#lineless is hard but rewarding
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Ah, what better way to introduce the visual part of this AU, than with a shit-post! Fr tho, trying very hard to emulate the style rn. Goddamn, rear 3/4 views are STILL hard af to do for me. Based on the part of my theory post that Jack and Aku are half-brothers.
Original art by @colliholly. Gotta love the funky lil trash man!
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galacticsuperstitions · 3 months
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the minds of a lab at three different points (LONG rambling under the cut)
I am constantly in awe of the analyses people put out about Arknights on this website. I feel like my own interpretations are somewhat lacking as a result, but I was confident enough to post this, at least. I've had this idea for a long time now, I think since Lone Trail released, but I've only been able to make the time for it now.
Rhine Lab has so many fucked up elements and people involved in it that it's actually impressive. They were really gunning for "most unethical scientific consortium" reward. Really, though, it's just the result of Kristen gunning for her parents' wishes. All of the directors want something and all of those somethings are different.
Things I want to mention or just feel proud of (allowing myself this because of how long this took):
-I was originally planning on crossing out Saria's surname to reflect that we still don't know what it is in canon, but I don't know why whoever has this poster would do that, so I just kept it in. Hermon refers to Mount Hermon, which Saria's name apparently derives from. Technically, her name here is the same thing twice. Oh well.
-I don't know who this poster belongs to. It's just in some Rhine Lab tech's personal desk, I guess? Doesn't explain the doodles, though. Maybe they were bored and feeling spiteful about the potential job insecurity of your boss being comatose in space.
-I realized only while making this post that I made Saria's, Muelsyse's, and Jara's doodles reference Kristen, yet Kristen's only references herself and her parents. Completely unintentional, but appropriate nonetheless.
-I am so happy with how the poster came out. It makes up for how hard I had to fight Canva for it to come out like that. Here it is in full if you want to look at it closely for whatever reason. (writing an actual description for this thing was fun!)
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-Andenate doesn't actually have a face under the sticky note. That's why he's still Mike Wazowski'd in the poster png. I didn't feel like drawing one since it wouldn't be shown in the finished pieces anyway. His jacket is just the same as Magallan's.
-Ifrit's picture board was a literal last-minute addition. It's why the images are sketches rather than being in the lineless style of the poster. It feels fitting, though, so I'm keeping it that way. Seeing Ifrit all grown up and doing so well in Lone Trail was wonderful. There's something in her being happy and healthy and also surrounded by not just her loved ones and friends from Rhine Lab, but also people outside of it. She's cultivated her life to be as fulfilling as she wants it to be, and while there is still room to grow, she has plenty of support and insight from others for it to do so. I may be misrepresenting her a bit (the sleepiness doesn't help), but man. I love Ifrit. She's so cool.
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u dont have to but ur like my biggest art inspo ever.. whats ur art process? any tips?
i’m very bad at explaining my art process but… i do have tips!!!
1. NEVER force yourself to get an idea. if you’re trying really hard to come up with something good, you’ll never get it the same way as if it naturally came to you. do not work against your brain, work WITH it when it feels like it. allow yourself to be inspired on your own time, not force yourself to feel inspired. this is how you can avoid crashing and burning. sometimes it’ll take a while to get a good idea to pop into your head, but it’s better than shitting out a bunch of bad ideas you’ll end up hating.
2. allow yourself to make mistakes. does your art look bad? i bet nobody will see those mistakes if you post it. we all draw characters in an awkward pose sometimes, and usually most people don’t even see what’s so bad about it. scribble. experiment. draw poorly. it’ll help you feel more confident about failing, then improving afterwards. not every piece is going to be perfect
3. be kind to yourself when you draw. listen to what your body has to say! if it’s starting to hurt, change positions or take a break. if you can’t draw no matter what, it’s time to come back to it later. don’t punish yourself for something you can solve in a few hours or days
4. indulge a little. draw the things you like. it’ll be much more rewarding when you have to draw the things you don’t like, such as art assignments or commissions. you should draw things because it makes you happy, even if others might not enjoy it (this rule is to an extent. i’m talking about harmless things like making crossovers of your fav series)
5. don’t compare yourself to others yadda yadda you’ve heard this too several times. it’s not a competition and nobody is winning LOL
6. always experiment. once you’re comfortable with the way you draw, take it to the next level. find different techniques, use color combinations you haven’t used before. try lineless art. it’s good for the soul
7. fuck it we ball
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wolkigs · 3 years
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my dog #4
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classicrosie · 4 years
My Top 10 Posts Ever
I’m @gemshine​​ and I’ve been posting art on Tumblr for five years. Over those five years, I’ve had ten posts gain over 100 notes. Here I will talk about each one of them, their story, and how I think they got popular. If you like any of them you can click the link to take you to the original post, I really appreciate likes and reblogs. If you want to see more of my art please follow @gemshine​​.
1). How to Make a Comic Infographic - 237 notes - Mar 27 2020
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This is my most popular post. It is a how-to infographic I did for class and I am really proud of it. Comics are really hard to complete, there are so many steps that without organization it is easy to get lost and give up. So, I thought letting others into my thought process would help. 
I haven't made that many comics, but I do love making them. I love storytelling and character development so much, so as a visual artist comics are an amazingly creative medium for me to play around with and tell my story. Here is my short story about an elf lawyer named Cherry Elliott I made in 2018 for another class, that made me fall in love with comic making. I dream of writing and illustrating a graphic novel one day.
This was my first time doing the equivalent of a colour palette challenge, I think it turned out pretty well, I love the colour combo of pink, purple, and yellow/orange. The comic I used as the example was a comic made specifically for this infographic, featuring my original character, Mystic. I’m the person in the bottom right, illustrating a comic about “Some Elf Thing”, aka my original story passion project @mysticsrealm​​​. My Mystic’s Realm stuff has not gained much traction yet, so it’s pretty wild that a post with an illustration of myself and my oc has gotten 237 notes and been reblogged 68 times.
Most people finding this post are going through some sort of “comic reference” related tag and I’m glad my experience is actually helping people start making comics. The majority of people tag it with “comic tutorial” or “reference”.
TLDR; this post is helpful for people looking to start making comics and it’s very aesthetic
2). Dad Hank Comic From Detroit Become Human - 205 notes - Aug 21 2018
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At the time this post felt like it was blowing up by my standards. It is still my number two post. It gained traction because I posted it in a big fandom at the right time (#connorarmy). If I posted it now it would have maybe 20 notes. A lot of getting notes is posting at the right time of a fandom, but I don’t really know the science.
This post is nice and simple, I like the purple wash. I like Hank’s expression. These two and their dog are a really sweet little family and I cashed in on that angst, like I am one to do. At least it was kinda wholesome angst, I guess. We love found family. 
3). Ladynoir!Opal Comic From Miraculous Ladybug and Steven Universe - 188 notes - Feb 26 2019
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I was and still am really proud of this one. I was inspired to try lineless by @sneakysscribs​​‘ lineless art. Lineless art is a pain, but so pretty. This piece was made by having lines, but then colouring them in. I love how I was pushing the comic format, making the two gems flying in the beginning and Ladynoir!opal really pop out of the page. I also love that I actually made backgrounds for once in my life, they’re SU inspired and very aesthetic.
I call this AU Miraculous Universe, and it has been in my head a long time, starring Ladybug!Pearl and Chat Noir!Amethyst. It is not very fleshed out, but it is very fun. It also makes no sense. This concept is so oddly specific it’s hilarious. But I’m also rewarded in my uniqueness in that there’s nothing else like it and I got to work both the SU and ML tags. 
4). Adrinino Dancing Comic From Miraculous Ladybug - 177 notes - Aug 15 2019
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I just noticed my top 4 all had to do with comics. Hopefully, that’s a good omen for my future in graphic novel. 
This piece was for the first and only (so far) zine I’ve been in, @theninozine​​. That is where the majority of people found this post. It was nice to create something knowing that people were going to see it. It was also nice to have my work displayed among so many talented and passionate artists. Drawing ships for ml is funny because to have to tag the same exact ship four times to account for their love square. Anyways this piece is very sweet and gay. 
5). Viperinoire From Miraculous Ladybug - 166 notes - May 7 2020
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This is my most recent post above 100 notes. And it was posted during the ML offseason. I’m not that big of a fan of the show, but I love the fan content a lot. We lot just kinda take elements from canon and do whatever we want with them. This Viperinoire post is a great example steering far from canon.
This post succeeded despite the last episode of Miraculous aired having been in Dec 2019 because of the active Lukanette fanbase. I have a theory that the reason ML is still so popular on the internet, despite a large crowd being disappointed with the show, is because the fan content gets a ton of interaction, encouraging creators to keep making more, keeping the fandom alive.
6). Christine Canigula From Be More Chill - 141 notes - Feb 4 2018
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This was my second post to gain over 100 notes. I posted when the Be More Chill fandom was very popular. People were really nice in the notes, they really love ChristiiIIIIIIiine. In this post I was practicing posing and using a glowy tutorial I found for the stage lights. This is the scene during More Than Survive where she is lifted up and signs the sign-up sheet for the after school play. When I look at this piece I can see the progress I made to get that point, and how I’ve grown since. 
7). Heather Chandler From Heathers The Musical - 120 notes - Feb 19 2017
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This was my first post ever to get over 100 notes. I still think it’s pretty good actually, I really like the hair. This post was copied directly from a photo, which I think is pretty good practice for shading. During this time, I didn’t have a drawing tablet so I was posting traditional drawings. This post blew up over all the ones before it because it was at a good time in the Heather fandom and it looks pretty great tbh.
8). Green Diamond From Steven Universe - 108 notes - Aug 15 2018
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Someone asked me to imagine two diamonds fused so I did. I think I did a pretty good job combining the aesthetics of Blue and Yellow to create a new gem with their own identity. This post got popular because of Bellow shippers. One thing I would change is that underneath her left arm you can see a little looseness of her top, I would have changed that to be form fitting to match with the SU style of drawing gems. 
9). The Zen Garden From Detroit Become Human - 103 notes - Aug 27 2018
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This is one of the only times I’ve ever practiced drawing a background. Came out pretty picturesque if I do say so myself. The Zen Garden from DBH has always been very pretty. This was really just an exercise for me to come out of my comfort zone and draw a place instead of a person. Actually, at first, it started as a background for [this post], but the background came out nicer than the subject, so I posted it on its own too.
10). Pearls From Steven Universe - 100 notes - Aug 14 2019
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This post just got 100 notes, which lead me to making this post. I think I captured the SU art style for Pearl quite well. When I was younger I found a tutorial for how to draw Pearl and she became my go-to doodle. This post was made years later, but I definitely used the muscle memory I had for drawing Pearl. Though the Pearl I drew was in her bow outfit, this was my first time drawing Pearl in either of these outfits. This post was made before the SU movie a pretty good prediction might I say. I love Pearl a lot.
Thank you, everyone, so much for supporting my work, and may there be lots more in the future.
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As of now, my father says he no longer wants to financially support me. There’s a decent chance this will be my last weekend in my parents’ home, and I likely won’t receive any financial support from them, at least not for a while. My parents don’t want to deal with seeing me as I physically transition. 
I’m currently getting a plan together to make sure I’m able to get through this as successfully as I can. I’m working to apply for Medicaid to afford my T and anti depressant prescriptions. I’m going to be applying to an RA position this summer and next school year to make sure I have a place to live. I’m also going to be applying to various jobs around my college campus. I’m able to get free psychological counselling on campus, which is good. I have about $1,500 to my name, which is by no means a bad amount, but if I’m to be paying my monthly loan bills of $100, paying for both of my prescriptions approximately once a month, buying groceries, buying materials for my classes (art classes have a required materials list that if you’re really unlucky can get into the hundreds of dollars in supplies), getting and paying for insurance... It won’t last long. So, I’m going to try and get a job, get commissions, and grind through this as hard as I can. This is the path I chose, and I know that. I’m going to make it work. So help me I’m going to get through this better than I went into it. 
If any of you guys want to help me get through this financially (you don’t have to, please don’t feel obligated or like I expect you to. Your well wishes mean an incredible amount already) there are a few ways you can. 
1) Commissions. I’ll be taking monster design commissions for $10 each. They’ll be done in the cartoony, lineless styles of my MOGAI Monsters. If interested, please DM me! Here’s a good example:
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I’ll also be making a commissions sheet with more options. 
2) Patreon. This is a monthly payment, though you could only pay once and I’d still be thrilled. Each payment tier comes with its own reward as well! This Patreon is also tied into the MOGAI-Monsters project, and is another way to ensure that I continue on with my monsters, as working will give me less time for all these little guys and financial stability would give me more time.
3) Ko-Fi. Ko-Fi is a donation service that allows you to buy ‘coffees’ for someone in increments of $3. In order to try and make this more appealing, I’ll be taking Ko-Fi requests for now. They’ll be quick sketches of whatever you’d like to see (preferably MOGAI Monsters)!
4) RedBubble. In order to keep my stickers affordable, I only make about $0.40 off of each of them. However, they’re still incredibly helpful if bought. I also plan on releasing special shirt designs when I reach 1,000 followers! For the sake of this post, I’m also going to link my personal, non MOGAI related RedBubble. There might be something there you guys like!
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limsimmm-blog · 5 years
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Had a go at a lineless sort of style and O BOY IT’S HARD. It was super challenging but also rewarding at the same time, I learnt a lot!
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