Los que dicen ser Yahudim y no lo son. Esau-Edom-Macabeos-Jázaros, Sionistas...
Ser pro-judío NO es lo mismo que ser sionista
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Como hijo de una familia china emigrada al Occidente, siempre he sentido mucha solidaridad con el pueblo judío en Europa, no sólo porque los judíos askenazis y los chinos compartimos muchas costumbres en común (como el concepto familiar, las madres autoritarias, la exigencia académica y la ética de trabajo), sino también porque el diáspora chino en Asia y el diáspora judío en Europa tienen una historia muy parecida. Ambos han fundado comunidades que han prosperado socioeconómicamente en países donde los nativos les repudian, y a pesar de haber vivido varias generaciones ahí y hecho importantes contribuciones al desarrollo económico y cultural, siempre son percibidos como “extranjeros” y “parásitos” para la sociedad. Siendo minorías étnicas con un nivel económico y académico superior al medio, durante los años de vacas flacas, los políticos populistas, tanto de la izquierda como de la derecha, les convierten en el chivo expiatorio ideal, y en el peor de los casos, víctimas de linchamiento. Pero igual que muchos judíos europeos a principios de siglo XX, no soy partidario al sionismo, porque no creo que la mejor forma de luchar contra la discriminación sea crear tu propio estado donde puedes repetir la discriminación contra otras minorías. De hecho, lo que más me siento identificado con la cultura judía antes de fundar el estado de Israel es la mentalidad cosmopolita, el sentimiento de pertenecer a varias nacionalidades pero de ninguna en concreto, la defensa de la tolerancia multicultural en una sociedad plural, el rechazo a los nacionalismos y las políticas de identidad, la simpatía hacia los movimientos revolucionarios pero la desconfianza hacia los populismos, y sobre todo, el complejo de que independientemente de cómo te esfuerzas en integrarte en la sociedad donde vives, siempre serás considerado como un forastero.
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angelojamal · 28 days
Salute to Truth Unedited doing the extensive research to showcase what the world knows at least on a subconscious level. The Yahudim were originally people of a darker complexion. The heritage where in which was started with Abraham led to a turn of events that led to the scattering of Yah’s people. Which ultimately led to those very people being taken into slavery and removed from the land where in which they originated. I
Personally don’t see it offensive to be considered as Black, however I understand that groups people into one huge melting pot of heritages that do not identify with my connection to Yahweh. They may be black but may not be Israelites. This makes sense why black folk are still oppressed in the 21st century. Yet, Yah’s promises abound give grace to endure until the end.
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ewocnn · 9 months
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Selam ben Alexander Lee Minho. Ben Yahudileri öldürmek için görevlendirildirilmiş biz nazi askeriyim. Yahudileri denetlemek için gittiğim imha kampının yanındaki kayalıklardan bir şarkı sesi duydum. Yaklaştım ve bir yahudi olduğunu gördüm. 251098 numaralı yahudi yani cennet meleğim, güzel yahudim, güzel meleğim, jisung'um herşeyim. Sana yazdığım mektuplar bitmez, sana yazdığım Şiirler bitmez herşey benim korkaklığım yüzünden oldu. Oradaki kişi babam bile olsa vurabilirdim. Yapmadım ve benim aptallığım yüzünden oldu. Kendimi asla affetmeyeceğim, evet biliyorum kendimi affetsem de affetmesem de sen geri gelmeyeceksin güzel yahudim. Herşey o aptal imha kampı yüzünden oldu. Seni koruyamadım ve bu benim aptallığım. Özür dilerim güzel yahudim çok özür dilerim ne kadar çok özür dilesem de asla yerini tutmayacak gerçekten özür dilerim güzel meleğim.
Saçlarınız herşeyden daha önemli olsun artık.
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zionsings · 1 year
Swarthy Yahudim aka Black Jews
I don't think the Hebrew roots movement should have took a racist turn, but  can you debunk John Olgilby's writings from the 1600's that described the Jews as Swarthy black people? His work is published in Justor, what about Tudor Parfitt who studied the scattered Negroid jews in Africa? He wrote many books as well. Can you explain the ark & the covenant being held in Axum? I studied art history as well  the paint used in the ancient days were made of natural materials that can fade over time especially if it wasn't well made. There are many other depictions of the Yahudim who were dark skinned too iconography of Ancient Egypt. the Vatican runs Egyptology, & yes there were mummies who had wooly hair. Just look up the piece named the Semitic prisoner, it isa depicted with dark skin and wooly hair. in my case it is not about religion bug actual history. What about when Gamal Abdel Nasser this was a the 2nd president in Egypt in 1956. Abdel went on television and radio in the 50's and stated to the Askenazi & I quote  "You have left Black and returned White you are impostors and shall never see peace","his words not mine".. He was right there still isn't peace.Rome wiped out the SYRIAC Christians, & even Constantinople some of the people from Palestine are very dark skinned too and never left the region. why is there so much ancient art, however we have to rely on Egyptian Iconography for ancient art of Israel? Can you debunk the Papal Bulls like Dum Diversas that lead up to the Spanish inquisition that birthed the Transatlantic slave trade? Those slave colonies were owned by Portugal land Spain and once of the colonies was named "the Kingdom of Judah on map cartography dating back to 1747.  Many other edicts were written expelling the non believers of" Roman Christianity" to enslavement in perpitutity, & no such edict would have to be written if it wasn't contradicting a law that a Hebrew slave was not supposed to he held in captivity forever. No they were supposed to be released after 6 years of service, just like the Vatican changed the Sabbath to Sunday with blue laws and the Jewish Sanhedrin changed the Sabbath to Saturday never incorporating the New Moon. You can't debunk these things, the roman captivity of the Jews in 70'AD ended in 139 AD. I'm not saying there are no white jews but I do believe history and the powers that be are lying to the masses. There was black Israelites rescued in the 1980's from Starvation, I think they were from the tribe of Dan. I get not wanting the movement to be racist but there is a lot of history that backs up the claim. You read Deuteronmoy 28:37 which part of the Torah which Reads "You will be become a thing of horror, a byword and the object of ridicule among all nations where the lord will drive you. You are Jewish you supposedly know your history, but still to this day you are called Jewish and blackness and whiteness was created in the 1600's after Bacon's rebellion to divide the people from indentured servant and slave revolts. The way some go about it maybe not as POC & I am although I am trying not to offend and use the fruit of the spirit to educate, I am trying relay this truth comely, it is offensive...Nick Cannon and Kyrie Irving got in trouble trying to educate people about this history, so did Michael Jackson, one of his lyrics said he looked to heaven to fulfill this prophecy, set me free on the song he got accused of being an antisemite on. See you don't know black history, because there is no such thing as black history beside the history that began in 1619 in the USA and 400 years later in 2019 BOOM Covid 19 stops the world. The Euphrates is dried up too. We have had triads of Blood moon and a solar eclipse that passed through 7 cities in America named Salem. Israel just outlawed Christianity.  Desantis is banning black history books. These are signs of the times. Sanhedrin changed the Sabbath to Saturday never incorporating the New Moon. You can't debunk these things, the roman captivity of the Jews in 70'AD ended in 139 AD. I'm not saying there are no white jews but I do believe history and the powers that be are lying to the masses. There was black Israelites rescued in the 1980's from Starvation, I think they were from the tribe of Dan. I get not wanting the movement to be racist but there is a lot of history that backs up the claim. You read Deuteronmoy 28:37 which part of the Torah which Reads "You will be become a thing of horror, a byword and the object of ridicule among all nations where the lord will drive you. You are Jewish you supposedly know your history, but still to this day you are called Jewish and blackness and whiteness was created in the 1600's after Bacon's rebellion to divide the people from indentured servant and slave revolts. The way some go about it maybe not as POC & I am although I am trying not to offend and use the fruit of the spirit to educate, I am trying relay this truth comely, it is offensive...Nick Cannon and Kyrie Irving got in trouble trying to educate people about this history, so did Michael Jackson, one of his lyrics sang  Jew me Sue me everybody do me , kick me Ki#e e, don'tcha black or white me,  he looked to heaven to fulfill this prophecy, set me free on the song he got accused of being an antisemite on. See you don't know black history, because there is no such thing as black history beside the history that began in 1619 in the USA and 400 years later in 2019 BOOM Covid 19 stops the world. The Euphrates is dried up too. We have had triads of Blood moon and a solar eclipse that passed through 7 cities in America named Salem. Israel just outlawed Christianity.  Desantis is banning black history books. These are signs of the times. May Yahuah be with us all because we have been lied too and a lot of history was white washed and rewritten.
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dayanautrerablog · 3 years
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#YAHWEH #YhwhTzavaot #144000 #YAHUSHUA #ElÚltimo #ElVerdaderoNombre #elcaminodeyhwh #EdatDevorim #yahudim #YahushuaElMesias #malapraxiscristiana #RaicesHebreas #apocalipsis11 #BuscaYahwehMientrasPuedaSerHallado https://www.instagram.com/p/CRDxjQjNR-M/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamjustinlove7 · 6 years
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"The Key to Success lies within what's been programmed into the subconscious mind." - Justin Love. . . You must reprogram yourself. Delete the programming passed down from your childhood. That's NOT the REAL You! You must Awaken and delete that System. Know and Remember that YOU ARE A CREATOR. You Create your Reality and your perception of the World. . . There's ONLY ONE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. We Are Spirit. We Are Source Energy inside Vehicles of Carbon-12 we call bodies. We Are God possessed with HIS SPIRIT for those that Believe and Know They are Saints of Yahuah Most High! Yahushua is LORD. Yashushua is JESUS! The Representation of Spirit made Ego/Flesh/Human body. WE ARE THE SPIRIT OF YAHUSHUA! . . . . . #womanwelder #headscarf #headcovering #motivational #skylightened #goodevening #happythursday #loveyourlife #lovegod #inspiration #loveyourpeople #embraceyourgreatness #peacethere #sunnies #thirdeye #awakenedsoul #thoth #sourceenergy #organicallygrown #yahudim #yahudah #ethiopians #lightworkers #realblackhistory #blackjesus #theliestheytell #starseeds #jewsareblack #ashkenazijews #consciousness https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt3cc9NgiAX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12b6n9ap2tbw2
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eliyahuisrael-blog · 7 years
Smh I hope my people stop giving their money and support to these coon crooks. Pastor James Manning teaching black inferiority. Factually this guy is wrong on so many levels. First off Egypt is part of Africa. There were great cities civilizations with great wealth like Timbuktu, Ancient Nubia, The Kingdom of Kongo also the Kingdom of Zimbabwe that were thriving and self sufficient long before European colonialism. This guy says there are only one story high grass huts in all of Africa which is false! The Kingdom of Zimbabwe had tall buildings made of stone before the Europeans. There are also black civilizations who conquered and enslaved whites such as the Carthaginians and the Moors who you will never learn of in school or colleges taught and operated by europeans. The Moors brought numerous innovations in many areas of knowledge to whites in Europe including universal education, sewer systems, paved roads, street lights and hospitals. If our people are never taught these things and are only taught that we are the inferior then the result is guys like Pastor Manning teaching a whole congregation that they can't do anything without the help of their slave masters. We as a people need to embrace our #Hebrew roots and re-educate ourselves and our people so we can break free of these self hating house nigga mindsets.#Repost @bena_yahu #blackpastors#blackchurch#blackchurchesbelike#blackchurches#wakeup#wakedafucup#getsomeunderstanding#hebrew#israelite#israelites#12tribes#realhebrews#chosenpeople#yahudi#yahudim#realjews#realjew
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re-new-your-mind · 4 years
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A JEW ( Yahudim )is one who is A JEW (YAHUDIM) #INWARDLY .. whose praise is NOT from men!But of the Father of Lights .. Therefore , ==> Matthew 23:5-8 [5]But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, [6]And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, [7]And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. [8]But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
So we Know though many be the seed of Abraham ,NOT ALL are the CHILDREN of YAH! Even Abraham does INDEED make a Difference,even today!
Revelation 12:17 [17]And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant (Descendants) of her *SEED* (Messiah,THE WORD),
WHO ARE THE DESCENDANTS OR REMNANTS? (1) which keep the commandments of God, and (2) have the testimony (THE COVENANT IN HIS BLOOD) of YAHUSHA THE MESSIAH.
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jp1baker-blog · 7 years
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My people, flee from her! Flee from the midst of Babel! As the command of Yahuah leads, get out of the USA! A great devouring is coming by the claws of a bear to bite and rip to shreds all of the flocks and cities of the USA in 5 years timing as Yashua has revealed in the Hebrew tongue. Flee from her midst! Escape! Do not be consumed by the displeasure of Yahuah! Go and flee to the lands afar! Flee to Nigeria, to Ghana, to Morocco, to Cameroon, to Chad, to Somalia and Sudan, and South Africa go! Flee to the lands afar! Go! Escape the wrath of the mighty hand of EL, lest you desire to stay here in the comfort and security of your home in the USA and are burned by His displeasure. You will be safer in a third world nation ravaged by terrorists and slavery than here! Are not those the places that need the good news the most? Is not Yarushalayim (Jerusalem) our home? Prepare to flee to the mountains my people. Take your tents and sojourn as the ancients. Make His set apart name and the good news of Yashua known in lands it has never been and dwell in safety away from this land. HalleluYah! Praise Yah! Make your boast in His set apart name Yahuah! Yahuah is like a lion, praise Him alone in the name of Yashua Ha'Mashiach! HalleluYah! ➖ YirmeYahu (Jeremiah) 51:6 TS2009 Flee from the midst of Baḇel, and let each one save his life! Do not be cut off in her crookedness, for this is the time of the vengeance of Yahuah, the recompense He is repaying her. ➖ Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 51:45 TS2009 “Come out of her midst, My people! And let everyone deliver his being from the burning displeasure of Yahuah. ➖ #Yahuah #Yashua #Yahusha #Yahushua #Torah #Yahweh #Hebrew #Yisrael #Yashraal #Israel #Yahudah #Yehudah #Judah #Jew #Jews #Yahudim #Yehudim #12tribes #shabbat #shabbatshalom #shalom #sabbath #happysabbath #יהוה #ישוע #יהושוע #יהושע #ישראל #יהודה #יהודים #יהודי #הללויה #שבתשלום #שלום #שבת (at Babylon , New York)
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assemblyoftheway · 6 years
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Afro-Guyanese people are inhabitants of Guyana who are of Sub-Saharan African descent, generally descended from slaves brought to the Guianas to work on sugar plantations. In 1621 the Dutch West India Company acquired a charter to colonize and monopolize trade in the Americas and in Africa where they established a chain of slave trading and collection forts along the western African coast to supply slave labor for the Americas. The first of many hundreds of shiploads of enslaved Africans began arriving in Guyana in 1640 to work on the Dutch slave labor plantations. Slave labor was used to build the remarkable system of large drainage canals, dikes and sluices that form a protective barrier between the Atlantic Ocean and the low-lying coastline where most of the population still lives. One of the largest segments of Guyana's population are the descendants of those freed slaves who stayed in the colony after 1833. They make up about three-tenths of the population. Guyana is the only English-speaking country of South America, it was also never a Spanish or Portuguese colony, but instead Dutch and then British. Emancipation Day in Guyana comes every August 1st and commemorates the abolition of slavery in Guyana in 1834. Guyana shares Emancipation Day with other Caribbean nations that were formerly British colonies. There is currently a Hebrew culture center in Guyana called ‘The Prophetic Priesthood at Jerusalem,’ that keeps the laws of The Highest. Also, the territory now known as Guyana was first inhabited by indigenous groups such as the Carib (Galibi or Kalinago), Arawak (Taino), Warrau, Wayana and Akawai. Before the captive’s slaves were brought to Guyana.
From the late 1500s to the 1860s, Brazil was consistently the largest destination for African slaves in the Americas. In that period, approximately 4 million enslaved Africans were imported to Brazil. Thousands of African slaves were brought to work in the gold mines. They were landed in Rio de Janeiro and sent to other regions. By the late 18th century, Rio de Janeiro was an "African city": most of its inhabitants were slaves. No other place in the world had as many slaves since the end of the Roman Empire. In 1808 the Portuguese Royal Family, fleeing from Napoleon, took charge in Rio de Janeiro. Some 15,000 Portuguese nobles moved to Brazil. The region changed a lot, becoming more European. The coast, in the past the place where millions of African slaves arrived (mostly from modern-day Angola, Ghana, Nigeria and Benin) to work in sugar-cane plantations, is where nowadays there is a predominance of Mulattoes, those of African and European ancestry. However, Salvador, Bahia is considered the largest African city outside of Africa, with over 80% of its inhabitants being African-Brazilians. It has been estimated by Darcy Ribeiro, a Brazilian anthropologist, author and politician that,12 million Africans were captured to be brought to Brazil, even though the majority of them died before becoming slaves in the country, only 45% of the Africans captured in Africa, to become slaves in Brazil, survived. Brazilian slavery included a diverse range of labor roles. For example, gold mining in Brazil began to grow around 1690 in interior regions of Brazil, such as modern-day region of Minas Gerais. Slaves in Brazil also worked on sugar plantations, such as those found in the first capital of Brazil—Salvador, Bahia. Other products of slave labor in Brazil during that era in Brazilian history included tobacco, textiles, and cachaça, which were often vital items traded in exchange for slaves on the African continent.
The majority of 190,000 Afro-Uruguayans are in Montevideo. The port of Buenos Aires served as the exclusive entry point for enslaved Africans in the Río de la Plata region. Slaves entering the port of Buenos Aires were then regularly shipped inland to Córdoba and the northwestern provinces of Salta and Tucumán in Argentina, across the Andes Mountains to Chile (see Afro-Chileans) and to the mines of Potosí in Alto Perú. Most African slaves worked as domestic servants or day laborers. Slavery was abolished gradually between 1842 and 1852. Economically they remain among the poorest sectors of Uruguayan society: most are non-qualified workers employed in the construction industry, domestic service, or cleaning and porter services. There is high unemployment among young Afro-Uruguayans. English is spoken in this country, but mostly for business, and then 99% of the population of Uruguay speaks Spanish.
The first slaves arrived with the conquistadors (Spaniards) in 1521. In 1529 and 1537, Francisco Pizarro was granted permits to import 363 slaves to colonial Peru. The "New laws" of 1548 and the influence of the denunciation of the abuses against Native Americans by Friar Bartolomé de las Casas, slaves gradually replaced natives at the Encomienda’s. Over the course of the slave trade, approximately 95,000 slaves were brought into Peru, with the last group arriving in 1850.
Slave owners in Peru developed preferences to have slaves from specific areas of Africa (believed to have certain characteristics); they wanted to have slaves of one area who could communicate with each other. They believed slaves from Guinea, from the Senegal River down to the Slave Coast, were easier to manage and had marketable skills. They already knew how to plant and cultivate rice, train horses, and herd cattle on horseback. The slave owners also preferred slaves from the area stretching from Nigeria to eastern Ghana. The slave owners' third choice was for slaves from Congo, Mantenga, Cambado, Misanga, Mozambique, Madagascar, Terranova (who were probably bought in Porto-Novo, Benin), Mina and Angola. Two types of black slaves were forced to travel to Peru. Those born in Africa were commonly referred to as negros bozales ("untamed blacks"), which was also used in a derogatory sense. These slaves were shipped from west or southwest Africa or transported from the Spanish Indies or other Spanish colonies. Afro-Peruvians previously acculturated to Spanish culture and the ones who spoke Spanish were called negros ladinos (Latinized Negros) “Ladino” was a racist term used in the Iberia Peninsula. The Iberian Peninsula is Portugal and Spain, sound familiar? Well, if it does that’s because that is where black Jews (Yahudim) were expelled from and taking to the west coast of Africa only to be brought to the Americas and the Islands of the sea. Which would mean the slaves that were taking to Peru are descendants of these slaves, which would mean, they are the TRUE Jew/Yahudim.
In 1835, President Felipe Santiago Salaverry signed a decree again legalizing the deportation of slaves through the other Latin American countries. Thus, two years after his death, will be removed from the constitution the principle of "emancipating soil" according to which a slave entering Peru is, de facto, made free. In 1854, General José de San Martín outlaws slave trade in Peru. In 1856, President Ramón Castilla y Marquezado declared slavery abolished. Afro-Peruvian music has its roots in the communities of black slaves brought to work in the mines along the Peruvian coast. Today, Afro-Peruvians (also known as Afro descent Peruvians) reside mainly on the central and south coast, with the majority of the population in the provinces of Lima, Callao, Nazca, Chincha, Ica and Cañete. Many Afro-Peruvians live on the northern coast in Lambayeque and Piura. The greatest concentration of Afro-Peruvians and mestizos of Afro descent is in the Callao, an area that has historically received many of the Afro-Peruvians from the north and southern coast.
Slave ships first arrived in Ecuadorian ports in 1526, and slaves worked on plantations and in gold mines. Afro-Ecuadorians make up most of the balance of the percentage and include mulattos (mixed European and sub-Saharan African) and zambos (mixed indigenous and sub-Saharan African). Afro-Ecuadorians are an ethnic group in Ecuador who are descendants of black African slaves brought by the Spanish during their conquest of Ecuador from the Incas. They make up from 3% to 5% of Ecuador's population. The Afro-Ecuadorian culture is found primarily in the country's northwest coastal region. Africans form a majority (70%) in the province of Esmeraldas and also have an important concentration in the Valle del Chota in the Imbabura Province. They can be also found in important numbers in Quito and Guayaquil. Today, Afro-Ecuadorians have the highest unemployment level and are among the poorest of Ecuadorian social groups. Also, there is evidence that this group still faces regional inequalities and racial discrimination, particularly in urban areas.
AFRO-CHILEANS Afro-Chileans are descended from the Sub-Saharan part of Africa, who were brought to the New World by religious orders and Spaniards. Slavery bloomed from 1580 to 1660, the import of slaves into Chile was a response to a long-term population decline among indigenous peoples. Black slaves were often used as housekeepers, agriculture, gold mining, and construction projects. Mortality was high, due to harsh working environment. and other posts of confidence. It is believed some of them might have come from Peru from the Antilles or towns in Africa, specifically from the Bantu regions some also were considered as descendants of Enslaved Africans brought from Africa to Present day Peru, Cuba, Brazil, then later brought to Chile. Afro-Chileans are mainly located in Arica y Parinacota in northern Chile. They are not recognized by Chilean government as an ethnic group.
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kehilatorahdeyahweh · 4 years
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יהוה Es el Nombre del Elohim de Yisrael, Elohim de Avraham, Elohim de Yitzchak y Elohim de Yaakov, escrito en hebreo, preservado conforme se encuentra en el TaNaK y en La Brit Chadasha; cumpliendo el Mitzvot Shemot 3:15 de la Torah, Hallelu-Yah
יהושע Es el Nombre verdadero del Hijo unigénito de יהוה, escrito en hebreo, recuperado conforme a sus días en Erets- Yisrael, el cual significa יהוה es salvación. El uso de יהושע-Yahoshua/Yahshua más bien que Y’shua o Yeshua, como el nombre de MashiYach, depende del contexto histórico. Hemos optado por יהושע-Yahshua/Yahoshua como está en Hebreo y en la edición RSTNE de nuestro rabino Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky; esta es la forma escrita del nombre anterior a la cautividad Babilónica, y por su conexión clara con las Escrituras proféticas como Zecharyah 6:11-12. Nos fundamentamos en el hecho de que יהושע vino en el Nombre de יהוה, que claramente contiene la letra hey como en “Yahoshua”. En relación a la expresión יחnהמ יהושע-Yahshua HaMashiYach, como realmente fue llamado en su primer advenimiento, en referencia a Él como יהושע [yud hey vav shin ayin] más bien que [yud-shin-vav-ayin]. La BYS-Tulua, ha optado por el nombre completo incluyendo la letra “hey” conforme nos fue revelado: יהושע es יהוה salvación.
אלהא-Aleph-Lamed-Hey-Aleph pronunciado El-o-ah, como un atributo para הוהי a través del Brit Renovado de la Peshitta Aramea. El título El-o-ah también aparece a través del TaNaK. Tambien escribimos en referencia al Elohim de Yisrael como, יהוה nuestro אלהא [Elohim] con letras Hebreas en La Brit Chadasha [Brit Renovado]. Hemos colocado la transliteración fonética del hebreo en muchos pasukim [versos] de este trabajo, para exaltar a יחnהמ יהושע anב יהוה [Yahweh beshem Yahshua HaMashiYach].
Algunas de las siguientes fuentes han sido utilizadas para restaurar el entendimiento correcto:
DSS-Manuscritos del Mar Muerto-Los fragmentos más antiguos de la Tanaj en el midbar de Judea varias cuevas en Qumran escritos entre el año 150 ACE-68 EC.
LXX-Septuaginta (La traducción Griega de la Tanaj Hebrea, hecha alrededor del año 150 ACE).
Peshitta-El Brit Renovado en Arameo, el idioma original .
Mateo Shem Tov –Texto Hebreo de la Edad Media, que se atribuye como derivado directamente del original antiguo Hebreo.
Antiguo Siriaco-Una traducción Aramea de un manuscrito Griego. La cual no tiene la autoridad o legitimidad de la Peshitta Aramea, los documentos originales del Brit Renovado.
Nuestro Asir-Todah [Agradecimiento] es para Avinu Malkeynu HaKadosh יחnהמ יהושע anב יהוה [Yahweh beshem Yahshua HaMashiYach], a quien solo deseamos darle toda Kavod y Tifereth por los méritos de יהושע-Yahshua HaMashiYach; expresarle hodu, porque Su Ruach HaKadosh nos ha guiado para encontrar el carácter de nuestro MashiYach יהושע-Yahshua en el TaNaK; por regalarnos enseñanzas kadoshim y permitirnos ser parte de La ET-Kol Edah [עדה] Am-ראלnי-Yisrael [Yahudim-Efrayim]. Postrados y humillados con Yirat [temor] delante de Su presencia, Oh, Avinu HaKadosh, יחnהמ יהושע anב יהוה [Yahweh beshem Yahshua HaMashiYach] deseamos escudriñar Tu ET [את] Alef-Taw, revelado como יהושע-Yahshua en las keetvey HaKadosh, Hallelu-Yah [הללו־יה].
Cuando escudriñe este trabajo de las keetvey HaKadosh, por favor, si encuentra un error, remítalo a la BYS-Tulua; direcciones de correos al final; le rogamos que su envío se fundamente en la raíz hebrea de La Torah. Usted encontrará versos en hebreo con su transliteración fonética, y gracias a La Ruach HaKadosh de יהוה-Yahweh Tzevaot beshem יהושע-Yahshua, hemos utilizado la transliteración fonética del hebreo, en todos aquellos versos donde se encuentra el Nombre Kadosh de יהוה-Yahweh, para exaltar a יהוה-Yahweh beshem יהושע-Yahshua HaMashiYach. Por favor, este trabajo, no está alineado a la gramática del español, preferimos seguir la estructura hebrea de La Torah y así disernir la verdad [emet] de La Torah; razón por la cual recomendamos el glosario de la transliteración fonética del hebreo al final.
Y hemos trazado los pasukim siguiendo la RSTNE, 3rd Edition Restoration Scriptures True Name Compact Edition in English (Inglés), traducida del hebreo por nuestro rabino Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky, El RAMYK, así mantenemos el seder [orden] y nos gozamos exaltando a יהוה beshem יהושע.
Finalmente, versículos claves son transliterado en español y algunos también aparecen en hebreo.
Yirmeyahu-Jeremías 31:31-37
נה ימיa באיa נאa־יהוה וכרתי את־בית יnראל ואת־בית יהודה ברית חדnה׃ לא כברית אnר כרתי את־אבותa ביוa החזיקי בידa להוציאa מארy מצריa אnר־המה הפרו את־בריתי ואנכי בעלתי בa נאa־יהוה׃כי זאת הברית אnר אכרת את־בית יnראל אחרי הימיa ההa נאa־יהוה נתתי את־תורתי בקרבa ועל־לבa אכתבנה והייתי להa לאלהיa והמה יהיו־לי לעa׃ולא ילמדו עוד איn את־רעהו ואיn את־אחיו לאמר דעו את־יהוה כי־כולa ידעו אותי למקטנa ועד־גדולa נאa־יהוה כי אסלח לעונa ולחטאתa לא אזכר־עוד׃ כה אמר יהוה נת¡ nמn לאור יומa חקת ירח וכוכביa לאור לילה רגע היa ויהמו גליו יהוה צבאות nמו׃ אa־ימnו החקיa האלה מלפני נאa־יהוה גa זרע יnראל יnבתו מהיות גוי לפני כל־הימיa׃כה אמר יהוה אa־ימדו nמיa מלמעלה ויחקרו
מוסדי־ארy למטה גa־אני אמאס בכל־זרע יnראל על־כל־אnר עnו נאa־יהוה׃
Los días vienen, dice יהוה, en que haré Brit Chadasha [Brit renovado] con Bayit Yisrael y con Bayit Yahudah [Hine yamim baim neum-Yahweh vecharati Et-bayit Yisrael veEt-bayit Yahudah brit chadasha]
No será como el Brit que hice con sus padres cuando los tomé de la mano y los saqué de la tierra de Mitzrayim; porque, ellos, por su parte, violaron mi Brit, aúnque Yo fui un esposo para ellos dice יהוה. [Lo chabrit asher karati et-avotam beyom hecheziki veyadam lehotsiam meerets mitzrayim asher-hema heferu Et-Brit veanochi baalti vam neum-Yahweh]
Porque este es el Brit que haré con la bayit Yisrael después de esos días, dice יהוה: Yo pondré mi Torah en sus mentes y la escribiré en sus levavot; Yo seré su Elohim, y ellos serán Ami [mi pueblo] [Ki zot habrit asher echrot Et-beyt Yisrael acharey hayamim hahem neum-Yahweh natati Et-torati bekirbam veal-libam echtavena vehayiti lahem lelohim vehema yihyu-li leam]
Ninguno de ellos enseñará más a su hermano, diciendo: Conoce a יהוה; porque todos Me conocerán, desde el menor de ellos hasta el más grande; dice יהוה, porque Yo perdonaré sus transgresiones y nunca más me acordaré de sus pecados [Velo yelamdu od ish et-reehu veish et-achiv lemor deu Et-Yahweh ki-chulam yedu oti lemiktanam vead-gedolam neum- Yahweh ki eslach laavonam ulechatatam lo ezkar-od:]
Así dice יהוה, quien da el sol para luz del día, la luna y las cochavim para la luz de la noche y hace al mar rugir, יהוה-Tzevaot, es Su Nombre [Ko amar Yahweh noten shemesh leor yomam chukot yareach vechochavim leor layla roga hayam vayehemu galav Yahweh Tzevaot shemo]
Si estos chukim desaparecen delante de mi presencia dice יהוה, Entonces la zera de Yisrael dejará de ser una nación en mi presencia todos los días - Le-Olam-va-ed [Im-yamushu hachukim haele milfaney neum-Yahweh gam zera Yisrael yishbetu mihyot goy lefaney kol-hayomim:]
Asi dice יהוה, Si el Shamayim arriba pudiera ser medido, y si los cimientos de la tierra ser penetrados, Yo rechaso la zera de Yisrael por todo lo que ellos han hecho, dice יהוה [Ko amar Yahweh im-yimadu shamayim milmala veyechakru mosdey-erets lemata gam-ai emas bechol-zera Yisrael al-kol-asher ashou neum-Yahweh]
Escrituras de Restauración Edición Del Nombre Verdadero Yeshayahu-Isaías 58:12
Y ellos que serán de entre tí edificarán los antiguos lugares aruinados, tú restaurarás los cimientos de muchas generaciones; y tú serás llamado Gadar-Peretz, el restaurador de calzadas para morar.
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Los que dicen ser Yahudim y no lo son. Esau-Edom-Macabeos-Jázaros, Sionistas...
¿Están los judíos americanos detrás de las acciones de Israel?
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Es cierto que entre los pro-israelíes en EEUU hay lobbies judíos, pero según varias  encuestas, la mayoría de los judíos americanos ni siquiera se consideran sionistas, y 70% de ellos se declaran de “izquierdas”. En cambio, los estadounidenses que más apoyan a Israel son los cristianos evangélicos y algunos sectores más radicales de la derecha, la mayoría de los cuales son blancos protestantes. Entre la población de Israel, tampoco toda la población es judía. Un 20% son árabes de religión musulmana y cristiana, pero tienen la ciudadanía israelí. A día de hoy, las voces más críticas de Israel también suelen venir de la comunidad judía, tanto desde dentro como fuera de Israel. De hecho, muchos judíos ortodoxos están abiertamente en contra del sionismo, alegando que instalarse en la tierra sagrada era una grave violación contra la voluntad de Dios.
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allcapponne · 5 years
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      A forma “YAHUSHA” está descartada e incorreta devido a parte final do Nomedo Filho do Altíssimo está INCOMPLETA ‘SHA’ (שע). Infelizmente, a grafia completa se originou após a colocação das vogais pelos sinais massoréticos, o qual a letra ‘Wav’ (ו) foi excluída e substituída pelo sinal massorético ‘kibuts’ (3 pontos embaixo da letra Shin)na letra ‘Shin’ (ש) resultando em: שֻׁ  E a grafia original final ‘SHUA’ (שוע) que significa ‘SALVA’ / ‘SALVAÇÃO’, NÃO é substituída por (שֻׁעַ). 5. POR QUE YAHUSHUA (SEM SINAIS MASSORÉTICOS) (יהושוע) E NÃO YAHUSHUA (COM SINAIS MASSORÉTICOS) (יָהוּשֻׁעַ).       A forma ‘sem sinais massoréticos’ é a mais apropriada devido ela ser completa e derivada da grafia original hebraica. Não é porque não possui sinais massoréticos que não é possível pronunciar, claro que é possível, pois os próprios YAHUDIM (judeus) em seu País conseguem ler as palavras sem a necessidade dos sinais. E também, a forma ‘com sinais massoréticos’ é uma grafia ‘forçadamente’ adaptada, o qual tenta aproximar-se da grafia original, mas ainda assim deixa as pessoas confusas devido aos sinais.  E a grafia original final ‘SHUA’ (שוע) que significa ‘SALVA’ / ‘SALVAÇÃO’, NÃO é substituída por (שֻׁעַ). Sabemos que o Grande Criador YAHUH, e o nosso Mestre Ungido YAHUSHUAtem grande amor por todos nós! E é por isso, que Ele ainda consegue atender pelos nomes paganizados no início de nosso clamor, porém a partir do momento que nós descobrirmos que os nomes sagrados foram adulterados pelo Inimigo, então precisamos de uma vez por todas abolir toda essa farsa e começar a adotar os Verdadeiros Nomes Sagrados, pois cada Nome possui um significado muito importante, e os Santos Nomes do Pai e do Filho nos mostra quem realmente são. Se o Inimigo mudou tanto, e ainda continua hoje, os Nomes Sagrados, isso significa o quanto Eles são poderosos! Então, você que quer servir de Verdade o Altíssimo, comece a Invocar os Únicos Nomes Sagrados! HALLELUYAH! SHALOM! https://www.instagram.com/p/By82B48g_AucxtFsFuIznPxsV0mxoDqSEM-mCA0/?igshid=ttrx4ftpa6z5
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afroinsider · 6 years
Nnamdi Yahudim Ben – Brave Biafran
We can all recall the bloodbath that greeted the May 30th, 2016 BIAFRA Remembrance Day at Nkpor in Anambra state. It was one of the worst Mass killings of innocent Biafrans who were unarmed. The killing which started at the middle of the night in a church where so many brothers passed the night prior to the match the next Day, resulted into so many…
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thedtf · 7 years
What do you think?
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eliyahuisrael-blog · 7 years
Via: @bena_yahu ・・・ #blackpastor bringing out the #Truth to his flock. #YHUH #YHWH #YAHUAH #Yahusha #Messiah #facts #torahlife #jew #realjew #realjews #hebrew #realhebrew #israeli #israelites #yahudi #yahudim #chosenpeople #12tribes #repent
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