#yandere jimbotnik
helpfandom · 2 months
Yandere Stobotnik x Platonic Reader Chapter 1: Chilling
Cross posted on Quotev, I am picking this back up!
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The morning light shone through the windows, directly hitting you in the eye as you woke up to a shower that could be heard through out the house. Tom was taking a morning shower before his shift would start, and Maddie was preparing her yoga space for her morning routine. Ozzy was laying at your feet, he had spent the night sleeping with you. Out of the humans, it seemed like they were all active in the house, except you, you just stared at your ceiling for 30 minutes until you had mustered enough energy to get out of bed and get dressed.
As you started figuring out your outfit, Maddie walked in the house, yelling "Good Morning!", You could hear Tom finishing his shower as well. You quickly opted to grab whatever you saw and put it on, causing you to wear a mismatched outfit, which didn't feel right, but this was a safe place so it was okay. As you walked down the stairs and into the kitchen and living downstairs area, Maddie was finishing up making breakfast for you, Tom and her. 
She put the plate of waffles down in front of you and in front of her chair, and slipped a piece of meat to Ozzy before sliding into her honorary seat at the table, She brought Tom some donuts she bought yesterday. You meticulously made sure that the waffle had butter in every square hole before eating -it would feel wrong if it didn't have butter-, and Maddie ate hers with a little bit of butter. You ate in comfortable silence with each other. The air didn't feel thick, or like it was forced. It was a pleasant morning, and not much could be heard of the outside over everybody eating their breakfast.
There was knocking on the door, a polite knock like someone who knew that he was welcome, but still knocked anyway. It was Wade, as he liked to carpool with Tom while driving down into the town together. Tom gave a kiss to Maddie on the cheek and went out to the front door. You waved at Wade -it felt to uncomfortable to not be wearing the right clothes to greet someone further than a wave-, and yelled out a "Bye!" to Tom before he closed the door. 
"So what are you planning on doing today?" Maddie queried to you before taking a sip from her glass of water. "W- well, I was planning on going d- down to the library later today when I walk Ozzy, a- and maybe watching a movie or something." You said, still a little bit anxious about being in the wrong clothes to see people. "That sounds good to me, You feeling okay?" You felt a little off, like something big was going to happen, but that could be that you were going to school soon. "I f- feel okay. Just a little anxious cause' I was in the wrong clothes." 
She looked up at you in pitying eyes. Both her and Tom didn't know how to help when these things happened, and you didn't know how help yourself, so it was hard to know what to do for everybody. "Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. Are you going to be okay for now though?" You sat down the fork with the second to last bite on your plate, and replied,  "I think so, I don't want to bother you or anything. I'll be fine." She looked away and towards her plate, which was now empty. "Okay, if you say so." 
She got up and picked both plates up and took them over to the sink, where she asked you to wash the dishes while they were gone. "I'm going to go to work now, Have a nice day." You hugged her, and said "Have a nice day." She left, leaving you alone in the house with Ozzy.
You checked the time, 6:34. You could probably watch a few episodes before Ozzy needed to go pee, or you could get started on the dishes. You chose to get started on the dishes, that way you had free time for the rest of the day, and could watch without guilt. You then got changed into the correct clothes ,at around 7:12 you finished, which was good timing, because then Ozzy needed to go. You took Ozzy out for walk, and stopped by the library when you walked into town. You leashed Ozzy to the nearby bike rack, and walked into the library.
One of your favorite smells, the smell of old books and dust quickly assaulted your nose. The teen at the front desk looked up from her book and waved to you, the button that said He / She on his shirt reflected into your eyes for a moment as he waved. "Hey, came here to talk?" You walked over, and shook your head. "No, I'm here for a few books, Ozzy is waiting outside for me." He clicked her tongue, "Aww. You know I miss you, right?" You chuckled, "Of course, I'm awesome, Why wouldn't you miss me?" She rolled his eyes, "Whatever, what you checkin' out this time?" "I don't know, any updates on the series?" He shook her head. "No, unfortunately." You sighed, "What a shame, well I gotta go find the books and get going soon  or someone may steal Ozzy." "Alright."
You roamed around the library, checking out a few books that caught your eye, albeit you knew you probably wouldn't finish them in time. You checked out quickly, and unleashed Ozzy from the bike rack when you walked out of the library. In the corner of your eye you could see a duck with a bagel in it's mouth. Weird. You walked around a little bit, but you decided to go back to the house at around 9:23.
You and Ozzy walked up the gravel pathway to the house, a couple books in one hand, his leash in the other. You opened the front door and saw a flash of blue momentarily. You blinked a couple times but didn't see anything. Well, if there was something, you were sure that Ozzy would have barked or something of the sort. You unleashed Ozzy and he jumped onto the couch to lie down. 
You set the books down in your room, and you stared at them deciding which to read first. You decided to go for the one on the top, because it was the book that wasn't part of a series -or at least, you hoped wasn't- and finished reading both books at around lunchtime. You walked down the stairs and made yourself a sandwich along with some chips. 
You plopped down on the couch pretty hard by accident which woke Ozzy up, so you scratched his head in apology. You then, washed your hands again because you didn't want dog fur getting in your mouth. You turned on the television to Yes Man and ate your lunch. 
As you watched, you started to notice something in the window via the reflection of the television. You started staring intently, as it was some weird looking thing that was blue. What if that was the thing I saw earlier? You turned around to face it and momentarily caught some weird looking hedgehog thing. Ozzy got spooked when you got up quickly, suspicious of what was going on.
You ran outside with Ozzy in tail behind you, and could see the thing run away. You ran after it saying, "I SAW YOU!"  "NO! YOU DIDN'T!" You stopped running, out of breath from doing mostly nothing but sitting down all summer at the computer. Ozzy stuck by you, waiting for his owner to catch their breath. You decided to ask Tom or Maddie about what happened, depending on who came home first.
You waited for your nerves to calm down before trying to do anything, and decided that watching TubeYou was a good idea to get calmer. You got distracted by the talk of "Why Yandere's are bad and You shouldn't romanticize it ..." You fell down a rabbit hole of yandere content, which caused you to lose sense of time. Soon, you heard Maddie yelling about an envelope.
"Whoo! San Francisco police department wrote back!" You clambered down the stairs, wanting to know more. Maddie turned to you, "It's a small envelope, which means it's good, right? Or is that just college letters?" You smiled, infected by her happiness, "I think it applies to both?" She slapped the letter down on the kitchen island, and the announced to you: "I will go grab some cakes, tell him to wait if he gets back before me." 
She shut the door as she left, leaving you alone for a second time in the day. You walked over to the letter, interested. You looked it over, it seemed like this could change your life, was that the weird vibe I have been feeling all day? Did some part of me know that this letter would arrive today?
You mentally shrugged and sat back down on the couch, unpausing where you left off. Soon, you could hear Maddie getting back to the house. You ran outside to help her, where she gratefully handed you one of the cakes to carry inside. You put the cakes in the cabinet inside the kitchen island -so it would be a surprise for Tom- and Maddie got onto her laptop to pull up apartments in San Francisco.
You decided to ask her about the hedgehog thing that you saw earlier. "Hey, Maddie?" She hummed what sound like a yes, so you kept going. "H- Have you seen anything weird lately?" She titled her head to think about it. "No, I don't think so, Have you?" You started to fidget with your fingers, "W- Well, I saw this thing in the window, a-and it kind of looked like a h-hedgehog?" She turned to look at you better, "Hmm. I wonder what it was then, do you remember more about it?" "It was blue, and a little anthropomorphic, like it was kind of human looking, but it had too big of eyes, and hedgehog spikes in the back of the head." She tapped her lip in curiosity, "Maybe it was aliens?" She wanted to give you an answer, but that was the best she could do. "M -Maybe, it was." You joked, it hardly calmed you to know that she didn't know what it could be. "Let's ask Tom about it." She agreed, and went back to looking for places to stay.
You went and sat back down at the couch with Ozzy laying beside you, you mindlessly pet his head while reading fanfiction. After a few hours, and around ~6:21, Tom pulled into the driveway. The gravel was crunchy underneath the tires, and he could be heard yelling at the racoons. Ozzy jumped up from the couch to greet Tom at the front door. "Leave them alone, Tom. They're not doing anything." Maddie scolded him. Tom, feels differently about the racoons. "They are eating from our trash, you have nothing to say about that?" Maddie put her hands to her hips, "They have to, Tom." He held his hand up as if he was swearing, "I promise I will be nicer to the racoons, Okay?" She pursed her lips, "Okay."
She then showed him the letter that arrived earlier, "Open it Tom, We've been dying all day to know!" You closed down what you were reading, and greeted him with a hug. "Yeah, Open it." "It's small, is that bad?" Make a that's what she said joke. "No, I don't think so, Tom, think about college admission letters." You said to calm his worries.
He stood at the kitchen island -you all had moved to be more comfy-, and opened it. You drifted a little bit thinking of San Francisco, but you quickly stopped. "...Pending background check" You cheered along with Maddie who said: "You got the job, Baby!" And she flipped open the cake box to reveal a cake that had the Golden Gate Bridge on fire with the words "Forget those losers, San Francisco sucks!" "San Francisco sucks?" You giggled a little bit, which earned you a dirty look from Maddie. 
"Oops, Sorry." She brought out the other cake which said "I never had a doubt" and featured Tom as a San Francisco police officer. Tom gave her a little smirk, "Never had a doubt, huh?" She smiled back, "Nope, never had a doubt that you would be taken by the police department." Tom sat down at the table. "Pending background check." He pointed to her in defense. As she sat down, she said "Oh no, I hope they don't find out about the time you used the neighbors Wi-Fi." She said in mock concern, amused that Tom thinks that he won't be taken in. "Correction, Still using the neighbors Wi-Fi." You piped up, "Correction, We're still using the neighbors Wi-Fi." 
"Ah, that makes more sense now." Maddie said. A moment of silence happened, which caused you to think that you killed the mood, and then Tom announced "Well, this is cause for celebration. Olive Garden and Hot Fuzz?" You voiced your agreement, to the choices, and got your favorite food and drink from Olive Garden.  You watched Hot Fuzz and other action movies well into the night, enjoying yourselves and life.
Then, Maddie dropped the ball that she had to catch a plane ride to San Francisco in the morning, so she wouldn't be there when you woke up. You looked at her in shock, "What? Where will you stay?" She replied, "I'll stay at Rachel's with Jojo and her." Tom also looked a little surprised, but not by much, as he slightly expected this from Maddie. "Okay, what time do I need to drive you there?" "3 o' clock." You sat up in alarm, "O- oh, It's like 1 in the morning, you need to get packing Maddie." You got up quickly and started pacing from an overwhelming sense of dread. "You're right, and you need to go to sleep, do you want us to wake you up when I leave?" Tom stated and asked, "N- No, I'll see you again, it's not like we're going to be apart for a long time, unless you want me to hug you bye?" She laughed slightly, "No, sweetie, it's okay. You're right, we'll see each other again, so you should catch up on your sleep."
You hugged her before saying "Good Night." and heading to your room. You looked at the ceiling, anxious for what's to come of your life. You couldn't sleep with all of your intrusive and anxious thoughts, so you settled for tossing and turning all night. Eventually, however, you felt your eyes burn from exhaustion and you closed your eyes.
A flash of blue appeared, and there was a power outage, which you knew cause your nightlight turned off, Tom quickly ran in and assured you it was probably nothing and he was going to take care of it.
You closed your eyes again.
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panic-flavored · 6 months
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Everything all red, red, everything all red
Oh look! It's yandere o'clock
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yandere-eggman · 2 years
Imagine telling your favorite that you want a baby.
Imagine gaining a few pounds and having to take those gross calcium chewables because your favorite slipped something into your drink and then you woke up days later without ovaries. The least he could do is stop acting so smug about stealing your reproductive organs and indirectly increasing your cardiovascular risk...
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singularcrinkle · 4 years
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A lil somn goin around the Stobotnik fandom on Instagram and real life I guess LMAO????
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pinejayy · 4 years
Cheater Cheater ( Dr. Robotnik x Reader )
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Prompt: Robotnik cheats on you, and when you leave him something snaps inside of him.
Word count: +1.7k
Warnings: Cuss words, angst, a little bit of yandere Robotnik, and some mature content. A bit of a dark Fic!!
Working as a nurse was hard work okay, you always had long shifts and sometimes you were dealing with entitled people or parents. But as you were currently in bed with your boyfriend arms wrapped around your waist he was placing small kisses against the skin of your neck.
Moaning slightly, as you threw your head back. Ivo has been really needy lately but you understood why. You guys really didn't see each as much but still managed to keep your relationship great. "Mm sweetheart."
He didn't stop with his kisses and smiled. After awhile he pulled away looking at you "I can't wait until you're Mrs. Robotnik or More like Nurse Robotnik." He said, taking a hand of yours and holding it. Rubbing his thumb over your engagement ring, the guy also got himself a ring because he wanted to match with you. He proposed to you a few weeks ago and of course you said yes! Blushing you nodded leaning in about to kiss the man you loved but was cut off with your phone ringing. Groaning you grabbed it.
"Hello?...... Uh huh, okay Yes boss I will be there in a few." You said quickly, hanging up to look at Robotnik frowning.
"What was that." He said, sitting up.
"I have to go to work, Even though it's my day off but it's gonna be a short shift." You say getting up, quickly getting dressed up and ready. Your boyfriend just looked at you with a huge frown across his face, he always felt as if you put your work first rather than your relationship. He just turned away, looking away from you.
"Can't you tell him no, it's your day off." He snapped.
You sigh knowing he was upset making you sigh. "I'm sorry sweetie but he said it's going to be a short shift so maybe like 5 hours." You say, grabbing everything you needed and giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "I promise 5 hours Ivo okay, then when I come back we can do anything you'd like."
He sighed and retuned the kiss "Okay five hours sweetheart." As you pulled away you smile. He returned the smile.
Walking out but before leaving you guys said your "I love you's" Walking out of your shared house with soon to be husband you sighed, you had to make it up to him.
Robotink watched you leave, making sure you were gone he sighed and sat on the bed. Grabbing his phone and started sending a message to a other girl he was seeing behind your back, he felt bad but you weren't there to satisfy his needs so he just needed someone. As he sent her a text saying she could come over since your not here. Putting his phone down he made sure he took a quick shower and made himself look presentable. Looking himself in the mirror, hearing the door bell ring. He couldn't help but smile a bit, looking himself one more time in the mirror but before he could walk away he took off his ring before putting it away in a nightstand, and off he walked to the door to answer this girl at the door. He had to remember he only had five hours.
Time Skip
As you were done an hour early you could finally head home, all you wanted to do was go home and cuddle your boyfriend and of course do whatever he wanted. As you got in your car, you grabbed your phone and called Robotnik. Waiting for him to pick up but he didn't, that was strange he always answered your calls. Maybe he's in the lab he had at home. Starting to drive off and heading home.
As you got home and pulled up your car to the driveway you saw a car that you've never seen. Was that Agent Stone's car? Hm probably, maybe that's why he wasn't answering his calls he is working. You got off the car and grabbed your bag. Walking inside you smile. You were going to change and then go downstairs to the lab. As you were walking to the room you heard some strange noises. Was Ivo hurt?! Quickly opening the door ready to help him but saw something your never imagined. Him with a other girl. You just stood there, tears in your eyes. Neither one of them noticing you, too busy with their satisfaction. Just standing there you dropped your bag making them stop, Robotnik just stopped in his tracks, they both saw you. The girl screaming and covering herself. Robotnik quickly got off and started to change.
You just looked away, sobbing and walking out of the room. "Wait! Y/N! Please it's not what it looks!" He yelled running after you.
Running off to the living room, ready to leave the house. You were heart broken okay, never in your life you would think Ivo would cheat on you. About to open the door Robotink quickly grabbed your arm and held you close to his body. He smelled like sex and that girl.
"Let go of me." You cry out, struggling. Seeing the girl he was with walk out, a smirk up her face. You just looked at her, she looked prettier than you, your dream body you wanted. Making you feel like shit about yourself. Weren't you good enough for Ivo?
"I had a good time Doctor, like the other times." She said before walking off like nothing happened.
Robotnik groaned softly, he turned you around and holding you close. "Please! It's not what it looks!"
You pushed him away, wiping your tears away. "NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE? YOU WERE FUCKING THAT STUPID SLUT! YOU CHEATED!"
He was taken back by your tone of voice, he bite his lip and looked down he began crying. "I'm sorry please! It was a dumb thing to do!" He said, crying harder.
Seeing him cry really did break your heart but you just made a face. "How long have you been seeing her?"
"Baby that doesn't matter, she was nothing please."
"How Long Robotnik." You said in a cold tone of voice.
"Two months." He whispered softly. "But please she was nothing you mean everything to me." He said taking a step towards you but you took one back, breaking his heart.
"You stupid pig, you shouldn't have sticked your dick into that whore then." You hissed. You've never had a good realtionship since everyone you were with cheated on you with someone "better" and everyone seemed to break your heart. You just never thought Ivo would have done the same too.
"Well I wouldn't have cheated if you always put your work first rather than our realtionship!" He snapped back.
"Me!? You know work is also important! And look at yourself! You still have this Hedgehog obsession and spend most of your time in the lab or either losing terribly against the Hedgehog!"
You guys stay quite, crying softly. Until he spoke up "I'm sorry, this is my fault how can I make it up to you sweetheart."
"By staying away from me, pig." You said, you took off your ring and threw it at his face. "Because we are done. We are over Ivo Robotnik!"
The ring feel to the floor, Robotnik quickly picked it up holding it. You couldn't leave him, no no! He couldn't lose you. Something snapped inside of him he just looked at you. Saying nothing. As you were about to walk out of the door he quickly pinned you down to the wall. "Your not leaving me, no no sweetheart. We are going to get married and be a happy couple." He whispered against your neck. Forcing the ring back to your finger, making you whimper. You tried pushing him back but he grabbed your arms and pinned them to the wall. He just looked at you, before he threw you over his shoulder and took you to the lab.
You were crying and kicking him but it seemed like it did nothing to him. "Ivo please."
He didn't pay attention to you, once he was in the lab he threw you on a cold silver lab tables. You were about to make a run for it but he wrapped a hand around your neck. "Don't run sweetheart, it will only make things harder for you. Now be a good girl for daddy and stay put." He said, giving you a kiss on the lips before moving his hand away. He backed up and looked at you, pressing buttons making drones appear and point at your direction. "If you make a run for it I will make sure they put a bullet through your head."
He then walked off to a other part of the lab, it looks like he was looking for something. You were shocked were did this attitude of his come from? As you stay still, afraid to move. He then retuned with a collar. "Now this is something I had, but I suppose it can be yours now."
He then put the collar around your neck, snapping it close. "Ah look at how beautiful you are."
You began tugging on the collar only to be zapped making you cry out in the pain, looking over at the man. He was holding a small remote.
"I suggest you stop that. Now babygirl let's have some fun. Follow me to the bedroom."
"Fuck you." You hissed out.
Making Robotnik just smirk, pressing on the remote again shocking you. Crying out in pain. He just watched you "Hm fuck you? Don't worry about that baby we are going to do a lot of that." Stopping the shocking.
You breath and just look down, crying. Robotnik looked at you and picked you up Bride style and carried you to the room, once in the room he threw you to the bed. He pinned you to the bed kissing your neck and already grinding on you.
"Daddy needs his babygirl. Will you be a good girl for me?" He whispered, biting your neck.
You bite your lip and whimper. "Yes.."
Making him growl, he was about to reach for the remote control. "Yes Daddy." You quickly say. He just smirked at you and placed a small kiss on your lips.
He just looked at you, you weren't going to leave him. He loved you too much, even though he cheated but he couldn't lose you.
"You're gonna be mine forever."
Tagged Robotnik list: @misskirsti @flutterskies @hs-killjam @xxcherry-killerxx @doctor-rothotnik @iclown69 @arvadswife @along-the-lines-of-space ​ @jimbotniks @read-me-to-pieces @agent-catarina-glenn @penelope-potter @ssdarlin @shiniapples @smokindoinksinthejungle @a-frozen-bag-of-corn ​ @beeetleejuicee @enaelyork @baerura @namus-things @icrackunderanysocialpressure @needyjayhawk13  @jasminerobotnik @verdonafrost @thejokesonyou-harleyquinn
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kiki213 · 4 years
Should I make a short imagine of jimbotnik being a yandere?...
Let me know..
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helpfandom · 2 months
Yandere Stobotnik x Platonic Reader Chapter 2: The man
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TW: Kidnapping, Threatening, Emotional manipulation. Kind of a mental breakdown/ anxiety attack?
You woke up without Maddie or Ozzy in the house, leaving it to feel empty. You were colder without Ozzy to lay on, and nothing other than Tom taking a shower could be heard. You checked the time, 6:52. I guess Tom took the day off to pack and get ready for San Francisco? You got up and got dressed in matching clothing, which soothed you a little bit.
You got downstairs and decided to go and make breakfast, which lead to slightly singed pancakes, but a meal you made yourself. Tom finished and was dressed in a casual outfit when he got downstairs and smiled when he saw that you made breakfast for him. You looked at him questioningly, "D- Did you take the day off or?" He sat down, "I asked to come in a little later today since I had to drive Maddie." You nodded, "Ah, that makes more sense. What time are you coming in?" He finished the bite he was chewing and then replied, "Around lunchtime, don't worry though, I won't arrive then take my lunch break, I'll eat here." 
You nodded and finished the bite you were eating before asking another question. "You think Maddie's over there by now?" "Yeah, I think so, I believe her flight arrived at 6:30, but I might be wrong so why don't we call her later today and find out?" "Have you seen anything weird lately?" He paused and asked for clarification, "What do you mean?" "Like have you seen anything like a quill but it was to big to be a normal hedgehog's quill, or a slightly anthropomorphic hedgehog?" He paused and looked at you incredulously. 
"D- did you know I picked up a quill yesterday?" You almost dropped your fork and knife in surprise, "What?" Your heart was fluttering, in a bad way. "Yeah, I saw it while I was at the speed trap. Oh! And one thing, I had my speedometer go off twice with high numbers." "D-do you think that maybe those are connected, I saw something weird yesterday." "What did you see?" You explained that both you and Maddie didn't know what it was that you saw. "Maybe it's aliens?" Tom joked. "Me and Maddie said the same thing, maybe it's a sign to get the heck out of dodge." You hummed a agreement out and finished the meal in silence with each other. It felt wrong without her or Ozzy.
You washed the dishes when you were done and then got started packing the books in your room, at around 8:30, Tom calls you down. "On the phone with Maddie!" You rushed downstairs to join the conversation.
"Whatcha' doing?" You asked, curious. "Just drawing, with Jojo, And Rachel." "Has she -she being Rachel- convinced you to leave me yet?" "No, but she wants me to check your phone for dating apps." "Good luck, the only apps I have are the ones that came with my phone." A moment of silence, then, "And the Olive Garden app," You pitched in on the "Cause' when you're there, you're family." Tom was remined of something, and said "Hey fascinating stuff here, we got a power outage."
"Oh, that's interesting ...." A clatter outside was heard, Tom looked at you momentarily before deciding it was racoons. He moved to the drawer with the tranquilizer in it while still continuing to speak, "Hey, how much does the racoon need before sleeping, Greenhill's finest Vet?" "Tom, That's for bears-" He finished setting up the gun to shoot, "Perfect, then it'll work." A gasp could be heard through the phone, "TOM!" He hung up on Maddie, leaving her to wonder what he was going to do to the poor racoons.
You followed Tom to see what that was, maybe it's what I saw yesterday? Hm, unlikely, but still.  We walked out to the garage, I walked behind Tom, who was ready to bust down the door. He kicked it in yelling "SFPD!" You chimed in, "Pending background check!" You both rushed inside and there it was, the ?hedgehog?. "Um, Meow?" Tom shot him with the tranquilizer in surprise, leading the ?hedgehog? to drop the thing that he was holding and create a ?portal? to the top of a building.
You walked back in shock, what the. The ?hedgehog?  flopped to the floor and dropped the bag that he was holding. You watched the bag fall into the ?portal? created on the floor and land on the building. You and Tom watched in shock as the portal closed in on itself. You shared a look and then Tom seemed to have broken out of his stupor. 
Tom grabbed the thing and shoved it in an animal cage that Maddie left in the garage. You got out of your frozen state when he handed you the tranquilizer gun. You held it until you two got into the house, then you put it on the cabinet. You and Tom had a moment of silence before he stuttered something out to himself. "Wh-what the fuck is that?" You sat down, and watched the thing breathe for a beat before saying something. "I think that this is what I saw."
He turned and looked at you, "Really?" You looked at him, "Yes." There was a pause as you both thought about what to say to each other. "I think we should call it a hedgehog." "Why?" You turned back to the thing in the cage. "Because that's what I've been calling it in my mind." He chuckled a little bit, "I don't mean to laugh, it's just that you're delivery was funny to me for some reason." You shrugged. "Gotta have humor in serious situations."
The silence was starting to settle in like a heavy, weighted, blanket amongst you two. Tom, done with the silence, beckoned to you to get up and talk to him. You got up from your seat and walked over to him. You both put your back to the hedgehog and were going to call Maddie before you heard the cage door opening and you stopped Tom.
You both turned around, shocked -even though you both were pretty sure he opened the door- to find that he escaped from the cage. "hgn, What happened?" You gasped and stepped back again. Tom walked to the hedgehog and asked "What are you?" "A hedgehog?" It asked the incredulously, like in disbelief that someone wouldn't know what it is. There was commotion outside, and it ran to the window. "Oh no, they found me again." 
You raised your eyebrows, "Again?" It turned to you, "Yes, again." It turned to Tom, "You've got to help me, Donut Lord." The commotions stopped. "Why should I help you?" "Because you shot me, and this is life or death." Tom looked in distress between you and the hedgehog. "You, Room, HIDE." You pointed to the hedgehog and Tom rephrased the sentence, "It- Attic, You- Room."
You went up the stairs and pretended to go inside your room. You could hear Tom open the door, and talk to someone outside. You didn't hear much though, only little snippets. You tried inching closer, but remembered the floorboards are creaky, and that would tell them that you are there. "So tell me why I should let you inside my house?" You put your hand to your mouth, What? Is someone trying to get in? "Are you aware of ..." Something came in through the window, which made you stand up in alarm. The floor boards creaked as you walked -more like ran- to your closet to hide. 
What the fuck? 
It was silent for a few minutes, most likely seconds but your impatience left you thinking it was longer -as far as you heard at least- before you heard thumping ?down? the stairs. You waited a few beats, and then you could hear a scream momentarily and then rapid fire gunshots with glass breaking.
You shut your eyes, you were panic stricken, and waited until you could hear something. It was minutes, -you counted to try and calm yourself- before you heard something come ?up? the stairs. You heard two pairs of feet, which meant it was likely two people who were here. Doors were flung open and you could hear that they were getting closer to where you were hiding.
Your bedroom door was busted open and then you could hear that they were right outside the closet door. "Hey, Doctor? Are you sure that someone was here?" A fluttering was heard as someone turned around. "Of course I am sure that someone was here." They flung open the door to your closet revealing you to them, as they did though, they kept talking. "Did you doubt my robots, Stone?"
'Stone' -at least as far as you knew, they were named Stone- pointed to you, and smiled at the 'Doctor'. "Of course not, Doctor." Doctor -this time you knew for sure who was who- grabbed your arm violently and pulled you up to them. "Now, adolescent, we need you to come with us to the police department." Dear god, he's scary. "O-okay. W-where's Tom?" Stone's eyes flicked to Doctor then to you. Doctor just let go of you and walked away.
Stone stayed behind and put a hand on your shoulder to try to comfort you. "Tom is- Tom is unavailable currently." Stone then lead you downstairs where you saw a catastrophe of a house. The table was broken, glass shards were everywhere, bullet holes riddled the walls and floor. Stone was preoccupied with something outside, which left you alone in the house. What happened? Is he dead? Who are these people? You saw that the tranquilizer was still on the counter where you left it, and you compulsively grabbed it and put it in your pocket.
Stone entered again to drag you away from the mess that was now your house. There were two large trucks outside where Doctor was standing outside one of them, impatiently waiting and tapping his foot. Stone explained "I had driven one of the trucks to investigate one area, and the Doctor had driven the other to investigate here, but now he wants to drive you down to the police station and investigate there, while I drive the other back to base. So, you'll be driving with him." Base? 
"O-okay." You got into the truck with Doctor in tow and sat down in one of the seats, and odd one since it was your lucky number and you needed all the luck you could get. "No. Sit somewhere else." The Doctor ordered you, so you sat in the next seat that was your lucky number -another odd number-, but that wasn't good enough for the Doctor. "Sit down beside me then, if you can't sit in the right place." 
So you did just that, you sat down beside him and yelled at him from inside your mind. Excuse me what? I can sit down in the right spot. I was sitting down to get luck, and it wasn't in the way of anything or anyone so I was in the right, you are in the wrong.
Your thoughts of anger were quickly burst when Doctor asked you why you sat in the wrong place. "I sat in the luck number spot." "What do you mean?"  You shrugged, "It was my lucky number where I sat, and you're kind of scary so I need all the luck I can get." He huffed. "I don't see why you think that. Luck doesn't exist, it's just a construct we created, all there is is probability. " You swallowed, I have to tread carefully. "I don't know why I think that way either." 
You quickly arrived at the police department, much to your relief, and got out of the truck. Wade's car was outside, alongside a few black cars, none of which you recognized. You entered the air conditioned police station in tow of the Doctor. Wade was surrounded by some people in black suits. Wade looked discombobulated and also looked like he was about to cry. You walked over to Wade, who looked at you in concern. "I thought Tom wasn't going to show up for a while today." You sat down at a chair, "Yeah, well um." You leaned towards him, and started whispering. "I think Tom's dead, and these guys-" You gestured to the men, "Had something to do with it." 
He whispered to you, "You think Tom's dead?" The shock of it made his hands shake, "I do, there were bullet holes and gun fire, and now Tom's missing." "O, M, G." He looked at you and wrapped you into a hug, "I'm so sorry." Doctor harumphed and then announced to everyone in the room, "So, you simple minded compatriots, I shall tell you what is going on." You and Wade looked to the Doctor, "There is investigation of the power outage incident, and it occurred in this sleepy little town." Stone entered the police station, and walked to Doctor.
You and Wade shared a look of confusion, but neither of you wanted to interrupt him talking, and so you kept silent. I thought it just happened here? Was it farther than that? He continued, "We are from the government, and we are taking over for now." Your eyes widened, the government? Wade gasped a little in shock, a sentiment you agreed with. The Doctor finished his announcement, and walked over to you and Wade. 
He looked around for a seat to sit on and then grabbed it once he saw a seat, Stone stood behind the Doctor. Doctor scooted close to you two before asking a question. "What do you know about terrorism?" You leaned back a little in shock, "W-what?" He grunted in annoyance, "What do you know about terrorism?" You looked around, as if searching your memory , when it came to you. "Acts of violence, particularly against civilians, in order to get a political point across?" 
"Close but what about domestic terrorism?" A look of confusion came across you and Wade's faces. "The same but done with someone from the country?" You asked, looking around again for something. "Hmm. Close enough. That's what Tom is." Your eyes widened again. "B-but-" Wade came to your rescue, "He can't put bait on when fishing, there is no way he can be a terrorist." 
You interjected, "I-isn't he dead anyway?" Doctor sighed, "Sadly-" He gave a look to Stone, "He isn't, nor is he captured." Tears came to your eyes in relief that Tom wasn't dead, You didn't want to lose another parent so soon. "Oh." "Oh?" Doctor queried. "I thought he was dead, ya 'know cause of the bullet holes, and gunfire." Doctor nodded, "A incorrect assumption, but I see how you jumped to that conclusion. But, back to the topic at hand here, Tom is a terrorist, even if you think him a good man."
No, no way he's a terrorist. It must be because of that hedgehog we helped earlier. The thing must be wanted by the government. You snuck a look at the clock, 4:41, whish was surprising because time had moved so fast. "Why is he a terrorist?" You dared to ask. "He is helping an enemy of the state, which reminds me of something." He stood up and beckoned you to do so as well. Stone stepped back to let Doctor through, and you followed Doctor to an empty room. 
Doctor grabbed something from Stone's pocket and held it in front of you. It seemed like a quill from a hedgehog, but it was long, glowing blue and sparkling with electricity. "What is this to you? And what was it doing inside your house?" "It must have been a glowstick, from a previous performance of mine." He hummed, "Then why is it so bright?" "Good glowstick, perhaps?" He hummed again, then handed it to Stone to keep. He started walking closer to you, and he grabbed your chin to look at him. "Look, adolescent, Don't play games with me." "I-I'm not, I don't know what's going on a-and I'm s-scared c-cause I thought that my dad was dead, and I didn't want him to die as well, and-" You burst into tears, all of your anxiety caught up to you and exploded within. 
You dropped to the ground and held your knees to yourself. You couldn't stop crying, even though it showed that you were vulnerable right now, you just couldn't stop. Stone kneeled beside you and started rubbing circles into your back. Doctor just stood there dumbfounded, he didn't know what to do, as someone just started crying in front of him, seemingly without warning. He just left you crying with Stone. 
It was hard, you didn't want to cry but your body was crying without you meaning it to, leaving you feeling awful making you cry more. Stone just kneeled there rubbing your back and giving you tissues while you were crying into yourself, which was for a while, because you couldn't stop. Eventually you did stop, but that was when all the tears in your body were gone.
You breathed in, and blew your nose again before standing up. "I'm sorry that you had to do that. I shouldn't cry." He gave you a sympathetic look, "It's okay to cry, it must have been a lot for you today." You laughed a little. "Yeah, it was." You threw away your tissues and breathed in really deep. "I'm okay now, I promise." "Okay. You ready to go out there?" 
"Yeah, I think so." You opened the door and took a look at the clock when you sat back down with Wade. 6:11. Doctor was talking to somebody else when you sat down. "You okay? Your eyes are puffy and red, did they make you cry?" You shook your head. "No, they didn't make me cry. I'm fine Wade." He said nothing, but moved the tissue box closer to you.
You were exhausted, but you fought with your tiredness to stay awake by stabbing yourself with your fingernails. You did end up falling asleep, but you woke up at 8:22, so it was just a little nap. Wade tapped you on the shoulder to see if you were awake. He needed to tell you something. "Hey, you awake?" You mumbled something, and then shook your head to wake up. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that."
"It's okay, I understand, but they have a plan as to where you'll be staying." You were more awake at that point, "What? What do you mean?" He paused for a moment then shook his head about something mentally. "Um, so, you won't be staying at your house 'cause it's an investigation zone and you would be trampling evidence, and since both of your guardians are unavailable to watch you, you will be staying with them - I think." You blinked slowly at him, "Why can't I stay with you?" 
He shrugged, "I don't know. Sorry, kiddo."  Doctor and Stone stopped by Wade's desk where you two were, "Did you manage to relay the information?" Doctor asked in a demanding tone. "Yeah, I told Y/N that they wouldn't be staying with me." The phone started to ring, and Wade picked it up before Doctor could. 
Tom's voice was a bit staticky, but you could hear him through the phone. "Hey Wade." Wade whispered into the phone, "What is going on, Tom? There are these men in suits and they were asking about you and asking about terrorism, and I told them you couldn't put bait on, there is no way he's a terrorist." Tom cut him off, "Wade, I need you to not let them know I called you." Wade looked at Doctor and Stone, "Yeah, I think they already know." 
Doctor grabbed the phone out of Wade's hand, "Mr. Wachowski ." "Ah, Hello Robotnik." "I want you to know that the only other person to punched me in the face was the school yard bully, he hit me in the cafeteria causing a blunt force contusion to the soft tissue surrounding my orbital bone, humiliated me in front of the entire school and you know what I did in response?" "I assume that you went to the teacher and reported him?" "No, I examined the inefficiency in a world where brawn overtrumped brain and I used technology to resolve that inefficiency. The boy ate his meals through a straw for a year. You are about to become the bully with a straw. I am coming for you Mr. Wachowski and when I catch you- I'll." Tom hung up the phone abruptly, stopping Robotnik from finishing his sentence.
"Hello? Hello? Hello Hello Hello?" Wade interrupted Robotnik, "Um, I think he hung up actually, 'cause I noticed the light isn't on." "Thank you, Officer Brainfart." Wade pouted at the insult. "You know what, just sit there and be you - sless." He beckoned for you to come with him as he walked off from the room.
"Um, aren't any of you going to erase my memory or something?! I will tell people about this!" But nobody did anything.
You followed Robotnik and Stone where they stopped in front of the truck. "Now, adolescent, are there any questions for my superior intellect?" You fiddled with your fingers, "A-actually, yes there is, Why couldn't I stay with Wade?" He laughed a little, "You were in the home and care of a terrorist, why would we let you be alone with someone when we could watch you?" Stone entered the truck, and it was just you and Robotnik outside. 
"B-but I d-didn't do anything, Why are you watching me?" He put his hands to his temples and rubbed them in frustration, and screamed at you, "BECAUSE!"
You grabbed the tranquilizer in your pants, I am not going with someone with power in the government that high, he can do almost anything without consequences, he could do anything to me. You shot the man with the tranquilizer and ran, but you could hear him grab the dart out from his leg and drop it to the ground. The crunch of the ground beneath your feet was quickly doubled as the man ran behind you, quickly catching up as you didn't do much exercise.
All you saw in front of you was the bright vermillion eyes of a robot floating in front of you.
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panic-flavored · 11 months
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Agent Stone can be yandere, as a treat
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panic-flavored · 10 months
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UH-OH! by Sub Urban plays in the background
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helpfandom · 11 months
Yandere! Jimbotnik PLATONIC Alphabet.
*Darling is only used as platonic*
Alpha under cut. This was also written for my fanfiction originally so if there is some weird stuff, oopsies.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get? Robotnik shows his affection by gifting you a robot to keep you safe, and includes you in his plan to end humanity with you, Stone and him as the final pieces of humanity.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling? Pretty messy I'm not gonna lie, this man has the highest military clearance, he could kill someone [and will] to protect you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them? He would treat you like you are his child (once he gets Yandere), and wouldn't mock you. He thinks that you don't understand that you're his (and Stone's) child now. 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will? He would keep a robot's eye on you [once Stockholm hits], when you go outside. For a punishment, it depends on what you did, if you say that you hate him (or Stone), you're grounded. No rights minus the basics.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? He bares his heart to you pretty open, but he does keep the plans to kill everyone on the earth away from you. He doesn't' want to scare you since you're 'just a kid.'
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back? He would laugh, You of course think that he's kidnapping you, but to him, he's just doing a fathers duty of keeping you safe. Of course, you're a teenager, you want to rebel. Just don't do it to much.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape? The first few times it's a game, he wouldn't enjoy seeing you cry and be scared of him, but it's funny to him that you want to go outside to humans. Wouldn't you rather be with robots?
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them? No rights minus the basics, and when he kills your parents in front of you with no remorse. He watches you cry over their smushed, bullet riddled body with a curiosity. Why do you care for them, why do you cry for them when I'm your father?
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling? He wants to have a future of Robots, no other humans but You and Stone. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope? Actually, not that much because he only gets jealous when you want be near humans, but he's not jealous when you are with Stone, just other people because it's better with Robotnik.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling? (PLATONIC) He is not overly affectionate. He does appreciate a hug or two, but it's far and few between when he gives physical affection, it's mostly Stone that you get physical affection.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling? PLATONIC He just yoinks you, who's going to stop him? The government? He practically runs that shit.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else? Yes, he's not *as* standoffish as he seems to be, there is a softer side to him.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling? No rights minus the basics. Food, Water, Clothes. Those are the bare minimum you get.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling? yes. He would take away anything that has the possibility of comfort. But only if 'your acting out or are a bad kid.'
Patience: How patient are they with their darling? Depends, If it's with humans then barely, you'll get like an hour with humans before he's like: "Nope. Robots are better."
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on? HAHA. You think you can escape? Robotnik has the Robots and the government on his side. You'll probably get a minute before he finds you. If you die on the other hand, he'll be wrecked with guilt. He couldn't protect you, OF course, it's the human flaw within Robotnik that couldn't protect you. He'll likely create a robotic version of you after he's done mourning (a year), but it'll never be you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go? No. He will never let you go back to flawed humans.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)? Heh, who knows. It could have been that he conditioned himself to hate humans, and once he finds one that he likes, he will never let go.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves? This man probably got a Doctorates in  psychology and still won't figure out that you don't see him as a father. He would be confused on why you don't love him or Stone.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? He, 1: has a partner. 2: He will let you go outside, and doesn't get jealous if you give objects more attention than him or Stone, ... if it's a robot.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape? Stone's pity. Stone is the best way to try and escape. Stone feels bad since you obviously hate it here and with them, but he knows that the doctor won't let go of you. Of course though, he won't feel too bad if he 'looks away for a moment and you suddenly escape'. He will feel bad if Robotnik punishes you though. If you came to him crying about Robotnik though, he will try to comfort you as much as he can without overstepping the clearly defined boundaries set by the Doctor.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling? Yes and no. He wouldn't hurt you physically, but he will manipulate you and hurt you mentally. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over? (PLATONIC) He doesn't worship you, and he doesn't try to win you over. You should just love him already when you're accepted into the family.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? (Platonic) 1 day.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling? Yes, in fact, he may prefer you that way.
Extra: Stone is a yandere, he loves you like Robotnik does. Stone recognizes that you hate them and want Tom and Maddie back, but he loves you and Robotnik too much to let you go. He will be the better of the two to exploit or try to escape through. He has pity for you and will give you much more lenience than Robotnik at least.
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helpfandom · 9 months
Masterlist for Helpfandom
For 2023 Halloween event:
⚠️ Hazard Taffy- Bruce Wayne
Continuation of post above: Hazard Taffy-Bruce Wayne 2
🔪 Knife gummies- [Btas] Scarecrow
💌 Caramel Letters- Riddler [Btas]
👁 Sour eyeball candies- [Btas] Harley Quinn
🎃 Pumpkin pretzels- Harvey {Stardew Valley}
🌽 Candy corn- [Btas] Riddler
⚠️ Hazard Taffy- Handsome Jack
🦇Batman:🦇 [Big enough to have it's own masterlist.]
🐢TMNT Masterlist:🐢 [It got big enough I thought it should have it's own masterlist.]
🦔Sonic the Hedgehog Movie:🦔
Jimbotnik / Robotnik Alphabet Platonic
Vermillion: \/
Overview for Long Standing Fic of Stobotnik x Platonic Reader
Vermillion: Chapter 1: Chilling
Vermillion: Chapter 2: The Man
Vermillion: Chapter 3: Gay People Exist
Chapter 4:
🔪Texas Chainsaw Massacre🔪 1974/1986/2022
Bubba w/ a Teen Reader
💊We Happy Few:💊
200 follower event Yandere analysis
Yandere Platonic Guide
🐙Penguins of the Madagascar🐧
200 follower event yandere analysis!
🌲Camp Camp:🌲
David w/ Camper reader HC Platonic
⚗️Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood:⚗️
Envy w/ Chimera! Reader HC Platonic
Envy w/ Kawaii kid. HC Platonic
Envy w/ Cutsey S/O HC Romantic
Zane Flynt HC Platonic
Fl4K HC Platonic
Calypso Twins HC Platonic
Calypso Twins w/ half-Sibling working with the Crimson Raiders. HC Platonic
Handsome Jack HC Platonic
Handsome Jack with a platonic one night stand kid HC Platonic
Handsome Jack and Nisha w/ Bio kid HC Patonic
⚠️ Hazard Taffy- Handsome Jack
TFTB Rhys w/ Teen HC Platonic
✨Glitter Force:✨
Rascal/Joker [Glitter Force] HC Platonic
Glitter Breeze vs. Rascal Versus.
Ulric w/ Child who Adores 'Villains' HC Platonic
❤️Not enough fics to be a category yet:❤️
Tinkerbell with a Reckless! Animal Fairy darling. HC Platonic
Ken [From the Barbie movie] HC Platonic
Jimbotnik / Robotnik Alphabet Platonic
Mitch Williams [Glitch Techs] HC Platonic
GLaDOS w/ test subject kid. HC Platonic
Sadou Maou w/ Foster Kid HC Platonic
Jack Frost w/ Runaway Teen HC Platonic
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yandere-eggman · 3 years
Imagine after Jimbotnik got the power he needed from Sonic, he kills him and takes over Earth as its king. All governments cease to be and underground resistances all over the globe are working together to take him down. He executes, tortures and also uses many of its members as test subjects. You are one of the resistance and one who catches his eye because you always manage to escape his grasp. Not this time, however, as you wake up in his lab, strapped to a table. He smiles at you gently...
"Ah yes, there you are, the annoying little protagonist of every dystopian young adult novel series who either has Abilities or is otherwise just special enough to be a threat to the powers that be. Good morning! You must be sore from hitting your head on the floor after passing out, and that dart gun I used really packs a punch. I can tell from the bruising on your shoulder!
"I'm not going to lie, Y/N, I enjoyed shooting you. It felt amazing, just like it felt amazing to finally capture and kill that little blue hedgehog whom everyone treats like a martyr these days. Remember that? Of course you don't! You were blissfully ignorant back then, just like everyone else, of the dangers of entrusting so many military operations to me and my machines! None of you realized that they could never be fully bought, and that they would all eventually turn on their 'owners'—oh, but I'm rambling, aren't I?
"All of this is to say that they were right about you. You really are special, Y/N. You're as special as Sonic. You almost had me worried, just like him, and you were a remarkable source of frustration for months! Now, I'm going to slice you open, examine your musculature and sensory organs for abnormalities, and keep you alive while I explain my findings for as long as possible. We're going on this journey together live on television. That's right—see that cameraman over there? Why don't you give the folks at home one of your signature, witty one-liners before I cut away at your dignity and bravery until nothing but a pained, terrified, whimpering animal is left, just like I did to your hero Sonic?"
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yandere-eggman · 3 years
I bet it would be very stressful to be in a relationship with Robotnik and friends with Sonic at the same time. Queue Sonic and Robotnik fighting over reader lol
Cue Sonic not wanting to be friends with you, and cue Robotnik trying to use you to trap Sonic somehow.
Your Fave uses the hedgehog's innate altruism and love of his friends (even former friends) against him by putting you, his partner, his so-called beloved, in danger to lure him into a trap. You immediately grow sick of this. The moment Sonic saves you, you apologize to him, glare at Your Favorite, and pack your bags. Your Favorite is already trying to tell you that he didn't mean it, that you can still trust him, blah blah blah, but you don't listen as you slam the car door and drive off.
You crash at your sister's place for a week while he continues to call and text you. First he begs you to call him back, then he tells you that you're being unreasonable, then he sends you a whole wall of words explaining why it's over. An hour after he apologizes and leaves you a weepy, pathetic voicemail in which he degrades himself and begs you to please take him back; you can practically smell the liquor through your phone. Still, you know to give it another day.
The next morning, Your Favorite drives up to your sister's place and finally delivers that much sought-after sober apology. It's still not very sincere, and it's not as self-effacing as his drunken one, but it'll do. If you're being honest with yourself, the sloppy make-up sex was what you were really after. It won't be long before he thinks up yet another insane scheme involving you and/or Agent Stone again--the only two people on the planet who still put up with him...
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yandere-eggman · 4 years
Imagine you texting or calling Dr. Robotnik while drunk. That's it. 😂
You wake up feeling queasy. Your tongue is glued to the roof of your mouth, and your head is pounding. You cocoon yourself into your blankets and grab your phone from the nightstand. You just wanted to see what time it is, but when you check your texts on impulse you freeze.
You texted your friends, and of course you'd texted your ex. Of course. That's what dumb people do when they're drunk. You're not worried about that, and you're not even worried about the political argument you tried to start with your middle-management brother at two am. No. What concerns you is the text that you sent to your boss—your very new, very temperamental boss.
Even through the mangled autocorrect you translate the wall of text into a sloppy, awkward overture describing all the things that you'd like to do to him if the two of you were alone in his lab, which surfaces you'd like to do them on, and what items with which you'd do said things.
You gave him your Snapchat. Apparently he has an account too, and you spent a fair deal of time showing him the goods.
He sent you a second text that night, one of the only two replies he'd made:
I'll see you tomorrow morning.
There's a knock on the apartment door. You're wearing nothing but a sock. You panic and throw a bathrobe on and tie it as you head for the door and look through the spyhole. He's standing there with a coffee in each hand and a dozen donuts in a box tucked into the crook of his arm. He glances at the spyhole and smiles as if he can see you.
"Did one of us make a mistake, Y/N, or are you going to let me in?"
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yandere-eggman · 4 years
Imagine being a college student doing an internship with your fav. It takes time to get used to his peculiarities, but you're surprised to realize you don't want to go when the internship ends. It turns out, he doesn't want you to go either, and he'll make sure you won't.
You're in town one day, shopping for some shower gel and a few other things. You pull your debit card out of your wallet, and as you do so you notice something strange about your driver's license. There's a line behind you so you wait until you're back in your car to examine it further.
As you approach your car, you stop. The license plate number is different, very different. It doesn't look like a civilian plate. You get in the car and look at your driver's license again. The name, the number, the address—everything on it is wrong.
You head back to the compound and search your room. You're starting to panic. You finally find your old driver's license. It's been defaced, your picture roughly scraped off of it, and someone punched a hole in it for good measure.
Your Favorite knocks on your door before letting himself in. He smiles and takes your hand in his.
"Your old life is over now, y/n. You no longer exist in the private sector." His grin widens as he squeezes your hand, almost as if he knows how much you want to get away all of a sudden.
"Welcome home, y/n."
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yandere-eggman · 4 years
Imagine your mother comes to visit you. You advised your favorite to not to come. But dint say why. He dosent need your advise. Now your mom thinks hes your boyfriend.
Your Favorite leans into it. He hugs your mom and tells you how delighted he is to finally meet her! "Now I just have to meet your father, y/n..." He gives your mom a nervous grimace and she laughs. She's so charmed by his manners!
He slings his arm around your shoulders as he leans back on the couch. He gives you a little peck on the cheek as he helps you cook dinner, and he even gets a little fresh with you when he knows your mom is watching but she thinks that he doesn't know that she's watching. He gives her a cheeky but contrite look, and she wags her finger at him.
Your Favorite sits close to you while you struggle through a conversation with your mom over dinner, and because he can't help it, he soon highjacks the conversation—but not in his usual boorish way. He talks about your accomplishments at work, and about how the two of you met (turns out he's very good at lying,) and even gives a satisfactory but non-threatening summary of what he does for a living.
Your mother is delighted by how gainfully employed he is, and "subtly" hints at how much she likes Your Favorite by telling him "oh, just call me Mom!" With a cheerful smile and a laugh.
You're practically having an out-of-body experience. What the fuck is happening? What's he up to? You give him a confused look when your mom is in the bathroom, and the only reply you get is a devilish wink.
Whether this is just a game to him or not, you'll find out soon enough. You just wish he would've informed you sooner...
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