#yah i need him to do this again pleaseeee
rattkachuk · 1 month
Anon is probs talking about this look
OR this look
i have seen the second one but THANK U FOR THISSSSS
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you don't even know how much this made my night. AHHHHHHH
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laceymorganwrites · 2 years
mini jjk related rant
ugh okay I need to get a few things off my chest 
so first of all:
I´m not a shipper but the stronghold Yuki x Choso has on me ??? like pls
I think it´s cause he´s my comfort character and I just want him to be happy hehe (also I lowkey kin Yuki, wanted to cosplay her for a year now but when I finished her cosplay it was already too cold so now I´m just waiting for it to get warmer so I can shoot it)
then I really wanted to start rping again but literally...it is impossible to find a good partner these days >.< I don´t even care if we do a ship or oc shit, I love both of that so yeah if you want to rp too (and share my fandoms lmao) pleaseeee slide into my dms (I mean that applies generally, I´d still like to make some friends on here)
self ship things under the cut!
and then the self ship thing. look, I don´t rlly talk about it that much on here anymore because apparently gatekeeping is still a thing which is fucking stupid (I mean I´m personally team: if we share the same s/o let´s just share overall, there can never be too much love for a character)
but yeah so basically I´ve been thinking about why it´s so hard for me to have my silly little daydreams with Sugu and I think it´s cause I could never in a million years pull a guy like him. I mean I´m building a fucking shrine for him so yah obsessed much (could and will write essays about why I love him if asked)
but the thing is in aus it´s not an issue, I could easily figure out how the falling in love and dating process would work in a no powers au or our dynamic in a mafia au, but canon?? not possible and it pisses me off cause I´ve been so deep into the lore and world of jjk lately (and csm crossover but that´s just for comfort reasons) and even though I created the Dämmerlicht exactly for that (the concept, not the fic series, that was a joint effort xD) I can´t insert myself into it no matter how hard I try because Sugu is just that far out of my league, he´s exactly the guy I want but man, why is it always the emotionally unavailable ones >.<
anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk xD 
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yaya-does-things · 4 years
Nap time with the Obey me! boys
So basically.... I’ve been super into the Obey Me! Fandom so.... of course I’m gonna write some content. Anyway, I thought of a cute idea with an MC who enjoys a good nap time. As someone who is partial to taking naps for an hour at four almost everyday, I found writing this quite self indulgent haha. Anyway, please enjoy, and to all of the people who are fellow nappers, this one’s for you *wink*
was looking for MC one day when he found them asleep on the couch in the living room
why were they there? Wouldn’t it be better to just sleep in their own room? Is the couch even COMFORTABLE???
none of these questions get answered of course
he just stands there for a bit, watching MC peacefully sleep
they look absolutely ADORABLE
he would move them to his room just to keep them to himself
but they look much too peaceful
so he leaves them alone
when they wake up, a blanket has been thrown over them
they soon find out it was Lucifer, since he mentions that if they need a nap, his room is always open
MC smiles with a blush, and they seem to take up that offer quiiiiite often, especially when Lucifer is stressed from working
Once MC was welcomed to his room for naps, they were there CONSTANTLY
Doesn’t even want to sleep unless they know Luci has slept well himself
If MC even finds that Luci stayed up too late working again, it will be their mission to have him take a nap with them as well
He doesn’t always want to but is always dragged in somehow
He doesn’t even sleep half the time, he just likes how MC cuddles up to him as they rest, and how their hair feels between his fingers as he softly messages their scalp, his mind deep in thought over things, whether it be his affection to this human or the work he should really be getting to
Oh well~~~
Guess his work will have to wait a tiny bit more
MC and him are hanging out one day, just vibing and watching a movie
However, it seems naptime has approached, but MC doesn’t want to seem rude and just fall asleep while Mammon is there
but... the movie’s just soooo slowwwww
and... they’re sooooo close to Mammon that his heat is radiating off and onto MC
so, of course, MC snuggles in a bit more, which brings a blush to Mammon’s face because of the proximity
(he won’t admit that tho, so he tries to be chill)
He just lays there, stiffly, with MC’s head lying on his shoulder. 
They slowly start to drift off, head bobbing every once in a while as the movie progresses 
Mammon is a statue now 
He doesn’t move until he knows they’re asleep, and even then, is VERY careful in moving their head to be placed on a few pillows he moved over (I mean, he doesn’t want them to have a sore neck when they wake up!)
So, he himself lies beside MC, placing his arm under his head as he turns his attention to their sleeping face.
He reaches out, and lightly traces a finger down their cheek, which earns a slight twitch of their nose from the contact
He smiles at how cute they look, and soon falls asleep himself
(wakes up to Lucifer coming in the room, finding the two together at a time where Mammon should NOT be out of his own bed. Gets yeeted by Luci, and MC is still asleep, unaware of the second oldest getting reprimanded)
As someone who doesn’t leave his room often, Levi is not one prone to witnessing MC’s frequent nap times
That is, until the he invited them to play video games with him one day
He insisted that MC join him for one of his raids, even if the human insisted that this was their time for naps
“But, the raid starts in ten minutes! You HAVE to help me MC!”
“But Levi-”
“It will be great! I PROMISE! PLEASEEEE”
Of course MC could not resist. He was just too cute when he begged
And so, the two were sitting on the floor, screen brightly hitting their faces as the room was dark around them
MC was trying their best to stay awake, seeming as though the game was not keeping them very interested, since they were only used as a decoy. 
Levi paid no mind tho, as he was frequently yelling at the screen and telling MC what to do.
He didn’t notice that MC had fallen asleep until he noted that their character was nowhere in sight.
Looking to the side, he finally noted the fact that, yes they had fallen asleep, and yes, they were leaning on his shoulder
Cue Levi’s face becoming EXTREMELY red
He had no idea what to do 
Why were they asleep? Why were they leaning on his shoulder!? WHY WAS THE ROOM REALLY HOT ALL OF A SUDDEN!?!??
Even with these questions burning he made no attempt to move them
So he just sat there. Stunned.
Welp. Guess it’s a game over for now.
Just gonna sit here for a while till they wake up then
Plot twist: he falls asleep too
Satan <3
All he wanted was to have a nice reading sesh with MC
But no
He had initially invited MC into the library with him, wanting them to read a book he highly recommended and dually loved
He had handed them the book, MC taking it gladly, smiling all the while as they listened to his sinopsis  
He was just so cute when his eyes lit up about his favorite books
And so, when he was done, MC was glad to begin reading, hoping to earn the same appreciation he had towards the book
He sat on the seat beside them, his own book in one hand as he held MC’s with the other
It had been at least half an hour before he looked up again, looking to see what MC thought of the book so far.
What he didn’t expect was for MC to be asleep
Was his book really that boring?
He looked down in his seat, sighing in disappointment
Perhaps MC just didn’t appreciate the sophisticated literature he so much enjoyed
But no
That was not the reason
It was just nap time
When MC awoke, they found themselves still in the chair, Satan nowhere to be found.
They grabbed the book, taking it with them as they ventured to find him
Why did he leave them?
MC eventually found him in his room, sitting on his bed with the same book he had in the library. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, and it took a few tries before MC finally got him to look up
“What’re you doing in here? I thought you were asleep?” he said, rather coldly
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to! I --”
“If you thought it was boring you could have just said so.”
“No! That’s not it at all! It’s actually very good!”
“Don’t patronize me,” he scoffed, then turned his head to his own book again
MC stared at him, before walking up and stealing his own book from his hands
“I’ll have you know, that I really do enjoy your book! Anything you give me to read is amazing and I cherish each one! And I fell asleep not because I didn’t like it, but because I’m just prone to falling asleep when I get too comfortable. Also, it was the time of day when I usually fall asleep. I’m sorry. I should have told you.”
He stares at them for a moment, then his face softens.
“I’m sorry too… I shouldn’t have assumed things so easily…”
MC smiled, and nodded, then handed him back his own book. They sat next to each other on the bed, soon venturing off into their own worlds as they comfortably read next to each other
Asmo ~~~
So basically… Asmo took MC to go shopping. Whether MC was forced to or not is a mystery, but in the end, they came home with Asmo and too many bags to carry
By the time they got home, MC was exhausted. Shopping all day with Asmo is very tiresome, especially when he’s always looking for a way to get reactions out of them through outfits he puts on and outfits he insists they try on (most of the time the clothes being rather provocative)
And, even though MC protested that they were going off for a nap, Asmo insisted they come to his room so that he could put away all of his stuff, along with potentially retrying a few things for outfit creativity’s sake. 
MC found themself on his bed, lying on their stomach as they tried their best to stay awake and give their humblest opinion on Asmo’s fashion choices (which mostly resulted in a short nod, just because they were too tired to really pay attention)
It wasn’t until he had exited into his closet to change yet again that MC finally succumbed to their much needed rest
He came back several minutes later to enter while striking a model pose for MC to see, and yet, he noted their inability to see at all, since, yah know, MC was unconscious 
He sighed to himself, knowing that this was bound to happen. He wasn’t blind to their clear exhaustion, but he wanted to see just how long they would stay awake. And yet, here MC was, asleep
He made a move towards the bed, seeing as perhaps this was a perfect opportunity to take a peek at what they were hiding under their clothes, and yet, just seeing their peaceful face made his attempts falter into nothingness
He couldn’t bother such a beautiful form, and that was saying something, since he himself was the most beautiful of them all 
So instead, he smiled and laid down beside them, placing both hands to wrap around their sleeping form and easily pull them towards him. 
This man. THIS MAN.
He might have just put MC in a food coma
The two had gone out for dinner, venturing through the market of the devildom trying foods at all of Beel’s favorite vendors. I mean, come on, MC hasn’t tried any of them, so might as well take them 
By the time they had gotten home, MC had eaten too much to even care about dinner. All the food they had eaten made MC much too tired to even do anything
They hadn’t even been able to make it to their own room, settling for the couch in the lounge, since it was closest to the foyer. 
Beel had left them to go to the kitchen (of all things) since, yes, of course this man was still hungry, even after ALL OF THE FOOD he had just eaten
He soon had more snacks than he could carry in his arms, and ventured his way to MC’s room to spend more time with them
But, what’s this!? MC isn’t in their room?!
Beel ventured through the rest of the House, going upstairs and even aking his brothers where he may find the human
None of them knew, that is, until he recalled seeing MC walking into the living room upin their arrival
He scurried down the stairs, his snacks still in hand, when he finally made it into the living room
Once he found MC lying on the couch, asleep, just the thought of his snacks had been forgotten
He now had a more fulfilling need in his hands
That was gathering MC and taking them to their room, which would most definitely end in him cuddling into them as they both lied on MC’s bed
MC wakes up to fluffy orange hair in their face
They easily figure out its Beel, and pet his soft locks, making an effort to glance down at his peaceful face.
MC feels content in Beels arms, and easily is lulled back to sleep, with the thought to thank him later for taking them to their own room to sleep (Beel just didn’t want anyone else to see his angel sleeping so peacefully)
So basically
Nap time is WELCOMED with this man
MC had their own nap schedule? Well, Belphie can adjust to it too
Once that special time hits the clock, the pair can be seen heading off for their nap. 
Sometimes it varies
Sometimes they can be found in Beel and Belphie’s room, snuggled up in Belphie’s bed
Perhaps they were too comfy to move out of the couch
Maybe they even fell asleep together while watching a movie in MC’s room
Regardlessly, I think their most favorite spot to fall asleep in is up in the observatory
It’s just so peaceful there, with the brothers rarely venturing into that room
Plus, I’m sure Belphie and MC had created their own place to sleep, the pair bringing up as many pillows to lay on as they nod off while looking at the stars above
Belphie never really looks at the stars though
He’s much too transfixed on MC’s glorious face
If only he could keep them to himself for forever
Perhaps he can, since the world of dreams can also be a plausible place to spend an infinite amount of time with his human 
He loves his nap time, and will never miss out on it.
Even if MC isn’t too tired, they will never say no to spending time with Belphie as he himself falls into his own slumber.
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naughtyskz · 4 years
I decided to post a kim hongjoong fanfic it's a smut lmao it sucks cuz i write it anyways hope u enjoy it.
⚠️disclaimer this contains 18+ content and sexual actions⚠️
Teachers pet |K.HJ. 😳💦
It was a normal morning in your boring school you were just walking through your school hallways and talking to your bestfriend Lisa yall were talking about basic thingz when Lisa asked you" y/n did you heard that there's gonna be a new teacher" she said you were confused because no one told you that "oh really and how long you knew that" you asked her she made weird face before thinking "erm I don't know probably 2 or 3 weeks why" you were shocked because nobody told you that "and why you didn't told me that 😒" you said "umm because I thought that you knew 😁😅" she said "and from who should I knew that" you said pissed off "well teachers said that on the website" she said "ugh lisa you know that I don't go on that website" you said rolling your eyes "YAH you promised me that you'll start to go on that website" she said angrily "ohh oops heh umm ye well I
kind of lied to u heh 😅" you knew it was a bad when Lisa gets mad so you started to run "ahhhhh someone help me she's gonna kill mee" you said as you
were running for your life when you bumped into something really hard, you fell on the ground on ur butt "ah! owww" you said "oh sorry" someone said, that voice was unfamiliar it was deep but at the same time it was soft but raspy, you fell in love with that voice, then you looked up and saw the most hottest man in the world, you've never seen someone THIS hot in your life "um hello are you okay? HEYYY" he was waving his hand in front of your face then you snap out of ur dIrTy thoughts "uh erm heh I'm fine 😅 what about you are u okay?" you said he looked in your eyes then smirked and said "yes I'm okay ??????" you didn't heard the last world "um okay the bye i gotta go bc my class is starting in few mins"you said "oh okay bye" he waived at me and disappeared in the school hallways.
Then someone suddenly touched your shoulder "AH" you screamed and turned around and then you saw lisa "yah! Why? Do you want me to have a heart attack" you said she giggled "ye i do 😃 anways who was that boy he's hawtttt" she said "ye i know right like bruh his so fucking hot" you replied then checked the time "oh fuck it's already 3:57PM *your class starts at 4PM*WE WILL BE
LATEEEEE" you said running to the
class, Lisa is really fast she was already at the door and went it, the bell rang and you were still running thru the one stoopid hallway you were mad and sad cuz you hate literally HATE the math teacher, you've finally reached the door and went in the class when you opened the door your eyes widen you saw the hot boy from earlier teaching the class you were shooketh you stood there in the doors when you heard a voice calling u "miss you're late" he said in firm tone which was really sexy and it kind of turned you on, you tried to act cool cuz you could feel The sweat on your face "yes and it was just a few mins" you looked at his tag "Mr.Kim?"said while looking at him right in the eyes making interesting eye contact then he smirked and said "de te nti on" *ᵈᵉᵗᵉⁿᵗⁱᵒⁿ* in really rude and sexy tone "WHAT WHY 😒" u replied "why u talked back so u deserve it" again the same toneeee you were already dripping you couldn't take the sexiness this man had "go and sit on your place miss" you heard him saying, you went and sit on your chair the class continued normally *time skip *it's the end of the
class everyone has already left, the only
one who was in the class was u and the Mr.Kim you were in ur place looking everywhere just to avoid the eye contact with Mr.Kim suddenly you heard a voice "sooooo why you were so rude to my in front of the class" Mr.Kim said firmly but teasingly, again it turned you on..... "I-I don't know..." you replied instantly he smirked and said "you know that bad girl deserves to be punished" you looked at him shooketh and made eye contact that made the atmosphere even more sexual than it was before"what do you mean by punished??" you said raising your eyebrow "oh kitten you know what I mean" he said while coming to your desk, you could clearly see the lust in his eyes they were so dark but so beautiful at the same time, he stopped walking when he reached your desk and he came closer with his face then whispered in your ear "kitten tell daddy what you want" he whispered in your face in extremely sexy and raspy voice, your face turned red as tomato but you pushed your shyness to the side and whispered back in his ear "ahhh~ daddy i want you inside of me" you said that in the most seductive tone as you could, he raised his eyebrow and whispered back
"awh is my kitty needy for her daddy"
again the sexy tone you were already dying coz of how horny you were the only thing you were carving was his touch "ah daddy pleaseeee i need you" you said getting up from your chair and coming even closer to him, when you were so close to each other that you could feel each others hot breath, he picked you up and made you sit on your desk and started to kiss your neck
You left out soft moans that turned him even more, your hands were in his hair and his hands were taking off your clothes while kissing your neck, after you were completely naked the only think that was left on you was your underwear, he looked at you up and down and bite his lip "damn kitten never thought you would wear this kind of sexy underwear" he said in your ear then bite your earlobe "a-ahh~ w-well i like this kind of type of underwear" you said while looking at this lips he saw that you were looking at his lips, he came really like REALLY close to your face and before he kissed you he took off his tie and wrap it around your eyes so that you wouldn't be able to see what his doing, he kissed you, that kiss was so lustful and rough you obviously kissed
him back and wrapped your arms
around his neck then you heard "ahh my kitten is so needy, what do you want your daddy to do" he said in raspy voice and sexy voice "ahh daddy please I want you to be inside of me" you said in whiny tone "hmmmm okay" he said in teasing tone, then he started to kiss your neck again and his kisses then traveled to your chest, he took off your bra and started to suck on your right boob while playing with the left boob, your mouth left out a soft whiny moan "a-ahhh~" you could feel on your skin that he smirked, then you felt him taking off your panties, the feeling of the cold air hitting your wet core....could feel he was starting at your wet pussy so you said "daddyyyyyy don't stare" he looked at you even tho u can't see "hmm I'm not staring I'm enjoying kitten" he siad after that you could feel a hot breath on your core "a-ahh daddy please don't tease me anymore" you said that in whiny tone, after that you felt him leaving soft kisses on your core and kitty licking, suddenly you felt him slide in his tongue you moaned out louder "A-ahhh dadddy" he started to suck and pumping his tongue inside of you like a crazy, and that drived u crazy, he eated you out like he
have never eaten before, you were close
"O-ohHh d-daddy im close" and he suddenly stopped and you gave him "😒" look "oh no kitten not yet" he said, then you heard that he was un buckling his belt and slide off his pants with his boxers then he came closer and started to rub your clit with his cock "ahhhh mr. Kim pleaseee" you moaned out "no it's daddy kitten " he said in firm voice and slammed into you really hard without even looking at the fact that your virgin, you screamed out because of the thickness and length he smirked and started trust slowly you were already moaning mess "ah a-ahhh d-daddy p-please f-fasterrr" you tried to say he smirked "as you whish kitten" and started started to trust into you like a crazy, he fucked you so fast and good "do you like that hmm you little slut" he said, you look at him and said "u-ugh ah hhh y-yes d-daddy your cock feels soo good around my thigh pussy hmm" you moaned out, he loved the way you were moaning his name and the expressions you were making, suddenly he wanted to switch positions so he untied the tie around your eyes and you've finally seen him and his dick..... It was HUGE amd he looked extremely hot with that messy hair tho the he ordered "get on ur
fours now!" shit u were even wetter, but u did as he ordered and got on your fours, then he slammed into you again and again u screamed but this time he started to trust into you really hard, when he was normally trusting into u it was already hitting ur g spot and that shit drived u crazy, now it was driving you super crazy you were letting out little screams cuz of the pleasure he was giving u but once again he he changed his pace and started to trust FAST and HARD.... At this point you were literally screaming and crying while he was enjoying the view, he pulled ur hair and started to kiss ur neck while pounding into u, he was fucking u so hard and fast that your desk was creaking, but soon or later his trusts got sloppy and you were really closer to ur orgasm "i-I'm c--Close d-D-daddyy" you couldn't even speak u barely said those three words u started to clenche around him "a-ahh kitten if u continue to clenching like that then I'll come in few seconds" he said in raspy voice and that pushed u over the edge "A-A-HHHHHHH DADDDYYYY I'M CUMMIG!!" you said screaming ur lungs out "a-ahHhh I'm cumMing hhhh" he said growling out, then he pulled out and said "kitten want this to happen
more often?" u were still catching ur breath "yes daddy" you said. THE END CUZ AIN'T TRYING TO MAKE THIS SERIES. ANWAYS HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT BYE.
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btsjfans · 7 years
BTS Reacts: Something Bad Happening To You
request: The first one is BTS reacting when something bad happened to you, like collapsing from too much work or something like that(...)
a/n: duuuuuude this is so good thank youuuuu
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You had been working hard lately, staying up late, staying at work longer, taking work home with you, the whole nine yards. You were working on a project for your job in the city, your first big solo project, and you wanted to do well. You knew you had this in the bag, you knew what you were doing. However you didn’t know how irritable, stubborn, and careless you got when you were tired. Jin had been telling you to take it easy, and get some sleep, which only made you mad at him. How dare he tell me what to do? Does he not think I know what I’m doing? What gives him the right? He doesn't understand how important this is to you. You’d thought. If only you had listened. You were walking upstairs to your apartment from work one night, head in the clouds. Your eyes felt heavy, and your legs felt like lead, but it didn't matter. You just had one more form to type. As you take the last step up you close your eyes, and feel a sharp pain. 
You wake up in your apartment, with bandaids on your elbows, pajamas on, and face washed. There was a cup of warm hot-chocolate on your bedside table, and the door was left open a crack. You check the time, 08:37am, it read. You’d gotten home from work at 11:43pm last night, which meant you slept roughly 9 hours, something you hadn't done in a while. You can't remember walking in or changing into your pajamas or cleaning up. You also don't remember putting these bandaids on. You slide out of bed and shuffle into the living room to see Jin eating breakfast and watching tv. He gives you a disapproving look and you feel hot shame on your cheeks. 
“Y/n, I told you to take it easy. Instead you just stay out later and then I find out passed out from exhaustion outside!” He gets  up and walks over, arms crossed.
“Sorry Jinnie,” You hang your head in shame, and feel his arms wrap around you. 
“Don’t ever do that again, you scared me so much.” He hugs you close against him, and presses his lips to your head. 
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You’d been out late every  night, always working. Always sneaking in at midnight and sleeping on the couch, waking up at 10 to an empty house, leaving for work, and starting the process over again. This cycle had continued for weeks, resulting in you missing out on seeing Namjoon almost every day. He’d texted you, asking you to come home so you could spent time together, but you gave him the same answer every night, “sorry, duty calls :/” Needless to say, he was annoyed with you. He stopped answering your texts when you sent them, trying to send a message about how annoyed he was with this. You rolled your eyes at his pettiness regardless. 
One night you were walking downstairs at work on your way out when you passed out from exhaustion, as you were running on your 14th hour without sleep. You woke up when you hit the ground, crying out in pain. You clutched your arm, and felt tears spring to your eyes. It was definitely broken. You shakily picked up your phone, dialing Joon’s number. 
“What.” He sighed.
“J-Joonie?” You started to ball. All pettiness aside, Namjoon felt his heart speed up. 
“What?! Where are you?! What happened?!” He was already out the door before you even answered, and he was by your side within minutes. He held you close and drove you to the hospital. He had a serious frown on his face as he drove, and bit his lip. 
“God Y/n, you scared me, you scared me so much. Please take care of yourself, I ask because I care,” He sighs and looks at you with big, nervous eyes.
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“Please get some sleep Y/n, pleaseeee,” Hoseok whined over the phone, and you sighed looking at the clock. It was almost midnight, and you’d been practicing since 8am that same day. You worked at a dance studio, and you’d almost finished choreographing it. 
“Hobi I’m almost done, I’ll be home soon, okay? I love you.” you sipped your water and heard him sigh over the line. 
“I love you too, hurry up.” 
You sigh and go through the dance a few more times before you start to brainstorm what to add next. You felt your eyes get heavy as you spun and danced, and you felt your legs slowing down. Your whole body felt heavy, and you felt like you couldn't move any further. You went to pivot when your ankles twisted and you fell with a thud. You swore and massaged your now twisted ankle, and leaned on the wall. You propped it up and leaned back, closing your eyes. One short break wouldn't hurt. 
“AH Y/N!” Hobi’s scream wakes you with a start. 
“W-what?!” You yelp and yank your ankle in and hiss at the pain. Your ankle had swelled up while you slept, and looked pretty nasty now. You grimaced at that, and cringed as you looked at the time. It was 3am now, and Hoseok didn't look entirely happy with the situation. 
“Jagi I told you to get some sleep, and now you’re hurt. I just wish you’d listen to me,” he buries his face in his hands and sighs, helping you up off the ground. “Let’s take you home and ice that.” He helps you to the car and drives you both home, sending you nervous peeks the whole ride. As you walk in and get settled in bed, Hoseok walks in with the ice and wraps an icy towel around your ankle, kissing your head gently. “Please be careful from now on,”
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You were lost in thought, zoned out and staring at your computer screen. You were completely burnt out and you couldn't even think straight. Whenever Jimin got work crazy like this, you made him stop and take a break, and Jimin would do this for you in turn. But Jimin wasn’t home this week. He was in Thailand performing, and wouldn't be home till tomorrow. You wanted to have as much open time with him as possible, so you two could catch up and do whatever, so that’s why you were cramming today and tomorrow’s work into one day, and it was not fun. You’d been working for hours upon hours, and you knew you needed to get it done. 
You decided you needed a coffee break so you could finish up. You get up and stretched, not looking at the time. As you step outside your apartment, you gasp seeing it’s daylight. You frantically whip out your phone and check the time. 1:35pm. CRAPPPP HES GONNA BE HOME ANY MINUTE!!! You think. You still have so much work to do, and race back to your door. 
“Crap crap crap crap,” You mutter as you search for your key. Your eyes feel heavy, and your movements are sloppy as you search for the key. “I must’ve dropped it outside..” You tread back out and bend down to get the key when all the blood rushes to your head, and you pass out.
You wake up on the couch in the lobby of your apartment building, the manager panicking and several workers surrounding you, holding out waters and ice packs. 
“What happened..” You start to sit up and groan.
“You hit your head pretty hard when you fell, take it easy. Who should we call for you?” The manager looks concerned.
“Ah..” You don’t want to disturb Jimin, especially since he’s almost home.
“Y/N?!” Jimin suddenly pushes through and cups your head in his hands, a wild panicked look in his eyes. “I can take it from here, thank you so much.” Jimin thanks the workers and holds you while you explain what happened and he smiles sighing and shakes his head. “You crazy girl. I leave one time and you work yourself to the brink.” He kisses your head gently before giving you a serious look. “But really, don’t let his happen again Y/n, it’s not healthy. Now come on, lets go ice that crazy head of yours.”
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You were working on a huge project at work, and you really wanted it to go well. If your boss liked it, then a huge promotion was in store for you, so you were giving this your all. That meant late nights, long days, and bringing work home with you. You were used to Yoongi doing this with his own music, but he wasn't used to you doing this. He was used to having you pull him out of his deep work hole, and wasn't sure what to do without you there to be his anchor. He wasn't used to being the lonely one of you two. He would text you all day at work, call, and whine for your attention at home. And you, being so absorbed in your work didn't realize you were becoming just like him. Not responding to him, not taking care of yourself, loosing yourself in this project. 
He could see you weren't taking care of yourself, and finally understood what you went through so often when he got absorbed in his work, and he hated seeing you like this. He just wanted you to eat and sleep and spend time at home with him, an didn't understand what could make you snap out of this. 
He was dealing with it alright until one night you just did not answer anything. No call, no text, nothing. He was nervous already, and then you didn't come home. And then you didn't answer him all day. Now he was the one not eating or sleeping, because he was so worried about you. Finally at 1am, with you still not home he went to go check on you. 
Meanwhile, you'd thrown your everything into this project, and finally your lack of sleep and eating caught up with you, and you’d collapsed in your office. You’d told everybody to stay out so of course nobody had come in to check on you. 
He walks up and into your office and has a mini heart attack seeing you like this. He doesn't care about a lot of things, but you were probably the most important thing in his life, so to see you in this state killed him.
“Yah! Y/n!!!” He hurries to your side and scoops you up, setting you in a chair before running to get water and a snack. He shakes you awake and gets some water in you before you finally rouse. 
“Yoongi,” You smile a little, not really realizing the severity of the situation. 
“God Y/n, what’s the matter with you?! Huh?! Not taking care of yourself!! You could’ve been seriously hurt! I can’t believe you,” He rubs his face tiredly and sighs leaning on the table before he kisses your head gently. “Please take care of yourself, I need you to be okay.”
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You had been busy at your new job, and you wanted to make a good impression on your bosses, so you were giving work your all. This meant staying late, coming early, going out after work with your co-workers, the whole nine yards. You texted Taehyung every little update, and came home at a reasonable time every night, so everything was fine for a while. But soon your bosses started to take advantage of your generosity and your hard work ethic, giving you all the hard jobs and asking more of you than of anybody else. Taehyung could see this, but you were blinded by the glamour of being trusted with new responsibilities. 
“Jagi you should probably set some limits, they’re taking you away from me, and putting too much on you at work. This could get out of hand.” Tae said to you one night.
“This isn't too much, they just know I’m a great worker and are trusting me with this stuff.” You pouted, confused at how Tae wasn't being supportive anymore.
Soon Taehyng turned out to be right. Work was stressing you out more than anything, and you just wanted it all to stop. You didn't want Taehyung to worry, so you acted like it was all fine, and like you were enjoying it. 
One day he was out with the boys which meant you had the apartment to yourself. You started to work when you gave up and began to cry. You curled up on the couch and sobbed for a while before you got up to go make some tea. You were tired and shaky from all the crying and you dropped the mug you were using to make tea. It crashed and shattered on the floor, cutting your foot. You swore and gasped, more tears falling.
“Ow ow ow ow ow,” You hisses and wrapped your bloody foot in paper towels. You started to panic at the sight of all that blood, and your mind started to wander. Will I need stitches? Is there glass stuck in my foot?! Oh god oh goddddd..
Just then, Taehyung walked in and gasped at the sight of you, blood and tears and all. “Tae!!” You sobbed and he rushed to your side, checking out your foot. He carried you to the bathtub and cleaned your foot, repeating soft calming sounds as he cleaned you up. When you were taken care of, you explained what happened and he sighed and held you close to his chest. 
“Jagi please listen next time, I just want you to be okay.”
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Jungkook had been busy with the Comeback, so while he was gone you decided to get a job to fill your time. At first it was good, because while he was busy, so were you. But one thing lead to another, and soon both of your jobs got so busy you two hardly see each other anymore. 
Your texts between each other became less and less, and your calls just the same. He was overworking himself with the comeback, and you were overworking yourself at your new job, and neither of you were there for each other. 
You’d stopped eating as well and sleeping as well now that you worked all the time, and especially without the presence of your beloved Jungkook. Needless to say, your health wasn't in the best shape. He’d been kind of coming down with something himself, so the both of you were in the same both. 
You came home early from work one day because you were definitely sick. You laid on the bed coughing and sniffling, struggling to find sleep. You laid in one of Jungkook’s shirts and realized how long you’d gone without seeing him. You reached over and grabbed your phone, clicking on his name to call. Just as you called him, you heard his phone ringing in the apartment. Confused, you rolled out of bed and groggily stumbled to find the phone when you saw Jungkook laying half asleep and mouth breathing on the couch.
“Kookie,” You coughed and smiled walking over and sitting next to him, pulling his head into your lap and stroking his head.
“Y/n,” He smiles sleepily and sits up, taking in your condition. “Wow, we really let ourselves go,” He kisses your head gently and pulls you into his lap as you catch him up on your life. “Well...I’ll take care of myself if you do.” 
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pinksausageduo · 7 years
bae jinyoung|best friends to lovers|part 1
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member: bae jinyoung genre: fluffy summary: you were best friends with jinyoung but you wanted to be something more but in your mind that’s never gonna happen. but the wanna one boys have a plan to set you two together without either of you knowing let’s hope it won’t be end in a complete disaster requested: yes!! soccer + best friend (can have romance) part 1 | part 2 (final)
you look at the soccer field watching the boys team practice
and you can’t help but smile as jinyoung scores a goal
you cheer for him loudly trying to embarrass him
he looks at you blushes and gives you a heart warming smile and a small wave
you wave back frantically with a huge grin your face
you can see seongwoo lightly nudging him and smirking him while whispering something into his ear
you roll your eyes you’re sure he’s teasing jinyoung about you two again 
and on cue jinyoung blushes bright red
seongwoo looks at you and winks while you just flip him off 
he smirks and chases after the ball once again
jinyoung gives you one last glance and smiling at you which makes your heart flutter 
even tho you’d never admit it did at least not to him
but the game continues and you keep on watching the boys practice
and your thoughts wandered
you and jinyoung were best friends
you had been since primary school 
you both loved soccer with a passion and you were both the star players in striker position of your separate teams (1 all girls, 1 all boys)
it all started when you wanted to join a game of soccer with all the boys
but they wouldn’t allow you to
cause you were a girl and girls have cooties plus they’re not as good as boys
prove them they’re so fucking wrong sister
but jinyoung convinced them to let you play and picked you for his team
he told you “i’m sorry about the other guys, you can take centre attack, prove them you’re amazing okay?”
making you blush and giving him a dazzling smile at him while nodding 
you felt sooo happy that even without jinyoung knowing about your skills at all he still convinced the guys to let you play picked you on his team and gave you the centre spot
you played excellently scoring 3 goals and your team won in the end
as you scored the final goal from half way 
all the guys jaws dropped at your skills
you rushed up and hugged jinyoung tightly whispering into his ear
“thank you for letting me play”
he automatically hugged you back tightly
“of course what are friends for? but i also need to thank you for making us win” he whispered back 
you both break apart smiling and you both knew you were gonna be best friends jinyoung still wanting to stand up for you basically shouted at all the guys
he grinned at you and you couldn’t help just at that moment but admit even then as a primary schooler your heart fluttered just a tiny bit
all the guys grudgingly respected you and in the end you became close friends with all of them by middle school
but you were closest to jinyoung of course 
you both became inseparable 
all classes you had together you sat with him
you became basically another daughter to his parents
and him a son to yours
son in law more like it
you both were each others best friends
he was there for you and you were there for him in every way possible
if you had a breakdown jinyoung could calm you in an instant
if he was upset you could always cheer him up
he’d bring you snacks before and after your soccer practices
and you’d attend as many of his practices cheering him on as much as possible
you both never missed a game when the other was playing
you literally were best friend goals
you guys would help each other out with school, friends, family, relationships everything
both of you had no idea where you both would be without each other
but as you got into high school you weren’t sure your feelings towards jinyoung were entirely just friendly
you just couldn’t think any guys could match up to him 
he knew you inside out back to front
all your secrets, quirks, weird things you do 
he knew all of them 
jinyoung was the sweetest guy you knew and a complete gentleman
always opening doors, trying to buy the meal and you always refused making you guys split the bill
but you didn’t know he never did this with anyone else just with you
you thought that was just him as a person
he always could make you laugh and you had the best time with him
he was also extremely handsome and so many girls liked him it was ridiculous 
but he really didn’t pay attention to them especially when you were around 
but of course you didn’t notice that
you knew he was out of your league 
and he could pick and choose and girl he wanted
which destroyed any and all hope of ever being more than best friends with him
plus he probably only saw you as a sister
mhmm sureeee he did
but all this didn’t stop from you having feelings for him 
they weren’t like constantly in your face since you guys are best friends and you spend so much time with him but they like popped up when 
things happened like 
whenever he went on a date or told you he liked a girl which was still basically never
your heart felt a weird twinge
but you always ignored it 
or whenever you hugged him or he complimented you 
you heart would flutter 
but you were happy with just being jinyoung’s best friend 
hoping your feelings will go away eventually but you were very doubtful you would get over him before high school ended 
you tried to get over him so many times but it never worked the dates the very short relationships could never even hold a candle to you and jinyoungs friendship
as you were totally lost in your thoughts you didn’t realise practice was over
you were snapped out of your thoughts with someone picking you up and putting them on your shoulder 
you automatically knew it was woojin 
he always did that when he wanted something usually money or food
“YAH WOOJIN LET ME DOWN!!!” you screamed while hitting his back
“ONLY IF YOU AGREE IN BEING A CHEERLEADER FOR OUR FINAL GAME” he shouted right back being clearly amused by your antics knowing he won’t let you down 
you groaned at him “for fucks sake woojin you know i hate being happy and perky”
the cheerleaders basically offered you a one game position for the final where you could cheer for the boys 
since you were known to be so close with them
but since then all the guys pestered you about it constantly begging you to agree
but they all had a reason for wanting you to be a cheerleader
they were the ones who even set up a special position for you with a little date bribing and they were done!
how i wish i was good looking how easy my life would be smh 
so basically after they won the game cause they were 100% sure they would
cocky dicks
they were gonna have you and jinyoung in the middle of the field and they’ll start chanting “KISS KISS KISS”
and literally everyone would join cause 
1. people were sick of you two not getting together but being more couple like then actual couples
2. hey who doesn’t like a kiss at the end of a game its cheesy and cute
then y’all kiss get together AND BOOM NEW RELATIONSHIP
also daniel mentioned the other reason for being a cheerleader soon after woojin picked you up
“but you know jinyoung would love to see you in a uniform something short and tight” daniel cheekily butted in 
“FUCKKK OFF DANIEL” you flip him off while he just chuckles at you 
you see all the guys knew of your crush on jinyoung
but they didn’t tell him and you loved them for it
little did you know jinyoung had a crush on you and begged them not to tell you
so they decided not to tell either of you and be good friends 
AND play matchmaker happily 
“awwww y/n pwetty pleaseeee can youu be a cheerleader its only for oneeee game can’t you do that for me” daehwi said cutely with a lot of aegyo and puppy dog eyes
“stop acting cute it’s not going to work you child demon” you scoff back still slumped on woojins shoulder 
“i give up she’s so fucking stubborn” daehwi complains 
“you barely even tried??” guanlin says
“shhhhhh” daehwi shushes him
“LANGUAGE DAEHWII!!!!!” jisung scolded daehwi
“oh come on lay off it jisung he lives in the same house as us” minhyun said with an amused smile 
“he’s still young minhyun!” jisung said scolding him also for his care free attitude
“if you say so” minhyun said while shrugging
mother and father goals 
“IM STILL HERE PARENTS!!!” you say obnoxiously 
“and there goes our least favourite annoying child” jisung sighed 
“of course there is, its you and the favourite is me” guanlin says smirking at you
“why the hell are you the favourite??” woojin asks trying to face guanlin
which meant spinning you around and all the guys trying to dodge your head
“cause he’s the swaggy rapper. duh.” jaehwan says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world
“NEVERRRRR” jaehwan screams 
making everyone wince at his vocals
in the mean time jinyoung, seongwoo and jihoon come over 
“whats all this about?” jihoon asks 
“basically we’re trying to make y/n agree to be a cheerleader for the final game” woojin says again spinning you around again making you dizzy
“STOP DOING THAT!!” you shout 
everyone laughs and you just pout 
“ahhhh so cheerleader y/n, is this for her to be in something short and tight for jinyoung???” seongwoo said suggestively 
making you and jinyoung blush so hard
but neither of you deny it lol
“HEY THATS WHAT I SAID!!” daniel said grinning brightly 
“YEAH ONGNIEL IS SCIENCE YO!!!” seongwoo shouts happily back
and they do their secret handshake which takes soooo long with the weirdest details like both their butts rubbing against each other, weird faces, complicated hand motions and they finish it with a bro hug 
“i should be part of that, ongnielhwan is science sounds soooooo much better” jaehwan said disappointedly 
“but you have meeee” minhyun said cutely while hugging jaehwan 
“ew get the fuck off” jaehwan bitch glared at minhyun but he still clinged onto him
“y/nnnn please agreee so these idiots can all shut up” jihoon pleaded 
“WHO ARE YOU CALING IDIOTS???!!!” all the guys chorused 
“can y'all just shut the fuck up” jihoon says grumpily
“LANGUAGE!! AGAIN!!” jisung scolded jihoon this time while glaring at minhyun daring him to say anything
minhyun just put his hands up in defeat with a “i didn’t do anything wrong” face
“teenage bloody hormones” sungwoon said rolling his eyes at jihoon 
in the midst of all this mess jinyoung gently lowers you down from woojins shoulder
making you extremely close to him 
everyone’s watching intently like it was some sort of rom-com
and everyone knew you were gonna agree to being a cheerleader cause 
he’ll ask you 
and of course you’ll say yes
and you were also basically in love with him
and all of the guys were just smirking at each other knowing their plan will work out since the hardest bit of it was for you to agree to be a cheerleader
“guanlinah get me some popcorn” sungwoon ordered
“hell no do it yourself” guanlin replied  S.A.S.S.I.L.Y
“F-” sungwoon started to speak but he got interrupted very quickly
“SHHHHHHH” shushed the rest before sungwoon could go on a rant about how the younger generation should treat their elders with respect
and then guanlin would mention something about height
and sungwoon would go full on hulk mode
but you weren’t paying attention all you could hear was your fast beating heart 
jinyoung softly pleaded to you with his adorable chocolate brown eyes staring right into yours “y/n will you please please please be our cheerleader for the game? for us? for me?”
you knew you couldn’t say no to jinyoung especially when he was looking at you like that
“fine” you bitterly said 
which resulted in loud cheering and whooping from the guys
and the most heart warming smile from jinyoung
jinyoung tightly hugged you spinning you around
making you squeal a little and his heart warming at your cute antics 
you hug back with you eyes closed 
you love his hugs so much 
you part with everyone smirking at you two
before you could say anything daehwi comes between you two and hugs jinyoung 
“hes mine” he says cutely poking his tongue at you 
with jinyoung shyly grinning and blushing at you
you can’t help but smile at the two guys you loved them both heaps 
“BUT YOURE MINEEE DAEHWI” you say loudly while grabbing daehwi and tightly hugging/squishing him 
he squealed and laughed while saying 
“i love you too y/n”
everyone but you could see the glint of jealously in jinyoung’s eyes 
even daehwi so he parted with you quickly and silently mouther a sorry to jinyoung
and jinyoung visibly relaxed and mouthed back it’s okay
you were completely oblivious to all of it though
“but you guys better win and you also need to buy me pizza” you warningly say to all the guys 
“DEAL!” they agree happily 
you all prepare to leave and jinyoung wraps his arm around your shoulder while whispering in your ear 
“really thank you for agreeing”
“it’s all good” you say smiling at him 
“i’ll be your cheerleader” you chuckle a little making a cheerleading gesture 
which makes him smile widely at your adorable chuckle and cute pose
“just my cheerleader right?” jinyoung asks 
“just yours” you say sweetly back
BACK FROM MY UNOFFICIAL HIATUS W A CUTIE JINYOUNGG!!!! if y’all want info about the reasons for hiatus, fics to come and MY NEW SERIES please click here. anyways i love jinyoung and there will only be a part 2 to this scenario which will be the game and it’ll be shorter than this and ill be releasing that eventually. BUT THANK YOU FOR READING LOVE YOU ALL FOR STAYING WITH ME AND DONT BE AFRAID TO SEND ME A MESSAGE OR AN ANON!!!
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rozymochi · 7 years
Wrecker | 01
word count: 3.392
genre: fuckboy!Jungkook, best friends w Jikook, angsty shit and fluff in later parts
A/N: So another series guys. I just can't help myself, lol. I was really inspired to write this one and I think I like wrecker more than my other serie better. Oh and the love story thingy won’t happen between y/nxjimin only y/nxjungkook. :) Although Jimin is my bias, I can write more about Jungkook, i live for fuckboy Jungkook lmao. I hope u like it xo
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You had always thought that idols were just people set up bij agency’s with too much fame. They only had to dance and sing and thousands of girls/boys would come after them. But you never thought you would become friends with one of them. Until Jimin and Jungkook came in your life, crashing in to you, literally.
-1 year ago - Jungkook POV “ Hyung we need to go now, there is no time for your hipster selca’s! Our flight is almost departing!” “ Slow down Jungkookie, no stress. Just one more for twitter than we can go.” “ Park Jimin-ssi, there is no time!” And with that I pulled Jimin away from the starbucks while he was taking pictures of himself as always. It wasn’t my fault this time, that we were late again. I’m usually stuck with Jimin when we’re flying, not that it’s unpleasant. It’s just that we both take a lot of time for everything and we’re extremely slow. So two slow people? Nah, that can’t be good. “ And you call me hyung while treating me like this. How dare you to drag me to the gate huh! I blessed Busan girls with this beautiful selca yesterday, did you bless Busan?” He said nagging me, while I was still running with him to our gate. Damn, why was it so far away. “ I blessed Busan with my birth and my… Shit!” I crashed into some girl who was apparently running too. “ Yah, look out. I’m late for my flight already and now my shirt is wet too!” It looked like she wanted to sound angry, but actually she looked really cute with my coffee spilled over her shirt. It was kind of funny. “ I’m sorry can I do something for you to make it okay?” Jimin said, apologizing for me. I was still impressed by her cuteness. “ No it’s okay. It’s your fault that my shirt is wrecked and I’m late again.” She faked a smile. Damn she has an attitude. The most surprising was that she didn’t recognize me or Jimin. “ Aren’t you guys from that blood sweat and thingy video?” I was laughing out loud right now. “ Yes we are indeed. I’m Jungkook and this is my tiny friend Jimin from Busan.” Jimin hit my leg but I liked teasing him so much. “ Oh yes the scouting boys, I remember my friend talking about that. Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N” Her name sounded foreign but also not. When I looked at my watch, I was shocked to see our plane was supposed to depart 5 minutes ago. We were late again. “ Shit, hyung, we are late again!” I began to run, but Jimin just stood there with the girl watching me run to the gate. “ What’s the point of running, PD-nim can’t be that mad again. And MAMA rehearsal only starts in 5 hours, chill down.” He was right, we could just say we had to pee and forgot the time. “ Well let's talk with the coffee spilled girl then.” “ Yah! I have a name!”
Y/N POV Well that was interesting. I just met two idols and I wasn’t even excited or something. I just wanted to take a picture with them in case my friends wouldn’t believe me. “ So, I have to go change my flight. It was nice meeting you bye!” Just when I was about to leave. Jimin grabbed my hand, refusing to let me go. “ Why don’t go together. We have to change or flight too. We can grab some coffee and talk a bit.” To be honest, I really didn’t want to be alone. But talking with idols with girls running over them didn’t seem like the best idea ever. “ I don’t really know, what if someone thinks I’m a crazy fan only wanting to talk with you.” “ Then we will tell you are just a girl with coffee on her shirt.” Well guess who spilled the coffee. Jungkook didn’t said anything but just stood there staring at my shirt. When I looked down I saw my shirt became a little bit see through. “ Oh no, I don’t have a spare shirt in my bag.” What was I supposed to do now? “ Oh wait I have one, it’s white too and without coffee.” Jungkook grabbed a shirt out of his bag and handed me it. It smelled like soap. “ I’m going to change in the washroom!” I said walking to the washroom. “ Don’t you dare to run away!” Jimin said. When I came back, Jungkook was filming himself with his phone. When he saw me he immediately came over to me and my face showed up on his phone. “ So army, this is y/n. The girl who we just met.” He said. “ Who look y/n, everyone is calling you pretty!” Jimin said giggling. And he was right, all the comments on Vlive were about me. Their fans were calling me pretty. I felt pretty flattered. “ Hi guys, I’m y/n nice to meet you.” I blushed, I never showed my face on social media. So all these compliments were new to me. “ We have to go and change our flight. Sorry PD-nim, we will gladly accept our punishment in Hong Kong.” He joked a little saying his last words and stopped the live. They were going to Hong Kong to? “ Are you guys going to Hong Kong?” “ Yes have you been there? The food is awesome!” Jimin said. “ I actually am going to Hong Kong today. My friend is living there and told me she wanted to do something for her birthday.” It was true, I met Yuri my best friend in high school. We parted when we went to the university. My university was in Korea and Yuri’s was in Hong Kong. But we never lost contact and always were together for our birthdays and most holidays. “ Oh you are Korean?” Jimin asked. “ No not really, my father is Chinese and my mother is European.” My mother was Croatian and my father Chinese. That’s why I had dark green eyes instead of brown like every asian. But the rest of my features looked all asian like. “ That’s why you have green eyes, but you look really like a real Korean, and you speak Korean well.” Jungkook said while inspecting my face. “ Well we are going to Hong Kong for the MAMA awards.” “ Oh shit.” Jimin said “ we have to change our flights quick, a hour passed already.”
- 8 months ago - After the first day you met Jimin and Jungkook. You went to the MAMA awards after to visit them with Yuri. Yuri like the real kpop fan freaked out after seeing you on their vlive. Now it’s been 2 months and you were sitting with them here in their dorm. Your head laid on Jimin’s shoulder and your feet on Jungkooks lap. In the time you guys spent together, you fell in love with Jungkook. But you couldn’t just say that because you know became best friends. And the first time you met them you had a thing for Jimin. But that faded away when you realized it was just friendship between you and Jimin. On the other hand you did really like Jungkook, from the way he laughed at your stupid jokes to his little scar on his face that got your notice when he showed off his features ( that’s what you thought, he was actually just being the golden maknae ).
“ Y/N spacing out again?” Jimin ticked your head, like you were a brainless human being. “ Huh sorry what did you say?” You were to busy with thinking about Jungkook not even noticing Jimin was talking to you. “ You always seem to be like this when Jungkook is in front of you.” That little jerk Jimin. You hadn’t told him about your crush on Jungkook, but he did notice. And he confronted you with it. Although you had denied, you still blushed. And he knew he was right. “ Jimin pabo, what are you talking about. I was thinking what to wear to the party tonight.” “Oh yes you have a party right? Can we come with you pleaseeeeeeee.” Jungkook was such a cutie. He could beg like a puppy, but fight like a monster. “ Well, I don’t know if it’s aloud to take outsiders..” The truth was that I wanted to go out again. I needed this after all the stress. And if I take them with me, they would only draw attention. And that means that all the fake girls would come and talk to me like I’m their best friend, only to get in bed with Jungkook or Jimin. “ Pleaseeee y/n, hyung and I will behave. And when we come with you, there will be lots of people who want to dance with you.” “ That’s only because they know y/n is our friend.” Jimin said, I knew he didn’t really like parties. Because when he goes to one, he goes completely wild. And that’s one thing an idol can’t do. “ If you help me picking my dress for tonight, and buying me food, then yes I will take u guys to the party.” “ Yes! Thank you y/n! You are the best! Jimin will take you to the mall today.” And he stormed to his room, and left both me and Jimin confused.
“ I don’t understand why I have to go with you. Not that I don’t like it. It’s just that he insisted on going and now I can’t go to Yoongi hyung.” Jimin pouted, he was always a sucker for Yoongi, Jimin looked up to Yoongi and always wanted to do everything with him. “ Well, I don’t understand why he wants to go so bad. Like it’s just a frat party, nothing special. If he wants to go out, you could go to a fancy club with the boys or something.” I sighed. I just hoped that Jungkook would take me to the mall, but yeah that won’t happen today. “ It’s okay y/n. It’s not like he doesn’t like you. He totally likes you, maybe he just wants to go to see you in a short dress.” He grinned, what an asshole. An asshole who I cared so much for.
In the mall we were looking for something I could wear. These days everything is just so short and revealing, that just wasn’t exactly my style. But Jimin said one night would do no harm. So here was I standing in the changing room with a too short pencil skirt on and a bare shoulders crop top. It looked pretty, I admit. But just too revealing. You could see my cleavage if I bent down. “ Y/N-ssi are you done with changing already? Or are you not showing me the outfit? Show it to me please, show me the red one I picked.” And with the red one he meant this too short off the shoulder crop top. I stepped out of the changing room and Jimin gulped when he saw me. “ Jimin isn’t this a little bit too revealing?” “ uhm… well… Jungkook won’t dislike this.” “ I don’t know Jimin…” I was really not sure about this outfit, insecure, I thought my legs were too thick, my belly too fat and my arms clumsy around my body. “ You look stunning. I will pay for the outfit, just wear this tonight. If Jungkook doesn’t notice you then obviously someone else will.” “ No thank you Jimin, I will pay myself.” So with that, I bought the outfit. With my own credit card. And Jimin bought ice cream for me. On the road back home, we talked a lot about our love life which we don’t talk about a lot. “ Why do you actually like Jungkook, y/n-ssi?” He asked “ I don’t really know. The first time I saw Jungkook he was really handsome I have to admit, but I mostly like his personality and how he treats me and stuff.” “ Oh yes, when I was in love with Sunny, I liked everything about her. We just didn’t click, although she was the best girlfriend I ever had.” He was with sunny a few months before we met. I heard a lot about he since Jimin loved her dearly, they just fought a lot. And it got tiring. “ Who was your first love y/n?” He suddenly asked. “ To be honest, it’s Jungkook.” “ What? Really, so you haven’t had loved anyone before? Not even in high school?” “ I’m sure that Jungkook is my first real love, because I have never felt this feeling ever before. I had crushes in high school, but that isn’t love.” My first crush was indeed in high school. His name was Jackson, he did ask me for prom. But I said no, because Yuri and I were supposed to go date-less together. And no one means more to me than Yuri. “ That’s impressive y/n. You know, Jungkook has never loved someone, he never told me he really liked someone. He just likes to fuck.” Jimin said like it was the most normal thing ever, but it was my first time hearing it. “ Jimin, does Jungkook fuck around?” “ Oh, you have never heard it? Well, he used to yes, now not so much.” So Jungkook still does fuck around, wow what a information. “ I’m sorry I told you this y/n, this is so disappointing for you. I should watch my mouth.” “ No Jimin, it’s not your fault he fucks around. It’s just that I didn’t thought of him like that.” I was a little bit disappointed, because Jungkook was always so sweet and honest about everything. I didn’t see this one coming. “ Good, don’t think about Jungkook in that way, he truly is a good guy.” “ I know Jimin, I know.” After coming home, you changed in your outfit and you guys left for the party. Jungkook and Jimin both looked good in their sort of matching outfit, Jungkook in black pants with a white v-neck, and Jimin the other way. Jungkook did stop breathing for a moment when he saw my outfit, maybe it was because he hadn’t seen me like this before. I blushed and just kept walking. Wouldn’t want my feelings to ruin this night. It was a nice party. The alcohol was good, there was a lot of soju. But your favorite whiskey was there too. You could easily drink some shots without getting drunk or passed out. After a while you saw Jimin leave with girl to go the the front yard. Finally he had been getting his free time and his mind of Sunny. And Jungkook, well he disappeared the second you came in this house. In high school you went everywhere with Yuri, but now both of your friends were gone you had to look for company. The first guy you laid your eyes on was probably Jinyoung, he looked a lot more different during school days. You shared an English class and he was really nice. Maybe you should just talk to him. “ Hey Jinyoung! Long time no see.” “ Indeed y/n, you look sexy tonight.” He always made really sarcastic jokes about everything, and most of the time to make you feel good. He praised a lot, just like Jimin. “ Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself either. How have you been doing?” You didn’t want anything else but a friendly conversation, but there were already eyes on you and Jinyoung. He was one of the popular guys of the school. “ Doing this and that, pretty busy I guess. You came with Jungkook and Jimin again?” “ Yes, next time I won’t tho. They always leave me alone.” “ How can a pretty girl like you be left alone?” Suddenly a girl came to him and asked him to dance with him. “ Oppa, can you dance with me. I have been waiting all night for you.” “ Yeah sure Tiff. Y/n I see you at English, bye hun!” And he walked away with the girl.
I was a little bit bored and alone. I declined a lot of offers from guys to dance with me. This outfit really draws attention. I got up and went upstairs to find a bathroom. I wanted to fix my make up and find Jimin after. I opened a few doors, but none were a bathroom door. I walked into a few people in ( almost ) fucking. And I was fucking sick of it. Damn these parties and all the horny people. Why isn’t here a fucking bathroom. There was still two doors in front of each other. This was the only blue door, so I assumed it would be the bathroom door. But no just another bedroom. But when I looked clearly, I saw two people fucking in the bed. A voice that was so familiar, it almost sounded like… Jungkook “ Leave the fucking room and close the fu…” Jungkook stopped in his sentence when he recognized the person standing in door. “ y/n?” I couldn’t hold my tears, my heart broke and I ran away. He had asked me to come to this party only to fuck with some random uni girls? Did he use me to come into these parties, where there won’t be any paparazzi and enough girls who want to go to bed with him. Sure, Jimin warned me saying Jungkook fucks around. But I didn’t prepare for this feeling, I felt broken. And he wasn't even my boyfriend, I couldn’t be angry and I didn’t have any right to be mad at him. The first person who came to my thought was Jimin, I had to find him. I should tell him.
“ Jimin, Jimin!” I shouted with tears in my eyes. I ran of the stairs to the front yard. I saw Jimin drinking with a few other guys, but I couldn’t hold back my tears. “ What’s, going on? What the fuck happend?” He asked worriedly and taking me to a much quieter place. “ He was banging a random girl, and I walked in on them. I couldn’t hold my tears. Jimin why am I like this. Why does it feel like he betrayed me when he isn’t even my boyfriend?” “ This is how it feels when your trust is broken in the one you love. Come here y/n.” He hugged me and patted my head. The only thing I wanted right now was to cry in my bed. Why was I even sad? I knew there was no chance Jungkook and I could be together, but I always thought there was a connection. But apparently the only connection he saw was getting free uni girls to fuck with. “ Jimin, can you take me home please?” I said still sobbing. “ Offcourse y/n, grab your coat, we’re going right now. You should go home and rest.”
The ride home was horrible. Jimin wanted to cheer me up, but he stood no chance. I always saw Jungkook in the good light, never like this. I always thought Jungkook was no fuckboy like everyone is right now. But he is, and my thoughts will never be the same. Maybe it was my fault for falling for him. Because he didn’t even knew. When we arrived at my home Jimin asked to stay with me, but the last thing I wanted was for him to give up his friday night to stay with a sobbing girl with her first heartbreak. “ Y/N You know you are no trouble to me, if there is anything I can do for you I would. But I am not good with feelings.” I forgot that all this maybe have led Jimin to think about Sunny again, and I felt really guilty for that. “ I know it is hard for us both. I think I just need to figure this out on my own. Thank you Jimin.” And he left.
All night I laid in bed, thinking about Jungkook. Did I even see the real Jungkook. Why did I knew so few about my best friend whom I was in love with. My did my tears keep streaming down even when I didn’t want to. Why was I like this. Did love hurt so much?
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