doesitsparkjoytho · 5 years
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phantomyre · 6 years
yallneedtrashjesus mentioned you in a photoset
@vincentvalentinecrimsonphantom yeah... it disturbs me too �� But when I first saw it I bust up laughing lol. It's just so ridiculous. I'll post a video of fighting Ardyn tomorrow lol
....Oh gawd no.... no no no--!
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unicorinspace · 6 years
Fairy lights and oil paints for the aesthetic :D
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
If I was successful in being a famous novelist. I am constantly worried over if what I’m doing is worth it and if it’ll pay off, because wasting my time just leaves me feeling gross. 
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
How to Show People Up When They Underestimate You for Being Autistic
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fabulanova-ffxv · 7 years
yallneedtrashjesus replied to your post “I'm the anon that you had the longish (rant) reply to. I don't hate...”
Playing HZD now and love it. It's like a mix between Fallout, Skyrim, Tomb Raider, and something else. It's definitely a good exploration game.
Out of all those games I’ve only played Tomb Raider LOL But I remember seeing the trailer for HZD when it was first announced and being completely amazed by the whole concept and gameplay. And I am a HUGE SUCKER for some good open world exploration. Definitely want to check it out now!!!
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mabwee · 6 years
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Motivation, ahoy! @yallneedtrashjesus I finally made teeny tiny progress for a video. 
Now, to spend a full week doing nothing further to finish this raw, lol
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After having seen @yallneedtrashjesus‘ sort of high res/ detailed shot of Gilgamesh I was curious. The first pic somewhat seemed to show details under the mask and then... the ominous “what is behind this mask” thing in my mind switched on.
I sort of estimated where the actual mask ends, and tried to make up a face out of it. This is what I got. Looks a bit like a Sephiroth but with native american vibes.
He seems to have either his all around long hair bound together at the front, or he’s being cool and actually has short hair in the back. Anyways, quick curious thing out.
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Hiiiiii! I love your art style! And all your art. The way you draw Ignis is 👌. For real. So dashing. Your lightly shaded gray / monotone pieces give me life. They have this fantastic noir feeling to them. I'm curious if you've ever drawn Ardyn before? Because I imagine he'd be sexy AF in your style. Or terrifying 🤷‍♀️ Or both? Are you available for commission?
My dearest @yallneedtrashjesus​, I apologize for just now getting around to answering this message (if anyone saw my late-night post yesterday, I’ve been in the throes of background hell). I’m very glad you enjoy my art, and my answers to your questions are as follows: No (have I ever drawn Ardyn), and sort of (am I open for commissions).
I imagine it would be a fun challenge to draw a man of no consequence, and I can certainly be persuaded into taking a commission depending upon the subject matter, but as an FYI to you and anyone else reading this, I am going to be in Texas for five days starting on Wednesday and I’ll be without my tablet. I was also hoping to get my acrylic charms made and mailed out in the next couple of weeks, so if you wouldn’t mind terribly waiting until I’ve gotten that monkey off my back, I’ll try to remember to reach out to you when I’ve cleared a few things off my plate.
Until then, I whipped up a quick sketch of Trash Jesus to tide you over in the meantime:
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zer0pm · 7 years
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Imma just leave this here.  Happy New Year~
Note: This pic is actually part of a whole.  It started as a scene I came up with for Christmas so for certain you will see this and the rest of his smokin’ body in my fancomic.  Speaking of the rest of his body, I was thinking of making this into a body pillow, but I definitely want to improve my skills first, tweak the work, and see whether or not you wonderful viewers would be interested in it (yay, nay?).  
First thing on the list, however, is the fan project.  I was aiming to release the first chapter today, but with work and life as it goes, my free time is scarce.  Still, I want to see this fancomic through and am instead looking towards promoting it throughout this month with the first chapter towards the end of it.  Thanks so much for everyone’s support and I hope everyone has a grand new year! Squee!! Can’t wait for Episode Ardyn!
Tagging: @commodorearaneahighwind @project-sephiroth @maty-yami @valkyrieofardyn @major-artery @altissiangirl @angelic-guardienne @poisonous-panda @redwolfwitcher @redarmiger @chimeracuddles @jojopitcher @alecair @geekgoddess813 @airi-iasminumofficinale @yeahimabitawkward222 @yallneedtrashjesus
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doesitsparkjoytho · 5 years
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Pouty Ardyn is my new favorite
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tagged by @countingpaperstars (Aaaaahhh…! Thank Youu! :D)
What is your total word count on AO3?
179,087 words apparently. xD I actually didn’t realize how many words I’ve posted before now, so this was pretty exciting to see, considering I only started publishing stuff on ao3 at the end of last July. ^-^
How often do you write?
The intent/desire is pretty much there 24/7, but I tend to get very easily distracted when I want to write, so exactly HOW distracted I am usually determines if I get any significant amounts of writing done. Also, unfortunately due to the fact that my job likes to keep me SUPER busy along with other obligations I have, I don’t usually get too much time during the week to write. So realistically, the bulk of my writing happens most of the time on weekends.
Do you have a routine for writing?
Hmmm…. I don’t know if I so much have a specific routine, though I do know what my ideal conditions with writing would be! I love being able to sit outside on a nice day, feel a nice breeze while listening to a combination of the ambient sounds of life going on around me accompanied by listening to the various OSTs I have downloaded on my phone while I’m writing.
What are your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
Kinks: Gosh… I enjoy such a huge variety of kinks, I wouldn’t even know where to start listing them…. xD I’m honestly open to just about anything, so bring on all the crazy and super kinky action…!
Tropes: I like a whole bunch of tropes too, but the ones that really come to mind right now are: Sick-fics/art (I will literally never get enough of this >:D), Niflheim Prince!Prompto (the arranged marriage trope between Noct and Prompto is like A++), and MT!Prompto are toats my jam. Brotherhood era fics are also seriously amazing, as well as Fix-it endings where Noct and Prom get to live happily ever after. What can I say…? I’m 100% a sucker for happy endings.
Pairings: I know that absolutely no-one is going to be surprised to hear that Promptis is 100% my ship of choice... but while I only ever write Promptis, I’m a bit more flexible when it comes to reading stuff. I’ve definitely read and enjoyed some pretty satisfying OT4 fics and Promnyx is another ship I haven’t really delved much into, but what I have seen is pretty gosh darn cute. :D If we want to go to the more angst-y side of things, I will also never say no to some good ol’ Promdyn. Sorry Prom!! ;_; (Do you notice a bit of a trend here? xD)
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
I’ve definitely poured the most time, effort and love into Against All Odds, so I have a hell of a lot of love for that, and tbh I still really enjoy just about everything I’ve put up on Ao3. Though, I have to say that there’s definitely a special place in my heart for my one fic, Starlit Waltz. It was such a random spark of inspiration and I had more fun writing it than just about anything else I’ve written. Another special shout out to Surprise, because that was also hella fun to write and it was because of that fic that I met my gurl @niansue, who has pretty much become my partner in crime for all things Promptis. ;D  
Your fic with the most kudos?
Against All Odds! Not really any surprise here, seeing as pretty much all my other fics are just one and/or two-shots. ;D
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
Sometimes I feel like I get really fired up with some idea or another and then get caught up in the process of planning and writing out the fic, and then that original idea sometimes gets completely lost in the equation and/or I’m not able to do the original idea justice. Then, I end up missing out on the whole reason I started writing that particular fic in the first place, which kinda stinks.
Now something you do like (about your writing)?
Hmmmmm… I have a pretty love-hate relationship with my writing sometimes tbh, but I do feel like I am pretty good at descriptions and I always try to make sure that I write stuff as accurately as possible. Like, if I haven’t personally experienced something that I want to happen in my fics, I usually like to research that topic as best I can, so I can tackle it as realistically as possible. There are still certain liberties that I take every now and again, but I usually try my best to keep stuff believable.
I’m gonna go ahead and tag @chikelo @seladorie @starofinsomnia @yallneedtrashjesus @peachy-favi Feel free to do or not, and if anyone reading this wants to do as well, consider yourself tagged! :D
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diadyn · 7 years
5 Things Tag Meme
I was tagged by the ever-awesome @major-artery 😘
5 things you’ll find in my bag 💼
Pokeball Wallet
Key Lanyard with all of the keychains
Ice Breakers Ice Cube Gum
Sock that holds my spare change
Hand Lotion
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom 🛏
Dream catchers
Paper crane
Glow in the dark stars
Lots of books
Random video game merch
5 things that make me happy 🙂
5 things I’m currently into 👍🏼
Bloodborne (thanks @atarostarling)
Kwippy App
Breaking Benjamin
Black Panther (#WakandaForever)
Paint & Sips
5 things on my to-do list 📝
Fit into that Bridesmaid dress!
Summer backyard DIY projects
Read more / art more
Tag you’re it: @averyverymary @dawne-sharlotte @ponkita @lesphantom @mandakatt @tianasidhe @stellareclipses @yallneedtrashjesus as always, no pressure!
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xiixiilu-blog · 7 years
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When noct doesn’t wanna eat his vegetables
Link to vid: https://gugigun.tumblr.com/post/169621400220/yallneedtrashjesus-the-most-intense-yet
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maetel-cho · 6 years
Was tagged by the amazing people! @valkyrieofardyn  @sevansheart @pascha-chan   @poisonous-panda Thank you so much!!! 🙏 >w<
Original post’s motivation: 
Make someone’s day and tag those that you appreciate, have inspired you or help you stay motivated. Trust me when I say, it’s not going to bother them, so don’t be afraid to let those that influence you know how much you appreciate them. C: 
Thank you so much to all !!!!❤️❤️❤️
  @valkyrieofardyn, @chibi-jing @jlavisant @weirdfans, @redwolfwitcher, @sevansheart  @siren-dragon, @yallneedtrashjesus, @dirtyffxvconfession,@chimeracuddles  @dizzymoogle , @pascha-chan  @zer0pm  @altissiangirl  @rikkunikay2    @poisonous-panda,  @ollou,  @yallneedtrashjesus @maia-sky
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dancingfox · 7 years
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@yallneedtrashjesus isn’t feeling well, so Ardyn sends “get well,” wishes! ❤️
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
in one of your posts of iris, you say her eyes do some glowly thing. What do you mean by that?
This glowey thing nonnie, this glowey thing https://ffxvhoe.tumblr.com/post/167801498927/yallneedtrashjesus-hope-youre-sitting-down((I know I’ve seen others that may be even more glowey than these but this was the photo set that came to mind when I made the comment!!))
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sonsoflucis · 7 years
ffxv favorite meme
tagged by @yallneedtrashjesus @singergurl91 and i think @valkyrieofardyn
To celebrate a year of FFXV and the end of the first year of updates, let’s spread the FFXV love! I haven’t seen a tag meme like this for FFXV yet, so I decided to make one. If you see this and want to, copy/paste this list and share what your favorite things about FFXV are. 
Favorite Chocobro: Noctis, always  Favorite Guest Party Member: Ravus c:
Favorite Minor Character(s): Tredd, Titus, Luche. Favorite Villain: Titus Fuckin’ Drautos Favorite Kingsglaive Character: Wow, look at that, also Tredd, Titus, and Luche Favorite Astral/Divine Being: Ifrit  Favorite Character Overall: Noctis, but Titus is a close second, followed by Tredd, Gladio, Ravus, and Luche Favorite Weapon: THESE HANDS uh, I suppose Trident of the Oracle or that first sword Noctis gets Favorite Location: Altissia, Myrlwood, and Duscae Favorite Quest/Questline/Hunt: Feeding the cat, the cup noodle quest, and anything with chocobos Favorite Boss: Leviathan Favorite Daemon/Monster/Monster Family/etc:  Anak, Garula, Catoblepas Favorite Song: Don’t make me choose! Valse di Fantastica, The King and the General, Song of the Stars, Departure, Dawn, Wanderlust, all of the Episode Ignis score. I am a slut for scores. Favorite Boss Theme: Apocalypsis Noctis Favorite Non-Episode DLC/Update/Event: Assassin’s Festival and the offroad Regalia Favorite Episode DLC: E P I S O D E I G N I S  Other Favorites of Note: Brotherhood series. Noctis. The banter between the bros. The way this game makes fictional characters seem real. Noctis. Even with all the plot holes and issues, this game saved my damn life. Thank you. So much.
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