#yandere rorschach
anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
I’m excited to see any Watchmen things you write in the future once you read the comics! I’ve always thought the idea of platonic yandere watchmen characters to be really interesting, especially regarding Rorschach given that he’s such a complex character. ( also I love that post you made recently about platonic yandere joker and Harley kidnapping their obsession! )
(Thank you!💕)
I’m also excited for any Watchmen requests I get in the future! Especially for Dr. Manhattan and Rorschach. Those two were always the ones I’ve been most interested in writing for as yanderes, particularly platonically. All the Watchmen characters yandere antics and overall dynamics are going to be interesting either way regardless the type of obsession they have (platonic or romantic).
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Is it alright if you could do asylum! Aesop vs joseph with a patient s/o that has schizophrenia hcs?
I am using Joseph's 'Hypnotist' skin and Aesop's 'Rorschach Physician' skin for this.
Can do HCs for mental illness darlings, but I do not do one shots-
Yandere! Hypnotist! Joseph vs Yandere! Rorschach! Aesop (With Schizophreniac! Darling) HCs
Possible Trigger Warnings: Yandere behavior such as a forced relationship and manipulation.
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- One of them is a doctor, the other's only pretending to be one.
- Aesop is a patient just like you but he forged his ID to get a chance to be your assigned doctor.
- Joseph, your actual assigned doctor, sees this as a threat.
- Joseph isn't going to be one to fall for Aesop's tricks. He also doesn't want Aesop manipulating you in your fragile state.
- Joseph is the protective Yandere in this (Ironic due to being a hunter-).
- Aesop is the more threatening one.
- Joseph hates leaving you alone, so he always tends to you.
- He has a nurse watch you if he has to leave you alone to tend to someone else.
- Aesop uses this opportunity to approach you.
- He tricks the nurse into letting him close to you so he can talk to you.
- There's a way in how he speaks that gives off a bad vibe.
- You can't seem to recognize it, however.
- Joseph is then bursting into the room, eyes narrowing.
- "Doctor, I do believe another patient needs you."
- Joseph then gets Aesop to begrudgingly leave.
- Aesop wants to help you 'escape' this place.
- Aesop believes this Asylum/Facility isn't safe and you'd be better with him outside.
- Joseph believes that he is protecting you by getting rid of the deranged patient posing as a doctor.
- You're safe with him, don't listen to that fake doctor.
- If you trust Aesop more, Joseph is convinced something is up.
- Aesop isn't safe to trust, he's not a doctor.
- Joseph just hopes you listen....
- If you trust Joseph more, Aesop is convinced you're brainwashed.
- Don't trust him! He works for the facility, he doesn't want what's right for you....
- These choices may hurt your mental state more, which Joseph notices.
- Soon enough, Joseph isn't leaving your side.
- You're his patient he is sworn to protect, he isn't letting Aesop near you. (He thinks his care for you is just because you're a patient, but he's also confusing it with romantic love.)
- While Aesop, needs to get more creative with how he gets to you.
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signaria-ai · 4 years
I care. I don't care.
What was all of this for in the end?
I don't care. I care.
Who do I have at the end?
I never bothered to learn about you.
It didn't matter. We were a team.
You were not exceptional, but valiant and trusted me.
And I trusted you, the same I did with all other.
Until that night, you were the same.
Knocking on my door, you asked if I would have some time for you. I nodded, and noticed your nervous expression.
Strange, considering you were one of the more collected soldiers.
"Is it about tomorrow's expedition?"
Not meeting my gaze for the first time, your hands were crawled up in a fist. Knuckles pale from clutching tight.
"What is it, then."
I wasn't one to be patient, my curt voice cutting through air.
"..Nothing. I just wanted to tell you goodnight."
My expression went from mild annoyance to a deep frown. I couldn't keep my disdain in my voice from rising as I pressed on.
"You came in here to tell me..goodnight?"
Your eyelids trembled, despite your failed effort to appear calm.
"I wanted to tell you.. I'm happy to be part of your team."
With that, you bowed hurriedly and left.
That was the last time I heard your voice.
You were found bloody and cold, decapitated after a brutal battle only a few days later.
You were not the first, and you will not be the last.
But when I saw your head, few feet away from the body--
I froze. This death was different.
You were different.
I gave you no special attention, and you stayed respectfully detached from me.
And yet, I found a letter in your room.
A short scribble, each stroke carved with care.
"Captain, if you are reading this.. I must have died in action. Thank you for being our captain.
It was an honor to be your soldier.
I died happily."
My fingers tensed up, folding the letter in half.
No one dies happily.
Why would you have left this for me.
There is no one to answer me,
except the faint scent of you lingering in the room.
I survived.
Death after death.
Erwin, Hange, everyone died.
But I lived.
And on this rare silent night, from deep within my memory; You float to the surface.
Just a figment of the ghosts in my past, I can't even put together an image of you.
Only that you would never back away from my stare.
Your eyes showed resolve, no hesitation.
And I liked that.
There is no point of regret, we cannot expect the outcome of our decisions.
And yet, when the moon hides behind the cloud and the dark night drapes itself on the town we tried to protect together--
My eyes close for few seconds and I wonder.
If I should have asked again, why you came to me that night.
If I should have noticed the way you hide behind your hands when you smile.
If I should have...
No, I will not go back on my own philosophy.
I open my eyes, bloodshot and tired.
I don't have the luxury to do so.
But on cursed nights like this,
With no one to protect anymore, nothing to fight for.
These thoughts creep their way into my mind.
If I should have locked you in that room.
You would have made your way out, you were smart.
Then, I would have tied you to the bed post.
But you would have also been able to cut yourself free.
You wouldn't run away though, you were loyal.
Your eyelids trembling, like they did before.
You would have looked up to me,
searching my face for an answer.
I wouldn't even need to use force.
Obeying my orders, you would have stayed in that room.
Safe, from everything.
In this fever dream, I start to hallucinate.
Maybe I should have just...
And I open my eyes again.
The only thing I remember about you.
The only thing recognizable on your severed head
Was that you smiled as you died.
@propan0l I did it i wrote a yandere fic for levi lol but its like 2% yandere 98% sad reality of AOT lol sorry
Also this is inspired by the levi in her amazing fic--Three Crossings!!
Btw i have like not...read..this series till the end and pretty much wrote it based on like what I have read about him so listen this was my best effort ok 🙃
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emlovewrites · 4 years
Yandere Mr Compress (Part 1?)
My first ever fanfiction, enjoy and please let me know if you want more! I may be continuing this.
TW Kidnapping
It starts off very innocent. You’re walking back to your apartment after a long day at work and you find a bouquet of flowers sitting at your doorstep. Puzzled, but somewhat excited, you pick them up and take them inside, setting them on your kitchen counter. You check the card “Your beauty is like the waves of the ocean, relentless, wondrous, and potentially disastrous to a poor, lost soul like mine.” It isn’t signed. You could, of course, take this note the wrong way, how could beauty be disastrous? But you figure it just came from an especially stricken admirer. You haven’t had an admirer since high school, how could you not find it sweet? Smiling, you set the card to the side and arrange the flowers on your dinner table. It’s a nice gesture, you assure yourself.
A few days pass and you’re unconcerned about this “admirer”. In fact, it puts a little pep in your step, so to speak. So far, you’ve received the flowers, a teddy bear, a box of chocolates, and of course the usual unsigned notes. Nothing too strange or alarming. But today was a little different. You come home to find a small red box waiting for you. You take it inside, eagerly rip it open, and find a gold necklace with a heart pendant. Your stomach drops a little. This is expensive. Not only that, but you were just eyeing it the other day, thinking about buying it for yourself for your birthday next week. But it’s not like anyone would have noticed that, right? Whoever the admirer is, he must have just seen it and figured it would be nice, right? You set it aside, pour yourself a glass of wine, and put it out of your mind.
The week passes without any more gifts. You’re a little disappointed, but also somewhat relieved. Maybe the admirer just lost interest. Anyway, it’s your birthday and you’re going out tonight, so you’re excited. You go on your usual lunch break to your usual coffee shop, order your usual cappuccino extra foam, and walk outside. You always take an alley back to work, it’s quick and it’s not even a dangerous area, there are heroes everywhere. You’re so absorbed in thinking about your work, the proposal is due today, you don’t even notice the man standing in the shadows with a Rorschach mask and yellow trench coat. But his voice pulls you out of your thoughts. 
“You’re not wearing it.”
You stop in your tracks. “E-excuse me?” you ask, without turning around.
“The necklace.”
Your heart stops.
“You haven’t worn it at all. I thought you’d like it. I saw you looking at it and smiling.”
Run. You have to run. Or call for a hero, just DO something. You open your mouth, but by the time you even think to scream for help, you’re breathing in a chemical-soaked rag. And you’re out.
When you wake up, you have a headache. You don’t really remember what happened, did you have a bad dream? Did you end up going out with your friends? You look around for some water, aspirin… your phone? Anything? Your mind finally clears and you realize, this is not your room. The bed is huge, probably a king. The sheets are regal, red satin with a maroon fleur de lis pattern. Where the fuck are you? You begin to panic and try to get up, before realizing you’ve been tied to the dark, oak bed frame. Shit.
The events of earlier today begin to return to you. The coffee, the alleyway, the man. He was the one. The admirer. He WAS watching you. You look around frantically, looking for anything to cut the restraints. The room offers no solution. No way out. You can feel the tears starting to prick at the corners of your eyes as the bedroom door opens.
“Ah, you’re awake.”
You turn your head to meet the voice, a tall man wearing an orange button up shirt with a bolo tie, black vest, and black dress pants. Even after having the audacity to kidnap you, he still hides his face underneath a black balaclava mask.
“I do apologize for the restraints, but I’m afraid I just can not let you run off. Not when I’ve gone to all this trouble to acquire you.”
“Acquire me?” you spit. “What am I, a Picasso?”
He laughs, a real, genuine laugh, like you’re on stage at open mic night. “A Picasso? Oh dear, no, you are so much more beautiful than that.”
You blush, despite yourself, but continue to glare at the man. Who does he think he is? You don’t expect a real answer, but you do ask him, “Who are you?”
“Forgive me, where are my manners?” He says with a smile. He flourishes his hand down into a deep bow, “Some call me Mr. Compress, but you, my dear, may call me Atsuhiro.”
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tawneybel · 5 years
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Because I mentioned I was going to eventually get rid of my old shower curtain, my mom surprised me and got me an Edward Gorey one. Gashlycrumb Tinies! 
One of the recent ghost books on ghost I read mostly just (intentionally or not) taught me how to fake spooky sh*t at seances but in the entry on mirrors it mentioned looking into one at night was considered bad luck. But that’s kind of hard to avoid. I already knew using candlelight to look into a mirror is considered to be unlucky but I think a cellphone’s flashlight doesn’t count. Anyway, going to the bathroom at night is going to be spookier. :D 
Life’s been kind of hectic lately, mostly due to things outside of my control. I want to get a new job this summer. And fix my sleeping schedule. I’ve been getting stress dreams again for the first time in a while. I don’t count a bad dream as a nightmare unless I wake up terrified but it still sucks. Going to ask my doctor if melatonin is a good idea.  
My dog (see above) had a nasty cough after getting knocked out for some dental surgery, which is supposed to be normal, but it lasted for a while so we took her to the vet. And it turns out that the reason she was scratching on my door every night to be let outside was because of a UTI. She’s doing better now. 
Mm, there’s a lot more things to talk about but I’ll save that for another post. 
The Dark Knight: There was a scene where a bunch of men got their uniforms stolen and they were tied up and g*gged. I watched the trilogy out of order. To be honest, I get kind of bored watching these but the villains are cool. Bane’s darling but now that I’ve seen Venom I prefer Eddie Brock. Jonathan Crane is kind of cute, too. 
Now I finally get why people like the Joker so much. He gives not a single f*ck. So many things could go wrong at any moment during his plans, he relies so much on luck, but he has so much confidence. I feel like if tried to slide down a hill of money I would hurt myself. The best scene was the Joker walking quickly out and away from the hospital. Also, the bank heist in the beginning. 
Crimson Peak started to get good when Edith and Lucille were having the butterfly discussion and ended up being better paced than I thought it would be. But after Carter got his head smashed in, I’m not sure why Edith would go with Thomas after that. 
Gothic horror is actually fun to learn about in school because the genre’s progenitors would probably be into yandere and monster f*cking. It’s like... In the first art history class I took, we were looking at Renaissance paintings and there was a fair amount of stuff with a de*th and the maiden motif. The modern equivalent would be a lot of metal album covers.
Brain Damage: I was looking for infestation movies and I’m so glad I stumbled upon this. Not because it’s particularly good but ‘cause the MC is super cute. Basically the talking leechy thing pumps Brian full of an addictive fluid through the the back of his neck and they have a faux symbiotic relationship where Aylmer gorily eats other people’s brains.
There was a scene where Brian’s brother answers the phone lying on his stomach in his und*rwear. Followed by a scene where Brian takes his pants off and you see his t*sh. Also a very brief M/F/M thr*some dream that gets gruesome real quick. 
The Stuff: If you’re into The Blob, you’ll probably like this. The mode of killing is a bit different. Stuff’s alive and controls people from the inside. 
A Cure for Wellness: Shout out to his movie for showing n*ked/scantily clad old people without getting weird about it. Within the first half hour I was surprised when it didn’t do well at the box office. The visuals draw you in but it was probably too long and could have been better. I wasn’t expecting to it get kind of fantastical. It’s got existentialism, surrealism, mystery... Uhhhh... I’m not sure whether to classify it as fantasy or sci fi. 
Venom: Hits so many k*nks. Dan’s cute, Anne has good taste in men. Carlton Drake gets symbioted. Actually, I’m not sure if he or Eddie is sexier. The first guy to get possessed in the Eminem video is also cute. Best line is Venom saying, “Look at her. She has no idea we are going to get her back.” The Rorschach-like ending credits were cool. 
Sleepaway Camp: Before I watched this, I already knew the ending. Sort of. To be honest, I expected “Angela” to be an offensive portrayal of a trans woman but the situation was more like David Reimer, minus g*nital m*tilation. The ending itself... Aunt Martha may not have gone on a murder spree but she’s the scariest person in the film. Otherwise I wouldn’t have said there’s anything terribly special about this film. Based on the synopsis of the sequel, I’m probably not going to watch the rest of the franchise. 
Hell Fest: Pretty typical modern slasher but the atmosphere is great. It was also funny. I’m just gonna use bullet points for this.
“You know what? He deserves at least some dignity after death.” “Let’s give him a b*ner.” 
When asked if he mentioned something about having a f*tish for p*ddles, Gavin answers, “I have never said that in my entire life.”
Why did Asher get hotter while he was struggling and getting stabbed in the eyeball?
It took me a minute to recognize Tony Todd. Sad. 
Men in Black II: At no point in the film did Serleena, who is capable of transformation and has tentacles, transform into a male und*rwear model. :’( 
Fullmetal Alchemist: (The manga.) A military fantasy that raises some good questions about ethics. And dat solar aesthetic. The chimera designs were so cool. Envy is a cruel, skimpily dressed shapeshifter with a grotesque “true form” and Lin gets willingly possessed by Greed. So that’s right up my alley. 
Break My Heart 1,000 Times: Good time to read this. It takes place in February. Read this because I Still See You has Richard Harmon. The book started off decently but I didn’t like the protagonist’s behavior near the end of part three. And there’s some sexism. Like hysterically slapping her love interest and blaming herself for not having any weapons in her room because she’s a girl. Seriously, I keep a bigass King James Bible on my nightstand. If anyone breaks in, they’re getting brained by the Good Book. Or a lamp. Or the nightstand itself. But hopefully my dog would maul an intruder first. 
Christine: Wasn’t really into it but you might be if you’re into corruption, e.g. a nerdy guy becoming slightly more physically appealing jerk*ss. 
The 100: I got teary-eyed when Clarke and Lexa were saying goodbye and then the latter accidentally gets short. Poor Murphy can’t catch a break, as usual. Started season four the other day. 
Going into this, I thought I’d like Jay Hernandez’s character the most but then I found the other guys cuter until the end then I really liked Paxton. Weirdly enough, I found Alexei cute. There’s decent whump but I’m not into v*mit. 
I think I saw an ad with the guy who tortured Paxton when I was in elementary school but I mistook it for something from one of the Saw movies. This was obviously before I had any interest in watching these kinds of movies. XD  
Songs of the Day: I’ve been listening to a lot of Dead inside the Chrysalis/Dedderz lately... I’m crushing on Manek Deboto. He should be the one wearing a th*ng in the She’s So Rad music vid! If they ever do  “He’s So Rad” they should include Elm Street’s Jesse Walsh and Brian from Brain Damage...
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emlovewrites · 4 years
Yandere Mr Compress Part 4
This is getting quite long, I’m so sorry lol I don’t know how to stop T_T
TW: Kidnapping
V angsty this time...
The morning after your thwarted escape attempt, you woke up to a fresh plate of breakfast on the nightstand. Atsuhiro usually joined you for breakfast, but after last night, you weren’t surprised that you would be left alone. You sighed and turned to face the ceiling. You know he must be angry. What are you going to do? Nearly having his trust, you saw your chance to escape, and you wasted it by hesitating. It would take weeks to work back up to him letting you out of the room again. And now he isn’t even giving you a chance. You wonder how long you’ll be left alone in this room…
The door opens around noon, and Atsuhiro walks in with lunch. You look at him, he’s wearing the full Rorschach mask. Yeah, he’s probably pissed. He sets your lunch down on the nightstand, takes the uneaten breakfast, and begins to walk away. You watch him as he opens the door. He seems to hesitate for just a second before closing the door. You’re still not hungry, so much like breakfast, lunch will go uneaten.
You spend the afternoon lying in bed, thinking about what you will do next. You’re upset that he won’t even speak to you now. Who wouldn’t try to escape this kind of imprisonment? How can he be angry with you? You’re surprised that you even care about his emotions.
Finally, dinner time rolls around, and Atsuhiro again enters your room with a plate of food. He stops in front of the still-full lunch plate, but he again says nothing as he replaces the food. He turns around to leave, and you’re shocked at yourself when you hear your own voice call out, “wait!”
He pauses in the doorway, but stays silent. “I… well… I’m sorry,” you say. You’re not sure if you’re truly sorry or not. You just can’t deal with your captor ignoring you. It’s not fair. A few seconds pass in silence and you can feel yourself becoming more and more nervous. 
Finally, after what may have been a full minute or two, Atsuhiro replies with “Goodnight, Y/N.” He then walks out and shuts the door. You can feel your panic rising up. Has he resigned himself to simply ignoring you now? Will you be stuck here forever in total silent isolation? Once again, you don’t eat the meal given to you.
Two days pass and it’s more of the same. Atsuhiro brings you your food silently and leaves. You can’t take it anymore, you feel like you’re losing your mind. If being stuck in one room for days wasn’t enough, now you’re stuck in silence as well. It isn’t fair, how can he be so angry with you? You’re the one who deserves to be angry, not him. You begin to realize that there really is no escape from this prison. 
You’re sobbing when Atsuhiro opens the door for dinner. He pauses for a moment, but makes no move to comfort you. He places the food down and turns to leave. You’re so hysterical at this point that you simply cannot let him leave you. You jump up from the bed and clutch onto the back of his shirt.
“Please, please don’t go!” you cry. “I can’t be trapped here AND alone. It’s too much.” You press your head into his back, soaking the fabric of his shirt with your tears. “Please.”
To your surprise, he turns and wraps his arms around you. He’s warm and gentle and everything you didn’t expect. He pets your head and whispers “It’s ok, don’t cry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. You needed a little time out, that’s all.” For some reason, the words calm you. He didn’t mean to hurt you... He holds you for a few more minutes as you finish crying, letting out all of the emotions you’ve been holding in for the past week. You can’t believe you’ve turned to your captor for comfort, but there isn’t anyone else here, and you feel so alone. He’s the only one.
Once the tears stop flowing and you’re left sniffling, he leads you back to the bed and has you sit on the edge. He turns to the nightstand and removes his full mask with one hand, lifting the now lukewarm plate of food with the other. “Now then,” he says with a gentle smile, holding the plate out to you, “please, eat something.” You take the plate and gingerly bite into a piece of bread, feeling very much like a small child post-tantrum. He sits next to you on the bed and lightly rubs your back as you eat. 
Once you’ve finished eating, Atsuhiro runs a warm bath for you. He leaves the room to give you privacy, and re-enters once you’ve finished and are in the pajamas he’s left for you. He tucks you into bed and turns out the lights. “Goodnight, Y/N,” he says quietly as he leaves the room and shuts the door. You’re so exhausted, you quickly begin to drift off to sleep, only realizing just before fully losing consciousness that he hasn’t locked you in this time. That’s ok. You won’t try to escape again. Not tonight.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 11 months
I'm sorry can I be weird about platonic Yandere watchmen on main rn? I just think they would be so complicated and toxic and shit but they would tear each other apart for their kids attention. Rorschach would stalk and hunt down anyone who would hurt you. Dan would try so hard to be a normal father figure but he's just so paranoid all of the time? Laurie would try to get you out of being a hero so bad. Adrian would try his hardest to be a beacon of normalcy from the rest. Dr. Manhattan is y'know
I want to say that the Watchmen would be much more toxic towards each other but try for the most part to be pretty good for their kiddo. Neither party thinks the others are anywhere capable of being what their kid needs, each member being a hypocrite in their own right. At first, I could see Dan being the one to persuade everyone to come together and be a family that their darling needs only for that to really be what tears the group apart. It’s Dan, Laurie and Adrian who are the ones who really try and even then Adrian isn’t completely trying. To be honest he would much rather prefer not having this little so called family dynamic thing going on and has his own plans to help make it come to an end. Eventually it’s pretty glaringly obvious that this just isn’t going to work. Everyone has such different ways they want to go about bringing their bby up and their own version of what a family should or shouldn’t be that they all come to a begrudging agreement to co-parent individually, resulting in their obsession being pulled every which way like a crude game of tug of war.
Daniel especially seems to be the one who is really honestly trying to be a typical father figure. He really wants to give his bby the best, not just that but he wants to be the best for them. But he can’t turn off his paranoia, he can’t help but be overwhelmed by the many terrible thoughts and worries that cloud his mind when it comes to his bby’s safety and overall wellbeing. With his constant paranoia and need to protect his bby at all costs, Dan would grow to become smothering towards his darling. He knows they need their space, he knows he shouldn’t be hovering over them as much as he does but he can’t help it. He’s well aware that his actions could very well push his bby away from him and that thought alone scares the hell out of him but he can’t say he doesn’t understand it. Dan wouldn’t blame his kid for wanting some space and as much as he wants to give it to them he can’t bring himself to. At least not completely.
Rorschach comes off more as not being too involved, he’s more hands off than the others but that doesn’t mean he does know what’s going on with their darling. On the contrary, Rorschach is very much aware of everything going on with and around his kid. He keeps a very close eye on them, watching and taking notes of everything happening. It isn’t too often that Rorschach actually physically interacts with his kid but he does keep an excruciatingly close eye on them and protects them from anything he views as a threat. The most interaction Rorschach has with his kiddo is if they were a hero or trying to take on becoming a vigilante, then he would be more inclined to take on more of a mentor role for them in his own way.
Laurie, similar to Dan, tries hard to be the epitome of a good/perfect parent. She wants to be the one her bby can depend on for anything, the first person they run to when they need absolutely anything. She wants to be the one to comfort and love them, she knows she’s the only one who can truly give them that. She wouldn’t be nearly as paranoid as Dan is but she is very much worried about her darling’s safety. Especially if they were in fact a hero/vigilante themself. She would be extremely incessant when it came to trying to get her darling to give it up. She can’t fathom anything happening to them, especially without her being there to prevent it. She would of course seek advice from her own mother about what to do and how to go about things without causing her darling to pull away from her. Of course her greatest fear is anything happening to her darling at all but her second biggest fear was having her darling hate her. She didn’t want that, she couldn’t possibly bear it.
Adrian would try to give their darling more of a semblance of normalcy to a degree but he mostly just spoils the absolute hell out of them. He wants to make it very clear who the better parent is out of the Watchmen and it’s him. He proves just how much he can give and provide his bby. Anything they wanted, Adrian could give them easily. Out of all the Watchmen, Adrian is the most cunning and willing to sabotage his fellow Watchmen when it comes to gaining the favor of their darling. He’s not nearly as fearful of having his darling hate him, of course it would bother him but he knows he’s doing what’s best for them. Even if that means keeping them locked up against their will in his own personal oasis. But that wouldn’t be the first thing he does, no, he would work up to that later on. Baby steps after all. Adrian wouldn’t necessarily be accepting of his darling being a hero/vigilante but he would come off far more supportive and encouraging of it then he actually is. He’d even go as far as to give his bby the best tech needed to ensure their safety and help them with their heroic endeavors. But really, Adrian wants nothing more than for his bby to not be involved with crime fighting whatsoever. Maybe it’s him using reverse psychology on them or just him biding his time and trying to play himself off as such so that he’s seen as the more accepting and better Watchmen in his bby’s eyes because of it. Either way, Adrian would devise a plan to get his darling to stop crime fighting one way or another, whether by their own accord or he has to force their hand into doing so. Adrian wouldn’t be too opposed to formulating a plan to do just that even if it meant traumatizing and even scarring his darling in the process so long as it worked out in his favor. And of course he would come to save the day at just the right moment, further proving to the Reader just who exactly is the most dependable and caring parent out of the Watchmen.
Jon could very easily take the darling away from the other Watchmen members if he so wanted and he would. In the beginning he decides to go along with the whole family dynamic thing and sharing of their darling. For a while it’s alright and he could tolerate the others being so involved with his kid but when everything falls apart and the fighting starts up even worse then before, Jon would feel the need to take the darling away from the situation. When the prospect of co-parenting comes up, Jon doesn’t really want to take part in it. He knows a repeat of before is bound to happen and he doesn’t want his darling forced into the middle of it all. But reluctantly he would agree if only to oversee the other members’ interactions with his bby. It doesn’t take long for him to regret having not taken his darling after the first time. Sure things aren’t necessarily bad but they aren’t what their kid deserves either. It isn’t until the other Watchmen are at each other’s throats again when Jon decides enough is enough and takes the darling away right before everyone’s eyes. And he takes them far, far away. From everything unworthy of so much as being near his bby. He knows the others will come looking for them, they already started the second he up and left with their kid but he also knows it’ll take them awhile to find exactly where they are. Until then he has plenty of time with his bby all to himself.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Yandad! Rorschach and Dr Manhattan would probably be the most dangerous combination of yanderes to have. You'd have Rorschach breaking the fingers of anybody who dares think about hurting you and you'd have Dr Manhattan, a guy who practically has the powers of God, being protective over you.
Yan!dads Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan would both be dangerous and terrifying in their own respective rights. Rorschach would be more of the type to keep his obsession in the dark, he does everything for them without them knowing. He’ll protect them and get rid of whoever he has to while staying in the shadows, he wouldn’t want his darling to know about him or what he’s doing for them. But he would make it known that there was someone watching out for them, more often then not but leaving creepy letters/notes. Rorschach would definitely be the most violent in what he does and how he goes about it, particularly when it comes to keeping his darling safe. There would be no mercy for whoever Rorschach sets his anger on.
Dr. Manhattan would also be terrifying in more ways then one. He is so much more superior then his darling, not only with his powers but just with his mind alone. In the beginning, Jon would try his best to get his darling to understand him and his want/need to protect them. He would try to be understanding of them as well especially if they were to fight against him given how he would go about his obsession but he would get to a point where he has to show his darling just how powerless they truly are compared to him. Not only is he proving how powerful he is but also just how dependent and vulnerable his darling is on their own. They need him they just don’t know it yet but he’ll make them realize it, one way or another.
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