their own trance. He finally pulls his teeth out of your neck before he grips the back of your neck tightly as he nuzzles against the wound. Your blood rubs along his face as he engulfs himself. He breathes your scent in deeply before pulling back.
He pants as he sits on top of you with intense eyes. You avoid eye contact by looking at your own blood covering the hand that felt the moisture from your neck. Your hand trembles as you look at the men who stood around you. He stands up and walks away from you. He flicks his head, motioning for them to grab you. When you see this, your fight or flight kicks in causing you to hop up and run. The only place you could go was the forest but if you stayed hidden there until the sun rose, they would have to let you go in order to not break the treaty.
“So she wants a chase?” Rin questions with a smirk as all the executives stand and watch you run.
“Bind her and bring her to the car when you’re done.” Mikey says before he hops into the car.
With a wide grin that shows their sharp stained teeth, the four men began to sprint after you, Ran dropping the cigar in the process.
You run as fast as you can, grunting and breathing hard as your heart pounds. Your chest tightens as the pain in your legs form fast from running at a speed you’ve never had to run. You hop off of mini hills as well as passing many trees. The only light allowing you to see in the moonlight shining through the leaves. You just had to find a hiding spot to survive the night. You wouldn’t have run into the forest if they weren’t blocking your way. You knew you couldn’t pass them.
You groan as the pain becomes almost unbearable, the tightening of your body making it harder to breathe. You knew you’d have to stop soon but your adrenaline is pumping and you refuse to let them catch you. At least not easily. You thank the heavens that you hadn’t worn heels, the platforms of your shoes smacking against the grassy terrain, attempting to not fall on loose twigs or branches. As you run, you also gaze around for any mud to prevent yourself from sliding on it.
You pant, mouth wide open as you peek behind you. Seeing nothing there you continue to run as you look for the perfect hiding place. If you were being honest with yourself, there’s a low chance of surviving without being caught. They probably know exactly where you are and just allow you to run because they like to play with their prey. You’re not dumb. You were just scared. You had to try. Before you could plant your feet into the ground, you run into a figure in front of you, slamming into them.
Your friend's blood stains your clothes, mixing in with your own as the man wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you in as he leans over to smell your blood.
“I don’t think we’ve properly met.” A hand covers your mouth, blocking your scream. You’re forced to turn the other way, your back against his chest as he holds you in place. The other men stood in front of you in a curve, staring you down with glowing eyes.
“I don’t think I want to put her in a trance. I like it when they fight.”
“I want a taste. Mikey made you look so good.”
Suddenly, fingers connect with your chin, moving your head to the side as the person in front of you sniffs before leaning into the spot Mikey focused on.
A long tongue glides against your neck, the short haired man moaning softly before his teeth sinks in. You yelp in pain as another bite comes from behind, the man’s younger brother getting his own taste from the other side of your neck. The arm around your waist tightens you in place. You smack Ran’s shoulder as you try to push him away, tears rolling out of your eyes at the pain.
“You guys are hogging her all to yourself.” Kazutora states before snatching one of your arms. He bites into your forearm, eyes widening when the blood hits his taste buds, eagerly draining you. Sanzu does the same to the other arm, shutting his eyes as he drinks from you. You could only cry out in agony as they drain from you. Your body weakens as well as you becoming light headed. This goes on until you begin to see stars, your vision blurring. They pull away from you just in time before you faint, your body weak against the man behind you as you lean back.
Suddenly, your bottom met the ground as the man sitswith his back leaned against the tree. You begin to feel kisses littering all over your neck, lips hitting the blood that continues to ooze out.
“You taste so fucking good.” He whispers as he licks the liquid. Your eyelids are heavy as you sit barely awake. It feels like your black out drunk, going in and out of consciousness from whatever was spiked in it.
You look into the eyes in front of you, the person kneeling before you as two palms hold your cheeks, lips meeting yours as you’re forced to kiss the man. You couldn’t even flinch when he nipped your lip, blood drawing from you as you sat weakly.
“Let me go.” You whisper against his lips, not having enough strength to say much in a louder tone. He pulls back as he smirks.
“Go where? You can’t even walk.” Sanzu says as he crouches beside you, eyeing the wound on your neck and using his fingers to force you to turn towards him.
The red hue is still stuck on all of their faces, dazed eyes as if they’re intoxicated by your scent.
“I wonder what your thighs taste like.” The golden eyed man states before kneeling and pulling your leg open. He leans over and begins licking and sucking your thigh before sinking his teeth in. Another grunt leaves out of your mouth from the pain.
“I wonder how you taste down here.” A hand coming from behind slips into your pants as you try to wiggle out of his grip.
“Stop! Don’t touch me!” You cry out angrily. The hand dips into your panties, slowly rubbing up your slit before landing on your clit.
“I bet your cum is as sweet as your blood, huh?” The man behind you chuckles as he rolls his finger against your clit.
“I think we should find out.” His brother adds on, smiling as they nod at each other. Kazutora moves away from your thigh as he wipes his mouth, licking the blood he wiped from the back of his hand.
Rin pulls his hand out of your pants before reaching under your thighs and pulling them as far back as he could. Ran uses a claw to cut a slit from the zipper of your pants down to your ass. He tears a hole into the pants, stretching them to get a good view of your panties.
“No! Stop right now! Please!” Your head falls back on Rin’s shoulder weakly as you use your hands to cover yourself. Sanzu grabs them, securing your wrists above your head.
Ran leans over as he slices through the middle of your panties. He closes in and takes a big whiff of your vagina. Using two fingers, he gently spreads your lips apart with one hand while the thumb on his other hand pulls the hood of your clit back, revealing the bud.
“What a pretty pussy.” You twitch slightly as you feel a blow of air on your clit.
Your face warms up when you feel his lips grazing your clit, leaving a soft kiss on the bud. He does it once more and then again as he looks at you with intense eyes. You bite your lip, sucking your teeth as you turn away, only for Sanzu to use one hand to force you to look up at him. Leaning over with one hand still gripping your wrists, his lips meet yours. Rin keeps your legs pulled back, piercing his claws into your skin to draw some blood, watching as you flinch in pain, all the while Ran licks up your clit before he gives a few more kitten licks. Finally, he closes his mouth around the bud, sucking and flicking his tongue as he dives in.
Kazutora, who's still kneeling on the ground, licks up the blood dripping from your thighs. You whimper against Sanzu’s mouth.
“I think we should put the bind in between her breasts.” Rin says as you jolt from Ran’s tongue. Sanzu pulls back.
“We should put it on her face, that way everyone knows who she belongs to.”
Kazutora pulls back. “But she has such a pretty face, I don’t want to mark it.”
Ran continues to suck your clit as he lowers his head to lick some of your slick from the hole itself, his long tongue pushing inside as he uses a finger to rub your clit. He doesn’t pay much attention to the conversation, too obsessed with drinking your juices as your pussy contracts. Your head falls back with your eyes shut tight.
“Fine. Take her arms.” Kazutora grabs your arms as he stands up, Sanzu kneeling to tear the middle of your top open, revealing the lack of bra.
“Wow, you were already ready.” Kazu beams.
Sanzu sticks out a claw as his eyes glow, along with his tattoo. The beam reaches his hand as the claw meets with your skin, Rin holding you tighter as you scream in pain. The claw penetrates your skin as it drags into the shape of their Bonten symbol, blood dripping down as you struggle in his grip.
“Stop! Stop! It fucking hurts!” You cry out, your own nails digging into the skin of your palms. Kazutora forces you to turn to him with one hand, trapping your screams with an open mouthed kiss.
The contrast of pain between your chest and pleasure from your pussy shamefully causes you to near your orgasm as Ran tongue fucks you and rolls a finger around your bud. Your pussy drips with juice as your body convulses, just in time for the bind to complete as it glows a blue color that swirls into all of their signature colors before it resembles a normal tattoo. You yell out as you finally reach your limit, creaming on his face as he laps up the juice. Not long after, you finally pass out from all the overwhelming sensations.
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 6 months
Alright Darlings, I'm sure you're curious about the new stories.
Let's review shall we?
Pierced my heart new chapter - robin x reader
Passion and flames - alice and mother songfic
Catnap - Iruma and hellcats hangout
Lucky card - orias songfic
Tea time - tea with flower princess
Eager to meet you - Derkila and Iruma meet
My happiness - songfic wedding with Balam x reader
In an instant - Derkila realizes he's in love with reader
Fun 101 - Alice x Lied (so use to doing reader stuff... meh)
My everything - Sabro x Iruma
Fire and Rain - Eito x (water demon fem! reader)
Enjoy the moment - big threes grandkids hangout
In-laws - Reader finally meets Balams parents
Bullseye - arranged marriage between robin and reader
I cherish you - jealous balam
Cat thief - klepto opera snatching things
My pupils - kalego and each student
What they call me - misfits calling kalego dad
No need for fear - Sullivan soothing Iruma panic attack... possible room for a songfic
Summoning - Iruma's parents summon Sullivan
Our roots - Suzy and Balam being plant buddies
Impulsive - Reader teaching a young kalego a thing or two about young opera songfic
Arrogance - If (demon reader) was a part of Baal's crew songfic
My muse - Silvia x Beem
The wonders of earth - Balam in the human world songfic
Toy box - Clara and reader having fun
Misfortune - Those affected by the top dog trio
Work... - Demon King Iruma and paperwork
Mother tongue - Balam learns human language
More than worthy - Iruma thinks he isn't worthy to be your child. That isn't true. If anything, you're not worthy of being his parent.
Please keep in mind I don't follow this list in order. It entirely depends on my mood about what I write. So please don't worry if you haven't seen your request written.
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hgranger93493 · 2 years
Love me when I wake up
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Summary: You, Dean and Sam go on a hunt not too far away from bunker and feelings are revealed.
Warnings: A little angst, threats to harm one self, fluff, some scary themes.
Pairings: Dean x reader
Wordcount: 6400
You stirred lightly blinking open your eyes knowing you woke up before your alarm went off. Again. You grabbed your phone from the side table and yup, you were right. Two minutes before your alarm would go off. You disabled your alarm, tossed the phone back on the side table and turned back and stared at the ceiling thinking how sleep after sleep your life was the same. Same old bed, same old dark room, same old cold bunker, same old day-after-day wishing Dean was yours. You sighed.
You slowly got up from the bed stretching your toes and cracking a few knuckles. You were never a morning person, but you made it your discipline to stick to a routine when you first moved to the bunker. You finished your morning routine and walked into the kitchen. Sam was already up and back from his run. You rolled your eyes almost jealous how he was able to go run so early in the morning. You walked over to the coffee machine to turn it on with a grunt. This old damn machine. You need to get a new one.
“Well good morning sunshine! You know I don’t bite if you greet me in the morning, right?”
You grunted a little “Shut up Sam. You drink your green juice and don’t bother me till I have finished my first cup of coffee.”
Sam chuckled a little and proceeded to start making the breakfast for all. You perked up a little when Dean slowly walked in to the kitchen. He was in his robe and those damn short shorts. His fluffy hair sticking in all directions and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with a small frown on his lips. Anyone who saw him now would never believe he hunts monsters for a living and that he is the big scary Dean Winchester that the hunter world fears.
You giggled a little at his antics and that made Sam turnaround. He gave you a knowing look. He knew you always were a little happier when Dean was around and he knew why. He just played dumb hoping you would tell Dean how you feel sooner than later.
“Ah! Fresh hot coffee. Thanks sweetheart.” Dean spoke as he poured himself a cup of coffee.
“You know Dean, I could have made the coffee. Not Y/N. Where is my thank you?”
“Dude, I know for a fact you didn’t make the coffee. For one you prefer drinking water. And B, you make the stupid green stuff in the morning, not coffee.” He turned to you with a smile “So thanks sweetheart.”
You blushed a little covering your face with the cup and mumbled “Not a problem Dean.”
Sam smirked and you knew he caught you blushing. You just prayed that Dean didn’t see you blush. You cleared your throat and looked at Sam and asked “So anything that caught your attention in the news?”
“Actually yes, let us finish breakfast and I’ll grab my laptop.” Dean looked at you with an expression that said “Really?” You shrugged your shoulders a little and replied “Sorry.” You guys just got back from a hunt, but you cannot afford to take a day off, right?
After the three of you scarfed down the breakfast and Sam got his laptop. You were nursing your third cup of coffee when Sam started speaking.
“So, get this, there is a town not far from here. Colby. Missing persons. Three students who attend the Colby Community College. They are a part of an astronomy observatory club and were not heard of after attending a star party that was set up in one of the open fields a little far away from the town.”
“Star Party? What is that? A rave with drugs?” Dean asked.
You giggled and replied “No Dean. Star parties are a gathering when students, mostly astronomy amateurs, get together and do a little star gazing. Observe different objects in the sky.”
Dean was proud of her. She is a little know-it-all, but it made his heart swell when she explained things to him without mocking him. “Now how do you know that little missy?”
“I took a couple of Astronomy classes in college for my science electives and we used to have star parties all the time. It was fun way to get some extra credit and observe planets and stars even closer.”
“That sounds fun. Maybe you can take me to one someday.” Dean replied with a big smile on his face.
“Absolutely Dean! I can look up astronomy clubs in Lebanon and see if they have star parties open to public.”
Sam cleared his throat and said “If you both are done planning your date, can we get back to the case?” He knew what he was doing.
Your face flushed and you were thoroughly embarrassed.
“Shut up Sammy. It is not a date.” Dean replied immediately in a sharp tone.
Well, that hurt.
Sam felt bad and changed the topic. “Okay. So the local police say that all the equipment and the set up was still there and there was no trace of the three students the next day. No fingerprints. No blood. Nothing that indicates foul play at the site. If it was robbery gone bad, why would they leave the expensive telescopes, laptops and the students’ wallets there. This was about a week ago and they still haven’t had any new developments in the case. The victims’ parents are very concerned. They took to media and released statements asking for the safe return of their children.”
This made you sad. Parents should never experience the loss of their children.
“Were there any missing persons in the past in the area or are these the first?” Dean asked.
“There were three missing people about 18 years ago. The case turned cold after a year when the investigation leads nowhere. There are rumors that this could be related since there are so many connections. Three victims. Same age group. Missing near one of the open fields.”
“Well, that is good enough for me. Lets roll. Meet me in the garage in 30 mins.”
A little after the three of you were on the road. You had your nose buried in a book sitting in the backseat. You did not see the green eyes look at you from time to time in the rear-view mirror. Dean was always mesmerized by you. Especially when you were lost in a deep thought or reading a book. You would nibble a little on your lower lip and that certainly did things to him. He hoped it was him biting your lips and..
Someone clearing their throat snapped him out of his fantasy. He turned his head and saw Sam looking at him with a teasing smile. He knew he was caught.
“Shut up..” he grumbled lowly not to catch your attention.
Two hours later you reached Colby. Dean drove to one of the motels in the town and Sam went to check in and get the keys. In the meantime, you and Dean got your bags out and scouted out the locations to go to for the interviews. Sam and Dean got a room with two beds and you got another room with a single bed. You all quickly changed into your FBI suites and headed out. Dean and you dropped Sam off at the police station and drove to the community college. It was fast and easy to locate the astronomy club and you were talking to one the club members, Sara. She was visibly distraught not knowing what happened to her friends.
“Sara, do you know anyone who wanted to harm them?”
Sara sniffled and replied “No, they were all very friendly and nice people. The four of us got our acceptance letters from KSU not long ago. We wanted to finish this semester and start our fall in KSU.” She started sobbing at this point. You sat a little closer to her wrapped your arm around her shoulder to calm her down.
Dean was glad you were here. He would have not known what to do with a crying teenager.
“It is going to be okay Sara. Can I get a signup sheet for this star party?”
“There isn’t one. This wasn’t scheduled for a class or by the university. Somebody from town requested to have this setup.”
You and Dean looked at each other immediately knowing something was up.
“Do you know who is it?”
“No, it was setup in the last minute. Cindy, Matt and Steve are the usual organizers. They wanted to make some extra cash to help with the new semester and scheduled it.”
You knew immediately that this was a set up.
“Sara do the police know about this?”
“Yes, I told them when they interviewed me. I even called them up twice to ask if they figured out who set this up, but they said they spoke to them and they are ruled out as persons of interest.”
You called bullshit. Something was not right. You gave Dean another look and gave him a quick head nod knowing you need to talk to Sam.
“Thanks Sara. One of our partners is with the police now and interviewing them. We will figure out soon. Is there anything else we need to know?”
Sara looked down a little and shook her head.
“Sara, it is okay. You don’t have to hide anything from us.” Sara looked at Dean and you immediately understood. “Dean, would you mind giving us a minute? I’ll meet you in the car.”
Dean understood that Sara felt more comfortable talking to you. I mean who wouldn’t? Sara barely knows you both and she already feels safe enough to talk to you.
“Of course. I’ll be in the car.” He looked and you and you assured him with a smile that you will be fine. He walked over to the car and waited for you while shooting a quick text to Sam telling him about the interview with Sara and some things not adding up.
He looked up from his phone when his passenger door opened and you stepped in. You had a sad smile on your face and Dean frowned a little.
“Everything okay? Is it okay to ask what Sara wanted to talk to you in private?”
You turned and looked at him with the same sad smile and replied “Yeah, it just made sense why she is taking this pretty hard. Cindy and her have recently started dating and she is worried that she will never see the love of her life again. She was practically pleading me not to give up on this case since there weren’t any new leads. I told her not a chance in hell. I would be worried just the same if the person I love went missing.” You looked deeply into Dean eyes when you said that. After a few moments you realized what you said and the air got thicker suddenly. You cleared your throat and looked elsewhere and said “Have you talked to Sam? Any news from him?”
Dean dropped his gaze to his phone and said “Yeah, I texted him. Let’s pick him up from the police station and go back to the motel.”
After 30 minutes the three of you were back at the motel in your room sitting around the table eating and researching.
“We need to figure out who have requested to set up the private star party in the last minute. And why they were ruled out as a person of interest.” You spoke up munching on the fries.
“I asked for the list of people interviewed and there was never a mention about interviewing a person who set up the private star party. The list just included students, friends, few professors and the families.”
“That does not sound right. Sara said she was told that they interviewed the person who requested this and ruled them out as a suspect. Something does not add up. Either Sara is lying or someone at the station is not telling us everything. Why don’t you and Dean go back to the station and ask them about this and I’ll research a little more on the similar missing persons case from 18 years back. There must be a connection between these two.”
Dean straightened up a little and said “No way you are staying here by yourself. I’ll stay with you. Sam can go back to the station.”
“Don’t be ridiculous Dean. I am a big girl. I can defend myself. I am not going anywhere, just staying in my room doing research. I should be fine. Besides you both should go to the station this time. Use a little intimidation if you must and find out what is going on. I took Sara’s number earlier. I’ll give her a call as well.”
Dean reluctantly left you alone in the motel and drove to the station with Sam.
“She’ll be fine Dean. We will check in with her from time to time. Don’t worry.” Sam assured him.
“Yeah..” Dean mumbled, but something was telling him to turnaround the car and drive back to the motel. He decided to quickly finish up at the station and go back instead of facing your wrath for not listening to you. You might be tiny, but boy you were feisty.
Meanwhile, you continued doing research. There was not a lot of information about the case from 18 years ago on the internet. But you found an article where the assigned detective declared it as a cold case only after a year. That is not a long time for a case to get cold. You dialed the number that Sara gave you and it kept going to voicemail. It was getting dark outside and you didn’t like this. You tried a couple more times and decided to track her phone when she didn’t answer. After a few minutes you traced her phone to a location away from the town. Almost close to the site where Cindy, Matt and Steve went missing. You had to go there. You wanted to call Dean and tell him, but you knew he was going to drop everything and come back. You couldn’t risk that. You needed them to interview the policemen who are working on this case and find out what they are hiding. Against your better judgement you left a note for Dean and Sam about what you found and hot wired one of the cars in the parking lot and drove to where Sara’s phone last pinged.
After a few hours at the station
What was supposed to be a quick chat turned into few hours. Dean and Sam very quickly found out that the captain was hiding something. He seemed nervous when they grilled him about who set up the private party and why they were ruled out. They spoke again with all the detectives involved and the findings of the case. None revealed who requested the private party. They seemed covering for their captain. They drove back to the motel only to find your room empty. Dean immediately started calling your phone and his worst nightmare came true. You phone was going to voicemail. Sam found the note you left and Dean was angry at this point. Angry at him for leaving you alone and angry at you for leaving and not checking with them.
“Dean I’m tracing her phone. Give me a few minutes we will find her.” Dean was pacing around the room still trying to get in contact with you. Meanwhile Sam continued the research where you left off. He made a connection. The current captain was the one hired 18 years ago to investigate the case. He was a new detective on the force back then. He recognized him from the pictures in the old article. It confirmed his suspicions that the Captain was hiding something and interfering with the current investigation. If he could have guessed, soon this would be declared a cold case too. His laptop finally pinged with your phone’s location. It matched the location you left for Sara. So, you did reach to the place.
“Dean I found here phone. She is at the same place as Sara’s.”
“Damn it!” Dean yelled and threw the tv remote against the wall.
Sam flinched a little. He knew how much Dean cared about you. How much he is already blaming himself.
“Let’s go Sam. She better not be hurt.”
A few hours before
You parked the car you borrowed a little further away from the location where Sara’s phone pinged. It was a warehouse. You should have known nothing good comes out of this. Your hands were itching to call Dean and let him know, but your thoughts were thrown out the window when you heard someone scream. You rushed into the warehouse with your gun and no rational thoughts. You couldn’t afford to. It was apparent the warehouse was abandoned. It smelled of mold. You slowly made your way with your gun drawn and cautious. You knew back of your mind you were in for a talking from Dean and Sam for being this reckless. You heard the scream again and you turned around and ran towards the imminent danger. You quickly spotted a few old hospital beds and there were people on the beds connected to some sort if an IV bag. You soon realized they were blood bags and the people on the beds were the missing persons. You ran to them and started to check the pulse for all three. Luckily, they all had a pulse, but it was very faint. Now it was time to call Dean and Sam. You turned your phone on about to call Dean when everything went black.
You woke up with a gasp and your eyes wide open. You were lying down in the most comfortable bed and everything around you were so bright. You were breathing deep and quick trying to figure out where you were. You wanted to get up, but found yourself pinned down. You followed the hand to see to whose it was. You gasped and your eyes were as wide as saucers.
It was Dean.
He had his arm wrapped around you and was sleeping with a soft smile on his face. You couldn’t stop staring at his face. His fluffy hair, those freckles dusted cheeks, no worry lines on his forehead, his soft lashes long and thick gently caressing his freckles and god those sinful lips. They were pink and full and so kissable. He never looked more peaceful. You were dismissed from your thoughts when he gently spoke up.
“It is rude to stare you know” Ah! He sounded so beautiful even though he sounded husky.  
You didn’t know what to say. On one hand you were embarrassed that you were caught and on the other utterly confused why you were in the same bed as a very tempting, yet very naked Dean. Before you could say anything, Dean leaned over and planted a soft kiss on your lips.
“Good morning baby. Did you sleep well?” he asked. You still don’t know what is happening. You still couldn’t answer him and kept opening and closing your mouth like a fish. Dean laughed a little and hovered over you planting another kiss and saying “Never seen you speechless in the mornings. You okay babe? Need me to wake you up my way?” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. At the same time, you felt something hard rub against your thigh. You jolted out of your trance squeaking “No!” and quickly pushed Dean aside and jumped out of the bed. Then the cold hit you and it was only then you realized how naked you were. You grabbed the throw from the nearby chair and covered your body.
Dean looked hurt for a second and confused. He furrowed his brows slightly and pulled a bed sheet around his waist and sat up on the bed on his knees facing you.
“You okay honey? You look like you have seen a ghost.” You knew this was too good to be real. Your hunter mode kicked in and said “Where am I? Why are we in the same bed Dean?”
Dean furrowed his brows further. “What do you mean where you are babe? We are in our home. In Lawrence. And why wouldn’t we be in the same bed? That is what married people do. Are you okay Y/N/N? You are scaring me.”
Married? MARRIED?
You started pacing around the room. What does Dean mean we are married? You were trying to recollect the last thing you remembered. You were on a hunt with Sam and Dean. You had to find Sara and drove to the warehouse. You heard a scream. You found the missing people and you were about to call Dean and everything went blank. And then you woke up here. Naked. In bed. With Dean and you were married to him. What is going on?
You closed your eyes thinking it was a dream. You pinched yourself quickly to wake up. You opened your eyes only to see a pair of very worried green eyes staring back at you.
“Sweetheart, please sit down. Let me get you some water. Are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?” Dean asked worried.
You sat down in the accent chair close by and brought your left hand to your head while holding the throw to cover your modesty with your right. That is when something cold touched your face. You looked down and saw a gold band on your finger. You felt dizzy with everything going around you. Then a warm hand was placed on your cheek.
Dean had some pants on now while crouching to your level and held a glass of water to your mouth. You gulped a little all the while staring at him. He put the glass down and now held your face in both of his hands and rubbing your cheeks softly with his thumbs.
“Are you feeling better now sweetheart?” he asked with a smile.
You knew right away what was happening. You just knew. All of this is something you think about before going to sleep every night. Sometimes when you were lucky you would even dream about this. Your perfect life with Dean. You and him married. Waking up with kisses from him. This bedroom of your dreams, with so much light. No longer the dark cold bunker room.
It was a Djinn.
You are currently being drained out of your blood as you were playing house with Dean. It was only fair that you played along till you found a way to get out of this nightmare. Or was it a blessing? You shook your head and looked at Dean.
“Sorry baby. I think it was a bad dream and I was still having the after effects of it for a second.”
“Are you sure sweetheart?”
“Yeah, I am sure Dean.”
Dean pulled you in for a kiss. You eyes closed as you were savoring this moment. Guess you don’t have morning breath in a djinn’s dream apparently.
You pulled back and smiled at him. He pulled you up walked you to the bed and slowly took the throw away from your body and you let him. You stood there naked in front of him a little nervous, but more content. Dean brought one of his shirts and helped you in it. He pulled the covers back and you both got back into the bed.
“Well as much as I like seeing you in your birthday suite we need to cover up. They will be marching in here any time soon.”
You looked at him with a quizzical look. Even before you could ask him about what he was talking about the door of the bedroom opened a little forcefully than needed and you heard giggles.
“Daddy daddy! Can we make pancakes today? Pleeeeease?” a little girl maybe 3 years old, with hair almost identical to yours jumped on Dean and asked him with big bright green eyes.
“Mommy, Grandpa said he will come over and take us for donuts” a boy who was a copy of dean looked over at you calmly explaining the breakfast options. He was no older than 8. He slowly crawled up the bed and lied down between you and Dean and opened a comic book and started reading.
“Nooo! I want chocolate chip pancakes. Pleeeeease?” said the little girl again.
At this point you stopped being shocked. I mean this is what Djinns do right. Show you what you always wanted. You just had to play along. You cannot panic again. Not in front of these two beautiful, innocent kids.
“Diana, grandpa John wants to take you, Dax and your cousins out for donuts today. We talked about this last night, right?” Dean spoke to your daughter. Your daughter? That was so weird to think, yet so satisfying.
“But but…I dreamt about choco chip pancakes. Can I get them?”
Dean sighed. You knew he would very easily give into your daughter’s commands.
You spoke up softly “Baby how about you get donuts with grandpa and we can have pancakes for lunch? You don’t wanna make grandpa sad right?” You nodded your head.
Diana got up from Dean, crossed over your son and planted herself on you with a huff.
“Baby be careful with mommy. You can’t jump on her like you do on me. We talked about this.”
You waved a hand and dismissed Dean saying you were ok.
She thought over for a few seconds about your offer and spoke up. “Okay. But I want extra chocolate chips in my pancakes” she agreed. You slowly wrapped you arm around her tiny body and brought her closer to your face. “Okay fine. But only this one time” you said and planted a kiss on her forehead. Diana did a little dance and blew a raspberry at Dax knowing she won and giggled.
Dax, even though he was a kid seemed very mature for his age. He just rolled his eyes at his sister’s antics and went back to reading his comic. Batman. You wouldn’t have expected anything else.
After Diana talking non stop about her dream and few other things Dean got the kids up from the bed and took them to get them ready for their grandpa to pick up. Wow, John was alive? Dean told you stories about his dad and how he missed him. You read John’s journal. Even though it was supposed to be your perfect dream you were glad this Dean was reunited with his father.
You were alone now and this was the perfect opportunity. With Dean busy with the kids you sprinted towards the kitchen downstairs. You remember when Dean told you about the time he was taken by a djinn and what he had to do to “wake” himself up. You knew what you had to do. You had to kill yourself in the dream to wake up. You wanted to wait till Dean sent the kids away. If you had enough time, you would somehow convince Dean to go with the kids, but that would be suspicious. Not sure how much the djinn was reading your thoughts already so, you had to act fast. After the kids were ready you heard a honk from outside. The kids waved a quick bye to you and Dean walked them out of the house. This is it.
You were going to do think quick and fast. You convinced yourself repeatedly that this is a dream. You had to. Because all of this was too tempting. Even if you had the perfect Dean here, he wasn’t your Dean. You needed to get to him. You took a sharp knife from the kitchen and rushed to the bedroom upstairs. You took a deep breath and was ready to do the deed.
“Y/N! Stop!” You quickly turned around and there was Dean with fear in his eyes looking at the knife.
“Baby whatever it is. Let’s talk. Please don’t harm yourself” Dean was trying to convince you in a calm voice, but his voice breaking at the end.
You looked at Dean mortified. How do you tell him that this is all a dream? How can you look into those beautiful eyes and break his heart. But you had no time.
“Dean. This is not real. You are not real. The kids are not real. This is a dream Dean. I need to wake up. This is the only way. Please don’t stop me” you said backing away from him. Dean took slow and cautious steps towards you with both his hands raised to show you he means no harm.
“Baby it is real. Everything is real Y/N. You and I are married and we have two beautiful kids. How can you look at their faces and say they are not real! Please put down the knife and let’s talk.” He had tears in his eyes at this point. He was hurting. You couldn’t bear to see him cry, even if it was not your Dean.
“No Dean. Stay back. I need to do this. Because the real you is waiting for me. I need to go to my Dean. Please don’t come any closer.” You had tears in your eyes as well.
“Please don’t hurt the baby Y/N. If you fear having the baby we can talk. We have two beautiful kids and you always wanted a third. Please don’t harm him” Dean begged.
The air got knocked out of your lungs. You looked down at your tummy. There wasn’t a visible bump, but then again you knew this was the djinn talking. He was taking advantage of your vulnerability. You shook your head and dismissed his words and turned the knife over and plunged it to your heart.
Dean screamed and came rushing towards you. He took you in his arms and held your head closer to his chest. You were hurting. Both physically and mentally.
Dean started talking.
“Why baby? Why?” Dean kept chanting over and over again while holding you and crying.
“Just….just..” You wanted to say something to him.
“What is it baby? Tell me?”
You coughed a little and whispered your final words to him.
“Just love me when I wake up. Love me when I wake up, Dean.”
-------- End of dream sequence
And you did wake up.
In front of you was Dean. His hand on your cheek hovering over you just like in the dream, but the only difference is he was worried and you were lying in the most uncomfortable bed. The springs were poking you a little from below, it was dark and smelled like mold. You knew immediately you were back in the warehouse. You wanted to say something, but you couldn’t.
“Oh sweetheart. You are safe.” Dean smiled a little and assured you and himself. “Sammy! She is awake! Call Cas now.” Everything that happened next was a blur. Dean picking you up and taking you to the car. You heard police sirens in the distance. Dean holding you to his chest and chanting “You are safe” repeatedly. Going back to the motel room. Somebody other than Dean touching your forehead. You feeling warm and dozing off to sleep.
You woke slowly. You knew right away you were back in the bunker. The bed feels a little different, the room a little warmer, not pitch dark. You looked to your right and it was like déjà vu. You saw Dean’s sleeping face again. Only this time he had his worry lines back. His freckles were a little lighter. Lashes still the same and those sinful lips even more kissable. He draped his arm around you and you could feel his breath tickling your face with every exhale. You were praying you weren’t back in the dream and realized you were in Dean’s room. As you were processing what happened Dean’s eyes slowly opened.
He smiled a little and said “Do you always stare at me when I am not looking?”
“You wish” you replied groggily. He pulled you closer to him and planted a kiss on your temple.
“Is this, okay?”
“What? You crushing me under you?”
Dean chuckled a little. “Yeah.”
“I don’t mind. But what prompted this?”
Dean sighed.
“Do you want to hear the story now or after breakfast? Or maybe dinner? I lost track of time”
“I woke up from a djinn’s dream Dean. You know how it is. Tell me. What happened? Is Sam okay? Did you guys find Sara? What about the others? I felt a pulse on all three…”
Dean interrupted you “Okay okay…one question at a time sweetheart”
“Okay, just tell me.”
“Sam is fine. We found Sara in the warehouse. All the kidnapped victims are fine. They are in the hospital, but Cas used some of his mojo to help them a little after he healed you. After you very recklessly took off to the warehouse, we are going have a long chat about that by the way, we found your note and the research and it confirmed that the two kidnappings were linked. The Captain was the link between these. I tried calling you and of course it went to voicemail. We traced your phone and rushed over to the warehouse. We found you and the others right away and knew it was a djinn. Sam and I quickly took off the needles and tried to wake you up. We were then attacked by not one but two djinns. A mother and son. We knocked them out and had to run back to the impala to get the silver knife and lamb’s blood. There we saw the captain’s car. He was distraught and broke down in front of us and spilled everything. He is not a djinn, but he married one. They gave birth to their son who also turned out to be a djinn. When they first moved to the town 18 years ago the captain’s wife was pregnant and she needed a lot of blood to survive after the labor. So, they kidnapped and killed the three poor victims back then. Him being the chief detective on the case was able to move the suspicion away from his wife. Now the kid grew up and on his 18th birthday he found out he was cursed to be a djinn as well. The mom was the one who arranged the private star party and lured these three college kids to their secret hideout and well…the rest you know. The things people do for love, right? The captain was ready to confess and surrender himself for the murder and kidnappings. We put him in cuffs and rushed inside to take care of the mom and the son. The mom woke up and she begged to spare her son’s life. I told her I couldn’t do that, but promised her that we can give them both painless deaths cause this wouldn’t end with this kidnapping. And then um…she then asked me if I wanted to know what you are dreaming about.”
 You were shocked a bit. Did you want Dean to know? Were you ready to tell him?
“What did you say Dean?”
“I told her I wouldn’t want to know. That it was your dream and it was private. Whatever it maybe”
You were relieved, but disappointed a little too. You wish somehow Dean knew what you dreamed about and why.
“I was about to take care of the mom when she said I was in your dreams and you were happy with me. She offered if I wanted to join you and have a peaceful life. No hunting. No gore.”
You looked at him expectantly. “I said no.”
It hurt. You didn’t know why. Of course you didn’t want him to be put under a spell and have his blood drained.
“I told her I would rather have the real you. A life with the real you.”
You looked up at him smiling and tears in your eyes.
“Yes sweetheart.” Dean kissed you on the temple assuring you.
“I then tried waking you up. You were still a bit under the spell, but we were able to successfully wake you up. Please never scare me like that again sweetheart.”
“I promise.”
“You know what you said when you woke up?”
You didn’t remember much. You were hoping you didn’t say something stupid.
“No. What did I say?”
“Love me when I wake up, Dean.”
You remembered now. You somehow wanted to tell Dean, any Dean what you always wanted. And you did. You closed your eyes and the tears spilled out.
“Y/N. Sweetheart. Please look at me.”
You shook your head no and turned your face away. Your insecurities and your over thinking were winning. Maybe Dean didn’t want to be with you like the way you want. Love? Could Dean do love?
Dean gently turned you face back to him.
“Look at me sweetheart. Please”
You opened your eyes and saw him smiling a teary smile.
“Do you love me sweetheart? I need to know”
All you could do was shake you head yes. Dean smile got a lot bigger and hovered over you.
“Can I please kiss you baby?”
You smiled wider and shook your head yes again. Dean crashed his lips to yours and held your face in his hands like you were something so fragile. Just like in the dream, but this was very much real.
“God! I wanted to kiss you for so long”
“Yeah really. Every time you laugh at my jokes or when you read a book and you are deep in thought and nibble on your bottom lip, every time you patch me up, every time you were on the receiving end of my anger, every time of every day.”
You just laughed at his confession and your heart swelled with happiness. You pulled him closer and deepened the kiss.
“I love you, Dean.”
“I love you too baby. And I will always love you when you wake up. Always.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Oh my lord, I just saw a thing on Pinterest that said: Of course I cum fast- I'm a busy man. I have places to be.
And first of all- hysterical. 10 out of 10. This man will not be shamed.
Second of all, of course- Here are the Horror Men I think would abandon you after cumming themselves VS The ones that would never leave you high and dry like that (Indented):
Warnings: Orgasm denial, selfish fucking/loving
(Most of) These men in this post:
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Animal The Cannibal: If Manny calls on him I bet he would go 😅 Sorryyyyy.
Billy Loomis: He likes the feeling of you cumming around him too much for that. Don't get me wrong- he is a pretty selfish lover. It's just that, part of his pleasure happens to come from yours.
Bo Sinclair: Nahhhhh. It's not that he's wanting to be kind to you- he just thinks it's a mark of a sissy if he can't get his lover to cum for him. It's for bragging rights.
Bubba Sawyer: Yeahh... sorry Y/N. If one of his brothers call on him he will ALWAYS go.
Candyman: Look, its not always!, so don't get me wrong- Daniel is a good lover. I'm sure he is. But at times he just... doesn't have the time 😅
Captain Spaulding: Sorry doll, he's got like 3 insane middle aged children running about not cleaning up their messes and he's gotta get on that shit XD
Chop Top Sawyer: If you've got his attention, which you certainly do if you're engaging in sex with him, then he's all yours. He's all for you.
Chucky Lee Ray: He's full of bullshit but he is also quite busy so... take this as you will.
Dr Suave: Ain't nothin' gonna keep him from the face you're gonna make sweet thing... (*Cough* Sweet talker)
Drayton Sawyer: GENUINLEY REAL BUSY!! He'd stay if he could!! Don't sulk though, he'll get pissy at you.
Freddy Krueger: Damn, you're waking up! Well- Goodluck!~ (This asshole)
Harper Alexander: This man is Buckman's bitch- he literally pimps himself out for him 😅 So... yeah... Maybe you could talk to Buckman? Ask him not to call on Harper during the hours of 5-8pm On Friday Nights please??? 😆
Inkubus: Not his style.
Jack Dante: It depends on where his head is. It's hard to keep him in one place for long- if he's got his head in the clouds, his show is on, or he's got 'work to do', he'll literally just take care of himself and then fuck off. (If you manage to hold his attention though he WILL go until you fall asleep and then be there waiting when you wake up again. Stamina for days, I swear).
Jason Voorhees: The chances are, if you've gotten Jason to engage in... the act!!... then its gonna be all about you, anyway. He might not want to cum. It's in his nature to take care of the people he loves, anyway. So it's kinda the other way around, here... but voluntarily.
Jedidiah Sawyer: Too sweet. Plus, without a family shooing him this way and that anymore, he's suddenly got so much more time on his hands! Haha.
Jerry Dandridge: If he's sleeping with you his full attention is on you, and very little will have to power to stop it.
Kieran Wilcox: I love the idea that this too-cool-for-school, bastard guy- has really bad stamina (: So (: Yeah (:
Leslie Vernon: This asshole 😅 He's like sorry sweetie, I have preparations to do, *Forehead kiss*, love you so much, see ya! (He's being genuine, too. This is not a line because he's being lazy or selfish- He gets tunnel vision something fierce).
Lester Sinclair: I swear he hates leaving you unfulfilled, he really really hates it, but sometimes he just needs a little something to keep him happy before going to see his brothers and he doesn't have time to take care of you. He will when he gets back!! He promises.
Max Grief: He just wouldn't wanna leave you displeased. He wants to make you happy (:
Mayor Buckman: This one genuinly makes me laugh XD This man, oh my lord. Someone will knock on the door and he'll be OFF- forgetting in his eagerness to be do Town Duties that he first has duties to you goddamnit!-
Mental Manny: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a dick. I'm sorry, but a dick appointment with Manny is just that- an appointment. And like any asshole with an appointment book he will decide once he's got what he wanted out of the transaction that oh, sorry, time is up! He has to go preach to some devotees for an hour. Bye sweetheart!~
Michael Myers: You just know he would. He does not care.
Mickey Altieri: Just not a selfish lover. It's equal with him.
Midnight Man: He might think its a game... 😅
Monty Hewitt: Well fuck, who knows what Hoyt might saw off him if he ignores him this time?? Please believe him when he says he wants to stay though, he really fucking does.
Otis B Driftwood: 'I'll go around back and take control, like I always fucken do'- Otis has clearly got a complex for being the Big Man in Charge, yes. And this is part of the reason he will leave you high and dry... the other part though is him being a DICK.
Patrick Bateman: Like Michael, he doesn't care. You can finish up yourself while he gets his keto dinner started.
Pennywise: I feel like with Penny its marathon sex or it's nothin', so yeah you're gonna cum. Do not fear.
Rocco The Clown: No way in hell will anyone ever tear him away from you. Oh, no. He (And I) would like to see them try.
Stu Macher: Would also genuinely say that 😅 Will answer every beck and call of Billy's and so thinks he's a very busy man. Call him back though and he probably will listen to you. Sorry Billy.
Stuart Lloyd: Okay- this man has probably not had sex for a LONG time- if ever. So yeah- even the muse gets ignored during that time XDD 😅 He~ is~ desperate (:
DBD The Clown: Sometimes he's too tired, which is understandable I suppose, but the asshole part?? He giggles about it. I mean, after that he coughs because he has not taken care of his body, but first he definetly giggles =_=
DBD The Deathslinger: He ain't as young as he once was- you just gotta give him a moment to breath XD Usually. Sometimes he will just smirk at you and leave, though. Cuz he's an EVIL COWBOY.
The Djinn: Not his style- Part 2.
The Man: He just would =_=
The Taxidermist: Like Stuart he is has been very dry for a very long time and he is NOT about to mess up this chance.
Thomas Hewitt: I would say he's the same as Bubba... but Thomas is a little tougher. Unless Luda Mae tried to call him away... you're good. He'll always finish you off before answering anyone else. (And Luda Mae wants grandbabies too much to pull him away XDD )
Vincent Sinclair: Sex is a whole night with him. He will have planned to have the whole evening and through the night without an interruption, so you don't run into any problems like this ^^
Winslow Foxworth Coltrane: Nahhhhhhh. He's likin' what's going on here too much. Not even Otis on cocaine with a gun will separate him from you.
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lettersvoid · 1 year
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
⋘ Welcome to Ghostic's writing blog! ⋙
Here's my main blog!
The fandom that I write for currently:
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Requests: Temporarily closed!
characters I write for:
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Mairuma teachers!
+ other adults
both platonic and romantic!
Only for 'x Reader fics' (please add the gender of the reader when requesting)
I can write:
Smut (not yet)
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ghosticosmic · 1 year
Sketch Dump
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You can definitely tell who my favorite teachers are
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Monster Fuckability Tournament
Round One
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i'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments/notes!
"Although generally invisible, jinn are supposed to be composed of thin and subtle bodies (Arabic: أَجْسَام, romanized: ʾajsām), and can change at will. They favour a snake form, but can also choose to appear as scorpions, lizards, or as humans. They may even engage in sexual affairs with humans and produce offspring. If they are injured by someone, they usually seek revenge or possess the assailant's body, refusing to leave it until forced to do so by exorcism. Jinn do not usually meddle in human affairs, preferring to live with their own kind in tribes similar to those of pre-Islamic Arabia." Wikipedia
Photo credit: mythology.net
"Beliefs about dragons vary considerably through regions, but dragons in Western cultures since the High Middle Ages have often been depicted as winged, horned, and capable of breathing fire. Dragons in eastern cultures are usually depicted as wingless, four-legged, serpentine creatures with above-average intelligence. Commonalities between dragons' traits are often a hybridization of feline, reptilian, mammal, and avian features." Wikipedia
Photo credit: Friedrich Justin Bertuch from 1806
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khanrelli · 10 months
anesthetic aftermath | kamala x bruno
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a fanfic with Kamala Khan and Bruno Carrelli from Ms. Marvel
Bruno is practically drunk on anesthesia after having his wisdom teeth removed and has some things to say to Kamala. word count: 568 warnings: none read it on archive of our own! inspired by this work called wisdom teeth dedicated to icee
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It was a Friday afternoon when Kamala received a call from her best friend's nonna. "Nonna! Hope you're doing well. What're you calling for?" Kamala asked. She knew that it had to be somewhat serious if his nonna called her.
"Ahh, Kamala. Mio nipote.." Which meant 'my grandson' in Italian; Kamala thanked context clues. "Bruno is done with wisdom tooth surgery. I can not pick him up. Can your parents pick him up and bring him to our home, please?" Bruno's nonna asked. The Khans would help her in a heartbeat, but her parents were out for the day, and Aamir was with Tyesha.
She didn't want to say no to Bruno's nonna. "Don't worry, I can drive him home," Kamala replied. "Grazie, my dear Kamala!" Bruno's nonna said excitedly. She proceeded to give Kamala the details of where the dentist was.
When she arrived, he was slurring his words and laughing uncontrollably. Kamala could hardly understand what he was saying. She put his arm around her and dragged him to the car.
"How're you doing, Bruno?" Kamala asked, trying to stifle her laughter.
"My mouth is gooone," Bruno drawled. He had a cast around his head and cotton in his mouth. She couldn't help but feel bad, but this was just too funny for the girl. "Can we taalk? Pleaseee?" 
Kamala chuckled. "Sure, what do you want to talk about?"
"I just wanted to ask you something," Bruno said, his voice & face becoming serious but still evident that he was not thinking straight.
"What is it?" Kamala asked, slightly concerned. She knew it was probably nothing to worry about, but she had never heard him this serious (loopy or not).
"You kept the secret a-boot Kamala, right?" Bruno asked. At least he still ensured her being a superhero was kept under wraps, even while drugged. Also, was he turning Canadian?
"Yes, Bruno. The secret about Kamala is safe and sound." Kamala said as she opened the door and settled him into her front seat. She fastened the seatbelt over him. 
"Wooow, so secure!" Bruno said. It would've come across as sarcastic from anyone else, but he looked like he wanted to be genuine. She'd tell him all about how stupid he was the day after. Kamala walked around the car to the driver's seat.
"Are you   sure  the secret is safe?" He said, looking at her as she entered the car. She looked at him back while putting in her keys. He looked hilarious and a little gross. "I am 100% sure," Kamala reassured him. 
"Alright, cause... I don't want Kamala to know I like her, okay?" Bruno said very worriedly.
That was definitely NOT what she was expecting. Did that mean what she thought it meant?  She'd take it the friendly way, just to be sure. "You're best friends. I'm sure she knows you like her." Kamala replied. She started the car.
"But, like, I've had a crush on her forever. She still has no idea." He said, chuckling. 
Kamala felt her cheeks heat up. "Well, I heard a rumor she likes you back."
Bruno scoffed, "Pfft. Yeah, right." 
Kamala shrugged, trying to play it cool. "I'm being serious! I think you should tell her one day."
He furrowed his eyebrows at her and thought about it. "Okay. One day." 
She grinned and drove him home. She hoped that he would pull through with that plan.
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mgrfp · 9 months
Monster Girl Romance Fiction Prompt #32
With a scrap of a map and some knowledge of local legends you find the magic lamp you've been fantasizing about for years. The Genie's totally different from your imagination because she went to finishing school in the 19th Century. She dresses conservatively and she only grants wishes if you ask politely over tea and she vanishes whenever you say something uncouth. You fall in love anyway.
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dragon-fics · 4 months
(DnD) Dancing & Flying (Copper Dragon X Fem Reader)
Chapter summary: After years of being with your mate, he gets a message from an old djinn friend
If you enjoyed this pls reblog and like as my work doesnt meet many ppl and I'm not doing so good. links to my AO3, DA, RiTF & Wattpad
The sky was always bright in the desert. Day or night, it was always easy to navigate. I had no fear of getting lost.
I didn’t really fear the little creatures scampering around either. With my toes in the sand and the breeze in my hair, it made me feel untouchable. Or maybe he did.
Just like every trip, it was time to return home, and the best way was in the last dark hours of the morning, strumming my lyre and skipping along as geckos and scorpions twitched and ran beside me.
On my hip bounced my shoes, a small bag of jewels and a painted dragon charm. Its soft red metallic tint made it look like a real copper dragon.
It reminded me of him.
I hummed to myself softly, feeling the rays of the sun climb the exposed skin of my legs, back and shoulders. My body buzzed with warmth, and I spun around, the tassels from my clothes jingling.
“There’s my little dancer,” purred a voice from above.
He always loved my dancing.
I couldn’t help but smile. “Where else would I be?” I shrugged a shoulder and rocked on my feet; my fingers wrapped around my lyre behind me.
The rising sun made his copper scales sparkle, his elegant wings waving to keep himself afloat. He looked so weightless.
He chuckled, a smile warming his face and my own more than the sun. “I never know where I might find you.”
I giggled. “Don’t be silly, Nerhuthan. I’d never be far from you.” I held my hands up to him, hooking my lyre on my belt.
He lowered himself down gently in front of me, his head in my hands. Nerhuthan pushed his face against them and hummed. “I’ve missed you.”
My face softened and I pecked his snout. “Well, I’m home now, Tan.” I scratched under his jaw, just where he liked it. His rear leg tapped on the ground quickly. I giggled softly and removed my hand.
Nerhuthan hummed, deep and loud. “With plenty of time to give me affection and tell me all the tales from your travels.” He sat down and set out his forearms for me to sit in.
I took my spot in his hold, and he took off towards his lair, hidden behind an outcropping of stone in a cool canyon. He tightened his hold on me gently and landed in the cave, warm candlelight replaced the dull orange of the rising sun.
I jumped out of Nerhuthan’s arms and looked over the cave. Not much had changed; the hoard was its usual size of gold, gems, and burnished metals, catching the light in its most beautiful way, adding red, blue, green, and silver hues to the cave. Hung above the hoard, and opposite our nest, was the portrait he’d had made of us; me stood in front, Nerhuthan behind me, head over my shoulder and claws around my waist caringly. My purple outfit complimented his copper scales well; similar to the teal one I was wearing now. I’d gotten used to the portrait, even if I thought was a bit over-the-top originally.
Nerhuthan slithered up behind me and put his claws around my waist. “I really like when you wear these dancer outfits.”
Heat rose to my face and lifted my head to look at him. “And why’s that? Because there’s a lot of skin on show?” I teased.
He shook his head. “No. Though I do like that too. Dragons are all natural, after all.” He winked. “But I like it more because I met you in an outfit like this.” He licked my bare shoulder delicately.
“Well ain’t you a sweet sentimentalist?” I smiled and pecked his cheek. I slipped out of his hold and made my way over to my wardrobe and dressing screen.
Nerhuthan followed me over. “How could I not admire my greatest treasure of all? And the tale of how I found her.”
I spun to look at him when I was beside the wardrobe. “Well, you have a lovely portrait to admire, don’t you?” I smirked and reached to grab my nightwear.
“Do you not like it?” his voice was soft, wounded sounding.
I looked at him quickly, feeling bad that I’d upset him. “No, I do. I like it.” I shuffled over to him and reached to pet his face. He pushed his head into my hands. I sighed softly and kissed his forehead. “I was just teasing. I just meant that when I’m not here you can still admire me.”
Nerhuthan looked aside. “It’s not the same,” he said.
My face softened, and I lifted his head in my hands. “I know it’s not. I wouldn’t want to stare at a portrait of my handsome guy over you being here.”
His lips lifted into a curl, and he licked my face, chuckling. “Knew you cared.”
I gasped and crossed my arms. “How dare you?!” I turned my back to him.
Nerhuthan nudged me with his snout. “I’m sorry.”
I sighed and touched his face softly. “It’s alright.” I went behind my screen and grabbed my nightwear. “You’re sentenced to not seeing me ‘all natural’, though.” I stuck out my tongue and got changed.
“You wound me!” he said dramatically, but he didn’t come any closer to look over the screen.
I came out in a vest and shorts, stretching and striding towards the mass of blankets and pillows. I jumped into it, sinking right in.
Nerhuthan chuckled and joined me, the bed bowing and shifting under his weight. “So, tell me, little dancer, what news have you brought?”
I rolled over, curling up as I faced him. “Well, as you know, I went to the Arn Forest, not far from here really, but the rest of the performers were eager to stay. The audiences tipped well and were very uh, friendly towards us.” That was the best way to put it, but my skin crawled.
Nerhuthan narrowed his eyes at me. “What does that mean?” a growl rose in his voice.
I chewed my lip. “They uh, were very touchy-feely. I handled it though… no thanks to any of my co-workers,” I huffed.
He was silent for a moment, contemplating my words. “Well, maybe next time I should come with you. Those that touch a dragon’s treasure—"
“—lose a finger.” I finished. “I know. And usually, I’d disagree with you, but… I think that might be needed.”
He reached a gentle paw to my face and touched his nose to my hair. “I will protect you. You know that.”
I nodded and touched his face. “Anyways. Other than that, it was fine. Heard some folktale, sang some songs. Danced a lot.”
Nerhuthan tilted his head. “Oh? And would you like to share?”
I nodded. He always enjoyed hearing about all the cultures and stories I heard about. If he could’ve been there himself to learn, he would’ve. Talking about all I’d learned always brought me back to the night we’d met, all thanks to the party hosted in Zlinding, at the hand of the ruler of Alberaad—the state we lived in.
The night was young and lively; the moon lit the courtyard and music filled the air. I was dancing on the raise floor, hips swaying quickly. Our partnering band played behind me and the other dancers.
The crowd in front of me was joining in the beat and offering coins into the purses hanging on our belts or at the tips of our feet. They encouraged the music, and the music encouraged us. The rhythm possessed my mind and body. Nothing could break the connection.
Until I saw him.
An elegant slender body of copper scales, topaz eyes fixated on the stage. On us. on me.
My face heated up and my thoughts paused completely. Time seemed to drag on for the couple of seconds we locked eyes. His lips curled and before I could pull myself out of this trance and talk to him, he slipped a large gold coin into the purse on my lip.
I knew I was thankful, but no words came out of my mouth. It took the dancer beside me, Miley, nudging me to speak.
“Thank you!” I shouted over the music.
He bobbed his head and remained with the crowd, and even when we tidied up our stage, collecting the dropped coins, roses and gemstones, he lingered in the courtyard.
While the musicians and dancers packed up the wagons, he was sat patiently by the archway, talking with some of the passing musicians, my boss, Jarmid, included. I glided my way over to them, curious about the gathering.
Before I reached them, Jarmid came to me. “He quite likes you. He could be a good patron. Entertain him for a bit.”
I glanced at the dragon; he looked as warm as his scales did. I wiped my sweaty brow and fixed my hair. “I’ll try.”
“You will,” Jarmid pressured, and pushed me in the dragon’s direction.
I stumbled into the ring of people and bowed to the dragon. “You’ve been of great support tonight.” I smiled as bright as I could and lifted my head.
He acknowledged me with a nod and shifted his position to see me better. “You were quite the artist up there, my lady. I enjoyed your performance.” His voice was warm and soothing, like honey, aged but not too old. He seemed trustworthy, and the bag on his chest and the jewellery he wore on his horns, neck, legs, and tail all showed he could be quite a wealthy client.
“Why thank you. You tipped ever so generously up there,” I gestured my head towards the stage.
He chuckled. “I had to. Such a masterpiece such as yourself needs to be donned with gold!”
I smiled widely and played with my hair to ease my thumping heart. “Th-That’s very sweet of you, sir.”
He waved his bejewelled paw. “Please, call me Nerhuthan.”
I nodded. “And I am (Y/N).”
Nerhuthan nudged me with his snout. “It’s good that you got home safe, and that the trip wasn’t too awful, even with the local’s… interest.”
I nodded and massaged Nerhuthan’s claw. “Me too. Also! I found the art so interesting there. The wood sculptures were wonderful!”
He nodded and hummed. “Maybe I should commission one of you.”
I laughed. “Don’t go too extreme, Tan.” I kissed his claw. “What about you? What has my pretty mate gotten up to?”
Nerhuthan smiled widely and reached behind him. “An old friend got in contact with me!” He presented a scroll with a broken seal.
“Oh wow. Who?” I took it from him and opened it up to scan through.
“Haamafaat, my old Djinn friend.”
The name bounced around in my head. Nerhuthan had won his lamp in a wager before he’d returned to the Elemental Plane. They had been friends for a number of decades by now.
“And he wishes to meet up with you?” I looked up from the letter. So far, it had been full of briefings of events in Haamafaat’s life; the reuniting of him with the other Djinni, some summoning he’d had at the hands of a distant king, and the finishing of his palace.
He shook his head. “Not just me. Us. He invited me to bring my partner if I had one. And I’d like to bring you.” He beamed.
I looked at the letter. “I wouldn’t want to impose on your boys’ day. You’ve not seen him in so long!”
Nerhuthan shook his head. “Nonsense! He’s invited you. Us. Plus, he’d call me a liar if I raved about you and not bring you—” he rolled his eyes, “—how embarrassing would that be if I blabbered on about you only for him to laugh.”
I giggled. “Alright. Let’s sleep on it. Let him know later to expect me to be with you.”
He nodded and touched his snout to my forehead. “That sounds perfect, (Y/N).” He gently took the scroll from me, and I yawned. “Let’s rest.” With a clap of his paw, the cave went dark, and I snuggled in under his wing.
Haamafaat was an eccentric guy. No major details or detailed instructions followed. Just a note saying to be ready on the evening of the full moon and “someone would be sent for us”.
I sighed and put the letter aside as I made a small pack for us. I was nervous about this and confused. Haamafaat was so strange, but Nerhuthan trusted him, and I trusted Nerhuthan.
“Do not worry, little dancer,” Nerhuthan hummed and touched his snout to the back of my neck. “We will be safe. All is taken care of.”
Nodding, I turned to look at him. “I know. I just don’t understand any of this. We’re travelling to a whole new plane! This isn’t like travelling a bit south and popping in to see some gathering of nobles in a city. We’re going to be around a bunch of Djinni and-and pixies and stuff!”
He chuckled. “We’ll be just fine, (Y/N). You’ll be fine.” He looked out the cave mouth. The sky was a dark orange, and the air was cooling. “Let’s head out, shall we?” He recommended we stay in a large, open space.
I stood up and grabbed my shawl to slip on. “Let’s.” I nodded. Nerhuthan reached to pick me up and place me on his back.
Nerhuthan kept his pace slow so I wouldn’t be thrown about as he walked out of the canyon and out into the dunes. He stood still with me and counted down to the moment we were supposed to join our guide.
When the sun and moon shared the sky, seated on opposite sides of the horizon, a portal opened in front of us from thin air. A blast of air and a glaring blue light hit us, causing a whirlwind of sand to swarm around us. I hid behind Nerhuthan’s neck and shut my eyes; the shawl caught in the wind and slapping my body.
Nerhuthan straightened his neck and watched the portal. “Haamafaat?” he questioned. I peeked an eye open. A dark figure was stepping the portal. As she emerged, we could see her better. She appeared young, with a slim sky-blue face, cracked with pale lightning bolts, and white long curly locks framing her looks. She wore a short loose white blouse and beige pantaloons, but her legs weren’t very solid looking. They were like a thick whorl of smoke curling and dancing towards the ground. Looking over her, she wasn’t much taller than me.
Nerhuthan jerked. “You’re not Haamafaat.” He bared his teeth, wings stiffening.
She shook her head. “No, Haamafaat is my father. I am Celeste. He sent me to bring you, the finest of his children.” She bowed. “It’s an honour to meet you, Master Nerhuthan.”
Nerhuthan bobbed his head, hastily. “Yes well… none of this ‘Master’ business Celeste.”
Celeste nodded and raised her head. “As you wish.” She peered over Nerhuthan’s shoulder. “Father said you would have company,” she smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.”
I nodded, squinting at the harsh light. I could feel a migraine forming. “Ye-Yes. Thank you. Great to meet you too.” I shifted on his back and rested my forehead to his neck. The pain was eyewatering. I hugged my shawl closer to me as the wind tugged on it.
Nerhuthan hummed with concern. “Can we travel, please? I’ve waited a long time to see Haamafaat again.” He reached to touch my body, and I put a hand on his paw. He knew.
Celeste agreed. “Of course. Father is eager to see you.” She turned around and floated towards the portal.
I kept my face hidden as I felt Nerhuthan step forward. Even with closed eyes, the bright portal light seeped through to hurt my eyes. A harsh chill hit me as I gripped Nerhuthan. And as soon as the shock passed, I felt warmer, and the area was calmer. A whoosh sounded behind me and all I heard was my breathing.
Nerhuthan twisted his neck to look at me. “You can open your eyes, little dancer,” he said, touching his snout to my head.
Gingerly, I opened my eyes, warm sunlight greeting me. The ground beneath us was green and lush, grass wavering in an easy breeze. A quick glance around was overwhelming. Countless islands were floating in a waterless blue sea of air. No two were the same. Some large some small. A few close ones had palaces and towers built on them. I saw a couple of shimmering blue dragons glide between the masses of dirt and green. I must have gawked because Celeste was giggling. Nerhuthan and I looked at her.
“Mortals always have the funniest reactions,” she grinned.
It was then that I saw that the portal she had opened and led us through was no longer there and had been replaced with a tall white and blue palace, clouds taking the place of hedges and steam bubbling out of a fountain, tumbling down as water would.
Feeling Nerhuthan breathing on my neck made me turn my head, slowly as my headache faded. He looked quite impressed, jaw hanging slack and eyes glistening in awe. He looked quite cute, like a stunned little dragonling.
I smiled softly at him and kissed his snout so get his attention.
Nerhuthan’s gold eyes darted down to me and cleared his throat. “This place is lovely, Celeste. May I ask, though, where does Haamafaat live?”
Celeste gestured her head towards the palace in front of us. “He’ll be in there waiting for you.” She placed something small and dark blue on her shoulder. It scampered across her chest and onto her opposite shoulder, white tipped sticky feet padding across. It was a tiny salamander. I thought it was cute.
Nerhuthan nodded. “Thank you, Celeste.” He turned his body around and made his way through the parted cloud-hedges.
“This place is wonderful,” I whispered to him, gaze moving constantly. A few swift Arrowhawks flew past Haamafaat’s island, and a large Crystal Dragon passed over us, shadowing us for at least a couple of seconds.
“It is, (Y/N),” Nerhuthan nodded, eyes following the Crystal Dragon long enough to pass through one hedge. With a jolt, he looked at his glistening legs, layered in condescension. “Oh no.” He tried to gather some of the neighbouring clouds to make a new hedge, but poor Nerhuthan just enlarged the gap.
“That’ll fix itself, Master Nerhuthan,” came a calm, respectful voice.
Nerhuthan spun around to see the owner of the voice. He was a dark blue djinn before is, dressed in a dark sapphire robe. He bore a tray in his hand and a silver torc on his neck. The tray suggested he was a servant.
Nerhuthan cleared his throat. “Thank you. I was looking for Haamafaat?”
The djinn bowed his head. “Yes, Master Haamafaat will be with you soon. He asked that I prepare tea for you while he deals with business.” He turned, dark blue mist-tail trailing behind him. “Come with me, please.” He started off down a path to the castle.
Nerhuthan felt tense beneath me as he walked, glancing back at the hedge. I pet his neck. “I’m sure Haamafaat will understand it was a mistake. You’re hardly the first to do it,” I assured.
He nodded nervously. “Yes. I hope so.”
The djinn servant led to a covered patio with a set of cream chaises set out with a table beside each. “Please, have a seat.” He went over to a nearby tea station.
Nerhuthan lay on one of the chaises and sighed softly. I slipped off and sat by his head. The servant gave use a couple cups of tea—a large cup for Nerhuthan, and a selection of tea scones, queen cakes and macarons. This place felt too fancy for me.
I slowly pulled off my shawl and looked at Nerhuthan. “I’ve never been in a palace like this.” I said, not willing to grab my tea yet, nervous to spill some on the seat.
Nerhuthan was about to respond when a voice cut him off; “It’s one of a kind!”
We quickly lifted out heads, Nerhuthan grinned. “Hello, old friend.”
Haamafaat stepped onto the patio, glass of wine in hand, contrasting with his dark blue skin and purple robes. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.” He settled down opposite us. “A last-minute meeting was arranged with the caliph.” He rolled his eyes. “So, I had to send Celeste. I hope she wasn’t too… much.” He tilted his head and smiled.
I found myself shaking my head before I could stop myself.
“No. She was a wonderful guide.” Nerhuthan smiled. “It’s good to see you.”
Haamafaat nodded. “It is! Please, tell me what’s happened.”
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
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mystic-writings · 11 months
this is. this is actually one of the heaviest, if not the heaviest fic i've ever written. dean girlies i am sorry
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devilrosola · 2 years
Delve in Deep
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Another chapter of Princess of Balbadd is out! Had this image created to get the feel of the later half ordeal.
I was hoping to finish up this dungeon this chapter, but sadly it was getting too long, even with cutting a lot of character development so we'll be giving Valac another chapter while trimming down on some of the later adventures.
Chapter 28
Rating: G (Overall T, but this chappie is G) Warnings: None in this chapter Words: 2555 (67,415 total so far)
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Horror Villains and: What They Would Put in the Hat
(The 7 Minutes in Heaven hat)
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This was pretty much inspired by This post by @your-mxnd-is-mxne ! ^^
Warnings: Cursing and gore (As in limbs being put in the hat)
Animal the Cannibal: A potato peeler. BE CAREFUL.
Baby Firefly: A cute scrunchie. Put it in your hair!! She thinks you'll look so cute ^^ If you don't have hair/its too short, you can put it in hers! ^^ (So basically you win everything)
Billy Loomis: A folded up poster for the local cinema's horror night. They're playing Psycho, The Birds and then Psycho 2 Back-To-Back.
Bo Sinclair: Little plyers. he never leaves home without them, so you better give them back! Play nice and he may use them on you *cough*
Bubba Sawyer: A pig femur... its not clean...
Candyman: A little leather bound journal with his poetry in it. If he likes you, maybe he'll read you some!!
Captain Spaulding: A pamphlet for his shop! He'd just fucken love to show you around.
Carrie White: A pencil. She wasn't sure and she didn't have a whole lot on her! she hopes that's okay ^^
Chop Top Sawyer: His sunnies! Not his wig, that's special. But you got his glasses! He even wants to see you put them on.
Chucky Lee Ray: He put his whole damn shoe in there. I mean, he's a doll. Why not? // If he's in his human form, though, maybe... a... condom...
BONUS for @your-mxnd-is-mxne because its their idea in the first place ^^ Daddy Hall- *cough* I mean Doc Halloran!: Bullet casing. Its, oddly enough, the only thing that was in his pockets?? 😅 After all he is only here to hunt Leslie- see if you can distract him, though.
Dr Suave: A pack of tooth floss from his pocket. He's a dentist, what do you expect from him?
Drayton Sawyer: The keys to the chilly van (Its all he had on him). He's gonna want them back.
Freddy Krueger: A scrap oh his sweater and it turns to dirty brown dust as soon as you see what it is.
Granny Boone: Buckman's initialed handkerchief.
Harper Alexander: A twig that's been widdled a whole bunch. It may snap in your hand- don't you worry, he don't mind ^^
Inkubus: Ripped piece of paper with a backwards K scribbled into it. You get ink stains on your fingers.
Jack Dante: An action figure! Probably He-Man or something. You can play with it for now but you're gonna give it back when he goes home.
Jason Voorhees: A chunk of moss. Its squishy and fresh.
Jedidiah Sawyer: A tie! He's a well dressed man and always brings an extra XD
Jennifer Check: Cherry Coke Chapstick! You know she's that super cool person who had all the branded soda flavours. And she may even apply some to you~
Jerry Dandridge: His scarf. And its cold- why don't you wear it for a while?~ He's very charming. And this is the man you're gonna get stuck in a closet alone with for nearly 10 minutes! Goodluck-
Leslie Vernon: His mask. He's gotta spread the word!! Make sure people know who he is! This felt like a marketing opportunity.
Lester Sinclair: That grizzly lookin' knife of his. Listen to him chat about it and he'll love you forever.
Luda Mae Hewitt: Wooden spoon. Her logic? If she goes in there with someone iffy she can beat them with it.
Max Grief: Cassette tape out of his car. He wasnt sure what to really put in, so, *shrug*
Mayor Buckman: Boone's initialed handkerchief (Yeahhhh, they're cute like that XD).
Mental Manny: Straw twisted and bent into the shape of some satanic symbol. You feel uncomfortable holding it. But oh, he wants you to have it now~~ A gift.
Michael Myers: Someone's ear.
Mickey Altieri: A snack. Like a cookie from a vending machine or a pack of 2 minute noodles. You can have it, no worries.
Midnight Man: The page with the names on it. ... wanna play a game?
Miss Quinn: Her hand mirror. Come on now, sweetheart!!~ We'll make you look pretty.
Monty Hewitt: A screwdriver. You got anything he can fix up rela quick? He doesn't mind, if it means he can get away from Hoyt for a bit.
Otis B. Driftwood: You don't wanna know. I'm not telling you. Put it down.
Pamela Voorhees: Her drivers licence. She was looking in her wallet and thought it was logical- plus she sure as hell wasn't putting in her polaroid of Jason.
Patrick Bateman: His card, of course. Its so damn crisp- you get a paper cut.
Pennywise: A horn! Honk honk!
Rocco the Clown: Some poor bastard's kneecap. Yes. A kneecap. And I still won't tell you what Otis put in the hat.
Roman Bridger: A very fancy pen. The kind thats like 50 dollars for one. It's for signing contracts but he likes to show off that he has it.
Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt Jr: 'His' sheriff's badge! He wants you to comment on it, too- call him Sheriff Hoyt- stroke his ego. That's all he wants.
Stu Macher: A lollipop! You can have it, he's already sucking one. You two can have matching blue tongues!
Stuart Lloyd: Someone forced him to chuck in the USB that his little movie is on- he's terribly anxious about it and hope that you'll just give it right back and don't play it. Its not done...
DBD! The Clown: A little travel bottle with a suspicious liquid inside. He suggests that you drink it... I suggest you do not. Unless, you know, you're into it-
DBD! The Deathslinger: A wrench. He's a handy man and never leaves the house without his handy wrench!
The Djinn: ... the jewel...
DBD! The Huntress: A bunny ear from a bunny doll. She can do it herself but if you sew it back onto her dolly then you have a friend for life.
The Man (Hush): A switchblade. He's gonna want it back but (; you can keep it while you're in the closet with him if it makes you feel safer.
Taxidermist: Some kind taxidermists tool. Maybe a fleshing cone or a necker knife.
Thomas Hewitt: A pretty rock. 🪨
Vincent Sinclair: A notepad so he can talk to you if you don't know sign language ^^
Winslow Foxworth Coltrane: A crushed can of coke. He doesn't carry shit around with him and he sure as fuck is not handing over his knife.
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