#yandere Kevin moon
o-ochangx · 1 year
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Yandere Prompt List 🐾 (TBZ)
1. "Here kitty, kitty."
2. “There's nothing left for you but me. Everyone else is gone."
3. "I'm not lying - I bent the truth a little to protect you."
4. “I've done everything for you and this is how you repay me?"
5. "Stop ignoring me!"
6. "So it's a little crush when you fawn over him but it's an obsession when I pay attention to you?"
7. "There's no use trying to run. This is your home now."
8. “Don’t you believe me?”
9. "Well, I guess it pays to have friends in high places."
10. "I will let you go when you understand this is where you belong."
11. "The cuffs will come off when you start acting like someone who doesn't need them."
12. "Nothing is ever enough for you, is it?"
13. "We can do this the hard way or the easy way. It's up to you."
14. “Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?”
15. "If I don't keep an eye on you, who knows what will happen?"
16. "It's almost like you want me to hurt you. Why, darling, all you have to do is ask."
17. “I'll gouge out the eyes of anyone that looks at you. You're only for my eyes, understood?"
18. "I don't want to hurt you, but you're forcing me to."
19. “I'll make you love me - one way or another.”
20. "Don't lie. You don't want me to get mad, do you?"
21. "Oh darling, you'll regret ever opening that dirty mouth of yours."
22. “If anyone will touch you, I will cut off their arms.”
23. "It's all your fault I'm obsessed!”
24. "Come out, love. If you come out now, I will consider making your punishment less painful.”
25. “Stop it. You're only making this worse for yourself."
26. "Don't fight back. I don't want to have to punish you, my love."
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mymoodwriting · 3 months
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15.8k, yandere, manipulation, gangs, drugs, guns, needles, sedatives, car accident, alcohol, kidnapping, knives, pills, smut, non-con, dub-con, knife play, aphrodisiac, BDSM, sex toys, fingering, dry humping, gang bang, double penetration, restraints, supernatural power (@starillusion13)
“Welcome to Wingz Express, how may I help you?”
You pulled down your hood as you walked into the shop. The gentleman behind the counter was quite handsome, and more focused on the white cat in its arms. When he looked up at you he offered a smile, standing up.
“What can I do for you?”
“Uh… hi… I was wondering… how much could you give me for this necklace?”
You pulled your fist out of your pocket, holding it out and opening your hand to reveal a small gold necklace. The gentleman asked for your permission to take it and then proceeded to do so. He examined it for a moment up against the light and then handed it back to you, checking under the counter display case for something.
“So, tell me, why’s a pretty thing like you selling something so pretty.”
“I just need the money…”
“What for?”
“Nothing bad!” You quickly remarked. “Just for school… I need new books for the semester and… I don’t really have any other options.”
“I see.”
The gentleman got out a scale, turning it on and testing it out with a few other jewelry pieces. As he did that the door opened, a bell ringing to signify there was someone new entering the shop. You looked over to see another guy with a cap walk in, and before the shop worker could say their greeting he spoke.
“I’m back.”
“Welcome back, Hyunjae.”
“Oh, what do we have here?”
This Hyunjae gave you a smile before going behind the counter with the other, looking around for the item in question. Although you still had it.
“May I?”
The other held his hand out to you, and you handed over the necklace. He put it on the scale and noted down its weight. From there Hyunjae grabbed it and began examining it.
“So, how much are you looking to get?” The worker asked.
“I’m not talking to you right now, Hyunjae.” Juyeon cleared his throat and smiled at you. “How much do you need?”
“Uh… if I could get a few hundred… that would be fine… although I don’t think the necklace is worth that much…”
“Well you’re in luck.” Juyeon grabbed the necklace, holding it up. “The craftsman ship on this is quite unique, the weight is decent, and it seems to be 14k, so I can give you about six hundred dollars.”
“Six… six hundred?”
“Too little?”
“I… no… if that’s what it’s worth… I had no idea…”
“Whoever gave this to you must have really cared for you.”
“I guess… it’s the only thing I have from my birth parents… before they passed away…”
“Oh, something with this much sentimental value… are you sure you want to-”
“I need the money for school… it’s okay…”
“If you say so.”
Juyeon grabbed a sheet of paper and pen, sliding it over to you. He asked for you to fill out your personal information, as they needed physical records of all transactions. He stepped away for a moment to get the money, counting it in front of you so you’d have no doubts. As he handed it over to you he kept his grip on it, confusing you. He reached into his jacket pocket and held out a business card for you, which you hesitantly took.
“What’s this?”
“If you need money, it might be better to get a job. We also run a delivery service and are always looking for new people.” Juyeon let go of the money. “Just a thought.”
“Thank you…”
You politely bowed your head and made your way out of the shop. Juyeon watched you every step of the way until you were out of sight. When he looked back he was met with Hyunjae’s death glare.
“Six hundred dollars? Seriously? How much is that necklace actually worth?”
“About a hundred.”
“Sangyeon is going to kill you.”
“He can try.” Juyeon looked down at the paperwork. “Let me know when she calls.”
“You mean if she calls.”
“When.” Juyeon corrected. “She’ll call.”
“And how can you be so sure?”
“Cause I’m gonna make her mine.”
You went to the shop early in the morning the day before classes started. You made it back to your dorm, ignoring the boxes you needed to unpack and just collapsing onto the bed. You were grateful you had gotten some money, hoping it’d be enough for books. Your stomach growled and you could only whine. You had two meal passes per day, and you’d rather save those for lunch and dinner. For a moment you thought to spend some of the money you had on breakfast, but you quickly shot the idea down reminding yourself you had to save every penny. After some more lounging around you heard your roommate come in, reminding you that you needed to unpack and get ready for the semester.
After the first week you had all necessary materials, and a few bucks left over. You kinda wanted to treat yourself, but you knew you shouldn’t be spending so recklessly. You’d spend your time in the library, working on assignments, or in your dorm. Even though you wanted to go out, even when classmates invited you, the only option you had was to stay in your dorm. It sucked, but you were used to it by now. Especially the morning hunger pains. Which were way worse after pulling an all nighter. 
You laid in bed the next morning, telling yourself you had to get up. You went about your morning routine, getting your things and when you put your phone in your pocket found a business card. For a moment you questioned it, but seeing the name on it reminded you where you had gotten in. The shop worker told you it would be best to get a job, and that they were hiring. You weren’t sure if you’d be able to do it though, considering you’ve seen a lot of delivery workers dropping off big heavy boxes. Not to mention the fact your schedule was all over the place. 
Then again you could do late evenings but you’d sacrifice sleep in the process. You groaned as you debated this, unsure what to do. In your current situation you were just getting by, staying at a constant with no real movement upwards. You were okay, but you could be better. Some money in your pocket would probably make you feel less anxious. Since you still had time before your morning class you decided to call on your way over, hoping to get some information and go from there. 
“Hello, Wingz Express, how may I help you?”
“Hi… I was calling to ask about your open positions.”
“Open positions?”
“Yes. One of your employees from the shop gave me a card, I believe his name was Juyeon. He told me you were hiring.”
“Ah, yes. So, what do you want to know?”
“Well, I was curious about the pay? Does it depend on the department or-”
“…” You stopped in your tracks. “Thirty… what?”
“All the work is basically the same, so I’d be paying you thirty an hour.”
“Thirty… an hour?”
“Is that not enough?”
“No! I mean, that’s great. Although, I’m a uni student so I could only really work late in the evening.”
“That’s fine. A delivery service is available 24/7 so that’s no problem. When can you start?”
“… just like that? No interview or background check.”
“It’s a delivery job, don’t need much, just you.”
“Oh… okay then…”
“You think you could come by later today? I know where I could put you.”
“Yeah, yeah I can do that. Does seven sound good?”
“Works for me. Can I get your name?”
“I’m Sangyeon, the owner. I’ll text you the address for the warehouse and when you come over ask for me.”
“Got it. Thank you.”
“I’ll see you later.”
When the call ended you found yourself staring at your phone. You easily got a job, and it paid very well. For a moment your heart fluttered with joy but then you thought about it. If it paid this much, and they were hiring, there had to be something wrong with the job. That killed your mood a bit but you told yourself it wouldn’t hurt to check it out. Besides, they were expecting you now so it would be rude not to show up. You put it all to the side for now focusing on your classes. You had an early lunch before catching a bus and heading to the warehouse. It seemed pretty empty, so you began to worry you were in the wrong place, but you saw some trucks with the Wingz Express stamp on it in the loading dock, giving you some reassurance.
You then saw a few people walking inside the building. You called out to them, but they didn’t seem to hear you so you followed them inside. It looked how you’d imagine a delivery service would have their warehouse stocked, rows and rows of items going up to the ceiling. Still, you didn’t see many workers around. You were starting to think this place was fairly new, it would explain why the pay was so high, they needed people. You cautiously walked around, looking for another employee, but it wouldn’t be long before you were called out.
“Ya! Stop right there!”
You turned around to see these two gentlemen walking over to you, concern on their faces. You merely offered a smile, trying not to be nervous.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m the new hire.”
“New hire? Seriously?”
“Uh, yes. I spoke with the owner on the phone and he-”
“Sure you did. Look, you seem nice, so why don’t we escort you out.”
“We have no problem dragging you out if necessary.”
“Guys!” A third voice boomed. “What is going on?”
“This girl says she works here. That she spoke with you on the phone.”
“I did speak with someone.”
You looked back to see who you believed to be Sangyeon approach. He came up to you with a smile and held his hand out to you.
“You must be y/n, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person, I’m Sangyeon.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you too.”
“I’m glad you found the place, now let’s go to the office and get all the paperwork sorted.”
“Wait, why didn’t you tell us that-”
“It’s fine. Just get back to work you two.”
You followed Sangyeon to the office at the back of the warehouse. He brought out some papers for you to fill out, getting you a hat and vest as well. Afterwards he showed you around the warehouse, telling you about the company. They had been around for a while and as you suspected, only recently set up a location in this area. They pretty much delivered everything to anyone, so their services were sought after.
“I don’t expect heavy manual labor from you, so I’ll be partnering you up with Younghoon.”
You went over to the docks, Sangyeon introducing you to your new partner. He was happy to meet you, giving you a big smile as he shook your hand.
“Welcome to the team.”
“I expect you to take good care of her.” Sangyeon commented. “And show her the ropes.”
“Of course.”
“Alright, be safe, and let me know if anything happens. See you both later.”
Younghoon closed up the truck and playfully offered you the keys, but said you didn’t know where to go yet. You also mentioned you didn’t know how to drive which he assured you wasn’t an issue as no one really did deliveries alone.
“So, what’s up with you?”
“Sorry, I worded that weirdly. Tell me about yourself. What do you do with your time, why the job?”
“Oh… well I’m a university student, and I need the money for my expenses… and to pay back my loans someday.”
“Your parents won’t help out?”
“I don’t have any…”
“Oh, my bad.”
“It’s alright. I was in foster care and did grow up in a nice home, it’s just… different…”
“You still live with your foster parents?”
“No, no, I live on campus in the dormitories. It feels more like my home that way.”
“Look at you, miss independent.”
You giggled. “I try.”
“Well, getting a job is a good step.”
You arrived at an apartment complex, going with Younghoon to get the delivery items. You had multiple deliveries in the building, and it would go faster with two people. Younghoon pulled out a small cart, handing you these paper bags with numbers on them. He got another cart and did the same, the two of you taking one and making your way inside the building. He gave you a list, and certain floors to attend to, as well as a walkie to keep in touch with, telling you the numbers on the bags corresponded with apartment numbers. You just had to place the bag in front of the right door and take a picture of it, followed by ringing the doorbell and moving onto the next. Pretty simple.
You did this with a few other apartment complexes, returning to the warehouse in the early hours of the morning. To your surprise you could hear music and cheering coming from inside. Younghoon seemed to know exactly what was going on and had you follow him. You saw a bunch of boys gathered around two others in forklifts, they were gonna race. Sangyeon noticed the two of you and came over. Younghoon told him everything had gone well and all deliveries were made. He was happy to hear, asking you how you felt with the work. It was good, and you were glad to help.
“You should stick around for the race.”
“I don’t think I should.”
“It’ll be fun. You can place your bet too.”
“I don’t really have money to bet…”
“Then how about this.” Younghoon suggested. “You bet an hours pay, and if you win, your paycheck gets doubled. You should have some fun with us too.”
“It’s not much to lose.”
“Sure. I’ll play.”
If you were gonna keep this job, you should make an effort to get along with your coworkers. You joined in the crowd, going over to the front, and being told who the racers were. One was a gentleman by the name of Sunwoo, and the other Chanhee. You didn’t have much to go by so this was truly a gamble for you. In the end you put your money on Chanhee, and then the race began. The gentleman from the shop, Hyunjae, went up to start the race, doing a count down and dropping the flag. It was easy to get caught up in the energy as you watch the two go around the warehouse, and you were overjoyed when Chanhee crossed the finish line first. You screamed in joy and jumped into Younghoon’s arms. He spun you around until you came back to your senses and apologized.
“Congrats to you.”
“Sorry, I didn’t…”
“It’s okay, you were excited.”
“Y/n.” Sangyeon called. “Let’s get you your money, follow me.”
You went with Sangyeon to the office. He gave you a check for your first shift, and your earnings from the bet in cash. You kept yourself together as best you could, but it was hard to hide your joy.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you then.”
You returned to your dorm, tired but satisfied. A bit of a burden had been lifted off your shoulders. You cleaned up and went to bed. Even though you wouldn’t get much sleep you had the peace of mind that everything would be alright. In the morning you even treated yourself to a yummy breakfast before class. You went about your day with a slight skip in your step, and happily returned to the warehouse in the evening. While you made your way to the office you heard a honk and one of the forklifts came over to your side. You recognized the driver.
“Hello, I don’t think we got to properly meet last night.”
“Hi, I’m y/n, a new hire.”
“I’m Chanhee, your lucky charm.” He chuckled. “You made the right choice last night.”
“Thanks for winning.”
“It’s all skill. We should hang out sometime outside of work.”
“If I have the time.”
“Then keep me in your thoughts.”
“Y/n!” You heard Younghoon call. “You ready?”
“Coming! I’ll see you around, Chanhee.”
“Don’t be a stranger.”
Chanhee went off and you went over to Younghoon, going off to work. For the next few days it was the same routine. You went to the same places, and did the same job. Since it was late in the evening going into the morning, you rarely ran into people, although it did happen on occasion. These people usually just said hello, and moved on, but on one occasion things were different. Someone approached you, asking about their order. You were happy to help, and asked for their apartment number. You didn’t have anything on your list, so you used your walkie to call Younghoon and ask him about the situation. He had no record of such an order either.
“Sorry, we don’t seem to have your order. Perhaps you could-”
“Just give me one of the ones you have.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. These are for other people. And-”
The person just grabbed a random bag off your cart, and you quickly reached out to grab it as well. You were trying to explain this wasn’t for them, but the other party was not letting go. Eventually the struggle caused the bag to rip, multiple items falling to the floor, and a white powder exploding onto you. The other person immediately dropped the bag and ran, causing you to collapse to the floor. You were upset and as you got up Younghoon came to your side, helping you to your feet.
“Are you okay?”
“I guess. Sorry, one of the orders-”
“It’s fine.” Younghoon tried to dust you off. “There’s a small vacuum in the back of the van, why don’t you go get it and I’ll do some cleaning here.”
“Of course.”
You went down to the van and retrieved the vacuum returning to Younghoon as he got off the phone. He thanked you and got to work cleaning up, telling you they liked to operate like ghosts, not leaving a trace behind. He also told you not to worry about the order that was damaged, Sangyeon was already taking care of it. You continued with the deliveries together, although after a while you began to feel dizzy. You thought you were fine but your legs suddenly gave out. Younghoon was quick to catch you, holding you in his arms.
“Y/n? Y/n, can you hear me?”
You felt strange, as if you were floating on water. Younghoon’s voice sounded so distant, but you were trying to listen. All you could give him was a smile before your body gave out and everything faded to black.
Your head was throbbing as you regained consciousness. It took a moment to register where you were, but as you sat up you could see that you were in the office back at the warehouse. You were relieved to be somewhere familiar, although you were alone. Besides the headache you felt fine, and when you checked the time you saw that your shift had ended half an hour ago. You felt terrible for what had happened, but at least it wasn’t bad enough that you needed to be taken to the hospital. It was getting late and you needed to return to your dorm, but you also wanted to check in with Sangyeon to apologize.
You grabbed your things and stepped out of the office, looking around the warehouse. The place was eerily quiet, yet you called out to see if anyone was there. As far as you knew the warehouse never really closed, so someone had to be around. While wandering around you noticed just how many boxes were stacked in the warehouse. You had never really looked into the type of things Wingz Express delivered, and after today’s incident you were quite curious. The boxes were labeled according to what they had, but you noticed the boxes higher up didn’t have a label at all. 
“You should be careful.”
You jumped when you heard a voice, looking over to see Chanhee up on some boxes looking down at you. If he had been there this whole time then he surely had heard you calling for someone, but just ignored you until now. He chuckled and apologized for startling you, hoping down.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better, sorry for what happened.”
“It wasn’t your fault, you were just doing your job.”
“Yeah… so what is it that you guys deliver? What have I been delivering?”
“No idea, big boss Sangyeon takes care of all that. We deliver anything and everything, so who knows, not really our business.”
“I see. I should get going.”
“Right, you have class in the morning. I’ll show you out.”
“I was actually looking for Sangyeon.”
“He’s busy with something, but I’ll let him know you’re alright.”
“Okay, thanks.”
You made it back to your dorm in one piece, feeling a mix of exhaustion and annoyance. People just had to be so dumb and you were sure you’d get a pay cut for passing out on the job. For now though you just needed to sleep and worry about your classes. In the morning you still felt tired, but you had to get on with your day. Although as you were on your way to class you got a call from Sangyeon.
“Hey, how are you feeling?”
“I’m alright. I do need to apologize for last night.”
“There’s no need. All that matters is that you’re alright. If you need anything, you let me know.”
“I will, thank you.”
“Since I have you on the line, could I ask something of you?”
“What is it?”
“I know you don’t usually work weekends, but if you ever have the time you’re always welcome to come by. I could use the help in the mornings and I’d pay you extra too. Which reminds me, I am paying you for your full hours for yesterday.”
“Oh you don’t-”
“I insist. You got hurt on the job and I need to take care of you. I know it’s early so I’ll let you go, but if you can come in this weekend please let me know.”
“Yeah, yeah I will, thanks Sangyeon.”
“Have a good day.”
“You too.”
The weekends were normally your days off. You’d use them to catch up on assignments, or sleep, and maybe treat yourself since you had money to spend. Although you didn’t really have friends to hang out with. At least if you went into work you wouldn’t be alone, and you’d get some more money. So you decided to make your way over to the warehouse, greeted by happy faces.
“I’m glad you could spare the time.” Sangyeon commented.
“No problem. So, where’s Younghoon?”
“You won’t be with him today. I’m gonna have you help Kevin out. Nothing too crazy.”
“Sure. That sounds like fun.”
“I’ll take you to him.”
You followed Sangyeon through the warehouse, going back over to the loading docks. He brought you over to Kevin and introduced you.
“Pleasure to be working with you.”
“Same here.”
“Take care of her.” Sangyeon mentioned.
“I got it, boss.”
“Then I’ll leave you to it. Let me know if anything happens.”
“Will do.” Kevin playfully saluted. “So, I know you’re used to working the evening shift, but I promise the day shift isn’t too bad.”
“I guess we’ll see.”
“Truck’s already loaded so let’s go.”
You made small talk with Kevin on the drive, and the job was fairly similar. You were dropping off boxes to apartment buildings or stores. If there was no one to receive it then you set it down, take a picture, and send a message, just like before. The only real difference was politely greeting people around you. The uniform was simple too, which meant it was easy for people to recognize you.
While heading back to the truck you were stopped by a group of girls, recognizing them from one of your classes. You weren’t exactly friends, but you knew each other to be more than strangers.
“What are you doing?”
“Just… working… I need some extra money so I thought I’d pick up a few shifts.”
“That explains a lot.”
You looked back just as Kevin approached you, seeming out of breath. He placed an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“This was our last stop, so we can go.” Kevin smiled and looked over at the girls. “Ladies, if you’ll excuse us.”
“What’s your name?”
“Sorry, I’m not that easy.”
Kevin pulled you along back to the truck. The other girls followed you for a bit, but Kevin didn’t pay them any attention. As you were on the road heading back to the warehouse your phone started pinning. The girls had your number from previous projects and were asking you about Kevin. Before you could even attempt to answer them Kevin snatched your phone.
“I thought you were keeping me company.”
“Right, sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize.” Kevin said. “Thanks for today, you were a big help.”
“No problem.”
“You got any plans for later?”
“No, not really. Why?”
“We’re having a party tonight down at our favorite spot. You should come.”
“You mean a club?”
“I don’t really have an outfit for that.”
“Just wear something nice. You should come. Have a few drinks and relax, I’m sure uni must be stressful.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Would love to see you, consider it a work get together. You’d be able to meet everyone.”
“Uh… sure… there’s no harm.”
“Awesome. I’ll text you the details.”
Like you said, you didn’t have an outfit for the club scene, but found something nice. You were a bit nervous, but to your surprise the bouncer let you in without issue. As you stepped inside you could feel the music shaking everything. The lights were low and people were dancing and drinking in every direction. You glanced down at your phone, sending Kevin a message that you were here. While walking around you wound up running into your classmates from before.
“Y/n? Surprised to see you here, it’s not really your scene.”
“I… I know… it’s a work thing…”
“Oh, then maybe we can join you.”
“I’m not sure if you could.”
Despite the crowd you managed to see a familiar face, Chanhee, excusing yourself and trying to follow after them. You called their name, but you can’t hear much besides the music. Although you stopped when you came across two bouncers, realizing Chanhee had gone into a VIP section.
“Hello, I’m here with my friends and I saw one of them just went through here.”
“Yeah, I didn’t know we were doing VIP tonight.”
Your classmates had followed you and come up from behind, trying to sweet talk the bouncers. You weren’t exactly with them, but if they could help you get in then maybe it wasn’t a bad thing. Although you noticed another familiar face and called out to them.
“Y/n, glad you could make it.”
Kevin came over and told the bouncers to let you in, although your classmates weren’t allowed. They started pleading with you, but you weren’t sure what to say.
“Are these your friends y/n?” Kevin asked. “And be honest.”
“Uh… well… not really… we’re just classmates.”
“I see, well, ladies, I’m afraid VIP is invite only, have a nice night.”
Kevin wrapped an arm around your shoulder and led you deeper into the VIP section. You were brought over to a private area, seeing many more familiar faces. You got a simple drink from the bar there, mingling with your coworkers and meeting new people. Although some were definitely old faces.
“Y/n! Oh my gosh, it’s so good to see you.”
“Yeah, how’ve you been? How’s the job?”
“It’s good, and the money has been a great help.”
“See, told ya it would work out.”
“Thanks again for the introduction.”
“My pleasure.”
You danced the night away, having a few drinks too. Not enough to be drunk, but you were a bit tipsy. Come morning things were winding down, and you definitely needed rest. Some of the boys offered you a ride back to the dorm, which you gladly accepted. They didn’t all drink as some were the designated drivers of the night. You cozied up in the back of a car, squished between Sunwoo and Eric, while Hyunjae took the passenger seat and Jacob sat behind the wheel. The drive was smooth, Eric having his face pressed against the glass while you leaned against his shoulder. You were half asleep and couldn’t really make out the voices around you.
“She’s so cute…” Hyunjae mumbled, looking at you through the rearview mirror. “Can we keep her? I know tonight-”
“You already know the answer to that.” Jacob interrupted. “We can’t just keep an innocent person around.”
“Yeah, yeah…”
The peaceful ride was suddenly interrupted as you were sent spinning, another vehicle crashing into yours. The car came to a stop when it crashed against the side of the building. All the windows were smashed and you had cuts from broken glass. You groaned as you looked around, seeing that the others were conscious too. Sunwoo was in your field of vision, talking to you, but you couldn’t really hear anything. Next thing you knew the door behind him was yanked open and he was dragged out. Then someone reached in and pulled you out of the wreck. You were laid on the ground, vaguely making out Haknyeon before passing out.
You expected to wake up in the hospital, or maybe even in an ambulance. Instead you found yourself in the office back at the warehouse. You felt a few aches around your body, and your cuts stung, but you were fine overall. You slowly sat up, Juyeon and Sangyeon both there to tell you to take it easy.
“What… what happened?”
“Minor car accident.” Juyeon explained. “No one was seriously injured.”
“Shouldn’t we go to the hospital?”
“We’re fine.” Sangyeon assured. “But if you feel like-”
“No, no, I’m fine.”
“Glad to hear. Apologies though, we were supposed to take you back to the dorm, but we needed to make sure you were alright first.”
“I understand, thanks.”
“Why don’t you rest for a bit and then we’ll take you home.”
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
Juyeon got up and got you a glass of water. You thanked him and laid down, feeling like a good nap would do you well as you still felt kinda dizzy and tipsy. Juyeon gave you a blanket and tucked you in on the couch, saying he’d come by later to get you and take you back to your dorm. You thanked him and closed your eyes, getting some sleep. You were out for a while before you opened your eyes again, feeling more clear headed. You found yourself alone in the office, figuring you might as well go look for Juyeon or one of the others. You found your things and headed into the warehouse.
You called out to the guys, but got no answer. Before you could try again you heard some noises and followed them. You saw the boys gathered around, laughing and smiling. You were about to make your presence known when you saw Chanhee hold up a gun and cock it. Your eyes went wide, seeing he wasn’t the only one with a weapon. You took a closer look at what the boys were doing. Besides weapons you saw needles, jewelry, and other types of contraband. It was clear you needed to leave on your own, and quietly. You took a step back and wound up knocking something over and making noise. You cursed under your breath, intending to run off only to bump into Kevin. He had an amused smile on his face, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Look who’s awake.”
“Ha… hi…”
“We were just gonna go get you.”
“Right… I would like to go back to-”
“What’s this?”
The others had come to see what the noise was, finding you with Kevin. You offered the boys a smile, but it was hard to act normal when you saw some of them holding guns.
“Hey… I… I was looking for someone… I need to get back to the dorm…”
“Juyeon.” Sangyeon sighed. “You were supposed to give her a laced glass of water.”
“I swear I thought I did.”
“Well clearly you didn’t.”
“Wa… what do you mean…” You nervously laughed. “I’m fine, and I’d really like to go-”
“I guess we get to keep her after all, Hyunjae.” Jacob commented. “Lucky us.”
“Grab her.”
Since Kevin was the closest to you he immediately grabbed your arm which caused you to act. You tried to run and free yourself from his grasp but his grip was tight. Then Younghoon came over and grabbed your other arm, the two of them keeping you from escaping.
“What are you doing! Let go!”
“We can’t do that.” Younghoon said. “Sorry.”
“What about the mission tonight?” Sunwoo asked. “Are we going to postpone?”
“No, it will proceed as intended.” Sangyeon stated. “Those bastards aren’t gonna get away with a stunt like that. And we also need to send a message.”
“Then what do we do about y/n?”
“We’ll keep her here until we get back. Put her in the cage for now.”
“What is that!?” You screamed. “Please, just… just let me go! I won’t tell anyone anything! I swear!”
“We should have made her drink more.” Chanhee said. “Things wouldn’t have gotten so complicated.”
“Probably. Now let’s move.”
You tried to argue some more but the boys just dragged you along effortlessly. You were taken further into the warehouse, coming over to the sortation area. You weren’t sure what this cage was, but you were a bit relieved when you saw it. In order to transport packages around there was this cage on wheels to make sure they were safe. Usually it was stacked high with packages but this time you would be put inside. It was hard to fight back as they locked you in. You expected them to use some sort of lock but instead you watched in disbelief as Kevin bent the metal together. He gave you a smirk and a wink.
“We’ll be back later. So stay put.”
You couldn’t resist the urge to try and break yourself free but the door wouldn’t budge at all. Your mind was still processing what had happened, but the proof was right in front of you. There was no way someone was physically strong enough to bend metal the way Kevin just did, but you were living in that reality. You screamed at them to let you out, but none listened and just walked away, leaving you trapped and completely alone. You kept trying to free yourself for a while, but eventually you exhausted yourself. You collapsed and sat in the cage, contemplating your next move.
These guys were something else, and you didn’t know them at all. Now you were their prisoner, and you were certain they wouldn’t easily let you go. Since it was quiet and you were settling down from everything that had happened, exhaustion was catching up to you. Without really meaning to you wound up falling asleep. You didn’t know for how long you were out, but you woke to the rattling of the cage. You jumped awake and quickly scrambled against a corner, seeing Chanhee grabbing onto the cage and giggling.
“You look good in there.”
“Let me out!”
“Sure, but no running away, okay?”
Chanhee bent the metal back, allowing for the doors to be opened. You didn’t bother thinking about his insane feat of strength, but you were certainly surprised to see him holding his hand out to you. Reluctantly you took it, finally being able to stretch properly. You didn’t see anyone else around, so this was your chance. You offered Chanhee a smile before shoving him away from you and running in the opposite direction. Unfortunately you didn’t make it far as you crashed into Haknyeon, who you swear wasn’t there a second ago, and fell to the floor. You glanced back to see that Chanhee was still standing by the cage. Your shove really hadn’t thrown him off balance at all.
“What did I say?” Chanhee teased. “No running away. It’s pointless either way.”
“Please just let me go…” 
“We’re going home now, so don’t worry.”
“Of course.”
Haknyeon helped you to your feet, distracting you as Chanhee came up from behind and jammed a needle into your neck, emptying out its contents into you. Your eyes went wide, and Haknyeon held you still. Once the needle was removed you began to feel a bit dizzy, your legs losing strength. You could vaguely make out the smile on Haknyeon’s face as he lifted you up into his arms, carrying you bridal style. You tried to speak, to stay awake, but it wasn’t long before the darkness swallowed you.
“Let’s go home.”
When you regained consciousness you felt a bit sore, but as soon as you had your head on straight your focus was on figuring out what happened and where you were. Unfortunately you couldn’t see much as your surroundings were pitch black. Not to mention your hands and legs were tied together, leaving you with a limited ability to move. So you carefully began to wiggle around, bumping into some boxes. Despite being close to the object, you couldn’t actually see it unless you got really close. Although this didn’t help you much as you had no means of freeing yourself.
A moment later you shake as the ground beneath you begins to move, and you hear the loud roar of a trailer. You were in the back of a truck and being moved to some unknown location. You tried to move around, screaming for help, but you eventually exhausted yourself, deciding to just wait and see what happened next. Since you had no concept of time in that darkness you had no idea for how long you were in there. There wasn’t even a point in trying to remember what turns were made. Eventually you came to a stop and heard the engine turn off. You were left to wonder if you had reached your final destination or if this was just a quick stop.
You heard the sounds of something unlatching, and then you were blinded by a bright light. You lifted up your arms to shield your eyes, taking a moment to adjust. As you suspected you were in the back of a trailer, and there were a bunch of boxes and other pieces of furniture around you. Being able to see it all now, this seemed like a moving truck. You heard voices and saw some of the boys climbing into the truck and grabbing boxes. Although before you could say something Jacob came up to you and tied a gag around your mouth. You began to squirm, but you were powerless in your restraints.
He got you up, getting help from Kevin as they moved you towards the end of the trailer, intending to unload you like the rest of the cargo onboard. You remained restrained as you got out of the trailer, being left with Younghoon for a moment. When you tried to get the gag off he grabbed the rope that bound your hands together, using that as a means to keep you leashed. You looked around, noticing the huge house. They had brought you to their place. All around you could see trees and a long driveway leading out to what you assumed was the main road. As far as you knew this place was in the middle of nowhere.
Younghoon suddenly pulled on your ropes, and the next thing you knew he had you over his shoulder. You squirmed and hit his back, but he seemed completely unphased. You weren’t super light, but even then he was carrying you so effortlessly. You were taken into the house, the others giving you smiles but not saying anything to you. Given the truck and all the items, you thought they were moving in, but upon entering the house you could see it was clearly lived in. This was their home. You were set down on the couch, Younghoon pulling out a knife and setting you free. He reached up and took your gag off as well.
“Welcome home.”
“What the hell is wrong with you guys…”
Younghoon chuckled. “Nothing, why?”
“Here.” Juyeon came over with a case. “Before you do anything else.”
Younghoon took the case from the other, opening it up and revealing what looked to be a small dog collar. You immediately thought that was going around your neck, but Younghoon grabbed your leg, taking your shoe off and slipping the collar onto your leg. When you tried to pull away he just held on tighter, really unbothered by your actions. He tightened it around your ankle, and then you heard something click. You noticed a green light emitting from the device, realizing it was some sort of ankle brace, and he just placed you under house arrest.
“What the hell!”
“Don’t want you running off now.” Juyeon smiled. “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt you or anything.”
“I’m a prisoner in this house!?”
“You don’t have to think of it that way. This place is yours, and that’s just a precaution.”
“I want to go home!”
“We are home.”
“This place isn’t home.”
“I suppose you just have to give it a chance.”
“Fuck you!”
You got up and stormed off, just walking in any direction just to get away from them. No one tried to stop you, probably since you weren’t actually walking towards the door but further into the house. That wasn’t your intention, but at least none of them followed you. After walking a bit you went into the first open door you found. You closed the door behind you, leaning against it and taking a breath. This whole situation was insane, but they were acting so normal, or as normal as kidnapping someone could be. Now you were who knows where in a foreign house with no escape in sight.
You slid down to the floor, feeling defeated. You didn’t even understand how you wound up in this situation. You were just working for their stupid company and saw something you weren’t supposed to. Then again you were probably lucky to be alive. Most people who learn someone else’s secrets wind up dead, but this wasn’t exactly better either. You didn’t have your phone or any means to communicate with the world beyond this house. So in a sense you were dead to the world. You got up and found a window, staring out at the sky and then looking down at your foot with the ankle brace. 
You took a moment to further examine it, but you didn’t see any way to get it off. You really were trapped in this house. You sat back down on the floor, hugging your knees to your chest. You just wanted to go back to campus, go back to classes and be a normal person again. Your situation seemed hopeless, making you tear up, but you had to remind yourself this wasn’t the end. Surely there was a way out, and you were certain you could find it. If you gave up now, then you definitely wouldn’t get out. You took a moment to pull yourself together. This place was huge, but maybe you could find something to use to your advantage.
This would be a process, but you also didn’t intend to be friendly. For the following days you kept to yourself, not speaking to any of the boys, and avoiding them outside of meals. They tried to make conversation and engage with you, but when they saw you were unresponsive they left you alone. You didn’t expect them to just let you be, but you were still glad they did. You were allowed to explore the house as you pleased, discovering all kinds of things. They seemed to have huge collections of expensive and luxurious items. It made sense to have all these things as they did run a pawn shop and delivery service. They had access to so many things.
In that same vein, remembering the weapons, a handful of these items were probably stolen or acquired by illegal means. Seeing all these priceless items made you realize you were practically a living trophy in this house. Another prize they had won, or more accurately taken. It made you feel a bit sick, but you had yet to find something of use. Most doors around the house were open, so you could go where you pleased. Even the boys’ rooms were all open to you, but you already searched them. The room you had given was plain and empty. They told you that you could decorate it however you wanted, but you weren’t planning on setting roots here.
Only a handful of doors were locked and off limits, so you were extra curious about those. By now you had a good idea which rooms you couldn’t get into, so you’d always try to open them throughout the day, hoping to maybe catch one open. It took a bit, but you eventually got lucky. You quickly looked around to make sure you were alone, then slowly opened the door. You quietly listened, trying to figure out if anyone was inside, but it seemed to be your lucky day. You stepped in and didn’t even think to close the door as you realized what was in here. All types of weapons surrounded you. So many guns and blades hanging on the wall, a few things locked behind a cage, but this was what you had been looking for.
Surely something here could help you escape. Although before you could take another step you felt something cold against your neck. You were no longer alone. While you were distracted by your own thoughts someone noticed the open door and found you standing in one of their secret rooms. Of course it was only logical to assume you were an intruder and treat you as such. You swallowed nervously as you realized the object against your throat was a knife. You carefully looked over, seeing Eric gazing at you with a bright glint in his eyes and a cocky smirk. He only pressed the blade further against your flesh.
“Look what I have here. How did you get in here?”
“… the door was open…”
“You expect me to believe that?”
“… you… you think I picked the lock?”
“Hm, I suppose that’s true. So, what do you think?”
“… ah… about what?”
“This room. You must be terrified seeing all this, or perhaps excited. Although I’ll let you know right now, you’re out of luck.”
“You better watch it.” Eric growled. “You wouldn’t want to get hurt.”
Eric chuckled and moved the knife away from your throat, although he merely had it ghost over your chest before moving it up to your face, dragging the dull end along your cheek.
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”
“In fact, I really want to do the opposite.”
“… huh…?”
Before you could really process what Eric was talking about he leaned in close and pressed his lips to yours. You tried to move away, but he followed, and ultimately pinned you against a wall. The knife clattered to the floor and he pinned your arms to the wall as well. He only pulled away from you when he needed to catch his breath. A big smile adorned Eric’s face as he pressed his head against yours.
“I’ve been waiting to do that.”
“… why…”
“That’s your question?” Eric chuckled. “You are interesting, but don’t you think the answer is obvious.”
“… is it?”
“Why do you think we went through all the trouble to bring you here, hm?”
“Cause I saw too much…”
“You mean all of this? No, no, if we cared for that you’d be dead.”
“Is it really that hard? I guess I should show you.”
Eric shoved you to the floor, and soon enough he was on top of you, kissing you once more. His hands were at your hips, one slipping under your shirt, making you shiver from the skin to skin contact. Soon enough his lips were against your throat, sucking and nibbling on the skin, starting to mark you up. You squirmed beneath his touch, your hands above your head, moving about when you felt something against your fingers. It was the blade Eric had dropped. You cautiously reached for it, getting a grip on the handle. Just as you were about to make a move Eric’s hand quickly pinned down your wrist, a low chuckle escaping his lips.
“Did you really think that would work?”
Eric placed a chaste kiss against your cheek, keeping your wrist pinned and reaching over with his other hand to take the blade from you. He remained on top of you, using his body weight to keep you pinned. He twirled the knife in his hands, looking down at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“You know, we want to give you everything, and yet how have you acted? You’ve been avoiding us and giving us the silent treatment, and now you break into our little armory. I think it’s about time you’re punished for your actions.”
Before you could process Eric got off you and proceeded to flip you over, cuffing your hands behind your back. He got you to your feet, dragging you along, out of the room and down the hall. Soon enough you were in the living room, avoiding the gazes of the others who were around. Eric shoved you onto the couch and then the tip of the knife was under your chin.
“How do you think we should punish you?”
“What’s all this?” Sunwoo asked. “What punishment?”
“You know, for ignoring us, and breaking into the armory.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s cause for punishment. Not sure about the knife though.”
“Well, I need her to behave.”
“But there’s still no need for such things.”
Sangyeon entered the room, having gotten a message about the show going on in the house. Soon enough the others joined too and he could see how you tried to make yourself small. He didn’t want you to be afraid, or feel threatened by them, so seeing Eric playing around with a knife was very much not allowed. He went over to the younger boy and took the item from him, throwing it and embedding it in the wall.
“I wasn’t going to hurt her with it.”
“I don’t doubt that, but why don’t you play with something else.”
“Oh, what does the big boss have in mind?” Hyunjae asked. “I’d love to participate.”
“For starters, we have to set the mood. Jacob, you know what I mean.”
“I do indeed. I’ll be right back.”
“She also needs a party favor.”
“Why that?” Juyeon questioned. “Don’t you think that’s risky?”
“It’ll be more fun, for everyone.”
You had no idea what any of that meant, but you knew it couldn’t be good. There was no point even attempting to run off as everyone was in the room with you. A while later Jacob returned with a small case in hand, giving it to Sangyeon. The eldest opened it up, revealing a needle. You instinctively tried to move, unaware of what the contents the needle contained.
“We’re not gonna hurt you.” Sangyeon assured. “Hold her.”
Kevin and Changmin reached over to hold you still as Sangyeon emptied out the needle into your neck. You did your best to squirm, but there was nothing you could do.
“What is that! What did you give me!?”
“You’ll see soon enough.” Kevin teased. “Now the party favor, right?”
“Give her a moment.” Sangyeon said. “Then she can have it.”
“Have what? What are you guys talking about!”
“Just be patient.”
You cut yourself off before saying more as you began to feel different. Your face was beginning to burn, and you felt this heat overtaking you. Now it was obvious what they had given you, and it wasn’t hard to guess what came next. You couldn’t help but squirm in your restraints, starting to get annoyed by your own clothes, but unable to remove them. You felt rather pathetic too, giving in so easily to the drug, but it was really clouding your head and making everything fuzzy.
“Now for the next part.”
“I call dibs!” Chanhee volunteered. “Come here, baby.”
You were vaguely aware of Chanhee as he approached you, but you didn’t know what he was doing. That is until he leaned in to kiss you. At first you thought it was a normal kiss, his tongue forcing your lips to part, but then you felt something in your mouth, and before you knew it you had swallowed it. That got enough sense in you that you pulled away from Chanhee, immediately coughing and bending over, hoping to throw it back up, but that wasn’t an option. Chanhee placed a hand over your mouth, forcing you to sit back up.
“Don’t be wasteful.”
You were worried about what else they had added to the mix. Chanhee didn’t move his hand away until he was certain you wouldn’t be able to throw up the substance you had taken. You still coughed when you had a chance, but you knew it was far too late for that.
“What did you give me!”
“You’ll feel it in a moment.” Haknyeon giggled. “And you’ll like it.”
“… wa… what does that-”
You inhaled sharply as you felt this wave of energy surge through your body. There was the heat of arousal, but this was something else, something more. You were merely taking in the feeling when you snapped your arms free, having broken the chain of your restraints. You fell from the couch onto your hands and knees, shocked over what you had just done. You vaguely made out the sounds of laughter around you, looking up to see the boys with smiles on their faces. Your head was spinning, and you felt a hand on your shoulder which caused you to act. In the blink of an eye you had Changmin pinned beneath you.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?”
“What… what is this… what did you give me?”
“Power.” Changmin chuckled. “At least now we won’t break you.”
The boy freed himself from your grasp and flipped your positions. He gave you a devilish grin before ripping your shirt open. Your hands immediately covered your chest and then you moved to shove Changmin off you. To your surprise you had the strength to do so, knocking him to the ground. He just laughed, not at all fazed by your actions. You stared at your hands again, seeing the remains of the handcuffs on your wrists. If you were really strong like them now, then this was your chance. Just as you were about to run, Younghoon came up from behind, wrapping his arms around you and holding you in a hug. You tried to break free, but he held you tightly, making you question your own strength and his.
“You may be strong,” Younghoon whispered. “But you don’t match us.”
Hyunjae stepped in front of you, his hands gliding over your bare chest. He stopped over your crotch area, his fingers undoing your shorts and a hand slipping into your pants. You squirmed back against Younghoon, but he held you still.
“You’re supposed to be drunk off love.” Hyunjae commented. “Shall I help?”
“Let go.”
“The surge of power probably overtook the aphrodisiac. I’ll fix that.”
You kept your squirming so Hyunjae opted to slide your shorts down, leaving you in your panties for a moment before having them torn off. You shivered from the sudden cold feeling, trying to close your legs but Hyunjae forced them open.
“Be a good girl now, or else you won’t get a treat.”
You couldn’t say anything as Hyunjae’s fingers ran up and down along your folds, making you hold back a moan. You weren’t knowledgeable in this area, and had little to no experience. There wasn’t much time, or interest in the matter, both from you and other parties. This was certainly going to be a first for many things. You still tried to move away, but the more Hyunjae played around with you the harder it was to think.
“… please…”
“Please what? I think you can still use words.”
“… please…”
“Are you a virgin baby? Don’t know what to ask for?”
“You are, aren’t you? Oh, don’t worry baby, we’re gonna take very good care of you.”
“I wanna do it! I wanna go first!” Chanhee volunteered. “Please, please, I wanna feel her so bad.”
“You guys can fight for it.” Sangyeon mentioned. “Winner takes all. I’ll keep the doll entertained.”
The boys agreed to Sangyeon’s proposal. The eldest took you into his arms, loving your dizzy little state. Your legs were trembling and you were whimpering over the lack of touch. Sangyeon pressed a kiss to your head.
“You good baby?”
“We’ll play soon, just let the boys have their fun first.”
“We all still get a turn right?” Juyeon questioned. “Even if we don’t win.”
“I’m pretty sure she can keep up with all of us tonight.”
Sangyeon picked you up bridal style, following behind the others. You were subconsciously rubbing your legs together, trying to get back some friction. The moment of power you had was long gone from your mind, the heat engulfing every inch of your skin. It was getting a bit uncomfortable, but the little kisses Sangyeon pressed against your skin felt nice. In your haze all you could think about was them. Even if you had been brought here against your will they hadn’t been cruel to you in any way. They had given you space and let you roam around the house freely, but that was all about to change. You couldn’t fathom the consequences that would come tomorrow, nor did you care. You just wanted to be taken care of in every way possible tonight.
You inhaled sharply as you regained consciousness, feeling a minor throb in your head. You groaned and pushed your head further into the pillow it was resting on, feeling a dull ache all over your body. Once you got yourself together you took in your surroundings. This wasn’t the room you had been given, but going by the decorations and mess, it certainly belonged to one of the boys. Your questions were answered as a hand draped over you and you saw Kevin laying next to you, still asleep or so you thought. He must have felt your gaze on him, or heard you whimpering.
You didn’t answer, instead moving Kevin’s arm off you and getting out of bed. Although as soon as you stood up you felt dizzy and collapsed to the floor. You managed to catch yourself, getting your hands beneath you, but you winced from a sudden pain in your left hand. You looked down to see a butterfly tattoo on your wrist, one wing blue and the other orange, wrapped up as it was still fresh.
“What… what is this…”
“You might feel sick after your first time…” Kevin mumbled. “Bathroom’s on the left…”
You weren’t exactly listening, more focused on the new ink you had, but as soon as Kevin mentioned it you felt an ache in your stomach and then you threw up. Kevin groaned when he heard the noise, mustering up the strength to get up. He came over to the other side of the bed, seeing you on your hands and knees.
“My poor baby, come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Kevin grabbed your arm and gently got you up to your feet, keeping you close as he helped you towards the bathroom. He sat you down on the toilet, getting a washcloth and holding it under warm water before using it to clean your mouth. You were out of it after throwing up, feeling unsteady and the headache had gotten worse. You probably figured this is what it felt like to be hungover since you never had alcohol before. Then again you hadn’t been drinking last night, something else entirely had happened.
“I know what will make you feel better.”
After cleaning you up and brushing your teeth Kevin helped you onto your feet again, leading you out of the room and towards the kitchen. The others were already up and gathering around for breakfast. A few didn’t hesitate to place a kiss on your cheek after greeting you. Kevin had you sit at the table, letting you put your head down.
“Rough morning?” Changmin questioned. “She doesn’t look so good.”
“She’s fine, but I’m gonna need to clean my room.” Kevin mentioned. 
“Yikes. Well, you choose to take her.”
“It’s whatever.”
You were vaguely aware of all the boys around you, feeling more tired than anything else. You had your arms on the table, and you looked over at the tattoo on your wrist. A part of you still thought you were just imagining things, but the throbbing ache from it told you it was very real.
“Here.” Jacob placed a glass on the table in front of you. “You’ll feel better once you drink this.”
“What is it…”
“Just drink it.”
Jacob helped you sit up, and he held the glass up to your lips. It looked a bit like a watered down blue sports drink, but you parted your lips when you felt the liquid against them, getting a sweet taste and having a few gulps.
“Good girl.”
Your headache certainly wasn’t as bad anymore, so you had no trouble sitting up. Two of the others were finishing setting the table, and the smell of eggs and rice filled the air. You were certainly hungry, but now that you could think straight there were other things on your mind.
“What happened last night…”
“You don’t remember, baby?” Sunwoo chuckled. “Did we fuck you that good.”
“… you… we… we did…”
“You were asking for it by the time we actually got started.” Eric commented. “You were so needy like a bitch in heat.”
“Shut up.” You felt your face burning. “I… I…”
“No need to be shy, baby, we had a good time.”
“I don’t remember…”
“It’ll come to you.” Hyunjae stated. “Just give it a minute. If not, well, I don’t mind jogging your memory.”
“Why? You certainly weren’t denying any of us last night.”
As the conversation kept going you felt yourself getting nervous. The night must have been insane if you didn’t remember it, especially considering the fact you got a tattoo. You wanted to remember, you had to, because besides the obvious there was something else. You shut your eyes to focus, and when you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder you jumped, falling out of your seat. That’s when you had a rush of images flash through your mind. Your whole body suddenly felt hot and you remembered what had caused all the aches and pains from last night.
Sangyeon held you close as the others fought for the chance to be your first. He had you on his lap straddling his thigh. He couldn’t help but bounce you up and down, hands on your hips guiding you as he had you gently grind on him as well. It wasn’t long before he had a tent in his pants, but he had enough self control to not act on his own urges. He wanted to make sure his boys still had their reward. You on the other hand were full of sugar, drooling a bit and feeling like cotton candy. You had your eyes shut and head thrown back as you let Sangyeon take control, keeping you so well balanced on the edge. You weren’t aware of the fight going on, more focused on yourself until you felt a kiss on your head.
When you opened your eyes you saw Haknyeon smiling down at you. For a moment you swore he had a busted lip and cut on his cheek but those seemed to fade away right before your eyes. He was out of breath but very happy to see you. He took you from Sangyeon, throwing you over his shoulder and smacking your ass before walking off with you. He took you to his room, tossing you onto the bed. Before you knew it he was on top of you, kissing you roughly and exploring your naked body. You didn’t really feel cold, the heat of arousal kept you warm and now you had Haknyeon to provide you with more warmth. 
He had his way with you for a good while, the feeling of his cock sending you spiraling into your first orgasm. You didn’t need much prep as Sangyeon had already got you feeling loose. Another orgasm or two later there were knocks at the door. The winner had gotten his prize so now it was time for the others to have their fun. Juyeon was the one to drag you out of bed, surprised you could still walk on your own. Despite already having a few orgasms you still had the strength and stamina to keep up, although you were more concerned with getting your next high.
You happily went with Juyeon, getting messy with him in his own room. He was excited to show you new things, wanting more than just vanilla sex. Although he wasn’t alone, having Changmin and Chanhee in his room waiting for you. There were hands all over your body, massaging your breasts and thighs as wet kisses were placed all over you. With all that attention you were getting lost in the feeling of pleasure. The only thing that took you out of it was when you felt someone penetrate your core. One after the other stretching you out and making you feel a joy you couldn’t describe. You don’t know how you managed to take on all three of them, but you made it through their endeavors.
The night was still young, and you weren’t done with them. While you lay among the boys, splayed out on the bed, finally getting a moment to rest you felt a hand caress your cheeks. You opened your eyes to Kevin coaxing you awake. He took your hand and pulled you out of the giant cuddle pile, asking if you were having fun. By then words were difficult, but the smile on your face spoke for itself. You two danced around the hall since you were starting to get uneasy on your feet. You were probably heading over to Kevin’s room, but your arm was suddenly grabbed and you were yanked into Hyunjae’s arms. He had started you off early that night, and it was about time he finished that up.
His fingers trailed along your sloppy center, feeling just what kind of mess you had between your legs and eager to add to it. Of course Kevin wasn’t just going to let him have you all to yourself, shoving the two into the nearest bedroom, getting out of his clothes in the process. Everyone’s kiss was unique, some gentle, some rough, some desperate and hungry for you. Hyunjae was the first one to add to the festivities, tying you up against the bed and limiting your movements. You were already feeling sore, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. While Hyunjae continued to play with your sloppy cunt Kevin was preparing something else.
You felt him trail his fingers along your lips, teasing you before pushing two digits into your mouth. Instinctively you knew to suck on them, letting your tongue swirl around. Kevin was quite proud to see you acting appropriately, and for that you deserved a reward. He pulled his fingers out with a loud pop, letting you whine for a bit before putting something much bigger against your lips. You opened your mouth without question, taking in his whole length inch by inch. Then you felt Hyunjae filling you up, getting stimulated from both ends. You let them take control, just floating on cloud nine as they got another handful of orgasms out of you, making your eyes roll to the back of your head multiple times.
Once you were finally wrapped up in Hyunjae’s arms you were really feeling sore in your legs and jaw. You did want to rest, but as you were dozing off a hand came down and pulled your head off the pillow. You were met with Eric’s piercing gaze, seeing a rather psychotic glint in his eyes. Of course you weren’t gonna get off easy, he still had to punish you for you breaking and entering. You probably should have explained to him at some point you found the door unlocked, but that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, nor would it matter to him. Despite Hyunjae’s protest Eric took you to his own room.
Although it wasn’t long before you were joined by another. Sunwoo had crawled into bed, pulling you into his arms and snuggling against you. He wanted to be soft and sweet but Eric had other plans. Took a bit of talking but he got Sunwoo on board. Next thing you knew you were on top of Sunwoo, barely able to make out his words of praise. His hands ran up and down along your chest, taking your breasts into his hands and massaging them ever so gently. You mewled at his touch, gently rocking your hips. You were exhausted, but your body still craved more friction. Eric placed his hands on your hips, guiding you down onto Sunwoo’s cock, making sure you took in everything.
He gave you a moment to revel in the feeling before bending you over. You didn’t know what he was planning until he pushed himself into you right alongside Sunwoo. The stretch was like nothing before, and you swear you saw white for a moment. You leaned back against Eric, giggling as he whispered dirty things in your ear. They gave you a moment to adjust and really feel them before they started moving. They tried to be gentle and slow at first but their own burgers got the better of them. You felt like they were tearing you apart, but in a good way. Your orgasms all blended together, and all you remembered was ending up sandwiched between them, still full with their cocks and cum while you all wound down from your high.
One moment you were in bed, the next you were in someone else’s arms. You could barely make out Sangyeon as he carried you bridal style, but the smile was obvious. You snuggled against him, not wanting to let go when he set you down. You felt hands on your body once more, and not just too. A hand grabbed your chin and you locked eyes with Jacob. He had such a content smile on his face, placing soft kisses all over you. The eldest of the bunch had been patiently waiting to finish you off. You were already at your limits but they pushed you past that, taking you in whatever way you saw fit. 
Younghoon had you bouncing up and down on him, making deeper bruises on your hips. Jacob was gentler and such a tease as he took you from behind while you stayed on top of Younghoon, letting the other watch the show. Sangyeon though, he dragged you out of bed and took you against the wall, surprising you with his strength and resolve. He didn’t let up, making sure you were still enjoying yourself even if you were so far gone. It wasn’t easy to close your legs, and you felt so full you swear your stomach was a bit bigger. You thought you’d finally get to sleep, but you weren’t going to be left alone just yet.
You could vaguely recall Sangyeon getting you into a bath with him, cleaning you up and making sure you were well cared for after such a night. Kevin had found the two of you and helped with getting you dressed. Everyone else was mostly out for the night. Kevin’s room was one that wasn’t used to so he offered to share his bed, happily taking you with so the two of you could sleep together. You didn’t hesitate to snuggle against him, still feeling sore but glad to finally wind down and rest. It was quite impressive you made it through such a night. You knew you’d probably be all kinds of bruised tomorrow, but that was a problem for later.
You couldn’t help the dopey smile on your face as you remembered all of this, all the things you had done the night prior. It was like nothing you had ever experienced before, and you didn’t even know if you’d get close to it ever again. Although you quickly had to tell yourself to get your act together. Even if you now remembered what you had done, you could look back and see what was bothering you. The boys had given you an aphrodisiac, but there was something else too. You sat up, lifting up your shirt and seeing that you had no bruise or marks of any kind. Your skin was untouched, but you knew that shouldn’t be the case. While you were lost in your own head Juyeon and Eric helped you get back in your seat.
“Are you okay, baby?” Eric asked. “Did you remember something?”
“Last night…”
“Oh, that’s good. Wouldn’t want to be the only one to remember how capable you are.”
“What did you give me?”
“Ah that, it was good, right?”
“What was it!?”
“Power.” Jacob stated. “True power.”
“It was a drug.”
“So is ibuprofen, your point?”
“What exactly did you give me?”
“I already told you. Power. Don’t you remember? You broke the handcuffs with ease, you kept up with all of us. Despite how rough some of them might have been, you don’t have a single bruise on your body.”
“It’s temporary.” Younghoon assured. “You’re back to normal now. Although, if you ever want more, you just have to ask. Only the first one is free.”
You needed a moment, you needed to be alone. Without saying anything you left the table, finding the nearest open room and locking yourself inside. You felt a bit sick, coming to terms with the fact they had given you some sort of unknown drug. Now you only had the lingering taste of that power high. You didn’t want to believe what they had told you, but you had felt, and moreover you had seen it too. That night at the warehouse, the incredible strength they displayed, it was all real and now you knew how. Whatever drug this was, they used it a lot. You had your suspicions about their business, especially once you saw all the weapons. If they were some kind of gang in the area, they certainly had their advantage to stay in power.
All this speculation just gave you more reason to want to leave. Even if they were good to you, the kind of life they lived wasn’t something you wanted to be a part of. After that night you continued to avoid them, not wanting to form any kind of lasting attachment. They certainly gave you space, but were a bit more willing to try for your attention, especially since they had no problem getting handsy with you now. From what you did get, they seemed to be so fun, but you couldn’t just drop the idea of escape. Your biggest problem was that ankle bracelet you had, but it seemed the solution was around the corner.
One day you overheard a few of the boys talking about a potential party at the house. Of course you came up as a subject since they weren’t sure they could trust you to behave. A party would be a great opportunity, so you had to make sure you were allowed to attend. In order for that to happen you had to engage with them and socialize, show them that you could behave. You really had to let your guard down and be friendly with them. You rejected any advances they made and they respected that, probably very happy that you were done giving them the cold shoulder. Eventually the party came up in conversation around you, so you offered to help with planning and set up. They happily agreed.
You made sure a lot of alcohol was purchased, and intended to get them drunk. This was going to be your night, but in order to do this you needed one key ingredient. You needed the ankle bracelet off, and fast, and the only real solution you saw was that drug. You had broken handcuffs with ease, so with that kind of power you’d break the ankle bracelet quickly and then get out before they even knew you were gone. The only problem was that you had to ask for it, and not get denied. You didn’t see why they would say no, but you also needed to make sure you didn’t arouse suspicion.
The day of the party you helped with setting up, popping open a bottle of vodka and taking a small sip before pouring shots for the others. They happily took the drink you offered, cheering to a night of fun. You needed to pick one of them and you figured your best bet would be Eric. You kept your eye on him and waited for your chance. People were starting to come to the house, so you figured things would be getting started soon. You found Eric and got him alone, coming up from behind and wrapping your arms around him in a hug. He was a bit startled at first, but happy to see you, placing a kiss on your head.
“I want tonight to be fun.”
“It will be.”
“But you know what would guarantee it?”
“If I got to be strong like the rest of you…”
“Ah, you want a special party favor, huh?”
“It should last me all night right? How else am I gonna keep up with all of you?”
“Good point, but promise you’ll behave.”
“Pinky promise.”
“Good girl.”
Eric took your hand and led you to another room. It was another armory they had, and he told you to stay put as he got something out of a safe. He presented a pill to you, telling you to open your mouth. Your plan had been to take it later when you were ready to act, but Eric wasn’t going to let you leave without consuming it. As far as you knew, it lasted a few hours, so you should be okay either way, but you were gonna have to act the first chance you got. You gave Eric a smile and took the pill. After a moment you felt this spark of power run through your whole body. It made you dizzy for a second but Eric assured you the uneasiness would pass and you’d be your normal self, just better.
Soon enough the party began and things got wild fast. You made it a point not to drink, but you still hung around the boys, wanting to engage with them for a bit before disappearing. As the night was getting on, you started to iron out the finer details of your escape. When you had a chance you glanced outside, seeing all the cars parked around. You considered taking one, but you didn’t know how to drive. What you needed was to get your hands on a phone, figure out your location and call a cab. With everyone around drinking and having a good time, it shouldn’t be hard to sneak a phone, and money, off someone.
You kept in mind the time, keeping an eye out for someone vulnerable, and occasionally testing your strength to make sure you were still able to break free. You stuck around those that were drinking, getting friendly with someone and managing to snatch their phone. You cautiously snuck away to get some privacy, finding a bathroom. You managed to unlock the phone and checked the address. Thankfully you weren’t so far from civilization and called for a cab. You had about fifteen minutes to get out of this house, and the first thing you needed to do was get that ankle bracelet off.
You sat down on the floor and figured out a good grip, taking in a deep breath before pulling and breaking the bracelet in half. You thought maybe some noise would be made or something, but it was silent. Lucky was on your side. You tossed the broken thing in the trash and made your way out of the bathroom, needing to get outside. Part of the party was in the backyard, but it wasn’t a good idea to go around, so you had to exit through the front. The door itself might not be the best, but you could give it a shot. If not, you had no problem jumping out a window. Thankfully you got away from the house undetected, checking the phone and then leaving it by a car before heading to the main road.
When you saw the lights of the cab you were finally able to let out a breath. It brought such relief to be moving away from the house, free from your captivity. The cab took you back to the only place you could go, to your uni campus. You had been gone for a little over two weeks, but hopefully nothing had gotten messed up in your absence. You knocked on the door for your roommate to let you in, not bothering to answer them about your recent whereabouts. You were so happy to collapse into your bed, even if it wasn’t as comfortable, feeling like you could finally get some real sleep. 
Thankfully a good amount of your things had been in your dorm room, but you would need a new phone, and new cards. Come morning you got to emailing your professors with some basic excuse of being ill and asking for assignments to make up. Out of curiosity you tested your strength, but you were back to being a normal person. At least you had money, so you could afford a new ID card, and even though you could afford a new phone, that involved leaving campus. You knew the guys couldn’t just waltz onto school property, and they didn’t know where your dorm was, so this was the safest place for you. By now they sure knew you were gone and probably pissed, which meant you were in danger.
Your best bet for now was to wait, just let this all die down and maybe they would forget about you and move on. The bright side to not having a phone was that they had no means of reaching you. As for your classes, you still had your laptop and could email classmates and do assignments. It was kinda hard going back to your lectures as if nothing had happened. Of course you had a decent amount of work to catch up on, and your grades were gonna take a hit, but at least you were free. Even if that was true, you did have this uneasy feeling. You felt paranoid, like you were always being watched. You couldn’t sleep that easy anymore, and you felt quite irritable. Still you did your best to just focus on being a normal university student.
“Nice tattoo.”
You were taking notes in a class when someone had made the comment. At first you were confused, but then you remembered the butterfly tattoo on your wrist. You never asked about it, not remembering how you got it anyway. After that night of passion you were out cold, and they had probably done it then. It was the least of your worries and even now you had completely forgotten about it until someone brought it up. The tattoo wasn’t a bother, but it wasn’t your thing, nor did you want any sort of connection to them. You did a bit of research and made a call to set up an appointment with a tattoo artist to have your tattoo removed. It was risky to go out, but you wanted that thing gone.
You made sure to cover up and hide your face, constantly checking your surroundings to make sure you weren’t being followed. This little outing of yours was dangerous, but if it wall went down in one piece you could probably start to relax. Since you were out, you figured you could get a new phone too. After the tattoo removal of course. Thankfully you made it to the shop without issue, introducing yourself and being moved to the back. You were glad there weren’t any windows where you were seated, so you felt less worried about removing your jacket, hat and mask. The chair you were in was like a dentist chair, but it was quite cozy.
“Alright, I’m Hongjoong, I’ll be your artist today, although I believe you’re here for a tattoo removal.”
“Yeah, just a crazy night, and I made a mistake.”
“No worries. Can you show me where the tattoo is?”
“Sure.” You rolled up your sleeve. “It’s this.”
“Is there a problem?”
“No, no, not at all. It’s pretty.”
“I want it gone.”
“Yeah, of course. I will need to strap down your arm though.”
“Removing a tattoo isn’t painless and considering it is on your wrist, I don’t want you moving too much during the process.”
“Ah, that makes sense. Alright then.”
“Good. Just give me a second.”
Hongjoong got up and disappeared for a moment, coming back and using a belt to strap down your arm. He made sure it wasn’t uncomfortable, and that it should allow him to work without issue. He got up once again, giving you a chance to collect yourself. Although when he returned he grabbed your other arm and strapped it down as well.
“What are you doing!?”
You tried to fight him, but your other arm was already restrained. Hongjoong didn’t answer you, he just made sure you couldn’t escape and then left you alone. You screamed at him, then started crying for help, hoping someone else would come, but there was no one. You continued your attempt of escape, but it got you nowhere. When you heard the door you started screaming again. You heard footsteps approaching, thinking you were finally gonna get some help but you immediately went silent when you saw who approached.
“Well, well, well, look what we have here.”
“I didn’t harm her.” Hongjoong commented.
“Good. I’m glad we’re still on the same page.” Sangyeon chuckled. “Care to explain yourself, baby?”
You didn’t want to meet Sangyeon’s gaze, but you could feel his eyes digging into you. He didn’t need a response from you. Instead he had the other boys gag you and then untie you, dragging you out of the shop. You wound up in the back of a car, sandwiched between Changmin and Younghoon, knowing very well their strength outmatched you, so there was no escaping them. Of course you wound up back at that house. You were dragged inside and taken down below, thrown into an empty room. You got the gag off yourself and tried to run for the door, only to get tossed back.
“What the hell were you thinking!” Sangyeon yelled. “Did you really think a stunt like that would work!?”
“I got out of this house, didn’t I?”
“Oh, aren’t you quite cocky for a dead girl walking.”
“You’re doing much better than we thought.” Hyunjae mentioned. “We thought you’d be hospitalized by now.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Did you forget again?” Eric questioned. “The night of the party you asked for power. I should have known better.”
“You were the easiest target.”
“You bitch!”
Eric wanted to get a hit, but he was held back by Juyeon and Sunwoo. You were putting on quite a brave act, but the truth was you were terrified. You had done well to avoid their grasp, but in the end they still caught you.
“What the fuck do you guys want with me! And what’s with this talk about death? Are you gonna kill me this time?”
“Oh no, none of that.” Jacob said. “But the truth is you are dying. Haven’t you felt it?”
“Felt what?”
“The withdrawal.”
“What? You think taking drugs doesn’t have its consequences?”
“I…  what?”
Chanhee chuckled. “After using the drug you’re supposed to take something else to negate the side effects. Remember the little hangover cure we gave you the first time?”
“… why didn’t you tell me this!”
“Why would we? It’s a means of keeping you in line.”
“It seems it hasn’t hit you that hard yet, but it’s only gonna get worse. Surely you’ve had trouble sleeping by now, maybe feeling irritable and jumpy? It’s the withdrawal.”
“You’re gonna start feeling really sick soon.” Juyeon mentioned. “And it’s possible to get to a point of no return. We wouldn’t want you dying, now would we?”
“Where is it! Where’s this cure of yours!”
“Do you seriously think we’re just gonna give it to you? After the stunt you pulled?”
“You’re the ones who knowingly put my life in danger!”
“You asked for it. You asked for all of it. A night of passion like never before, and a night of power. Don’t blame us.”
“Fine. What do you want?”
“Seriously?” Haknyeon questioned. “Is it not obvious?”
“Amuse me.”
“You, silly. We want you, and we’ll do anything to get you back.”
“So if you want your cure.” Kevin added. “No more running away.”
“And if I refuse?”
“Oh, you really wanna play with your life? We can always come back to this conversation when sunlight starts to hurt you.”
“I… I’ll stay… but…”
“This isn’t a negotiation.” Sunwoo stated.
“I want to go back to school.”
“I still want to be able to study and get my degree. You can drop me off and pick me. I won’t-”
“I said-”
“Sure.” Sangyeon interrupted. “Why not.”
“Hand it over.”
The others stared at Sangyeon with questioning looks, not really agreeing with his decision, but he wasn’t gonna hear anything else. Jacob came over and handed him a water 
bottle with a similar blue sports drink color. Sangyeon opened it up and handed it to you.
“Drink it. Every last drop.”
This was what they had given you last time, so you did trust it. You emptied out the water bottle, immediately feeling this tension leaving you body. Perhaps all your worries weren’t just in your head, but part of the side effects to this drug of theirs.
“Now we can talk.”
You were suddenly shoved up against the wall, hand around your throat. Sangyeon had you pinned, glaring daggers at you. It was hard to breathe, and you tried clawing at his arm but he didn’t budge at all.
“You know, the second you broke that ankle bracelet we knew, but our guests kept us distracted so you got very lucky. That won’t be happening again.”
“I… I’ll… I’ll come… back…”
Sangyeon chuckled. “It’s funny you think I’m actually letting you set foot outside this house again.”
“You… you-”
“I make the rules here. The thing is, you just don’t get it.”
Sangyeon grabbed your arm, holding up your wrist to show you the tattoo you had. He leaned forward to place a soft kiss on it.
“This right here, it’s how we found you. It’s our mark, it lets everyone know who you belong to. Our people are everywhere, so even if you did end up in the hospital, you’d wind up right back here where you belong with us. It doesn’t matter where you go, we will find you.”
Sangyeon dropped you to your hands and knees and you gasped for air. You coughed as you tried to steady your breathing, realizing everything else that had been said previously was a lie. There was no getting out of this place, not again. After a moment Sangyeon kneeled down and grabbed your chin.
“Baby, I want you, even if I have to hurt you.”
“… why…”
“Cause you came into our lives, and you’re too good to pass up.”
“… please…”
“Don’t lie to yourself. As if you truly want to leave and return to that boring life of yours. Stay. Let us take care of you and treat you the way you deserve.”
“You’ll come around. In the meantime.” Sangyeon pulled out a pill. “Take this.”
“I… you just…”
“An ankle bracelet won’t work with you, so might as well use different means. Go on now.”
There wasn’t much of a choice here. If you didn’t do it willingly you knew Sangyeon would force it down your throat. So you took the pill, feeling that spark once more.
“Good girl. You can keep up with us better this way, and now you know you won’t last long out there if you were to leave again. Which is not gonna happen, right?”
“I need you to say it.”
“I won’t run away again…”
“Good. You won’t regret meeting us, I promise.”
“I do.”
“Watch it. You don’t want us to test your limits again, do you? Or maybe you do. I don’t mind having a brat in this house.”
“… sorry… I… I didn’t…”
“Much better, although we do need to carry out your punishment for running away. Last time was nothing compared to this, so I hope you’re ready. You won’t be sleeping tonight.”
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kyswoo · 1 year
The Boyz reaction
seeing you crying
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pairing: yandere!the boyz x reader
genre: yandere au, angst, fluff
request: “hello 😊 can you make a reaction to yandere!the boyz leaving you alone for the night bc of work and coming back to see you're crying and anxious(maybe fluffy at the end)?”
a/n: a lil bit short? sorry... not sure if it’s “yandere” enough but yeah well... sorry for the delay
masterlist 🌸
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When he saw your crying face he slowly approaches you and sit by your side, rubbing your back
He pulls you for a hug and pets your head, he’ll keep comforting you until you stop crying
“Shh it’s okay I’m here for you now, I won’t leave you” he says with a soft smile, cupping your face
He will cuddle you the entire day and listen to you when you want to talk about it
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He rushes to you as soon as he sees you “hey come here... what’s wrong?”
He pouts as he stares at you, he hates seeing you sad “I’m sorry babe... don’t cry please”
Jacob will hug you and tell you a million times how much he loves you and would never leave you
“I’ll buy you anything you want okay?” he tells you smiling, trying to redeem himself 
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He is very confused, rubbing the back of his neck not knowing what to do
“Did I do that? Am I the reason you’re crying?” he asks you starting to freak out, when you don’t answer and keep crying he takes that as a yes and start crying too
“I’m so sorry y/n, I’ll never do that again... please forgive me...” he doesn’t even know what he apologizing for but at that moment he just wanted you to stop crying
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“Who did this to you?” he was ready to beat whoever it was, he will hold you thightly waiting for you to tell him what’s wrong
Once you talk to him, he will just rub your arms and pout “I was getting ready to fight someone” he smiles once he hears you giggle
“That won’t happen again okay?” he assures you and kiss your forehead
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He doesn’t do anything at first but then he decides to comfort you
He sits by your side and put your head on his shoulder “why are you crying now?” he asks in his softest tone
“You can tell me, I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again” he caress your hair and give little pecks on your face "I don't it like when you cry"
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He sits in front of you as soon as he sees you crying and caress your cheek
“Stop crying babe please...” he hugs you but he also starts tearing up
"I'll do anything you want just please stop crying" he will hold your hands until you calm down and talk to him “that’s my fault I’m sorry...”
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He will sit in front of you with a tissue, he dries your tears with it and won’t say anything
“Feeling better now?” he asks once you stop crying “what’s wrong?”
He hugs you and caress your hair trying to cheer you up, his face doesn’t express a lot of emotions but he tries his best to comfort you
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“Come on, you’re crying again?” he says taking off his jacket
He doesn’t show a lot of emotions but deep down he is worried that he is being too harsh on you
He squat down to face you and rubbed your cheek, wiping your tears away
“You know I love you right? Stop crying please”
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"awe babe did you miss me that much?" he teases you when he arrives
He will still hug you and caress your head, saying cute things but still teasing to try to make you laugh
"I promise next time I won't leave you alone for so long okay?" he smiles cupping your face
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He is very worried but also very mad at whatever made you cry
He tries to comfort you but doesn't know what to say so he just stands next to awkwardly patting your head
"hey who do I need to hurt?" he asks in a joking tone, but not really as a joke, trying to make you talk to him
“Ah it’s me I have to hurt” he chuckles once you explain it to him “I’m sorry babe...”
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He immediately ran to you and hold you in his arms
“I’m so sorry baby, I’m sorry...” he repeats it several time while caressing your back
“Baby please stop crying, I already said I’m sorry” he holds your hands looking at you, waiting for you to calm down
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taglist~ @deputyjuyeon @super-btstrash-posts @ilijimo @semanticbias @yeonjunwifeu @sunoo-bby @tinkerbell460​
(not sure if I tagged right tho, it’s been a while hehe, I couldn’t tag some people T^T)
387 notes · View notes
luvksj · 1 year
Yandere!Usos: Standing Up For Myself
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author’s pov: hey, long time no see huh? sorry for being so MIA, i’ve been drained of any creative flow and have also been relaxing after a stressful year in 2022! anyway, who enjoyed Royal Rumble 2023 - i definitely did, 100%. 
i’ve been loving the development of the storyline between Sami Zayn and the Bloodline. i’m over the moon Sami finally turned on Roman and has had enough of his bullshit. but i didn’t expect Jey to walk out like that - things have gotten so much more interesting. 
i hope Sami and Jey get their well-deserved main event moments. i know the rumored plan is for Sami to face Roman at Elimination Chamber and then for Sami and Kevin to go after the tag titles but with the new angle regarding Jey - idk what’ll happen. 
but i’m very excited to see how it evolves following the Royal Rumble situation. the entire crowd cheered when Sami hit Roman with the chair intended for Kevin. but this could be the possible downfall of the Bloodline with Roman reaping what he sows. 
also congratulations to Cody Rhodes and Rhea Ripley for winning the rumble. i very much expected this, i can’t wait for Wrestlemania - i’ve honestly never been so excited for a Wrestlemania before. 
anyway, enough blabber from me. enjoy the fic!
pov: you’ve had enough and decided to take a stand. you just didn’t know the consequences that’ll come with your change of heart.
You couldn’t go on like this anymore.
The final straw was watching helplessly as they mercilessly beat up Sami and Kevin. No matter how hard you tried to suppress the tears, they still ran down your face. 
Scrunching your hands into fists, you turn around so you didn’t have to witness the atrocity happening. You’d wince every time Roman hit Sami with the chair intended for Kevin, a fresh batch of tears forming each time. 
After everything he endured, Sami finally had enough. He was fed up with Roman using him and decided to take a much-needed stand against Roman. It was satisfying to watch Sami hit Roman with the chair intended for Kevin. You were beyond proud of Sami.
Roman had become a tyrant, corrupted by power. The greed to have more has changed him into an actual monster and he forced his own family to join his reign of terror — forcing them to “acknowledge” him as the Tribal Chief.
Well, you were officially done “acknowledging him”. 
You were done acknowledging all of them including your boyfriends, the Undisputed WWE tag team champions, the Usos. 
Ever since they joined the Bloodline, they’ve been treating you differently. Treating you as if you’re a ghost, a shadow — neglecting you, pushing you to the sidelines so they can tend to the Tribal Chief’s every command. If this was a short-term thing, it wouldn’t bug you but it’s been happening since 2021 and you were done.
Sami was the only one who truly felt like family in that group and supported you no matter what. He was the only one who remembered your birthday and brought you a gift when no one else did (from the Bloodline, that is). 
You were done with everything regarding the Bloodline. It was time to get some well-deserved payback on them for yourself and everyone whose been a victim of their reign of terror.
Following Royal Rumble, you distanced yourself from the Bloodline. You treated them like they treated you— like a ghost. You were still a part of the Bloodline but fans suspected that you’d leave soon knowing your close friendship with Sami.
You had a plan. A plan to make Wrestlemania greater than ever and you were working discreetly with Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens to pull it off. 
At Wrestlemania, Sami and Kevin will battle the Usos for the tag titles while Cody will fight Roman for the undisputed WWE universal championship.
On the day of Wrestlemania, you put the plan you have been working on ever since Royal Rumble with Sami and Kevin into action. You have been absent ever since Elimination Chamber nursing an injury from the Elimination Chamber match you competed in.
Slipping in undetected, you quickly made your way to Sami and Kevin’s shared trailer. You greeted them and got ready, concealing yourself with black clothing. You hid every detail of yourself making yourself look like the outcast the Bloodline made you feel.
Sami and Kevin were called for their match. You wished them luck, giving them a warm hug, “Go kick my boyfriends’ butts.” you muttered making them chuckle, “Don’t worry, we will. Especially with you on our side.” Kevin responded. 
During the match, you got into position and waited. Before the Usos could hit their finisher, you came running out and slid into the ring. Catching them with a punch, you mustered up all your strength and suplexed Jey from the top turnbuckle.
Turning your attention to Jimmy, he attempted an Uso splash but you caught him with a superkick. The fans went insane, cheering loudly as you assaulted them. The referee was down, accidentally hit with a superkick meant for Sami.
So, this was all perfectly legal as long as the referee didn’t see anything.
Pulling Jimmy up, you hoisted him onto your shoulders and did the Samoan drop, planting him on top of Jey. Noticing the opportunity, you climbed up to the top turnbuckle and executed an imploding 450° splash on both of them.
Positioning them so Sami and Kevin were laying on top of a Uso, you dragged the referee back into the ring. He slowly did the count, the fans counting along, “1! 2! 3!” The bell rings as the fans erupt into cheers while the referee rolled out of the ring.
“And the NEW WWE undisputed tag-team champions, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens!”
Sami and Kevin rolled off the Usos, not understanding what just happened. You took the titles and handed it to them — that’s when it hit them. It worked, the plan worked. They stared at it with teary eyes and hugged each other before hugging you.
Standing over the Usos, you pull off the mask revealing yourself and the cheering just got 10x louder. It almost knocked you off your feet, “Oh my gosh, it’s Y/N — the Usos’ girlfriend! She just cost her boyfriends the titles!” commentary was going crazy. 
The Usos were slowly regaining consciousness and you crouched down to meet their eyes, needless to say they were surprised. You grinned at their shocked expressions, “Why are you so surprise? You should’ve seen this coming — it’s only been months in the making.”
Walking off, you all stood at the top of the ramp and raised your hands up proudly to the cheers of fans, the Usos just stared at you in total disbelief which made you smirk. 
You all then headed backstage to prepare for phase 2.
Yes, that was phase one of the plan. 
Phase two was Roman’s match against Cody for the undisputed WWE universal championship. That was going to be the cherry on top. 
Before Roman could spear an oblivious Cody, you all ran into the ring and unleashed hell. Raining punches and kicks on him, you were all getting the long-awaited payback on him.
Roman fell limp and you all offered him to Cody, the same way Sami offered Kevin to Roman during their Wargames match at Survivor Series 2022. Everything was coming back to haunt him cause what goes around comes right back around.
Cody hits his finisher and pinned Roman for the win.
The fans once again erupted, overjoyed that Cody had finally achieved his American Dream and became a world champion. You were also happy for him, this was long overdue. He quickly left the ring so you guys could continue the assault on Roman.
He was now your personal punching bag and no one could stop you guys.
Hauling his limp body out of the ring, you all share a knowing look. Kevin sent him into the steel stairs, Sami drove him into the ring post and you pushed him into the barricade. Roman collapsed on the floor, recoiling in pain.
While Kevin and Sami dragged Roman back inside the ring, handcuffing him to the ropes, you got steel chairs from underneath the ring. Handing the boys a chair each, you surrounded Roman like dogs surrounding their prey.
Paul Heyman had been dealt with and was unconscious. Staring at each other, you look at Roman and grin at his state – he looks like Kevin and Sami when they were in his position. Without hesitating, you three unload on Roman and no-one hold back giving him exactly what he deserves. The cheering fans motivated you, increasing the strength and impact of your hits.  
After a while, you toss your chair aside and crouch down to meet his bloody face. He was barely conscious and gripped his chin, forcing him to look at you. You couldn’t help but smirk, it was a truly satisfying sight to see him like this.
You uttered the words you’ve been wanting to say for the longest time, “I’m done acknowledging you and the Bloodline. I’m done with everything regarding the Bloodline including the people who form it. I don’t need you to be the best, you’ve only been holding me back and now I’m free. So, you can take this ‘Head of the Table’ shit and go shove it cause I’m done acknowledging you.”
Standing tall over Roman’s unconscious body, you revel in the fans cheering. The Underdogs have dethroned the champs and come out on top despite the constant ridicule you guys endured from them. You guys headed backstage and celebrate your well-earned victory, taking one last glance at Roman who was being helped out of the ring by officials and rushed to the hospital.
On the RAW after Wrestlemania, you held a celebration for Sami and Kevin becoming the new tag team champions.
During the celebration, you confessed all your sins. “I had been working on that plan ever since Royal Rumble. I got sick and tired of being treated like a ghost. The final straw was them attacking the people who have felt my family since I lost mine to the pursuit of power.”
You released all your bottled-up emotions and thoughts. “It felt wonderful unleashing that beating Roman and apparently everyone else thought so because it trended worldwide on social media. I guess people have gotten sick of the Bloodline as well?” You were met with cheers making you grin.
Sami and Kevin conveyed similar words. You all cheers to a successful plan and new beginnings, not forgetting to leave a message for the Bloodline who were in the hospital.
“I don’t regret a single thing. I should have done it ages ago. To my boyfriends who have been neglecting me ever since joining the Bloodline, I’m not a ghost or a shadow you can cast aside. You have messed with the wrong girl, all of you have! What happened at Wrestlemania is a taste of what I can do. Besides didn’t anyone tell you that the underdogs always come out on top in the end?”
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [TIMESKIP] ࿐ྂ
You, Sami and Kevin focused on your respective storylines but you had formed an alliance with each other. You guys always had each other’s back no matter what.
During the Bloodline’s hiatus, you had become the Smackdown Women’s champion dethroning Charlotte Flair in a high stakes match at Summerslam, achieving one of your biggest dreams. You proudly held up the title, tears running down your cheeks as reality had set in.
But you did wish that the Usos were here to witness it and celebrate with you. Sami and Kevin had run out to celebrate with you, filling that void. “Congrats Y/N, you deserve this.” They said, hugging you tightly. You smile and return the affection, “Thank you truly.”
Sami and Kevin successfully defended their tag-team titles. You returned the favour, running out to celebrate their victory with them. All of you were now champions and stood proudly together in the ring, holding up your titles as the fans cheered, the biggest babyfaces in WWE were all champions.
Guess it’s true, you really didn’t need them after all.
Looking at Sami and Kevin, you couldn’t help but smile fondly. They had become your second family after you lost your one. The sweet moment was ruined by the sound of oh-so familiar music blaring. Ignoring the sinking feeling in your stomach, you guys turn around to see the Bloodline and their eyes were locked on you three.
Marching to the ring, they never broke eye contact and fans enjoyed the tension. You smirked at the scars left on their bodies reminding them of their downfall as the ‘top fraction in WWE’. “Hey Roman,” Sami began, you and Kevin smirked at each other knowing exactly what’s coming.
“Acknowledge us.” You three held up your titles, taunting the now title-less Bloodline. They growl and a brawl ensued. It was Roman vs Sami, Solo vs Kevin and you vs the Usos. The fans cheered as it spilled out into the crowd.
You dodge a punch from Jey and connect with a knee to the abdomen. Jimmy tried to sneak attack but you avoid that and hit him with a Poison Rana. Noticing an opportunity, you lay the Usos on the announcer’s table and climb onto the nearest top turnbuckle. Running across the top rope, you jump and execute an Uso splash on them, sending the Usos through the announcer’s table.
Rolling off them, you lay beside them and catch your breath. Wow, that was exhilarating. It ended once again with you three standing tall amongst the chaos and you guys headed backstage – needless to say that was one of the most successful Summerslams in WWE history.
Unfortunately, it didn’t end there for you. They were determined to get their revenge however that looked a bit different for you compared to Sami and Kevin. Sami and Kevin were competing in a tag team match and you decided to accompany them, watching from ringside, when the Bloodline appeared out of nowhere and attacked.
Well, Roman and Solo were assaulting Sami and Kevin. The Usos had you cornered but they weren’t attacking you. Jimmy had handcuffed your wrists while Jey gagged you, tying a bandana around your mouth. Weaving a hand through your H/C locks, Jey harshly tugs it forcing you to make eye contact with him – his wicked grin tells you something horrible is about to happen.
“I think someone has forgotten whose in charge uce. I think she needs a reminder of what happens when you disobey your master.” Jey taunts, his grip on your hair getting tighter. Jimmy hums, staring at your helpless figure, “I think you’re right uce, I think someone has forgotten whose in charge here. I guess she needs to be reminded.” He responded.
Leaning into your ear, Jey whispers, “You’ve been a brat lately and brats like you get punished. You need to remember whose in charge here.” Unable to make a snarky response, the Usos drag you out of the arena and shove you inside the car, they had gotten your belongings before.
Heading back to the hotel, you endured the harshest punishment ever. You were grateful no one was here to hear your screams. Laying lifeless on the bed, the Usos stare at your state and smirk, “Who’s the boss here?” Jimmy asks rhetorically.
Lifting your head up, you tiredly grin, “Me. I’m the boss of myself and of the Smackdown Women’s division.” Clearly that wasn’t the answer because Jimmy tugs your chin, forcing eye contact, “You clearly haven’t learnt your lesson yet.” He growls.
You endure three more punishments of an equal calibre. Your body was covered in red marks, bruises and cuts – it left you breathless. But every time they asked the question, you gave them the same response, “I’ll never stop being a brat. You don’t own me and besides… it’s fun to get you guys riled you.” You declare, grinning teasingly at them.
Your cockiness costed you severely but you didn’t care, it was fun to rile them up especially on live TV in front of millions of people. 
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ablobwhowrites · 2 years
*cartwheels into your askbox* yan hcs of Kevin from spooky month with a male s/o plz *cartwheels out*
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(*runs after you* GET BACK HERE. And I'm going to add streber if that's okay)
Kevin is tired but when he's off from work and gets home he's very happy that streber and there for him but... Would be happier if you where in their relationship
If your related to any of the hatz gang kids then he'll say how they're always stealing candy, he's oddly good at manipulating you sense you get how being a dead end employee is like. And streber tries to tell you that Kevin an himself likes you and he does this on Halloween like...before the arm incident
If you say yes both will be over the moon...yeah Kevin changes your lock cause he learned your off the clock hours from work and streber doesn't have a job, sad, but your job pays you very handsomely so you get more money but Kevin tries to impress you and gets your favorite candy. If your a older sidling of one of the hatz gang Kevin can tolerate it cause Ross and Robert are the most he can deal with but Roy is someone he cannot and it would be worse if your were siblings with one of the skids or pumps sibling of course he's not going to stab a kid... depending but he's overall not a violent yandere nor is streber
if you say no streber will kinda be sad but kevin....on boy this man will manipulate you like holy shit and he knows your sidling with skid or pump or any of the hatz gang kids, he will rant about the stuff they did every day of his job how he got hurt the time they brought a demon or someshit called eyes and had to pay out of his pocket to repair the entrance to the candy store or anything else that could make you feel bad for him
streber is the most kind he's very sweet to you and so is Kevin, but Kevin is the type to not regularly check on your phone but will track you till your home but bro is very overprotective, stressed and just wants you happy and in a relationship ship with him and streber
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kiana-kaslana-423 · 6 months
I wanted to combine these and yandere-ish????? Vill-v-
so um imagine Vill-V childhood sweetheart dying a bit before before everybody goes to go the moon for some sort of reason (likely overexposure to honkai radiation) however Vill-V doesn’t have time to mourn them like at all because their super busy with projects to help the others, so they create ELF childhood sweetheart as a way to try and mourn them
after the ELF was created (and like 0 time to properly mourn) Vill-V goes down a spiral! They’re basically characterizing them by completely downplaying Childhood sweetheart’s flaws and basically making her out to be a more perfect version than the person she actually was (basically a mary-sue) so now whenever Vill-V’s sim talking about the childhood sweetheart it’s just she’s perfect in every single way (maybe Klein or Kevin would fix sooner or later idk but they need to work on installing anti-virus programs—)
back to the ELF! Because Vill-V and them had like 0 time to properly form a bond and for the poor ELF to actually form some morals because of the fight on the moon) so now it’s just following Vill-V’s lead no matter what. What Vill-V wants Vill-V gets (this means they were an accomplice when Vill-V went crazy and starting deleting sims. Even if they don’t like it)
-🐚 anon
(I’d put something in about reverse 1999 but idk a lot about the characters personalities… so… yeah :p damn that was a long ass ramble)
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Ooooh!! That's really interesting and I've never thought about it!!
Yandere(?) Vill v's childhood sweetheart dying and Vill v not having the time to grieve builds a ELF reader so they can always be together, tho ELF reader has no idea how to live or even what to do with their life sense Vill v never took the time to tell them about emotions or anything else really, cuz maybe she thought they would already know everything? So therefore they are just living a kind of empty life not knowing anything and just following the league of Vill v,,
But you should definitely get into a reverse 1999! It's an simple and easy game in my opinion!
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ts4ritsa · 2 years
✧ home page …
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ABOUT - about me and this blog
RULES AND INFO - my rules, read before requesting
ps ! if my status says closed, do not send in requests! I will delete them. they’re closed for a reason. I only take 7 requests and 2 matchup requests at a time. also, if a fandom has a “*” next to it, please check my info regarding it before requesting it. fandoms I write for are below the cut ↓
•: ̗̀➛ fandoms + characters
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animes ✎…
AGGRETSUKO : retsuko, fenneko, haida, tadano, washimi, gori, tsunoda, manaka, jiro
* DANGANRONPA : makoto, sayaka, chihiro, mondo, kiyotaka, leon, hifumi, yasuhiro, aoi, sakura, celeste, kyoko, toko, byakuya, junko, mukuro, syo, hajime, nagito, chiaki, fuyuhiko, peko, sonia, gundham, kazuichi, ibuki, akane, nekomaru, mikan, kazuichi, mahiru, hiyoko, teruteru, izuru, ryota, komaru, kaede, shuichi, gonta, kokichi, angie, tenko, himiko, kaito, maki, miu, rantaro, kirumi, korekiyo, ryoma, keebo
KILL LA KILL : ryuko, mako, satsuki, gamagoori, jakuzure, sangageyama, nui
KOMI CAN’T COMMUNICATE : komi, tadano, katai, onemine, otori, himiko, osana
LITTLE WITCH ACADEMIA : akko, lotte, sucy, diana, amanda, chariot, andrew, croix
MADOKA MAGICA : madoka, homura, mami, kyoko, sayaka, hitomi, kyosuke
* OSHI NO KO : ai, aquamarine, ruby, kana, mem-cho, akane, yuki
cartoons ✎…
AMPHIBIA : anne, sasha, marcy, king andrias, darcy, yunan, lady olivia
DUCKTALES (2017) : huey, louie, dewey, webby, lena, donald, della, scrooge, launchpad
GRAVITY FALLS : dipper, mabel, pacifica, wendy, robbie, melody, soos
INSIDE JOB : reagan, brett, gigi, andre, myc, ron
STAR VS. THE FORCES OF EVIL : star, marco, eclipsa, moon, globgor, jackie, janna, tom, kelly, ponyhead
TANGLED: THE SERIES : rapunzel, eugene, cassandra, varian, lance, adira
THE AMAZING WORLD OF GUMBALL : gumball, darwin, penny, larry, carrie, masami, tobias, alan, molly
THE GHOST AND MOLLY MCGEE : molly, libby, andrea, darryl, scratch, oliver, june
THE OWL HOUSE : luz, amity, hunter, willow, gus, matt, boscha, eda, raine, darius, adrian, the collector
TOTAL DRAMA : duncan, courtney, gwen, leshawna, heather, lindsay, beth, izzy, bridgette, dj, eva, trent, ezekiel, cody, noah, owen, katie, sadie, justin, harold, geoff, tyler, alejandro, sierra, blaineley
OK K.O.! LET’S BE HEROES : k.o, enid, rad, elodie, professor venomous, darrel, shannon, raymond, carol, mr. gar, t.k.o
STEVEN UNIVERSE : steven, connie, lars, sadie, jenny, sour cream, buck, kiki, jamie, kevin, pearl, garnet, amethyst, ruby, sapphire, rose quartz, jasper, lapis, peridot, bismuth, aquamarine, eyeball, the zircons, the diamonds, yellow pearl, blue pearl, volleyball, spinel
games ✎…
* PROJECT SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE : ichika, saki, honami, shiho, minori, haruka, airi, shizuku, kohane, an, akito, toya, tsukasa, emu, nene, rui, kanade, mafuyu, ena, mizuki
* YANDERE SIMULATOR : ayano, taro, osana, amai, kizana, oka, asu, osoro, hanako, megami, raibaru, midori, budo, umeji, musume, kuroko, akane, shiromi, aoi
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© ts4ritsa (do not repost my work w/o credits)
last updated 8/28/23
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andromeda-xpz · 2 years
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Okay, I'm back... And in this post I'm going to talk about the attraction I feel for some characters and men... I'm going to use the Mars persona chart for this post.
Capricorn Ascendant
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In my Mars persona chart, the Ascendant is in Capricorn, and a funny thing is that most of the people I liked or liked were Capricorns or had Capricorn predominant on the map, I'm also very attracted to tall men...like 6'5 height, and lol most of the people I like are older than me😄.
And I probably have daddy issues, lmfao, I'm attracted to tall, "stiff" men in terms of looks...
(I don't like the actor Ezra Miller, I like the character Kevin, ok)
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Sun/Moon/Mercury in Libra
Well... That means I like beautiful people not just in appearance but in their personality (ego), their emotional (the way they express themselves), and their voice (the way they communicate).
The three planets are in the 10th house, I also have a slight obsession with celebrities, like everyone is saying "you're a fan, you're not a love interest" and I'm like, "Shut up bitch, that man is mine".
I'm attracted to beautiful people, extroverts, who have a beautiful voice, who are emotionally stable, who know how to communicate... Because I'm honestly the opposite of these qualities lmfao😆
And the three planets are conjunct Mars on the chart, so it has relevance in the reading.
Legoshi is a representation of these aspects because his voice is pleasant (in the language of my country), he has a pleasant appearance, and he is protective, bitches... I'm going to marry him🌹❤️
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Eros in Leo/9th house
For those who don't know this man (😏), Peter is a character from a game that he is a Yandere (a character who is obsessed with the player), and this is him in his emo phase (emos I love you ❤️).
Eros in Leo talks about being pampered, being treated like a God, in relationship or in a sexual realm, Eros is in Leo and in the 9th house this can represent kink in attention, control, praise, public sex or recording, or it could also mean having sex with many different people. (I've never done any of those things ok).
Most of the people/characters I'm attracted to are from other countries.
Well, Peter is a character that shows total devotion to the player, he literally sees the player as a god... I fucking like that 😏.
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and to finish the theory, this is Colby Brock, he's a YouTuber, and I feel a lot of attraction in his voice because it's very deep, and he has sun in capricorn... he's so handsome😳.
I tend to like tall men/characters, with black hair, who have a deep voice, who are kind, protective, emos, and who are troublesome lmfao☺️
well... that's it, I'm going to open the question box to answer some questions about placements.
I exposed myself a lot lol
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Spooky month bitty: Blaz
Normal Blaz bitty
Name: Blaz
Size: 10 - 12 inches tall(mini), 2'6 - 3'0 feet tall(fullsize)
Personality: Goofy, playful, carying, excitable,
Likes: Streber bitties, Leon bitties, Kevin bitties, Aria bitties, Ethan bitties, Rick bitties, Radford bitties, Aria bitties, Liv bitties, the dark, night time, werewolf bitties, werebeast bitties, vampire bitties, demon bitties,
Dislikes: Killer variants, Yandere variants, aggressive bitties/people,
Compatibility: These bitties love Halloween so much that they would always want to have decorations up! They will at least keep their decorations contained to their area but if the whole house loved Halloween as much as them they would absolutely love it!
These bitties are very fond of Leon bitties, often being best friends or lovers and they love to help their friends in general!
These bitties can act a little like a big puppy! Loving to play games like fetch or just wrestling/rough housing!
These bitties get along great with werewolf and other werebeast bitties! As well as vampires and demons! So they can help types that may not like those types get along better!
Feeding habits: They aren't super picky but prefer home cooked meals! And they tend to not care to much about the quality of food either, and love to help in the kitchen!
Additional info: These bitties can shift into their beast form whenever they want! They don't need the moon to shift!(These bitties, if you go with the moon cycle, are born under a normal moon/during the daytime and have no special abilites! Just a normal werewolf)
Zone: Inside,
In Universe: These bitties are seen as big puppies and as great for any Halloween lover!
Difficulty: Beginner
AU info(This is only for the au type they are! Info may change in other au bios!):
Dating Oliver
Autistic and ADHD
Last name is Lunar
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o-ochangx · 1 year
yan!eric and kevin
hi im so sorry but can you guys help me? there is someone following me i don't feel well. i dont know how im scared please help me. i don't care pretend to be by boyfriend or friend anything pleass help me
( based on my dream😭)
Is it that man in black? *I asked as I looked at Kevin. He gave a small nod indicating he was one of our men*
Hold my hand. Eric will take care of that guy. Come with me. I will drop you off at your house. I don’t think it’s safe for you to go alone. *saying that I took her with me as Eric went to that man*
I am Kevin. What about you? And…did you go somewhere? It looks like you had quite some fun looking at your clothes. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.
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Anon 🐨
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zzoguri · 1 year
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all about moni
➵ hi everyone, i am moni! if we’re close feel free to call me by any nickname </3
➵ they/them pronouns (any if close, all gendered terms OK!) and identify as nonbinary unlabelled.
➵ 20 years old who lives in the philippines — eng/fil OK!
➵ 3rd-year communications major who is also active in my uni's newspaper so i have a very sporadic schedule xP
➵ this blog does hold an array of interests. however, it mostly focuses on my writings and current hyperfixation/s
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all about moni's works
➵ i mainly write about the boyz, zerobaseone, and reader-insert fics whether in the romantic or platonic aspect. i also make my fics reader-centric. — although i write my readers to use they/them pronouns, i do note that they are afab on most occasions. please read the warnings.
➵ i write both sfw and nsfw. take note that this is my first time fully getting into writing fics and publishing them so always be kind as i'm figuring out my writing style :] — will not be writing about yandere, incest, and any majorly toxic themes that i'm uncomfortable writing about. i have every right to deny your request.
➵ i am not the best with requests. if you do request something, please do not expect too much nor get mad at me if i am unable to fulfill.
➵ for any feedback, i would love if you would reblog it! however, you can also send comments, feedbacks, or even requests to be part of the tag list to my ask/inbox.
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moni's tag system old ➵ new
zzoguri thoughts ➵ nom nom
all my thoughts!!! about anything and everything i think about!! suitable for 16+
all my nsfw thoughts!! please block this tag if under 18
zzoguri works ➵ works of moni
all my works (though you can already find that in my masterlist)
zzoguri updates ➵ psa
all updates in terms of writing, from ideas to actually writing &lt;3
zzoguri feedbacks/zzoguri feedback ➵ reviewed and approved
all the feedback i received on my works :') good to look back to &lt;3
zzoguri asks ➵ om nom
all the asks i receive
love notes 💌 ➵ all my loves
all the love notes i receive from mutuals and followers &lt;3
zzoguri requests ➵ food for a thought
all the requests i received and fulfilled
my boyz (the boyz), my sun for life (kim sunwoo), cobster (jacob bae), changmin lover (ji changmin), my erigi (eric sohn), the moon shines for all (kevin moon), catjyu (lee juyeon)
____ brainrot (all other general interests! expect a lot of doctor who, fe3h, atla, and more that you can find below)
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moni's silly interests and other symbols of comfort
current hyperfixation ➵ the boyz
ults ➵ day6 (ot4) ✰ bts (namgi) ✰ the boyz (sunwoo, jacob, changmin, and eric) ✰ zb1 (taerae, hanbin, and matthew) ✰ txt (soobin) ✰ le sserafim (ot5) ✰ loona (yeojin, chuu, choerry, and vivi), p1harmony (intak)
my other loves
nct dream (jaemin and donghyuck) ✰ seventeen (seungkwan, dokyeom, and minghao) ✰ weki meki (yoojung and lucy) ✰ stayc (sumin, sieun, and isa) ✰ cravity ✰ boynextdoor
bibi ✰ dean ✰ woodz ✰ seori ✰ yerin baek ✰ dpr ✰ giriboy ✰ ph-1 ✰ woo ✰ offonoff ✰ crush ✰ penomeco ✰ epik-high
hyukoh ✰ wave to earth ✰ lucky tapes ✰ jannabi ✰ se so neon ✰ polkadot stingray ✰ surl ✰ nell ✰ lucy ✰ indigo la end ✰ onewe ✰ radwimps ✰ no buses ✰ cnblue
hippo campus ✰ laufey ✰ faye webster ✰ mitski ✰ phoebe bridgers ✰ sabrina carpenter ✰ matt maltese ✰ niki ✰ maneskin
ludwig ✰ quarterjade ✰ itzmasayoshi ✰ jerma985 ✰ tinakitten ✰ the yard ✰ jacksepticeye ✰ markiplier
valorant ✰ kirby ✰ fe3h (claude von riegan) ✰ omori ✰ the last of us ✰ overwatch ✰ pokemon ✰ inscryption ✰ undertale ✰ borderlands ✰ minecraft ✰ bioshock infinite ✰ stardew valley
doctor who ✰ little women (2019) ✰ everything, everywhere, all at once ✰ the spiderverse franchise ✰ the mandalorian ✰ community ✰ new girl ✰ modern family ✰ superstore ✰ the good place
tomo-chan wa onnanoko ✰ cowboy bebop ✰ brass & sass ✰ the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya ✰ kyoukai no kanata ✰ code geass ✰ steins;gate
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kyswoo · 3 years
The Boyz reaction
kissing to wake them up
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pairing: yandere!the boyz x reader
genre: yandere au, fluff
request: “hi! can I ask yandere! The boyz reaction to you kissing them to wake them up but back out when they opened their eyes? hehe thank you!”
masterlist 🌸
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He opened his eyes slowly seeing your face still close to his, but soon you backed out leaving him confused
He held your wrist before you could go any further "where you think you're going?"
He still had one of his eyes closed because of the light but pulled you closer to give you another kiss
"Wait did you do something wrong?" he asks wondering why you did it, since it wasn't usual
"Nevermind.." he hugs you closing his eyes again
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At first he just mumble laying on his side, not waking up untill you gave him another kiss
He half opened his eyes seeing you sitting next to him but standing up quickly
He just stared at you leaving the room not understanding what just happened
Later when he is fully awake, he will give you another kiss holding you close to him
"You can't just run away after you kiss me" he says pouting
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He was cuddling you and smiled once he felt your lips on his
Younghoon whined when he felt you leaving his arms "y/n.. where are you going?"
Once he is fully awake he will stand up and go after you, giving you a back hug 
"Hey you know I don't like when you leave me alone" he said resting his head on your shoulder
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When he opened his eyes and saw you backing out, he quickly stood up and pulled you back to the bed
"You can't escape me that easily babe" he sad smirking and holding you close to him
He was almost falling asleep again and you tried to get up, but he held you thighly
"We should get up" you said getting a grunt in response so you kissed him again
"You're spoiling me" he laughed while he stood up
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He looked around seeing you on top of him but getting off of him as soon as you saw that he was awake
He stretched for a few seconds still groggy then standing up still looking like a zombie
"Y/n!" he whined loudly "come back here!", he walks out of the room since he didn't got a response
"Hey.. how can you do this to me.." he back hugged you kissing your cheek 
"Don't run away next time or I'll get mad.." he made a angry face but ended up looking cute
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He slowly opened his eyes and saw you standing up, leaving him staring at the ceiling confused
Starts wondering if you did something wrong and ran away because you were scared or something
He shrugged it off thinking that if that was the case you wouldn't have kissed him (or would you?)
He goes after you and looked at your reaction, since you didn't looked scared he thought that everything was okay
"Good morning!" he says smiling giving you kiss on your forehead
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He hid his face on his pillows giggling when he realised you kissed him
But when he realised you were leaving the room he quickly turned to you "Hey!" 
He sits up on his bed looking at nowhere waiting for you to come back
When you do he just pats the bed telling you to lay down next to him "come on~" he whines
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He opened his eyes slowly just to see you leaving the room
"Y/n! Come back here!" he yells still half asleep standing up to sit, he gets mad when you don't do as he said but will let it go
Walks out of the room and stops in place once he sees you
"Don't do this" he says frowning and pouting "do what?" you asked
"You can't just kiss me and leave" he walks towards you and gave you a peck 
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Probably won't wake up with just one kiss
When he does he will smile brightly to you, but it fades away when you backed out
He won't stand up, he just kept whimpering asking you to come back and won't stop untill you do
You sat on the bed next to him and he pulled you to lay down so he can use you as a pillow to cuddle
"I don't want to wake up yet" he smiled one more time before falling asleep again
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He smiles as soon as he feels your lips on his
When he feels you backing out he will hold you tight so you can't escape and gives you another kiss without opening his eyes
"Is there a specific reason why you kissed me all of sudden?" he asked with a serious tone slightly opening one of his eyes to look at you
You shook your head saying that he just looked cute which made him smile again and hold you tighter
"Okay then" he says falling asleep again cuddling you like a pillow
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He pretends he didn't felt you kissing him to see if you would do it again
When you do he lets out a soft giggle without opening his eyes, but when he felt you backing out he stood up abruptly and tried to hold you
You managed to escape his grip and left the room which just made him annoyed
He ran after you and held you again, leaning closer to you pouting so you'd kiss him one more time
"Come on.. just one more" he'll give you the brightest smile after you do
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taglist~ @deputyjuyeon​ @super-btstrash-posts​ @heojangmi​ @ilijimo
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mymoodwriting · 2 years
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Request for Anon (sub!Younghoon x f!reader) 12.4k, heartbreak, tears, abuse, manipulation, smut, fingering, penetration, handjob, pet names, mommy kink, choking, suffocation, yandere
“Hello, welcome to…”
    Younghoon trailed off when he saw you, mesmerized by your beauty. Thankfully you didn’t notice his awkwardness, merely scanning the menu above his head.
“I’m kinda in the mood for something sweet, what would you recommend?”
“Sweet… I have the perfect thing.”
    Younghoon somehow managed to swallow his nerves, preparing a special drink for you. He put all his efforts into it, presenting you with a very pretty pink drink in the end. His anxiety came back as you took a sip, hoping he didn’t upset you. Instead a big smile appeared on your face along with a look of amazement.
“Wow, this is so good. What is it?”
“Well… it’s not on the menu… it’s custom made…”
“Ah, well thank you very much for sharing it with me…” You looked at his name tag. “Younghoon. Have a good day.”
“You too.”
    Younghoon couldn’t hide his smile. He had never made that drink before for anyone, only for himself, and he was glad it was received well. Thanks to that interaction he had a smile on his face for the rest of the day.
“Excuse me, is Younghoon here?”
“Huh? He doesn’t work today, he has class.”
“Can I get you anything?”
“No, I’m good, thank you.”
“He’s in tomorrow for the mid shift, if you’re looking for him that is.”
“I see. Thanks, have a good day.”
“You too.”
    Younghoon sulked into work, exhausted from staying up last night, but also just tired in general. As he got settled in he was suddenly grabbed by a coworker. An arm was wrapped down and he was bent over, someone giving him a noogie.
“Ya! Ya! Let go!”
“Your girlfriend came to see you yesterday.”
“My what!”
“Chanhee, don’t be ridiculous, he doesn’t have one.” Hyunjae stated. “If anything she came to complain about him, but she wanted him here for the scolding.”
“What are you talking about? And can you let me go!”
    Chanhee released him, letting him get up. Younghoon rubbed his neck, annoyed but most of all confused.
“I don’t have a girlfriend.”
“We know.”
“So what are you talking about?”
“Some girl came in yesterday asking about you.” Hyunjae explained. “Didn’t order anything, but I did tell her you’d be here today.”
“Cause I wanna see what happens. So, who is she?”
“How would I know? I don’t even know who you’re talking about!”
“Well, she should come by soon, so I guess we’ll see.”
    Now Younghoon was nervous for whatever it was that would happen. Every time the bell rang as the door opened he looked up, seeing who had entered. No one really looked familiar to him, but maybe he was just nervous. Anyone could just walk up and complain about him. He ran through many interactions in his head, trying to figure out what he did wrong, but in the moment everything in his mind was a problem. He probably wasn’t gonna make it through the shift with this level of anxiety.
    Younghoon was so lost in his head he didn’t realize the bell ring, that is until he heard his name. He looked up and his eyes met yours, seeing the bright smile on your face.
“Hey, I was hoping to see you again.”
“You were?”
“Yeah, where else can I get the sweetest pink drink?” You laughed. “I hope it’s no bother to ask for it again. I really liked it.”
“Oh… it’s no bother at all.” Younghoon smiled. “I’ll get right on it.”
    In an instant the fear and anxieties washed away. He was happy to see you again, and more than happy to make his custom drink for you. As he prepared it he started to wonder if you were the person Hyunjae had mentioned before, and there was only one way to find out. When he finished he handed over your drink.
“Thank you.”
“Can I… can I ask you something?”
“Uh, yeah, what’s up?”
“Did… did you come by yesterday? Asking for me?”
“Oh, yeah, I wanted the Younghoon special, but you weren’t here, so I came today.”
“Ah, I see. My drink is that good, huh?”
“Pretty much. It can really pick up my mood, besides it’s like my little secret. I mean, you don’t make it for anyone else, do you?”
“No, no, it’s just for you.”
“Makes it all the better.”
“I’m glad my drink can bring you lots of joy.”
“It’s great. Thanks again, I’ll see you around.”
    Younghoon watched as you left with a little skip in your step. Although soon after he was in a headlock again. Chanhee laughing.
“So you do have a girlfriend!”
“She’s just a customer! I don’t even know her name.”
“But she came all the way here just to see you.”
“She just wanted a sweet drink.”
“Wait, you gave her your pink concoction?”
“She wanted something sweet…”
“I had no idea you had the guts to make such moves.”
“I’m not flirting with her!”
“Everything I heard begs to differ.”
“Shut up!”
“Let him go already.” Hyunjae said. “He’s still on the clock. We all are.”
    Younghoon couldn’t drop the smile for the rest of his shift, making himself his custom drink to enjoy on the way home. He didn’t really think there was any flirting going on with either party. He was just happy he could make someone else happy. It was just a bonus that you were so pretty. On days that dragged at work, or whenever he was down, he’d remember you, your smile, your voice, your everything. It never failed to pick up his mood, even if for a little bit. He looked forward to the day you’d meet again, but he had no idea what was to come.
    Younghoon stood at the counter, wiping it down for the fifth time, bored from the lack of customers. The place was empty, and quiet, except for the low hum of the machines and the soft music playing over the speakers. At least he’d be closing soon, but when he heard the door open he perked up with a smile on his face, although it quickly faltered when he saw you. The clothes you were wearing, they were way too nice for a casual night, and he could see your eyes were a bit puffy. Still you put on a smile, relieved to see him.
“Your… your usual?”
“Of course.”
    Younghoon got to making the drink, occasionally glancing back at you. He could hear your quiet sobs, clearly trying to not break down. He felt bad, he was worried as to what could have happened to upset. When he finished he held out the drink, but he didn’t let go.
“Are you… alright?”
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? Your eyes are red and-”
    You broke down there, letting go of the drink and squatting down. Younghoon quickly put the drink down and rushed over to lock the door, switching the sign to close and lowering the blinds. He didn’t want anyone seeing you like that, he was sure you wouldn’t either. He slowly approached you, getting down on his knees.
“Hey… are you-”
    Younghoon was surprised when you hugged him, crying into his shoulder. He didn’t move at first, eventually reaching up to hug you back, gently patting your back. He wasn’t sure for how long you cried, or how long he held you, but he didn’t mind. He just hoped everything would be okay. As you finally began to calm down you pulled away, wiping away the last of your tears. You sat down, leaning against the counter, a small chuckle escaping your lips.
“I’m sorry for…”
“Don’t apologize, you did nothing wrong.”
“You closed up the cafe cause of me.”
“It was dead anyway…” Younghoon explained, sitting next to you. “And it was also closing time soon.”
“Ah… lucky me… oh, my drink.”
    You reached up to the counter to grab your drink, taking a little snip and smiling.
“I should make you a fresh one.”
“Oh, no, you don’t-”
“It’ll be quick.”
    Younghoon quickly got up and behind the counter, remaking your drink. He rushed back over when he was done, holding it out to you with a smile. You were a bit reluctant but took the fresh drink anyway, Younghoon taking the other and sitting back down.
“Thank you… for… this…”
“No problem… so… are you… okay?”
“I feel better… if that’s what you’re getting at.”
“What happened? I mean if you… wanna talk about… it…”
You sighed. “It’s not much… just got dumped…”
    Younghoon listened as you went over the night. The dinner date that you had with your boyfriend of five months. He had shown up, but instead of taking a seat he told you things were over, loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear. You were in shock, thinking you were just hearing things, but when he walked away you knew. You chased after him, asking for a reason, all he told you was that there was someone else. The tears started flowing then, but you didn’t want to be seen. You got into a taxi, not wanting to go home, and the only place you could think of was here, the cafe Younghoon worked at.
“He’s an idiot.” You chuckled. “I’m serious. He left such an amazing girl like you. The dumbest move anyone can make.”
“You barely even know me.”
“You’re a good person from what I can tell.”
“Thanks… I should probably help you clean up.”
“You still have to close up properly, and you’re staying late because of me.”
“It’s alright. I’ll just say I lost track of time.”
“I should help you.”
“I don’t want you to ruin your clothes, besides, you’ve already had a hard time.”
“Let me call you a cab.”
“No… I don’t wanna go home yet… and I don’t wanna leave you alone either…”
“Ah, well…”
“Can I just stay here… until you leave…”
“Sure. I don’t mind the company.”
“Thank you.”
    Younghoon set down the drink on the counter, letting you sit in one of the booths while he wiped down all the tables. When he needed to clean the back he left the door open so you could see him, saving the machines at the counter for last. He noticed you were dozing off, finding you cute. He almost didn’t want to wake you, but you both needed to get home. He gently shook you.
“Hey… I’m done.”
“Hm… oh, okay.”
    The two of you walked out together, Younghoon grabbing what was pretty much his drink now, and he locked up for the night. He walked with you to the bigger streets so he could get you a cab.
“Can I have your number?”
“I don’t wanna ask your coworkers for your schedule, and maybe… we could hang out sometime.”
“Oh, okay.”
    You exchanged numbers, and that’s when Younghoon finally got your name, y/n. You texted each other a quick message to make sure the numbers were right. He then hailed you a cab, opening the door for you.
“Get home safe.”
“You too… and thanks… for tonight.”
“No problem, good night.”
    Younghoon saw you off, staring until you were out of sight. Without thinking he took a sip of the drink in hand, tasting a bit of salty with the sweet. It was the one you had been drinking out of before, and he didn’t want to just throw it away. He didn’t really mean to drink it, but the taste was unlike anything he had before. Most of all it was you. His lips had touched something that yours had, and it made him smile, although he felt a bit embarrassed too. 
    He made his way to the bus stop with a skip in his step, for once the commute home was not a drag. He’d take a few more sips along the way, kinda wishing this drink would never end, but he couldn’t keep it. Although he could keep the cup. It was probably stupid to wash it considering it was meant to be recycled, but he wanted to keep it as a souvenir of that night. The night he got a pretty girls number, the night he kinda had a first kiss. Even if he was exhausted and home much later than usual he didn’t mind. Laying in bed with a smile on his face. He’d have nothing but good dreams this time.
    Younghoon stared at your number, had been since you gave it to him. He hadn’t heard anything from you since that night, and he didn’t think it was a good idea to message you first. Although he was getting desperate enough that he might, but he didn’t want to bother you either. So he was stuck just staring at his phone, wondering if he should make the first move or not. Although apparently staring at his phone long enough would finally manifest a message.
'Hey, wanna grab lunch?'
    Younghoon’s eyes went wide and he screeched gleefully, so glad to finally hear from you. Although his joy was quickly cut down.
“Ah… yes professor?”
“If you’re going to get distracted, try not to interrupt the rest of the class.”
    He lowered his head, but his smile returned as he stared at your message. It wasn’t a simple greeting, but an invitation, and that made it all the better.
'Sure. When?'
'Whenever you’re free?'
    Younghoon had never gone out to lunch with someone, so he was certainly nervous. You had set a date and a place to meet up. He did his best to dress well, digging through his closet for anything decent. He even showed up early, trying not to let his nerves get the best of him.
“How long have you been here?”
“Not… not long…”
“Good. I was afraid I was keeping you waiting. Let’s go.”
“Where are we going?”
“Huh? We’re here.”
    You gave him a smile and took his hand, dragging him into the restaurant he had been standing outside of. He was at a loss for words, fumbling his steps but somehow still managing to follow. You have your name to the hostess, who confirmed your reservation and led you to a table. You sat across from each other, and now that Younghoon was seated he started looking around, feeling out of place.
“Are you okay?”
“You… you sure I should… be here?”
“Why not?”
“I don’t… belong here…”
“Says who?”
“Ah… sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable… I wanted to treat you to something nice after what you did for me…”
“What I did?”
“That night at the cafe… you gave me a shoulder to cry on and… I owe you for everything that night…”
“Oh… but you don’t need to do this much for me.”
“We can go somewhere else if you want. I really should have gone over this with you.” You stood. “I just thought it’d be a good surprise and-”
“No!” Younghoon grabbed your hand. “We can stay, you picked this spot after all.”
    He quickly let go when he realized what he was doing, giving you a nervous smile. You slowly sat back down.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I guess I just feel under dressed.”
“You look way better than some of the people I’ve seen come here, trust me.”
“Is this one of your favorite spots?”
“Yup, the food is amazing. And today is on me, it’s a gift, so don’t worry about the prices.”
“I’ll try not to.”
   A waiter came over, pouring you each a glass of water and handing you some menus. You both ordered a drink, needing some time to figure out what to eat. Younghoon tried not to freak out over the prices, telling himself this was a once in a lifetime experience. He should enjoy it, that is what you wanted too. After ordering you two got to talking.
“So, you’re in school?”
“What are you studying?”
“Nothing really, not sure about the path I wanna take.”
“What year are you in?”
“First, so I do have time.”
“Oh, I’m on my second.”
“So you’re older than me.”
“Sorry, I’ve been talking casually and-”
“It’s okay. Not like we established anything before today. We saw each other sporadically.”
“True, but… could I call you Noona? I’ve never had anyone to… you know…”
You chuckled. “Sure, I don’t mind.”
    Once the food arrived the conversation slowed down a bit. You enjoyed watching Younghoon eat, he was really enjoying the food, and you made sure to tell him he could order as much as he wanted, but to also save room for dessert. After all the food you both lounged around, talking and letting everything settle down. Once you were both ready to leave you made your way out. Younghoon tried to take a peek at the bill but you refused him, not wanting him to worry about it one bit. Although as you got to the front you realized it was pouring outside.
“Oh wow, I didn’t think it would rain.” You commented. “Let me get someone to help us get a cab.”
“It’s okay, the bus stop isn’t that-”
“I’m not letting you get soaked. Come on, we can share a cab.��
    You went off to find some help before Younghoon could object. He thought about leaving, but as he dared to step towards the door a loud crack of thunder startled him. It was best to just wait. You came back a while later, having one of the staff with an umbrella escort you both out to the streets. Younghoon was amazed by the accommodations this place had, but given the food and everything, somewhat expected. A cab was hailed and you moved into it, but Younghoon was hesitant.
“I could just-”
“Don’t start.”
    You reached out to grab Younghoon and yanked him into the cab. You handed the staff member some money for his help and then the two of you were on your way. You had Younghoon give the cab driver his address so he could be dropped off first, you didn’t really wanna go home just yet. As you stared out the window to enjoy the rain, Younghoon couldn’t keep his eyes off you. Even if it was quiet, the radio providing some music, you still had your arm hooked around his, holding him close. The trip wasn’t a long one, and when you came to a stop Younghoon thanked you for the meal, opening the door, but he didn’t step out.
“Younghoon?” You wondered. “Is everything okay?”
“Do you… do you wanna come over?”
“No, wait, sorry, that’s stupid. It’s still pouring and I don’t have an umbrella and-”
“I wouldn’t mind.” You interrupted. “I could dry off at your place until the rain stops.”
“You… you sure?”
“I don’t really wanna go home anyway, and I’d love to see your place.”
    Younghoon couldn’t believe he had actually said that, and that you agreed. You paid the driver and the two of you got out into the rain. Younghoon took your hand and the two of you ran to his place, going up the stairs to his rooftop home. You were both giggling when you made it inside, definitely soaked.
“I should get you a towel.”
“Sure, sure, I’ll wait here so I don’t get your place so wet. You should change into some dry clothes as well.”
“Alright I’ll be quick.” 
    It wasn’t until Younghoon was drying up his hair that it all finally settled in. He had a girl at his place, he had you at his place, and the smile that appeared on his face quickly made his face turn red. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been this happy. He needed to be cool about this, not a nervous wreck. He took a few deep breaths and calmed himself before grabbing a towel and going out to meet you.
“Here you go.”
“Thanks.” You smiled. “I’ll try not to get anything wet.”
“It’s alright. I don’t have much.”
“But it’s yours.”
    You dried yourself off as best you could before stepping further into his place, looking around at everything. Younghoon was already trying to clean things up, seeming a bit nervous, which just made him all the more cute. You settled down on the floor near the window, staring out at the rain, letting the pitter patter of raindrops play a soothing melody for you. At one point Younghoon found himself staring at you, still in awe that you were here.
“Do you live alone?”
“Yeah. I moved out here for my studies, so I haven’t been here long.”
“It’s still impressive. I like it. It’s nice and cozy.”
“It’s a mess.”
“Who’s place isn’t a mess?”
“I bet yours isn’t.”
“Well… I don’t really have my own place, I live with my parents.”
“Oh, that must be nice.”
“I guess, although I wish I could have my own place.”
“So why haven’t you moved out? If you don’t mind me asking… I mean, sorry, that was probably rude to say…”
“No, you’re alright. My parents just want me to… they don’t think I’m ready to leave the house.”
“So, what’s the criteria for being ready?”
“I’m not entirely sure myself.”
“Well… you’re welcome to come over whenever you like.”
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Can I get you a drink or something?”
“Do you have any juice?”
    Younghoon wound up turning on the TV to fill a bit of the awkward silence, at least on his end, you were just enjoying the rain. You told him if there was anything he needed to do that it was okay, you were more of a quiet guest in his home today. He had a few assignments to work on so he did that. You scooted over to take a peek, seeing what he was working on. You made some light conversation, losing track of time, not even noticing when the rain stopped. You stayed late, only realizing the time when your phone chimed with a message from your brother.
“Oh shit, I have to get home.”
“I’ll walk you to a cab.”
    The two of you headed out into the night, Younghoon making sure you avoided any puddles. When you got to the street he hailed you a cab, getting the door for you.
“Thanks for today. I really enjoyed it.”
“Me too. Get home safe, message me when you arrive.”
“I will. Good night.”
“Good night.”
    He saw you off, a smile growing on his face. He definitely felt high as he made his way back to his place, collapsing on the couch. After a while he found himself staring over at the window, where you had been seated. He hoped to see you again soon.
    For the most part the two of you texted casually, life keeping you both busy, at least on his end with school, and work, and bills to pay. In fact he was dreading the next billing cycle. He was unfortunate enough to owe tuition and rent around the same time, so he always dreaded looking at his account that day. He laid in bed, staring at his phone for a while before finally grabbing it and checking his bank statement. His eyes went wide with fear and he quickly made a call, anxiously shaking.
“Hi, it’s Younghoon. I wanted to apologize, I don’t know how the payment didn’t-”
“Payment? The month has already been paid, the next few in fact. I know I’ve always been hard on you about paying on time but this was unexpected.”
“Wait… my rent is paid?”
“Yes. Don’t worry about it. I do have things to get to so if that’s all.”
    The line went dead and Younghoon remained frozen in place. That didn’t make sense, but he didn’t have time to ponder on it, needing to make another, equally terrifying, phone call. Now he was pacing around his home, waiting for a response.
“Hello, you’ve reached-”
“I need to confirm my invoice for tuition.”
“Oh, of course, can I get your name and student ID number?”
    Younghoon complied, anxiously waiting. He knew there was a late fee for tuition, and he was already trying to figure out how much that would leave him with if that was the case. Instead, he was told that his tuition had been paid in full, for the rest of the year actually. He was dumbfounded by the news, asking how this happened. There wasn’t much to tell besides the fact a woman had come into the finance office asking to pay the tuition of a friend. Not like the university was going to deny the money they were given.
“… wait…”
    There was only one conclusion that came to mind, even if it did seem crazy. After the university he made another call, now extremely anxious about possibly making a fool out of himself.
“Can we meet?”
“Uh… yeah I can make some time. Text me a time and place.”
“Okay, thanks.”
    Younghoon took a deep breath, having not thought through his request at first. He quickly texted you a place to meet, suggesting a time that you agreed with. Now he had to get ready and figure out what he wanted to say. He had his ideas, but he could be completely wrong. Just like before he arrived early, trying to calm his nerves. He looked around for you, relieved to see you and waving, running over to approach you.
“Hey, what’s-”
“Did you pay off my tuition and rent?”
“I… I did…” You swallowed nervously. “I probably should-”
    You were cut off as Younghoon hugged you tight. You didn’t move at first, but then you slowly hugged back, rubbing his back when you heard little sniffles.
“Are you… are you okay?”
“Why… why did you… how…”
“Ah… well, when I was at your place… I saw some bills on your table and thought… I still owe you for that night…”
“Y/n, paying off-”
“You work so hard, I thought I could help you focus on your studies…”
“I’ll pay you back.”
“No, no this is a gift.”
“You can just treat me to food sometime. I’ll consider that as payment.”
“Can I take you out right now?”
You laughed. “Sure, on one condition.”
“We order take out and hang out at your place.”
“I can do that.”
    You hooked your arm around Younghoon’s, already talking about food and what you were in the mood for. Younghoon recommended a place near his house, and it sounded good so you caught a cab. Once you had the food you two walked to his place. You were already talking about how good the food smelled and wondering what you should do while you ate. Younghoon recommended watching movies, perhaps something the other hasn’t seen yet. You liked the idea and were all the more excited for this little movie date.
    You helped Younghoon get plates and utensils, the both of you settling down on opposite ends of the couch. You had picked the movie, something you said Younghoon had to see. The two of you enjoyed the movie, and the food, taking some time after to talk about it. It was still early in the day so you opted for another movie, this time something you hadn’t seen that Younghoon recommended. The two of you spent the rest of the day together, always finding another movie to watch, eventually dozing off from all the food and mindless TV.
    Younghoon groaned as he started waking up, snuggling against his pillow. He opened his eyes, seeing the TV still on, and realizing he was at a rather weird angle. He looked over and jumped up when he realized where he was resting his head. 
“Hm… finally awake…” You giggled. “Did you sleep well?”
“I’m… I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep… there…”
“You know…”
“You looked so comfy and happy on my chest.”
“I… I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine. I was asleep too and you kept me warm.”
“I still don’t… I’m sorry…”
“Stop apologizing. I didn’t mind anyway.” You yawned. “I should probably head home.”
“Home? It’s like 3 in the morning. At least stick around until sunrise.”
“Good point.”
“Can I get you something to drink?”
“A glass of water would be nice.”
“Got it.”
    The two of you stayed up talking again until sunrise. You thanked him for the fun night, and he walked you out to the streets and saw you off. Now that Younghoon was alone he screamed at himself. He had no idea how he wound up falling asleep on top of you but this was certainly the most embarrassing moment of his life. More so by the fact he was quite comfortable and you didn’t scold him over it. You were probably just keeping your composure, and surely this was the end of any sort of friendship you had. Either way, he couldn’t bring himself to message you afterwards.
“Oh, Younghoon!”
    You had been going to the cafe Younghoon worked at when you noticed him out in the alley. He seemed surprised by your sudden presence, but happy to see you nonetheless. You rushed over to him although you quickly stopped when you realized the injuries on his face.
“What happened to you!”
    You approached him and reached over to examine his wounds, although he tried to hide his face.
“I’m fine…”
“But your face… who did this to you?”
“No one, I just fell and scraped my face.”
“Like that?”
“I know… I can be very clumsy…”
“Come with me.”
“I’m at work.”
“Take your fifteen, we won’t be long.”
    Younghoon couldn’t really say anything as you took his hand, leading him out of the alley. You merely went to a nearby store and bought some ointment, making sure to treat Younghoon’s wound. It stung a bit, but you apologized for it.
“You should be more careful.”
“I’ll try to be. So, what are you even doing here?”
“Came to visit you, and you know… get a drink.”
“Ah, just here for my talents.”
“For you too.”
“I’m sorry I’ve been busy with stuff lately. You must be too since we haven’t talked.”
“Ah… sorry about that, school…”
“Figured, you’ve got less things to worry about.”
“I still can’t believe you paid off my tuition for the year.”
“Just be happy about it and treat yourself more often.”
“And the rent?”
“I… I spend a lot of time at your place, so consider it me paying for my stay.”
“You planning on being there for months?”
“Well… your place is better than mine.”
“Is it? Your family is rich.”
“But yours feels like an actual home.”
“I see.”
“Anyway I should get you back to work, and get a little something.”
“What do you even call your special drink?”
“Hm, I haven’t named it actually, you got any ideas?”
“Uh… it’s pink… it’s delicious… Pink Swirl?”
“Pink Swirl… I like it.”
“Then can I have one Pink Swirl please?”
“Sure, sure.”
    You stuck around for a little bit, enjoying your drink and watching Younghoon. He did his best not to show how flustered he was, but he enjoyed your company. Things didn’t feel so awkward anymore, and things went back to the way they were. Unlike normal friends who went out into town to spend time together, you were more content at his place, playing games or watching TV or just talking for hours and hours. Younghoon loved every moment he spent with you, and he hoped it would never end.
“I swear my brain is rotting from all this studying.”
    You couldn’t help but laugh and agree with your friend, studying could really kill brain cells. You had just finished up your last class for the day, planning to go out to eat with friends when you noticed a familiar face. You excused yourself for a moment and rushed over.
“Younghoon! How did you find me?”
“Ah well…” Younghoon shyly showed you his phone. “When I had a chance I secretly downloaded this app on your phone… and mine… it lets you keep track of your friends, just in case… and… well I can only use it to surprise you once…”
“Trying to keep tabs on me huh?”
“I just wanted to surprise you, I swear.”
“A very cute surprise.”
“And I didn’t come empty handed.” Younghoon revealed what he had in his other hand. “For you.”
“Pink Swirl!”
    You excitedly took the drink and had a sip, your mood immediately picking up. Younghoon laughed at how cute you were.
“Care to join me for lunch?”
“Sure, just give me a sec.”
    You went over to your friends and told them they could head off without you, promising to hang out with them some other time. They had noticed Younghoon, giving you cheesy smiles and thumbs up. You had to hide your embarrassment and calm yourself down before going back over to Younghoon.
“So, what are we in the mood for?”
    The two of you had lunch together and then went over to Younghoon’s place. It was like your home now, and you plotted on the couch with a big smile on your face.
“Long day, huh?”
“I told you classes are hell.”
“I know that.”
“Don’t you have homework?”
“Don’t you?”
“Shall we have a little study session then?”
“Sure. I got some snacks we can munch on.”
    Even if you were studying different things, it was nice to have someone with you. The two of you helped each other where you could, eventually just lounging around with some snacks.
“Oh,  that reminds me.” Younghoon said. “I have a present for you.”
“A present?”
“Yeah, wait here.”
    You were quite curious as to what he could have gotten you. When he returned with a little box your mind instantly went to jewelry, which you hoped was wrong because he shouldn’t be spending his money like that on you.
“Open it.”
    You smiled at him and opened up the box, a curious look appearing on your face. You pulled out a key from the box.
“What’s this?”
“It’s a… key to my place.”
“Yeah… you’re here a lot, since you like it, so I figured I’d give you a key so you can come by whenever you like.”
“So… does this mean we’re dating.”
“Well… usually when you give someone a key to your place… you tend to give it to your partner…”
“I don’t mean for it to come off that way I just-”
    You thought Younghoon was so cute trying to explain this gift, but you couldn’t help yourself. You got up and went over to him, kissing his cheek. Younghoon immediately froze, slowly looking over at you. He was burning red.
“Maybe I want you to be my boyfriend…”
“You don’t have to an-”
    Younghoon pressed his lips against yours, kissing you for the first time, something he had been dying to do. He kept his eyes closed as he pulled away, slowly opening them to see your reaction. It had been so sudden, and now that he was thinking he was worried he was going too fast. Instead he saw a smile on your face, eyes still closed. He carefully reached over, caressing your cheek.
“You’ve never kissed a girl before, have you?”
“No… was it bad?”
“No, I just wanted to know if I was your first.”
    You opened your eyes and took Younghoon’s hand in yours, feeling giddy. He definitely made you happy in a way you hadn’t been for a while now. You were glad he made the first move, sort of. You guys were already pretty close, so this just gave you all the more reason to see each other. More visits to his workplace, you even using that tracking app to surprise him once at school. He was very excited to see you that day. And of course with a key to his place, you had all the more reason to be there. Especially unannounced.
“Noona? What brings you here?”
    Younghoon had gotten home after an early shift, pretty tired, but he soon perked when he found you laid out on his couch. He set down his things and crawled on top of you, resting his head on your chest, getting a chuckle out of you as well as head pats.
“What’s wrong?”
“My brain is melting.”
“How come?”
“I took an exam this morning… I swear I lost brain cells.”
“But you’re really smart, and you studied a lot. I’m sure you passed.”
“I think so too, but you never know.”
“Is there anything I can do to help? Shall I order food?”
“No, I don’t have an appetite yet. But maybe there is something you can do…”
    You gently grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled his head up. He seemed confused, but he didn’t protest, wanting to see where this went.
“I have a few ideas in mind.”
    As you sat up you pushed Younghoon back until you could press your lips against his. He eagerly kissed back, loving where things were going.
“Do you know what I mean?”
“Maybe… can you show me more?”
“If you behave.”
    You shoved Younghoon back, your original positions reversed. You looked down at him with a smirk, taking your shirt off and unhooking your bra. Younghoon’s eyes were wide. The idea had crossed his mind, but he wasn’t entirely sure this is what you meant.
“Do you have a condom?”
“Uh… no… I could-”
“Ah, right, you’ve never been with someone before. That’s okay, I have some.”
“You do?”
“Little boys like you can be silly sometimes, so I’m always prepared.”
“I see.”
“I’ll be gentle, I can imagine it’s your first time.”
“You’re so cute.”
    You grabbed a condom from your bag on the coffee table, playfully putting it in his mouth. He blushed, looking away for a second before somehow managing to maintain eye contact with you.
“Hold onto that for me. We’ll need it later.”
    You slipped off your bra, your hands then going under Younghoon’s shirt to feel his chest. He squirmed from your cold touch, but he had to admit it felt nice, especially as your fingers played around with his nipples.
“You’re so sensitive, aren’t you? Never been touched before?”
    Younghoon nodded, getting a kiss on the cheek from you in return. That’s when you began to grind your hips down on his crotch, feeling a little something poking up at you. He got shy again, turning away, which you just took as an invitation to pepper his neck with kisses. He wound up dropping the condom, a slight moan escaping your lips. You chuckled.
“Didn’t I tell you to hold onto that?”
“It’s okay, we’ll work on your behavior.”
    You sat up, getting Younghoon out of his shirt, reaching down to unzip his pants. Although he did stop you, asking if this should be moved to the bedroom.
“Hm… I suppose you should be comfortable, come on.”
    You grabbed the condom off the floor, putting it in his mouth again and taking his hand, leading him to the bedroom. You shoved him on the bed tugging down his pants, seeing the little tent in his briefs, gently rubbing it, seeing how Younghoon squirmed.
“You like that?” He nodded. “Good, cause there’s more to come.”
    You pulled off his briefs, exposing him completely, taking in what you had to work with. Although you noticed Younghoon getting shy again. You took his head into your hands, having him face you.
“Don’t get shy, baby, you’re wonderful.”
    You grabbed one of his hands and guided it over between your legs, having him rub you between your panties.
“See, I’m already wet because of you. Do you wanna feel more?”
    You moved his hand away for a second as you took your panties off, letting him touch your bare cunt. His hand was a bit cold which made you shiver in a good way. You returned the favor by grabbing his length, pumping it gently while he just rested his hand against your core, clearly very new to all this.
“You’re supposed to do something.” You giggled over his distressed noise. “Just slide your fingers back and forth. Like this.”
    You moved his hand as you said, letting him get into the motion. While he did that you had his other hand rest on your breast.
“Now squeeze.” You mewled. “Good boy.”
    He stopped on occasion, getting distracted by his own pleasure. Before remembering you were supposed to feel good too. He could feel his own precum dribbling down his shaft and coating your hands. Once again the condom slipped from his mouth and he leaned forward to kiss at your neck, trailing down to your breast and sucking on it.
    You immediately grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his head back. He looked dazed more than anything, but he did manage to look up at you and somewhat focus.
“Did you just call me mommy?”
    Younghoon’s eyes went wide, his face burning once again. He quickly averted his gaze, but you tugged on his hair to make him look back at you.
“Don’t be shy… I kinda liked it… do you want mommy to make you feel good?” He nodded shyly. “I didn’t hear you baby?”
“I want… I want you…”
“Me?” You gripped his length a little harder. “Who am I?”
“… mommy…”
“That’s right. And what does my little boy want from mommy?”
“… want… want to feel good…”
“What’s the magic word?”
“… please… mommy…”
“Good boy.” You leaned in close to whisper in his ear. “Tell me if you ever want to stop, okay?”
“… okay…”
“Now, where were we? Ah, right, my little boy was trying to get some milk.”
    You guided Younghoon back over to your chest, letting him continue where he left off. You took his hand away from your core, pushing him down on the bed while he kept his lips on your breast. For a virgin he certainly had natural talents with his tongue. You climbed on top of him, making sure you could still rub at his length with your core, letting your juices mix together, but you didn’t want him cumming just yet. You pulled his hands above his head, keeping them there as you pulled away, seeing him struggle to try and reach your breast again, whining.
“Easy baby, I want you to be comfortable, besides, someone needs to get ready for the main show. Do you need help?”
    Younghoon nodded, still whining. You released his hands, quickly putting a hand on his chest when he tried to sit up. You shook your head and told him to behave, getting the condom. If he didn’t have any, and hasn’t been with someone before, you were sure he didn’t even know how to put one on.
“Some other time mommy will show you how to put this on properly.”
    You had him properly lay back on the bed, placing a few gentle kisses on his shaft, getting a taste of both of you before getting the condom on. He made such precious sounds, and once he was all set you left a trail of kisses on his chest as you climbed up to him, pressing your lips against his.
“How do we taste?”
“… good…”
“Are you ready?”
“… yes…”
    You pumped his shaft a few good times for good measure before getting yourself ready. You played with yourself a bit, already so wet from all the teasing and sucking. Younghoon watched eagerly as you swallowed him whole, inch by inch disappearing into you. When he was completely in he threw his head back, feeling how you squeezed him and held him. You reached over and held his hands.
“Look at me sweetie.” Younghoon slowly looked over. “You feel so good… are you ready?”
“… yes…”
 ��  Younghoon bit his lip, so many things were running through his head. This was certainly something he never imagined for his first time, but he was glad it was with you.
    Now Younghoon understood how one got sore after sex. Although maybe his experience was a bit more different than others. Still, that was certainly a night to remember, and the shower after was just as sweet. You had been very attentive, making sure he was alright and cleaned up properly, even if you had to help him in some areas. Now the two of you laid on some fresh sheets, exhausted, you having borrowed some of his briefs to wear, so you had something clean. You rested on his chest, unaware he was awake at first until he started playing with your hair.
“How are you feeling?”
“High… is that normal?”
“For your first, I suppose. Did you have fun? I didn’t get carried away did I?”
“No, no, that… was an experience.”
“A memorable first time.”
“Good.” You sighed, snuggling against him. “So, where did mommy come from?”
“I… I don’t know…”
“You’re so cute. We’ll work on some things later on.”
“Was I bad?”
“No, you took it all so well. Just talking about you listening to what mommy says, how many times did you drop that condom?”
“Aish, you don’t need to apologize, but you have to be very good if you ever want to feel my insides without a condom.”
“Yes mommy.”
You chuckled. “Good boy.”
    You suddenly heard your phone buzzing from the nightstand. Younghoon got it for you, and handed it over, watching you turn off the alarm you had set.
“What’s the alarm for?”
“I don’t know… but maybe I should get going.”
“No, let’s just stay together today and cuddle.”
    Younghoon wrapped his arms around you, playfully trapping you against his body. You giggled, kissing at his chest.
“A lazy day sounds nice.”
“Let’s just stay together like this.”
“Alright, here, put my phone back.”
    You handed over your phone, Younghoon putting it on silent before setting it down and cuddling you. The two of you somewhat drifted off to sleep again, but you couldn’t completely go to sleep.
“I’m hungry…”
“Shall I cook, or order?”
“I wanna taste your cooking.”
“Okay, you just stay here, okay?”
“Yeah. I’m not going anywhere.”
    Younghoon kissed your head before getting out of bed, not bothering with a shirt or pants, just going off to cook in some briefs. A huge smile was plastered on his face as he looked at the ingredients he had, figuring out what to cook. He had started when he suddenly heard a crash from the bedroom, rushing over. He frantically found you getting dressed.
“What happened? What-”
“I have to go.”
“Huh? But we’re-”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. I totally forgot about today. I have so many missed calls and messages.”
“About what? You-”
“Rain check on our lazy day, okay? I’ll make it up to you.” 
    You finished getting dressed and kissed Younghoon before heading out. He nearly followed you out before realizing he didn’t have pants on. He quickly got some, struggling to put on a shirt as he ran out. Although all he managed to do was see you get into a cab, driving off. He watched you go for a moment before running back to his place. He started dressing himself to go out, using his phone to track yours. He had to know why you left in such a hurry like that, no matter the reason.
    You quickly got out of the cab when you arrived at your destination. You took a few deep breaths before entering the restaurant. As you were about to give your name to the hostess you were pulled aside.
“What the hell is wrong with you!”
“Sangyeon, I-”
“You can explain later. Here.” Sangyeon handed you a bag. “Go get dressed.”
“… thank you…”
    You quickly hurried off to the bathroom, getting dressed and fixing yourself up. When you were done you went out to find your brother, seeing him entertaining your guests. You approached the table with a smile and apologized for being late.
“I hope my brother hasn’t been boring you to death.”
“Nonsense.” Sangyeon said. “I’m very entertaining. Anyway, y/n, this is Kevin, and his older sister, Stella.”
“A pleasure to meet you both.”
“The pleasure is all mine.” Kevin smiled. “I’m glad to finally be meeting you in person.”
“Agreed. I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Good things I hope.”
“Only good things, promise.”
    Thankfully this little get together was more of a brunch thing, so you being a little late wasn’t so weird. It wasn’t that all surprising that your brother engaged in business talk with both the Moon siblings here, leaving you to just quietly nod and pretend to be engaged with the conversation. Although you did notice Kevin occasionally stealing a glance your way, giving you an eye smile. You didn’t pay it too much mind, but you were certainly getting bored. You found your eyes wandering, glancing out the window, only to see a familiar face.
“Excuse me for a moment. I need some air.”
    You rushed out despite Sangyeon trying to stop you. As you stepped out of the restaurant you looked around, seeing someone hurrying down the street. You ran after them, seeing that your hunch was right.
“Younghoon, it’s not what you think, it’s just-”
“A blind date?”
“… yeah…”
“Are you okay?”
“I know… because of your family… they’d never approve of someone like me… so they must be trying to set you up… with someone they like…”
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to hide this.”
“I understand.” Younghoon took your hands. “I’m not upset… I just wanted to make sure you were okay…”
“I wish I didn’t have to do these things…”
“Do you have to go back?”
“I do…”
“It’s okay… I know your heart belongs to me.”
You giggled. “Yes, yes it does.”
    Younghoon walked you back, giving you a kiss on the cheek before letting you go back to your brother. You found yourself apologizing again for your actions. You snuck a glance out the window again, Younghoon smiling and giving you a wave before disappearing from your view. At least you felt better knowing you weren’t keeping something from him, even if it wasn’t your intention.
    After brunch you said your goodbyes to the Moons, Kevin kissing your hand as a parting gift. You wanted nothing more than to go back with Younghoon, but Sangyeon shoved you into the car. He was quiet on the ride home, making you feel very uneasy. When you got home you just followed him inside. You did make an attempt to run off to your room but he caught your arm, holding you in place.
“What happened today?”
“Nothing. I just-”
“Spent the night with your boy toy?”
“Don’t play coy, I know all about Younghoon.”
“Have you been stalking me?”
“Oh please, you’re my sister, I’m just keeping an eye on you.”
“What the hell!”
“What? You’re the one who started frequenting a coffee shop in the outskirts of the city, and coming home late or not at all. Was I not supposed to check up on you?”
“That’s still stalking.”
“So? You want me to tell mom and dad what you’ve been doing in your spare time?”
“I’m surprised you haven’t already.”
“And what? Upset them? They still can’t believe you and Juyeon broke up.”
“He dumped me for some other girl!”
“Exactly, you clearly weren’t good enough for him.”
“Am I wrong? He wouldn’t have left you if you were better.”
“Don’t give me relationship advice when you haven’t had a single girlfriend this year.”
“Cause I’m not throwing myself at the first girl that’s nice to me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Sangyeon spat. “You found some lonely little college boy to befriend and be your rebound guy.”
“He’s not my rebound guy!”
“Does he know that?”
“You’re unbelievable.”
“No, you are. Mom and dad would never approve of someone like him. He’s nothing, and he will amount to nothing.”
“Shut up!”
“I know you’re dumb enough to go date some random guy that smiled at you, but I hope you’re not stupid enough to actually catch feelings for him.”
“Don’t forget who you are, and the responsibility you have to this family.”
“You mean increase our wealth? Find some rich boy and become his wife? Cause that’s all I can do, right?”
“Don’t get smart with me. I’m telling you all this so you do the right thing and break it off. Or I will tell mom and dad about this.”
“I hate you.”
“Love you too.”
    You glared and yanked your arm free from Sangyeon, heading for the door. Before you could open it he stopped you, holding the door closed.
“You better be going off to do the right thing.”
“Fuck off.”
“You know how this is gonna end, don’t make it worse.”
    You shoved him aside and headed out, ignoring the car and heading out to the streets to get a cab. You hated your brother, you hated this family, and the fact you had no real freedom in your life. Perhaps it was predictable, but you went to the only place you could think of. Home, the place that felt like one.
“You’re back. How did-”
    Younghoon stopped when you suddenly hugged him, your sniffles becoming apparent. He hugged you tight, rubbing your back.
“It’s okay… you’re okay…”
    He didn’t want to ask what was wrong, at least not now. It was better for you to just let it all out. He held you until you started to calm down, gently pulling away.
“Can I stay here… for a few days…”
“Of course, of course. Just keep in mind you’ll look adorable in my clothes.”
You giggled. “That’s alright.”
“Come on. You should sit down. Can I get you anything?”
“Just some water.”
    You sat down on the couch, wiping away your tears. As Younghoon handed you a glass of water you noticed how you had stained his shirt with your makeup.
“Sorry about that.”
“It’s alright. I have plenty of shirts.”
“That reminds me, I owe you some clothes.”
“You do?”
“I said I’d get you some nicer clothes so you wouldn’t feel awkward when we went out to some fancy place again.”
“Ah, another time.”
Younghoon sat down next to you. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“It’s just dumb…”
“I’m here if you want me to listen.”
“No, it’s okay. Family drama, I’d rather you not get all tangled up in that.”
“Alright, but if you ever wanna talk, I’m here.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you wanna shower and clean up?”
“I’ll go run to the store to get you some essentials, okay?”
“That’d be nice.”
“Good. As they say, mi casa es su casa.”
“My house is your house… so make yourself comfy.”
“I’m already very comfy here.”
“That’s good. I won’t be gone long.”
    You hopped into the shower, taking a little longer than normal before stepping out in a towel. You laid down in bed, making sure not to get anything wet, already feeling a bit better. Younghoon left the bag in the room by the door, wanting to give you some privacy. You found it cute. You looked through what he bought, giggling over the underwear he bought, he really did mean the essentials. You also noted to ask him when he figured out what size you wore. Besides that you went through his closet, finding a hoodie and some joggers to wear. Once you were dressed you headed out of the room, finding younghoon watching TV while working on assignments. You sat next to him and hugged him, kissing his cheek.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” Younghoon kissed your cheek. “Love you.”
You smiled at him. “Love you too.”
    There was something nice about waking up with Younghoon, knowing you had nowhere else to be. He was so warm and cuddly, you definitely wanted to stay in bed today.
“I’ll be someone…”
“I promise, I’ll amount to something.”
“Huh? I never…” You immediately sat up. “Did my brother talk to you!”
“I cannot believe him! Did he threaten you or something?”
“No, it’s not-”
“I’m going to call that bastard right now and-”
    You reached over to the nightstand for your phone but Younghoon caught your arm, taking your phone from you.
“Don’t. It’s okay, just good motivation.”
“I’m sorry… I said I didn’t want you in my family drama… but I see it has already caught up to you.” 
“I’m fine, and like I said, I’ll be someone.”
“You don’t have to. I just want you to be happy.”
“And you make me happy… so I’ll do anything to keep you by my side.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“You do.” Younghoon pulled you back down. “We’re meant for each other.”
You chuckled. “You’re so cute.”
“So… can today be our lazy day?”
“Sure. Staying in bed sounds way better. Until we get hungry.”
    You snuggled against him, resting your head on his chest. He smiled down at you, gently petting your head. He reached over to the night stand, silencing his phone and turning yours off. He didn’t want any interruptions this time. The next few days were like lazy days, for you at least. Younghoon still went out to work and school, while you stayed home. You didn’t fall behind in class, getting notes from friends, and all the assignments were available online too. You also didn’t have a job to worry about, so you had it easy.
    Younghoon didn’t care though. He loved coming home, knowing you were there waiting up for him. Eventually you had gone out to buy yourself some clothes and shoes, just to have while you stayed. Every message from your brother you ignored, and you of course let your friends know you were doing alright. They were glad for you to be standing up to your brother and doing what you wanted. Of course they also asked for all the details regarding your boyfriend. You didn’t give them too much, but they ate up every little bit.
“Where are you going today?”
“The girls wanna have lunch and hang out.”
“But why.”
“Cause we haven’t seen each other in a while.”
“No.” Younghoon trapped you in a hug. “Stay with me.”
“Baby. I have plans.”
“Cancel them.”
“Ya. That wouldn’t be nice.”
“But I want you to stay with me.”
“Please, mommy…”
“Ah… what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’ll be a good boy…”
“How good?”
“Hm… fine, go to the bedroom and show me how good of a boy you can be.”
“Yes, mommy.”
    Younghoon kissed your cheek before scurrying off to the bedroom. You giggled to yourself, texting your friends about not being able to make it before going off to find your little boy and see what he was up to.
“Come on, today has to be the best!”
    Younghoon was a bit surprised by your energy, but he knew the reason. He was more than happy to match it and follow along with whatever you wanted to do.
“It’s about time we got you some new clothes. And we can also find what you’ll wear for tonight, so we can match.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“I cannot wait to dress you up!”
    Younghoon had never been shopping like this before, let alone in these types of stores. It was a new experience, and he was glad to be with you. He would have never known how much fun it could be to try one clothes and show them off. You practically enjoyed every outfit you put him in, but you wanted him to like it too. It got more fun as the two of you would get changed and then surprise each other. At one point Younghoon lost himself in you. He had gotten into a suit, seeing you in such a beautiful dress before the mirror. He snuck up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek.
“You look beautiful.”
“You too.”
“I want you to be like this always, happy and so pretty.”
“As long as I have you, I have that.”
    Once you had some clothes picked out, and your outfits for the night, you two decided to get some lunch before heading home to get ready. You figured some cafeteria food from the mall would suffice so you just needed to agree on something. As you walked with your arms hooked together, discussing what to have, you were suddenly yanked away. Younghoon was quick to grab your hand before you slipped away, seeing what had happened.
“Sangyeon!” You yelled. “What are you doing here?”
“Taking you home.”
“How the hell did you find me!”
“We’re leaving.”
    Sangyeon tugged on your arm, but Younghoon just squeezed your hand harder, holding you back. You were stuck between them, and now was when Sangyeon cared to give your boyfriend any attention.
“Let her go.”
“I won’t ask again.”
“Noona?” Sangyeon scoffed. “She’s no one to you.”
“Sangyeon!” You screamed. “You-”
“It’s our four month anniversary...” Younghoon mumbled, squeezing your hand tighter, making you whimper. “She’s mine.”
“Four months?” Sangyeon questioned. “You’re really that stupid.”
“We’re going home.”
“You can’t take her, she-”
    Sangyeon didn’t hesitate to slap Younghoon, using enough force to shock the boy and knock him over. He didn’t care to see the reaction, just grabbing you and dragging you away from the scene. You tried to argue with him but he had a death grip on you, his security detail also making sure you didn’t get away from him. Still, you tried to look back at Younghoon, calling his name, but you didn’t see him again.
“Stop crying.”
“I told you to end things with that boy, and instead you run away from home?”
“It’s not-”
“I let you have your time, figuring you were gonna set things straight, and then where do I find you? Shopping with him on your four month anniversary!”
“You’re done.”
“You are finished with that boy, do I make myself clear? Or do you want me to tell mom and dad everything, right now.”
“Do I make myself clear?”
“Shut up!” You yelled. “You can’t just tell me who I can, and can’t date! I didn’t just catch feelings for some random boy! He’s-”
“Nobody! We’ve been over this.”
“He’s nobody to you, but he’s everything to me!”
“I will make him nobody if you keep this up.”
“What? You think I can’t destroy everything he has going for him in a second?” Sangyeon spat. “Getting him kicked out of college is easy, getting him arrested and giving him a criminal record is just as simple.”
“It’s up to you whether or not he has a future.”
“You already threatened him once! This is just-”
“Excuse me? I had him looked into,sure, but today was the first time I’ve ever spoken to him. Don’t think I’d waste my breath trying to convince such a pathetic kid like him to leave you. A love sick puppy like him is as dumb as you.”
“So what’s it going to be?”
“No? My gosh have you lost some brain cells? He’s not good for you anyway!”
“As if you-”
“You ran away from home, you’ve stopped attending classes, your friends haven’t even seen you in weeks now cause you keep blowing them off. You think they haven’t reached out to me to ask what was going on with you? And how much have you been spending on him? If anything he’s just been taking advantage of you because of who you are.”
“Younghoon is not like that!”
“It doesn’t matter, you two were never gonna work.” Sangyeon grabbed your phone and held it up to you. “End it, right now.”
“Or I end him.”
    You swallowed nervously and took the phone, pulling up your messages with Younghoon. Your brother peeked over your shoulder, making sure you did what he asked. When you finished he took your phone and turned it off.
“I’m gonna tell mom and dad you should finish your studies abroad.”
“That’s final!”
“I hate you!”
“You’ll thank me for this one day.”
“Fuck you.”
    You ran up to your room, slamming the door shut and then crumbling to the floor. You felt like a monster, but you also didn’t want to ruin Younghoon’s life. He had such a bright future ahead of him, and you couldn’t destroy that over something like love. All you could hope for was that Younghoon would have the strength to move on from this. No matter how painful it was.
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“This isn’t… she’s lying… she’s lying…”
    Younghoon had stared at your message for hours, checking for your location but seeing that there was no signal. Eventually he smashed his phone against the wall, screaming in agony. There was no way you would just do this to him, you wouldn’t just break things off over a text after everything that happened. He wound up curled up on the floor crying uncontrollably. Things had been so good, they had been so perfect, and just like that you were gone. He couldn’t just accept this.
    Somehow he managed to dress himself through the tears, heading out. Even if your location was off, he still knew where you lived, where you were kept prisoner. It was late into the night as he ran around the streets, just trying to get to you. None of this could be real, which was all the more reason he needed to see you, to make sure you were alright. He didn’t care how long it took, but when he was at your doorstep, out of breath with dry tears on his face, he felt some sort of relief. Then he desperately started ringing the doorbell. He was going to get a response, he knew that.
“My gosh you are so pathetic.” Sangyeon stepped outside, shoving Younghoon down the steps. “Did you not get the message? My sister wants nothing to do with you, now get off my property.”
“Let me see her!”
“You’re in no position to make demands.”
“Y/n! Y/n! Talk to me, I-”
    Sangyeon stepped down and pressed his foot down on Younghoon’s chest, watching the boy squirm under him, starting to have trouble breathing.
“Stay away from my sister. If I ever see you here again I will have you arrested.”
    Sangyeon stepped off, having security throw Younghoon off the property, locking the main gates. Younghoon stuck around for a while, screaming himself hoarse wanting to see you, but he was ignored. His vision filled with tears again, and he knew he had no choice but to leave, despite how he felt. He still couldn’t believe it.
“She’s mine… she’s mine… she loves me… only me… she’s mine…”
    Younghoon still couldn’t process the days events. Today was supposed to be special, it was supposed to be the best. But instead its ended like this. Somehow Younghoon wound up back home, his mind still lost. After all that he still didn’t see you, and he couldn’t help the panic he was feeling. This couldn’t be happening.
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“She loves me… she wouldn’t… she’s mine…”
    Younghoon wasn’t going to let things end like this. He needed to get you back, no matter what. He’d figure something out, multiple things, but he wasn’t going to give up on you, not like this, not ever.
“Please let me see him…”
“The answer is still no.”
“He hasn’t stopped annoying you, right?”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“You think he’s gonna listen to a text? It’s been a week, and look at him.”
“I’m not letting you near him.”
“I’m leaving tomorrow… and I’m not gonna let you ruin him… I just want to say goodbye properly…”
“You think I believe that?”
“Have I given you any reason to doubt me these last few days?”
“Hm… fine, but you only get an hour.”
“Fine… and my phone?”
“Don’t you know where he lives?”
“Whatever, give it back at the airport.”
“I’ll pay for a new one when you get abroad.”
“The clock’s ticking.”
    You wanted to hit him, but if you really only had an hour before he sent his guards after you, it was best not to waste time. You got a cab and were on your way. The last couple of days had felt surreal, and somehow you had gotten through them. You could only imagine what Younghoon had been going through. Maybe it was a bad idea to see him, you could upset him, but either way, you just wanted to see him. As you stood outside his door you held up the key to his place. You took it off your key ring and opened the door. The worst case scenario was that he wasn’t home.
    You heard a crash from the bedroom, and then some other noises before Younghoon came running over to you. You immediately noticed how red and puffy his eyes were, yet he was wearing a smile, in disbelief of your presence.
“Y/n… it’s really you.”
“Yes… I figured we should talk… I owe you that.”
“Did you talk to your brother? Did you-”
“I’m going abroad.”
“I just wanted to make sure… before I left… that you were doing okay… you know… since the break up…”
“We didn’t break up.”
“That wasn’t you! Your brother made you send that, right?”
“I’m so happy to-”
    Younghoon tried to go in for a hug but you held your hand out, pushing him back. He stared at you, clearly hurt by your actions.
“Don’t.” You took a breath. “I know you thought we were great and all that… but this was never gonna work out.”
“I come from a very wealthy and prestigious family. Who I am with is very important, and I can’t just be with someone like you.”
“Like me?”
“There’s no simpler way to put this. We had fun, and thanks for helping me get over Juyeon, but this is it for us.”
“You’re lying.”
“Liar!” Younghoon started breaking down in tears. “You don’t mean that… any of it.”
“I do.”
“You don’t!”
    You tried to leave but Younghoon wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight. You tried to fight him, but you could hear his sobs get louder and louder, doing your best to hold back your own tears.
“Let’s say you’re right… that you were just using me to get over your ex… but what about me?” Younghoon said. “You think I was just messing around with you? That the last couple of months meant nothing… they’re everything to me… you’re everything to me…”
“You can’t just leave me like this… not after all that… you can’t…”
“… say something…” Younghoon’s sobbing got harder. “… say something!”
    Younghoon slipped to the floor, down onto his knees as he continued crying. You stayed put, eventually turning around and looking down at Younghoon. He reached over to grab one of your legs. You slowly knelt down, grabbing his chin and carefully lifting up his head. The tears kept pouring out of him. He tried to wipe them away, but more quickly replaced them.
“… don’t leave me… please…”
“… please…”
    You pulled him into a hug, holding him close. Despite what you had told yourself before, you couldn’t help but feel like a monster. There was so much history between you, so many memories, you couldn’t just let them go, you couldn’t just let him go.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry…”
    Younghoon wrapped his arms around you, trying to quiet his sobs. He held you tightly, afraid that you’d slip away again.
“… you won’t leave… right…”
“I don’t want to… I don’t…”
“… you’ll stay… with me… promise…”
“… promise…”
“I won’t leave… I promise…”
    Younghoon swallowed back his sobs, moving his arms to wrap them around your neck. He kissed the side of your head, leaning against you.
“… you won’t leave…”
“… you’ll stay…”
“… you promise…”
“I love you…”
“I love you too…”
    Younghoon took a deep breath, and then started squeezing. He moved slowly, embracing you tightly, and slowly getting tighter. You didn’t notice at first, understanding his desire to not let you go. You felt it too, but then it started to hurt, and you had trouble breathing.
“Young… Younghoon… you’re… you’re…”
“… you won’t leave…”
“… I won’t let you…”
“… younghoon…”
“… you’ll stay with me… like you promised…”
“… I can’t… I… younghoon…”
“I love you.”
    You weren’t really registering what was happening. You tried to pull away from Younghoon, but his grip was fierce. You clawed at his back to get him to let go, but he held on, and the edge of your vision started going black. You grew weak, your arms falling to your side. You tried to take in air, but you couldn’t. You struggled with words, unsure why this was happening, but by now it was too late to stop him. Despite your efforts, the void eventually swallowed you whole.
    Younghoon felt as your body went limp in his arms, and he relaxed his hold. Your body slumped against his. He checked for a pulse, just to be sure, a soft smile decorating his lips when he found it. He kissed your head, gently caressing your cheek. After a moment he got up and took you to the bedroom, laying you down on the bed. He wiped away the last of his tears, watching you sleep for a moment before crawling into bed. He had you here now, that’s what mattered, along with the fact that he wasn’t going to let you leave again.
“You’re mine…”
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tbznewberry · 3 years
Anon🍒: W-What…? You both like me as more than just a friend?! I’m so sorry Kevin and Hyunjae… But I can’t- I don’t feel like that towards you two. You both are like my best friends and older brothers. Right now my heart belongs to Chanhee only… Things will be a little awkward after this, but I hope that we can still stay as friends. Is this all you wanted to talk about??? I-I have to go now… Chanhee is waiting for me.
Jaehyun: I was afraid it'd lead to this...Kevin?
Kevin: Pack your things. You're coming with us. You either get your ass up now, or we carry you to the car. Choose wisely.
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svtyeongwonhi · 4 years
Yandere!Seventeen Reaction - S/O has a male bff
BGM - Seventeen - Crazy In Love
❝It’s okay because it’s the two of us, Crazy in love crazy in love You and I are untainted Crazy in love crazy in love I believe you, I don’t doubt you Past, present and future, Crazy in love crazy in love❞
Anon -  Hiiii can I ask yandere!Seventeen's reaction to s/o having a male bff?
Hello~ Thank you for the request!! Just to bring a twist, I’ll make the male bff as different idols!! Enjoy~
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When Seungcheol first met your bestie Kevin, he was open-minded which you didn’t expect at all. He was kind and sweet to Kevin that even he was surprised by your significant other’s personality. However, that wasn’t the case with Coups, he was only portraying a nice image, so if Kevin were to cross any boundaries, Coups would pounce on him when he least expects.
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Jeonghan would simp for Kangmin. Your bestie legit was the cutest little brother to you, and his charms got to Jeonghan too! Like Jeonghan literally could not stop smiling since he first saw Kangmin and was gushing over him so much, that you almost felt like you were third-wheeling!
“What a baby, your hair is so soft!” *Pats Kangmin’s hair*
“Yaa!! I’m your s/o!!” You burst out “Sorry honey, but Kangmin’s cuter”
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I’m not crying you are ㅠㅠ
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Gentleman Joshua, as his friends call him, will live up to his nickname and treat your best friend Felix with lots of affection. After all, he was there for you even before Joshua. But that doesn’t mean that he won’t do a background check on Lixxie. After he makes sure that Felix is trustable, will he let his guard down, to some extent at least
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Jun would be somewhat reserved whenever you were hanging out with your BFF San. He didn’t mind but he would gently advise you to be wary of others, indirectly pointing towards San. He was concerned about you and only says stuff like that so that you would be protected. But if you still didn’t abide, Jun would try to make San distance himself away from you.
“I understand, y/n, but he is still a man you know? You have an innocent image of him but some people are not like that”
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Hoshi on the other hand would be glaring at you two always. Each and every time you felt the sensation of someone watching you, it will be Hoshi without a doubt. Sometime you knew, other times you didn’t but he would be completely silent about your best friend, even if you were to ask him anything about Sunoo, he’ll end the conversation then and there. He wouldn’t want to accidentally spill his ideas about Sunoo anyways, about how he was meticulously planning to destroy him.
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Wonwoo would ponder about Xion a lot, your best friend Xion was interesting according to Wonwoo and would always say that he can’t get into his head, whatever that meant, you would just let it slide because he was spewing nonsense. But Wonwoo was confused, Xion doesn’t seem like he is a danger or anything but something always rubs him the wrong way, he does plan to find it out soon though.
“Did you have a good lunch with Xion?” “Ahh, that’s good to hear- Oh by any chance was he wearing any accessories today?” “No? Okay, just asking”
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Woozi would be jealous of all the attention you would give to Baekhyun, like how could you be spending so much time with him when Jihoon was right here? Woozi would give you a solid 5 minutes after his patience ran out, after which he will come straight to you both and smoothly slide his hands into yours and make some sort of excuse and leave right away.
“Oh Baekhyun! Good to see you” *Intertwines his fingers into yours* 
“Unfortunately, Y/n and I have an event to attend. We’ll catch you later”
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Myungho and Yeonjun are pretty chill, like almost bro level chill, Myungho knew well that Yeonjun was genuinely just a best friend and nothing more, and he made sure it stayed that way. But Myungho will stalk you guys if you two head out.
“Hey Yeonjun, how’s it going?” “Where are you guys heading out?” “Okay, come back soon you two” *follows you two secretively after a while*
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Mingyu and Seungwoo would be bickering any time, like take any mundane subject there is, and I bet you these two will be fighting over it. The biggest fights they have will be because of you. When you once suggested all three of you going to the amusement park, they fought like actual children to sit beside you in Every. Single. Ride. Honestly, you almost dropped everything and left before they two grabbed you and fought while making sure you didn’t escape.
“That doesn’t make sense!! I’m y/n’s boyfriend that’s why I should sit beside y/n!” “Nope, nope, nope, nope, not listening to another thing!” “Hey! Where are you going?!” *grabs you and holds you in place* “No, you listen to me now-”
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Dokyeom would have a low tolerance rate with Bomin. He would give it a few days before he kidnapped Bomin and kept him under in his basement. He would obtain all information about y/n from Bomin and let him go after brainwashing him so that he would not say a single thing.
“Tell me about y/n’s childhood with all of the details. I’ll cross-check with y/n so if you miss out on even one detail, I’ll break a finger. Sounds fair?
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Oh boy, Seungkwan could have scared Jackson away, but your best friend was no less. These two could diss each other for hours with the amount of sass they had, but it was all in a friendly manner and never escalated. Most of the time you guys hung out together in your home, watching movies, having sleepovers, going out for long drives or picnics and it was the best thing ever because both Seungkwan and Jackson were entertaining in whatever they did.
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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Vernon could only count down the seconds each time you were either talking about Johnny or planning to go out with him. It didn’t make any sense. You only need Vernon in your life, not Johnny. Only 2 days later, Johnny went missing or so you were told because Vernon had kept you locked up in your home ever since. He was still calm as ever which made it, even more, scarier for you, to think that the once gentle Vernon had turned into such a monster that could be so calm regardless of his horrendous deeds.
“You want to go out? I can get you everything you want?” “Fresh air? Here, I’ll open up a window for you”
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Dino had no issues with you having Wonho as your BFF. He trusted you enough to believe that at the end of the day, Dino is going to be the one who you are going to come back. And even Wonho thought of you as a little sister so he would not be too bothered by you guys interacting at all.
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A/N - Wow! I really let my multi stan shine in this one XD, this took me longer than expected but it was really fun to do, also I absolutely adore all the idols that I have stated here and I’ll provide their names with their groups down below, please stan <3 they are all amazing in their own ways.
1. Kevin from The Boyz 
2. Kangmin from Verivery
3. Felix from Stray Kids
4. San from ATEEZ
5. Sunoo from ENHYPEN
6. Xion from ONEUS
7. Baekhyun from EXO
8. Yeonjun from TXT
9. Han Seungwoo from VICTON/ Former X1
10. Bomin from Golden Child
11. Jackson from GOT7
12. Johnny from NCT
13. Wonho - Solo [Former Monsta X]
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Do you simp for other genshin boys? Just curious.
I simp very hard for Kaeya (He’s my type and I hate it), Childe (My simp levels for Childe are off the charts), Albedo (SWEETHEART???), and Zhongli (How can you not look at him), but honestly---I simp really, really, really REALLY hard for the Honkai boys who get slept on really often and it makes me very sad
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like holy shit
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they’re really bangable 
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and y’all are sleeping on this
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