#yasammy week
nineratsinatrenchcoat · 6 months
The Girl on the Railing
Yasammy Week Day 2: Sketchbook
Yaz hadn’t been on many boats in her life. A couple tours around Lake Michigan when she was little, maybe. But those didn’t hold a candle to being on a ferry bound for a remote island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 
She hadn’t wanted to go; spending a week on an island with a bunch of random teenagers wasn’t exactly her idea of a good time. Of course, having a sponsor to appease meant that her idea of a good time didn’t really matter. So she sat on the observation deck, trying to sketch out vague outlines of the dinosaurs she knew: t-rex, triceratops, stegosaurus.They must have been wildly inaccurate, scientifically speaking, but she was willing to stave off boredom in any way possible at this point. Well, any way other than conversation. 
The stego was halfway outlined when the creak of metal hinges made her jump in her seat, sending the pencil out of her hand and onto the metal deck. Heart still racing, she ducked down to pick it up – and also to avoid whoever else was on the deck. 
She just managed to catch it before it slid too far away; she breathed a sigh of relief and started to get up. Before she could even sit up, she caught a glimpse of her.
A girl around her age was leaning against the railing and looking out at the churning waves. Her short brown hair, held back by a pink headband, was whipping around in the wind, but she didn’t seem to notice. She just kept staring out at the world with the deepest brown eyes that Yaz had ever seen.
Her heart fluttered, if only for a moment. Yaz knew what she was going to draw. Who.
She hunched over her sketchbook, stealing glances at the girl every few seconds. First her body, then the railing, then the details took form – the swirls on her boots, the zipper on her jacket, that pensive gaze that Yaz couldn’t quite get to look right, no matter how many times she re-drew those eyes.
She was trying to get the headband right when the girl turned around and looked at her. She seemed surprised. Yaz shut the sketchbook and held it tightly to her chest.
The girl’s lips parted in a wide smile, and she waved.
Yaz was out of her seat and down the stairs before she could say a thing. She skidded to a stop on the lower deck and sighed.
Her heart felt like a caged animal trying to claw its way out of her chest; that had been close. Why did that girl have to turn around? Why did she have to look so… interesting? That wasn’t the word for it. Yaz didn’t really know the word for it. That feeling.
Whatever it was, it wasn’t going anywhere. She would be there for seven days, that was all. See some dinosaurs, strengthen sponsorship ties with Jurassic World.
She looked up. The girl was back, staring at nothing again. She looked a little happier now.
Yaz opened her sketchbook and turned to that page. She erased the mouth and drew in the smallest, gentlest smile. 
Yeah, that looked right.
(ps it's on ao3 too heh)
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campbenji · 6 months
@yasammyweek hey...
I intended to participate way more on Yasammy week, but it happened to line up with my final week of school, and I couldn't finish my entries on time. But I did finish this! It was meant for day 1: Post-Nublar 🌸🏅
hope you guys still like it even though it's so late <3
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sprinklethetangerine · 6 months
Ugh, I can't believe I didn't get a chance to participate in yasammy week cause I've just been so busy with school and traveling and shit.
And I was so excited too...
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iffasart · 9 days
@campbenji JWCTcountdown: release day / free day
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Edit: added some close-ups under the cut
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unnecessary-dinosaurs · 6 months
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it’s literally them
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snugglylime · 1 month
Hey JWCC enthusiasts,
How we feelin about a s4 - s5 rewrite where instead of the campers shipwrecking on Mantah Corp Island they get stranded on Isla Sorna?
Of course, this would require all the dinosaurs present on Isla Sorna in JP3 to have stayed on the island instead of being transported to Jurassic World or Mantah Corp Island but THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES
Imagine the kids surviving on a dinosaur-infested island that's even more hostile and remote than Isla Nublar, putting all their newly acquired skills to the test. The dinosaurs here, having been abandoned for over a decade, might be even more dangerous than the ones the kids are used to, like the creepy Pteranodons in the Aviary
And maybe the dinosaurs have contracted some sort of disease that screws them up like they did in the book hmmm
I have so many notes for this hrgggg might write it into a fanfic if I'm feelin cute
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haethyre · 11 days
I am literally so excited for Chaos Theory. I miss my cringey dinosaur show
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mangosaurus · 6 months
every time i see that raid meme i just think of s1 ben. tell me it isn't him
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msp9 · 17 days
JWCT COUNTDOWN prompt 3: Favourite ship.
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Istg words cannot express my love for these two. I joined the jwcc fandom when season 2-3 was released and i saw an edit on tiktok about these two, and here we are. I'm so grateful for them making this ship canon. 🥹 Sometimes i still can't believe its true
Fun fact: I made this like 2 weeks ago when i saw the prompt for fav ship lmao. Its a redraw of the cynoceratops scene in season 1 ep. 3. THIS is the moment Yaz fell for her try to argue with me. Although yaz's brain took its time to realise that lmao.
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yasammyweek · 1 month
Will there be a Yasammy week this year?
Great question! I've definitely been thinking about it, but I guess it really depends on if there's interest for it. If so, I'd like to host it earlier in the year this time around—maybe around October? December ended up being really busy for a lot of people, including myself, which made participating a bit of a challenge. I'd like to avoid that if possible!
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nineratsinatrenchcoat · 7 months
Just got such a good idea for Yasammy week omg. One word: Bucees
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campbenji · 1 year
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best couple in jwcc iktr
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sleepsart · 6 months
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[ ID: A small drawing of Yaz and Sammy sitting side by side. Yaz is drawing in a sketchbook while Sammy is leaning on her. Yaz is wearing a track jacket and pants, and her hair is in a ponytail. Sammy is wearing a tank top, shorts, cowboy boots, and a headband. Her hair is short and curly. There are hearts and talking lines around both of them, but their expressions cannot be seen. End ID ]
Tag list: @luna-spacedoodles @convexers @renchanters @hc-viii @grey-nova @chimbamuerto @gardenergulfie @oakskull @sadgeish @im-troublesome @griancraft @bellemyers @solardashpraxus @routeriver
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it-fits-i-ships · 2 days
I just finished Chaos Theory and I have many thoughts, it will probably be a couple of weeks before I can do the Yasammy analysis (being a teacher at the end of the school year is absolutely bonkers) but it’s coming!
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unnecessary-dinosaurs · 6 months
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Day 2 of @yasammyweek: Sketchbook
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snugglylime · 1 month
Long-Distance Yasammy HCs
Just some post-canon long-distance relationship HCs for Yasammy for y'all during the count down to Chaos Theory <3
Yaz struggles HARD with the long distance. She trusts Sammy with every fiber of her being, but every once in a while, she worries that Sammy will move on since they don't see each other much.
Conversely, Sammy worries that Yaz will get so caught up in track that she'll eventually get tired of keeping up with the relationship.
They video call a LOT, especially when they're doing homework, relaxing, or just when they need to hear each other's voices (which is often)
They also host virtual watch parties so they, and the rest of the Nublar Six if their schedules line up, can watch movies and chat together.
After the semi-isolation of being on Isla Nublar for so long, Yaz starts to get overstimulated at school and when she's in big groups. Whenever she does (and can't calm down on her own), she calls Sammy, who always manages to make her feel better.
Yaz sends Sammy postcards every time she goes on a trip for a track competition. Sammy creates a scrapbook with them.
After Yaz expresses how much she misses her, Sammy mails her one of her hoodies. Even though it's a bit big on her, Yaz starts wearing it to school and to track meets whenever she can. She also likes snuggling up with it in her downtime.
For holidays and just whenever they want, they send each other gifts through the mail. Sammy prefers things like stuffed animals and cute keychains, while Yaz prefers more practical things like sketchbooks and art supplies. Though Sammy does send her some cute things too, which she's secretly obsessed with because they remind her of Sammy.
They have a mutual understanding that they won't call each other past a certain time unless it's an emergency (like a nightmare). When this does happen, the other is more than willing to wake up and talk for a bit.
Yaz doesn't officially celebrate most holidays, so when she gets the chance, she flies to Texas to celebrate them with Sammy and her family.
Whenever she can't visit, Sammy puts her on a video call so that Yaz can feel like she's part of the festivities. This is always the best during Christmas since Sammy's family also sends Yaz gifts and gets to watch her open them.
They initially plan for Yaz to fly to Texas for her birthday, but it falls through because of an important upcoming track meet. Yaz is devastated by the whole thing, so her mom secretly pays for Sammy to visit them for the week.
Yaz is over the moon about the surprise. She's also excited that Sammy will finally get to attend one of her track competitions (naturally, Sammy cheers for her super loudly the whole time)
At some point, Sammy gets sick and goes radio-silent for a while. Yaz FREAKS out and nearly runs out the door to try and hitch-hike to Texas before her mom stops her. Eventually, Sammy responds and tells her what happened, and Yaz starts checking in on her more regularly until she gets better.
Because of how much time they spend apart, they always get shy when they're together again. But once they get comfortable, they're just as touchy and cutesy as ever.
And they're both pretty bad at kissing :p lack of practice and all that.
Sammy likes reading bedtime stories to Yaz over the phone. It helps calm them both down if they're feeling particularly anxious (since sleeping on the Island was always dangerous and that anxiety sticks with them)
When Yaz visits the ranch, she's AWFUL with the animals. Sammy just finds her fumbling and struggling adorable, even if she teases her about it.
Sammy cries out of joy when Yaz reveals her plans to attend college in Texas :)
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