#yandere war hound
kit-williams · 7 months
First Kiss
Male Lead(s): Ghosk, Tyberos, Raven Guard Trio, Tulio, Harram Female Lead(s): Rabbit, Ophelia, Dove, Psychi, Orichalcum Universe/AU: Warhammer 40k/Yandere Space Marine Canon Status: ??? Depends on the boy
note: Tyberos & Harram aren't exactly fluffy (Ghosk is questionable fluff) BUT YA'LL PICKED THE MOST QUESTIONABLE MEN FOR KISSES
Ghosk Ghosk looked down at her in his nest... fast asleep as his black eyes looked over her as he crawled over her just hovering above her like some sort of twisted spider. In the pitch blackness of the room he could see her in the darkness. "Rabbit." He whispered to her watching her eyes flutter open as his wings also encased around her as well... truly blocking out any light that could reach her.
"Ghosk?" She whispers out before holding her breath just feeling the much larger face hover right over hers.
He can hear her heart pounding hard in her chest as he snapped his jaws near her ears... he couldn't help but continue to terrorize her... she spoke so casually... he could punish her... he watched her flinch and her breath quicken.
"Ghosk." She whimpered with her voice so small... his tongue pushing against her skin as she let tears roll down her cheeks. "Please... you win."
He was a vile monster of a man... a heinous creature that practically lived off of fear and torment... but he got no sick satisfaction out of making her cower in fear... no delight in this torment. He sighed pressing his forehead to hers, "I'm sorry Rabbit." He hummed as he gave a cruel smile, "You still don't make me feel any joy in bringing you fear." He pulled away... his hands cupped her face using his thumbs to brush away his saliva and her tears... he was a coward... a cruel creature... he stared at her lips. He watched her face as she closed her eyes and relaxed in his grip... leaned into his touch.
He was a coward to not let her see his face... to see the uncertain look in his eyes or the tender smile... to let her see what affection he held for his rabbit... his bunny rabbit. He was such a coward... as his mouth pressed to hers. His clawed hands laced into her hair as he kissed her. And to his surprise... she kissed him back.
Tyberos Tyberos knew she was tired... she was sore from his affections... he was a brute and he knew it but it was something he couldn't help. She had cried out those hot tears of pain and betrayal when he confronted her with the truth that she had been handed over to his chapter. He hardly felt like an angel of the Emperor... he was a creature of the void. He was the Void Father for a reason... he made the hard choices and no amount of whispered apologies would return Ophelia to her ignorant life... he knew that.
They could have done it a different way... gotten her to give up her precious biology another way and far more willing... but Tyberos was tried. In a sense he was tired of swimming alone... even if she reluctantly swam with him... she was there and smelt like a blissfully ignorant planet... she smelt like naivety... she smelt like what they were suppose to be protecting. She was something that he wasn't suppose to have.
His maw refused to release it's bite upon the creature from the land lost in the middle of the ocean. He knows he doesn't deserve to gorge upon the flesh in front of him but he cant stop. No amount of whispered apologies will undo what he's done... what bites he's left on her flesh... what marks are his that will fade in time... if given the chance... he cant unhear those pleading shrieks of both fear and delight ripping from her throat like a drowning beast.
He sulked in the moment as he looked at her... his shame... his sin... the person who made something in his brain itch aberrantly. He licked her skin clean of her sweat... pressing his tongue against her cheeks... he pauses feeling her swipe her tongue against his and he pulls back before he feels her small hands pull her body back to his. Her lips pressing into the unruined portion of his as she whimpers and begs for some modicum of affection and in the dark of the void he gives he cannot stop himself from giving... and giving... and giving... till there was nothing more of himself to give.
Sor/Kazi/Moremo Kazi is the first to get a kiss from their Dove... it's not very hard especially after her man leaves... leaving her alone with them... he couldn't stop himself at first... stealing pecks and kissing her cheek till he caught her smiling so happily up at him with such hope in her eyes! Kazi couldn't stop himself from picking her up as she laughed in joy and then the tension between them broke. Oh yes Kazi got tongue that first kiss with Dove... he would have loved to have more.
Moremo steals his kiss from Dove early one morning as she tried to make him breakfast... but her skills weren't exactly in cooking. But she clearly had felt guilty over letting Kazi kiss her first and so she tries to make him food to the best of her ability but the way he just looks her down... just has that way over her... she can't help but get on the tips of her toes and give him a gentle kiss.
Sor is the last one to get the kiss from their shared darling... after her brushing so close to death she clings to him so fearfully. How heavy her tears are as she looks up to him for protection and comfort and how Sor gives it so easily. How eager their lips crashed into each other and he had to hold himself back from jumping her bones as her smell flooded his senses and he had to pull his lips away from hers leaving them both breathless. His body shivering as he watches their dove lick her lips of his saliva.
Tulio You frown as you can't figure out what to give to Tulio... he has given you so much! Gifts! Saving your life! How he tries to pry how much of your contract you have left... you can't let him buy your contract not even if he intends to free you... then you'd emotionally be indebted to him and that would just confuse you!
He is trying to figure out what is wrong with you as you were going to give him something but in your haste you had forgotten it and you didn't want to have him walk all the way back and he is chattering just his grass green eyes looking at your own so tenderly... you're confused as some of his actions feel romantic yet other times it is pure of heart and it makes you feel like a harlot.
You cup his face as he coos that nickname he has given you... and you feel your heart beat wildly in your chest as the concern on his face grows and you wonder if it's beating loud enough for him to hear. "Dearest Psychi what is-" Is all he gets out before you kiss him hard.
You feel him tense up and then his hands suddenly upon you as panic overwhelms you for a moment as you try to babble your apologies before his mouth is on yours again as you are cradled in his arms leaning fully back and you close your own eyes as you hope this will be a better make up gift for him then the small granite charm you had gotten him.
Harram He wishes he could say that his first kiss with Ori was a passionate affair... he's made sure every kiss since that first has been loving and not just out of instincts. But it was during her pleading her begging as he bedded her to help her rid of those Xenos hands.
He remembers the way her kiss seared his lips as her short nails dug into his flesh as sweat gathered between their bodies... the way she pulled her hear away to watch their repeated joining with glazed eyes and a slack jaw of pleasure... unabashed pleasure unlike that guilty pleasure she felt with the xenos.
There was no Xeno threatening Ferrum... there was no need to trick herself into feeling pleasure... it was just the two of them... and oh how backwards he has gone in this... courtship. Bedding her first then catching feelings... but perhaps he had already caught feelings the moment he saw her laying there.
Blood oozed out of a cut on her lip and their tongues danced together as they tasted iron... perhaps it was quite khornite the way he cut his own lip to smear his own blood in her mouth but she drank of it with pleasure in her eyes. She was made of iron... and Harram was hardly wrong about that.
Fluffuary Tag List: @bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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gremlingottoosilly · 10 months
The horror and the wild [!emperor!Konig x fem!Reader] ch.5
You had a nice, simple life. Serve the princess, obey the princess, protect the princess with your life. You never thought that this nice, simple life would bring you to be kidnapped by the infamous Northern Emperor. Konig never thought that kidnapping a wife would be much easier than courting one.
CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2| Chapter 3| Chapter 4| Chapter 5l you're here! AO3
Word count: 3188 Tags/Warnings: Medieval fantasy/Alternative European history AU, Age gap, Enemies(one-sided)to lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping, Forced marriage, Size difference(Konig is absolutely huge), Somewhat one-sided slow burn, Yandere Konig
Warnings for this chapter: Predator/Prey kink, mild choking
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Little princess doesn’t know what’s good for her. Little princess is dumb and naive and oh, so deliciously weak, it makes Konig sick just how much he adores her pouty face, her aggressive expressions, and that squeak in her voice every time he does something to embarrass her – which he does, a lot, in fact. Quite aware of how his war dog lingo would affect an innocent young lady like his precious dearest darling illustrious wife, he uses it to hi advantage – when you have your lady cornered, heavy panting and cumming from your tongue and your fingers in her tight royal cunt, she wouldn’t be able to open her mouth for something meaningless, right? Thou shall not think as thou would be a sin against god. 
Emperor is a sinner, but he still believes that you shall always follow the religious instructions – as if not ever trying to oppose him and speak like you have the right to think in his presence. Perhaps, his devotion to making you weak and pliable in his arms is what led to this situation. 
Little princess doesn’t know what’s good for her, so little princess runs. 
You might brag about your best education and most elegant courses for women you attended in the palace – but he knows just how empty your adorable little head is, because you had no idea how much the thrill of the hunt turns him on. 
You’re nowhere to be found, escaped through the window of the room you were stationed in – it was his mistake, assigning you a place from which you could jump so easily. Next time, he will cuff you to his bedpost, like a loyal palace dog lying on his legs. Next time, he will make sure to love you so eagerly that your legs won’t work for at least a few days. 
He doesn’t even need his hunting dogs to catch you. Horangi offers his help, Tiger so eager to come out and play with a little princess, perhaps maul her a bit, showing the royal cunt what she deserves for disrespecting her emperor and his subjects – but oh no, this won’t do. König needs to discipline you himself, track your scent like the hound he is, and get you back to your wedding bed with your body in his teeth. 
Woe on you, dumb little princess, as your emperor considers escape attempts the richest form of courting. 
Following you through the forest near the castle, your footsteps are clear in the mud and dirt – a piece of your dress serves as a grinding light. Your scent, delicious sweetness, and fresh flower oils maid had infused you with made it laughably easier to find you. He can almost see the glimpses of your body running through the woods – god, he knew that he wanted you and was right about taking you away. 
How can he resist a wedding gift from his bride who wants to play tag? He follows you like a madman, a dog, he sees through trees, trying to see where you could run. The deep golden brown of your dress almost made you look like a forest spirit standing in the depths of the woods – if it weren’t for König’s trained eye, he would rather mistake you for a tree. Or a particularly precious deer. 
He licks his lips, a wolf approaching the bunny he was hunting for so long – you run away, still try to. These dumb skirts aren’t made for running away from your fiancee in a forest – you can barely walk in those, poor thing. You take a step back, panicking, squawking from fear, as he approaches you as slowly as possible. 
Perhaps, if he gives you one more chance to run, it would make the chase even more precious. 
He is used to hunting with his royal hounds, with a group of his closest friends by his side – war hawks helping hunt for prey, the animal snifters making the whole process laughably easy. He doesn’t have anyone for the company now. 
Only you, him, and wilderness – and his adoring love for everything you do. 
— Stop resisting, little princess.
You whimper, but your little annoyed expression makes him only harder. Hell, how he adores your frown, how much he wants to kiss your face right now – god knows he is holding himself back these days. Little princess doesn’t deserve to get her innocence taken on her back, legs open on the dirt of the royal forest – but sometimes you act like a good lashing, and some passionate mating is the only thing that would keep you in line. 
He yells in your direction, hoping that even that dumb head of yours has some sense in it – the chase is fun, and he would continue it more until you’re completely unraveled under him, exhausted and defeated – but, oh, your silly desire to be free has led you to the edge of the lake. Dancing on the shaky, soft sands and warm mud of the pond, your clothes leave you with very small chances of getting out of here in one piece. 
He doesn’t want to be the bringer of doom, but just one sleep, a nervous movement that you can’t control – and the little princess of his dreams will come flying in the dark waters. Even if your royal majesty knows how to swim, the heavy fabrics of your garments would be declared as your executioners. 
You look so fragile like this – your skirt is lifted, showing your pretty ankles, as you’re trying to jump from stone to stone, as far away from him as possible. You’re scared, only reminding him more of the bunnies he used to hunt as a kid – and he is almost offended that you’d prefer that risk of drowning over getting in the hands of your husband again, but alas, princesses are usually not the smartest creatures on the planet. 
— I’d rather die, Your Majesty. 
You bite your lips and look at him, so stubborn and cute – the feelings in him rise, your arrogant expression making the thrill of the hint ever sweeter. God, he cannot control himself around you like this – you should stop trying to make yourself sweeter for him, he already wants to keep you chained in his bed and never let you go. 
You’re so…
His path of thought is stopped by the splash of water. 
Dumb thing, you really decided to make the most of your words – like a cornered animal, you jumped in the lake, getting to the bottom almost immediately. Your dress is heavy and expensive, all the weight of the fabrics pinning you down in elaborate execution. Your emperor stands on the small beach, looking at the water circles going from where you fell…and then he jumps straight after you. 
The last thing you remembered before the world went dark was the scream of a man who, for the first time in his life, had experienced genuine fear. 
*** You wake up warm – and naked. 
No wet clothes, no heavy dress lingering on your skin like a soft coffin. 
You’re as naked as the day you were born, shivering despite the warmness of the room and the crackling of fire somewhere near you. You remember this room – a royal bedroom, quickly made as your quarters when you moved to this god-forsaken castle. Empire has some horribly extensive architecture, and this room, big, stony, and expelled of any decor, has only made you feel regret ever waking up. 
You wished to wake up in the cold embrace of your Princess – but you open your eyes and see this room over and over again. Why couldn’t death come sooner? 
— It was incredibly stupid even for you, little princess. 
König sits on the edge of the bed. A future husband shouldn’t sit like this, resembling a servant who is scared for the health of his misstress. His eyes are filled with cold fury and other emotions that you can’t quite grasp – you don’t want to look at his face too much as even the mere glimpse is making you uncomfortable. God knows you are not in the mood for trying to talk to your captor. 
God knows he doesn’t care about your wishes. 
— If you can only provide me freedom in case of my death…
— You will not be free after your death. 
You sigh, shocked – your brain isn’t nearly ready for this information when you just almost died. You shift in your bed, trying to pretend that you accidentally fell asleep – but the emperor pushes his hand on your cheek, warm fingers lingering on the cold skin. You sigh quietly, sealing his warmth. 
You fight the desire to nuzzle in his palm like an obedient little pet. 
— It’s not for you to decide, Your Majesty. I should be allowed to die on my own accord. 
— I'm entitled to your life, my bride. Don’t make me remind you of this, ja? 
— I would rather… 
— I can deliver death to you, little one. In a verdammt heartbeat. 
His hand goes from a warm presence on your cheek to an angry squeeze of your neck – you cough when he continues to shut your breath, fluttering of your neck in his grasp only makes your defeat even sweeter. König has you right where he wants it – under him, holding firmly in his grasp like some exotic bird he picked up from his travels. 
Lack of air makes you dizzy – as ironic as it sounds, you feel airheaded, hands clinging to his massive palm in a poor attempt to make him let you go. You whimper, you cry, you feel death all too soon – you want to die, of course, maybe, willingly meeting in hell with the royalty you had sworn to serve, but you don’t want to be killed. Tears run down your cheeks when you finally see the other side of him – out of control, angry, worse even than the conqueror you saw when you first met. 
You feel replaceable and small – he squeezes your throat like you aren’t his bride like you don’t mean anything to him, and, yes, it makes you feel hurt. Vulnerable as ever, your manicured nails have zero power over him – he only laughs at your helpless expression. For a second, it makes you think this is it – the last thing you would ever see is the cold anger in the eyes of your emperor. 
When your vision finally got blurry enough so you could not see anything anymore, König softly lowered his face closer to you, lifting the bottom part of his weird, strange hood. Smothering you with his lips, delivering the air you were craving for – if only to make himself feel even more in control. You’re lightheaded and a bit dumb, still, your mind is too delirious to actually understand anything that is happening around you. 
His lips are warm and dry, you steal air from his lungs with each second – you feel the energy feeling you up again, eyes are finally set enough to see at least some part of his face. Chiseled chin, covered in scars, tanned skin – you’re surprised that he is not as pale as you thought he must be, with his love for the masks. 
His veins are dark and rotten – you don’t understand how he can survive with his blood looking like this, but the dark tendrils of his body almost make him more of a curiosity than an actual human being. It’s only his lips that are still holding you in realms of the living. You don’t want to think of the implications and gossip you heard from some servants that were allowed to go out – allowed to witness the growth of the empire that was soon to eat you all. 
König finally lets go of your mouth when you start falling asleep again. You don’t allow him to simply cover his lips with his hood again though – your hands are heading to lend on his neck, fingers tracing the outlines of his veins. 
A medical curiosity, this emperor – you squeeze the rot of his neck, and he moans like you just did something that he liked too much. 
It’s only fitting that he has the body of a monster – for all he is done, you wouldn't be surprised if his head actually resembles the one of an octopus from silly books you were reading or a mess of dark tendrils, wiggling and swarming. Your delirious, oxygen-deprived mind still wants to touch him more, to satisfy your curiosity in all the more fitting ways. Maybe take your research a bit further down to see if he truly is a man down there. 
But oh well, you saw his body before – although you never as much as paid attention to that detail. Did he change in a few days that passed? Does his veins start to spew out darkness because he is…
He crushed your hand in his, almost making you feel a crack in your dainty lady fingers. God forbid you feel like your hands are being torn apart. 
— Never try to defy me like this again. 
He spews the words with anger than would be fitting for the enemy – and he is, for you, but you were sure that he didn’t consider you one of them. The contrast with his soft actions earlier, you can feel tears collecting in your eyes as he slowly lets go of your hand. 
Not knowing what to do, you roll to the side, burning desire to never see his face – or lack thereof – ever again. Like an angry cat that doesn’t know how to stop biting, you feel like you’re going to cry again and again. 
You whimper, trying to escape the haunting gaze of his eyes – and his face softens, if only for a bit. He presses his hand against your damp forehead, checking the temperature. You don’t want to forgive him just yet – for anything at this matter, but he is soft at this moment, and somehow, it is almost enough. Somehow, you almost feel like you can breathe again. 
— I was so scared, little princess. I don’t like being scared. 
You laugh dryly, your face is still deep in the pillow. You are trying to ignore the beast, but the beast decided that you’re his best option for a nice free snack. Beast decided to take off some of his clothes – you don’t see it, but you hear the sound of fabric hitting the floor, and you don’t want to even think how much it cost. 
You try to cover your naked body with the silk sheets of your bed, but soft fabric only entices your desires in a way that can only be called sinful. You remember the sensation of his tongue between your legs, your desire to simply run out of your skin because of how good it felt – each stroke made you strive further and further away from your duties. Like a good little maid you are, a perfect lady in waiting, waiting for her demise, you have to ignore all the mortal pleasures. 
If you want the royal family to truly forgive you in their graves, you would have to join them. Perhaps, you gave up on drowning too fast. 
— It wasn’t my intention. 
He shifts, the bed is too small for someone like him. You feel his legs, clothed, thank god, touching your naked thighs – and you immediately stir to the further side. You keep your arms and legs in check, getting into a small ball of limbs as you’re trying to comfort yourself without his touch. You don’t want to admit it, but König is warm, warmer than you thought he had the right to be, and you’re freezing. The phantom feeling of cold water on your skin is making you shiver. 
— What were your intentions then? 
If the emperor knows about manners and how a fiancee should behave around his bride that he didn’t even consummate the marriage, he is ignoring that knowledge. Large hands pinning you to his chest, warm and firm – to your utter dread, he took off the armor plates and even the simple shirt under it, making you helplessly squish your cheek against his muscles. He smells like a man, and you never knew you’d feel that smell in your life. 
You don’t hate it. 
— You killed by parents, Your Majesty. 
He only laughs, his hand goes to stroke your back. This is a contrast with his coldness before – he is soft and warm with you, and you hate that you don’t hate it. Gigantic palm goes to settle between your shoulder blades and you simply sigh, trying to get used to his touches. You don’t want to, but a good servant should adapt to everything, so you do just that. Adapting, deforming, melding yourself in something you never knew you even could be. 
Your head hurts, and you whimper when his gentle massage relaxes your sore muscles. You hate his gentleness, you hate his firmness. 
You want him to let you go, but you don’t even know where you would go. 
— Your parents, little princess? Really? 
There is a vile mockery in his voice, and you immediately remember who this man is. Not some devoted lover and slightly obsessive romanticist – he is dangerous, horrible, he is the conqueror of your country. You may not have warm feelings about the royal family, but he doesn’t know this – his laugh and mockery of your “family” must be real. It has to be, or else you’re going to die after your deceiving has been opened. 
He pushes you even closer to him, and you whimper like a dumb little dog without any means of stopping him from touching you. There is some freedom from being exposed like this, but you still don’t like it. Still feel like he is going to murder you, given the reason. 
— If anything, my men did it. That dog you called a father did not deserve my sword. 
Anger fills your whole body – not because you were particularly close with the king, but because König is parading his mockery of your supposed family. He hugs you with hands that are covered in blood, no matter if he is just the one to give orders. 
You try to get out of his grasp, but apathy fills you. What’s the point if the royal family is dead? What’s the point if you aren’t even the real princess. 
— You will not call my father…
He makes you shut your mouth when he kisses your head. Sweet and soft, you do not understand his intentions. If anything, it feels like yet another mockery. 
— I will call him like I want, meine Liebe. And you will still be mine. 
— I won’t just take it, Your Majesty. 
He laughs again. You feel sick. 
— With our wedding tomorrow, little flower, you will have to take it. Not the last thing you’ll take on that day, little princess. 
You feel like you are going to be sick. 
König kisses you again, forcing you to sleep in his hands. 
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bakugoushotwife · 11 months
kinktober day twenty-five: biting kink
>>> oh yeah i got a new laptop! went back in and reformatted the other days so hopefully they aren't an eyesore but we back on track with choso here :)) he's so.....yum...he's so....biting coded idk
>>> starring: choso kamo x curvy!f!reader >>> cw: sorta dark content just to be safe, biting, a little blood, one spank, spitting, oral (f!receiving), doggy, uh kinda yandere coded i suppose, one kinda baby-trapping comment >>> wc: 3.3k >>> event masterlist:
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choso is a family oriented man. it’s at the core of who he is, and everyone knows how important his family is to him—no matter how small said family was. his brother yuji meant a lot to him as his only “blood” relation and closest friend. he loves the guy more than anything. or, he thought he did. that was easy to say until he met you of course. choso was new to life despite his soul being over a hundred years old, and he had never experienced the emotions you bring him. the joy, the excitement, the true love. it amazes him and he’s still not quite used to all of it just yet, despite the several years that you’ve been together. 
you met through yuji during the height of his woes of war and the inner battles he fought against his own cursed brain—toeing the line between human and monster. at some point, he made peace with not belonging. he knew that yuji loves him and that was really all he needed. he didn’t have to relate to yuji’s struggles. his perfectly human issues, like running behind on laundry now that fushiguro is on a mission and isn’t hounding him to do it. he didn’t have to relate to the emotions of love and worry and anxiety or jealousy, not until yuji introduced him to a fellow sorcerer—a kyoto school alumni. you were radiant. like a captive ray of sunshine. he hadn’t experienced such warmth in his chest, blossoming across his face. what was this? he missed your name. he was too busy panicking over introducing himself and how he would do so that he’s already made a complete fool of himself by the time he bows at the shoulders and gives you a gentle whisper of his name. 
you miss his name too, he was much too quiet. you look to yuji, and he clarifies. “my brother, choso. the one i was telling you about!” he pats your back, and you do remember him telling you about his older sibling. by the time choso’s lifted back to his regular posture, he’s convinced yuji’s probably only revealed the most embarrassing things about him and that you would be put off just by the knowledge of what he is. but when he looks at you again, you’re smiling. you give him your hand instead of bowing, repeating your name and cheerfully offering to show him around kyoto city. 
he was so glad he accepted. that warmth in his chest never went away. you were so addictive. you didn’t bat an eye at his awkwardness and you seemingly took pleasure in teaching him any gaps he had yet to experience. that day, when you showed him around the city–he had no clue what it was that he felt for you. he followed you around your town, touring shops and exploring scenery with you, with no trace of embarrassment. you were easy to get along with, naturally talkative and entertaining—he learned a lot about you that night. you were captivating. you were standing at a natural pond, pointing out some cranes and spouting off facts about their mating cycles. he had no clue what half of it really meant, but he liked the sound of your voice and the excitement shimmering in your eyes. he knew he wanted to feel this warmth again. he never wanted it to go away—his body was buzzing with the feeling of being alive. he’d never had that before. it was you, it had to be you, maybe that was your cursed technique. but either way, choso was hooked. 
“you’re beautiful.” he blurted out in the middle of your educational rant, and he’s not sure what made him say so. clearly you were gorgeous—but the confidence to confess it was something he was sure he would lack forever. maybe his brother had rubbed off on him, after all yuji was very outward with his affection for his boyfriend. but you weren’t choso’s anything. he just met you. and if he hadn’t left an awful first impression, he was sure he had made things way to awkward for a first interaction now. 
but you giggle. he likes the sound. it was warm like that feeling in his chest. you turn to give him your attention then, and he really gets to see the gentleness in your eyes. so free of judgment, so soft as they look over him. he’s sure he’s blushing again. 
“so are you.” you grin, one side of your mouth higher than the other. he’s entranced by it. but he’s not the only one affected by this first time encounter. you were amazed by his kindness. he was easy and gentle, not to mention ethereally gorgeous.he was tall and broad, and even though he was covered head to toe, you could tell by the veins in his hands that nothing but strength and muscle lurked beneath his oversized sweater. 
that really sent him reeling. what does he say to that? he’s never been in this position before and yuji certainly didn’t give him any pointers. he could only follow his overly-forward example in his established relationship. “i like you. i want to see you again.” he tucks his hands in his pockets and scuffs his boots over some dirt. 
“like a date?” you ask, brow raised and hopeful. it had only been a few hours of wandering together but you liked the calm tranquility he brought—along with that strikingly handsome face. 
date. date? he knows what that is, he remembers something about these. it’s where couples spend time together! but you weren’t a couple yet, so… was that different? he could ask later, right now you stare up at him expectantly—and he can’t say no to that look on your face. “yes. romance.” he nods, and you smile softly at the attempt.
though romance you he did. he must have learned a lot in the weeks leading up to your official first date, because from that point on choso never ceased to amaze you. he surely didn’t know everything about being a boyfriend, but you made things pretty easy on him. he mostly acted off of instinct, and where that failed him–you made sure to keep him informed on how to love, console, talk through his feelings, and navigate any other bump in the road along the way of your beautiful three years together. 
you taught him how to embrace his intimacy, too. and boy, is that his favorite way of loving you. he is clingy and possessive–you’re the only person alive who could evoke such neediness from him, of course he wants to stay near you always and make his claim on you as visible as possible. hasn’t he already established how beautiful you are? i mean your nature and beauty alone was enough to bring someone like him out of his shell. he can only imagine what effect you must have on lesser men. 
he never imagined that lesser men would include your male coworker— partner. even worse. he may be unfamiliar with several things that this life has to offer, but the concept of a work husband was not lost on him. especially when it comes time to pick you up that day. choso always liked to pick you up. he liked to see you as soon as possible number one, and number two he liked to make sure his presence was still well noted around your infested office. he picked a good day to stop by, apparently. your partner had you trapped in your chair—his body wedged between your desk and any escape. choso could tell by the look in his eye that his intentions were anything but pure–and clearly the healing bruises peeking up over your collar weren’t enough to let the pervert know that you were more than spoken for. 
you could feel his energy as soon as he rounded the corner, and your relief was clear. you slump into your seat, ready for your loving boyfriend’s rescue from this horribly awkward conversation. your relief doesn’t last long. the look on your boyfriend’s face was that of pure rage, his eyes a dark purple flame. your pesky coworker seems to feel the perilous stare. he wheels around to be met with the boyfriend you warned him about, and he opens his mouth to make excuses. 
“leave. don’t talk to her again.” he utters from your doorway, making sure the man had to walk past him to obey his requests. “want kids one day?” he threatens, raising his brow, his face a nasty scowl. the guy backs aways from you immediately, tucking his head to slide past choso and pray that his sliminess doesn’t get on his clothes. choso growls a little upon his exit, slamming your door shut behind him. your kind and gentle boyfriend was in the backseat of his own mind, and you knew it. he was blinded with jealousy—though he trusts you with his life. it just disgusts him that anyone can picture you in the way that’s only meant for him. if he could, he’d make sure no one could even look at you, though that’s far from an achievable reality. he stares at you, the fire dimming in his eyes only slightly since you were not the source of his rage—but you would surely be the resolve of it. 
you could tell what he was ordering you to do without him having to say a word, and it wouldn’t be the first time that you’ve let choso fuck you in your office. it excites you to see him so controlling. you unbutton your blouse, moving from your office chair to the desk to present yourself for him. he growls approvingly, thumbing over his bottom lip as he admires you. you’re already a patchwork of bruises in various stages of healing—and thanks to your overzealous partner, he’d have to add more to the collection. 
“just panties.” he orders in that low silken tone of his. you can see the imprint of his cock steadily hardening against the casual black jeans he chose to wear today. your mouth nearly salivates at the thought of how rough he was about to be with you as you grip at the sides of your pencil skirt, yanking it down your legs and into the floor before you move for your bra—sighing at the relief of your free chest meeting the cool air. he nods, tugging at the neck of his shirt to remove it. 
your body just puts everything in overdrive. every need to take you and mark you up intensifying tenfold. you are perfect, sultry little lips, a perfect rack and curves for days. he knew he was hardly the first guy to fantasize about you—but he had to make sure he was the only one taking up your thoughts. you shudder at the reveal of his chiseled top half. he was so bulky despite first impressions, huge biceps and thick, veiny forearms. his chest was wide and pecs defined, he was a god. your legs shift wider in subconscious accommodation for him and he’s pushing his jeans down and giving you a half-lidded smirk—enough to make your panties stick to your cunt in anticipation of him. he grabs your chin, giving you a harsh kiss. he was so dual, so easy with you one moment and brutal with you the next, it was everything. he gnaws at your lip, shoving his thick tongue into your mouth, licking over the walls over your cheeks and tasting the bitter energy drink you’ve been sipping on your tongue. he chuckles when he pulls away, your lip puffy in the spot his teeth met. 
“so pretty even your coworkers want you. what am i gonna do with you, sweetheart?” he sighs, sinking to his knees. he rubs you over your panties, enjoying the squishy mush he feels waiting for him beneath the fabric. you kick your legs on either side of him, leaning back on the desk to get more of that feeling, his fingers temporarily hooking on your clit with each pathetic little roll of your hips. “only this wet for me though, right?”
you nod vigorously, parting those swollen lips to plead your case. he swipes your panties to the side and loudly spits against your clit. his other thumb comes in to spread the nasty lube. you clamp your mouth shut again at the feeling of his digits stroking over you, your studious boyfriend having learned exactly where to touch you through your times together. you shudder instantly, body responding through jerks of your legs and trying to shut them around his head. that only makes him move his fingers all together, leaning in to suckle your clit in between his teeth, biting at the sensitive nub. you can feel his hair rub against your inner thighs, the warmth and wetness of his mouth making you look around for a way to ground yourself against the rapid stretching elastic feeling in your core. his hands find the dimples of your thighs, kneading at them and groaning as he flicks his tongue against the nerves now—memorizing the patterns and speed you liked best like this quick figure eight he was doing now. 
one hand grips the desk, your other coming up to grip at his black pigtail, whisper-chanting his name as helplessly grind on his face. he knows you won’t last much longer, and he knows exactly how to push you over the edge—letting his fingers take the place of his mouth so he could occupy his teeth with the plush skin of your inner thighs. luckily you love it, his sick need to brand you in the most dangerous way possible—loving the message it sends. you squeal as he sinks into your flesh, seeing stars from the combining sensations. 
“choso!! cumming, oh shh—” your mouth drops open, the shocks coming over you in waves. if he was in a kinder mood, he’d work you through the onslaught and let you sit on his length, working you both out in such a delicious fashion. but he’s insatiable, and one of those sweet squeals from you is not anywhere near enough. he stands back to full height, pulling off those soaked panties and letting them lie forgotten along with the rest of your clothes. you’re so gone already—so beautiful and blissed out in the way that you have taught him exactly how to do this to you and no one could be as attentive and cater to you like he does. you look up at him so sweetly, you’ve given over your entire body for him to decorate as he sees fit—and your neck doesn’t have his teeth marks in the delicate skin where everyone can see. no, he had been a gentleman so far, keeping everything coverable–tasteful peeks available depending on the work shirts you chose. he thumbs over your lip, scraping his teeth over your jaw and nipping at different places just enough to bruise, loving the blues and reds left in his wake. he knows to be careful, to avoid your carotid–no one’s more in tune with blood flow than he is. so he picks his spot, laving his tongue over it as his fingers play in the mess between your legs, making you gasp and hump into his hand again like the eager little girl you are. you scream out his name when he bites, the iron tang of blood dripping on his tongue and down that pretty neck of yours. you kick your feet, the pain so deep but so good—connected directly to the panging need in your cunt, you can’t deny that his kink is one you share. 
you can see the red staining his teeth when he pulls away to look at the little streaks running down your skin–just enough. he would never seriously hurt you, and he knows that you love to be bitten and branded as much as he loves to do it. you grin at the sight of him, blood on his lip and desire burning in the place of his earlier rage. he turns you, helping you lean over your desk so he could see what marks needed to be replaced on your ass. he licks his teeth, several had healed up and disappeared to his distaste. he slaps the supple skin, making you jump a bit with giddiness—some dizziness even. you push against your wooden desk to feel his warmth, his large hand enough to sting your whole cheek as his teeth sink into the other. your eyes roll back a little, knowing this one had drawn blood based on the way he soothes over the indents with his tongue. it’ll be hard to sit on it tomorrow, but he compliments the brand with a few hickies surrounding the main piece, palming at your skin to soothe. he loves hearing you mewl and moan when he claims you, he loves seeing that glistening layer of your want for him on your thighs when he spreads your ass cheeks, grunting out just how happy it makes him as he guides his fat leaking cockhead to the eager entrance. 
he hisses and you moan when he bottoms out in you, giving you inch by inch without mercy. you press your cheek to the cool wood of the desk, only able to feel the heat of your body and his hot cock sliding in and out of you. you can’t speak, he fills you too well. he’s angled too perfect, hitting every spot over and over to make you stupid—unable to even hold yourself up any longer. he loves using such a brutal pace on you, thrusting powerfully enough that his balls slap against your bruised ass. you clench down around him so tight he’s worried his cock might snap in two—but it’s so worth it for the animalistic moans spilling from your throat every time he nudges against your cervix. you look so cute beneath him, clawing at the desk and screaming his name in those silent yells. 
“is this my pussy? tell me who’s pussy this belongs to.” he grunts, pulling your arms behind your back. you arch to fight against the depth he’s getting, only to give him more with your squirming. he tightens his hold to keep you still, using his other hand to pull your hair up for a clear answer. you inhale sharply at the pain, the feeling so blissful you can feel another elastic band stretching thin inside you. “asked you a question, sweetheart. speak up.” 
“yes–” you choke out, trying to collect your thoughts in between the loud beats of your heart and throbs of your pussy. “all yours, ‘s your pussy chos–choso!” you cry out, the rubber band snapping as he finds the weak spot of your womb. 
“that’s my good girl, want my pussy to cum for me.” he squeezes your wrists in one big hand—freeing your hair. you gasp out, nodding eagerly as the release comes gushing, your series of babbles and squeals enough to do him in. he slams his cock as deep as it will go–hoping to one day mark you as his in the most obvious way possible as his seed spills into your insides. he rocks you both through it this time, a sign that your boyfriend was returning to normal after receiving the cure to his sour mood. his soft hands caress the curves of your waist as he stills, catching his breath. you lay beneath him in a dream state, blood on your body and traces on the table and on his own person. he chuckles a little—hopefully your partner, and any other oblivious skeez, gets the point now, if your screaming didn’t run them out of the office.
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Title: || Through the Dark ||
CW(s): yandere content, allusions to suicide at the very end 
Prequel (can be read in whichever order you want)
You still remember the good days. The warmer days when you were still with the Chain. 
You cherish these memories, even if they’ve been tainted. Despite knowing what they’re really like, you still hold these memories close, the knowledge that you enjoyed yourself at the time was enough for you to think back fondly. 
The time when Wind kept photobombing Wild’s attempts to get a picture of you by the shore, trying – and failing – to teach Hyrule how to cook something digestible, that undercover mission you had with Wars where you pretended to be a married noble couple, all of you joking and laughing around the dinner table. Yes, that’s a real family. 
However, you had to face that those days were gone and would never return. As much as they might want it, you would make sure that things would not go their way. Not this time. 
So you watched from far away, looked on as they did their best to fight off a hoard of tainted beasts. A part of you wondered if you were right. Or if you should have tried to stay. They still did their duty, still protected the innocent, still did their damndest to defeat evil, even if it was for your sake and for no one else. 
You could hear various desperate shouts of your name. Even after all this time, even after you told them to not reach out to you and to just forget about you, to hate you if it made the pain hurt less, they were still searching. Still hoping that you would be behind one of these black-blooded monster attacks, that you’d be nearby, close enough to hear them and would ‘come to your senses’ and return to them. 
But you’ve made your choice. You knew the consequences when you struck that deal with the shadow: that you’d leave them forever, that mistrust and hate would hound you, that you’d be tainted, that you’d be even lonelier than you’ve ever been. 
You’ve accepted this. 
So why couldn’t they? 
Right. Stupid question. You knew exactly why. 
If you told them to hate you, they’d just tell you all the reasons they love obsess over you. If you told them to leave you be, they’d follow you to hell and back. If you told them that you’ve become too tainted to touch, that you’d leave a mark, they’d cling onto you and not even death itself could get them to release you. If you told them to live a long, happy life, they would reject any reality that didn’t have you in it. 
It’s ironic how Dark Link ended up being your ‘hero’ in this scenario. Offering you power to rely on for once in exchange for helping him get rid of Hylia’s pawns. And while you ‘failed’ to end them on your first attempt, when you bid farewell to the group, you had your own plans. You’d bide your time, grow stronger, learn to use these new powers of yours, turn on Dark Link and set things right once and for all. You’d send everyone back to their own eras, let them restart their lives from zero while you faced the dangers of this world on your own. 
You’ll descend into darkness so that you could return them to the light. And once your fight was over, you’d end it, taking the last bits of the shadow’s influence with you. 
And then, you’ll finally be free. 
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sweetwolfcupcake · 9 months
An Introduction
Secret Garden
Warning-- Implications of kidnapping, stalking and other subtle yandere elements.
An Introduction to Yandere John Wick.
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John Wick is a complex character. 
There are many layers to him, and many motivations behind his actions but one thing takes the cake– besides being a man of focus, commitment and sheer will, he is a man driven by passion.
It's almost an animal-like instinct in him. His story (in the movies timeline) started out of passion. But there is another side to him. The side he wished to bury away with his guns. He is a predator to the core. He hunts and he hunts like a true apex predator. 
It is a part he wished to bury away when Helen came to his life. But after she was gone, the ground began to shake and crack away. The soil eroded and it took but one devastating incident into to bring that part of him back.
So, coming to John Wick as a yandere...
One of the most fitting fictional characters for this category.
He is a patient wolf. But still a wolf. A hound from the depths of hell. A hound owned by no one. 
He has morals, he runs by a code. But he is feared for a reason.
Even with commendable patience he is anxious for his beloved's safety.  Especially after loosing the love of his life–Helen.
He remains in the shadow and just observes. He is clever enough to appear unassuming. A simple, reserved man in his forties who is never rude. No sheep suspects a wolf with sheep’s coat among them, do they? 
He is that wolf. A man she would bump into often, especially at the cafe she visits every now and then. And the library? He portrays exceptional knowledge regarding the Greek Gods and classic texts.
“Who is your favourite of them?” She asked him casually one day while they fell into a discourse regarding Greek legends.
Mr Wick sipped his coffee and looked into her eyes “Hades.” he replied,.
“But wasn’t he the one who abducted Persephone and tricked her into staying with him? The six months cycle?”
“He was also the one who respected her and remained loyal to her through eternity. He simply did not care about social codes– the same codes those cheating gods so revered.”
You see, he is Hades, the god of the underworld. He will wage wars for her, take on anything and anyone. He decided. And she, is his unassuming Persephone. 
The rest is a waiting game.
So, what do you think?
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
I love this huge beast, so can I ask for a concept for Berserker from Gears Of War?
I'm actually not too sure how this would work... since they are extremely aggressive. But let me just bend the rules a bit. Not the weirdest thing I've written so~ Here.
Possessive/Attached Berserker Concept
Pairing: Animal/Pet-Like (?)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Animalistic yandere, Possessive/Overprotective behavior, Violence, Murder, Stalking, Death, One-Sided obsession, Forced companionship.
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Berserkers are probably one of the deadliest Locust types.
They are all female and are blind.
However, they have a keen sense of smell and hearing.
They are bullet resistant, highly aggressive, and can turn someone into red mist by running into them.
I feel a Berserker, due to her animalistic and feral nature, wouldn't be able to form much for platonic or romantic relationships.
She fits more into the animalistic category, a beast tamed by no one.
Except you for some odd reason.
None of this is very plausible but here's what I propose.
This Berserker gets really attached to your smell.
Maybe this Berserker has limited aggression, which is an odd thought but a normal Berserker couldn't have any mental capacity other than violence.
But even then I don't think they'll be your typical "yandere".
She'd act more like a possessive creature, one that chases the target that has that smell she's attached to.
The dynamic is really just you running away and her following.
She'd follow you everywhere, too.
Berserkers can even catch up to high-speed trains.
Your smell is voice echoes in her skull, unlike most Berserkers it may make her more docile.
It also makes her aggressively pursue you to have more of it.
You'll spend a lot of your time running and hiding until you can get her somewhere to... well... finish things.
But you can only hope you don't get caught.
You're scared of what happens if you get caught... you don't want to think about it.
Anyone in her way is obliterated by her strength.
Like a hound she chases your smell with a screech, searching for the cause of her fixation.
Meanwhile you are quaking in your boots as she thumps after you.
If you aren't lucky... she'll eventually catch you.
What happens to you feels like a coin flip.
She'll attempt to grab at you and hold you.
She aggressively sniffs at your face and hair, screeching and squeezing you.
Due to their strength... there's a good chance a Berserker may accidentally kill you.
If you're lucky you'll just break a few things...
Or unlucky... that's more like unlucky because now she has you.
She's responsive to your touch and is very possessive towards her target.
The morbid part of this? If you died she'd still keep you...
She likes your smell... she's soothed by your voice...
But why can't she hear your voice anymore?
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sapphire-rhythm · 3 months
montyuh fic findings
[mostly organized] {part 1} (part 2) (part 3) (dashboard view links cause thats how you get the readmores to work) (keep in mind that these blogs just happen to be who i found the fics from first)
{there are 18+ stories here but if you're looking for their fics you already know}
{organized based on this post}
[x] tfa starscream sfw bot reader [x] tfa jetfire sfw female bot reader [x] part 2^ tfa jetfire female bot reader [x] g1, tfa, tfp starscream sfw [x] tfa blitzwing, starscream sfw bot reader [x] tfa blitzwing, tfp megatron, tfp wheeljack sfw bot reader [x] tfa blitzwing, starscream, megatron sfw bot reader [x] tfa bumblebee bot reader [x] tfa prowl, bumblebee sfw bot reader [x] tfa bumblebee sfw merformer [x] tfa/tfp/g1 megatron sfw merformer [x] part 2^ megatron sfw merformer [2? missing]
[x] g1/idw jazz afab reader [x] g1 hound sfw bot reader [x] g1, tfa, tfp starscream sfw [x] g1 hound [x] g1 first aid sfw bot reader [x] g1 soundwave sfw bot reader [x] g1 hound sfw [x] g1 soundwave sfw [x] g1 first aid sfw [x] g1 skyfire+starscream sfw first contact [x] part 2^ g1 skyfire+starscream sfw first contact [x] g1 hound sfw [x] g1 soundwave sfw yandere [x] part 2^ g1 soundwave sfw yandere [x] g1 hound afab reader [x] g1 megatron sfw [x] part 2^ g1 megatron [x] g1 skyfire sfw bot reader [x] g1 starscream, tfp shockwave sfw [x] g1 starscream+skyfire sfw merformers [x] g1 bumblebee+cliffjumper sfw merformers [x] g1 hotspot sfw bot reader [x] g1 hound sfw female reader [x] g1 hound sfw [x] g1 rumble+frenzy sfw [x] g1 soundwave sfw [x] g1 hound sfw [x] part 2^ g1 hound [x] g1 ratchet sfw first contact [x] g1 wheeljack sfw trans reader [x] g1/idw1 hound [x] g1 cliffjumper [x] kup afab reader [x] prowl sfw [x] hound
[x] bayverse bumblebee sfw [x] bayverse crosshairs sfw bot reader [x] bayverse drift sfw bot reader [x] bayverse optimus, ratchet, ironhide, jazz sfw [x] bayverse optimus bot reader [x] bayverse optimus, sideswipe, ironhide, soundwave sfw unspecified reader [x] bayverse megatron, optimus sfw [x] bayverse optimus, ironhide, megatron, soundwave sfw bot reader [x] bayverse optimus bot reader [x] bayverse sideswipe, optimus sfw unspecified reader [x] bayverse bumblebee bot reader [1? missing]
rise of the beast
[x] rotb scourge afab reader [x] rotb mirage sfw [x] rotb/bw airazor sfw [x] rotb mirage afab reader [x] rotb optimus sfw [x] rotb optimus
beast wars
[x] bw dinobot, rhinox sfw [x] bw rhinox afab reader [x] bw rhinox sfw [x] bw rattrap+optimus primal+dinobot+rhinox sfw [x] bw tarantulas, tfp ratchet sfw bot reader [x] bw cheetor sfw merformer [x] bw waspinator sfw bot reader [x] bw quickstrike sfw bot reader [3? missing]
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demure2 · 1 year
Blood is Thicker Than Wine _ ONE
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— 1930s au
— yandere neighbor!chanyeol x reader || ft. best friend!sehun
— genre: angst, suggestive
— warnings: language, alcohol use, cigarette/substance use, mental illness, watching from afar, anxiety, gun, blood, older fella chanyeol
— word count: 3.1k
— note: this story has been in my drive for 3 years, even tho this is the first piece on my account. i even had a timeline at the bottom of my draft to make sure war dates and stuff lined up hehe. it's O.K. if this doesn't do well since i'm writing for fun, but i'm happy i got at least part one of this out! then i can finally put this series to rest. i’m sorry that this kinda introductory part doesn’t have many interactions with chanyeol yet. i want to accurately convey the reader’s relationship with sehun before i make it fall apart :)
Girls like you loathe compliance but act it, anyway. You go against rules and you wear two faces, but you’re still compliant because nobody knows. Nobody suspects a thing, and you’ll keep it that way.
There’s not much to it, really: keep your papers in neat stacks, your dollars in even neater stacks, and your mouth shut. It’s a commitment, but it's applicable to the art of both compliance and not. That’s how this town runs. Girls like you are compliant.
Lately, alcohol traffic has been wedging tension into champagne bottles ready to pop, like faulty cork stoppers. Tenfold, and you’ve seen it. Tons of progeny craft succumbing to the paradigm of unrelentless violations of law, but you swore to never break the rules. That includes even the unspoken ones, like knowing to not mess with the neighborhood weirdo, Mr. Park.
Technically, you were just helping your best friend Sehun deliver night mail. It’s part of his job. 
“What a hound,” Sehun pants, steadying himself by gripping the fabric layering over your shoulder with calloused hands. Orphically, his brown irises are suddenly void of any liveliness. He’s exasperated, pupils fitfully blown out wide, the onyx barrier warped in various ways. Ways that make him look wild, more unimaginably feral than the manor overgrown with vines and rusted trellises in front of you.
 “I gummed up the works on this one,” he coos, lowly. Sehun’s arm parts from your shoulder to clutch his heart, breath hitching. He shudders, even in the cooling night zephyr. “Guess your momma was right all along,” he breathes. Mimicking a high-pitched voice, “stop hanging out with Sehun! He’s a neighborhood no-good nick who delivers mail for a few cents!”
You grin, wide. “So?”
Sehun looks at you like a stray pet. “Town mail won’t deliver itself,” you offer. "You’re an author, too, delivering your own work. That’s important. Don’t say useless things to me, Sehun.” The tone of the night becomes less tense. Smirking, you continue: “relax, then tell me what happened in that freak’s house.”
Your teeth bite down on your tongue, eyes narrow and reflecting the moonlight. 
You don’t know why you’re expecting a longer, well thought-out response from the Sehun you’re looking at right now. His short hair damp from the sweat and mild rain, parted in awkward tranches - you’re not used to comforting him, although it feels good to be the one seeing Sehun vulnerable, for once.
While you’re waiting for Sehun to rearrange his thoughts, you run your hand against the bars of iron separating you from the front yard of the manor. The sounds are a symphony of metal clink-clanks against your graceful nails, free of overgrown cuticles or ragged whites, unlike Sehun’s. The bars are hollow iron, but their wounds are merely rusted scratches, like they don’t give in over the years. 
Neither does Sehun.
Lazed back. Real lazy. Doesn’t like thinking about what he is, why he is, who he is. He’s thought about it before; things like whether or not cabbage was really nutritious (it’s just water), whether or not he wanted to be a writer forever, whether or not he should tell you about the car shop home, whether or not he loved you more than just a friend. 
It’s fated, and so he doesn’t bother to delve deeper than what he needs to know. He just knows that it’s all bliss when he’s with you. And he knows that he’s in love with this life: the rush, the fights, hell, he had almost forgotten his dad was a cop. Just like magnets, though polar opposites, you stick together. Late night escapades into the apple of the town was just another habit branded deep into your history.
He feels like laughing at his own inanity, so he parts his lips, but not even the chuckle at the edge of his throat makes it past. Something irks him uncomfortably about what happened tonight, so he clears his gullet filling up with phlegm and blames the bright waning moon. It used to be so full of itself, now only a needle in the vista expanse of night. Sehun breathes harder now, because he realizes that they’re not so different.
Sehun finally speaks: “Well, I just tried to throw the freak his mail. But I think I set off his flares, doll. Mr. Park - he’s really a bent man, broken after the war. There was an iron on his hip, a-and as soon as I saw it leave his belt loop, I didn't have a doubt that he’s not wicked.”
Sehun’s joints ache uncomfortably despite wherever he shifts his weight toward, so he leans against the tall wire fence guarding the manor. He feels an ivy trickle down the nape of his neck everytime he tilts his head to the side. Nuances here, nuances there. Last time you both were out here, there weren’t any ivies. Were there?
Mr. Park stands leaning back, intently listening from the arch door frame that separated his balcony from his quarters.
These kids talk so loudly, he thinks, he could hear your entire exchange from up here. The yellow cast light from his bedroom fights with the dark to illuminate his figure carefully in the night, but he knows that you’re both still unable to see him from the ground angle. He feels slightly creepy, standing there in his satin dress shirt and work jeans. He pulls out his gun one more time, loosely, just to swing it. 
Feeling watched, you decide that you both shouldn’t be there any longer. Sehun’s teeth grind against each other eagerly for a taste other than his own metallic blood being drawn. Yawning, his mouth goes dry and his throat parches, longing for the feeling of smoke in his lungs.
Sehun knows he shouldn’t smoke around you. He doesn’t want to ruin your innocence, but he can’t help it. He wishes he had better self-control and restraint, but even so, you were clearly too much of a goody-two-shoes to care. “Drop dead Sehun, are you stupid? How’d he get a gun in this old town? Those are so hard to even-”
“Everybody knows they’re prohibited, doll. It must be ‘cause he’s a veteran, the govs decide that they don’t need to necessarily establish regulations with them,” Sehun glances up back at the house. You know he’s just said a bunch of nonsense.
“Somethin’ like that,” he continues. “Like it’s any work.” He almost scoffs, reaching into his pocket upon instinct. He doesn’t notice, but you’re intently watching. 
You follow his hands well, when he rubs the nape of his neck and pulls out a Marlboro from his tattered satchel. Same satchel that’s been long worn with dirt and grease but vacant of textbooks, pencils, or really a real use, ever since the start of freshman year in college. Sehun still stands that it serves purpose in his mail business. 
He shuts his eyes tight as he lights it between his lips, drawing out the smoke for as long as he can. It blows away in the wind, but you scrunch your nose, in the contingency it dissolves in your nostrils.
You pressed Sehun for more: “Don’t you care that Mr. Park’s gonna smell the smoke? His window’s open and he could still be on his balcony for all we know,” you advise him, worried. “And what’s Mr. Park doing with a gun at this hour, anyway? You could see it from the ground? Should we rat him out?”
Sehun shrugs, not letting on much. 
The smoke ignites something in you, you think. “Sehun, answer me! Isn’t this technically trespassing? Shouldn’t we leave now? All that stuff you said about Mr. Park’s makin’ me nervous.”
He finally feels free and empty of apprehension when he lets go of the cigar, balanced between his lips. He feels powerful. But before he can halt the smile that plays at the curve of his mouth, he chuckles a dry, derisive laugh laced with smoke. “Just decided to be nice this week and stop skippin’ his address on the newspaper list for once. Only trespassin’ if we go beyond his door, these front gates bind nothing,” Sehun smirks. “You should know that by now.”
Thin to a whisper, you display a frown. “I don’t hop as many fences as you. Who knows what else this Park guy has, he’s the real deal, gat and all. You should know that before you do anything else, you fool.”
But he grins right back, and he grins wide. “I should? How touché.” 
When he proves satisfied with the gasper, Sehun withdraws the smoke from between his lips and thrusts it toward the grass. It doesn’t burn the damp grass, barely at all. Just tucks itself neatly in a pile of dandelions, the tarnished flame still warmer than the muted yellows surrounding it.
Quickly, almost lunging himself off, Sehun hoists his body up from the iron gate and firmly turns his heel on the cigar, smiling. 
 And when he lifts up his shoe, even under the dim haze of the moon, you can see that the mud has been imprinted deep into the design on the sole of his shoe and the weeds have been stomped flat, butt of the cigar crushed. He finally lifts his eyes to converge with yours and he deadpans, “You know, you’re gonna want a smoke one day, too,” pausing. “Finally want one, doll?”
Doesn’t Sehun know how to properly take care of a girl?
His hand lazed onto your shoulder leaning on the gate post, your eyes glued to the dirt. He wants you to look up, but his gaze is the only thing holding you down. You can’t break free from his glare, lidded and dazed. 
Last night’s rain drips down the manor’s primary parapet beam. A premonition?
“I don’t need more mess in my life right now.” You hadn’t intended for it to come out so harsh and raspy, but Sehun didn’t pay much attention to it.. “Your parents are too pliant, Sehun.”
Mr. Park sighs a breath of relief. You can take care of yourself. He runs a stiff, left hand through his hair. He wouldn’t have to think about Sehun taking advantage of your company. He quietly hums an incisive tune, like a victory sequence. 
“Give it a try. I know your momma doesn’t like me so much anymore, thinkin’ we’re doin-this and doin-that. You don’t gotta do anything you don’t want to, alright?” He reassures you, something you’re grateful for. “I’m just saying, you can’t be such a high-pillow all the time and expect fun. Even if we landed in jail, my dad’d let us out,” Sehun tilts his head down to hide his smile under his breath, giddy.
“I’m not a high-pillow! Can’t we just go to the next address now?”
Ignoring your question, he’s totally replaying the scene over and over in his head. In his pocket, Sehun crosses his middle over his index. He did not like the feeling of mild defeat. At a weak attempt to cure his frustration, his hand rubs at his forehead. Instead, he’s inundated by the dewy sweat collecting at his brow. How could I let Chanyeol scare me off like that? 
You change the subject. Softer, quieter, your voice barely cuts through the air. “Sehun?” Your voice seems to awaken him a bit. Quickly, he mutters underneath his breath, “huh? What?” His mouth parts uncomfortably, small drops of rain collecting on his bottom lip and cupid's bow. 
“You look like tonight’s over. We can walk home now, you’re very pale.”
Sehun responds, an equally modest, “I’m okay.” Insisting, “let’s hang out a little longer,” pausing to offer a smile. “Gumshoe.”
A smile peels your lip open. “Oh yeah?”
Acquiescently, he smiles. “Oh yeah.”
“Then let’s get out of here.”
Sehun winces. “Not yet. Don’t bleed anything against me, ‘kay detective?”
Sehun steadies himself against the tall iron fence again, and it hits him like cold deja vu against his spine. The metal presses deeper into the valleys of his back this time like a knife, but still, he doesn’t move. Instead, he lets it cave against his skin even more, jutting through the fabric of his dress shirt. He takes another look at the smothered cigarette hidden in the grass and laughs a hearty laugh. All he smells is ash and wet dew.
And then, rather obscenely, it comes crashing down on him like dead weight. 
“You know, Chanyeol pulled the gun on me first, looking down on me from that balcony. Then tauntingly, he pointed it back toward himself. What would you do?” Sehun says honestly, turning to face you.
“His blown out eyes wide, but completely still. I’m so pissed that I was scared. Fuckin’ embarrassin’.” he grumbles, matter of factly, a frown thin between his lips as if he’s proven his own point wrong.
Fuck! “Oh, yeah. That’s his first name. Chanyeol. It means ‘loser’ in the ‘i-can’t-get-any-girls’ language.”
Chanyeol quirks a brow, leaning onto the side railing, still hidden. 
You can’t help but snort. “And why would he do such a thing? Was his tongue stickin’ out too?”
It’s hard to tell where the fabrication starts, but with a pat to your head and a hum in validation, Sehun opens his mouth to protest. “What makes you think he wouldn’t? He’s the town freak.”
Shrugging, you scan the line of trees enveloping the path down the hill. “No, I mean that he was makin’ fun of you with that face.”
 “Sure,” he nods. “But you cannot twist the truth, and the truth is all I’ve been telling you. Don’t you see? That’s creepy, he was pointing the rod at himself. I didn’t want to be responsible in case he actually pulled it, so I left, but now I know that he has no limits. He was ready to die, [Y/N]. This guy’s got no girls, and he’s creepy. You should stay away from him.”
Sehun’s story is like a leaky faucet. It holds enough truth to be believable, but somewhere in the piping, it doesn’t go over well with you. But you believe him. 
Your mind becomes numb and somber for a moment, but the feeling is botched. As if the anesthesiologist didn’t know better, unable to properly administer the drug, and you could still recall Sehun’s words in your head. They lay heavy on your heart, yet you’re not prosaically thinking into the consequences, at all.
Maybe Mr. Park wasn’t as insane as the town recalled him to be. Sehun suddenly speaks. “What a crumb, huh? I don’t think that man’s has mercy on anyone, not even himself.” 
An epiphany makes you feel sick, like a bully. Kids swirl baseless rumors around him. “What are you implying? That he’s lonely and lonely people are crazy?”
“I mean, yeah. He’s a vet, after all. What’s surprising?”
“Listen, you - I mean, Mr. Park, he-he doesn’t have the motive. Stop giving him motives. Rumors say he studied business after his discharge from the draft. That manor of his is built on years of liquified assets, why would he put it all on the line?”
Mr. Park stifles a laugh. You’re defending him. 
Sehun shuts his eyes to think, and for a second you think he’s going to reach into his bag for another cigar, but you think he’s really thinking this time. Sehun definitely knows he is; maybe it’s the lingering tobacco in his throat, maybe it’s the aftershock of what he just said, but he’s really thinking, fitfully. “I - I don’t know, [Y/N]. Maybe he deserves it, for all the people he’s killed.”
A flicker of candlelight moves in your peripheral vision. You nervously glance up at the manor’s ridiculously high arch windows, and wince in horror as the orange glow casted on the balcony shifts. It’s dimmer this time, because there is quite clearly someone blocking the light.
 And the silver alloy shotgun in their grasp gleams under the lunar projection, very, very jeeringly. 
They stand there, eerily forlorn. Lacking real tone or emotion, barren. A machiavellian with a .357 in the limelight pointed dejectedly at the ground. The candlelight behind the figure filters around the silhouette like a stencil on a black canvas, a ghastly spectacle.
And as his arm rises, gun following your bodies, a ghastly spectacle, indeed. It’s hard to tell who he’s aiming at because of the distance. 
The only thing more daunting than the sight itself was the sound of silence. Sehun mutters a curse beneath his breath, beginning to crouch next to you on the dirt. You feel his hands lightly traipse your torso, yearning for your palms in the dark. He first finds your thumb, tender on your clavicle. Then your index, playing with your blouse cloth. You’re glad he doesn’t feel your heartbeat above all, otherwise he would have felt the throb of fear and the mop of tangled love strings evident in the moment. 
Instead, he squeezes your palms together and intertwines your fingers on a whim. Sweaty and scared, they mangle like ropes. He doesn’t know what he’s doing at first, but it was the only way he knew how to provide enough ease for the both of you. It always offers him a little warmth; besides, you were both in danger.
You shudder. “The cover here isn’t good enough,” you whisper. “I bet he’s been listening in on us, Sehun. You see his gat?” Your teeth are chattering now, despite the cooling atmosphere.
“I don’t know what your mama tells you dolly, but now ... we fucking run.” He wants to tighten his grip on his hands on you further and take off like that, but he knows your nature and psyche too well to do that. 
Your chattering halts, “He’s going to see us. And shoot us.” Suddenly apathetic, Sehun finally muses, “Alright. Let’s stay here until that husk of a man leaves.” He exhales, blowing the strands of black hair from his eyes, “promise.” 
Sehun was never very good with promises, and you realize that too late. The fingers caught in yours are already replaced with air and are instead wrapped around your wrist. He juts out his hip, and rises to his full stand. He’s very tall. “Sorry doll. Lied.”
Your stomach sinks. “What are you, a puppy? Do I have to pick you up myself?” He’s towering over you, height teetering past the gate that separated Mr. Park’s property from the town’s. “Sehun, get down, there’s going to be a metal shell in your head anytime now!” With a swift kick to your knee, he pulls you up from the dirt before you can even feel the jolt against your joints, and runs against the wind with you.
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lindwurm-prince · 5 years
me sketching a demon: ok this ones gonna be really fucked up and grimdark genuinely scary
me by the time i color them in: shaped like a friend and has anxiety
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tonightwrites · 2 years
The Strong-Willed Empress
Yandere Male Concubines x Empress Darling
Chapter 1 “Her Loyal Hound”
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Requested by: @yandere-dark-cupid thank you for the idea!
TW: Yandere tendencies, manipulation, future NSFW, gore, toxic relationships, and other things like this.
     Dominic woke up to the empty bed of the Empress. The bed was still warm on her side, meaning she couldn’t have gone far. Dominic played with the blood red leather collar around his neck. The panic of not being able to see his empress makes him aggressive and on edge. He finally had the strength to get up off the silk bed sheets, his knees almost giving out on him. Last night was amazing! Of course it was! He spent it with his Empress! 
The thought of it making his mood so much better than before and walked to the bathroom door on the west side of the room. Dominic knocked on the door and stayed leaning against it for a while waiting for a response. 
“Yes, you can come in Domi.” The sweet, irresistible voice of his empress called out to him. Her nickname for him gave him shivers down his spine. He opened the door after the chills calmed down and the bumps on his tanned skin went away. The sight before him made his eyes wide and jaw drop. Drool leaked out of his mouth. There in all her beauty stood the Empress with a bathrobe on fresh out of the bath. 
The Empress looked at the reaction he had to seeing her in such atire, it amused her greatly. She let a small smile grace her beautiful face and Dominic practically melted. Knees growing weak and brain turning to mush, she smiled at him after all, which is already a rare occurrence. 
She walked past him with ease and elegance, headed for the walk-in closet next to the bathroom. Dominic followed her like a puppy following its master. A door shut in his face by the Empress herself, wanting to change without prying eyes. He felt hurt, but knew she likes the privacy she so rarely has. 
Suddenly the main door slammed open by a guard needing to speak to the empress about a letter that came from the Kingdom of Zandonia. Curious, Dominic went over to the guard to see what it said.
“Sorry Sir Dominic, this is for the Empress’ eyes only.” The captain of the guard stated to him while holding the precious parchment away from Dominic’s desperate hands. 
“Give it to me Alun!” Dominic said in a feeble attempt to persuade the man to give him the letter. In response, Alun just simply held it above his reach. Contradicting his name Alun, meaning little, he is the largest man in the palace.  Alun heard the click of heels before Dominic could. He straightened up his back and stood at full attention.
 The Empress came out of the closet wearing a simple but regal, deep blue dress. Walking to where the two men were, she took the parchment out of Alun’s hand and read it. Her eyebrows creasing in thought, deciding what to do next with the offer she just received.
“Your Majesty,
Greetings from the Kingdom of Zandonia. I, King Afonso Amos , wish to offer my son, Prince Thiago Amos, to you as a consort or concubine of your choosing. I offer you my son in exchange of peace and a treaty between us. A war not fought is the greatest kind. 
Long live the Empress- King Afonso Amos”
Part 2 
Part 3
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kit-williams · 7 months
Hello! The Cuckoo Anon is back again!
Something more Fluffy with some existentialism sprinkled in I've had stewing in my mind. Could also be interpretted as soft yandere. Hope you enjoy.
You'd never considered getting an Astarte, and quite frankly you'd have to admit it came down to both reasonable and unreasonable factors.
Reasonable being cost, both in time and finance. Even if most Space Marines could care for their own basic needs, you'd feel bad if you couldn't provide other enrichments. Art Supplies and Makeup for Emperors Children or Blood Angels, a proper training area for World Eaters and War Hounds, nests dark and secluded enough for Night Lords or Raven Guard. All things to consider when bringing home a new large friend.
Even if you weren't financing a personal sparring ring in your back yard there would be fees and regulations to consider, not to mention travel to and from these places alongside your already cramped schedule.
In less reasonable factors, or so you thought them to be, was fear.
Dying to an Astarte was seen much like dying to the mishandling of an exotic pet or by an unfortunate encounter with a wild animal.
At worst more onus seemed put on the human for poor decision making, at best it was deemed a tragic accident that nothing much could be done about in the aftermath.
There was still culling of known human killers. And your mind wrestled not with the morality of putting down a dangerous being, but how strange it seemed for such powerful intelligent beings to be at odds with their niche.
Some feral, some domestic, some neither, yet all of them...all of them had to be human on Some level right?
They're just larger, and speak differently, but all are hominid forms under that ceramite so why...why-
You could feel your brain starting to hurt, as it often did when these thoughts surfaced.
Well right now you didn't want to think deep hard thoughts about the mysterious beings you shared the world with.
Instead you were going to let your skates do the thinking for you, and let your brain get swept along in a sea of bright colors, cheesy music and dancing on wheels.
Your local roller rink wasn't as close as you might like it, but the drive was worth it so you could practice your hobby. After a long hiatus due to personal life things, you needed to clear your head with some mindless fun.
While not a professional by any means you'd become a regular here, and you have to say, you picked up some nice tricks over the years.
As you walked in the place was a buzz with the weekend crowd. Sunday might be the less busy of the two days, but there was still a lively population within.
You didn't mind though, the rink was actually a place you preferred to visit while busy. Too few people and it just felt dead, too many and you'd struggle to not feel overwhelmed.
Truly, the perfect happy medium.
...aside from the hulking Astartes accompanying their various humans both on and off the skating floor.
This was something you were used to at this point, but it still felt awkward maneuvering not just around regular sized people, but their gigantic body guards, especially when you needed the restroom and already had your skates on.
Then there were the times children would approach you asking how to do certain tricks. Explaining to a child how you learned to skate backwards was already difficult with the loud music, now you had to sweat under the intense gaze of their family Space Marine keeping an unflinching eye on you.
And don't even get started about the encounters you had accidentally bumping Into others.
People are clumsy, people on wheels even moreso, and you'd be a damn rich fool if somebody paid you for everytime you narrowly avoided a child with no situational awareness while on your own set of wheels.
Now multiply the fear of harming someone else by accident, by the fear of an angry protective space marine seeking retribution. Not a fun concept.
Fortunately, any mishaps you did have hadn't ended with a bolter stuck in your face or a chain sword through your spine. The rinks owners didn't allow weapons on the premises.
You supposed most human and astarte were intelligent enough to understand that a roller rink carries a higher than average risk of collision.
"Thank the throne for that." You muttered with a chuckle, using a phrase common enough amongst Astartes to have been translated. You pondered what kind of throne deserved such reverence, as you slipped on your pads and skates.
Once geared up, you stood, and with practiced ease carried your bag to the cubbies.
But now a new issue. The lower cubbies were full, you'd have to stretch to get your bag into the higher ones.
Shuffling onto your toe stops, you clumsily lifted your duffel bag upwards. Your balance was well enough, but it was a strain, and your bag seemed to protest by sagging down against your lifting, like a wet sack trying to fall out of your hands rather than overwhelm you with weight.
Which is exactly what Almost happened as your next bid to push/throw the bag into the desired cubby resulted in it bouncing and falling back to you.
If not for a large magenta ceremite hand coming over your head and catching the duffel with ease.
Your surprise was palpable, as you slowly turned your gaze; sliding up the arm to the hulking shadow behind you.
Note to self, don't wear both earbuds while distracted Ever again.
The magenta and gold clad space marine met your gaze. His helmeted face betrayed no emotion, and despite the chorus of the skating rink around you, it felt like all you could here was his breathing. Just that raspy...Breathing behind the mask.
Surely, he could hear your heart hammering, as he stood above you, arm still holding the duffel bag you'd been struggling with a moment prior against the cubbies.
More or less holding you against the cubbies as well.
Neither of you moved.
Okay you couldn't take it anymore. "Can...can I help you?" You asked, trying to swallow the nerves that made your throat tight.
The marine, Emperor's Child your brain noted, twitched from his stillness and actually looked...surprised?
If you hadn't known any better you'd think he was just a stunned as you were a moment ago. As stunned as fully armored astartes could look anyway.
The minor expression passed in a moment, before he simply pushed it the rest of the way into the high cubby.
He said something in his Gothic tongue, seemingly an apology, then turned on his massive heel to walk back towards a small group of mostly other Emperor's Children.
As he left you found your voice. "Uh hey!"
The Astarte turned for a brief moment.
"Th-Thank you! I appreciate the help!" You called brightly over the music, making sure to smile inspite of your still frayed nerves. You even gave the big fella two thumbs up incase he didn't understand.
And then your embarassment won out and you quickly hurried onto the skating floor with your face burning and heart racing for an all New reason. 
Maybe...maybe having an Astarte wouldn't be so bad.
Meanwhile the space marine returned to his group of battle brothers. They'd discovered this recreational location, and more or less set up operations here after their leader bonded to one of the business's owners.
The influx of humans and their space marines made it an ideal location to conduct trades of goods and information.
While their situation was...unorthodox, I Ithio couldn't find it in himself to raise complaint.
His brother's were content, some even more so having found their bonds. He wouldn't deny he'd felt a certain yearning for that closeness. And now he may never get a chance to Feel that with how he'd fumbled his introduction.
"So...your little Bird of Paradise has finally reappeared." Salvali chortled.
Matisse chimed in. "They seemed to take the encountee better than you did brother! Regardless, I think a celebration is in order tonight!"
"Please stop," Ithio groaned, embarassed though he was grateful the humans around them couldn't understand nor see his burning face.
All he had to do was say Hello, and he couldn't even do that!
He'd tried So Hard to restrain himself when he'd seem them walk in. After so long of not seeing them he feared he'd have to take drastic measures to find them.
But they just Strolled back into his life and in turn he'd Strolled over, intending to help when the perfect moment had presented itself. Practically a gift wrapped golden opportunity to make himself known to his Bird of Paradise.
And he Froze. Frozen up! Iced over the moment their eyes met. By the throne and stars above he wanted to melt into the floor.
"Ah don't feel too bad, there's always next time." Salvali assured patting him on the back.
But would there be?! What if you were so put off you never came back. He'd have to find you, he Wouldn't live without you the way he had the first time you vanished. He couldn't take that! He couldn't-
"Uh Hey!" Ithio broke from his dooming and turned back to see you, calling to him.
Marines in general may not have the best grasp of the ancient terran languages, but Emperors Children are not general Marines. Language is but another artform, and Emperor's Children Pride themselves on their art.
"Th-Thank you! I appreciate the help!" Your sweet voice reassured him, your smile though unsteady was so genuine. You even gestured with your thumbs to show your approval before you scurried to the skating floor.
With his superior sight, and the aid from his helmets tech he could read the blush on your face, the race of your heart. All the other noise faded into the back of his mind as he replayed your words and watched you take the floor.
Oh...oh sweet Bird of Paradise.
I mean I think anything I write gets interpreted as soft yandere because that's what I'm good at. We will see where this goes if he gets thrown into the non canon husbandry (because that seems to be where the yandere husbandry boys and stupid sexy Gabriel hang out)
Husbandry Taglist: @egrets-not-regrets @liar-anubiass-blog
You tried not to think too hard when you skated. Enjoying going round and round doing a few tricks just simple ones and you only fell onto your ass twice. But now you were probably about to eat wall as you skated to not run over a fallen child and you were moving so fast.
You still hit something hard but the way you're scooped up as well decreases the momentum you feel as if you just slammed into the wall or the other barrier. You feel weightless for a moment as you hear the whirl of your skate wheels still go as you brought your arms to your chest to try and minimize the impact damage. You look up at the ceiling with owlish eyes as you look up at green eye lenses that are looking down at you.
Ithio felt his hearts beating hard as he moved fast to get to his Bird of Paradise from smashing into the wall and getting bruised. He feels you move in his arms as you look at the small child who started this all... who was pulled out of the way but not fast enough that you nearly fell over them as you just close your eyes as Ithio watches you lay back in his arms coming down from the rush of adrenaline. The skate ref skates on over to make sure you're fine.
"Yeah I'm fine thanks to the Astarte." You say just patting the twin headed eagle on his breastplate and Ithio feels his hearts flutter happily. You lean on him as the referee skates off and she tries to hop out his arms and Ithio selfishly keeps you just a bit too high for you to feel comfortable to leave his arms. "Um... hey big guy?" You say nervously as the blank look of the helm looking down at her was bringing back that itch in the back of her head...
Ithio was starting to feel nervous... and his mind started to race again... what if she was already bonded? What if she didn't want him around. He feels his mind race and everything about him simultaneously melt as he was actually holding his beautiful Bird of Paradise... sure the dyes at the tips of her hair had faded but they were still so vibrant in his mind.
"Brother... are you okay?" Ithio heard Salvali over the vox.
"I'm fine." He lied as easily as he breathed. As he put her down.
"Well this is twice you helped me out... um I could buy you a drink?" You say trying to not feel the danger that being stared down by an Astartes brings.
"I never..." He finally speaks and his voice is so airy, "never got to tell you how pretty your hair was dyed when I saw you last here." He was happy he finally managed to tell the beautiful bird of paradise that of course her feathers were pretty... how marvelous she looked with her hair long and splayed against her back like a colorful bird's tail.
You smiled up at him not expecting that answer.
Salvali, Matisse, and the others watched from a distance.
"He's doing it... he's doing it!" Matisse said laughing softly.
"Well he's finally talking verses standing there holding her awkwardly." Salvali says as he watches Ithio put her down and her eyes seemed to be focused on him as she talks.
"Do you think it's a bond or just affection?" Matisse asks out loud to no one really but Salvali just shrugs.
"Does it matter? Feels like it's been ages since Ithio has been happy and see him fawn over a pretty bird makes me feel like we've got our brother back. Well it's almost time for Astartes skating are you going to try?" Salvali changes the topic and teases his brother. As the two laugh leaving Ithio to continue to cling to the words of his little bird.
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idiacide · 3 years
Hello! Could I request Idia, Leona, Ace, and Deuce with an easily attached or obsessed reader? If someone gives me more attention than I'm used to, I'll easily get attached to them. Though I'm ashamed to admit it, sometimes I do get a bit stalker-ish. If you are uncomfortable with this ask, just ignore it. Either way, thank you!
For the sake of this I’m going to write it as just, mildly obsessive as opposed to full tilt yandere. Like, maybe a little bad with boundaries, but not full tilt “keeping tabs on everyone you’ve ever spoken too in your life”. (If anyone would like more yandere. Just ask I guess)
Idia Shroud: In all honesty this might’ve actually been useful in the early days of nursing your crush. Idia’s not the easiest guy in the world to spend time with “naturally”, you’d almost have to stalk him if you wanted any one on one time with him. Breaking into his room seems like a little much, but slipping into the board game club is about as intimate a setting as one could hope for (once you get around the Azul shaped roadblock).
Its a little bit downhill from there, though. Idia’s paranoid. It honestly doesn’t take that many slips for him to realize you’ve been deepstalking his social media accounts. He immediately assumes hostile intent and starts avoiding you even more than he already was. It continues to eat at him though, as he finds he can’t even escape online without fearing that you’re watching. In the end, he conspires with Ortho to trap you in an empty classroom with a few menacing machines, his nervous hands fumbling with a tablet as he fires question after question at you.
What are you planning, to ruin him in front of the entire school? Expose the fact that he’s been playing both sides of a stantwt war through multiple sock puppet accounts? Report him to his gacha games for utilizing a fuckton of bots????? Its just for the ones he doesn’t take seriously, he swears!!! He’s a salt of the earth F2P on the ones he loves!!!
.....What do you MEAN you have a crush on him?!!
He kind of doesn’t know what to do with that information. Almost a letdown after weeks of agonizing. It catches him so off guard that he might even agree to a date before he knows what he’s doing.
The start leaves a lot to be desired. You get the sense that he’s still very jumpy around you, fully expecting the other shoe to drop at any moment. But...ultimately there’s something kind of convenient about having a partner that’s a little obsessive about him. He has to explain himself less, and you already have an exhaustive handle on his interests which makes conversation a little bit easier over all. Plus, if you’re already stalking him, that should mean a free pass for him too, right? Help take the edge off that insecure streak by following you around with cameras at every free moment.
Its not exactly...the HEALTHIEST dynamic in the world, but its one that’s surprisingly functional for the two of you. Both of you have a tendency to get overly focused on your area of interests, and both of you get insecure about your partner’s affections. Maybe some better coping mechanisms would benefit the two of you in the long run, but as it stands at the very least you understand each other and your weird idiosyncrasies.
Yeah...ok, maybe he could get used to this. Get used to you.
Leona Kingscholar: Well, at least Rook will have some company in the bushes.
Kidding, you’re not quite that far gone. But with that damn hunter hounding his every step Leona’s already on pretty high alert for people paying a little too much attention to him for his liking. It doesn’t take him long to notice you following him around, peeking around corners at him or sidling up to watch when he’s at Spelldrive practice.
He’s not shy about rebutting it either, immediately telling you off when he gets sick of being watched. Unlike Rook, though, you don’t just smile and slip away. You look legitimately hurt, and its starting to aggravate him more. Contrary to popular belief he’s not COMPLETELY heartless. Looking at him like a wounded animal makes his insides itch, like somehow he’s the jerk for telling you off.
Its not hard for him to pick up on the pretty likely culprit as to why you’re so clingy with him. Not exactly his first experience with this. A goodlooking prince, even a second born one, is gonna pick up his fair share of admirers. He’d normally just leave you hanging until you took the hint or got offended enough to drop it on your own, but....its different when he actually knows you. For once the onus is on him to have the emotional maturity to talk to you, walk you through the fact that he doesn’t appreciate being followed like this. He needs his space....but if you’re willing to meet him halfway then he’ll spot you a couple dinners, alright? Fair trade.
Getting into an actual relationship with him under these conditions is tricky, but not impossible. The more relationally involved you get the less the obsessiveness is gonna bother him. Leona expects a fair bit of free range to do what he pleases but as long as you don’t interfere with his sleep schedule, there’s something pretty gratifying about how into him you are. He’s absolutely merciless about holding it over your head too, how much of your world revolves around him and his habits.
Again, not necessarily the healthiest dynamic for either party involved. Ruggie may need to give you a few lessons in standing up to him. But after a lifetime of being overlooked...its kind of nice to have someone who’s beyond smitten.
Ace Trappola: There is a strong possibility Ace will never notice. Because entirely on accident, he’s exactly the type to encourage this behavior even if you AREN’T naturally the obsessive type. Follow him around to spend as much time as possible? He practically breaks down your door to hang out every free night he has anyways. Stalk his social media accounts? He was already badgering you to look at his posts anyways. Retain a lot of personal information about him? He’s a chronic oversharer and will barely notice that you remember a lot more of what he tells you than is usual.
Ace’s main character syndrome is kind of a godsend as far as you’re concerned. Of course so much of your time is spent focusing on him, what the hell else would you have to do with your time?? Study? Psh. At the same time, the fact that you remember so much of what he tells him and are so eager to spend time with him feeds his ego like nothing else. The two of you get romantically involved fairly quickly.
That’s not to suggest its all perfect. The only thing Ace loves as much as attention is acting like he’s too cool for attention. Being too fawning in front of his friends is likely to get you made fun of, and you may catch him making snide remarks about how you’d be hopeless without him. Don’t be shy about telling him off. For as much as his mouth gets ahead of him Ace doesn’t actually want to hurt your feelings, and deep down he knows he’s just as dependent on you as you are on him.
All told, probably one of the most painless targets you could pick for one of these crushes. Ace adores people who adore him back, and he’s ready and willing to meet you pound for pound on expressing that affection.
Deuce Spade: Much like Ace, Deuce is honestly more gratified by the attention than anything. Even if you are shy about things like compliments and praise, the simple gift of your time is already enough to completely overwhelm him. While he’s always been able to get friends, Deuce isn’t really used to being anybody’s first choice. At least not for reasons that are positive.
Showing up to his track meets in particular is a one way ticket direct to his heart. Deuce takes his sport very seriously, and showing up to offer your implicit support fills him up with pride and affection like nothing else. As for all the rest, he’s just oblivious enough to take it all as a lucky coincidence. Oh you like bikes too? Man, what are the odds! Come ride with him some time. Even if you don’t actually know that much he’ll just assume you must be new to the interest and happily explain everything about it.
Ultimately Deuce is too honest a guy to really expect much artifice out of other people. And considering that you’re not faking the affection, he’s perfectly ready to get just as attached to you as you are of him. Some things will occasionally give him pause. As he realizes how nervous you get when he’s gone he starts to get a little worried about you. But its never from a place of judgement. Deuce just wants you to recognize that you’re just as good on your own as you are with him. He doesn’t just care about you because you love him. He loves you, and he wants you to believe that too.
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im-657-mv · 3 years
the hounds howl
yandere na jaemin
word count: 1,564
Your breath is heavy and your headaches, but there's nowhere left to go. You have to keep going, you have to run. The woods have to end somewhere, and you've only just started, barely making any distance from the house. You slow down and head towards a big tree hoping he won't see you. Your legs sting and burn as you control your breathing. You listen closely to see if you can hear him but the sound of your pounding heart overcomes your other senses.
You slide down behind the tree, resting your legs, trying to not make a sound. Where do you go from here? All around you are trees and behind you the place you escaped from. You see no other paths or roads that lead to somewhere. Jaemin was right. There was no escape. He made sure of it. A house, your cage, sealed away from society. Hidden in the woods so that even if you managed to escape he would be able to find you. You try to find an ounce of hope left in you, there has to be something. The woods have to end somewhere. There has to be a way.
Your time is running out and you're sure he's noticed by now. There's never a time where he is far behind. I wonder if he can hear me. As if he's some sort of super creature able to sense you from far away.
At this point, it's been 2 minutes and you've noticed that the birds stopped chirping. The forest seemed to silence itself, the animals included, seeming to sense that Jaemin was on your trail. Even mother nature feared him, and for good reasons too.
"Y/N!" Jaemin's voice booms against the dead forest, his yelling casting a shadow of fear into the woods. Your time starts now. As fast as you could you sprinted up and headed further and further into the woods.
You keep running trying to go faster. There's no way you can't stop now.
"FINE HAVE IT YOUR WAY THEN!" The trees shudder in response to his threat and so do you. He scared even the largest animals into submission as the forest stays quiet against his voice not daring to interrupt him in all his glory. The only sound is your own as you run away. Your lungs burn as you try to keep up a fast steady pace. Running for dear life you pray for the universe to be on your side this once, please just this one time. You beg and beg but the sound of the hounds howling snaps you out of it. Jaemin's voice screams to follow you. His voicing oozing power and control over the land. Most importantly anger. You hear him scream like a general in war to bring you to him. The hounds are a threat to your very existence. You're fucked. Your try to run faster than you already are, your fear screaming and demanding to pick up the speed. Your will to escape thriving more than ever. If those dogs catch you it's over.
"Please, please, please." You beg and beg. Weezing to yourself like a mantra, like a prayer keeping you together. The dogs are getting closer. Your time is ticking, it slipping through your fingers like sand at a beach. The dogs howl and growl knowing they're close, following the smell of you, following their master's orders. Closer and closer they get, their snarls louder against the quiet forest. There really is no escape. You slow down knowing it's too late. Tears stream down your face as you trip over a stupid rock. Falling to your knees you sob uncontrollably. Your lungs burn as if on fire and your now bruised knees ache as well.
The dogs caught up snarling close to your face to scare you and keep you there in your place until Jaemin arrives to pick you up. They tear and bite your clothes, pulling and dragging you closer to him. The hounds drag you against your will, tears flowing as you give up. How can the world be so cruel? You fall limp and curl up in a ball letting the dogs drag you away. Your dreams are crushed and so are you. The dogs howl loudly signaling to their master that they finally caught you like some sort of wild animal, and only in a few short minutes.
What did you do to deserve this? Your mind is on a loop asking questions such as, "Why," and "Is this karma,". The dogs stop barking and sit obediently guarding you in case you try to run again. You hear Jaemin's footsteps getting closer. His stride so calm and confident compared to your disheveled state. Leaves crush under his boot as he slowly yet surely makes his way towards you.
"I told you, baby," he squats down and whispers in your ear, "you should've known this would happen." He pets your hair, reaching for something in his pocket.
"Yah, baby don't cry. I'll make you feel all better once you're home, where you belong." His voice slithers in your ear making your whole body shiver. Why god, why. He takes out a white cloth and holds it on your mouth and nose, him holding your neck and head securely to keep you still. You let the drugs take effect and let the feeling of sleep overcome you, your body so tired drained from all of the stress and fear you've been under.
"Night night baby." He kisses your eyes shut and proceeds to watch you pass out under his gaze.
Slowly your senses start coming back after a few hours. First was your sense of smell. Lavender, a calming smell, contradicting to the fear you feel. You bask in this nice feeling of comfort, but only for this one time. Your hearing comes next. The sound of water trickling down the faucet is soothing and it almost lulls you back to sleep like a lullaby. You start to feel around with your eyes still closed sensing the warm water you're in. This is so nice you think. You stir a bit more trying to stretch your sore limbs, but serendipity can only last so long. You hear a low breathy chuckle as it vibrates against your bareback.
"Babe are you awake?" You feel his breath on you and you have no other option but to open your eyes looking at the calm scene around you. Candles lit and rose petals in the big bathtub.
"Ah babe, good morning. You slept a lot I was getting worried." He caressed your face with his wet hand and you felt against your back that he too was naked and in the tub. With you. You make a groaning sound as you try to get off his chest to get away with whatever little strength you have left, but to no surprise, you fail pathetically under his mocking eyes. His arms wrap around you like a snake and he pulls you to his chest tightly, arms never loosening. Jaemin seated you on his lap with you in his arms, with or without you wanting to in the first place.
"You're going to hurt yourself if you move too much, you ran so much I was worried your legs would break. Who knows what your fragile body can handle." He chuckles sadistically against your body.
"Please Jaemin," you whisper, "why can't you let me go?". Jaemin shushes you and caresses your body. His arms gliding against your skin.
"Because baby, you're just so precious to me, and who knows what other men would do to you." He pauses and settles his nose against the crook of your neck, "And if you dare run away from me again, I'll break your fucking legs." He stops talking and proceeds to lick up your neck. Exchanging the licking to kissing. He peppers your face with kisses making sure not to move on until he licks your tears away. He continues down your neck marking and sucking his favorite spots of you, making you whimper in the process. You don't miss his hearty laugh making your skin tingle under his lips. His hand goes to your tummy and presses it a little.
"This time I'll fuck you hard enough so you won't be able to walk." His hand goes further down, "Or maybe I should stuff your pretty little cunt with my cum." Fingers playing with your clit he continues speaking, and all you can do is listen. Your sole intent on not making a sound. "You'll never be able to leave me if we have a kid." A gasp leaves your sealed tight lips as he rubs your clit, as his other hand sneaks up to your chest to play with your nipple.
His hand probes your entrance and you can't help to moan out loud. He laughs and pulls his fingers out, "Night Night babe." He whispers as he licks up your neck and you don't have time to feel the needle piercing into your skin before it's too late.
"Jaemin...," you call out for him while your vision blurs and your eyes droop as your body goes limp against his.
"My dearest Y/N, all for me."
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Helsinki Chapter 3: Twelve Baby Steps
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Helsinki syndrome is a term sometimes used incorrectly in place of Stockholm syndrome. It’s use in literature is often ironic and deliberate and literally means when a captive refuses to cooperate with their captor.
Summary: A war of wits does have some rules too. But if one party refuses to acknowledge the sacred rule of leaving family out of it, the other must retaliate stronger to quell any such advances for the future… Or at least that’s what Min Yoongi told himself when he abducted Kim Namjoon’s younger sister. That was before he realized that this elaborate game of chess didn’t have just two players and before he had promised Namjoon he’d keep her safe, But also before he realized that one month was enough to leave his whole life in chaos.
Genre: MAFIA AU, slight yandere themes, smut, a happy sprinkling of fluff/comfort, and a truckload of ANGST.
WARNINGS: OC cries. Yeah that's it!
Pairing: Main pairing: Mafia!MIN YOONGI X READER
Others include: Collegeboyfriend!Hosoek x reader + Mafia!Taehyung x reader + Kidnapper!Seokjin x reader.
Word count: 2.3 k words
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Taglist: @bebejungkook @rosquilleta @minniesvenus @parkdatjimin @themochiverse @sugasbultornebae17 @gaeguuliii @darkafterhours13
P.S: I might do a double update in this week for Helsinki 😊🌼
The BMW sped through streets which you’d never been on. How were they so empty? Where was the Seoul traffic?
His eyebrow quirked.
You had the sense to deduce you were heading out of the city, and your heart was speeding even faster.
There were tall trees on each side and as far as you could tell, there were open fields behind them.
Finally, plucking up enough courage to look at him, you cleared your throat.
“Where are you taking me?”
He tilted his head, towards you, still not glancing at you.
“What makes you think I’ll tell you?”
“Human decency maybe. But then again, you don’t have that I can tell.”
The ghost of a smile flashed across his face, but he remained silent, indicating the end of whatever variation of a conversation you were having.
Soon enough though, your answer appeared in front of you. The trees disappeared to make an entrance to an open road, and right in front of you, some distance off, stood a jet. Your eyes widened and and you felt sick.
People claim when you’re about to die, you see your life flash before your eyes. So were you about to die, because your entire life had flashed before you. Tears formed involuntarily as you hugged yourself, not knowing what to do about the impending doom you were speeding towards.
Something clicked in your head. Of course he wouldn’t stay here. Not when your brother would send hounds straight from hell after him. But somehow you had innocently hoped that he wouldn’t leave. But ofcourse he would. He would fly you... out of the country?
Soon enough, the car stopped and Yoongi gave you an expectant look. Of course he noticed how scared you looked. How the hostile expression you had worn had waned to morph into something so primitively sincere. The perfect prey.
“Do we have a problem?”
“Could you just tell me where you’re taking me?” you pleaded.
“Is it customary to tell hostages where they’re being taken nowadays? Because call me old fashioned but I’d rather not.”
You were tempted to punch him in that smug face. But you knew well enough that punching Min Yoongi wouldn’t come without consequences, and you weren’t sure you could handle that kind of consequences in your state of mind.
You rolled your eyes, wordlessly opening the door and stepping out. But he had already caught you.
Yoongi stepped out too, victorious smirk set on his face.
You were also met by two bodyguards who were tall, bulked up, extremely intimidating individuals that regarded you as if you were a little fly. And truth be told, you felt like one in front of them.
The jet was something else.
Not that you had been in many jets before this. But you imagined this was top class luxury even among them.
Apparently Yoongi had a thing for mute leather interiors that screamed wealth.
Trying to make your existence as non-existent as possible, you shuffled to one of the individual seats beside the window and sat on the edge, wondering what Namjoon would be doing this instant.
You had always thought your brother’s clenched jaw and fiery eyes were the most scary thing you had ever seen.
But the unconcerned, expressionless face of the man who came and sat opposite you was quickly becoming the owner of that title.
The jet took off soundlessly and smoothly, and you had to pace your heart rate with deep breaths. At this point, you were absolutely sure the only thing holding you together was the liquid fear that was running in your bloodstream and nothing else.
That’s when you realized your cell phone was also in the handbag you had left in Namjoon’s car. Perfect.
After about half an hour of flying, you found yourself reclining in the seat, your eyes still glued to the sky outside to avoid any and all eye contact with the man in front of you, who was busily typing away on his laptop. You realized the sky was slowly turning into shades of orange and pink. The sun was setting under the canopy of clouds, over the world of the clueless. Passing an expanse of pretty pink, you were inevitably reminded of Hoseok’s nickname for you. ‘Sunshine’ he’d call you.
You shook your head and crossed your arms in front of you, looking out the window, wondering where in tarnation you were.
You felt as if a vice had gripped your heart and as his bright smile flashed in front of your eyes, suddenly everything got blurry and you lost the war to the tears that had been standing on high alert.
Believe it or not, you had debated on whether you wanted to go to the bathroom to hide your tears from Yoongi. But why should you care? It’s not like he would care. If he cared at all, he wouldn’t be flying you off somewhere you had no idea about. You wouldn’t be in this jet, headed to hell, but rather at home, in your own bed, scrolling through Instagram.
Yoongi stared at the miserable creature that hugged her knees to her chest and tucked her face into them, her body shaking as she tried to cry silently. He was uncomfortable about this whole situation.
The Mafia had a strong rule. No matter what happened, you never hurt women or children.
He hadn’t hurt you though. He didn’t plan to. He simply wanted to give the Seoul PD a fright, a couple days on a wild goose chase, and then he’d let you go. He only wanted to break Namjoon’s will to get him off his tail.
So why were you crying?
He signaled the waiter to come over and told him to pour you some water and get Yoongi some whiskey. The waiter nodded and rushed off as Yoongi sighed, running a hand through his hair exasperatedly and leaning back in the chair.
Yoongi would never hurt you, his principles were too strong for a heinous act as that.
Yes, he had scared you with that whole pulling-a-gun-on-you situation earlier but that had been a necessity to speed things along.
Was the whole shock of the situation crashing on you now?
And more importantly, should he say something to you, or would that just make everything worse?
One look to his watch and he figured Shanghai was still a good hour long flight away. This might just be the longest hour of his life.
After a good long cry, your heart felt much lighter and your eyes were swollen and heavy. You peeked from where you were hiding in your knees, at your captor who had put his laptop to the side and was examining something on his phone. Your throat felt raw and you noticed the glass of cool water that sat on the table in front of you, presumably for you.
He had the audacity to pretend he cared about you like that?
And because you couldn’t throw the glass of water in his face, you decided it was a better idea to simply cry some more. And so you did.
“Oh for the love of god...” Yoongi mumbled, half done at the pathetic show of emotions and half intrigued. He shook his head, leaving you be as he stood and changed his seat.
You didn’t know when you had dozed off, head resting on your knees in front of you. You only realized when a gentle hand nudged your shoulder and you jolted awake looking at the face of the butler who had welcomed Yoongi on the plane.
“Madam...” he began, but you had already jumped up tossing away the blanket someone had draped onto you.
“Where are we?” you asked him.
“Mr. Min will tell you, he asked me to escort you to the car. May I?” his voice was monotone and expressionless. Were all these people robots?
You nodded as he extended his hand, pointing you towards the exit. You stepped out into the fresh air. It was very windy wherever this was and your hair flew into your eyes and mouth. You closed your eyes involuntarily against the dust blowing.
The butler recognized your state of distress and gently placed a hand on your arm, “There are stairs, would you like me to guide you down?”
“Yes please.” you said meekly, still hiding your eyes behind your hands.
When you finally reached the pseudo shelter of the car, the butler opened the door for you and before stepping in, you made sure to thank him for his help. To which he smiled kindly.
Yoongi saw the whole exchange from inside the car, scoffing silently. You were clearly out of your mind. Had he bitten off more than he could chew?
You were just a pampered little brat who was in for the biggest reality check of her life.
As the door slammed shut and silence welcomed you again, you were well aware that you were once again under Yoongi’s gaze. But this time you made eye contact with him.
But before you could open your mouth, his low voice greeted you, “Welcome to Shanghai.”
There were a thousand questions in your mind. And now that his gun was out of sight, suddenly you weren’t as scared of him.
“It’s only for a few days.” Why he reassured you like that, even he wasn’t sure. But that did stop you for a minute. You looked out of the window, at the fast approaching metropolitan city with it’s majestic sky scrapers and hustle that matched Seoul’s.
Soon enough, the car entered the city and you couldn’t help but wonder at the marvelous sights.
“You flew me out of the country?” you asked, flabbergasted.
“You’ll probably make a fuss about this won’t you?” Yoongi’s voice broke your chain of thought.
And Yoongi couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of you. Turned completely towards the window, you beheld the lit up city with child-like wonder. Yoongi wondered if you remembered where you were, and under what circumstances. But even if you didn’t, you were quiet, and that’s more than enough for him for now.
“Wear this blindfold.”
“What? No!”
“Ugh, I knew you’d say that.”
You rolled your eyes. “What exactly do you want to hide from me? I don’t know the first thing about this city.”
“Fine, just close your eyes when I tell you to.”
You frowned but nodded. The conversation was done and the mask of empty emotion was back on his face. But you continued looking at him.
Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek, giving you a glance of his thinking face. Something you’d never seen. It was unexpectedly soft.
“Haven’t your parents told you it’s rude to stare?” he snapped.
“Haven’t your parents taught you it’s rude to kidnap girls and illegally fly them to another country?” you retorted, your sharp tongue acting on it’s own accord.
Yoongi’s eyes widened a fraction, as he looked at you shocked. “That’s it, on goes the blindfold.” he announced, forcefully clasping your hands as he tied a piece of black cloth around your eyes single handedly.
You felt the car stop, and heard a door open. The door next to you had opened.
“Step out.” That was Yoongi’s voice.
“I can’t see shit.”
An exasperated sigh. “That’s the whole point.”
You struggled slightly, holding onto the car door for dear life, and stepped out. You felt gravel under your feet. You were probably on a driveway.
“Twelve steps ahead of you, there are three stairs. Mind them as you walk.” the same annoying voice reminded you.
So he really wasn’t going to help? The butler’s face swam in your vision as you huffed in anger and took slow, counted steps forwards.
After twelve steps, you instinctively took a higher step, only to have your foot slam down on flat gravel.
“MIN!” you screamed instinctively.
Strong arms were around your waist instantly. The most annoying gruff voice sounded so close to your ears, you felt you’d pass out, “God damn it, why did you do that, the stairs aren’t here yet.”
“You said TWELVE steps!” you pushed him away from you.
“Twelve regular steps, not the baby steps you’ve been taking.”
“You’re impossible, I swear.”
“Says the woman who was about to fall by walking on flat ground. Just take my hand.” he sounded pissed. As if he had the right to be.
You raised your hand, not feeling anything in the vicinity. Then his hand had found yours, and he held on tightly. This was one hell of an unexpected day.
Safely inside, Yoongi stopped at the foot of the flight of stairs as the room he had made ready for you was upstairs. He turned back to look at you, standing there, looking dumb. He rolled his eyes.
You screamed as you felt an arm brace behind your knees and you were swept off your feet.
“GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!” You slapped the chest you were held against. “PUT ME DOWN MIN!”
“Shut up.” he growled.
“I’ll shut up when you put me down!”
He didn’t grace you with an answer and simply started ascending.
“Hey!” you protested, only to be met with silence.
Yoongi pushed open the door with his foot, and placed you on a soft rug. As you still steadied yourself, he had ripped the blindfold off your eyes and tossed it to the ground. Your eyes widened, getting used to the nicely lit room, and before you could say a word to him, he was out the door, slamming and locking the door behind him.
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jetiisyandereclones · 2 years
A Fox’s Kit and vixen
Platonic soft!yandere Fox x F!Jedi Reader (no use of Y/N)
Romantic soft!yandere Fox x Riyu Chuchi
Fox is tired. His ad’ika is helping him finnish reports and he reflects on their relationship. what is, what could be and what will soon be.
She was back again, sitting in my office like she had done a thousand times before.
Hound had let her in like usual, gliding past the guards, giving grizzer a fond pat, and greeting Thorn just outside my office door. She was not allowed in this part of the senate building, not really. She just didn’t have the clearance for it but that never stopped her. As per usual she had breezed into my office with a chocolate pastry and two ungodly large and strong caf’s.
Like every other time she made herself at home in the office, on the couch that she bought cause she was not gonna sit for hours on a ‘glorified block of durasteel parading as a posture correct tool’.
She got comfy with her cat and her pilfered half of the datapads from my desk without a single care. And like every time, I graciously, guiltily let her.
After about two hours she broke the easy silence.
“Who’s handwriting is this?” She asked incredulously.
As if the written report had personally insulted her and her lineage. I just sighed.
“These are confidential reports. I could throw you in a cell for reading any one of them” I grouch.
But it’s a hollow threat. She knows it. I know it. We both are far too aware that in times like these, when my workload is doubled and the chancellor has thrown all his paperwork my way, that I value her help and company far more than the rules I’m supposed to hold us both to.
“Do that and I’m letting a bunch of tooka’s loose in the building” she airily responded, with about as much conviction as my own threat.
Suddenly the data pad was thrown to the side, having finally decoded the shinies handwriting and transferred his report to the digital archives.
“How did that guy even make it out of kamino? His handwriting was so messed up the kaminoans would have probably tried to bring a cleaning crew in to fix it”
I glanced at the pile of data pads next to her. All reports she had digitalised and filed in the past two and a half hours. All reports that I should have done.
Gods I loved her so much.
She suddenly yawned. Looking out of the window and seeing the Coruscant skyline darkening as afternoon changed into night.
As she looked back at me I am struck by how changed she is. The war had taken its toll on everyone and while seeing what should be carefree Jedi children sent to war would always sadden me, i can’t quite bring myself to care nearly as much about them, as I do my ad’ika.
When i first met her she was small, chubby, mischievous and happy. But as the conflict dragged on that mischievousness was packed away, and in its place came the seriousness of command. Happy smiles became mean smirks and grins. Baby fat melted away to reveal hard won muscles and a slightly sunken face from all the nights spent awake and days spent on the battlefield.
I hated it.
While i had never verbally acknowledged her as my daughter, nor did I dare treat her any more affectionately than I already did for fear of repercussion and force forbid, reprogramming, I still couldn’t help but dream about could be. What should be.
I dream about a future where there is no war, a future where she can thrive and live in peace and harmony on some remote, low population planet. I had thought about it every night for years.
Forging some convincing papers and signatures was easy enough. Acquiring the correct adoption documents could be done in minutes and at this point he knew nearly every senators signature and handwriting as well as he knew his own. It wouldn’t take much to officiate the paperwork to not only adopt his Jedi, but to change their identities as well.
Then I’d stage our deaths. A senate bombing would work. One planted in, or close by my office. Close enough so the lack of bodies wasn’t suspicious. Then i could simply take my daughter and leave. Leave with the money i stole from the chancellor. Money i feel in my bones that i have every right to after working like a dog at the senates heels all this time.
And I could steal it too. The chancellor foolishly entrusted me with every aspect of his safety. Including financial safety. After all, who would believe a clone to be disloyal to the republic, to Palpatine himself?
It wouldn’t take much with his clearance and knowledge to drain his accounts, and put the credits to better use than anything Palpatine had in mind. What could be more important than a father providing a better life for his child.
And i would provide a better life for her.
Take her far away from Coruscant, from war. Take her to a world where there’s lots of nature. Wild and mysterious forests, rolling oceans, tall snow covered mountains. Sceneries that look like they came straight out of a holofilm. Something with a low population and so different from here. She always hated coruscant. Thinks it’s ugly, and wrapped in stench and corruption.
I would tell my brothers of course. Some of them may even want to come with us. Hound would. And he’d bring Grizzer with him. I think Thorn might stay for a while. But eventually stage his own accident and join them.
I am broken out of my thoughts by a hand in front of my face.
My ad’ika was looking at the door and the figure that stood in it.
“Senator Chuchi” I acknowledged, standing up.
Out of all the senators she’s one of the few that treated me and my brothers like human beings. Like people deserving of respect and kindness. And in return, the guards have always been kind and helpful to her. Offering friendship and their protection.
While I also shared this sentiment it was a little more than friendship i craved to give her. In my more guarded hopes and dreams I can see her with me and my ad’ika. A complete and happy family. Maybe one day…
“Commander Fox. I’m told that there might have been a friend in your office” she sweetly commented, gesturing to my Jedi.
Ah yes, that’s right. The senator has been working with my ad’ika to try and settle a territory dispute happening on the borders of Pantoran spaceways.
“Whatchya need, darling?”
My Jedi replied in her charming, casual tone that without fail always caused me to grimace slightly, but people seem to love.
“Nohing, nothing. Just here to see a friend. And inform a friend that at this moment general Tii is currently sweeping through the senate looking for her Padawan.”
I reflected just how loyal these two were to each other. Having heard how they would not leave each others side and always covering each others back, on the clock and off.
I couldn’t be prouder.
“Oh, ya. I kinda ditched her midway through a meeting.” She commented, without regret.
“Ad’ika.” I lightly reprimanded
She just rolled her eyes and blurted out,
“If I had to listen to the chancellor talk for one more minute I was gonna puke. Man has the appeal of two week unwashed, oily ass hair.”
I couldn’t argue with that.
“Still, should probably go meet her before she sends you to find me.”
Both she an Riyu make their way out into the hall.
Riyu with a warm goodbye, my ad’ika with a distracted ‘see ya’ thrown over her shoulder as she leaves.
‘Soon my loves.’ I think looking away from where two of the most important people to me were standing, and eyeing the locked chest containing a half built bomb, unfinished paperwork, fake identities and stolen credit account information under my desk.
Very soon.
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iceprincessviviane · 3 years
Whispers in the darkness
Paring: Yandere!C!Technoblade x BookwormEnchanter!Female!Reader
Type: Romantic (Technoblade is yandere) Trilogy - part two. (Previous part, next part)
Warnings: swearing, possessivness, yandere, angst, injury, blood, threats, sugestive content, silly jokes created by me.
Summary: Technoblade is trying to convince and adjust Y/N to new situation and himself. Some time has passed, but troubles are showing.
Author's note: Continuation from part one. Insipration from ACOTAR. English isn't my first language, so sorry for any mistakes.
Words in red colour are Technoblade's voices.
Words in blue colours are Y/N thoughts.
Three days have passed and Y/N felt better. She was almost lying in bed all day, but she started to fast recovery. All her energy was restored and she could left their room. Technoblade went at adventure in Nether, for some supplies. She slowly went downstairs, hearing the cooking sounds and humming. Of course Phil was standing in the kitchen, preparing something. They both froze for a while. Realization hit her harder, than she expected. He knew... he had to know. Winged man sighed and his shoulders dropped. As he thought, he didn't know what to do.
"I... I noticed that Techno has thing for you, I adviced him conversation or something... when he left two days ago for training I have never expected, that he will come back with you in his arms. I was shocked, afraid and confused." Phil explained slowly.
Y/N bit her lip and hugged herself. He was one of her the most trusted person here, aside with Foolish and Bench Trio.
"Listen, I was with Techno through a lot of shit. He is my friend and I will always be on his side, no matter what. I don't fully support... this kidnapping, but I am still with him." He continued, then took cups of tea and plate with sandwiches. "Hungry?"
Y/N nodded and sat down. He put everything on table and sat too. Everything looked like during her last visit. Phil was living in house in opposite combined with Techno's by bridge.
"So... you won't help me convince him to let me go, right?" She asked with saddness.
"Unfortunetly no. I am not going to be involved in stuff between you and him. But is it that bad? You are not missing anything, Techno is caring about you, here is safe and all the stuff you need." He looked at her.
"I used to be a free person, you know..."
"I am sure, that he will let you go on backyard. On attic, we can set up enchanting place with books and stuff. Sometimes Ranboo is visiting us." Phil was determined to show good sides of current situation.
He didn't want to be manipulative, but for everyone's greater good, was that she had to accept her fate. Technoblade could be rough, when it came to be obedient. He really acted diffrent, since he found his thing for her and now, when Y/N was there, he was calmer and more relaxed. If she would escape, he will for sure track her down and then, everyone which would help, will be in great danger. Technoblade wasn't leaving something behind. Probably whole Smp will be burning. Maybe it was selfish, but Phil didn't want any argues or wars for now. Y/N was eating quietly, thinking about his words. It wasn't that bad for sure. She expected being injured and thrown into cellar or something and actually they didn't even tie her.
"You are being serious with that enchanting place and yard?" She asked quietly.
Phil nodded and smiled to her gently. After eating he took her to the attic, where was some space and shelfes. Immediately her humor improved, they even started to talk about setting up enchanting place. Later this day, Phil left to his house and Y/N was reading on the couch, cover by the blanket, because days here were colder than in main Smp part. Technoblade managed to bring most of her personal stuff here including clothes. She was wearing warm sweater and pants, but still got closer to the fireplace, which was very nice in her opinion. Sun started to go down, she was thinking if Techno will come, Phil said that he sometimes made trips, which lasted days.
Sudden sound of opening door caused her to turned at it's direction. Piglin hybrid stepped inside and smiled to her warm.
"Hi darliIIIAAAAAA!" He screamed and dropped something.
Y/N frowned and stood up. Small ball of fur squeaked and immediately recognized it's owner, it asap ran to her and hid behind her.
"Snowflake!" She screamed and picked up her fox gently, then petted it's head softly.
"It bit me!" Techno growled and sucked his injured finger. "This had to be surprise..."
She sent him warm smile and again sat on the couch. Snowflake snuggle her head into Y/N's chest, she hugged her back.
"Thank you for bringing her here..." She looked at him softly. "It mean a lot to me..."
The Blade smiled proudly and came closer. Fox started to growl, when he approached. Y/N gently petted her.
"It's all right my little one. He isn't that scary as he seems in first take." She smiled at Techno.
After a few minutes small ball of fur calmed and accommodate itself on Y/N's lap and went to sleep. Technoblade quietly sat on couch and looked at them curiously.
"Do you know that I am scary, intimidating and grim huh?" He whispered.
Y/N rolled eyes and looked at him. "Of course I know. I experienced that few days ago."
Silence fell upon them, Technoblade didn't excatly know what to say, this whole situation shloud looked way diffrent, he just didn't predict this whole chase, althought is was fun.
'Make her forget about it.' 'She will understand.' 'Chase was interesting.'
"Phil showed me the attic and mentioned, that there we could make enchanting place. Is that true?" She asked quietly, looking deep into his eyes.
"Yes of course! It's all yours, you can make there your working place." He said and took her hand, then gently rub it with his thumb.
He nodded with honest smile. Y/N hugged him gently, watching out at fox. "Thank you. Also I need a basket and blanket for Snowflake..."
"This isn't a trouble princess."
Some days passed Y/N was busy with making her workplace. Technoblade helped her, Phil occasionaly showed, but didn't want to interrupt them both. They worked hard with wood, she made enchanting table, because he brought most of her supplies to cottage, being careful and avoided everyone. For now none was looking for her and Techno wished, that this would last the longest, no troubles, no worries, just him and Y/N happy.
Piglin hybrid also brought her notes and books, so Y/N could study again, she was so happy about it, finally could do something useful. When the attic was finally done, she went into their shared bedroom. Deep inside she was still hesitant, when it came to Technoblade, but decided to don't make him angry. Being in tundra wasn't so bad, but also wasn't a paradise. Yes, she was thinking how to get herself from this awkward situation, but hasn't find solution yet.
Immediately Snowflake get up from her basket and sniffed around. Y/N smiled softly, recently her fox was more curious and brave, even tried to play with Techno's fox named Aura.
"Let's go to outside for a while, we both need fresh air."
They went outside, Y/N took a deep breath. Fox immediately jump off and started to run through the snow. She covered herself more by cloak and sit near, watching cute ball of fur playing around. Fresh air let her relaxed more and clean up thoughts. Around were silence, hound was sleeping in special building, sometimes Steve was moving in snow, to find a good position. Around the fence slept more wolfes, guarding the exits. Y/N swallowed slowly, she wasn't able to go through. Unfortunately, Snowflake had another idea, fox fast ran away from yard, jumping in snow and spinning around.
"Snowflake!" Y/N stood up immediately and ran to her. "Come back!"
But little fox puppy didn't want to listen, it ran away even more far. Worrying owner didn't think too much, just found place, where dogs were away and jumped over the fence. One of them woke up and started to bark and howl. Snowflake put her ears back, came back into her owner's arms, curling up. She hugged her tightly.
"Don't do it again, you scared me..." she whispered quietly into it's fur.
Cold wind started to blow and Y/N heard the whole hound howling, it was terrifying. She turned back just to meet Technoblade standing intimidating with sword in his hand.
"Are you trying to escape?" He asked slowly observing her.
"What? No! Snowflake ran away, she got over the fence..." Y/N explained quietly.
"You really think, that I am going to belive in this?" He made one step further, she responed with one step back.
"I am not lying!"
"You better not be lying, because you won't like my punishment, my dear." Technoblade looked deep into her eyes. "If fox is causing troubles, maybe it should disappear?"
Y/N shook her head. "I promise, it won't happen again, please don't hurt her!" She had almost tears in her eyes.
Piglin hybrid nodded slowly and gave her his hand. She took it gently and together came back inside. Silence remained between them, Phil was in his house, busy with books. Y/N took Snowflake upstairs and put in the basket. Fox immediately curled up and went to sleep, she backed into kitchen. Technoblade waited with narrowed eyes, she swallowed hard.
"You broke a rule."
'She wanted to run away from us!' 'She deserve punishment!' 'We won't let her leave the house!'
"I know, but I just wanted to catch Snowflake! You really think, that I would escape without nothing, only in cloak?"
"No, but rule is a rule."
He moved closer, towering at her. Their eyes met, red and y/c. She saw there anger and disbelief, but she didn't do something bad. Technoblade gripped her chin once more, Y/N hissed, when she was forced to look at him.
"Listen Y/N. I really feel diffrent around you, calmer and stable, but that doesn't mean that my true nature disappeared." He said slowly.
"I know, I told you... Snowflake ran away, I just wanted to save her..." a single tear strimmed down at her cheek.
Piglin hybrid moved his hand to wip it out, then cupped her face. Atmosphere changed immediately. Maybe it was warm, which radiated from his body or this gentle touch, but somehow room became hotter. Red crawled at Y/N's cheeks and Technoblade sighed quietly. His thumb has been found on her down lip. Time has frozen, she was looking straight into his eyes, their gaze locked. She grabbed his wirst gently, but he didn't stop.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm admiring. Be quiet."
But when he leaned in and Y/N colsed eyes, pending what will come next, silence distrubed light grunt from the door. They immediately turned heads at this direction. Of course Phil was standing there with awkward face.
"I am assuming, that I am bothering you..."
"Yes." Technoblade's eyes narrowed.
"Of course not. Come in." Y/N said and left Techno's grasp with smile.
Phil stayed till late hours, they discussed some cases, she left them quite soon, because conversation bored her. Y/N started to work in attic, but when night has fallen, she moved to their bedroom and started to read book. Snowflake laid on her lap, so she could pet it's head slowly. Phil and Techno talked quietly, so it was immpossible to hear anything.
When the door opened, Y/N lifted her sight, piglin hybrid entered into the bedroom. His eyes narrowed, when he spotted cute, little ball of fur, but didn't say anything.
"Talking is over?"
Technoblade nodded and closed the door, she put away book. Snowflake jumped off bed and went straight into her basket, avoiding him at all cost. Y/N sighed quietly and stood up, Techno locked his sight on her posture.
"I am going to take bath. You can go to sleep, if you want."
He blocked her way out, she looked at him with surprise. In one heart beat Technoblade pinned her to the closest wall. Quiet 'welp' left her lips.
"We had a thing, before Phil naughty interrupted us." The Blade whispered with deep voice.
"Did we have?" Y/N asked while looking at him, she tried to act tough.
"Oh yes, we had my dear."
He put left hand on wall near her head and right hand gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him. Their eyes met again, confidence faced uncertainty. His touch was more gentle, that she might expect.
"Let myself be clear. You will have to pay, for today's little bad behaviour."
"Wh-what do you mean?" She suttered.
"Let's say... if you don't want me to throw out this little, annoy ball of fur... you will have to kiss me." Technoblade said with deep voice.
Y/N looked at Snowflake peacefuly sleeping at basket and sighed helplessly.
"Do you promise? And never, ever again will threat her?"
"Yes. I always keep my word."
She nodded slowly, red crawled on her cheeks, cupped his face carefuly, hesitated for a moment. Y/N, closing eyes, gently pressed their lips together, in slow, shy kiss. She had to stand on her tiptoes, to reach Technoblade's lips. His hand moved at her waist and pulled her closer and he kissed her back in more confident way.
Y/N was so sweet and her lips so soft, like they were made for him. Piglin hybrid fast took control of the situation. Hand from her chin slipped on neck, to press their lips closer. Y/N made quiet moan, which caused his blood to boil. He smiled through a kiss.
'So good for us.' 'So sweet, so soft.' 'Don't stop, don't stop!'
Voices went feral, their demands and screamings filled his head, in one smooth move Technoblade grabbed her thighs and lifted Y/N up, without breaking the kiss. Now, she slipped hand into pink hair. He muttered with satisfaction, but then she broke away and opened eyes. The Blade snorted, greedy for touch, contact and pressed lips to her neck, kissing slowly.
"Techno!" Y/N winced and grabbed his shoulders.
"Relax princess." He whispered into her skin softly. "It's part of the punishment."
She blushed even at her ears, when he pressed few more kisses, then broke away too. They looked at each other in silence.
"Well, now I think, that it wasn't a punishment for you at all." Technoblade laughed slighty. She shook head with disbelief and helpless, then looked down.
"Oh, don't be so shy, I mean, I like it, but you don't need to be."
"Are you going to put me down?" Y/N asked with impatience.
"Maybe yes... maybe no." He hid head in her neck's crook.
In fact Technoblade just had to chill a little bit. His blood was still boiling, lips were touch starved and hands didn't want to let her go. After a few deep breaths, he gently put her on the floor.
"Thanks you." Y/N giggled softly.
"Go for this bath." The Blade smiled haughty and kissed her forehead.
She nodded, grabbed night clothes and left bedroom. Technoblade was smiling like idiot, when she went out. Feeling in his chest grew only bigger through days, when she was here. Also he wanted show everyone that Y/N is his and only his, he would bite her shoulder or neck, maybe give her golden jewelry, but for now it was pointless. As long, as she wasn't leaving the basement, all of this could come later. Of course Technoblade desired to mark her, but her shyness and innocence were too adorable and entertainment.
Next week has passed without any serious problems. Technoblade was always in cottage, Phil sticked around lot, so they could spend time together. Usually, they were talking, pair of friends described Y/N their adventures, Phil was telling of far away lands, and she was always listening witn true amazement. When Techno and Y/N were alone, he usually read her books or they just cuddled on couch. Sometimes she was trying to work on attic, but it was quite hard, since piglin hybrid has become clingy and very touch starved. He stole her few kisses during this week, but they weren't so intense as their first kiss. But since yesterday Technoblade has acted like he was always lost in his thoughts. That was something diffrent, so she noticed quite easily.
Y/N was sitting at the table and watching piglin hybrid carefuly. He was making her cup of tea, but silence reminded between them for too long.
"You are taciturn, since yesterday... something happend?" She asked finally.
He smiled and turned back to her with cup of tea. "You are so caring darling." He put the cup on the table.
"That isn't answer of my question..."
"You don't need to worry about it. Everyone has a quiet days, even me." Technoblade grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently, it caused Y/N to smile too. She took a sip.
"It taste better than Phil's?"
"Um... I can't tell the diffrence." Y/N shrugged, it tasted good, tea like tea.
"Great." His smile widened and she felt warning twist in her stomach. Something was odd...
"You... are sure, that everything is all right?"
This time, he didn't even bother to answer. Just looked at her and studied her face. Y/N blinked... but suddenly her eyelids became very heavy. Though she was sleeping today well. Fatigue mastered her body, Y/N groaned quietly and put cup down with loud sound.
"Feeling tired?" Technoblade asked slowly.
She lifted her sight at him with little struggle. His face was stern, but something in his eyes... made her shiver inside.
"What... what did you do?"
"Nothing... nothing at all."
Y/N stood up slowly, but she tripped at first step, needed to support herself by table. He squeezed her hand harder and embrece waist, to hold her. She couldn't push him back, all energy went out, her sight found half full cup of tea...
"You bastard..."
Dark laugh left his lips, he lifted her in bride style, like she was like a feather. Technoblade kissed her forehead reassuring.
"I think, you shloud go to sleep my love."
Then, Y/N started to see blurry and finally lost consciousness. She didn't know how long she has been unconscious, but when she woke up, she has seen their shared bedroom. Then felt cold metal around her wrist. Still little tired and probably under the influence of drugs, Y/N tried to move herself from bed. Chain from her wirst was attached to wall and it was pretty long.
'What the hell happend...?'
Y/N didn't want to believe, that Technoblade drugged her... maybe staying here wasn't the best idea... Door opened with quiet noise, causing her, to look at it's direction. Piglin hybrid went inside with tray full of food. She clenched jaw and looked at him with narrowed eyes. If she could, she would throw at him fireballs again.
"Don't even think to get closer." She hissed quietly. "What is this?" She rose her hand with a handcuff.
Technoblade put a tray on table and sighed. Actually he had all his netherite armor on, sword at his belt, then trident and axe on back. Y/N swallowed hard.
"I am going on adventure with Phil... actually it's for supplies..." The Blade said slowly.
"So you chained me?!"
"I don't want to risk anything darling."
"Take it off." Y/N said totally serious.
"Take it off!" Tears started to come up into her eyes.
Technoblade didn't even move slighty. He just watched, when she tugged chain couple of times, then sat helpless on the bed and quiet sob left her lips. He immediately came closer and crouch on her level. Despite her protests, Techno grabbed her hands and rub them gently with thumbs.
"I will be back in three, four days. You have food on table and I brought you new books. Chain can reach bathroom."
"Please take the chain off!"
'Music for our ears.' 'Make her stop crying.' 'We already miss her...'
He kissed her forehead, but then stood up and left her room, closing it on a key. Y/N was too shooked to make any move, she pulled her legs closer to chest and hugged them. Loud sob left her lips this time and tears strimming down at her cheeks freely. Snowflake jumped on the bed and snuggled near, to cheer up it's owner, but without any success.
Y/N just couldn't believe, that Technoblade actually did this. She behaved good all the time, didn't even fight his... sudden whims or whishes. He wasn't exactly as people talk about him, he had feelings, goals and persons which he cared about. He was a person, not a weapon. But this... she called fire at her fingers and grabbed the metal. After a few minutes, it didn't make any effect, but she spotted slight purple light on metal.
Closing eyes, she focused on chain. After a second she had an answer. Mending and Unbreaking. Y/N cursed aloud, without key or magic, there was no way to open it. She was too weak for casting spells. It was made by Phil for sure, Technoblade didn't know enchanting that good... she curled up on bed, trying to find a way out of this horrible situation.
Ranboo sighed stepping at outisde stairs in Technoblade's basement. He was here so long ago, at least three weeks ago. Moving into mansion took a lot of time and they had to finish filling the rooms. After this, Eret told Foolish, that Y/N is missing, they immediately went to her home, only to find out it was empty and some things were taken. He helped with searching, because Eret and Foolish stated, that she couldn't just leave without a word. A week of no progress caused them to stop. Ranboo saw the true sadness on demi-god's face and he wished he would help. Tommy and Tubbo missed her too and Michael wanted, that Y/N read his tales. Enderman hybrid sighed once more and stepped inside. Main door wasn't locked, none dared to come here and steal something, maybe except Tommy. He would do that without any hesitation.
He needed blaze rods and some honey, to start bee farm for Tubbo. He was in the middle of searching, when heard suspicious nosie from on top. Ranboo looked at celling unsure. Technoblade and Phil were on trip, he know that, because they met in the Nether once in fortress. He knew only one ghost and he wasn't here for sure... Then he heard quiet whimper and sob. Tall teenager swallowed hard and started to head upstairs. The noises were coming from Techno's bedroom, that was really odd. He tried to open door, but it was locked. Looking around, he spotted the key on the nearest shelf, so took it and open door slowly and quietly.
Ranboo almost dropped everything in his hands, when he saw Y/N on floor, chain around her wrist, eyes full of tears, skin more pale than usually. She immediately looked up, her gaze was full of shock and disbelief.
"Y/N?" He knelt near her, look if there were any injures or wounds.
"Ranboo?" She almost cried this words. "What... what are you doing here?"
"I am getting supplies from Techno... and you? For gods sake, Foolish and Eret were looking for you!"
Tears left her eyes, when she heard this words. None has known what exactly happend... telling whole story wasn't a great idea.
"Why there is a chain on your wirst?"
Y/N bit her down lip and looked at him embarrased. This whole story was an absurd, what if he won't believe her?
"Technoblade..." she whispered quietly.
"Why Techno would do that? And Phil, he wouldn't allow it..."
"But he did!" She screamed, clearly with fear in her voice.
Enderman hybrid was confused, this didn't has sense or logic. He sighed slowly and looked at Y/N, no she wasn't lying, so what was the case? What was going on here?
"Let me help you with this..." He took metal into his hands and tried to break it. After few minutes, he grabbed sword, but still, stubborn chain didn't want to let her go.
"It's enchanted... only key or magic can release me... " Y/N explained quietly. "And if I leave... gods help us... Technoblade will be after me."
"But... why? What did you do?" Ranboo asked without even thinking.
"I don't know! This is madness, I just want to get back to home, but they won't allow me." Y/N started to shake and tears strimmed down at her cheeks.
Ranboo hugged her gently, she was watching out to not water his skin or suit too much. He rubbed Y/N's back gently.
"We will need help... to get you out of this I guess."
"No... Technoblade will be after them... please don't tell anyone!"
"But, what about you?" He seemed worried.
"I don't know... I will try to break out, but I don't know when... just please promise me, that you won't tell anyone!"
Ranboo hesitated for a moment. How will she manage to break herself? And how could he be quiet about it? Eret and Foolish are still sad and hopeful or her returning, Michael every night is asking, where is aunt Y/N.
"Right, I won't... but someone will know, now or later."
Y/N sighed, he had right... someone will eventually step inside Technoblade's house and find her... but now there was no better plan.
"Yes, but at least maybe that won't be my close friend... you shloud go, before they see you."
He again hesitated, but after all, hugged her for goodbye, stood up and left. Also put everything as it was when he came. Still he was torn, because, wanted to help, but didn't want to let down Y/N or betrayed Technoblade's trust. Finally he left closing the door carefuly, lost in thoughts.
As Technoblade promised, he stepped into house exactly four days after leaving. Inside was silence, he had full backpacks and was tired, Phil went to his part, they both needed rest. After put everything in magazine, he went upstairs and entered his shared bedroom. Y/N was sitting under wall, where chain was attached, room didn't changed at all, some things were moved, but nothing odd.
'We didn't see her for such a long time...' 'We are going to hold her whole day.' 'Can't wait to see her again!'
"I'm finally back princess." He hummed and got closer.
She looked at him and stood up slowly, a little bit shaky, she unsure wrapped arms around his waist and closed her eyes.
"Please, never ever again leave me alone here... please." Quiet whisper left Y/N's lips.
Technoblade smiled satisfactorily, then hugged her back and pressed soft kiss on her forehead.
"Will you be obedient now?" He asked cupping her face in hands and wiped out tears.
Y/N nodded almost immediately, Piglin's hybrid smile widened, well that was better than he has expected. He couldn't complain, more things could be complicated, but for now, he wanted her to calm and be nice as she shloud be.
"Good. Let me help you with this." The Blade took gently her wirst and pulled out small, golden key from his pocket, then opened handcuff. Skin where it was, was violated, red abrasions and scabs, his eyes narrowed.
"I will take care of this don't worry."
Y/N sat on bed and looked as he put away his cape, weapons and grabbed bandages, then cover injuries with it.
"Thanks..." she said after everything was done.
"Now I am going to take off my armor, then maybe bath. If you want... you can go downstairs or help me."
Y/N looked at him with a hesitation. They together started to undo Technoblade's armor, after a while he ended looking at her, when she was patiently helping. It took a moment, netherite armor was heavy and parts were big, but after everything was done The Blade hugged her tightly.
"I missed you sweetheart..." he whispered into her ear. "I'm glad, that we are on good terms now."
Y/N bit her lip, most important thing was, that they couldn't know, that Ranboo was here. This made her anxious, poor boy, wouldn't have chances with Technoblade...
"I missed you too." She smiled gently and pressed shy kiss to his cheek.
Night has fallen quickly, piglin hybrid was napping a lot after bath and Y/N finally could go to the attic or kitchen, so she spent time mostly there. Working and making herself her favourite meal. When she entered the shared bedroom, Technoblade was sitting on bed shirtless and taking care of his sword, he lifted his eyes in her.
"Come in."
Y/N closed door and walked few steps forward, this view reminded her, that actually she had trident with her, when got kidnapped. Where it could be now?
"Yes sweetheart?"
"When we met in forest, I had trident with myself... what happend with it?"
Piglin hybrid stopped and put sword away, then stood up. She swallowed hard, maybe it wasn't a good idea...
"Why do you want to know?"
"Trident is important thing for enchanters... and this was my only one. I also spent a lot of time searching for it and enchanting it..." Y/N said honestly.
"It's safe in the cellar." He got closer to her and smiled gently.
She nodded and let him hug her, then wrapped her arms around his waist. Technoblade placed hand on her neck, kiss was slow and gentle. Piglin hybrid smiled after breaking out. Inside, Y/N sighed with relief, he didn't noticed, that Ranboo was here.
She let her guard down in vain. The Blade's gentle touch fast, became inescapable grasp on her throat, Y/N pupils widened immediately. Tried to pull him out, but that was only a weak try.
"You think, that I am stupid or blind?" He asked, then lifted her up, still holding her throat, air started to go out and didn't come back.
Y/N tried to kick him of, but again that was only a weak try, even when he was tired. She grabbed his wrist and trying to push off his hand, only to take breath.
"After a whole week, you just casualy asking me about your trident huh?" His eyes narrowed looking at her reaction.
'Grip her harder!' 'Make her cry and scream!' 'Show, who is in charge here!'
Voices again went feral, but this time they demanded violence and wildness. His sight almost became red and ears was full of noise.
"Techno!" Y/N whispered quietly, fighting to stay focused.
"Apologize and everything will be all right."
"Please..." Tears started to strimming down at her cheeks, she became weak.
He shook his head. "That's not how you apologize. Just say that you are sorry for being dirty, little girl, forgive me."
"I... am sorry... for being... dirty little girl. Please forgive... me." Words slowly left Y/N' lips.
Technoblade smiled with satisfaction, then just let her go. Y/N' body hit hard the floor, she hissed at sudden pain and looked up at male. He grabbed her chin, forcing her to stay like this, on knees.
"I hate do it to you. I really do. Please promise me, that you will be good, obedient, little girl."
Graps on her chin hardened, Y/N nodded almost immediately. After this, she had enough, hear pounded so fast, eyes full of tears.
"It's late, let's go to sleep princess." He left her chin and went straight into the bed.
She stood up shaky and quietly, then grabbed her night clothes and went into bathroom. When came back, Technoblade is sleeping peacefuly on his side. Y/N without any distrubing noise, snuggled into bed and turned her back at him. She couldn't sleep at all, just laying there and thinking. After today for sure her mind changed and situation seemed to be horrible and without exit.
The mattress sagged under the weight of Technoblade, when he changed his position. She immediately froze, again he put an arm around her waits and his head right behind her's. Y/N swallowed her tears in silence.
Couple of days have passed and Y/N became much more shy and quiet. Technoblade usually held her around, but when not, she was in attic working or reading books. Piglin hybrid was satisfied with her behavior, showing his affection and caring way.
It was almost an evening, Phil was working on supper, Technoblade and Y/N were sitting on couch, he held her hand and read ancient poem with shinning eyes. Winged man couldn't resist to smile, while was hearing it.
Everything became much calmer. Well it ended, when Ranboo stormed into cottage, heavy breathing, burns on his face from tears and he was in full netherite armor.
"I am sorry! Please forgive me..."
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