#yash x cyrus
mara-phelion · 3 years
a playlist for OUR beloved crackship (stray dogs do stick together, afterall)
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erenscherub · 3 years
chapter 3 | series masterlist | chapter 5
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𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 '𝐢'𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲.'
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chapter summary: zeke trademarks Y.A.D and YASH.
warnings: mentions of infidelity, mentions of violence
word count: 3.0 k
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It takes Eren awhile to process why all his friends and family are here. He got distracted at the office with his co-worker. And then he tried his best to scrub all the trace evidence that could implicate him of his rendezvous before speeding home to his beautiful wife and child.
Then he sees the birthday cake and presents on the console table in the center of the living room. Realization hits him like a sucker-punch from horse-face.
He forgot your birthday.
“Oh shit.”
Cyrus shakes his head in disappointment, while holding his hands over six-year-old Falco’s ears. His daughter has scampered off the couch to shove the swear jar at him. Eren wordlessly takes out his wallet, throwing a twenty dollar bill into the container.
He knows he’s fucked up when he sees you quickly turn away from him and use your hair as a curtain to hide your facial expressions from everyone’s prying eyes.
No one has seen you cry. Not your husband. Not your daughter. Not your in-laws. None of your friends.
You didn’t cry when Eren first met you when you were an anxious third year medical student and a hostile patient was screaming in your face that you were a worthless quack doctor that was also a waste of tax money, air, and space. You didn’t cry when Jean and Eren got too physical and Jean unintentionally shoved you down two flights of stairs when he was rushing at Eren. Even when X-Rays showed you had fractured your wrist and Zeke confirmed you had a serious concussion, your face was just blank the entire time. You didn’t even shed a tear on your wedding day or when you were in labor for 17 hours to bring your little girl into the world.
You’re crying now. And it’s all because of Eren.
He was already on thin ice. Even the kids were starting to gang up on him. Eren is struggling to come up with the right words to say. I love you’s definitely aren’t going to cut it this time. There’s nothing better than starting with ‘I’m sorry.’ Right?
You’re turning on your heel trying to head towards the stairs as fast as possible. Your husband is trailing behind you still stuttering apologies. Eren is nothing but persistent as he sputters, “Baby, I’m sorry. Please wait. I love you! Come here, beautiful! Where are you going?” Eren has rapidly closed the distance between you two. “I’m really sorry, baby. About your birthday and the ultrasound appointments and our anniversary and the wedding ring. There’s just this important project that’s taking up all my attention at the office. And I just forgot my wedding ring at my desk. That’s all.”
When he tries to embrace you, you slap his hands away and continue to attempt to keep as much distance as you can between you two. You’re too collected and too level-headed. He wants you to scream and rage at him and curse him out instead of trying to calmly walk away.
Even when you were pissed that Eren stood you up for your wedding anniversary dinner, you weren’t this unfazed and composed. When you got home, you told Colt, Annie, Mikasa, and Petra that you needed some time and space to process your feelings. On a whim, you took Eliza with you and flew 2,000 miles away to California just so you could get away from their prying eyes. In the ten plus years everyone has known you, that was the most impulsive decision you’ve made.
You didn’t make a spreadsheet of pros and cons as usual like you did for major decisions like whether you wanted to move to New Hampshire and each of the four times he proposed to you. You didn’t even pick up any of Eren’s phone calls or texts because you both knew that you wouldn’t be able to remain cool-headed.
You have to be rational and remain calm and composed as a physician. You need to have empathy for your patients, it helps guide your treatment plans and it’s the reason why you pursued medicine in the first place. But getting too attached can be draining and is a recipe for burnout. If you get too emotional, you’re more impulsive and can make mistakes that can cost someone their life. You need to be composed and objective since over-identifying with patients can negatively impact both you as a physician and your patient.
Yet when you’re this collected and composed with your husband. Eren wonders if you’re beginning to see your relationship with him more objectively too.
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Eren normally towers over you. Not when you’re four steps above him. Now you’re both eye to eye.
You used to love staring into Eren’s green eyes. Every time you looked at them, it was a kaleidoscope of changing colors to reflect back his mood. Sea-green when he was excited or happy. Jade when he was angry or sad or disappointed. Forest green when concerned or anxious. Emerald when he was thinking about someone he loved.
When you stand eye level with him, you’re not sure how to describe this shade. It’s a dull and dark hue. His eyes are not as pretty when they’re this lackluster and murky.
His tone and posture reflect he’s genuinely remorseful. Yet, he’s not remorseful where it counts. All you see is jade or this lackluster hue reflected back at you when you’re with him.
But they still light up emerald around Eliza.
They’re always a brilliant shade of emerald when he’s around her.
Your face is blank and your tone flat. “I completely get it now, so stop wasting your breath. If it’s a project or coffee date with your work wife, it’s important.” You scoff, “My ultrasound appointments. Our wedding anniversary. My birthday. Your wedding band. If it’s important, then you’ll remember it right?” You shake your head as you continue walking up the stairs.
You’re thankful Eren takes the hint and doesn’t follow you.
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Eren groans as he collapses on the console table. He leans over and the roots of his dark hair are pulled taut as he rakes his fingers through the strands. “She hates me.”
Mikasa, Annie, and Petra trailed behind you. They’re patiently waiting outside the guest bathroom to console you once you’re ready to let them in. Their first priority is making sure you’re ok. Eren knows that after fixing another one of his fuck-ups, their next priority is that after they’re done with him, he won’t be.
He noticed that Colt was about to follow you as well until Zeke gripped his shoulder and told him to let your three other friends handle it for now.
Eliza saunters up to her father and tries to give him a comforting pat on the back. She allows him to pull her into his lap and embrace her tightly. “It’s ok, Daddy. I’m sure Momma doesn’t hate you.” Eren presses a kiss to the crown of his daughter’s head and inhales the scent of her strawberry-scented shampoo to help calm him down.
This is the first time in the last couple of weeks that his daughter allowed him to hold her close. Eliza again pats her father’s hand.
“Momma just thinks you’re a horrible husband.”
Kids really are too fucking honest.
Eliza’s words have Zeke, Connie, Colt, and Jean all snorting. Eren can tell that Eliza still is not finished at her poor attempts to comfort him since she’s getting off of his lap to look him in the eye. Thank God she’s interrupted as Petra calls out to her from the guest bedroom. “Ellie, can you come up the stairs? We need your help with something.”
Her eyes light up at the thought of being able to contribute to make her mom feel better. “Coming, Aunt Petra!” Before she darts up the stairs, she turns to Eren with a bright grin. “It’s gonna be fine, Daddy. Just stop being a stupid meanie to Momma and everything will be great again!”
His daughter really knows how to drive her point home.
Cyrus places his hands to cover Falco’s ears again as Eren releases another groan and a few more curses. Zeke turns to the kids on the couch as he brings out his wallet.
Zeke ruffles both boys’ hair. “Hey sports! How many curses does $5 get me?”
Cyrus beams up at him as Falco whips out the swear jar. “Depends on the swear. If it’s really bad like what Uncle Eren said, then $20 for just that one swear.” Cyrus tilts his head from side to side as he makes eye contact with Falco.
Zeke doesn’t even bother trying to understand their secret language. Cyrus wiggles his eyebrows four times. They both wait a few seconds before shaking their heads. Falco tilts his head from side to side. Then Falco blinks twice and then coughs five times. Cyrus shakes his head no. Then when Falco clicks his tongue three times, Cyrus nods, and it seems the two have come to some sort of agreement.
After this exchange between the two children, Falco suggests, “But Uncle Zeke, since you seem cool and the two cakes you helped make were pretty good...” Falco pauses for a few seconds and exchanges a smirk with Cyrus.
Cyrus continues where Falco left off. “I guess if you offer up $15, you can say any curse word of your choice and then we all go on our merry separate ways.” Zeke’s impressed. The two kids are a good team. Falco seemed to come up with the plan and Cyrus is quite the sweet talker. Zeke shakes on it with both Falco and Cyrus. Zeke drops three crumpled bills into the container.
Cyrus makes sure to clasp his hands over Falco’s ears again as soon as Zeke begins approaching his younger brother.
Zeke places his hand on Eren’s shoulder.
Yeah Eren is already beating himself up. But at the same time he has to look out for his protégée. Kid Flash is his favorite sibling after all. He’d take your side any day, even if you’re in the wrong because Eren is kind of an asshole.
Especially since Eren is an asshole.
“Eren, I have a diagnosis for your little memory problem. Y.A.D. You’d be surprised how common it is. Afflicts a large number of husbands across the world who take their wives for granted.” Zeke mockingly shakes his head in disapproval at his younger brother.
Eren peers up at his older brother and rolls his eyes. “I don’t speak smartass. Just hurry up and spit out what it stands for, asshole.”
“You’re a dumbass. I guess Y.A.S.H. or YASH applies to you too. You’re a shit husband. YASH sounds a lot catchier actually.”
Eren lets out another huff of air as he loosens his tie. “What is it? Shit on Eren day,” he angrily scoffs while he begins to roll up his sleeves.
After his outburst with the cake fiasco, Cyrus has been pretty calm and seemed more adamant on making sure Falco is protected from the adults’ curses. He’s in a much better mood after his bubble bath, but he still hates Eren.
Cyrus is a little too smug as he pipes up, “That’ll be another twenty dollars from you, Eren. Don’t pass your potty mouth onto my brother!” He shakes his head with a scowl. “Aunt (Y/N) should wash your mouth out with soap. And to answer your question, it is when you forget Aunt (Y/N)’s birthday!” Zeke, Colt, Jean, and Connie nod their heads in agreement with the child’s statement.
Jean lets out a whistle as he lays back in the recliner. “Come on, man. We’ve been throwing her a surprise party for years ever since she moved to New Hampshire for you.” He shakes his head. “I’m honestly surprised she didn’t just stay in California and mail you divorce papers when you stood her up for hours at the wedding anniversary dinner that you rescheduled and after you also missed both ultrasound appointments. (Y/N) is a saint after all.” Eren knows that Jean, Connie, Zeke, and even five-year-old Cyrus all have valid points.
Eren knows that he’s a shit husband for already forgetting two special occasions. You’ve always been way too good for him. He was lucky then that you gave him a chance. And he’s lucky now that you haven’t left him yet.
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You manage to lock the door to the bathroom before Mikasa can catch you.
Why is it that you’re never enough for him?
Why can’t you be as attractive or as charming as her?
Why can’t he just let you go already?
Is he only staying for Eliza?
When did he fall out of love with you?
Was it your fault?
You’re trying to get a hold of yourself. There’s still guests in the house. Petra, Mikasa, and Annie are just outside the bathroom door. Eliza, Falco, and Cyrus are downstairs. You don’t want to make a scene.
But you just can’t help yourself from shrinking yourself into a ball on the tiled floor of the guest bathroom. It’s getting harder to swallow down the lump in your throat. Your chest is constricting. Then before you know it, your vision is blurry. Deep breaths don’t help when you’re stuttering, gasping, and wheezing with each inhalation.
He forgot the ultrasound appointments. He forgot your wedding anniversary. He forgot your birthday. He forgot his wedding band.
You don’t know why you’re trying to remember all the good times with him when Eren’s already forgotten all about you.
As soon as you hear knocking on the door, you turn on the shower. You hope the sound of running water is enough to insulate any noises in the bathroom from reaching the people just a few feet outside. When you taste salt on your tongue, that’s when you strip off your dress and drag yourself into the tub.
With the shower curtain, the running water hitting your form, and the bathroom door that thankfully Annie or Mikasa haven’t kicked down yet, you feel as if you have some semblance of privacy. You’re curled up into a ball in the tub and you relish in the feeling of the hot water mixing in with your tears.
You allow yourself to feel everything and all at once.
Since finding out about the affair with his co-worker, you’re surprised at your self-restraint. You don’t know how you’ve made it this far without snapping and ending up on the news with the headlines “Black Widow: the story of the woman behind America’s most brutal mariticide to date.”
You don’t know how you can fake a smile and play house with your lying, philandering, whore-frog of a husband who doesn’t even show the slightest bit of guilt or remorse for trampling all over trust and heart. You don’t know how you’re able to treat that little home wrecker with respect and not throw yourself out of a window when she always refers to you as one of her closest friends.
You don’t know why you’re still with him and why you haven’t talked about his infidelity at all with anyone.
Why is it so hard for you to leave Eren when all he’s done is hurt you?
Why is it so hard for you to not be ashamed of something that someone else did to you?
You can’t go back in time to fix any of your problems. You’re not sure you even would. As much as you hate Eren, you love Eliza ten times more.
There’s moments when you see how well Eren cares for your daughter.
Every Wednesday, he shows up on your front door with a red rose to take her out on a daddy-daughter date. He wants to show her that any person interested in pursuing her needs to treat her with kindness and patience and love. Whenever she’s done showering, he helps gently coax out any stubborn knots out of her hair. He shows up to every one of her swim meets and award ceremonies and school performances.
Even when he’s tired from work or from fucking his co-worker’s brains out, he’ll go to Eliza’s room to remove her socks that she was too tired to take off. He’ll kiss her on the forehead and tell her that you and her are the most precious things in his life. He repeats it over and over that he loves you both more than his own life. If he makes it early enough where she’s still settling into bed, he spoils her by reading as many bed stories as she wants and as many times as she wants. And if she’s already asleep, he’ll spend at least ten minutes making sure she’s comfortable and tucked in tightly and is having sweet dreams. He’ll whisper that he loves her and place a kiss on the crown of her head.
Even with the rare occasion that she is a stubborn little asshole and she’s throwing the mother of all tantrums because Eren did something dumb and why isn’t her mom here and she doesn’t want Eren and she just wants her mom, he’s still patient. He’ll hold her until she’s done crying it out. When Eliza calms down and says she’s sorry for ‘being a meanie,’ he accepts her apology. When he disciplines her, he always reminds her that it’s not her that he dislikes but her actions.
Eliza always knows that Eren loves her.
It’s why you still love Eren even if he doesn’t love you.
It’s moments like those where you feel something foreign, a feeling almost like genuine happiness creeping into your heart. You love him because of how immensely he loves your daughter.
Those moments are a reminder that you love him as much as you hate him. It would be more rational that after so much time with him and after so many times he’s disrespected you and your marriage vows that it should be either one or the other.
The reason why you’ve stayed with him for this long, even with knowledge of his betrayal, is because you’ve simply chosen to do both.
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A/N: everyone please send a thank you to @izukine for making my blog aesthetically pleasing. Love you Lee-Lee. Thank you so much again for everything, bubz!
taglist: @pichara @izukine @honeyloverogers @wakatvshi @emepe @candy-hime @ihatelettuce @unicornlover25 @whenshefelloutofspite @bbylime @trumpettay @didiyogo @6sakusa
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triclitch · 3 years
Idk why, but I have this Crack ship of Cyrus x Yash.
Merely because I just imagine Cyrus thinking he's being all stealthy and wondering around whilst a bounty hunter is tryna kill him but Yash just killing them while being slightly annoyed and very enamoured.
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