#isla sorna au
snugglylime · 1 month
JWCT Countdown Day #1: Favorite Character - Yaz
This is a snippet from my Isla Sorna AU (read more here) about Yaz having a nightmare like she had in season 4. Sorry girly <3
One moment she’s staring at the corrugated ceiling of the ACU van, and the next she’s looking up through a web of sunlight piercing the overhead foliage. She instinctively raises her hand to block the light, but the movement is sluggish, weighed down by the kind of exhaustion she only feels after a particularly grueling track meet.
Or, she realizes with a sinking feeling in her gut, after she’s been running for her life. 
A surge of panic spurs her to her feet but she only manages to stumble a few inches forward. The impossibly thick carpet of intertwined roots and thickets clutch at her feet, shackling her in place. And oh God this is not the place she wants to be. 
The jungle looms and sways all around her, rippling thickly in the wind. As she struggles to move, the sound of it folding in on itself gets louder and more violent, eventually turning to a deafening crash of leaves on leaves and whatever else has the misfortune of getting trapped in the maelstrom. 
Despite the warm rush of wind against her cheeks, she shivers.
She falls back with a gasp and frantically glances around, narrowing her focus to the dark tunnels formed by the gaps between tree trunks and the flat arms of ferns, the ends of which could conceal any number of dangers. 
A small voice in the back of her head reminds her that this isn’t Isla Nublar and that she’s survived much worse than whatever a remote island in the Pacific boonies can throw her way. But that voice only grows smaller as she hears the distinctive crunching of leaves followed by rhythmic tremors beneath her fingertips in the dirt. 
She shuts her eyes and immediately curls in on herself, trembling with the knowledge that she’s trapped, frozen in place as the roar of the wind gives way to the shuffle of heavy limbs and the strained breathing of an animal unaccustomed to the sun-soaked air.
She keeps her eyes screwed shut as she’s enveloped in a wash of hot air that smells like the dead meat she’s surely about to become. The light drains from her eyelids and teeth as big as her hands burst through the supple flesh of her arms. 
She wakes up with a scream, but still, she wakes up.
The sensation of teeth puncturing her skin fades as the carcass of the ACU van materializes around her, a dark cylinder lit only by the thin threads of moonlight filtering through old, boltless holes in the roof. 
She nearly jumps out of her skin before realizing that she’s not alone. In fact, she’s about as not alone as possible, being one of six kids stuffed into the back of a van already crowded with the alien tentacles of vines and the spindly tips of weeds growing up through the wheel wells. 
Kenji, apparently having fallen from his perch on the wheel hood, lays sprawled across her legs, looking up at her in bewilderment. Sammy is at her back, rubbing soothing circles against her shoulders, and Brooklyn is in front of her, looking at her with the half-confident eyes of someone accustomed to failing to make others feel better. 
Yaz resists the urge to extract herself from the mess of bodies, including her own. She wants to crawl out of her skin and into the grass, away from the friction of the group’s proximity in the van, and away away away from this nightmare she can’t seem to wake from. 
But even if it is a nightmare, her friends are here, trying to calm her down to the best of their abilities. She focuses on the weight of Sammy’s arms around her waist, the feel of Kenji’s chest pressed to her thighs, and the assuring lilt of Brooklyn’s voice that she just now begins to hear. 
“It’s okay Yaz,” Brooklyn says. “Just breathe.”
She does breathe, and she keeps breathing, one breath after another, until her heart stops wrestling with her ribs, and the tears she’s fought so hard to suppress spring to her eyes. 
“I want to go home,” she whimpers. 
She doesn’t need to look up to know that the others feel the same. 
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film-in-my-soul · 1 year
Hi 👀
I just saw your lovely prompt list and wanted to ask if I could wish for an Icemav Jurassic Park AU story ☺️🦕
Hope you're having a wonderful day! 🌺
Hi! Thank you so much for your request. I hope this lives up to however you might have imagined it ^^'
You're DINOmite
Fandom: Top Gun
Pairing: Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Rating: T
Word Count: 5063
Summary: When a poacher problem comes to Isla Sorna, InGen sends out a group of mercenaries to help keep their assets secure. Maverick is not pleased with that development. Until he is.
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xnaderblog · 10 months
this is the character i was talking about, who’s probably one of the most fleshed out characters i’ve made in a while. fc: james mcavoy — jurassic park
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“I am the monster you should be afraid of.”
this is dr. lyle reed, aka book!lyle. this version of lyle comes primarily/solely from the michael crichton jurassic park novels. he is dark, malicious, and violent in nature, but not for the purpose of fitting into the quite darker themes of the books. universally, lyle is interested in animal anatomy and behaviour sciences, and usually has a doctorate in these fields. he’s worked with wild animals his entire life, that’s why he’s a keen (last minute) choice for hammond’s tour of the park. this variant of lyle is weapons-intelligent, and initially very skeptical of the involvement of jurassic park. during the timeframe of the book, lyle is primarily on his own, going through the dangerous motions of “kill or be killed,” thus learning to murder the leader raptor of the pack in order to establish his own dominance. he is vicious because he has to be, and he finds no thrill in returning to these islands.
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“If you’re not afraid of this place, then you shouldn’t be here.”
this version of lyle is, in a word, lovestruck. he is built for the films instead of the novels, which allows him to be more of an average person infatuated with the grand idea of bringing back the world’s most ancient creatures, just like the rest of the group invited to the island. he is good with the kids, allowing for most of the pressure to be off of alan. lyle and ellie are closer in field studies than ian or alan, so they hit it off pretty quickly, and ian finds lyle strange and intriguing, though they butt heads a lot during the first film (spoilers they get together later). lyle is never deterred enough to think going back to the islands and exploring further is ever a bad idea, but he isn’t ignorant in his curiosity. lyle is smart, he knows how animals work, and even if they are ancient and unknown, dinosaurs are still animals. he takes precautions, he isn’t a fan of carnivores, and he is usually right about his facts. he will always take the chance to see these extraordinary creatures one more time.
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“I killed the alpha so I became the alpha.”
older au for lyle! lyle and the trio are all in their mid twenties/thirties, and are active at the jurassic world amusement park. lyle watches the velociraptor paddock and realises that the alpha raptor is bullying and starving out the rest of the pack. lyle goes into the paddock and takes care of the bullying alpha, challenging it to take the position of alpha and then shoots the raptor in the head. after a few days, the lab assistants in charge of the raptors report that the pack hasn’t been eating. lyle soon puts together that he has to be present during every feeding to let the raptors know that they can eat. he continues his routine of coming to the enclosure and begins to bond with the raptors as their alpha, but he isn’t really that interested in them. that’s until a spunky new employee named owen grady who begins to follow lyle around like a lost puppy.
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“Lyle Harding, and you are…?”
recent au for lyle! lyle is 16 during the events of the 1993 park, and he’s the son of sarah harding. sarah was only 18 when she had lyle, and is almost forty during the events of isla sorna in 1997. lyle and billy brennan are childhood friends, and both follow in careers of palaeontology. lyle is present for all three jurassic park scenarios, and does not get any closer with his mother during the 1997 event. lyle almost loses billy during the 2001 incident involving the kirbys, and becomes rather threatening and distant towards paul, amanda, and erik after the pteranodon encounter at the river.
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“If you think I’m in danger, please, feel free to report me.”
recent au for lyle!! he’s aged down and now the kid of ellie and alan! i genuinely don’t have too much for him, other than he regularly visits the jurassic world amusement park and works with a velociraptor named red! red is the only raptor in JW that is directly related to the raptors from isla sorna, as well as the only male in the pack. red, along with blue and the others, has been taught to understand sign language, and lyle frequently communicates with red, who’s established lyle in the hierarchy of the pack.
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chriscdcase95 · 1 year
What I see: Multiple 65/Star Wars AU's where Commander Mills is a displaced Ben Solo trapped on prehistoric Earth.
I raise you this: A 65/Star Wars AU where Commander Mills is a displaced Ben Solo...but instead of being trapped on a prehistoric Earth ? He's on either on a modern day Isla Sorna, or Skull Island.
Not just because I'm a crossover nut, but the paleo nerd in me seriously looking at this theropod, and thinking “Okay, either this thing's a differently evolved cousin of the Vastatosaurus Rex...or one of Dr. Wu's experiments he put in the “maybe” pile.” 
I'm also genuinely betting that they're gonna pull a “This was modern Earth all along” twist.
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imprvdente · 2 years
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@worldjurassic​ said: “No, let’s find another way.” Dodgson to Fish, maybe an au where they get lost together on the second island??
A loud -exasperated- sigh left her lips. If there was one thing worse than being stuck on Isla Sorna, it was being stuck on Isla Sorna with him.
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“I’m sorry, who made you boss?” she asked, hands firmly planted on her hips, “because last time I checked, you’re not freaking Indiana Jones, ok? If someone can make us survive on this Island, it’s me, not you.”
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Jurassic Park Series Aesthetic Open for requests!
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raidbossmadi · 3 years
Edge of Chaos  Masterpost
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A masterpost of my Jurassic Park AU fic-verse The Edge of Chaos , to be updated as fics come out 
Fic List : 
The Edge of Chaos   
John Hammond is sure that Jurassic Park is ready to host its first guests, Robert Muldoon disagrees with this sentiment wholeheartedly especially after the worker incident. He advocates the experts be brought in so that maybe John will finally do the right thing. 
Meanwhile Ian Malcolm has always preached that a system at the Edge of Chaos is in constant flux and one little tip in either direction of Order or Chaos will bring an entire system crashing to it knees. Little does he know he's about witness this concept playout right in front of him.
The New Normal
Change is a funny thing, sometimes you end up in the aftermath of a crisis and learn more about yourself than you thought you would. It's easier to deal with together than alone.
After the events of Jurassic Park Ellie Sattler and Alan Grant find they can’t abandon Ian Malcolm to recover from his injuries alone. They accompany him home to Texas as they deal with the trauma of their experiences. Nothing will be the same and the mistakes of the past loom large over everyone.
Familiar Path, Different Place
"We must consider the idea that with extinction being untestable and unsuitable for experimentation. It may not be a construct of science at all but instead an unexplainable act of the failure of other systems.” - Ian Malcolm
After Ingen destroyed his reputation Ian Malcolm was content to put the 1993 incident behind him. The universe, and Sarah Harding have other ideas though. Having no choice but to traverse the lost world of Jurassic Park's Site B, Ian must come face to face with his deepest fears.
Beautiful and Vulnerable 
In the aftermath of San Diego the survivors of the original incident in '93 are brought together once more. Ellie and Alan desperately want to be able to trust Ian again but things won't be as easy as they were the first time, everyone has been keeping secrets that they need to address. The shadow of the park still looms heavily over them all. Everything happens for a reason though and now that the survivors are together again it won't be so easy to pull them back apart.
While the world is coming to terms with Ingen's dinosaurs, Henry Wu will not settle for this being the end of the line for his work. With a legal hearing in the way of what will be done with Ingen's assets the genetics team is racing against the clock, yet soon they'll discover an unexpected ally in Simon Masrani.
Crossing The Rubicon
In 1999 under the supervision of Ingen's new benefactor, Masrani Global, Operation Trailhead is deployed. A handful of employees of the original park and a their new trainees are sent to Isla Sorna to reclaim the Island holdings and protect the animals that live there.
Illusion of Control 
After refusing to willfully aid the Kirby family in helping to locate their missing son, the Survivors of the Jurassic Park incident find themselves kidnapped and brought to Isla Sorna. To make matters worse they aren't the only people on the island who shouldn't be there as Lewis Dodgson has sent his operatives to try and retrieve Genetic stock from the animals on the island. They all just so happen to arrive at the same time as Henry Wu's wayward Spinosaurus has escaped into the ecosystem and She intends to carve her niche into the biosphere no matter who or what gets in her way.
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holycatsandrabbits · 2 years
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Upcoming writing events for Dannye Chase: week of Jan 24, 2022
Find the most up to date list at DannyeChase.com/UpcomingEvents
Ao3 ~ DannyeChase.com ~ Linktree
Upcoming Fics:
Feb 4: You Don’t Say. My next serial romance. When two fake psychic con men who secretly pine for each other are forced to work together to solve a disappearance, they discover that one of them is actually psychic. But which one?
Later in February: I will be participating in Femslash February this year for both Good Omens and original fiction, and there will be a Good Omens zine fic posted on Feb 14.
Currently posting:
Serial fic My Hero: updates Fridays. An investigative reporter falls for her kickass female bodyguard, while trying to conceal the fact that she doesn’t need a bodyguard because she has super powers.
Recently Posted:
Blind Date With a Book: An original romance. A female librarian falls for a beautiful woman who claims to hate reading.
Another Invitation: A Jurassic Park fic. Alan and Billy before and after Isla Sorna.
Kirkegrim: An original cryptid horror fic. A murderess trying to dispose of a body on consecrated ground faces the spectral guardian dog of the graveyard.
Stormy Omens: a Good Omens human AU disaster movie fic with Crowley as a single dad and Aziraphale as a children’s librarian. Together they face a terrible tornado.
Our Music: An original M/M holiday romance. A winter storm and a sprig of mistletoe derail the plans of a janitor who thinks he’s not good enough for his best friend and neighbor, a young virtuoso violinist. Illustrated! Rated E with NSFW art
How to Win the Heart of Your Handsome New Neighbor: A Plan in Six Steps A Good Omens human AU neighbors-to-lovers fic. Retired bookseller Aziraphale Fell is determined to get to know his shy new neighbor with the beautiful garden. Rated E
Tollense An original romance. One of the most commented original fics on Ao3! A history professor falls in love with his best friend, a 3000-year-old vampire. Rated E
Life of the Party, an original romance. Gorgeous, charming 1930’s playboy Stephen Fletcher offers to introduce his shy best friend Walter Amesbury to kissing… and more. Rated E
Currently available to order and pre-order
Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging, Volume Blue An anthology from Improbable Press featuring “The Enfield Monster,“ my story of a lifelong romance between a human woman and a female swamp monster. Order here
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inthememetime · 3 years
Yet another AU idea (this one I'll write! Definitely! Probably. Maybe. Hopefully?) (Version 1)
The Hobbit/Jurassic Park Crossover you never asked for. More below the cut!
The dwarves are a pack of Allosaurs.
Bilbo is notably Not An Allosaurus. But the labels on some eggs were switched on accident, and now there's a baby Utahraptor in the Allosaur den and Nobody Wants To Touch That.
Just in case you were wondering, Utahraptor is the dino Jurassic Park likes to call a Velociraptor. Irl Velociraptors were turkey sized.
Notably, this will be told from the dinosaurs point of view.
Thranduil's prison? Thranduil's just trying to keep the park safe as head of security and it's hard when the raptors keep trying to dig under the cages.
Tauriel is the mandatory Horse Girl but with one of the younger Allosaurs. Leave me alone dad this one likes me I think. No, not with BBQ sauce. Jerk.
Gandalf is park manager. Where is he when you need him? Probably talking to the more intelligent predators like they can understand him. Creepy.
Dís is one of the main scientists in charge of Therapod creation (aka Mom). She is fired when Main Conflict starts.
The dinos think Thranduil was bad? (He was actually very serious about treating them humanely) Wait until they meet the new Head of Security InGen bought in- Bolg.
Bolg looks familiar. Hey Thorin, didn't you eat his dad or something?
He did not, but he tried. Azog did lose an arm to him by acting like a 38 foot long apex predator was a dog that could be teased. Spoiler alert: nope.
Everything Changed when the Fire Nation Bilbo attacked. Say hello to my little friend: Bilbo has figured out how to pick locks, open gates, and sneak past security cameras.
Dinosaurs had feathers and this does NOT make them less scary.
Smaug? More like t-rex. Azog and Bolg figure they can make $$$ on fights, but one is a pack predator and one is not.
Mom, Thranduil, and literally every decent person on the island is Not Happy.
A Very Bad Mistake: the security gate is Visitor proof, but not 6 foot tall Very Angry predator proof. Turns out, when something tears apart your control panel to try and eat you, it opens the gates.
Thorin please do not eat the horse dinosaur girl. Your nephew loves her. Not like that, he's a dino she's a human, that would be Very Gross.
Bard kills the TRex
Back in the cages? Hell no, time for Legolas and Tauriel to steal a boat. Kíli loves the boat! Fíli Does Not.
Haha Fíli, Kíli, and Thorin dying? Don't worry, Elrond is a very good vet.
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snugglylime · 2 months
Hey JWCC enthusiasts,
How we feelin about a s4 - s5 rewrite where instead of the campers shipwrecking on Mantah Corp Island they get stranded on Isla Sorna?
Of course, this would require all the dinosaurs present on Isla Sorna in JP3 to have stayed on the island instead of being transported to Jurassic World or Mantah Corp Island but THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES
Imagine the kids surviving on a dinosaur-infested island that's even more hostile and remote than Isla Nublar, putting all their newly acquired skills to the test. The dinosaurs here, having been abandoned for over a decade, might be even more dangerous than the ones the kids are used to, like the creepy Pteranodons in the Aviary
And maybe the dinosaurs have contracted some sort of disease that screws them up like they did in the book hmmm
I have so many notes for this hrgggg might write it into a fanfic if I'm feelin cute
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hctirdle · 3 years
Because I have very sophisticated tastes, my only real comfort movies are the original Jurassic Park trilogy, which I watch endlessly, which is why I have no idea why it took me 73 years to realize that the Flint-Silver dynamic is basically the Grant-Billy dynamic from the third movie. I know The Youth™ love to meme the “Alan” scene on here but listen, that movie has so much queer subtext that I have to watch it at least once a year just to remind myself that they really went and implied... all that.
But the point here is that obviously England = raptors in this AU, Urca gold = raptor eggs, and Silver totally gets mauled by a pteranodon, but if Ellie = Miranda then does that mean Thomas got eaten by a raptor, or is he hiding out on Isla Sorna collecting t-rex pee?
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😃😃 Tell me more about the Jurassic Park aus??? Pls pls
Jurassic Park AUs!
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God I love these movies, I could watch them every day.
So there are two that I’ve been pondering, one based on the older three and one based on the newer characters/storyline.
I’m trying to get elements from all three of the original films into one (compressed) storyline; even though JP III is the weakest of the bunch it has plenty of salvageable bits that I want to steal. The John Hammond character, who is utterly enchanted with their dinosaurs and resistant to any idea that the park might be too dangerous for visitors, is Daenerys. The genius scientist who helps her bring them to life and care for them (not sure if he would still be a geneticist? need to work out the science aspect of it and the scope of his job) is Tyrion. I feel pleased with both of these choices because of their respective canonical feels about dragons.
The equivalent of Isla Nublar and/or Isla Sorna is an uninhabited island off the coast of Naath, canonical home to foot-long killer butterflies, which idk feels like just the right VIBE, ykwim? I wanted something in the tropics for Reasons, and was idly casting about for a worthy candidate, and lo, there Killer Butterfly Island was. It was meant to be.
Scientists paleontologing, people lounging around shirtless and injured, dinosaurs going chompy-chomp, maybe even some of those intense 90′s Laura Dern shorts that go down to the knee? It’s a whole thing, it’s gonna be great. Also if Jaime doesn’t jump between Brienne and a dinosaur at some point then what are we even all doing here.
As for the other one, I don’t want to say too much because the premise is very silly but I am going to try to make it...not entirely slapstick and ridiculous? And I feel like anything other than like a lengthy spoiler-y explanation will just sound like 100% crack, rather than the more accurate 75%. So I will just name some specific points of inspiration for now and you may extrapolate as you wish.
*Actual canon from Jurassic World and its sequel/ancillary canonical materials
*A conversation I had with a friend in which I opined that although I loved Bryce Dallas Howard, I really didn’t find her romance with Chris Pratt’s character in Jurassic World to be very compelling.
*This truly excellent short story about dinosaurs and fairy tales
*This video about a National Geographic photographer meeting a leopard seal
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years
(Jurassic AU) Chloe walked through the bush of Isla Sorna. She knew it was dangerous, but she had to do this. She had to see her again. As she started climbing the tree in front of her, she could hear a low bellow. She recognized it and eagerly made her way to the top. Once there, she was face to face with an old female Brachiosaur. "Is it you?" she asked, sticking out her hand. The old sauropod gently leaned her head in, placing the end of her snout in the palm of Chloe's hand. "Judy..."
Chloe walked through the bush of Isla Sorna. She knew it was dangerous, but she had to do this. She had to see her again. As she started climbing the tree in front of her, she could hear a low bellow. She recognized it and eagerly made her way to the top. Once there, she was face to face with an old female Brachiosaur. "Is it you?" she asked, sticking out her hand. The old sauropod gently leaned her head in, placing the end of her snout in the palm of Chloe's hand. "Judy..." She whispered, tearing up. Judy moved closer and lightly shoved her head into Chloe’s body. She chuckled as she hugged the old sauropod. “I missed you too, girl.” She whispered.
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miss-ingno · 5 years
I’ve been really into raptor fic lately and I need more. So I thought I’d start by making a rec list and then ask for more recs *grabby hands*
Any and all fics by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel who got me into this trope/fandom in the first place with her MCU Maria Hill/Darcy Lewis were-velociraptor series Red in tooth and claw
So now I’m reading Jurassic fics without ever having watched the movies. All of Tardis’ are Highly Recommended but especially: Shift in which Owen is a were-velociraptor who has trouble shifting
and the Ancestry series by Tardis in which Claire is a human-raptor hybrid and trying her best to help the raptors and I-Rex.
Found In Translation by Almighty_Hat a HP AU in which Owen speaks Parseltongue and the raptors understand him, sort of. Really cute bonding and pack dynamics.
Like Tarzan, but with velociraptors by Razzika has a great OFC human-raptor hybrid who grows up with the raptors on Isla Sorna and slowly learns how to be human. Ish.
Wild Frontier by RunawayDeviant in which the Raptor Squad adopts the Indominus. Lots of pack bonding.
Empathy by Baku short & cute story of the Indoraptor reacting to Maisie’s distress
A Dangerous Curiosity by Copperonthetongue WIP, reads a bit disjointed. The Indoraptor imprints on Maisie and thinks she’s his mother. Shenanigans and cute human-dino interactions.
And then there’s these two fics I haven’t been able to read yet but sound promising:
Raptors in the Rainforest by DisaLanglois in which Owen goes back to Jurassic World to save Blue and ends up with a raptor pack somewhere in Colombia.
Dinosaurs Dream of Magic by Dreamwind a HP/Jurassic World crossover Harry/Owen with lots of raptors going by the tags
If you have any other recs along these lines - were-velociraptors, pack bonding, happy endings for the pack and Owen, human-dino hybrids - please either add them to this post or hmu because I *need*
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mountmultimuses · 5 years
About my Jurassic Park Dinosaurs.
Because I think what happened to the Dinosaurs on Isla Sorna in the canon is complete B.S, I have decided to base my Dinos in an AU where all the dinos on Isla Sorna have not only survived, but thrived
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reureuby · 5 years
// Jurassic Park AU //
oh no Ray your love for Jurassic Park kicked in again time to shove Raye and Martin into a Jurassic Park AU
Basically, Raye and Martin replace the roles of Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler in the Jurassic Park series. However, there are a couple of differences to their relationships and so on. 
Below the tab details their time before the events of Jurassic Park and all the way to the end of Jurassic Park III! This is all kinda jokey and more to sate my current love for Jurassic Park but this is also partially inspired by the modern au I have for em as well so!!
Anything from here on out to do with this AU will be tagged with #JPAU
Life Before Jurassic Park (1985 - 1993)
> Raye is a paleontologist, while Martin is a researcher on dinosaurs. They both work together to piece together research
> She lived in a caravan which she’d often drag between her digging sites. Martin would often stay over night with her to discuss her findings
> Martin ended up sticking with her on all her digs, offering his own knowledge and theories to her as she found new things
> On quieter days, Martin would often be found sitting in the caravan reading papers on various types of dinosaurs and theories related to them. Raye would often spend her time catching up on sleep since she regularly sat up late working
> It took them a little bit, but they both realised they had feelings for each other, acknowledged these feelings to each other... and left it at that. Both were pretty confused by it all (both are pretty dorky and dunno how dating works)
Isla Nublar / Jurassic Park (1993) 
> Raye and Martin are initially put off by Dr Ian Malcolm when they first meet in the helicopter to Isla Nublar, but Raye soon finds him interesting
> The first time they see dinosaurs, Raye literally starts jumping for joy while Martin has to take the time to realise he isn’t actually dreaming
> When Martin volunteered to stay with triceratops, Raye suggested that she should continue on the tour with Malcolm. Martin reluctantly left Raye alone with Malcolm, but knew it was necessary
> Raye knew she had to keep calm and quiet when the tyrannosaurus rex broke out of its enclosure, but she completely freaked out and actually had to have Malcolm settle her.
> With Malcolm having sacrificed himself to help both Raye and the Hammond grandchildren, Raye was now stuck with these two children and it drove her insane. However, she slowly came to enjoy their company and learned to keep them safe
> Martin knew he had to do something if he were to save themselves, and volunteered to restart the power generators. He was guided by Malcolm, only to his annoyance
> On the helicopter back to civilisation, Raye ends up keeping the two children comforted and calmed. Martin tiredly watches on, softly smiling at Raye 
After Jurassic Park
> Raye and Martin choose to settle back into their little caravan to continue their own work with newer understandings. Neither of them wanted to talk or think about what had actually happened on the island
> Raye and Martin end up meeting up with Malcolm every now and then. Raye is still quite interested in his Chaos theory, while Martin is still unsure of him
> Early 1995, Raye and Martin end up getting married together. They had a quiet wedding with only family and friends involved
> 1996, they had a child together named Matielle. Raye was pretty nervous by this whole thing... but seeing how Martin acted around Matielle, she knew they’d be good parents 
> 1997, Malcolm is caught up in the San Diego events. Raye and Martin watch on through the news... in complete horror.
> Raye and Martin, along with their child, continue to work on digs and research. They’re both offered the chance to talk about Jurassic Park and their experiences there, but they always decline 
Isla Sorna / Jurassic Park III (2001)
> Raye is offered the task to be a tour guide for the Isla Sorna expedition (run by those two parents). She accepts, only after a large sum of money is promised
> She tells Martin she’s requested to travel interstate for a short visit to a friend, he believes her and promises to take good care of Matielle
> The group get stuck on Isla Sorna, everything slowly starts to feel she’s been trapped in hell again
> Martin, having not heard from Raye in days and totally unaware of Raye’s actual whereabouts, ends up trying to track down all her friends. They all tell him that Raye’s not with them and he ends up panicking looking for her
> Although Raye was tired and pretty pissed off to be in this situation, she was secretly enjoying the ability to see these creatures once again.
> When Raye finds the missing child, she’s fascinated by the way he survived the last 8 weeks. She also finds his understanding of dinosaurs quite incredible.
> When the spinosaurus came for them as they sailed down the river. Raye was afraid that these were her final moments alive, and she instantly calls Martin. He ends up realising where she is and sends help. He tags along with the rescue team to offer them advice on handling the dinosaurs.
> When the two meet again on the beach, Raye is overjoyed by his presence and instantly pulls herself into a hug with him. 
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