#yaoi hand syndrome
frizzdotbizz · 2 years
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might as well post this ig
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Ah, what better way to introduce the visual part of this AU, than with a shit-post! Fr tho, trying very hard to emulate the style rn. Goddamn, rear 3/4 views are STILL hard af to do for me. Based on the part of my theory post that Jack and Aku are half-brothers.
Original art by @colliholly. Gotta love the funky lil trash man!
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dnangelic · 9 months
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Listen I can't stay silent anymore. This needs to be said.
So the art style for TBHK includes big hands. Everyone is drawn with big hands or normal sized hands... but there is one character that is the biggest offender of Yaoi Hands Syndrome...
This guy.
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Just look at him
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And we can compare his hands to both Kou and Hanako in this picture, with Kou having slightly bigger hands than Hanako
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Here's Hanako doing a similar pose in comparison. I know its not fair to compare Hanako with him since Hanako is usually drawn with very dainty little hands, but still the difference is shocking.
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Thats all. I want people to acknowledge this cause the two of us have been haunted by it ever since we noticed it.
More comparison here
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imrileyidostuff · 1 year
Episode 248
I just... hate this episode??? Screenshots under the cut, but oh my god the art is so wonky in this panel- and it especially shows in poor little baby Dionysus. The characters in this either look good or shit. Mostly shit.
Apollo's 'side' of the story is a really shitty thing to do and it seems like he's being justified in a way?? I'm not usually critical of stories, because I'm really dumb and can't analyse, but I'm sure that giving the perspective of an abuser is a pretty big no-no in writing, right? It could just be the story playing Apollo as a whiny ass guy who didn't know what he was doing, but it's coming off as 'It isn't my fault okkaaayy? 🥺👉👈'
It's just icky.
So, onto shitty ahh scenes! yaayyy. /s
All panels and shots belong to Rachel Smythe and her team
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First off- tiny head syndrome, yaoi hands, and I'm 95% sure that every male character is beginning to look like a fucking margarita glass. Also, i think the background is just a little bit too blurry: Zeus doesn't really look like he's in the world around him, he's more of a PNG pasted on top.
Oh wait-
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Okay. Anatomy. She's got bug eyes and is drawn a little childishly but overall it's alright. Shading. Muddy as shit- Rachel, please stop using the multiply layer for everything please i swear to god-
Overall, from Apollo's perspective this is a pretty good metaphor for this whole comic. A sad little uwu girl is put on a pedestal while she does absolutely horrendous shit. Although the rest of his perspective is shit.
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...Artemis, my /p Love, how... why...
So. Artemis is suffering from a really weird pose. Why are her hands doing... that? Her head is also a bit large but that's to be expected. Her pose is just so... stiff? going back to S1 she had such better posing, even if the anatomy was arguably worse.
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Look at this??? There's so much emotion and personality in these, and they just look gorgeous! Now, let's compare S1 with S3, hm?
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You can see that not only the anatomy is better, the shading is better, and that her outfit is really good, but you can tell that the second photo has much, much more emotion. Natural emotion, that is, not the goofy, non-serious kind of emotion that's comedic at best.
You can tell that Rachel put so much more effort into S1, with the amazing lighting and personality.
I'm going to do he rest of the episode another day lol, the rest of my screenshots are on a diff topic.
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scrapsovereign · 5 months
Ok everyone, hear me out:
What if you’re an aspiring NEET, current burnt-out millennial degen that has to work to support your wretched lifestyle and you get Isekai’ed on to the mindflayer ship?
You don’t speak the “common” language, but you can be sorta conversational in broken Japanese- which is eerily similar to another language a certain velf speaks…
Of all the places you had to get Isekai’ed to…wait a minute. This looks familiar. Is this that Bald and Gay game your friends keep sending memes to the group chat about?
Being here is actually a nice change of pace. The worst thing so far is not being able to understand a damn thing any of the other survivors say…
…until a moment arrives on the first night after you shotgun a health potion with a “Kanpai!” like the geriatric weeb you are.
The pretty, fancy one who sounds like he’s trying to pick you up using his best Vampire the Masquerade LARP voice snaps his head towards you. His eyes are wide in an expression that’s similar to the one you got from your supervisor that one time you loudly explained at the lunch table what yaoi paddles are to your zoomer coworkers.
He asks in what you consider to be the wildest pronunciation you’ve ever heard (for real, you can barely make it out) if you speak Kozakuran and by the powers of god, anime, and your rusty-ass 1.5 years of high school Japanese you put together a reply to him.
You can tell he haaaaaates talking to you in that language, but is also extremely smug about being the only one who can communicate with you.
He warns you that he’s the only one you can trust, and to keep your guard up around the others.
You tell him you’ll watch his back if he watches yours.
The Fabio-looking guy who looks like he’s fresh outta the SCA finds a scroll after you’ve been meandering about for a day or two and holy shit! It’s so nice to be able to talk to everyone! Kmart Fabio then starts talking your ear off. You had an awful date with a software engineer that went like this not too long ago and immediately regret the existence of magic.
It’s bliss when the spell wears off after a day’s time, and you have the sweet, sweet escape of hearing everyone speak in Sim Language. Except the fancy one, whose name you learned is Astarion.
You suppose maybe you should get your grubby fujoshi hands on a potion, another scroll, or actually try to learn the language. You know what though? Fuck it. It’s nice having the attention of a guy so pretty you’d normally be too nervous to talk to in your old life. He’s hilarious, sassy, flirtatious…
Still, something doesn’t seem quite right. You’re ready to tell your imposter syndrome to throw itself into the sun-and you do! It keeps coming back. It whispers that this is too good to be true, things can’t actually be this good.
When you wake up one night and you catch him in the act of trying to suck you dry like his personal Capri Sun you wonder briefly if it was right. Even if it is, you can’t remember the last time someone this hot had their mouth on you. Lastly, joke’s on your inner critic, you’re in to that sexy vampire shit.
You take off your shirt and lean your head to one side, offering your neck to him.
He gives you a feral grin that does things to you- things that finally give context to all the smutty fanfic you’ve ever read.
“Itadakimasu, darling.”
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enden-k · 2 years
Everytime I feel bad about my art, I just have to gander over to officially published yaoi with proportions like you wouldn’t believe and I feel my imposter syndrome fade away just a bit
yaoi hands are a blessing to the world
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pidgecv · 3 months
early morning ramblings///
posting this for funsies
pidge talks about romance as horror for far too long and makes no sense in the process 2024 colorized
relationships as a vessel for psychological horror has always been something that fascinates me. take killing stalking for example. a viscerally disgusting and terrible work of horror fiction that i honestly find really compelling conceptually. now did SOME of the fandom™️ completely miss the point and just go “omg yaoi” yes, they did. and yeah the story is like,, not my thing exactly in execution i didn’t finish the comic itself. im not the biggest fan of gore and it crossed my personal line into shock horror (got a bit too into the wrong kind of uncomfortable) but it’s all preference. however, the inherent horror of things like stockholm syndrome, or the idea of a frankenstein being infatuated with his monster not because of who they are but because he made them are both SO interesting. imagine a person loving someone who they have manipulated and abused past the point of humanity. not romantically necessarily (though yeah that’s totally a thing, that all-consuming fascination being misunderstood as a sick romance) rather like a personal project they’re absolutely obsessed with. their creation. except that creation has feelings as well. or maybe in extreme cases, used to at least. problem is it’s difficult to write platonically, since a lot of that stuff can come off as romanticizing abuse and it’s a very delicate topic. deffo easier to have someone eat their own arm and call it a day. going back to stockholm syndrome, in a way it’s a removal of agency (which is a staple of horror media lol). so the horror could be applied both ways, the obsessed and the obsession. the monster and its twisted creator. the inhuman and the inhumane. idk it’s just so damn interesting. it gets complicated and tricky to pull off, but horror doesn’t mix well with cut corners. i may try and expand on this sort of idea but in a far less extreme way for the swapverse. absolutely nothing romantic, in fact i headcanon (or i guess canon?) both versions of cleo as aroace (fully, not just somewhere in the middle of the aroace spectrum but completely disinterested in romance and sex repulsed) ((mostly just wanted to explore familial and platonic bonds without having to consider any sort of romantic stuff)) (((yes s!cleo had a boyfriend pre apox. it was qpr, they were both aroace but were besties for the resties and were gonna marry for tax purposes))). but i’d love to pull off a platonic obsession. jo would absolutely obsess over her work. she would be so proud of herself for creating cleo. living (debatably) proof of her skill. her magnum opus. every success of cleo’s is actually jos, but also every failure is taken the same way. jo sees it as her own failure, and takes out that selfish anger on cleo or even V sometimes. cleo struggles with her humanity. she was one of the first infected. not patient 0, but one of the first. early enough to have been institutionalized and studied at least. and jo has twisted her memories so much that cleo doesn’t know anything about herself except that she belongs to jo. she’s property, a dangerous weapon. that’s what makes their deaths so poetic. jo dies at the hands of V, through her own weapon. because while cleo hit the detonator, it was V who rigged the bomb. Cleo and jo depend on each other so much. the way you need the sword to cut but the sword needs you to polish. to sharpen. even to forge. of course V is the only one who survives. cleo was never going to be able to live without jo and vice versa. they weren’t friends. they weren’t family. they were something else entirely, something torturous and hateful and tragic. a dynamic of lies and manipulation and cruelty. they died as they lived, together. while the original final lives cast was threatened by the new world, they managed to overcome it by being a team. in the swapverse, the outside world was never the threat. they dominated the apocalypse, thriving compared to the og crew. but they were torn apart from the inside, and they couldn’t overcome it. yet another reflection of the original cast. i was gonna type more but hit tumblr limit goodnight fazgang
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outeremissary · 11 months
9 People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @turbulentpumpkin43. Thanks for thinking of me! I know I haven't been around much (for reasons we don't need to get into), but truly nothing summons me faster than the email notification about a tag game where I know I'm going to have to say something horribly embarrassing about myself.
Three Ships: I mean, if we're counting stuff with OCs then obviously anyone following my knows Balthazar and Tristian (and the wonderful polycule with Vio) is my number one. Aside from that, the latest volume of Witch Hat has fully converted me into an Agott/Coco true believer. I actually did like the Coco/Tarteh vibe but Agott's special brand of slowly changing rival just has me by the throat. Aside from that? Ummm. Elliot and Leo from Pandora Hearts? Does that count? I did my full reread of Pandora Hearts while afk in September and those two have had me since like 2012 or 2013 or whenever they were introduced in the English release. But now that I'm older and more mature I can better appreciate what the messy later arcs had to give, and that's the beauty of a relationship between equals corrupted by a growing imbalance no one has the strength to acknowledge and devotion so deep it tears both of their lives apart. That's awesome. 11/10, everyone read Pandora Hearts and I'm not even joking
First Ever Ship: Gamers, back in early 2012 when I was in middle school and could only see images on the computer at school because searching for anything visual online was mega bad for rural internet, a friend of mine used a science classroom computer to discover you could find non-canon images of The Legend of Zelda if you searched terms like "Link blue" and scrolled down a couple rows. I distinctly remember this as the first ever time I really understood the concept of "fan art," and more importantly as my entry into fandom as we all began to realize many of these came from the same site: a place called "DeviantArt." Some of these contained such salacious and unthinkable things as two boys holding hands and blushing, and also both of those boys were Link. I was so captivated by these mysterious images that I followed them to their Four Swords Adventures manga RP fandom source, where I am not proud to say the first "ship" I adopted as such was Vio (Violet Link for people who spent their time doing better things at thirteen) and Shadow (Shadow Link, of course). That's right, everyone! It was edgy Link selfcest yaoi between a traitor and an angsty villain all the way down!!! And you know what? When I write that I don't think my taste has changed. Except the selfcest. Mostly.
The other, more respectable first ship I remember not long after that was Ulquihime. What can I say, there's just something about the Stockholm syndrome of it all.
Last Song: No title - REOL. Narrowly missed this being edgy early Vocaloid. I've been revisiting old favorites recently.
Last Movie: I'm pretty sure it was Surf's Up. For whatever reason my friend decided we should rewatch it when I visited him a few weeks ago. Holds up better than it should, but I've rewatched it twice in little over a year and truly that is my Surf's Up limit. That trip was also when my friend forced me to watch Barbie and the D&D movie. Look at me catching up on relevant pop culture only for fucking Surf's Up to be what made this list.
Currently Reading: I'm pretty sure this came up last time, but because I haven't gotten started on a better book since then I'm unfortunately still periodically chipping at The Thousand Deaths of Ardor Benn. This book fucking sucks. Don't read it. If we could manga and stories that are actually good I recently did a Witch Hat Atelier reread after getting volume 11!!! That volume is. So painfully personal.
Currently Watching: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners and Jujutsu Kaisen season 2. JJK is with my friend for weekly hangout, but Edgerunners is a solo endeavor because it was bumming him out way too much. Good show though. Also JJK was way more of a bummer than expected in ways that caught me off guard??? I'm not getting over what happened to that girl, I really got fucking got by that scene. Jesus
Currently Consuming: Nothing. Just finished dinner, where I had a chicken sandwich and fries. I need groceries. It's dire.
Currently Craving: doing something creative, but that would require moving the giant zine pile on my chair........ this is how I'm procrastinating
I'm sorry, but I'm actually not tagging anyone on this tonight! I haven't been on enough lately to know who has or hasn't done it, and frankly I'm not ready to be back on Tumblr enough to map that out. If you're seeing this and want to do it, please go ahead and do it. Tag me like I tagged you, we are collaborators in this and I want to see what you say.
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amazingmrcinema007 · 2 years
Radu from the Subspecies series has yaoi hand syndrome.
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nightmarist · 1 year
41, 18, 6!
41. Are there any books you feel have shaped you as a writer?
I read the Picture of Dorian Gray as a young teenager and made it the majority of my personality ever since. The Legend of Drizzt, LotR/Hobbit, some of the Silmarillion, Eragon, and Look for me by Moonlight - These were particularly prominent as the main reasons why I really love epic, high fantasy styles with medieval inclinations. Look for me by Moonlight is a vampire novel that I read in place of Twilight.
No copies of Twilight were available at my library so I found Look for me by Moonlight instead. Similar introduction, a plane jane girl has to go live with her dad and little brother in Nowhere, USA. Her dad owns a hotel and a Mysterious, Handsome Stranger much older than her 16 year old self flirts with her. Essentially the book does a turn-heel and the vampire kills everyone she loves because she had cold feet about becoming a vampire. It was such a cool ending I was disappointed with twilight thereafter
Lots of Edgar Allan Poe, of course. Fall of the House of Usher and Lenore were my favorite works for a really long time, and I'm excited for the House of Usher series thats supposed to come out.
18. Tell us about that one book you’ll never let anyone read
As in one that I attempted to write? Back in like, 2010 I had one I called "Obscured" ; it was supposed to be a noir about a serial killer who stole faces (that look like his mother bc I guess I was doing a norman bates thing), but eventually became Obsessed(tm) with the detective and wanted His face, so he befriended him and stalked him and started killing people that looked liked the Detective before kidnapping the detective to "have" / "collect" alive and whole; the detective was on to him from the beginning, but risked getting to know him for proof before getting kidnapped.
eventually the detective used his own stockholm syndrome to get the killer to turn himself in, but became a killer himself with the same MO (killing people who looked like the original killer, taking their faces). I think. It's been over 10 years since I even Looked at it. Maybe there's something there, but not for a 16 y/o to skillfully write.
Frankly if I knew how to draw comics I think it could be pretty good as a horror yaoi or something. But as a Novel? No.... Never finished it, never will! I still have my big chunky draft somewhere tho... My english teacher actually read it and wrote lots of notes for me. Maybe I'll dig it back up, it might not be As Bad as I remember, but I could do better.
I also had a published book of poetry as a teen. Let's leave it dead and buried with my dead name lmao
6. Favorite character you’ve written?
Sigurd Helvega, hands down! He's my babygirl, my little meow meow, my blorbo, and all the weird little tumblr words for it. I have the majority of his story planned out, I need to sit down and actually Write it. Maybe make better outlines. One day.... some day..... Writing Dragon Age Fanfic though is decent practice. I should read Drizzt and LotR again for more writing and narrative style inspo.
Thanks !! <3<3<3
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bforblitz · 1 year
I have decided that I will be a victim of same hand syndrome, aka everyone will get yaoi hands because drawing big ass square hands is therapeutic
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lnights · 2 years
Okay, I didn't want to it... But I can't resist. Google "yaoi hands". Just. Just do it. 😅 /🐍
Oh I am very away of yaoi hand syndrome 😅
I've been into anime since I was 13 and going to conventions since I was 16, I will forever remember the yaoi paddle and the merchant that would wave a giant yaoi flag in the dealers room.
But for anyone not familiar... Google it 👀
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toon-pirate · 2 years
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Still suffering from Yaoi-hand syndrome
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bbbbbbbbbbbaka · 7 months
big yaoi hands syndrome
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mikadollie · 10 months
OH!! that ask that got ate was only about toxic doomed destructive nuclear waste homoerotic mentally deranged radioactive codependent stockholm syndrome boy yuri & girl yaoi with rinne. the contents in that ask were hmmmmm non-con -> dubcon, a little bit of violence, rinne‘s death -> hallucinations and obsessions -> necrophilia, cannibalism, self-harm and most importantly!!!! rinne pussy. rinneussy? rinnussy? (^▽^)
— 🍮 anon :3 if i ever have motivation again to write it back i’ll do it!! <- never going to happen
NOOOOOO BOY YURI GIRL YAOI COME BAAAAACK TUMBLR WHYYY....... rinne pussy... slides hand down window dramatically....
In my head i am completing the ask i am envisioning each letterand word you wrote........hbhggh....
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