#yakuza 0 lb -
mejomonster · 1 year
I'm playing Judgement, a yakuza spin off game
And its so fucking funny like I hear in reviews it's story is SO good but I also hear do NOT search more about the story you will spoil it and you'll enjoy it more being surprised. And like yeah that tracks, it's a detective game so the mystery is part of the fun. But also I really reallyyyy want to know why the story is considered so freaking amazing. The last game I controlled my curiosity on was Nier Automata. And yes, that game was worth knowing nothing besides "play 5 times." I was spoiled on Drakengard 3 though and that was still fun af. Point is I'm just so curious what makes Judgements story so utterly Great. Because sure, it's fun and well written so far. But it also doesn't seem any more impressive than Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon using corrupt politicians and purity culture Bleach protestors to make interesting commentary.... Judgement looks to be going in a government critique, corporations loving money more than peoples wellbeing angle, crime and government and corruption ties. But I'm not seeing anything mindblowing or particularly unique yet (I'm in like chapter 6 I think?). I'm sure it'll be a good fun detective story with meaningful writing. I'm not nearly as sure it'll be anything so amazing I'll think of the story as a step above. But then also like... if a story sucks or characterization arcs suck, I will not even play a game. So I'm comparing Judgement to other good games, and it's matching that fine. If the norm for detective games or crime games is shit weak stories, then yeah I imagine Judgement would stand out... but I also would have no idea it stands out compared to something else.
I also saw Judgement described as Ace Attorney mixed with Yakuza and YEAH. FUCK. For both better or worse lol. As you know, Yakuza games are one part intense angst sad times crime drama in game form, and one part balls to the wall silly shit (you'd have to play to see what I mean but a chicken as your real estate manager, a bug fighting card game where you wrestle nearly naked women, fighting people as a cute mascot, stopping a ghost haunting scam, your rival stripping for you, are just a few ordinary yakuza game moments). Judgement is the same, in that it's serious parts could equate to a well written crime drama I'd watch (and that will probably make me sob), and it's silly parts include stopping a panty stealing stalker and getting so drunk Yagami nearly dies to help pay a friend's friends tuition at a host club and pretending to be Dracula in a press interview. I love a mix of intense angst heavy drama that makes me contemplate life, and silly wild shit that's oddly heart warming (it's probably all Kingdom Heart's fault and Yakuza games also offer this nice combo). Well... sometimes Judgement gives you some Ace Attorney bullshit exactly as silly as Ace Attorney, which is fun. You're solving the silliest fucking case, people are yelling ridiculous things, you're yelling objection, everything's fine. But then sometimes... Judgement will make you do crime solving of heavy plot shit you've been following for like 20 hours now and if you make a wrong choice or move you could fuck yourself utterly over and god is it STRESSFUL. I stopped playing the game for a month, came back to it, and the game expected me to remember the name of informant leads and murder victims and government agencies that had come up in prior interviews like 10 hours prior (and a whole month prior since I took time off playing). And my brain doesn't remember long term well lmao. I was drowning on the edge of my seat guessing blindly hoping I fucking guessed right on intuition because I had no idea a jdrama style bulk of scenes was going to Lead to me needing to come to detective conclusions and decisions without any Time prior to look at the Case Files. (And thank fuck for the Case Files area in the game, for people like me who forgot fucking everything during game breaks). It's like Ace Attorney except I fear losing 6 hours of game progress and dying, and my poor cute friends of Yagami getting killed or something, if I fuck up a main story case. Now... maybe it's more rigidly structured than I think and its hard to Actually Fuck up a main plot section... but it does not Feel rigid, it feels like you can fuck up at any moment, and in a way thats cool cause you also feel very much like Yagami. It makes the emotional elements of the game work well, because it makes it easy to care the way the protagonist Yagami is caring and feeling. And just like him, I sure feel stressed and like I'm gonna fail (again) horrifically as a lawyer and get people killed. The Yakuza games NEVER made me feel this much dread, because ultimately yakuza games come down to following through the plot and winning the fights (or dying and retrying the fights). Because Judgement makes me actually have to piece together things, gives chances to pick dumb options that will fuck me over or at least feel like they will (in contrast to Yakuza where if you pick the dumb option it's funny and never results in game over). It definitely feels like PLAYING a crime drama. Which I find fun but very Intense at times.
For that reason alone, I'd recommend it if you're into crime dramas or detective games or action games with mysteries. The crime solving investigation moments are probably not super involved or hard (or I'd give up), but the overall effect of everything together does feel like a good experience where you feel like a detective in this kind of story. And being a Yakuza series type story, it's heavy as hell emotionally with good characters.
Then of course. Judgement, like all Yakzua games, is really pretty. Realistic character models with good acting, an apparently excellent English dub (though I'm playing the Japanese version which is great as expected), a very pretty and detailed virtual experience of the city (which all the yakuza games nail), fun action combat (that's easy enough to learn but complicated enough to get more involved in it Than I do), various fun things to do (racing, mini games like playing Mortal Kombat inside the game, investigating, tools, side stories of various wild things to do).
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judgementkazukun · 1 year
Name: Kazuma Kiryu
Aliases: The Dragon of Dojima, Judgement Kazzy, Taichi Suzuki, Dragon Mask, Joryu
Age: 20-55+
Date of Birth: 17 June 1968
Astrology: Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon, Scorpio Rising + Full Chart Analysis
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, Black/Gray, Gray; verse dependent
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 194 lbs
Rank: Chairman of the Tojo Clan (formerly)
Occupation(s): Disciple of Daidoji Temple, Debt Collector (formerly), Real Estate Agent (1988), Manager of Four Shine Cabaret Club (2006), Founder & Manager (2007-2011) of Morning Glory Orphanage, Taxi Driver (2012, as Taichi Suzuki), Bodyguard
Birthplace: Yokohama, Japan
Ethnicity: Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Family: Shintaro Kazama (adoptive father), Haruka Sawamura (adoptive daughter), Haruto Sawamura (adoptive grandson), Ayako (adoptive daughter), Riona (adoptive daughter), Eri (adoptive daughter), Izumi (adoptive daughter), Koji (adoptive son), Mitsuo (adoptive son), Shiro (adoptive son), Taichi (adoptive son)
cw: violence, death, mentions of sexual assault
Major spoilers for the Yakuza/Like A Dragon series
Childhood: Kazuma Kiryu's parents are killed, resulting in Kiryu's being raised at Sunflower Orphanage by Shintaro Kazama. At the orphanage he meets Akira Nishikiyama (Nishiki), Yuko Nishikiyama, and Yumi Sawamura.
1980 (Age 12): Kiryu secretly follows Kazama to a raid on the Korean Jingweon Mafia. Confusion erupts when he reveals his presence, resulting in Kazama killing the head of the Jingweon Mafia.
1985/6 (Age 17): Kiryu joins the yakuza alongside Nishiki. The two swear loyalty to one another, becoming oath brothers.
1988-1989 (Age 20): Events of Yakuza 0. A man that Kiryu collected a debt from turns up murdered. His superiors suspect him of the murder, but Kiryu is innocent and wants to prove this. However, one of his superiors attempts to blame Kazama for the incident, citing that it is his fault Kiryu is incompetent. Kiryu chooses to be expelled from the Tojo Clan rather than let Kazama take the fall. Kiryu joins Tetsu Tachibana and Jun Oda as a real estate agent and plans to figure out who really committed the murder he's suspected of while Tachibana Real Estate are engaging in a war with the Dojima Family over Kamurocho's empty lot. He is ultimately cleared of the murder charges and rejoins the Tojo Clan.
1993 (Age 24/25): Kiryu is held captive and tortured by Lao Ka Long.
1995 (Age 27): Sohei Dojima, the patriarch of the Dojima Family (to which both Kiryu and Nishiki belong) kidnaps Yumi Sawamura, likely planning to sexually assault her. Nishiki follows the two. Kiryu hears about this after the fact and attempts to follow them as well, but is held up by a fight on the way there. By the time he arrives, Nishiki has shot Dojima multiple times. He urges Nishiki to protect Yumi and ushers them out of the area. Police show up and arrest Kiryu for the murder. He confesses his guilt despite reservations from the interrogating detective Makoto Date.
1995-2005 (Age 27-37): Kiryu is imprisoned for Dojima's murder. He is expelled from the Tojo Clan.
2005 (Age 37): Events of Yakuza Kiwami take place. Kiryu is released from prison. Third Chairman of the Tojo Clan, Masaru Sera, has died. Later, Kiryu will find out that Sera's will named Kiryu himself as Fourth Chairman. He attempts to reunite with Kazama at the funeral, but Kazama is shot while they are talking, and Kiryu gets accused by Futoshi Shimano of the attempted murder. He escapes with the help of Makoto Date who urges him to look for Yumi. He does, but instead finds a room full of slaughtered people and a hiding and terrified Haruka Sawamura. When reuniting with Nishiki, Kiryu learns that Nishiki is responsible for Kazama's attempted murder, and the two fail to reconcile. Later on, he finds out where Kazama is waiting for him, but this time a grenade thrown by Futoshi Shimano causes Kazama to be mortally wounded. Kazama confesses he is the one who killed Kiryu's biological parents just before he dies. Kiryu tries to meet with Yumi at the Millennium Tower, but they are interrupted. He then finds Nishiki whom he fights and defeats. When another man tries to shoot Kiryu, Nishiki detonates a bomb that kills the assailant and himself. Yumi succumbs to a gunshot wound. Having lost everyone, Kiryu considers going back to jail, but is talked out of it when reminded that he is now the only adult alive that Haruka trusts. Kiryu steps down as Chairman and leaves Kamurocho to start a new life with Haruka as his adoptive daughter.
2006-2007 (Age 38): Events of Yakuza Kiwami 2 take place. On the anniversary of the incident at the Millennium Tower, Kiryu and Haruka return to Kamurocho to visit the graves of those they lost one year ago. Terada, who Kiryu had given the title of Fifth Chairman to, dies in front of him at the graveyard, and Kiryu is subsequently pulled back into the politics of the Tojo Clan. In Sotenbori, Kiryu first meets Ryuji Goda, The Dragon of Kansai, who has no interest in peace with the Tojo Clan and stages a coup against the Chairman of the Omi Alliance, who happens to be his own father. After fighting with Ryuji, Kiryu meets and is questioned by Kaoru Sayama, an investigator for the Osaka Police Department. After she is shot, he helps her and learns that she is investigating the Jingweon Mafia massacre from 1980. Later, at Terada's funeral, Ryuji Goda shows up to cause problems on purpose and to warn the Tojo Clan that in three days the Go-Ryu will invade Kamurocho. Three days later, they find out bombs have been planted throughout Kamurocho. Ryuji says he wants to fight Kiryu at their full strength as he wants to beat Kiryu and be the only one with the title of The Dragon. Sayama, after finding out Ryuji is her half-brother, risks her life by heading to confront him at the Millennium Tower to try to get him to stand down. Kiryu follows her. He, Ryuji, and Sayama are eventually last ones standing. With five minutes left counting down on the last bomb in Kamurocho, Ryuji and Kiryu decide to fight right then and there. Kiryu wins. Ryuji dies. With less than two minutes remaining before the bomb goes off, Kiryu urges Sayama to leave him, as he isn't in a state capable of escaping on time due to his own injuries. She refuses and the two remain while the bomb counts down to zero. It turns out to have been a fake the whole time.
2007-2009 (Age 41): Events of Yakuza 3 take place. Sayama tells Kiryu she's moving to America where she'll have more career growth and they part ways. Kiryu convinces ally and friendly rival Goro Majima to back Daigo Dojima as Sixth Chairman of the Tojo Clan. Kiryu and Haruka move to Okinawa, where Kiryu sets up Morning Glory Orphanage. A few months later, he receives an eviction notice from the Ryudo Family, a local group of yakuza. He meets Rikiya, a member of the Ryudo Family, who leads him to their base after losing their fight. After confronting the patriarch, Nakahara, the man still refuses to rescind the notice. Not long later, Rikiya enlists Kiryu’s help to find Nakahara’s adoptive daughter who has been kidnapped. He rescues her, and Nakahara insists that he and Kiryu swear loyalty to one another as oath brothers right before Daigo shows up, interrupting. Daigo has decided to stop the deal for the resort and military base that were supposed to be built on the land where Morning Glory Orphanage is. Six months later both Nakahara and Daigo are shot. Returning to Kamurocho, Kiryu learns from Kashiwagi just before the other (seems to) die that there is a traitor among the Tojo Clan. Morning Glory Orphanage is destroyed by Tamashiro and Yoshitaka Mine. Tamashiro shoots Kiryu after losing their fight, but Rikiya jumps in front of Kiryu to take the bullet and dies. Kiryu then returns to Tokyo once more to face off with Mine whom he manages to talk into atoning for his actions. Later, he tries to talk Goh Hamazaki who was the traitor, into atoning as well, but Hamazaki stabs him. He manages to survive the injury and moves back to Okinawa to rebuild Morning Glory Orphanage. 
2010 (Age 42): Events of Yakuza 4 take place. Taiga Saejima washes up on the shore of Morning Glory Orphanage and is found by Kiryu and Haruka. After helping him back to health, Kiryu gives him fresh clothes and money to return to Kamurocho despite suspecting he may be an escaped convict. Later, Hamazaki washes up on the beach as well. Kiryu helps him as well despite the man having once tried to kill him. Hamazaki ultimately decides to turn himself in to the police, and Kiryu accompanies him on the way there. They run into Yasuko Saejima, and try to talk to her about her brother, but are interrupted by penitentiary officers. Returning to Kamurocho with Yasuko, Kiryu enlists Date for help protecting her. Yasuko is eventually killed despite Kiryu's best efforts to protect her. Kiryu confronts Daigo and scolds him for his poor decisions leading to a weakened Tojo Clan, but also apologizes for not being there and doing more to help him. After Saejima rejoins the Tojo Clan as a family patriarch, Kiryu returns to Okinawa once more to continue running Morning Glory Orphanage. 
2011-2012 (Age 44): Events of Yakuza 5 take place. Mirai Park approaches Kiryu to scout Haruka as an idol. After Haruka tells him his presence is holding her and the others back, Kiryu leaves for Fukuoka, assigning a new manager to the orphanage. In Fukuoka he works as a taxi driver and uses the name Taichi Suzuki. Daigo goes missing, and the last person to have seen him was Kiryu, when Daigo was in the back of his taxi asking for his advice. He refutes initial attempts to drag him into looking for Daigo, but later meets with Omi Alliance Lieutenant Masaru Watase to try to avoid a war between the Omi Alliance and the Tojo Clan. Aoyama attempts to frame Kiryu for an attack on the two Tojo Clan officers who told him about Daigo's disappearance. Kiryu suspects Daigo decided to go into hiding due to Aoyama's planned attempts on his life. He confronts Aoyama and beats him as a warning. After hearing on the news that a murder victim was found in Tokyo and identified as Goro Majima, Kiryu returns to Tokyo. This turns out to have been a ruse to lure out both Kiryu and Saejima, who is both Majima's oath brother and now considered a pillar of the Tojo Clan alongside Kiryu. Haruka's concert becomes the center point of a yakuza conflict. Rather than let it be canceled Kiryu enlists Saejima, Majima, and Shun Akiyama to help make sure the concert remains safe. Haruka reveals the truth of her past at the end of her concert before reuniting with a collapsed Kiryu. 
2016 (Age 48): Events of Yakuza 6 take place. Following the events of 2012, Kiryu had decided to accept a prison sentence to wipe clean his slate and get rid of his connection to the Tojo Clan. After being released in 2016, he returns to Morning Glory Orphanage where he finds out no one has seen or heard from Haruka since 2013, when she left to keep the others from being harassed by paparazzi following her. He returns to Kamurocho to look for her. Date informs him that police have found her and she has been hospitalized after an accident. Kiryu discovers she had been protecting her son, Haruto, who even he did not know existed. The police have no leads on Haruto's father's identity. CPS plans to take Haruto and put him in an orphanage as he has no legal relatives. Kiryu decides to take Haruto to Morning Glory Orphanage, but ends up bringing him along while searching for the boy's biological father, who turns out to be Yuto Usami. Haruto is kidnapped by the Jingweon Mafia. Kiryu and Yuto work together to save him. Kiryu is shot while protecting Yuto, Haruka, and Haruto. Though he recovers from the gunshot wounds, he decides to be declared legally dead and join Daidoji Temple in exchange for making sure his family is safe.  
2017-2019 (Age 49-51): Kiryu, now presumed dead, takes the codename Joryu as a disciple of Daidoji Temple. He takes jobs as a bodyguard.
2019 (Age 51): Events of Yakuza: Like a Dragon take place. Kiryu is found by Watase and hired as his bodyguard, traveling with him to the announcement of the dissolution of the Omi Alliance, which has by now absorbed the Tojo Clan. Kiryu tracks down Ichiban Kasuga and allies to relay information about Ryo Aoki's plans to kill Omi Alliance officer Jo Sawashiro. After seeing Kasuga take out his frustration on an Omi Alliance grunt, Kiryu at first withholds the information, making Kasuga fight him so he can determine Kasuga's true character as a man. Though Kasuga loses their fight, Kiryu is satisfied with how he handles it, and shares the information. Though asked for his help in dealing with the situation, Kiryu refuses to help in any direct manner due to his current ties to Daidoji Temple requiring him to remain disappeared to keep his family safe. 
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shiratorinagi · 1 month
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» Meaning: Shiratori [白鳥, しらとり Japanese From Japanese 白 (shira) meaning "white" and 鳥 (tori) meaning "bird."]; Nagi [Nagi (凪) is a Japanese word meaning the state of calm wind (wind speed 0 to 0.2 meters per second.) In Japan, the nagi state is the safest time period for fishermen and mariners to take off from shore. 'Calmness can refer to stillness, a pause, or calmness, especially in relation to water or wind."]
» Meaning: Kim [ 김, Sino-Korean 金 (gim) meaning "gold." ]
AGE: 42-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 8th November, 1981, Sunday.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Jeju, South Korea.
OCCUPATION: Businessman; realty.
ORIENTATION: Bisexual; Biromantic.
GENDER: Cisgender Male.
VERSES: 404 ERROR, also The Game, Excess Baggage, City of Gods.
STRENGTHS: Resourceful, Powerful, Brave, Passionate, Confident.
WEAKNESSES: Distrusting, Jealous, Manipulative, Violent, Obsessive.
FACE CLAIM: Ishihara Takamasa/MIYAVI.
HEIGHT: 6′1″ [ 185.42 cm. ]
WEIGHT: 165 lbs. [ 75 kg. ]
BUILD: Hard, strong built.
GAIT: Relaxed.
OVERVIEW: » SCARS: Yes, various frlom childhood. » TATTOOS: Various on his back, arms, chest, neck.
HOMETOWN: Tokyo, Japan; Jeju and Seoul, South Korea.
RESIDENCES: Tokyo, Japan; Seoul and Jeju, South Korea.
NATIONALITY: Japanese; he had a South Korean nationality because he was born in Jeju but his mother changed his nationality when adopted by Shiratori.
EDUCATION LEVEL: University Degree.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Nagi is fluent in both Korean and Japanese. He also speaks English and Mandarin.
PARENTS: Tomori Yoshiko [m]; Kim Nam-gyu [bio f, d.]; Shiratori Ryūji [adoptive f, d.]
SIBLINGS: Shiratori Ryu [half-sibling]
PETS: None.
SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIPS: » Nagi grew up with Seung-min and Shoko, his two best friends whom he shared very similar childhood with. They all went to school together, did almost everything together. Nagi realized his feelings for both friends in their late teens but by then, Seung-min and Shoko developed their own bond and later on, professed their love for each other. Nagi was heartbroken but at the same time, very happy that his best friends are together. Seung-min and Shoko became a tight family and Nagi is a big part of that. Nagi did not need to look anywhere else as for him, he had two of the most important people by his side.
Nagi did have flings in the past but his affection and time dedicated to his best friends and supporting their family especially when they announced binding officialy.
When Seung-min and Shoko had their first child, Nagi became the third parent, cementing their lives together.
When Seung-min suddenly passed away, they were left with a mystery involving a young man named Yuki, a host at a bar Seung-min supposedly frequented when he was alive...
Shoko was torn and her love for Seung-min tainted. She sought answers to her questions but did not know where to begin so she asked Nagi for help...
Upon meeting Yuki, Nagi wondered what sort of relationship his best friend had with the young man who appeared as fair as snow...
FAMILY HISTORY: Nagi was born to a Korean father and Japanese mother. He was raised in Jeju Island until he was about ten when his biological father passed away. Her mother who didn't really have family in Korea decided to move them to Japan. There, Nagi live with his young single mother until she got involved with a yakuza leader, Shiratori. The yakuza fell in love with Nagi's mother ande decided to marry her and adopt Nagi.
Nagi's mother changed his name from Kim to Shiratori.
Nagi's adoptive father was a powerful yakuza and had a child with his mother that they named Ryu.
When Shiratori passed, his will read that Nagi would take over the family's assets and will manage all their legal businesses as Nagi did not have his heart to be a yakuza like his step-father. However, the gang now run by a very trusted family companion remained loyal to the Shiratori and took care whatever the family needed. It's been decided that when Ryu come of age, Ryu will decide whether they would like to take over the other side of the family business. For now, everyone answers to Shiratori's right hand man and of course, Nagi.
ROMANTIC HISTORY: Nagi never thought of falling finding love and getting married. His first loves were his two best friends and it remained the same even when the two married. His love for them remained a secret, at least Nagi thinks so. Nagi had lovers, mostly one-night stands at times he needed release. He is focused on running the family business and taking care of his mother and sibling, Ryu.
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: Nagi's other family are Seungmin and Shoko. He loves both like they are extensions of him. He had a hard time coping with Seungmin's death and promised that he would always take care of Shoko and the couple's young child.
PHOBIA(S): None.
MENTAL DISORDER: Undiagnosed depression.
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elenafishersps1 · 4 years
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me, when i see something rad
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disembowel-me · 6 years
hey uuhh can i lick majima’s little mustache hairs in 0?
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mister-christmas · 3 years
Things I was expecting from Yakuza 0:
Over-the-top combat and finishers
Endless side activities
Wacky side stories
Super serious crime drama
Things I was not expecting:
Kiryu being extremely relatable as he interacts with a bunch of weirdos such as a dominatrix that isn't a dom, an incomprehensible tv director, and Michael Jackson
The 500 lb gorilla man that wanders around town and robs you
Majima being personally responsible for the taxation of tobacco and gasoline in Japan
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thedcdunce · 6 years
“Try to think of the bow as a woman. It responds better if you take time to know it, rather than simply trying to bend it to your will.” - Shado
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Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 0″
Weight: 109 lbs (49 kg)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Expert Kyūdō Archer
Martial Arts
Universe: New Earth
Base of Operations: Japan
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Assassin
Citizenship: Japanese/ American
First Appearance: Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters #1 (August, 1987)
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Expert Kyūdō Archer
Expert Marksman
Martial Arts
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Shado is a Japanese archer with strong ties to Green Arrow.
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Shado was the daughter of a Yakuza agent sent to America - prior to World War II - with a large cache of gold in order to establish Yakuza operations in the United States. Being Japanese, Shado's father was placed in an internment camp when the war broke out. A group of American soldiers came to suspect his Yakuza ties but were unable to torture him into revealing the location of the gold cache. Years after the war, the retired soldiers attempted once again to recover the gold. Shado had been born at this point, so the retired soldiers were able to threaten her as well as her mother. Not wishing to see his family harmed, Shado's father turned over the gold. Shado's mother died from wounds the soldiers had inflicted on her, and her father committed seppuku to atone for his failure to the Yakuza and to his wife and daughter. His disgrace then fell upon his infant daughter, Shado, who was raised specifically to kill the Americans who had dishonored her Yakuza family. To that end, she was extensively trained in martial arts and Kyūdō, the Japanese art of archery.
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The Longbow Hunters
When she came of age, she left Japan to go to the U.S. where she sought out and began assassinating the Americans who had disgraced her family. Two of the former soldiers had used the stolen gold to build a shipping business, as well as a drug trafficking operation. The string of murders she committed brought her to the attention of Oliver "Ollie" Queen, the Green Arrow. At first, the two were adversaries. However, Shado aided Ollie by murdering the "Seattle Slasher"  and then assisted Oliver in rescuing Black Canary, who had been kidnapped and was being tortured by one of the Americans Shado was hunting. Seeing Black Canary being so brutally tortured, Green Arrow killed the man before Shado could. Shado would again work alongside Green Arrow when the drug-traffickers whom she was hunting made an alliance with CIA Agent Gregory Osborne. Shado would eventually kill all the former soldiers except the one Oliver had killed to save Black Canary.
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Here There be Dragons
One year after her encounter with Green Arrow, Shado found herself back in Japan, facing the wrath of her Yakuza Oyabun. By failing to execute one of her targets, she had failed her mission. Her Oyabun decided that, in accordance with Yakuza tradition, she should sever her thumb in atonement. Her Kyūdō sensei, however, refused to allow his greatest student to destroy her skills, and drew a bow and arrow on the Oyabun. Once Shado escaped, the sensei allowed himself to be killed by the Oyabun. Shado, hearing of the murder, returned and killed the Oyabun in turn, then fled to Hawaii. Green Arrow was then blackmailed by Gregory Osborne into tracking her down. No sooner did he find her, however, than she shot him in the chest with an arrow. Shado helped nurse Oliver back to health from his injury. It was later revealed that during this time, while he was still delirious from pain and medications, Shado raped him and conceived a son.
Once Green Arrow recovered from his injuries he aided Shado in defending herself from the Yakuza hunting her. However, the two were unable to prevent the death of her friend, Emilio Alvaro. After a bloody battle against a Yakuza death-squad, Green Arrow and Shado discovered that the Yakuza had been following them using a tracking device in Oliver's quiver. Realizing that he had been used, Oliver arranged to meet Agent Osborne, telling him and two Japanese "agents" accompanying him that Shado had died. It was then revealed that Mr. Alvaro was the true "map" - he was the last survivor of a team of Filipinos that had buried their country's treasury to keep it from the Japanese, only telling Shado the location. It was then revealed that Osborne was working without the CIA's knowledge, with agents of a deposed Filipino dictator, and had recruited Yakuza muscle by promising a share of the gold and Shado's death. With Shado's help, Green Arrow was able to bring Osborne to justice and lead the FBI to his Yakuza allies. Shado and Green Arrow then parted ways once again.
Shado next met Green Arrow several years later, with a child, Robert. She explained to Oliver that the child was his, and how the child had been conceived, but forbade him from taking a role in his son's life.
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mejomonster · 8 months
Im playing yakuza 5. I loved playing haruka. Sjes been my kid for many games now. It was both fun doing the idol rythm games and fairly honest to it being actual work and negatives and still being park and harukas dream. Loved park. She was messed up (threatened the orphanage), but like haruka managed to connect and so i was like fine i can care too. Bitter af she died. I liked her a lot cause she wasnt perf by far. I love shes central to that whole plot. Drives the whole thing, haunts the whole thing, a bigger force than katsuya could ever dream of. Tbh i think shes the most influental cjaracter on the Big Plot besides... well whoever the mystery bad guy knocking off chairmen in the opening part was.
And now im this shinada guy??? What the fuck happened??
I wanna be haruka performing in tokyo dome! ToT i at least wanna see her concert song!!!
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mejomonster · 2 years
I started the heihua movie, was immediately Terrified by that bug scene
And will try watching the rest tomorrow
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elenafishersps1 · 4 years
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this was kinda ... 😳
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elenafishersps1 · 4 years
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this game has an agenda against me personally
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elenafishersps1 · 4 years
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king of accepting compliments 💕
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elenafishersps1 · 4 years
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elenafishersps1 · 4 years
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this is a great game
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elenafishersps1 · 4 years
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out of context yakuza 0
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elenafishersps1 · 4 years
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when I'm wondering what the hell's goin' on somewhere
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