#yami yugi headcanons
http-caedis · 16 days
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Its been a while but enjoy a nice little Yami sketch 😋
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ap-kinda-lit · 2 months
Atem/Yami Yugi headcanons
Atem loves cats. He will stop to pet, play with, or feed one and he will not pass up an opportunity to see a funny cat video or picture. Unfortunately, as a spirit, they sometimes get antsy when he approaches.
Yugi is scared of snakes, but they’re Atem’s favorite animal. Everyone is shocked the first time they see “Yugi” (Atem) pick up a snake and let it wrap around his arm, even going as far as petting it.
Atem loves the movies The Prince of Egypt and The Mummy.
Ironically, he does also like Ghostbusters.
Never say that aliens made the pyramids around Atem. Ever.
Grandpa Muto makes very cringey jokes that everyone else gets embarrassed of. Except for Atem, who struggles to hold back his laughter almost every time.
Atem liked to listen in during Yugi’s classes in school. He liked science and learning how things worked or the developments made over time, but history was his favorite since he got to learn about not only about the world outside of Egypt but also all the things he missed out on in the past few thousand years.
Because of his experiences, it is almost impossible to scare Atem. He could watch the scariest horror movie or go through an entire haunted maze and barely be fazed.
Though, if there is one thing he’s afraid of, it’s crocodiles (and gators, since they’re so closely related). Having grown up in ancient Egypt, he’s more than likely to have developed a respect for them, but, at the same time, prefers to not be anywhere near one. He’s definitely seen/heard what they were capable of and it wouldn’t help that they aren’t that much different today than they were thousands of years ago.
As a prince of Egypt, Atem had training in combat and sports (horseback riding, archery, swordsmanship, etc.). When he’s reawakened from the Millennium Puzzle, he still remembers his training by reflex, much to his own surprise. If he was forced into a physical fight, even he would be surprised by how capable he is at it.
Heba was one of Atem’s personal servants since childhood. Because of their resemblance, Heba would sometimes act as a body double for Atem. Ironically, Atem was protective of Heba and treated him like a little brother. Sadly, Heba was on the frail side and succumbed to sickness.
Since he was a kid, Atem liked to sneak out of the palace. His father tried all sorts of blocks, even traps, to prevent him, but Atem would figure them out. This made Aknamkanon feel torn between frustration and pride.
Speaking of Aknamkanon, like some pharaohs, he had a number of wives, but his favorite turned out to be Atem’s mother. She was extremely clever and especially stood out because of her multi colored hair, which Atem inherited. Unfortunately, she died when he was small.
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marthafanaamay · 30 days
Puzzleshipping headcannon
Yugi and Atem would have their first official date in an escape room. Solving a low-stakes puzzle together and then going for burgers afterward is the perfect date for the two of them. Let's be honest, though. They would solve it way before the timer was up and then spend the rest of the time smooching in the unlocked room UwU.
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kathairoette · 1 month
Puzzle headcanon - I love picturing Yami being so concerned over Yugi whenever he gets sick (hold over of forgotten memories of Ancient Egypt when illness was BAD perhaps?).
Even a little hay fever or simple cold makes him nervous, and want to coddle Yugi. "No, don't get out of bed." "Take the medicine!" "LET ME TAKE OVER THE BODY SO I CAN SUFFER IN YOUR PLACE."
Yugi is exasperated but appreciates the concern ❤️
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Ok I was Very Tickled by this idea that a quick doodle came to mind HAHAHA, Yami would definitely mother hen Yuugi to death and research about preventive measures for the future XD It's important to stay happy and healthy, Aibou!
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verycoolpersonyes · 1 month
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another tiktok trend i had to do 😼
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violetsdaisy · 10 months
Yugi probably has a hard time looking at himself in the mirror after Atem leaves. Like I can just imagine him carefully avoiding his reflection when he can, and only when he has to does he look himself in the eyes and see only his own soul staring back at him.
Brb ima go cry
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m3ab · 3 months
So @hoicacti wanted some of my Yu-Gi-Oh headcanons, so here are a few non season five spoiler ones:)
Joey's dog tag that we see in his season two(?) outfit was gifted to him by serenity before his mom left with her. He wears it all of the time, under his clothes usually but just in general. ( @spudat0 came up with this one)
TW: infidelity, alcohol abuse This one's a little darker, but Joey's mom cheated on his dad. Basically, you know how serenity and joey look nothing alike? Yeahhhh. And she took serenity when she left because she left to go with whoever she cheated with. Joey's father turned to drinking as a coping mechanism, and that's how all of that went.
joey has a missing tooth from fighting and stuff. ( @spudat0 also came up with this one)
joey has lightning scars from y'know getting hit with lightning during battle city. And some burn scars, also from battle city. Yugi has burn scars from various incidents, namely when bandit Keith stole the puzzle(or otogi/duke for my manga readers) and when Yami jumped in front of the blast to save joey and mai. Ryou has scars from Yami bakura shenanigans. (Spud did a lot of the work for this one, but I helped a little bit)
joey and Yugi are both very wary of water after almost drowning in season one and the yugi vs mind controlled joey duel in season two.
ok the rest of them are all very silly ones about Yami, because he's a very silly guy.
Yami goes on yugi's computer all night occasionally and just does stuff on it. It doesn't matter what. It's how he got a lot of his real world knowledge outside of Yugi's head. Yugi is so tried after he does this.
Yami has the weirdest food cravings ever. He throws random foods together and finds them delicious. Yugi has taken control and immediately thrown up on multiple occasions, and Yami was very quickly banned from making meals.
Yami absolutely adores helicopters. This one is my favorite to joke around with, because it's so stupid. It mostly came about because of how fascinated Yami looks in the kaiba corp helicopter in season two.
Ok this one isn't as silly but is really sweet and one of my favorites of this batch. Yami has some manipulation over Yugi's dreams, and so he uses that ability to fend off yugi's nightmares. (This one was mostly me)
All of the ones not specifically marked as either spud or I were a team effort, and all of the Yami ones were done in the middle of the night while we were way too sleep deprived for our own goods. Except for the nightmare one.
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romanceddawn · 5 months
yugi and atem in a post canon scenario always going to hang out with bakura and ryou at their apartment and stay the night, and it happens so much that ryou is eventually like "why dont we all just buy a bigger place together?" and everyone tries to play off how bad they want that but they all agree to
when they're actually looking for places, its starts out as just a big apartment like 'oh haha just a starter place until all of us figure our lives out and go our separate ways' but somewhere along the line they've all decided they may as well get a house instead because why not if they're all putting money towards it, and then they settle in and make it so much their home that they all agree it'd be silly to leave, they may as well just spend the rest of their lives together there haha its no big deal (it is such a big deal that they're all separately trying to figure out if they can do a 4 way marriage)
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animeisfornerdz · 11 months
Yugi Moto Headcanons
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Synopsis - Headcanons for our cute Yugi Moto.
Warnings - SFW.
Notes - All characters are 18+!
Word Count - 1.5k.
[Caffeinate Me]
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: ̗̀➛ You first meet Yugi at his Grandfather’s Game Shop.
: ̗̀➛ You were a new duelist looking for a set of cards to start your journey.
: ̗̀➛ Yugi had never seen you around before. You didn’t go to his university and when he was in school, he hadn’t seen you there either. Nevertheless, his mouth became dry and his face flushed the second you walked through the door. 
: ̗̀➛ You explained to Yugi your situation. The tri-colour haired male had offered you help to create a formidable deck. He picked out all sorts of monster, spells and trap cards. 
: ̗̀➛ “Thank you so much Mr….” You trailed off, realising you hadn’t gotten his name. 
: ̗̀➛ “Moto. Yugi Moto,” he said proudly. 
: ̗̀➛ You went pale. THE King Of Games?! 
: ̗̀➛ Yugi couldn’t help but feel his heart beat faster as your lips curved up to offer him a shy smile. 
: ̗̀➛ “What’s your name?” He asked, wanting to keep you there for a few minutes longer. 
: ̗̀➛ “Y/N,” you replied. 
: ̗̀➛ “It’s nice to meet you Y/N,” Yugi smiled and offered out his hand for you to shake. 
: ̗̀➛ From that day on, Yugi was seeing you everywhere. It was like he couldn’t escape you both in his mind and in reality. 
: ̗̀➛ He told his friends about you, the beautiful woman that had come into his Grandfather’s shop in search of the perfect deck. Of course Yugi’s friends continuously encouraged him to ask you out the next time he saw you. 
: ̗̀➛ Yugi was unsure of what to do. He wanted to ask you out, he really did, but he was afraid of rejection. 
: ̗̀➛ The next time Yugi saw you was, once again, in his Grandfather’s Game Shop. 
: ̗̀➛ You walked in in a huff, looking distressed. Yugi became immediately worried upon seeing your distressed expression. “Y/N… What’s wrong?” He asked as he made his way to the front of the counter. 
: ̗̀➛ “I can’t play this stupid game!” You groaned, throwing your cards on the floor in a pile. 
: ̗̀➛ Yugi was slightly taken back by your… tantrum. 
: ̗̀➛ “You can. Everyone can. The trick is to believe in the heart of the cards!” Yugi replied. 
: ̗̀➛ “The heart of the what?” You asked, crinkling your nose up in confusion. 
: ̗̀➛ “The heart of the cards!” Yugi said, pausing before continuing. “As long as you believe in your cards, and have faith in them, you can never truly lose.” 
: ̗̀➛ You stared at Yugi as if he had three heads. You watched as he slowly bent down and scooped up your cards into a neat little pile, passing them to you with a gentle smile on his face. 
: ̗̀➛ “I can teach you,” Yugi offered. 
: ̗̀➛ You were shocked. 
: ̗̀➛ “You? The King Of Games? Teach me? A nobody?” 
: ̗̀➛ You couldn’t help but laugh slightly out of surprise, but when you looked at Yugi and saw a serious expression on his face, you halted the laughter immediately. 
: ̗̀➛ “I guess it couldn’t hurt…” You mumbled, shuffling your feet on the floor. 
: ̗̀➛ “Great. We’ll start tomorrow.” 
: ̗̀➛ The next day, at noon, you met Yugi at the Game Shop. He started by teaching you the basics of the game, what sorts of monsters did what, what spells and traps did what etc etc. You were listening intently, making mental note of all the things Yugi was saying to you. From that day on, the two of you became inseparable. 
: ̗̀➛ The next few weeks flew by so quickly, it was as if you had just blinked. With Yugi’s teachings you were becoming increasingly better at the game of Duel Monsters. By no means were you an expert, but you were getting better. 
: ̗̀➛ “That was a great game! Well done!” Yugi encouraged. He felt his breath hitch in his throat as you offered him a warm smile in return. 
: ̗̀➛ You see, over the last few weeks, Yugi had developed feelings for you and more than just the initial crush he had on you when you had first walked into the Game Shop. He was falling in love with you. You had gotten to learn all about him and in turn, he had gotten to learn all about you.
: ̗̀➛ His friends words constantly echoed in his head: “ask her out Yug’! What’s the worst that could happen?” So, Yugi took the plunge. 
: ̗̀➛ “Say Y/N…” he said, watching as you placed your deck of cards in your pocket and hand him the duel disk he so kindly lent you. You looked at him and tilted your head to the side as if to say ‘yes’. “Would you… Maybe… Like to accompany me to dinner? Tonight?” 
: ̗̀➛ You were surprised to say the least but didn’t think of it as anything more than a friendly dinner. “Sure,” you smiled.  
: ̗̀➛ Yugi was shocked at your willingness to have dinner with him, but tried to keep it cool. He watched as you left the Game Shop and immediately began preparing for the evening. He booked a reservation at his favourite restaurant and dressed up all fancy for you. 
: ̗̀➛ When you turned up at the Game Shop at 7pm, like you had agreed, Yugi was breath taken by your appearance. He always thought you were beautiful but there was something about tonight… He couldn’t put his finger on it, you looked even more stunning than usual. 
: ̗̀➛ When you arrived at the restaurant, Yugi immediately found a candle-lit table in the corner of the room and led you to it, pulling out the chair from the table and offering you a seat. 
: ̗̀➛ You blushed as he did this, a gesture you had never had from anybody before.
: ̗̀➛ Throughout the night, he ordered you some of his favourite foods and you just talked about anything and everything. You learnt even more about him, about how he got so good at card games, his family life… everything. 
: ̗̀➛ Yugi found himself falling further and further in love with you as the night went on. 
: ̗̀➛ Eventually, the two of you left the restaurant and Yugi walked you home. 
: ̗̀➛ When you reached your home, Yugi took your hand in his. “I had fun with you tonight,” he stuttered. “We should do it again.” 
: ̗̀➛ You grinned, your heart fluttering against your chest at the thought of dining with him again. You nodded excitedly. 
: ̗̀➛ “Can I… Can I kiss you?” He asked. His eyes widened as soon as the words left his lips, but before he could take it back you pressed your lips to his firmly. 
: ̗̀➛ Immediately, Yugi closed his eyes, letting himself fall further into the moment. His hands rubbed your forearms comfortingly and you hummed into the kiss. 
: ̗̀➛ When you pulled away, you looked into Yugi’s eyes and bit your lip. “I liked that,” you smiled. 
: ̗̀➛ He laughed. “I liked that too.” 
: ̗̀➛ You said goodnight and walked into your home with a racing heart and red face. 
: ̗̀➛ The next few weeks were filled with dates and surprises from Yugi but your Duel Monsters training never stopped. In fact, he seemingly pushed you harder, but this time would give you kisses as rewards. 
: ̗̀➛ Yugi introduces you to his friends a week after your first date. His heart is just so full of love that he has to introduce you to the people he cares about the most in the world. 
: ̗̀➛ His friends immediately become your friends. You click with them so well, it was as if you had known them all your whole life. 
: ̗̀➛ News got out about you dating the King Of Games and soon enough, you both become the ‘Duel Monsters power couple’. Even though you were nowhere near as good as Yugi, wherever his name went, yours did too. 
: ̗̀➛ His Grandfather absolutely adores you. He also teaches you a thing or two about Duel Monsters. 
: ̗̀➛ You move in with Yugi and his Grandfather a few months into your relationship. It was Yugi’s idea, but you were more than willing to agree. You just wanted to be around him. 
: ̗̀➛ Yugi proposes to you early on too. He has never met someone he had been in love with before, and he never wanted to ever again. You’re the woman of his dreams and he doesn’t want to let you go. 
: ̗̀➛ You get pregnant before you get married. You end up having a baby boy and Yugi wants to call him Solomon, after his Grandfather. You agree, but end up calling him ‘Sol’ for short. 
: ̗̀➛ Having a baby is NOT easy, so you and Yugi focus on raising baby Sol before anything. You decide to get married when Solomon is five years old. 
: ̗̀➛ The ceremony is lovely, filled with both of your friends and family.
: ̗̀➛ Afterwards, you have a party that ends late into the night. 
: ̗̀➛ Yugi and yourself head back to a hotel, with Yugi’s Grandfather taking care of your son. 
: ̗̀➛ You and Yugi go on to have two more children, of which you get to name. 
: ̗̀➛ You live happily ever after with the King Of Games.
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antaresr · 10 months
Can we take a moment to appreciate the compatibility of unconventional Yamis and Hikaris?
As Atem and Marik were not masters of their destinies, they were the heirs of a great responsibility that they did not want, they were so small when the whole world fell on their shoulders and they did what they could with their lack of maturity to move forward.
They are both afraid of the dark (because of the initiation and being locked in the puzzle for 3000 years) and there were only two people around them to take care of them properly (Isis and Rishid and Mahad and Mana) they were children who had to become adults of blow, Marik was freed from his responsibility, Atem had to follow the rules.
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Art by: https://twitter.com/gaiya1287/status/1490025407898218500?t=naUkx01--BFoYz6EP3hBRQ&s=19
Bakura and Yūgi were alone and isolated from the others due to their particular characteristics (white hair and obsession with games) and they only had one consolation (Diabound and Grandpa). Of course, as they grew up, there was someone else who gave them what they needed to keep them company ( Zorc and Anzu).
They are both afraid of fire (the Kul Elna massacre and the fire in Black Clown), they were children who just wanted to be understood, Yūgi got it, Bakura didn't.
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Yami Marik and Ryou were isolated in their own body, sharing space with someone who didn't appreciate them, can you imagine the traumas those two had with impersonalization? Of not knowing how to be themselves because they didn't have time for that because they were locked behind someone else? Carrying the deaths of his family on his conscience and with the guilt, but Ryou was able to start living after Bakura was defeated, Yami Marik was vanished.
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Art by: https://shadow-chan93.tumblr.com/post/189852802032/merry-christmas-secret-santa-from-the-ygo-server
I mean, everyone loves Puzzleshipping, Thiefshipping, tendershipping (and I do too, they're amazing, I really love them) but the level of understanding they have for these couples is just amazing, imagining Atem and Marik comforting each other in the middle of the darkness because they know that the other feels, Bakura and Yūgi talking about how lonely their life was and how painful the fire is, Yami Marik and Ryou have a cathartic moment when they discover that they are their own people with a body of their own and can think about their future.
I don't know, I want to cry, they are perfect for each other and they don't get enough appreciation.
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chronokepts · 1 year
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You could try to pry this headcanon out of my cold dead hands and you still wouldn't succeed in removing it
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dragondoodling · 3 months
My personal headcanon is that the reason why season 1 of Yu-Gi-Oh’s rules were all of the place and half of stuff was basically made up bullshit is because Yami didn’t actually know what the current rules of duel monsters was until later in the show, and nobody called him out on it cause everyone just went “yeah, seems legit”
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ap-kinda-lit · 4 months
What's one game Yami Yugi would lose at?
Cards Against Humanity
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hoicacti · 3 months
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Me when familial Yami and Yugi
I don't mind puzzleshipping btw, I can see why they're shipped and I will consume the content, but I just prefer them as family
Yami teaching Yugi how to do makeup
Yugi teaching Yami math bc (hc) Yami never learned anything past long division
Yami somehow having a better grasp of physics than Yugi. Neither of them know how he does, he just learnt it easier ig
They like bowling together. Some of the workers at the bowling place pity Yugi bc he "bowls by himself" but in reality they're just switching
Yugi is goated at rhythm games but Yami is good at first person shooters
Going feral over them y'all
Btw, I only just arrived at Waking the Dragons so if anything seems ooc, just know I'm running with incomplete information
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kathairoette · 1 month
Two of my favourite headcanons are:
- Atem likes "weird" pets. Scorpions, spiders, stuff like that. Cats and horses are his favourites, but "weird" pets are definitely a close second
- Atem's speech pattern varies depending on what language he speaks. If he's speaking Egyptian, his vocabulary is pretty formal, sometimes even with friends, because that's how he was taught to speak as a child, but if he's speaking Japanese, he sounds waaaaaay more informal than he does in Egyptian. He hasn't noticed he does this, and the only person who might notice is Yami Bakura/the thief king, because he's the only other person who speaks both languages
oooh I like the first one. Atem just having this little obsession with all the weird critters of the world... watching videos about spiders, listening to documentaries about ants... he might try to ask Yuugi if he's allowed to keep something like that at one point, but when he saw how Aibou's face paled he decided that he should probably go for the cat instead XD
The second one's interesting too! I'm assuming the Egyptian here is like, ancient Egyptian (It's called Coptic right? I could be wrong tho alksdj) so he'd definitely have to speak a certain way befitting of his social status. But since he was stuck with a bunch of teenagers in Japan, of course his speech would grow more loose XD TKB can be a fun addition too tho, esp if you include that one other hc where both he and Atem speak different versions of Coptic. TKB like, sort of knows what Atem's saying but the rest goes out of the window 'cause of the differences XD
But thanks for sharing anon! This was good food~
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http-caedis · 3 months
When I was in middle school,,, possibly like 6th grade I think??? I made this ygo au that I called Monster Merge and it was basically like ritualistically characters are merged with their like, ace monster or just the monster card they have a really strong connection with.
And that monster they’re merged with, they gain a few traits appearance wise from that monster. So for example, let’s say Yami Yugi gets merged with Slifer the Sky Dragon (via a special fusion card btw), so Yami would then gain Slifer’s tail, the wings, and the blue gem thing on its head. And maybe the two mouths if I could figure out a cool/interesting way to draw that
But yeah I’m bringing this up bc I lowkey wanna bring this au back and actually like develop the au more! So feel free to ask some questions to assist in developing it, or giving recommendations on what monsters would merge with whatever character! I have mixed opinions for Kaiba. Part of me wants to put him with Blue Eyes because… yeah. But another part wants me to put him with Obelisk bc I feel Kaiba would LOVE to be merged with a literal god. So give thoughts on that as well ples :3
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