#yandere hinamori
snowflakeanimelover · 2 years
Hello! Could you do a Oneshot of yandere Aizen—Bleach x GN reader x Hinamori? Or will this be quite spoiler-ish? Reader found out his betrayal plan and tries to watch out for Hinamori while leading her away from danger since reader have become close to her. But the reader instead got caught up in his plan. If that's not allowed, may I try to submit another different request? Thanks!
I can certainly try! If it’s spoilers, I can just put that in the warnings :) I wasn't given very much detail for certain things so I just winged it. I hope you like it! 
Relationship: Sosuke Aizen x Gender Neutral Reader
Fandom: Bleach
Warnings: YANDERE, Spoilers :0, friendship, obsession, Aizen being a creep, so is Ichimaru
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— — — —
Unknown Fate
You knew exactly how this would play out. Hinamori is such a kind-hearted person. She connects with almost everyone around her, especially with her captain. And with her as your friend, you couldn’t risk his plan to ruin her. 
You somehow found out about his plan. And he clearly tried his hardest to keep it a secret from everyone in the Soul Society. But, you had a feeling that he knew you knew of his plan. Even before, his infatuation with you was scarred in your brain. The way he would find a way to talk to you always anytime of the day. His hands lightly touch your shoulder, waist, arms, or neck almost every time he talks to you. You once respected Sosuke Aizen, the captain of the fifth division. That is, until he started getting too close to me. Hinamori was his Lieutenant and she, as well, respected him. Although you didn’t know the major details of his plan, you knew that what he was planning was certainly not expected. 
One morning, his body was found speared high on a building wall. Found by none other than his Lieutenant. She screamed so loud, you could hear it a few miles away. You found her being taken away, along with Izuru, to be locked up. Hitsugaya explained to you what happened and told you to keep her calm. You agreed without hesitation.
“I-I don’t understand….” She sobbed, clutching onto your clothes. You sat with her in the cell, holding her in your arms as she cried.
You patted her shoulder gently, helping her cope with this new information. Of course, you couldn’t tell her about this plan of Aizen’s. His death was a surprise, but you knew that he was still alive. All you knew was that he was going to manipulate Hinamori, and you had to protect her.
— — —
“A spell?” You asked the tenth captain. You held a tray of food for your friend, but found Hitsugaya standing by her cell. His eyes held sadness as he watched over her sleeping form. He told you she broke out in the middle of the night, attacking him and accusing him of killing her captain. You apologized for not keeping a close eye on her like he told you to. Your friend seemed to do something when you’re gone for only a few minutes. Although you wished to watch over her as much as you could, some alone time would be nice. 
Hitsugaya forgave me for my accident of leaving her alone. “It’s a spell to protect her. Strong on the outside…”
“But weak on the inside. Right.” You remembered learning about the spell in the academy.
He nodded, now turning away to go back to business. “If anything happens, get me.” He ordered before leaving you alone.
— — —
The next night, you find Hinamori still sleeping soundly on the cell floor. With a small sigh, you decided to sit on the floor to watch over her. But just as your bottom touches the wooden floor, a figure pops up in the corner of your eye. With quick speed, your eyes meet captain Ichimaru’s. His usual wicked grin seemed to get wider. You stand up quickly, preparing for anything because you know he’s also part of Aizen’s plan.
You decided to speak up, not afraid of holding it in anymore. “What are you planning?” Your eyebrows knit together in concentration. His only response was a chuckle. So low, it sent shivers down your spine. You were starting to get frustrated. “Where is he?!” 
“You're helping him, you know?” His voice shook you to the core. “In a matter of time, he’ll get what he wants.”
Your hand reaches to your weapon, but a certain loud sound stops you from attacking the enemy. Looking back, your vision is covered by a large amount of dust circling in the air, unable to see Hinamori’s cell. In seconds, a shadow emerges from the dust cloud, now trampling you to the ground. With a struggle gap from the impact, you try to process who attacked you.
“H-Hinamori?!” You call out in shock. 
Your friend had anger clear on her face, her weapon placed right over your throat as she stood over you. She was angry, but tears streamed down her cheeks. “W-Where is he?! (Y/N)...you’ve been helping him, right? Where is he!” Her weapon inches closer, now poking your skin.
“W-wait! Hinamori! I’m not helping him! He’s p-planning something, and I don’t know where he is!” Your words didn’t seem to faze her. You look behind you, where Ichimaru stood. To your dismay, he wasn’t there. “Ichimaru!” You screamed, pushing Hinamori off to catch the enemy. 
As you ran, your friend was chasing you, clearly intending to hurt you as she cried and angrily yelled for you to tell her where her captain was. 
If I find Aizen, then I can prove to her what a bastard of a liar he is, you thought. You catch the white haired captain walking into a building. A building you recognize as Central 46. Normal soul reapers, like you, aren’t allowed in the building. But you didn’t care about the rules at the moment. Your top priority was to get Aizen.
You entered the building, with Hinamori in tow, and followed Ichimaru further in. You were right to find Aizen during your chase. But deep down, you knew this was some kind of trap. Behind you, all of Hinamori’s anger flew away when her eyes landed on her former captain. 
More tears streamed down when she dropped her weapon, slowly walking towards him. “C-Captain Aizen…”She cries in happiness.
“No! Hinamori!” I try to stop her. Ichimaru’s arms wrap around my form, contemporarily stopping me from doing so. 
When Aizen hugs her, your eyes widen in shock when his sword goes through her body, blood flying to the floor of where she stood. Her limp body falls to the ground, her eyes wide open in shock. No words were coming out of her mouth.
“Momo!” I scream, struggling out of Ichimaru’s grasp.
“Let her go, Gin.” Aizen’s smooth voice echoes through the room. 
When the captain followed his orders, your knees hit the floor beside Hinamori. Your hands are shaking her in desperation. “M-Momo… wake up!” Your eyes drift to Aizen. He was smiling down at you from where he stood. “What did you do?! She…she respected you!”
His long fingers gracefully capture your chin, thumb rubbing small circles in your skin. “Don’t you see? It was you who led her here.” He speaks. 
“B-but…I wanted-”
He shushes you, a smile growing on his lips. “You were all a part of my plan. You are all that I needed left to continue my plan." Your mouth opened and closed like a fish, trying to say something. Anything. When you finally think of something, sudden pain hits the back of your neck. Black spots cover your vision in no time, your body falling limp in Aizen's arms. The last you heard was his low chuckles echoing throughout the room.
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alexiethymia · 2 years
crack reason for why aizen tortured gin, rangiku, hinamori, and hitsugaya in particular is because he was the only seireitei prodigy who didn’t have a childhood friend/sweetheart  
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priestessame · 2 years
Kyoka Suigetsu
Virgin Reader X Aizen Souske
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GAHHH it took me so long to make this oml. I was hit by the most disgusting writer's block. I'm back now and I promise i'll start working on the other requests too. Minors DNI-
Warnings: AFAB reader, virgin reader, mentions of first blood, corruption, rough sex, overstimulation, dirty talk, and humiliation, (zen is Mean.) Talks of cheating.
Slight Yandere reader towards the end?
Summary: You're just his 3rd seat, you thought he never even noticed you. But oh he did. He has had his eyes pinned on you for a very long time.
I kind of got carried away with Aizen's shadow side in this one, but after all, that's what we're all here for right?
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You called out, peeking through the open doors of the study. It was surprisingly dark, and although Captain Aizen preferred a dimly lit room for his late evening studies. It was never really this dark.
You shuffled the scrolls in your arms, already guilty over having to ask him this late. You were ready with an apology but it looked like the captain wasn't there at all.
The sliding door to his study was wide open. You looked inside to see the desk scattered with papers, your eye catching the open ink bottle and the discarded pen beside it. That was strange, it was rare for Captain Aizen to have left the tools unattended like that. He must have left in a hurry.
Stepping inside his study without his permission felt wrong. You looked down at the scrolls in your hands, they were just daily records. All you needed was his stamp of approval so you could register them with the intel squad. Something that could easily be put off until tomorrow.
But you walked into the room regardless, a little vary. Captain Aizen's study was mostly reserved for him. And Momo occasionally. After all, you were just the 3rd seat. Other than minor paperwork, your hands-on work with the captain was rare.
Your relation with momo was more complicated. You loved her no question, her loyalty and kindness always filled you with a lot of admiration. Often making you protective of her. But there was also that edging question. Spoken in whispers around you, something after a while you couldn't shake off either. Why was she the lieutenant? The second in rank, someone who shouldered the entire inner working of the squad. It was a title that although smaller in comparison to a captain, often worked harder.
Momo was hard-working but too simple-minded. The people in the squad did hold her in favor but didn't give her the brazen respect the other lieutenants had. The kind of respect that came from power. The kind that came from fear. Momo overlooked everything, living only to dutifully exist for the captain. You and Hitsugaya both had to remind her to be sterner, but you knew she didn't have the heart to do so. She always had the time to love, yet never to discipline.
The lower ranks often sniggered under their breath, passing around back-handed comments while on patrol. Obviously, that's not something you would take sitting down. Unknowingly, you had earned a reputation for yourself. So much so that same people in the squad wouldn't even look you in the eye. Fumbling and getting nervous every time you showed up. Maybe you could attribute that to your zanpakuto. Honed over the hours of sparring with kenpachi or the weirdly informative hair braiding sessions with unohana.
Other than the suspicions that they were trying to turn you into a serial killer. You liked the edge with which it made others regard you. And just like that, it had juxtaposition you with Hinamori in a way you didn't really mean it to. You were suddenly looked at as the more able. The one that should have been leading the squad.
You tried not to think of these whispers too much. Even after your reservations against momo, you knew she was the perfect lieutenant for Captain Aizen. He deserved a lieutenant that could empathize with his kind ways. One that could listen and understand his words.
That's all that you could think of as you would leave momo and Aizen to talk in his study. Turning away from the picture-perfect scene. Blinding yourself to the overwhelming love in your lieutenant's eyes. Momo was all light. And between them, there was no place for your darkness.
But it was more your curiosity than your admiration for Aizen that made you linger in the study much longer than you had intended.
You were about to walk out, but a familiar chuckle made you jump. You spun on your heels, beyond embarrassed to find your captain at the doorway. His tall frame leaned lightly against the door. The shadow fell over you, drinking away the remaining light in the room.
"C-captain Aizen." You faltered, trying to think how to explain why you were creepily standing in his study. but Aizen just smiled, "I see you bought the daily records."
Something in his gait shifted. You felt your stomach drop. It often happened when he was around you, a small change. Gone before you could tell what it was. Something that made you question what kind of secrets he held within him.
Conveniently no one else ever noticed anything. Not even momo, who was too moon-y eyed for the man. At times you would wonder if your mind was playing tricks on you. But it was there, flickering around him like a mirage. A crack.
"Yes, ah- apologies captain, I shouldn’t have come in uninvited." You replied, heat rising to your cheeks.
Aizen advanced, "No worries, I should be the one apologizing for being busy". He said, his voice felt strange. Hostile even. Stripped bare of its usual softness. Your eyes found his face, trying to make out his features in the vanishing light.
His face was hard, in the shadows, you felt as though your eyes were playing tricks on you. It looked nothing like his usual self, a recognizable darkness flashed through his eyes. It made you feel completely at his mercy as if he could read your mind and strip it bare.
He stepped forward with a leopard’s grace, his silhouette seemingly swallowing your own. For a moment he looked unrecognizable.  In the dark, his eyes sharpened, looking down at you in an unyielding, raw display of power, it sent thrills right to your core. The darkness in your zanpakuto practically leaped out. Like calling to like.
You felt frozen in your body, unable to tell if you were awestruck or terrified. You saw him pull out his glasses, the lantern beside you suddenly flared, bathing the two of you in a sudden light. Captain Aizen fixed his glasses, just as the light hit his face, the darkness you had felt in your core dissipated. As if it hadn't ever existed. He smiled at you warmly, "Hinamori-kun is lucky to have you."
Your lips formed a tight smile, "Its quite the other way around Captain", you said, trying to shake off the reatsu blanketing you. "I'll take your leave then." You left the scrolls by his table and shuffled outside, heart still hammering.
"Thank you Y/n-Kun." Aizen sang out, as you walked down the hallway swiftly, feeling a pinning gaze down your back.
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You pressed your hands on the mahogany desk, trying to pry your mind away from your last interaction with your captain. Ever since last evening, you just could not shake off the cold. It felt as though the darkness was lurking around everywhere, following you through the hallways right down to your chambers. Ever since then it felt like you had gone completely crazy. You could swear you felt that presence follow you around like a ghost. Mostly observant, watching you calmly doing your everyday chores. Sometimes you felt it come closer as if someone had casually run their fingers along your spine.
You couldn’t help but attribute it all to Aizen. Yeah you had definitely gone crazy.
Yes, he was an attractive man, but it had never made you this uneasy. It had never caused you to feel this unarmed. You had never felt that bolt of desire run through you, the absolute need to let him take over you entirely.
You tried to pull yourself together, If Momo read your mind she would probably faint at the thought. You turned your gaze back towards the kido spells you were studying. More important things to do than daydreaming about fucking your captain. You couldn’t help but sigh at your situation when Momo peeked her head in.
"I bought you something!" she said. She prancing into the room. She held a small plate in her hands, round- pinkish snacks neatly wrapped in wax paper. You recognized the sweet smell instantly, making your mouth water.
“Momo You’re the best-“ You said, practically leaping for the dish in her hand.
“Sorry for dumping most of the paperwork on you” she chatted away,
You chuckled, “It’s alright, I’m done with it anyways.” Momo smiled at you gratefully, “I sent them over to Nemu already.” You replied, “Wasn’t all that much extra work for me anyways.”
“Well that’s most work for today done.” She replied, “I have a lieutenant meeting in an hour then I meet Captain Aizen.” She said, “He said he needed help to arrange his scripts.”
You pushed away the shameful twinge of jealousy. She was a friend for fucks sake, but still the thought of them in his study, made your gut twist like never before. The captain sitting at the desk, against the lantern light, was a lover’s vision. A vision Momo would get to keep for herself.
You wanted to see his darkness again, you wanted to probe it out of him somehow. Just to see how deep the shadows really went.
Finally, Momo’s eyes fell on the literature on your desk.
You watched her knit her brows. "What exactly are these reading?"
You waved your hand dismissively, "Just something I picked up for light reading."
Hinamori frowned, her wide eyes scanning the pages on your desk, the graphic pictorial depictions of violence, the ancient script and your detailed notes scribbled on parchment.
"These aren't Shinigami kido spells, are they?" she rasped out.
You sighed, Momo and her fear of anything unconventional.
"None of Mayuri Kurotsuchi's personal collection have vanilla kido spells Momo." You told her, picking up the graphic scrolls before your lieutenant got more worried.
"Why do you have to read those morbid texts anyways?" Momo asked, crossing her arms. You rolled your eyes comically, stuffing the plum flavoured sweet in your mouth. "It’s just history Momo, doesn't hurt to read, does it?"
Not just Quincy and Shinigami, but hollow history, Maybe even beings much older, unfathomable. But history nonetheless.
Momo shook her head, “Please don’t tell me you’re actually trying to perform those spells?”
You inhaled another sweet, “you never know what you’ll have to use against whom.”
“There’s no use for spells this extreme.” She said, “It’s best you keep those outside.”
You tried to probe further, “It's not just precautionary, there are spells here we can actually use. It could help the lower ranks-“
“Y/n, we already have plenty kido spells,” Momo said as she fiddled with the hem of her obi, as she usually did when she was getting frustrated.
“Yes but, if these work, I could write a report for the gotei. Maybe they would at least consider adding some to the pre-existing kido spells” you continued, knowing you were already fighting a losing battle.
Hinamori’s gait straightened. The small gesture she always did to assert dominance. A reminder that past all the jokes and friendliness, she was still your superior. That regardless of your intentions of helping the squad, she was the one who held absolute power.
“Please Return them all as soon as you can.” She said.
You gave Momo a small smile, biting down your tongue. “As you wish Lieutenant.”
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You raged over the scrolls long after Momo had already left. Angrily putting them back in order. You stuffed another sweet in your mouth chewing it angrily. Momo had no fucking idea how hard you had tried to gather these scrolls from the intel division. She had no idea how many dishes of pike fish it took to finally bribe Mayuri into giving you these.
You were so invested in your angry cleaning that you didn’t even realise that another figure had entered the room.
‘Y/n- kun.”
You jumped at his voice. God why the fuck did he keep sneaking up on you.
“Captain.” You greeted the man, sliding the remaining scrolls off the desk in an attempt to make it less of a mess. Of course, the biggest distraction in the entire 13 gotei had to walk in right now.
"I’m afraid the lieutenant-“ you started,
"is in her meeting, I'm aware." he completed. “She wouldn’t be out for another few hours at least.” He said smiling.
You shifted on your feet.
“I didn’t come here to meet Hinamori-Kun. Actually, I had work with you.” He said smiling at you. Something like anxiety churned in your gut. That was rather unusual.
He set down the bundle of records he was carrying on the nearby side table, and you couldn’t help but stare at how his fingers curled around them. For a squad captain, his fingers were surprisingly smooth. Hands of a lock-picker you thought, hands of a trickster.
Obviously, your mind instantly went to how it would feel to have them grope your breasts or dig into your thighs. God. You felt the desire pool between your legs, urgh why did you do this to yourself.
“You seem weary.” He said,
You blinked at him, “huh?”
“It’s probably nothing.” You replied quickly averting your eyes, already confused at his sudden interest. The quicker he left, the easier he would make it for you. “Late reading usually causes- oh” you yelped out as he leaned down,
He leaned down so that you were at the same sight. Fingers touching your chin lightly as he inspected your face. He lifted his eyes up to yours, looking at you over his glasses. The morbid chill that went down your spine was exactly the kind that had been haunting you all this time. You saw him enjoy the flash of recognition in your eyes.
In that absolute moment, you felt fear. The fear of a butterfly pinned down for inspection.
You waited for the switch, the shift that always dissipated the darkness. But it never came. The monster you had known your captain kept hidden, the one you had glimpses of was finally out. Beckoning you to acknowledge it now. A beast you had wanted to tame for God knows how long. Your stomach dropped.
He flicked his tongue over your sugar-coated lips. "How sweet."
The act shocked you. You jumped back putting space between you again. You tripped over the hem of your black kimono and stumbling against the desk behind you. Your heart went still as your fingers dug into the edge of the desk for some fucking support.
“Captain-?” You breathed out, your mind blanking. You didn’t just imagine that did you?
“You think I do not see it? That I don’t see you?’ He practically sneered out. His fingers rested on his obi deftly, sharp eyes perched on you. “That I don’t see how your heart drops watching me with Hinamori?”
You gulped, mouth drying. “Seriously Y/N you don’t cut yourself any slack, do you?”
You watched him take off his glasses. Your eyes followed as he set them down on the table.
His voice went deeper, his façade falling. Past his glasses, his doe-brown eyes changing as if someone had flipped a switch. Whoever stood before you now, wasn't your captain at all.
"I know you see the darkness in me," he growled against your ear. "And I can see the shadows on your soul."
His fingers brushed against your face, pulling you closer. His thumb brushed away the powdered sugar on your lips. You let him touch you this time. Heart still racing with anticipation.
"Who are you?" You whispered. The study around you grew darker and you felt the monster's claws dig into your soul.
He kissed you in reply. His fingers curled around your neck as he dragged his lips down your jaw. You felt him chuckle against your skin. He could already tell you were crumbling. The stoic untouchable walls you kept up, trembling against his touch. Aizen never let his emotions escape his mask, but he let himself have this moment of triumph. relishing knowing how much of an effect he had on you. He wanted you to crawl to him. submit to him completely. debaucher your mind so that you couldn't think of anyone but him.
His fingers cupped your face, his gentleness shocked you, he kissed you like he actually loved you.
The world around you slowed, you let him slide his tongue into your mouth, in a heated, desperate kiss. You felt yourself slipping, mind blanking as all you could concentrate on was his taste. You moaned into his mouth as he continued to explore you. When he did pull away, it leaves you panting feverishly. A string of saliva still connecting you two. Your mind screamed at you, blaring out alarms. Everything about this man before you was dangerous, psychotic even.
But you couldn’t care anymore. Something feral into you leaped out, as you closed the distance between you two again. His fingers curled around your obi, tugging it lose. You shuddered as his fingers slid through the fabric of your kimono, pressing up against your bare skin. You felt your heart stop at the touch. Your eyes practically rolled back as his thump brushed against your nipples. A triumphant laugh bubbled through his chest as he felt you cave into his touch.
The laugh of a madman.
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He led you lightly towards the desk, pressing your lower back by his palm into the surface lightly. Your tits pressed up flush against the cold surface. You could feel his smirk as he teased your entrance, fingers slipping from the slick. He was placing soft teasing touches, fingers sliding over your swollen bud. Enough to have you squirm but not enough to give you any real pleasure. The other hand kneading your ass. Using his grip to spread out your pussy lips further.
He dragged his fingers over your folds with heart-breaking gentleness and kissed your shoulder soft. Still masquerading as the gentleman, until you sob at him to fuck you properly.
You look up at him flustered, but he just coos at you. "Now who would have thought you of all people would be a virgin?"
Your fingers dug into the mahogany wood under you as he finally, fucking finally rubbed his fingers along your folds harder. You felt your legs grow weak at the sensation. To be spread out like that, while your captain plays with your pussy. Teasing you humorously as he coated his digits with your slick.
"Don't tell me you were saving yourself for me?" he asked, tracing the outline of your entrance.
"T-that's not-"
You audibly moaned out as sunk his digit inside you. You felt your walls tighten around his finger; your body burned with an unknown desire. for the first time having something inside you. His thumb rolled over your clit, making you squeeze him harder. Aizen continued his torture, dragging his finger along your walls. You almost gave out a defeated moan, the desire sending your mind for a spin. God fuck you wanted him,
"Hoping your captain would take you one day. hmm?" He continued,
He added another finger and you yelped out from the stretch. His tongue ran down your neck.
"I'm sure lieutenant would love to be in your place right now."
Your eyes widen, the realization of you practically betraying poor Momo hits you. Aizen's laugh rumbles through the room. A wicked pleasure seeing your shock.
Sliding in deep pressing his body against yours until there was no space between you two. "At least you know I'm not partial towards the lieutenant now."
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He glided his length against your folds and you couldn't help but quiver from the anticipation. You could feel the drops of precum smearing along your cunt as he glided his throbbing cock through your folds. He slid right up to your clit, the fat tip digging deliciously against your bundle before sliding back near your entrance. It felt so fucking warm, you thought you were going to melt. You felt a tension coil up in your stomach. But it still just wasn't enough.
"P-please" you tried.
"hmn? -
He cupped your chin, pulling you up so he could kiss you again, the warmth of this tongue making your mind black, "Why don't you tell me what you want?
"Please put your cock inside me." you babbled, any shred of self-respect gone out the window.
"Tsk, such a slut." He said, his tone shifting. "So eager to fuck herself over my cock?"
"I would have much rather had you cum a few times before, but it looks like your sluty pussy just can't wait can it?
You looked back at him. You realized he liked it. The sadist inside grinning at you in pain. He liked to see you wince as his cock stretched you out. The wicked pleasure of finally having you where he had wanted you. Pinned under him, where he couldn't tell if your body trembled from desire or fear. You bit your tongue as the stretch, his cock digging into your tender core. The amount of slick making it way easier to glide in. But you still couldn't help the depraved whimpers as his cock forced your walls open, just for him.
It was sadistic how he dragged his cock an inch at a time, forcing your walls to accustom to his girth, making sure you felt his shape. Your walls squelched around him greedily.  The gentleness with which he had prepped you, falling as masochistic glee crept on his face.
He practically growled as he bottomed into you. You couldn't help but moan at the drag of his cock, you had never had anything inside you before. At least not anything other than your own fingers. And now to have your captain's cock digging into your sweet cunt. You felt his cock snuggled in deep the leaking tip flush against your cervix, making you babble over his cock.
"I knew you could take it~" he mused kissing your head softly. "My sweet little slut, just so desperate for my cock."
,"C-captain, its in~ I can feel c-captain's cock- ungh-"
"feel too full- please ah please-"
You could feel him grow hotter with your words, sheathed cock twitching at your eagerness."Are you slurring just from having a cock in your cunt? I haven't even moved yet love.”  
He pulled you back again grazing his teeth against the tender flesh of your neck. "Now, show me how well your pretty pussy can take me."
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You rolled back your hips, letting him reach deeper. his breathless chuckle was exhilarating. "Look how eager~" he purred out. Your stomach dropped at his tone.
"Want me to fuck you harder love?" he teased. You gave out a spluttering yelp of a yes but Aizen was already pulling your wrists behind your back. Your back arched as you felt his cock dig into you at a harsher angle, your knees practically buckled from the sudden pleasure it bought. You gasped out the pleasure finally overwhelming. Your mind grew fuzzy as Aizen continued to fuck his cock into your sweet spot. The way your ass smacked against him as you felt the delicious drag of his cock along your walls, to his bruising grip on your wrists so he could manhandle you any way he wanted. All of it was too much. Every stroke sent you mewling like you were in heat.
Aizen threw his head back, fuck, every sound you made making him just pound into you harder. He fucking loved it, the way your cunt just sucked him in, milking him like that's all you were made for. Maybe he was being a little too hard on you for your first time. Not that he cared, but he didn't want to break you just yet. But the way you were fucking back into him, squeezing his cock so obediently he just couldn't stop.
His fingers run down your arms before settling onto your waist, digging into the flesh, pinning you to the desk while he spreads you open. Fingers dug into your thighs as he continued to fuck into you. His calloused thumb continued to roll over your swollen bud.
You jolt up, the coil in your stomach finally snapping, your vision goes white at the pleasure. Flooding through you as you spasm uncontrollably around his girth. Your eyes well up from the overstimulation. You practically cry out, sobbing at the pure intensity of it all. Your teary eyes made him want to fuck you even harder.
Aizen stopped thrusting, replacing it with a torturously lazy rhythm as you orgasm. Watching you come to terms with the pleasure as the high wore off. He slapped his palm against your clit and you jumped. Although panting, he knew you had had nowhere near enough yet. He couldn't help but grin as you mewled as he rubbed your clit with his thumb, your core fluttering against his touch.
Your eyes pinned on his glorious face as you watched him grow gaunt with pleasure. His strokes grew more erratic, cock twitching as he neared his release. The thought of getting filled up by your captain's cum, sent your mind for a complete toss. Making you embarrassingly wetter than before.
You felt his fingers wrap around your neck yanking you backwards. He forced his fingers into your mouth, you moaned as he slid them in. You felt the coil in your stomach threatening to snap again, for fucks sake, he was actually going to drive you insane. You were about to cream around his cock again.
He spit into your mouth sloppily, replacing his fingers with his own tongue. He swirled around in your mouth greedily. “Fu-fuck” he growled into your mouth, dragging his tongue along yours messily. Nearing his release, it felt as through this own restraint was coming undone.
You gave out a yelp as he pulled out instantly, his cock slapping against your thigh as he came all over it. Your core ached, squelching around nothing. Your heart sank at the sudden action. You didn't even realise your face fell as you watched his cum spill over your thigh.
"Look at you, this upset about not getting filled up?"
You fixed your face at once, heat rising to your cheeks "That's not w-"
He chuckled humorously, cutting you short. "Plenty of time to fuck you full later." he mused.
He ran a hand through his hair. The fluffy curls now pushed back; the darkness you had seen before was finally completely unveiled. You felt a cold pit in your stomach, as the extent of his manipulation dawned on you. The kind-hearted captain Hinamori loved, the one you had always admired never even existed. He draped his undone yukata over his shoulders again.
You waited for the anger of the betrayal, but it never came. Even in this fucked up form, a version that had not a shred of kindness. You still wanted him.
You were so sore, but your core throbbed with desire again. It was as if Aizen had read your mind. He reached for your face, his reatsu curling out, filling the room until it blanketed you completely. He breathed against your neck, dragging his fingers down your shoulders to your breasts. You felt warmth flooding through your body as his palms groped at you.
His hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer. Mouth claiming yours in another lazy kiss as he dragged his other hand along your torso, as if an artist admiring his creation.
His palm rested against your hammering heart, sliding his fingers over your breast for the last time. His mouth grazed against the side of your face as he spoke, "It’s a pity I have to meet my lieutenant." he almost sighed, it snapped you out of the haze.
You stared at him as the triumphant smirk faltered. Instantly being replaced with his soft harmless smile. His gait becomes that of your beloved captain again. You felt the room grow colder, the same chill that had haunted you before, creeping up on you again.
He gave you a departing glance, eyes drinking in your fucked out state. "I'll leave you with your paperwork then."  
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ (--) ♥ (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ (--) ♥ (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ (--) ♥
You practically wobbled your way into the bath. Stumbling as you hurried to your room. Without his body head, the drying cum and blood on your thighs had started to feel a little gross. Once inside your bathroom, you hadn’t even waited for the water to heat up. Basically, just dived into the tub.
You groaned, lowering yourself into the bath water. He had fucked you for hours and you still wanted more. Your core throbbed painfully at the memory. You wondered if he would probably be bending Momo over right now. It would be far too easy and she would just jump into his arms like an eager little bunny. Your poor naive Lieutenant made it too easy. You felt your lips twist in a scowl.
You flicked your blood-crusted cuticle. You had dug into him hard enough to actually draw blood. So, the blood magic had already bonded you to him. If he knew about it or not didn't really matter anymore. Not that he would be able to do much about it anyways. Quincy spells could be tricky that way.
So, if he did pull something like that you knew ways to take care of it. Turns out, reading a bit of history does come in handy.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ (--) ♥ (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ (--) ♥ (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ (--) ♥
THANKYOU for reading! It was a request, so I hope you liked it~
Thankyou for being SOOOO patient ≧◉◡◉≦, sending you all my love!
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2dboisloyal-devotee · 2 years
i decide to post something and as my first post, it's about my first husbando.
This Wish I Hold (Yandere Toshiro Hitsugaya x GN reader)
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Please make sure you're at least 16+ and proceed with caution, well the yandere jazz and all that is more apparent in the end anyway
Warning: fluff, manipulative behaviors, angst, reader's death
Momo Hinamori; the name of your savior from a dire situation and since then you had been trying to return the favor. By becoming good friends, you got along well with her.
It wasn't long around that time too when she brought you two together. Despite Momo calling him cheerfully in a nickname of 'Shiro', you met the renowned child prodigy, otherwise known with the 'cold as ice' alias.
White short spiked hair and a sharp turqoise eyes complement his striking appearance all the more besides just looking like a literal child. He narrowed his eyes. “...Captain Hitsugaya from the 10th division of Gotei 13. Nice to meet you.” The way he brought upon himself in a levelheaded manner made you quickly mutter an apology before introducing yourself....to which he just nodded at.
He soon excused himself, bringing Momo to block his way. “Geez, Shiro! That's not how you treat my friend!”He sighed. “What more do you want, Hinamori...? I'm busy already right now and it's not helping at all since I'm also doing the job she's supposed to do!” While he grumbled about someone named Matsumoto, you realized you would try to be good friends with him too as you thought it would be proper since he was a childhood friend with Momo, along with some other reasons rooted from curiousity.
And what better way to do that than helping with what was he frustrated about?
At first, Momo was a bit hesitant leaving the two of you alone because you just knew each other but after hearing your reassurance, she then left to take care of her business from Aizen. Arriving in his office, you were told not to be trusted on managing the important documents. He simply reasoned that he didn't want to have more incoming headache from it.
So you just stood there while thinking what could you possibly do before suggesting to buy his favorite drink to cool off or considering his instruction to do something about his useless lieutenant.
“Just do as you like without causing trouble,” he ordered sternly. His eyes were now focusing on the paperwork with furrowed eyebrows as if they were already a permanent part of his expression. So you followed what he said, getting to know many more people along the way and being friends with them. That still included you getting closer with Momo and Captain Hitsugaya.
You spent many breaks with them by eating lunch or snacks together, being told many stories from Momo about their childhood including the embarrasing parts which Captain Hitsugaya liked to get worked up over.
There was a tiny difference you noticed too. After gradually having spent time with them, Captain Hitsugaya's anger was only a flustered one most of the time. And that one was more warm to witness than his usual serious demeanor.
You were tidying up the paperwork on his table to a neat stack while he was stretching and you affirmed at the same time. “You're actually quite a warm person huh, Captain.”
He fell down along with his chair. “WHAt—”
“Uh sh—... Sorry, Captain. Are you alright?” Your hand was outstretching, but he already stood up so fast without sparing a moment to let you see the scene longer.
“I'm! Of course I am! That was because—and, what were you thinking, huh!? Saying something like...” He glared while blushing more apparent. Then he cleared his throat. “At any rate, that was rude to a Captain so don't say stupid things like that again.”
Whether he heard your explanation that you just wanted to say the truth as a praise or appreciation, he still turned around and replied. “Fine, I'll only let this one slide. And... Thank you.”
Momo often says Captain should change the way he acts around people because he could be rude sometimes, but you thought that he was fine as he was. Though, maybe you would save those words for another time as he seemed already agitated enough just by walking near you.
As days passed, you had to watch out for the right situation and even asked for permission if it was okay for you to say some stupid things like before. “Just say what you want. And you don't need to always say that, I won't let your words bother me that much anyway.”
It was becoming a fun routine for you and possibly him, judging by the subtle smiles you catched upon his relaxing face from time to time.
He was willing to loosen his creased eyebrows and smile even if that meant Matsumoto also got the chance to saw it herself then teased him for it, added with Momo who tried to play a matchmaker. He had tried not to let it show in public but failed many times and instead gave punishments of adding work to whoever teased him or you.
Bit by bit from fun to a fulfilling routine, you adapted quite pleasantly. It was overall rewarding. The Captain trusted you on many jobs. Yet he still managed to be considerate in his own way by taking breaks together every so often. It became a fact that he was getting more comfortable in your presence with how often he rested his head on your shoulder or lap and fell asleep.
Although because of the work schedule becoming busier, you had less time to meet Momo and even Captain Hitsugaya needed to remind you to rest. One time, your body still ended taking a toll so he stayed by your side almost the whole day. After few scoldings, he had taken care of you until you were back in good health. “Don't fall ill again, at least for a while... I don't enjoy seeing you like that.” He sighed.
It seemed like you couldn't fulfill those words. You got carried away and was too nonchalant of the world that could be in danger anytime.
Laying down on his lap, you coughed and came along a sharp pain in your chest as you tried to breath. “...will you end my suffering, Captain...?” Your trembling hand reached to his cheek with a pained smile.
“Stop.” He gritted his teeth. Toshiro knew that he would not be as capable as you said once you die. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself.
A ragged breath was let out from you before a choked gasp for the ache you felt. You spoke again. “..plea..se? I know, only you can numb the pain... Even thou—..gh you, such warm, person...” Toshiro quickly clutched your outstretched hand with a firm grasp as he voiced his rejection. “I refuse, and please, stop talking, (Y/n)! This isn't the time for ... Just—hang in there!!”
Deep down he knew that there wasn't any choice he could do anymore even after going through all sort of methods, left only a last resort for who knew how long. You were the one who gave those words a meaning and warmth to make him thought he was actually a warm person even after he had gone used to those ignorant rumors of him. He was in fact fine with you to be the one whom melted the guard he had built up like a chilling, rigid ice for years.
You should have taken responsibilities for making him feel this way. “Sor..ry.. honestly... I, want it to be, you..  who end..s it, please. Don't let it... end this way..” you responded. Your energy had been sapped away to every words and effort trying to keep your grip, then your eyes drooped...
At that second, your moment had become frozen in time. None other than in the eternally graceful ice he made himself, despite your words and self had gone cold. Finally he could do it using the reason you wished yourself. He will do anything it takes to have you keep your words true again.
He makes sure that you'll return.
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☞ i don’t write smut (these are minors for the most part-) ☞ no more than 8 (eight) characters per ask ☞ i don’t do match ups ☞ please no yandere things, character or reader ☞ no abo fics ☞ please specify reader insert or not
REQUESTS ARE: OPEN character list is under the cut.
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lottie pumpkin ellie wolf jamie volk percy butter
binah fae micky tompkins lola tompkins
anastacia alcroft leblanc saskia san martin raphael wilcox
sayuri chiba miko hanajima wei li rio santos haruki hinamori
ingrid crow julius stub claude wolfson
ollie moreno
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ao3feed-ichiruki · 2 years
Demonic Lover: The best exorcist in the world needs rescue
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NRB80Kp
by kleinegirl87
Many centuries ago a powerful Demon devastated the lands of the town now known as Karakura. Only one family was able to stop it, however, that act has permanently marked them ever since. Ichigo Kurosaki is one the most popular guys of his college, yet he has no interest in dating, but the intervention of a classmate will force him to rethink his wish.
Words: 774, Chapters: 1/2, Language: Español
Series: Part 1 of Inhuman Love
Fandoms: Bleach
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Kuchiki Rukia, Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime, Hinamori Momo, Unohana Retsu, Kurosaki Isshin, Kurosaki Masaki, Kuchiki Byakuya, Kuchiki Hisana, Gotei 13 | 13 Court Guard Squads Ensemble (Bleach)
Relationships: Kuchiki Rukia/Kurosaki Ichigo, Kurosaki Isshin/Kurosaki Masaki, Kuchiki Byakuya/Kuchiki Hisana
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Magic, Demonic Possession, Possessive Behavior, Witch Curses, Marriage, Sex, Monsterfucking, Double Penetration, Character Bashing, Immortality, Yandere
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/NRB80Kp
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unohanadaydreams · 4 years
In your personal opinion, out of all the cast who is the most likely to be a yandere? And, who would be the worst one?
Well, considering the abundance of large personalities with poor respect for boundaries in Bleach, we’ve got some nice choices tbh.
FEATURES: talk of yandere, unhealthy relationships, possessiveness, ect.
My vote for the worst, in terms of how extreme, unapologetic, and violent, would be:
Kenpachi Zaraki -
He’s obsessive in canon, chasing after what he wants with no regard for consequences or other people. If he’s after a fight, for example, the other person saying no doesn’t compute. He just starts attacking.
He is offered and accepts genuine kindness and closeness from ONE person--Yachiru, who is also a reflection of his own soul. His ONLY primer for love of ANY kind is a little girl who is fucking obsessed with him and wants only what he does (with the exception of candy).  Kenpachi views fighting as the only way to garner respect, power, and security--Ikkaku sticking around first and foremost because of Kenpachi’s strength and Yumichika sticking around first and foremost for Ikkaku lend me to leave them off this list.
Also, think about where he grew up and the way he is likely to hoard and protect with deadly prejudice the person he loves, like he probably did with anything he valued growing up. He lived in a world where no one gave a shit to give him a NAME--he had to name himself--, where everyone fought over scraps, and where protecting yourself probably meant treating everyone else as the enemy until proven otherwise. I mean, he fights fellow captains NO problem--the structure of captains of the gotei 13 being allies means fucking zilch to him.
When this man switches from apathy to care for a person (more accurately, when he REALIZES his care for someone), the table flips and fucking shatters. The rules change. Kenpachi becomes possessive of your time and attention because love is clingy and needs constant protection from a world where the strong live and the weak get left to bleed in the streets. Especially after the loss of Yachiru, he’d feel extremely motivated to keep you in a position where you could not leave him. He loves you and therefore you are a part of him. And he can’t lose another part of him.
Kenpachi is like the perfect storm of earnest feelings, poor emotional maturity, blatant disregard for people at large, and proclivity to violence imo.
I think the fandom at large has a tendency to really sanitize how little fucks he gives regarding the boundaries of others. As well as how little he cares about other people.
He killed the only person he ever admired for the SOLE purpose of strength--to have the chance to get stronger--to fight and prove himself the strongest. Maybe he felt something about it, but he still DID it, and his attitude toward Unohana leading up to that point could lead one to believe he missed Yachiru the opponent in that moment of her death more than he could ever miss Unohana the person.
That said, if we look at Yachiru, he does not mistreat her. He allows her anything and everything at the disregard of others. Yachiru can do no wrong and is, at most, annoying to him some times. She can undermine his words and yell at him and terrorize his district and he does not care. He loves her, so she’s above reproach. Partly because he loves her and partly because he simply doesn’t care about his or her actions affecting others!!! Even Ikkaku doesn’t dare really discipline Yachiru for all the physical abuse she throws at him.
Obviously there would be differences between how he treats a child and how he treats a romantic interest, but the jist is: He would express his love how he knows and be violently possessive. All the yandere boxes are checked.
Other ones I think just SCREAM most likely?
Izuru Kira -
The slope he finds himself sliding down to ensure you won’t abandon him is awful slippery. It starts small, of course. Some person he doesn’t particularly like invites you to a party through him--that classic ‘hey tell Reader they should come by tonight! and you too, Izuru-kun!’ Well. ‘Should come’ isn’t a formal invitation is it?
He starts falling from there. Starts being a more subtle two faced scumbag than his captain previous. Starts being more ‘grave’ than ‘sullen’. Izuru blooms a love strong enough to brave any person or obstacle and wields shears sharp and ready for anyone foolish enough to touch it.
A lot of his actions are less physical violence and more social and emotional harm to others. He gets away with stabbing a small fry and challenging a peer to a duel and leaving them with one less arm here, but for the most part he’s more covert.
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez -
He’s really similar to Kenpachi in violent and obsessive tendencies. I think the main differences are 1. he is more self aware emotionally 2. he is much more violent.
And I think what keeps me from considering Grimmjow as the Worst is that he would be initially pretty shitty to his romantic interest as opposed to Kenpachi. There would be an initial fight within himself that would cause him to be prickly and mean, to scare them off and spare himself potential heart ache.
Mashiro Kuna -
For fucks sake, she gets mad when Orihime talks to Hachi. She is VERY possessive. The fact that she just got left behind in Karakura town severely blows my mind (I mean, I’ll digress on that because the splitting up of the vizards was just!!!!!!!!!!), but she is clearly clingy of those she cares for in canon.
She would be one who might try to hide her violence and threatening under a thin veneer of ‘oops, haha, that silly Mashiro threw a tantrum and accidentally clawed some dude’s eyes out after he cat called reader!’ She really leans into being viewed as a vapid, silly woman who acts too young for her age. For the most part it works. Or she doesn’t get caught at all.
There’s a reason she has the longest manifestation of her mask and it’s because she and her hollow stand united in fucking people up when they both don’t get their way.
Momo Hinamori -
Another victim of betrayal, like Izuru. The difference is that Momo knows when she falls in love that if someone like Aizen were to ever do to you what he did to her, she wouldn’t be able to recover. Her post breakdown revelation was this: no one deserves first chances.
If someone in your division puts their hands on you, two weeks later there’s news that person was a horrible person who got thrown into the maggot’s nest for conspiracy to harm the gotei 13.
Momo’s smart like that. Never outwardly that violent. Never one to reach for her sword first. She thinks. She plans. She ruins the lives of anyone so dumb as to fuck with you.
Unlike Izuru, she never lets her partner in on the game. There’s no begging for you to understand she’s doing this for you--she never lets any one survive or feel safe enough to tattle on her--none of that.
Giselle Gewelle -
Probably the most transparently there. The most likely. The reigning ‘she was practically one in canon so what did you expect’.
She will keep you by her side forever and ever even if you need to be a zombie for that to happen.
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princess-josie-riki · 6 years
This video has my favorite ships on this: https://www.deviantart.com/pogorikifan10/journal/14-Days-of-2x-OTP-Valentines-Day-783466559
Day 1 - Aang x Katara (Avatar) + Kaito Shion/KAITO x Meiko Sakine/MEIKO (VOCALOID) Day 2 - Mario x Princess Peach (Mario series) + Freddy Fazbear x Foxy the Pirate Fox (Five Nights at Freddy's series) Day 3 - Sora x Kairi (Kingdom Hearts series) + Pogoriki/Krosh/Krash x Chikoriki/Yozhik/Chiko (GoGoRiki/Smeshariki/Kikoriki) Day 4 - Shantae x Bolo (Shantae series) + Nightmare Fredbear x Nightmare (Five Nights at Freddy's series) Day 5 - Sailor Moon x Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon) + Madoka Kaname x Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Day 6 - Gumi Megpoid/GUMI x Gakupo Kamui/GACKPOID (VOCALOID) + Vulk x Slumbo (Mixels) Day 7 - Ickybod Clay x Taffy (Clayfighter) + Luigi x Princess Daisy (Mario series) Day 8 - Sailor Uranus x Sailor Neptune (Sailor Moon) + Ladybug x Cat Noir (Miraculous: The Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir) Day 9 - Link x Princess Zelda (Legend of Zelda series) + Hawkodile x Dr. Fox (Unikitty!) Day 10 - Roxas x Xion (Kingdom Hearts) + Bonnie the Bunny x Chica the Chicken (Five Nights at Freddy's series) Day 11 - Booger x Camillot (Mixels) + Amu Hinamori x Tadase Hotori (Shugo Chara!) Day 12 - Keiichi Maebara x Mion Sonozaki (Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni) + Bayonetta x Rodin (Bayonetta) Day 13 - Krader x Stretchabelle (Mixels) + Blind Specter x Grim Matchstick (Cuphead) Day 14 - Werner Werman x Baroness Von Bon Bon (Cuphead) + Ammo Baron x Techno Baron (Shantae series)
Also, here is a pic of a yandere Ghost!Werner Werman with roses and a bleeding heart. You can find it here!: https://www.deviantart.com/pogorikifan10/art/Happy-Valentine-s-Day-2019-785556009
Song used: Judas (Lady Gaga)
Happy Valentine's Day 2019!
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
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Sick darling (Byakuya)
Yumichika Hc's
Hey, why not try it out? (Kira, Hinamori)
Pestering admirer (Ichigo, Inoue, Sado, Ishida, Rukia, Renji, Byakuya)
Yandere Ulquiorra Cifer Hc's
Yandere Nnoitra Gilga Hc's
Yandere Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
Yandere Kuchiki Byakuya Hc's
Yandere Kuchiki Rukia Hc's
You're my rival so no one else can hurt you (Gin)
This is fine (Hitsugaya)
Stubborn cane user s/o with chronic pain (Byakuya)
Yandere Ishida Ryuken Hc's
Mutual admiration from afar (Nemu)
I don't want to marry this bully! (Ichigo, Hitsugaya)
I forgot to turn the volume of my phone down! (Ichigo, Inoue)
Nsfw Hc's (Aizen)
Proud Quincy darling (Ishida, Byakuya, Soi Fon, Ryuken)
Surgeon darling (Uryu, Ryuken)
Yandere Alphabet (Sado)
Yandere Unohana Retsu Hc's
Judge darling who overworks themselves (Ryuken)
Caressing their face whilst they sleep (Ulquiorra)
Prompt 3+61+105 (Unohana)
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softlydaydreaming · 6 years
memory regaining Chiaki Nanami here to say doubles are perfectly valid and fine by me :) if you wanna tell us about some of your kins, feel free to do so in reply to this ask, i'd be happy to hear
It’s been posted! And I hope you like it! And if you’d like anything changed please let me know!
Also, thank you for letting me talk about my kins! And also, I love doubles! Here’s what I have on the mod page:
My kins are Chiaki Nanami (sdr2), Kaede Akamatsu (ndrv3), Yuzuki Tatsumi (danganronpa non canon, SHSL Baker), Shun Kurosawa (danganronpa/bnha non canon, SHSL Thief), Ochako Uraraka (bnha), Amu Hinamori (Shugo Chara), Freya (non canon Fire Emblem Fates character), Rosa (pokemon bw2), Lisia (pokemon oras), Yona (Yona of the Dawn) and Ayano Aishi (extremely canon divergent Yandere Simulator). I’m also synpath with Mikan Tsumiki (sdr2) and Mew Berry (Tokyo Mew Mew a La Mode)!
And here’s what’s not on it:
Chiaki, Kaede, and Shun are my stronger kins. And I’m also questioning a few characters from a series I like, but I don’t think anyone kins any characters from there (if anyone knows any Fate Series kins please do tell me).
My Ayano canon is really really canon divergent, and like I wasn’t even a yandere or in love with Taro (he was my cousin and we were basically like siblings). And I have two canons for Shun, one of them being a crossover canon with bnha (but Hopes Peak still existedand all of the dr characters went to Hopes Peak. It doubled as a hero school (but not majorly) and as a school for really talented kids. Also, Izuru and Hajime were nearly identical twins.)
Sorry for the info dump! And thank you for letting me talk about them for a bit! I hope you have a good day!
-Mod Chi
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icosmogyral · 5 years
Do you think Momo Hinamori from Bleach is a yandere character?
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unohanadaydreams · 4 years
Master + Character List
If there are no links corresponding with a character’s name, it means there is no content currently written for that character. That said: ALL characters on this list are ones I’m willing to write for.
NOTE: If you don’t see a character you’d like to send in an ask for here, feel free to message me if I would be willing to!
HC = Headcanon
Scene = Scenario
TP = Thirst Post
note: many of these feature writing from other blogs either somewhat or heavily and I HIGHLY recommend you follow them.
All Gotei Divisions HCs
5th Division HCs
8th Division HCs
Izuru Kira as new Yachiru AU
No Aizen AU
Retsu Unohana’s motivations for forming Gotei 13 theories
Chikane Iba theories + analysis
Royal Guard general theories + HCs
CFYW novel info theory + HC (Mayuri + Urahara)
Bleach characters in Narutoverse AU
Ulquiorra dragon symbolism analysis/theory
Mayuri Kurotsuchi character/zanpakuto analysis/theory
Mayuri Kurotsuchi character analysis/theory
(nsfw) who fucks and who doesn't among the captains HCs
note: the following is solely my writing and features only imagine + request content
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Gotei 13 (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Shunsui Kyoraku
React to falling in love HC
Shipped with Jushiro relationship HCs
(nsfw) Fan of squirting HC
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Threesome w/reader + Jushiro Ukitake TP
Nanao Ise
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Soi Fon
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
What does she bring to the lake HC
Marechiyo Omaeda
Gin Ichimaru
Reader left behind after Gin’s death HCs
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Edging as punishment TP
Izuru Kira
(nsfw) Fan of squirting HC
Izuru in the 11th Division Scene
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Falling in love and flirting HCs
Retsu Unohana
Relationship HCs
React to reader getting lost HC
 (nsfw) Doctor w/reader patient meme HCs
(nsfw) ties reader up TP
general + analytical HCs
Isane Kotetsu
React to falling in love HC
Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Hanataro Yamada
Sosuke Aizen
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader + Shinji Hirako meme HCs
(nsfw) Doctor w/reader patient meme HCs
Momo Hinamori
Byakuya Kuchiki
React to falling in love HC
(nsfw) Relationship HCs
React to reader getting lost HC
Falls for shy reader HCS
(nsfw) Shipped with Jushiro relationship HCs
Reader has overprotective brothers HCs
First time seeing reader dressed up Scene
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Quarantine w/ MALE reader meme HCs
Being a father to a son HCs
Renji Abarai
Reader angry their brother is hurt HCs
Realizes he’s in love with reader Scene
Reaction to reader being a quincy HCs
Finds out reader cheated on him HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Doctor w/patient!reader meme HCs
Sajin Komamura
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) fem!reader begs him to breed her TP
(nsfw) Who in the Seireitei is a werewolf fucker?
Tetsuzaemon Iba
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
Kaname Tosen
React to reader getting lost HC
Shuhei Hisagi
(nsfw) kinktober choking reader Scene
Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Angry sex TP
Toshiro Hitsugaya
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
summer ficlet + fireflies + fluff
Rangiku Matsumoto
(nsfw) Fan of squirting HC
Kenpachi Zaraki
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
Reader angry their brother is hurt HCs
Falling for a badass reader HCs
(nsfw) Relationship w/reader HCs
Dealing with Yachiru being “gone” HCs
First kiss w/reader + how he kisses HCs
React to reader dying HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Predator w/reader prey TP
(nsfw) eating pussy w/fem!reader TP
summer ficlet + watermelon + fluff
Yachiru Kusajishi
Dealing with being “gone” HCs
Ikkaku Madarame
(nsfw) Relationship w/reader + Yumichika HCs
Yumichika Ayasegawa
(nsfw) Relationship w/reader + Ikkaku HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Getting first blowjob from reader Scene
First kiss w/reader Scene + how he kisses HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
*dubcon/unhealthy relationship* relationship w/reader TP
Nemu Kurotsuchi
Cowokers meme him HC
Falls in love w/bubbly reader HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Jushiro Ukitake
Shipped with Shunsui relationship HCs
React to reader getting lost HC
(nsfw) Shipped with Byakuya relationship HCs
React to having twin boys + one is bedridden HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Threesome w/reader + Shunsui Kyoraku TP
hurt & comfort w/fem!reader scene
Kaien Shiba
Rukia Kuchiki
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
What does she bring to the lake HC
Kiyone Kotetsu
Sentaro Kotsubaki
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Royal Guard (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Tenjiro Kirinji
(nsfw) Bullies fem!reader TP
Kirio Hikifune
Oetsu Nimaiya
Senjumaru Shutara
Ichibe Hyosube
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Visoreds (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Shinji Hirako
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
Reaction to reader being a quincy HCs
Reaction to seeing reader after 100 years in Karakura Town HCs
Catching up with reader after 100 years HCs
Reader comforting his hurt Scene
React to reader dating Aizen after he “died” HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader + Sosuke Aizen meme HCs
(nsfw) Doctor w/patient!reader meme HCs
Rose Otoribashi
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
Reaction to seeing reader after 100 years in Karakura Town HCs
What kind of BF to reader is he HC
Sweet reunion with past love reader Scene
Kensei Muguruma
React to falling in love HC
React to reader getting lost HC
Reaction to reader being a quincy HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Relationship with shy/flustered reader HCs
Love Aikawa
Hiyori Sarugaki
Lisa Yadomaru
React to falling in love HC
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
React to reader getting lost HC
Mashiro Kuna
(nsfw) Fan of squirting HC
Hachigen Ushoda
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Urahara Shoten + Rukongai Rebels (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Kisuke Urahara
React to reader getting lost HC
His daughter HCs
Yoruichi Shihoin
React to reader getting lost HC
What does she bring to the lake HC
Yushiro Shihoin Tessai Tsukabishi Jinta Hanakari Ururu Tsumugiya Kukaku Shiba Ganju Shiba
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Karakura Gang + Humans (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Ichigo Kurosaki
Friends w/ Uryuu pre-arrancar arc Scene
 (nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Hichigo pleasures reader TP
(nsfw) Doctor w/patient!reader meme HCs
Relationship with shy/flustered reader HCs
Orihime Inoue
BROTP w/ Chad HCs
Uryu Ishida
Reaction to reader being a quincy HCs
Friends w/ Ichigo pre-arrancar arc Scene
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Sado Chad Yasutora
Reaction to reader being a quincy HCs
BROTP w/ Orihime HCs
First kiss w/ reader Scene + general kisses HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Doctor w/reader patient meme HCs
 Yandere w/reader HCs
(nsfw) Sweet but Wild in bed TP
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Ryuken Ishida
(nsfw) Doctor w/reader patient meme HCs
Isshin Kurosaki
(nsfw) eating pussy w/fem!reader TP
Yuzu Kurosaki Karin Kurosaki Tatsuki Arisawa Keigo Asano Mizuho Asano Mizuiro Kojima Chizuru Honsho
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Arrancar (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Yammy Llargo Coyote Starrk
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Lilynette Gingerbuck Baraggan Louisenbairn Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Tier Harribel
(nsfw) Fan of squirting HC
Ulquiorra Cifer/Schiffer Nnoitra Gilga
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Luppi Antenor Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
(nsfw) Fan of squirting HC
Reader angry their brother is hurt HCs
Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
(nsfw) summer ficlet + moon + sweet smut
Zommari Rureaux Szayelaporro Granz Aaroniero Arruruerie
       Fraccion + Other:
Wonderweiss Margela Ggio Vega Tesra Lindocruz Emilou Apacci Cyan Sung-Sun Franceska Mila Rose Yylfordt Granz Di Roy Rinker
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Fullbringer (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Kugo Ginjo
General HCs
Shukuro Tsukishima Riruka Dokugamine Girko Kutsuzawa Moe Shishigawara Yukio Hans Vorarlberna Jackie Tristan
(∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั ) Quincy (∞ ❛ั ⊝❛ั )
Yhwach Jugram Haschwalth
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Bazz B Kang Du Candice Catnipp Bambietta Basterbine Giselle Gewelle
(nsfw) Quarantine w/reader meme HCs
Liltotto Lamperd Meninas McAllon As Nodt Gremmy Thoumeaux Askin Nakk Le Vaar Quilge Opie Lille Barro BG9
326 notes · View notes