#yandere reader × rm
wildestdreamsblog · 1 year
Baby Fever
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader
Summary: You were more than just a secretary to him.
Warnings: Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Breeding kink, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: hiiii! I haven’t felt as inspired as I did while writing this for a while 🥹 I hope you enjoy this!
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“I want a baby.”
You sputtered out the coffee you were drinking. Your eyes watered as you coughed. You tried to get your breathing under control as you looked at the imposing man sitting in front of you with his legs spread apart. He had not lifted his eyes from the laptop presented in front of him. He was idly looking at photos of paintings from the various exhibits you attended while he was busy with his group’s schedule. As an idol, and on top of that the leader of the biggest group today, Kim Namjoon was an extremely busy person. You were his secretary for almost four years now. You took care of his personal life, while his personal assistant took care of his work life. You were there for him whenever he was done with his work schedule. You were there to make sure that he remembered to call his family during their birthdays, special occasions, and holidays. In fact, you were the first person he was keen on seeing once he landed from whatever country they were in for work. His members, specially Taehyung and Seokjin, let you know time and time again how much you were appreciated. If you weren’t there, they thought that Namjoon would not be as put up as he was right now. You thought that Namjoon would survived without you.
You coughed twice before finally feeling like you could live. “What?” You asked him in confusion before wiping your self with the handkerchief he had somehow laid out in front of you.
Namjoon eventually looked up to you once he marked the photos of paintings he wanted to purchase. He leaned in, resting his elbow on his muscular thigh before plopping his chin on his hand. “I said, I want a baby.”
You squinted your eyes confusingly, “As in…baby as in baby? Or baby as in I don’t know? Not an actual baby?” You knew even as you asked what he meant. Namjoon was the most intelligent man you knew, and he did not make mistakes when conversing. In fact, he was such a great conversationalist that the media loved to invite him on their shows.
So…what brought this on?
“A child of my own, Y/N.”
That was not the first time he mentioned that. If you could remember clearly, he answered in some interviews that he really wanted to become a father. He even bought that cute little shoes when he was abroad just because. In your mind, you knew he would be the best father if how he took care of his members was any indicator. It broke your heart, though, to see him still alone after all this time.
“I mean…are you seeing someone that I’m not aware of?”
He blinked at you, absorbing what you were asking. How could he had another woman when he spent almost all his free time with you? “No.”
“T-then how?” You asked in puzzlement. You could see from his expression that he was serious about this. He rarely said anything without thinking it thoroughly in the complex and brilliant mind of his. This meant that he really did want to have a child of his own now.
You were finding it difficult to process this. Couldn’t he just want another painting?
Namjoon merely shrugged his broad shoulders and went back to looking over the paintings.
You thought that was the end of it. But no. The second time he mentioned this was at Jin’s house.
You two were about to call it a day after running errands for him. To be honest, you were quite excited for tonight. You were set to meet with your college friends, including someone you always looked up to back in your college years because of his superior intellect. He was also always so kind to you, even walked you home to your dorm every night. But you were too immense in your studies back then that you had no time for relationship. But maybe, now?
You made sure to take more time to dress yourself up this morning. You even chose to swap your usual lipstick to a different shade that made you feel more alluring and beautiful. Your fingers touched the beautiful necklace Namjoon gave you on your birthday last year. You thought that the accessory was perfect with the dress you were wearing.
This would be an easy day for you, you thought to yourself seeing that RM’s schedule was just until the afternoon. You smiled at your reflection in the mirror, satisfied with your appearance before leaving the house. When you showed up at the company to pick him up, the staff politely informed you that the leader was still in the studio with Yoongi and that he told them to ask you to go directly there. You were walking to the floor where the studio was when you passed the three maknaes: Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook.
“Oh, noona!” Jungkook called you, his voice in pleasant surprised as he looked at your face. His doe eyes took in your clothes with wonder before meeting your eyes again. “Noona! You look so pretty!”
Taehyung smiled at you and nodded his head. “Our noona looks so fashionable,” he commented as he checked out your get up today. You beamed at his compliment, happy that the fashionable Taehyung approved of you.
Jimin sauntered up to you, teasingly wrapping his arm around your shoulders before smirking at you. “Our noona has a date,” he speculated on a sing-song voice that made the other two chuckled.
“So where is hyung taking you?” Jungkook pondered, excitement apparent in his eyes.
“Don’t tell me he’s taking you to another exhibit? Aish, he’s so unromantic,” Taehyung lamented, shaking his head at the thought of his hyung and the disastrous date that was about to happen.
“Hyung is not unromantic! As if you know anything about romance,” Jungkook pouted, fully on defending mode for his Namjoon hyung. His lips were in an adorable pout as he chastised Taehyung.
“I know how to be romantic!”
“As if! Until when are you going to keep giving tickets to her until she shows up in our concerts, Taehyung?”
“She will! I can still see her commenting in the weverse!”
“So? Her bias is J-hope, not you!”
You chuckled at the three’s cuteness. Taehyung was now the one pouting while Jungkook looked like he was enjoying tormenting his hyung. You watched them for a moment before finally correcting them. “He’s my boss. We’re not going on a date.”
The three maknaes looked at you with confusion in their eyes. “B-but, why are you so beautiful today?”
You squinted your eyes at Jimin, “So I’m not beautiful everyday?”
“N-No! That’s not what we meant-“Jungkook denied quickly, his eyes widening even further. He was afraid of offending his noona because then, his hyung would looked at him with disappointment in his eyes.
You chuckled lightly, deciding on ending their distress by telling them that you were going to meet with your college friends tonight, in which they were silent. They looked at each other for a moment, as though speaking in telepathy before the oldest maknae spoke up.
“So noona, is that an all-girls event, or no?”
“There’s going to be boys. Why do you ask?”
He smiled at you cheekily, but this time the smile did not reach his eyes. “Nothing.”
The three maknaes watched you walked away from them, your eyes focused on the tablet in front of you. They sighed in disappointment and worry.
“Namjoon hyung is going to lose his mind,” Taehyung finally broke the silence.
“I don’t want to be here when he finds out noona is going to meet boys from her college,” Jungkook fretted, holding both Tae’s and Jimin’s arms.
“RM is going to be unbearable after this, isn’t he?” Jimin stated with a smile that looked more like a wince. The few times you went out on a date, Namjoon was insufferable. He was quiet, too quiet that the maknaes were scared to make a mistake or speak too loudly. “Shall we move to the mountains for a while?”
Yoongi opened the door, smiling politely at you before letting you in the studio. RM’s back faced you as he hunched over the workspace. He was deciding on what beat sounded best when you arrived.
“You’re here, Y/N? I’m almost done-“ he trailed off once he turned his chair to look at you. His eyes widened before he managed to erase the awestruck expression in his face. But Yoongi saw. He smirked before sitting down on his workstation, looking up at the pair in front of him. The other one was an idiot despite being the most intelligent man in almost any room, and the other was a naive one. He hid his smile on the cup of coffee he was slowly sipping.
“No worries, Namjoon. Take your time,” you smiled at him before sitting on the sofa. He was still not able to take his eyes off of you. And you, the ever naive one, only flashed him your professional smile.
And Yoongi was enjoying it all.
“You looked different today, Y/N,” Yoongi commented tonelessly, egging the leader beside him. “Right, Namjoon?”
You blushed as you could feel your boss’ heavy eyes on you. You flashed Yoongi a shy smile before turning to look at Namjoon. It was a moment, a heartbeat too long before he replied with seriousness in his voice, “She always looks beautiful, Yoongi.”
He wanted to add that you looked like a masterpiece, one that had different meanings whenever he looked at it during different times in his life. You were timeless, his heart wanted to add. However, his brain was deaf in his heart’s true desires.
You blinked at his sudden praise on you. “T-thank you, Namjoon.”
“Is there an occasion?” Yoongi asked innocently after reading the message sent by the maknaes about you and your supposedly college reunion. He almost chuckled when he read that the three were planning on staying as far from the company as possible. But not him. This was fun to him. In his opinion, the two of you should have been in a relationship for a long time now. He thought Namjoon needed the push, or a shove if Suga was being honest. And he was willing to be the one to do that. He was a kind friend like that.
“Oh, I have a reunion with my college friends tonight,” you shared as you fixed the papers that Namjoon needed to look at. You wanted to be efficient today so Namjoon could use the rest of the day to finally relax. You thought his eyes looked a little tired lately.
“You didn’t tell me that,” Namjoon noted lightly, fixing you with his hard stare. “What time are you going to meet them? Where are you going to meet? Will you be out late?”
Yoongi was smiling as he watched RM threw question after question at you. Yet, he failed to ask one thing that should be asked.
“Are there gonna be boys, Y/N?” Yoongi asked innocently, blinking owlishly at you before leaning back and watching it all unfold.
Your affirmative answer made RM’s mood turned sour.
You were on edged as you drove the car expertly from the last location of the schedule today. Even at his age, people around Namjoon still adamantly refused to let him drive. The members thought that he would be a danger to people around him, and to himself as well. Namjoon was uncharacteristically silent as you drove. He was either staring at you or outside. Ever since you picked him up from the company, you could feel that something was off. You just could not pinpoint at it. On the other hand, Namjoon was contemplating…or more appropriately scheming as to how he could keep you with him today.
“Let’s go to Jin’s,” he finally broke the silence, flashing you his normal, dimpled smile.
“What?” This was not in the schedule today. You purposely scheduled light meetings today so that he could go home and you would have more than an ample time to drive to the reunion.
“It’s still early. I promise we’re only going to be an hour.”
“Ahhhh actual people!” Jin greeted when he opened the door and saw you and Namjoon. He was carrying the box of baby books he insisted would be helpful to the brain development of Jin’s son.
“Hyung, your son is an actual person,” Namjoon said in a light tone as he took in Jin’s state. Despite the bags under his eyes, he was still so handsome that fans would still call him the worldwide handsome. He looked tired, but his eyes held so much happiness that RM could not helped but be happy for his hyung. At the same time, he wanted, no, he craved the domesticity that Jin was now experiencing.
The men were talking and laughing about work as Jin’s wife lead you to her son. You cooed at the child and thought that he would break a lot of hearts in the future. He was a carbon copy of Jin. He was laughing at you when you made funny faces at him, the melodious laughter reached the men’s ears.
“He likes you,” Jin commented, fondly watching his handsome son babbled and laughed. “Do you want to hold him?” His lovely wife asked.
“Really? Can I?” You asked in wonder. She smiled at you before gently laying the happy child safely in your arms.
Your heart melted as you held Jin’s little bundle of joy. The little weight you were holding was someone else’s whole world. He was barely six months old and yet he had so much personality like his father.
“You’re so beautiful, little one,” you whispered to the baby looking up at you as if he understood every word you said.
Namjoon could not even begin to decipher what it was he was feeling when he saw you holding the little Jin in your arms. He just felt this warm feeling in his heart, as if the image of you holding a baby in your arms was from a dream come true. The image was forever imprinted in his mind, he was sure. Something about you felt right. Something about you felt like the missing piece in his life. You had always been there for him. He was not ignorant to think that he could survive without you in his hectic life.
He thought that you were meant to stay in his life.
You were so focused that you almost missed the heat from Namjoon’s body when he leaned in and looked at the baby from your shoulder. You could feel his breath this close that it made you heart beat louder. Was it from shocked? Was it from shyness? Or was it from something else that you had spent years denying?
“So precious,” Namjoon whispered softly. You jumped from the deepness of his voice. You shivered from the body contact you were not used to. You cleared your throat before turning to him.
“Do you wanna hold him?”
And once he had the tiny human in his muscular arms, Namjoon smiled tenderly at Jin’s son. He brushed the sparse of hair he had on his head gently.
For the second time, he said, “I want a baby of my own.”
You were surprised that he once again brought it up. This time it was not only to you but to his hyung. Jin blinked as if he was startled by RM’s admission. He looked at you before looking at his friend.
“I’m sure you’ll be a great father, Namjoon,” Jin said in all seriousness. He knew he would. He was sure of it.
“When will you start making a baby of your own, Namjoon?” His wife asked him teasingly, leaning against Jin as they looked at the man observingly.
RM glanced at you, “Soon.”
You were already an hour too late to be considered fashionably late that RM insisted that he’d have his driver dropped you off to your reunion. You wanted to say no, yet you knew it would be impossible to resist Namjoon whenever he was in that mood. He always knew how to get his way, you thought. His intelligent mind knew just what to do, just what to say in order to get what he wanted.
And that night, he did.
Your college friends looked at you happily when you stepped out of the car. They walked closer to you, welcoming you to the party. And there you saw him, the man you hadn’t been able to forget. He was still as handsome as ever. You couldn’t help but smile when he was approaching when you felt a presence behind you.
“Hi. I just dropped off Y/N. I’m sorry she’s late,” RM greeted the group charmingly before nonchalantly placing his large hand on your waist. You jumped from the contact. He never did that. What would your friends think? Your head was in overdrive that you didn’t notice your friends fawning over the Kim Namjoon. He was treating them kindly, allowing them to take pictures with him before he turned to you.
“Enjoy your night, Y/N,” he murmured before placing a kiss on your cheek.
Well, there went your chance with your college crush.
You didn’t know what to make of his actions that when you went to his house the following week for information pertaining to the property he was looking at, you were on edged. You didn’t have to knock because he told you before to just enter his penthouse. You were given access to his home. You took a deep breath before walking inside his house, not knowing what to anticipate with him, with his touch…and that kiss that should not have happened.
“Oh, Y/N! You’re here! Come sit!” Namjoon’s mom called from his dining table, smiling pleasantly at you that you froze. You didn’t expect her here but at least there was a buffer between the two of you now, right?
“It’s been so long! You’re so thin! Is my son too hard on you?” She asked as she pulled you to sit beside her, in front of RM who only looked intently at you. You couldn’t read his expression. He was wearing a simple black shirt that fit a little too snugly on his chest. You hated how you were noticing yet again his physical qualities like you did when you were merely starting. His mom was still reprimanding his son as she put plate in front of you despite you offering to help. She merely shrugged you off, happy that you were there to take care of her son. Who knew what would happen to him if you weren’t here, she thought. RM was silently eating, enjoying the way his mom was mothering you when she turned her attention to him once again.
“When will you give me a grandchild? With the way you are working, you have no time for family! All my friends and neighbors have at least one grandchild. Son, just give me one, okay? Just one,” She pleaded as she placed more food on his plate.
“Okay, omma,” Namjoon consented. He was serious, yet his mother groaned as if he was just placating her.
“You,” she turned to you, placing more food on your plate as well. “Don’t be like my son. Go make your own babies! I’ll just borrow your child every once in a while, okay?” She told you humorously as she laughed and told you that you needed to eat more.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, the man’s face darkened with the mere thought of you carrying someone else’s child. He hated the thought of you not being his. He had the whole weekend to think intensely, and all the answers pointed to you.
You didn’t have time to discuss with him what had transpired. The following weeks, he was busy with work, yet this time he had always quietly ordered that you’d be with him. Before, you only had to meet with him thrice a week. But now, you were with him almost everyday. You were working in his office when Hoseok and Yoongi entered the room.
“Oh! Y/N, you’re here!” Hoseok exclaimed before walking to you with the brightest smile you had ever seen. Yoongi only smiled at you in acknowledgement before approaching RM and showing him his laptop. They were deep in conversation when Hoseok asked you if you knew where the list for the event was. You nodded before standing up. It was in the overhead cabinet. You reached for it in difficulty for a moment when you felt a hand on your waist, and RM’s muscular arm stretched beside you as he grabbed with such ease what you were trying to reach. He was as near as that night. “Here you go, Y/N,” he whispered…and heavens did it feel sensual in your ear. His hot breath tickled your neck. You could feel your cheeks heat up from his proximity.
You were starting to notice that RM was becoming…touchy lately. It didn’t feel disrespectful to you, it just felt like something changed with the way he was acting, with the way he was looking at you, with the way he was demanding your attention.
J-hope looked at Suga in astonishment. Were these two finally a thing?
One night, you were walking to your humble apartment with Namjoon beside you. His hands were in his pockets as he walked you to your door despite you telling him that you were fine. But you should know, he was a stubborn one. It was late, and the only light were from the hallway of your apartment. It was almost midnight when the two of you arrived at your apartment after checking out the house Namjoon wanted to buy. He asked you what you thought of it, and you said it was beautiful. The yard was spacious with swimming pool. The house itself had numerous bedrooms that you didn’t know who would stay there. In your mind, you rationalized that it must be his members if ever they wanted to stay. In Namjoon’s mind, it was for his family. He listened intently to what you had to say, and only when he saw how your face lightened up when you saw the whole house did he decide to buy it.
“Here I am, boss Namjoon,” you announced jokingly before straining to look up at your tall employer.
You blinked when he only stared at you, “Namjoon?”
“Good night, my princess,” he murmured with his deep voice.
Did he just…call you his princess?
You were too shocked to notice him leaning down. And once he did, you felt his lips kissed your forehead softly, his large hand on the back of your head. You were frozen when he stepped back.
And then he left.
Namjoon thought you needed time to process everything. He knew you were an over-thinker, that you were a flight risk. He just didn’t know you would be like this with mere kisses on your cheek and forehead. You hadn’t been picking up your phone since that day, and he had half a mind to go to your apartment. But he had to keep in mind that there were less conspicuous method to use.
You read the message from Namjoon this afternoon. Apparently, he forgot to pick up the gift he had for his father’s birthday and he was now in his hometown. He was half-pleading and half-apologizing for his clumsiness that you felt bad to just leave him on read. And so you replied that you’d bring it to him.
Your mind was blank as you drove for hours to him. Ever since that night, the feelings you had tried so hard to bury and successfully did, were resurfacing. It was unfair, you thought. You didn’t have the emotional capacity to fall for him. You knew how this would end. When you started to work for him, you thought he was everything. You looked up to him because he was so kind, so intelligent, and so masculine. He was gentle with you even when you made a mistake. He helped you find an apartment that was safe after he saw how you were living before. He paid for the deposit and for the rent during the first year despite your adamant refusal. He even paid for your grandmother’s hospital bills, the only family you had. She had lived longer than what the doctor said. She died without experiencing difficulty eventually, all thanks to RM’s connections to the best hospitals. You wanted to pay him. You even refused to accept your salary, with no success. Namjoon just merely shrugged and said he wouldn’t let anything happen to you as long as he was around. And you believed him.
And so, you did your best to take care of him day and night. Even going beyond your job description. You became his secretary, but what was more, you became his friend, an ear to vent on, even a shoulder to lay his head to rest.
One night, RM had too much to drink. He was feeling suffocated from the pressure of the world. You found him staring on an empty bottle of whiskey when you arrived in his penthouse. That night, you sat with him, listened to his worries, rubbed his back with comforting hands. You assured him that he was not the version he thought of himself. He was better. He was the best man you ever knew. You told him how much you appreciated him, and that he was doing his best.
That night, he asked you what he would do without you.
That night, you told him he’d never have to find out.
That night, he kissed you.
And come morning, he forgot about it.
But you didn’t. And that was the first time he hurt you.
Your memory trail stopped when you saw him standing in front of their house, waiting for you.
His father, just like his mother, was able to convince you to stay the night. He said you were family, and that it would be his birthday wish to spend it with the woman who managed to keep his son alive. He even joked that without you, RM would probably forget to pay his bills, to keep his fish alive, or even to eat. You laughed and said RM was becoming more mature lately and that he could survive without you. RM disagreed.
“You know what, you could do so much than be with my brother,” RM’s younger sister said teasingly as all of you were eating dinner. She stuck her tongue out to her brother who just rolled his eyes at her.
“Oh,” you chuckled shyly before looking at the tall man sitting beside you. “We’re not together!”
“Why not? I was just kidding. I think you’re perfect for him,” she admitted before smiling at the two of you. She was just voicing out what her family had been thinking for years. By now, you were a permanent fixture in their lives that if and not when the day comes that RM introduced someone else to them, they would find it hard to accept her.
You chuckled before telling her that your relationship with her brother was strictly professional.
“He’s working you too hard, isn’t he?” His father asked you as he shook his head at his innocent son. “Listen to me, life is too short to work all day. Go out and have a beautiful life! Or else you’ll find yourself old and alone one day without a family of your own.”
Once the intimate party died down, you found yourself talking with RM in the living room with alcohol in front of you. The two of you were seated on the floor side by side with the sofa behind you. His parents had called it a night after drinking with them, while his sister tapped out as well. Alcohol and the existence of other people helped to die down the awkwardness you felt. You were laughing at RM’s anecdote about the thing that happened during their dance practice. He watched you with contentment in his face. Seeing you happy was making him feel like he did something right, like he won one of those awards. He didn’t know when it started, but he just knew the desire to make you laugh would never go away. He was sure of it.
“I’m sorry about my family. They’re just used to teasing me.”
You waved him off before pouring his empty glass, before pouring yours. “It’s nothing, really. I had fun. I’m glad I came.”
“I’m glad you’re here, too,” he admitted, his look at you was as intense as that night that your heart started to beat harder, as if it wanted to escape the cage it was in. You blinked and decided to look away. You fanned yourself, “It’s quite warm in here, right?”
Namjoon smirked before drinking, his eyes never wavering from your face. “You’re beautiful, princess,” he commented, his voice deep as he waited for you to look at him again. He was near, so near that his thighs were touching yours. So near that whenever he moved, his muscular arm brushed against yours.
“God, you’re so drunk,” you muttered before looking up at him.
“I may be. But come morning and ask me again, and I’d still tell you you’re the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me.”
You gulped, his voice deepened even further. “You’re the most important person in my life,” he admitted with intensity in his voice, with promise in his eyes. “I know I love you.”
Your eyes widened before attempting to move away from him when you felt his massive hand on your back, preventing you from moving away from him, effectively stopping you from running away from the truth that he never tried to fight.
“You don’t mean that,” you whispered, your hand now on his chest as you tried to stop him from coming any closer. He shouldn’t. He couldn’t. Because if he did, he’d feel how hard your heart was beating just for him. Or how terrified you were of falling, only to have him forget about it again. To forget you again.
“I do. I mean it,” he whispered leaning in slowly at you. “I love you.” And then he kissed you. And you were all too powerless to stop him. He pulled away after a moment. You were breathing hard, your eyes trained on his lips before meeting his eyes. And then this time, you kissed him.
You didn’t know how, but the two of you found yourselves in his bedroom. His hand was entangled with your hair, your hands caressing his broad back as he walked you to his bed. You were drunk from the alcohol and his kisses, his heavenly kisses. He pushed you gently to the bed, and not a second was wasted before he joined you. You pulled off his shirt, your eyes in awe at his form. His muscles were definitely more defined now than when you last saw it accidentally back when you were just beginning to work for him. His chest looked definitely stronger. You were aware of this from seeing him wearing tight shirts, but this? This was something else.
You moaned lightly as Namjoon trailed kisses on your neck, peppering it with subtle marks of his own. He thought that you were his, and that your neck should be adorned with his marks. “Keep it down, princess,” he teased you as he got impatient with the endless buttons of your blouse that he resorted to ripping it off of you. He couldn’t be gentle. Not when the woman of his dreams was finally on his bed. “Or do you want me to cover your mouth?”
You didn’t know that he had it in him to be a dirty talker. You were feeling the heat when he smirked at you before you felt his lips on your chest, down to your stomach, and finally to your core. You closed your legs, shyness finally coming back to you as you sobered from his sinful kisses. He was kneeling, his legs were on either side of you as he leaned closer to you once again. “Be a good girl and open your legs, princess,” he ordered, his hand caressing your soft thigh.
His commanding voice was like a hypnotic spell that you found yourself opening your legs slowly for him. And as a reward, he made your legs shook. You were still catching your breath that you didn’t notice he placed a pillow under you, lifting your core. He kissed you once again on your lips so tenderly, so lovingly that for a moment you believed he loved you.
“You are made for me, princess,” he whispered before looking at you with darkness in his eyes, “You’re made for daddy. Say it.”
You keened when you felt his hardness slide at your core teasingly, punishingly as you waited a little too long to repeat what he wanted you to.
“Say it, princess. Don’t make daddy mad,” his hot breaths were tickling your ear as he pinched your sore nipple that you yelped.
“I-I’m made- ugh- I’m made for daddy,” you finally said as you felt his thick head slowly entered your drenched core.
“And who’s your daddy?”
“You are.”
That night, he told you repeatedly how you were his and his only. He made you promised that you would never leave him, and that you would never ignore him once again. He made you come so much that you lost track of the time. His large hand was on your mouth, preventing you from waking the whole house up as he rutted against you with so much stamina and passion. He made you so mindless that you didn’t realize he was finishing inside you each time. He made sure to not let a single drop leave your core.
The third time he didn’t have to mention about wanting a baby of his own, he just did.
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sweetwolfcupcake · 1 year
The Taste of Deceit( Hyung line Part One)
Yandere Masterlist
Warnings: Violence, Dark Characters with Darker Intentions. And the plot would only get darker from here. Disturbing imagery, allusions, blood.
Word Count: 14k+ (Yes, I lost myself in the flow)
(GIF credits to the owner. I do not own them)
Kindly excuse the typos and errors
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The night was young and the stars were restless.
The night was young and the club was booming.
The night was young…
yet it felt like the darkest hour when his eyes met hers. 
(Y/N) worked as a bartender at an elite bar in the city- sort-after, high-end, but oddly lowkey. It was subtle, but an experienced pair of eyes would point out the oddities with ease.
As he sauntered towards her section, she busied herself with arranging the glasses and the mixers.
She had sworn to herself that she would stay out of trouble, and the broad-shouldered man with lips that seemed to be the carrier of kisses from paradise looked nothing less than trouble- big, deep trouble. 
“What specials do we have tonight?”
(YN) almost flinched at his voice, but her actions remained smooth as ever as she arranged the glasses. She managed to put up a smile though
“Cosmopolitan, French 75 and Paloma.”
“Cosmopolitan with olives please.” 
Even his voice was honey-like. But it held an unusual edge to it– some rare kind of honey- light but the right amount of sweet.
“I haven’t seen you before.” 
He stated as a matter of fact.
“I joined a few months ago,” she replied 
“I visited here last week.”
“I used to work the morning shift, it’s my first day in the evening shift.” she replied softly while handing him his drink.”
He smiled as he sipped from his drink but his eyes never left hers.
“Hope it’s not too overwhelming for you?”
“A little.” she admitted sheepishly “But my colleagues have been incredibly helpful, I think I will be settled soon.”
He hummed before finishing off his drink with a swig “I am Jin,” he offered his hand for a shake. 
With a somewhat hesitant smile, she took it– his hold was firm but his hands felt warm and smooth, just like his eyes.
The night was young and the stars were restless.
The night was young and the club was booming.
The night was young, yet when he smiled, 
it felt like slow electricity pulsing through the air
Jin– Kim Seokjin.
(Y/N) noted. The description that she was provided did no justice to what she was experiencing at the moment– his aura, his appearance, everything hit her at once.
The night was still young
And it was a long way ahead.
But officer (Y/N) (L/N) was determined.
“Liya. My name is Liya Grace.” she introduced herself.
The night was young
And she had taken the first step
Kim Seokjin was many things, Liya came to know that with her two years spent with him. He was a perfect gentleman, and he remembered exactly how many teaspoons of sugar she liked in her coffee and he oddly remembered the days that were otherwise insignificant to Officer (Y/N)- the person behind the mask of sweet and charming Liya Grace.
Little things mattered to Kim Seokjin, (Y/N) had realised– when Liya would cook dinner for him and wait up to reheat it even if her eyes would be droopy. When she would remember what tie he liked on certain days. When she would help him with fixing his tie and cuff links. Or when she would bring him his coffee to his home office every two hours.
One might misunderstand those as his expectation at first glance, but no– he never expected or assumed that he was not of the kind.
But the little gestures of care and devotion made him happy. It assured him that his partner was just as devoted to him as he was.
And was he a sincere lover– to the extent that (Y/N) felt a prick of guilt every time she replied to his soft, quiet declarations of love.
Jin was a lover straight out of a woman’s daydreams. 
One would never believe how the hands that touched her so delicately were the ones that pushed his enemies to their dooms.
But (Y/N) knew. She knew because she had witnessed him strangle men twice his size with ease– it was like buying bread to him- mundane business.
His eyes would be chillingly nonchalant and they were the windows for the sinister beast in him to peek through.
But only (Y/N) knew of this side of him– undercover officer (L/N)(Y/N) who was quick and quiet and never even breathed loud but took all the pictures right, and never forgot to set bugs in his office. Officer (Y/N) was subtle and clever, after all.
Liya Grace, however, was naive and oblivious, believing in whatever her beloved boyfriend fed her. He owned chains of hotels, exclusive nightclubs and restaurants. What was odd with that? Some red wine sprinkled on his white shirt? Happens! Why would not she believe him?
That was not technically a lie. Jin did own all of them. But they were the surface, the strong shields protecting his underground illegal weapon dealings– his real business.
It would have been so easy to fool any ordinary civilian, but (Y/N) was no ordinary civilian. 
“You’re late. Again.” 
“I’m sorry Jagi, you know well that I am– it’s those old investors, always looking for loopholes in my projects.”
Potential buyers
(Y/N) corrected him mentally  as she scoffed and turned away pretending to be upset 
“Liya–love, you can’t be angry at me now, it's only–uh– a bit late…” he trailed off as he glanced at his limited edition watch.
“It’s two in the morning Jin.” she huffed while reheating his dinner 
“Hmm, pretty late, but you are still awake sweetheart.”
Just getting some confidential documents.
“I wanted to talk.”
“Everything alright Jagi?” he sounded concerned but her smile soothed his frown
“Just considering visiting my parents. Haven’t seen them in a while.”
“Why? I mean is everything okay there?”
“Oh no, I just miss them.”
There was another thing (Y/N) had noticed about Kim Seokjin. He liked to keep her for himself.
He was a possessive man, more so emotionally than physically. It was normal for lovers to be possessive, but his sense of possession extended a bit too far.
And it made (Y/N) squirm sometimes– she could swear it was just her being uncomfortable, but deep down, she knew that there was a sinister edge to his love and it made an eerie anticipation bloom in her heart.
“Why not we go to meet them this weekend? You can finally introduce me to them then?”
“Oh Jin, no need of that, you already have a tight schedule.”
There was no way that she could let all her hard work go down the drain.
“But Liya, I have to meet them someday.”
“Sure Jin, I want you to meet them too, but I want to see how they would take the news of me already living with my boyfriend– they have always been a bit protective of me and I want things to go smoothly so bad...Let me set the ground first. Hm?”
She managed to muster up her best puppy eyes and Jin finally relented and nodded with a sigh. He was in a hurry to put a ring on her finger, so eager in fact that she already had a promise ring occupying her finger.
“When do you plan to go then?”
Jin smiled and nodded “Just don’t stay away from me long, okay?” 
“Liya! I have cooked your favourites.” 
Her father greeted her on the porch as soon as she arrived.
“Dad I missed you!”
Her father smiled and pulled her in for a hug.
“You have the pigeon feed?” he whispered into her ears without a single muscle faltering.
She hummed, still smiling.
There could be no chance taken. It was Kim Seokjin after all, and underestimating him would be foolishness. The department knew that Kim Seokjin had eyes everywhere and one slip-up could cost them not only all their hard work but also their lives.
“Hurry up, your Mom is setting the table.” he ushered her in as they played the perfect father and daughter for the hidden hawks.
“Here.” (Y/N) handed them a Pendrive. It was the one that contained recordings of his office, some pictures of classified documents and some codes
“Excellent Officer.” her ‘mother’ hummed as she examined the item.
“Now that the pigeons will be feeding, let us have dinner too.” her ‘father’ quipped in– finally at ease now that the documents were in their hands.
(Y/N) had excused herself back to her room. It was cosy yet oddly familiar– detailed to perfection. A typical room that screamed  ‘I spent my teenage years here’. (Y/N) felt exhausted. Not only because she had been putting up a facade for so long but also because the ring on her finger sat heavily– mocking her as it gleamed under the nightlight. But most of all, it was the booming questions in her mind, screaming at her for answers.
She dug into her purse to retrieve a Pendrive. Another Pendrive that held the most crucial information, the deepest vulnerabilities in Kim Jin’s empire, in his security system. The Pendrive contained information that could easily lead to his encounter– no more pieces of evidence required.
She gulped, fiddling with the tiny device. She had always known what she wanted, what she was doing. But not this time.
What was she doing?
Why couldn’t she—why did not she submit the most important Pendrive to her superiors?
It would take them no time to bring Kim Seokjin and his empire of illegal weapons into ashes and yet….
“What’s wrong with me?” she huffed out breathlessly.
Finding no convincing answer, she settled for going to bed. Maybe a bit of rest would do? She had been pretending for so long, acting as the perfect, oblivious little girlfriend to a man so subtly dark, it had taken a toll on her mentally and emotionally.
Drip drip drip dripdripdripdripdrip
It was disorienting to wake up to the sound of an open tap. Without much thought, she stepped into the bathroom, cringing at the wet sensation. It was tap left open and the basin was overflowing. Turning the tap off, she waited for the water to settle down. 
The drain was blocked.
She did not remember blocking it. She had not even stepped into the bathroom.
She pulled out the lid, unlocking the drain as thoughts began to flood in. It was an in-built instinct within her. She never dismissed anything that even felt remotely off.
And at the moment she felt like something was very, very strange.
The sound of splashing and gurgling of water felt louder than it actually was. The silence was no longer blank, or even remotely cosy. It was instead eerie. 
Something just did not feel right.
Rushing to the closet, she searched for any weapons that they have provided her in the room. She let go of the breath that she had been holding as she felt a gun kept between a bundle of empty boxes. 
Fishing it out, she checked if it was loaded before pocketing the pen drive and slipping out of the room as quietly as possible. It was two o'clock in the morning, and while the silence was expected, this silence felt like holding one’s breath– it was filled with anticipation.
Making her way down the carpeted stair, she remained glued to the wall while her finger wrapped around the trigger. She gulped silently as her foot reached the bottom of the stairs. The door seemed locked, the kitchen was empty—
The backdoor!
Carefully gliding around along the walls, she reached the bedroom near the backdoor. The safety of her colleagues mattered the most to her at the moment. 
Much to her relief, she saw them asleep on the bed. Noislesslyy shutting the door, she made her way to the backdoor. It  appeared perfectly—
It was unlocked. 
One twist of the doorknob gave away the fragility of their safety. Her ears tried to pick up any noise behind or around her while her eyes searched for her other colleagues roaming around in disguise. The house, past the lawn, was supposed to be occupied by her colleagues too. She quickly searched for the torchlight she knew was kept there. Gripping it with a tinge of desperation, she blinked it at the house window.
No response.
She tried again. They were supposed to have their eyes on this house for the whole damn night!
No response.
Feeling the panic beginning to build, she took a deep breath in and out. She had been spying on one of the country's biggest underworld figures, there had been people she had taken care of before.
Everything would be under control.
She tried to soothe herself as she made her way back to the bedroom, leaving the door unlocked. If something went wrong, the backdoor would be their safe exit.
As soon as she stepped into the bedroom, she reached out for them, fingers almost twitching to shoot anyone other than her colleagues.
“Sir, wake up.” she whispered as quietly as possible. Not getting a response, she tapped on his covers “Sir, Ma’am please—”
She felt cold at the sensation of the warmth she was familiar with–--warm and wet. Her throat closed up as she felt around the covers. It was all damp and warm inside but her colleagues were still and cold. 
She yanked her hand out with a shaky gasp, only to be further horrid at the sight of her tainted hands in the darkness of the room— she could see it clearly–even under the street light. 
There was a faint noise of something shifting that had her pointing her gun at the darkest corner of the room. Her heart thumped in fear and anticipation as she pointed her gun at the darkness.
It was at that moment when her anticipation came to a  heavy halt— Jin stepped out of the dark corner, taking up the space near the window instead. The streetlight and moon rays falling on his form gave him an eerie illumination.
“Why wait now?… Here I am. Pull the trigger.” 
His inaction was far more chilling than his acts of violence. He was just standing still– and nonchalant and yet, the darkness in his eyes was far deeper than the dark corner he emerged from.
“Is it not what you were sent for, after all?” he drawled, slipping his hands into his pockets. “Now you even have a reason.” 
his eyes flickered to the bed momentarily before settling back on her as he tilted his head slightly
 “What’s the matter Officer (Y/N)(L/N), pull the trigger.” the amusement was clear in his tone.
She would not pull the trigger, even if it was the right thing to do, she would never do that. 
And Kim Seokjin had realised it before her. 
She hid away the pen drive, her hands shook as she pointed her gun at him and her fingers froze at the mere thought of shooting him. 
She shook her head, trying to push back her tears as the realisation began to dawn upon her, like a nightmare merging into reality.
“E-even if I tell you why, you would not believe me.” she breathed out.
It was pathetic. How would he believe her if she told him that she had just realised that she was in love with him? For real.
Why would he believe that even?
The corner of Jin’s lips lifted up slightly at her words.
“Oh Jagi, I know you inside out…” he trailed away as he sauntered towards her.
His movements reminded her of the first time she had met him. Two years ago.
Today was the day– the day they first met.
She stepped back, half in shock, half in caution, her hands lowered far before she had realised.
“Why did you keep the other pen drive to yourself? You had two of them.” 
He knew, he always knew.
“How long?”
Jin’s lips tugged up with smugness.
“The moment our eyes met I knew that you did not belong there.”
She took in a sharp breath.
“Assuming that I had never known of you– confidence.” he continued to take predatory steps towards her. 
She truly felt like a cornered prey– so small and helpless. His towering form seemed to have engulfed the whole room- and he, her whole existence. She flinched internally when her back touched the wall. 
“But assuming that my sources would never know about you– overconfidence.” he smiled as he reached her. The kind of smile that made her feel cold
There was no way out.
“If you plan to kill me, just get over with it now.” the words felt foreign on her tongue, but she meant them.
“Oh Jagi…” he drawled as if sharpening his sword “ I only intend to teach you a sweet, sweet lesson…I do love you after all.” she forced down a whimper as he leaned closer to her, his lips touching her earlobes
 “After all, you love me too, and you shall scream that to the world tonight”
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Min Yoongi was many things.
He was subtle, he was lowkey, and yet he was powerful, he bathed in money and influence and guess what– he was a well-known face on the top magazines, billboards and newspapers.
He was one of the leading industrialists after all.
To the world.
Behind closed doors ran the chaos and spills of the underworld– white power, red ink and sharp edges.
Min Yoongi was many things, but he was not always very patient– especially during crucial interrogations. His business was vast and deep. And to run such a vast business empire– one he had built himself, he needed money– a flood of it.
 People looked up to him as an inspirational figure– the ideal rags-to-riches man. But to build such an empire by the age of thirty-two, one needed something extra, and Yoongi had nothing– nothing other than a hawk’s eyes and a razor mind. So he used them instead and created a whole ring of underground business. The profit in the market required heavy investments and it came not only from big investors, it was pumped from the underground.
Who would suspect that the man making gaping charities, arranging free scholarships and educating millions of children would be the one running a whole underground business?
The police, who else?
It was an open secret among the top officers. They knew what went on behind closed doors and dark basements in his posh offices and luxurious hotels. Too bad, Min Yoongi was always ten steps ahead.
It had turned into a cat-and-mouse game, they would hunt for evidence, a loophole and Yoongi would hunt for the one digging those holes.
The man’s head was pulled out of the cold water. He coughed and wheezed, struggling to breathe through the remaining water dripping down along with blood.
Yoongi sighed. Twenty minutes– twenty fucking minutes and no information regarding the infiltrator. Though it was no new thing, it was a matter of increasing concern because he had not been able to get hold of the mouse yet. 
The man being interrogated was one too, but Yoongi knew that he was not the spy he should be concerned with.
“Here’s how this is going to be young man…” he began with a cigarette clasped between his lips. He paused briefly to light it up. “You tell me who has been collecting information about my organisation and I give you an easy death.”
Yoongi’s eyes flicked up, finding the dilated pupils of the man, blood and saliva running down his busted lips. He spat out two of his bloody teeth into the water and coughed. He gasped again as one of Yoongi’s men took hold of his hair, ready to dunk his head into the murky water again.
Yoongi rose his palm this time, halting his men’s actions. Pulling the cigarette away, he blew out smoke into the air, momentarily blurring his face “Let me rephrase it..If you do not reveal your partner, I will make sure that you continue to breathe.”
 Nearing him, Yoongi leaned closer, whispering in his ear 
“Besides, your sister would make up for the loss of our money for our clients. Now, that would be perfect, don’t you think?”
Yoongi smirked as the man clenched his jaw and shuddered. He gripped his shoulder and squeezed the bruise hard, making the man scream.
“Think about it, hero– your charity might cost you your sister’s life. She just entered college, didn’t she? Tsk tch tch, she must have so many dreams…” he threatened with a voice dripping with mock concern while his eyes held a promise of acting through his words.
The man shut his eyes, gritting his teeth before looking dead into Yoongi’s eyes
Was all he said before pushing out a tiny bottle from his tied hands, it had been there between his palms. It happened within the span of seconds, one moment the man was there, and the next, he shoved the bottle in his mouth before dropping dead.
“Where were your eyes?” Yoongi gritted out as he looked at his men with fury “Where.the.fuck were you looking when he had this in his fucking palms?”
His men trembled but said nothing, only hanging their heads in shame. Min Yoongi with raised voice was a threat, but he with a cold, low voice with gritting teeth was a warning that barely stood between one’s life and his gun.
Surely, the police officer's body was not the only one which would be laying there.
But to their utter surprise, their boss’ fingers, instead of going for his gun, went to his head, running through his long hair.
He took a few puffs from his cigarette before dropping it on the wet floor and viciously crushing it with his heavy shoes.
He sighed, closing his eyes, the thin cut running through his face could be seen in its complete glory with his eyes closed– it began from his forehead and sliced straight through his left eyebrow, and eyelid, ending on his upper cheek, parallel to his nose. It was faded but only added to the grim aura he carried.
“Find out who is Raven. And don’t be lousy fucky this time.”
That was all he said before marching out of the place.
Min Yoongi was many things but he was not a man to step back from his words, even if it was something he had promised himself.
No blood on his hands on her birthday. 
The front light of the shop flickered before dimming considerably while Yoongi’s car pulled up in front of the flower shop. It was decent, but in Yoongi’s mind, needed a ton of renovation. It was already past midnight and his only regret was that he could not be there to wish her on the strike of twelve.
The door sign showed ‘closed’ but he rang the bell anyway, his heart thumping on hearing the muffled sound of her ascending the stairs.
His lips curved into a smile as soon as the door opened.
“You came? I thought you were busy.”
“And I thought I told you to wait for me at my place. Yet I find you here, sleeping with just a single lock at the main door.” he commented as he walked inside. 
The flower shop was on the ground floor, and the floor above was where she lived. It would seem odd, special in a way– a business tycoon and a florist. But it would turn bizarre at the revelation of his true identity. A man marred with the underground murk and a sweet florist, oblivious to the monster she was letting in almost every night at her home.
“I baked some cookies.”
“Mhm? I got you some fried chicken with cheese and beer.” her eyes lit up at that and she smiled, raining heavens on his heart.
“Oh, Yoongi, you always know what I want!”
 Her voice dripped with delight as she made her way upstairs, while he locked the door, making eye contact with his men stationed just opposite the flower shop, under the guise of some construction workers.
He sighed in delight as her delicate floral fragrance engulfed him while he followed her upstairs.
“Wait for me in the bedroom, I will bring the food. And–what is this? A cake? You even brought me a cake? Oh Yoongi, you did not need to.”
He shook his head and smiled, taking her hands into his.
 “But I wanted to.” 
His hand slid to her lower back and the other hand guided her hand to his shoulder as they began to slow dance in the kitchen, the food long forgotten at the kitchen counter. 
Fishing out his phone, he clicked to play a retro romantic track– slow, lovely and oh-so poetic. He smiled at her, stealing a fleeting kiss on her forehead as they continued to move, like a slow-burning flame that would ignite one’s soul.
“Happy Birthday my love.” he whispered ever so tenderly as she looked up with glistening eyes. 
She tucked her head on his chest, relishing the moment in silence.
One of the best leisure activities had to be sitting on the bed and enjoying one’s favourite meal along with one’s favourite person, Yoongi realised that while placing another piece of fried chicken on her plate. She smiled at him, a smudge of ketchup on her lower lip and it made her all the more adorable to her. All he wanted was to protect her, love her and be loved by her.
He scrunched his nose lightly while wiping the ketchup with his thumb while she munched on the chicken with stuffed cheeks.
Min Yoongi was in love with her, he knew it, she knew it too and he hoped that she would trust him too, enough to believe in his love through thick and thin.
“Gina…” he began as he took her hands in his, not minding the crumbles and oil “Do you trust me?”
She blinked “Yoongi, where is this coming from?”
“Just tell me, do you trust me to never hurt you? To love and protect you with my life?”
She frowned before nodding, but that was not enough for him.
“I need words Gina, do you trust me, love?”
“Yes Yoongi…” her voice shook but there was a crack of uncertainty. 
He would admit that it did hurt him, but he also knew that this was nothing beyond normal human behaviour– blind trust was a luxury and he would taste that luxury soon, he only had to be patient. He knew that her trust would falter with his next words, but he needed to do what was required.
Taking a deep breath, he grasped her hands firmer “Gina…I love you, and I did not wish to lose you…so I hid something from you, but now I must come clean for the sake of our love.” licking his lips, he continued “Gina, you know me as the world does, a philanthropist business tycoon, one with multiple companies under his banner, international projects, the rags-to-riches guy and what not…But the truth is beyond that, darker than that.”
Her frown deepened at that “What do you mean?” 
Yoongi sighed and continued “I have an underworld business, Gina, I have my hands dipped in everything murky you can possibly imagine.”
He felt her stiffening at his words and as she attempted to pull away from his hold, his fear began to take the shape of reality. With each attempt to pull her hands away, his hold coiled tighter like a hungry snake. His jaws ticked at her futile attempts
“You promised to trust me, didn’t you?” his hand crept to her forearm 
“I love you, I love you so much Gina, don’t try to take that away from me.” hissed, turning desperate “I love you too much to let you go. I have everything prepared for you love, you will love the mansion, it has a vast garden and even a patch of woods, there are flowers, beautiful flowers, and the room I have prepared for you is your dream room, Love. We shall move to our room soon after the wedding.”
“Wedding?” she whispered out incredulously as if it were the most bizarre thing to hear from him. 
“Of course Jagi, are we not going to marry soon? I love you Gina and I thought this would be a perfect time to come out clean. I want to keep you safe love, pack up hmm? I have had the mansion all readied.”
“No” she whispered, making Yoongi pause
He scowled, tightening his hold to a painful extent before jerking her closer to him, ignoring the whimper his actions and eyes had elicited.
“What do you mean by No?” he snarled before closing his eyes and looking away– his tongue pushed against the inner wall of his cheek to show his thinning patience as he remained unfazed by her struggle to slip away from his bruising hold. “Gina…I told you that I love you, didn’t I? I came clean to you like a good lover. Isn’t it your turn to show appreciation and fucking listen to me? You are so fucking unsafe here I cannot protect—”
He was cut off by the sound of a click that tore through the otherwise heavy silence like an arrow in a dead forest
He looked at her, hold loosening before she mouthed--
But there was no time for that other than reaching for his gun strapped on his shin but the moment his fingers touched the gun, he felt the piecing of a bullet. Chaos ensued as a figure in black jumped down from the attic, opening the foldable ladder that dropped from the ceiling, and reaching the bed.
Yoongi felt hands forcing him down before he elbowed the assaulter. His palm was already suffering a bullet wound but his eyes never left her– his Gina, or that was the name she had used. She shook her head, tears now streaming down in full force. 
“Min Yoong, you are under arrest!”
How were there so many men in the room? Boots rang across the floor as many men in uniform stormed the room, forcing him down further. But his eyes remained on the woman sitting in front of him, nursing her bruising wrist yet looking down at him with the sorrow only a true lover could.
Her eyes widened as he smiled at her– a genuine smile that came from the realisation that she did warn him to run, that she had pain in her eyes. 
“What’s your name?” he whispered softly making her her eyes widen. “Your name…”
“Oi! You are under arrest for being involved in illegal business, you just confessed that!” 
One of the officers spat out as he snatched away the necklace she wore roughly, making her wince and Yoongi's jaws tick.
 “We have it all recorded you scum!”
 He waved it in front of him before landing a heavy punch, making Yoongi’s head whip to the side, a bruise already forming while blood trickled down the corner of his lips.
But he did not care, finding her frightened eyes once more as her hand jerked to reach him, only to be stopped midway by the officer “What’s your name?” he asked again
 “Get her out of here.” the senior officer barked before the subordinate approached, his actions and tone much gentler than his superior as he helped her get up from the bed.
But before went out, she turned to him one last time, eyes filled with emotions, while Yoongi focused on pushing his heel against the sole of his shoe– one press of the sensor and his team would be ready. He smiled at her as she disappeared from his sight.
Soon, Love…Very Soon.
The journey to the police station involved being shoved into a heavily guarded van with too many armed men.
Twenty men for one person? Even with a bullet wound?
He liked the fear. 
His eyes met with one of the amateur officers, young, naive and so fucking idealistic perhaps– a version of his in his early teens. Yoongi smirked as he watched him gulp subtly.
As soon as they reached the police station at an ungodly hour, he was shoved into an overly guarded prison, the captain watched him from outside as one would while inspecting a feral animal.
The middle-aged man held his gaze as Yoongi made himself comfortable behind the bars, sitting on the bed near the wall, his form faintly visible in the darkness.
The captain held his phone to his ear before speaking up, breaking the tense silence that felt like a bated breath
 “Mission Raven Completed,” 
He whispered out, his eyes holding Yoongi’s gaze in mockery as he cut the call and slipped his phone into his pocket
“Your game is over Min Yoongi.” 
Yoongi sat still, his feline eyes shining with amusement under the minimal light reaching his prison.
“What? Aren’t you scared? The whole world will come to know your true face in a few hours!” he snarled at him.
Yoongi knew that he had made many, many enemies along his climb to the top of the underworld rings. And this captain seemed to take things a bit too personally. But what did he know of the ‘games’ he played?
“ Captain Jiwok…” he watched in satisfaction as the smirk was wiped out from the man’s face “My game has just begun.”
Before the man could speak any further, a deafening boom shook the whole building as rubble began to fall,  he watched the building burst into bedlam, throwing his back into laughter while his eyes twinkled in delight.
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A sunny day, the bright colours of the summer and the gentle breeze playing with the new, tender leaves and the playful petals of brightest and softest blooms. 
It would make anyone smile. But not the mistress of the Jung Estate–(L/N)(Y/N), who could only resentfully look on as the servants, maids, dogs, cats, butterflies and even insects enjoyed their freedom of embracing the outside world– all but her.
The sprawling estate encompassed a vast garden with water channels running around in symbols, hosting a range of koi fish, one more stunning than the other and a number of servant quarters that housed the staff. 
The place would look idyllic to anyone who would first set their eyes on it. But underneath the beautiful estate, laid metal doors, bloody walls and unending, dark body chutes. One might find that shocking, but not (Y/N) – to her, the Jung Estate was an extension of the master of the property– Jung Hoseok– an angel’s face and a devil’s soul. But (Y/N) doubted that he had any soul at all.
Taking her eyes off the garden, she focused on the elaborate lunch spread out for her. At least she had a choice of food, she thought with contempt as the maid served her more rice.
“Would you like dessert after lunch Ma’am?” Lia, her personal maid enquired.
“No thank you.”
“They’re all your favourite Madame.” she pressed ever so gently.
Sighing, (Y/N) nodded. Dessert might do her soured mood some good.
“I will bring them right after you are finished, Madame.” Lia beamed
(Y/N)’s lips tugged up subtly with an amused smile as she continued to eat her lunch. Hoseok, her husband always told her how much he loved her smile. And yet, he had turned the reason behind its decline. 
Jung Hoseok was probably the most feared man in the country and she had made the foolish mistake of walking right into the lion’s den one sorry evening.
“Madame, sweet buns along with mini butter croissants.” 
(Y/N) had smelled the delicious aroma before the oven-fresh delicacies came within her sight. After all, something to truly smile about, without making her cheeks ache. 
“You should have your lunch, Lia.” she offered softly, aching to be left alone, truly alone, without his people following her like some…fucking guard dogs!
Lia, the dedicated girl was obviously not at fault– she was just doing what she was paid so heftily for– taking care of the mistress of the Jung Estate.
The Mistress of Jung Estate…Ironical, really, when she could not even step out of the iron castle without his consent. And if he were to go out of the city, even the garden was out of her reach. Even his pet had more freedom than her. 
And yet…
And yet he would claim to love her the most, adore her more than anything and appreciate even the most mundane thing she would do.
Huffing as such thoughts crossed her path, she violently tore the delicate croissant into two before—
Croissants were not supposed to make any tearing sounds! Or were they?
This time, she looked closer, only to two torn pieces of the same paper peeking out of the halves of the delicacy. (Y/N) frowned as she pulled the pieces of paper out before joining them. Only to part her lips in surprise at the sight of the message written there.
A phone number!
She crumpled the pieces of paper, hiding them away in her fist before carefully peeling apart another croissant– the same number!
This had to mean something, this could not be a coincidence.
Her stomach flipped as she gulped an uncomfortable lump in her throat. 
What is this?
The question rang louder than all other thoughts in her head as she delicately folded the paper and walked up to the closet before hiding the paper in one of her shoes.
Thankfully, there were only two such croissants and the rest had only warmth and aroma stuffed inside them, so were the sweet buns, simple and delicious. The incident felt more like a dream but (Y/N) knew that it was not.
“Who prepared the dessert today?” (Y/N) prayed that she sounded absolutely nonchalant as she fiddled with her food, pretending to mix the sauce with the rice.
Sitting on the terrace, she could have a wide view of the spread-out property– all lit up and quiet, except for nature’s sounds.
“Oh, did you not like it Ma’am?” it was the butler serving her this time– breakfasts and dinners were his responsibility and she had no clue why this was a rigid routine.
“No, it was delicious, that’s why I asked…”
“I am glad Madame, Lia herself prepared the dessert.”
(Y/N) kept her eyes down, afraid that her eyes would give away the surprise. Somehow, she managed a mundane “Oh, I see.” but all she did was restrain herself from frowning.
She did not even remember when she fell asleep, in his absence, sleep seemed to come easy and deep. But this time, somehow she woke up with a start in the middle of the night. It was quiet but tense and while she was alert as soon as she woke up without the usual grogginess she would feel, the goosebumps all over her skin told her that something was just not right.
Squinting her eyes, she tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness when she spotted–
“Lia?” she hissed, annoyed that the girl was there inside her bedroom and had given her a nightmare-worthy scare.
“Lia, is that you?” she felt her parched throat before recognising her rising fear— what if it was not Lia but one of Hoseok’s rivals? What if the person wanted to hurt her? The silhouette matched that of her personal maid but she had not seen the person’s face yet and—
To her slight relief, Lia revealed herself as she stepped near the bed “Madame, you are awake at this time?”
What kind of question was that?
“What are you doing in my room at two in the morning?”
Lia only smiled at her counter-question, but there was something condescending about it.
“Don’t you feel better? More refreshed than mornings?”
“Wh-what? What kind of question—”
“I assume you’ve got the number and are smart enough to hide it in a safe place?” she cut her off,
(Y/N) gulped, feeling increasingly uneasy with the situation. She was alone, vulnerable in her room with her supposedly personal maid who seemed…just off.
Lia sighed and tilted her head “Don’t worry, I'm not here to hurt you. In fact, I can help you.”
“Help me?” she could feel her voice crumble at her words.
Help her as in helping her get out of the place? But who would dare to?
“No, woman, I am not a rival’s spy or something if you are worried about that. I work for the government.”
(Y/N) gasped quietly at that. Why would the government of the nation take the pains of infiltrating Hoseok’s home to rescue a simple girl? She gulped again, feeling her mouth grow increasingly dry.
“Don’t,” Lia’s voice was quiet but strong, halting (Y/N)’s movement immediately as she reached out for the water bottle placed on the nightstand.
“I was just feeling thirsty?” she could not help but feel fear beginning to grip her in the face of the uncertain situation.
“You can drink that once we’re finished with the conversation woman. You drink that right now, you will fall asleep again.”
“What?” (Y/N) frowned while Lia rolled her eyes with a slow shake of her head 
“You are such a naive girl, no wonder you are still stuck here.” 
 She sighed before explaining
 “Don’t you feel weird? It is only the butler who serves you breakfast and dinner, prepared by him in the boss’ absence? Don’t you wonder why you feel so sleepy, even after breakfast? You sleep until noon and yet feel tired after dinner”
“So…” (Y/N) gulped, feeling her stomach beginning to flip “So, y-you are saying that the food, the water is compromised?”
“‘Compromised’? Don’t soften this up now, you know what it is, just acknowledge it.”
“He–he won’t–I mean he couldn’t have—”
Lia smiled again, the same condescending smile that rubbed the ugly fact on her face and made her stomach churn.
“You are saying that—that the food and water I consume are…drugged?”
She knew that Hoseok’s ‘love’ was toxic, but this was straight out of some nightmare-inducing psychological thriller. She let out a shuddering breath as the horrible realisation dawned upon her. It was sick, absolutely sick. 
“You see, morning and night are the only times when guards change shifts and take breaks, he could not take any chances. You are after all his most treasured possession.”
She drawled, and her words slapped the bleak reality of her marriage right on her face. Was it even a marriage? She felt like a prisoner before, now she was reduced to a precious little pet.
Weren’t you always his fucking pet?
Her subconscious mocked her as she felt tears beginning to gather.
“It took me a while to figure out what was he giving you, but today I managed to slip an antidote in your dinner. How does it feel to wake up refreshed?”
When she did not answer, Lia threw something beside her, making her flinch 
“In case you realise how deep you are in. All you need is to call.”
(Y/N)’s eyes remind of the buttoned cell phone, she did not even hear Lia leaving– she left as quietly as she came.
But she left behind a storm brewing in (Y/N)’s mind.
Despite knowing the consequences, (Y/N) tucked the phone away in some safe corner and drank the water, she was absolutely parched. Everything was too much to take. She knew that Hoseok was no saint, but this made her sick to her stomach. She feared Hoseok but now…now she was terrified of him.
The sky rumbled before her eyes found the window gigantic window of the place– big droplets of rain had begun to dot the glass. From that height, the sky seemed nearer, yet all the more distant– it was just a better, clearer sight, especially when one could leisurely watch the thunderstorm up close– clouds flashing, clashing and the skies illuminating with blinding cracks.
No one seemed to notice, or care, but her. It felt like it was only her– just like her four years old relationship– it was only her there. She was the one making the effort, she was always the one apologising, she was the one making her plans, her schedule flexible, initiating dates and she was the only fucking person in a relationship involving two.
And it took her a whole bad fight and a slap on the face to realise that. It was the worst fight the two had, and also perhaps the third major one in a span of four fucking years– so used to ‘sweeping things under the rug’ and ‘keeping the peace’, she had was, for once glad to let it all out– the bottled disappointments, suppressed anger, resentment, frustration hurt, envy, jealousy– every ugly emotion one could come up with when they had to carry the weight of a dying relationship and when she was spitting the facts on his face, he retorted with a slap that shook everything– the relationship, her perspective, her beliefs— everything shuddered and began to crumble with nothing. 
Noted, she had pulled his parents’ failed marriage in a fit of rage but reacting with violence? Was it ever okay?
Thankfully, she knew the answer. She did not even remember how she simply picked up her phone and wallet in dead silence after he stormed out of the house in tears. She had her vision blurred with unshed tears as well, but she did not let them escape her eyes, at least not until she drove back to her apartment. She had seen her first-ever serious relationship crumbling into nothing and she had no clue how to deal with that.
After days of crying herself to sleep and being on autopilot, her friends decided to intervene and drag her away to the fancy event. She had blocked him from everywhere but she was not sure if he even tried to contact her. Even in the glittering and gilded place, she could not stop thinking about him and the relationship she had dragged on for such a long time, but not romantically. She could not bring herself to do that after what had transpired that evening.
“Ma’am, a drink for you.” 
(Y/N) frowned as the bartender slid a fancy-looking shimmery drink in front of her. While her friends were busy chitchatting and flirting with people they knew, she had excused herself to the quieter part of the gigantic hall, a bar. But she had not ordered anything yet.
“But I did not order anything.”
“The gentleman bought you this.”
Not all drinks were free and the drink definitely looked like it had soaked up a fortune. Her eyes followed the bartender’s gaze and found a man she had never seen before leaning against the other end of the long island.
He looked sleek and mysterious and every last thing she wanted at the moment. While he smoked and raised an eyebrow, she smiled apologetically before shaking her head before getting off the barstool and making her way back to her friends.
She did not know what she needed at the moment, but she did know what she did not need.
As the event dragged on (Y/N) had begun to feel more uninterested. Maybe such high-class parties were more suited for her millionaire friend who had thrust the invitation card in her face. (Y/N) knew that all she wanted was to make her feel better but the event was quickly turning her eyes droopy. 
Bidding her friend goodbye with an excuse, she sighed in relief the moment she walked out of the hall, as the door closed, she was greeted with a silent hallway leading to the exit of the building.
“Hello there” the voice made her jump as she turned around, only to find the same man just a foot behind her.
“Oh, didn’t see you there.” she mustered up an easy smile as her feet remained in the direction of the exit.
The man hummed and assessed her with a ghost of a smile on his face, the tilt of his head had a few strands falling on his exposed forehead. He was an attractive man, no doubt, but she was just not interested. He seemed well above twenty-five, even past thirty perhaps.
“Did you not like the drink, Pretty?” she cringed internally at the nickname.
“I am in a hurry actually, thank you for the drink by the way.”
His lips tilted into an amused smile “Let me have the honours to drop you home, pretty.”
“I have my car.”
She had come with her friends and she had no car, but a cab would always be nearby in a posh locality.
“Oh yeah? Let me walk you to your car then.”
She tried to rack her brain for some excuse but the glint in his eyes confirmed her fears, he knew that she had no vehicle to return home and he was taking advantage of her situation. Even if he only intended to flirt, he was making her easy. 
“There you are!” the loud and buoyant voice startled her.
The man cornering her turned around, giving her a view of another man approaching them.
“And there I was, searching for you in that hall!” the new man beamed with a blinding smile before turning to him “Hi Juk, you’re here too.”
“Mr Jung, I did not that she is—”
“She came with me.” he declared, finding her gaze briefly before flickering back to…Juk– or whatever his name was.
She understood what he was trying to do and played along. 
“I was searching for you too!” even if her voice showed her relief, she did not care anymore.
Oddly, she felt less threatened in the smiling stranger’s presence. Juk came up with an excuse before walking back into the hall, leaving them alone. His gentle gaze fixed on her before his smile turned soft.
“Are you okay?”
“Eh yes, yes, thank you—I should get going now.” she bowed to show him her gratitude as he shook his head.
“Ah, it’s nothing, sometimes people here get pretty intense. I’m used to this.” he explained before realisation flashed in his eyes “I never saw you here before?”
“Yes, I came here with my friend.” 
“And you are leaving alone?”
“Yes, I was bored.” she slapped her hand over her lips immediately as the realisation dawned upon her. But it was too late.
Now what if he was the host?
“N-No I mean–I’m sorry—.” she was immediately in damage control mode, but he only waved his hand, laughing.
“No, no, I appreciate your honesty…I’m Hoseok by the way. Jung Hoseok.” he offered her his hand for a shake.
“(L/N)(Y/N).” she shook it with a smile.
When she opened her groggy eyes again, the room was illuminated with the sunshine filtering through the curtains fluttering. She rubbed her eyes as they began to close again.
Wait, she would never leave her window open at night?
“Good afternoon, Love!” 
Her actions paused as she rose from her bed, pushing away the comforter, only to find Hoseok standing in front of her, dressed in his casual olive t-shirt and sweats. Her eyes widened in surprise, the conversation with Lia floating back in her mind.
But he did not give her much time to think, instead, he got on the bed and pulled her for a searing kiss, never minding her morning breath or her stiffness.
“I missed you so much Jagi!” there it was, the deceiving smile that had blinded her to all the bright red flags once.
His arms engulfed her, pulling her towards his chest as he hummed in delight “You were sleeping when I returned, so I made breakfast for you myself.”
Schooling her expression and keeping her voice steady, she hugged him back “Thank you Hoseok.”
“Oh, no need to thank me, Love. I have been gone for a while, haven’t I? It must have been hard for you.” his voice dipped to a tone of regret before he pulled away and cupped her face “Being locked in here all by yourself. But you know it's for your safety, don’t you?”
Gulping, she dropped her gaze and nodded. He smiled in return before kissing her once more. “There, there, nothing to worry about anymore. You can even go to the garden unattended! But why bother about a garden when we have a whole vacation planned?”
Surprised, she looked up, earning a coo from him as he placed a kiss on her forehead. 
“Like, out of this place? This city?”
Hoseok nodded “Now, freshen up, I will serve you some breakfast. Okay?” 
 With a nod and a small smile, she made her way towards the bathroom, feeling increasingly uneasy in his presence. As soon as she was out of the bathroom, she was relieved to find no trace of her husband in the room. The bed was freshly made and crisp, everything seemed right in place, speckless. 
A vacation…
Lia’s words never left her mind, not even for a moment since she woke up. Did she want out?
Yes. Of course, she did. And she knew that deep down, Hoseok knew that too— she never asked to be here. That was why she was not even allowed to step out of the mansion in his absence.
But the real question was…
Was she safe?
She pondered as she held the phone in her grip.
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She cursed herself as the thick rain pounded on her back while she jogged her way back home. Had she brought an umbrella, she could have avoided this situation. She hated getting wet in the rain. She hated such stormy evenings overall.
She cursed out loud as she stumbled before slipping down on the ground, her one leg folding painfully in the process. Gasping out in pain and shock, she tried to steady herself.
Breathe (Y/N), keep calm, you are almost home, you can have a good sleep and—no, not a peaceful sleep maybe but you will be taken care of.
Nodding to herself, she rose from the ground and continued her way home with a limping foot while the sky rumbled unpleasantly over her. She should have slowed down before.
Her apartment was quiet when she entered it. Closing the door with a huff, she took off her now-soaked shoes but gasped when she rose after putting them away. 
There was someone in the apartment with her!
She cursed herself before hastily switching the lights on, only to fall into a fused state of relief and annoyance.
“Namjoon!” she hissed “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? And why were you just standing there like a creep?”
Namjoon chortled and folded his arms over his chest “Why? Did I scare you little bird?”
Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) shook her head “I’m not a little bird Joon.”
“Oh Little bird, you are dripping.” he cooed as he made his way towards her.
If there was someone who could simultaneously get on her nerves and warm her heart, it would be Kim Namjoon, her boyfriend of six months. 
And she wondered often how come he was a college professor. At the rate he lost and broke things while managing to look like the most innocent soul with round eyes and full cheeks and–no wait, he was annoying at the moment!
“There, there.” he gently patted her with a towel and yet had the audacity to tease her in between “You look like a dunked kitten by the way.”
She simply sighed. There was no stopping him, she had realised that within a month into the relationship. He was like a child sometimes, really.
“Move, I have to get changed.” Pushing her laughing boyfriend away, she made her way to the bathroom.
“Hey kitten, I have turned on the heating, be careful not to burn yourself!” He called out from behind as she slammed the bathroom door shut.
(Y/N) had met Namjoon in the most cliché place possible– a coffee shop. One moment he was passing by her seat and the next, he was tripping on plain ground and the entire content of his ‘extra-large’ cold coffee was all over her.
Before she could even turn around with smoke leaving her ears, he was on his knees apologising profusely with repeated bows, so much that he had hit his forehead twice on the table in the frenzy and his ID was on the ground, taking a dip at the spilled, frothy cold coffee.
The rest? Looking at them, anyone could have guessed the rest. 
It was hard to believe that a man this clumsy was teaching at a reputed college. She often wondered ‘How did he survive this far?’, especially when he tried helping her in the kitchen.
He was banned from the kitchen for a reason.
When she entered the living room, Namjoon was busy cleaning the muddy footprints near the apartment entrance.
“I ordered us some chicken ramen with some snacks and beer.” Namjoon perked up as soon as he saw her enter the room
“Finally, something good to look forward to!” she beamed
“Oh, was work not good?” His smile faded with a frown of concern replacing it.
(Y/N) smiled and shook her head dismissively "Nothing, just the usual running around. We have some sillies coming in with bizarre complaints” she scoffed
“So, where else people would go if not the police?”
“Joon, there were claims of alien sightings.” She huffed, rolling her eyes as she plopped on the couch “Thanks for cleaning up though. I am so tired.” (Y/N) could not stop the wince when she tried to stretch her legs. 
People might consider that once someone joined the police force, they attain immunity against injuries and pain– the fact was, she and officers like her, were only human.
“What happened?”
“Nothing, I just slipped while jogging back home.”
“(Y/N), how many times have I asked you to not rush? It's even more dangerous during the rainy season!”
He was immediately by her side, bunching the loose gown she wore to her mid-thigh. He winced at the sight of the bruised shin and knee.
“Look what you have done to yourself now.” Namjoon chided as he gently ran his fingers through the darkening bruises.
“I’m a police officer Joon.” she scoffed, attempting to pull away, but he would have none of that 
“So? You are still human. Moreover, it has barely been a year since you joined.”
“A year Joon, a year has 365 days.”
Namjoon simply smiled and for the first time, the warmth was missing “Oh, little bird…I bet you’ve seen nothing. The world now rivals hell.” he leaned closer and placed a peck on her knee “So, be careful what you fly into.”
Although his eyes held a playful glint, they darkened under the light, ironically, they seemed to swallow the light falling on them, not reflect. It felt like she was starring at the eyes of a stranger, a man she had never seen before and—
Ring! Ring-ring!
The doorbell rang, shoving her out of the trance as she flinched– eyes darting towards the unanswered door, the smart LED mounted on the wall– anywhere but him.
Namjoon rose and walked up to the door in silence. Looking through the peephole, he unlocked the door and opened it, while she rushed to cover her legs and look decent.
It was their dinner. 
“Dinner’s here!” he turned to her with the paper bag dangling from his hold as soon as he shut the door. 
His smile was warm, the one she knew– it was her Namjoon. 
“Don’t worry, I will set it up. Why don’t you play the sitcom we were watching last time, hmm?”
She smiled as he walked towards the kitchenette. It was so usual of him– he was Namjoon, her boyfriend. Why did it feel different then?
Shaking her head, she moved to switch on the TV– she was just tired.
There was a thing about being in the police force. One came under numerous circumstances, met numerous people and remembered most of them. It was a part of the training, or maybe the experience she had over a year of joining the Police. 
The spies, the police, and the military had somewhat of a peculiar kind of instinct– in fact, they were trained to follow their instinct, trained to not hold the gaze for too long without the necessity and to never stare at the back of the head of the people they were supposed to keep an eye on.
The training, perhaps made the observation and the intuition stronger– like their subconscious would note things before their conscious mind realised.
Even after days after Namjoon’s visit, (Y/N) could not forget the moment– the brief, dreamlike moment that, even for a part of a second did make her see her boyfriend under a different light. Even if it was just for a moment, the Namjoon she knew seemed to have turned into…someone else- someone who made her…uneasy.
So, aside from the cases she already was handling along with being a part of a confidential project, she took it upon herself to research more on Namjoon– her boyfriend. He had told her that he had discarded his 'original' surname, he was just Namjoon– even his ID showed that– ‘Namjoon’. But he had been making official changes for adding 'Kim'
And that made it all the more difficult for her to dig more about him. It had not bothered her before. In fact, she had not even bothered to dig up about him, she never felt like he was hiding something or even remotely pretending. He was an unsuspecting College professor– a clumsy, endearing gentle giant who loved bonsai, flowers and everything small and cute.
Until that one night.
It is just to ease my tension. Just to ease my suspicion, it's nothing probably.
She kept telling herself as she searched through digital file after digital file without a trace of anything familiar. At one point, she even thought, why bother anyway? It might just have been the light doing its trick, or maybe her tired brain making up things.
But there was something that distinguished a person in uniform from an ordinary civilian– their reliance on their gut feeling. Even if people might find it strange, the police relied heavily on their gut feeling.
So if her gut feeling sensed something, she was trained to go with it– no matter who or what. She might be an amateur, not a speedy learner like her colleagues but she knew her job and she knew was, at the end of the day, a police officer.
“The police in Busan have discovered a shipment... cocaine.”
There was an emergency meeting held as soon as the station’s in-charge received an e-mail.
“But they are suspecting that it is not the whole shipment.”
“Sir, what is the amount?” (Y/N)’s colleague Han raised the much-awaited question
Their superior’s eyes turned grim as he sighed.
This did not seem good
“48 kilograms.”
The room fell into a tense silence.
“And how do we know that it is not the whole shipment? 48kgs of cocaine is no joke.” (Y/N) spoke up this time.
“Yes, (Y/N), but the shipment was most probably for Gangnam. I had some people working for the police keeping an eye out. Those people are cunning– they evaded the Busan police– I had spoken with the station’s in-charge there and got to know that only the shipment was discovered, not the dealers.”
 He switched on the projector and the screen showed a map of major cities in the country but there were places marked. 
“You see these places? These are the places we have foiled major shipments in the past year.” He pointed at the flagged locations “But there is a worrying pattern here. These are the areas where most hotels, resorts, and other tourist destinations are. And before last year, neither these places nor such a jump in the number of drugs was detected…You know what this means, right?”
“There is a new snake in the town?” (Y/N) guessed.
Their senior nodded “Yes, most probably– you see, this person is experienced, cunning. They know what happens in the streets, they know how things work and yet we get are able to sack the major shipments, but not a single dealer…It seems deliberate.”
“Deliberate? Those cost billions Sir,” Han was right, but so was her boss.
“Hmm, but we have no idea how vast this empire is, do we? It is the underground we’re speaking of, Han, these people are powerful dangerous, cruel and cunning. You never take them as fools. That might be your last mistake.”
Han nodded at his words before he continued -
“For now, we need to increase the patrol. Patrol officers here, keep vigilance and let some officers loiter around in civil attire, we need to keep an eye out for this area, we have  quite a few tourist places here. Dismissed for now.”
With that, the sounds of screeching and pushing chairs filled the room as the officers made their way out of the room one by one. 
“Officer (Y/N), please wait, I have a discussion with you regarding the burglary case.”
“Sure sir.”
As soon as the room was empty he walked up to the door and closed it.
“Sir, the case has been–”
“Closed, I know, this is regarding the shipments.” he paused before continuing "It's a mind game (Y/N). I’m sure of it.”
“May I know the reason, Sir?”
 “This time, they have targeted Busan. It's like a flag of ownership and victory, not a missed shipment. Whatever actual shipment was headed for Gangnam, has already reached there while the police were distracted with this one. It's like a declaration– they have their hold beyond this city now.”
“But 48 kg of cocaine costs a lot Sir, and Han was right, whatever shipments we have found over the months, they cost billions.” 
“And..do we know if those belong to this new…snake?”
(Y/N) frowned at his response
“The underworld, (Y/N) is no stranger to brutality. As I mentioned before, this new player knows the streets. They’re experienced. Do you really think that they will make such an amateur mistake? Not a single dealer caught, no man caught. They are mocking us, making us run around like puppies...But now, I have a name for the snake…”
“A name?”
Her boss nodded before handing her his phone. There was a message from an unsaved number. A message with only two letters.
“So–so who is this?”
“Can be anyone, a business tycoon, a philanthropist or whatever, but a looming figure in the underworld with eyes and ears everywhere. Ever since the last major drug dealer was shot dead in Dubai last year, we have been receiving anonymous alerts on such shipments.”
“So, you are suggesting that this…person has replaced the notorious Don? He was a Godfather, Sir and wasn’t his son about to take up—”
“And where is his son (Y/N)? Vanished, we have no idea where he is but this is not their pattern. We know that. Their businesses are sealed– legal or illegal, their bank accounts were frozen, properties here sealed– the family is not a threat now (Y/N). But this…” He pointed at his phone in her grip “This is. They are a clear, looming threat and it is so obvious that they fear no, nothing. It's like a game to them.”
“So, what do you want me to do?”
Her superior sighed and nodded as he took his phone back “It is not easy but I know I can trust you on this. I am forming a team, and I will update you soon about that but for now, we know that this snake knows the street well, maybe they belonged there once. Take a few days off and take a sweep of the street meanwhile. We need to have more information.”
“Sure, Sir.” she squared her shoulders
He nodded “Okay, you can go now, do not let anyone suspect anything until I inform you of the rest of the team.”
“Sir.” giving him a salute, she turned to walk away.
“And (Y/N).”
“Yes, Sir?”
“Be careful. We have a cunning and venomous one here.”
“I will keep that in mind, Sir.”
“Okay, you can go now.”
The place looked as peaceful as ever. The aroma of roasted coffee beans, blended with that of butter and chocolate– it was a typical cafe. And the same cafe she had met Namjoon for the first time.  And as she watched the couple sitting across the place, the same seat she had been sitting on months ago, her meeting with Namjoon, her interaction, it all felt surreal. Their story was indeed novel-worthy! Like a perfect romcom—
(Y/N) froze completely for a moment when the realisation struck her– her chewing, her fiddling, even her breathing and blinking.
Each movement spent with her boyfriend flowed in and each moment seemed so…Perfect.
Beautiful or not, (Y/N) knew one thing about the world…Nothing is perfect.
Yes, there were some shortcomings here and there but the meetings, the bumping into one another again…Everything was indeed perfect.
She gulped, then blinked.
No, she was thinking too much. Namjoon was a true gentleman. A man she was falling for, she really liked him. Maybe–maybe even loved him? She was not much sure about love but she knew one thing for sure, her job’s stress was spilling over on her personal life and affecting her personal relationships.
Before her thoughts could spiral any further, the chair in front of her was pulled out and her boyfriend took a seat in front of her, boring holes into her form as he made himself comfortable.
“Oh, Hi Namjoon.”
Namjoon did not respond immediately, he just sat there, staring right into her eyes, fingers folded into a contemplating posture. For the first time, (Y/N) realised that indeed, it would not be difficult for him to take control over a class of even hundreds– he had a commanding presence.
“You have not been answering my calls,” he stated. 
There was no questioning regarding the possible reasons. There was no trace of ‘questions’ in his tone at all.
“Yes, I have been a bit busy lately– just the usual, police things.”
Namjoon simply hummed, eyes still searching hers without a shift. “What are you getting, little bird?”
“Uh…Coffee?” she was left baffled at her own reaction. 
It was Namjoon, just Namjoon. So why did she feel… scrutinised? She was reminded of the night she had seen a glimpse of…something in his eyes. 
“So– what would you have?” her gaze dropped to the menu card in front of her.
“The usual.”
She nodded to a waiter passing by 
“Would you like to order Ma’am?”
But before she could speak up, Namjoon ‘s voice intervened “One cappuccino frappe and a caramel macchiato along with some choco-chip cookies please.” 
As soon as the waiter was gone, he reached out for her hand on the table and sighed “You scared me (Y/N).” his eyes looked so soft and vulnerable, she thought she was crazy. Something had to be wrong with her to doubt a man like him.
“I’m so sorry Joon, I was so stressed about my job I…” he squeezed her hand gently and nodded.
“It must be stressful, right? See, you have dark circles forming.” His fingers reached out and traced the subtle bags forming under her eyes. “But please let me know (Y/N), let me know that you are okay, not too stressed, not hurt…I was so worried!”
Guilt encompassed her as she stared at his vulnerable gaze addressing her. He had been so worried about her and there she was, letting her investigative brain rush to conclusions and scenarios.
“I’m...I’m so sorry Joon, I should have informed you– I was so wrapped up in things and—” she stopped herself lest she would accidentally let something confidential slip out. And no matter who it was, having a loose tongue as a police officer was unacceptable.
“It’s okay, I understand Baby. Just never...” his hold on her hand tightened with a pause “Avoid me again.”
Everything was settled. Han, her, Dok and Kyong were in the special team. They met up at Han’s place in order to discuss their strategy.
“So we have a layout of the regions where we found drugs worth millions and from different cities. Each time, different location and different day.”
“Where’s the pattern though?” Han questioned, 
“In the fact that everything time, it is a city, a town at least, no remote area.”
“Yes.” (Y/N) added. All eyes turned to her and Kyong nodded “Not yet.”
“So, where do we begin?” Dok asked the much-anticipated question
“ As we know, we are on leave on paper. This is a highly confidential mission. First thing first, Sir asked us to be lowkey. No matter what we need to risk, just don’t get caught. The department would refuse any connection without activities here.”
“If it's a special mission then, why not involve the intelligence?”
“We are yet to receive any message from the higher-ups,” Kyong explained
“So we are on our own?”
“Definitely,” Han added.
“What we can do now is to track where the recent shipment was supposedly headed for– Gangnam. Why don’t we all spread to different high-profile clubs? Meanwhile, tell our informants to be on high alert, especially in Gangnam and nearby localities, even universities and colleges.” (Y/N) proposed.
“You’re right. Shall we go tonight?” Dok proposed
“Yes, we can but would not this be obvious if anything happens tonight? We found a shipment yesterday.” Kyong suggested,
“The weekend then?” 
“No (Y/N), the weekend is just too obvious. If anything does happen this weekend, it might be planned too, maybe to distract us—right–Kyong, your best informants are active nearby airports, stations and docks right?”
Han perked up as if a fuse went off in his head
“Tell them to be active tonight and especially this weekend. We can spread it in different clubs in Gangnam. If anything happens there, we shall also alert the informants and the police near dockyards, train stations and transportation areas. Because if they do plan to distract us, they might be up to something much bigger. Shipment, I assume, for now. We can catch them red-handed.”
“But where would be the official orders? Like, we are involving police officers from other regions Han.” Kyong had a point.
“Well, right, we can speak to Sir, right? He will provide us with the required.” Han proposed.
“Han is right, if this is a special mission at the department level, there is no way that the higher-ups have no idea. And even if they have no idea and Byuk Sir is risking it all for this mission, he has to have some loopholes in his mind. He can manage and he can help us all manage.” (Y/N) added.
“But, wait, we were supposed to just collect information, not arrest anyone.” Dok pointed out.
“Well, not this RM, we can’t reach to such a level by ourselves, but maybe get out hands on this…RM’s men? Won’t this be a breakthrough?” Kyong argued.
“And would alert them further? We don’t even know if this is a man, woman, organisation, or group–we are in complete darkness!” Dok pointed out and he was right.
“Dok’s right. We will only collect information, a full-fledged operation would happen only after approval from the higher-ups, we don’t know who we are dealing with Kyong and if something goes wrong, the whole department, especially Byuk Sir would be under fire. We have to first find out this…RM’s reach and standing.”
“Seems obnoxiously confident to me, deliberately giving away billions worth of shipments,” Han added.
“And we will let them be confident. Won’t take long to turn into overconfidence– one misstep and we can have them.” (Y/N) spoke up and everyone nodded in agreement.
“This weekend then.” Dok reminded.
“This very weekend Dok,” Kyong assured.
“Are you free this Weekend?” Namjoon asked as he poured her some wine. 
They were dining in a moderately fancy restaurant to celebrate his promotion as the Department Head. Now he would be responsible for all the inter-section activities and event organisations for the Literature and Culture Department of the University.
“I wish I were Baby, but I need to help a friend out. She’s a colleague, her mother is sick, I need to take care of her baby for a day.”
“Oh, what happened?” he asked before sipping his wine.
She hated the fact that she was having to lie to him. But what was needed, was to be done.
“Oh, the type?”
“I don’t know much, it has been rough on her, I’m trying to help as much as I can.”
Namjoon hummed before smiling “It’s okay, Jagi, we will get to spend a lot of time later. Just take care of yourself, hmm?”
“Yes, sure Joon.” she smiled back, but guilt continued to tap within.
But it would be alright. Once she was done with this case, she would make up for the lost time with her Joonie. She reassured herself.
“Okay, I’ve reached, Dok,(Y/N), Han?” Kyong’s voice was clear despite the thrumming music across the floor littered with moving and blinking streaks of neon. The earbuds were incredible.
“Yes, I’ve reached. Over.” (Y/N) responded and followed.
“Okay, you have your informants inside?”
“Yes.” (Y/N) replied, as she neared the bar, body language relaxed and dressed up to mingle with the crowd.
She ordered a drink– her eyes met with that of the bartender. They flashed with recognition and he nodded and prepared her drink. He poured yellow syrup over it.
A subtle sign that he was suspicious of someone in the nightclub.
“Here you go Ma’am.” he smiled and leaned further for the final garnishing, and as he leaned, he managed to whisper out “A man in a white shirt, scotch on rocks– corner seat.”
Taking her drink, she turned around and looked around the area. It was too chaotic and dark. And if there was someone, she did not want to seem even remotely suspicious. Fishing out her phone, she connected with another informant in the place– a waitress.
“Man in a white shirt, scotch on rocks, a corner seat. Use a bug.”
For an hour, whatever she had heard had been irrelevant but then, something caught her ears
“Yes, whole forty-eight, the shore, where else? Let's talk upstairs…”
From where she stood, she could see the man, partially visible under the shadows– he was a middle-aged, bulky man. But he was not alone, there were three more people. As they moved, (Y/N) slipped further under the shadows, pretending to be just another girl on call. Yet, from the corner of her eyes, she could see them beginning to walk towards the more private space of the club.
Under the shadows, she was about to stalk them when, with a beep, her team reconnected with call.
“ This is Kyong. We have information regarding a suspicious shipment at the dockyard, I repeat, we have information regarding a suspicious shipment to be loaded at the dockyard within an hour. Over.”
“Kyong, I think we have a suspect here. Over.” (Y/N) informed.
“We have to move to the dockyard first (Y/N) give the tell your informants to stay alert there. Over.” Kyong spoke
“Kyong, this might be important.”
“(Y/N), this is more important, you are alone there anyway. Just meet us near Cafe 18.” he named the meeting point in coded language.
Sighing, (Y/N) threw the door leading upstairs one last look before reconnecting with her informants 
“Keep an eye, bug the place if possible. Also, keep tonight’s footage ready. I’m leaving now.”
To their utter disappointment, there was no suspicious shipment discovered at the dockyard. Everything was in place. But the people the informant was suspicious of, had vanished into thin air as well– tightening the knot on the case further. 
“It's far more complicated than I had expected,” Dok spoke out, running his hands through his hair. 
After such a hectic night, the four of them decided to call it a day and grab some dinner at a good, old ramen shop.
“This is only our first attempt Dok, we can’t lose hope like that.” (Y/N) patted his back.
“It makes no sense, they are in the CCTV footage but they never reach the dock.”
Wait–CCTV footage!
“Oh right, I think I have found a lead.” (Y/N) dropped her chopsticks and perked up. She prayed that at least the bartender would have his hands on the CCTV footage.
“Really? What?” Han asked, 
“See, I have the recordings, I already sent them to each of you, just listen.”
Fishing out their earbuds, they listened to the part of the recording she had sent them. 
“Sounds familiar? He did not use anything directly, not an amateur for sure but the words, forty-eight, shore. Don’t they ring a bell?”
“They surely do. Can we have access to tonight’s footage?”
“I hope so too. By tomorrow I guess?” (Y/N) prayed what she said would come true.”
“Okay, as soon as you get hold of that, inform us. Han, is your girlfriend home?”
“No, she has gone to her parents’.”
“Perfect.” Kyong clapped his and together.
“Have you watched the footage yourself?” Kyong asked as Han began to set up his laptop.
“No, I came straight here.” (Y/N) replied with her eyes still stuck on the laptop screen 
“That's a good move, what if people are keeping an eye on us too?”
“Quiet possible.”
As soon as Han clicked on ‘play’, the strenuous task of analysing the video began. But four pairs of eyes were far better than one.
(Y/N) could feel her patience waning. The man and those people with him had been so exceptionally discreet, there was no trace of them in the footage even after hours of watching and—
“Wait, wait wait! Rewind that.” She jumped up as soon as something caught her eye.
“What, this?” Han was clueless.
She tasked and took the laptop before rewinding the footage again. Narrowing her eyes, she zoomed in.
“It's him, the man.” She declared and placed the laptop in front of everyone.
“I see. We need to save this picture, take a screenshot Han.” Kyong suggested as he clicked a picture on his phone too. 
It was thankfully, not blurry enough to be unrecognisable, and the fact that they had not reached the end of the video made them more hopeful of catching something else. 
Han clicked on play again before they discovered the people with the man as well. One by one.
“Hmm, there are three more men and a woman. But only their backs are visible until now.”
“Wait!” (Y/N) yelled out, catching them off guard.
“Did you find something?” Han asked as he paused the video once more.
(Y/N) licked her lips and took hold of the laptop. Rewinding the part, she watched closely again. The second man…Even though his back was to the camera, he was too familiar to her.
After a few seconds, they all turned to the side to take their seats. There, she could see his side profile and her legs were fast turning brittle.
“You have seen anyone from here (Y/N)?” she could not answer Dok.
Instead, her eyes stayed on the frozen screen, she zoomed in and a wave of nausea hit her.
It was Namjoon!
Her boyfriend Namjoon. She would recognise him anywhere– from the way he walked, to his back, his hair and now his side profile. Too many coincidences could never be a coincidence.
“(Y/N), you know him?” Kyong asked.
She wanted to scream a ‘yes’ but she just could not.
“No, I was just…taking a good look at them.” she deadpanned.
“Hello, this is (Collage Name) College, how may I help you?” The receptionist’s gentle voice echoed through the phone, but it only turned (Y/N)’s heartbeat erratic.
“Hello, I would like to leave Professor Namjoon a message regarding the upcoming semester.”
“Let me check Ma’am, please let me know your details.” She requested
“ Choi Hana, Guardian of his student.”
“I request you to stay online, please…Yes, thank you, Professor Namjun you asked. Let me transfer your call to the Economics Department.”
“Economics Department? But isn’t he a professor in the Department of Literature and Culture Studies?”
“Ma’am we only have Cultural Studies Department. Literature is a separate Department. Shall I forward this call, Ma’am?”
“Okay.” (Y/N) managed to squeak out.
After a few beeps, another voice greeted her.
“Good afternoon, this is the Department of Economics of (College Name) College, how may I help you?” Another woman’s voice filled her ear.
“Can I speak to Professor Namjun, please? I am a guardian of one of his students”
“I am sorry Ma’am, he is attending the Department meeting right now. But you can leave a message.”
“He is the department chairperson, right?”
“No Ma’am, not anymore, he was, two years back.”
“Yes Ma’am, would you like to leave a message?”
“Sure, please let him know that…that I would be thankful to him if he could give me an appointment to meet him. It's an urgent matter.”
“Surely ma’am, would you like to share your name and contact?”
“Yes, uh, Choi Hana.” she gave the email address she used for her undercover investigations before the line was cut off.
(Y/N) felt her throat close up and her eyes turn blurry. The park was scarcely populated during the afternoons– thanks to that. But she would still not risk breaking down in a public place. Se ought to hold herself up like a true officer.
Leaning against a tree, she tried to gather herself together. But with each passing moment, her lips quivered just a little more.
No. Not now. Now now!
She tried to school herself. But nothing seemed to work. One stubborn tear managed to escape her eye anyway.
I loved you.
Another tear followed.
I trusted you
Then another.
But she managed to stop herself from bursting into a fit of tears and the scream that was itching her chords with deep, calming breaths.
A drink.
Yes, that was what she needed.
By the time she was home, the sun had already set, but it was a pleasant evening– ideal for walking home. She was not drunk, or even tipsy. It was just a buzz but it could not make her feel any better.
The apartment was plunged into a tense darkness when she stepped in. Her fingers twitched, ready to reach for her gun at any moment, but she kept her body language calm– casual and unassuming.
“How was babysitting?”
She jumped at his voice. But it was too dark for her to see. 
Before she could reach the light switch, Namjoon switched on a table lamp, illuminating the space enough for her to see him sitting on the sofa but somehow making her own apartment appear threatening. 
With him in it, the place did not even feel like her own. She no longer felt safe with him.
Switching on the lights anyway, she schooled her expressions to that of being pleasantly surprised, even though her throat felt parched. Sometimes, working in the police paid off immensely.
“I was babysitting yesterday Joon,” she replied, putting away the titbits she had bought on her way home.
Namjooon gave her the heart-melting smile her heart had fluttered for. She managed to smile back at him as she made her way towards the kitchen. The delicious aroma of her favourites hit her. Switching on the kitchen lights, her suspicions were confirmed as takeouts from her favourite ramen stall awaited her at the kitchen island.
“I missed you awfully today. Couldn’t help myself.” Namjoon's hot breath teased the back of her neck, making goosebumps appear all over her body.
“Oh, Joon…you didn’t have to.”
“I don’t mind doing this for you, Jagi.” He placed a kiss on the back of her neck as she held back a grimace, keeping her smile plastered on her face.
Her heart stung bitterly as his lips tenderly traced her cheek and the side of her neck. She was greeted by his warm smile and soft eyes as he turned her around, fished out his phone from his pocket and played her favourite song. Perfect for slow-dancing to.
“What has gotten into you?” (Y/N) chuckled, keeping her composure as he led her steps, twirling her now and then.
“I love you so much, Jagi. You know that right?” his fingers wrapped gently at the back of her neck as he pulled her into a breath-robbing kiss.
“Yes, I know that.”
Now that I know your true face.
His lips descended to the side of her neck as he pulled her closer. 
Bear it.
She told herself.
Do not let him be suspicious.
“Then why are you trying to investigate me?”
His voice dropped into something heavy and unrecognisable and everything stilled. But before she could think of anything, she felt his fingers pressing at the side of her neck and her eyes rolled back.
Pheww! It was a long part, but I enjoyed writing it and hopefully, it would not disappoint you all!
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min-hoax · 10 months
dirty little secrets - knj
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Summary: Namjoon was a hopeless romantic. He thought that was his destiny, and for you? That was simply your doom.
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Pairing: Yandere! Namjoon x F! Reader
Word Count: 8.25K
Warning(s): Obsession, stalking, he’s so delusional 😍, the reader is a messy bitch BUT I love her, infidelity, underage drinking, mentions of drugZ (characters are over 18!), mentions of suicide, manslaughter, mentions of blood and a dead body, mentions of attempted SA, MDNI 18+ SMUT SMUT SMUT, cunnilingus, fingering, loss of virginity, sliiiiiiiight breeding kink (it’s me, yall should’ve known😭)
A/N: I know I said I’d be gone, but I got so inspired!! This fic is written in Namjoon’s POV! Enjoy being in our lovely yanderes’ mind. 😈 UNEDITED!!!
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I dreamt of you before I met you.
In my romanticizing mind where I’d day dream about our life and what could be. You, wrapped around my arms as you slept. Us, on a trip that you desired to go to ever since you were a child.
It was moments like those that made me wait for you, and only for you because the moment I set my eyes on you, I was a goner.
I smiled at you from across the room when we locked eyes, the blaring music thundering inside my chest as you sat on a table, your legs swinging up and down. You nodded when your friend voiced something loudly, agreeing to whatever it was, but yet your eyes remained on mine.
I caught your eyes just like you caught mine.
But my admiration did not last long for a boy slithered his way into your embrace, a red cup of liquor in his hand that he passed to you while pecking your lips. I should have known a beautiful angel like you was bound to be in the arms of a lover, but how come I felt a little pang on my chest the second your lips locked with his?
I knew we were meant to be because how did the universe connect us both so effortlessly? It wanted us together and I knew that the second I saw you again. I set my eyes on you that same night, this time not at a house party, but at your own home.
Our home.
The move frightened me and caused my calamitous mind to drown in nightmares of what could be’s, but once I set foot in the town that I now called my home, I knew everything was going to be fine. Everyone was kind and welcoming and I didn’t even spend a sweat in finding a home once I packed my childhood home up and made my way north.
The memories of my mother were too haunting and I simply could not bear it. I had enough money from the life insurance company I acquired after her passing and made the decision so quickly after.
I found the ad one Saturday afternoon: Room For Rent! $525 A Month. ALL Amenities Included. I talked to a woman on the phone (now I know it was your mother) when I reached out, allowing her to know I was interested in the offer. She was kind and after a longing while of questions, she accepted and I made my way to you. I just didn’t know it then.
Your scream from fright made me jump, the cup of water in my hands slightly dripping droplets on the wooden ground. “What the fuck?” You muttered, taking a step back. Your eyes were messy with makeup, the night no doubt taking a toll on your sleep, after all it was three in the morning when you walked inside. “Who the hell are you?”
I meant to speak, but the creek of your mothers’ door opening upstairs kept me from opening my mouth, and seeing you standing before me did not help either. Your mother made her way to us, wrapping her pink fleecy robe around her waist. Your scream no doubt roused her from sleep.
“What’s going on - oh.” She looked at us. Did she not tell you about me? Perhaps not, it was obvious. But I was slightly afraid that I’d be scolded by your mother. I was free to roam the inside of your home to make my meals and shower and get a cup of water in the middle of the night, but yet you were her daughter and mothers were always fiercely protective. I knew.
“Sweetheart.” She started and smiled. “This is Namjoon. I guess I didn’t tell you he’d be renting the room at back.”
“Uh, since when?”
“Since… two nights ago?” She looked at me, trying to remember. I nodded. “Yes, since Thursday. I’m Kim Namjoon, it’s nice to meet you.”
I didn’t know I was desperate to feel your touch, but as soon as your hands fit in mind when you shook it and introduced yourself with a tired smile on your face, I shuddered.
“Well I'm glad you weren’t an intruder.” Your hand slipped from mind as you made your way into the kitchen, fetching a glass and filling it with water whilst speaking. “Just, mom, please give me a heads up next time.”
Next time? I wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon. I knew there were others before me, the wall by my bed was vandalized with small figures and initials that read KTH, and I always wondered who resided in the room I now slept in.
You looked like an angel when you took a step towards the stairs, turning your head to smile at me one last time. The light on the ceiling gifted you with a glow that made me smile like an idiot. “Goodnight.”
Oh, I was a goner.
I couldn’t help it. I was never a violent person and I even surprised myself when I thought of punching your boy in his perfect face. I knew for a fact that though I was taller and was at an advantage, I could not win in a fight because I had never been in one. I was never the confrontational type.
He was the epitome of perfection. Round, but define cheeks, plump pink lips that made my jaw clench when yours connected with his, and blonde hair that fit him perfectly. He was everything that I wasn’t and that made me want to shrivel up inside and scream with rage until my throat was sore and my voice was nonexistent.
But I could only dream.
“Namjoon, please, help yourself.” Your mothers voice called for me, taking me out of my thoughts and onto the situation that I did not want to deal with. You and Park Jimin.
He sat before me, a plate of breakfast on the diner table and an arm wrapped around the back of you as you nursed a cup of coffee.
There was something with you and coffee. I always noticed you would make yourself a cup, take a few sips, but you never finished it. Always throwing it out the drain before you made your way to school. I always wondered. Until I didn’t.
I wasn’t in school, not yet anyway. After I graduated a few years back my mother tried her best to steer me towards it, but I wasn’t interested, even after the various scholarships I was offered. I knew I could still, for I was smart and capable. There was a part of me that did want to, just to simply join you at the community college you and Jimin went to, but I refrained.
I wasn’t a stalker.
“So Namjoon, how are you liking it here?” Jimin suddenly spoke with a bright smile on his cheeks. It wasn’t that it took me by surprise, Jimin had never spoken to me directly, but I didn’t want him to talk to me. To me, the younger boy was obnoxiously loud and a nuisance.
I breathed as I pushed the want of rolling my eyes. But instead, I took a finger on the bridge of my glasses and pushed them up. I smiled.
“It’s great.” I replied, nodding. “Everyone is kind and the setting is absolutely beautiful. The forestation that surrounds us is amazing.” I couldn’t help but to look at you as I voiced my opinion. I wasn’t lying, you were absolutely beautiful. Absolutely perfect.
Jimin raised a brow and chuckled. “Well, I’m glad. I’ve never really noticed what surrounds us, but I agree.” And with a sip of his apple juice, the conversation between us ended.
I was glad.
But where a conversation dies, another one starts. Your mother was a very talkative person. I had only been with you all for about two weeks in a half, but I felt like I knew her for years. She talked about herself a. lot, and I only wished that she did of you, but I figured she was just lonely after her husband’s passing.
She talked about him all the time and I noticed that she refrained from speaking about him when you were around. From what she spoke of your father, he seemed like a good man. It was only after you left one day to go to school, she finally confessed. She cornered me in the laundry room when I went to gather my clothes and started speaking of everything and anything, until she came about your father.
“My love struggled a lot when he was on earth side. He was fine for a while, but it got too much for him and one day he decided to leave us. My sweet girl found him.”
After that, I finally understood. Why she never spoke of him when you were present and why you made yourself a cup of coffee, but never drank it. The cup was your fathers, engraved with his initials on the side.
I felt my heart break for you and all I could say was that I was sorry. You didn’t deserve to live with the trauma inside of your wonderful mind and inside your perfect heart. In a way I understood you. My mother had gotten sick, until one day the sickness enveloped her whole until she was left with nothing and I was left with a hole inside my chest. There was nothing else to do for her.
My heart jumped as you stood because it mean you’d leave. I could only look at you as you made your way to the sink (as expected) took a farewell sip of the coffee before dumping it in.
“Have a good day.” I said with a wide smile as you retrieved your backpack and the baby blue cup you seemed to take with you everywhere. At least you stayed hydrated. I knew because you had to go to the restroom often.
You returned it, that beautiful smile that made me want to kneel at your feet and beg you to smile for all of eternity. “Thank you, Namjoon.” And you walked, “Bye mom, love you.”
My smile died as Jimin wrapped his arm around your neck, kissing your cheek. And you smiled. I only looked away, watching you unlock your vehicle and getting inside of it.
This jealousy only seemed to grow. I couldn’t help it. I wished you weren’t someone else’s. I wish that my miserable self had gotten here just a little bit earlier, maybe then you’d have been mine.
But would you have liked me?
I never considered myself someone who others would accept romantically. Growing up, I was a lame excuse of a human being, always too shy, always too quiet and afraid to speak my mind. As I grew older, I got better at communicating with the people around me, but I still stuttered when I spoke, and still struggled to continue a conversation.
It was a blessing and a curse because nobody spoke to me, just as I wanted it to be.
As I wrote, I simply couldn’t focus. All I thought of was you, every day and every second that passed by. No one had ever captivated my mind the way you did. I waited for you in my home right outside in the backyard. There was a small window by the door - the only way to get inside and out. It faced yours and I would always see you once you arrived and came home from school.
We had a routine. You’d see me through the curtains, and we’d smile at each other as I worked and I couldn’t wait until dinner arrived because I’d be in your presence and you’d be in mine.
There was something in your eyes that made me believe that you… wanted me. Was I delusional? I’d see it every single time you’d pull your chair out for dinner. You’d give me a smirk as you made your way next to me and I would only give a small hello and thank your mother for the delicious food that she had prepared. But through it, you’d look at me through the corner of your eye and I would only pretend I didn’t see.
You had Jimin. You weren’t like that. That’s what I truly believed until you came stumbling into my room, drunk in the middle of the night and immediately grabbing onto my shirt and connecting your lips with mine.
My heart had never pounded so fast. It took me by surprise which is why I took a hold of your shoulders and gently took a step back. “What are you doing?” Your eyes were bloodshot, like you’d been crying and I cupped your warm cheeks into my hands and took a glance at your cherry-burgundy lips.
“Do you not want me?” The tone in how you voiced the question made my heart ache; begging and fretful. How could you say such a thing? I have always wanted you, but not like this.
“Come. Sit.” I grabbed your wrist and I sat you on the edge of my bed. “What’s going on? What happened?” I towered over you as you sniffled and looked at me with tearful eyes.
“Jimin, -“
Of course.
“ - he doesn’t want to have sex with me.” You said it so meekly that I almost didn’t hear you. “He - he keeps making excuses about how he wants to wait till marriage, but I mean that is such bullshit! It’s outdated and stupid. Who at this date and age does not want to have sex? He’s not even religious!” As much as it pained me to see the tears falling from your eyes so delicately, I couldn’t help but to feel a sense of victory through your defeat.
Did this mean your relationship with Jimin was coming to an end? It had to, right? You seemed happy at his side, but now, as I saw the proof in front of me, it was all a faux.
But there was also a part of me that felt angry. Was I just your second choice? Would you have come for me and begged for me to bed you if you had other men wrapped around your finger?
“Well, -“ I started slowly, taking a seat to the right of you. “ - sometimes people like to wait, you know, just to be sure that the person they're giving themselves up for is… worth it.”
You sniffled again, wiping at your face. “You - you think he thinks I’m not worth it? We’ve been together for almost two years.”
Remind me, why don’t you.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I wouldn’t be able to tell you myself, but a girl like you, you’re worth everything. To give up for, to kill for. Just say the words and you’ll have men at their knees. You decide.”
You were taunting me, it was so obvious. With those deliciously roguish eyes that eyed me with want and the skirts that barely covered your bottoms with the shirts that you paired that were the definition of skimpy, I knew what game you were playing.
It was when your arms would stray away from your lap and would just gently touch my arms at dinner, I knew that you wanted me the way I wanted you.
But it was wrong. Although I hated Jimin, I couldn’t help but to think that if I were in his position, your betrayal would wound me like no other. He seemed to love you, yet here you were, teasing me with your sensual eyes and your beautiful body that I absolutely wanted to ravish and worship.
But through the slight guilt I felt, there was a part of me that was… happy. Your mother was a nurse, working mostly every night at the local hospital which left me home, alone with you and with my tumultuous mind. You and Jimin were almost similar it seemed. You’d argue almost every night when he stayed to keep you company.
And though I couldn’t help but to feel jealous, a part of me was comfortable with him at your side because after that night that you came to me for comfort, the virgin wanted to wait until marriage.
My mother raised me right which is why I pushed myself away from listening to your heated match. But how could I? I had never met someone who could screech in anger the way you did to him.
He left soon thereafter, slamming the door with such force that it made my body jump from the sound. I fought with myself to go check on you, maybe you needed your space, but the thought of you crying was enough to do me in. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water, climbing the stairs and making my way to you.
The knock on the door was almost timid and quiet, but even when you didn’t answer, I gently opened it, and there you were, in a fetus position laying on your side, hugging a giant teddy bear to your chest.
“Hi.” You whispered looking up at me with those eyes that I loved so much. But they were swollen, and my immediate thought was to comfort you. I didn’t think when I sat at your side, brushing the strands of hair that were at the front of your face.
“Hey, there beautiful.”
You huffed, “I look far from beautiful right now.”
How could you ever think that? You were an angel fallen from heaven.
“Do you think he hates me? I said some pretty shitty things.”
I refrained from rolling my eyes, but for your sake I simply shook my head. “Of course not. I’m sure he understands that people say shitty things when they're angry. I mean, I’m sure he has said some things to you before, no?”
With a shake of your head you maneuvered your body, landing right on your back with the teddy bear on top.
“No, Jimin isn’t like that. He’s quiet in moments like these. I feel like that makes me angrier, you know? Like tell me something, tell me that I’m a bitch or that you hate me, but say something! Anything!”
I understand why he kept quiet. I would never say things of that magnitude to you. It was a disrespect that no one could come back from because you would never deserve it.
“So you like to be degraded?” I teased, raising a brow.
“What?” You chuckled. There it was. Just exactly what I wanted. “Of course not, Namjoon!” I smiled at the playful strike you landed on my thigh. “I’m just saying, I just feel like he doesn’t try to communicate.”
“Well… maybe you need to find someone else.” I couldn’t believe what I was doing. “Someone who could take your needs as theirs and actually knows how to communicate. My mother always said that communication was key in a relationship.”
“But I love him.” I swear, my chest felt like it was struck with something so tight that I couldn’t comprehend. How could you say something like that in my presence? Couldn’t you see how much I loved you?
And through my anger, I couldn’t help but to reply. “Sometimes, loving someone means you have to let them go. I know it’s hard, but I know you know Jimin isn’t good for you. All this arguing, this crying, it will only take a toll on you that you cannot take.”
Your fingertips on my thigh took me by surprise, stroking it with such sensuality as you looked up at me with those eyes that screamed for me to take you to bed. “And how would you know, hm? Have you ever had a girlfriend, Namjoon?”
My breath hitched as your fingers played with the waist of my pants, tugging them down just slightly. “N - no.”
It was a lie. But why bring past mistakes into my future? I hated lying to you, but a little white lie would never hurt.
“No?” You hummed, now on your knees as you came closer. I could feel your breathing and as my hands guided you into my lap, I couldn’t hold back anymore.
My lips connected with yours with such hunger, such intensity. How I longed to hold you close and have you by my side. Your body wrapped around mine felt so right, like a puzzle piece I knew I was missing. Couldn’t you see? We were perfect for each other.
With a small grunt, I laid you down on your bed without separating myself from you, desperately taking off your oversized shirt that you hid your alluring body from. And with hunger, I wrapped my lips around your beautiful breasts, pecking your sternum and making my way down to the waist of your pants. You complied, raising your hips and allowing me to remove the nuisance from your waist.
And what a sight. There wasn’t an inch of you that I couldn’t find a flaw. Stretch marks followed the side of your thighs, and along the middle of your tummy. I kissed them with reverence before my tongue dove inside the place I always wanted to be in.
You tasted absolutely divine. And I was hungry for more as I sucked on the little pearl between your legs, wrapping my hands around your thighs and hugging you closer.
“Namjoon.” You whimpered, and that made me want you even more.
The small little gasp you made made me smirk and I didn’t hold back from bringing you close to the orgasm that you were on the brink of, but I held back. I wanted to be inside of you as I came and held my hold inside of you. You looked up at me as I undressed, my sweatpants on the ground in an instant before I held you tight between my arms and entered the place I had dreamt of being.
Your brows furrowed from the uncomfortableness, it was to be expected as I was your first - the first man that had ever been inside of you. The thought almost brought me to the brink, but I wanted your first time to be loving and special.
And just as I expected, the feeling was euphoric and I couldn’t help but to moan and drop my head in the warmth of your neck. Your hands held my neck tight as you adjusted, soft little pants escaping your precious lips. “I know, sweetheart. I know.” I whispered, giving you soft little pecks on your lips and on your forehead as comfort.
“I - I think you can move.”
“Are you sure?” The furrow in between your brows was gone, but I wasn’t sure. I didn’t want to hurt you, but when you nodded and gave me a smile, I pulled away from the warmth between your legs, and made my way in once again.
At that moment, my dreams were coming true. Jimin was nonexistent as I knew it was the same for you. You muttered my name and my name only as you held me with a vice grip and kissed me on the lips.
I had never been brought to such ecstasy the way I did with you. After you came for the first time before I brought you to more, I soon followed, gasping for breath from the feeling of you holding by cock with such a vice grip.
We took a breath for a second as we giggled like school children and kissed each other hard. But you were insatiable. You wanted for more even as your legs shook with exhaustion and you mounted me and rode me like I was the last man on earth.
But of course, you needed to sleep and your body knew it, and soon after we finished making love, your eyes drooped and you slept so soundly, close to my chest and my beating heart.
I couldn’t help but to stroke your belly. Maybe… my seed would take place inside of you and you’d be pregnant before we knew it. In my mind, I sickly hoped that you were. I knew that I was going out on a limb and that one couldn’t get pregnant with just one night, but I wanted you to be.
I always dreamt of a family. Was I so wrong to want something with the woman I loved?
But the righteous won. We were still young and… Jimin, Jimin was still in the picture. Goddamn Park Jimin. I hated him with everything I had, and I hated my mind even more for ruining the afterglow I was basking in.
With I sigh, I gently kissed the crown of your head, getting dressed with the thought of making my way to a pharmacy and getting you a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy. I knew it wasn’t right.
Your phone buzzed on your nightstand and with a glance, my stomach dropped as I read it.
JiHoon: Hey, baby. I loved that little present you gave me. See you soon?
I couldn’t help the tears from forming and with a slam to your door, I left your bedroom, no doubt rousing you from your sleep.
I couldn’t stop staring at you. The night you gifted me with stuck to my mind. You gave me something forbidden that I couldn’t come back from. After I left your bedroom, I made my way to the pharmacy, slightly smiling at the only cashier and took the bag with me. I left it on your nightstand, but I couldn’t bear to look as you slept.
You betrayed me.
You kept betraying me. The fight you had with Jimin seemed to be forgotten. You two lovebirds were inseparable the following day. Were you not guilty? Or did you just stick by his side because he was all you knew and you couldn’t let go?
I knew I could give you something better. Something that was worth your time and effort. I’ll take you out of this town that you lived in your whole life and perhaps we could live in the home I grew up in. It wasn’t much, but it would be enough for the both of us.
“Hey, Namjoon.” You smiled, but it didn’t reach your eyes. You awkwardly looked away and eyed Jimin. You couldn’t even look me in the eyes.
You both sat at the hanging bench that was at the front of your house, your arm wrapped around his. Jimin smiled at me, nodding at my precence, but I didn’t follow. I couldn’t help but to glare. But as soon as it formed, I hid it, immediately smiling bright, looking down at the both of you.
I was feeling messy.
“Did you take it?”
It was obvious I caught you off guard. You gulped, letting out a nervous chuckle. Jimin, of course had no idea about the contraceptive I had bought you, and I took pride and a bit of sick pleasure at your unprepared face
“Take what?” Jimin questioned with furrowed brows.
“Uh - just, I - I had a headache last night, and uh, Namjoon gave me pain killers. That’s it.”
You weren’t a great liar, but you were fast.
“Good.” I nodded, “You should just have a few on hand, you know, for when it happens again because headaches -“ I eyed Jimin, shaking my head, “they’re the worst.”
“Right. You know what, we were leaving. We have a movie to watch.” You stood quickly, taking a hold of your lover's hand and when you walked and I was at your back, I spoke once again.
“You don’t mind if I tag along?”
There was a pause as the birds chirped and Jimin turned. “Uh, yeah sure, why not?” I knew the invite was just a lie, but I knew the man wasn’t going to turn me down; he was kind and simply couldn’t take it.
“I’ll drive.” I offered, my long legs allowing me to walk ahead and just as I wanted, I stood next to you, opening the door to my vehicle and letting you go first. “Thanks.” You muttered.
The drive was… unpleasant. As much as Jimin tried to make small conversation, it simply didn’t go anywhere. I hated to admit, but Jimin wasn’t so bad. He tried his best to make me comfortable and no doubt himself, but I despised him and a part of him knew.
When we arrived at the theater after Jimin kept instructing me where to go, I paid for the tickets and for the snacks. I figured it was the least I could do after I stuck with you both like a leech. Jimin was thankful, patting me on the back and taking a seat on the tables the theater offered. He nodded when you voiced you needed to go to the restroom, and I took a seat, taking a sip of the cherry slushee.
“I don’t mean to pry, but did she tell you what happened last night?” His question caught me off guard.
“She didn’t have to tell me. I heard everything.”
He grimaced. “Yeah, about that, I’m sorry you had to hear that. It’s just - when she gets like that, she can’t stop and it’s difficult to speak.”
Was he seriously blaming you right now?
“No,” I replied, shaking my head. “I completely understand. Don’t worry about it.”
“You ever had a girlfriend, Namjoon?” Why did it sound like he was mocking me? Did I seem to be below him because I didn’t carry his fair skin and plump pink lips? He was everything I wasn’t - had everything I wanted, and I wanted to punch him until he was left unrecognizable and no one would ever look his way.
“No.” I replied with a shake of my head. “Not really.” He looked at me with confusion. “What do you mean, ‘not really’?
I despised thinking of Anna, and leave it to Jimin to bring back memories I wanted to bury deep in my consciousness. She was a woman who deserved no mercy, not after the way she spoke of my mother, like if she were scum below her shoes.
My mother was the light of my life and there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think of her and held her close to my heart.
I loved Anna, or at least I thought I did, and I admit, it did hurt me letting her go, but now I know that what I had with her was never love. She was a fiend, and you are an angel.
“I prefer not to talk about it. Do you mind if I go to the restroom?”
“No, of course no -“
I didn’t even let him finish. With caution, I checked my surroundings before I entered the women’s restroom, intently scanning the thin wooden doors of the stalls and once I caught the black Converse’s you wore, I placed my back against the wall, and waited.
The small little gasp of fear that escaped your mouth once you saw me made me smile. “Sorry. I just had to talk to you.” I shrugged, grabbing your wrists to bring you close. I couldn’t deny that it pained me when I went in to kiss you and you pushed me away.
There was confusion written all over my face, it was obvious, and you noticed.
“What the hell are you doing, Namjoon? Jimin is right outside and you can get in trouble if someone finds you in here.”
“I just wanted to talk to you. You - you have been acting weird ever since yesterday. I get it - just come over to my room tonight, yeah? Please? I have something I want to give you.”
You raised your brows. “Another plan B pill?
“Well, if I didn’t get it for you, you might as well could’ve been pregnant at this very moment. If you wanted to have my baby, you could have just said so.”
Would that really have been that bad?
“Don’t be an ass, dude.” With a huff and a roll of your eyes, you turned, making your way to the sink and pumping soap onto your hands. I followed just behind you and took you by the hips.
“Please?” My hands slithered lower and by the look of the reflection, I knew you were craving for more just as much as I was.
“O - okay. Fine. Just, let me go first or Jimin will realize what’s going on.”
“By all means,-“ I gestured with my hand. - ladies first.” And with a stolen kiss I smiled, seeing you walk away and no doubt, into the arms of my mortal enemy.
My leg shook with anticipation as I looked at the clock on my desk: 2:36AM. You said you’d be here, so where the hell were you? As soon as we got home from the theater, you said goodbye to Jimin and locked yourself inside your room. I knew because I knocked on your door multiple times before giving up and making my way to the little backyard home I resided in.
I huffed, landing with a thump on my bed, entertaining myself with the charm bracelet that was on my hand. My heart pounded once I heard two little knocks on my door and I instantly stood up and opened the door.
I smiled brightly once I saw you, dressed in a gray v-neck shirt and baby pink pajama pants with cupcakes cluttered on the cloth. “Hey, beautiful. What took you so long?”
You made your way in, taking a seat on my bed. “I took a nap.”
I chuckled and raised a brow. “You don’t take naps.”
Teasing, you replied, getting rid of your slippers and wrapping yourself around my blanket. “And how would you know that? Hm?”
I shrugged, “Through your window. You snore, do you know that?” I laughed out loud when you smacked me with my pillow, gasping with offense. “No I do not! You’re such a little liar!”
This could be our future.
Content and happiness, just you and I. Our home filled with laughs and quick witted banters. Couldn’t you see? We belonged together. I knew it the second I saw you.
My hand was out, presenting you the bracelet that I cherished as a part of me. My mother never took it off, from what I knew, she’d had it in her early teens and kept it since. You meant everything to me now, and it was yours to have.
“It’s beautiful Namjoon.” You gasped, sitting upright, stroking the charms.
“It was my mothers. I want you to have it.” I could see it in your eyes, you wanted to decline, but I wouldn’t allow it. “Please.”
I took a hold of your wrist, wrapping the jewelry around your carpus and connecting the clasp.
“Namjoon, I can -“
“Yes.” I pushed. “You can. I want you to have it. I have no purpose for it. It doesn’t fit and I’d rather it be used than to be locked inside a box without it ever seeing daylight again. Please? It would mean a lot to me.”
You eyed me for a few seconds then sighed. “Okay, fine. Thank you. I promise I’ll take great care of it.”
I didn’t doubt it for a second. You took me by surprise because like a flash of light, you engulfed me and kissed me with need. I didn’t hesitate to reciprocate. In seconds I wrapped you in my arms and our clothes were nonexistent - dropped on the floor in a haste to make ourselves whole.
I will never get enough of you. Your little gasp of pleasure made my tummy fill with extreme need as I entered you and held you close. It was intimate, our love making sounds resounding in my room. You cupped my face, gently stroking as if I wasn’t real and you wanted to verify if I was really there, making love to you.
“I’m here. I got you, sweetheart.”
And I was never letting you go.
The frantic 2AM call took me by surprise. It woke me from the deep slumber I was in, but the moment I saw your name on my screen, I didn’t hesitate to disconnect my phone from its charger and answer. I called your name in question and your distraught voice I heard next.
It was distressing, hysterical.
“Namjoon? I didn't know who else to call, but - but can you please come? I - I need your help, I don’t know what I di - he’s not fucking moving -he’s not answering i just pushed him and-
“Breathe, I’m on my way okay, just stay there. Don’t move.”
I don’t think I have ever sped the way I did making my way to you. As I parked my car on the side of the abandoned road, behind the white car with its hazards flashing bright, I knew something had happened.
Something terrible that you had done.
It wasn’t until I stepped out of my vehicle that I saw his limped body on the asphalt, a puddle of scarlet blood oozing from his head. You sat at his side with your knees inside your chest and with your frizzy hair at the front of your face, you looked up at me slowly. “He’s dead.”
I would’ve never thought I’d have to get rid of a dead body. A part of me felt disgusted as the monstrous act I had done devoured me whole, but I didn’t feel… guilt.
The immense jealousy that raged within me kept me from doing so. You met him, the bastard that made me cry after I made you mine for the first time, JiHoon, on a deserted road to enjoy hiding your dirty little secret: your adulterous little soul. I wished I understood why you felt the need to run into the arms of another when you had Jimin, you had me and god only knew how many others.
But even then, I still wanted you, through your imperfections and your need to want other men even though they caused me absolute agony. Good riddance to the bludgeoned man who crossed your path. He forced himself on you and there was only one way the night was going to end.
I’d done it to protect you, to keep you sane and perhaps even have you to myself.
The night bound us as one. A clandestine service that we would take to our deaths.
After I placed the cold corpse into my trunk, I took the tiny packet of white substance that laid on the concrete ground, and placed it inside my jeans. It was a good thing you both came in your car. There wouldn’t be any suspiciousness, hopefully, and we’d forget about this illicit night.
“Go home.” I said in seriousness, taking a hold of you by the nape of your hair. I was angry at you that I couldn’t even look you in the eye. “I’ll take care of him.”
You nodded and sniffled, cupping my hand and gently rubbed. “Thank you.”
And with a start of the engine, you raised your window up, and drove away.
“Namjoon!” Your mothers voice made my body jerk from surprise. I was on edge, it was human and I wanted nothing more than to get out of the situation I knew would take a while to get rid of. Your mother loved to talk.
“Hello.” I muttered with an empty smile. Your home smelled divine with the aroma of freshly made food, but I didn’t have an appetite. Who would?
“Will you join me today? My sweetheart of a daughter isn’t feeling too well. She came home reeking of god knows what and emptied her guts as soon as she stepped foot in the door.” With a shake of her head, she took a seat, gulping down the glass of wine in an instant.
If only she knew that her ‘sweetheart of a daughter’ wasn’t such a sweetheart after all. She had a dirty little secret and I was her accomplice.
“No. I apologize. I had a long night. I only wish to go to bed, if you do not mind.” I felt terrible for turning her down, but the only thought in my mind was to see you. To nurse you back to health even when I knew that you were traumatized by what you have done.
Your mother sighed and shrugged. “I understand. Have a good night.”
“Do you mind if I go see her? I just want to make sure she’s okay.”
She smiled. “Of course.”
I didn’t have to be told twice. My long legs took me there in seconds and as soon as I walked inside your bedroom, I took a seat beside you. You laid there on your side, your eyes red and swollen from the tears that were nonstop. “Can you lay with me, please?”
Who was I to not obey? I took you onto my chest, cupping your wet cheeks onto my hands. “Shh, baby. It’s okay.”
You muttered as you sobbed. “I - I’m sorry, I didn’t mea -“
“Shh, I know. You did nothing wrong, my love. But I want you to promise something, can you do that?”
You nodded. “You can’t speak to anyone about this, okay? No matter how much you want to. You weren’t there, do you hear me? I wasn’t there.”
Shakily, you breathed and nodded once again. “I understand.”
“But now you know why not to do such a thing, hm? It’s not okay. You’re lying to me, to Jimin all for what? You did something that you will never forgive yourself for, but I want you to know that I will do it all over again, for you. Do you understand?”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
After you slept like an angel wrapped around my arms, I left, not wanting your mom to come into your room and find us wrapped around each other.
I had trouble falling asleep, but soon thereafter, sleep found me and I slept soundly. I couldn’t believe I had. Ian hadn’t even crossed my mind. The scoundrel was six feet under and he’ll remain there where no one was to find him. Good riddance.
But you, you would never be the same. You were a murderer. An angel of death that brought a man to his knees for the simple act of crossing your path. And it seemed I was following the same path, I wasn’t dead, but when you would betray me, I would feel death dawn on me, getting closer and closer with every treachery you committed. But yet, you would bring me to cloud nine. How? I would never understand.
But I understood that I loved you. I love you like I have never loved anyone before. And though it suffocated me and drowned me, I always went back for more. I will always go back for more.
“Good morning.” I smiled, pecking the crown of your head as you sat with your legs crossed in the dining room, a fork at your fingertips, playing with the food on the plate. Your mother was gone, no doubt picking up an early shift at the local hospital, but as the doting mother that she was, she had left breakfast at the ready for you.
You gave me a tight lipped smile that made me frown. Your eyes were swollen, almost hollow when you looked at me. He was haunting your mind, his shadow following you, no doubt. But even when I knew, I had to ask. I couldn’t bear the thought of you in pain.
“How are you holding up?”
You shrugged, biting your lips. “I don’t know. Is it weird that I don’t know what I’m actually feeling? I can’t explain it, even though I really really want to.”
“It’s okay to feel that way. You went through something… traumatic, and you won’t bounce back from it as soon as possible. It takes time, but I promise as time continues, it’ll get easier.”
You eyed me. “How do you know that?”
You skeptical little, beautiful thing.
“…I am just placing myself in your shoes, I tend to do that in certain situations. Would you like more breakfast?”
You shook your head, taking one last bite of the egg before standing up. “No, thank you. I'm meeting with Jimin.”
You moved, making your way up the stairs as my jaw clenched in anger, and my words made you stop in your tracks. “Jimin, hm? I - I thought you were ending things with him.”
You turned with furrowed brows, “I never said that.” Will this be the first time I’d feel your fury towards me? It was obvious I’d pushed a button.
“No? I thought the night before might’ve been an answer to your actions. You no longer love him. You have proved it time and time again, have you not?”
“You don’t know shit, Namjoon. I love hi-“
I couldn’t help it, I was infuriated by your nonsense comment that you didn’t mean. “You’re cheating on him with me! You have multiple times. And don’t even get me started on the man that you killed last night because I’m sure you weren’t there only for the coke, or am I wrong? Hm? Why in the hell do you still go back to him!”
“Because I can, Namjoon. Because I can. And it’s none of your fucking business anyway!”
“Yesterday was my business. You had no one else to call because you don’t trust anyone. You trust me! Not Jimin, not even the friends you don’t have, not even your own mother!”
I struck a cord. I gasped when you hurled a glass cup my away and I only managed to move away immediately before it struck me.
“Fuck you, Namjoon! Fuck you!” And with that, you walked away, grabbing your keys from the bowl near the door and slamming the door with such force that it shook the walls.
I stood there paralyzed and it wasn’t until I noticed that my body was shivering with anger? With distress? I couldn’t tell, but I was crying. The tears fell freely after being locked inside for what seemed like years and with blurry vision, I grabbed the broom and picked up your mess that your temper had caused.
That’s what I started to do ever since I met you: pickup after you and the disarray you left behind, and perhaps even myself. You left me in shambles and before I knew it, I was on the ground, on my knees as my shoulders shook from the sobs that escaped my chest.
And there, on the ground, in the depths of hell I felt I was in, I knew you had dug your grave. I loved you with everything I had, but this couldn’t go on any longer.
You had made your choice and I couldn't change your mind.
If I can’t have you, then you will not have anybody else.
The anonymous tip came in at midnight. I could see the blinding blue lights coming from the front yard of your house even where I resided.
Three police vehicles made themselves welcome in your yard, and I only knew exactly what was happening. Your mothers voice was louder than usual, hysterical as the officers handcuffed you and declared you your rights, walking you out onto the awaiting SUV. I made myself known, asking with faux concern and holding your mother’s shoulders as she cried, almost wanting to drag herself over to you.
There were tears in your eyes once I finally looked at you. You knew it was me and I held absolute pride even when I truly felt for you. But there was something more important in my eyes that you instantly understood.
My menacing and threatening look in my gaze. I had your mother in my grasp and if you wanted to see her once again - behind bars of course, you’d do best to keep quiet about what I had done. What I did for YOU.
Did you really think I would’ve done such a thing for you without looking out for me? I knew exactly the type of person you were, but yet, I still fell for you deeply, like no else had done - like Jimin never did.
I knew where JiHoons’ body was placed, I knew absolutely everything, and I knew enough not to wipe away your DNA from his body, your hair that I took a hold of after I told you to go home when you murdered him in cold blood.
I placed you on such a high pedestal and I despised knowing that it took me such a long time to comprehend such a thing. But I still loved you so much.
The moment I set my sight on you, I viewed you as an angel fallen from above, a beautiful creature that did no wrong.
But you weren’t an angel.
You were my hell on earth. Though you brought me to such highs, you brought me to a low, and saddened mess. Your loyal puppeteer that you knew you could manipulate just as you wanted because you knew the hold you had on me.
But you made a mistake with me and though I loved you, you had a price to pay.
It’s what you deserved.
Much love.
- Kim Namjoon.
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maisanshine · 7 months
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𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘱𝘴 𝘢𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥
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𝐌𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞🝮 𝘚𝘶𝘣!𝘫𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬/𝘋𝘰𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘱,𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯’𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘳𝘨𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦
𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞🝮 𝘕𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳/ 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘣𝘺 𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬
𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘢 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮
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𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬🝮 𝘥𝘪𝘭𝘧!𝘫𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬/𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘪𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳.  𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘢 𝘣𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘸𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘥𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳
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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥🝮 𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘳!𝘫𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬/𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘷𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘥𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘺
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𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐲🝮 𝘛𝘰𝘹𝘪𝘤 𝘯𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳/𝘴𝘶𝘣!𝘫𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬
𝘕𝘰𝘰𝘯𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘫𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘣𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘳𝘦
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𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫🝮 𝘝𝘪𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘯 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬/𝘋𝘰𝘮 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘥 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦
Series coming soon…
𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭🝮 𝘧𝘸𝘣!𝘫𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬/𝘍𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥.𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯’𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴, 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨? 𝘚𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶?
𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 2...
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MYG - Music To My Heart.
Part 2.
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You knocked on his studio door, once, twice and then when he didn’t answer you knocked a much firmer third.
The door swung open, the older man grunting about not wanting to be disturbed, that is until he sees you. His frown evened out as his lips turned into a subtle smile.
“You came? Is everything okay?” He stepped aside, giving you the go-ahead to enter the room.
You sat down in his chair, which had been pushed into the far corner almost as if he wanted to distance himself from the computer. “I’m okay, you are not.”
He rolled his eyes closing the door, taking a seat on the couch opposite you. “I am, if Jimin called you then you should have ignored it.”
“He said you swore at him.” You raise your eyebrows, Yoongi was never one to raise his voice, he wouldn’t be afraid to use an insult or two but no one ever took it personally.
“I’m just stuck okay? You know what I get like whenever I have a block.” His gaze falls to his fingers as he picks the skin around the nail, something your recognised a long time ago as being something he did because of his anxiety.
You sighed walking over to him, sitting yourself in his lap. His hands ceased their silent attack on one another in favour of resting on your hips. “We talked about this yoon. You have to rest otherwise you’ll get burnt out.”
“It’s not like that this time, I nearly have it. I can feel it there I just don’t know how to bring those thoughts forward. I even tried meditating.” He defends himself, his voice cutely raising a pitch.
You but your lip in hopes of hiding your smile. “You tried meditating.”
“Jimin caught me and told me he would post it on Weverse if I didn’t go home.” He scowled.
You remember how jimin had been vague earlier on the details that prompted Yoongis' outburst. “That explains why he was so shady when he called me.”
“You have got to stop listening to any member in the maknae line, I swear they only exist to make you babysit me.” He laughs resting his head against your shoulder.
You let him sit there for as long as he needs, his breathing grows quiet as does everything else in the room. You relax alongside him, your own head resting against his as you run your hand through his long black hair. After a while, you begin to hum, something you often did to occupy the space between you and him.
You almost fall off his lap as he sits up, pushing you off his lap. “What the fuck Yoongi?!” You shout throwing his shooky pillow at him.
“That hum.” He sits in his chair his fingers rushing across the keyboard as if his thought was going to escape him any minute. “What was that hum?”
You lean forward, a little confused. “I don’t know it was just something I made up as I went along.”
“Could you do it again but into the mic?”
“Min Yoongi if you want me to feature on your song that will be 5 million.”
“Won?” He asks, a hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“Dollars.” You giggle, tiptoeing over to him.
“Never gonna happen but I’ll let you braid my hair.” He extends a hand to which you shake playfully.
You shake your head in disbelief as you walk over to the microphone, waiting for him to signal the okay before humming the same tune. He had you do it a few more times before asking you to hum another one but this time quieter.
“I think I have an idea for some lyrics.” He explains to you, extending a hand to call you back to him.
You could see the earlier tension in his shoulders were no more. “I hope I helped.”
“You did Sweetheart. How about you go and get us some dinner and meet me at home in say an hour? I’ll get some lyrics recorded and meet you at home.”
You knew this was him gently explaining he needed his space to work and you were more than happy to give him that, he went to hand you his card as you slipped on your shoes but you declined. As much as you would both joke about it you always were equal. Of course, there were things he could afford to do that you couldn’t but you always did your best to contribute fairly.
On days like today when your Boyfriend was stressed and overwhelmed you liked to treat him the same way he, did you. You requested that the driver he had arranged to take you home stop at Yoojung Sikdang.
Yoongi had talked about wanting food there for months, it was always way too busy and it was an attraction that army would frequently visit, it being the restaurant bangtan had used during their debut days.
You had met the owner a few times, she knew who you were but no one else did which allowed you the ability to pick up yoongis favourite dish from the restaurant.
You got home pretty fast which is why you were surprised to see Yoongis shoes by the door. The sound of the refrigerator opening alerts you to his location.
You managed to slide off your shoes and carry the many boxes safely into the kitchen without dropping anything.
“Hey baby do you wa- you did not.” His eyes widen in disbelief as he focuses on the box’s logo.
“I thought you deserve an old comfort.”
“What did you get?” He practically throws the box open in excitement.
“black pork and stone pot bibimbap and grilled black pork belly.”
He swings around faster than you could comprehend, his lips colliding with yours as his hands grip into your hair. He traces your jaw with kisses, leaving a mark just below your ear.
“If I knew you’d react like that I would have gone months ago.” You laugh, feeding him a piece of pork.
“Aish don’t be a brat.” He accepts the food, mumbling about how good it tastes.
You both laughed before taking another bite of food. You watched the man silently, his face seemingly happy. “How did it sound in the end?”
“Like music to my heart.”
You can’t help but blush as he winks at you, a hand squeezing your thigh before turning back to his meal. His own shyness laid out as he laughed into his bony hands.
Yoongi wasn’t the easiest person, it took you a long time to understand him but you were thankful that you took the time to, you couldn’t imagine your life without the man. His random spurts of energy, his focus and dedication, his passion, the way he loves and the way he wants to be loved are all things you never thought you’d love about a person, funnily enough, they are all the things you love about him.
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dalchiid · 5 months
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Covetous Namjoon is the gift that keeps on giving.
Pairing: Yandere Vampire Namjoon x Fem/AFAB Reader
Word Count: 6,211
Warnings: Yandere, Possessive, Obsession, Mild Choking, Fingering, Spanking, Smut, Biting, Blood
I do not condone the behavior being exhibited in my work. This is solely for entertainment purposes and I hope if any of you are ever in a situation like this that you have the chance and ability to run away from it. Take care out there.
DO NOT copy, edit, or repost my work anywhere.
A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! I'm still working on the OT7 Yandere fic but I wanted to gift you all something. We're paying Alternate Ending Covetous Namjoon a visit. Just a little smut to hold you all over until the OT7 fic comes out 😉
It's so cold out. You can hear the way the wind whistles and it's what initially stirred you from your slumber. That and a weight on your back that sends chills down your form. Your naked back is caressed slowly from the top and down the length of your skin in soothing touches. In soothing kisses. It feels nice but it's not what you want right now. What you want is to sleep some more as you revel in the warmth of the blankets that were slowly pulled from your flesh.
You tremble a little as your skin pricks in goosebumps. It's enough to make the weight on top of you chuckle deeply and spread open mouth kisses across your shoulders.
Whining you blindly reach for the covers that rest loosely around your naked waist. You try to tug it up and over yourself but it's pushed aside.
"No," you cry uselessly. "I'm cold."
The kisses stop for a moment as the person's lips are replaced by gentle fingers.
"Do you want me to raise up the heater?"
Your eyes are still closed but you shake your head nonetheless in response. "I just want to stay in bed a bit more."
The person hums but you know he's not just any person. You've been stuck with him for months now and you guess he wouldn't take so lightly that he's listed as some random person in your head.
He hums again before he pulls back leaving your back exposed to the warm air that feels chilly once his form leaves you.
"I got you something," he says.
You don't dare open your eyes but you feel whatever it is he's holding dangle before your face.
"Namjoon I want to sleep. Please?"
You let out a pained yelp when you feel his fingers pinch your backside and that's enough to get you to open your eyes.
"Don't be such a brat." There's no malice in his tone but you can tell he's not fond of your dismissive attitude right now.
You wish you could sleep a little longer as you had a hard time sleeping last night. You've been having a hard time sleeping most nights.
After the day Namjoon found you you were a shivering wreck of a mess. You cried a lot and that lead to sleepless nights and short naps you cried yourself into. Despite time having passed you still have worries. Most of them about Hoseok and how you're waiting for him to find you again.
You honestly don't know if you'd prefer that over the life you're living right now because it's far from perfect. If anything you think you're living on edge because it's only a matter of time, right?
Last night was no different. It took Namjoon warming up some tea for you and holding you close until you felt your resolve begin to crumble - as it has almost every day because now you're back to square one. You're hooked again. Hooked on Namjoon's saliva the way you were on Hoseok's. It's sad really but you don't have time to pity yourself like you would like to. Namjoon doesn't stand for it. He doesn't like it when you feel sorry for yourself. Instead he prefers you place all of your attention on to him because he believes he can distract you enough. With his kiss and with his body.
Namjoon shakes the bag in front of your face to catch your attention and now with your eyes open you see that it's a gift. A pastel pink bag covered in glitter. You don't reach for it at first but all it takes is for you to see the way Namjoon's brow raises in silent question for you to take it.
Slowly you grab for it and once it's in your hands he lets go.
It feels pretty light. There is a slight weight to it and you briefly wonder what it could be. You look over to Namjoon who rests on his side of the bed perching his head on his open palm.
"What is it," you ask.
"Why don't you wash up and put it on. I'll wait for you right here."
You frown at his demand but you know you don't have much say when it comes to him. Whatever it may be - it's Namjoon's way.
You get up from bed and hold the bag close to your naked chest. It's not like he hasn't seen you naked before but you always feel so seen around him. Naked. Figuratively speaking. Raw. You feel raw with Namjoon. It's nothing like with Hoseok who over time you grew used to being naked around each other. You feel like prey around the vampire and you think you always will be.
Hurriedly you make your way to the bathroom that's connected to this room. The floor feels chilly against your feet forcing you to balance on the balls of them as your toes try to curl.
The bathroom looks pretty similar to Hoseok's which you don't know if it was designed to be that way on purpose or not. When you first walked into it you froze. It sent your mind reeling and when you asked Namjoon about it he only hummed like he was intrigued.
"Interesting," was all he said in response.
You don't think this was a coincidence at all.
You remember asking him how he got a hold on this place. Was it built specifically for the brothers? There weren't a lot of rooms so you figured that was probably a no but Namjoon answered you and stated it's a place he had built for himself. He would come here if he needed some space. No servants worked here so it was only him and now you. Your new prison meant you had more privacy. No one to come fetch you when you're alone and no one to intrude on whatever you and Hoseok were doing.
To be honest you thought that you had a chance to easily escape then. Despite this place being far into the forest which meant any help that there could be was far from your reach. Any cars that come here are by Namjoon's orders. Whether it be because they're picking him up or dropping him off. Or even when the person is dropping off some groceries or whatever else it was that Namjoon needed. Outside of that you thought you still had a chance to leave until one day when you were alone did you realize your predicament. The door could only lock with a key. Both outside and in. There was no way for you to unlock the door and escape and only the gods know how distrustful Namjoon is of you so no he doesn't leave you with a spare key.
That was an Earth shattering realization for you and that meant you had to conform to this new life.
"Don't take too long." You're brought of your head when Namjoon calls out to you. "I have to be at my brothers' after this."
Which means he'll be washing up without you after you put on whatever it is he got for you. He has to to avoid any of his brothers smelling you on him. It's how he's gotten away with it for these past few months.
Is it wrong that you kind of want to get caught? You'll be back with Hoseok... Is that any better than being with Namjoon? You don't know. It's a little too scary to think about.
Placing the gift onto the counter you quickly set things up. From brushing your teeth to taking a warm shower that heats you up from the cold weather that wants to seep into the house. You wish you could stay beneath the water for just a bit longer but you don't want to deal with Namjoon's mouth.
The shower comes to a stop so you can dry yourself. Despite not wanting to hear his mouth you take your time to do your skincare.
You're feeling a little apprehensive in opening up this gift of yours. He's given you gifts before and now with it being Christmas day you're not surprised at all with being gifted something yet again.
You look over to the bag before looking back into the mirror as you take a wild guess to what's inside. It feels pretty light so it has to be clothes. There's some weight to it but not much but you can't even begin to think as to why. You know you'll have to look in the bag eventually so once you're done everything you reach for it with shaky hands.
Opening the gift bag up you pull out the decorative tissue paper from inside. What's inside leaves you feeling breathless but unsurprised. Lingerie.
It's all black and he knows your size because he's measured you before. A lace top that's in the shape of a butterfly up front and thin straps that hold up the back. There are more thin straps - two that stretch along your legs with loops at the end in the shape of garters. Reaching into the bag again you find a matching high waisted double strapped thong.
You sigh because Namjoon buying you lingerie is nothing new to you. He does it quite a bit and because of that you know his preferences being that you place the thong over the garter because he wants to take it off without having to undo everything else.
"What's the fun in wearing lingerie if you have to take it off for sex?"
His words from the past are loud in your head but you get it. Occasionally he'd pull the underwear to the side but again, you've learned his preferences.
Before putting the lingerie on you go to toss the bag onto the floor but you feel something shift in there and you're reminded of the weight you felt in it from before. Curiously you peak inside the bag and see something else that has your brow raising in interest.
You reach in and take out a bondage collar. The leather is thick and holds three o shaped rings. One in the middle and two on either side. On the middle one there's a black heart shaped charm that when you turn it around you see the word 'Princess' engraved into it.
You can't help but to huff a laugh. Both in indignation and something else. You were interested in this collar that's for sure but you weren't going to admit that to Namjoon. Otherwise he'd think he was winning you over somehow.
Much like Hoseok you... tolerate your captor but it's because what he can provide for you. Providing his saliva that leaves you susceptible to his advances. You don't think much of it because it's what you want, but there is one issue. Namjoon enjoys toying with you. Meaning he enjoys withholding from you his saliva until you're practically begging him for it. He has a power trip knowing he can make you beg for him to do anything and everything. Him leaving you stupefied until you're begging for more than just his saliva. It's annoying really and on more than one occasion you've fought back. Mouthed off at him. You know you hit a nerve when he flexes his jaw but despite that he manages to reign you in. Eventually...
Looking into the mirror you bring the collar to your throat and strap it on like a belt. It doesn't feel too tight but it's not loose enough to hang. Afterwards you put on the lingerie that slips over your body perfectly.
Heaving a big sigh again as you look at your reflection you roll your eyes before heading out of the bathroom and into your shared bedroom.
On the four poster bed Namjoon awaits you. He's typing something out on his phone and when he's done does he grace you with his attention. It starts off small but then his smile widens until his dimples show.
"Come here." He extends a hand out towards you.
You tongue your cheek and try to make yourself look as uninterested as possible because you're both clearly wanting different things. He wants sex and you want your high. They oftentimes come together but it depends on how much you annoy him at first.
You walk over and crawl across the bed to him. His hand slowly retracts the more you crawl towards him until you come to a stop once you're straddling his waist.
Namjoon looks you over with a bite to his bottom lip. His hands come up to rest atop your thighs where he runs them appreciatively before his eyes roam up to watch the way the heart shaped charm jingles against the metal when you scoot up more. His smile just turns absolutely devious and with a finger he loops it through the o shaped ring that holds the charm and tugs you forward.
"Like your present, princess?"
You don't give him an answer but it doesn't stop him from laughing.
"You look good enough to eat."
"Not until I have my hit."
Namjoon's brow raises and his smile falters a little.
Strike one.
"You can have what you want after I've had my fill of you." He goes to grab your waist and flip you over but you fight to keep upright.
Strike two.
"Y/N," he warns.
"Namjoon," you bite back in a mocking tone.
He pinches the bridge of his nose as you see him trying to calm down. You're so close to a strike three and you know it.
You hop off of him and sit by his side. Your arms cross as you huff and now you wait to see what he has to say.
Namjoon sits up and looks over to you with the eyes of a dragon. That's what you liken them to whenever he stares at you like this. He's clearly upset but there's something else in that look of his and it's that your attitude is turning him on.
"Why are you such a brat?"
You give him a deadpan look. "You made me this way."
His brows shoot up and he has to fight to control his laughter. "I made you this way?"
Nodding you look off towards the side. You know you shouldn't but you can't help what you mumble next. "I was never like this with Hoseok."
There's a stillness in the air and before you know it you're pushed onto your back with Namjoon straddling you.
Strike three.
His hand comes around your neck and if it weren't because of the collar you're sure he would choke you.
"What did I say to you about mentioning my brother's name in front of me? Hm?" There's a slight tremble to his voice as anger surges through him.
You wriggle uncomfortably beneath the vampire and bring a hand up to claw at his own. You grunt at the discomfort but it doesn't stop him.
"I'm sorry," you strain out.
Namjoon laughs. "You're never sorry, Y/N. It's the same shit with you all the time."
He brings his face closer to yours and bumps his nose against your own. His lips ghost over your own and you find yourself parting them for what's to come.
His tongue slips out to roam across your awaiting mouth but when he feels your own peek out he pulls back. You whine at the loss of contact and it takes everything in Namjoon not to laugh.
A smirk breaks across his face as he eases up his hold around your neck. "You think you deserve it after saying what you said?"
Your hand that clawed at his one holds him tight and without resistance from his end you move it until he's cupping your breast.
You give a half hearted moan. "Please?"
Namjoon huffs a laugh. "You're so pathetic, but all mine."
His words do hit a nerve that you try to ignore. It'll only sour your mood the more you think on it but there's a lingering pain left behind. It's quickly smoothed over though when his hand cupping your breast begins to make a descent towards your sex where you're not quite wet yet and you know he knows this.
He hums and looks down to admire your lace clad body. His pointer finger follows along the design until it finds your clothed sex where he applies pressure over it in search of your clit.
"How wet can you get for me," he asks.
You know he's not really interested in a response but you say something anyway.
"As wet as you want."
This makes his smile grow wide until his dimples show. You're complying with his advances but you both know it's because you want that high. You'll do anything for it. Even if it means that you'll make a fool out of yourself.
He slips his fingers across the length of your thong until he pulls it to the side to expose you for himself. His index and middle fingers run along your slit where slowly but surely you begin to grow wet with your arousal and it makes him groan.
"You're going to be the death of me, you know that?"
You look off towards the side in embarrassment but Namjoon isn't having any of that. With his other hand he grips your chin and directs your attention over to him.
"Don't tell me you're growing shy on me," he laughs. "After how many times I've had a taste of you?"
Your eyes shift around as you try to just revel in the feel of him but the more he talks the more you grow annoyed.
You huff in irritation and it catches Namjoon's attention.
He raises a brow at you all the while his fingers rub against your clit. "Care to share what's on your mind?"
No actually because you know if you tell him to shut up and get the act over with so you can get your high it will only entice him to do otherwise.
Your silence is loud and it makes Namjoon suck his teeth in a mocking way.
"You always have something to say. What is it," he asks with a smirk. "Too afraid of risking punishment?"
There's a small pout on your lips that quickly parts in an o shape when he slips a finger inside. He curls the digit over and over again and it has your legs trembling just the slightest bit.
"You know for someone who talks a lot of shit you're very quiet right now. I may have made you into a brat so go ahead. Act like one."
Your eyes are directed onto him and they squint in suspicion.
You know Namjoon enjoys punishing you and clearly he's trying to get you to talk so he can do so again. The question is if you're going to fall for it or not. The faster you get through this the faster you can get your high but you also can't give up the chance to mouth off at Namjoon. Does that make you a masochist? Maybe but it also brings up the thoughts on whether you enjoy doing these things with Namjoon. You don't like to think about it the same way you didn't like to think about it with Hoseok. You're doing this for yourself you reason so it's alright you guess.
"You want me to act like a brat?" Your eyes close in pleasure when he adds a second finger in. "Then how about you do a better job in fingering me first."
You have to stop yourself from whining when he stops all together. You're about to open your eyes to stare at him but they're quick to stay shut when you wince in pain.
Namjoon spanks your cunt once then twice. "There she is. I was wondering where she went."
You clench your teeth together in mild frustration. "Yeah she's here and what? It doesn't change the fact that you're doing minimal effort to get me off."
You can't help the way your eyes widen when you feel Namjoon grip your face. It's with the hand he wasn't touching you with and he holds on to you hard. He's giving you those dragon eyes again as he observes you. You can't tell if your words were too much and maybe now he's pissed. You normally don't complain about the pleasure he gives you or lack of so this is kind of new to you.
He softly shakes your head side to side as he tongues his cheek. "Anything else you have to say?"
You huff in disgruntlement. "Yeah. I hate you."
A chilling grin overtakes his face. "I know, princess."
Your hand comes up to slap his own off of your face but he barely budges.
"You can be so ill-mannered you know that," he says in an almost concerned tone of voice. "Where did I go wrong with you?" He doesn't give you a chance to answer when he roughly turns you over onto your front. "Did I spoil you too much?" He places a hand on the back of your neck and holds you down. "Or is it just because you like getting me riled up?"
You grunt but arch your back when his other hand glides softly along your spine. He chuckles at this.
"I'm guessing you enjoy this as much as I do otherwise you'd give me a harder time than you already do."
Your eyes squeeze shut when his fingers find their way back to your sex and sidesteps your thong to dip them in. The feeling makes you moan and it makes Namjoon chuckle. The sound of it just makes you want to roll your eyes beneath the lids.
"I do it for the high," you admit.
Without a second to process anything you gasp when Namjoon strikes your right cheek.
"Oh I know you do you little shit," he curses. "But that doesn't take away the fact that you enjoy it whenever I touch you."
He's right but you're not about to admit that to him.
"You wish."
Another smack comes down but this time it's your left cheek. You can't help the way that you gasp again. Even more so when his fingers find themselves in you once again. This time the two digits go fast and hard into you and the feeling has you moaning out loud.
Your hands come up to grip the comforter all the while Namjoon pleasures you. It's insane how good he makes you feel but again you're not about to admit that to him.
He pulls his fingers out of you and you cry out from the loss of them. You try to sit up but his other hand keeps you firmly down by the back of your neck.
"Fuck Namjoon," you whine.
"What was that, princess?"
Gritting your teeth together you writhe as you try and find a way to get up. "I said fuck you."
Two loud smacks for each cheek has your head growing hazy from his sadistic pleasure. It's a euphoric feeling in of itself and it just makes you crave the inevitable high even more.
His fingers find their way inside of you again and it's a torturous dance of pleasing you to spanking you even if you don't mouth off at him. It has your mind reeling with you unsure if you were coming or going. All you understood and felt were a mixture of things. Almost like hot and cold with what Namjoon was doing to you. Hot from the heat he was creating inside of you and cold from the chilling feeling of being physically marked by him. It brought tears to your eyes that remained closed in absolute pleasure.
At some point Namjoon stops all together to let you regain your breath.
All that's heard in the room is your heavy breathing and your heart beat in your ears. The weight of his hand on the back of your neck is still there and it becomes even more apparent when he applies more pressure.
"How are you feeling, princess?"
His question to you sounds genuine and it's moments like these that you have to remind yourself that you're doing it all for the high. His concern for you will not shake you. You won't allow it.
You clear your throat before nodding. "Good."
He finally releases you and pats you on your backside. "Stay there," he demands and you listen because you're too out of it to say or do otherwise.
Your eyes remain closed but you're aware of the way he moves around you. You know what's coming next and your skin pricks in anticipation.
Namjoon presses his front to your back where you feel the lukewarm touch of his naked skin. A hand comes down to take your thong by the straps and slowly ease it down your thighs until they rest above your knees.
"You smell divine," he says beneath his breath.
Your face flushes with heat as he peppers kisses along the back of your neck and shoulders and it's with a soft gasp do you react when you feel the weight of his cock pressed up against your ass.
He cages you in with his strong arms and with a hand he grabs your chin to angle your face towards him. He's smiling at you but the way one would when they have their prey right where they want them and you are very much where Namjoon wants you.
"Bear with me for a little longer and I'll give you what you want, yeah?"
You know he means about his saliva and though the idea of having to wait more time to get it leaves you feeling glum at least you're almost there.
He releases your face from his grip and with one hand he guides his cock towards your entrance.
He's thick and though you've gotten used to having him inside of you it doesn't change the fact that you have to deal with the initial stretch each time. Your eyes shut when he prods at your entrance - running the head up and down your slit. When he's satisfied with what he's done he pushes forward until his head breaches through your hole.
You let out a sound that's a cross between a moan and a whimper of delight. Namjoon grunts when he feels your walls clamp down on him and shushes you gently as a way to get you to relax for him.
"Relax," he says softly. "That's it. Good girl."
You screw your eyes shut the more he goes in and though there's a stretch what you mostly feel is pleasure.
A long drawn out moan comes from deep inside of you when he reaches the hilt and he's snug within you.
Namjoon releases a shaky breath and rests his forehead against your shoulder. He's letting you get used to him before he makes a move and you're appreciative of that.
"Tell me when," he whispers.
You have to fight to keep your walls from fluttering around him but you can't help it. He moans every time you do and he has to grip your arm to ground himself. The feeling of his grip helps ground you too and so with a nod do you let him know to go on.
"Do it."
Namjoon wraps an arm across your front and holds you close to his chest and with that you brace yourself for what's about to come.
His legs are on either side of yours caging you in and from there does he begin to piston his hips. He goes fast and hard jostling you up the bed. If it weren't for his hold on you you're sure you'd bump into the headboard.
You gasp and moan at the way he pounds into. You're left feeling breathless as your body tingles from head to toe. Gripping the sheets beneath you your eyes begin to water as your body is completely ravished by your captor. You don't want to admit it out loud but even then he knows how you're really feeling by the noises you make.
He's making a mess in between your legs. Your arousal gushes out of you with every push and pull of his hips leaving your inner thighs sticky and wet. In any other situation you'd feel embarrassed but he's making you feel so good you can hardly care.
From this angle his cock drags over the roof of your cunt just right. You're practically panting at this point because of it.
With a particularly harsh thrust you cry out loud and it makes him chuckle.
"Feels good, princess?"
You clamp your lips shut and breathe heavily through your nose.
"Oh don't get so quiet now. I know you love this," he laughs. "How about we try another position? Shall we?"
Without giving you time to think he pulls out of you and flips you over onto your back. You gasp at the sudden movement and before you can complain he spreads your legs apart and slots himself within you once again.
He's back to a brutal pace but keeps you close by slipping his arms beneath you and holding your shoulders in his hands. The move keeps you where he wants you - under his control.
Your eyes are shut but it doesn't stop a tear from leaking through your lashes. Even though you won't admit it out loud you are feeling good. More than good. With your back arching off the bed your breasts press up against Namjoon's front making him groan. The sound makes your walls tighten around him causing him to groan even louder.
"Keep doing that princess and I just might come."
You open your eyes and staring back at you are his icy blue ones. His frenzy is active and you know sooner than later he's going to need to feed, but not until you have what you want first.
Your lips part in waiting making Namjoon's brow raise in interest.
"Please," you beg.
He comes to a slow stop - sweat trickling down from his hairline. A dimpled smile takes over his face as he shakes his head. "You're so impatient, baby."
The way he stares at you like he adores you makes your stomach roil a little.
"Please Namjoon. I can't wait any longer." Your words come out with a whine.
He looks over your features in a sudden silence with nothing to express but that doesn't last for long.
He huffs a laugh. "I'm feeling awfully nice today since it's the holidays so yeah. Why not?"
Your pleading eyes widen a little in excitement and it makes him chuckle.
Without a second to waste Namjoon leans over to kiss your lips. You meet him halfway and immediately peek your tongue out to run across the seam of his lips. There's little resistance on his end as he parts his own and slips his tongue out to meet with yours. Then it hits. Pure elation. Pure euphoria. Pure ecstasy. It doesn't matter how many times you get it. It just gets better and better each time.
The kiss is long and deep with passion. Your tongues grind against one another in a sinful dance that's made of pure lust. Maybe if you weren't so far gone you'd be ashamed but that's not the case right now. You're enjoying yourself too much.
Your hands come up to Namjoon's back where your fingers dig into his flesh. He pulls back to hiss in pain but you don't miss the way his cock twitches inside of you.
Everything about how you feel right now is superb. You're on cloud nine. You can't help but to close your eyes and revel in the feeling. Even more so when Namjoon picks up where he left off. He's back to fucking you fast and hard to the point that you're left gasping. The man knows what he's doing. He's hitting all the right places that have you seeing stars.
Your walls start to flutter around him indicating that you're close. It forces Namjoon's hips to stutter.
"Fuck," he curses. "Think you can come for me?" Though he asks he knows that you can.
He switches his position slightly so that he's kneeling and brings a hand down between the two of you. His deft fingers quickly find your clit where he rolls the pearl around until you vocalize the pleasure he's giving you.
Behind closed lids your eyes roll back as you whimper and moan. You're so close and there's little else that needs to be done to make you fall over the edge. Just one more roll of his fingers and you gasp before a long high pitched whine breaks free from deep down in your chest. Your legs begin to shake as your walls clamp down on Namjoon. He chokes on a moan but it doesn't stop him from moving.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he grits out.
You don't see the way he clenches his teeth and how he bares them in unbridled rapture. He pushes forth - on and on until he suddenly stops. His hips jerk forward and he's spilling all he's got deep within you. You feel the way he empties inside of you filling you up to the brim. It's something you can never get used to but it's not a bad feeling. It has you sighing before the next thing to happen happens.
Namjoon's teeth bite into the side of your neck and hard. It makes you wince slightly but the high helps stave off any pain you would have felt otherwise. You feel the pull as he sucks your blood and it's a bit odd. Having your life force being pulled from you is an... interesting feeling. Especially when you're higher than a kite.
He takes from you a bit more before he stops and heals your wound with his tongue with a long and slow swipe. You hum at the feeling and he responds back with a hum of his own.
"You alright," he asks softly.
You hum again with a barely there nod.
When you're like this it's oftentimes best to just let yourself be. You don't enjoy any interruptions as you go through the motions of your high but you know Namjoon is being innocent when it comes to checking up on you.
He leaves a kiss on your forehead before pulling out and it makes you hiss. You're so sensitive down there. So much so that not even the high can mask the feeling.
Your eyes are shut so you don't see what Namjoon is doing but you know what his course of action will be. It's just a moment of silence before you jump a little at the feel of a warm washcloth between your legs. He cleans you up well and urges you to push to get some of his cum out. It's at this point the high starts to slowly leave you but the residual effect prevents you from feeling any sort of embarrassment as Namjoon cleans you up.
Without a word, once he's done, he heads to the bathroom where you know he'll wash up. You didn't forget that he needs to cleanse himself of you so he can go and see his brothers. They are no doubt waiting for him patiently or impatiently. For a brief moment you think of Hoseok. You wonder how he's doing ever since you left. You never bothered to ask Namjoon on how his brother has been because you never forgot that your captor has a penchant for lying. Who is to say he'll tell you the truth or not? Even then do you actually care to know? You don't know.
You curl up onto your side as sleep slowly starts to take over your hazy brain. Your semi-naked state trembles as it seeks warmth but you can't bring yourself to move and cover yourself up. Call it laziness or whatever but you can barely care.
You're in and out of consciousness all the while thoughts, meaningful and meaningless, flit across your mind. Neither here nor there - just simply existing. It's in this state do you register the sounds Namjoon makes when he comes back from showering. You know he can hear the way your breathing pattern begins to ease up so it's without a doubt in your mind that Namjoon knows you're about to fall asleep. Still, he checks up on you before tugging down the sheets so he can lie it over your body. As soon as the covers blanket over you goosebumps line your bare skin from the warmth. In response you give a pleased hum.
"I'll be out for a while." You vaguely register Namjoon's words. "Rest up and I'll see you later."
You give another hum though this time it's in acknowledgement despite how sleepy you're sure you sound.
"Merry Christmas, princess," are the last words you hear to keep you company until your captor comes back to you. Until you're back in his arms and until he'll have you again.
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chaoticpuff17 · 23 days
When the Chips are Down
part 27
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Y/N couldn’t say that she was a big fan of weddings. She hadn’t been too a large number of them, but even counting her own horrible day, this was the worst wedding she had ever been to.
Iyla, for her part, took the ordeal like a champion. She marched down the aisle on Namjoon’s arm with all the grace of a queen and all the wrath broiling within both of them shining in her eyes. While Y/N had spent her own wedding in a haze, Iyla seemed all too aware of what was happening to her. She completed each part of the ceremony with contempt. Each time she was asked to do something, she would pause for an uncomfortably long moment before she would comply, a stubborn tilt to her head and a mocking glint in her eye as though she was daring Hoseok to do something.
Unlike her sister, Iyla still held the belief that there was an escape from the hellscape they had found themselves in. She hadn’t yet been beaten into submission with the knowledge that there was no leaving. Anything that Namjoon and his brothers wanted, they got. This applied to all areas of their lives both in business and in personal matters. Their chosen mates got very little say in any of it, and weddings, from what Y/N could tell, were simply an announcement to the world that they had gotten their way. They were a public claim on their partners, not that any of the boys needed a public claim. Simply the whisper of one of the big bosses having taken a partner would give the woman in question a certain level of respect and protection. No one in the organization wanted to upset the higher ups by disrespecting their wives.
The wedding made things official though. It was a legal binding that many of the boys seemed to crave. You could always leave a partner if the relationship was bad. Marriages were harder to end though. Even if any of the girls ran and managed to stay gone there would always be a legal tie to the boys that couldn’t be undone without revealing their whereabouts. It was a catch twenty two.
The final bows were soon made, and Hoseok and Iyla were announced as a married couple to everyone assembled. It was a traditionally Korean ceremony for the most part, but the plans for a reception afterwards were much more Western in origin. While it wasn’t typical, Y/N’s working theory was that Namjoon and the boys liked to show off. A reception was an excellent way to get caught up with business associates, make connections, and generally boast to the world about their chosen wife. Namjoon had chosen to do much the same thing at their own wedding.
A pang went through her heart as she stood, ready to follow the newly weds to the reception area. Her own reception had been one of the last times that she had seen Jackson alive and well, and she’d been so blind with betrayal and hurt that she hadn’t even talked to him.
It was in these thoughts that she was caught up when the first sound of a shot was heard. She had barely even had time to register it before she was being shoved to the ground, Nara clutched tightly to her chest and Namjoon’s body hovering over the both of them as a shield.
His eyes were wild as he looked at her, scanning her and their daughter for any injuries. “Are you alright?” The words came out in a rush almost as though he was panicked, but Namjoon was so very rarely panicked. He was the leader for a reason. Situations like this weren’t meant to faze him. “Is Nara alright?”
Y/N nodded, stumbling over her words as she let him know that they were both alright. They might have been a little jostled and possibly bruised from the force with which he’d taken them all to the ground, but they were for the most part alright.
“Taehyun!” Namjoon roared, calling out for her bodyguard. “Get them out of here!”
“Wait!” Y/N looked around desperately as Namjoon helped her to her feet. “Where is Iyla? Is Iyla okay?”
“Taehyun is going to take you and Nara to safety.” Namjoon assured her, brushing the hairs away from her face that had been knocked loose when he’d taken them all to the ground. “You’re going to be just fine.”
“What about Iyla?”
He quickly pressed a kiss to forehead and did the same for Nara as well before pushing her into Taehyun’s arms. “If anything happens to them, I will gut you.” Namjoon promised, his tone low and dripping with venom.
“I’ll protect them with my life, sir.”
“What about Iyla!” she cried, as Taehyun began to drag her away, his grip unyielding on her arm as he led them out.
“Keep your head low, buin.” he ordered gently. “Cover Ms. Nara’s head as well.”
Despite her protests, Y/N kept her head low as instructed, and Nara, who was by this point screaming her poor little head off, was tucked into her chest with her head shielded. Taehyun had moved from dragging her by the arm to ushering her forward with his own body half covering hers as they moved. When Kim Namjoon had given the order to protect his family at all costs. He had meant it, even if it came at the price of bodily harm to Taehyun.
Part of Y/N was selfishly grateful for Taehyun’s protection. There were bullets flying across the venue, both from BTS and whoever had decided to crash the event. People were running in every direction, and screams filled the air as everyone tried to find cover.
Y/N tried not to look at the carnage of what had once been a beautiful venue as they went past. Her focus had to be on her baby and getting her to safety. She’d get Iyla too if she could, but she didn’t think that Taehyun would let her go searching, and her first priority had to be Nara. Nara had to get out of this mess before she could truly worry about anyone else.
It wasn’t the first shoot out she’d been in. Marcus hadn’t always been careful about where he brought her and when. Her safety had never been a primary concern for him. She’d taken precautions after that not to accompany Marcus to any parties she deemed particularly sketchy. Her second shootout had been over a year ago when she’d been running for her life in an attempt to escape the estate, her first escape attempt. They hadn’t been aiming for her though. That had been made abundantly clear. So she wasn’t a stranger to shoot outs, she’d just never been in the middle of one before.
“Where are we even going?” Y/N asked, her words coming out as more of a pant.
“To the cars, buin.” Taehyung answered, voice low and not nearly as out of breath as her own was. “Sajangnim ordered me to get you to safety. Once we get to the cars, I’ll see you and Ms. Nar-”
The first thing that Y/N registered was the stinging pain in her arm, almost like a bad carpet burn. She’d had many of those as a child when she and Iyla hadn’t been careful in their playing, and she’d tripped and gone skidding across the floor in their childhood home.
The next thing she registered was Taehyun’s voice had gone abruptly and completely silent, his sentence left unfinished. She didn’t have time to question this change as his form which had been a shelter from the maelstrom around them became a dead weight dragging her and Nara to the ground once more.
Y/N cursed under her breath, checking to see if Nara was okay before glancing over at Taehyun to check and see if he was okay and promptly wishing she hadn’t, her stomach turning.
A pool of deep red was seeping towards her with nauseating speed from the figure next to her. For the most part, he looked as though he’d just tripped much the same as she had. It was once you looked past the shoulders that the damage became apparent. There wasn’t much left of Taehyun after that point to recognize as Taehyun any more. The bullet had torn straight through his skull, destroying all of his recognizable features.
Y/N choked back a sob, scrambling back in an attempt to get away from the carnage though she quickly found herself ducking down to avoid a shot going off far too close for comfort.
Nara continued to scream in her arms, her little wails cutting through the air and making the both of them an all too obvious target for anyone who was looking to get revenge on Namjoon.
“It’s okay, baby.” she shushed, gently bouncing Nara in her arms. “Momma’s going to get us out of here.”
Y/N placed a quick kiss to the top of her baby’s head and began to crawl back over to Taehyun’s body.
He was one of Namjoon’s men. He had to have some sort of weapon on him. Y/N highly doubted that any of Namjoon’s men went anywhere unarmed, at least not foot soldiers like Taehyun had been.
With some rummaging, Y/N was able to find a gun stashed in a shoulder harness. It was a little bigger than anything that Y/N had shot before, but it would have to do given the circumstances, and Y/N wasn’t about to turn away anything that could help keep her and Nara safe. She wasn’t entirely sure how she was going to shoot and hold Nara, but she had something on hand to protect them if worse came to worse, and that made the situation marginally better.
Y/N got up, careful to keep her body as low to the ground as she could as she moved through the carnage. Keep low and move quickly, that was the only thought in her head as she picked her way out of the wedding hall. She couldn’t get to the cars. It wasn’t safe. She didn’t know who was out there and who they worked for. She didn’t know who half of Namjoon’s men were, and she didn’t doubt that the ones she did know were preoccupied with keeping their own wives safe as well as putting an end to the chaos that had ruined the wedding. If she asked for help, she was as likely to ask someone who was responsible for the chaos as she was to pick someone who worked for Namjoon. Along with those two factions were also visiting families and business acquaintances, and there was no telling who of those would help her if she asked and who would slit her throat given the opportunity. She was on her own.
Once she was out of the main hall, there was more room too maneuver and more options of where to go.
Frantically, she looked around, trying to find somewhere to go. What she needed was a place to hide, somewhere secluded and somewhere where she could hopefully form a barricade to keep others from getting in. She found her answer in the form of a supply closet tucked away from the main hall.
Briskly, Y/N made her way towards the door, keeping a careful eye on her surroundings as she did.
“Y/N!” an achingly familiar voice called causing her head to snap in the direction it had come from. Mark was rushing towards her, looking disheveled in his suit as he sprinted across the hall foyer. “Y/N, are you alright?” He rushed to ask, quickly scanning her for any injuries. “Is Nara alright?”
“What are you doing here?” She asked, out of breath as she took in the sight of him.
“We have to go.” He urged, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the exit. “They’re going to be looking for you soon.”
“How are you here?”
He smiled, the expression rakish and exasperated at the same time. “I promise to explain everything later, but we have to hurry right now.”
“Where’s Iyla? Did you get Iyla out?” She asked, scanning the room for any sign of her sister as Mark pulled her towards the exit.
“Iyla?” He questioned, brow furrowed. “I don’t have Iyla. We barely had time to get you out. This whole operation has been a mess.”
Y/N stopped dead in her tracks, his words playing through her mind. “This was you? You did this?” She asked, hoping against hope that it was a lie. “You shot at my baby sister? You shot at my baby?”
“Y/N, we don’t have time for this right now.” He tried to tug her forward again, but she wouldn’t go. “Y/N, please.”
She wanted to believe that Mark wouldn’t put Nara or Iyla in danger for some hair-brained scheme, but looking at him now, how frantic he seemed- how desperate to get her out of there, she knew that he had. “How could you?”
“Y/N, we have to go.”
Shots went off around them as she remained immobile, Mark pleading with her to keep going, to leave with him, but she couldn’t move. She couldn’t bring herself to leave with him knowing what would happen to Iyla if she left her behind. Namjoon had made the consequences very clear if she should ever try to leave him again. If she was going to escape it had to be with Iyla.
“Let go, Mark.” she ordered, shaking her arm out of his grip. “You need to leave.”
“Y/N, you can’t be serious.” Mark cursed under his breath, pushing them both to the floor as someone fired a gun in their direction. “We have to go now!”
Y/N pushed herself and Nara up from the floor, aiming the gun shakily at Mark as she did, tears pooling in her eyes.
He stared at her incredulously. “Y/N, be reasonable. We won’t get this chance again. Lee won’t agree to help me again.”
“Go.” she ordered, her voice just as tremulous as the rest of her.
“I swear to God, Mark, I will shoot you if you don’t leave.”
“You can’t stay with him.”
She shook her head, the tears starting to fall. “I can’t leave knowing what he’ll do to my sister if I do.”
“We’ll get her out another time.” He pleaded, standing up as she rose as well, Nara clutched tight to her chest, her little face red as she shook with little hiccuping sobs. “We have to go now.”
“You have to leave before he catches you.” She kept the gun trained at his chest. “He won’t let you go a second time.” Mark didn’t move. “You have jeopardized everything.” she hissed, the possibilities running rampant through her mind. Namjoon would not be kind if he found Mark here, and considering his actions, she wasn’t feeling too charitable towards him herself.
“Y/N, I’m trying to help you.”
“You shot at my daughter! You shot at my baby sister!” Her eyes scanned his features looking for a shred of remorse. She found none.
“You need to leave.” she hissed, but Mark didn’t move. “Leave!” she screamed.
He still didn’t move. Y/N lowered the gun, aiming at his foot as she fired, and Mark jumped back, letting loose a string of expletives as he did.
“I don’t want to shoot you, Mark,” she began, raising the gun to his chest once more. “but I will if I have to.”
He took a step forward, reaching for her, and Y/N was quick to aim a shot at his leg. The bullet grazed his calf, missing its mark. She was no good at aiming with only one hand, and it didn’t help that she was shaking like a leaf.
“Go!” she urged. “Go before he finds out this was you.”
Without a backwards glance at him, Y/N turned on her heel and took off into the foyer. It was almost as chaotic in entry now as the main hall had been, the fighting spilling out as people ran. her aim was to get to the supply closet she had seen earlier. It wouldn’t be much for cover, but it would be something so long as she was lucky enough to make it there without getting herself shot in the process.
With some difficulty, Y/N was able to make it to the closet. The door had mercifully been left unlocked, giving her access to the small room. It had just enough space for her to crouch on the floor with Nara half hidden behind some packages of toilet paper and paper towels. It wasn’t much, but she was more than grateful for it.
The supply closet only had one entrance for her to guard. If anyone tried to open the door, she had a direct line of sight and therefore fire to defend herself and Nara.
Hiding in the dark room did nothing to settle her frayed nerves. Every sound coming from outside her sanctuary set her on edge though Nara had thankfully settled down. As much as she loved her child, having her screaming while they were attempting to hide would have been counterproductive, and the sound would have worn on her already ragged nerves.
She didn’t know how long they stayed there crouched in the dark. It could have been hours or it could have been minutes. She had no way of telling the time, and her own anxiety made her an unreliable judge of exactly how long they’d been there, but it felt like an eternity.
Even when the noise from outside had died down, Y/N refused to leave her hiding place. She had no way of knowing who had come out on top of the chaos outside, and without that knowledge she was not willing to put herself or Nara in any more danger than necessary.
Her legs ached from her cramped position as did her arms from holding Nara for so long, but she stayed still, waiting for a sign that it was safe to leave, her mind reeling from the events of the day. Her grip remained tight on the gun she’d swiped off Taehyun’s body ready to shoot should someone try to open the door even if her hands were shaking. She’d already shot at someone today, and she didn’t particularly want to shoot at anyone else, but she would if she had to.
Part of her couldn’t believe that she’d shot at Mark. She couldn’t believe that she’d let the opportunity to escape pass her by. She could have taken Nara and ran. She could have had a shot at freedom, but she hadn’t taken it. She’d made a choice that she had never even considered as a real possibility. She’d chosen to stay with Namjoon of her own volition.
Of course there were other factors. She knew what Namjoon would do to Iyla if she’d chosen to go. She also knew that Namjoon never would have stopped searching for her if she’d managed to slip away, and that was a big if. She doubted they would have gotten very far before Namjoon would have found them. Taking their daughter and running, while it sounded nice in theory, would have unleashed an almost unholy fury within her husband. He was already slightly insane when it came to her. She could only imagine the lengths he would go to to get Nara back if she were ever to go missing and the consequences she would face if she had a hand in it.
Y/N was shaken out of her thoughts as the door to her sanctuary was ripped open. Without even thinking, she lifted the gun and fired in the direction of the entry. Nara woke with a start at the sound, starting to cry as she did.
“Fuck!” the intruder cursed, jumping back as her bullet barely missed him, embedding itself into the door frame. “Hyung!” he called, stepping away from the door and keeping an eye on her as he shouted over his shoulder. “Hyung, I found her!”
She stared at the man in the doorway, heart racing and her hands shaking so much that she was afraid she would drop the gun.
She didn’t have a chance to fire at him again as the man in the doorway was unceremoniously shoved aside to reveal a new figure.
She fired again, just barely missing him and embedding a bullet into the other side of the door frame eliciting another stream of curses from both men standing at the door.
Before she could try to steady her hand enough to fire again, the weapon was ripped from her hand and tossed out of the small space.
“No!” she screamed, kicking at the man trying to drag her and Nara out of their sanctuary.
“Jagi! Jagiya, it’s me!” her assailant cooed, wrapping a hand around her wrist to keep her blows from landing. “It’s me.” he said again, keeping his voice low and even. “You’re safe now. You’re both safe.”
Slowly Y/N began to register who was in the closet with her. “Namjoon?”
“It’s me, jagi. It’s me.” He hushed, smoothing away the mess her hair had become during the chaos of the day. “It’s me.”
Namjoon was unceremoniously knocked back as Y/N threw herself into his arms, her free arm wrapped tightly around his neck as she clung to him, sobs wracking her frame as the stress of the whole situation came crashing down on her with the reassurance that they was safe and keeping Nara from harm was no longer her responsibility alone. No one was going to hurt them. Namjoon would make sure of that.
Namjoon wrapped his arms tightly around her, careful not to crush Nara between them as he held them both.
“You’re alright, jagiya. You did so well. You’re safe now.” he murmured into her hair. “It’s all okay. I won’t let anything happen to you.” she shuddered against him, her whole body shaking as the adrenaline left her system. “Jungkook, have them bring the car around.”
“On it, hyung.” Jungkook quickly scampered away leaving the couple in peace.
“Okay, jagi.” Namjoon began, gently trying to shift Y/N away from him slightly, but she clung on, gripping the back of his suit jacket. “I’m not going anywhere.” He reassured her, gently stroking a hand down her back. “I’m just going to take Nara and hand her to Soobin. He’s going to take her to the car while I take you there. Okay, jagiya?” Y/N didn’t move, clutching Nara closer as the infant continued to cry. “You did so good, jagi. You did so good, but you don’t have to hold on anymore. I’ve got you.” Y/N choked back sob. “I’ve got you.”
Y/N slowly released her grip, slipping back and giving Namjoon room to take Nara from her arms. The little one was still crying, pathetic hiccuping sobs that tugged at Namjoon’s heart strings.
With a quick kiss to Nara’s forehead, he stood up, passing her over to Soobin who was waiting to take her to the car.
“I’m going to pick you up now, jagi.” he explained, moving slowly as he stooped to scoop Y/N up from the ground. She went willingly, wrapping her arms around his neck and tucking her face into his shoulder as he strode through the wrecked venue towards where Jungkook had the car waiting. “Rest, jagi. I’ve got you.” 
119 notes · View notes
fairyofsilence · 1 year
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Pairing: Producer!Namjoon x Trainee!Reader
Warnings (there's important trigger warnings mentioned, read each one of them carefully and proceed with caution): +18, Yandere, grooming, age gap (reader is 19 while Namjoon is 31), cursing, extreme abuse of power, manipulation, reader has a bad relationship with her mother, self-deprecation, reader has a low self esteem, mentions of unhealthy diets, mentions of toxic beauty standards, both explicit and non explicit sexual scenes; oral sex (m and f reciving), fingering, spanking, protected sex, sex in the work place, loss of virginity, mentions of blood, slight dubcon (she agrees to have sex after he coaxes her into it), mentions of aftercare, mentions of sex, recording of sexual acts without a partner's knowledge, blackmail, forced relationships.
Summary: It's the opportunity of a lifetime, everything you have ever wished for has been presented to you on a silver platter, becoming the next rising star of the critically acclaimed producer Kim Namjoon was a dream come true.
Too bad you are to naive to confuse a nightmare for a blessing.
I don't agree nor condone any of the actions made by any of the characters throughout the story, I also do not belive that any of the members of BTS would act this way or have this type of behaviour, this story it's fiction and it's written with the sole purpose of entertainment.
Word count:  11.3 k
This is the first of seven parts for the That's the industry, baby series, you cand find my main masterlist here. The stories can be read as one shots, the stories just take place in the same universe.
Hello again! It’s been a while, believe me I know, and I also know I’ve been announcing this fic since practically a year now but get this: I’m a depressed college student who loves to procrastinate, but I shit you not tonight I said “fuck it” and finished this enitre fic in eight hours, this is extreamly unedited and I’m posting this at 6 a.m, I’m not even sure I’ll be able to edit this until June but until then please enjoy and let me know what you think! I created this series because I’ve always been shocked at the ammount of disgusting things the entertainment industry has try to hide from the general public, and this series will tackle most of that, withouth more introductions, here’s the first of them, enjoy!
EDITED ON 05/27/2023
You haven’t moved an inch since you’ve put your eyes on the board.
 You’re trembling, you can feel the air starting to leave your lungs, but you don’t seem able to take a breath because you feel like if you so much as blink, the announcement will disappear from the board, and it all just be an illusion.
 But it’s not an illusion, you’re actually looking at the announcement on the board right now, the letters are big, bright, and bold, and there’s no doubt that what you’re looking at now is your name next to the word “Congratulations.”
 “Congratulations Y/N Y/L/N, you won!
You’ve been chosen as Rkive records new rising star.
For more details, check the inbox on your email in which you’ve been send the instructions on what to do next.”
 All sound seemed to quiet down, you couldn’t hear a single thing except a striking white noise ringing on your ears, and although you can feel some of the trainees jumping around trying to congratulate you, you can’t seem to do anything right now, your body is paralyzed, your eyes fill up with tears and you feel as if your heart had gone all the way up to your throat.
 You’ve won, you’re finally going to debut, Kim Namjoon had chosen you.
 It feels surreal, you’ve been waiting for this moment, four years to be exact, and it has finally going to happen, your biggest dream was just a day away from becoming true, a small laugh leaves your mouth at the thought, you’ve made it, you finally made it happen.
 Reality comes back to you in the form of a hug, you realize the person who’s hugging you is Soowon, one of the newest trainees who, after you got her out of trouble with the singing coach, decided to attach herself to you and proclaim the two of you as best friends, she seems more excited than you right now, jumping around while trying to not break the hug, somehow you manage to wrap your arms around her, giving her a weird side hug, but she doesn’t seem to mind, in fact, she seems even more excited after you returned the hug.
 “You did it! I know you would win” She says after hugging me a little bit tighter “It was only a matter of time before this happened, you’ve been working so hard” You feel a tear rolling down your cheek after her words, you finally turn around to return the energy of the hug and while rubbing your back, she whispers onto your ear “I know you’ll be the biggest star of this company Y/N, I’ve known it since the day we met”
 You allow yourself to feel the praise and hugs from your fellow trainees because you know that once you step a foot inside of your apartment, you know that your biggest obstacle from you reaching your dreams is waiting for you inside, so just for a few more hours, you let yourself be happy, because you know that when she finds out about the news you received today, a light argument is the best thing you can’t expect.
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Your mother is already at your apartment by the time you got home, and that was the first weird thing you noticed.
The second was that she made dinner, your mother never makes dinner, she always works until late in the night and you’ve survived on rice and instant ramen because of that, but tonight she seems to gone all out, there’s even meat at the table for god sake, and that’s how you know there’s only two reasons behind this happening; she was either fired or she got a new, better paying job, and you’ll be very surprised if it ends up being the latter.
 She has never been good at maintaining a job, and for someone who’s been poor her whole life, she doesn’t seem to understand that to maintain a job is to be quiet, the workers should never complain to their bosses, at least, that’s what you’ve learned during your time in the company.
 She notices your presence after you stand in the entrance for a while, then again, it’s not hard to do so, your apartment is not big enough for you to go unnoticed anyway, she turns off the stove and walks up to you with a smile, greeting you excitedly.
 “Hi sweetheart, sit down please, I’m just going to bring out some plates, okay?” You don’t say anything, but she doesn’t seem to mind the lack of response, turning away from you to grab two plates from the small kitchen cabinet while you set down your backpack and take a seat on the floor in front of the small table, your palms begin to sweat as you mentally prepare to tell your mother about the news, which you’re sure she won’t take kindly.
“How was your day? You usually come back earlier than this, I told you that this trainee stuff cannot interfere with school” And there she goes, you can even seat down in peace for five minutes before she starts listing all the stupid reasons why you should be a trainee, but today you won’t take any criticism from her, actually, today you’ll prove her just how wrong she’s been.
“It was great, I have good news actually” Your voice loses power for a bit, but you pull through it, your mother sits down and seems curious about the news for once.
“Yeah? What is it? You’re finally leaving that company for good? They’re the reason you got two years behind in school” Your eye twitches at her remark but you ignore her before dropping the bomb.
“No, it’s the opposite actually” Her eyebrows raise at that, and she looks at you expectantly before you say, “I’m signing my contract tomorrow, I’m going to debut soon.”
 The silence that follows after your words seems to last an eternity.
 Your mother puts her utensils down, she licks her lips and lets out a deep sigh after a few seconds, she doesn’t like this at all.
 “I was expecting good news” Her words feel like a dagger piercing right through your heart, but you maintain your posture, you can’t let her, and her hurtful words get to you.
“This is good news mom, don’t you understand? I wasn’t sign to a small company, Bangtan signed me, Kim Namjoon chose me” Your mother makes eye contact, and it makes you falter for a second, she always knows how to bring you down when you’re finally going up.
“Who put those ideas on your head? That Kim Namjoon that you always talk about?” Before you can even talk back she cuts you off before adding “Sweetheart, I thought you were smarter than this, when man want something, they’ll say anything to get you” You hate when she does this, when she makes you feel small, making you think you’re stupid without even listening to what you have to say, you hate her.
“First of all, I’m meeting him for the first time tomorrow, so no mother, he hasn’t been putting any ideas on me, and also, why are you acting so shocked at this? I’ve been training for years, you know that it was bound to happen, I’ve been working so hard for this moment to come and the only thing you can say is something negative, can you just say ‘congratulations’ at least? This is something important to me, can you at least pretend that you’re happy for me?” Your voice breaks by the end and instead of listening to your concerns, your mother decides to do what she does best; get defensive after you call her out.
“Why do you always just assume the worst of me darling? I’m just expressing my concern as your mother, is it wrong to be worried about who my daughter is going to be spending so much time with?” Her tone just manages to push you over the edge every time, you don’t even realize you’re crying until a teardrop land on your lap, you’re quick to wipe your tears before she gets the satisfaction of knowing she can affect you so much, you make eye contact with her before responding.
“Why can you just be happy for me mom?” You’re tired of arguing, but as usual, she doesn’t notice how you feel.
"I'm just worried about you, darling. You know that the career you want is risky. What if they change their minds and leave you without warning? What if you get injured before you even have a chance to perform? And what if they decide you're not good-looking enough after a few years? Have you thought about what you'll do then?" The venomous words spill out of her mouth so effortlessly that you're taken aback. Even your mother seems surprised by what she just said, but she doesn't backtrack or apologize. She only looks at you with a guilty expression, her eyes betraying her harsh tone. You let out a bitter chuckle before responding.
“You know what mom? I don’t think you’re worried” you say, your eyes fixed on your hands in your lap before voicing the thoughts that have been on your mind for a long time “I think you’re jealous” The silence in the room was so prominent you could hear a pin drop “I know you were young when you had me and I’m sorry I screwed up your life, but your misery is not my fault, I have to live my own life and make my own path, and being an idol is the path that I chose, so I’ll let things clear for you, you either accept my choices without any type of criticism or I’ll have to leave this place” You stand up and before she can respond, you leave her with this; “although, after signing my contract, I might just leave either way” with that, you make your way to your shared bedroom, not having the courage to say anything after your fight.
Later that night, you noticed your mother quietly slipping into bed, assuming you were already asleep. However, you struggled to find peace, tossing and turning as your thoughts continued to plague you. Every time you tried to close your eyes; you could only see the look on your mother's face after your confrontation. The night stretched on endlessly, and despite your efforts to find rest, sleep eluded you. The weight of guilt lay heavy on your heart, and you knew that the rift between you and your mother had only grown wider. Your once-fragile relationship now seemed completely shattered. However, you were resolute in your decision to pursue your career and follow your dreams. While the thought of losing your mother was painful, the thought of losing this opportunity would have been even worse. With this assurance, you finally managed to drift off into unconsciousness, with the hope that tomorrow you’ll be able to forget about the tough time you went through tonight.
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You don’t think you’ve ever been more nervous than you are right now.
 You can feel the cold sweat forming on the crown of your forehead, your body feels like a quivering mass of jelly, the subtle trembles barely perceptible to anyone but you, a physical manifestation of your own nervousness, you’ll be biting your nails too if you could, but ever since receiving the most shocking news of your life you don’t think there’s anything left for you to bite off.
 Today, if everything goes according to plan, you’ll become the newest artist under Rkive’s music records, the most prestigious record label in the entire country, owned by one of the most acclaimed producers of the decade, and your own personal God, Kim Namjoon.
 As you step into Rkive's gleaming headquarters, the air is charged with an indescribable energy. You can practically feel the prestige of the company pulsing through the walls, and the faint sound of music drifting through the halls is enough to send shivers down your spine. You check your phone for the last time just to make sure you got everything down, the instructions they gave you were simple, but your anxiety makes you feel hyperaware of everything, taking a deep breath while closing your eyes you try to calm yourself down, chill the hell out, you say to yourself, you’re going to weird him out, granted, Namjoon might not be weirded out by you but he’ll definitely would think you aren’t ready for this and that’s not the case at all, you've worked so hard for this opportunity, and you won't let your anxiety get in the way now that you're so close to being signed, especially by someone like Namjoon, and given his reputation, being signed by him would be the ultimate validation of your hard work and talent.
 Kim Namjoon isn’t an easy man to impress, because not only has he worked with the biggest stars in the industry, but also, any music related award you can think of; he most likely already has won at least two of those, and if his experience wasn’t intimidating enough, his unwavering commitment to achieving perfection on every aspect of his music is both impressive and intimidating, commanding respect from those around him, and you definitely respect him, in fact, there's no one in the world that you look up more than Namjoon, you want to impress him, make him remember who you are, make him wish he had discover you sooner, you want your idol to want you as desperately as you want him, and you won’t leave this building until you accomplish that.
 As you approach the front desk, the receptionist glances up at you with raised eyebrows, silently urging you to speak. Though her harsh glare could be intimidating, you're determined to stay focused on the reason you’re here. You won't let her nasty glare affect you, not even a little bit.
 You take a deep breath and greet her politely, "Hi." Even though she might be looking down on you, you refuse to be rude. You state your business clearly, "My name is Y/N, and I have a meeting with Mr. Kim Namjoon today in his studio."
At the mention of his name, her glare softens up a bit, but still looks annoyed, with a monotone voice, she says “Wait for just a second please” before reaching for the telephone on the desk, it’s only a matter of seconds after calling when the other line picks up, they exchange a couple of words that you can’t decipher and after she hangs up, she looks back at you with a fake smile before standing up, she speaks with a more cheerful tone this time “Mr. Kim’s assistant is coming down to escort you to his studio, please wait for a moment, you’re welcome to sit down in the lounge as you wait” the receptionist points at the small waiting lounge that’s right in front of the elevators, you whisper her a small thank you before making your way over there, sitting down on the individual sleek black leather couch, impatiently waiting for his assistant to come out of one the elevators.
After sitting there for just a few minutes, you begin to feel very out of place, everything in this building looks, feels, and even smells expensive, and somehow here you are, a nameless trainee with second hand bought clothes, with the smallest, cheapest purse which you keep holding on tightly into your lap, shrinking into yourself more each minute that passes by.
You’ve never had a high self-esteem, but it seems the small bit of confidence you’ve had has disappear after knowing that you’ve won the contest and you will be meeting Kim Namjoon in person, you’re scared, your mind tormenting you with all the “what if?” questions, what if he decides you’re not actually the one?, what if he thinks you’re not good enough?
 What if?, what if?, what if?
 Before you can think about any more ways on how this whole thing could go wrong, the small ding sound of the elevator pulls you away from your thoughts, you’re quick to stand up and soon after that, a short, petite woman steps out of the elevator, her eyes find you quickly after coming out and a small smile appears on her face as she approaches you, clutching a clipboard on her hands.
 “Hi!” Her cheerful tone catches you by surprise, but you smile nevertheless “You’re Y/N right?” you answer her with a small nod, which she ends up mimicking before talking again “I’m Sohee, I’m Namjoon’s assistant, do you have everything we asked you to bring?” you respond with a small ‘yes’ before making a gesture towards your bag, she nods again before signaling the elevator “Follow me please, I’ll take you to his studio so you can talk for a bit before signing” You’re quick to follow her request by stepping into the elevator next to her, she presses the button of the 14th floor and you both wait until the doors close and the elevator starts running, Sohee turns to you and smiles before asking “Nervous?” You let out a small laugh before answering.
“Very, I can’t believe this is happening right now” Your palms begin to sweat, and she laughs as you wipe your hands on your pants, you decide to redirect the conversation towards her “So, how long have you’ve been working for him?” Sohee’s eyes widen up a little bit after your question, she seems genuinely surprised by your interest, but she answers either way.
“Three years next month, my best friend got me this job actually, it’s sort of a long story but to keep things short, she works with Kim Taehyung, he told her about Namjoon needing an assistant and that’s how I landed here” She speaks very fast and you have a hard time catching what she’s saying, but before you can respond, the elevator comes to a stop and the doors begin to open, you’re welcomed by a similar lounge than the one in the reception, only that this lounge had a large plaque that read “Rkive Music Records” in a beautiful gold color, the letters engraved in a pitch-black tone, if you though the lobby looked expensive, Namjoon’s floor was a whole different level.
 “Follow me please, I’ll lead you to his office, he’s already waiting for you” Her words make you shiver, you can’t believe it’s finally happening, the excitement is making your legs shake and you can barely breath as you make your way through the long hallway, passing the small reception desk and several doors of what you can assume are different studios.
 Sohee comes an abrupt stop, causing you to hold your breath until she turns to look at you and with a bright smile, she gestures the door right in front of you, which holds a sleek, platinum plaque with Kim Namjoon’s name engraved on it, you gulp and letting out a deep sigh, she says “This is it, good luck!” She holds up two thumbs and you let a nervous laugh at her antics, she leaves quietly and just like that you’re left on your own, with a shaky hand, you reach to know on the studio’s door, you only have to wait for a couple of seconds, but you’re anxiety is making it seem like time going slower than it actually is, you’re beginning to lose your mind until finally, the door handle turns and you’re face to face with the person you’ve never thought you’ll ever see this close, Kim Namjoon stands right in front of you, with a big smile on his face, his dimples only making him look even more attractive, his dark hair is pulled back and he’s wearing all black, he looks hot and he knows it, that’s what makes him more dangerous, it seems like an eternity before he opens his mouth and says, “Well hello there” His deep voice makes you even more nervous, “You must be Y/N, please, come in” Granted, he chose you as the winner of the contest, he must know your name, it’s logical, but your inner fan cannot believe your idol just said your name so casually, you compose yourself before you answer him with an enthusiastic nod, not forgetting to bow before anything, Namjoon let’s out a chuckle before leaning against the wall to make room for you to walk in, you’re quick to follow, entering his studio while a timid “Thank you” leaves your lips.
 The first thing you notice about his studio is how big it is, you had expected nothing less than this, giving that he’s the owner of this record label, but it still doesn’t make it any less shocking, you almost feel ashamed of the fact that his studio seems to be bigger than your shared apartment with your mom. When you first walk in, there’s a small hallway that leads you to the main part of his studio, but instead of a wall, there’s a huge glass to showcase his biggest accomplishments, his awards are perfectly lined up in multiple shelves and there’s some of his biggest songs displayed with as either platinum or gold records, some of the movies he has produced the soundtrack of are also displayed by a frame with the poster on it, you don’t realize you stopped following him until he reached out to tap you in the shoulder, you turned to look at him and you found him with a teasing smirk on his face, you give him a shy smile in return.
 “Sorry, I was just admiring everything" Your face feels hot, and he lets out a deep chuckle that makes you shiver, his presence alone makes you nervous, and having him smiling and talking to you with that deep voice of his was making you crazy.
"Don't worry, it’s a bit overwhelming isn’t it?” You nod and Namjoon imitates the action “Hobi says that all the time when he comes by” The casual mention of such a huge star makes your eyes go wide and it doesn’t go unnoticed by him, he smiles widely and you could swear he mouthed the word cute, but you couldn’t tell if you were just imagining things or if it actually happened, so you only smiled and continued to follow him through the hallway.
 And if you thought the hallway was something, you weren’t prepared to see his actual studio, in fact, you couldn’t even process your surroundings because Namjoon put his right hand on your lower back, a weird feeling washed all over you but noticing he was guiding you to a small sofa, you turned to look at him and he only gestured with his other hand for you to take a seat, suddenly, your nerves made you feel silly, of course he was just being nice, you were just paranoid.
 “Please take a seat and get comfortable, it’s going to be a pretty long session” Namjoon chuckles after that and you let out an awkward laugh.
 His studio was so intimidating, you couldn't even sit down in peace without thinking you'll probably break something that cost more than your apartment, sensing your nervousness, Namjoon puts his hand on your shoulders while giving you a reassuring smile.
 "Don’t panic, everything's going well" You give him a small nod, and he turns his back after you finally seem to catch your breath, walking towards what seems to be a mini fridge "Would you like something to drink? I have water, some energy drinks" Namjoon pauses and looks up at you with a teasing smile, his dimples full on display, this man would be the death for you "I have beer as well, if you can handle it" He raises an eyebrow and it makes you giggle, Namjoon seems to love your reaction, but he waits patiently for your answer, you compose yourself and finally give him an answer.
“Water is fine, thank you” Your voice is barely audible, but you don’t stutter so you consider that a win, Namjoon nods and pulls two water bottles from the mini fridge, and makes his way to his chair after closing the door.
“So, let’s start talking business, shall we?” Namjoon says after handing you the bottle and sitting down in a chair, the only thing between you and him being the small coffee table where a leather folder lays over it, as well as two fancy looking pens.
“Okay” You agree, and Namjoon’s aura seems to take a shift, exuding power and knowledge, two things you very much lack off.
“So, I’m assuming that you read the contract when you entered the contest, right?” His gaze is so intense it makes you grip on the edge of your skirt tightly, responding with a nod because you know that your voice will give out if you try to speak right now, Namjoon takes your answer before continuing, “Basically, the contract says that we’re making an EP, you will be making all types of promotions and you will be making a music video for the main track, I have some songs ready and while I personally think the artist should have an input on the songs, we were given only two months to deliver a full EP, so as soon as you sign we’ll begin to work, okay?” Your enthusiastic nod makes him smile “Perfect, do you have any concerns about the contract? You should ask questions before signing, you know?” That makes you genuinely laugh, and Namjoon seems happy he has eased your mood a little.
“The contract is only for an EP, right?” Your tone is a bit steadier and Namjoon nods before explaining.
“Yes, but I’m sure your EP will be a success, which means a more permanent contract” Namjoon can sense you tensing up at the probability, so he surprisingly, reaches out to squeeze your thigh before adding “Someone as talented as you shouldn’t be worried about that, your debut will go better than you expect, I’ll make sure of that” His words feel like a soft blanket, providing comfort to your worries, the current position of his hand makes you nervous, but you pay it no mind as you nod and smile, Namjoon is just being friendly, there’s nothing to be scared about.
“So, what about management? Who is going to be my manager?” Your question makes him smile and you’re shocked to the core when his index finger rises up to point at himself, there’s no fucking way “But Mr. Kim, you’ve never- “Namjoon cuts you off before you can finish your sentence.
“There’s a first time for everything, right?” You’re speechless and Namjoon takes your silence as a cue to keep talking, “You know, when I saw your audition, I was starstruck, I even got mad at the management because how in the fuck have they kept you training for so long? Such a talented person deserves to be seen by the whole world” His dragon shaped eyes look directly into yours and you’re left breathless by his praise, hearing those words coming from his mouth seemed unreal “I wanted to be in control of your debut because while this people might have underappreciated your talent, I saw your potential right from the start” His praise makes you feel dizzy and you can’t believe what’s happening right now, you can barely register him reaching out for one of the pens at the table, putting in one of your palms before he asks “What do you think then, would you give me the chance to make you the star you’re meant to be?” You almost feel hypnotized, slowly nodding your head while gripping the expensive pen on your hand, Namjoon’s smile almost seems to shine as he hands you the leather folder containing the contract, you read quickly through the pages before reaching the final one, where your name is beneath a long line, waiting only for your signature, because Namjoon had already signed this.
 With a trembling hand and with a deep sigh, you put the folder on your lap and click on the small button on the pen, you only pause for a second before signing the contract, you’re still in the clouds even after looking at your signature on the strikingly white paper, you lift your head only to see Namjoon looking at you with mischief written all over his face, his eyes seem to hide something you can’t quite decipher, but he soon opens his mind to let you know exactly what his thoughts are.
 “Don’t worry darling, I’ll make sure you become the biggest star this company has ever seen.”
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 You knew that becoming an artist was never going to be an easy job, but the amount of times you’ve stayed working late this week alone was ridiculous, turns out, the rumors about Namjoon’s work ethic were true, his perfectionism was driving you insane, the amount of times he had asked you to start a song all over again because he wasn’t a ‘100% sure’ if he like the way you sounded almost made you bang your head against the recording booth wall, but you didn’t, you stayed put, only smiling and responding by putting your thumbs up until he gave you the sign to get ready to start recording again. You sang until your throat became sore, you danced until you stopped feeling your limbs, the fatigue was quickly catching up to you and everything started to pile up fast, you needed to memorize all lyrics and choreographies in less than two months without mentioning all the physical changes the agency was demanding from you, your mother’s words ringing loudly through your ears every time you were reminded to not eat until you were done for the day and even then, your single daily meal would barely make you feel full, you had to control your hunger by eating a small bowl of ice cubes and drinking water.
 You were in the verge of a breakdown when one night after your first month of working together, Namjoon had finally told you that you did great and that you could come out to join him while he worked, you were so caught up with singing your heart out that you didn’t realized that Namjoon had ordered dinner for the two of you, you thanked him by giving him a small bow and a tired smile, he only gestured her to sit down and to eat, and you did exactly that, pulling your chair closer to him before sitting down, to which you could see from the corner of your eye that he smirk at your actions.
 “I didn’t ask for what you liked but I supposed that you can’t go wrong with McDonald’s” Namjoon said while putting his earphones down to his neck and grabbing his own dinner, you made a hand gesture to let him know that it’s fine, McDonald’s right now seems like heaven to your starved stomach.
“It’s okay, you shouldn't worry about me, I would’ve eaten something at home” You dig into some fries and Namjoon sends you a look you can’t quite comprehend.
“Nonsense, how can I not worry about you? Don’t think I haven’t noticed about the stupid diets the company is forcing you to do” You freeze at his words and Namjoon lets out a deep sigh before adding “You should’ve told me before; I would’ve done something earlier” His concern makes you feel guilty, so you try to make excuses to make him (and yourself) feel better.
“They’re just making sure I look good before the filming starts, I have to look my best before debuting, you know that” You can’t even look at him while you’re talking, you don’t know if it’s your shitty diet or Namjoon’s words that make you lose your appetite, but he wasn’t content with your answer, pulling his chair even closer to you, forcing you to finally look at him in the eye for the first time tonight.
“It’s bullshit, you already look perfect to me” His words make your heart jump “And besides, if you don’t eat well, you won’t have enough energy for the live performances, so you better start eating good after today, you got that?” You haven’t even noticed than Namjoon’s hand has made it’s way to one of your thighs, whilst your knees were faintly brushing against his, his sudden closeness catches you off guard, but you make no effort to separate yourself from him.
 During this past month, you have started to catch up on some patterns, patterns that make you feel somewhat uneasy, because while you know it might just be your imagination, you can’t help but to realize how isolated you’ve become after you started to work on your EP, you haven’t spoken to any of your fellow trainee friends because, according to Namjoon, they might be jealous of your upcoming debut so you must focus on yourself right now, which is a fancier way of telling you to not speak to them, besides that, the only interactions you get outside of the building is with your mother, which, after your fight, your relationship with her now consisted on greeting each other at night and leaving the apartment before either one of you woke up, and while you talked with Sohee every now and then, the only constant human interaction you had for the past month has been with Namjoon, and while your silly crush on him remains very much alive, you can’t help but to feel like something isn’t right, his lingering touches make you jump every time it happens, and some of the things he says makes you feel uncomfortable, but you’ve blame it all on your nerves, the deadlines are approaching too fast and Namjoon is only trying to make things easier for you, it makes you feel ungrateful to doubt on him like this but you can’t help it, he’s a man with too much power and you think it’s only natural for someone in your position to feel like this.
 You brush off your inner dilemma when Namjoon asks you if you want to listen to your last recording, passing you a pair of headphones and waiting until you’ve put them before playing it, you’re soon welcomed by the perfect instrumental before hearing your voice through the headphones, no matter how many times you’ve done this by now, listening to your own voice feels just as exciting as the first time, the unfinished song quickly comes to an end, you and Namjoon continue to talk about minor details until you pause the conversation to drink some water, your focus on the large screen on Namjoon’s mixing table makes you unaware of the intense stare he has set on you.
 “Do you have a boyfriend?” Namjoon’s unexpected question takes you by surprise, and stare at the screen in shock before you can answer him.
“What?” You let an awkward laugh out as you look in his direction, his expression being unable to read. Your brain still can't comprehend a reasoning behind his question or why he would be interested in such meaningless matters, but he was your boss now, and you didn’t want to make him mad at you just because you felt a little uncomfortable by his question, so you responded “I don’t have a boyfriend, I never had one actually” You’re anxious and that makes you share more information than what he has asked for, however, he seems to take this information as if it was exactly what he needed to know, he leans back in his chair and gives you a teasing smile after your confession.
“Now that I can’t believe it” You're about to protest in your defense but he finishes what he wanted to say before you get a single word out of your mouth “A beautiful girl like you has never had a boyfriend? That just can’t be true” His smile grows bigger as you get more flustered by his compliments, his hand reaches out towards your hair and tucks the loose strand that covered one side of your face, caressing your cheek with his long fingers as you lean into his touch, welcoming his soft touch after longing for it for what felt like an eternity "I'm convinced now that boys your age simply cannot see a real women even if it’s right in front of them” Namjoon seems to thrive on the effect he has caused in you after you let out a shy giggle at his words, how does he always know what’s the right thing to say?, you feel so giddy inside you feel like you might burst with how happy you felt after hearing those words come out of his lips, did Namjoon really see you as a woman? You simply cannot believe it, a man like him would never set his sight on such a meaningless, young, and stupid girl like you, no, a man like him needed a mature and sophisticated woman who matched his good looks and graceful nature.
“You don’t mean that” Your lack of confidence makes you take distance from him by standing up and trying to walk away from him, but Namjoon seemed to have different plans.
 You gasped loudly as he spined you around before picking you up so easily and placing you over his mixing table, it was a little uncomfortable giving that you were sitting over so many buttons, but right now that didn't bother you in the slightest, especially now that his mouth has quickly found it’s way on yours, the two of you sharing a such a messy kiss that will make you feel ashamed if you were on your right mind, he bites your bottom lip and you let out a small whimper at his actions, Namjoon separates from you only after your lips are red and swollen,  you’re too far gone to notice him parting your legs open with his large hands, looking at you dead in the eyes as he slowly sinks down on his knees and you could help but to stare at him in shock.
 Kim Namjoon, the man who’s technically your boss and the man you have fantasized about for years, is getting down on his knees to pleasure you.
 "Namjoon, what are you.." He raises a single finger motioning you to be quiet and you quickly follow his command, he keeps looking at you as his hands make their way to your ass, gripping it tightly as you let out a soundless gasp.
"Don't you want it baby? I see the way you look at me" His deep voice lures you, his experience showing through on how easily he got you longing for more, his eyes leave yours as he starts kissing up from your knee to your inner thigh, giving you  goosebumps all over "Your pretty eyes light up whenever you see me, it drives me crazy, I can’t hold myself back any longer" He's the one that’s driving you crazy, touching you in ways no one ever has, making you feel desired, willing to give you all the pleasure you can take "Let me do this beautiful, let me taste that pretty pussy of yours" His crude words make you moan as his mouth gets closer to your cunt, you can't this anymore, you need him, as his hands start to grip your underwear, you softly grip his hair and make him look up at you, the sight of him is sinful, messy hair, his dragon eyes filled with lust and his beautiful lips are swollen after the kiss you shared, you need him so bad, you cradled his face in your hands as you speak.
"I just-I've never" You're so desperate for him you can't even form a proper sentence, he chuckles darkly and starts to pull at your underwear, the action making you even more anxious, and without thinking straight, you spit out the truth behind your nervousness "I'm a virgin" His antics stop and his eyes gleam with mischief, although he stopped his movements, his hands didn't move from their position.
"Do you want me to stop then? I would understand if you wanted to, but…" He takes a deep breath while he buries his face onto your inner thigh, you run your fingers through his hair before he speaks again "I really want to eat you out" Namjoon's word send a wave of shivers down your spine and while you’re scared shitless, you don't really feel like it's the right decision to deny a men like him the opportunity to pleasure a little nobody like yourself.
"I want that too" You whisper loud enough for him to hear and the dimples that appeared after you said that made you think that it was completely worth it to ignore your fears.
“I’ll be taking this off then” Namjoon’s deep voice gives you goosebumps as he pulls down your underwear, slowly dragging them down your legs until they hit your ankles, taking them off completely after that.
 You’re shaking and he hasn’t even done anything yet.
 His hands continue to brush up and down your hips, before making its way to the back of your thighs, gripping them tightly, opening your legs just a tiny bit more before starting to kiss on your inner thighs, your hands instantly reaching out to his hair, gripping it tightly at the roots, Namjoon lets out a deep groan that makes you shiver, his touch becomes rougher after your antics, bruising the inside of your thighs as his tongue lapped on your clit, you couldn’t recognize the sound that came out of your mouth, you’re moans becoming louder as his lips latch onto your clit, you can feel his fingers starting to tease your entrance, collecting your slick before pushing a single finger inside, he continues to make out with your cunt before easing a second finger inside you, and your brain stops working as soon as he easily finds your sensitive spot, pushing his fingers in and out quickly, making your eyes closing harshly and your thighs trap him as you let out a scream before coming on his tongue, your legs shaking as he greedily laps your orgasm, he doesn’t stop until you whimper in pain and pull at his hair trying to separate his mouth from you, Namjoon looks sinful with his lips glistening with your slick, you can’t help but moan as you look at him, his hands make their way to your neck and he harshly pulls you into a kiss, it’s so messy and you’re loving it, your small hands caress his back and after a while Namjoon ends the kiss while brushing your hair with his fingers, looking into your eyes before smiling.
 “You’re such a good girl baby, cumming into my tongue like that” His words make you blush, you’re face gets warmer and he laughs at your reaction “Don’t be shy now baby, not after you screamed my name like that” You hide your face into his chest from the embarrassment, and Namjoon continues to laugh as he embraces you in a tight hug.
This only last for a couple of minutes before he turns his head towards you, his mouth being dangerously close to your ear before whispering; “You know, good girls also return the favor” His words make you gulp and you know that it’s only fair what he’s asking for, hell, if it was any other man, he probably would’ve expected you to get on your knees without giving anything in return, and besides, you’re truly wondering how does Kim Namjoon taste like.
“I’ve never done it before” The deep groan that leaves his lips makes you tremble; he gives you a small kiss before smiling down at you.
“Don’t worry darling, I’ll be guiding you ok?” You nod before standing up while holding hands with him, Namjoon takes a step back before sitting down on his chair and the look on his face makes your legs feel like jelly, with a low, deep voice, he commands “Get on your knees for me baby.”
Taking a step forward so your body fits inside his open legs, you slowly sink down onto your knees, Namjoon lazily motions at his crotch before saying “Go on then, pull my cock out.”
 Your nerves make your hands shake as you reach for his belt, unbuckling him with minimal effort was well as unbuttoning his pants with ease, Namjoon seems desperate with the way he’s helping you by dragging his pants mid down his thighs, his hard cock hitting his lower stomach, making your mouth water at the sinful sight, Namjoon smiles at your reaction “Take it with your hands baby, c’mon” your small hand reaches out to touch him and Namjoon lets out a hiss before adding; “Suck on my tip baby”.
 Gradually, with Namjoon’s help you soon started to set a slow peace, making him lose his mind at the sight.
 Your pretty young self on your knees, mouth full of his cock, gagging all over him making him go feral, he doesn't know why he's losing his mind this bad, truthfully, this isn't the best blowjob he's ever had, but it's the fact that it's your first time doing this, making him the only men who's ever gotten to see you like this makes his hips buckle into your mouth making you gag even louder, and he can't help but to let out a deep groan while gripping your hair even tighter. He must completely ruin you now, he needs to mark you so that every man knows who’s doing this to you, that you did everything you could to please him and him only, that you belong to him, forever.
 Your lazy blowjob only last for a couple more minutes before Namjoon decides he’s had enough, with a single pull of your hair, he forces you to separate your mouth from his cock, a trail of saliva connecting you to his tip, Namjoon has never seen something so hot in his life.
 You look up to him expectantly, and you can only let a small yelp after his strong arms push you up until your standing onto your shaky legs.
 He roughly bends you over his mixing table, his equipment making you feel slightly uncomfortable giving the position he had chosen but you stay put, not wanting to disappoint him, he coos at you for being so obedient and quietly apologizes is he has hurt you, you appreciate his concern and decide to wiggle your hips at him in anticipation, Namjoon laughs and spanks your ass, making you squeal and jump at the unexpected action, you feel him leaving his position behind you, you try to look for him without leaving the position he has put you in and you find him looking through one of his drawers, he's probably looking for a condom, you thought, and your suspicions turn to be correct, the platinum package shining under his studio lights, you can feel the anticipation running through your veins, you're about to have sex for the first time with none other than Kim Namjoon, you were one lucky bitch.
 While you feel excited, you're also anxious, what if he's not satisfied with what you have to offer? How can you compete with the types of women that have been like this with him? What if you're not enough for him?
 You're panicking and Namjoon only notices after taking a condom out of the box, he walks up at you and quickly wraps his arms around your waist and begins to shush you after your breathing starts to rapidly increase.
 "Relax baby, I'm not doing anything you don't want me to" He whispers into your hair and then gives you several pecks, his actions relaxing you only briefly before you start panicking again.
"I just… What if you don't like me afterwards?" You whisper pitifully while a single tear rolls down your cheek, Namjoon holds you even tighter after that.
"Oh baby, I feel like it's the opposite" His arms lift you enough so that he can kiss your cheek, helping you clear your negative headspace for a bit "I don't think having you just once it's going to be enough for me" You turn your head to look at him just to find him already staring at you, with one look you could tell that he means what he said, and that it's what makes you give in, you nod your head a couple of times and bend over the mixing table again, taking a deep breath and clutching at the border of his keyboard, you gain the courage to ask for what you want.
"Take me Namjoon, I want to be yours" You try to sound as sensual as you can but you don't think it worked giving how much your voice was trembling, but Namjoon savored each word that you just said, silly girl, of course you'll do anything to please him, and now that he knows he's going to be the first man to claim you, he's sure now that he won't let any other man taint you the same way he's going to.
 Coating his fingers with the remains of your previous orgasm, he starts by stretching you by inserting a single finger inside, your walls almost instantly gripping his finger tight  as you let out a loud moan, look at yourself, being such a good whore for him, he's going to reward you for being so good for him but right now the only thing on his mind is fucking you, so he quickly sets up his peace and starts to finger you, adding another finger inside and having his palm rub directly onto your clit, knowing that with your inexperience, this would probably be enough for you to cum once more.
 You couldn't even try to hold in your screams, everything felt like it was too much but also felt like it wasn't enough, you couldn't understand if you needed him to stop or to go even faster, his long fingers pumping into you and reaching all the right places, making you moan and close your eyes in pleasure, at this point you didn't even know your own name, the only thing you knew is that when he plugged a third finger inside of you, you were not going to last any longer.
 "Oh god! Namjoon, please-I, please" You couldn't even form a sentence, you wanted to tell him how desperate you were to cum, yet words came out of your mouth like a bunch of gibberish, you reach out to grip his arm and Namjoon was thrilled watching you struggle, the effect he has on you it's almost comical to him.
"It's alright baby, I know what you're trying to say," His other hand reaches out to roughly grab onto your breast and you're right there, needing that extra push to finally let go, and his next words are the push that make you climax "Cum on my fingers like the good girl I know you are".
 You felt like your soul left your body, if the first orgasm felt good, this one was heavenly, waves of pleasure rolling through your body in ways you couldn't describe, Namjoon stops his ministration but doesn't pull his fingers out, relishing how your release is coating his fingers as you're panting for air, he delivers a series of kisses into the back of your neck and lets you take several breaths before letting go of your body for a brief moment, you're about to ask him why he's pulling away but then you hear the sound of his pants drop into the floor, he rubs your lower back as he reaches for the condom, you look over your shoulder to find him ripping the package open and when noticing you having your eyes on him, he smirks as he rolls up the condom onto his length, you gulp as you're reminded that everything about Namjoon is huge, he doesn't take his eyes off of you as he finally positions himself behind you and rubs your hips as a form of reassurance, you smile at him and try to lift your hips a bit more, slightly rubbing your cunt against his cock, Namjoon hisses and spanks your ass after that, you let out whimper and his hands grip onto your hips.
 "Dirty girl, I'm trying to be nice to you and here you are, rubbing yourself all over me” His hand rubs your ass as he drags his cock up and down your opening, teasing you as he barely pushes in before backing out, repeating the action until he finally pushes in, filling you to the hilt, you whimper at the unfamiliar feeling and Namjoon shushes you at the sound “Sorry baby, does it hurt too much?” His voice flatters and you think he’s also having a tough time by containing himself like this, his struggle making you feel better.
“Doesn’t hurt, just feels weird” You weren’t lying, while Namjoon was on the bigger side, you were also wet enough and stretched for him, you only needed a couple of minutes before saying “You can move now.”
 It only took him a moment before grabbing your hips tightly and started to rapidly thrust into you, his actions making you grip the table for dear life as his movements quickly became all too much, with each snap of his hips, your body sunk into too a much deeper pleasure, your breast starting to bounce at the same time his hips slammed into your ass, you couldn’t control the screams that left your mouth with all the pleasure you were experiencing now.
 “Namjoon, fuck-baby” You don’t even understand what you’re saying, especially as Namjoon’s hands leave your hips as one of them reaches out for your throat and the other one reaches out for your clit, his fingers making fast circular motions that make you grip on his wrist, you have no force left to stop him from overstimulating you, you’re forced to take everything he gives you.
“It’s alright my love, cum for me, cum on my cock like the dirty slut you are” His degrading words only make you wetter, your legs shake and your body spams uncontrollably as you cum, your tight walls making it impossible to Namjoon to hold his own orgasm in, he comes hard clutches you tightly into his arms, slowly thrusting into you until his cock turns soft, only then he pulls out from you.
He looks down only to be greeted by the sight of your wet cunt, both of your thighs covered in a deep crimson shade, Namjoon chuckles darkly at this, he takes out the condom and discards it into the trash can before taking you in his arms, bringing you to lay down on his large dark sofa with him, you’re too far gone to notice his sinister smile as he looks into the top right corner of his studio, where the faint sight of a red blinking dot can be seen only for those who look for it, and Namjoon knew exactly where to look.
 He was after all, the person that set it right there.
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The first time you stepped into the Bangtan building, you expected to be stared at, nobody knew who you were and being a stranger to them you couldn’t expect them to not be curious about you, plus, the stares started decreasing after they found out who you were and why you were there all of the sudden, but right now, the back of your head was burning with the amount of people looking shamelessly at you, and it wasn’t just the fact they were all staring, it was the fact that their looks were full of hatred, they were looking down at you and you don’t have a single clue of why would they do that, you’ve never been mean to any of the staff, you start to overthink in the middle of the hallway before you realize the reason why they could be staring, shit, do they know what happened last night between you and Namjoon? No, you quickly say to yourself, that’s impossible, no one else was in the floor when you and Namjoon got out of the studio until late hours of the night, he took you to his house, where you repeated what you did in his studio all over again in the late night, and in the early morning as well, but there still isn’t an explanation on why everyone had suddenly turned on you like this.
 For the last month, walking into Namjoon’s studio always felt like you were coming into the place you belonged, a safe space where you could be free and be yourself around him, but today, it felt like you were walking into your death sentence, you didn’t want to believe everyone found out because of last night, that couldn’t be true, right? Maybe Namjoon told Sohee that you were together now, and she probably spread the word around the label, right? Namjoon would never betray your trust like this, right?
 You don’t find Namjoon in his studio, instead, you find a laptop on top of his mixing table, the screen is turned off but the sound it’s making and the turn on button being lit up tells you that it’s on, you take a seat in your usual chair but the sticky note over the screen makes you want to snoop in a little bit.
 “Here you go Hyung, and don’t worry about anything, it looks and sounds amazing ;)” What could it be? Namjoon didn’t say anything about working on anything else besides your EP, and he also said he wasn’t compromised with any projects right now, so you doubted this was about work, what could this be?, the curiosity got the best of you, so you move your fingers around the touchpad until the screen lit up.
 You didn’t want to look into his stuff without permission, but you were so curious about what this could be. The screen showed a video player with no thumb nail on it, so you pressed play and waited for the video to show.
 How badly you wish you didn’t do it.
The first thing you hear is a moan, your moan, it’s loud and it’s filthy, your eyes fill with tears as you realize what’s going on.
 It’s a video from last night, and not only does the video show everything that happened last night, but your face is also very visible, the quality doesn’t let it up to speculation.
 Namjoon recorded you having sex with him, and he made sure your face was visible on the entire video.
 You’re too horrified watching the video play to notice the presence of that man behind you, you only notice after him getting close enough to catch his shadow onto the screen.
 “Namjoon, what is this?” You could barely speak, air seemed to abandon your lungs after what you just watched, the most vulnerable and intimate moment in your life, captured on video like it meant nothing. You turn around to face him while Namjoon keeps a neutral expression despite your distress, the man you’ve come to know, and love was nowhere to be found, in his place was this mean and coldhearted man who doesn’t seem to realize how much he’s hurting you.
“What do you mean darling?” You don’t even realize you’re standing up and he’s in front of you now, his tone being so condescending that it makes you feel disgusted, he traps you into his arms and forced you to look at him in the eyes by harshly gripping your chin up, his mocking smirk breaking your heart when you realize that he doesn’t want to comfort you like he has done so many times before, right now, Namjoon is making fun of you “Don’t you like it? Because personally I loved it, it really captured how well you took me last night, how you were a good little slut just for me” A heart wrenching sob left your mouth and Namjoon tsk at you while shaking his head, his evil smirk doesn’t leave his face for a second “What’s the matter baby? You don’t like me calling you a slut? You didn’t seem to mind that nickname last night” He has the audacity to laugh at you and instinctively you begin to weakly try to break free from his hold, tears streaming down your face.
“How could you do this to me?! Fuck you!” Each time you try to get out of Namjoon’s tight hold and run as far as you could from him, his grip only became tighter, so tight that it started to hurt, you let out a pained whimper, but Namjoon didn’t seem to care at all, gripping your chin even harsher this time.
“And where do you think you’re going baby, huh?” You can’t stand his fucking tone anymore, you need to get out of here, now.
“You won’t get away with this, I’m going to tell everyone what you did!” You try to stay firm, but every time Namjoon laughs you seem to get smaller and smaller, his mocking tone making you feel dumb.
“Yeah baby? What exactly are you going to say?” He spins you so that you’re facing his laptop and keeps a tight grip on your waist with one hand as he presses play once more with his other hand, the lewd sounds from last night echoing his studio, making a new set of tears appear into your eyes, you closed your eyes while shaking your head, Namjoon grips you by the hair while forcing you to watch the awful video, you whimper as you are forced to relive what you thought was an intimate moment and  you’re horrified realizing it’s anything but that. “You look pretty willing to me, in fact, if we go back to it you can even hear you begging for me” Another sob leaves your lips and Namjoon kisses your cheek after hearing your distress “Aw, don’t cry sweetheart, it’s not like you think, this wasn’t meant to hurt you” He tries to wipe your tears off but you swat his hand before it comes close to your face “Why are you so mad at this? I thought you would like it” You're in a daze right now, and his words only make you feel more confused. How could he think that you will like this? He invaded your privacy and betrayed your trust by unknowingly filming you in the most intimate moment of your life, Namjoon seems to sense your confusion and lets out a small cooing noise.
“Oh baby, you really don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this, don’t you? I had to make sure you didn’t chicken out on me, I can’t let you go that easy, not after waiting too long to have you” His words only confuse you even more and you’re left with more questions than with answers.
“How could you possibly met me before this?” Your voice was barely audible at this point, but you know he heard you just fine, your throat closing up even more when he laughs while not breaking eye contact, before all this mess, Namjoon’s presence was already intimidating, but right now is downright terrifying, you can feel your legs giving out when he comes closer to you, gently cradling your face in his hands, more tears rolling down your cheeks as he begins to speak again.
“Oh darling, you’ve always been so eager, so gullible” The confusion your feeling must be visible to him because he lets a small tsk whilst grabbing a small strand of your bangs to push it behind your ear, his playful tone doesn’t leave his voice.
“It was a mere casualty really, Hoseok asked me to come to the main Bangtan building after one of his rehearsals, but on my way to his practice room, I saw a group of trainees in the smallest dancing studio in the building, dancing to the same part of a song over and over again, most of them messing up every time, except for one” Your entire body freezes and you feel like you might collapse at any moment, this can’t be happening, this isn’t the way things should be going now “I knew from the moment I saw you were going to be a star, and when I started to find out more about you, let me just say I was delighted with what I learned” You need to run, you have to get out of here, but before you can even make a run for it, Namjoon holds you tightly into his arms before he says “I don’t think that’s a good idea baby, you don’t this video to end up in the wrong hands, do you?” Your eyes widen up in fear at the mere though and Namjoon has the audacity to laugh at this “My career will remain intact after this, it might even become good publicity for me, but yours? Oh darling, this will be your downfall, a trainee fucking her producer to assure her success, that’s just low” You violently shake your head at his words.
“That’s not true! That’s not what happened, and you know that!” You’re yelling but no matter how loud you yell, it doesn’t seem like he can hear you, he only brushes you off with an uninterested look.
“I know that darling, but other people don’t, I know you’re a hard working girl who’s fought to be in this position, but they won’t see it that way, if their looking at you like scum now just thinking that we might be dating, imagine how they’ll treat you when they found out you let me fuck you so easily” You can’t control the heartbreaking sob that comes out of your mouth, and Namjoon coos at your pathetic attempt to make him feel guilty, pushing your head into his chest as he embraces you in a hug “Oh but don’t cry baby, I won’t let that happen to you, your my little superstar aren’t you? As long as you stay with me, I’ll make all your dreams come true” His loving and caring tone doesn’t give you butterflies in your stomach anymore, it only makes you feel like you want to puke, and although his actions say otherwise, you’re left with the only option you have left: you believe him, what else can you do after all? No matter what you do, every choice will make you lose, but one will make you lose everything you’ve worked hard for, while the other will make you lose your dignity, and frankly, you don’t know which one is worst.
 Namjoon continues to hug you, his hold feels like poison now, who you once considered the man of your dreams has become your biggest nightmare in the blink of an eye and there’s nothing you can do to get away from him now, he kisses you harshly, your tears coming in the way but he seems to be great at ignoring them, and as he deepens out the kiss, there’s only one thought that bitterly crosses through your mind.
 You should’ve listened to your mother when you had the chance.
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btsworldz · 4 months
All I write is yandere themed ✨✨✨
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MY LOVE, MINE ALL MINE (Yandere! Taehyung x Reader)
synopsis: when you met superstar taehyung at your grandpa’s traditional drinking house and you both became friends and work partner.
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Final Part (Coming Soon)
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BLACK SWAN (Yandere! Jin x Reader)
synopsis: when seokjin is a mythical creature (the black swan) who loathe humans, until he met you.
BLACK HEART (Yandere! Taehyung x Reader)
synopsis: when everyone warned him about being close to humans, but he can't help it. one look at you, and he felt his heart turned black. he can't help but worship you. his one and only mate.
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bangtan-in-black · 1 month
Chapter 1: the beginning.
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‘Many many years ago’
That's how most stories start, right? Stories that entail a damsel in distress unable to do as much as defend herself, or would be so ditsy as to leave her magical shoe behind.
Yes ‘many many years ago’ is used to tell stories, these olden folk tales. Stories that are told to make village daughters work for their happily ever after. A happily ever after in which all likelihood would never come to them. Would never arrive on the common girls doorsteps like they so desperately desired.
These are all they are, tales and stories promising a better future that would never come.
Another day rises over the mor. The soft light awakens the village's inhabitants.
A tired sigh leaves your lips as you are one of the first to rise on this new day.
A dull ache remains at the bottom of your back from the injury acquired days ago, where you had slipped over a glistening wet rock on the way back uphill from the town market, on your way back to your workhouse.
The red lion workhouse.
Far from the life you'd heard and even imagined as a child hearing the stories of lower class peasants like you, as you were often called by nobles passing through the shacks and muddy barren fields. The peasants in the stories were able to leave their station with their gentry and noble husbands. A glint in their eyes as they walked towards their new life with their husbands. A ring on their finger and a life in the lap of luxury secured.
Time had been the one to slap that dream out of your head. The cruelest reality of all, indeed. The one where you realized that no prince on a white stallion would come riding up the mountains for you.
Any hope of that happening died that day, 15 years ago.
The moment the king's soldiers, the knights came to town.
They had stormed into your small village where your family lived. They came marching towards your shack, dragged your parents out of bed and mutilated them where they stood while they made you, their child watch on in horror as they were tortured and finally being thrown into the blazing flame that ate away at your home where you'd all lived.
Your tiny body held back despite the struggle against the stoney like hold of the royal pests holding onto you.
You screamed out for your parents to come back to you from the fire.
You were found in front of your burnt down home after the knights had ridden off into the dark distance.
Madam Rouge, the village wealthiest resident, was the one to find you after the tragic events of that night. Scandalous red lipstick painting her lips, the torch in her hands highlighted the gleam in her eager eyes, eyes eager to help.
She dragged you back to the red lion that night.
Her kindness was what kept you alive, but you were too young, too young and naive to realize her kindness came with a price.
Yes, that was something you soon learned. Everything came with a price.
Madam Rouge's greatest pleasure in life was dolling her girls up as if the young peasants were royalty.
You were a particular victim of this. Often being pulled away from the other girls working.
Madam rouge may have been many things, but cruel to the ones she took in was not one of them.
She was firm but fair.
She gave you and many other girls homes through the years. Food and water being given to you when you could've been lying dead in the streets.
The girls, of course, had to work for what they had. And you worked the hardest, so happy to be alive. To be given a chance to have a family again.
But of course with every good thing comes a bad, many of the girls found it unfair. These girls were Madam Rouge's least favorite girls.
Spoiled, entitled and quite frankly, dull.
Of course a woman of her refined elegance would not take kindly to such behaviors.
The morning sun poking through the windows with the worn wooden frames. This was truly a sight accustomed to you by now, a surefire way to know it was time for the workday to start.
Getting up before the rest of the girls had become pure routine by this point. It was something you'd always prided yourself on ever since you first came to the red lion workhouse, your work ethic outshined any others in the shared house of labour.
There was something about the way madam red looked at you when you did the job better than everyone else.
Pride. A pride strongly glistening in her dark brown eyes.
If such a thing was possible you'd even describe her gaze as shining. A genuine pride that she held for you made you feel worthwhile, it almost felt motherly.
You knew she could never ever be your mother, and she didn't try to be but that didn't stop you from reaching for her highest praises. They were the closest thing you'd experienced to parental pride for 13 years.
The closest you'd have for the rest of your life.
Getting ready for another tiresome workday was as tantalisingly mundane, as usual. Throwing your H/L H/C hair up into a scruffy loose ponytail. The birds continued singing, the cows kept mooing.
Walking down the olden wooden steps that were practically breaking apart. First thing on the agenda today was to help feed the rest of the girls in the mess hall.
It seemed as if fate had other plans as you were distracted from your path to the kitchens by the mistress of the red lion herself. Lady Rouge, much preferring her former title of madam, but was still three times the lady compared to most snobby nobles.
“Y/N i thought that was you? Come sit with us for a moment dear, you deserve the break. A proper lady like you should never have calluses.”
That was something that had always confused you greatly. You were going to get calluses working in a workhouse, but Madam Rouge seemed to believe that you were the only one above working hard enough for calluses. You were also the only one she ever called a lady, you'd never thought to question why. It must be because you were the youngest girl she'd ever brought into the red lion. She still sees you as the baby she had taken in.
She sat there with her posture perfectly poised, sipping a sweet smelling tea from a delicately painted teacup. She was adorning her usual attire with her hat placed splendidly on the solid oak coffee table.
Sitting opposite her was a face you had not seen for almost a year and a half. A woman wearing a navy blue hanbok. Her outfit was sophisticated for the village, but you doubted that nobles from the capital would ever even set their eyes on the scruffy silk patterns embedded on the course material. The brunette smiled, her hands caressing her large stomach.
“Oh my! Congratulations” you smiled brightly, truly elated at the sight of one of the older girls from the house doing so well. Sylvia smiles, her eyes creasing in the corners as she takes a sip of an equally sweet smelling tea.
“Oh well it's a lot of work but it's worth it to raise a future knight.” Sylvia says excitedly but her excitement makes you pause.
“A knight?” you couldn't help but ask incredulously.
Sylvia's eyelashes fluttered as her gaze fell to you and her smile dissipated.
“Yes, a knight, my little boy is already so strong.” she said with a certain look in her eye and the way she spoke had an edge, a colder, more stern edge than before.
“Boy?” you asked again, a little confused as to how she was so sure of her baby's sex.
Sylvia's eye twitches as she forces an almost unbearably noticeable smile on her pale pink lips. “Yes, a boy. I would never dishonour my husband, the man who gives me such a good life by giving him a girl.” her eyes look down at you as if you had killed her unborn child. Her eyes were filled with something akin to pure hatred.
Madam Rouge smiles as if not noticing the newly tense atmosphere in the workhouse common room. “I knew you'd bring honour to the red household” Lady Rouge smiled brightly as if all the village's problems had just been solved.
You’d stopped paying attention by this point, too entranced by something that Sylvia had said earlier.
Many thoughts swirled around your head at once. But the one most prominent was the one screaming at you to take this woman's baby from her as she clearly had no regard for anyone other than herself and ‘honour’.
Of course you knew you couldn't really take her baby away, but it hurt your heart to know of the future that this child will be forced into. Never feeling enough unless he becomes a knight and brings his mother honour.
“You'd really wish for your son to become a knight? Even after the royal platoon burned our homes to the ground?” You were unable to keep your tongue to yourself it seems as the words that spill out of you cause a huge sense of panic at the realisation that you’d voiced your thoughts. The question was asked sharply, something whic clearly bothered the mother to be.
“Y/N, they burned your home to the ground, not mine. My son will do as I say and you will keep yourself out of my business because you are pathetic. You hold onto hatred of the people who govern us. They give us everything an youre still not grateful? . Spoiled brat, even after your parents died you had everything handed to you. Didn't have to do anything but be as pathetic as you are to become madams favourite." There was a sick enjoyment in her eyes as she spluttered off her filth.
A deep ashamed feeling creeps into your stomach as you mutter a quiet apology.
“That's right, respect your betters. I worked for everything I have. You're just a sad little girl whose parents died and so madam pitties you because of your losses. If I want my son to bring honour to his family, he will do as I say.” Sylvia felt a sick sense of pride seeing the tears gather in your waterline.
Madam rouges face, once painted with a pleased smile, turns to solid stone as she watches the exchange between her favourite and a former girl of hers.
“My son will even bring honour to you, everyone in this rat infested squalor in fact.” Sylvia sneers.
You thought that out of everyone that Sylvias would be the most likely to understand her stance and the horrid resentment that you held towards the royal knights. Sylvia's story was perhaps more harrowing than your own so you simply couldn't understand why she was jumping so gallantly to the knights defence.
“That's enough Y/N, go and get some eggs from the chickens and some milk.” Madam Rouge raises her voice bitterly, even as she spoke to you, her fiery gaze was trapped on Sylvia. “And Sylvia,”
The brunette perks up, foolishly expecting to be praised.
“I’d not speak of honour while you force your own desired future on your unborn baby, a future in which he's with people who slaughtered your whole family.” Both you and sylvia became silent at madam Rouges outburst. Her breathing now gone ragged.
“This is not how I raised either of you. Start behaving like the proper ladies I've raised. Sylvia id like to have a word with you before you go. Y/N you'll need not stay here or help to cook this morning, go and gather ingredients from outside." Madam Rouge huffs.
“Yes madam.” Y/N curtsies apologetically, before rushing to go to the chicken coop and cow pen.
The room suddenly becomes eerily silent. Madam rouge looks at Sylvia with her sharp cold eyes. Sylvia shivers as madam Rouges cold demeanour becomes altogether something much darker.
“She was always your favourite” Sylvia starts, wildly off put by Madam Rouge's new frightening demeanour, Sylvia couldn't describe it. But she felt unsafe in the presence of the sole woman who raised her, a feeling that she didn't like.
Madam Rouge goes to speak but she never gets the opportunity as she is barraged with Sylvia's sudden emotion.
“Don't deny it.” there's a long period of silence,
“If I've ever treated that girl differently it's because she's deserved it.” Rouge defends.
Sylvia's resolve cracks and she utters a quiet and croaky “why? What makes her different from me or any of the other girls that've been here over the years?” Sylvia indeed felt threatened.
Madam Rouge stands firm. “Have a safe trip home little one.” she says, already turned around, prepared to walk away.
“It's always been the same! Why her! I worked hard too! I lost my family too!”
Madam rouge stops. A manic smile paints her blood red lips as she turns around, launching her sharp cruel words like a bullet.
“She's simply more beautiful than you my darling. Always has been and always will be. Do you even know what a pretty penny she'd fetch in the world of nobles looking for sluts to add to their expensive collections? You'd never be worth a sixteenth of her price.”
Sylvia stares with an unplaced hurt.
“But my dowry-” she begins to argue
“Your dowry was nothing but a cruel joke. Alas I knew it was the best offer you were going to get. You are not the prettiest girl like you believe yourself to be.” Madam Rouge retorts, un bothered as she picks at her pristine nails.
Sylvia could only nod as she fought back tears. She took a deep breath and then left quickly out of the red lion workhouse and into her chief husband's carriage that awaited her. Ready and eager to take her back down the steep hill on which the red lion was situated.
Madam Rouges expression returns to peace.
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stopaskinf · 1 month
“The body is the law, and I’m only human after all”
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Summary: Namjoon loves you a little too much❤️
Genre: Dark fic, Yandere, Dead Dove do not eat?
CW: Yandere Namjoon, he’s wilding in this. Cursing. Descriptions of bodily harm, organs and blood. Shit gets weird
Word Count: 0.5K
A/N: This is pretty different from what I usually write but fuck it we ball. 🫡🫡
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Kim Namjoon is meticulous.
He’s a man who needs to search every nook and cranny before he experiences any satisfaction.
Especially, when it comes to you.
Namjoon cannot learn enough about you.
You’ve been together for years, but it still doesn’t feel like he knows enough.
He knows you’ve had a couple of relationships before him. The first was a 2-year relationship that was ended by you because your ex became emotionally unavailable. The second was a year-and-a-half-long relationship that was ended by your ex because they had “found someone else”. What an absolute cunt.
He knows you have a mole on the nape of your neck that you refuse to get rid of because “It’s a good ice breaker”. You have exactly 5 scars littered around your body. A small one on your right forearm, a thin one on your left cheek, a noticeable one on your right knuckles, an incredibly faded one on your left knee, and a more recent one on the back of your right ankle.
The first three come from childhood accidents. The other two happened because, just like him, you’re clumsy.
Speaking of your childhood, Namjoon hates your parents and siblings.
The fact that there are people who have known you more than him categorically? Unacceptable.
He bubbles in rage knowing that they saw you through each phase of your life. That they saw your first steps, your first words. They saw you through your embarrassing phases and comforted you when you were upset about something you laugh about now.
Nothing eats him up more than second-hand information.
Nonetheless, he begrudgingly accepts it.
He’ll make do with your stretch marks, scars, and stories that you tell him about yourself. Still, he can’t help but imagine knowing you even deeper when he lays on your steady chest in the dark of your shared home.
Your usual 78 bpm slows down to 65 bpm. He can imagine your red blood cells flowing to your aterums and thoracic cavity through your tubes. He can somewhat feel the shape of your ribs and picture your lungs behind them. He still needs more.
He needs to vivisect you. To cut you down from your throat to your genitals. He needs to open your ribs and feel your heart thump in his bare hands. To feel your intestines, so that even if he went blind, he’d still retain the shape.
He wants to open your brain. To caress the folds of it and ask you when and where each one developed. To touch your vocal cords and feel the muscles reverberate as you guide him through your organs.
He wants to rest his head on your exposed heart, to feel the blood pool and clot onto his face. He wants the metallic smell of your blood to suffocate his senses. He needs to feel you so deeply that it stains him.
A boy can dream, can’t he?
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maliciousblog · 2 months
Professor (Namjoon)
The alarm rang disturbing your peaceful sleep you didn't want to get up because the air was cool and your blanket was a perfect snug contrast it was like the bed was holding onto you refusing to let go.
You eventually managed to tear yourself off the bed and get ready to go to school.
On your walk there you met your friend Yedam who happily accompanied you to your class.
Dropping you off by the entrance while he left for his.
Only to notice the class was already relatively filled.
So you tried to slip in without catching too much attention when you heard a voice boom through the lecture hall causing everyone to stay still.
It was a voice you were all too familiar with.
A voice you were scared off, well not just you but everyone in class.
He told you to sit in the front row and you obliged.
Setting your things down as he started his lesson.
The hall was completely silent with the exception of his voice which had everyone in a trance.
No one could deny his skill as a teacher he could explain the most complex concepts in a way both a 15 year old and a 50 year could comprehend while commanding their undivided attention and for this reason the whole class respected him.
His big stature was indeed intimidating but he was social enough for everyone to like him but not enough for everyone to know him.
The lesson went on for another hour or so when he was done he asked everyone to hand in their assignments and wished everyone a happy weekend.
As the students shuffled outside the class he began arranging them papers in a neat stack which kept on growing he asked you to lend a hand since you were seated on the first desk and you agreed.
He divided the papers and handed you the smaller stack as he lead the way to his office.
His office was on the other side of the building and you had a free period so you didn't have anything better to do anyways.
So you just walked along with him making small talk.
As he watched you walk by his side he couldn't help but think about what he saw this morning a random man walking with you a little too close for comfort.
It should have been him. He should only be him. He deserves you. In his mind you were already his the very first time he saw you.
You were at his favorite bookstore running your fingers across the spines of paperbacks hoping to find one that caught your eye.
He stood there for a good 5 minutes debating whether to help you out or not. But the store clerk beat him to it as he felt a tinge of sadness strike him. It should have been him. It should have been him who helped you just like it should have been him who walked by your side.
Before he knew it you had left.
He spent the next couple of days doing his work but images of you randomly came into his head disturbing his peace.
If only you knew how absolutely delighted he was when he found out that you had been assigned to his class.
He was filled with glee like a child in a candy shop. If only you knew. But he was too smart too smart for anyone to ever have a hint of suspicion about his odd behavior.
When he wanted something he had to have it.
Whether it be the 1st rank in class or the penthouse in the tallest apartment. If he wanted something he would chase it to the ends of the world and you were no exception.
He was growing impatient with each passing day driving him insane and today he finally snapped.
Today was the day he would finally have you.
Upon reaching his office he opened the door gesturing for you to get in as he instructed you to put the papers on the desk he followed you locking the door behind him.
You placed them down and watched him put his stack down and take off his coat which he placed on the stand.
You thought you were sly sneaking in a quick glance at his muscular body which was not well hidden under his well fit shirt.
He noticed but let it slide as it fed his ego.
As you were about to leave he asked you if you could help him grade papers for a year below you in exchange he would offer you extra credit.
So you agreed at sat down next to the chair next to him as he grabbed the papers from the cupboard he noticed you were seated a little farther away so he simply placed a hand on one of the legs of the stool and pulled you towards him as it were nothing.
He then nonchalantly went on with his work as he handed you a copy of the answer key for the test.
Both of you got to work for about an hour and had finished grading 2 out of 3 sets when you went to ask for the key for the third set both of you faced each other at the same time your faces only inches apart from each other.
Making your face heat up in embarrassment.
To your dismay the only noticable look on his face was a look of slight confusion as you started to stutter while you asked for the answer key as he swiftly placed it infront of you.
"Geez relax its not like I'm going to eat you up. Well unless you want me to".
He said leaving you tounge tied as his his laughter filled the room cutting the tension in the air.
He was so intimidating you couldn't look him in the eye.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you "
He said as he placed a finger under your chin lifting it up forcing you to make eye contact as he gently moved forward placing his lips on yours kissing you gently.
Before you knew it his hands were moving across your body as yours were intertwined in his hair moving in closer to deepen the kiss.
In one swift motion he picked you up and placed you on the table taking of your skirt and ripping off your panties.
" Hey those were from La Perla" you whined.
" I'll buy you the whole store princess".
He said as he got down on his knees gently opening your legs as he snaked his tounge between them.
Gently causing you to moan out in pleasure as he skillfully moved making you loose your focus.
gripping on to his hair trying to get more friction but he held you in place sinfully torturing you by denying you release.
When you felt like you were about to reach your high he stopped and proceed to place kisses on your things.
He kept on doing this until tears started to run down your face as it almost hurt to hold it in.
You were a whimpering mess for him at the moment you would do anything for him if he asked you to.
And he knew that very well he just found some sick sadistic pleasure seeing you in this state desperate and pathetic, completely dependent on him just like how he liked it.
He decided to end teasing you as he had a lot of time left to do that.
And at this point his pants had gotten painfully tight.
So he decided to stand up and free his member positioning it in front of your aching one.
As he began to slowly let himself in you.
He didn't want to hurt you just yet. He would save that for when you misbehave.
He slowly began to thrust in you as your nails dug into his back.
His eyes met with yours which were pleading with him because you could no longer form coherent words.
You couldn't taking being edged any longer your vision had started to cloud and you felt like you would pass out at any given moment.
So he decided to pick up the pace going harder on you until you came all over him.
You collapsed into his arm your body going limp still buzzed with your high as your stare at him with a lovesick gaze.
He knew at that moment that you were his. Now no one could take you away from him.
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sweetwolfcupcake · 5 months
The Taste of Deceit: Hyungline Part 2( Finale- Namjoon 1/2)
The Taste of Deceit Masterlist
Hyungline: Part 1, Part 2(Jin and Yoongi, Hoseok)
Warnings- Gore, Violence, Grey Characters, Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Unedited. Kindly excuse my errors. if you find anything significantly wrong, please let me know.
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It was peaceful for a good moment, the moment right before waking up before she noticed how everything felt muffled. Like her ears were covered. It was not particularly hard to open her eyes, but she needed to find her bearings and assess—
"Wake up, bitch!"
It was a snarling, rough and raspy voice that did not come naturally, but only through chain smoking and of course, white powder. She opened her eyes, flinching from the numbing coldness and the wet sensation, a few ice cubes hit right above her left eye and she won't be surprised if it left a bruise.
The man starring right at her had eyes that told her that she was the only thorn in his eyes, as if his rotting life was worth any of it.
(Y/N) mentally rolled her eyes, while registering that her hands were bound behind her with the chair. Thankfully, her legs were free. Ignoring the man, she looked around, it was nothing out of her expectation– an ominously dark basement, while subtly twisting her wrists to get out of the poorly-knotted ropes.
"Oi! I'm talking to you!"
Beyond a certain distance, there were only still shadows and darkness, casting a sense of uncertainty and unease.
"Listen bitch!" The grip on her cheeks was bruising, his blunt nails dug into her skin, threatening to break it "Had I not have the strict orders, you would have been a sorry pulp by now, I'm hold'n back, so you better show me some respect."
He hissed against her face, his breath reeked of alcohol and smoke. If the feeling of his spit over her mouth was not disgusting enough, his hand moving from his cheek settling on her neck hit the nail. His fingers wrapped around her throat threateningly while the other hand groped her bosom.
"Get your hands off." She deadpanned.
He did take it off, only to slap her with force enough to make her head whip to the side and the corner of her lips bleed.
"Fuck the orders I am going to make sure that I fuck the shit out of you until that sorry cunt bleeds—-"
One kick on his stomach sent him staggering away before he fell to the ground, coughing in pain. But it gave her enough time to untangle the ropes and push the chair away.
She kicked again, making him wheeze in pain and breathlessness.
"And I am telling you to..." She began as she sat on him, pinning down his legs
One punch right on his eye.
Another punch on his nose, earning a cry from him.
"Take. Your."
Another punch was enough to send two of his yellow teeth flying out.
"Fucking hands. Off!" She snarled.
With one last punch, he was out. His heart was still beating and her fist was numbing. Those were least of her worries.
With her attempts to calm her rushing adrenaline, she searched him for any clues or weapons.
Thankfully, he had a gun tucked behind him and a key.
The basement, or at least that was what it looked like, was oddly empty. An she refused to believe that Namjoon was foolish enough to underestimate her. He was playing a long game and he was fucking cunning enough to be sneaking right under her nose– pretending to be the best fucking lover while playing her.
With renewed vengeance, she rushed to find an exit– a windows might be better than a door—
And there it was, a single shut window shrouded by the shadows in the dimly-lit basement. After checking the gun, she held it tight and in position as she silently approached the window, moving within the darkness. Tentatively, she nudged-open the window.
It was an empty concrete two floors down but no sign of guards or anything. Could be a security system, she suspected. But whatever it was, she had to get out. A living officer was always better than a dead one.
The thin cotton did not obstruct her vision, she could see everything, slightly blurry, but she could see things.
And she saw the gun being fired.
(Y/N) supressed a hiss when her feet met the concrete, her knees wobbled and ultimately met the ground in the process.
Looking back, she realised that it was indeed an isolated building. But, why was it not guarded if she was kept there? How long was she there?
Questions plagued her mind as she sprinted away from the looming building. It was built on the fringes of a wood, and with the skyline gradually dimming, anyone could tell that it was dusk.
If the lack of people near the building was not ominous enough, it was the fact that she had no one chasing behind and no traps on her way to the main highway that truly made her rethink every other reasons or guesses she had come up with before she found herself there.
She needed to contact her teammates first, warn them, they ought to lay low for a good while. By the time she had reached a clearing, it was pitch dark. And while there were vehicles passing by, none of them cared to stop for a waving girl in the middle of a road.
That was until a vehicle did stop. Peeking in, she found a group of girls, cigarettes in hands and as soon as the car window slid down, a waft of alcohol and cigarettes greeted her. Had she been in uniform, they would have earned a ticket for drinking and driving, but she was desperate and only thankful that they helped her get back to the city.
"(Y/N)? We have been trying to contact you!"
Kyong was, thankfully on-duty during the night. He rushed to her as soon as she barged into the police station.
"I know a man of his. Might be someone of importance–cut that, he is important in this fucking nexus!"
"(Y/N)…what are you saying? Relax, breath, please."
"Y-yesterday, when we were reviewing the footage, I saw him. I know him!" Her voice cracked before she burst into dry coughs, the back of her neck aching with each jerks.
Kyong was immediately by her side,
"(Y/N), please slow down, here, sit. Have some water first okay?" He gently made her sit on the nearby bench before offering her some water.
All the strain, all the pain finally rang in her system. While she felt slightly breathless, each breath came with a dull ache that refused to be suppressed. After chugging down over half of the bottle, felt slightly better.
"(Y/N), we have been searching for you since two days."
(Y/N) stilled,
"What? But I—"
She stopped mid-way and frantically checked her clothes.
"Hey, hey hey, relax, okay, relax. Lets get you home, hmm?"
"Kyong, its important, I know one of the men who were present in that club last night."
That caught his attention.
"Why didn't you tell us that time?"
"I was at a fix...I needed confirmation."
"He was with that suspect, speaking about a delivery– most probably drugs." Kyong retorted.
"Namjoon, or that was the name he gave me. But he is– he's definitely involved."
"How do you know him?"
"He...He was my boyfriend. Now I know why he was my boyfriend." She gritted through the last word, feeling contempt burning within herself by even associating that word with the man.
"Why don't you stay a the safehouse for now, it's no longer safe for you out there then, we'll figure something out in the morning. Let me update the rest of the team, they're worried sick."
The safehouse was at the most innocuous location, fairly isolated, but not enough to catch any attention. Kyong had been kind enough to lend her the extra pair of clothes he had saved for his night shifts. He was a meticulous man, after all, and it showed when he made sure to check every nook and cranny of the safehouse and ensure that it was only two of them there.
"Everything you need is in the bathroom and pantry. Just don't step out, okay? And don't answer anyone other than me or the rest of the team. You look tired."
"I'm fucked up. Everything is." (Y/N) muttered, gulping down her tear.
Kyong stood in silence, before patting her back "Look, I don't know what course we take from here, but I know that we are a team, okay?"
(Y/N) could only nod.
The night had the veil of calmness, but the frequently flashing sky gave a warning.
(Y/N) hated the rain. Despised storms.Especially stormy nights.
"Listen, here, get in here."
Her father opened up a narrow passage and ushered her in, even for a six year old, it was a snug fit.
He shut the net opening before sliding hangers full of clothes over the place.
She could hear faint banging on the door, the rattling of the door knob, that only grey louder...
And louder...
She woke up wheezing, only to realise that someone was indeed banging on the main door. Wiping the sweat on her forehead and neck, she realised that she had fallen asleep sitting.
"(Y/N), open up, it's me, Kyong." Kyong's muffled voice floated into the sunlit apartment.
Checking her phone, she realised that she had six missed calls from her colleague already.
She rushed to open the door, only to find Kyong in his uniform still.
"Didn't you go home?"
"(Y/N), you need to come to the station. Now."
"But why? Did you find Namjoon?"
"Listen, I have informed Sir and the rest of the team, they will soon be in the station. We had found a video in our investigation, couldn't keep it from our superiors, you are summoned in the police station for interrogation."
"W-what? But why?"
"Long story, I will brief you on the way, I requested them that I take you there, they were sending someone else."
"Is that you Officer (Y/N)?"
It was a CCTV footage of the same evening she escaped from that abandoned place, but the first-half was cut off, it was only her punching that sorry excuse of a man.
"Yes, he-he was the one keeping me there!" She pointed out.
The two officers, both her seniors straightened up and assessed her. (Y/N) knew that look, they did not believe her. But why?
"(Y/N), that used to be the local police station decades ago. And man you hit, is a retired officer who even won an award for excellency." One of the officers revealed.
They both were her seniors, superiors of Officer Byuk. They were sent from headquarters. She had no idea what deeply wrong had gone in those two days, but Kyong had briefed her.
Apparently there was a wide-search for her when she went missing, no trace. At the same time, there had been two more shipments of cocaine. Successfully. Also, some classified documents from her home were missing.
Or at least that was his name.
He had been to her apartment so many times, had 'waited' for her to come home a few times. But even once slip of chance was enough, that sneak got too many of them. No wonder she was being interrogated.
"Sir this is not—"
"Officer Lee." Officer Byuk finally made it to the police station, followed by Dok and Han, who stood beside Kyong on the other side of the room.
"Officer Byuk, its nice to see you again." One of the officers– Lee greeted him with stiff smile and a short handshake. "This is officer Hyuk, we have been sent by the headquarters in order to interrogate Officer (L/N)."
"I see, good to meet you Officer." Officer Byuk nodded with a formal handshake with the other officer "I would like to see the proper documents."
"We have orders, from the headquarter Officer." Officer Lee asserted.
"Officer (L/N) trained under me, she is a part of my team. I have the right to know, please," Officer Byuk gestured towards his office.
After a couple of moments of tense silence, the two officers followed him reluctantly, leaving her with her colleagues.
"(Y/N), you alright? We had been so worried!" Dok and Han rushed to her as soon as the officers were out of sight.
"Yes, I'm good. I don't know how...I mean that man he spoke as if he hated the police and I–I had to escape."
"I don't understand..." Kyong spoke up as he neared them "How did they get the footage? The first half-gone. It's no coincidence."
"Some files, regarding the information of officers in charge of dockyards are missing. The copies were with me, and they're gone. Kyong. I fucked up." (Y/N) sighed, running her hand through her hair.
There was nothing but anger and despair. Had she not been so fucking stupid, she could have had Namjoon in the interrogation room instead.
"You're not stupid, we all have major fuck-ups." Dok was quick to comfort his colleague and friend.
"Yes, our superiors have probably had major fuck-ups, but what matters is to how we respond from now on. What has happened, has happened, cannot be undone anymore. But its a war now, team, we only lost the first battle." Kyong encouraged. "We need to alert the stations near docks, they need special security."
"So, what now?" (Y/N) asked the most obvious question.
"Depends, if Sir Byuk manages to convince them of your innocence, there might not be further—"
His words are cut short when the three officers return in the room.
"We have had discussions regarding your involvement in an retired officer's murder."
She checked, he was breathing!
Officer Byuk shot her a warning glance before recollecting himself.
"We have the footage of you punching him." Officer Lee spoke up "But there are enough loopholes for us to reach a conclusion, like the missing first part of the footage."
"I have had a words with the headquarter and it has been decided..."
She kept her breathe while Officer Byuk spoke.
"That an official investigation would be carried out, until then Officer (L/N), you are not allowed to leave the country, or work here. You are relieved of your responsibilities until proven innocent."
She was innocent!
She wanted to scream out. But at the moment, she chose to do what she must.
Accept the situation with a graceful and stiff salute and bow before giving away her badges and card.
File after file laid on the floor as she rummaged through her house, all were in place. Except for the few mentioned missing, nothing seemed out of place. No bugs, no more missing files, no camera. Nothing.
Kyong and the rest of the team had assured her that they would prove her innocent and support her. But it was not their battle now, it was not about duty anymore. It was fucking personal.
She had no badge for the time being, no uniform, even the official gun needed to be submitted.
That was not much of a worry though, she had another licenced one. But this...Her job, her uniform meant the world to her and it were all at stake. She wished to be like her father. But everything in front of her was crumbling.
As she looked around in despair, she tried to think though, tried to put aside the cracks she was feeling and—
The doorbell rang.
(Y/N) walked up to the door in caution, making no disturbance as she checked the peep-hole before hurriedly opening the door.
Officer Byuk walked in, his gaze flickered at the mess behind her before he fixed his stare on her.
"Are you hurt?"
"No Sir. I beat him up because he was the one I found waking up."
And he fucking touched me with his dirty hands.
Officer Byuk spoke up after a moment of silence
"Lets talk over coffee. You have coffee?"
"Yes, yes I have coffee."
She told him everything. How she met Namjoon, how she felt a bit off and how she found out about his involvement with RM.
"You are fool." Officer Byuk had no filter.
She had known him ever since she was a child. Almost at his retirement, the officer had been her father's close friend.
"And if you are already feeling miserable and want to give up then I am disappointed, I did not recruit a weakling."
"I'm sorry, Sir."
There was another stretch of silent as her observed her.
"You have been a fool once, don't be one again by not investigating things yourself. Start from the beginning." He passed her the ID that had been seized before.
"Its temporary, but it may help. I have the original one with me, don't worry."
"I just don't understand...why did he go for me, not some higher up, had that not been more beneficial?"
"We don't understand a lot of things. Like that retired officer's involvement with the underground. That just makes it clear that no once can be trusted. But since you are not serving anymore, at least officially, use this opportunity to get your hands on this Namjoon or whoever that was. He could be our key."
"I don't think its easy."
"Nothing is easy, start by proving yourself innocent. But don't sit here and wait for that snake to strike." he sipped his coffee "Am I clear?"
"Yes Sir!" She straightened.
"Don't disappoint me this time. And here, from now use this sim. Yours is no longer reliable."
He passed her a  sim card. He came prepared, because he still had faith on her. And she was grateful to him, to her team who were standing by her while everything was pointing against her.
She would not disappoint them again.
"I give you my word, Sir. No more stupidity."
"Good. Now get to work." he nodded before speaking again " And put more sugar in your coffee from now on. What a bitter taste!"
Well, she had decided to start from where it all began. First, she tried to have the CCTV footages recovered, only to find out that every six months, the footages are deleted. So she had no footage before six months. While she spent hours looking at each and every footage of her and Namjoon, there was not much to be noticed.
Then she questioned the barista regarding the man who visited the cafe with her often.
"Since how long had he been coming here?"
"Ma'am, quite a while, maybe...six months?"
"More than six months?"
"Could be, I am not sure."
"Has he visited this place this week?"
"No, I don't think so."
Namjoon had vanished from the face of earth. Or so it seemed. Every place she had been to, even the economics professor whose identity he stole, nobody seemed to have much of a clue.
He was smart, she would give him that.
"You found something?"
It was Dok on phone while she passed through the busy streets of the city.
"Guess, what, that old hag you punched in the video? We've found something that might help. He was under investigation when he was serving, in the nineties, but he came off clean. I have informed Byuk Sir, come to my home, we review the file, and see if we can find something to put shit on him."
"Great! I'll be on my way."
Finally, finally she had something! Well, at least hopefully.
She had half a mind to inform the rest of the team, but since there was no solid confirmation, she decided not to disturb them.
Dok's apartment was around thirty minutes by bus, along the way, she picked up dinner for them. Her stomach grumbled at the delicious aroma wafting out though the packaging.
Pressing the doorbell, she waited with tapping foot for Dok to answer. She knocked when no one answered for the second time.
"Dok! I am starving already and the food is heavy." She yelled through the door, hoping that he would hurry up.
She rang his doorbell again before calling him this time. The faint sound of his phone ringing floated out, but there was no movement, not even the faint padding of feet or shuffle.
"Dok?" she knocked with urgency this time, growing concerned.
She head the faint slow shuffling. Relieved, she waited for him to open the door so that she could pour out an earful to his lazy—"
"Dok you—"
The door opened, and the terrified face of her friend greeted her.
"Dok? Dok?" He said nothing through his laboured breathing, falling on her immediately. She help him immediately.
With a jerk of his body, his head fell back while she had only begun to register the blood all over and an open gash on his back.
She realised that had been shot too late, he was not breathing anymore. The blood soaked through her sleeve while the food laid on the round.
"DOK! DO—" She saw a flash of the red dot before it disappeared and without a second thought, she rushed towards the open window
With raged eyes and rushed movements, she searched through the line of buildings. But with unshed tears in her eyes and under the veil of the dark night, it was all futile.
Blue and red lights covered the area near the apartment building and yellow tapes filled the entrance of the apartment. (Y/N) stood numb by Officer Kyong, his overcoat covering her stiff form. Every sound seemed slightly off, every movement felt slow. But this time, he could not keep her tears in. They flowed free as she watched Dok's shrouded body being carried out of the place into an ambulance, the while shroud marred by slight patches of blood.
Han and Kyong held their heads high, not letting a single tear flow out under the weight of the uniform. She felt Officer Byuk's hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.
"Go home, child." His voice was heavy as he spoke, as if holding himself back.
She stood still, even after the ambulance left, her eyes remained fixed on the spot.
"He had some...He was telling me he found something." Her voice lacked emotion, and strength but that caught Kyong's ears.
"What do you mean?"
(Y/N) licked her lips, recalling the phone call "Dok...He was saying something about finding evidence that would proof my innocence."
Kyong's hands balled into fists.
He nodded, feeling a twinge of resentment bubbling in, but he squashed it immediately.
"This...Whoever..." He began lowly, "Probably has the evidence now."
(Y/N) stood in silence, eyes stilled on the road.
"(Y/N), tell us everything, don't keep anything from us. We already lost a teammate." Han was barely holding back.
"But for now, go home." Kyong advised.
She hummed absentmindedly. Sleep. She needed that.
The rain pelted against the window, fogging it. While the city sky wept, (Y/N) laid on her back in her darkened room with dried tears. Her thumb pressed on the switch of the nightlamp by her bed, only to switch it off after a moment's stillness. It was a pattern that kept repeating, the ceiling lighting up simply, with vague shadows, before plunging into darkness once more.
All she saw was Dok's pained and terrified face in front of her, even with her eyes open. And once she closed them, all she saw was the dreaded night when...
"Dok you—"
The door opened, and the terrified face of her friend greeted her.
"Dok? Dok?" He said nothing through his laboured breathing, falling on her immediately. She helped him immediately.
"Th-thirty four..." he whispered into her ear "Thirty—Ah!...S-save—"
His head jerked back.
She had told the police each and every detail she could remember in her state. But something in her refrained her from revealing this little information. An officer ins trained to distinguish their intuition from any other form of panic and emotion, and rely on that intuition. It was the same intuition that pointed Namjoon out, and it she had been a fool to dismiss initially. She did not want to repeat the past mistakes.
The constant buzzing of her phone snapped her awake. She had not even realised she had dozed off.
With bleary eyes, she picked up the call in a daze.
"Hllw?" She slurred.
But there was no one greeting back. But there was something—
(Y/N) stilled, now alert as she waited with bated breath.
"Hello?" She tested.
The breathing quivered for a moment before slowing down to normalcy again. But there was no verbal reply. But this time, (Y/N) waited.
"Oh Little bird..."
The audacity.
Her hands balled into fists as she sat up straight, in a smooth, steady motion.
"I wish things would not have had to be so hard...But you—"
"Why?" She asked lowly through gritted teeth.
"I was dying to hear this voice" he sighed lightly and paused for a moment "It's business baby, nothing personal. I just hoped that it would not have to be you. The police tries to meddle with our business, we fuck it up royally. But I have an offer for you, little bird..."
She remained silent. She could almost feel his smirk.
"Come to me, lets forget the past. We can be the same again, but this time you have no officers barking orders at you."
"Why this kindness?"
She could hear his shuddering breath again.
"Oh, Darling, you would not believe me if tell you now...But I feel bad for that officer. That made you upset..."
All she could think of was Dok's face and the number he had whispered into her ear.
He took a light but sharp intake when she began.
"...Fucked with the wrong person."
With that, she cut the call.
This was not about her duty or the police department anymore. This was personal now.
"Did you find any device in the apartment?"
(Y/N) was currently at Kyong's place, both of them sitting in the living room with coffee.
"Devices, like what?"
"Dok had called me to inform that he had found something that would proof my innocence. And Just before I can reach him, he...he is murdered."
"So you are saying that he was being spied upon?"
"I have no other explanation right now. If I were the target, why was unharmed? They are trying to pick us out, one by one, they know us, they know the team."
Kyong hummed.
"What if Dok was not the only one being spied upon? The rest us are probably on their hit-list. But I don't understand...You came out unharmed."
"It was a set up. They framed me for murder of a retired officer, they made sure to kill Dok in front of me. Its psychological game they're playing."
"In every way, you were the one present there so the suspicion would point at you."
Her mind went back to the call. What was the purpose of it?
What did he want? What did his boss want?
"Keep an eye out for danger, alert your family and friends as well, better to put some officers for their safety. We need the help of the intelligence department Kyong, this is not a police-thief hide and seek. It's a war."
The road was isolated, but as much as she remembered, it was the same road she escaped through. It was dark again, and she knew that it was expected of her to return to that place. But she had no option, her Kyong and Han had no other option. Under the night sky, everything seemed off.
"Lets park our car here, if we take it into the woods, people might be alerted if they are there." (Y/N) suggested.
As soon as they were out of the vehicle parked safely out of sight, they mingled into the woods. Dead leaves crunched under their shoes as (Y/N) led them further in.
"Are you sure that this is the place?" Kyong asked as they ventured deeper into the woods.
"As much as I remember, yes?"
"Remember? (Y/N), do you realise that one of our teammates is dead and we have guns over our heads, and if we don't find them first, we will be dead!"
Kyong was frustrated, and no matter how much he wanted to keep those thoughts away, they were bleeding through his subconscious.
Clouds of breaths escaped (Y/N)'s lips at that. She understood him, she understood his fears and where he was coming from. But she also knew that there was no other way but to tread in the darkness until they find an anchor, a clue– something, anything.
"I know how this feels—"
"No, you don't. Dok is dead (Y/N)."
"I know he is and it kills me!"
"Okay, you both– we are going to alert people if we keep raising our voice at each other. Dok is no more and they have hit us right where it hurts. There is nothing that can be done until and unless we find this...RM. Whoever it is, they had Dok killed, they had (Y/N) kidnapped and they are waiting to pounce again."
Han's words had both of them looking away. Kyong pushed his hair back– he had never felt helpless and frustrated to this extent.
"Let's...let's keep going, the place is here somewhere."
With that, she resumed walking ahead.
(Y/N) recognised the silhouette of the building from a distance. She signalled the rest of her teammates before the three split up. Taking cover of the darkness and the trees, they stalked closer to the building. It stood with an innocuous appearance, but (Y/N) knew better.
She signalled Han to follow her before swiftly and stealthily making her way towards the building walls. Attaching herself with one of the walls, she watched as Han moved to the opposite walls. After the entrance was surrounded, Kyong moved straight to the entrance of the building.
Both (Y/N) and Han peeked out as Kyong inspected the entrance before giving them clearance and entering, they followed, all of their guns intact and pointed in front of them.
"Number three, anything important? Over."
(Y/N) asked through her headphone as she searched the upper level of the building, kicking open empty doors, expecting to find something but there was—
"No, all three rooms all clear." Han replied.
Her eyes narrowed as she focused her flashlight over a dusty desk. Everything in the place was covered with dust and cobwebs except the half-burnt cigarette. Her gloved hand picked it before sniffing.
Realisation struck her as she shoved the cigarette into her pocket before rushing out of the room.
"Number three, number two, danger incoming 10-0, copy that!" Her eye scanned the area for people before she found gliding through the walls. On the ground floor. She duked in immediately but continued to move.
"Number six, message received."
"I see them moving, take cover!"
She descended with stealth to the ground floor, following the men. Watching them closely, she loaded her gun in silence. Deciding the wall was a good enough cover, she switched to Kyong once more.
And with that, bullets surrounded those criminals from both their sides, catching them off guard. They did not intend to kill all of them. She heard some glass shattering from upstairs.
Four out of the five men were down, the other had taken cover behind a wall.
A bullet shattered the glass behind her. She was exposed to the people above.
With no choice, she backed away into a safer cover. while the other man made a run for it
Left with no other choice, (Y/N) chased him into the woods. She faintly heard Kyong's warning call for her but that did not matter. Nothing matters but to take back that man alive. It was a trap and he would be the one proving it. This chase could be a trap as well. But worth the risk.
The bushes, leaves and brushed past her in a swift blurs of sounds and sensations as she chased him. All she could think of was Namjoon's deceptive smile and Dok's dying face.
He was a quick runner and a dodger. The rock he hurled at her came flying towards her, she was quick enough to save her head but it hit her shoulder. And did it hurt bad.
(Y/N) gasped and stumbled due to the jolting pain.
It was just moment before adrenaline pushed her to resume the chase. He took a sharp turn and she almost stumbled before following him.
It was muddy slope with a bubbling creep a few feet deep when she finally grabbed him by his shoulder.
He elbowed her injured shoulder kicked on her stomach, sending her doubling over. This was enough for her grasp to loosen, giving him an opportunity to escape.
He had made it to the creek, his legs ran fast to cross the creek, stumbling a little before—
He cried out as the clear water of the creek darkened with crimson. He clutched the side of his knee, but could not stop the blood from gushing out.
His hand reached out for the gun tucked behind him but a heavy boot pressed down on his hand, making him cry out.
"I have him. Over."
(Y/N) informed her teammates, slightly breathless, but keeping her boot pressed on his hand.
"There was no need to tie a cloth over the wound, won't say a fucking word!" Han was growing frustrated.
The tied man only grinned through his bloodied teeth. It was quickly becoming clear that it was not his first time being interrogated.
"I'm being nice for the last time— who do you work for?" (Y/N) spoke through gritted teeth.
Her shoulder and throbbed and felt slightly heavy, but the tied up man was the potential key to prove her innocence and to get her hands on Namjoon.
No, her main target was RM, Namjoon could be dealt with later.
She shook his thoughts out of her mind and straightened up.
"And if I don't?" He asked, breathless from the pain. "You can't even arrest me." He cackled at their face
"Listen you little shit—"
Kyong was about to pounce on him but (Y/N) stopped him.
"Kyong, we need to handle this carefully if the department comes to know—"
"So what?! What more can happen? Dok is fucking dead already and they were here to kill us too."
"And that is exactly why we must be calm!" (Y/N) asserted, but Kyong only scoffed and looked away with disdain.
"(Y/N), they knew we were here. They were fucking waiting, that's why you found the bloody cigarette! We are risking our lives just to prove YOU innocent!"
"Kyong! Stop it, we are a team." Han interjected.
"Han, Dok is fucking dead trying to prove her innocent." He shoved a finger at her"  Important files are missing from her home because she blindly trusted a fucking criminal! Why didn't you cross-check his identity first? Are you that incapable? So fucking blind? It cost US! The WHOLE FUCKING DEPARTMENT! Byuk Sir is under fire because of her sloppiness!."
"Kyong—" Han tried to intervene.
"No what the hell are we doing? She almost led us to our doom!"
"Kyong stop it!"
"WHY SHOULD WE? Does she even realise what her love affair has cost us?" Kyong screamed his anguish out on her.
(Y/N) stood still. His words hit her, but she would not show it. She had lost enough for showing her vulnerability to people.
"I know how difficult the situation is."
She began, calm and reserved.
"And I promise you both–"
"What are you? Five? We don't want fucking promises (Y/N), we need results." Kyong spat
(Y/N) sucked her cheeks, maintaining her cool.
"I promise you both...if anything goes wrong, it will be only me who gets under fire. I take all the responsibility. But now, we must work together. This is exactly what they want, for us to lose faith in ourselves." She whispered to Kyong, quiet but assertive.
Kyong's gaze locked with hers in a hard, long stare before he looked away.
"I need a smoke. Get him to talk."
With that, he left the room.
(Y/N) and Han turned to the man sitting against the wall. Amusement dancing in his eyes.
"Pathetic, aren't ya'll?"
"You really are asking for broken bones, huh?" Han gritted out.
"You think a brushed bullet can get me to speak? Years ago, another officer tried to be all macho and righteous." He chuckled and sniffle "Shot dead in his home...So think again fools."
Han kicked him on his stomach, making him double over and cough out saliva, but he sniggered.
Han was about to kick him again when (Y/N) chuckled out, shaking her had. Her eyes were a cold but sure warning as she licked her lips. The previously amused grin vanished from the man's face at the sight of her sharp smile with a shaking head.
"You have, never been properly interrogated before."
She whispered out, stalking towards the now alert male while her colleague stepped away.(Y/N)'s hands rested in her pockets, painting the most deceptively casual picture. But as she sat to his level, looking at his eyes, the man stiffened.
Wordlessly, she took his right hand, unbothered by his violent struggles as she held his forefinger, before her other hand brought a needle and pushed the pointed end right under his fingernail, earning a blood-curling scream from the man.
Kyong rushed in, but only watched from the doorway as the man writhed and shook under her unrelenting hold and cold gaze. He wheezed when she took the bloodied pin out, only to thrust it again with greater force, making the man wail out. She moved her leg and pressed against his wounded knee as he gasped and shook, crying out for mercy.
"Who sent you?"
"We—W-we got orders—right–high–higher up–higher up–aaagh!!"
He gasped out.
"Who do you work for?"
"H–Henchin–Lee Henchin—"
"He is only the drug peddler. Who is he working for?"
She took out the pin before moving to his next finger, thrusting the pin underneath the fresh fingernail, he cried out again.
"I don't k–Knowww eeeaAAa!" He wailed
"I am going to put this pin right through you eardrum if I hear this bullshit again."
She sounded like she was explaining a life lesson.
"I really—I r–really don't know!" He wheezed out, gasping as she twisted the needle, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay...Who are his biggest suppliers?"
"H–H–be–we–we collect from hyve–hah"
"What was that?" She leaned in closer
"Hybe...we collect from there—aah!"
She finally let go of his hand and wiped the needle off his blood.
"Lee Henchin? We have no evidence against him, he runs two very exclusive clubs and has a restaurant under his name, but he is a big name (Y/N), I can't just allow that."
"But Sir that man did take Lee Henchin's name, we even recorded his confession—"
"By using violence? You know that it would not work. Besides, Henchin's a big name, we have some clue of his association with prominent yakuzas. I am not letting you three meddle into that."
"But Sir, this is our golden chance. He is going to bring us closer to this RM." (Y/N) almost could not believe what she was hearing, but after Dok's death, she knew where Officer Byuk was coming from.
"No (Y/N), you think we have not tried to get to that little rat? We lost two men, not even their families were spared. You have no idea how deep these roots run."
"Three, Sir. We lost three officers in the span of seventeen years."
Officer Byuk looked at her, surprised.
"And so we need to pull these roots out once and for all."
She added.
"You think its easy?"
(Y/N) looked away, having no answer to that. She went straight to Officer Byuk's residence after the 'interrogation'. It was deemed dangerous for the three to travel together to an officer's house.
"Sir...Dok is dead, our teammate is dead and we know who did this."
"And you three will be too if you go after him. We originally started this mission to know about RM's connections, we found that. And we stop here, this would be passed to the higher ups."
"And it will stay there on some unknown desk collecting dust. We know that too Sir."
Officer locked her gaze with a stern stare.
"I am not ready to lose more of my able officers. There is already an investigation going over you, focus on finding evidence against that officer's connection with the underworld."
"But that is connected to this! Henchin might be out key to prove my innocence."
"That would not help as much as you like to think. None of you are going to go after Lee Henchin. Am I understood?"
(Y/N) stared back, frustrated, angry, but silent.
"Yes, Sir."
"Why did we just leave out phones in our cars?" Kyong was visibly annoyed, but had complied to (Y/N)'s demand.
"Because, I think our phones are being tapped."
(Y/N) replied before sipping her tea. She missed a good cup of that. When she...was with Namjoon, she had introduced coffee to her regular diet. Not replacing her tea, but reducing the consumption.
That man had crawled into her mind.
"Well, how did they know that Dok had some important evidence? And when we went to the same spot I woke up in?"
"So you called us here for this?" Kyong had been cold ever since their fight, and while (Y/N) had tried to be understanding, his behaviour was getting on her nerves.
"I am not found of wasting people's time, Kyong. I called you all to tell you that Officer Byuk will not allow us to go after Henchin."
"Guys, keep it low." She hissed, avoiding all the glances and turned heads in the cafe.
"But—but we have his name...Henchin can be a key to prove your innocence as well (Y/N)."
"I know Han. But Henchin, has a record. Most of the cases against him and his pubs are either inconclusive, cold or abruptly closed. There were officers who went behind him, they are all dead. Byuk Sir just does not want to risk our lives."
"But, we are fucking close." Kyong hissed
"We already are taking on this mission without any supervision from the higher ups. He says that he would be sending the details to the intelligence."
"So Dok's death means nothing to them?"
Kyong was understandably upset
"I don't know about them. But we care." (Y/N) reassured.
"But Sir just dismissed any further action."
(Y/N) hummed at Han's words before picking up her filled cup and taking another sip.
She looked at the two, their eyes held question, but also resilience.
"Sometimes...duty comes first, obedience to authority, second."
There were three officers dead in the span of twenty and four years. One, five years ago, second, twelve years ago. And third...seventeen years ago.
Seventeen years ago when she was a six year old child, and she witnessed her father's death.
Because he was the first office to go behind Lee Henchin.
"We will go. Lets start planning."
"Are you sure he would be present in this club tonight?"
After tracking him for a week, they finally had his schedule. Thanks to the informants.
"I'm 99% sure." Kyong replied.
"What do you mean by 99%?" Han was visibly tense.
"Relax, we can never be 100% sure of anything here, can we?" (Y/N) assured him, eyeing the area with a mask of normalcy.
The tree of them came here as any other guest looking to rewind a bit. It was easy to acquire false names and use false information. The club was booming with life, a Friday night in all its glory— messy, lewd, merry, drunk and dancing– everything all at once.
"The VIP and VVIP section is on the first floor, the second floor is off limits, the basement harbours the storeroom an kitchen. Keep eyes on all those heading up. And keep in touch. I will go mingle into the crown from the front, you both choose either corners."
(Y/N) decided, the two nodded before the three separated, moving to their chosen directions. With her mask on and eyes done, (Y/N) made sure to take on a disguise. Her eyes wandered away as she danced her way to the centre, among the crowd of swaying, jumping bodies and flashing lights, all she could see were people who either wanted to burn, or escape, or perhaps both.
Calmly, she ran her eyes over the place, brushing away intruding strangers and drunk office workers. It was a glamorous place, it was a sorry place, it was a safe place for 'deals'.
"Attention, suspect spotted, going up, follow. Over." Han's voice cut through the thrumming music.
"Received, following."
The first floor was quieter, but not untouched by the loud music below. Kyong motioned them to to stay on the darker portions, avoiding cameras. One of their informants worked as a bouncer there. Had it not been for him, they would have no weapons to defend themselves.
The three followed as the three men, surrounded by two bodyguards ascended further. Second floor.
Kyong motioned towards the bathroom before walking in.
If the second floor was off limits, the stair would be the worst way to take. So they had to climb through the bathroom window into the store room of the second floor. Kyong opened the window and entered quietly, only after he was sure everything was clear, signalled for the two to follow. The room was dark, but clear of any threat for now. The informant needed to be rewarded heavily. With practiced stealth, the three made their way out, staying close to the wall, waiting.
A guard entered the seemingly empty hallway, only to be pulled by the neck into another sharp corner, the back of a gun came down heavily on his head, knocking him out immediately.
Han motioned his teammates with a positive sign as the unconscious guards slid down the wall. Dragging his body into an empty room, he took hold of the card required to unlock rooms. They were playing with fire. But it was an absolute necessity.
As they passed through the seemingly empty hallway, in search of those—
Kyong and Han turned to (Y/N) who stood a few feet behind, eyeing a certain door.
"What is it?"
"I think this is the room."
"How do you know?" Kyong eyed the room.
"Yes, we can't be sure." Han added.
"You are right. Do one thing, you two go ahead, I will check this room."
"(Y/N), are you out of your fucking mind?" Kyong hissed "We can't just—"
"I will keep you updated."
She assured them, leaning in to check. So far, silence. Slowly, she pushed the door open to peek in.
"Go. We have limited time."
She urged before they could speak up.
Glancing at the room number once last time, she slid in with caution.
Room number 34.
Had it been a pitch black room, she would not have take much of a risk. But the room was unlocked and dimly-lit. An indication that someone was about to come in, or had recently exited. Using the closet to hide, she slid behind the hanging towels and some washed curtains. The gaps in the door design allowed her unobstructed view of the room.
"In the room, watching. Clear for now. Copy that."
She informed her colleagues through the interconnected earbud before checking the number of spare bullets hidden in her shoes.
Now all was left was to wait. Patience would bear fruits. Or something like that along the lines.
She waited patiently for over an hour–still and quiet until the door the the room finally opened. And the room was illuminated further. Leaning away more into the darkness of the closet, her ears perked up at the sound of footsteps.
And finally, the person was right in her viewing range.
"Any updates?"
Kyong's voice rang in her ear. But she did not reply, she could not.
"Number six. Any update?" This time, it was Han.
"Number two and three...take shelter. Over."
She whispered to the earbud, while her eyes watched the man in front of her.
Officer Byuk.
He made himself comfortable over a cushioned chair by the window in the room after taking out a bottle from the mini fridge in the room. But he took out two glasses and did not uncork the bottle.
She waited in the closet another hour with anticipation before she heard a knock. Byuk instantly rose up and went to answer the door.
"Hello Officer Byuk."
The voice had her tightening her grip on her gun. Ready to shoot.
"Finally, come in please."
She waited with bated breath before the second man came into her viewing range, right in front of her.
"It's a pleasure to see you again Officer."
Namjoon's voice was deeper than she remembered, a gravelly edge that somehow made him sound exactly like the cold-blooded criminal that he was.
"Lee said he's on his way. He will join us shortly." Byuk spoke up, motioning towards the set table.
"Let's wait for Lee." Namjoon offered.
"No alcohol for him today, he's on antibiotics he said." Byuk replied, finally uncorking the bottle and filling the glasses.
"Any new updates?"
"The officers were close. But now that the threat is diffused, I think Lee needs to lay low for a while, some of the officers might not let this go." Byuk replied, sipping on his drink.
Namjoon only hummed.
He lookers slightly different than a month—
One and a half month. It had been almost one and a half month since she had last seen him. All she remembered how lively, kind and gentle he looked. But the man she was looking at now had a sinister edge to him. He always had that, he simply hid that well. He was no longer sporting hair she had last seen him with. It was cut short, somehow enhancing the sense of danger that shadowed his presence.
Her eyes moved from him to Byuk– Uncle Byuk– the man she trusted the most in the world. The one man she had put her blind trust on. She exhaled slowly, trying to keep her bubbling rage at bay as she began to connect the dots.
"Number two and three."
There was no response.
"Number two and three?" She hissed, turning tense with each passing moment.
She loaded her gun noiselessly. Something had gone wrong.
Byuk's phone rang.
"Please excuse me." With that, he picked up the phone and listened. "Shit!" he hissed, cutting the call. "I think I need to get out of here, there are two officers in disguise in this building, I will order them to shoot them at sight."
"Don't kill them now." Namjoon spoke up before rising from his chair, Byuk followed "And there are not two officers, but three."
With that Namjoon marched up to the closet and swung the door open, making her gasp. Before she could injure him, he grabbed her wrist and dropped the gun to his hold.
"Tch, that's dangerous little bird."
The nickname made her sick.
"Think of your friends before you do something."
He whispered coldly while dodging her attacks. Byuk stood there, pale as soon as (Y/N)'s gaze found his while she struggled in Namjoon's hold.
"Easy, Little Bird, we just met, what's the hurry?"
This little shit!
"She will kill us Sir, finish her!"
Byuk's words were the final nail on the coffin. She wanted the write the ending, but perhaps fate had other plans. She could only pray that Kyong and Han get away safely.
"Mind your words, Byuk."
Namjoon's voice dipped lower and Byuk visibly gulped.
"Bu–but she knows now."
At that, Namjoon looked down at her. Finding her eyes still on that imbecile, he gripped her cheeks and compelled her to look at him.
"But she won't let anything happen to her friends, would she? Lee's men already have them. And all they need is a nod from me."
She hated being close to him, and she hated herself even more for realising that she missed him, she missed his proximity, his touch, his eyes, his smile, she missed his voice. She missed him.
His thumb rubbed her cheek with a softness she had yearned for one and a half month. And at that moment, she wished that he were a different man, she wished she never met him, she wished that she never fell in love with him.
"What do you say Little Bird?"
His hold on her was firm– there was no use of struggling anyway, one phone call and Kyong and Han would meet Dok's fate.
He leaned closer, his fingers on her cheeks effectively preventing her to move away. It was an ambiguous feeling when she felt him inhaled a long, sharp breath before breathing into her. Their breath mixing was like a reaction set to scatter the world around.
"My offer still stands, Little Bird. But of course, the choice is yours."
His voice was milk and honey, a mocking smirk on her predicament.
"Sir, we have the two officers." A new voice emerged from the entrance and he finally let go.
She turned to look at the man she had only seen pictures of. But his presence filled her with a sense of disgust she never knew she possessed.
Lee Henchin was an aged up man now, but the wicked shadow he possessed overpowered the room. He glanced her her with a curious tilt of his head
"This one could do for the VVIP clients. One of the girls escaped, we need a replacement anyway for tomorrow."
She felt cold, but the sheer amount of hatred in her urged her to break his face. Maybe take out his teeth– one at a time.
"The Lady is not for sale, Lee." She shivered when Namjoon growled from behind, pulling her closer to him.
And as she watched Lee Henchin's previously confident stan falter subtly, she understood who pulled the shots in the room.
"You can do whatever you want with the rest of them though." Namjoon added.
She tensed at that, and he felt it too, she knew that when he asked her
"Isn't that right, little bird?"
The silence was only a beat long, but it held oceans within.
"Offer accepted." She muttered out begrudgingly.
"What was that honey?" He rose an eyebrow, barely containing his smirk.
She would have slapped that smirk away had it not been Han and Kyong's life at stake.
"I accept your offer. But you will let them go safe, in one piece. And they will never be bothered again."
She looked up to meet his eyes– the deep brooding eyes that reminded her of unwritten poetry and hidden classics read on rainy days were now swirls of storms themselves– all the harsh murky days, the hovering, ominous clouds, the sharp, sudden thunderbolts and the deep rumble that followed.
"Lee, tell your men to release the two. Throw them out of the club."
"Uh–I did not know that she was—"
"Officer Byuk!" His voice rose, cutting Henchin off "Make sure the two never reach here, or me sniffing."
"As you wish, Sir."
He took a completely different way out to reach his car. His hand though gripped hers. Outside stood an imposing car in the middle of two others. Like a gentleman, he opened the door for her, keeping a close eye as she settled into the farthest corner.
But he was least bothered by that. He finally had her in his grapes, and that was all that mattered.
"I'm sorry Little Bird but I can't quite trust you so soon." He urged her to give her hands, keeping his voice gentle.
She should know that he meant no harm. He was not the villain, the world was. She narrowed her eyes at him.
(Y/N) knew that she had no choice, not at the moment at least. It was narrow path and the only way was the way ahead. If she was going to die...Well she did not know anymore. Namjoon's behaviour was odd so far, it kept her guessing.
Swallowing the bitter pill, she placed her hands on his tentatively, only for him to lock them behind her. The coldness came engulfed her wrists soon after.
What a fucking irony.
The cop being handcuffed.
She ground her teeth to keep herself from reacting the way she truly wanted.
Just as she thought that it was over, a black cloth over hear eyes rendered her blind, making her jump, ready to spring into action. But Namjoon's hold on her tightened.
"Shhh, take it as safety measures, Jagi, nothing else."
He cooed at, tying over the blindfold.
"It's' not necessary, I can't go back anyway." (Y/N) felt the simmers of panic in her belly.
"I know Jagi. But I don't take chances with capable people."
It felt simultaneously like a warning and compliment. Perhaps it was. He knew her capacity, and he was not taking any chances. With a defeated sigh, she leaned on the expensive leather of the car, feeling the engine rumbling into life before the slightest jerk indicted that the car was now in motion.
The villa was settled near an isolated road that harboured a stretch of moor on the other side, beyond which laid a highway cutting through a small woodland. And the housekeeper made excellent tea.
There were five of them— those visible at least– her, Namjoon, the housekeeper, a maid and a cook.
A month in the place, (Y/N) at least knew that Namjoon held a high position—Namjoon was his real name after all and it was a stupid as well as smartest move to pull, given that he was, at least very close to the highest and he had spied on her and the department for a long period of time. No one would assume that he used hi real name, criminals never used their real names. She was, though yet to decipher how many of them were hiding in the woods.
"More tea, Madame?" The housekeeper who has been adamant to not tell her his real name, offered to refill her empty cup.
"Thank you, Pep."
(Y/N) nodded to him, smiling faintly as he refilled her cup for the second time.
"No more mooncakes, Pep, I want my tea just as it is."
"Sure." He put away the mooncakes, while she sipped on the tea, watching the wind sweep through the moor in orchid waves.
She kept her eyes on the scene outside, while her ears strained to hear Namjoon on the phone. But he was inside the house and the walls were soundproof.
It had only been a month but to her, it felt like a decade since she had gone to work. Everyday, before her eyes would battle against sleep, all she could think of was Uncle Byuks' betrayal and Lee Henchin.
Lee Henchin...
"I am so sorry, Jagi. My absence sometimes hurts the business."
Namjoon walked up to her with his pretentious apology.
"Why bother to stay back then? Your blood money flow is affected."
He only smiled at her words before turning to the housekeeper. Taking the clue, Pep walked away, leaving the two alone.
"Nothing, (Y/N), is more important than you."
"I don't understand this game..."
And really, she did not. She had no more information to give him. Officer Byuk knew more than her. Had more access. Then why was he even interested in her?
"I did come close to you with the intention to be closer to the ground and have some files." Namjoon confessed, looking away to the moors while he sipped his coffee.
"But even if you don't believe me, Little Bird, I fell, and I fell hard and stupid in love with you." He eyed her for moment before his gaze dropped on his share of mooncakes.
He loved everything sweet, she had learnt.
"Even if you don't believe me, I do not blame you. We have a lifetime to ourselves."
" That's very confident for man who has a boss to answer. What would RM think when they come to know that you an officer?"
Namjoon leaned back, not even a flicker of doubt passing on his face.
"I don't answer, Little Bird."
She frowned and put her cup down.
He smiled indulgently at her, but to her, it felt condescending.
"I don't answer to anyone, Love. People answer to me...I am RM."
She felt cold and parched all over.
Kyong bit into his apple while his eyes remained on the screen in front of him. No, he refused to believe that (Y/N) was dead, as 'evidence' had shown. He would not have believed that Dok was dead had he not seen his body himself. But (Y/N)...He had not seen her body. It was only her gun–bloodied gun. But again, there was no confirmation whose blood was that.
That was a work too lousy to be professional. It was a cover up, and a poor cover up if he may add.
And he won't be at rest until he finds out where (Y/N) was bring her back.
"I'm dead?"
(Y/N) whispered in disbelief as she watched the tv screen. It was a follow up news. And she, like those cold cases piled up inside shelves, was herself reduced to one of them— a cold case that may fascinate many, but not bother any.
"Who put backs news channels here?" RM hissed at Pep who stuttered in his presence.
"I fixed a monthly plan, they must have added—"
"Take that down. Now."
Her name and face was long gone from the screen. Like a flipped page, it was another day, another news, another race for TRP.
But her cheeks trembled.
She was dead to the world, her traces, her existence was wiped out. Even if she were really dead, there was no family to grieve for her. The only person closest to be called a family was the one to give her one final blow.
"Hey, hey, its just to make sure that no one comes after you, yeah? And we can start afresh."
Namjoon's face shielded the screen as he cupped her cheeks, eyes searching–trying to read her, reassure her. Make her feel the safety she never would. Switching the television off, he focused on her again.
"Don't think too much about that, okay? Why don't we..." looking around, he whirred his brain before his eyes landed on a golden wrapper "Why don't we make chocolate together? Hmm? You love baking right? We can bake later."
As if that would help. She was spiralling and she was spiralling fast.
She let him lead her to the kitchen while Pep hurriedly helped to set the ingredients. But her mind was running far away. Was there, really no choice? No hope for freedom?
"It's cold, wear a coat."
Were Namjoon's first words as soon as he was back from his home office and into the bedroom.
"But, we are alright inside?"
(Y/N) was confused. Anybody could tell that it was cold by the blanket of snow covering the moor, some browns still peeking out, but over all, it all stretched white.
"We are going out for a walk." Namjoon smiled at her. The surprise must have been apparent as she put away the book she was reading and sat up straighter.
"Like, now?" Her eye widened in surprise.
He nodded, watching her closely, but there was a softness that did remind her of their older days, but it held something different, something more. She was, finally having the chance to step out of the place after two whole months, and there was no way that she would let this opportunity go. But there was a part of her that seeped in disbelief and suspicion.
Why would he risk it so soon? There had been no indication of him beginning to trust her. Then why?
"I know that the news of...your death charade was a bit too much. But I did what I thought was an absolute necessity. But I cannot bear to see you sad, Little Bird." He walked closer, sitting on his knees to meet her eyes.
He waited for a verbal response, but there came none. She only nodded.
The sound of snow crunching had something satisfactory in it. And as they walked through the snow. Namjoon pulled up the warm scarf.
"Its cold, Jagi, be careful."
(Y/N) nodded and fixed the scarf over her nose as they walked through the snow-covered moor, towards the white woods. His hold remained firm over her other hand though. Fingers intertwining, slithered between the gaps like he had slithered in her life.
Namjoon could not help but look at her with fondness. Even though there was no trace of a complete smile, there was a ghost of it somewhere— a spark in her eyes that had been somewhat dimmed in the past month. Namjoon hated that. He knew that he had hurt her and things had been going hard enough as it was. But, the news headlines about her (faked) death might have been the final hit. She was crumbling, and Namjoon hated that. She had suffered enough. He could always deal with Henchin and Byuk later. But she was his priority.
He kept a close eye on her, while his hand squeezed her gloved ones every now and then as they walked closer to the woods.
"Its a pretty sight."
"You like it?"
Of course she did, the way her eyes took in every detail, it was clear as day that she loved the winter wonderland the small woods would turn into.
"We can..." He weighed his options "We can come here everyday if you like?"
Without another word, she kept walking, her eyes fixed on the ground as they passed through the trees.
"What are you looking at?"
"Huh? Sorry just—what did you say?"
Namjoon observed her a moment before looking away, "Lets go back."
"So soon?"
"Hmm, I don't want you catching cold."
Tugging her to take a turn, he strode back to the villa. His grip, even through the gloves felt tight. Once back, he ordered Pep to prepare tea for them before marching back to the room.
"Is that what you have planned for me? To be your prisoner?"
Even after two months, nothing changed, and her patience was waning."
Namjoon looked up from his tea, eyes gleaming before he put the cup down and sat up straighter.
"You are no prisoner little bird, don't call yourself that. Did you not hear my offer?"
"I accepted your offer. I am here with you, on your whim, in return of my friends' lives."
"No, that's not it. I told you, come with me, you will have more power than a miserable uniform can ever give you. And by now, I assume you know that the silly ideals you were holding onto, hold no place there."
She stared back at him defiantly as she slowly sipped her tea.
"These 'silly ideals took us to Henchin'. We had him that night..."
"Until I appeared."
"Until you appeared."
"And he still lives."
"He is useful to me (Y/N)."
He killed my father.
He killed my father.
He fucking. Killed. My. Father.
In silence, she sipped her tea.
"Why didn't you accept the invitation, it has been a while since we've gone out drinking?"
Han walked along with Kyong, who strode to rush out of the police station as soon as he could.
"I'm not in the mood Han?"
"You said the same last week."
Kyong finally stopped "Because I was not in the mood to go drinking last week too." he sighed out, annoyed.
"Okay, how about this Sunday? You and me?"
"Han, I'm busy this Sunday."
"You dating, man?"
Kyong sighed at the question
"No–I am—Listen Han—"
"No because there is something bothering you. Look, Kyong, I know that losing both of our friends like that is and has been hard so far. It has been three months since (Y/N)'s..." He eyed Kyong cautiously, who only threw him a withering glare before looking away "(Y/N)'s demise."
"Han...Let's not talk about that."
"This is exactly what we need to talk about— first Dok and now (Y/N). I feel guilty too. She sacrificed herself. Lee was going to kill us but—"
"I fought with her, okay? I doubted her, she was the one in trouble and instead of being understanding, I blamed her for Dok's death! That–" he pointed his finger down, moving it with force "— is guilt!"
"Kyong...You can't let this consume you forever, can you?"
Kyong did not reply. (Y/N) was alive. And he was going to bring her back, even from the depths of hell if it were to be.
The gentle snowfall had now turned to occasional blizzards that left a good few feet of snow for days. It was no surprise to her that their daily walks were suspended. But it did come as a surprise when she woke up one a gloomy morning, only to see Namjoon all dressed up.
"Good morning little bird, did you have a good sleep?" He turned to her as soon as she had begun to sit up.
"Are we going somewhere?"
"Me, not you." Namjoon replied, fixing his cufflinks "Be good for me while I'm gone,"
His voice was airy as he approached her to place a delicate kiss on her forehead. Yet his eyes were another story— they held a clear warning.
"The blood-business needs the big bad mafia?"
"Business is business, Jagi. There is only profit, loss and sides. Nothing else."
"So it is important."
"The maid has prepared breakfast, if you want, I can have it brought up." He diverted the topic
"No, thanks, I will take it downstairs."
"Okay. I might be late, do not wait up for me. Sleep on time, okay?"
She looked up to him before looking away with a dismissive nod.
Namjoon sighed, "Things would have been different had you just taken up my offer."
"I am here, am I not?"
"Not willingly. You are holding on some stupid ideals."
"Why must I trust you? You broke my heart– they are my friends who stayed with me. I am not holding on to any ideals anymore Namjoon"
I have a purpose.
Namjoon sucked his cheeks– a tell tale sign of his draining patience. He was a patient man, she would give him that– and perhaps it was the calmness he executed his plans, no matter how cruel– that sent sent chills cascading down her. He was not the one to run with impulse, rather, with a cold, meticulous plan.
All the more difficult to decipher.
Namjoon was a man to not mess with. And while he was an extremely patient man, every man had a fuse. She was in no position to try her luck.
Wanting to be out of the situation, she got off the bed and tried to walk past him, when his hand coiled around her waist, pulling her closer to him, while she kept looking ahead. Yet, there was a pit forming in her stomach.
"Those men had been too near you for my liking. If I wanted, I could have had them ripped apart." His hold tightened as he continued "Limb. To limb. And still have you here."
This made her turn to him– her fiery glare matched his cold contemplation.
"But I did not want that. I do not want you to hate me. So don't make do something that is going to cost our progress." His breath was hot on her skin.
Without another word, she jerked his hand away and strode into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.
Once inside, she waited for a good few minutes before she switched on the flush, then turned the shower on. She had heard the muffled sound of door closing. Opening the bathroom cabinet noiselessly, she rummaged through her sanitary needs before a packet came to her grasp. Dipping her fingers in, she fished out the phone she had hidden. Having checked the bathroom lock one more, she moved away from the door while her thumb rushed to dial a number.
The person picked up after a single ring.
She whispered.
Namjoon waited. Eye glancing on his wrist watch ever so often. He did not like to wait. He was the one make people wait. But this deal was important for a business boost. The larger the company, the easier it was to play the cards.
"Where is he, Lee?"
Namjoon's voice did nothing to show his thinning tolerance. He only flicked his lighter on and lit up the limited edition cigarette to keep his cool. The argument was in his mind, her fierce stare showed no spirit of reconciliation and this was worrying for him. He needed her to see how futile everything was– everything she believed in, and how powerful she could be with him. He wanted her loyalty, only then he could marry her. And if he would not marry soon, one of his rivals would and have a heir before him. He had spilled enough blood to be on top, he did not want more bloodshed. They all had their share when he killed the previous Don and took the throne.
"Jardo, my friend!"
Namjoon looked up to see the awaited guest walking up to him.
"My sincerest apology for the delay, businesses have trouble, Sir..."
Namjoon corrected him before accepting the hand he offered for a shake.
"Jardo Alec, kindly have a seat."
Lee offered the seat right in front of Namjoon.
"So, your dealings in the Latin world is famous here too."
"Not here, its all over the world."
Namjoon tilted his head.
"I have a schedule, Alec, and I would get straight to the point. There is a shipment of merch-material coming for the factories under Hybe. It will stop the your coast for some custom issues– deal with it, refill the packs inside the material and ship it."
"Well, there has been negotiation regarding the price—"
"Seventy million. I want the pure, white and the yellow ones. Put them inside capsules" Namjoon interrupted.
Jardo sat back, surprised at the lack of negotiation.
"You have got your pockets full, RM."
Namjoon smiled while rising up and buttoning his suit, the rest of the men mirrored his actions.
"Lee will inform you regarding the rest. But I need the shipments before the top five groups begin their world tours."
"You want to sell in the concerts? That's a risky job."
Namjoon took in his cigarette, letting the fumes enter his system.
"Its a risky business."
Kyong's eyes took in the computer screen that showed the targets. He the location of the guards loitering in the woods near the villa. Namjoon was out in months. Surely, the guards would be on high alert.
His specialization in hacking did come handy when he was able to get past the security system of the cameras outside the villa and in the woods as well, to note the movements of Namjoon's men. But he could not stay for long, the breach would be eventually detected.
He noted their movements for a few hours before retreating. There was a pattern, but that was not his problem. The problem was the fucking high-functioning front with a camera that overlooked the area. He needed to find out first who had the control of the drone.
"The risotto was delicious Pep."
"Thank you Ma'am." Pep smiled, bowed and retreated.
Just as she had finished her lunch, the gates of the villa opened,
"The weekly groceries are here, Madame."
"I have just finished lunch, don't bother about me, go fetch that."
Pep bowed lightly before rushing to open the door. Bags of the listed items were carried in by two sturdy men.
"Do they have the chocolates I ordered?"
She followed them into the kitchen as Pep prepared to stock up the pantry.
"Oh, here it is." He handed over the box of chocolates to her. Her eyes flicked over the two men there, then on Pep before she open the box.
"I will be in the bedroom Pep, have the evening tea sent up, will you?"
"As you wish, Madame."
She nodded before popping in one of the chocolates in her mouth and walking away.
Once inside the confines of her bedroom, she sighed. Nearing the intercom, she tossed away the chocolate box and picked up the intercom. Taking out a chip from her mouth and wiping it clean, she took off its plastic coat and glued it to the back of the device.
"I don't understand, what do you mean by lost data?"
Namjoon was tense. How could it be? They have lost a dozen of profiles of their guards? Check for a breach."
"Checked Sir, there was none. It seems like a glitch." His men from the other end of the phone explained.
"Okay, send this case to the higher up. I don't want another sloppy hacker job."
Well, the day could not get any worse.
It had been two days since his confrontation with (Y/N) and she had been colder than before. No snide remarks, or witty, scalding comebacks, just the silence. Jardo and his deal was facing an obstacle regarding bribing the customs, and now some of his guards' biodata suddenly went missing.
Namjoon was on edge. Her jerked his tie to loosen up as the car sped through the muddy countryside road. The melting snow and the icy wind did not help.
"Bring me me a coffee!" He growled as soon as the housekeeper opened the door for him.
"Sure, Sir."
Tossing away his dirty overcoat, he ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes looked up to his room, usually, the lights would be on, but the room was all dark with the door wide open.
"Where (Y/N)?"
"Upstairs, Sir."
"She's not in the room." He pointed while taking the steaming cup from the housekeeper's grasp.
"She's on the terrace Sir."
He stopped just as he was about to take a sip. "The terrace? It's fucking dark! Why is she still there?"
He did not wait for an answer, instead, he ascended the stairs.
The terrace was lit up, as usual, just not empty anymore.
"What are you doing here?"
Her back was facing him when he reached the terrace
"I was bored."
She replied without turning.
"There are plenty of subscriptions for you, there are video games"
(Y/N) finally turned as he neared her.
"Thank you." Her honeyed tone stung.
"How long are you going to keep this up? What the fuck—-" Namjoon stopped mid-way, recollected himself after a long breath and resumed "What do you want?"
"You know what I want Namjoon, and even with all the money you can't give it to me."
"I can, once I begin to trust you."
"You proved me dead to the world! You have officers on your payroll, and you are still afraid."
"I am never afraid!"
With a roll of her eyes, she brushed past him.
Fuck it!
Namjoon turned around and strode behind her, grabbing her arm and jerking her to stop and turn to him.
"I've had enough! You think you can torment me like that?"
With a tilt of her head, she assessed him "I think its working. Cool off, Namjoon."
His hold only tightened.
"I have been patient enough, have I not? How long are you going to keep—"
"I do not play with people Namjoon. And then you have the audacity to complaint." It was not an outburst like before– it was plain, cold and as much as he wanted to deny– factual.
"You can't keep this up."
She rose her eyebrow, infuriating him further "Watch me." this time, she forcefully jerked his hold off and walked away.
Namjoon just stood there. Heaving. Burning.
Cool off.
The words did nothing to cool him off. In fact, it had the opposite affect. He needed her. He love her and she needed to know that. So he rushed after her. Chasing her like a lifeline, the only hope of survival.
He did not know what came after what, or how many more emotions he was feeling. But he knew he loved her.
And that it hurt when she refused to believe him.
She was already in their room, walking in just in time as he rushed in, kicking the door close. But when she turned around to tell him off, his fingers wrapped around the back of her neck before he pulled her into a burning kiss.
It was like an imprint on his soul– he had been waiting, he had tried to be patient, but she was stubborn, and fiery, and righteous– he loved her, he loved everything about her, but above all, he would love to let his darkness bend her righteousness.
He felt her tugging him closer. He knew he was ingrained in her. She loved him too. His movements were quick and rough as he got rid of her clothes, not caring if he ripped them away in the process, removing his own as well.
It was static energy in the room, thick passion and meaning line between insanity and passionate.
"You fucking get on my nerves sometimes!" He growled, parting her legs with a firm, sharp movement but surprisingly, not rough.
"I thought the boss never loses his cool?"
He chuckled humourlessly at the poking.
"You wanted me to beg you, didn't you? Beg you for forgiveness and tell you how right you were?" his thumb found her pearl with practised ease, her sharp intake of breath only fuelled his desire "I do not beg!" he hissed on her face, playing with her pearl "I. Beg. Nobody!"
"Tell that to yourself Joon–keep telling that to yourself until you fool yourself." She replied breathlessly, somewhat grappling with her wit amidst the onslaught of pleasure coming down on her.
Namjoon froze at the nickname. She had called him Joon after so long. It was like returning home after a hard exile.
His movements slowed down eventually, but never came to a halt. He leaned in and kissed her with tenderness– all the tenderness he could have in his heart– the remaining, the newfound, the churned, the ruined.
It did pain him to see her surprised eyes. A remained of the painful fact that she did not trust him, and it was a long way ahead to rebuild their relationship– one that would never be the same, since its very foundation was based on deception.
But in the end, their love would prevail. His love would prevail– even if it was crafted by the nefarious creatures below.
And if...
He dove in, peppering kisses on her bare breast, feeling them to his heart's content.
And if she would never love him the same again...
His one finger teased her folds, testing, feeling her legs spread further unconsciously, making him smirk.
His love was enough.
His finger dipped in. He had missed touching her, feeling her. It was moment he wished could last longer.
He kissed her again, this time, he felt her pulling him closer.
His finger reached deeper, feeling her velvet walls clamp around while she tensed. His thumb continued to play with. Her fingers sprawled over his naked chest, the nails barely scratching him– light and teasing. If she was doing that knowingly– she was playing with fire.
His other hand buried itself in her hair, fisting it lightly while he deepened the kiss, light moans only encouraged him to act further. Adding another finger, her moved them further, occasionally circling them to earn those sweet moans that spilled from her lips. His fingers moved and her hips followed, her hold on him tightened, sliding towards his shoulders.
"All you have is me."
He whispered into her ear, quickening his pace, watching in glee as her eyes rolled back before he felt her spilling on his fingers– hot, gushing as the walls spasmed.
He was a patient man...
But it had been so long since he felt her around him.
Diving in for another intense, mind-robbing kiss, he parted her legs further with his knees, fingers still buried knuckle-deep inside her.
The sudden flashes of her with another man sent him to a frenzy. Had he not promised her to spare their lives...
She moaned into the kiss, hissing as his fingers moved slowly inside her, occasionally parting to prepare her for him. Finally pulling away his fingers, he smeared her wetness all over his manhood before letting the bulbous head tap against her folds teasingly. His patience thinned further when she mewled into the kiss. Relenting against his tongue while he slid inside her, slowly stretching her, inch by inch, until he was buried as deep as he could be.
But he wanted to bury himself deeper.
He wanted to leave traces on her soul, he wanted to run in her veins, he wanted to be the one in her mind and the first on her tongue.
"I missed you." He was turning breathless with all the adrenaline pushing up in his system. Yet, he did not want to hurt her.
To him, she would always be his little bird
"You had me."
"I missed this. You, like this! We–we can always...always go back to as we were."
His hips moved in sync with hers. In that moment, they both were one. And he wished the moment would last till eternity.
It was like his soul was reaching out for hers.
He lied. He knew he lied.
He would beg.
For her, to her.
If that was what it took to being them back to the lovely days they once shared.
He moved faster, basking in that moment, deluding himself that everything was alright.
At least he could relish it as long as it lasted.
Her legs wrapped around his hips as they both shuddered in ultimate contentment. It was quiet for a while as they settled under the covers.
"We can start afresh, love." Namjoon whispered, letting his fingers run through her hair, moving away strands as he cherished the tender moment.
Her previously closed eyes opened with unfathomable gaze.
"No, Namjoon. We are not meant to start afresh." With that, she moved the covers and got off the bed.
Grabbing things from the closet, she walked into the bathroom, unbothered by Namjoon's heated stare on her.
Sitting up, Namjoon picked up the cigarette pack and the lighter beside it. Pulling one between his lips, he lit the cigarette. The smoke clouded his vision as he exhaled, leaning back while his eyes kept finding their way back to the shut bathroom door every now and then.
Halfway through his smoke, he got off the bed and wore a pair of sweats.
Still no sign.
Frowning, he turned to pull the curtains of the window a bit and—
As soon as he saw the bloody corpse of one of his guards, he rushed to the bathroom.
No response.
With one powerful kick, the bathroom door flew open, letting him view the now wide open window with its glass slates cleanly removed with thick towels.
"(Y/N)! FUCK!"
He bellowed.
The snow was thick and the dark woods did not make it any easier. There was blizzard due and they had to reach their car before that.
"Careful there," Han held (Y/N) as she tripped, almost falling flat on the ground "You sure you're not hurt?"
His questioned made Kyong turn to check on her as well, he had been a bit ahead if them, but within the earshot.
"No—I'm okay. Its get out of here." (Y/N) reassured Han, who eyed her with concern, but nodded nevertheless.
Kyong and Han had pulled off the impossible. She had only heard of Kyong's legendary hacking skills...Had seen him hacking no more than modest systems but as they made their way through the silent, snowy forest, she was introduced to his and Han's true potential.
But that was not the thought that plagued her mind– it was filled with the flashes of her and Namjoon– their bodies mingled together. He looked at her with so much of tenderness, with the vulnerability that she refused to believe in. it felt like they were even now.
He deceived her, she betrayed him.
And yet...
And yet there was no trace of satisfaction, or simmering down of the—-
Han ducked down just at the right moment, and the bullet hit the tree before him.
"Everyone, down!"
(Y/N) instructed, pushing Kyong away before another shot was fired at him.
"We need to split." She declared as they took cover. It was silent but the light crunching of the snow conveyed approaching danger.
"But we–"
"Now, Han. Go right, Kyong, follow this path. He's after me. I will go left. You two– if I do not return withing twenty minutes, get out of here."
"What? (Y/N). we are not leaving you behind!" Kyong hissed, eyes still ahead in search of the attacker.
"I won't let you guys die because of me–Dok was—"
"It wasn't your fault." Kyong finally looked at her, his hardened gaze softened slightly "It wasn't...I'm sorry. I should have been more understanding."
(Y/N) nodded.
Kyong frowned but obliged, nudging Han to slip out first without coming under notice.
"We will see you on the road by the woods?" Kyong's waited for assurance.
Assurance. That was all she could give him at the moment. So she nodded.
With a nod, he began to crawl back, maintaining cover of the trees an shrubs. Once he motioned (Y/N), she made a quick dash to her left– deliberately exposing herself.
Her legs worked fast, but she could hear the sound of quick boots approaching. The snow was only slowing her down. But slowing down was not an option.
She could hear him running parallel to her, but with the blurring rights, she could see nothing. He was like an invisible hunter.
But she was no prey.
All she had to do was to distract—
She fell to her side, allowing her had to slow down the momentum. But it was painful, especially due to the weight of another man over her. She heard him snigger humourlessly as he locked her to the ground. Knees pinning her legs while he locked her wrists behind her back with one hand. The barrel of the gun felt hot pushed on the nape of her neck. But his breath falling so close stole overshadowed the sense of danger a gun would bring.
"Not so fast." He growled lowly and she shivered, pressing the gun harder
The snow was cold and the jacket did little to help her. Her breathing ruffled some of the dried leaves close by as adrenaline pumped through her.
"I will fucking kill him–kill them both!"
Namjoon would keep his promise. And that gave her all the more reasons to get out.
"No, you will not."
She hissed before navigating her fingers to press on the spot near his thumb, making him loosen his grip a bit but that was enough for her. Her elbow shoved on his jaw as she twisted her body out of his grip. Putting her weight on her upper body, she managed to flip him off her. Rolling over, they both were quickly back on their feet. The only difference being Namjoon's gun now kicked away while (Y/N) had her gun pointed at him.
His smile was unnerving--eyes still raging with emotions. Despite the low visibility, she could see how deranged he looked.
"Yeah, fire now. That would help you in future."
His voice had a tremble.
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes, squinting to get a better look at him. The faint lights told her that the edge of the woods was nearby.
She could fire. She had the gun– a loaded gun. But how could she?
She realised the emptiness she had within after looking at Namjoon's eyes. Her vision blurred but she blinked away the tear immediately.
It's the cold.
It's cold.
She told herself.
"Back off Namjoon. I have nothing to lose anymore. I can keep you off the radar. Just don't come after me."
"I will always come after you Darling. So, shoot me now."
He chuckled at her lack of response.
"Why? Can't pull the trigger? Don't you hate me?"
"You made a fool out of me." (Y/N) growled, feeling anger bubbling up on the surface "Deceived me. Lied to me. Backstabbed me!"
"And yet I loved you. All through my lies, I loved you...I did what I ought to do. But I could never kill you."
He was supposed to kill her?
"We are even now, aren't we? Just come back. Cut the chase."
His voice was a siren call. But she would not be deceived this time.
"We can never be even Namjoon. I lost everything because of people like you."
The loud sound of the door breaking made her whimper, but it was all muffled with the sound of gunfire.
Through tears and fabrics, she could only watch as the once cream wall splattered with blood, and more blood before the lights were out.
She gulped.
She should have forgotten it. Buried it deep down. But she never allowed herself to forget that. She had to remember each and everything so that she could tell the child psychiatrist. Each and Everything.
"And you think you are all angels in that uniform?"
She shook her head.
Lies were worn under uniforms as well. There was no difference.
" Of course, there are no angels in this world Namjoon."
Her world was turned upside down. Her perception was cracked and her beliefs toppled. She was dead to the world. Being dead in reality would not make much of a difference.
She had nothing to lose.
"But that won't matter."
With that, she pulled the trigger.
The streets were in a lull. At he peak of winter, snow blanketed the footpath the bicycle lanes hardly had any tracks. Red, golden and green lights lit up near doors and on windows, like vines creeping all around. Some doors had the wreath hanging with toy bells.
Byun was home after a double shift– weary eyes, sagging shoulders– he knew he needed a warm bath. The process of unlocking the door felt tedious, but as soon as she shut the door, the warmth of his apartment invited him.
It was freezing.
And the predictions were that it would snow heavily by the weekend. While everyone would be cozied under blankets and the roof of their homes, people like him would have to slave their way through the weekended to save the sorry-ass streets.
He threw his overcoat off, along with his cap before roughly taking off his watch—
He stood stiff, straining his ears while his fingers silently took out his gun.
Muffled voices from his bedroom door which was shut tight. He was home after more than twenty four hours but he remembered leaving it open.
He always left it open.
Deliberately, he made his way to his kitchen, making sure he made enough disturbances. Switching on his expresso machine, he stealthily glided along the walls, making it to his bedroom.
The muffled voices did not cease. Silently, he tried the door knob– unlocked.
In a flash, he kicked it open and aimed his gun towards the intruders, fully expecting people to fire at him.
The door creaked as it moved to and fro due to the force it was opened with, while the bedroom remained plunged in darkness and—-
The voice.
It was his voice!
Coming from a voice recorder sitting on the middle of the bed.
"Hi, I'm Byun. I have just prepared a team of four. They will come after your men. Reach the docks an hour before the time. I don't want them caught. No, listen, I can mislead for so long–they're no kids okay? Yeah they–*sigh* I am calling you through his phone so that we are safe. Tell Mr Lee all about the delivery– yeah—"
Byun reached quickly to shut it off, his gun still pointing ahead.
He was not wrong, his house was broken into.
A speeding car momentarily flashed some light into the darkness.
He was not alone.
"I've seen you...come out..." He demanded gruffly, keeping a cool exterior.
From the darkest corner, she emerged like a ghost. Parts hidden by the darkness, parts exposed by the uneven streetlight.
"A-aa—you fire that gun and yet this recording is going to be on air, I have put it on timer."
Her eyes flickered on the gun pointed on her direction but they were looking into his in no time.
"I wasn't going to shoot." Byun deadpanned.
"Why?" (Y/N) rose an eyebrow with an amused smirk.
"Because its you."
She only titled her head, "You underestimated me Byun."
His name sounded cold as she neared him.
"Like you underestimated my father."
"He died because he was foolish. I warned him against them–but he was stubborn. He brought it to himself. You were following his path."
She shook her head.
"I am not my father Byun. I learnt my lesson early."
The silence between them was thick and strained, but it lasted only a moment.
"I you kill me the department would know and—"
"I give you two straight options– either this recording of yours goes on-air and the police, the intelligence and Henchin himself come after you to give you the death you deserve...Or you end it all by yourself and make it easier for yourself."
Byun chuckled in disbelief.
"I am being merciful Byun. Take it while you can."
"You are showing me mercy because you can't kill me yourself." He pointed out.
"What would be worse? Your recording coming out or being killed by my hands?" She looked at the wall clock hanging behind him "Fifty seconds more, and it all is going to go on air. The department would want to look good in the public eye– they would want you behind bars, or dead... And Henchin would reach you behind bars too."
Conflict flickered all over his face, his forehead glistened.
"Lee will come after you." He tried to intimidate.
But (Y/N) only smiled– faint and tight– matching her steeled gaze
"I will be waiting."
"You cannot—"
"(Y/N)--" he hissed
"You will gain nothing!"
"Six" She sniggered.
He was growing breathless
In a flash, he pointed his gun at his head"
The once pristine wall beside him was sprayed with blood. Some flecked her face too as she watched his body drop down.
She would have stared longer, but she knew that she had no time to waste. Choosing the fire escape, she noiselessly made her way out of the building while muffled voice of disturbance and commotion began to stir up.
Once a safe distance away, (Y/N) wiped her face before fishing out a cigarette and a lighter from her coat's pocket.
As she lit her cigarette, she saw the trembling of her hands.
Continued here.
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Miles Fairchild headcanons
Warnings: yandere Miles, self harm, smoking , reader and Miles are making out(?), mention of kidnapping, negative self talk , manipulation, idk if there is anything else
Summary: how I think Miles would act with a s/o with self destructive tendencies (that's totally NOT self projecting). There are two version. One with a not yandere Miles and one with a yandere one. The first part applies to both
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(I know this isn't a miles gif but I couldn't find any good ones. Also not my gif)
If we're being objective, he wouldn't realise until later on , since he views most self destructive behaviors as normal(we all know he is self distractive too)
He would meet you at some shady place like an alley or the back of the school building. You were holding a cigarette between your fingers
Seeing you smoke he asked for one too
You gave him one and lighted up for him , his face close to yours , a smirk forming on his lips
That's when he knew
After that he would look for you in every place he went
He was quick to notice how you were always fiddling with your fingers , pulling the skin from around them
Later on when he saw you eat he realized that you ate too little/ too much
Chewing the inside of your cheek was something that he quickly noticed how often you did
Most kids Miles knew smoked for one reason: to impress their peers. That's how it always started before ending in a habitthat carried people in their adult life
He knew that some people also smoked because they were 'troubled'
But with you it was different.
It seems that you did it from pure hatred towards yourself
He had the impression that you heard somewhere that phrase ' smoking kills' and that's how you picked up the habit
Not-Yandere Miles
When you too got together he tried helping you avoid those habits in the most subtle of ways
Going in for a kiss whenever he notice you biting your lip and holding your hand when you started messing with it
Once his hand somehow stoked the inside of your wrist and he felt something weird
You felt something was wrong and you looked at him
He was staring at your hand and appeared to be having a mental debate
His subtlety was stopped at once that day
' do you cut yourself?'
You tried pulling of his arms . He didn't let you
You couldn't look at him
'no , i-' you tried saying but then glansed up at him catching his gaze.
You shut your mouth
'can I see?'
You hesitantly nodded.
Lifting your sleeve up , he didn't like what he was seeing. Old scars all around , with new ones not taken care of properly
He took you to his bathroom , bandaging you up
That was it for Miles. He now understood how he needed to help you.
' that's it. I have noticed some things that you fo and need to be stopped '
He always told you haw pretty and smart as capable you were , but after that he would be even more adamant about it
Negative self talk? Say goodbye to that shit because now whenever you try to talk bad about yourself he will cut it out immediately
Smoking? I don't think so. He will keep a close eye on you . Of course he can't tell you not to do it , but he can distract you and start making out with you so that you do it less
He holds your hand All. The. Time
Self harm? Nuh in, how about any time you feel like that you go talk to him. He will let you on the drums , trying to teach you . He will take you on a harse ride , running in the estate.
Yandere Miles
When you too got together he slowly and easily manipulated you
You would say something like 'i am so dumb' and instead of him saying you aren't ,
he would kiss your cheek and say ' well you are a bit dumb but that's why you need me'
He didn't like you piching the skin around your nails
'stop doing that, it's stupid!'
He would do like weird half insults
' you are so useless , but at least you're pretty'
' you're lucky I love you or else I wouldn't be able to stand you'
He would either think smoking is cool and encourage it or he would just not allow you to ever smoke again. No in between
Noticing your self-harm though?
Oh that changes everything
Takes everything sharp you own and hides it away.
Regularly checks your wrists to make sure there are no new scars
Threatens you to never do that to your self again
Would even get to the point of kidnapping you to keep you from doing it
'why would you do that! Do you not live me?'
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taevolu · 3 months
Parasocial [Part Two: Night to Remember] 18+
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Brief Summary: she was a streamer that liked to play games for fun and to meet new people. Her fanbase was growing more and more and she loved to interact with her fans as much as possible. However, someone wanted something more than just online interactions. He wanted her, needed her and would do anything just to be with her.
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader 
Genre: Smut, Thriller, Drama
Word Count: 3,984
Warnings: yandere tae, taexdom, obsessive/possessive tae, stalker, masturbation, home invasion, alcohol, drugs, rape, kidnapping, murder
Parts: Part One, Part Two
***I do not portray any of the members to act like this in real life as they do in this story, this is all fictional!***
Taehyung looked over to his phone to check the time, 17:30, the time you usually got home from work. He saw you walk over to your front door, closing it behind you. He slowly walks over to the window that was beside the door, watching to make sure that the coast was clear of you. Once he saw you head over to the bathroom, he used the same fingerprint and slowly entered the unit. He carefully walks over to your bathroom, hearing the shower turn on. There was a small crack in the door, big enough for him to see you removing your clothes and entering the shower. He bites his lips as he watches you wash your body, eyeing your perked up breasts.
He sees you grab the detachable shower head, switching it to the jet setting. You slowly aim the water onto your clit, your body twitching at the sudden pressure. You close your eyes while leaning onto the wall of your shower, circling the water around your clit. Taehyung’s cock throbbed in his sweats, so aroused that it hurt. Taehyung continues to watch you play with yourself , releasing his cock from his pants and smoothing his pre-cum all over his dick, pumping while he hears your moans.
You were about to get out of the shower, telling Taehyung that it was time to leave his position. He quickly moved over to your gaming room, knowing that you would go straight to your room to get ready. He sees you walk through the hall to enter your room, leaving your door wide open. He sees you drop your towel onto your bed, seeing your body once again and fighting the urge to run over to grab your body, but he couldn’t do that just yet. He eyed you while you clothed yourself with a tight fitting red dress, drooling at the sight as it wrapped your body nicely.
As much as he wanted to stay and watch, he looked over to his phone to check the time, 18:20, it was time for him to finally get dressed. He waited for you to head over to another room and with timing being so perfect, you made your way back into the bathroom to finally do your hair. He slowly walks over to your front door to leave, silently closing the door to not get your attention. Taehyung found it very attractive that you masturbated often, loving how he was able to see you in action every time.
It was risky to be at your place while you were still awake but he couldn’t help himself, he was obsessed with you. He wanted to see you everyday, wanted to see every inch of you, because to him you were perfect for him. 
It was now 20:30 and you began to head out of your unit but as you were heading out, you saw a familiar figure. It was Taehyung. He was also on his way to head out. You quickly gathered your things and walked over to him.
“Hey! Nice seeing you here.” You spoke aloud which made Taehyung slightly jump.
You giggle, “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” You say.
Taehyung chuckles nervously, “It’s okay.” He looked a bit nervous.
“Are you okay?” You ask. He turns his body towards you, his eyes roaming your body then back to your eyes.
He gives a smile, “I’m okay, just a little anxious going out with you for the first time.”
“Don’t be!” You start, “I’ll make sure that we will have fun today.” You gave him a smile to reassure him as he smiled back at you.
Both of you walked up to the elevator but you remembered that earlier you invited Mael to join in as it was a night for only you and Taehyung and haven’t mentioned it to him yet, “Oh and I did invite Mael to come with us to the club. He kept annoying me at work about being ‘safe’ so I just invited him so he could shut up.” You shook your head as you were still annoyed about Mael, but Taehyung just laughed.
“It’s okay. More the merrier I guess.” He says. Taehyung was annoyed that Mael ended up tagging along as it  ruined Taehyung’s plans of having you for himself today.
Taehyung offered to drive the both of you to the club, you didn’t mind as you did plan on getting a couple of drinks to loosen up a bit from work. It was a quiet drive as you admired the city lights brightening the night. Taehyung did open up a conversation about Mael, wondering about the relationship between the two of you. But you and Mael were just best friends and had no intentions of being with each other whatsoever since you both did grow up together.
Taehyung notes, a bit of relief flushing his body as he now knows that you didn’t have any deep feelings for Mael.
After a while, the both of you finally got to the club. On the way to walking in, you see Mael sitting on one of the couches waiting for you and Taehyung. Mael looks up and finds your eyes in the crowded room, standing up to walk over to you both.
“Took you guys long enough.” He shouts to be heard over the blasting music that was filling the place.
You roll your eyes, “Loosen up dude and find yourself a girlfriend or something.”
Mael shakes his head, “I’m sticking to you guys.” You knew that Mael was trying to ‘protect’ you from Taehyung which irritated you but you didn’t want to start anything. It was your night to finally get your mind off of the stress of work.
You begin to walk over to the dance floor, Mael and Taehyung following like dogs on leashes. You start to dance and motion the two to do the same. They both looked uncomfortable and very stiff while doing so, making you laugh at the sight.
“You guys need some drinks.” You start, “Mael, can you buy us some please? I’ll pay you back.” Mael nods and leaves you and Taehyung on the dance floor.
You danced carelessly to the music, arms up while swaying back and forth, and Taehyung watches in admiration. You try and talk Taehyung into dancing with you, he hesitates a bit but slowly starts to move with you, making you giggle at his small movements. You pull him closer to you, placing your arms around his neck to manipulate his movements to yours.
“Follow my moves!” You shout. He moves his hands over to your hips and begins to sway along with you, “That’s it!”
As the two of you continue to dance, you feel Taehyung loosening up a bit under your touch. You remove your arms from his neck and turn around, your ass right in front of his crotch. You begin to give him a lap dance as he remains with his hands on your hips, biting on his bottom lips as he stares at your ass.
But the two of you were interrupted by Mael as he showed up with the drinks, “A long island for the lady and a whiskey sour for Taehyung.” You straighten up your posture and grab the drink from Mael, drinking already half of the glass.
“Slow down there y/n.” You hear Taehyung say.
“She loves her alcohol.” Mael states, Taehyung chuckles at that fact.
“Come on, drink! We are here to have fun!” You see the two men shake their heads but take a sip of their drinks.
The three of you, now with four rounds of alcohol in your systems, are dancing together with another group of people and having the time of your lives.
Taehyung decides to leave for a moment to go get another round of alcohol, whispering in your ear before he leaves. He already knew that you were already tipsy after the fourth round which led him to start his arrangement. He walked over to the bartender to order the drinks and once he did, he walked over to a corner that didn’t have much of a crowd. He reaches over to one of his pockets, revealing a bag of ketamine already in powdered form. He sprinkles the powder into your drink and mixes it in so it is unseen. He walks back to where the group was and handed you your drink and Mael’s undrugged drink. Per usual, you start to drink the glass without any care on the taste. Taehyung watches you as you dance away to the music, looking at his phone to keep track of the time the drug will start to kick into your system.
A couple of minutes in, you were already showing symptoms. Your dancing became more inconsistent, your words becoming more slurred and you started to feel a bit drowsy. Taehyung notices that it started to kick in, however, Mael runs over to you as he also sees that you were a bit off.
“Are you okay, y/n?” Mael shouts over to you. Words weren’t able to leave your mouth, only a hum to respond to the anxious Mael. Mael shakes his head in frustration as it was your fault of not being able to control your alcohol consumption. Mael walks over to Taehyung with you around his arms, holding you up so you don't fall to the ground.
“I am going to leave and bring y/n home. She had a bit too much.” Mael clicks his tongue as he sees you with your eyes barely open and laughing as you caress Taehyung’s face.
“Okay, thank you, Mael.” Taehyung responds, but he wasn’t going to stay much longer either. He watched you and Mael walk out of the club and begin to leave as well. He slowly walks over to the parking lot, waiting for Mael to start his car and leave, then Taehyung follows behind.
He watches Mael carry you into your unit as you were too unconscious at this point. Taehyung waits for a few minutes, waiting for Mael to leave your apartment. A couple seconds later, Mael leaves and heads to the elevator. This was finally Taehyung’s time.
Taehyung begins to walk to the door of your apartment, opening the door slowly as he silently walks over to your room. There you are laying on your bed, still wearing your little red dress. He closes your door shut, waking you up from the loud thud.
“Is that you Mael?” You murmur in sleepiness.
“Yeah, it's just me.” Taehyung says as he tries to imitate Mael’s voice.
You just hum in response, immediately snoring. Taehyung sighs in relief as you go back to sleep, hoping that you’re down for good.
He walks closer to you, scanning your body from head to toe, admiring your perfect body. He extends his arm to lightly caress your face, you flinched a little but it wasn’t much for you to wake up.
It was time.
Taehyung begins to lift up your dress to expose your black laced panty. He wraps his fingers around the hem of your underwear, pulling them down to uncover your pussy. He leans in to take in the whiff of your smell, a moan escaping his lips. He unbuttons his pants and quickly removes them to reveal his cock, already hard from the sight of you. He reaches in his pants to pull out a lube bottle that was inside his back pocket and opens it to apply the lube onto his cock. He positions himself, his cock now in front of your pussy. He slowly enters you, moaning from the warmth and tightness of your pussy. He begins to thrust back and forth as your pussy slowly becomes wet, your juices coating his already lubed penis. A shiver runs down Taehyung’s spine as he was waiting for this moment for a long time, to finally have you just for him.
He loved you so much.
He quickened his pace while grabbing onto your breasts, pounding into you as you moan in your sleep. He was close to his orgasm but he didn’t want to cum just yet as he wanted to savor this moment with you. He pulls out and repositions himself, his face in front of your wet pussy. He uses his hands to spread your lips apart to reveal your pink pussy, playing with it as he loved the way your pussy sounded when it was wet. He moves closer to you to lick your juices up, slurping every drop of you. He hears you silently moan, making him smile to himself as he eats you out. He gives you one last kiss on your pussy and straightens himself up to thrust his cock back into your pussy. He wished that you were awake to see you in pleasure because of him, to hear your moans filling up your room, but he couldn’t have that yet. All that matters right now is that he was able to finally feel the way your pussy wrapped so nicely around his cock.
“Fuck, you feel so good y/n.” Taehyung whispers to himself as he pumps inside you.
He starts to pump faster as he comes inside of you, but he doesn’t stop. He continues to thrust into you as he sees his cum oozing out of your pussy, creaming everywhere, the sight he wanted to see. He pulls his cock out and reaches for his phone to snap a picture of your creamed pussy.
It was a shame that you weren’t able to cum along with him but he knew that it was going to happen at some point, he wasn’t going to give up on you.
You were woken up by the sun shining down your windows, head throbbing from the night of the club but there’s another unusual feeling. Your crotch was in pain and you felt stickiness in between your legs. You reached down to your pussy to find out what it was, only to realize that you didn’t have your panties on. You slide out of bed, your body sore from the night before, your crotch in pain for reasons unknown. You limp your tired body to the bathroom and check yourself in the mirror seeing dried cum around your pussy, you were raped. You start to panic as you couldn’t recall anything that happened the night before, regretting your decision of being wasted. You begin to think about the people you were with. You knew that Mael and Taehyung cared too much to take advantage of you, but were you right?
You suddenly hear your doorbell ring, removing you from your thoughts. You grab your robe that was hanging on your bathroom door and head to your front door. You look through the peephole only to find Taehyung outside of the door. You open the door to reveal Taehyung with your usual, a warmed croissant and a chai. You give him a weak smile, Taehyung giving you a worried expression.
“What’s wrong, y/n?” He asks with concern. Hearing his words makes you burst in tears, Taehyung welcoming himself in to lead you to your living room.
You try to speak but words weren’t able to escape, Taehyung bringing you in for a hug to comfort you in distress.
“It’s okay, y/n, I’m here.” He rubs your back as he hugs you, your body beginning to relax as you hear his soothing words.
You gently pull away, looking at Taehyung as he keeps his arms by your side, “I think i was raped last night, Taehyung.” You say, your voice cracking.
“Do you know who it was or recall anything that happened last night?” You shake your head in response, tears starting to roll down again. You feel Taehyung’s hand on your face, wiping away your tears.
“I don’t recall anything that happened last night, Taehyung. All I remember is dancing in the club.” You stutter, “Do you remember anything from last night?”
Taehyung looked to the side and sighed, “You were a bit wasted last night and Mael decided to take you home for the night but that’s all I know from there.”
Your eyes widened in realization. You start to remember a glimpse of you going back home with a man, placing you on your bed and feeling the way he used your pussy that night. You shake your head in disbelief, your head spinning from the information. It couldn’t be, right? Mael couldn’t have done this. He was your best friend for 14 years, he couldn’t have taken advantage of you.
“He couldn’t have done this to me.” You say in a whisper. Anger now taking over your body, “He couldn’t have done this to me!” You begin to yell. Your hands find their way over to your head, hitting yourself from the pain, the broken trust by your own best friend.
Taehyung forcefully grabs your arms, stopping you from continuing on, “Y/n, don’t do this to yourself.” He starts, “I know it hurts but he isn’t worth it to be hurting yourself like this.”
Your body calms down a bit as you look into Taehyung’s worried eyes, Taehyung pulling you in for another hug.
“I will talk to Mael, okay? Try to relax and rest up a bit.” He says with a hum. You nod into his chest, tightening your grip on him. Taehyung made you feel safe and you are glad to have met a man like him.
He releases his body from yours, your body cold from the lack of warmth from his body, “I will come back to check up on you later, okay?” You nod again, your head blank from words. You watch him leave your house, waving you goodbye as he closed your front door.
As he left your apartment, he smiled to himself. The plan of having you for himself was only getting started.
Taehyung walks his way to the closest hardware store, to buy plastic gloves, plastic sheets and trash bags before heading back to town. It was already 19:00, closing time of the cafe. Taehyung makes his way to the back door, waiting in a bush for Mael to make his way out. A few minutes later, Taehyung hears the door click open. A metal bat in his hands, he slowly stands up, hitting Mael unconscious. Taehyung runs his hands into Mael’s pockets to find his keys, opening Mael’s car and throwing his limp body into the trunk. Teahyung hurriedly gets into the driver's seat and drives off out of town, far enough away to kill time. By the time he gets to his destination it’s late at night, streets empty and silent, only the buzzing on the street lamps being heard.
He shuts off his headlights before going behind an old abandoned building right next to the train yard. He jumps out the car in excitement grinning to himself as he walks over to the trunk of the car, opening it to reveal Mael’s still unconscious body. Teahyung reaches to his rear beltline pulling out a knife he had bought previously and presses the edge of it onto Mael’s cheeks
“Oh how I wish you could be awake for this…” Teahyung says, heart beating rapidly 
He moves the knife over to Mael’s neck getting ready to slice, then stops himself, “I’m getting too ahead of myself… can’t leave evidence of foul play” Teahyung says to himself and chuckles.
He rushes over to the back seat of the car to put on plastic gloves and his protective coveralls to protect his clothes, then walks back over to the trunk trying his best to tuck the plastic sheet he had to catch the blood once it was over and without hesitation he cuts deep into Mael’s throat, Mael’s eyes instantly opens as he grips his now severed throat gasping for air.
Teahyung places the blood covered knife over Mael’s lips, hushing him, “It’s all over now,” He pauses, “I won.” Teahyung says in a mocking voice, an evil smirk slapped onto his face. He grabs his knife and wipes the blood using Mael’s shirt, placing it back in his beltline.
Taehyung stares at Mael’s now lifeless body lying in the trunk, “You never deserved y/n and she never deserved you.” He scoffs
Taehyng stands up straight, looking over to the empty trash bags next to him and sighs, “Now the boring part.”
Taehyung reaches over to Mael’s body, grabbing the handsaw and the plastic bags, taking everything to the abandoned building. He begins sawing off bits and pieces of Mael’s body while throwing his limbs one by one into the trash bags. He walks over to the train yard, plastic bags in each hand. He finds an empty train cart and tosses one of the bags in a cart then moves on to another empty cart tossing bags of Mael’s body parts in multiple train carts till he has no more, leaving the train yard and walking back to Mael’s car as he takes off his blood stained gloves and protective coveralls, bundling them all together in a mess. 
Teahyung walks back into Mael’s car, shoving his blood stained protective gear into a plastic bag and ties it up. He starts the car up and drives to the nearest bus station, driving in silence . He turns his way into the parking lot, sitting in the car for a moment to monitor his surroundings. He gets out of the car with the bag of evidence, walking to the nearest trash can to dispose of his things. But before throwing Mael’s phone in the trash, he decides to send you a little ‘goodbye’ message.
Goodbye Mael, you won’t be missed.
You scrambled to your phone as you heard it ring in the distance, hoping that it was Taehyung checking up on you after being gone for a hours. But after seeing the name on your phone, your stomach drops. It was Mael.
Mael [22:31]: Taehyung and I had a talk earlier today and I just wanted to say that I am sorry for what I have done to you. You didn’t deserve to be used in any way and I regret making that decision in my life because you were one of the best people I’ve ever met. I am sad to say that I will be moving away to not make you relive that moment and to start something new. Again, I am sorry and I hope you live a happier life without me.
Your heart sank after reading the text. You were filled with mixed emotions, not knowing what to feel as you were now angry and upset about the whole situation. You sit there for a moment staring at his message before turning your phone off and tossing it aside. You begin to feel disgusted of your body, overwhelmed from the event and tired of not knowing what to really feel. You reach over grabbing your phone to message Taehyung that you needed him by your side, needing him to help you control your emotions. Moments later, you hear your doorbell ring, Taehyung in front of your door. You pull him into a hug, smelling his cologne through his shirt. In return, he wraps his arms around your body, caressing your back for comfort, making your body and mind finally relax from the situation.
“I’m glad you’re back Taehyung.” You say, your head buried into his chest. You feel him giggle underneath your touch, making you smile.
“Don’t worry, y/n. I’ll always be here with you and will never leave your side.” He tilts your chin up, making your eyes come into contact.
“And you will always be safe as long as you’re with me.”
Writer’s note: My husband helped me write this part of the story! He wrote the murder scene and got inspiration from the show ‘Dexter’ so bless his heart for helping me because I got stumped multiple times lmao. Also, thank you for reading Parasocial as this is the last part of this story!
PLEASE do not copy, translate or post my writing on any other platform without my consent. ― taevolu🤍
Inspired by trivia-yandere and the parasocial game by chillas art
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linos-luna · 1 year
Fake 🥀🔪❣️
Yandere!Namjoon x Reader
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Warnings: manipulation, Yandere, light smut, dirty talk, possessive behavior, gaslighting?
(F/n = friend’s name)
“You can’t leave me, y/n… because you know I’ll always find you.”
These words made you shudder. Your boyfriend looked down at you as you sat on the bed. He was eerily calm as he said the vague threat.
“Joonie…” you sighed. “I-I don’t want to leave you but… but I just need some space.”
“I’m your boyfriend. Why would you need space?” He asked with a raised brow.
“You’re just a little too… possessive…” you said, looking down.
“What makes you say that?” Namjoon asked while standing over you. He was good at making you feel small.
“I-… well… when I’m with my friends you-…”
“Oh your friends?” He interrupted. “The ones that speak ill of you.”
“What? No—…”
“They’re not your friends, babygirl.” He said while shaking his head. “They talk bad about you all the time.”
“No they-…”
“They say, oh y/n is so stupid… and what a dumb slut…” Namjoon tried mimicking their voices and he can see that the words were affecting you.
“And then! F/n tried sleeping with me.”
“Yeah and you know what I did?” Namjoon said with a smirk as he loomed over you. “Well… I thought maybe I’ll let her…”
Your heart was racing as he suddenly pinned you to the bed and got close to your ear.
“She wanted me to fuck her so bad…” he said with a smirk. “She wanted me to fuck her little pussy over and over and over….”
A tear rolled down your cheek before he lightly rubbed you over your shorts. You gasped at the feeling.
“Fake friend, am I right?” He chuckled as he unzipped your shorts and rubbed you over your panties.
“I could’ve fucked your friend and she would’ve kept it from you…”
You whined as he moved your underwear to the side to rub your bare clit.
“I could’ve fallen for her. I could leave you… all because of those fake friends you have.”
“J-joonie…” you moaned.
“See, you could leave at any point… but who would you go to? You’re friends? They hate you.”
More tears rolled down your cheeks as he rubbed you some more.
“They’d stab you in the back then leave you. Just like everyone else in your pathetic life.” He said bluntly before removing his hand from your pants.
You whimpered as your impending orgasm was denied and you sat up.
“Then you’d come running back to me or I’ll just find you…” He a devious smile as he knew these words were getting to you. “You’re so easy to track.”
You were feeling a mix of sad, hurt and fear. Would that really happen if you left? Why did your friends hate you so much? Why would she try getting with your boyfriend? Who would take care of you? Who would love you?
“Babygirl, I would track you down to the ends of the earth…” Namjoon said as he held your chin up up to look at him. “That’s how much I love you.”
A sense of relief hit you. He loves you! Maybe you were just overthinking things. He’s not possessive, just a protective boyfriend. The light threat was just his love, of course!
Namjoon smiled at you as he leaned in to kiss you and another tear rolled down your cheek as you kissed him back.
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