#yandere sara lance
fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Yandere Arrow Women pls
Mia, Felicity, and Sara all circle a tied up Y/N like voluptuous vultures…
Mia: you’re all ours now
Sara: and we just love to share, don’t we?
Felicity: oh yes because we all love you so much Y/N.
Y/N: how is this my nightmare and dream come true?
Mia: oh I promise it’ll be a dream for you babe.
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angelyuji · 3 years
Yandere Sara Lance + Rip Hunter Headcanons
ayoo!! im rewatching dc’s legends of tomorrow cuz it’s literally the best show ever and i keep remembering my love for rip hunter and sara lance so HERE rip and sara yandere headcanons :) these hcs will take place in season 1.
cw // Stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, mentions of bodily harm to others, yandere behavior, sara lance being a “great” girlfriend, rip hunter being an “amazing” boyfriend, delusion, toxic behavior, anger issues, physical abuse, ignoring toxic behavior
Sara Lance:
· she’s literally a trained assassin
· she could watch you from literally anywhere and you wouldn’t even know
· a whole k i l l e r
· anyone who hurts you ends up in the hospital with multiple severe injuries and crying to you about how sorry they are
· you’re like… “thanks???? i guess???”
· but anyway
· sara probably saw you somewhere in the timeline and went “goddamn, they’re fine, anD ADORABLE??”
· clumsy, cute, independent but not, book smart but not street smart, somewhat innocent people are her type
· she likes being the shoulder to lean on, she likes helping you, super super soft with you omg
· she would use the jump ship to “visit” you in different points in time to learn about you, and the more she learns, the more she falls for you
· she doesn’t fall right away, but through each time she visits you, she starts falling in love
· she would most definitely kidnap you, no matter your important to the timeline
· she wouldn’t tell the team until they accidently find you, passed out with tears streaked across your face
· they’re all, “wtF SARA??”
· and sara’s like, “we’re not taking them back, i love them and they love me and if you make me, i’m leaving with them :)”
· and rip’s like, “uhhhghhhhhhhh, fineee i guess.”
· she’s not that bad of yandere, just kidnap-y
· she does truly love you; she could never hurt you
· she doesn’t want you to think of her as a blood-thirsty, undead assassin but as your loving, comforting, wonderful girlfriend
· even when you’re being difficult (read: getting angry and trying to get her to take you back home), she won’t hurt you or be like a typical yandere, she won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to
· she’s sweet like that, but you won’t ever go back home, eventually (once you realize trying to get the others to take you back won’t work) you stop trying and force yourself to love her
Rip Hunter:
· okay so sara might be cool, but rip??? he’s pretty much a big bitch
· he’s all about restoring the timeline and not doing anything to mess it up
· until you, of course
· bitches get lonely after losing a wife and child ig… lol
· he might have seen you on a mission, and he went “woah” in British!
· you’re stubborn and brave and kind and so so selfless…kinda reminds him of his wife…you see where i’m going with this?
· he loves you so much, you’re so similar to his wife and her bravery, there was no way he wouldn’t have fallen for you
· no matter how important you are to the timeline, rip won’t be able to hold back from taking you, protecting you from savage and every evil in the universe
· “please rip, i don’t even know you” you beg.
· “you don’t have to know me, i know you, my love” rip cups your face in his hand.
· as much as he loves you, mans anger issues gets in the way of that love
· exploding at you every time you mention going home
· “YOU CAN’T GO HOME. I’M TRYING TO KEEP YOU SAFE.” rip pulled at his hair as he yells at your tied-up form.
· “YOU KIDNAPPED ME, YOU MANIAC! LET ME GO!” you scream back.
· “I’M PROTECTING YOU! WHY? why are you angering me like this, you. are. mine. and i will protect you no matter how much you resist.”
· the others will be pissed that he plucked you out of your time, but with reassurance that you’re as unimportant as them (even if you’re actually not), they’ll let it be
· no amount of begging will get them to betray their captain (no matter how much he pisses them off), and if anything, some of them might help in keeping an eye on you
· he genuinely believes he’s doing the right thing; he believes that he has saved you, the one he loves, unlike how he couldn’t save Miranda
· and omg if you’re a snide, condescending bitch, he’d fucking hate it, he’d lose his freaking shit
· “god, (y/n), please just stay here. don’t go into Bridge. It’s not safe.” rip moves to hold you, but you move out of the way. you had gone to get something from the kitchen and see if you could get Gideon to break you out.
· “right, cause i CHOOSE to be here. i CHOOSE to be stuck here with your, insane, ass and the rest of your idiotic, oblivious, bone-headed, piece of shit friends.” you get into rip’s face with a smirk as you see him
· “(Y/N), you know I hate when you act like this.”
· “ha…ha…ha…i don’t give a SINGULAR SHIT, HUNTER” you spit into rip’s face, you see his eyes narrow before he pushes you back. you stumble back, but hold your ground.
· “how…dare you talk to me like that, (y/n), i am your ONE.” rip growls at you you refuse to back down, unafraid. rip pushes you once more, in one swift motion, his hand lands a crisp slap across your face. you stumble back onto the bed, stunned. your cheek starting to glow red.
· “this behavior,” he motions to you, “cannot happen again, my love, because i will not hesitate to put you back in your place.”
· you’re stuck with rip for the rest of time…sorry :)
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marveloustimestwo · 2 years
Hay I saw requests where open so I was wondering if you would be cool doing headcanons for Peter Parker and Sara Lance (separately lol) with a plus size reader I really appreciate it thank youu <3
Warnings: Yandere themes, talk of weight insecurity
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Peter Parker:
Let me tell y'all something. . .
Peter Parker would absolutely love it if you were plus-sized.
When it comes to Peter's obsession, how much weight you have on you doesn't really play a factor. He sees you as some perfect, lovely being anyway, no matter what size you are.
However, he's not about to complain about you being pus size. He loves how contrasting your body is to his.
You're all plush and soft and while he's all muscle. It feels so nice against him.
If you couldn't already tell, he loves cuddling with you. Any position is good really, but the ones where you're laying on top of him or him on you is pure heaven.
Don't worry about you being too heavy, either. Buddy boy over here can lift over ten tons anyway, so you weigh nothing to him. He will happily lay underneath you or have you on his lap.
Peter also enjoys making food with you. I've always headcanon that Peter is really good at cooking but never really gets to with his busy schedule. When he started dating you, though, Peter tries to carve out time to make dinner with you.
He wants you to enjoy food. When it comes to weight, he knows that people can be very judgmental about what someone eats. He hates it.
When people make rude comments or "jokes" about your weight is one of the times Peter will actively be aggressive when people aren't trying to physically harm you.
Dude's like a puppy when it comes to you. Unfalteringly loyal and has no problem with how you look. He just sees it as an added bonus.
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Sarah Lance:
Now Miss Sarah Lance absolutely loves how you look. Like Peter, she loves how soft you are compared to her.
Sarah is very aggressive in her affections. She's not shy about asking you for physical affection, whether people are around or not. She loves it when you sit in her lap or cuddle with her.
If you're hesitant to do this because you think you're too heavy or something, Sarah won't pressure you into doing it, but she will consistently remind you that she's a trained assassin.
While Sarah's not as strong as Peter, your weight still doesn't bother her. She's taken down men three times her size with ease in fights, so you simply sitting on her lap doesn't bother her.
She also loves the opposite too. Sitting on your lap or laying on top of you is also great.
Sarah's the type to get call people out if they make a comment about your weight. She won't stop until they apologize, especially if they claim it was a joke.
Sarah absolutely adores you, obsessively so. Nothing will deter her from that.
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marvelousimagines · 4 years
Requests Are Open!
Hey everyone, this is my first time making a Marvel/DC Imagine blog. So I just wanted to make a post about who I write for. (And of course that my requests are open and I'm pretty much open for anything.)
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Bruce Banner
Steve Rogers
Wade Wilson
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Pietro Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Wanda Maximoff
Carol Danvers
Maria Hill
Hope van Dyne
Pepper Potts
May Parker
Justice League-
Bruce Wayne
Clarke Kent
Diana Prince
Barry Allen
Arthur Curry
Victor Stone
Kara Danvers
Alex Danvers
Lena Luthor
Winn Schott
Oliver Queen
Thea Queen
Laurel Lance
Felicity Smoak
John Diggle
Legends of Tomorrow-
Sara Lance
Ava Sharpe
Zari Thomas
Amaya Jiwe (or Charlie)
Nate Haywood
Nora Darhk
Ray Palmer
Barry Allen
Iris West
Caitlin Frost
Nora West-Allen
Cisco Ramon
(I have probably forgot people for all of them. So if you're not sure please, feel free, to ask.)
I will write pretty much anything (not pedophilia but that's a given). I'll even do headcanons and drabbles if you would like, but more often than not I'll make full length fics. I'll also do some yandere stuff if you guys would like to see that, but you'll have to specify.
I hope that you're all doing well :)
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angelyuji · 3 years
yandere imagines, blurbs, and fanfics❅
for non-yandere imagines: go here!
DISCLAIMER: Please Read Tags Before Reading Imagines! This is yandere content, meaning that these imagines are fictional stories about toxic and abusive relationships. These are fictional characters. I DO NOT support or believe that toxic relationships should be romantized in real life. 
blurbs are marked with *
violent yanderes
Rick and Morty:
Rick Sanchez:
violent yanderes
William Afton:
lost keys (18+)
violent yanderes
The Boys:
The Deep:
yandere thoughts basically
being ryan's non-supe kinda-mom
violent yanderes
Diana Prince:
yandere headcanons
Clark Kent:
yandere headcanons
Bruce Wayne:
yandere headcanons
Jaime Reyes:
yandere + nonyandere headcanons
tw dubcon imagine
Adrian Chase:
yandere vig thoughts
other thoughts
Sara Lance:
yandere headcanons (+ Rip)
Rip Hunter:
yandere headcanons (+ Sara)
Wade Wilson:
Peter Parker:
dates and rejection with peter
photographer peter
reader with a diary*
reader with other friends*
reader with magic book*
peeping peter
tasm yandere headcanons
reader with amnesia
yandere peter w/ fragile darling
soulmate loki
first date (+ nanami, mammon, 707, arvin, peter m)
yandere headcanons
Bruce Banner:
living with bruce
Tony Stark:
sugar daddy stark (+ gojo)
Helmut Zemo:
sugar daddy zemo
Peter Maximoff:
first date (+ nanami, loki, mammon, 707, arvin)
Matthew Murdock:
yandere matt x reader
yandere headcanons
Steve Rogers:
yandere headcanons
yan!pre-serum headcanons
yandere headcanons
Miles Morales:
(new version) yandere headcanons (plus gwen, hobie, peter b, pavitr, miguel)
yandere headcanons
yandere miles w/ werewolf darling 
yandere miles w/ assertive darling
Peter B Parker:
yandere headcanons (plus gwen, hobie, miles, pavitr, miguel)
Miguel O'hara
yandere headcanons (plus gwen, hobie, miles, pavitr, peter b)
the fanged man
the fanged man pt 2
professor o'hara headcanons
yandere headcanons (plus peter b, hobie, miles, pavitr, miguel)
Hobie Brown:
yandere headcanons (plus gwen, peter b, miles, pavitr, miguel)
Pavitr Prabhakar:
yandere headcanons (plus gwen, hobie, miles, peter b, miguel)
Jujutsu Kaisen:
making a shrine ft. sakuna
sugar daddy gojo (+ tony stark)
first date (+ mammon, loki, 707, arvin, peter m)
Ouran High School Host Club -
Tamaki Suoh:
Yandere Tamaki Headcanons
My Hero Academia
stalker shiggy
Obey Me!
first date (+ nanami, loki, 707, arvin, peter m)
yandere headcanons
The Devil All The Time
Arvin Russel:
first date (+ nanami, loki, mammon, 707, peter m)
Lee Bodecker:
his little girl
Mystic Messenger
first date (+ nanami, loki, mammon, peter m, arvin)
yandere headcanons 
knight in shining armor 
for you
Types of Yandere
BAU when their darling is unreachable
yandere BAU w/ busy darling
Spencer Reid:
Yandere Spencer Reid w/ an innocent darling
I love you so so much
spencer reid w/ single parent
The Book
spencer reid punishes you
He loves me
post-prison reid w/ an innocent darling
spencer reid with a distant darling
Aaron Hotchner:
Yandere Hotch w/ an innocent darling
Yandere Hotch w/ a darling that’s in a relationship
Yandere Hotch w/ a pregnant darling
unsub reader
The Sandman:
Dream of the Endless:
born to die
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