#yandere carcaradon
kit-williams · 7 months
First Kiss
Male Lead(s): Ghosk, Tyberos, Raven Guard Trio, Tulio, Harram Female Lead(s): Rabbit, Ophelia, Dove, Psychi, Orichalcum Universe/AU: Warhammer 40k/Yandere Space Marine Canon Status: ??? Depends on the boy
note: Tyberos & Harram aren't exactly fluffy (Ghosk is questionable fluff) BUT YA'LL PICKED THE MOST QUESTIONABLE MEN FOR KISSES
Ghosk Ghosk looked down at her in his nest... fast asleep as his black eyes looked over her as he crawled over her just hovering above her like some sort of twisted spider. In the pitch blackness of the room he could see her in the darkness. "Rabbit." He whispered to her watching her eyes flutter open as his wings also encased around her as well... truly blocking out any light that could reach her.
"Ghosk?" She whispers out before holding her breath just feeling the much larger face hover right over hers.
He can hear her heart pounding hard in her chest as he snapped his jaws near her ears... he couldn't help but continue to terrorize her... she spoke so casually... he could punish her... he watched her flinch and her breath quicken.
"Ghosk." She whimpered with her voice so small... his tongue pushing against her skin as she let tears roll down her cheeks. "Please... you win."
He was a vile monster of a man... a heinous creature that practically lived off of fear and torment... but he got no sick satisfaction out of making her cower in fear... no delight in this torment. He sighed pressing his forehead to hers, "I'm sorry Rabbit." He hummed as he gave a cruel smile, "You still don't make me feel any joy in bringing you fear." He pulled away... his hands cupped her face using his thumbs to brush away his saliva and her tears... he was a coward... a cruel creature... he stared at her lips. He watched her face as she closed her eyes and relaxed in his grip... leaned into his touch.
He was a coward to not let her see his face... to see the uncertain look in his eyes or the tender smile... to let her see what affection he held for his rabbit... his bunny rabbit. He was such a coward... as his mouth pressed to hers. His clawed hands laced into her hair as he kissed her. And to his surprise... she kissed him back.
Tyberos Tyberos knew she was tired... she was sore from his affections... he was a brute and he knew it but it was something he couldn't help. She had cried out those hot tears of pain and betrayal when he confronted her with the truth that she had been handed over to his chapter. He hardly felt like an angel of the Emperor... he was a creature of the void. He was the Void Father for a reason... he made the hard choices and no amount of whispered apologies would return Ophelia to her ignorant life... he knew that.
They could have done it a different way... gotten her to give up her precious biology another way and far more willing... but Tyberos was tried. In a sense he was tired of swimming alone... even if she reluctantly swam with him... she was there and smelt like a blissfully ignorant planet... she smelt like naivety... she smelt like what they were suppose to be protecting. She was something that he wasn't suppose to have.
His maw refused to release it's bite upon the creature from the land lost in the middle of the ocean. He knows he doesn't deserve to gorge upon the flesh in front of him but he cant stop. No amount of whispered apologies will undo what he's done... what bites he's left on her flesh... what marks are his that will fade in time... if given the chance... he cant unhear those pleading shrieks of both fear and delight ripping from her throat like a drowning beast.
He sulked in the moment as he looked at her... his shame... his sin... the person who made something in his brain itch aberrantly. He licked her skin clean of her sweat... pressing his tongue against her cheeks... he pauses feeling her swipe her tongue against his and he pulls back before he feels her small hands pull her body back to his. Her lips pressing into the unruined portion of his as she whimpers and begs for some modicum of affection and in the dark of the void he gives he cannot stop himself from giving... and giving... and giving... till there was nothing more of himself to give.
Sor/Kazi/Moremo Kazi is the first to get a kiss from their Dove... it's not very hard especially after her man leaves... leaving her alone with them... he couldn't stop himself at first... stealing pecks and kissing her cheek till he caught her smiling so happily up at him with such hope in her eyes! Kazi couldn't stop himself from picking her up as she laughed in joy and then the tension between them broke. Oh yes Kazi got tongue that first kiss with Dove... he would have loved to have more.
Moremo steals his kiss from Dove early one morning as she tried to make him breakfast... but her skills weren't exactly in cooking. But she clearly had felt guilty over letting Kazi kiss her first and so she tries to make him food to the best of her ability but the way he just looks her down... just has that way over her... she can't help but get on the tips of her toes and give him a gentle kiss.
Sor is the last one to get the kiss from their shared darling... after her brushing so close to death she clings to him so fearfully. How heavy her tears are as she looks up to him for protection and comfort and how Sor gives it so easily. How eager their lips crashed into each other and he had to hold himself back from jumping her bones as her smell flooded his senses and he had to pull his lips away from hers leaving them both breathless. His body shivering as he watches their dove lick her lips of his saliva.
Tulio You frown as you can't figure out what to give to Tulio... he has given you so much! Gifts! Saving your life! How he tries to pry how much of your contract you have left... you can't let him buy your contract not even if he intends to free you... then you'd emotionally be indebted to him and that would just confuse you!
He is trying to figure out what is wrong with you as you were going to give him something but in your haste you had forgotten it and you didn't want to have him walk all the way back and he is chattering just his grass green eyes looking at your own so tenderly... you're confused as some of his actions feel romantic yet other times it is pure of heart and it makes you feel like a harlot.
You cup his face as he coos that nickname he has given you... and you feel your heart beat wildly in your chest as the concern on his face grows and you wonder if it's beating loud enough for him to hear. "Dearest Psychi what is-" Is all he gets out before you kiss him hard.
You feel him tense up and then his hands suddenly upon you as panic overwhelms you for a moment as you try to babble your apologies before his mouth is on yours again as you are cradled in his arms leaning fully back and you close your own eyes as you hope this will be a better make up gift for him then the small granite charm you had gotten him.
Harram He wishes he could say that his first kiss with Ori was a passionate affair... he's made sure every kiss since that first has been loving and not just out of instincts. But it was during her pleading her begging as he bedded her to help her rid of those Xenos hands.
He remembers the way her kiss seared his lips as her short nails dug into his flesh as sweat gathered between their bodies... the way she pulled her hear away to watch their repeated joining with glazed eyes and a slack jaw of pleasure... unabashed pleasure unlike that guilty pleasure she felt with the xenos.
There was no Xeno threatening Ferrum... there was no need to trick herself into feeling pleasure... it was just the two of them... and oh how backwards he has gone in this... courtship. Bedding her first then catching feelings... but perhaps he had already caught feelings the moment he saw her laying there.
Blood oozed out of a cut on her lip and their tongues danced together as they tasted iron... perhaps it was quite khornite the way he cut his own lip to smear his own blood in her mouth but she drank of it with pleasure in her eyes. She was made of iron... and Harram was hardly wrong about that.
Fluffuary Tag List: @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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kit-williams · 8 months
The Yandere Space Marine Masterlist
Dark Angels Azazel Erros x Mortal/Pet Secret Sin Azazel rework: Sick Thoughts
Emperor's Children Palion Hiss x Muse Beauty in the Eye
Iron Warriors Harram the Wallbreaker x Orichalcum/Ori Heartless Madness
White Scars Nogai Sengik x Хонгор I wanna be your slave
Space Wolves Captain Arkyn Joriki x Elskling War Wife
Volak x husband Algir x gn partner Baldun x wife Olgus x husband Svat x wife Rune Priest Odus x wife Hvold x wife Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Imperial Fists Astel Redlane x Mouse The Spider Suite
Night Lords Ghosk Sevyrarek x Rabbit Run Rabbit Run
Anrir Nor x Caretaker Pastel Bats Sleeping Fields
Blood Angels Sirus Amah x Moonlight Your Blood is like Heaven to me The right shade of red
Iron Hands Vauth Marlos Marlos Vauth x Byte Automat Ozone Logic Bomb (Bispecsual)
World Eaters Zul Gospod x Spaseniye Peace of Mind
Ultramarines Tulio Sydo x Psychi/Psychoula Courage and Honor A Nymph by the river Just under the skin Gift from thevoidscreams Thundering call Clothes stealing pregnancy edition Jealous Tulio Loyalty Swap: Superbeast
Death Guard Solos Phorgur the Reaper x Lovie Toxic Love
Thousand Sons Nakht Rhan x Birdie Bye Bye Birdie
Black Legion/Luna Wolves Zhur Painbane x Dolli Quest Glaubenskraft (DD:DNE Rape) Early morning sex
Garviel Loken x ??? ???
Word Bearers Jihias Kinreaver x Lamb Sacrament of Sin
Salamanders Nubin Orenn x Bev To'ken Aishite Aishite Aishite (DD:DNE Incestous Language) Aishite Aishite Aishite (alternative)
??? Tears of a Dragonheart
Raven Guard Sor Delyn/Kazi Delax/Moremo Klaek x Dove Just Let us Adore You Love You Like a Love Song What if Dove was nervous
Alpha Legion Keeper Alpharius? x Vixen Skyfall You know my Name
Black Templars Brother Roland Lichtner x Bäckerin Venom of Venus Rein Raus Bun in the Oven Du riechst so gut Roland Penance Reaction to Backerin being pregnant
Carcaradons Tyberos the Red Wake x Ophelia The Red Tithe
Crimson Fist Pedro Kantor x ???
Astral Claws/Red Corsairs Huron Blackheart x ???
Mechanicus 91-Yrac x H3X/sweetspark The Savant
Adeptus Custodes Initial thoughts Golden Palace of the Dead
Constantin Valdor x Shard of the Emperor (Female) Sickeningly Sweet
Adonis x Smoothie To Fry an Egg
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kit-williams · 7 months
Day 27 or 28
First Kisses
The remaining Yandere boys since I can't add them all to the poll are: Vauth (Iron Hands) Nakht (Thousand Son) Zhur (Black Legion/Luna Wolf) Jihias (Word Bearer) Nubin (Salamander)
Yrac & Hex are an option
Azazel is not because he's getting reworked.
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kit-williams · 8 months
Bear Hug
Male Lead: Tyberos the Red Wake Female Lead: Ophelia Universe/AU: Warhammer 40k/Yandere Space Marine Canon Status: Maybe? I don't see why not
Tyberos was far from being attractive... most Carcaradons were far from it in Ophelia's mind. The black eyes and grey skin wasn't attractive to her and Tyberos was missing half of his face. She traced his tattoos as she was sitting on his bed as he was kneeling there in front of her as his arms were wrapped around her as his head was in her lap.
She runs her fingers through the remaining bits of his white hair as Ophelia can feel saliva pool and wet her skirt as his exposed teeth is there as he enjoys feeling her fingers against his face. She still flinches away from him but she's getting better at it.
Tyberos can understand the sadness in her eyes as she was not their normal prey... they normally grabbed non feminine prey but someone was eager to pawn her off... she had such good genes and as chapter master it was his duty to think of what was best for the chapter. He already apologized to her so many times... he truly was sorry not so little little one... but her scent drove him mad. And the fact that he could hold something somewhat soft.
Ophelia backs up as he stands up and then crawls onto the bed just pulling her into his embrace. She still feels weird being small compared to this man... she could look a couple of the brothers in the eye but was far too scared too. Ophelia whimpers as she can feel his thumb brush over the scars on her stomach.
"Please do not cry..." He whispers... he always whispers and it sets her on edge at times. She feels his hand move away as she can feel gentle kisses and she relaxes as there is still so much to deal with. She feels him hold her tightly.
Ophelia trembles and looks up at him with those green eyes of hers, "Tighter."
It hurts slightly as he crushes her in his arms. Face unreadable but maybe she could read concern? Or was that her own projections? But she lets out that anxious held breath that was deep in her. And as she breathes in he steals a kiss pulling away for a moment before pressing his grey lips against her pink ones again.
She hides her face into his chest and she smiles into his flesh. He makes a noise down at her a little confused at the exchange of events... "Just... hug me Tyberos... just hug me dear." Ophelia says softly.
His chest rumbles softly as he feels her cooler hands and cooler body pressed against him and she feels his warm body embrace her tightly as Ophelia sighs softly.
Sure she was still mad about being taken... highly upset that parts of her were ripped away without her consent... and was little more than what felt like a bed warmer... but there was something that Tyberos made her feel and that was small and safe and protected.
Fluffuary tag list: @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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kit-williams · 9 months
The Space Marines and their Darlings (so far)
I have to thank @ghouljams in the way they do sorta OC pov's and have to 100% give them credit for how I've been able to write the Yandere Space Marines without making full blown OC's like I really want to.
It will go Brother x Darling maybe I'll turn this into a masterlist once I'm done
Dark Angels Azazel x Mortal/Pet This one will probably change as Azazel and his Darling were before I embraced the OC pov idea/got the ball rolling
Emperor's Children Palion Hiss x Muse
Iron Warriors Harram the Wallbreaker x Orichalcum or Ori for short
White Scars TBD
Space Wolves Captain Arkyn x Elskling (darling in norwegian) The pack won't be mentioned here as Arkyn and them were before the OC darlings pov sort of thing but just there are 4 females, 2 males, and 1 gender neutral (referred in the story as they/them) darlings
Imperial Fists TBD
Night Lords Ghosk Sevyrarek x Rabbit
Blood Angels Sirus Amah x Moonlight
Iron Hands Vauth x Byte
World Eaters Zul x Spaseniye (Salvation in Russian) or Brass Lady
Ultramarines Tulio x Psychi/Psychoula (greek for Soul and the diminutive version of soul) When you realize you never gave the darling a nickname
Death Guard Solos Phorgur the Reaper x Lovie
Thousand Sons TBA
Black Legion TBA
Word Bearers Jihias Kinreaver x Lamb
Salamanders TBD There will be two
Raven Guard Sor Delyn, Kazi Delax, & Moremo Klaek x Dove
Alpha Legion TBA
Black Templars Brother Roland x Bäckerin
Carcaradons Tyberos the Red Wake x Ophelia
Dishonorable mention Mechanicus 91-Yrac x H3X (whom he calls sweetspark)
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kit-williams · 9 months
OC Fics and the Yandere
So I have another OC fic coming up. It will be for the Black Legion (I'm doing a Luna Wolf seperate because I count them as two different Legions tbh because Black Legion pulls from a lot of places but I digress)
The Idea I have for that one involves an OC named Dolli
I have an idea for a Mechanicus focused Yandere with the darling being named Gamma.
This is mainly a thought because for the Carcaradons it's not really an x reader fic it is a Tyberos x OC: Ophilia fic so if you want me to redo the Carcaradons to be Brother John Doe x reader then let me know.
But I have ideas and sometimes having a nameless female lead doesn't help
Uhhh Yes = I should count them therefor I wouldn't need to write another fic
No = They should NOT could therefor I would have to write another fic ie write another carcaradons fic
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