#yandere mayuzumi
tangsen-malum · 2 years
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Shoku, the perfect male wife in Akademi (jk
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momo-fujimi · 9 months
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(Old Art) Rainbow Girls & Kaguya
& Kokona and Saki with formerly appearance
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liainettofficial · 5 months
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Now you have to wait for boys, hah...
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vlyapewi · 1 year
-- 《 Cake 》 --
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hanasfluffyhair asked:
Could you draw the Rainbow Six(girls) having a sleepover at Kokona's house when a 'visitor' comes over?
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ayten-is-living · 1 year
Amai: That's odd, who's in my club?
Ayano: *Baking cakes*
Amai: *Gasp* Aishi, baking cakes!
Ayano: Yes, Odayaka, would you like to try a cake?
Amai: Maybe later...*Goes outside*
Shoku, Kenko, Seiyo, Ajia, Saki: *Just chilling*
Amai: Cakes! Cakes! Aishi's baking cakes!
Seiyo: I know! 😰
Saki: We'll have to leave the country...
Amai: Pack a bag, everyone!
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Anonymous asked: Yanderes who confess their feelings to their darling, but they don’t feel the same yet are like “hey, why not try it out?” Would it be enough for them?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, manipulation, clinginess, jealousy, desperation, mentions of kidnapping
Hey, why not try it out?
Kuki Urie
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🖤Urie would honestly accept that offer of his darling even if it doesn’t make him happy. He had numerous reasons to go along with it and his high possessive drive is only one of many. He’s at this rate honestly breathing for his darling since he’s past the point of a strong infatuation by now, his darling is heaven and earth and he’s desperate to prove himself to them and earn their love. He doesn’t show it openly but next to him being worried for their safety, he’s also afraid that someone will try to woo them so even if you don’t return his feelings, he hopes that he feel better with the knowledge that no one would act on interest for you when knowing that you’re in a relationship. So even if this is fake, he’s too messed up to reject by now, though the toxic relationship has him acting accordingly.
🖤His insecurities have to take scratches knowing that you still don’t return his feelings despite him doing his best and so the ever known fear of not being enough crashes down on him. He gets so incredibly possessive and consumes all of your free time in hopes of gaining your affection. His insecurities lead to burning jealousy when he sees that someone manages to flatter you since he knows that you might leave him if you love someone else so he scares everyone away who you show even the slightest bit of interest. He won’t be able to live like this for too long though so it’s either that you truly fall for him or he kidnaps you because his paranoia and fear got the better of him.
Mayuzumi Chihiro
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⚪️Mayuzumi is a realist and a good stalker so he just observes for a long time before he decides to make a move. Earning a offer like this in return is not what he really expected and he’s pissed off because of it. The boy can be very mean and criticizing, at least on the inside and he might just let his sharp tongue slip in a sarcastic tone about how kind your offer is. That doesn’t mean that he’ll reject though, he thinks it very carefully through about whether he wants to accept it or not. Obviously he’s hurt by your indifference about his feelings even if he knows that he hasn’t been very present in it so far. He has a chance to change that now though and so he agrees, with darker intentions than he lets you know.
⚪️Chihiro sees the chance to have you finally notice him since he’s been so far quiet and isolated so you don’t know him well yet. He’s very self-centered and does things that he enjoys after all so he takes advantage of your naivety in regards of him. He’s naturally a loner so he prefers to spend time alone with you which allows you to only really talk and focus on him. Talented in guilt-tripping you to stay with him since his lack of presence leads to people often not paying him much attention and if he truly needs to do so, he’ll voice out some harsh opinions about you, even if it leads to you feeling ashamed and even if people are listening. He’s creating a spot reserved for only him in your life, a huge one, and the knowledge he has about you from his stalking phrase is quite useful as well.
Ryota Suzui
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🎴Suzui has a low self-esteem about himself whenever you are involved since he’s a fool diseased with the sickness called toxic infatuation. He knows very well himself that he is full of flaws and more on a cowardly and average side yet he wants to be acknowledged and noticed from you so badly that he sometimes feels like going to his knees. His feelings are so obvious so there’s really no need to hide it since he becomes a red and bashful mess whenever you do as much as look at him. He’s positively devastated when you react in such a way that makes it sound like a little gamble for you as well yet he doesn’t hesitate to agree. He’s feared you’d not return his feelings, he hasn’t done much to impress you anyways so that’s the best he can get. What matters for him in that moment is that you don’t throw him away completely, at least decide to give him a chance.
🎴Even if it’s more out of boredom and curiosity, a way to entertain yourself. That’s enough for now, he’s so happy when you let him walk with you and inform others that you’re more or less in a relationship with him despite knowing he shouldn’t feel that way. The bitter reality gnaws with sharp teeth on him though and he has had some small meltdowns because of it. Mary is furious that you give him false hope and that Ryota even accepted, Yumeko watches more curiously though she cares as well. Suzui just wants to be loved though, even if that love isn’t genuine so he dedicates himself to be helpful to you and with time he might fully delude himself into thinking that you care about him too since you haven’t tossed him away yet.
Higuchi Ichiyo
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🔫Higuchi has a high fixation on her darling which is nothing short of obsessive and she’s loyal to the end of the end. Incredibly stuck on the thought of being together with her darling and she is delusional since she sees her unwavering feelings and her devotion as nothing wrong nor her jealous behavior and she won’t even shy away from misreading actions and words of yours. When she confesses, her face is red and she might just stutter a bit even if she tries to remain cool-headed. When she’s met with your rejection though, something inside of her shatters and she feels that close to tears until you suddenly make a suggestion which has her picking up hope and pushes her delusions.
🔫Higuchi’s loyalty and her determination next to her sheer need to be in a relationship with you are her biggest weakness so even if she gets hurt in the process, she grabs that chance greedily. She acts so sweet as well if you overlook her clinginess, affectionate nature and how easily she can get triggered from her jealousy. The poor woman asks merely for you returning her feelings and she does everything she can to show you that she is a attentive and good partner. She’d prefer a normal relationship over one where she has to kidnap you since she is scared what you’ll think of her if she’d reveal her other side. Higuchi is ruthless to those she views as a threat to you or the relationship though.
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⚡️Gilthunder is a sweetheart and a hopeless romantic as well and it’s not hard to see that he loves s/o judging from the happy and adoring grin he constantly has on his face when with them. Slightly jittery when he decides to confess his feelings and he has a small blush on his face as well, tries to be confident though. His giddiness shatters pretty much the moment darling explains that they don’t feel the same yet are willing to try. Truth be told, he does not know how to answer to that and instead asks for some time to think this over. He wants the feelings to be mutual if he’s going to be in a relationship with you since it wouldn’t be fair otherwise, for your feelings as well as his own. The Holy Knight falls into a slight depressive phrase after and Margaret and his friends try to somehow help him with his heartache.
⚡️The problem with Gilthunder is that he is semi-aware only. He has times where his mind simply decides to fool him to believe that you can love and adore him the same way he does you if he’ll just spend more time with you and pour his heart out more before he snaps out of it and falls back to feeling heartbroken. He doesn’t avoid you though, he’s too protective for that and not seeing you for more than a few days unless it’s absolutely necessary is unbearable for him. He will probably decide to try to make you fall in love with him before he starts a relationship with you, the problem is that he, intentionally or not, already acts like your sweet boyfriend.
Narancia Ghirga
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🧡Narancia is prone to outbursts of violent and/or sad nature so the moment you start to explain that you simply can’t see him that way, he’s already at it. Understand him though, he has abandonment issues and has fallen hard in love with his s/o. Mix that up with his already premature behavior and childish attitude and you get him bursting out in tears whilst crying and yelling at you. His heartache is temporarily taken out on you since Narancia is delusional in the worst sense that he wholeheartedly believes that you like him as well and doesn’t understand why you’d say such cruel words at him.
🧡So congratulations for pouring fuel in his delusional inferno because the very moment you suggest that you can still try it out with him, he’s already snapped back into the belief that you definitely are in love with him as well. You wouldn’t offer him this otherwise, wouldn’t you? He won’t think much about it though, he just jumps at the chance and from that day on you’re doomed. His possessive, clingy, childish and jealous personality is terrible and he lets his anger out on everyone who breathes in your direction in threatening and violent ways and constantly smothers you in affection. He’s an attention seeker as well who constantly wants to be shown love as well and he starts loudly lamenting like a child about it if you don’t do it. Narancia has no problems to abduct you either if he becomes too much for you since he clings on his belief that you still love him and are just confused and being manipulated by something.
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🐟He’s officially on cloud nine at one point because Wave falls hard and fast at a shocking rate. It has to be said that he’s very level-headed and only wants the best for his s/o since he knows that the Empire is evil and wishes to protect you from all harm in the world. Wave’s problem is that he can lose his composure very fast if it comes to you and he tends to have his delusional side taking over as well. You just shattered his heart the moment those words left your lips and he has to resist the urge to cry, your offer takes him by surprise though and even if some part of him wants to agree eagerly, he hesitates. Much like Gilthunder, Wave wishes for a romantic relationship where you love him and he loves you, he fantasizes about it.
🐟This is just not what he wants and so he declines your offer with a bitter and heartbroken smile. He spares the tears for later, until he’s back in his room where he can fully let out his pain and frustration about this situation and Kurome and Run are willing to listen and comfort him. Wave doesn’t really know what he should do after he had calmed down, already wondering absentmindedly if he should have accepted before someone tells him that he did the best thing to not end up hurting himself even more. The young man has a strong desire to be useful to you though and like a puppy he can’t leave you alone at the end of the day so he winds up continuing to dote on you and taking the position of the fool who hopes for the best. He wouldn’t kidnap you though unless he’s truly desperate or paranoid about your safety.
Izuru Kira
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🟨The betrayal from his Captain left him with scars which he carries around and affects the way he behaves around his darling. He’s grown slightly more paranoid out of fear to be betrayed again, is obsessive and stalks his darling. Kira…hesitates for a long while whether he should confess his feelings or not since he’s more sensitive than he admits, knows he can’t keep hiding his emotions though. He’s nervous yet slightly hopeful, sobers up the moment he has to hear that you do not feel the same. He hides his feelings for now, showing a poker face so no one will realize how much that just hurt, even if there is a hidden storm inside his eyes.
🟨Upon your willingness to try a relationship since you don’t have anything else to do, he is met with conflicting thoughts. He finds it cruel for you to just offer him this despite knowing that you don’t love him and he’s serious, another part of him is at this rate too fed up to wait and risk losing you to someone else though. His indecisive nature has him retreating for now and he is even more introspective and quiet than usual, still won’t tell anyone why though. Izuru falls into the category of a delusional sweetheart and with that he will probably make up his mind to agree to your offer. He just wants his s/o and their love and if they don’t love him, he’ll make them love him somehow. If that means that he has to resort to emotional guilt-tripping that is fine, he’ll make it up by making you happy and feel loved.
Hinamori Momo
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◾️Aizen’s betrayal was nothing short of devastating for Hinamori since she greatly admired and idolized him so she ends up in a similar situation as Kira. She fears greatly that her darling will leave her for someone else and for that reason she glued herself to your side whenever she can afford and she tries to be always there whenever you feel sad. Just like Kira she shys away from confessing since she doesn’t know how well she would take a rejection, it’s hard to keep quiet since she’s so obsessed and lovestruck though. Differently from Kira, she can’t keep the horrified and distraught expression out of her face when her confession is being turned down and she’s already busily in the process of grieving until she hears you saying something that she can’t wrap her mind around.
◾️Initially she is not a fan of the idea since she desires a relationship where the love is mutual yet she will act in the end hasty out of overflowing love and her paranoia. She’s quicker than Kira in that aspect, but Hinamori never uses manipulation on her darling. She holds onto her ideals of a relationship achieved out of pure admiration and love and can’t bring herself to harming her s/o or tricking them. She’s a delusional sweetheart herself and attempts to do anything she can to make you feel happy and loved and hopefully have you returning those feelings really soon. Hinamori…just wants happiness and love after all the sadness and sorrow she had to go through.
Chae Yul
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💜I feel like he would be one who would just latch at the opportunity, even if it’s not the relationship he really does desire. That is because Chae Yul feels like he genuinely can’t live without you. He’s anyways absolutely crushed and ruined after you already told him that you don’t feel the same way he feels so having you offering him still a relationship, even if one-sided, saves him a complete breakdown which wouldn’t end pretty by the way. Be aware though that he’s highly toxic and willing to go far to eventually have you return his feelings, though having you for now as his and knowing that he is yours is for beginners not bad. He starts working truly sinister after he’s more or less your boyfriend though since he starts to manipulate you into spending more time with him until you have to ditch friends and family to keep up with him and isolates you slowly but surely.
💜He’s constantly showering you in affection and often forces you via guilt-tripping to do the same since he is incredibly dependent on your affection to at least keep some sort of self-control together. Chae Yul has a high capability to end up kidnapping his s/o though simply because he’s way too paranoid and only wants your love, otherwise he can’t carry on. And as mentioned earlier, he’s ready to go far to reach his goal and if that means that you’re stuck in his room and he’s the only one you have as a real human contact, there is no problem with it in his twisted mind. He’s the only one you need anyways since he’ll love, protect and cherish you like no one else can.
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bramblie · 3 years
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Commission for @sakis-sweets :3
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fuwabloom · 3 years
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Saki x Kokona
Platonic or romantic
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dollar-store-salmon · 3 years
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Made this based off of this video. I just chose the first characters that came to mind. (Click for better quality so you can actually read them)
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not-futon · 3 years
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Basically... it actually happened a few days ago, I just bought a cup of bubble tea, and for some reason, it turned out like that... and to this day my room still smells like bubble tea.
So I have to have Saki to suffer with me
I'm sorry
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Saki, pulls the curtain back while Kokona is showering: Are we- stop screaming it's just me. Are we out of cake mix?
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momo-fujimi · 2 years
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liainettofficial · 2 years
Omg, I found some my old arts...
If someone wants translation:
Himari says "Horo, go the fuck out here."
Ayano tells Ajia a "recipe", Ajia says "oh shit.."
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tangsen-malum · 4 years
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Online friend's requests (´▽`)ノ♪
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sakurasflowergarden · 4 years
Random YanSim Characters As Reaction Memes:
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Saki (@ Kokona):
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The Teachers:
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