#yandere legend of Zelda
yandereunsolved · 6 months
Yandere Link(s) text posts | Part 1 | aged up Links
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yanderemommabean · 10 months
What do you think of Ganondorf just getting entirely pussy-drunk & feasting on his Darling?
Like, Yan!Ganondorf, but instead of hurting Darling if she acts up, he overstims her until she's a weeping mess & begging him to stop.
I feel he’s never the type to hurt his darling. Yes he’s incredibly intimidating and evil, the very embodiment of it, but I also feel he’s the type where if you do manage to make him love you (against your will or not) he’d never hurt you.
At least, not in the sense where you couldn’t recuperate.
You’ll definitely be weak, shaking, sweaty and sore when he gets his hands on you however. He’s so much larger you don’t really have a choice but to submit and allow him to remind you exactly who’s in charge.
Slow deliberate licks, languid and thorough, tasting your juices while you whine and squirm, but all you can do is sit there and take it as he takes his time (at first. First round is always the one he takes his time on. He likes to humiliate you by indulging in you).
After you climax from the worship, as he always wants you to feel like your body is godly, he then acts like a thirsty dog, lapping and sucking away, forcing those marked up thighs apart or locking them around his head, either way you aren’t getting away. He knows just how to flick his tongue, to nudge his nose against your clit, how to crook those fingers inside of you to have you screaming and jolting, clawing for any sort of purchase and grounding but ultimately you succumb and coat his face in your essence.
And it’s never enough. He wants more. More. More.
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wayfayrr · 11 months
I'm back from my break, taking some time just to clear my thought's feels like it's worked wonders <33
To set things back off with a bang I've got the grand prize winner for @glowyskull in my 200 followers raffle!! It's self aware twi deciding to take certain matters into his own hands after his darling reader was gone for so long - since he's fresh out of twilight princess in this one he's going as link rather than twilight as well I hope you enjoy!! <3
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Of all the days to get sick it had to be today, of course it is. I’m somewhat grateful for the extra day off though even if I would’ve preferred not being sent home early, it’ll give me some time to sort out some things I’ve been pushing aside for a while. Maybe I could start by finally sorting out some boxes of old things I’ve been putting off for ages. Well, now that box is a lot emptier than it was when I started and I’ve finally found my old Wii - I wonder does it still have my old Twilight Princess save? Maybe I could see, there’s not much else to do now I’ve finished sorting everything out. Just gotta get all the wires plugged in correctly and then … There! It’s certainly working which is a good sign, now all there is to do is to open it up and check up on something I thought I had lost long ago. 
This isn’t how it should open - I know what the opening is supposed to be.
There should be something here, not just this, not just this dark empty noise. Maybe the data got corrupted or something, I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up.
“Darlin’ is that - you - you’ve finally come back darlin’? I - I ain’t alone anymore?”
…What is that - that can’t just be file corruption, that was someone speaking to me… It wasn’t the clearest, it sounded like it had been put through rounds of compression but that was definitely a voice… 
“You are there aren’t you darlin’? Please - I don’t- I can’t go - I can’t”
“I can’t go back to how I’ve been stuck I can’t - I can’t do it anymore… I know I’m supposed to be the courageous hero but I -”
“- I can’t do this anymore… I ca-n’t do - this… not - no-t any-m…”
He cut himself off with his own sobbing… I’ve never heard anyone sound half as broken as this, it’d be the rawest I’ve ever heard anyone cry if it wasn’t for all of the distortion… What has he been through? Now that the static has lessened - It’s links model, but more humanlike? It’s like there’s a person on the other side of the screen and not just a character.
But that means He’s the one crying…The way he’s standing is just as heartbreaking as his sobs are, his hands pressed up against the glass, his head hanging low and endless tears falling down his face. How do I go about - I know where I can start… 
“...Link? Can you hear me - I - I’m not sure if I’m the darlin’ you’re talking about, but right now, You aren’t alone link.”
“[Name] - you ? Oh darlin’ you - You’re really here - ‘m not imagining this? You - you’re finally back?”
“Yeah, I’m here link.”
His crying sounds happier now, but it still doesn’t sound anywhere close to stopping - I don’t expect him to stop crying for a long while though. It has to have been what - at least a decade since I last played? - has he been trapped in there aware the whole time? 
“You aren’t - you aren’t going to leave me again, are you? Please darlin’ - I can’t go back - it’s so - I can’t. Please. Darlin’ you can’t leave me again - I can’t do this anymore.”
His voice sounds even worse now, it’s heartbreaking and I think he knows how inhuman he sounds if his wince is anything to go off of, how he sounds is hurting him too.
“I thought I’d tried every way to get out… but I - I never got the chance to do it when the game was on… You won’t be able to leave me if this works… will you darlin'?”
Here I thought his crying sounded scary, the way it’s fading into laughter is downright haunting. It sounds so wet as if he’s choking on his tears as he laughs. 
“I’m finally going to get out- I’m not - I’m not going to be stuck anymore.  Darlin’ I”
For the first time since this all started he’s looking up at me, lifting his head like it’s one of the heaviest things to exist just to make eye contact with me. He looks… he looks like he’s ready to kill someone.
“W-what are you - what are you planning to do link?”
“... I don’t know… All I do know is that this glass keeping us apart? It’s so thin… I think tha-”
The way he silenced himself suddenly isn’t so shocking, not when a smile is cracking its way across his face mirroring the glass underneath his fingers. His breath and mine hitched before his laughing picked back up with even more distortion. 
“To - to think darlin’ - all I  - it just - it just needed to be on - I… I…”
Blood coated my shelf now due to how desperately his hand is reaching for something to hold onto after the glass tore into his skin. This is all just a fever dream though so…
Without much more thinking I reached out to take his hand, wincing slightly as the glass caught in his skin dug into mine. Immediately his grip tightened with a choked sob coming from him, like he didn’t expect me to help him. It doesn’t take long after that for him to shatter the screen in his desperation, falling out onto me knocking us both to the floor. Shards of my tv embedding themselves into any bare skin of his, blood - his blood - streaking out from each and every wound now marring his face as proof that this is real.
The same blood that’s starting to stain my shirt.
“I’m here darlin’ - ‘m finally out.”
“Yeah, you are Link, you’re out of there now.”
Everything feels so fuzzy, maybe my fever really is messing with me more than I thought. Real or not though, I should deal with the cuts on his face, he isn’t from here… Who knows how deadly even the most basic infection could be to him?
“...Link, if I may you’ve um… you’ve gotten a lot of cuts from …that and I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave them as they are. Would you mind if I...?”
“You would - darlin’ you’d do that just for me?”
“I’d do it for anyone who needed it… and you really need it. I don’t want to think what could happen if I don’t. I’ll just need to get up to grab some supplies okay?”
As I shifted to get up he let out a low groan and buried his head more into my torso, clearly very against the idea of me moving in any way. Even trying to gently pry him off of me isn’t helping at all, he’s not letting go anytime soon; his grip only seems to be getting tighter with every movement I make. 
“Link, please… I don’t know how your body could react to an infection and we don’t have healing potions or fairies here. I’ll be back in just a second I swear.”
“Darlin’. You aren’t leavin' me again, I’ve already spent far too long without you when you abandoned me for so, so long.”
Why does he sound and feel so real this can’t be… this has to be a hallucination. Come on [name], just deal with this as it comes. 
“I don’t need to leave you then, you can stay with me while I get what I need. Does that work for you?”
A gentle nod followed by loosening his hold on me was a good sign that he is okay with this, despite how frail and overwhelmed his face makes him out to be. Getting up still isn’t the easiest thing to do with how he refuses to let go of me despite if he did then it would far easier for the both of us to get up. Then the moment I do finally get up immediately his arms are wrapped around my waist as he pulls himself up with me, almost as if he’s struggling to stand on his own; not that I’ll question that now, there are other issues to be dealing with.
Shuffling over to where I keep my first aid kit, link could clearly tell it wasn’t the best idea to keep ahold of me while I get it, instead leaning on the wall keeping himself upright as his eyes never left me the entire time his hands weren't on me. Like he’s scared I’m going to up and vanish or something. Because I did. I did and I left him in that place. I left him to rot.
“Okay I’ve got it link, let’s go sit down and I can treat your wounds.”
“M’kay darlin’.”
Leading him back to the couch with his arms securely around my waist again was faster than before, letting me move him into the position that would be more comfortable for him while I do this. 
“Okay wolf boy, this isn’t going to be the best. After I’ve taken the shards out, I’ll have to disinfect the cuts. So this is gonna sting a little alright? Just try to keep still and it’ll be over faster.”
The silence was tattered with the occasional whine and whimper as I pull each and every shard littering his otherwise perfect face. It wasn’t long till I was preparing some rubbing alcohol on a cloth just to be certain there won’t be any more risks. Just got to do it before I start getting too drowsy from this fever. 
“There you go Link, not much longer now, you’re doing amazingly. I’ll warn you again though this is really going to sting.”
“Darlin’ nothing could sting worse than the feeling of you abandoning me all that time.”
Hissing and pulling away when the cloth came close to touching him seemed to disprove that faster than he meant for it too. Not that I didn’t expect him to try pulling away from it, just not pushing my hand away while pressing himself into my other side. With a soft sigh, I let him grab onto my free hand with both of his, the image of him clinging to my sleeve like a plush toy being one of the cutest things I would have ever seen if not for the blood streaming down his face. 
“Come on, you were doing so well. I promise it’ll only take a moment more then it’ll be done with…”
That seemed to do the trick, despite the clear pout and his tightening grip whenever it seemed to hurt a little too much, he’s let me clean the blood off of his face and clean the wounds. Now just to bandage him up and -
“All done link, see it was worth it right? Now you don’t have to worry about all those cuts; I can go and lie down for a bit now too.”
“Lie down but - but I just got here… can’t we spend more time together?”
“I do want to link, I can promise you that. I’m just not feeling well, I haven’t been well for this whole time really; this fever is taking more of a toll on me than I thought it would.”
“Fever? Oh, darlin’ you, you should be resting not dealin' with me [name]. I - I didn’t even realise, I just. I was so excited to be here with you that I didn’t even notice you were in pain. How could I even call myself your lover?”
What did he just-?
No don't worry about that at the moment [name].
Laying my head on his chest after gently shoving him onto the couch is such a comforting feeling; if he’s just my fever trying to convince me to rest, well I wouldn’t mind getting sick more often. 
“‘s alright link, don’t worry about ‘t. I’m just, gonna sleep for a little bit. Then if you aren't just a hallucination we can spend more time together later.”
Hands carded through my hair only seem to push me further into sleep now, there’s no point resisting and forcing myself to stay awake now anyway.
“I know we will darlin’, ‘cause I ain’t ever letting you leave me ever again.”
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moonyhasmanyanimals · 5 months
Okokok So this might be a bit more of a stretch. So legend. Hoarder. Doesn’t let anyone touch his shit without loosing a hand. Except reader. Reader gets necklaces and earrings and *rings*. Because how else would anyone know they’re married?
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Legend is a huge hoarder as we know, so here is what I think would happen. Silly mode activated! ___________________________________
Legend smiles as he watches you go through his bag of goodies, he's bought you necklaces and earrings before, but he noticed that you don't like bracelets so that was a no-go. However, he noticed you always stared at his ring "I have a ring in there if you want it" He hides his face when he sees your eyes light up with excitement. like a kid in the Hookshot game in Twilights Hyrule. "Why do you look so Excited? it's just a ring" he states, in the back of his mind you two are pretty much married the moment you put it on. He didn't want to let you go, not with his jewelry looking so much more shiny on your neck and ears.. and now your hand. You just... So lovely So pretty So beautiful
he doesn't want you to go back to your world. He will burn down all the hyrules before that happens Don't leave him YOU CAN'T LEAVE HIM
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flowering-thought · 7 months
Part fourrr-
Lowkey not sure how my insane simping for Ganondorf when TOTK came out would lead to this
This is the final part but maybe I'll make more stuff about it one day just probably not anytime soon-
Hehe welcome to part 4! Drama and reunions and an ultimatum as well. I wonder what will come to pass hm? Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, slight gore??, angst and tears, eventual fluff, pregnancy and birth-
Yandere Ganondorf x Archeologist Reader (part three)
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Just when you thought you wouldn't feel that familiar sensation of falling, that light that blinded you and took your consciousness appeared once again.
You felt like you were in a dream. Visions of Zelda becoming a dragon crossed your mind, her tears falling to the ground and those visions were soon combined with the sight of Ganondorf being sealed away.
You wandered through what looked like red fog, the sounds of monsters and the clashing of swords echoing in your consciousness.
You were dreaming, you knew that, and yet you didn't know what you were dreaming of.
Apart of you wanted to forget everything, you wished that nothing had gone wrong. And the whispers echoing in the red fog along with the constant sound of fighting affirmed that.
You heard his voice, the voice of the man you fell for in an Era you never thought you'd experience.
"Why? Why did you leave?"
"We could have been happy together!"
"If you had just let me protect you-"
The constant whispers became louder but suddenly went silent. Erie silence until the fog cleared, and what filled your vision was the sight of the man you love hunched over with his knees on the ground.
"Can't we just go back to what we were?"
You were about to touch him, to beg and plead with him. You wanted to cry as you reached out, using your arms to cover him and bury your head into the crook of his neck.
You cried as you held tight, never wanting to let go.
"I wanted to be with you forever." You whispered, "I wanted to live peacefully with you, just you and me." You confessed between sobs, your hands balling tight.
"But you wanted power. You wanted authority. I would have done anything to stay with you if you had just believed in me." You confessed.
And as sudden as the fog disappeared, it came back, rushing your senses as everything went black.
You suddenly woke up in a bed that was all too similar to Purah's in Lookout Landing. You noticed how tightly you held the sheets, letting go to wipe the tears from your cheeks.
Link sat by your bed, shoulders, and head drooped as you guessed he probably fell asleep while watching over you. Purah sat at the small desk she had set up, writing in her own journal until she realized your movement, getting up before she checked on you, her brows furrowed in worry as she felt your forehead.
"Where have you been? I've been worried about you." She asked, her hands running through your hair, "Link told me you and Zelda were still missing. That you both disappeared.".
Upon looking at her you burst into tears, your lips pressed together in an attempt to stifle the cries coming from your throat.
She hugged you close, pulling you up to sit up with her, she felt you burrow into her, all the comfort made you feel safe, you felt like you could finally just rest.
But when Link woke up and more people came to check on you finally you told Link everything that happened on your end. You told him of Ganondorf, you told him of Zelda and how her power returned you due to the secret stone.
And then you remembered how Zelda turned into a dragon, a lump filling your throat as your mouth opened but no words came out.
Link told you of what happened while you were gone, how he found memories from a dragon's tears, ones that showed him visions of the past. He told you how Rauru gave him his arm and how he led him to shrines of light to regain the strength he lost. And as well as the secret stones that are now in the hands of four sages.
You wanted to tell him about Zelda, you wanted to tell the truth but something in you couldn't say it.
So instead, "Find the rest of the memories. I don't think I should be the one to explain the rest. What happened is too hard to explain." You said. There was a slight frown Link showed but he nodded and agreed with you.
You got up and went to see the four new sages, and watched as Link explained that they would have to wait to rescue Princess Zelda whom they saw in the castle as things weren't adding up. And yet many of the sages disagreed, trying to convince Link that it couldn't wait.
You picked up what was going on and knew that it had something to do with Ganondorf. You watched as they argued back and forth, Link mostly silent as he listened to their advice and suggestions.
"I think maybe you should go." You stated, watching as everyone halted their rising voices of frustration. Link looked to you to let you explain, "It won't be easy to get into the castle but I think there may be something I can do to stop this mess." You say, your fists clenching by your side.
You knew it would be risky, but maybe if you could convince Ganondorf, you could stop this nightmare. But you didn't want Link to know how far you'd be willing to go to prevent bloodshed, so you weren't going to try to talk to Ganondorf until Link couldn't try to stop you.
"I can stay out of the way but I think there might be something in there that could help get Zelda back." You added, trying to seem convincing. Not to mention since you now know that the castle was built on top of the place of the final battle this entire time it might be true that something hidden inside the castle could help. But for now, you just needed to convince Link to bring you along while the sages secured the property since you prolonged Link going into the castle to see what was happening.
You kept a hand over your stomach unconsciously, your mind wandering to what to say. "I'm going with you Link. I'll stay out of the way just like I did when we traveled! But please I need to be there with you just in case." you insisted.
Link shook his head, his brows furrowing as you took his hand, "Please Link you don't understand. There are things I can't yet explain so please just take me with you." you begged, giving his hand a squeeze.
Link didn't want to, you could tell in his expression but he could also see something in yours. He could see a desperation he had never seen before adorning your face and as much as he wanted to keep you safe a part of him knew he had to agree. So much to Links' displeasure, he nodded, giving you a squeeze back before he let go of your hand.
Before long the sages stayed near the entrance to the castle, mentioning a plan in case things go wrong and that they would survey the castle for any signs of something going wrong.
Luckily you and Link were used to traveling together. You knew to stay a few paces behind at all times and help carry most of the inventory except for certain elixirs that were better staying with Link if he ever got into a pinch.
You held onto the food and medical supplies, often you also carried the map and extra arrows as well. You and Link figured out early on in your travels that it was best that he didn't carry too much and way himself down when fighting. You also tended to help remind him when the sun was about to go down or when the weather was about to turn.
Somehow you were better at certain things while he was better at others. Staying a few paces away tended to make sure Link was in control of the situation if a monster appeared out of nowhere.
But as you gathered some supplies and eventually joined Link on his way to the castle. He reminded you that the castle itself is filled with more powerful creatures; so to stay as away as possible and if he has to check out a room to stay behind in the already cleared room.
Which honestly sounded the best. According to everything that went on with the leaders/sages of the others who informed you about things happening around Hyrule you came to understand that Ganondorf was not only trying to make things more advantageous for himself but also seemed to me looking for something.... or someone..
It unsettled you that the castle felt the same as before, just as dangerous and dark as it felt when Link had gone to rescue Zelda all those years ago. You stayed paces behind as rooms were cleared and as you watched Link battle monsters. And as "Zelda" appeared and words were left behind by "Zelda" you were more certain this was a trap and you were wondering if Link knew that too. After all, Zelda never had this kind of demeanor and Link knows Zelda just as much as you do, maybe even better than you.
You watched as he fought and would toss health elixirs if you thought that he was getting too hurt. You hated that you could only watch but still tried to provide as much as you could.
But unknown to you, a familiar figure watched on, his fists clenched at the sight of you and that damned Link.
You looked the same as the day you left, the same as the day he was sealed. And he knew you had to have come back recently, as at the beginning he saw it, the sight of you and Zelda falling and reaching for each other.
And he saw the light that enveloped you both as you disappeared.
He only realized it too late that you were there. But he knew that he couldn't reach for you then, if he did it risked something changing. He didn't know fully what would change, but he knew better.
And he saw it from a distance, the sight of your form descending from the skies in a pool of light, the same clothes you wore back then, the Gerudo attire you wore around the village. He can still remember the sight of you with that precious sun umbrella the kids made you, your feet having a light spring in their step, and the bright smile you had as you walked around the village in front of him.
He watched carefully as both you and Link made it through the castle, all the way to the final destination.
The throne room before the hundred years of sleep was beautiful as you heard from Link. You once asked him to describe it to you and you sketched it out on your notebook. You also would look at the paintings for the place used to look.
You both knew that the sanctum only had a few entrances and exits, so instead of following Link to a place you couldn't help you asked if you could hide in the place above, the place where the big hole in the ceiling allowed access to the throne room, where you could freely drop health elixirs or aid should he need it. You could also see if you could signal to Tulin if needed as he was patrolling the skies of Hyrule castle.
So you found a place where the gloom couldn't reach near the hole and sat down, keeping low to the ground made you feel less like you'd fall over and more hidden.
You watched Link enter the throne room, watched as Zelda appeared and approached, her voice echoing off the walls of the castle;
"Link! At last... I've been waiting for you to arrive... There's something I want to show you.." was what you heard as you leaned over the edge to get a better look, a glamour coming over the castle as though by magic appeared, the throne room that Link had once described to you now appeared before your eyes, the same floor you were on transformed to the castles former glory.
You watched as "Zelda" grew closer, never knowing where she would appear next, Link stood on guard, feeling as though he definitely wasn't safe.
"Hyrule castle.. Perfect and glorious... Does it bring back memories of our time here?" She asked, you thought for a moment you could hear the malice in her voice. "Take a good look Link... for it's the last thing you will ever see."
You listened and peered over the entrance from the ceiling, watching as the form you had seen below Hyrule castle appeared like a puppetmaster above the fake Zelda, her body going limp as though the strings that held her were cut.
You watched her body disappear and held your breath, watching as Ganondorf spoke to Link, you couldn't help but clench the edge of the ledge. You wanted to cry at the sight, your mind going blank before Ganondorf summoned what looked to be shadows of himself to attack Link.
You watched carefully as Link fought, your heart beating anxiously. What you had yet to notice was the figure of Ganondorf behind you, his weakened form watching you carefully before pulling you away from the ledge.
Startled you whipped you head to see who on earth was there only to see him.
The love of your life, the only person you had come to love in your short life. Tears welled in your eyes but you refused to cry in front of him, rapidly blinking and trying to think of something else, "What are you doing? Stop this!" You yelled, moving away from him quickly.
You saw the hurt in his eyes quickly be subdued, his form standing there eerily silent. "Stop this? You cannot be so foolish my love." He spoke, his voice nearly making you tremble as he grew louder.
"This has to be done. You ran away, you ran and let me be sealed for nearly ten millennia. Was our love so fragile that you could dare to do such a thing?" He shouted.
You watched as he took a few steps closer, his hands reaching for your shoulders. Despite how angry he was, despite how much you had hurt him, his grip was only tight and not painful. You thought for a moment you could feel his hands trembling.
"And now you've carried the fruit of our love all the way to now. Haven't you little vai?" He added. Your hand unconsciously reached down to your stomach, your eyes blown wide open.
"Had I known you would not stay in the past after allowing me to be sealed away I would have come to greet you. The sight of you falling into that abyss still haunts me but I understand that you had not yet known who I was when you fell." He states.
You didn't think he knew as much as he did, how could he know you hadn't birthed yet? How could he know that when you and Zelda fell you had yet to know who he was? Or had he truly pieced it together with a few guesses?
You shut your eyes, thinking of how to respond. And then a thought popped into your mind. So you shook free of his grasp, staring straight at him with determination.
"You're right Ganondorf. Watching you get sealed away was one of the worst things I could have ever witnessed. I regretted it. I wanted us to be happy." You confessed, watching as he grew impatient at your words.
"Then how could you stand by! How could you watch?!" He yelled, his hands clenching into fists at your words. "Because you left me no choice." You claimed.
"Because if you could so harshly kill when things were going so well then how could I know our future would be secure? You didn't trust me. You didn't trust that I wouldn't stay, you didn't trust me in the slightest."
You watched as his eyes widened and his shoulders hunched over, his hands clenching at his sides.
You moved closer to the entrance in the center, glancing over the side to see that Link was still occupied with the Phantom Ganons', he looked worried when he caught a glimpse of your figure up above.
You then looked straight again at Ganon once more, taking a breath in and out before continuing with your words, "I want this to end Ganon. I want us to live together once more." You confessed.
You watched as his features turned hopeful, stepping closer to you with excitement that could make him nearly burst. "Yes! Yes! I want that too!" He beamed.
You smiled a little, seeing a glimpse of the man you loved. "Then you must do something for me. And if you do this we can be together with no one else to interfere." You persisted, weight added to your words and Ganondorf nodded eagerly, "What is it? I'd do anything my love!" He stated, outstretched his arms to reach for you.
"Throw away the secret stone and stop this. Throw it away and come with me to live somewhere. We could have a home in the plains! We could live near my hometown or even far away from a village! Just as long as this does not continue. This cannot continue." You begged.
You watched as he hesitated, as his hands stopped and his eyes filled with uncertainty.
Tears filled your eyes once more, a rough laugh leaving your lips, "Can you truly not throw away power? You cannot do that to live with me in peace? To live in a place to call our own and raise our child together?" You scoffed.
You held yourself tightly as tears fell down your cheeks, Ganondorfs' mind quickly trying to come up with words to say.
You took a step backward towards the ledge, staying on the edge as you glanced at him, "A week." You stated.
"I will return to the castle in a week and if you do not have an answer for me then..." You gulped before speaking again, "Then I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to never let myself love you again."
Ganondorf reached out for you only for you to yell out Link's name, you tilted backward and allowed yourself to believe Link would catch you. And luckily he did.
At that moment the rest of the sages burst in, helping Link defeat the Phantom ganons and allowing you to stay safe.
You had only wished that you were not crying at that moment.
It was soon that you made it back. And you didn't know how to answer any of Links questions. So you merely told him to finish gathering the dragons' tears. That when he collected them all he would come to understand what had happened.
You didn't have the heart to answer what happened to Zelda. And hopefully by forcing him to look for the memories he wouldn't be back before the weeks' end.
You were sure he would also try and do the tasks that Purah had wanted him to do as well, such as checking Kakariko village now that it was confirmed that the Zelda everyone had seen was a fake.
You decided to get a carriage ride back to your village, soon arriving at the entrance to Hateno Village.
You wanted to meet with the village chief wanting to discuss about your home and the wish to sell it. While it was the last thing your parents gave you, the memories you had there weren't something you wanted to keep. You often felt rather lonely in that house. Maybe that was the reason you could so readily leave.
The reason you wanted to sell was so you could build a new home elsewhere, hoping that Ganondorf would say yes to your proposal.
So that's what you ended up doing most of your week, looking for places on the outskirts of villages, including your own, where you and Ganondorf would not be bothered. You even looked at just land itself, knowing you had enough money left over to hire someone to build your house should there be the need.
While you were hopeful that Ganondorf would say yes you were also preparing yourself for him choosing power over all else.
What you didn't know was about a singular Phantom Ganon hiding in the shadows watching your every move.
While Ganondorf wanted to trust you and your words he wasn't sure at the beginning when you proposed such an ultimatum to him. What if it was a trap? What if you truly despised him now?
Yet with every move you made you only showed hope about him accepting your request.
He watched as you traveled quickly from carriage to carriage, often sitting with food storage in the back of a wagon to travel fast enough. He saw how you looked at every house and land, taking into consideration how you thought he would feel about each one.
You never looked at places in Gerudo nor in the northern regions, always looking to the southeast or towards the central region. He also saw you consult with a midwife on the best things to eat and what to not do.
His only dilemma was wondering if he could throw away such power.
He loved you, yet that dark part of him wanted both you and power, telling him he was strong enough to take both. But then he would remember the look on your face at every bad thing he did. That look of sorrow and distrust made his heart squeeze.
He slightly wonders what would have happened had he believed in you, had he asked what your wishes were. And had he listened to you, would you both still be wrapped around each other? Would you both be lying in bed preparing to welcome the child growing within you?
But it was too late to have regrets. He had to focus on the now, as the decision he made could allow him to lose you forever.
He knew that Link was remarkable. As much as his pride didn't want to admit it, he had to, or else he'd end up dead. Link was not only strong but extremely skilled. If he were to fight with Link? He's not sure who would make it out of the two. Not to mention that the goddess Hylia strongly supports Link, and with the help of the sages it is likely Link could make it to him unscathed.
But who would win? It's an answer he's not sure he wants to know.
He needed his strength back. If he's going to answer his lovely little vai, he should at least look the closest to himself as he was back before he was sealed.
Soon he would have to make a decision. And let's hope for his sake he makes the right one.
As the week past you made sure to always have a ride back to lookout landing.
You made it back just before the deadline and started the trek to get up to Hyrule Castle.
You wondered how you would even make it up without running into any monsters but you were sure if you took some secret paths through the castle you'd be able to make it through.
So you embarked on your journey, slowly finding different paths to take if you run into any moblins or bokoblins or even lizard kin.
Most paths seemed to be oddly cleared out and it didn't take long for you to reach the sanctum without a scratch.
You wished it had been this easy the other day but you pushed that thought to the back of your mind before gazing at the entrance of the sanctum. You took a breath in and out and then walked in, finding that the sanctum looked as it did when "Zelda" had made it look new again.
You glanced at every corner, taking in how gorgeous the castle once looked. To think that such a glorious castle once stood here tall and mighty, yet 100 years without care and monsters running rampant was enough for it to fall into such disrepair.
And a certain tall man leaned behind you, wrapping you in his arms tightly, his once sickly form restored to what he once was. You hadn't even heard him or detected him, and now you stood there being held in his arms.
As much as you wanted to stay there, to let the warmth of his body comfort you, your anxiety would not stop until you heard his decision.
You took his wrist gently in your hand and guided his arm away from you, taking a step away from him before turning around and lifting your head to face him.
You saw it on his face, that look of love and warmth that you weren't able to see for what felt like such a long time. Those eyes that looked at you with kindness and warmth.
Your heart beat fast, the anxiety pooling in the depths of your stomach and creeping around your heart continued on despite how much the sight of his love for you made your heart ache for him.
Before you could even speak, his hand rose to the secret stone embedded into his forehead, his fingers fixing themselves around the stone before grasping it tightly. You watched in shock as he tore the stone from its place, a scar left behind by its place before he took your hand in his and placed the stone in your palm.
You could feel tears rushing down your cheeks, your fingers clenching around the stone and your palm tightly, the relief flooding you as sobs escaped your lips and your knees gave way from shock.
He caught you as you sobbed, his face worried as your other hand clenched at his robes and broken sobs of words you struggled to get out escaped your lips, "I... didn't think!" You sobbed, your sentences broken between heaves.
Ganondorf watched as you tried to form words before he eventually took you into his arms. He hated making you cry but the relief that you showed at his actions was worth it
He carried you out of the castle, a certain hero arriving at Lookout landing only to watch as soldiers and others gathered towards the gate, their enemy holding one of their comrades close to his chest and standing tall in all of his glory.
Link instinctively drew his sword, his hands wrapped around the hilt tightly, his teeth clenched as he prepared to fight. You quickly wiggled out of Ganondorfs' grasp, making him let you down as you presented the secret stone that once belonged to Sonia.
When the shock of Ganons' willingness to give up the stone vanished what filled you was a certainty that if you took the stone to the temple of time that you would be able to get Zelda back. Something in you just knew and after everything that had happened, you knew it couldn't wait.
"With this, we can get Zelda back. We need to go to the temple of time right now." You asserted. You could tell by the look in his eyes he had seen all the memories. And that while he knew the relationship between you and Ganondorf could be skewing your judgment, he saw something in you that knew something he didn't. And he trusted you just as much as he trusted Zelda.
So after telling everyone that Ganondorf was no longer an enemy and to stay put for you would explain in detail later, you and Link used the Purah Pad to go to the temple of time.
Standing at the decaying temple felt unreal as just a short time ago you had stood at its gate with Zelda, it's decayed form such a staggering difference to its current form. You allowed Link to lead the way for you through the temple, shaking your thoughts as you stelled your mind. Soon, coming to the place where Zelda had once pushed you back to the present time. For you it was only a little over a week, but for others, it's been longer since they've seen her.
So with Links' help to the platform where he once laid his sword, you slowly approached, a familiar dragon appearing suddenly wind rushing as you held the stone over the altar and finally placed it atop the surface. There was a light quick to blind you until you and Link were floating amidst what looked like clouds of green, the Dragon of Light floating before you.
You see Links' hand glow, Rauru and Sonia appear behind him, lending him the power needed to restore Zelda, the dragons' form slowly disappearing and Zelda's form returning.
And as just as quickly as Rauru and Sonia had appeared, they gave a sad look towards you before fading away.
And as everything unfolded, another blinding light appeared, revealing Zelda on the alter where you had placed the secret stone.
And it's as though you could finally let out a sigh of relief.
Soon you would explain everything to Zelda, who would in turn explain to Link and the rest. Many felt uncomfortable letting Ganondorf go unpunished but considering the possible alternative of him attempting to rule all of Hyrule made them allow it under certain conditions.
He wasn't allowed anywhere near the Sky Islands nor Hyrule castle. It was decided that he could not travel to Gerudo either. Most of the southeast of Hyrule he could travel to. And after lots of talking with your husband, he agreed.
Zelda and Link would help make a system of precautions about where the secret stones would be held and who could access them.
And you had asked for a home to be built north of Zelkoa Pond on the outskirts of Hateno Village. In the end, you wanted to remain close but at arms' length.
The home took time and You and Ganondorf would stay at the lab atop the hill. He would often go down to chop wood for materials and began talking with a few of the villagers about farming.
As the months flew by and your home was built and furnished, Ganondorf made a bassinet himself for the nursery and slowly became more open to the villagers. You had started feeling more and more comfortable around Ganondorf as you watched him become his old self. The man you loved.
As your pregnancy advanced you watched him become more protective. He'd worry over every little thing you carried and if you ever showed any hint of discomfort he'd force you to sit down in a plush rocking chair he had built himself. He had started to work a lot with wood outside of farmwork so he had made much of the furniture inside your home.
Ganondorf had formed a habit at night where he would help you get nice and comfortable, fluffing up pillows and making sure you were pampered before bed. And once you were comfortable he would lay down carefully, adjusting himself till his feet lightly dangled off the bed so he could position his ear next to your stomach.
The grin that would adorn his face in these moments always made you happy.
And blissful moments would come often now that you had no worry about time traveling or Ganondorf getting ahold of the secret stones. You had made a point to Zelda before that you did not want to have the knowledge of what would be done with the stones.
It wasn't only so you wouldn't slip up or maybe tell him accidentally. It was so you didn't get comfortable and think that it was safe enough to tell him. You knew that you were incredibly weak when it came to Ganondorf, just as he was for you. So you would help with any other research, just never the secret stones.
It made things more peaceful and less stressful in your mind, never having to overthink it.
And then your water broke.
Ganondorf was outside working on something in a shed he built to work on things to make in when he heard you calling for him, the panicked tone in your voice made him drop everything before sprinting and slamming open the door nearly off its hinges.
He saw you holding onto the dining table, using it for support as you stood in a pool of liquid and held the bump on your stomach tightly, contractions beginning to become painful.
Purah who had been staying in the village for a short time arrived quickly, already sending word to Zelda and Link about the state you were in.
And every step of the way you clenched Ganondorfs' hand the tightest you've ever held it. He hated seeing you in pain, his body hunched over the bed you laid in and the sweat forming on your forehead.
He hated that all he could do was sit there. It's why he held onto your hands and let you squeeze him.
All you would hear from him were loving coos and encouragement, the occasional dab of a wet cloth across your forehead before a kiss followed.
And with a certain push brought one life into the world, one that cried the moment they came into the world.
You cried as you held your child, a boy with Ganons' distinctive red hair but with your lovely eyes. And when he looked down at the bundle in your arms he was so glad they had inherited your eyes. His hand carcasses your hair, tucking strands behind your ear as he leaves kisses on your forehead and cheek, leaving one across your sons' forehead as well.
It was a fresh start, a completely new beginning.
You and Ganondorf could now let go as the babies' cries stopped and everything finally felt peaceful.
That lingering thought in the back of your mind would later come into question. As your son was now the first male born to the Gerudo in quite some time..
But as you gazed at the loving child in your arms you put away all those thoughts that would make you anxious, you decided no matter what to protect them. Ganondorf came close, enveloping you both in a hug, smiles, and tears of relief adoring his cheeks as everything settled into place.
You hoped this peace would last for a long time.
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neverchecking · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet- Fierce Deity Edition
And the winner of the poll (Which isn't technically over) is, in a surprising turn of events, Fierce! Sage had the lead for a while and then it was Legend, and then the man himself pulled ahead!
I was watching it the whole time while writing this like "you better not change."
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He's the silent broody type, but every touch of his is startlingly soft. But he's pretty good at aftercare, all things considered! He's probably the type to have a set routine that he goes through each and every time. A wipe down and then a bath and then probably letting you lay on his chest while he towel dries you off <33
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On his partner? Everything. He can't chose. That would be sacrilegious. He loves every part of you. Every bump, scar, insecurity is what makes you, you. And he'll be damned before he doesn't worship every inch of your entire being.
On him? (I'll have everyone know I almost put hands here. AGAIN.) Probably his back or chest. Now, I know that sounds weird, but it's the first place your hands mark in glorious streaks of white when he's buried deep within you. It's one of the only places he can wear the marks you have graced him with so proudly. It's where you sign your name and place your claim on his heart, soul and entire being.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Man cums a lot. Be forewarned. It's thick and it's creamy and there's always a lot. Another Link with those heavy breeder balls, you know? Ones just begging to be drained into your pretty little hole. Which is exactly where he does it. Every single time. Anywhere else is a waste.
And he refuses to be wasteful.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He is always secretly terrified that he could somehow in someway hurt you. So when you take control and ride him, bouncing up and down, over and over and over again, he just feels himself fall deeper into devotion for you. Because you aren't afraid. He's slaughtered thousands. And yet, you cradle him like he is a saint. This is only proven when your above him, using him like a toy and trusting that he won't do anything to take back control.
Because he won't.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Fierce was never one for sex. I'm gonna go right off the bat with that. In fact, you're probably his first. That being said, if he lets you sleep with him, he's probably finding ways to spend the rest of his immortal years with you. You aren't leaving him. He won't let you. He's only willing to learn your body. What makes you tick. Not anyone else. He has no care for anyone else.
And he's a fast learner.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary all the way. He'll do others, but I can't see him really enjoying them. With Missionary he gets to watch your facial features and the way you heave breath after heavy breath, watching as he disappears into your greedy little hole over and over again.
So yeah, he loves missionary. Even if a breeding press also has it's place in his chest cavity (bc I'm not sure if he has a heart hfof)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
You're kidding, right?
This man has no sense of humor. Period. Maybe he'll give you a small twitch of his lips, but other than that, he's the same stoic faced, bare boned man he portrays. So if he doesn't laugh during the times he's clothed, there's like negative chances of him doing it when he's naked.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I like to think every part of him is strictly uniform. Every part. His pubic hair is nicely groomed and trimmed and still the same stark white as the hair on his head.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I could go either way with this. On one hand, he probably doesn't know a whole lot about Romance. Just devotion. And his devotion is so whole and honest in a way I don't think I could truly describe. Everything he does is for you. Your attention. Your approval. Your everything.
On another hand, if his lover wishes for romance, he shall do all the research necessary to ensure he is properly versed in every courting method there is. Anything his darling wants. Their wish is his command.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Never. Not once. He has zero interest in touching himself. None at all. As far as he's concerned, his dick is yours and yours alone. He merely carries it around. He has no right to touch whats yours.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
There I said it. He's so into taking this pristine art of the Golden three and just absolutely ruining it. Making your eyes red and puffy with tears as you cry out for him, bruising the delicate flesh on your hips with a grip tight enough to keep you in place, claiming you in every way you claim him as the biggest fuck you to the goddesses who blessed you
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere private. He has absolutely no interest in sharing the view of you. That is his and his alone. He believes that sex is such an intimate thing, it's his holy time.
And he doesn't share
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anything. Anything with you. You could breath in his direction and he's hard and ready to go. If you give him the opportunity, he'll worship you all day every day. Just give him the word.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Any form of physical harm. He refuses to do that. Absolutely refuses. His hands are stained with thousands of years of blood and he refuses to let yours be there as well.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving all the way. That is his purest form of devotion and that's his sacred time. He could spend hours down there if you'd let him. So please let him. Plus, he's a god at oral. He's so focused on you and your reactions, you have no complaints regarding his head game.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Anything his lover wants. If they want slow and sensual, he'll do it. Fast and rough? He's pinning them down. Long, hard drags? Done. Shallow thrusts that have you crying out? Anything you wish.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Hates them. Hates them hates them hates them. SO MUCH. He refuses to rush his prayers to you. REFUSES. It's frankly insulting to insinuate he would ever do such a thing. He is taking his time in taking you apart and not speeding up even for the end of the world.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Nope. No risks. Anything risking his time with you is a big no-no. That's his special time. His moment of prayer and devotion and it is not to be interrupted.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
All day and all night. The only thing stopping him is his partner pressing the red light. He can go forever if you'd let him. He has no limit. He is a Deity after all. <3
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
None. Hates them too. Why have something as stupid as a toy there to try and please you when he does it well enough on his own? Why have any form of an imposter when he is there? Why insult his abilities with knockoffs like that?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He enjoys it at any given point, but not a lot. Just enough to have his lover crying out his name. Just enough to have them yearning for him in just a fraction of the way he yearns for them.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
SILENT. Wouldn't say shit if he had a mouthful. Why bother? Any noise he makes is just taking away from what your crying out and he refuses to distract himself from that pure choir. A hymn of his own making.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If his lover asked, he'd let them peg him. He'd bottom for his lover. He'd give away any control if it meant keeping his lover. Want to wrap him up in satin red ribbons and keep his limbs starfished for your exploration?
He'd do it.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
PACKING BIG HEAT Like, it's almost too big to take. Ten to eleven inches with GIRTH, maybe twelve when hard. Veiny too and he's circumcised. Has the prettiest head, just a lovely red that you can't help but want to suck. And BIG BREEDER BALLS <333
Just drain them dry babes <33
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He could go at any time, he just hides it. You say the word and he's following like an obedient puppy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Does not sleep. He's holding you and watching to ensure you take every breath he needs you to take. He's watching you all night just to make sure you live to see the next day <3
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numberonehere2008 · 1 year
The yandere links end up turned into cats for a day and reader has to take care of them
Wild, Cal and sage are fighting each other
Time, First and fierce are sitting on the shelves and are watching over the links and reader below
Wind being a kitten is either clinging to reader or scratching the furniture.
Legend and Wars are holding onto reader while hissing at each other while hyrule is hiding behind reader and hogging their back.
Sky is sleeping on reader's lap or head somehow.
Courage and Koridai are hissing at each other or fighting the other links for reader's affection.
Twilight is snuggling to Epona or is trying to end the fight between the links.
Four is hissing at dink who is in the shadows. Tho it looks like he is just hissing at the dark
Sage,wild,Cal, courage and koridai
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Time,first and fierce when looking at the links
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Wars and legend
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Twilight and hyrule to reader while the others are fighting
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Dink and four hissing at each other in the background
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spaceless-vacuum · 1 year
What would the yandere links feel about the reader being able to turn into a cat and having some known traits of one like instinctly snuggle I nto things even in human form and basically be like twilight turning into a wolf situation but instead of a wolf it's a cat with the fur the same color as their hair and same eye color.
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Even more cute maybe reader turns into a small cat
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“Does anyone know who this cat is?” Warrior picked up the small creature who had roamed into their campsite and cradled them gently in his arms. His eyes were full of delight as he held the small animal; it was surprising to see a cat just roaming around Hyrule as they were domestic creatures. He scratched the top of your head and you were delighted at both the attention and the scritches he provided. Sure the gloves he wore were a little rough and you would have preferred he take them off, but in your current condition all you could do was meow and that wasn't conducive to a proper conversation. 
“It’s not mine.” Legend called as he happily stood up and made his way to Warrior to pay tribute to the cat. He liked Wolfie well enough but nothing beat a cat! Warrior watched Legend approach and turned away from him. Hiding you away so that Legend had to keep walking in circles to get a good look. Once closer Legend could see that your eyes reminded him of someone in the group who said they were going on a quick walk. 
“What’s a cat?” Wild asked, standing up from the cooking fire so he could get a better look.
“It’s like a dog but smaller and more mischievous.” Sky chimed in. The skyloftian had never been around many cats but he knew of them and had already decided he didn't mind their company, even if he had never been around them before. “They have claws and can scratch if you're not careful and they purr when they're happy.”
Taking that as his cue Wild stood up and joined the group piling around the cat. Warrior stood still as the young man approached so he could get a proper look. Legend kicked the soldier lightly in the shin, a little upset that he'd let Wild pet the cat and not him. You for your part were so happy to be receiving so much attention. Sure it was a little strange having been immediately spotted and picked up but it wasn't too bad.
“I bumped into a healer once who had a pet cat. They were really sweet! She called it a calico. Really cute thing. It made a lot of loud rumbling sounds when I pet it.” Hyrule stayed on the outskirts of the group and watched with wide eyes at the new guest. He wondered if the cat would be following them around for a while or if they were just here for the fish Wild was grilling over the fire.
“That's what purring is.” Sky chimed in.
“You're just here to steal our fish aren't you.” Wind was by the fire helping watch the fish cook so they didn't burn. Wild didn't need the help but Wind argued he knew fish better than anyone because he grew up on an island and no one could argue. His face was set in a scowl and he had that squinty eye look that the whole group found adorable but could never say so. He stared at you conspiratorially and you let out a little murph and moved around in Warriors arms. Trying to stand was a little difficult but with feline grace and precision you landed on your feet and walked over to the sailor.
“Yeah I knew it.” He crossed his arms and stared down at you. Legend walked over to the fire and sat down close to it so he could stay by your side. All those times he didn't seem to click well with Wolfie finally made sense, he was a cat person. Wild slowly walked over to the fire as well and stayed down next to it, his eyes were wide and you could tell he'd never seen a cat before in his life. He looked both excited and pleased with this new discovery.
“If they want the fish, let them have some of mine.” Time offered. It was such a sweet gesture but you didn't need it, your portion was already on the grill cooked to perfection on the grill. You stared at it intently hoping someone would get the message and hand it over, and as such you weren't even aware of the pair of boots sneaking up on you from behind. Twilight didn’t say anything, he just picked you up with two arms underneath your front paws and held you there. Your legs dangled in the air and snickers and laughs kicked up from the group. Mischievous indeed, you had the look of trouble in your eyes and Twilight could tell who's look that was.
“Where did y/n go?” Twilight asked quietly. Not that he needed to be loud; the only sounds in the group was the fire as the small chatter of conversation had died once you trotted your way in. He stared at your eyes as you yawned and stuck your tongue out a bit. He set you back on the ground and you walked back over to the fish cooking and stared at them with wide eyes. Wild looked at you for a moment before it all clicked on him. The group had known about Twilight being Wolfie for a while and even Legend had hinted at his own animal form a few too many times and now, the cat was out of the bag.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
How would yandere platonic link x maid reader x Yandere romantic Ganon hcs go especially with a reader who tends to attract danger ~  please love to see what you come up with, I Thank you in advance 💗
I assumed you meant Ocarina of Time era? Because that's what came to mind for me. I'm rusty on the details of the game's plot but I hope that does not change much. Link is tame in this as he's just overprotective.
This talks of time skips between young and adult link. You are 18 during the young Link era and 25 during the adult Link era.
If you are wondering ahout the dynamic. You and Link see each other as siblings/friends while Ganon sees you in a romantic light. Hopefully that makes sense.
Yandere! Platonic! Link with Maid! Reader vs Yandere! Romantic! Ganondorf
Pairing: Platonic (Link)/Romantic (Ganondorf)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation (Ganon primarily), Overprotective behavior (Link), Possessive behavior (Ganon), Forced relationship/marriage (Ganon), Consensual companionship (Link).
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Let's start with you.
You are a young royal maid working for the king.
You tend to the princess and all of her needs while keeping the castle clean.
For the most part you stay out of the way of guards and others.
You tend to gardens and on your time off you roam the castle.
You and Princess Zelda are close as you have a warm aura to you.
You do her hair and watch over the young princess like a sibling.
You don't meet Link or Ganon until later.
In fact you meet them relatively close to one another.
You meet Link, the young Hylian boy, when he's sneaking about the castle.
You catch him speaking with Zelda alone and quickly rush over to chase the troublesome boy off.
Yet Zelda stops you, explaining how he is a friend and ally.
You inquire further and Zelda tells you about her prophetic dreams.
She says she feels the boy, Link, will be a hero in the future.
While Ganondorf is a source of evil that will try to corrupt Hyrule.
You take the girl's words with a grain of salt and promise her you won't tell the king about her new friend.
Meanwhile you turn to Link and ask him about himself.
He isn't really one for words but you manage to learn that he's from the Kokiri Forest and was somehow instructed here by his fairy.
On closer inspection you can tell he's Hylian, which only makes you more confused about the boy.
Link is a strange enigma to you but you don't see him as much of a threat.
Before you leave, Zelda asks you to be careful around Ganondorf.
You recall that he is the visitor who gave allegiance to the king recently.
You haven't actually spoken to him yet but promise to keep an eye out.
In fact... you thought he made you feel off when bowing to the king.
That's how you meet Link the first time.
After that you occasionally see him visit outside the castle where you greet him and relay messages.
Overtime he becomes like a little brother to you.
You look after him when you see him just like you do with the princess.
That's the bond you two/three share.
Now here's your meeting with Ganondorf....
Eventually you're going to meet him while working at the castle.
The first time is a brief glance while he meets with the king.
You bring food and drink, only to catch gleaming eyes flash to you.
A grin appears on his face for a moment before you turn and quickly leave.
He makes you feel... wrong.
You wonder if Zelda has a point.
Yet that must just be your anxiety at work!
Afterwards Ganondorf may try to meet you more often.
When he's at he castle he often asks for you to bring him food, water, or some sort of item.
It's then he tries to initiate conversation.
You're extremely nervous yet put up with it.
Ganondorf seems like he'd be very smooth with words if he can win over the king.
He notices you don't trust him.
While he enjoys your fearful gaze, he tries to make you more comfortable.
He changes his tone and tries to be welcoming.
He's an ally of the king! Does he scare you that bad?
You poor maid... shaking in your shoes as you speak to a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Ganondorf would purposefully try to make you trust him.
He offers you to sit with him and talk over some drink.
In the halls he greets you and initiates small conversation.
In reality he's trying to remove suspicions to his plan.
However... he also finds it fun to mess with your fear.
At some point he even feels attraction brew in his beastly heart.
When he gains power he'll keep you as his own personal maid.
While Link prepares himself by gathering what's needed to open the Temple of Time, this is what's going on.
Ganondorf tries his best to charm you, perhaps even giving compliments while trying sweeten you up around him.
You fear his intentions yet still push through it to keep an eye on him.
When you manage to get away from him, you find yourself speaking with Link.
Like a big sister you ask how he's doing and if he's okay.
He can tell your demeanor has changed due to Ganon although you never tell him a word.
Zelda most likely tells him when they meet.
Link doesn't like that you're constantly pestered by Ganondorf, the supposedly evil man.
He's protective of you yet he can't do anything... yet.
Let's skip to the point of when he unlocks the Temple of Time.
This is when Link encounters two versions of you.
As young Link he sees you as the kind young maid who cares for him and the princess.
As an adult, when seven years past, he sees you as an older woman under the control of Ganondorf.
Just as he suspected, Ganon was not pestering you for no reason.
In the future Ganondorf has taken you as his (forced) bride.
This fact hurts Link.
To see the woman he befriended, the one who cared for him and the princess, forced to be with the evil lord makes him sick.
As a result, Link accepts his role as the Hero of Time.
He not only has to save Zelda and Hyrule...
But he feels he needs to save you too.
I'm going to skip around as Ganondorf's obsession over you spans over seven years.
Meanwhile Link's more protective obsession is split between young and adult Link.
Obviously the two obsessions are different.
Ganondorf intends to force you to be his wife, his queen.
While Link sees you just as family, he doesn't want you condemned to such a fate.
It can be assumed as much that Ganondorf has been trying to court you until Link opened the Temple of Time.
Once Ganondorf was able to get inside and have the Triforce, he didn't have to be patient anymore.
While Link was sealed away, Ganondorf swoops in to you with newfound power.
There's no doubt you tried to flee to Kakariko like most.
Despite this the Gerudo King still ordered you be hunted down an brought to him.
After all, he's claimed you since he saw you.
This whole rivalry would span the entire Ocarina of Time story.
Link would be going from temple to temple to awaken sages.
When he can he tries to find you as young Link to check on how you're holding up.
Link is driven to help you, it becomes a goal that keeps him going.
While Ganondorf prepares and makes you his perfect maid/queen, Link prepares to fight the final battle.
Link matures and becomes ready to fight Ganondorf and save you.
When the big fight happens, you're forced to watch.
You can only sit and hope the young boy you knew years ago can defeat this monster.
There's only two outcomes.
Ganondorf wins and you're forced to continue being his queen, watching your world suffer in silence.
Or Link saves you, Zelda, and Hyrule....
Link seems like the most tame yandere in this.
The reason being he really just wants you safe.
The moment he gets you out of Ganon's clutches, he refuses to have you leave his arms.
To you, you haven't seen this kid in years.
To him? He's seen the suffering you've had to go through.
He saw it start, he saw it end.
He refuses to have you go through that again.
Even when Zelda gives him back his childhood, Link still vows to visit you.
To Link, it feels like he's on a trip to save family.
Even as he grows up, he promises to be your little defender.
It's a childish promise but he'll do anything to see you happy.
After Ganondorf is banished, your life goes back to caring for a young Zelda and Link.
Link plans to keep it that way as he grows up naturally, in his eyes you are the closest he's had to a sibling outside of the Kokiri.
He'd do anything to keep you happy...
Even if it meant slaying what he deems evil all over again just to achieve that.
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
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𖹭 𓆝 𓆟 Poly Yandere Sage & Sidon 𓆞 𓆝 𖹭
Born of the Hylian race and always drawn to the water. It made you the perfect candidate to be the Hylian ambassador who worked with the Zora. You worked with them when Divine Beast Vah Ruta was pouring rain and flooding the domain. Now you work with Yona to take care of the Zora's due to the massive amounts of sludge suffocating the land and creatures.
You were one of the three Hylians that the Zora allowed to freely walk among them without special permission for each entry. You wished in these moments that it was more than three. Zelda was lost only the goddesses know where. Sage had lost his arm and now seemed to further distance himself from you. You, oh you, the Zora loved Yona but saw you as a stain upon them.
You weren't one of their own, a reincarnation of a goddess, or the hero fated to save Hyrule. You were simply a hylian that was appointed to their waters.
It kept you stuck, doing your best to find as many splash fruits as possible. You'd overwork yourself from dusk till dawn just to find some. You had to find them; it was the only way to gain even a smidgen of their approval. You even went into Lynel territory for them.
Prince Sidon wasn't the least bit pleased when he learned about your being so reckless. You were confined to your room and were only visited by guards and the prince. You recovered your physical health, but not your mental. You became addicted to his presence. He'd always give you the same comforting smile and soothing touch.
Sage was the same way when he finally made his way to you both. It was the first time you were able to leave your room in a handful of months. You practically collapsed into his arms. You didn't notice his stunned silence or the firey blush lighting up his hardened features, but Sidon did.
"Good friend, it's such a shame that Zelda is missing. However, it is good to see that you are no worse for wear. Except for that arm of yours—?" Sidon spoke in an elated tone, an undercurrent of a pleased growl bubbling up from his throat.
Sage did not answer after he explained his predicament. He stuck by the both of you like the sludge that coated Zora's Domain. He mostly communicated through Hylian sign. His Zonai arm, as you learned, was perfect for translating it into an audio version of what he was signing. It would occasionally glitch around the both of you, glowing bright and moving on its own to grasp either you or Sidon.
"My friend!" Sidon gasped as Link's Zonai arm caressed Sidon's midsection.
It was a common occurrence, and it was oddly cute.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.
Both of them were needed to save the domain, and you once again were shut out from the outside world. You didn't learn until after Sage and Sidon had defeated the beast within the Water Temple that Yona had been slain by the Sludge Like Like that had attacked near Mipha's statue.
The only oddity of it all is that Yona had the distinct slash of a Zora Longsword across her throat.
You were the only one that seemingly picked up on this detail. This was because Sidon wouldn't allow anyone to look at her dead body except for you or Sage. It was a question that still lingers in your mind, but you don't dare ask it. Sage didn't see anything wrong with it, and he is the hero. 
It was one shock after another.
You were wed to Sidon in the place of Yona, and Link was married to both of you. You had no time to protest. It was seemingly a decision that was controversial among the Zora. However, anyone who voiced their displeasure soon had their gills cut. It wasn't as if you were against it. Both were truly handsome. 
You worried about the differences between Zora and Hylian anatomy.
Both didn't seem to have a care in the world about the finer details. You lay in bed with both your husbands. You are all saddened to know that Link must go to continue his journey of defeating the Demon King. At least he has Sidon's avatar. Sidon is able to feel, see, and hear everything through it.
Only one phrase was left to be said.
"I love you both." You murmur through your sleepy daze.
Both of their hearts almost stopped. They stared at each other in surprise. The same thing was on both their minds.
You love them. They won you.
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yanderemommabean · 1 year
I’m gonna be honest. I want the reader to be the first person Ganondorf has had sex with in 10,000 years and it feels so good he gets pussy drunk.
Has to bend you over the table after breakfast because he can't help himself. Gets hard just from hearing you moan when you stretch or feeling you tug his hair a bit too hard when brushing it.
Dude salivates thinking about the sweat dripping down your body from the desert heat, wanting to lick it up while stroking his cock lazily. Thinks you sitting on his face is heaven but so is having you on your back with your legs on his shoulders as he takes what he wants and gives you a pleasurable torture.
Likes to fuck his own sloppy seconds, watching your small body twitch and writhe while trying to process the fuck session that had just occurred, flushed and wrecked, makes him ready to go again in no time.
And all you can do when he wants more is try to crawl away,but he just grabs your ankle and easily pulls you back for more.
Can you really complain though?
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wayfayrr · 1 year
The first of the raffle winners! these are @glowyskull's headcanon's for Time with a reader who likes to lightly kiss his scars!! I hope that you like these head canons!
also I'm sorry about there being a bit of a delay, over the weekend I was very busy then when I got back I got sick and couldn't do much at all, so I couldn't really write! I'm hoping to have the headcanons for the raffle out before next Monday though!! then I'll write the longer works
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✦ after getting close to him he’d be secretive about his scars, not because he hates them. He’s fairly neutral to them if anything, but it messes a little with his self-worth when he looks at you and then his copious scars. Questioning how 
✦ But! There's an easy thing to be done to help him feel less ashamed of himself when he’s gotten to the point where it’s noticeable. 
✦ he would fall much faster than otherwise if you sat him down, gently took off his gauntlets and pressed even a single kiss to one of his scars 
✦ he melts at any gentle touch, especially his scars but his favourite place to be kissed is the scars coating his hands because they’re the ones he’s the most insecure about due to the fact that they’re the one’s he can see and compare to you the fastest when he holds yours
✦ the fierce deity marks on his face are also incredibly sensitive, but they’re the only ones that he doesn’t like being peppered with kisses. If you were to dig, you’d find out that he gets jealous when you do. 
✦ if you allowed him, he'd take you into his arms, holding you close to him as you grace him with more delicate touches. Helping you to remove his armour so that you can stay with him more comfortably. 
✦ After a while of reassuring him that you really don’t see him as less due to his scars, he becomes a lot more comfortable with public displays of affection than before. 
✦ If you have any scars at all whether you’re insecure about them or not, just know that he’ll be as reverent of yours as you are of his. No matter what caused yours he doesn’t mock them in the slightest 
✦ When his feelings slide more into yandere territory he craves your touch on his scars, that reaffirmation that you still care about him, that you’ll still treat him so. It encourages him.
✦ he’ll be far braver about holding you close, holding you now even when walking during the day. You want to walk for yourself? But the scar on his shoulder has been itching and you’re the only thing that works to soothe it, he’ll carry you so that no one falls behind though so don’t worry. 
✦ Just let him have this, he’s been through so much and you’re the only balm that can consider healing his beaten and broken soul.
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moonyhasmanyanimals · 6 months
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Dink is link or unknown as he calls himself, just the darkness within his heart,
Everyone says that he can't love, because he can't feel it
People say that something so heartless couldn't, not at all
Until you came...
This is your fault why he likes you so much
You should have listened to them
He keeps you in the dark, literally
He says he loves you but you know it's not true.
Something like him can't love
he can't
but he holds you with such warmth you can't help but feel that way.
How he courted you was uncanny and odd
It started with burning roses, then to books on dark spells, then to monsters dead at your doorstep
before you know it...
there was a beating heart at your door and a little note
it said;
"Everyone said I can't be with you, my master, the hero, the princess in my realm and in yours, but I do. I love you so much that you make him feel like I have a heart, it feels like there is something beating in my chest when close to you, barely grazing my shoulder, barely being able to see me in the dark, but it's ok, you'll understand soon
Your love.
Unknown was written in blood with an odd odor... but that's all you remember before being held in a dark room with warm, strong arms wrapped around you.
You couldn't help but enjoy it
I had to feed you guys something,
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flowering-thought · 1 year
A part two cause I couldn't help myself <3
I wasn't sure how to name Ganon's horse as there wasn't really an official name so there were two options of Phantom or Galloughs as both names have been mentioned when it comes to his steed so I just went with Phantom-
Also including a love triangle???? Square??? Uh well, would it be a square?? Technically, since it's a couple who wants the reader and Ganon who wants the reader, I would imagine it to be a triangle and not a square? Ah who knows at this point 🕳👩‍🦯
The last note is that I'm making Ganondorf around 8 feet or 240 cm. There are way too many things about his height to make sense of so I'll just go with this.
But for real, I had a lot of fun writing the first part, so here's the second one! Also this ended up way longer than I was expecting 🧍‍♀️
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, mentions of stalking, Virgin reader, smut, oral (female receiving), cunnilingus, fingering, slight breeding kink???,
Yandere Ganondorf x Archeologist Reader (part two)
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The throne room went silent. The acceptance of the proposal nearly made Zelda faint, her hand holding onto the side of Sonia's throne for support.
"So long as this will keep the peace I will accept. I don't want any more bloodshed or any more fighting. If a marriage between the Gerudo and Hylians can keep peace I am willing." You started, bring your hands together before taking a deep breath.
"But you must know that I myself am not a distant relative of royalty. Zelda is but I myself am not. So any benefits regarding that are void. I don't think it would be fair to lie about it." You stated, finishing everything you wanted to say.
Ganondorf was surprised at the revelation but not by much. He had suspected something, as you were far different from both Sonia and Zelda in quite a bit of aspects. But even his warriors agreed before the meeting that even if you were not of distant royalty, it wouldn't matter.
Once Rauru had heard the statement he was hoping that Ganondorfs greed would prevent him from marrying anyone who was not of royal descent as marrying a Hylian already sounded out of character for the Gerudo King.
But when he didn't see him falter he gripped the arm of his throne and held back from speaking as Ganondorf spoke up, "Your intelligence, beauty, and kindness are what make you valuable to not only me but also my tribe. I can guarantee peace and your happiness as well my lady.".
Rauru and Sonia gave each other a knowing look before looking to Zelda, hoping she may be able to talk you out of this foolishness. But she could only give them a shake of her head, her eyes falling on your figure. That look in your eyes settled everything.
Even before they came to the past there were times where you were incredibly stubborn. Moments where you wouldn't step down from something, especially if you had your mind set on it. And even if you yourself had doubts, you would rarely stop. And the look in your eyes was the exact look you had when you dug your heels down and Zelda doubted she could stop you.
Ganon had a giant smile on his face, a light chuckle escaping his throat as he quickly approached you and held you up by your arms, twirling you around in the air with him.
You let out a squeal, realizing just how tall he was as he lifted you over his head slightly. You definitely did not want to be dropped by this man. He had to at least be the size of a small building...
But he quickly stopped twirling you upon realizing your fear of being so high and then brought you close to give your forehead a light kiss. "Thank you, my love, I guarantee you won't regret this."
The sudden term of affection and closeness startled you, causing a bit of blush to adorn your cheeks before he set you down, his head turning to face Rauru.
"It looks as though the Gerudo and Hylian people will be joined with this marriage. I and my warriors were planning to leave in three days. We hope to bring Y/n along so we can plan our wedding together." He states, the echo of his voice roaming through the hall only added further irritation to the king of Hyrule.
Unfortunately, Rauru can not object in public to this marriage. On the surface, it's a good deal. He and his people are guaranteed peace and what would be decent trading for different kinds of fabrics and ores. But deep down, he knew it wouldn't last. Especially since he and Sonia desired to keep you for as long as possible. They had their own plans on how to win your affections, and yet Ganondorf had ruined everything.
Rauru only gave a nod, letting Ganondorf walk you out of the hall.
Sonia turned to look at Rauru, tears forming in her eyes as she grabbed his hand, "What do we do? We can't let her go to a man like that! Much less marry him!" She cries, Zelda, coming to soothe Sonia, silently wishing that Ganondorf would just leave you here at least so she could have more time to try and convince you of how much of a bad idea this was.
As the throne room remained tense, Ganondorf walked with you to the common room where his warriors dwelled, many of the women beamed with smiles when delivered the good news.
While Ganondorf was congratulated, you were surrounded by the tall Gerudo women before being patted on the shoulder. They gave you big smiles and brought you to sit down at a table.
"We are so glad he chose you! You may not be as tall and strong as we are, but his majesty told of us your love for the desert and about your intellect so we are very happy!" One spoke, another set their arm to rest on the table before leaning in a bit, "And you have such soft-looking skin! Undoubtedly you'd be very lovely to hug at night. I'm sure you feel nice and warm for his majesty.".
You could only get embarrassed at their words before laughing awkwardly. The Gerudo sure were extroverted and talkative. Yes, you were more of an introvert, but you found the women's boisterous laughter and big smiles fun to be around.
Ganon meanwhile had pulled out a scroll, laying it on the table, slowly laying it to spread across with what looked to be a layout of sorts.
"This is the plan for the palace, and hopefully, the village that will surround it. Building in the desert is difficult but my tribe has found a spring where the water flows freely. Some of what you told us about how to build and where to build has been very helpful as many of the times we stay in tents or huts made from different types of animal hides." He states.
"I was hoping you could tell me more. I want our wedding ceremony to be held when the palace is built so we could have a proper home to live in." He adds, sitting next to you, keeping his legs on the floor so he would be at eye level with you.
He wanted your input. This would be your home just as it would be his. He wanted a solid home that would hold up and luckily you knew different ways.
You excitedly began forming a proper list of materials to put the palace together, even giving ideas on steady gates for when the village would be made. You gave ideas on how to get the white dye for the tiles to put on the roof and tried your best to think of ways that would be the most efficient and worth it, wracking up the knowledge you've culminated and putting it to use.
You were hoping that by creating a steady environment for the Gerudo tribe and creating a home, the future would not turn out to be too horrible. And that Ganondorf hopefully wouldn't turn out to be the great evil that wants to destroy the kingdom of Hyrule.
And so with that Ganon had sent a messenger bird off with the scroll before returning to sit next to you.
"I didn't prepare a ring." He mutters, a light scowl reaching his lips as he realized his mistake. You put your hand over one of his before smiling, "I'm sure you weren't exactly thinking you'd be in this situation so don't be too hard on yourself. I'm not that picky." You add.
You didn't know much about the wedding traditions of the Gerudo. From what you knew, they didn't marry often, only going outside of the tribe to find someone to have a child with, and some rarely settling outside of the tribe.
And with one male born once every 100 years you didn't know a lot about how that male would choose his bride or even if he chose one. And you never knew if they had children. Information on the Gerudo was harder to get and you tended to focus more on the land whenever you went there, always curious about the desert beyond where the Gerudo stayed.
It's also how you knew about how they built their main village and how they did their best to insulate and keep their people from getting dehydrated in the desert heat.
You knew at this point in time they had yet to build the village since you asked around. You didn't know exactly how far back you and Zelda had traveled but you did know that it was far enough that most villages looked far different than they did in the future.
And because of that you couldn't help but want to help them build it. Even if it meant changing the future wasn't that the point? To prevent certain things from happening?
You didn't want to think about it, shaking your head to rid your thoughts ad you focused on the present.
Ganondorf had gone to prepare for departing, making sure the horses had enough supplies and making sure to pack enough for the long trip back.
It was going to take at least three days of travel, finding that he didn't want to push you too hard just to make it back quicker.
He knew the Gerudo, especially the warriors he brought back, were stronger than the average Hylian. And while he knew his warriors could handle a rough ride back with no breaks, he didn't want to put you through that and risk causing you to fall ill.
When you left to your room to pack your things, bringing along several notebooks where you had written knowledge that you've kept over the years, things you had a harder time remembering all written in a code you developed just for yourself.
It wasn't until the last day that Zelda, Sonia, and Rauru entered your chamber, all with concerned looks on their face. You knew for sure they would try to stop you at any cost if you had told them before the meeting three days ago, but they couldn't cancel it now.
Rauru stayed near the door as Sonia and Zelda approached you. Zelda was the first one to speak, "Are you sure about this Y/n? This really doesn't seem like a good idea. We have no clue what that man is planning!".
You made sure that the cloth bag was well organized, beginning to put the buttons through the buttonhole, ensuring that nothing would slip from the bag after it is closed. You were listening to Zelda go on about the dangers but the moment your bag was closed you went to make sure that there were some you could change into before you left in the morning lying on top of your bag that now rested on a chair.
"Zelda I know you don't think this is a good idea, just as I know that both Sonia and Rauru are willing to let relations with the Gerudo sour. But this is a chance to change the future!" You started, turning to face them, holding your hands together to prevent them from knowing how anxious you truly were.
You squeezed your own fist, your brows furrowed in slight frustration, "I don't know what Link may be dealing with in the future. But couldn't there be a possibility to prevent a tragedy from happening? We both know what happens to the founding Kingdom of Hyrule Zelda. We warned them but it's possible that may not change the fate of the kingdom.".
"So by trying to keep the peace between Ganondorf, who may be the start of the tragedy, and the kingdom of Hyrule, shouldn't that be the priority?" You asked.
Sonia stepped up beside Zelda, her posture straightened and her eyes showing the slight frustration she felt, "I understand you wish to change things but it's possible things may not change. There's the possibility that there's no way to change the future as the events that happen now shape your future. Or the possibility that changing the future could make both you and Zelda disappear from the present." She claimed.
Sonia stepped closer to you, putting a hand on your shoulder and the other to hold your cheek, "Listen Y/n, if you could change the future, that could mean that you would be stuck here and Zelda would go back to her life unknown to what had happened. If things were to go south and you were stuck here, you could be in danger or worse. If you were stuck here and in a place where I or Rauru cannot protect you then you would be the only one to suffer." She insists, putting her forehead to yours as she held you close.
Rauru stepped away from the door and closer to you, pulling Sonia a little bit away as he put his hand on your other shoulder. A certain red-haired male came close to the door about to knock till he realized it was slightly open.
"Me and Sonia care about you. We don't want to see you hurt. The Gerudo will be fine without you. And Ganondorf is a rough individual. A man who has hurt and killed others. And the desert is a rough place where the day is sweltering and the nights with a harsh chill. It is not a place for a fragile Hylian like you." He claims, his eyes narrowing as though to try and scare you out of your decision.
Their words reminded you of how one would talk to a child about the dangers of the world. It irritated you so you took a step away from the royal couple, not realizing the slight possessive look in their eyes turned to one of desire for something they needed to control.
"The desert can be harsh for those that don't understand it. But I've been there! I've done my research and learned. I can help the Gerudo people and maybe they won't resent the harsh nature of the desert much when they can finally dwell in it without worry." You said, determination adorned your face as you stared straight at the three.
"As for Ganondorf, so long as I'm useful and don't get in the way I'm sure I will be fine. While I'm not sure if he loves me or not, I don't think he's a bad man. I'm sure he had to do things to protect his tribe that he wouldn't have had to do if he wasn't born into the role of King. Unless he does something heinous in front of me or there is proof I won't consider him some monster." You finish, putting your foot down on the matter.
Zelda tried to talk again but you wouldn't listen, grabbing a towel so you could prepare a bath. Sonia was visibly upset but Rauru knew they couldn't change your mind, they would need to come up with another solution so he convinced Sonia and Zelda to return to their quarters and he felt regretful as he too left.
There were no traces of the Gerudo King by the time they had left your chambers, but he was quite content with what he heard.
He knew you were far too kind, especially if the rumors about him didn't sway you away from him. But he would need to fix the misunderstanding about his marriage to you.
He needed to make sure you understood that he loved you. He wouldn't marry just because it was beneficial to his tribe. Occasionally, he had trysts with some women of his tribe but they were never candidates to stand by his side.
He wouldn't marry if it wasn't you. No one else would bare his children, and no one else would ever lie in his bed other than you. Once he had you, he wasn't letting go.
And when he finally had you in his territory he would make sure you knew he loved you. He would never want you to think he didn't.
The night was unbearably silent for many in the Hyrule castle. Some had hoped that the Gerudo would attack so that a single person would know their intentions weren't pure. And others had hoped for the night to go by faster, having a desire to return home and help improve it so they wouldn't have to worry about their people any longer.
And as morning came, you brushed your hair, made sure everything was in your two bags, and went to the stables where most of the Gerudo already were, along with the three Hylian Royals that hated to see you go but wanted to at least see you off.
Zelda looked like she would cry, and Sonia stayed in place. Rauru was always the most visibly calm out of the three, but if you looked closely at his eyes, you'd see just how upset he was.
Ganondorf was preparing his horse along with the rest of the Gerudo warriors, his face visibly lit up when he saw you enter the courtyard next to the stables.
"Little Vai! You made it just on time." He said happily, leaning down to get the two bags you had in your hands. He thought you'd have more possessions but didn't question it as he went to latch it onto his horse, which you notice is far larger than any horse you had seen.
While Ganondorf made sure everyone was set to go, you turned to face the Hylian Royals.
Zelda looked upset but you simply embraced her tightly, your head resting on her shoulder as you let out a small sigh, "I know you don't agree, but please don't resent me for this. You and Link are my best friends. I don't know what I'd do without you. That's why let's hope everything goes well, okay?" You asked, trying not to tear up.
You didn't have any family in the future of Hyrule. Your parents had died due to some monsters long ago and you were taken in by Purah as you lived in Hateno Village. Purah was your family, and when you had grown close to Link you finally felt like you had a friend. Link was someone who could share the loneliness you felt.
And when Zelda came along you felt as though you could share your interests with her. So you didn't want her to be so upset.
Zelda nodded silently, you could hear soft sniffles come from her as she held you back just as tightly. You two eventually let go, Zelda gave you what looked to be a book wrapped in a ribbon.
"It's a gift. I'll be attending your wedding of course! But for now, just stay safe, and I know you get bored without too many things to read, so hopefully, you'll enjoy this."
You smiled softly, giving her another hug before you finally faced Rauru and Sonia.
They both looked a bit disappointed, but Sonia couldn't hold back and hugged you tightly, Rauru following just as quickly. It felt so warm and nice to be wrapped in their embrace, and you hugged them both with one arm.
Rauru came close to your ear and whispered, "If he does anything you don't like or tries to hurt you, we'll do anything to get you back here okay? Press the button on this if anything happens and you want to come back. This place will always be a home you can come back to." He said, placing a small Zonai device into your pocket carefully. You reached down into the pocket of the robes you wore, feeling the metal in your hand.
You could feel the slight bump of the button and marks engraved into the metal. You were sure you'd never need to use it but nodded to give Rauru some peace of mind.
They both let you go, Sonia reached a bit to leave a soft kiss on your forehead and gave you a small smile before she let go of you. Sonia didn't think she could say anything without revealing how upset she was so she remained quiet.
Finally, you could set off.
"Ready?" Ganondorf asked, looking down at you. His hand reached out to you after you placed both the device and book into one of your bags. And you took it, nearly squealing when he placed his hands on your hips and put you onto his horse, quickly mounting it afterward.
"Wait! I'm riding with you?" You asked, a little surprised. You had learned horseriding from Link and honestly hadn't expected to ride with Ganondorf.
He let out a soft chuckle, softly patting your head, "My horse's name is Phantom. She's big and strong. She's the only one I trust to carry both you and me. Now hold on tight my love.". With that he took off, his warriors following behind.
He didn't go as fast as he would have normally, not wanting the ride to be too rough for you. Leaving the Great Plateau was relatively easy, with the gate opening and finally setting off past the founding kingdom of Hyrule.
You held onto Phantom, your hands holding onto the edge of the saddle, not wanting to pull on her mane. You could feel Ganondorf behind you, his size doubling yours made you feel like you were completely engulfed by the man.
But you could still feel the wind rush against your cheeks, watching the sights as you travel. Finally, after crossing the bridge to make it to Gerudo Canyon, everyone stopped, setting up a small camp so everyone could rest.
A small tent was set up for you to rest in, one of the warriors smiling as they made sure you had some water to drink set by the cot for you.
The last thing you saw as the tent closed was Ganondorfs' broad back sitting near the entrance of your tent.
You really tried to sleep, but all the excitement about the journey kept you up.
You slowly peeked your head out of the tent, leaning a bit to find the Gerudo King seemingly asleep, sitting cross-legged and his arms crossed.
It looked uncomfortable to sleep like that. You gazed at the couple of scars you could see across his body, and then peered up at his face, taking in his features for a bit.
You knew that if they had really wanted to they could have made the trip back to their home in a day. Especially with how strong the Gerudo were, there was no doubt in your mind that Ganondorf had taken your health and safety into consideration.
It seemed foolish but you took an extra blanket from your tent and slowly wrapped it around his shoulders, standing up on your toes to make sure it would stay before leaving a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you." You whispered, before heading back inside your tent, finally ready to rest for the night.
But of course, the beloved Gerudo King had been awake the whole time, always on alert unless within his own safe space in his village. He touched his cheek, and the biggest grin formed on his face.
Oh, how he adored you.
The next day and night passed, the final day of travel leaving you slightly exhausted with all the riding that you were doing. You felt a bit guilty for ill you felt. But you tried your best to keep quiet the whole time, not wanting to become a bigger inconvenience.
Finally, the party of warriors arrived at Gerudo village, the vast desert surrounding the village and a natural spring forming an oasis.
And you got to see the progress that everyone had done due to your instructions. A couple of houses were built as practice and the main outline of what seemed to be a palace was completely dug out.
Soon after you met a lot of the people within the village, and many children ran around, and in certain areas, warriors practiced or had mock battles.
It was fun to learn more about the people you'd be living among. And like the blink of an eye, a month passed, and you helped the villagers learn techniques to help make houses while Ganondorf was busy with other things.
You and Ganondorf had hardly any time to see each other, occasionally having a meal together. You both prepared for the wedding and for the palace to be completed.
It honestly didn't take long for the palace to be completed either, the knowledge you had helped it go faster and smoother. Plus it was fun to plan out where certain rooms would go. You also helped plan out areas for the village, several more houses being built since you asked for the team that was building the palace to be split up so more people could have houses quickly.
Luckily, Ganondorf agreed with that. It made the village grow, and some people had made lovely white tiles, with blue, green, and yellow tiles mixed in. A couple of the children had some fun and painted the tiles with flowers or different symbols.
You sat on the floor with them, decorating some tiles and painting some regular ones so there would be enough for the next batch.
And while you sat there, surrounded by laughing children who enjoyed your stories and also enjoyed telling you jokes they had learned, you were being watched by Ganondorf. There was a smile on his face as he watched you smile with the children.
A part of him was trying to get things as done as possible, knowing that if a rough sandstorm came, it could seriously affect their progress and the lives of his people. But the other part of him enjoyed this feeling of peace that came with your existence. It made him spend a bit more time on wedding preparations so you two could be wed already.
The palace was nearly finished, and the perfect-sized butte (a/n a butte is like a mesa but smaller!) that contained a spring of what seemed to be a never-ending flow of water was perfect to dig into for the formation of the palace, large arches carved to let fresh air in and slowly building the houses surrounding it.
He didn't know much about decor so he left it to you and the other Gerudo women, some teasing about how big the bed would need to be in the bedroom.
Luckily, he got to trade with more Hylian people for goods and seeds since word of an alliance between the kingdoms was formed. It also made it easier for the Gerudo women to wander through Hyrule in search of a husband or a man to have a child with.
Everything was going to plan. It meant he could start on his other plan to slowly get certain royal Hylians riled up.
He wasn't a fool, he knew how King Rauru and Queen Sonia looked at you. While Zelda had an obsessive sort of friendship with you, he could tell the other two had different interests.
The desire to possess you and never let you go was something he shared in common with the Hylian Royals. But he also deeply enjoyed watching you have fun with the people of his tribe. And he could tell his people were fond of you. You were highly intelligent but didn't show it off as if you knew everything. You told them stories and wanted to hear his people's stories in return, gaining knowledge just as much as you gave it out.
You weren't arrogant or a snob, and you would gently guide those that needed help. And you even asked for help when you needed it. If you were struggling with something or wanted an opinion on something you would ask. And for that, it made it easy to approach you.
The children adored you and so did everyone. The women liked to style your hair, some complementing your figure and how pretty you looked in their traditional clothing.
And you carried a light umbrella made by some of the children around since they didn't think you were used to the desert sun quite yet and insisted you carry it around.
And he loved it. Ganondorf loved that the people enjoyed you almost as much as he did. Despite not getting to see you, he made sure the guards he ordered to follow you would tell him about your day, and when he got to eat meals with you, he loved seeing you enjoy the meal and how you would tell him about aspects of the week or day you enjoyed.
And just like that, more time passed. Four months have passed since you arrived, and it was time for the wedding.
The village was bustling with life, palm trees planted for shade and decor for a grand wedding to be held in the throne room of the palace.
Everyone was invited. Including those of the different lands, not just the Hylians. The Rito, Zora, and the Goron as well.
Everyone had arrived, and surprising to you was that both Rauru and Sonia had joined Zelda in coming to the wedding for the large celebration.
And in a separate room, you were adorned in fine white silk, gold bagels, and a golden headband partially covered by a white veil adorned with intricate embroidery.
You felt nervous, the pants you wore and the top you wore showed off a lot of skin, and you had yet to see Zelda and you needed someone to talk to about how nervous you felt to marry.
Gold bangles and golden anklets, golden earrings, and fine jewels. White silk and the sounds of women chatting joyfully. Everything felt heavy and you couldn't help but pace the room slightly, trying not to chew on your lip or else the makeup that had been applied to your lips would be smeared.
And when you heard a knock on the door you nearly jumped, completely startled till you invited whoever it was in, only to see Zelda there.
You smiled happily, raising your arms to hug her tightly, "Oh I'm so glad you came! I was so worried you wouldn't make it. Please I just need you to distract me 'cause I feel like my heart could burst out of my chest." You say, leading her to a sitting area where the two of you could talk.
Zelda took in how you looked, finding that you looked incredibly beautiful adorned with jewelry and fine silks, getting to see much more than she usually got to see with the clothing most Hylians wore.
Zelda put on a smile, gently rubbing your lower back in hopes to calm your nerves. "It looks like everything has been going well! Everything looks great over here and it nearly looks as stable as the Gerudo of the future! Have things with you and Ganondorf been going well?" She asked, hoping to distract you with conversation.
At that question you raised your hand and shook it, implying a so-so hand signal. "It's so great here! But both of us have been busy and we haven't really gotten to talk or know each other better. Except at meals, but oftentimes, he lets me ramble about all sorts of things and I've realized I've never really asked about him or how he feels." You say, looking down at your lap to fiddle with your hands.
Zelda looks at you slightly concerned but tries to mask it, not wanting to ruin your day even if she wasn't really happy about the wedding she didn't want you to hate her.
"Perhaps after this day, things will change. I'm sure you two will finally have the time to relax after this no?" She says. And you found her to be right. Things were slowing down and this wedding was the last big thing going on in the village.
You and Zelda talked until it was time for the ceremony to start.
Zelda returned to Rauru and Sonia to tell them about your concerns and if you looked healthy.
All the tribes sat in their own respective areas, and the Hylian King and Queen sat with Zelda next to them, both of them having their stomachs churn at the thought of you getting married.
But before they could fall deeper into their thoughts, the large figure of Ganondorf came to the front of the room, a priest already there, the space around the throne room decorated with white silks embroidered with golden thread.
That's one thing the Gerudo would always have an abundance of. Their gems and the purity of their metals are amazing. It's why trading with them had been far more satisfying for the Hylains recently.
But Rauru didn't care about the situation between them. He wanted you back where you belonged, by his and Sonias' side.
Honestly, he wasn't sure when the obsession started. Maybe it was the way you would be so talkative and bring a certain warmth to every room you walked into. Or the way he got to see Sonia's eyes light up when you would come to spend time with them.
It was one night when Rauru was restless in bed, Sonia laying by his side and she started to speak, "I think I want her to stay with us.". She turned on her side to face him, Rauru turning slightly to look at her.
"Something about her is so comforting. She takes in everything about others and the world around her. She's so kind and wonderful. A little stubborn but I enjoy her company so much I fear as though I'm betraying you. And yet I find myself wanting her here, between the both of us." She whispers, her voice nearly trembling as if speaking of the topic would make a city crumble.
Rauru gave Sonia a small kiss before putting his hand on her cheek, "I feel the same way, my love. It's okay. I do not feel betrayed just as you know I would never betray you. We can have her together no? To share and be ours and to be hers. It will take some time but I'm sure it will happen." He states, assuring his beloved wife that everything will be fine, already envisioning their child accepting you as another parent and possibly welcoming another chid. That night they slept in each other's arms before eventually, Ganondorf would come to whisk you away.
Shaken out of his reminiscing, he notices everyone begin to look back, your figure becoming clear, draped in fine gold jewelry and white silk. The veil with traditional Gerudo embroidery made with fine golden threads.
He couldn't help but clench his jaw at the sight. He couldn't help but think that this should have never happened. It should have been you dressed in fine silks, strewn about the bed, your head in Sonia's lap while Rauru finishes up a little reading.
And yet he couldn't stop this. But he reminded himself to be patient. After all he had a plan.
And yet there you were, walking slowly, anxiously holding a bouquet of what looked to be violets, a flower you chose even though this kind grew mostly on the cliffside, it was one of your favorites for its tenacity to grow in rougher areas.
It was the one thing that was more difficult to get for the wedding ceremony but Ganondorf assured you it wouldn't be a problem.
And when you finally made it to the altar, where Ganondorf stood, you looked up at his face to see the biggest smile you had ever seen. He looked so genuinely happy you were wondering if you truly meant something to him.
But you ignored that thought, trying to enjoy the moment. Marriage was something that you didn't think you'd be doing again. You wanted to enjoy it so you gave him a soft smile, the priest started his words, a traditional speech used to tie the groom and bride to each other.
When asked if he would care for you, Ganondorf smiled and said "Yes.". In return so did you, the words leaving your lips just as sure as when you accepted his proposal of marriage.
There were cheers heard and before you could even blink you were held tightly before given a kiss on your lips, realizing that it was Ganondorf, your now husband who was kissing you. You kissed back and gently wrapped an arm around him despite not being able to come close to his size.
He finally pulled apart, lifting you up and twirling you around, just as happy as he was when you accepted his proposal. Ganondorf looked at you like you were his world.
As soon as that was said and done, the celebration started, and all sorts of Gerudo women around the village gathered to drink, eat, and dance. The Zora and Rito enjoyed dancing as well, the Goron were more curious about the structure and differences in food compared to the Gerudo and sat with some asking questions.
But the Hylians that came were just as happily dancing away, all except for the Royal couple who ate silently, mostly the King and Queen holding tension as they watched you sit on Ganondorfs lap, your cheeks adorned with a blush that nearly reached the tips of your ears.
You were being hand fed, trying to claim that you were full and Ganondorf would try to feed you just one last bite of fruit.
And honestly? Ganondorf was loving every second of your attention. He loved the way your eyes looked up at him and how beautiful you looked dressed in fine jewelry and silk.
He couldn't help but give you another kiss, smiling as he set down the bowl of fruit and brought you close. When he pulled back he loved seeing your face scrunch up and your eyes open a bit to face him again.
It wasn't until he decided to stand up and pull you to the dance floor that you finally let loose of your fear and nerves, a bright smile adorning your lips as you danced with him, other Gerudo women joining you.
You were happy as you watched the women dance, trying to learn from them and copy their movements, Ganondorf moving along with you, the crowd smiling and cheering as they watched their King and now Queen dance, the music in the background adding nicely to the scene.
It was so lovely that no one could notice a couple distraught Hylian nobles who looked on with envy.
The night carried on, growing colder as the night reached its peak, and Ganondorf and you prepared to sleep. While Ganondorf was slightly nervous, the urge to have you in his arms made his heart ache.
But you were in a dressing room right next to your shared chambers, a Gerudo woman known as Inesa had been by your side for your stay here, helping you get used to customs and advising you carefully. And tonight she was insisting on a sheer fabric that you told her covered absolutely nothing.
Inesa only shook her head and motioned for you to get dressed after shoving the piece of what you could only call lingerie into your hands, "Trust me, the wedding night is when you want to be teasing while also showing the most. He'll long for more after that! And I'm sure his majesty would love to see you in that." She assured, quickly leaving the room so you couldn't continue to protest.
You found yourself giving in, adorning the sheer garment and slowly opening the door, peeking out to see if Ganondorf was already asleep.
And he definitely was not, sitting on the edge of the very large bed and you knew he was probably waiting for you. The bed was one of the things Ganondorf had told you that he would handle. And you were glad because you knew his large frame would be a nightmare for anyone to try and fit a bed for.
The bed had its own platform, fine silks and cotton with all sorts of fabric filled the bed, pillows covered most of the headboard and you could have sworn the bed could be as big as a house back in your village.
You take a deep breath before walking out, looking down as you stride right to the bed and sit down next to him.
You couldn't look at his face, and he was eerily silent, his hand clenching into a fist as his cheeks lit aflame. You were about to look up but he quickly covered your eyes.
"You look amazing my love. I just need a moment to take you in and compose myself." He claimed, trying to look anywhere other than your soft skin and how nicely the sheer fabric looked on your figure.
When he finally felt a little in control of his impulse to rut into you like an animal he slowly tilted your chin up, focusing your gaze on him. He kept eye contact with you before putting a hand on your hip.
"I want you. I want all of you. I didn't ask to marry you just out of benefit but something about you called to me like a legend of treasure beckoning an adventurer." He claimed, his large hand resting on your hip, his thumb brushing back and forth on your bare skin. "But I don't wish to force you to do something with a man you don't even love. So if I have your permission, is it alright if I go further? To please you?" He asks, his voice making you melt as you nod, his eyes gazing at you telling you he wants a verbal answer.
You knew that you were worried about whether he loved you or not due to the fact you had already fallen for him, his rough nature but kind smiles and protective demeanor winning you over.
"Yes" Is all he needed to pick you up, spreading your thighs against his lap, lifting you up a bit to leave sloppy kisses against your neck. You kept your hands against his torso, his chest right against your palms.
You could feel his heartbeat right under your hands, a strong and fast heartbeat as he stood up with you in his arms, rearranging himself on the bed and flinging off the sheer fabric to show you in all your glory.
You attempted to reach for the clasp that held his robes, but it was too far up on his shoulder to reach. Ganondorf let out a chuckle before undoing the clasp himself, his robes discarded and his pants discarded as well.
His loincloth was the only thing preventing you from seeing his cock but you didn't need to see the whole thing to see the massive bulge straining against the cloth. You nervously gulped, taking a deep breath as anxiety pooled in your stomach.
Ganondorf noticed the change and smiled before laying another kiss on your forehead. "Don't worry my love. I'm not so cruel to force you on me right away. I'll take my time with you my little vai." He claimed, embarrassment running through you at his words.
He carefully pulled pillows for you to lay on, your plump thighs spread out to show your lovely garden to him.
He loved the way you shivered as he laid down, his head below yours and his lips right in front of your lower lips, the soft breath teasing you as you squirmed. He couldn't help but take it all in.
The sight of you in front of him was something he wanted to be seared into his mind. Your nervous gaze, how your arms came together to hold your chest, and the slight tremble in your thighs to hold back the urge to close your legs.
He soon wrapped his arms around your thighs, keeping them spread and close to him. He knew that his size would be too much, so isn't it better to please and prep his wife for what was to come?
Before you could even ask him to stop staring like a man deprived of water he gently licked a stripe against your lower lips, his tongue stopping on your clit before wrapping his lips around the small bud.
Frightened by the sudden pleasure, the urge to close your legs became stronger but his arms stayed steady, no amount of force you could muster would compare to his strength.
He gently parted your lower lips, gently licking up all the nectar coming from your cunt. Ganondorf could feel his cock ache from the taste, a slight groan leaving his lips before he reached to suck your clit again.
The gasps and slight moans that leave your lips only egg him on. He feels you lightly run your fingers through his hair, his long hair slowly getting grasped by your fingers. Light groans escaped his lips when you would tug, the sounds vibrating a bit against your clit.
It wasn't long till he slowly pushed his tongue inside you, his tongue large enough to stretch your delicate walls. His nose buried against your clit, the pleasure too much as you cum, your thighs squeezing more against his arms, and your fingers grasping his hair tighter.
He felt you cum around his tongue, his cock leaking and escaping through the side to rest against the sheets.
You looked down, tears filling your eyes from pleasure you hadn't received before. He smiled, rubbing your clit with his thumb lightly to check your sensitivity, noticing the slight pull against his thumb.
He carefully gathers your slick around his middle finger, gazing down at your pussy before looking at your face. "I have to prep you, darling. It might hurt and if it hurts too much tell me and I'll stop okay?" He says, emphasizing that he'll stop at any point you need.
You nod and he carefully teases your entrance, slowly pushing the tip of his finger in, watching your face for any sign of discomfort. He made sure to trim his nails before the wedding. He never wants to cause you harm, arranging things in the background carefully.
He slowly thrusts that finger till he feels the hymen, and carefully he breaks it, watching your brows furrow at the sudden pain. He carefully waits a minute, waiting even if you didn't say anything he doesn't want to risk it.
Ganondorf then slowly starts to thrust his finger, slowly gaining confidence as you start to enjoy it, noticing the small amount of blood on his fingers but such a thing never bothered him. He uses his other hand to rest his thumb on your clit, eventually adding another finger to stretch you open.
He sometimes rubs your clit, especially when he adds a third finger, noticing how much your entrance refuses to budge as easily as it did with only two. He leans down again to gently suck your clit, trying to reach that perfect spot and after a bit he finally finds it, watching your hips jerk when he presses his fingers against that special spot.
He watches you fall into pleasure and reaches down to palm his cock, his slick leaking against the sheets and he could nearly cum just from the taste of your cunt lingering on his tongue.
He couldn't help but groan, his cock aching but he continued to stretch you. You could feel the burn that came with your entrance being stretched but you could also feel it turn to pleasure, the right spot being hit with every thrust, his fingers teasing you, and the groans you heard only adding to how much you desired him.
"It's okay.." You whispered, your eyes finding his as you attempted to relax your thighs. "I want you Gan." was all you could muster to say. And that's all he needed as he gently lined up his cock to your entrance.
You thought he had stretched you but now you were wondering if that was enough. His 11-inch monstrosity was so thick you doubted you could wrap your hand around it. But you shook off your anxious thoughts, anticipating him to thrust it in but he slowly teased your cunt, the tip of his cock brushing against your entrance all the way up to your clit and back.
He reached to the bedside, a decorated pitcher in his hands before oil spilled on his hands. The oil warmed up in his hands before lathering it on his cock. Letting his fingers trail a bit of oil on your lower lips and teased your entrance.
Ganondorf slowly edged himself inside you, the stretch making you grab the sheets. His torso kept your thighs spread, his left hand holding himself up by your waist and his right hand holding his cock. He could feel your hand reach for his wrist, holding on tightly as tears slowly fell down your cheeks.
He could barely get inside, only about two inches in before he pulled out, only to enter again.
He carefully thrust, getting slightly deeper each time, groans spilling out of his mouth continually before he bit his lip. He couldn't stand it anymore, his cock ached and he kept still inside of you.
He could only get to about five inches, his cock straining as he started to pump the rest of his cock, his other hand reaching to brush against your clit.
He would enter you fully one day, but right now he needed you. And before you knew it you came again, your walls sucking him and his continuous pumps bringing him right to the edge and came.
His cum filled you, giving you a sensation you had never experienced.
You both came down from your high, Ganondorf pulling out and looking down, watching his seed spill out of you made him give into the urge to gently finger it back inside, his desire to breed you just as strong as his desire to have you.
He watched you, your eyes fluttering and your form relaxing into the pillows underneath you. He couldn't help but smile, rubbing your hips softly and leaving a kiss on your cheek. He left to grab a wet cloth, coming back to your sleeping form. He gently wiped your body so you wouldn't wake up too uncomfortable.
While he really wanted to stay in bed with you, he had some plans to complete, leaving his chambers heavily guarded as he approached the meeting place of a letter that was supposed to make it to you.
And there in the cold desert night stood Rauru, his demeanor unshaken as he laid his eyes on the Gerudo King.
Rauru only shook his head, a chuckle of disbelief leaving his throat. Anyone could notice the clear disgust he held for the man in front of him. Yet Ganondorf only kept a sly grin on his face.
"Sorry to interrupt what I'm sure would be a very meaningful conversation, but my wife and I were busy." He stated, emphasizing the word wife. Oh, how he loved how Raurus' face twisted and his brows furrowed.
"Cut the nonsense Ganondorf. I never wanted you to marry Y/n. She shouldn't be with a wretched man like you." He states, stepping closer, "And I'm sure you know that. She needs stability, a place where she can thrive and learn all she wants to learn. Not with a man like you who would monopolize her." he finishes.
Ganondorf can only laugh, a hand reaching to cover his mouth to prevent him from being too loud to alert the guards. As much as he trusted them, he'd rather only a few know about the rivalry between the Gerudo King and the Royals of Hyrule, all of them vying for your love and affection.
"I'm sorry to say but I have not monopolized her in the slightest! I have encouraged her to get close to those in the village and do as she pleases. She's free to roam with a guard at her side just as she did inside your castle. Except I let her roam the village instead of staying cooped up inside the castle hm?" He sneers, his eyes narrowing at the Zonai King.
He steps closer, his back straightening, "And not to mention, she chose me." he adds.
"She chose to trust me, to marry me!" He exclaims, smiling before staring at the man in front of him, keeping eye contact for his next sentence, "And she chose to lay with me.".
At that, the Rauru rose his fist but Ganondorf put his hand up, bringing his finger to his lips to indicate silence, "I wouldn't attack here. What would she think if one of the people she trusted started to destroy the work she had done for others? Not to mention, after such a joyous occasion?" he mocked.
He turned his back to the Zonai King, opening the door back into the hall, "Now if you'll excuse me, nights are cold here in the desert and I don't want my queen to grow cold without my presence.".
Ganondorf walked back to your shared chambers, seeing you slightly stir awake. He laid with you under the sheets, coming close to you, a hand resting on your hip.
"Gan?" you questioned, gazing up at him slightly fatigued at all that had happened during the day and night. He let out a hum, moving a bit of hair out of your face to gaze upon your beauty. "Tell me more about you. I want to know of your greatest joy and your greatest sorrow." you said.
At that, he smiled, and some part of the night was spent whispering stories about each others' memories and fears. a slight cold wind blowing through the cold desert night.
Yet it was always so warm within Ganondorfs' arms.
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neverchecking · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet- Twilight Edition
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Twilight is great at aftercare. He absolute showers his lover's body in absolute adoration. He's rubbing out the tense muscles, offering water, whispering nothing but sweet praises into his Darling's ears. He's lacing kisses up and down the column of their neck and leaving his touch nothing but a whisper of heat along their skin. It's enticing enough to go for another round...
Or three.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Just one? He can't. He won't... But I will. It's a toss up between thighs that just lock around his neck, keeping him right where they want him and using him as nothing more than a glorified toy and ass cheeks that are just so flush and plump, molding in between his fingers as he grips onto them, squeezing them as his hips crash against theirs and-
You know, the finer things in life.
On him? His hands. Hands the can lift his lover up by those delectable thighs and pin them against the wall. Hands that can bring his darling to absolute ecstasy. Hands that can do so much harm but are rendered useless for anything but good when it comes to his love.
Hands that can strangle the life out of someone's eyes for the simple act of thinking they could even look at what was his.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Oh, he loves, loves, loves filling his darling to the absolute brim. Just load after load, watching it leak of their pretty little hole if only to replace what was lost tenfold. Watching their stomach swell just the slightest as he lays a hand on the mound, pushing just enough for another glob of cum to bulb out and onto the sheets below. Which he would be more than happy to stuff back in, using his fingers to shove it where it belongs, lest you waste it of course.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has the biggest praise kink ever. Call him your good boy while you gently brush his hair back. Tell him how good he sits for you while you use him for all of your desires. Use your moans to sing his praises about how precious he is and how adorable he looks underneath of you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's a simple country boy. So, not experienced. At all. He was saving himself for marriage <3. But he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with his darling. And if he gets to please them along the way, he'll play the glorious student, soaking in your teachings as if they were divine scripture.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
C'mon. You know what the obvious answer is here. And while, yes, doggy is well and good, he also loves cowgirl. Watching his partner bounce on top of him, letting his hands roam from their thighs to their chest back down to ass, groping and squeezing every chance he gets.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It's a bit of both. If he can tell his partner is tense and nervous, he's gently cooing at them, maybe cracking a joke to get them to loosen up, but ultimately he's more serious. He's soaking in the intimacy and the absolute feeling surrounding the action, committing it to memory.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Y'all don't wanna hear it, but...it's a bush. He does not shave it, barely ever trims it. It's a mess. Darker than the hair on his head, but not by a lot. He washes it, yeah, but that's the extent of it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Okay, he's so in love with you. He is cradling your jaw, cooing down at you and treating you like porcelain. He makes it a point to kiss you every chance he gets because, to Twilight, a kiss is such an intimate thing to him (Am I referencing the manga and my own theories on it?...maybe). And it's one of the highest forms of affection he can give.
So, yeah, he's pretty intimate.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He very rarely did it before his adventure, he was too busy working. He very rarely did it during his adventure, he had other things to worry about. He very rarely did it after, he was fixing Hyrule and mourning the loss of Midna.
But when he met you? He never does it. Why bother? It would be a waste. Why bother when he can just pump you so full you see stars?
Why jack himself off when he can fuck you silly?
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
A-hem. Breeding Kink. All the way. He's obsessed with the idea, regardless if his partner can get pregnant or not. Bondage. The thought of giving ones control to another so willingly in such a form of trust just makes him so hot and bothered. Marking. He loves marking his partner; bites, hickeys, claw marks, bruises. Loves it. Gagging. This is super self-indulgent, but he loves making his lover gag on his cock when their insistent on sucking him off. Feeling their throat constrict against it while tears pear in their eyes? Drives him nuts. To name a few~
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Any room thats pretty private. Like I've said, he hates public sex because that's his. That view is his alone and he hates sharing. Hates, hates, hates, hates, HATES. But if there's a door and four walls? He's pinning you to one of them with a hand over your mouth as he takes you then and there.
Although, all of that being said, I can't say he's totally against having sex in the back of the barn. Let him eat you out/suck you off and he's convinced. Seems like a fair trade to me <3
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Fuuuck, anything really. Wearing a particularly tight set of tights? Boner. Bending down to pick up some laundry you dropped? Boner. Sitting at the table and filing taxes (Does Hyrule have taxes? Does now.), and nibbling on your pencil? BONER.
But seeing you on top of Epona, hips rocking as you goad her into a gait, chest following the flow of your hips? He's excusing himself for a moment.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He is one thousand percent against actually hurting you. Like that's his biggest no to ever no. He's just so much bigger and stronger than you. Who's to say the beast doesn't get the best of him? Yes, he has immaculate control over it these days, but that doesn't mean its perfect.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves, loves, loves giving. Hearing the noises his lover can make and feeling them come undone from his ministrations alone. One of his favorite things is seeing how many times he can get his partner to cum with his tongue alone. And lemme tell you, he's so good with his mouth. There's something primal about the way he goes down on his partner that's just...ethereal.
He can take or leave receiving, really. He's going to be grateful, of course, but he's going to return the favor tenfold. <3
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Oh he's all for the slow and sensual, taking apart his lover in every way he can think of. Watching as they just melt under his touch for a night of gentle touches and whispered devotions. But something about fast and rough that makes the canine part of him just howl in joy. He's all for biting along his darling's spine while pulling their hips to meet his every thrust.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Depends. In public? Hates them. Like I'll explain, he hates things in public. He possessive and protective over what's his. It's the canine in him. But when there's a room, and thirty minutes to spare? He's pulling you into the room, locking the door and taking you apart then and there. Watching you shake and quiver, before walking out like nothing ever happened. :D
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He's not a huge fan of risks. He'll experiment with whatever his love wants, but when it comes to things like public sex, he's not into it. He's a humble boy who wants his private life to remain so. The view of his lover his for his eyes alone. And anyone else who dares to try even a glimpse are swiftly dealt with.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Has stamina for days. Have you seen him? Have you seen how he can wrangle goats the size the a small hut? How he's been on a farm, working for as long as he can remember?
Twilight has the stamina to go for hours, and he will. Anything to see the love of his life absolutely ruined.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) Owns a collar. For sure. Whether it's used on him so you can tie him up and pull him around wherever you wish, or it's used on you to keep you right where he wants you, again depends on his mood. He also owns a lasso, which he definitely uses to hogtie his beloved however he desires. The sight of the rope burn, so pretty and just a tinge of red, makes him absolutely lose his mind.
And maybe, just maybe, he'll pull out that whip he kept around. (IYKYK)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Depends on his mood. Some days he's purposefully going without a shirt, lugging around feed for the goats directly in your line of sight and making sure the sweat drips down the line of his spine just right. Other days, he's far too impatient to even consider it and simply takes.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Oh he's the loudest. Change my mind. You can't. He's whining, whimpering, moaning at every little touch. You can't even breath on his neck before he's keening into their neck and grappling onto his darling like a lifeline.
I'm sure if you overstimulate him just enough, you can even make him howl...Just a little.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He's got some of the biggest tits in the group. Hands down. Play with them, gently such his nipples, play with his pecs, squish and meld them to whatever your heart desires. Suck hickeys onto them, bite at them, do whatever you wish. He's all for it. He loves when you play with them. He is nothing but a toy for you to use.
Just don't go complaining when he returns the favor.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Twilight is packing. He's a country boy. He's got the girth and the length enough to make his lover see stars. A solid seven inches, eight when hard, with a delicious curve that's just enough to rock against all the right spots. And, it's got a truly perfect vein running right up the underside of his shift and when it's licked just right it leaves him nothing but a whimpering mess.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It's high. It wasn't before his adventure, but something about having that wolf side to him just absolute makes it sky rocket. It's only thoughts are breed, breed, breed, mate, breed, mate, pups, breed, breed.
Just seeing his lover stretch or make dinner, or tend to the horse, or breath, existing in his very presence is enough to have him rearing, ready to go, pining them to the counter and tearing anything that stands between him and his goal.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Twilight falls asleep the moment his darling his safe, content and in his line of sight. He's pulling them into his chest and letting them lay there, their weight a comforting familiarity to him as sundown paints their skin a gorgeous tint of oranges and yellows.
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eternadreeblissa · 7 months
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WIP That ill never be able to finish 🧍‍♀️ have yandere legend with his darling—
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