#yandere iron warrior
kit-williams · 9 months
Heartless Madness
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The title is based off of a really cool powermetal song. I'm probably going to try and name most if not all after a powermetal song tbh.
tw: Yandere? (Might need a follow up fic), aftermath of rape, aftermath of torture, the Drukhari are here so yeah
This was a hard darling to come up with... as while I love Iron Warriors she had to be the right balance of interesting enough and made of tough stuff and also to be easily mailable/moldable. I might eventually do a "least yandere" poll and see who wins and either reworks that boy or just gives them a chapter serf darling. I'm doing civilian darlings because 1) More fun 2) more terrifying
Harram the Wallbreaker let his heavy lumbering steps kick up the dust on the cracked and torn pavement. They had replied to a distressed signal from this agriworld and the warband needed another world like this to keep the war machine going. In the midst of a Drukhari attack. The night was cold and quiet... till he watched a number of humans turn their heads to the East. "What is it." His voice rumbles out of his terminator armor.
"This is the second night we've heard a baby cry. We think it might be a Drukhari trap as all that has been observed over there were unfortunate victims dying." A man said.
Harram huffed out causing a billow of steam to leave at the same time of his huff making his armor look far more alive then it was. "Has anyone checked?"
"No my lord."
He turned to the East and began the slow march. If there was an ambush waiting to happen Harram was certain he could handle it and if there was a baby there still alive then perhaps they were made of sterner stuff... like iron.
He walked past naked bodies chained to the ground in various states of decomposition. All of them chained to the ground with some xenos looking bear trap like contraption. He turned the sensitivity of the audials up and he could hear the faint crying. How it would pause then start up again.
He stopped in the mist as the crying soon turned to laughter and he pushed his armor's capabilities to the limit. "Shh Ferum... no more tears... I know you're hungry... mommy has nothing left to give." He could hear her weak hums as he slowly walked closer.
He sees her on the thermals first and scrolls through all of the different settings to get the full picture as he walks closer. He can see maggots in the lashes across her back, one leg encased fully in the xenos torture device, blood and a high degree likelihood of xenos sperm paints her inner thighs, he can tell starvation and dehydration are setting in for her, and he can tell her hair was recently cut in such a jagged motion. Harram suspects for a trophy or for other things worse should she have been found... entertaining enough for the xenos.
"Has the Emperor answered my prayers?" She speaks so softly as he watches her weakly turn her head. She ends up just rolling over, her watches her eyes close in pain as large grey eyes look at him with a tiny fist jammed into a small mouth. Ugly brusing paints her face, bite marks littering her breasts, less cuts on the front just far more bruising.
"No. He did not send me." Harram replies walking closer.
"You are one of his angels." She sighs in relief.
"I am not. I am something far worse." He tilts his head slightly thinking, "I am a devil... a fallen angel." He chuckles more to himself at his poetic nature.
"Still an angel." He sees her bloody smile. But he can see a look in her eyes ones of grim acceptance, "Have you come to save me? Or just take my baby?"
"Originally just for the baby." He notes the sad smile on her face as her eyes water and she just nods slowly petting his head. "But... I can take you too. What you will return to is not going to be the same."
"I've been changed by this... as long as whatever I return to is better than being raped by xenos I'll say that's an improvement." She bitterly laughs letting her tears fall. He watches the infant try to breastfeed once more. The exhaustion as Harram realizes the baby looks fed and hardly any exposure.
"I am going to contact my brothers to see how to remove this without removing your leg." He says watching her nod.
"Thank you dearest angel..."
Harram just sighed and talked with his brothers as he started to pull the pins in their specific order. He ignored the younger warrior's persistant asking of why he was even doing this. The child was more than healthy enough, simply take them and put the mother out of her misery... even if you ignored that they brought up the points of she would be in recovery for so long. Perhaps that was why Harram followed Endion he was considered sentimental amongst the Iron Warriors and left to start his own warband.
They all did not fit their genesires ideal vision of iron... but they were still of iron! He pulled a pin out to quickly earning a whimper from her throat as tears flowed from her eyes. "Please... I do not wish to be trouble."
"Do not speak mortal. I could have killed you if I did not wish to deal with this burden."
Esteemed terminator Harram. We have movement a few clicks north of you. It's the xenos!
Harram lifted his head as he heard her whimpers as she could hear the near silent thrum of their crafts. He pulled a decorative pelt from his shoulder off and covered her up with it. "Stay there. Do not move at all lest I crush you." He watched her pull her son to her chest and do her best to keep the infant safe with only her body to protect them. The pelt was to simply keep her out of the view of the xenos. "You will probably lose HEARING." He roared the only warning before the twinlinked bolter started throwing the explosive rounds down wind.
His leg joints locked in place, so he would be less likely to crush her and the babe. "Brother's I have started to engage."
"Are you being soft again, Harram?" He could hear Endion's warm voice suddenly connect to the vox channel.
He watched rounds connect with one of the small crafts as it was just a handful of the quick xenos. "No brother I am being like Iron!"
"What have you found then?"
"IRON!" The large chain sword slams down being lucky enough to catch one of them trying to run past and slice at his joints. He couldn't hear the infant screaming over the scream of the chains. He couldn't hear her broken sobs of begging to be killed then be hurt by them again. Harram was focused on the combat. "I have found Iron! I refuse to let them RUST!"
Harram has to unlock his legs to turn around and charge the cocky xeno. But his swings were too slow as the xeno was slowly peeling away sheets of ceramite. Not once during this exchange he thought that this was a tactical error... other brothers would see this as an error but then again they would also be as stubborn as he would be to claim the iron.
It screeched as he saw his Orichalcum, he questions not when he saw her as his, sitting up having thrown one of the knife like pins into it. The tired weak smile on her face is replaced by terror as she rolls to shield her child as it charges but that was enough time for him to slam into the xeno and start crushing it.
When he was done he turned to her watching her writhe on the ground as blood oozed out as in it's dying moment it must have activated the contraption. She looks up at him in pure pain as he pulls out his knife and watches it heat up. "Pray that you are made of Iron."
She bitterly barks, "I was an Iron worker!" She half screams, "I'm half metal shavings at this point!" She shrieks as he doesn't give her much time to think as he just removes the whole leg.
Iron was apart of her. His Orichalcum. And her son Ferum. He learned quite a bit about her during her recovery. She was an Ironworker and so was her dead husband. She had lost him before Ferum was born... meaning that Harram could focus his attentions upon her without any meddlers.
Endion had teased him about his fondness... but it had been so long since he found anyone he could call iron. Though Endion was hardly one to complain as Harram would find him stealing Ferum away and of course teased the warlord of entering his "nesting" phase again. To which he threatened to take his Orichalcum away... and Harram could only silently stew as he would not risk losing her to a far more... charming one of his bretherin.
"Oh hello Harri-ham." She said in a cutesy voice as she was busy feeding Ferum some baby food. "Sorry I was talking with him." She just say softly. Harram just huffed softly. "Hey Harram... I want to deeply thank you for saving my life and that of Ferum. I don't know how to repay you."
"You have no need to repay me."
"Well I was thinking that I should be good to go back home soon." She hardly noticed Harram stop in his actions of getting his own food before he turned around with a bowl in hand just shoveling some food into his mouth. "I don't want to be a burden on you any more than I already have."
"What of your nightmares?"
"I'm a big girl Harram I'll have to sleep alone eventually." She chuckles as whenever he has been in the room at night she ends up usually in his bed or asleep on the plush chair in his work room just afraid to be alone... or when the night terrors come back how he grounds her. And perhaps he had grown content with the small warmth in his bed... he had never understood while Endion would bring mortals to his bed.
Not till he had her under him begging for him to fuck the xenos touch away... to replace the repulsive feelings... to help her feel clean again. "What if I don't want you to go." Harram said a little darkly just watching her blink and look at him owlishly.
"I... I..."
"Just stay for a little while longer... I can help you get things ready for you to return to, yes?"
"Oh... alright." She says softly smiling at him not realizing that the simple goalpost of 'being ready enough to leave' would keep moving further and further... and he doubts she will complain... too much.
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egrets-not-regrets · 2 months
Dandelions and Yarrow (3)
Their deep root systems that allows them to withstand drought and poor soil conditions.
Amelia is finally home and gets to meet the newest space marine to settle in Gannet Point. Hurricane Alcyon storms the medical wing of the base. Erriox only wants to go home to his bonded.
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**Dialogue in Gothic language is bolded and italicized. **
Author’s Notes:
TW angst
Thanks @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan for letting me use Jophiel! Poor Erriox deciding to go through the medical wing on his way out was a poor decision.
Just a few points:
This takes place before Ben/Malaran “Orca” Blackspike storyline.
Amelia is bonded to Alcyon, a chaos Iron Warrior. These two share an intense bond that teeters on the point of becoming a mate bond.
Alcyon has a pretty good grasp of the english language. He usually communicates with Amelia in english and other Astartes in Gothic.
Thanks to @squishyowl for the divider image!
OCs: Alcyon (chaos Iron Warrior), Amelia Plover
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“Mom!” Amelia walks swiftly towards the older woman waiting in the airport and pulls her into a tight hug, “I missed you so much.”
Mara chuckled, hugging her daughter back lovingly, “I missed you too, fledgling. It wouldn’t have killed you to call a little more often, though.”
Amelia smiled sheepishly, “Yeah… sorry.”
Her adoptive mother patted her back before pulling away, smiling back at her, “I’m glad you’re here safe and sound. Ready to go?” She asked.
It was as if an invisible weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Amelia straightened as she walked alongside her mom to the car, “Let’s go home.”
They pulled up to Mara’s house where a very tall, rather handsome looking, armoured angel with large white wings waited at her aunt’s door. He looked at Amelia, then at Mara, and then at the luggage in the opened trunk, “I help.” He said, easily grabbing the luggage. Mara unlocked the door and the angel followed them inside the house, gently setting Amelia’s luggage down by the stairs.
Mara greeted him warmly, “Hello Jophi!”
“Thank you for your help.” Amelia said. She couldn’t help but smile. Recognizing that he was a space marine, she wondered if there were also other winged marines like him. He looked so young though, much much younger than Alcyon. Kind of adorable, really.
The winged Astartes smiled back, “You’re welcome.” He replied in stilted English. He then turned to her aunt, “Hello Auntie Mara! I am here for cookies?”
“Cookies? Ah… you mean these?” The older woman pointed at the cooled danishes and butterfly curls on the cookie racks. Jophiel nodded. Mira explained, “These are pastries. Cookies are the ones you ate in class.”
Amelia smiled, watching the space marine’s wings twitch and fluff excitedly, “Yes! I am here for the pastries.”
She helped her aunt pack a box full of the pastries then passed it to the marine.
“Your English is improving, Jophi!” Mara smiled, complimenting him. She then gasped, “I forgot introductions! Amelia, this is Jophiel, he’s been coming to my classes to learn english. He helps with heavy lifting around the house and baking sometimes. Jophi, this is Amelia, my niece and adopted daughter.”
“Daughter? Niece?… Cousin?” Jophiel asked.
Amelia laughed and said in Gothic, catching the winged marine in surprise, “You can call me “Cousin” if you wish. Did Mara adopt you too?”
“Yes.” He replied happily, switching to Gothic as well. Mara’s eyes crinkled with amusement and waved at the two, “You kids have a nice chat, I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.” before leaving to package more pastry orders.
The two waved back before continuing their conversation. Jophiel gently touched her shoulder, pointing to the matching side on his neck, his voice serious, “You are hurt. An Iron traitor hurt you?”
She forgot how keen space marine senses were. Amelia wasn’t quite sure how to respond without the possibility of causing Jophiel to seek out Alcyon for revenge, “He is my bonded. We were rough with each other when we were mating.” She cringed inwardly at her own explanation, it’s like trying to explain sex to a younger sibling. A very big augmented younger sibling.
Thankfully, Jophiel wasn’t ignorant about what sex was nor did he ask for more details. He only looked rather confused and a little more than slightly concerned, “You wanted that?” He asked incredulously.
Amelia covered Alcyon’s bite mark hidden on her neck with her hand, ignoring the slight touch of pain from the tender spot, “Yes. I wanted it. Can we stop talking about this? This is embarrassing.” No, she didn’t want it, at least not at the time, but to preserve her own sanity, she was not about to have another Astartes thrown into protective overdrive on her ass about it.
Jophiel sighed, reluctantly dropping the subject. There wasn’t much he could do about his cousin being bonded to a chaos Astartes, especially when the chaos marine wasn’t present; it doesn’t mean he wouldn’t say nothing about it though. He thumped his chestplate and said, “If that chaos heretic hurts you and you need help, you let me know.”
While Jophiel’s attitude towards chaos space marines was very similar to her ex’s Black Templar, he was a lot more kind about it. Amelia smiled up at him, “I will. Thank you, Jophiel.”
“You are Mara’s daughter so therefore my cousin, it is only right that I protect you too.” He gently grasped her hand with his own.
She gave his fingers a reassuring squeeze, “Thank you.”
The angel-like marine poked his head into the kitchen to say goodbye to Mara before taking his leave. Then waved at her before leaving through the front door. She waved back, going to join her aunt.
“He’s a very sweet young man. A little skittish and shy, but a very nice boy.” Her aunt smiled warmly, “When he first arrived, people around thought he was actually an angel until Nemoth corrected them.” She chuckled.
“I can see that.” Amelia answered.
“Nemoth is still around?” She asked curiously.
Nemoth, or rather Nemoth Bassanar, was a Primaris space marine of the Dark Kraken chapter, who appeared, injured and confused, near Gannet Point many years ago. The townspeople at the time barely knew what a space marine was, but nevertheless took him in and healed his injuries. He then integrated himself with the village and soon became a beloved member of their little community.
Nemoth held a great love for natural history and wildlife, and was fascinated by the creatures that could be seen in and around Gannet Point. He could sometimes be seen assisting the fishermen and biologists or leading guided tours to see the seabird colonies and the northern gannet colonies from where the town got its namesake; if not teaching forging and metalwork at the local community centre. To say the least, Nemoth had been an integral part of almost all the children who grew up in Gannet Point in the last two decades or so.
“Yes! He’s running the decorative metalwork class at the community center around seven tonight. You should go join. I’m sure he won’t mind. He’d be happy to see you. And you might as well help me deliver that box of pastries over there to him as well.” Mara smiled.
Amelia hugged Mara warmly, relaxing as her mother hugged her back, “Thanks Mom, I’ll go do that.”
Alcyon stormed into the medical ward heading straight towards Eric, a fellow medical technician who Amelia worked with.
“Where is she?! Where is Amelia!” He demanded, looming over the reception desk. Eric jumped back in shock.
“She’s on days off. She’s not here.” The tech replied, confused and frightened, quickly reaching for the panic button.
“Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing!” Alcyon growled, grabbing Eric by his front lapel and roughly lifted him up to eye level, ignoring the panicked reactions of the human staff and patients, “Amelia tells you everything! Where did she say she was going?”
Eric wheezed, trying to grab onto the chaos marine’s gauntlet to relieve the tension of his clothes strangling him, “I don’t know. She never said anything about that!”
The chaos Iron Warrior shook the poor medical technician, “Then where would Amelia disappear to?!”
“Disappear? Amelia’s gone?” The young man looked concerned and perplexed. He clearly had no idea that Amelia had left.
“LET ERIC GO RIGHT NOW!” Osteron's voice boomed.
Alcyon snarled irritably, releasing Eric from his grasp. The medical aide fell to the floor, rubbing his throat.
The chaos Iron Warrior bared his teeth, closing his eye briefly to stay the pounding in his head and ignore the ache in his chest. He knew it was from that tattered bond of his. He needed to find Amelia; her presence could fix this, somehow, or at least soothe this pain, this constant aching.
Where was Amelia? Why did she leave? The thrumming of his frayed bond called out to him to find her. Find his bonded. Fix what was broken.
How dare she leave and not tell him where she went! Didn’t she know how this bond affected him? Did she want to kill him? Did their bond and everything they had meant nothing to her? Where did Amelia go?! He needed her. He needed her to stay with him, to mend this bond. He can’t let this break. He’ll have to go home and restart his search. Once he finds her, he will never let her out of his sight. Keep her under lock and key if he had to.
Osteron knew something was very wrong with the chaos Iron Warrior, “Brother Alcyon, stay where you are!” He barked at him.
Alcyon ignored him and turned his heel to leave the medical wing.
“You two! Help me restrain him!” Osteron ordered.
Kalium quickly passed his bonded youngling to one of the nurses before going to capture the wayward chaos marine. Seeing that he was the one of the two Astartes that the apothecary was referring to, Erriox sighed and went to aid his brothers, his hope of going home to Lenora early quickly dashed.
Recognizing Kalium as the one who he’s seen being friendly flirty with Amelia and lingered around her unnecessarily (in his opinion) when she worked, Alcyon roared, “You! You’re the one who tried to steal my MATE!” and launched himself at the offending battle-brother, knocking them both down.
The other Iron Warrior tried to roll him off to no avail, “Don’t blame me! You’re the one who hurt her! That’s why Amelia left and didn’t tell anyone where she went! Wasn’t it?!” Kalium accused the older chaos marine.
Alcyon saw red.
“Everyone! Get into a room!” Osteron ordered. Doctors, nurses, patients, and techs scrambled to move to safety as a brawl erupted in the medical wing.
The chaos marine kicked Erriox off before turning his full attention to trading punches with Kalium. Metal screeched as Alcyon’s claw grazed his helm. Kalium managing to dodge the blow in the bare milliseconds the chaos marine stabbed down towards his face. His eyes widened in alarm when Alcyon used his claw with more dexterity than he ever thought possible, deftly releasing his helm and flip it off his head, the helmet skidding down the hallway before coming to a stop. Erriox quickly took advantage of their position and pinned the chaos marine, grabbing his metal claw to keep his battle-brother from stabbing Kalium with it. Osteron pinned his legs.
Alcyon switched to punching Kalium in the face with his other fist instead. A sharp sensation made him hiss as Osteron plunged a needle deep into his neck, injecting a strong tranquilizer into his system. Despite that, he managed to free one of his legs and back-kicked hard against Osteron, sending the apothecary to his knees.
“Say her name again and I will rip your tongue from your mouth!” Alcyon raged as he struggled harder.
Kalium grappled Alcyon’s one arm and leg from underneath him, keeping his other elbow under his brother’s chin to prevent the chaos Iron Warrior from biting him, snarling back, “You don’t deserve to be Amelia’s bonded!”
Erriox was nearly bucked off the chaos marine at that statement.
“Damn it, Kalium! Stop egging him on! Calm down Alcyon!” Erriox yelled irritably from Alcyon’s other side, struggling to take off his prosthetic metal claw, “How long Osteron?!” He called out.
“Twenty seconds!”
Nowhere had there been someone calming down when being yelled at to calm down if his chaos battle brother, nearly throwing him off again, armour and all, was anything to go by. Erriox smacked Alcyon in the back of his head hard in retaliation though it seemed to do little to dissuade his struggling. Osteron scolded him, “Stop that! We don’t need to add a head injury on top of what is going on!”
His skull is hard enough to take it, Erriox thought crankily. Grumbling, the Iron Warrior threw away the metal claw he removed then forced all of his body weight on top of the thrashing chaos marine. It was so tempting to repeatedly punch him in the head to knock him out faster… but Osteron wouldn’t approve. Kalium, being very glad that he wore his armour today, finally managed to slip out from under Alcyon, and pin down his other side. Eventually the chaos marine struggled less and less until he went fully unconscious.
“Strap him into a bed and put him in Room Five. This tranquilizer only lasts thirty minutes at best.” Osteron urged as they hauled the unconscious Iron Warrior onto a bed and wheeled him into the room.
Amelia took a deep breath as she opened the door to Nemoth’s classroom. The Dark Kraken dark eyes brightened as he welcomed her warmly, “Amelia! It has been a long time!”
“It’s good to see you again, Nemoth.” She smiled as she put down her mother’s box of pastries and hugged the Primaris marine.
He hugged her back, saying, “Welcome back.”
“Thanks. I brought the box of the pastries that you ordered.” Amelia gestured to the box on his desk.
“Yes, thank you. Your mother’s baked goods are delicious. Would you like to stay for this class? It’s decorative metalwork for beginners so I can’t see why you couldn’t join us.” The tall space marine asked her.
Amelia considered that for a moment and agreed, “I would like that.” She paused, “Would you be free to talk after class? I would like your advice on something.”
“Of course.”
That decision was well worth the experience. Amelia had taken a few metalwork classes from Nemoth when she was young, so his class was a wonderful refresher. After the class ended, the roomed cleaned up, and the students have left, Amelia stayed behind to chat with the Dark Kraken.
“Something troubling you?” Nemoth asked her. He could detect the scent of an Iron Traitor on Amelia and his sharp eyes could make out the dark bruising and light scarring on her neck that she hid under her makeup. The Dark Kraken frowned slightly, “Did a chaos Astartes hurt you?”
Her eyes widened and she stuttered in embarrassment, “Uh… no, not like that. My bonded is a chaos Iron Warrior and… we were rough with each other during sex.” She quickly ended, her face going red. It wasn’t the entire truth, but it wasn’t exactly a lie. And it was horribly embarrassing to explain it to the space marine who watched you grow up.
Like Jophiel, he asked with a worried expression, “And you are ok with this?”
“Yes. I agreed to it.” Amelia replied, blushing heavily, looking away from the space marine.
Nemoth sighed, his pale hand patted the seat beside him, “Sit beside me. I know it is not for me to judge what you do with your bonded Astartes, but I would caution to not let your Astartes be too rough, worse injuries can occur accidentally if he doesn’t mind his strength.”
“I will be careful.” Amelia said as she sat down in her seat.
“What do you want advice on?” The Primaris space marine asked, getting straight to the point.
Amelia told him the story about how her ex-husband’s Black Templar Astartes started to cut off access to her son once they had divorced, and how she had tried to remain in contact with her son, resulting in Alcyon’s eventual fight with the Black Templar which caused them to be banned from her son’s school, ending at the big argument that she had with her own Astartes.
The furrow in his brows deepened the longer he listened, “This is troublesome indeed.” Nemoth hummed, “I have two questions: One, did you contact your ex-husband to discuss this issue? It seems like the Iron Tr- Warrior acted on his own, so it is not entirely your fault. Two, your bonded Astartes, did he harm you too?”
“I’ve been in contact with him and while he understands my issue, he and his family still went ahead to file a restraining order against me. Safety reasons, they said.” Amelia spat bitterly. Her voice cracked, “They threatened to take Ben away! And that I’ll never see him again!” Tears ran down her cheeks as she started to bawl.
“I don’t know what to do! Where do I even start?”
A large warm hand rubbed circles on her back as she shuddered from the intensity of her crying, finally releasing so much stress and frustration held within her.
“It’s ok, let out your sorrows.” Nemoth said, handing Amelia a kleenex box, “It is a lot to keep inside. I gave your mother contacts for a few lawyers who specialize in Astartes and human law when she asked for help regarding your matter. Apologies, that is all I could do to help you.”
She wiped her face and smiled wanly at the Dark Kraken, “Thanks Nemoth. It’s somewhere I can start with. And to answer your second question, no, he did not.”
Nemoth raised a brow but did not push the issue, “If you ever feel that your Astartes is a danger to you. You can contact me. Alright?”
“I will. Thanks Nemoth.” Amelia affirmed.
He put his hand on her shoulder, worry seeping into his voice, “Be careful that you don’t fall into the same corruption that led your Astartes into chaos. The humans that have been corrupted in my time do not meet good endings. I don’t wish to see any of the children I’ve watched growing up become beyond saving.”
Amelia patted his hand, “I won’t, I promise.”
Lenora quickly picked up her phone, hearing the familiar ringtone from her Astartes’ call, “Erriox?”
“Lenora. I will be staying at the base for several more days to keep watch over my battle brother.”
Her brows furrowed with concern, “Are you both alright?”
She heard a huff at the other end of the line, “I’m fine, my brother… is not well.”
“Alright, take care of yourselves. I love you.”
“Same to you.” Came Erriox’s warm reply, “I will come home as soon as this is over. See you then.”
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ozzgin · 5 days
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I was 100% thinking of the Shinsengumi when the brainrot struck, but let us assume a more generic, unnamed circumstance for this. Random, uh, elite group of swordsmen working for the shogunate in the Edo period. Here's the awkward, horny himbo I had previously mentioned. Content: female reader, historical setting, crossdressing, NSFW
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Yandere!Captain commands his group with an iron grip. Many people in the Capital know his name, whether it's fellow warriors or petty merchants, and not without reason. His unmatched skill with a sword had even reached the ears of the court, and he was quickly appointed as the head of a newly formed group of samurai meant to maintain order in the city.
As if keeping hot-blooded thugs under control wasn't enough, he is now stuck with an even bigger issue: you.
"We can't have women in here", he declares with a grimace.
"I can pretend", you counter stubbornly, pulling your hakama pants up by the sash, almost in an act of defiance. "In fact, I don't see any woman here. I came to apply."
Yandere!Captain’s reputation does not only revolve around his intimidating strength. Among his underlings, he is known for being completely and utterly uninterested when it comes to women. Will he join his group for drinks after a long day of work? Absolutely. But that’s where the fun stops. When the others begin to slip away with smiling courtesans, he remains at the table with a somber countenance. It is a running joke that nothing can deter this man from his duty.
Thus, your presence at the headquarters should make no difference. He had to begrudgingly accept that you spoke the truth when you'd said you can handle a sword. It's not uncommon for women to keep a small tanto underneath their obi for additional protection, but your knowledge doesn't stop there. You arrived with your own katana and backup wakizashi, swiftly proving their worth upon your first city round when you slashed the arm off a street hooligan.
Well, that's one less worry for the captain. Except, to his great shame, it's not as simple as that. He is the only one aware of your secret, which means that he is the only one available outside of working hours. He was terrified to discover the hesitation in his hands when bandaging your ribs after a stabbing incident, or the halt in his step when he happened to find you switching to a night gown. Oh, how deplorable! Have his morals crumbled into nothing? His latest perverted thought nearly caused him to draw a blade across his stomach.
It is with this faltering confidence that he greets you before the bath one evening.
“You don’t have to do this”, you tell him. "I can wait until you're done."
His struggles haven't escaped your observant eye. You were initially amused by his rather obvious awkwardness; then, a certain idea insidiously made its way into your mind, impossibly tempting: for how long could he keep this façade?
You find yourself going out of your way just to tease your poor captain, perhaps secretly hoping he'll soon break down and give in to his yearning.
“They will become suspicious if you never join us. I do not care for your nudity. Undress at ease”, he says, throwing away his own towel and lowering himself into the hot water. “Get in whenever you want.”
If he insists.
You nonchalantly follow suit, sitting across from him with your arms resting against the rocky edge of the hot spring. You can tell his eyes have wandered involuntarily. His face is red, and he’s wearing a humiliated frown.
“You’re awfully quiet, Sir.”
His lips are pursed indeed. The tall man shuffles briefly, avoiding your gaze. A smirk crosses your features as you decide to approach him.
"In fact, I'd go as far as you say that you're in dire need of help."
To your surprise, he doesn't protest when your hands stray to his lower half, feeling up and down his erection. The small grunts escaping his mouth encourage you to pick up the pace, now equally aroused.
Soon, you feel his heavy arm wrapping around your waist, forcefully throwing you out of the water and onto the cold ground. You open your mouth to complain, but it's quickly shut back by his hot lips, suckling and biting in a desperate hunger to have you.
“It’s improper for a subordinate to take the lead”, he finally says in a low, breaking voice.
He can only hope no one else decides to use the hot springs, though that’s as far as his concern currently goes. He’s much too preoccupied with other pressing matters, holding onto your folded legs for support as he thrusts into you in a depraved, delirious need. His movements are jerky and erratic, with an almost predatory glimmer in his eyes. You wonder how often he imagined this happening. All of his shame and guilt, coming undone at once.
Days later, during one of the hangouts, you find him whispering to one of the courtesans.
“What, you suddenly have a taste for women now?” you question discreetly, unable to hold your tongue.
You’d hoped to be on the receiving end of any future lust-driven gestures from the captain, not some common worker.
He appears to hesitate, twiddling his thumbs and glancing away.
“I was just…asking how you properly please a woman”, he finally confesses.
If he’s going to continue fucking his subordinate behind everyone’s back, he may as well do a good job while at it.
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[More Original Works] | [Yan!Swordsman Concept]
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itsabouttimex2 · 6 months
What kind of yandere are they?
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Explanations below/Click for higher res
MK has been through so very much. The glamour of being a hero wore off quick, leaving him with many insecurities and doubts. Giving him someone innocent and kind to protect stabilizes him somewhat, but makes him more vicious in an effort to ensure their safety.
Sun Wukong thinks as something worth protecting. You give him a purpose and a good reason to dust off his old bones and return to fighting- all he asks in turn is that you stay on Flower Fruit Mountain with him. And the world getting it’s greatest hero back is a worthy trade for your lack of freedom, isn’t it? (The most likely to kidnap you, tied with Macaque.)
Ne Zha uses you as motivation for his fervent service. If the celestial realm has you, then it’s clearly worth protecting. If someone so good and kind resides there, then why should he waver in his duty? This extends to personal fights in your name- he rarely comes out unbloodied.
The Mayor keeps a close on eye on you, always watching from the shadows. You probably have a tie to the Lady Bone Demon in some way, an heir to her blood or powers. He cultivates your misery by pulling strings and arranged misfortunes- the fact that no one stops him or saves you is proof enough (to him) that the world is rotted to the core. Proof that it needs to be destroyed. Proof that you need something, or someone better- maybe him?
You justify the Lady Bone Demon’s ideals. She watches as you suffer and break, your kind soul perpetually punished for good deeds and unyielding optimism. If you trust people, they betray you. If you help people, they hurt you. Your life is proof to her that the world is cruel, and needs to be wiped clean. So she obsessively watches from afar, her mind constantly plagued with thoughts of you, and thoughts of ending your suffering. (The most manipulative yandere on this list.)
Azure Lion sees you cast from the Celestial Realms, thrown out for daring to try and improve the lives of mortals without approval from the Celestial Bureaucracy. Not only are you a perfect member for his brotherhood (and he will get you to join), but you also reaffirm to Azure what he’s fighting for.
Zhu Baije is a very flawed man. By his own nature, he’s something of a troublemaker. You work to counteract many of the problems he causes, working hard to ensure that no fissure in the group grows too big. It’s easy to think of you as someone worthy of worship- you seem to have an endless well of patience and kindness. He just wishes that you gave a little less of it to people who aren’t him.
Ao Lie watches you close. He sees how you struggle to pull everyone together even when things are at their absolute worst, and respects your efforts. He sees a person always willing to stand up for other and for what’s right, never allowing yourself to stand idly by. The harder you fight to mend rifts between people, the more admirable you become to him.
Mei just wants you- she doesn’t bother thinking it through or wondering exactly why. You’re nice and you’re good, so you’re hers. Her parents are fully supportive of her attempts to ‘adopt’ you, and have a room set aside for the day they ‘bring you home’.
Pigsy doesn’t think of his obsession as a hero, warrior, or soldier. He instead views them as a child in need or guidance and protection, the sort who would be benefit nicely from being taken under his wing- likely enlisting Tang and MK to help him corral you into his care. (The most likely to succeed in his goal, tied with Sanzang)
Princess Iron Fan doesn’t think much of you at first, viewing you as a little more than a disposable pawn. But, to her surprise- you perform far more admirably than expected, so keeping you both alive and close becomes the rational course of action. She gets used to using you, then gets used to you, then wants you. And Iron Fan knows how to get what she wants.
Macaque at first is just using you, stringing you along. He trains you to be more like him, feeds you lies about Wukong and MK, gets you to hate them by filling your head with falsehoods. And somewhere along the line, he ends up getting attached. Instead of getting better, he doubles down on his manipulations, intent on keeping you close. (The most likely to kidnap you, tied with Wukong.)
Tang Sanzang sees so much potential in you. You’re a feral little thing, tucked away under bushes and baring your teeth at him- a child acting like a wild animal. His holy heart aches for you, thinking of the struggles you must’ve endured through your life. With a pair of heavenly circlets for your wrists, Sanzang inducts you along for his pilgrimage, intent on bettering you bit by bit- by force, if he must.
Expect lots of tutoring and life lessons, all delivered with endless patience and a paternal attitude. Teaching you to read and write and behave might be harder than pulling teeth, but it will be done. Not to mention the four other pilgrims whom he positions as your ‘brothers’, who adore and respect him, each one swayed by his words of what’s ‘best for you’. (The most likely to succeed in his goal, tied with Pigsy.)
Tang probably mirrors Pigsy in his acquiring of a child- he finds some dirty little waif on the streets and takes them in as his own. Something ancient and repeating calls from within him, pushing him to take this little unfortunate thing into his care, to push them to be ever better- an inner voice calling for him to be kind and merciful. And really, who is he to deny such a kind urge?
Master Subodhi is a wonderful judge of character, capable of picking out both the flaws and strengths of a person. You could be troubled and impatient, or rude and reticent. All that matters is there’s true good inside you- however embryonic it may be. Through strict guidance- and with a not insignificant amount of amusement at the shenanigans you cause with his other students- Subodhi manages to slowly molds you into a better and stronger person. Mind you, all of this is through the masterful use of manipulation. Expect his other students to help him reign you in and chip away at your resolve to leave. (The most likely to have an obsession that’s stronger than him.)
Sandy thinks that you’re simply wonderful. You’ve been a constant supportive force in his life, encouraging his therapy sessions, teaching him how to brew tea, vouching for him to shelters across the city. With your support, Sandy slowly becomes a better person, leaving behind most of his obsessive and possessive behavior behind. There are lingering traces, hints of overprotectiveness and denial of consent, holding you too tight in his arms and not letting go or slipping sleeping pills into your tea… but even those habits lessen in frequency and severity.
That, or you might be a child of his that he wants to be a better role model for. Sandy wants you to be happy! He wants you to be confident! He wants you to have a good dad! So he almost unhealthily works to improve himself, finding positive ways to channel his most toxic and unhealthy traits, hoping to become someone worthy of your love. (The least likely to hurt you.)
Everyone else treats Sha Wujing like a monster, hurling wicked names and cruel words. ‘Demon’ and ‘fiend’, they decree, and Wujing has long internalized their words as truth. He’s plenty happy to act on his learned monstrosity, lashing out at any who draw near- until you come along with a simple compliment and an admission of weakness. You aren’t strong enough to fight, not quick enough to run from him- but you’re kind enough that he doesn’t think to butcher you. Growing obsessed with you amplified some of his worst traits while also teaching him about unconditional love and support, the dichotomy of equal progression preventing any true growth for a time. Once Sanzang comes along, Wujing has to think long and hard on who he is and what he’s done and who he wants to be and what he wants to do- and decides to be better for you.
There aren’t many people that the Demon Bull King cares for, but you’ve managed to worm your way into his stony heart anyhow. It’s awkward to try and be open with someone so squishy and frail, but he makes a token effort to be less intimidating and overbearing so you aren’t as scared. It’s not easy settling you into his family (especially with his son now battling you for his attention), but he’s sure you’ll get used to it eventually. Iron Fan is more on board with your induction than her son, coming to view you as a lovable; if weak, second child. Red Son refrains from outright violence, but is notably icy over the sudden competition for affection. Still, in the strangest of ways- it’s family.
Chang’e has been alone for a very long time. There’s no real way to know exactly how long, but isolation has taken it’s toll. Is it so bad to want someone to dote on and nourish? No! So you and her should be family! She’s even more insistent if Y/N is leporine in some way- the two of you are meant to be family! A loving lunar goddess and her perfect little lop, together on the moon. To her, it sounds like something out of a fairy tale. It might be more of a saccharine nightmare to her captive, though. (The most capable of keeping Y/N from escaping.)
The Scorpion Queen really just wants a friend, no matter what it takes to get one. Loneliness has gnawed away at her inhibitions and morals, leading her to snatch up the sweetest looking person around and haul them back to her castle. She’s not above using poison to keep you complement, brewing up several blends from her own venom. Paralytics, sedatives, you name it. One quick sting and you’re helpless in the Queen’s arms, ready to be pampered and protected. After she’s done cleaning and patching your new wound, of course.
Kui Mulang has been waiting for his lover for so very long… and then you come stumbling in, wide-eyed and unaware of the dangers that the demon possesses. You’re a funny little mortal, unworthy of having your weak soul devoured- not only would it not expand his lifespan too much, but he fears it might even make him weaker. Instead, he forces you to become a cute little companion/pet and regales you with tales of his lover, filling your ears with descriptions of her beauty and kindness. Don’t get the wrong idea, though- you aren’t making him a better person. He’s just found one single person to not be totally awful to. (The most likely to replace his obsession.)
Syntax admires your work from afar, picking apart every bit of tech you manufacture. He’ll install dozens of cameras across your home just for the joy of watching you scramble to disable or destroy them. With the sheer volume of spyware distributed, it’s inevitable that you miss at least a few, allowing the spiderized man to maintain constant surveillance. He inducts your work into his own, picking apart the blueprints he’s stolen from you, admiring the many lines of code you’ve written. There’s a new camera in your house each day, slowly stealing away all privacy. The concept of a ‘blindspot’ doesn’t exist in Syntax’s carefully curated world- no closet, corner, or crawl space is safe from his leering eyes. You’re then subjected to 24/7 surveillance, your life becoming an ever-present livestream on the screens of Syntax’s machines. (The least likely to personally interact with his obsession.)
Huntsman has never seen a worthier adversary. You match him blow for blow and thwart his traps at each turn. He has to keep upping the ante as you escape his clutches, an ever evolving quarry worthy of pursuit. The biggest (and only) dilemma he has in regards to his obsession is whether he should taxidermy or cage you. Either way, you’ll make a nice trophy. (The most likely to kill you.)
It takes a saint to gain the Ink Curse’s attention. You have to be the most wonderful goody-two shoes darling in the world, a person who’s mature and rational and kind and responsible and generous and wise and loving. If you can manage all of that, along with having no major character flaws or massive mistakes in your past… then you have their attention. It is the worst prize you could have ever received.
Alternatively, be a child who gets trapped in the scroll. There’ll be a mocking form of pity to every interaction, but the Curse might try to mold you into an equally brutal punisher of sins. After all, what else can you do? You’re stuck, aren’t you? Get used to the company, kiddo. (The most likely to break you.)
Yellowtusk would happily speak with you until all the rivers of the world run dry. The two of you match wits in civil debates, opposing each other’s viewpoints and arguments with fervor. No stakes, no hatred, no grudges- just debate for the sake of debate. You grow together, sharing your wells of knowledge and expanding the breadth of your wisdom side by side. His obsession with you is softer than most, quelled by quick chats and simple skinship - but it’s obsession all the same, waiting to spiral out of control.
Red Son’s pride is an irrefutable aspect of him. The half-demon views himself as superior to all but a select few- and you, unfortunately, do not fall into that group. Red thinks of you as something akin to a cherished pet, worthy of care and companionship, but not freedom or respect. He could control almost every aspect of your life if he so wanted, but that’s more trouble than he desires. If you behave properly, Red allows you to dress yourself and have a small collection of personal possessions. Also, expect him to personally forge you a tracking collar emblazoned with his family’s insignia. (He truly does care about you- deep, deep, deep down in his heart. But you’re still lesser than him.)
If you happen to be his sibling, though, his treatment of you becomes more bearable. He’s still insanely possessive and domineering, but there’s more respect for you as a person.
The Spider Queen also thinks of you as a pet, a cute little thing to dress up and lock in chains. You make the most wonderful decoration for her throne room, shaking in the corner with a shackle clasped around your wrist. Everything you wear is produced from her own silken webs, everything you eat is caught and killed with her own two hands. If you step too far out of line, expect your next meal to be the corpse of a loved one.
Peng looks at you with some strange mixture of pity and amusement. (There’s some genuine care in there, but they’d never admit it.) You’re the smallest and youngest of the Brotherhood, with naivety and kindness to match. They find it funny to toy with you in a variety of ways, though they take care to never truly cause harm. Ex: Knocking into you for the sole purpose of tripping you up, biting back laughs as you apologize for ‘not paying attention.’ Peng will ‘forgive’ what you perceive as a personal mistake, hauling you up and dusting you off before sending you on your way. You’re a fun toy. A devoted sibling. A cute little time-killer. And, somehow- the person they cherish above all else.
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yandereanonymous · 4 months
Yandere Macaque x Reader ♤♡Romanic♡♤ [M/GN]
TW/CW: Blood (a bit gory), cussing, generally Macaque being extra vengeful and angry, implied kidnapping, slight forced affection
Summary: Macaque watches you from the shadows for years, simply ignoring your monkey king obsession. He pays it no mind until you meet the real Sun Wukong, and he finally snaps.
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I love you too much to let you go, darling. My love. My life. You're such a gem.
It all started when you began talking to that golden bastard— that "hero." You never actually met him before, but you were a big fan. It irked me a bit, but I can't fault an innocent creature when they do not know any better. You weren't there. You had no clue what had happened; you were only mortal, after all. It still stung to see your room filled with images of him, but I just sucked it up like I always have to do with those I care about.
But then you met him
Fucking cunt was showing off like he always does— and you adored it. You jumped and cheered when he soared in the clouds. You watched with pure love.
Oh, if you were to take the venom I was spewing in my head whilst encased in shadows as you two laughed together and made it a liquid in a vile to be injected as a neurotoxin, you would be able to kill at least one thousand elephants. How I just wanted to pin that proud piece of shit down and rip up his organs for even considering talking to you, my dear.
And I did. Oh, darling, I tried so hard, I really did. I hate to traumatise you, and I want to burn the heavens down when I see you cry. But I only lasted a couple of months of the agonising torture.
Blood on my hands, seeming into the insides of my claw-like fingernails and the wrinkles on my hands. The taste of iron on my tongue, dripping out my mouth and staining my teeth. I loved to hear him cry. He screamed like the fucking bitch he is. I smiled down at his horribly disfigured face. Not so pretty now, is he love?~
I turned to you, cowering in the corner like a scared puppy. So cute. I picked you up and held you close, ignoring how loud her screams and cries were. If listening to your scream caused me to go deaf in all six ears, then I would simply be happy that the last thing I ever heard was your voice.
I smiled and began to affectionately nip at your skin. You know, heroes already bathe in love every single day. But warriors need love, too. And darling, you are my love. My love.
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starberry-cupcake · 6 months
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We are done with book 1, folks!!!
previously, in gideon the ninth
this happened
also, I was proven right about dulcinea (kind of)
just pointing that out again
final update of this book, it's gonna be a bit of a long one, folks (gideon, from inside my mind, where she is now living rent-free: "that's what she said!"):
we left off in the fight against not!dulcinea
yandere simulator twin w/inner chad was being used as a battery pad
regina george twin is at an unknown location
la gideon and my qp wife are fighting
harrowcita passed out
so basically not!dulcinea unlocks the big magnus archives entity monster harrowbean had previously locked
harrow wakes up to make a bone dome
for scale, this is the dome and mickey is gideon, but she's inside the thing
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magnus archives junji ito monster keeps beating the dome from outside to crack it open like an egg
harrowbean starts to disintegrate from the inside because it's hard to make a bone spaceship earth and keep it up
camilla is accepting fate at this point, my poor beloved qp wife
but la gideon is not gonna give up
she's never gonna give you up
never gonna let you down
never gonna...
so harrow starts making a goodbye speech
reminding gideon to take care of the ninth and the barbie in the freezer
for the barbie reference, please go to this recap
but gideon is determined to come up with a plan
*very niche reference but "bien warrior" by miss bolivia plays in the background*
we all know this is a terrible idea because gideon's plans are always "punch really hard" and, in this case, that's a wild thing to do
but she does that
a metal version of that
she decides to, if I understand correctly (because description is scarce for various acceptable reasons) impale herself on the iron spikes inside the dome, to force Harrow to slurp her soul
so this is the situation
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absolutely heartbreaking stuff
she's sort of ghost-placing herself behind Harrow to guide her using the sword
like this
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and being all silly and gideon-esque and harrow is heartbroken and sad and it's all very very heartbreaking and I'm suffering
I'm ANGRY, OK????
I didn't even like gideon at the start
I complained about her for like a good first chunk of this book
I got mad at her for being dense and not following through with things
I got angry at her way of approaching situations and trusting people I didn't trust
I didn't totally vibe with her vibe most times
and then she made me like her and grow attached and NOW I HAVE TO SUFFER???
what's the point????? you make me like you and then you SACRIFICE YOURSELF?????
footage of me
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anyway, it's fine, we're fine, everything's FINE
harrow and force-ghost gideon defeat not!dulcinea by aiming at the "issue" palmolive started
( @lady-harrowhark "paramedics" is actually a much better nickname, why didn't I think of that)
not!dulcinea crosses the veil, hopefully forever, good riddance bitch, you really did fuck everything up for petty reasons
harrow passes out
afterwards, harrow wakes up in like a sort of hospital situation or something like that
the space version of that
there's a man reading stuff in a tablet and a paper
a "flimsy", which I didn't know was something before this book (again, not a native English speaker, doing my best here)
the man has very specific eyes which I imagined in a way that I'm not sure is what it's supposed to be, but I'm gonna keep my version for now
this is the man of the hour, the emperor, many other titles I can't remember, the reason we all got together in the first place
harrow is upset, I'm upset, we're all upset
emperor sama over here can't do shit about it
according to him
which, what are you, the wizard of oz?
he's also like "forgive not!dulcinea, it was my bad" I WILL FORGIVE NOTHING
he says he can't bring gideon back without risking harrowbean as well
very limited for a man who claims to be god
who seems to have beef with a barbie in an ice cube
idk about this guy
so he tells harrow that he's gonna protect the ninth if she becomes lyctor because the universe is going to shit and he can't handle everything on his own anymore
you know what could have helped, my man? COMMUNICATION
anyway, harrow is, at this point, tired and sad and grieving for everything so she says ok
according to this guy, the only other survivor is yandere simulator twin w/inner chad who is missing an arm
very convenient for him, who needs lyctors
an didn't, at any point, explain anything
but they "haven't been able" to find the bodies of: la gideon, my wife and regina george twin
everyone else was, at least, partially recovered, as far as I remember he said
they're probably gathering pieces of palmolive from every carpet and piece of wallpaper
I am reluctantly gonna miss that guy
so there is hope that I'm not a qp widow yet and that la gideon might come back in some capacity, which I MEAN, COME ON
also, I don't know if people would be making such a fuss about her arms if her body wasn't of consequence anymore
because I don't know much about these books but I did know that coming in, that and skull make up were my two clues
and we still don't know where she came from and if she's a demigod
and why her hair and eyes are that color
I don't know, I'm unsure about this
I hold hope
keeeeeeep hoooooolding ooooooon ♪
I am sure regina george twin will be back because people have been cryptic about her in replies to my updates
and I hope camilla comes back because right now I'm like a victorian wife, standing at a lighthouse, waiting for her sailor to come back from the depths of the sea, throwing messages in bottles
final extra notes:
maybe it was better this way, though, but WHY DIDN'T I LOOK PROPERLY
now I know what thanergy is, what thalergy is, what bone magic and flesh magic differ in, can you believe???
I can summon my own construct and everything
it's the only way to make friends as an adult, after all
there is a guide for the names and I have been pronouncing more things right than I thought because many of these are based in Latin and I'm a Spanish speaker so maybe if I had just pronounced them as they sounded to me I could have remembered more names
there is also a list of salseo/tea from judith
I kept making comments while reading them
she was acting like camilla was of no consequence from the start
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man, poor dude, rip this guy we never really knew
she did read chad for filth, which is correct
but they were off about absolutely everything else
important ending commentary of the book:
as an ending side note
I'm going to just point this out, with kindness and utmost respect
like, much love and respect and warm regards
don't kill me for this
as an editor
I am enraged with the tagline they have in the cover of this book, now that I've finished it
the quote that's in the cover about lesbian necromancers in a victorian mansion in space and whatnot
it sells the book incredibly short and also tells you things you shouldn't be told because a) they aren't as clear cut as they make them out to be and b) you should be told none of that entering this book
best experience is to know absolutely nothing
like gideon
and since I have an ebook, I see that quote more prominently than any blurb
it reads like the short summary of a fic and it doesn't do it justice one bit
now that I've finished the book, I think this post was about it and I didn't know at the time, because that's fair
this book is very difficult to categorize because it seems to be using a lot of different references and mixing them together in a very personal and unique way to the author
but, because of that, it's a very unique take on different things
I think it stands very aligned with both core classics and more contemporary foundations, at the same time
and the narrative point of view is a bit at-odds with the complexity of the lore, which makes it a very brave first part of a bigger thing for an author to throw out there
and it works, as it is
it actually works well like that
however, as difficult as it can be to explain it, that tagline really flattens it to something that I don't think favors how much more of that it is???
I don't know, that's just my personal & professional opinion, but anyway
I need to go find the next one
you haven't seen the last of me!!!!!
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Yandere brynden rivers vs aegor rivalry hcs? Hopefully this is okay since you're still accepting asoiaf requests
Honestly, considering their rivalry over Shiera, makes sense to me! There isn't much I could find of them as I think their tale is primarily in A World of Ice and Fire (Although Brynden/Bloodraven is technically in the main books). So this is entirely speculation and HC about the little I know of their rivalry. I apologize if some things are wrong.
This is more focused on Brynden Rivers than Aegor. If there is ways to write them both better, I'd love to hear them.
Yandere! Brynden Rivers vs Aegor Rivers
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Blood in two lines, Murder, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Mentioned/Implied Targcest, Mature themes, Mature language, Stalking, Imprisonment, Dubious relationship.
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If you think about it, a similar thing has already happened in the books in canon.
Not the yandere bit, but the rivalry over a woman they both loved.
In canon, Brynden (Bloodraven) and Aegor (Bittersteel) fought over the love of Shiera.
All three were known as the great bastards of King Aegon IV.
Shiera was known to love Brynden, although Aegor loved her too.
The two ended up fighting in the first battle of the Blackfyre rebellion, both out of different allegiances and possibly jealousy.
How I'd write this idea is this;
You'd definitely take the role of Shiera (Regardless of gender for this concept, I'm just covering potential behavior for now).
I'm not saying you also have to be a great bastard, but somehow you take the role regardless of your relations with the two.
We can assume Brynden is very cunning, speculated to have planned everything to set up The Prince Who Was Promised.
He can put together plans well, he's also a known sorcerer who utilizes spies and spells.
Brynden is an albino with a birthmark similar to a raven, earning him the nickname "Bloodraven".
Aegor was another great bastard like Brynden, one who never got along with Brynden in the first place due to their mothers being part of warring families.
Not only that, but Aegor's mother was replaced with Brynden's mother for Aegon IV.
Safe to say Brynden has... reasons to be bitter.
Even more so when the two meet you.
The two become very fixated on courting you.
Something that only opens the rift between them larger.
The two have little interest in getting along.
They are rivals when it comes to the Iron Throne due to their blood, but that matters little to them.
All they seem to care about is fighting for your hand in marriage.
Drama would only increase if you actually loved one of them and not the other.
For example, going down the Shiera route, you love Brynden... which causes Aegor to grow more bitter and try even harder to show he's the better option.
Ever since the two saw you in the Red Keep, it was like there was a spark.
A spark that ignited adoration... and a raging fire that brings dangerous ambition that soon came after.
Aegor was a skilled warrior that became a hired mercenary in his time alive before being killed in another battle for the Blackfyre Rebellion.
Brynden is a sorcerer or spends most of his time planning and spying, he lives for a long time due to his magic and always makes sure things go to plan
I feel, regardless of if you love Brynden or not, he'd win you.
His experience in sorcery and his spies would certainly be enough to get rid of Aegor, if he didn't get rid of himself first.
I can see Brynden still adamant on you being his, yet he takes his time more.
When he was younger, before the Blackfyre rebellion, Brynden always felt jealousy towards Aegor.
Aegor felt the same, determined to take you for himself.
Aegor seems like he'd use brute force, while Brynden thinks more about planning.
The two often fought over you when they were young, yet they didn't try to kill one another until the first Blackfyre Rebellion.
Aegor sided with Daemon Blackfyre, while Brynden sided with Daeron II.
If you still wish to go down the Shiera route, Brynden probably joined Daeron II because you sided with the king.
If you sided with Daemon, then he probably would still try to pry you from Aegor's grip.
All while Aegor aims to slaughter the Bloodraven.
It doesn't matter what side you choose, or if you even pick a side, their first attempt on each other's life is with the death of Daemon Blackfyre.
It's in this fight that Aegor flees and Brynden comes back with one eye.
Blood is shed for the both of them, the red liquid coating one another before they part.
A nauseating sight for everyone involved.
If Aegor took you with him, Brynden plans ways to get you back into his own arms.
If Brynden took you, Aegor plans ways to drag you into exile with him... yet Brynden is more clever with his plans.
If you side with Aegor, he keeps you with him and founded the Golden Company.
Aegor would keep you safe beside him, promising to keep you from the Bloodraven.
Yet... even if you loved him... he still perishes in the end.
During another Blackfyre Rebellion battle, Aegor would pass in battle.
It's never specifically said, but I like to think Brynden planned this (for this concept) in an attempt to remove heirs to the throne... and take you back in this case.
You'd have men, spies, keeping an eye on your every move.
By the time Aegor dies, you're scooped back up and dropped at Brynden's feet with the help 
of Daeron II.
If you were with Brynden from the start, Brynden would just plot Aegor's demise before Aegor can make a move.
Truthfully, you were never intended to be Aegor's.
Not in Brynden's plans you weren't.
Brynden hopes you'll see that, especially when he tells you Aegor took his eye.
That outcast never deserved you in Brynden's thoughts.
Brynden makes sure his plan goes through, that you're his.
And you are his... for years.
No kidnapping needed, not if he plays his cards right.
Even then, it won't be hard to frame you... especially if you sided with the Blackfyres....
Brynden would imprison you if it meant you two could be a pair.
He's a convincing man.
You'd be Brynden's until he himself is exiled by King Aegon V.
Even then he'd still want you by his side... he'd keep you alive with magic just like he does himself...
Before you even know it, Brynden has planned out everything between you...
He won't have anyone take you from him, everything must go to plan, and in the end he knows he'll have you someday... not Aegor.
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Hi I just found your blog and I love how you wrote the characters, I was wondering would it be alright if I request yandere Boa Hancock and yandere Shanks with a female or gn marine reader please love to hear your thoughts
Blood was spilled..
Keeping guard of a section in marine head quarters to you was incredibly boring as you sighed and put your transponder snail down. Nothing interesting had happened for months and you were starting to get very bored..but at the same time everything was happening because marines had gone missing..
Marines that you specifically talk to or friends with..it was strange really but you never thought much of it and only thought they had been fired or quit..
Oh how ironic of you to think..
The sound of the waves getting louder then caught your attention as you saw something in the distance. Was that a ship? It had to be! And..were those snakes pulling the ship?? You blinked in surprise and for some reason got a strange feeling in your stomach..something didn’t feel right..
Taking out your transponder snail you called in. “This is Y/N, a ship seems to be entering at sector B over.” You said in the best no tone voice you could manage as the ship got closer and closer. You stepped back a bit, deciding to take deep breath to calm your nerves as you got a call back saying backup was on the way.
You remembered the female warlord. And empress vividly as you were once assigned to visit the island that she ran, Amazon Lilly.
And that’s when it first started..
She wanted you to join her crew....badly..
She was very persistent even though you were only there for three days. You were only there for a inspection and since you were one of the female marines who could handle it, they sent you.
Only after an hour of talking to her she seemed to..take an interest of you you could say..?
When she was fond of done she found her very possessive passionate. You didn’t even really know why she seemed to like you very much, when you first arrived you explained why you were there and at first she acted nonchalant but then the more you two talked and the more she spoke about her boy troubles with a young pirate and the more you listened, she got comfortable.
You were treated with the utmost respect at least, you wanted food? A feast for a whole family was in front of you the next minute. Weren’t feeling very safe? She herself would be by your side at all times. You barely had any privacy but all the women of the island were so enamored by their beloved empress that they were completely blind to it!
She soon had you being followed by one of her trusted warriors. You couldn’t even get some fruit without being followed for your ‘safety’ since being a empress required lots of time and work, whenever she wanted to see you she would send one of the girls to fetch you. Whether it was Marguerite, Enishida or even one of her sisters Marie gold and Sandersonia.
She would get to see her beloved Y/N one way or another.
If you even got the chance to say something before being dragged away to her tower, they would always remind you that if the lovely empress summons her yourself then it must urgent and she would even come over to get you herself if it was necessary..
The uneasiness in your stomach soon didn’t even falter a little as you nervously waited for backup while the female devil fruit users’s ship came closer and closer.
Soon it was almost right in front of you as the anchor soon fell.
Dread soon washed over you as you could hear the woman’s heels step to her deck and to the direction in front of you.
She was currently not looking at you and speaking to her subordinates in a stern manner.
“If I recall correctly, you said she would currently be at this specific position of marine headquarters!!” She Saïd rather loudly while flipping her hair.
The ladies she was with which you know as Sandersonia, Mariegold and Nerine glanced at her with a slight frown.
“Uh..sister..? Are you sure about this..?..isn’t this..I dunno..a bit much just to get her?”
….what did she mean by that..?
She said as Boa immediately turned back to her with a scowl. “Oh?..! You dare question me? Your empress and sister?!”
You gulped and thought for a moment, could you just make a run for it?..no she is literally a master of all of the Haki types..not to mention she can turn anyone into stone for any reason she chooses..
That woman would kick or penetrate anyone to just get to you!
Just as you were about to leave she suddenly turned her head as if she sensed you and already had her eyes landed on you. Her face expression changed. Snake earrings jangling her eyes turned into hearts as she ran to you with a deep blush
“Y-Y/N my dear! What a lovely surprise!” She Saïd as she giggled like a school girl and twirled a piece of her hair.
You raised an eyebrow while holding back a sigh.
Wasn’t she just screaming at her subordinates about not finding you here?..
The waves crashed against the rock the the marine headquarters was positioned on. You were talking with the woman and soon getting tired of her mentioning ever minute of how “you would have so many privileges if you join the Amazon Lilly troupe”
For a second you almost thought the woman wanted you to get married!
“Oh um Boa..I’ve been meaning to ask but why are you here? Not to be rude or anything but I wouldn’t think you would be at marine headquarters!” You said with a slightly nervous laugh while sipping on the wine she insisted on you having.
The woman smiled, her somewhat plump lips curving a bit as her blue eyes shimmered like the ocean.
You were so caught up in her undeniable beauty you didn’t even notice one of her sister slowly approaching you from behind with a bag in her hands.. an unsure look crossing her face.
Tilting your head you reluctantly smiled at the woman, causing her to swoon as she blushed placed her hands on her cheeks.
Raising an eyebrow you couldn’t help but laugh.
Maybe the warlord wasn’t so bad after all…
Wait, now that you think of it..she didn’t answer your question-
You woke up in a chair on a rather noisy ship. Except it wasn’t Boa’s ship…you look around in a panic. Realizing one thing that you weren’t on ground anymore and that the ship was already sailing to who knows where.
Just who’s ship was this and what did Boa take you here?
Was she in on this??
Thrashing around in your restrains yiu then suddenly heard a voice.
“There’s no use you know..I had those tied pretty tight.”
Saïd a almost gruff voice as a tall figure stepped out from the shadows.
Your eyes widened. You couldn’t even scream because you were so shocked.
It was shanks..one of the emperor’s of the sea..!
What in the hell would he want with you?! And why??
Boa and Shanks conversation incoming~…
“What?! What do you mean she’s yours?? Don’t ever speak of MY beloved like that..I met her first!”
The woman angrily yelled while glaring at the man with velvet red hair in front of him.
Expression blank, shanks just stared down at her.
“Listen, I’m just saying that I could clearly take better care of her..she’s mine and it’s already decided ever since the moment we met..”
He said rather calmly in contrary to the woman who scoffed while clearly showing an attitude. crossing her arms over her chest, she still glared at the man. Her large snake earrings jingling from the slight movement.
“Right..like a bunch of you men could take care of her…
I dont care what you may say..or what our strengths are because I know your stronger than me as much to my dismay but..
I will forever stay loyal to my beloved! I shall not give up on her and I will fight for her until the end!!”
The man’s laid back and somewhat serious expression changed, he looked into the woman’s eyes and saw it..the utter and complete obsession loyalty she had for you...
“Well then….maybe let’s make a deal..”
You gasped in fear and even more shock as Boa soon came from the shadows as well, her sisters following her with a uncertain expression on their face while they stared at you.
“W-Wha..Boa..?..Shanks..this isn’t funny! Let me go at once!!”
You said, your eyebrows furrowed whine you gritted you’re teeth and tried to make it seem like you weren’t utterly terrified for your life.
Boa just seemed to smile and blush at your the sound of your voice while shanks lips calmly curved into a smile.
“Oh my love is passionate about what she wants!”
The woman with long black hair swooned while her eyes were in hearts.
Shanks slowly stepped towards you.
“Listen…we’re tired of you refusing to join us so..we may have…bended sone things without your permission but yiur with us now. That’s all that matters..you’re a pirate now so accept it alright?” He said gently patting your head and slowly caressing your cheek.
Hancocks eyes seemed to narrow as she then walked up to you and beamed down at you.
You felt like crying…was this actually happening?..
“I-I..i don’t understand..how did you..”
They both looked at each other and then at you, the emperor slowly leaned closer and looked straight into your eyes.
“..Let’s just say that Blood was spilled…”
Hey guys!! I really hope you like this one! Sorry it took so long but honestly I loved writing for the both of them and I’m already getting back into the zone of writing and starting my next story! Hope you liked this!
XOXO my lovely flower petals🌸🌺
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But If
Past =-= Next
Author's Note: More of Draco in Waters AU. Thank you to @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric. Thank you to @kit-williams for letting me borrow Arnault, Roland. Thank you to @egrets-not-regrets for letting me borrow Erriox and Lenora and your help with editing and other things :)
Summary: Draco gets pinned by several of the Astartes that had gone to rescue poor Claude. More conversations are had.
Warnings: Panic, Bond Denial, blood, yandere tendencies, let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
The Gray Knight shifts in the grip of his cousins, and the Iron Warrior twists the knives deeper into his tail to get the bastard to stop moving. It works, even if the bastard of an Astartes growls at him subvocally and glares at him. Erriox glares back, his spines and fins flaring in aggression, he very much wanted to kill this bastard- and it would be his pleasure to do so, if that’s what is decided, provided it didn’t harm Lana more.
“Whatever will happen to Lana will depend on your answer, silver one.” Mara states, standing tall over the Gray Knight trapped on the ground, “I need your promise. An oath.”
“What oath? What Promise do you demand of me?” The Gray Knight asks, still proud, and stubborn. Although he desperately wants Lana, to go to her, to hold and have her as his. She is his already. To get her away from those chittering, conniving, lying two-faced Hydras.
The elder harpy speaks, “I need you to take an oath that you will never lay a hand on Lana, on the colony, and on our allies indiscriminately. You will, in addition, allow for whatever conditions Lana wishes to place in order for this bond to be acceptable. If death is still what she wishes, then I will grant it.” 
“I could kill him now, and save Lana the agony of this Bond,” Erriox purrs out darkly. “Spare her from the backlash of the decision.”
Mara shook her head, with the little knowledge of what she knows of bonds, killing the silver one would still cause a backlash, judging from how Lana and this silver predator are reacting to one another, “No, unfortunately killing one, would mean killing the both of them, Erriox.”. 
Erriox bows his head to her wisdom and decision, while keeping his hands on the blades and digging it into the bastard’s tail. He will abide by the decisions of Lana and the Gannet Harpies, but should they prove the need for the death of either the Gray Knight or Lana, he’ll volunteer as executioner, should they request one.
Mara’s last sentence drew a myriad of reactions. Zariel and his brothers argued against it, wanting their Lana to live, but after the Look Mara gave them, they settled down, upset and worried, clinging to Lana, but careful not to bruise her with their superior strength. She was withdrawn and solemn, unwilling to look at any of the Alpha Legionary brothers. They will watch the Gray Knight carefully, and monitor and report his every action.
The Gray Knight scowls, rage burning a fire in both of his hearts at the Elder harpy’s words. Equally, he doesn’t want his Lana to die- he desperately wants to keep her alive, and if he has to promise these paltry things, then he will. He clenches and unclenches his fists, he would lash his tail in frustration, but the Iron Warrior pinning his tail with knives makes that a tricky and painful endeavor.
He tilts his head up a touch defiantly, he speaks up, “I promise that I will never lay a harmful hand upon Lana, I shall never lay a harmful hand on Lana's Colony, I shall never start a fight, or be the first one to lay a harmful hand on Lana’s allies indiscriminately. I shall hear and obey the conditions that Lana chooses to place on our Bond to be seen as Acceptable.”
Mara nodded her head, satisfied, then added, “Should you ever renege on your oath, we will reconsider your’s and Lana’s place in the colony. You are both inexplicably connected, unfortunately.” She frowns. The elder harpy turns to Lana, her stern voice turned soft, “What is your wish, my dear?”
“I need to know that you will never lay a heavy hand or maliciously injure any of the fledglings, be they harpy or mer-Astartes for punishment or otherwise.” Lana says.
“The one named Claude needs Psyker Training,” The Gray Knight points out, “If he doesn’t learn to control it, it will control him and can cause untold catastrophe.”
“Does learning control mean that he should be beaten into the state he was in?” She rebuked him. 
“He needs to learn obedience, he wasn’t obeying and following my orders, was defiant and refused to learn, he lied to me saying he doesn’t have psykery,” The Gray Knight points out with a scowl, “He also needs to have resistance and training for pain and other things as well. Then again, Hydras big and small are defiant, lying little bastards one and all.”
“Don’t you dare insult them!” Lana yelled at him, wincing, a sharp stab of pain striking once again, “Watch your words Gray Knight! I haven’t accepted the bond yet.”
The Gray Knight winces a little at her words, mostly from the pain it caused with her partial rejection of him and nods, “I shall take care with my words, more closely, my Lana.”
“It’s one thing to teach and train for war. Pain and discipline can be a valuable lesson, but it is not to be used in an unrestrained manner. Not to the level of what Claude had gone through. Obedience through fear, that only gives more of a reason for one to lie and hide from you.” She hissed.
“Promise me you won’t be so heavy-handed with the fledglings. That is one of my conditions.” Lana sighs, feeling exhaustion starting to seep into her bones. 
“We Astartes can take a lot of damage and punishment,” The Gray Knight points out, “And our normal training can seem overly harsh and brutal to mortals, how will it be assessed as my punishments and training as being too harsh?”
“If you think,” Erriox growls from near his tail, “That I’m going to let you train my sons at all, or without me watching or someone I trust to ensure their safety, then you are a Fool. Every single one of them has a deep-seated mistrust for any Firstborn marines and I can easily see why now, with what you have done to Claude.”
“They have the ability to withstand greater injuries, and heal from them faster,” The Grey Knight sneers at Erriox, “And the ones who survive we know aren’t potentially chaos-abominations for their creation being done by the Mechanicus, rather than by the Apothecaries and Chaplains of the Chapters they are made for.”
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moodymisty · 1 year
Hi, if you're still taking requests for warhammer, would you be willing to write an x Reader with peterturbo or knorad?
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Author's Note: Ok, so I decided to go with Perturabo, simply because as fun as it would be for me to write a Konrad fic because I enjoy writing horrible bloody angst, I didn't know if you'd be comfortable with that damage, anon. But then again... You did request him. (I also have no right to diss tastes in primarchs I love Angron lmao)
Anyways, ✨ Perturabo ✨. Enjoy. He's a raging cunt. But I love him uwu
Summary: Peturabo learns of Dorn's ascendancy to Praetorian of Terra, and you attempt to flee the boiling rage.
Relationships: Perturabo/Fem!Reader
Warnings: Perturabo's shit fucking attitude, Romance mixed with toxicity, Yandere!Perty if you squint real hard, General 40kness aka mentions of war and death, This would probably classify as an abusive/toxic relationship lmao, Witnessing Peturabo's slow descent into chaos IRL
Word Count: 1095
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The library aboard the Iron Blood is monstrous. Any library you perused as a child has always paled to such a degree, that you need not even bring it up in comparison. Shelves tower over you that even looking fully upward doesn't show their full height, and behind them massive stained glass windows showing the unforgiving void of space. Stars glitter in the distance, or the occasional planet. Be it inhabited or not.
Little servo-skulls buzz overhead, most of them holding some form of parchment as they go about their secular duties. There's a Tech Priest fiddling away with their business that looks in your direction for a moment, before going back to their work. You can hear the faintest humming coming from them- mumbling in what you can only guess is machine language.
You could get lost in it all. Which is partly the goal.
You're avoiding him.
You had the moment you heard it, mumbled by Astartes having just felt their Primarch's own wrath.
Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, has been cast to construct the Imperial palace of Terra.
The moment you'd heard that news coming from the lips of a battered Iron Warrior, rattled physically in his armor to such a degree that he seems to have some form of brain damage, you knew you'd hear it from Perturabo's own booming voice if you didn't run. To be at the end of a Primarch's own barely contained rage, not even considering the idea of physical violence, is enough to make you scatter to hide from him. There's no amount of love that could smother that primal fear.
In the shadowed alley between shelves and shelves of tomes, your eyes cast towards the floor.
You remember one night when he was listless, he had knelt at your bedside and took your hand in his own- speaking of his plans to build a palace so obscenely grand all else would pale in comparison. Bath houses, amphitheaters, training arenas, it was like he was there himself, in the vast ambition of his own mind. Denied ambitions for Olympia mixing with his endless ambition for the future.
He promised you some of them that night; Saying things so grandiose you found yourself nearly crushed underneath the weight of them. He was promising you so, so much, gifting you a gilded future with a stern, far off look in his eyes and his fingers now tight around your jawline. Your own fingers had gently laid against his hand, so much smaller and softer than his own.
To have that dream shattered, so suddenly and so wretchedly by the man who's been Perturabo's similar in a way that infuriates him to no conceivable end; You know just as well as anyone else aboard the Iron Blood that he was to be avoided.
As when Perturabo is angry, there’s almost always a layer of bitterness underneath. A gripe, vile taste in his mouth, defeat from once again being assigned a role he seems hateful of. Or a role he's been denied.
The book bindings feel cold against your fingertips. These are largely battle logs, transcripts of recent battles created by the Tech Priests aboard. Most knowledge about the Iron Warriors history is stored much more safely in the chapter's Librarium. It's not to say these aren't interesting however; As someone who's duty is to the collecting of this information, you find the whole thing to be intriguing. But perhaps now isn't the time to take such interest in it.
You hear footsteps. Far too heavy to be any rank and file Astartes, and they hammer down with a level of anger that has your head shrinking into your neck.
You barely have time to pull your hand away from the tome binding you'd just been fondling, before you see him. You're instantly in his shadow, the light between these massive isles far dimmer than what is in the central area. And unless you were to try and dart right between his legs, you've nowhere to run. It's not as if you want to run from him, you love him, but you know how he can lose himself at times.
"You are avoiding me." You can see the barely contained anger on his face. You don't know if it's at Dorn, or at you.
"Why." You hold your voice firm so it doesn't crack, refusing to allow it to.
"I thought you would want your space." His brow furrows. The scars across his face shift, the one across his lip most so. You can always feel that one in the rare moments you kiss him.
"So you know." How couldn't you? The entire Imperium is privy, something this significant has spread over vox and every other form of communication at disposal. They all know Dorn is the Praetorian of Terra, not Perturabo.
Damn them to the Warp. He doesn’t need any of it. All he needs are the plans in his head, and you.
He kneels before you, and it takes everything within you to not do a back step. But when he reaches a hand out towards you, you gently take it. Your feet move of their own accord as he pulls you closer to him, until his armored shin is nearly touching you. Peturabo has always been massive- he's a primarch, but his armor adds so much bulk that it makes him nearly inhuman.
"I will give you all of that which I promised you."
Your eyes catch his, pools of brown looking down at you. His warmth is in there somewhere, you think; Can you find it? Or is it already gone?
You try to whisper his name, whisper Bo- but it comes out so quiet that your voice doesn't even sound out, your lips just forming the silent word as a fruitless, pathetic effort. His hand is tight around your own, it almost begins to hurt. You doubt you'd be able to yank it from his grip if you'd even wanted to.
"No matter how many planets I have to level, or how much blood I need to spill,"
This isn't for you; This is for his own endless ambition, his own need to prove he's everything that he says he is and so, so much more. His hand finally lets go of yours and cups your jaw- but the metal is cold and unforgiving like iron, so unlike the rough, scarred but warm skin underneath. He's promising you the future but you don't want it, you just want him.
"You will have it."
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slickfordain · 2 years
Nah fuck it, Linked Universe with a collage Isekai’d darling who doesn’t even pay attention to them but their phone. BE HONEST, YOU ALL LOOK AT YOUR PHONE. 🤨🤨🤨
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TW: Yandere behavior, no specified gender, love love love, mentions of “kidnapping”
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So, basically, the Links all got confused of your little device… They thought it was really cool and wanted to try it— but seeing how overprotective you were over your phone, no doubt made them jealous of your little object. Their hearts sores so much, just because of your phone— how ironic.
I feel like Wild would somehow also notice you “text” / talk to other people, and he will get extremely curious of who you’re talking to. Every answers were the same… Just your “co-workers”, and collage students. This irks them so much they wanted to destroy your phone— but dared not to because you always held it- or, well, always had it somewhere hidden not even Twilight could sniff it out.
But when you place it in obvious places, Time couldn’t help but snatch it away from you. Big mistake. You ended up complaining and feeling upset over losing your phone, almost locking yourself in your own bedroom that left everyone glaring at Time— before throwing insults at him and his faults.
However, Time wanted to see how much further he can go with this “tactic” of his. He visits your guest room every now and then, and even sends Four to visit you even— but, it all stays the same. They could never enter your locked room, hearing you physically talking to yourself. It was a sore pain for their heart…
Warriors and Wind had enough of this, even Legendary who almost killed Time— yet failed. So Hyrule demanded that Time says where he hid the phone. In defeat, he told everyone where he had hidden it… It was safely kept in one of the drawers next to Twilight’s bedroom,, which made Twilight stiffen his body and immediately went to fetch it. As many of the Links were rather disappointed they couldn’t catch the phone in time, but wouldn’t let Time catch it either. Otherwise that would be a mess.
By the time Twilight had caught the phone that was in his drawers, he approaches your bedroom with a calm expression and told you the news. Hearing your eagerness, you opened your door and fucking jumped onto Twilight, his eyes widening with your legs wrapped around his torso and pampering him with kisses. You even said “Thank you” so many times, that I don’t think Twilight’s connected to this world anymore.
Twilight’s face has gone red, dazed even. His half lidded eyes focusing on your happy figure as you catch your phone and immediately start texting on it, apologizing to the “co-workers” and students you’ve been delaying… A hand on hip, covering half of his face— there was a visible nose bleed trickling down his hand. Holy shit.
With Twilight coming back downstairs with you, you even held his hand!! MANS IS GONNA FAINT, but luckily he can hide that with his cold expression;; finishing with a tissue stuck to his nose. Everyone was surprised, jaw dropping, even. It seems that Twilight has gotten this close to you… And Hyrule was LIVID to the point everyone had to calm him the hell down.
While they asked all together what did Twilight do (with you in the background talking online), Twilight admitted by just telling them he gave you your phone back. And you started being so happy you started making moves on him. Sky and Wind were definitely taken aback from this, before they all started thinking… Maybe this could be a good use after all! Maybe Time wasn’t so wrong about taking your phone away just for a small amount of time.
Time was rather relieved he’s not getting more blames on him, but twitches in annoyance when they all wanted to do this. It became an occasion, a routine. Once a month, separately, everyone will take your phone and hide it in places. But when one of them finds your phone, they get pampered by you! It’s like a win-win~!
Although;; I don’t think any of them realize this. Not even Legendary or any older ones— For as you can see, sure, you might’ve been upset over losing your phone from time to time— but the luckiest part was that, you had your laptop, always using it in nighttime with unlimited WiFi and percents. You were happy either way, and that made you lose focus of how suspicious it was your phone kept going missing… But you of course, always pamper the boys in return, and so on. It kept going and going.
At this point I think either the Zeldas have to tell you, or any other girls who awkwardly stares at the Links’ weird tactics. You never know when they might let you lose your phone forever, and worse part is that they’ll probably find out about your laptop if they sneak into your room when you’re on your phone.
Goodness, you’ll never know.
It’s to the very point they want to kidnap you every now and then from your bedroom, and keep your bedroom locked so you can never have your object ever again. What if you become tired by their occasion “finding your phone”? They can’t have that, they refused. They’ll have to careful with their little game.
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OmyGod I’m dying from work and studies I’m gonna easily pass out—
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kit-williams · 2 months
No Longer You
The next part in the Legion Mother Lost in the Warp Series. One of his prophetic sons comes to the Iron Lord with worrying news while the Iron Mother receives worrying news as well.
Male Lead: Perturabo Female Lead: Penelope Song on repeat: Epic the Musical - No Longer You Cw: Song fic, pov switching
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
@nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog
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Perturabo went over her words again and again and again in his mind... his mind churning so much that his body destabilizes and he felt anger flare up at how worked up he was getting over a possible warp ghost or worse yet a trick. He buried that part of himself... buried all these emotions tied to her when he burned Olympia... when he killed Calliphone... when he needed her tender heart to hold back his wrath... a wrath that ultimately was tainted by his grief. His breaking down after Olympia was just as much of him mourning her death in equal measure to his regret bubbling up. Would she have agreed? Perturabo wonders as maybe she could have stayed his hand upon his sister... upon Olympia... he knows for a fact that he wouldn't have followed Horus as long as he did... Nelly wouldn't have let him.
Ajax was one of the few things he could hold over his brothers of something he had and they did not... hindsight either paints his thoughts or gives him insight into how certain brothers of his had grown far too interested in Penelope once she was carrying Ajax... and many of them had turned traitor. Perturabo pauses in his tinkering as he lets ancient thoughts return to the surface as he wonders.... what she would have said to get him to stop following Horus, if he ever started to follow him in the first place. He blames himself for her death, he called her to Olympia when he caught wind that the corpse that was once his Father and the frail Malcador had expressed interest in meeting Ajax... catching wind in wanting to summon her to Terra without him. Once more Perturabo lets his thoughts wander... what would have happened... anxiety flairs inside his gut at the brief thought of sieging the imperial palace and not knowing where she was... or even if Father would keep her alive for that long.
He exhales, his nostrils flaring like a grox-bull's, as he focuses on melding the metal in his hands; Ferrus was always better at making the metal into surprisingly delicate shapes... when he wanted to. Perturabo looks at the metal in his clawed hands as it is another shell... to replace the one that had fallen into disrepair from his neglect over the millennia. A rare smile flutters across the lord of Iron's face as he looks at the iridescent metal shell. His eyes flick over to a screen as there was a rare thing... someone that was not one of his warsmiths was requesting an audience... His tongue moves over the fangs in his mouth, reminding him of his brothers Leman and Konrad with their fanged maws, as he thinks and looks at who dares seek an audience with him. One of his Sorcerer sons... Tiresias Korpanos... the Korpanos were a rare set of psyker twins that had survived the trials of the Iron Warriors, Perturabo remembers telling Magnus of his sons and how excited the Sorcerer king had gotten. Psyker twins were always more powerful together but he remembers that the twins willingly separated as his brother... Morpheus went with Penelope.
Though Tiresias had grown wildly eccentric in the millennia that had followed their damnation. His nose wrinkled at the thought of dealing with this gibbering sorcerer or at worst would be speaking in vague poetics. He was feeling nostalgic today as he could remember Nelly listening to the prophets poetics with baited breath and always trying to decipher what they mean or the look in her eyes when she realized some portion of the vision had come true. He could stomach Morpheus' presence and she liked Tiresias but alas their loyalties were not to be... it must have been nostalgia guiding him as he accepted the request.
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Penelope looked away from the curly haired Ajax in her lap shoving a bright yellow toy into his mouth as Antioch had told her of his reservations to allow Morpheus Korpanos to see her. He insisted his reservations were only as Morpheus was uncertain of the message he was delivering and as Antioch passed along it was 'vague and ominous'.
"Well, I am not Perturabo who only demands certainty." Penelope said before kissing the young Iron heir as she handed him to one of her handmaidens.
"His message sounds like it comes from a hermit oracle." Captain Antioch said.
"Pity then as I enjoy the old stories," Penelope smiled as she sat in her seat with learned authority, "I will see my son Antioch."
"Yes Legion Mother."
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Tiresias twitched at unseen shadows in unreality as they were simply the immaterial tendrils of his genesire drawing far too close for comfort. The Lord of Iron looked at him with a loathsome look in his glowing eyes that flicked between a fiery orange to the icy blue that his eyes were in life. Perturabo was as deadly as any warp predator and perhaps even more so. His genesire simply gestured and so Tiresias began, "I am the prophet with the answers you seek," Perturabo frowns at that, "I see past and future running free... there is a world where I help her get home... but that's not a world I know."
"What?" Perturabo's voice was harsh as he did not like the oracle like delivery but Tiresias was tied to the warp and he remembers how Magnus explained that sometimes delivery would sometimes be roundabout.
"I see a song of past romance," Tiresias said louder and more confidently, "I see the sacrifice of man!" His voice swelled, "I see portrayals of betrayals," There was pain in his voice, "And a brother's final stand..."
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"I see you on the brink of death," Morpheus says somberly, "I see you draw your final breath," he says as if in pain from what he sees or feels, "I see a man who gets to make it home alive," His conviction returns, "But it's no longer him."
Penelope sits there surrounded by her iron honor guard as there is concern on her face as she looks at Morpheus. She could see why Antioch was so displeased with Morpheus' revelations. Antioch clenched his jaw at the revelations made as it was his and his brother's duty to guard the Iron Mother, even more so now given what Lord Guilliman had told him about the Lord of Iron.
"I see your palace covered in red... Faces of men who long believed you dead..."
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Tiresias voice was quiet and fearful for the next part of his vision would surely displease his genesire, "I see your wife with a man who is haunting," The room became painfully silent as he could see the immaterium condense into a point, it was as if Perturabo had pulled his entire demonic being back into this room and focused his entire being onto Tiresias, "A man with a trail of bodies..."
Perturabo bellowed as the Lord of Iron was done with this game. His claws reached out into the aether and grabbed a part of his soul.
The twins screamed out in utter agony as they could feel their souls being pulled back from their form... they were being ripped open slowly. Antioch and the rest of the maternal guard sprang into action as he gathered Penelope into his arms and rushing her out of the room and away from the potentially unstable psyker; Tiresias could feel his twin and still chose to bear the brunt of what their genesire was doing. The warp began to bend like metal and crack like glass and yet as the Primarch pushed and from what his brain could interpret... it liquified around Perturabo. They could feel the burning of claws sinking into their souls and the burning pressure of his gaze on their souls and the writhed in agony. But, Perturabo finally got to what he was looking for and was assaulted with images that Tiresias had seen but was unable to directly say.
~A song of past romance...~ Violet eyes looked into his own icy blue eyes... Fulgrim in all of his depraved glory grinning at him as in two of his arms he cradled a broken body like a perversion of a lover as he drank the soul right out of the defiled thing... perverse pleasure and so much pain came from the writhing mutilated thing in his arms... Perturabo felt something sick gather in his chest as it looked like Curze had gotten a hold of it... gotten a hold of her as it she reached out to him with a broken, bloody, mutilated hand... all the while Fulgrim was slowly drinking her soul away leaving poisoned and acid filled kisses on ruined skin... that gloating look in those violet eyes as he ripped his eyes away to meet the thing's gaze in his brothers arms... it was Penelope.
The vision mercifully shifted... ~ the sacrifice of man... ~ Roboute stood in front of Penelope as she was holding Ajax in her arms, his brother looked so tired yet there was a hopefulness in his eyes. He could tell years dragged by in this vision and he watched how over this vision of twenty years how the Lady of Iron's heraldry was replaced... the yellows, blacks, and iron colors were slowly replaced piece by piece with gold, white, and blue... the Iron Warrior heraldry replaced with the omega. The sad look in her eyes as Perturabo glanced seeing Ajax shift from an infant to a man... her hair with streaks of grey as Roboute returned to the forefront and he watched his brother drag touches against her skin. Gestures becoming far too intimate as he cupped the side of her face and once more the warp around him became sharp and angry as he watched Robute trail kisses from her ear to her-
Perturabo felt rage. Perhaps a fraction of what he was told of the rage that Sanguinius carried. How dare Roboute touch his wife... his Penelope... his Nelly! How dare he raise his son! As his form churned the vision blurred... ~ portrayals of betrayals... ~ His anger became frozen as once more his gaze met the dull eyed gaze of the corpse of his wife. Her outfit stained red as she laid in a pool of blood. Perturabo looked up seeing Magnus looking down at Ajax in his arms as the cyclops' gaze returned to the body and there was a look of pity and sadness for a moment before he vanished in a whirl of magic.
Before he could finish processing it his icy blue eyes met forest green eyes... Lion's eyes... ~ and a brother's final stand. ~ He glowered at Perturabo as his sword was held to the side, blood dripping from the blade... and by the blade tip curled protectively around a bloody body... Distress crawled over the Primarch as not only in this vision his wife was dead but also his son... Despair and anger fills him as he watches a phantom version of himself charge the "eldest" Primarch...
"Morpheus!" Penelope cried out.
Perturabo exhaled once more hearing her voice, his eyes darting to the tether that linked the twin souls and as much as he could use it to appear to her to be there once again... Perturabo removed his claws from their souls. The Lord of Iron needed time to prepare... time to prepare a place for her... to prepare to bring his wife home. The twins collapsed as blood wept from their eyes and noses. Tiresias took the brunt on his soul gaining new mutations as his left hand was clawed and he could feel a mouth press against the body glove under his right arm. Morpheus was relatively unscathed minus his teeth all being sharp and the new eye on his right cheek... but those could be taken care of.
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Captain Antioch walked over to the entrance of the Librarium as Brother Chaplain Achilles walked out, a sigh leaving the vox on the skull helm. "He continues to say disturbing things Brother Captain," He paused for a moment looking at the hard gaze that Antioch was giving him, "things about the Legion Mother's survival... things about Father. Antioch how much stock do you put into his vision?"
Antioch looked at the grim specter that was Chaplain Achilles, "Father is a monster now. As far as I am concerned we are all that is left of the legion."
Achilles hummed, "Lady Penelope is adamant that she spoke with Father. To a pitying degree..."
They were silent for a moment, "There are creatures that can mimic voices," He says knowing what to tell the Iron Mother in her inevitable desperate plea, "we must get her to safety."
"Agreed. She and Ajax must survive lest the morale of our brothers crumble." Achilles tone is firm as a decision has been made.
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Castor watched the protective shielding peel back with a thunk as layer upon layer revealed more and more of the starlit void as they left the warp. Olympia floated in the distance... still a dead world thanks to the Primarch of the Dark Angels. But, he was not here to be sentimental about home no he was here for something else. Screens and images flickered to life as in the green light the Gloriana was brought into view. The Iron Amarantos draped in the heraldry of the Iron Warriors and in the unique heraldry to denote that it was the Iron Mother. For the veterans it was as if they were looking into a time capsule, for the Amarantos was a flower compared to the brutal ships they were use to... it was a piece of art.
Castor grinned at ship on his display as he felt as giddy as a Scout again. The memories of the Legion Mother were still clear in his mind as her warm smile was a balm... she was the heart and the hearth of the legion and he felt joy that she was still alive! The ship shifted to high alert as the Amarantos' defenses kicked in as their machine spirits were probing and starting their attacks to cripple them... already locking on to their position but they had the proper codes to feed to the ornery spirit and assuage its demands.
Father had demanded that confrontation was off the table... and rightfully so given there was around five thousand Iron Warriors aboard the vessel and countless security measures all handmade by Father to protect Mother. Castor had to approach this situation delicately but he could not deny the desire to see Mother dearly... to feel her warmth again... the feeling of her hand on his head... and the softness of her voice. He missed the warmth of the iron hearth and would not fail Father.
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egrets-not-regrets · 3 months
Dandelions and Yarrow (1)
Dandelions and yarrow are both tough, hardy weeds that can grow under harsh conditions.
Alcyon (chaos Iron Warrior) makes the mistake of nearly breaking his bond with Amelia, his bonded human.
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Author’s Note: TW: smut, noncon, dubcon, angst. This chapter is all hurt, no comfort. You are warned.
Just a few points:
This takes place before Ben/Malaran “Orca” Blackspike storyline.
Amelia is bonded to Alcyon, a chaos Iron Warrior. These two share an intense bond that teeters on the point of becoming a mate bond.
Alcyon has a pretty good grasp of the english language. He usually communicates with Amelia in english and other Astartes in Gothic.
Thanks to @squishyowl for the divider image!
OCs: Alcyon (chaos Iron Warrior), Amelia Plover
Tagged: @shadowfirecat, @kit-williams, @bleedingichorhearts, @barn-anon, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
@sleepyfan-blog, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @bispecsual, @ms--lobotomy
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The meaning of 'heartbreak’ had been all but foreign to him before, but now he understood what it meant as soon as he saw the shattered look in Amelia’s eyes directed at him. Alcyon knew that she had received the news about being banned from her son’s school. 
“Alcyon! Why did you do it? Why did you have to fight him? I told you not to!” Amelia didn’t know where to even start with him on this anymore. The news broke her. Meeting Ben at his school before her ex came to pick him up was the only way she could see her son.    
Crossing his arms, the chaos Iron Warrior bristled and gave a disgruntled huff, “I could have killed the Black Templar. By right of challenge, I would have won your boy back for you had they not stopped me.”
“But they did stop you from killing him and now we both are banned from Ben’s school!” Amelia’s temper rose. 
“You shouldn’t have challenged him! I told you repeatedly to not do this and make the situation worse! It’s not that simple!” she added angrily. Amelia had never argued with Alcyon like this. She never wanted to argue with him like this, but she needed him to see, to understand how much his fight with the Black Templar cost her. 
“How is it not that simple? We could have simply taken your son at any point and you can have him back”
“Human laws don't make it simple!” Amelia nearly yelled at him out of frustration.
“I am bonded to you! In the eyes of human law, I am, to some degree, responsible for you too! What they see is MY chaos Astartes going out of control, starting a fight, and nearly killing a loyalist Astartes at my son’s school!” Her heart hurt, her head hurt, she didn’t want to continue. Why couldn’t her Astartes understand this? 
The chaos Iron Warrior replied, “You don’t control me.” 
“Of course I don’t, but that’s not how the human lawmakers see it.” Amelia breathed a vexed sigh trying to calm down. This argument was getting tiresome, she couldn’t remember the number of times they’ve talked about this. She knew her Astartes had done this on her behalf but she warned him time and time again not to, “I don’t even know why we’re still arguing about this. It’s too late for that now.” She grimaced. 
Amelia straightened out the order that she held crumpled in her fist, despairing as she read through the damning letter again. What was she to do now?
“We’ll have another chance to get your son back.”
His words locked around her chest tightly. She grit her teeth, trying hard not to cry from the whirlwind of emotions inside, “We won’t have another chance. Even if there was, you won’t be helping me.”
She could hear Alcyon’s quiet growl building, “What did you say?”
Amelia whirled on him, eyes blazing with fury and angry tears sliding unchecked down her face, “I said, ‘Even if I had another chance, I won’t be asking you for help!’”
The volume in her voice rose as she continued, “You lost my last chance to see Ben again, because you didn’t listen! How could I even trust you to not mess up next time?!” 
“Mess up?” Alcyon snapped at her, “Mess up?! I only took action because you kept crying about being stopped at every turn because of the laws and that damned family of his!”
“That’s exactly why we couldn’t meet them with violence! Because they are spiteful enough that they will throw the law at us and now they have the excuse of saying you are a danger to Ben due to your fight with his father’s Black Templar. Moreover, the law will always be biased against chaos Astartes and you are no exception! Why couldn’t you understand that?!”
Alcyon’s frustration grew the more Amelia said. It wasn’t his fault that the Black Templar and that family of hers kept her son away. He was the one who had supported her from the time she had accepted that he had bonded to her. And now she didn’t want his help because he made this one mistake? 
He sneered, “Don’t you dare blame me for that son of Dorn keeping your son away from you.”
“You are partially to blame! If you didn’t fight and nearly kill him, we wouldn’t be banned from the school! I wouldn't be in this mess!” she spat, too emotionally exhausted to keep her temper in check. 
“Then you shouldn’t have kept complaining about the inept human laws that you like to play with! At least I did something about it!” the Iron Warrior retorted.
Her anger boiled over, “I didn’t need you to do anything about it! I didn’t want you to do anything about it! Sometimes I wonder why I’m even bonded to you in the first place!” Amelia’s eyes widened and her expression turned pained, even she couldn’t believe the harsh words that came out of her mouth, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”
Ignoring her stuttered apology, Alcyon snarled back at her, “I didn’t ask to be bonded to you. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t be bound to a simpering weakling like you!”
He knew that his words hurt. Judging by the agonized expression she wore, his words stabbed in all the right places. She didn’t want his help? He’s the one who’s taken action to get her son back! He’s the one who gave her the chance to visit her son again! How dare she be so ungrateful! Alcyon angrily ignored the voice in the back of his mind screaming at him to stop, that they won’t be able to walk back their words after this. So occupied by his resentment and anger, he couldn’t feel their bond slowly come apart, thread snapping by fragile thread.
Amelia felt her heart crack and regrets started to bleed from it. 
“I never asked for you to be bonded to me either. You could’ve left me alone, you should’ve stayed away!” She wiped her eyes angrily, “None of this would’ve happened if you hadn’t shown up in my life!”
Another thread snapped. 
“You’re the one who accepted our bond! You wanted it! Had you not, you’d still be that lonely little human woman yearning for a big Astartes save her and warm her bed at night, because her own husband wouldn’t bother to fuck her!” Alcyon resentfully pointed out. 
Amelia glared at him, speechless with anger and mortification. 
“I heard what they said about you… the whore who prefers the company of chaos demons rather than her own family.” He sneered. 
“I do not…!” She spluttered in embarrassment, “I am not a whore!”
The Iron Warrior looked infuriatingly smug despite the hurt, “That’s not what you moaned when I fucked you.”
A few more threads loosened. 
Feeling humiliated beyond tears, Amelia growled low, “Get. Out.” 
“No. This place is mine as much as it is yours.” He replied stubbornly. 
“Fine. Then I’ll go! I can’t deal with you right now.” Amelia knew this was going nowhere and immediately yielded. She started walking away only to be roughly yanked back into place, plastered against the wall. Her arm, held tightly in his claw. Amelia froze, not daring to struggle lest the metal claw cut into her flesh. 
“I’m not done with you!” Alcyon growled. A dark desire in him wanted to see her fight back so he would have reason to scorch her in return. 
A number of threads singed and sizzled as it burnt away.
“What else do you want from me? To be thanked?” Amelia asked, indignation and hurt seeping into her voice. 
She snapped, “Well thank you for losing the last chance I have to see my son again!”
“Don’t take that tone with me!” He roared back.
Amelia screamed when Alcyon’s heavy metal claw slammed into the wall a few inches from her cheek. Sharp metal tips dug deep into the plaster; a stark frightening reminder of how dangerous Alcyon actually was. The red lenses on the chaos marine’s face glowed with a malignant energy as he loomed over her.  
“Good. You should remember to be afraid.” Alcyon leered at her, a sense of dark satisfaction washing over him as he watched terrified tears run down Amelia’s face. 
Another few threads broke. 
“You act as if this one mistake of mine is a world ending tragedy and wipes away everything else I had done for you!” He hissed disdainfully. 
Not even giving her a chance to reply, Alcyon continued, “Everything I had done up until now had always been for you! Always!” Spite and anger built in his chest, “And you dismiss me like some misbehaving pet?!”
“I never treated you like that! If you feel like I treat you like some pet, take off your collar then! Leave me! I can’t stop you!” She spat back, “I won’t stop you!”
She was right. He knew he could leave. He knew she couldn’t stop him. What could Amelia even do? She was such a weak creature. But something stopped him, did he actually want to leave? 
“We already said we don’t want to be bonded to each other. Then we don’t need to stay in whatever this.. this… whatever this is then!” Amelia angrily cried. 
To break this bond tethering him to Amelia’s existence seemed completely abhorrent to him. Even if he didn’t have a choice in who he was bonded to, the thought of her not wanting to stay by his side made Alcyon’s chest feel tight. 
“I can’t believe I loved you.” She said hoarsely, sorrow cracking through her voice, “I thought…”
Several more threads from the bond snapped.
His hearts shouldn’t have clenched like that when he heard her say it. The Iron Warrior dismissed the feeling with a scoff, “You’re delusional. There was never love. We are bonded. You are simply just mine.”
She glared at him through her tears, “We may be bonded, but I am not yours.”
That sentence echoed in his ear. 
More strands broke. 
“You don’t mean that.” Alcyon hissed through gritted teeth. The defiance in her words made something twist and shear inside. How dare she say that. She was his. She was his. Amelia was bonded to him and him only. She was his! That thought ran rampant in his mind.
“You don’t mean that.” The chaos marine suddenly pinned his human to the table, one hand trapping her wrists above her head, his teeth caressing her throat. Amelia cried out from the impact, her body spasmed in pain. 
“Tell me you don’t mean that.” He growled. Amelia idly wondered if Alcyon would tear her throat out if she told him otherwise. 
More threads strained and snapped. 
“Say it!” He snarled and bit down hard. 
Amelia mewled, her body instinctively reacting by arching into his. Instinctively wanting more. Her skin prickled at their heightened sensitivity. A weak moan escaped her as he sucked on the tender mark. 
“Tell me, Amelia. Tell me, you are mine. Your body certainly knows it.” She could feel him smirk against her flushed skin. She tried to bite back another whine at the heat and pressure of his body pressed flush to her own, her hips pushing back when he started rolling his hips against hers. It always started like this… she thought as her mind started to fog. 
Appalled at her own reaction, Amelia panicked. She twisted her hips away, bringing a knee up to push his body off her. Her arms strained to free themselves from the tight clasp of his hand.
She started screaming, “NO! Get off— mmngh!” He silenced her with a rough kiss, his tongue wrestling down her own. A frustrating rage in him grew at her defiance. She kept denying that she belonged to him. She was his as he was hers. They were bonded. He won’t allow her to deny the fact any longer. He’ll remind her who she is bonded to. 
“No.” The chaos marine sneered, his grip holding Amelia’s wrists together tightened, his claw grabbed her leg, easily moving it back to the side of his hips, forcing her to lay on her back facing him once more. She winced in discomfort. 
“Your words deny it, but your body and soul remembers. I will make you remember!” He angrily growled into her mouth, the vibration from it causing another unwanted arc of pleasure to course through her body. In one quick movement, Alcyon’s metal claw effortlessly shreds through her clothing. The torn clothes fell apart, leaving behind thin bleeding welts where his claw swiped against her bare torso. 
More threads were sliced from the bond. 
Amelia's eyes widened with fear as she started to struggle in earnest, “No! Alcyon! Let me g-!” His mouth was on hers again in an instant, cutting off her protests. She tried to turn her head away. He bit hard onto her bottom lip, warning her to be still. She whined in response before he promptly stole her breath again. 
“Stop, Alcyon! Please sto-!” Amelia begged as soon as their mouths parted. 
She could see every scar in detail around the lens implant as they stayed nose to nose, “Even if you deny it, you know that you’re mine.” Alcyon harshly whispered, “You will always be mine.”
He grabbed her hair and pulled her head to one side before biting down hard onto an old mark, drawing blood. Amelia keened wordlessly, tears leaking from her eyes as the pain added to the heated pleasure within her own traitorous body. She knew that this was a natural reaction, but she couldn’t help but wish that her body didn’t betray her like this. 
With a pleased growl, the chaos Iron Warrior licked the blood from the wound then kissed her. An unbidden moan left her throat as the bitter iron salt of her blood passed between their tongues. 
“Your body is more honest isn’t it?” Alcyon laughs sardonically against her lips. He could smell his human’s arousal right when he pinned her under him, the heady scent getting stronger as he continued to mark her. His teeth nipped and worried her sensitive skin down toward her breast, soaking in all her involuntary gasps and twitching muscles as he laid his claim onto her flesh. 
Amelia flushed with shame and regret. She wished she had never had slept with Alcyon, if only so that he would not know her body as well as he did. She regretted that she allowed her relationship with the Iron Warrior to become this intimate. She regretted that she had fallen in love with him. 
More threads dissolved. 
He bit down hard onto her breast, his sharp teeth sinking into the soft tissue. Amelia bit her lip to stop another whine from escaping, her hands stiffened into claws as Alcyon’s tongue licked up the blood that had beaded up from the wound.  
He gave the same treatment to her other breast, further sucking and teething her nipple into a hard peak. 
“No..! Alcy— ohhhn!” Her throat was tight as she let out a strangled moan, her pussy clenching around nothing. Amelia flattened her back against the table and tried to curl into herself, trying to shirk away from his touch. The chaos marine let out a feral, displeased growl. He grabbed her thighs and slotted her roughly against him, forcing her legs to spread wide to accommodate for the width of his muscled bulk. His metal claw dug into her back, the pain forcing Amelia to arch her spine, pushing more of her breast into his mouth; her breath shuddering and her hips thrusting involuntarily, rubbing her aching core against his pelvis as he sucked and nipped bruises onto her sensitive flesh. 
“No more… please Alcyon.” Amelia begged.  Shame filled her being as she could feel her cunt becoming slick with her juices. 
Alcyon ignored her pleas and groaned at the scent of her deepened arousal mixed with the iron in her blood, his own cock hardening within his pants from rutting against her hot wet core. He could feel the twitches of her muscles and hear her near silent moans and involuntary gasps as Amelia tried desperately to stop reacting to his touch. He will make her fall. He will make her remember. 
This time he will leave his marks so others could see who she belonged to. Alcyon bit her neck again, sinking his teeth just below her jawline. 
Her shame and regret flashed into anger. “Stop it!!!” She snarled, whipping up a freed hand to strike his face. 
Alcyon caught her hand and roughly forced it onto the table again, “Say it, Amelia. Say that you are mine.” He demanded, his eye darkened with feral lust and possessiveness heavy in his voice. 
She was beautiful, pinned helplessly below him, glaring at him with rage simmering under the surface. He could see Amelia’s heightened pulse flutter underneath her fragile skin. Bruises forming where he marked over and blood beading out from marks that broke skin. Her breasts heaved as she struggled to steady her breathing.
Amelia bared her teeth at him in anger and contempt, “Leave me alone! I can’t stand the sight of you! I hate you.”
He felt it then. It was as if someone reached into his chest and grabbed a bundle of threads that made up the core of his bond and brutally ripped them out. Sharp agonizing pain stabbed into his hearts as each thread snapped and broke, as if they were once attached to them. Alcyon stared at her, reeling from the sudden shock of pain. Amelia took the chance to slip out from under him and ran into the bedroom, locking the door behind her. 
The chaos warrior shook himself out of it, that shock of pain quickly settling to a dull ache as resentment soon took over. Alcyon turned to follow his human when the shine of the intricate metal fish on the table caught his attention. It was a gift he made for Amelia that she treasured. Eyeing the fish figurine with spiteful hostility, he crushed it in his hand and flung it against the wall, shattering it into pieces. 
Amelia’s sobs were quiet and muffled, but even they couldn’t escape from his keen hearing. Every cell in his body was compelling him to respond to his bonded human’s sorrowful cries; to comfort her, to apologize, to rebuild the threads of the bond that’s been broken. Alcyon ground his teeth hard, fighting against the compulsion. The Iron Warrior ignored it all and stormed out of their home, slamming the door so hard it nearly took the door off its hinges. 
Alcyon was long gone by the time Amelia crept out from the bedroom. Teary-eyed, but fully dressed again, Amelia cautiously made her way back to the living room, still wary that the chaos warrior was still lurking somewhere in their home. More and more cracks formed in her heart as she looked at the evidence of their fight: the gouge marks in the wall, the scratch marks, the torn strips of her clothes that laid on the table. She whimpered and hissed when her own body reminded her of Alcyon’s cuts and bite marks on her. But that hurt couldn’t compare to heart wrenching pain when she found the shattered remnants of her beloved fish figurine. 
Amelia remembered Alcyon had made it for her: a beautiful and surprisingly intricate piece of art that came from his rough and metal hands. She loved it so much. It reminded her of her son’s favourite creatures… and what she mistakenly thought was Alcyon’s love for her. Tears started to roll down her cheeks again as she painstakingly picked up the remains, piece by shattered piece.  
A particularly sharp fragment of the fish sliced into her finger, the sudden shock of pain causing her already shaky hand to drop the pieces she just collected. Sliding down the wall, her hand fisted around the pieces that didn’t fall, Amelia curled into herself in anguish. Letting out a grief-stricken wail, she wept bitterly. 
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itsabouttimex2 · 9 months
How would the platonic yandere Demon Bull Family react to a reader who, unlike Redson, did not grow up with a strong connection to the family or love for them? reader can be loyal to them but usually acts indifferently when it comes to "family love" and sometimes refuses to call Princess Iron Fan "mother" and Demon Bull King "father" but instead calling them "king" and "queen" would also be the same thing to Redson, with respect but like the others two doesn't want to call him "brother"
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Fiery Reunion: Part One
(Part One) (Part Two)
“This is your father,” Princess Iron Fan says to you, her voice thick with devotion and love. “Restored to us after centuries of oblivion. How long I have waited for this moment…”
That’s right. It has been a long time, hasn’t it? For all your life, your mother and brother have had one single motivation pushing them forward- find a way to save your father.
Technically, you could say that your goal was one and the same. You’ve been helping them all throughout your life, after all. But even though you’ve shared centuries with them, fighting for the very same man…
You just can’t bring yourself to be as passionate about saving him as they are.
“This is your father,” Princess Iron Fan has to say, because you were barely beyond infancy when he rose against Sun Wukong and was struck down and buried under a mountain for his crimes.
You’re sat on the ground, staring up at him with wide eyes. After having stumbled backwards and fallen to the floor in surprise and fear at the sight of him, you now stay there, gaping at the tremendous demon before you.
Your father, the terrifying Demon Bull King casts a hard gaze to your cowering form, raising an eyebrow.
“So the youngest of my children… has grown up. I had assumed the worst when I did not see them at my prison. Tell me, my love- have they become a powerful warrior for the Bull clan?”
He’s talking like you aren’t even here. Maybe that’s to be expected, given that you were barely a toddler when he was imprisoned and sealed away for hundreds of years. It’s not like he’s ever spoken to you.
Maybe it’s fitting punishment for not remembering the man your mother and brother adore. No matter how unreasonable the feeling is, you can’t stop hating yourself for something so far beyond your control.
“My love, Y/N is a skilled alchemist… they’ve proven their worth many times over. I’ve brought them here to restore your broken horn- and the rest of your body, while they’re at it.” She turns to you, her gaze growing determined. “I will have a troop of Bull Clones assigned to your command. Use them to procure whatever you need to create-“
“That’s alright,” you say quite confidently, interrupting her. “I have all I need to restore him to full health. I’ll only need two, to help me with my cauldron.”
The irritation from being interrupted by one of her children quickly dissipates, her creased brow and frown replaced with a satisfied smirk.
“Wonderful,” she breathes out, grinning from ear to ear. “I’ll leave you to it then.”
You politely bow to her, then to your father.
“If you would follow me, my king?”
He pauses to raise an eyebrow at how you’ve addressed him, but shrugs it off and walks along after you.
(He’s your father, he wants to say. He didn’t come back after hundreds of years to be addressed so formally/coldly by his own flesh and blood. But he’ll let it slide… you just need some time to adjust, perhaps.)
“A room dedicated to the alchemical arts, I see… and you’ve quite the collection of rare and valuable specimens. Then you will be able to restore me in short order, I take it?”
You reach out to reposition a small pot of glowing crimson star-shaped flowers, shifting it out of the way and leading your father deeper into your room. Two Bull Clones stand uniformly still against the back wall, ready to assist at a moments notice. Really, you only use them when you need a cauldron continuously stirred or heavy ingredients relocated. If you need petals plucked or seeds stripped, you do that delicate work with your own two hands.
“I have dedicated myself to the herbal arts. With the right supplies, there is little I cannot do, my king.”
“Good. It seems you have grown useful in my absence, little one.”
You briefly stagger at his words, unfamiliar to your ears and so, so very strange to hear.
Promptly you compose yourself and grab a well-worn ladder, leaning it against one of your many shelves. Before you can start to climb it, DBK reaches up to grab the glass canister you need. After lifting it close to his eye for examination, he holds it just out of your reach.
“What do you need lotus seed oil for? How will this restore my body to health?”
(And is it dangerous for you? He might just have to take a look through this room of your and confiscate anything you could hurt yourself with.)
“My king, the oil is merely a catalyst- it will allow my other ingredients to mix together properly without interfering with the alchemical process they’ll undergo.”
He allows you to have the canister, watching as you pour nearly a gallon of the oil into an ancient cauldron, emblazoned with glowing sigils. You keep a firm grip on the delicate glass, holding it firmly and slowly pouring the oil-
Then the door to your room opens with a slam, Red Son’s foot leaving a notable crack running through it.
You drop the canister in shock, flooding the cauldron with far more oil than any recipe would need. Grabbing a clean rag in a huff, you turn and shoot him a displeased look, just in time for to see him lunging for you.
He snags you by the shoulders and shakes you back and forth as he yells, “Have your brains taken a vacation, Y/N?! You aren’t supposed to work alone! You know that you’re not allowed to play with your little cauldron if mother or I aren’t with you!”
You push his hands away, pointing up at your father to prove that you aren’t alone in here, that you aren’t breaking any of the frankly unnecessary rules set that he and your mother have set into place for you.
He takes one look at your father, the goes right back to yelling at you for not telling him you’d be using the cauldron anyways.
(A nostalgic pang resounds in Demon Bull King’s chest as he watches the two of you squabble. Before he had been sealed away, you and your brother had been a child and young teen respectively. He had missed so much…)
When he snaps back to his senses, you are on your knees, carefully ladling the excess oil back into the now slippery glass container you had fished out of the cauldron with a rag. Red Son stands over you, frowning as you do.
“Why don’t you just get a Bull Clone to do this for you, Y/N? Even they could do it more efficiently. And you’d be able to prepare more of the elixir-“
“I hate to be disrespectful, my prin-“
“Brother,” he seethes, dark and low. “I am your brother, do you understand me?”
“Y-yes, brother.”
“Now, explain yourself… and do it clearly, little sibling. I don’t have time for any nonsense.”
“The Bull Clones don’t have the precision or gentle touch required to handle my plants and containers. Last time I tried to set them to such a task, I had to relegate them to sweeping up glass instead.”
“Tsk. I’ll make some minute adjustments on two or three of them for you. Perhaps reduce their grip strength and increase their joint dexterity… don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone, Y/N.”
Red Son turns and leaves, and to your surprise, your father goes with him, leaving you alone to finish your work.
Just barely, you hear your father’s voice from the hall, low and hushed.
“You seem… to be quite ‘adept’ with your sibling.”
Somehow, you feel that this doesn’t bode well for the future.
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redux-iterum · 10 months
As Predicted, Lynx is a Nerd
This is my third time rereading the series, and it’s been at least five years since I last gave a full reread. For some background, I first found WoF back in 2015 shortly after catching up with most of the Warriors books published and had a blast with that. Funnily enough, I still had WoF on the brain when I discovered worldbuilding, so guess what came under the scalpel.
Because I can’t come up with anything better to comment on in this book, let’s see how many worldbuilding inconsistencies I can poke holes into, followed by a tracker of how much time in-universe has progressed.
I think the first biggest question sitting in the back of everyone’s heads is how these cities of apex predators haven’t caused ecological collapse. Do you realize how much food needs to be produced in order to feed a city? And not only do these dragons have at least one major city, but they have villages! The implication is there’s at least a thousand dragons per tribe (barring exceptions), and that’s not ecologically sustainable.
Another thing is that all the dragons of the continent speak the same language when they’re largely isolated for the most part. You could make an argument that they're using a lingua franca to communicate for the purposes of war, but backwater villagers (as much as they don’t exist in WoF A1) wouldn’t need to learn the language. And when A3 gets here, don’t you worry, I’ll bitch about that too.
So! Peril. The only yandere I actually like. Let’s measure how hot her scales probably are. She melts gold pretty easily sometime later in the series, which melts at 1063°C (1945°F). She melts iron pretty easily in this book, which has a melting point of 1538°C (2800°F). And later in the series, she makes talonprints of glass in the sand. Glass has to be blisteringly hot to make the pretty stuff for jewelry or the clear stuff we use nowadays, so I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and say she only made crude glass. That’s 1700°C (3092°F) at the bare minimum. Granite, the rock with the lowest melting point, melts at 1215-1260°C (2220-2300°F), yet Peril—to my recollection—never melts a rock. Neat. Anyway.
As for the timeline, I reread this book part-by-part, paying attention to the passage of time. From Clay and Kestrel sparring to setting out to the Kingdom of the Sea, it’s been eight days. I knew it felt like a short time but it wasn’t until now that I realized just how much the DoD are trying to speedrun wrapping up this war. Like what Dullard said, “kids’ book”, but reading this hot off the heels of fellow fantasy books The Wheel of Time and Mistborn whose first books take months to do everything, it’s quite a bit of whiplash. Even Into the Wild took three months from “fire alone will save our Clan,” to “your new name is Fireheart,” (though two were time-skipped over).
In honesty, it’s somewhat amusing how Dullard and I flip in disposition when referring to Warriors or WoF. One gets riled up in a tizzy griping about every little thing done wrong and the other is acknowledging flaws, but isn’t so hung up on them. Maybe it’s having the cardboard background of worldbuilding crumple upon leaning on it.
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yanderes-galore · 14 days
Hi! If you don't mind, can i send in my request early? I'm too sleepy and I don't think I'll be awake for long. I know you have a bunch of early requests already so im sorry ":c
May I request a yandere concept for Kokomi? She's from Genshin Impact. Thank you! ^^
I've been returning to this request for months and for some reason I've been struggling. Hope I got something good down U-U Unfortunately I think she's a character who's victim to Inazuma's rough pacing.
Yandere! Kokomi Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Heavy manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Isolation, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Kokomi is usually someone who keeps to herself.
She's always been an introvert and has to balance that with being a leader.
Many look up to Kokomi as a leader during the rebellion and she has a strong influence on her people.
Divine Priestess is a stressful role for her, so is being the leader of a rebellion... as such she ends up taking time for herself to stay out of duties for a little while.
She's a skilled tactician and often likes to read.
Reading is a favorite hobby of hers... and her choice of books tend to relate to being a tactician.
She cares for her soldiers dearly and takes her duties seriously, even if she doesn't want to do them.
Kokomi's obsession would most likely be a close friend of hers...
Her behavior is also subtle as she isn't really a warrior.
She's a leader, she's charismatic, she would care for you and be a subtle force in your life.
Kokomi isn't really one who wants to influence her people's lives.
So her behavior towards you is ironic.
She may not even fully realize it when it comes to you.
While Kokomi enjoys her alone time, you are one of the only people who know of her secret spots.
In fact, Kokomi feels quite calm when you two silently read beside one another.
Your presence is the only exception to her.
Due to being a close friend who has most likely even helped her in the war with the Shogun, you never bring up duty with her.
You know it would only stress her out.
She appreciates that.
Kokomi cherishes your happiness and safety.
She's often so stressed with her role...
But you feel so relaxing to be around, you allow her to let loose and not feel as stressed.
Occasionally I can see her worrying about you.
Which may be what feeds her unintentional behavior.
Kokomi often wants you close by, especially when planning.
She's fond of your comfort and having you close allows her to know how you're feeling.
Even when she's stressed about meetings or talking to her people, having you near helps.
One good thing about Kokomi is she isn't a very demanding yandere.
She isn't intense or too dangerous.
So she isn't a yandere who'd coat herself in blood for you just to have your attention.
No, from my analysis of her character, she's too calm and caring for that.
She'd be hard to detect, definitely an influence in her obsession's life but hard to notice.
You two could have a healthy bond in your eyes where you view her as a good friend and wonderful leader.
Meanwhile she's carefully planning how to keep you by her side.
As shown in canon, she's an excellent planner.
So you could be isolated and not know it.
Kokomi doesn't seem like one to plot murder or kidnap... in the traditional sense, at least.
I feel that's what makes her a difficult yandere to write for me.
She'd be so subtle... She doesn't fit the traditional archetype.
However, that could make her scary in her own way.
The fact you don't know you're being manipulated?
You don't know Kokomi is bad for you?
That in itself is scary without all the blood.
You can't prevent or run from something you don't know.
Other people don't even notice as Kokomi is a trusted public figure.
Which means not many could warn you if they notice Kokomi's behavior.
It's all small things like encouraging you to stay with her longer.
She gives you small tasks to stay beside her instead of other people.
She's affectionate with you but it's not easy to tell if it's to fool you or not.
Kokomi is a yandere you could pull the "innocent" yandere archetype with.
Many trust her, many see her as a positive person... but if you want to go a bit OOC...
You could say Kokomi is darker than most people know.
Maybe she's just being nice for appearances?
The alternative route is that she doesn't recognize her darker feelings.
She just thinks this subtle control is for the best and won't hurt you.
How could it be when you look so... happy?
Either version makes her a hypocrite, treating the rest of the island differently compared to you.
You two could be close friends, or even dating, and you may not question anything when she keeps you in her home.
She always seems to have an excuse for everything...
Kokomi plans ahead, her sweet words only making you trust her more.
Plus, in case you do catch on, she has plans to wrangle you back.
She's prepared for everything.
But hopefully it won't come to it...
Hopefully you just accept her soft touches and caring words.
Hopefully you just love her and question nothing.
The horror of Kokomi's yandere would be the fact she's nearly undetectable...
You'd be trapped and never know it... you may even be happy there if she plans things right.
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