#yana's fanfic rec list
yanak324 · 4 years
*Fanfic Friday* Rec List 🍸🍸
Considering I’m posting this after having an extra dry vodka martini, read at your own risk 😆😆😆
This week’s rec theme is canon/non-modern AU + completion. All but one of the stories on this list have been completed (RIP 😩), but what a journey it was. Also special shout out to @babyitsbeautiful for finishing a 30-chapter behemoth by the name of Beautiful Dangerous. The trailer...yup you heard it...is spectacular as well. We really do have some incredibly talented people in our gendrya fam...and that means (you knew it was coming) tell these creators how much you love their shit if you read it!!! I’ve never met a creator who didn’t like a comment or kudos or bookmark...just sayin’.
Happy Reading (and drinking for those so inclined) 😁🥂
rewrite the stars by @anupturnedboat
One of my absolute favorite - and very unique - AUs set during the Restoration Era in the U.S. Told from Gendry’s perspective, this story is not only incredibly well written but also delivers a satisfying conclusion with absolutely nothing extra in it. A lovely read by a very talented writer.
to love with a rough abandon by @sarcasticdebate
I don’t think I can coherently explain how much I absolutely adore this story. A fairy tale-esque AU with the best elements of book canon weaved into it. I guarantee it will have you on the edge of your seat and letting out a breath of relief and love when you finish it. Brilliant, brilliant storytelling.
Forsaken by @jenevajensen
A new gem from one of my faves (seriously, if you haven’t read her series The Beauty in the Deadly Things, drop everything and do so). I admire writers who take risks and tell a different story in their own voice. This is one of those instances. A post-canon story where Arya ends up pregnant and Gendry might have lied about the amount of women he’s been with (spoiler alert: it’s less). I soaked up every minute of this angsty-ish goodness and you will too.
Brutalism by @thelandofnothing
The one thing I keep coming back to with this masterpiece is how unique and creative it is. It reads like no other post-canon, Arya Stark returns to Westeros story, that I’ve ever read. Largely due to Gendry being his rightfully angry and taciturn self...and Arya being equal parts fearless and also in love?? It’s quite a beautiful take and over the course of 12 chapters, it’s become almost an extension of the world GRRM built...at least for me.
Bonus: @watersandwolves completed her masterpiece the overstay this week and I’ve already reread it four times. It’s just the ultimate feel good (modern au) Gendrya story, and I’ll forever be in love with it. I’m still grinning like an idiot days later and I promise it’s not the alcohol talking.
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yanak324 · 4 years
*Fanfic Friday* Rec List 🥐☕️
Wow, this week reeled me in with some absolute gems.🤩🤩🤩
I’m expanding this list beyond Gendrya, because I don’t believe in silos and think great writing can be appreciated regardless of the subject matter. This is your disclaimer if you feel differently about that sorta thing.
As always, if you read, please, please, please let these creators know how much you enjoyed their works. I’ll never get off this soapbox.🗣🗣🗣
Happy Reading! 📖📖📖
Hurt Somebody by @treaddelicately
When I say this story has me on the edge of my seat with every update, I ain’t lying. My only complaint is that it’s too damn short (just one more chapter to go) but I’m very much looking forward to it. Ch 3 was a stand out for having an assertive!Gendry, which is my kink and an appearance by everyone’s favorite dad, Davos. Plus Arya coming to terms with some things…chef’s kiss I tell ya.
Don’t you wish it was true by @huffletiika
I am so entertained by the perfectly struck balance of thirst and feels in this cute modern AU. The latest installment featured Gendry battling with himself over his attraction to Arya, which she hasn’t made very easy for him. I have to commend the author especially for helping me overcome my dislike for the fake dating troupe. It’s been such a pleasure to read this, she might have inadvertently expanded my horizon! I love when that happens. 🙇🏼‍♀️
Within the Red Circle by @jepshe
Reunion stories are my kryptonite. This one is not only consistently well written but also continues to add layers upon layers to the plot and character interactions. There’s so much realness in this, and absolutely nothing extra. The latest update brought Gendry and Arya closer to what I believe is an inevitable reunion and it never shied away from the trials and tribulations of adulthood. Easily one of my favorite Gendrya stories atm.
pieces of you stuck on me (but i’m careless and i’m wicked) by @fineosaur-writes
Honestly, I don’t know where I’d be without this story. It’s a cup of tea and a good book after a long day. It’s a warm, fuzzy pair of socks when your toes are freezing. It’s your favorite struggle meal presented to you on a silver platter. I can go on forever, but I’ll just say I am so beyond grateful that it’s a long ways away from being finished, because I’m going to miss it so so much. It’s the reason for me delving into a rarepair, I had zero interest in until two months ago, and it’s written so beautifully, with so much emotion, that I’ve seen staunch Gendrya readers pick it up. The sexual chemistry between Lyanna and Rickon in this should be illegal, as should the multilayered character development that’s just consistently good. This one will inevitably hurt but I am here for it all…and I highly recommend you join me.
Bonus: @dragongoddess13‘s Ghost Whisperer AU series has me missing procedural dramas and the uncomplicated times of the early 00s.
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yanak324 · 4 years
*Fanfic Friday* Rec List 📖😷
One of my favorite books is “Love in the Time of Cholera” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. As I was reading some of the brilliant stories I list below, I couldn’t help but think I should call this week’s rec list, “Reading Gendrya in the Time of Corona,” because honestly, fanfiction has been such a safe haven for me this week. I don’t know what I’d do without all this wonderful (and free!) entertainment our gendrya fam is feeding us.
This week’s list is a mix of stories that I’ve already recced that have updated and those that I dug up from the archives. (Think back to the glorious period of Spring 2019 when we were all young, ignorant, and hyped because our she wolf and blacksmith were eyef*cking the hell out of each other within the first 20 mins of Season 8...oh the good ole days.)
I’m positive the world will go back to moving at the speed of light very, very soon but for now, take a pause and enjoy the brilliance of our fellow gendrya stans and writers! And don’t forget to let them know how much you like it (kudos, comments, bookmarks, reblogs, the whole shebang 🥰).
Happy reading & stay hydrated & safe 🤓💦⛑
No Big Deal by @jepshe
Arya & Gendry are back on their bullsh*t and I am here for it. There’s nothing more delicious than these two fools dancing around each other, while having some incredibly satisfying sex. If that’s your cup of tea, check out this update! It’s certainly mine 😏🍵
My world goes soft (before the storm) by @thelandofnothing
Oh how I missed this story! Proof that Arya and Gendry will always find their way to each other in any universe. This one also features uncle!Gendry, very heated make out sessions (and epic smut) and in this update, Arya reflects on their budding relationship, how hard she’s falling (aw), and faces an obstacle. Storytelling at it’s finest...go read!!
in the heat of moments with your heart playing up cold by @ariastarke
This is a truly remarkable oneshot that gives us a glimpse into a canon-verse world where Gendry grows up in Winterfell alongside the Starks. It spans a lot of years and is told from Arya’s perspective as she grows closer and closer to Gendry, culminating in one of the best love confessions I’ve ever read for this pairing. Nothing tickles me more than good, quality canon writing that showcases the strength of Gendrya’s friendship and subsequent romantic relationship and this one has it in spades. Enjoy! I definitely did 😍
fight the break of dawn by @chasingforeverandaday
Speaking of excellent canon, one of my FAVE canon writers busted out with this gift for @welt-verbessererin that is not only very realistic (Gendry is tiiiired from all his weapons forging) but shows a sweeter side to Arya that we don’t often get to see. This one shot beautifully captures an intimate moment between our fave couple against the backdrop of impending war...and let’s just say, it left me feeling warm, cozy and happy. As @chasingforeverandaday‘s writing usually does. Check it out!
Forging the Broken Pieces of Us into Something Better by r_j_l
This is an oldie but goodie. I’m sharing the entire series here, because it’s just that good. It features a series of soft, smutty, romantic and at times angsty moments between Arya and Gendry as they try to establish a new normal amidst all the turmoil they’re experiencing. Also canon-set, also sexy, and deeply emotional. One of my faves from way back when and I know I’ll be returning to it again and again.
practice makes perfect by @kelleesioverhere
Every time this story updates, I can’t breathe. No joke. This is *the* best portrayal of Arya’s inner thoughts that I’ve seen written in a modern setting AND this is just hot as hell...the last update left me absolutely shooketh and I didn’t know whether to aww, fan myself, or just lie down and patiently wait for an update. This story should have a disclaimer on it that warns people to turn on a cold shower immediately after...or at least get an ice pack from the fridge. I had to do both 🥺🥴🥵
the overstay by @watersandwolves
The quarantine fic that was promised. Arya arrives in Storm’s End to help long-time friend, Gendry deal with his father’s estate only to find out Westeros is battling a nasty virus (familiar, eh?) and she’s stuck there for the foreseeable future. The first chapter was just a light tease of what’s to come but there were already some incredible nuggets of banter, subtle looks, domesticity, AND beautiful descriptions of Storm’s End. I can almost forgive @watersandwolves for not updating switch, if she updates this baby soon...but from what I heard, we might be getting both and we are so blessed for it. Can’t wait either way! Also, the title is stupidly clever and I’m here for it!
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yanak324 · 4 years
*Fanfic Friday* Rec List ✒️🤩
This week was so intense, I’m glad it’s over! I don’t know how everyone else is feeling but I’m slowly approaching the point of having cabin fever and the stories on this list have helped me retain some sanity. I hope they do the same for you.
As always, don’t forget to comment, leave kudos, bookmark, or DM the author. I’ll keep saying this until someone tells me to stfu...but even then, it’s unlikely.
Happy reading & please wash your hands!! 🤲🏼💧
Walls to Build by @thelandofnothing
This story continues to impress me. The character growth for both Arya and Gendry is unparalleled and this specific chapter is such a callback to their friendship, it made my heart soar. Also lovely comic relief brought to you by Hot Pie and Lommy. What more could one ask for?
Within The Red Circle by @jepshe
I live for complicated character arcs and this story promises a hefty one. Arya returns after some time away and Gendry’s left wondering what the hell is going to happen now that his ex girlfriend is back in town. Also reunion fics are my crack and this is feeding me. Lovely introspection as well.
in a storm (we’ll find some light) by @acornsandwolves
Any story that explores grief? Sign me the eff up. This was deep and beautiful and just the right amount of hurt/comfort to start off my weekend. Genuinely wonderful and I hope this author writes more!
it starts with an earthquake by @chasingforeverandaday
Anytime Jen writes something, I have the Pavlovian reflex of salivating over it. This is no exception. This is extra sweet because it’s a modern AU and it features Rickon Stark as a salty side character. It seriously put a smile on my face. Can’t wait for the second part!
Stretch and Release by @kelleesioverhere
I continue to die over Gendry’s POV here. Gendry joins a cheer team for *reasons* and is paired up with Arya, who makes his life a bit more complicated with her pretty eyes and contentious attitude…and well, need i say more? I’d put in some cheer puns here but I’m not well versed yet. Hopefully, this fic will teach me something outside of how unbelievably lovely this author is at capturing character inner thoughts and oncoming thirst.
Out for a Walk by @psychvamp25
This was honestly SUCH a cute oneshot. Arya spots a new neighbor moving in while walking her dog and the rest is quarantine history. This made me grin almost unnecessarily, but I’m here for it 🐶😌
keeping promises by @baratheonstarks
I love so much about this story already. Gendry has to take care of his niece and Arya steps into help in the most Arya Stark way possible. This beginning is really quite sweet and fun and I’m excited to see where this goes!
Bonus: Somehow, amidst all this other wonderful content, I’ve also had a chance to reread (for the thousandth time) my favorite comfort fic: Be My Source of Gravity by @starrynightshade.  I cannot gush enough about how sweet this story is. Please read if you haven’t, you won’t be disappointed! 
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yanak324 · 4 years
*Fanfic Friday* Rec List 🤓📚📝
Holaaa fam, hope everyone had a great week and if you didn’t, here’s a line up of all the stories that brought me a smidgen of comfort this week! A couple stories from last week’s list updated, so encourage you to check out that post. I won’t feature them below to make room for new recs. Happy reading, everyone and remember, comments are currency, so if you read any of the stories below, please leave a comment. I guarantee you it is well deserved. 🙌🏽
Walls to Build by @thelandofnothing
I love this story like I would probably love my first born (if I have one). It’s what brought me to this fandom and what i absolutely adore in a modern au: feelings, tension, quiet tenderness and A+ banter. The last update made me feel so much, and it will make you feel it too, I promise.
Friday I’m in Love by @starrynightshade
The most recent update has just about everything you need and also didn’t know you wanted: established Gendrya fluff, fantastic Gendry POV, excellent Stark family interaction and a bit of plot progression that just really sticks. This lady’s going on vaca for a while so we won’t be blessed with an update until April but you best believe I’ll be revisiting this chapter many, many times.
leave a light on by nymeriadirewolff (bbl8te)
A sexy, sweet canon-verse oneshot that reminds you of just why you fell in love with Gendrya in the first place...plus excellent smut...what more could someone want?
All I do, the whole day through, is dream of you by @livhatesolives
This oneshot handles Arya and Gendry’s mindsets post-show canon with such love and care. The longing and emotion that comes through on both their ends is just beautiful. I stan any story that deep dives into Arya’s trauma...and this one does it so gently, you almost don’t notice. Beautiful.
Home of our making by missmissa85
This is a post-canon AU in which Arya inevitably returns to Storm’s End and takes place years down the line when Westeros is a slightly different place but still all the same. Amazing established Gendrya + Sansa being a BAMF as usual + a chapter from Bella’s POV. So epic and so so good.
Bonus: Submissive by @dragongoddess13
Gendry gets pegged. E’nuff said.
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