#yandere nao
zeke-best · 2 years
"You are on your own kid, you always have been"
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hinamikyoukachan · 1 year
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yourturntosimp · 2 years
hello may i request yandere nao headcanons? its kinda hard to imagine her being a yandere so sorry!! also could i be named haru anon? prns r she/they/it/nya/lun but she/her is preferred :)
A/N: it’s nice to have you here haru anon :DDD we're back to the zuzu posting in chem era! the way there’s only like 3 tws in this post bc i see nao as a very standard yandere is crazy 💀💀💀 TWs: Spoilers, Implied murder, Gaslighting
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🎨 NAO !!!!!
🎨 im sorry im very sapphic i love her sm .
🎨 ANYWAYS tbh it’s p easy for me to imagine a yandere nao
🎨 Like have you SEEN the massacre ending ??? wild
🎨 That said, she wouldn’t have a problem with getting rid of people that are in her way
🎨 Would she feel bad for murdering people? Only maybe, it depends on who it is–
🎨 But in most cases, it’s a no :D
🎨 She’s doing this because she cares for you! Who do they think they are to stand between the two of you? 🎨 such a supportive gf yall <KJHGFDSA 🎨 ngl she’s very unsuspecting at first
🎨 i mean…it’s nao! how much of a “hazard” and a “danger to society” could she be? :/
🎨 (spoiler; a big one . that’s the answer KJHGFD)
🎨 under normal circumstances (if she wasnt so quick to the solution of murder–) she’d be a great gf!
🎨 she’d cook for you, draw for you, keep you safe,,,
🎨 defend you from people shittalking you, commit murders and literal war crimes for you, etc etc
🎨 yk, the usual JNHBGVFC
🎨 she may be just a bit clingy, but that’s not a problem, right?
🎨 for one everyone knows that she tends to be a bit shy, but she’s also your gf!
🎨 it shouldn’t be a problem that she wants to be around you, right?
🎨 or…is someone bothering you about it? 
🎨 well that won’t do! 🎨 even if you reassure you that’s it’s not the case, she’ll still take it upon herself to do some “investigating” 🎨 (aka; just targeting whoever the last person to talk to you was)
🎨 even if you try to persuade her not to go out of her way to confront anyone, she’s gonna do it anyways JHGFDDFG
🎨 but,,,it’s nao!
🎨 so of course you dont suspect anything when that person mysteriously goes missing!
🎨 and even when you do, of course you feel guilty about it!
🎨 it’s just nao, after all
🎨 and what harm could nao possibly do?
🎨 so you keep telling yourself that when it happens again
🎨 and again
🎨 and the next time after that too
🎨 of course, she’d never blame you!
🎨 it’s not your fault that all these bad things happen!
🎨 it’s all just coincidence, so don’t let it worry you!
🎨 if it’s all too much to bear, she can always just take things off your hands for you 🎨 all you have to do is just let her to take care of everything, and you won’t have to worry!
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rainbow-crane · 2 months
sorry I just love YTTD so much and the strong grasp it has on non-romantic relationships being able to be a main focus for a character, makes my aromantic heart so so so so happy to see any and all romance take a major backseat. The found-family dynamic between Sara, Keiji, and Gin. Sara and Joe's friendship being very expressly a platonic bond, and how friends can love each other fully without it having to be romantic. Kai's affection for the Chidouins not once going into weird sexual yandere territory. The mentor-student relationship with Mishima and Nao and what it did for Nao as a character. The Yabusames. The greenblings. Sara reminding Kanna of Kugie and her subsequent development(emotion route >>>).
Maybe I've just gotten wayyy too used to a world that puts romantic relationships first, but boy does YTTD's focus on familial and platonic dynamics fill me with joy. And heartbreak
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iwaasfairy · 9 months
bones and all +hq! (anyone) just something super fucked up with lots of blood 💋🫀
this was so sexyyyy idk I’m very into gross icky blood stuff rn
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tw murder, gore, yandere
Red coats the walls. It splatters out into grasping hands with each brutal blow, baseball bat full of nails shattering the bone below it until the whining dies down. Along with the frantic screaming, and you sink to your knees at the sight. Within seconds, your housemate has been reduced to a heap of meat and bone and sinew, leaving her coppery tang in the air. Your legs have buckled, and now you’re on the cold floor, there’s nothing you can do but watch and shake.
The blood pools under her legs, because those are intact -upper body too. But gunk and brain matter is spilled on your floor, and the puddle of red gains surface the longer you stare, trying not to hurl your guts out. If you could look away you would. If you could run, you would. A low puff of air sounds, before the invader turns on his heel and stares you down. “There she is.” It’s faint, almost apologetic in its delivery. He pulls the mask down his mouth as he wipes the back of his hand over his face.
Your hands shake uncontrollably in your lap, and the stinging in your face surges through your bones. Atsumu.
“Ya missed my entrance,” he’s got a grin on his face - but his eyes are so blown out it’s hard to believe it really is him. For a few moments, he looks entirely, sickly unfamiliar. Not long enough to give you time to collect yourself before he approaches though, dragging the bloody bat along with him. “Sorry ‘bout yer little friend. Came at me with scissors… The bitch’s almost as wild as you are when yer upset.”
He has a frown on his face when he looks back, but the slightest curl to his lips doesn’t slip. His hands come up to hold onto your shoulder as he sighs. “So,” he lets out a soft hum, and then thumbs along your cheek with his hands still stained, bloodied as he touches you, “r’ya ready ta go?” You can’t help but feel bad. Even moving your eyes up to look at him feels like it’s taking all the energy you have.
This is all your fault. Atsumu came for you. You’d signed the papers and found a friend to live with, and you had hoped that would’ve been enough - but you didn’t think… you- Nao tried to protect you, and now she’s gone. There was a time you would’ve trusted Tsumu with your life. “Y-you,” your throat locks up when you say it, and the wobbly vision gets too much, spilling over, “wh-what did you do? Why?”
The blond barely pulls up his nose, before giving you a look. “Didn’t ya hear me? I came in through the window an’ she came at me. Couldn’t be helped.” The way his hand is still around the makeshift weapon somehow doesn’t convince you of his perceived innocence. Almost as soon as you think that, he follows your gaze, and slowly starts chuckling as he realizes the same thing. “Baby doll…”
You scramble. Atsumu drops the bat to crash himself into you and grab at your arms, but one well aimed kick onto his knee has him wincing, and it gives you just enough time to get up and dash towards the door. That also means running through the pool of liquid slowly drying on the floor, but your vision’s so blurry that you don’t even register it. You slip as you slam the door behind you and Tsumu curses— your heart’s pumping so hard you don’t hear it.
Not until someone gets a fistful of your hair and yanks you back so hard you think your scalp might come clean off. Until you land in the cold gravel and a foot pushes into your soft throat. Tsumu’s able to make it out narrowly before your vision starts blurring at the edges, and you claw at the limb for air. “Samu, ya’ll hurt ‘er.” As soon as you get a tiny bit of leeway you’re grabbing at the skin and hacking up spit, painfully tight airways burning.
Osamu only glares back at the blond. “‘I got it covered, Samu. Don’t be a bore, Samu,’” he mocks, before crossing his strong arms over his chest. “Yer sloppy, ‘n lucky I was ‘ere ta stop ‘er.”
“Yea, yea,” the other man sighs, before he crouches by you and lovingly brushes your hair away from your face. “Yer cute when ya try so hard, y’know. Gets us going.” He snickers, then raises a brow. “Samu won’t admit it but it gets him goin’ too. But next time ya get caught… we’ll take one of yer fingers. That’s only fair.”
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narumi-gens · 1 year
Triptych | "Your curse has a name."
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Chisaki Kai x f!Reader
summary: Your life is nothing more than a triptych, a work of art in three parts with each panel depicting a distinct period — a beginning, a middle, an end. And in the triptych that is your life, the central figure has always been Chisaki Kai.
chapter warnings: 18+ minors/ageless/blank blogs dni, yandere, possessive behavior, jealousy, emotional manipulation, isolation, bullying, complicated family dynamics
notes: first genuinely new part to this fic in almost three years so fingers crossed it's actually worth the wait! this is from a nonlinear story so all the parts can be read in any order.
words: 4.5k
minors, blank, and ageless blogs will be blocked. do not interact.
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The Beginning
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“What’s got you so down?”
The question shatters the silence of the library. You pause in your note-taking to look up at the girl sitting across the table from you. She’s already watching you closely as she twirls her pencil in her fingers. You give her a kind smile and point at the untouched worksheet before her.
“Nao-chan, you’re supposed to be taking your practice quiz,” you whisper, doing your best not to disturb the other students around you. 
“This is more important,” she insists with a pout. When the boy sitting at the next table glares at the two of you over his shoulder, you give him a sheepish look.
“Your failing math grade says otherwise,” you counter, the teasing glint in your eyes undercutting the bluntness of your words. When she sticks her tongue out at you with a scowl, you quickly slap a hand over your mouth to stifle the giggle that bubbles up. 
It doesn’t seem to be enough though, because you’re on the receiving end of another dirty look from the same boy.
“How am I supposed to focus on a practice quiz when my sweet, little tutor is acting like someone kicked her puppy?” she asks and you return your attention to your notes with a soft sigh.
“It’s nothing. I’m fine,” you try to assure her, hoping that she’ll drop the subject altogether.
There’s a loud shhh! from the next table, the boy clearly losing his patience with you and Nao’s talking. But where you slouch down further in your seat in both shame and embarrassment, Nao just gives him an even louder shush back. You sink your teeth into your bottom lip to try and bite back a smile. 
“Let’s take a break. This dumb practice quiz isn’t going anywhere,” she says as she stands up. “I can hear the vending machines calling our names.”
She doesn’t wait for you before she’s walking away, letting the library doors slam shut after her and earning the ire of every other student trying to study. You consider just staying put and waiting for Nao to come back. 
You take a moment to gaze at your open textbook almost longingly, wanting to simply lose yourself in differential equations. But knowing that Nao will wait as long as she needs to, you set down your pencil and follow after her — taking great care to quietly close the library door when you do. 
When you get to the vending machine, Nao is sitting on the bench next to it with two bottles of green tea beside her and an expectant look on her face. You give her a resigned smile and pick up a bottle as you join her on the bench. 
“Now that I’ve bribed you with the finest selection the vending machine has to offer, are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” she asks and despite her teasing tone, you can hear the kind note of concern in her words.
“I mean, it is nothing really,” you insist as you pick at the bottle’s label, but now it sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself rather than her. “It’s just…boy stuff.”
“Boy stuff is never nothing,” she’s quick to reply. When you shyly glance up at her, the overly serious look on her face makes you softly snort. But the fleeting amusement fades as you consider what to say, your toes curling in your shoes while you chew on your bottom lip. 
“Do you…do you know Ando-kun?” you give in, the question sounding meek and the bottle’s label starts to finally rip from your anxious toying. “He’s in Class 2.”
“From the baseball team, right?” she confirms and you nod before sighing heavily.
“Yeah, we’ve been studying together lately. And I just, you know, thought he liked me,” you tell her with a shake of your head. You nervously scratch the back of your head and weakly attempt to laugh. “I guess that’s stupid. But he just really seemed like he did.”
Your hand drops back to the bottle and you slowly begin to peel off the label entirely. Nao sits quietly beside you, patiently listening. And despite how much of an idiot you feel, it does make you feel at least a little better to talk to someone else about it. 
“We had plans to hang out last weekend but then he canceled at the last minute,” you start to recount for her and your face feels hot from the humiliation of remembering the entire incident all over again. “So, I found him at lunch to ask him if he wanted to go out this weekend instead…”
There’s a slow prickling sensation building behind your eyes as tears begin to form and you quickly try to blink them away. When that doesn’t work, you quickly set down the green tea and cover your face with your hands, too ashamed to let Nao see you getting so upset over something so seemingly insignificant. 
“A-and I guess maybe I shouldn’t have said ‘go out,’” you sniffle. “Because he just…laughed at me. And then he asked me why someone like him would ever want to go out with someone like me.”
You must make the most pathetic sight because you suddenly feel Nao wrap her arms around you as she hugs you tightly. But you quickly chastise yourself for thinking that way about her. She’s always been friendly and nice and so, so kind to everyone — including you.
“He’s an idiot,” she huffs, trying to make you feel better. “Probably one too many baseballs to that thick head of his.”
You give a wet laugh into your palms before furiously brushing away your tears, using the sleeve of your sweater to wipe away the ones brimming your lashes before they can fall. 
“I’m not kidding!” she continues, leaning back slightly so that you can see the exaggerated disbelief on her face. “‘Someone like him.’ Pfft. What does that even mean? Someone too dumb to realize how lucky he is that the girl literally at the top of our year is into him?”
While you find it hard to believe what she’s saying, it does manage to make you feel just a little bit better. You don’t point out to her that ‘someone like him’ means someone normal and ‘someone like you’ means someone who comes from a family of villains. In the back of your mind, you wonder if she already knows that and is just trying to spare your feelings. 
“Thank you,” you quietly say, gently cutting her off before she can continue. For as much as you appreciate her attempts to cheer you up, you would rather just try to forget about it altogether. “You know what would really help me feel better?”
“What? Just name it and it’s yours!” she replies as she rests her hands on your shoulders, determined to do whatever she can to help you move past Ando and his rejection.
“If you pass your next math test,” you tell her and a laugh escapes you at how quickly the eagerness in her expression is replaced by horror. You give one of her hands a soft pat before standing up and leaving her behind as you make your way back to the library.
You glance over your shoulder when you hear her running to catch up, only for her to come to a stop in front of you so that you’re forced to stop as well. The determination has returned to her face.
“I won’t just pass it. I’ll ace it,” she says, the words spoken so seriously that they sound like an oath. Surprise colors your features before you softly smile.
“I know you will,” you grin in return and Nao lights up in pride at your belief in her. “But why don’t we just start with the practice test? I’m sure it’s feeling kind of lonely in the library all by itself.”
“I don’t know. That shushing guy is probably all the company it needs,” she retorts and you both burst into giggles as you begin to walk toward the library again. 
As your laughter dies down, the amusement still lingers and you find yourself wanting to joke about what happened with Ando rather than cry over it.
“Hm, maybe I’m just cursed,” you shrug, a self-deprecating smile tugging at your lips.
“Why?” Nao asks and when you glance over at her, you see her frowning slightly in concern.
“It’s just that every time a guy seems to like me, he’ll then start acting like I have the plague or something,” you explain flippantly, hoping that your light tone will ease whatever it is about the topic that has her looking so unsettled. But her frown only deepens. “It’s gotta be a curse, right?”
“Yeah, it is,” she scoffs with a bitter laugh. “Your curse has a name. It’s called Chisaki Kai.”
You immediately freeze, stopping right in your tracks. All attempts at levity are forgotten as you try to understand what she’s just said. What does Kai have to do with any of this? He’s not even in your year — a Third Year where both you and Nao are in your second. 
“What?” you ask, your forehead wrinkling in confusion. 
She seems to only now see that you’re no longer at her side because she finally stops walking and turns back to face you with surprise. Only, the more you look at her, you start to recognize that it’s not really surprise on her expression, it’s shock. She nervously lifts a hand up to her lips, like she’s trying to put the words back where they came from. 
“S-sorry. I-I don’t…I don’t know why I said that,” she eventually manages to stutter out, doing her best to give you a reassuring smile but it only makes her look anemic.
“What do you mean? Kai’s my…curse?” you repeat and you almost want to laugh over just how ridiculous it sounds. The only thing that keeps you from doing so is how anxious Nao looks. 
She doesn’t answer you for a long moment, silence hanging in the hallway until she lets out a loud sigh and closes the distance between you. Where she truly seemed to be displaying compassion while you told her about Ando, all you can see now is pity and it makes your skin crawl.
“He’s been threatening any guy who gets too close to you,” she tells you. She speaks gently, as if you’re an animal that she doesn’t want to spook. 
You immediately start shaking your head, unable to — refusing to — believe what you’re hearing. 
“No, he wouldn’t do that,” you protest, feeling an instinctive need to defend him. He’s your best friend. He’s family. 
The pity on Nao’s face only grows in response and it makes you feel even more defensive.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to say anything because I know you’re close,” she offers and she hesitates before cautiously continuing. “That’s…probably what happened with Ando-kun. He’s even beaten a couple of guys up over it.”
You shake your head again. She probably just didn’t hear what happened right. You would be the first person to admit that Kai has a temper, although it’s never been directed toward you. You’re also not blind to his tendency to use his fists over his words.
But he always has a reason. It’s always been to defend the Hassaikai and to protect you. Maybe…maybe these guys were putting on an act when they were with you — an act that Kai knew how to see right through.
Kai’s just watching out for you. He probably didn’t need to go as far as he has been, but he wouldn’t do it without a reason. He’s just protecting you.
“Kai wouldn’t do that,” you insist again, your voice even firmer this time. Nao looks visibly uncomfortable and finally gives a noncommittal hum.
“I guess you know him better than I do, right?” she replies, a note of sadness in her question. She then forces another smile on her face, trying to paper over the awkwardness that’s settled over you both. “Come on, we can’t leave that practice test alone much longer. Who knows what that shushing guy is getting up to with it!”
Your responding laugh feels just as stiff, but you do your best to try and move past your own sense of unease. However, Nao’s accusation continues to hang over you throughout the rest of your tutoring session where it then follows you home after. 
And by that night, it’s something you can no longer ignore. Because for as insistent as you were about Kai’s innocence to Nao, there’s the smallest part of you that wonders if you were also trying to convince yourself. Though the thought immediately makes you feel guilty for doubting him. 
You softly knock on bedroom Kai’s door before sliding it open without waiting for a response. He barely spares you a glance from where he sits at his desk, focused on whatever assignment he’s working on. 
The only thing that really catches his attention is when he hears you sitting down on his neatly-made bed behind him. He looks at you over his shoulder, checking to make sure that you’re not doing so while wearing the same clothes that you’ve been in all day. When he sees that you’ve changed out of your uniform and into a clean pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, he returns to his notes. 
Where the silences that you normally share are comforting and familiar, the one stretching between you now feels heavy. You wonder if Kai senses it as well or if it’s only you who feels that way. Maybe you’re just overthinking it entirely. 
Despite spending most of your afternoon preoccupied by the topic, you’re not sure how to bring it up. The longer that you sit on Kai’s bed without doing so, the more unnerved you feel. When the tension finally starts to feel too oppressive, you resign yourself to cutting it.
“Hey, I heard something at school today,” you say, attempting to appear casual. But the nervous tremor in your voice belies the cool and collected facade that you’re desperately trying to cling onto. 
“What?” he replies absently, clearly uninterested in whatever gossip is going around. 
You take a deep breath and close your eyes, hoping that being unable to see him when you answer him will make it easier to do so.
“Are you…” you trail off before clearing your throat and trying again. “Are you scaring off guys that like me?”
Kai immediately snorts at your question, seemingly amused by the idea. His pencil continues to move as he keeps working on his assignment, still giving you only the bare minimum of his attention. 
“Where’d you hear that?” he asks and his easy dismissal of the accusation somehow manages to put you both slightly at ease and further on edge. Because while it’s reassuring that he doesn’t think enough of the matter to take it seriously, he also hasn’t denied it. 
“Nowhere,” you answer with a shrug that he doesn’t see with his back still turned to you. “Just a rumor.”
While you’ll always give Kai the benefit of the doubt, you’re also not stupid. You know for a fact that if Kai learns that Nao is at the source, things would only end badly for her. 
“So, you’re not beating up guys just because they like me?” you press, your reluctance toward doing so outweighed by the need to have him assure you. 
His pencil stops moving and he finally looks back at you over his shoulder. When he sees the concern written across your features, he sets down his pencil entirely and turns in his chair to face you directly.
“I’m only fighting guys who deserve it,” he tells you and a frown pulls at the corners of your lips, unhappy with his non-answer. 
You drop your gaze down to his duvet and pull on a loose thread, your hands in need of something to do. He sighs at your reaction and you hear him stand up before coming towards you. 
Surprise cuts through your disappointment when he rests his hand on the top of your head. Its weight is warm and familiar and the unexpectedly affectionate gesture helps calm your nerves as you tilt your head back to look up at him. 
“Have I ever done anything other than keep you safe?” he asks, his tone much more patient this time. You look at him for a long moment before a soft smile forms on your lips and the anxiety that’s been constricting your heart all afternoon and evening finally relaxes.
“No,” you reply with a shake of your head, shaking off all of your doubts as you do. Kai has earned your trust and you’ll continue to give it to him.
He shares a small smile of his own with you before playfully giving your head a gentle shove and returning to his desk, ignoring you as you whine about how he should treat you better. 
The entire interaction is enough to put you at ease about the issue. A few weeks later, it’s faded completely from your mind, replaced by schoolwork and exams, the usual tensions with your father, and the time spent with Kai. 
But the thing that really starts to preoccupy your attention as the school days wear on is how Nao begins to gradually distance herself from you. It happens slowly at first, starting with a change in schedule so that you’re meeting once a week instead of your regular two times a week. 
She also seems much more focused on the actual academic aspect of the tutoring, whereas before she would find any excuse not to study. When your sessions come to an end, she’s quick to pack up her things and head off, leaving you with a strained smile and a quick goodbye rather than leaving the school together.  
You’re positive that it’s because of how you left things during your argument over Kai. The rest of that tutoring session had dragged on, every minute saturated with awkwardness. And the following week, she told you that meeting once a week would work better for her. 
You don’t really know how to fix the growing rift, unsure how to even broach the topic, let alone truly move past it to continue your once-budding friendship. But as the weeks go on and Nao starts to reschedule your sessions only to then start canceling them altogether, you know that you have to do something. 
And that something is you showing up in her class just after the school day ends, hoping to catch her before she can leave. Most of the students are emptying out, eager to be out of school altogether but there are a few groups of friends who are taking their time — Nao and two other girls being one of them. 
You nervously clench your hands into fists to keep them from shaking and hide them behind your back as you linger in the hallway just outside of the classroom, trying to gather the courage to approach them. When Nao looks up and sees you standing there, her eyes widen in surprise. She says something to her friends and then grabs her bag before coming towards you. 
“Hey, what’s up?” she greets with a friendly smile, but you can see how strained it is around the edges.
“Nothing. I just wanted to see how things are going. It’s been a bit since we’ve had a tutoring session,” you tell her, doing your best to give her a smile of your own but knowing that it probably looks just as forced as hers.
“I’m pretty sure that math test on Friday is going to kick my ass,” she says, her nose wrinkling and you softly laugh at her reaction. She’s quick to join you with a giggle of her own and relief washes over you. 
You’re also thankful for the opening that the topic provides.
“It doesn’t have to. We can do a study session if you want,” you offer, hoping that you don’t sound as eager as you feel. 
Her mirth quickly fades and she suddenly looks as uncomfortable as she did that afternoon outside the library. Whatever hope you were holding onto that things might be able to return to the way they were starts to slip through your fingers like sand. 
“Oh, I can’t. Sorry.” She gives you a sheepish smile. “I’ll review the notes we’ve been going over though! That should help.”
You slowly nod as you try to keep the frown off of your face. 
“Y-yeah, no worries,” you assure her. “But what about next week? Does our regular time still work for you? I’m free whenever so I can work around your schedule.”
The desperation is beginning to sink in but you don’t care if she’s able to pick up on it. You just want to go back to being able to spend a couple of afternoons a week with someone nice and funny and normal. 
“I’m not sure,” she hesitates, chewing on her bottom lip as she looks down at the floor. “Things are just crazy busy. Why don’t we hold off for now and I can let you know if that changes?”
It’s hard to know how to respond when she’s being so gentle about turning you down. With no option available to you other than to just give up altogether, you decide to address the elephant in the room directly.
“Nao, I’m really sorry about how things ended a few weeks ago,” you blurt out and this time it’s your turn to drop your gaze down, missing how she freezes at the change in topic.
“I-it’s fine,” she replies stiffly and your grip tightens on the straps of your bag clutched in your hands. 
“I can get kind of defensive and I really didn’t mean for it to come across—”
“I said it’s fine,” she repeats, her tone firmer this time as she tries to cut off your explanation but you continue.
“You were just trying to help and I’m sorry if—”
“My parents don’t want me to hang out with you anymore!” she snaps, her voice loud and sharp enough to catch the attention of the few other students loitering nearby in the hall.
The ability to speak escapes you as what she just said, what she just practically shouted, hangs over you. 
“They said your family is too dangerous,” she says, softer this time although it now sounds like she’s talking through a thick sheet of glass, her words muffled and distorted to your ears. She then pauses for a long moment before sighing. “I’m sorry, okay?”
And then she turns around and leaves you behind to face the stares and whispers of your peers on your own. Your face is on fire and you feel the familiar sensation of tears behind your eyes. An ugly mixture of shame and embarrassment roils in your stomach and it takes everything in you to shove it down. 
The hallway begins to feel stifling and you rush to leave, practically running down the stairs and towards the exit, barely aware of the people you need to push through as you do. Your fingers are shaking as you open your shoe locker and you hurry to switch your shoes so that you can leave as quickly as possible. 
By this point, you’re so frantic that you’re not even sure if you close the door to the locker before racing out of the building. As soon as you’re outside, you feel some of the panic dissipate with the fresh air that you’re now able to breathe.
But it’s the sight of a familiar figure walking past the school gates that has you running again in order to catch up before he can get too far. When you’re close enough, your hand reaches out and your fingers close around the fabric of his shirt and you childishly tug on the back of it to grab his attention. 
Kai gives you a slightly confused look when he turns around and sees you standing there, your hand dropping back down by your side. You meet his eyes just long enough to watch as the confusion morphs into concern, lowering your eyes altogether when you see it turn into something dangerous as he takes in your clearly distressed state. 
Guilt and embarrassment threaten to consume you at needing to come to him yet again for safety. How many times have the two of you done this same song and dance over the years? Isn’t he sick of this yet? Sick of you yet? 
Why do you have to be such a burden to him? 
“What happened?” he asks, barely able to keep the rapidly-building anger from his voice.
“Nothing,” you mumble with a pathetic sniffle. 
Even without looking at him, you know that he doesn’t believe you. His gaze feels heavy as it remains focused on you.
“Kai, it’s nothing,” you insist, your voice firm yet still just as pitiful. He remains silent and just as you open your mouth to assure him that nothing happened, he finally replies.
“I thought you were tutoring today.” It’s not a question. He says it as if he’s already put together the pieces, connecting the dots between your distress and the tutoring session that you were supposed to have.
“No, I think I’m done with that,” you mumble and it hurts to say the words aloud. “I should be focusing on my own studies anyway.”
When Kai doesn’t respond, you worry that he’s going to continue to press you for an answer. But instead, he silently takes your hand in his and pulls you with him to his side as he begins to lead you away. 
Your free hand instinctively comes up to clutch tightly onto the fabric of his shirt sleeve, holding his arm close as you rest your head against his shoulder. You’re grateful that he doesn’t comment on your sudden clinginess.
“Hey, can we stop at the konbini?” you ask timidly. You don’t really want to go home yet and maybe Kai will indulge you. It’s something you and Nao do after tutoring sessions. 
Or rather, it’s something you and Nao used to do after tutoring sessions. 
“Fine,” he agrees gruffly and you give his arm a squeeze in thanks. His easy agreement slightly soothes some of the afternoon’s sting. It also reminds you that as long as you have Kai, then you’ll be okay. 
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popawritter12 · 7 months
Hello.Can I apply if they are still open?Can I have a Raiden x reader please? I would like to see comfort or anxiety (?)She is an excellent informant, constantly living under the guise of other people. Her motives and behavior are constantly changing. Everyone finds her somewhat threatening because they can't figure out what's on her mind. Raiden knows her a little better and at one moment finds her completely broken, because living someone else's life, knowing everything about everyone, is difficult and destructive for the psyche.Sorry, I do not speak english well. I hope my request will be clear...Thanks in advance <3
Of course! I really needed an excuse to do a oneshot with this man HAHAHA (Sorry if it took too long :c)
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Yandere! Raiden x Female reader
Yandere character: Raiden/Jack.
From the videogame/serie/book/movie/manga or anime: Metal Gear saga.
Case: Stalking, a little mention of illegal investigation, comfort and anxiety for the reader <3.
Warnings: Nao nao.
Part: 1 of 1
Finished: Yes.
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(You never knew Raiden much, in fact, you only exchanged words with him a handful of times. It was the same with the rest of the team; you just do the most important thing, and then the rest doesn't matter.)
You had a somewhat complex job, the change in personality and appearance was almost as constant as drinking water. And lately, those “jobs” had appeared with more regularity. They were more than your mind could handle; especially with how seriously you took the job you had been assigned.
Especially with how difficult it was to deal with the people you encountered. As an informant, you had a hard time coping with your mental health due to overwork.
Although, you hated being so untalkative; There were very few people you genuinely talked to with confidence, and especially at work. And while you always sought to maintain a constant line of respect with everyone you met, you never felt a level of connection of genuine friendship with anyone.
Without many options, you tried not to overthink. Between all your mistakes in doing various jobs during the most recent week, along with recent arguments with your family led you to be tired, but not physically.
It had been a particularly complex day for you. In fact, this whole week was being especially difficult for you.
—How many times do I have to tell you that I'm fine?
—You know it's not that, I just think…
—This is the fourth time this week you've called me! —You gritted your teeth, trying to suppress how irritated you were—. You almost ruined my job today, the same thing happened yesterday and the day before yesterday, don't you understand how important this is to me?!
The woman on the other end of the phone sighed somewhat heavily.
—I feel like this job is slowly consuming you, I'm afraid you might be having a hard time because of this.
—But..! —Before you could deliberately let out any insults, you threw your back slightly back, hitting the fluffy pillow of the backrest, before remaining silent.
The chair moved smoothly due to your abrupt tilt. The smell of dust invades your senses as you tried to stay calm. The other person you were talking to was a close aunt of yours, she was like your second mother, and she called you often, so often that even your mother more than once threatened to take her cell phone away from her if she didn't let you in peace.
—Listen, dear —She began, a noise from the television playing on her side of the call —.I'm sorry to be so annoying, but I think it's been many months since we saw each other in person, and I'm worried that there's something wrong with you or someone trying to revent you from talking to me and your mother.
Even if you wanted to respond, you just listened to her.
—If you don't want to talk, that's fine, just call us from time to time, okay? —She continued, but she was called by a couple of knocks on her door—well, sweetheart, I have to go, I love you.
She cuts off your call before you could answer, leaving you silent, alone.
You removed your cell phone from your ear, placing the object on the table now. Your gaze remained fixed on the screen, thoughtful.
Doubt arose in your head; How long had it been?
Because you were so busy, the days flew by, as if what had happened 5 months ago had happened yesterday. Checking your calendar, you realized that it had indeed been a long time since you last saw your mother and aunt.
You looked at the images and information that you had hanging on the furniture in front of you, noticing that the amount of words and images that were located there was… excessive.
In fact, it had been a long time since you last hung out with someone you really trusted. Part of you thinks it's because you're so used to no one waiting for you. But, now you feel a gradual change about your past decisions.
Mom was waiting for you at home, longing for you to be safe, maybe thinking that someone is hurting you, or taking you away from her, or killing you.
You panted heavily, leaning down to touch the pad of your phone with the tip of your finger.
Mom is worried, and your aunt too.
Tell me, why the hell do you care more about a fucking job? Unlike the other people there, at least you had a family. Why were you working so many extra hours to investigate, to reinforce your performance? Was all this really about the money? Or was it because you like to rack your brains over topics that don't even concern you?
Your heart rate increases slightly, along with a slight feeling of weight on your chest. That same feeling that had haunted you so much that day.
They are worried about you, why do you ignore them? And your friends? Do they no longer exist for you?
Why the fuck are you still in that job after so many years and all the shit you had to see?
Physical torture, manipulation of all people with important information, death…, and many more things that you preferred not to remember.
So many people with whom you interacted and pretended that they were reliable friends, who for endless hours you dedicated yourself to listening to their problems or their deepest thoughts, so that in the end they end up dead.
And partly, his death was your fault. Tell me, how far are you willing to go? How far are you going to justify your complicity in the death of so many people?
Are a few dollars equivalent to the death of these people?
Your heartbeat increases, while small drops begin to fall from your cheeks. But you didn't sob at any point.
You could feel your hands shaking. You ran your palms over your face, gently covering your entire face. And you just sobbed softly, trying to vent all your thoughts clinging to your chest and stuck deep in your mind.
In short, there was no one but you in that small place you called “your research office.”
Then, a hand on your shoulder catches your attention.
His voice sounded soft, unlike how it normally sounded. Quickly, your hands left your face, while your head along with your shoulders moved slightly to where you heard the voice.
—S-shit… —You gasped, before grabbing a used napkin to quickly wipe your cheeks and eyes, —…, I didn't know you were around.
Because of how quickly you went through the paper cloth, and because of the time that had passed since the last time you used it, your skin ended up scratched and somewhat bruised.
After that, you threw the paper into the trash can—although the trash can was overflowing with papers—and you pretended to arrange some papers of your desk.
—Why are you here..? —You hesitated, but before you expected it, he took the papers.
—Are you ok?
The question didn't take you so much by surprise, but it did take your sensitive heart, which longed for that human contact, even if it was only through words.
—Yes, why would I be…?
He grabs the back of the swivel chair, before moving it so you're facing him.
—You do not look well.
It was too obvious that you couldn't pretend to be bad right now, but you also didn't want to look this vulnerable to him.
—I just had a… family problem —You answered simply.
He didn't look entirely convinced, but he let go of the back of the chair, at least giving you some space.
—You've been very busy this week, are you sure you're okay? —He insisted, his gaze traveling a little over your face.
Small parts of your face, like your nose or the dark circles on your eyes, were slightly scratched. And your eyes were still with a tearful sheen along with a poorly hidden trace of the tears that had escaped from you.
Among all your classmates, you thought anyone could find you in a vulnerable situation like this, except him.
But in the end, you needed someone by your side so you could let go of all the thoughts you had inside of you.
—Actually… I feel like… it's been a long time.
He was confused, but didn't mention anything.
—My aunt called me, and she told me that she was worried about me… —You started your explanation —…, but she had already called me like twice or more during the week, so I… was a little angry.
Your voice cracked softly as you progressed in what you were telling him, while your heart rate increased again.
—I yelled at her and told her to stop interfering in my work, I thought that if I told her it was okay, then she wouldn't be worried —You continued, your hands shaking again —, but she just told me that… it had been a long time since the last time we saw each other in person.
Your hand went to cover half of your face, while the other stayed on the table, trying not to move it too much.
—Her voice sounded so soft that I remembered that… —The hand on your face clung to your skin, as if you were holding back your tears —…, it's been like 6 months since the last time I saw them.
He knew that you were bad, that you had a bad week, even how your aunt was bothering you with her calls, but still, he listened to you.
—And well; One thing led to another and I thought that… I was selfish, and that I can't treat a family member of mine like that, you know? —You looked at Raiden, but you just sighed, a little broken due to crying —, although it sounds silly… because both you and the other people here can't even go back to their homes or have a normal life and they're here… But me? I am crying because of this nonsense of mine.
The tears continued to come, as you slowly lost control of your words.
—Sometimes I just want to quit, all these thoughts about my job are too much some days, you know? —You gasp again with some difficulty—. Sometimes I think about everything I saw; You and other people have reached a point of almost no return, and I've seen so many things while pretending to be other people that I thought… Why am I still here? Why can't I stop all this and go back to my mother? Why can't I… go home?
you got up roughly from your seat, the chair going violently backwards, colliding with a giant blackboard.
—I think I'm just… talking stupid things now, I'm sorry, Raiden, —You apologized, exchanging glances with him again —. Sorry if I wasted your time…
One of his hands subtly went to your cheek, passing over one of your tears.
—It's not stupid —He whispers, the pad of his thumb making gentle movements over your skin, —, after all, I've been seeing you a little down for two days. And I don't think thinking about renounce is exactly something light.
Even if his understandable words took you by surprise, you felt the center of your chest warm up, slowly easing the weight.
—I'm sorry… I didn't think I worried you —You whisper, a slight smile on your face.
—Don't worry about it, —He whispered, almost as if he wanted to make sure you were calm.
You kept looking at him, almost as if you were lost in his eyes.
—You could ask for a day off after all this —He mentions, almost casually—, you don't have to make hasty decisions because of those things.
You came to your senses, before continuing to talk to him.
You never thought that someone like him could be so understanding of topics that are so… ordinary. But you were really grateful to find someone who can listen to you without judging you in such a way. He actually spoke to you like one friend to another, as if he knew exactly what to say so you could trust him and vent your thoughts to him.
After a while, you finally felt like that mental fatigue had abandoned you like a South American father abandoned his newborn child.
—Thank you, Raiden —You tell him, at the same time that you felt the edge of your lips curve into a smile—. I really needed to talk to someone.
It was the first time you saw him smile, which made you feel calmer.
—Can I give you a hug? —You ask him kindly, it was common that you didn't know how to interact normally with someone like him.
He only responded by walking closer to you, before gently wrapping his arms around you. He didn't use any force, in fact you just felt his arms collide with your body. He was so gentle that you just rested your head against his chest, both of your hands going to the top of his back.
Even with certain parts of him being cyborg, you felt warm in his embrace. There were no longer traces of sadness in your heart, only a feeling of security running through your soul.
When you both separated, you couldn't help but continue smiling at him. Although unfortunately, due to the hours they were in, he had to leave your office again.
And when you both said goodbye, you gave him another hug, a quicker one since you wanted to go to sleep early. And the moment he closed the door, you began to rearrange your desk a little.
And, while you were doing that, he, outside your office, just lit a cigarette, bringing it to his lips as he walked through the place towards the exit.
His mind was filled with new thoughts; Now that he had gained more of your trust, he could give himself the freedom to greet you or talk to you more normally, unlike before.
The only thing that calmed him down was that no one was coming near you. It wasn't because of him, in fact he was one of the few people who could approach you, without wanting to get away from you as quickly and subtly as possible, that made his job easier.
And, in fact, he is visibly…inclined to like (Name).
He smiled at the new idea he had, before taking another drag of the cigarette, knowing that he was getting closer to the person he loved so much.
Although he wished he could make sure your aunt doesn't bother you so much, it bothers him to hear her voice so many times during the week.
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vadymxarsioxska · 8 months
· * ★ - INTRO ! . (RMK)
(please take 10 minutes of your time to read , to see if we have something in common! I spent HOURS on this ᰔ ! )
⌗ Hi! I'm Vadim! [ or just vadym , Toyo , Vlad , idk call me how u like! ]
Ꮺ uses ; He / Him & They / Them
(Demi-gender ahh)➹
✦ ; I'm Italian!
⚠︎ I'm a MINOR ⚠︎
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⌗ Basic DNI criteria , Pr0sh!pers , PPL who do not want to interact with minors , 21+ yos , problematic characters supporters , MHA Fandom , SOME genish impact players , Weirdos .
I wanna make this Blog a safe place for anyone that isn't problematic !
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ᰔ Main Fandoms ! :
⌗ JJBA (Especially part ; 4 & 8 ) ← Fixation
⌗ Pretty Cure ( especially Smile PreCure )
⌗ Puela Magi Madoka Magica ( & magia record )
⌗ Crush Crush
⌗ Berserk
⌗ Stardew Valley
⌗ Warrior Cats
⌗ ArtisWitch
Other Fandoms Mention ! :
ᰔ ┆Animal Crossing , Fran bow , Sally face , FNAF , Pokémon , Skull girls , Resident evil , The walking dead , Yandere Sim ( I DON'T support yandere dev ) , The sims , project zomboid , BFDI (especially the power of two ! ).
Main favorites too! :
# Kira Yoshikage , toshikazu hazamada , hot pants , guido mista , keicho nijimura , terunosuke miyamoto , toyohiro kanedaichi , Ken Oyanagi , Sayaka Miki , Madoka Kaname , Felicia Mitsuki , Tiara , Nina , Tiger star , Spider star , Sand Storm , Harvey , Leo , The wizard , Casca , Slan , Guts , Nao Midorikawa , Miyuki Hoshizora , Elle , willow , Vellatrix' , The dark one , Eva .
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Favorite Artists ! ;
ᰔᩚ ; Queen , Metallica , AC/DC , Oingo Boingo , Bad Company , Malice Mizers , Aerosmith , Green Days , HOT FREAKS .
Also other honorable mentions! ;
⌗ Melanie Martinez , Will Wood , Toy Box , Pierce The Veil , Ayesha , Caparezza , The Vanished People , Foo Fighters , Weezer
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✦ Others ! ;
⌗My favorite styles are ; cybergoth , metal head and gyaru!
⌗My fav musical genre are ; Metal , Rock , Vkei , Cybergoth , goth , new wave , & Others!
⌗I have Ponytown ! You can meet me at the Jojo corner/spot , i usually have a toyohiro kanedaichi skin .
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This one specifically! ↑
⌗ I love to draw ! So i'll post a few drawings wen I can .
ᰔᩚ Another Honorable mention to my Best Friends, that are always here for me.
@67andreaxoxo & @sk3pt1cal.
↑ GO FOLLOW HIM ! ! ↑sadly is never online
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Line 88 (Visual Novel)
Created by: Hatoge
Genre: Horror/BL
I was pretty happy to see Hatoge participate in this year's #yanjam because their last year's submission, Mistrick was very fun to play. Line 88 is a kinetic novel, meaning there are no choices, but it was still a good experience. It was pretty laggy from my experience due to the repeating backgrounds and effects, though maybe it's just my computer having some problems. If you like their games, you can view more at @hatogedev.
The story starts with Nao riding the bus to work, at least until the person next to him starts to talk to him. As it turns out, it was one of his high school friends, Siren who seems to have recognized him. Siren starts chatting away at him, asking about his work and even asking for his number. The lights in the bus start to flicker, and Nao and Siren are left alone in an empty bus. Nao seems a bit freaked out, while Siren plays it cool, stating that everyone had probably gone to the front to complain to the bus driver. The two of then walk to the front in the never ending bus and as they walk, they talk about various things. Siren remains cheerful while Nao seems nervous about talking to him, worried about the fact that they seem to be going nowhere fast. The bus changes around them- they see something flicker in the distance, and plants start to grow in the seats around them. They talk about the past, how Siren would hang out with Nao and how hurt he felt when Nao moved away suddenly without a word. Nao tells Siren that he was afraid that Siren would throw him away and that he would get too attached, while Siren was afraid that he had come on too strongly to Nao. Nao was afraid that Siren would get bored of him and didn't want to be alone so pushed him away. Siren offers to hang out with Nao after they get out- inviting them to karaoke. Nao seems hesitant, but Siren tries to comfort him by telling him that his girlfriend used to be afraid of singing as well, and that he will introduce the both of them. Siren even tells Nao the reason that he was on the bus was to go meet her. They end up finally reaching the front door, however, it seems locked and the two are trapped. As they walk around trying to find a way out, Siren becomes exhausted and sleeps in one of the benches.
While sleeping, Nao ends up talking to the thing that was flickering in front of the two while walking in the bus. Nao talks about how he left Siren behind for his own good that he was afraid of him finding out about his true self (namely what is going on in the bus). He seems to have really wanted to leave together, that he liked Siren because he always was there for him, but once he found out about his girlfriend, knew that he would choose her over him. Nao leaves the bus, warning that if the thing hurt Siren, he would cause it a fate worse than death. He promises that he will bring back food for it, namely Siren's girlfriend and that they will never be alone again.
First of all, I really love the art style. I'm a big fan of Hatoge's general art style, but I'm also a big nerd for the more sketchy types as well! I think it really adds to the whole atmosphere (and I bet it makes it a lot easier to make too haha). I think I did mention this before but I'm more partial to the cartoony style of Mistrick which is the same style they used in this game since it makes the characters more identifiable and have more life.
I'll be honest, I'm not sure if it was intended, but I did think that Siren was going to be the yandere in this. His name is sort of strange (invocative of Sirens that sing to draw their prey in), the fact that he's a lot more persistent when interacting with Nao and the fact that he seems pretty nonchalant about the situation despite it being strange. Of course all that goes out of the window when Siren mentions that he has a girlfriend leaving only Nao to be the yandere. Nao for the most part seems nervous about going near Siren and is nervous about what is going on in the bus. From what it seems like in the end, Nao's nervousness was what causes the bus to become what it is, with him initially going to let go of Siren until he heard about his girlfriend. Nao it seems is a reluctant yandere since he initially pushes away Siren because he doesn't want to get too attached to him and his fear of abandonment and when Siren persists, he becomes (re) attached to him. It is interesting to see this kind reversal near the end when Nao keeps Siren and gets rid of his girlfriend, seeing as it seemed like he would have let him go had he not mentioned his girlfriend. I am curious how Nao exactly got this beast or ability or if it was something that he was born with, but it does add to the horror aspect of the story. Now that they are all stuck together, I wonder what kind of adventures they may have with each other.
Anyways, Line 88 is a very good game. I do kind of wish it wasn't as laggy, but other than that, I very much enjoyed it. It was simple and I didn't expect the yandere turn at the end. If you like hatoge's games like Mistrick or Misfiction or you like more horroresque yanderes, this game is something you should play.
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months
Hi 👋!!
Do you happen to know other creators who would write about Alexander? I don’t know if this is a question you’ll be offended by, if so I’m sorry.
I just would like to read more about him; and his tag is kinda dead. I also saw that you’ll be charging for requests, which I totally respect, unfortunately I don’t have neither PayPal or picpay (nem pix. Aceitaria depósito em conta?🫠😊) …
Oi! 🩷
Infelizmente, não. Eu só conheço no Wattpad, mas não é tão comum por lá também. Acho que se você procurar por yandere ou dark talvez apareça, mas nao é um fandom muito popular, Infelizmente 😔
Na verdade, eu estou escrevendo algumas coisas sobre ele e vou ver se posto até o final dessa semana. Não, não cubro por pedidos 😅 as comissões são apenas para quem quiser mesmo, o resto continuará o mesmo ❤️
E sim, aceito sim. Acho que não mencionei porque a maioria dos meus leitores são de fora, mas aceito sim :)
~ Lady L
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fyodormeu · 3 months
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Lista de fandoms q eu partivipo pra q vcs mandem pedidos! :)
Hunter x hunter
Shumatsu no valkyrie
Recorx of ragnarok
Bungo stray dogs
Cobra kai
Karate kid
Tokyo revengers
Mitoligia grega
guns n roses
yandere simulator
Dead rising
Mortal kombat
Yu-Gi-Oh! Original
Duel links
Master duel
Hazbin hotel
Killing stalking
Tomie-junji Ito
Uzumaki-junji Ito
Guitar hero
Mr. Bomberman
O principe dragão
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Tem mais eu so nao lembro no momento😅
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hyunjungjae · 2 years
Especial de 200 seguimores!!
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Bom, fiz uma lista de com quem eu escrevo e alguns avisos, peço para que leiam tudo com calma e entendam.
Vocês irão escolher, no máximo duas pessoas, (que, por favor, sejam de mesmo grupo e tem química, ou se não apenas uma mesmo.) e colocar no pedido de algo para eu escrever.
escrevo apenas com male!dom, então peço que não me peçam fem!dom.
E não escrevo com idols mulheres, ja que não consigo imaginar muito com elas…prometo que se algum dia me sentir mais confortável eu tento alguma coisa com elas!
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A listinha 👇🏻
Pessoas com quem escrevo (que vocês podem pedir):
NCT: todos, menos com o Lucas pq ele ainda ta em hiato e nao irei escrever nada com ele até ele voltar.
Seventeen: Mingyu, Wonwoo, Dk e o Dino.
EXO: Sehun e Baekhyun.
Stray Kids: Chan, Lee know e Jeongin.
Enhypen: smut apenas com maiores de idade e só nao escrevo com o sunoo e o jungwon, pq nao consigo pensar em muita coisa com eles.
P1H: apenas com o Keeho.
Ateez: apenas com o Seonghwa.
TBZ: Juyeon e Sangyeon.
Astro: Eunwoo e Moonbin (vou tentar escrever algo com ele…)
Monsta X: apenas com o Changkyun.
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Algumas das coisas que eu posso experimentar juntar com os idols que eu falei que escreveria:
praise, degradation, humiliation, breath play, nipple play, omorashi, bondage, knife play, blood play, gun play, cnc, daddy kink, breeding kink, cum play, corruption kink, gagging, size kink, voyeurism, exhibicionism, masoquismo, sadismo, bulge kink, yandere…
peço encarecidamente para que escolham apenas três kinks, e dependendo de como for o andar da carruagem, eu posso adicionar uma coisinha aqui e ali…
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Agora fiquem a vontade para pedir!^^ (se quiserem pedir alguns com enemies to fuckers eu irei ADORAR)
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
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༊*·˚ GUEST IS GOD CUSTOMER SERVICE お客様は神様 カスタマーサービス ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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☎️ . . . HELLO HELLO! You have reached the Guest is God’s customer service line. How may I help you, dearest guest? ♡
Oh, you’re new ? My my, why don’t I introduce you to our establishment first, shall we ?
line status: unedited
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The Guest is God Host Club is home to many of our fantastic hosts here to make your day, afternoon, or evening a little more interesting. Our employees cover a vast amount of needs our visitors might want from a regular old friend to talk to or maybe a dominant sexual deviant to spend the night with !
It’s important to know that despite our guests position as gods and goddesses of our club, to touch and perform any type of activities must with our hosts must first ask for consent. The best way would be to use our in-house formats such as “May this god . . . ? “ or “Could you service this god by . . . ?” as our staff are trained to respond immediately to this call.
If you break any of the rules, especially the one above, you are to be eliminated escorted outside the premises and blacklisted from entering.
So, dearest Guest. Please make sure to read our rulebook thoroughly !
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Now that you know what The Guest is God is, how about I introduce you to our hosts and hostesses?
Now I may be a bit biased, but [L/N] [Y/N] has got to be my favorite ♡ You’ll find them to be the best match for you if you’re interested in the maid types . [Y/N] may act like a bit of a brat at times however, as such it’s your job as our guest to put them in their place ! We can’t have a disobedient servant after all . Oh oh, and I heard, if you pay extra you can bring them home to do your chores and what not. Aren’t you just excited by the thought of —
[ You hear an awfully loud cough from the other side and a couple of smacks. ]
Thanks but th-that hurt, y’know!
Fine ! Fine ! Moving on. Geez.
Now, Hazu Kashi is our latest addition so there may be times he . . . gets out of character but rest assured he’ll get to an acceptable level . . . one day. He’s supposed to represent the Dominant Daddy type but he’s a bit too shy. I honestly don’t know what boss was thinking trying to —
[ Another smack, this time much, much louder ]
He does pack a hit however! [ groan ] Making him the perfect sadist to entertain any of your masochistic needs!
Unto our next host, shall we?
If you’re looking for a more experienced worker. Ms. Hilda Mcguire might be more up your speed. She has worked here for close to a decade now and used to be the top of the ranks before [Y/N]. If you’re into the classic femme fatale who’ll sweep you right off your feet then I suggest scheduling a meeting with her.
Mmm . . . who next . . .
Oh Oh! If you’re up for even more spice in your life, might I direct you to our very own Orochi Kimura! The Yandere Lover. Signing up for them is a little tricky though. Buncha waivers regarding privacy and the lack thereof moving forward with his contract, possible missing peers and family members, bloody letters and what not.
Ah, you want something a little more tame?
Keisuke Abe is pretty rough around the edges. If you like a little excitement but not - well risk your life and all that. Keisuke is pretty fun to hang out with. Though the smell of alcohol in his dedicated room is quite nauseating. He’s great at bringing people out of their shells !
For guests with more expensive tastes, I recommend Junichiro and Nao. Jun is the perfect sugar baby for those whose time is little and wallets big. Give him a gift or two and he’ll be yours to use however you’d like. Nao on the other hand is for guests who love to be on the receiving end.
Tired of demure partners? Why don’t you try Masashi? Personally I wouldn’t hang out more than I have to with the grump, but surprisingly he’s quite popular with the folks here. Some people really do like getting insulted 24/7 huh?
On the other hand, if you like the definition of bland . . . er - shy. Well Haku, Hazu’s twin, should be right up your alley! He’s more of a listener than a talker, so he’s usually partnered with chatty clients.
Let’s get some estrogen back in for our last few introductions . . .
Hinata has to be my second favorite next to [Y/N]. She used to work as a regular old nurse both in and out of the club until Boss was looking for a potential replacement for the latter. Fortunately I heard that [Y/N]’s graduation was cancelled so they’re both available at the moment. As a host she’s pretty similar but with less of the formal speech and more of the motherly vibes, y’know?
Emi Ishii is a jack of all trades when it comes to the sibling-con types. May it be the clingy little sister or the big boobie- [cough] nice older sister, Emi’s got ya covered! A little warning though, that girl can talk for hours if you pick the little sister option. Even I got winded.
And last but not least, we have our general staff members. You might encounter us once in a while during your stays inside the club.
Our boss Mr. Melchior is basically as old as time at this point. I heard from Ms. Hilda that he’s been here since she started working ten years ago and he has not age a bit! He can be really, really scary when people break the rules . .
Ursa or what we usually call her, Bear, is in charge of security. Nothing gets past her sight. If you ever see a big bear mask and claws. Make sure you’re in your best possible behavior.
If you’re having scheduling problems or issues with how your host is acting, please contact either Akihiko Sugimoto or Mei Lan. They’re in-charge of human resources and management respectively.
A quick ring of a bell will alert Kin, our cleaner of any messes you’d like to have gone. He doesn’t exactly talk so don’t expect a conversation if you ever pass by him down the halls.
And last but not least, little old me! I man the desk 24/7. No rest for the wicked they say h a h a! You can call me Youko. I’ll be handling your documents, log in times, and what-not in addition to any questions you may have about The Guest is God.
You still need a bit more time to choose?
Once you’ve made a decision just give this number another ring. I’ll be right here to guide you along the sign-up process.
Hope to see you here soon, Mr. Eden Whitlock!
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GUEST IS GOD REGULARS: [reply to be added to the taglist]
©️ hana-no-seiiki 2023.
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littlealeta · 1 year
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I know that I'm posting serious stuff in the Catherine tag, but is THIS supposed to be a reference to the "PICS NAO PLZ" in Catherine or am I overthinking it? I wouldn't put it past Yandere Dev since he's a fan of anime.
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autogynocrat · 2 years
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I posted 42,662 times in 2022
That's 15,209 more posts than 2021!
7,992 posts created (19%)
34,670 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,911 of my posts in 2022
#me - 37 posts
#omg - 27 posts
#king - 14 posts
#fav - 14 posts
#bruh - 11 posts
#:( - 10 posts
#😳 - 9 posts
#goals - 8 posts
#nao - 8 posts
#queen - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#im too disorganized to do things like that so i always think its cool when people take the time to make huge spreadsheets of every nitty gri
My Top Posts in 2022:
much conflict on the internet stems from the fact that there are no longer multiply webbed sites so catholics do not stay on catholicforum.com or whatever and become enraged over having to interact with jews and heretics, harry potter nerds and adults who really like Disney do not have a containment zone and spill into where they are not wanted, 13 year olds who should be on club penguin and roblox instead share websites with undergrad social scientists and amateur erotic models and develop brain poisoning from porn and theory they dont understand
1,360 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
Trad marriages are just watered down BDSM relationships
hey thats not true BDSM has safe words for when you're uncomfortable and consent ethics unlike trad marriages
1,607 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
my boyfriend is a femboy, im a bear and people sometimes think we are in a straight relationship. Like a neighbor of mine was like "yeah its wholesome to see a cute straight couple, theres so many gays in this neighborhood" and i just stared at him and said "well this is my boyfriend" he just went silent from awkwardness and went back to his house, he hasnt talked to me or my boyfriend since lmao
we are going to need 2 crowns for these kings
13,430 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
i love boss battles where the boss is Just A Guy
13,952 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the 2 saddest answers a white boy will respond to "hows it going" with
its going
hanging in there
these are signs the white boy is in distress and should be removed from the source of distress immedietely!!! white boys only say this when severely stressed
108,033 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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solitaireinfoacc · 8 months
☆.. ノ games
☆.. ノ animal crossing
★ ankha
☆.. ノ at dead of night
★ amy bell
☆.. ノ bad end theater
★ maiden “lucy”
★ underling
☆.. ノ corpse party
★ atsuma kayama (OC)
★ mayu suzumoto
★ yuka mochida
☆.. ノ danganronpa
★ aiko umesawa
★ akane owari
★ angie yonaga
★ celestia ludenberg
★ chiaki nanami
★ genocide jack
★ hiiyan edo (OC)
★ himiko yumeno
★ hiyoko saionji
★ ibuki mioda
★ junko enoshima
★ kaede akamatsu
★ kiyotaka ishimaru
★ koichi kizakura
★ kokichi ouma
★ kotoko utsugi
★ maki harukawa
★ miu iruma
★ natsumi kuzuryuu
★ ningya kira (OC)
★ peko pekoyama
★ petaro haru (OC)
★ ryota mitarai
★ seiko kimura
★ shina yuri (OC)
★ sonia nevermind
★ toko fukawa
★ yuta asahina
☆.. ノ doki doki literature club
★ sayori
☆.. ノ fnaf
★ ballora “clara”
★ bonbon
★ cassie
★ elizabeth afton
★ glamrock freddy
★ gregory
★ roxanne wolf
★ sundrop
☆.. ノ homestuck
★ jade harley
☆.. ノ ib
★ mary
☆.. ノ night in the woods
★ gregg lee
☆.. ノ overwatch
★ amélie lacroix "widowmaker"
★ angela ziegler "mercy"
★ brigitte lindholm
★ elizabeth caledonia "ashe"
★ hana song “d. va”
★ kiriko kamori
★ lena oxton "tracer"
★ olivia colomar "sombra"
☆.. ノ roblox
★ anastasiya_cole
★ clairsmiles (adult and kid)
★ clerince
★ coatsofclaude
★ darvaan
★ dr_aldra
★ fiddlepat
★ G0Z
★ goodpuffer
★ jackcult
★ masqueraze
★ morgenne
★ mrrealism
★ somatikos
★ tippyship
★ unstable_day
★ vourned
☆.. ノ sally face
★ maple cohen
★ megan holmes
★ sal fisher
★ todd morrison
☆.. ノ undertale / deltarune
★ alphys
★ asriel dreemurr
★ kris 
★ muffet
★ napstablook
★ papyrus
★ temmie
☆.. ノ wii sports
★ abby
☆.. ノ yandere simulator
★ hanako yamada
★ nemesis
★ osana najimi
☆.. ノ your turn to die
★ anzu kinashi
★ gin ibushi
★ kai satou
★ mai tsurugi
★ nao egokoro
★ ranmaru kageyama
★ rio ranger
★ shin tsukimi
★ sou hiyori
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