#yasha is there too in spirit
piratespencilart · 2 years
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I’m obsessed with the bottom table’s energy.
[ID: Digital art of Jester, Caduceus and Nott from Critical Role. Caduceus, a tall pink-haired firbolg, stands in the center, smiling but looking confused. Jester, a blue tiefling, hugs him from behind, smiling with her eyes closed. Nott, a small green goblin, looks up at him, mouth open wide as if speaking or yelling. End ID.]
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reilora-borealis · 10 months
a shadowgast headcanon
I imagine that a short while after Caleb's death, Essek, who has seen a few members of the Nein die but has never been shattered by grief like this, who has been alone for so much of his life already, realizes how much longer he will have to be alone, and it breaks him.
He will never again set foot in the tower; try as he might to recreate it, it won't be the same. He understands better than anyone that magic can stop time, heal wounds, bring people back from the dead, but it's all just temporary. It's not natural, as Caduceus keeps reminding him over and over as he bargains. It's not what he would have wanted.
Worst of all, Essek knows - in that hopeless, irrational, melodramatic, fundamentally true way that a person knows things when they're grieving - that he will never love anyone in the same way ever again.
So, in a moment of weakness, for the first time in his almost 200 years of life, Essek casts find familiar.
Of course, there were the cats that Caleb kept in their cottage, plus the strays that he fed in the back garden. There were the dogs that Beau and Yasha adopted, the menagerie of critters Jester collected over the years and foisted upon all of their friends. But Essek knows none of them will be around for long. Compared to the lifespan of a drow, most pets are like mayflies. They will all leave too, sooner or later. Everything will.
He doesn't know what to expect, as he's casting the spell. He doesn't really have a shape in mind, he's just looking for something to take the loneliness away, anything, calling blindly into the dark to see what answers back. He thinks this is foolish, this exercise. He thinks he will never heal. He thinks of Caleb.
When he completes the ritual, he opens his eyes and there before him is a cat. A familiar brown Bengal tabby cat.
And Frumpkin climbs into Essek's arms. Because someone needed this fey spirit once, long ago, someone in pain. And even though Caleb set him free, he knows that someone new needs him now.
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dent-de-leon · 1 year
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Absolutely ruined by this one panel of Molly telling Yasha about his “choir practice.” The way he just looks so soft and melancholy. A glimpse behind the curtain, a painful vulnerability amidst all the joy and color he revels in. Confessing that he can't bear to watch someone else just suffer in silence; he can't just do nothing when there's someone hurting. “The truth is...how do I put this...The world is harsh and cruel, and I can't seem to be able to just walk on by. You see a wrong? You fix it.”
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“I know what the other others think, but—” The twins gossiping whenever Molly takes off in the dead of night. And Molly letting them presume, think what they like, because the reality is something he doesn’t want anyone else to see. “Not sure why he's so embarrassed though...” This is something just for him, just for his own shattered shard of a spirit. A chance to protect another lost soul. To fix a bit of this broken world.
So compassionate, so protective--always getting so easily caught up and invested, ruled by reckless impulse and a bleeding heart. Playing at the hero. (He never knew Lucien loved putting on a performance too, that he was always cast as the villain; warm memories of song and dance and little plays on the roadside. Choking on the ash and smoke of a burning caravan--)
Molly pulling up the hood of his cloak and darting away under the safety of Sehanine's shadows. Running off to risk his life for complete strangers, for people who may never thank him, for a world that may always hate him. “I’ll tell you--and this is true--I did my best every town I went to and every town I left, no matter how they treated me. And a lot of them treated me with deep disrespect...I left every town better than I found it.” The way this resonates with everything Taliesin said about how the whole point of Molly's blood magic is sacrifice, how his powers stem from his desire to be a protector, to be good—
“[Molly’s power] was about sacrifice. It’s the giving of himself to give to others. Giving of himself to be a protector.” 
“His very nature is to appear to be many things that he is not. His power looks one way--it looks damaging and looks broken and unhealthy--but, in the end, it’s all about a desire to be a good friend and a good family member.” 
Mollymauk waking with faint echoes of haunting memories and nightmares of too many eyes and screaming minds, desperately trying to outrun the chilling legacy that Lucien left behind. Trying so hard to do better, to be better, to prove that he's not the monster he's so terrified a part of him once was. “Whatever it was, it doesn't feel good when I-- the moment when something creeps through, I don't like it. I don't want anything to do with it. I was happy!”
“I don’t want to remember anything. I don’t want anybody else’s baggage in my head, I don’t want anybody else’s problems, thoughts, ideas...I like this person. [This person], right now, is a good person, is a fine person, is a happy person.”
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The fact that Molly runs headlong into danger for others all the time, yet he's still so taken by surprise that Yasha would do the same for him--
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utilitycaster · 7 months
Hi, first religion anon (NOT the same as the second religion anon). My main complaints are with TUC (mostly s1 but the ‘Jesus is real’ thing in s2 really bothered me) and the way that Laudna and a few other characters engage with the gods on CR. I have 0 complaints with Sam, I think his engagements with religion as both Scanlan and FCG are fascinating. I think things like ACOC and Kristen on D20 are done fine, but when they move outside of Christian allegories they tend to stumble. I know Brennan and Ally have philosophy backgrounds and Emily has a religious studies background, but frankly I’m not super confident in American universities’ ability to make people deconstruct Christian hegemony, and things like Emily using the phrase “Judeo-Christian” aren’t super encouraging to me.
thanks for clarifying, I was wondering about the second anon bc I was like "the first anon came in being fairly normal even if I don't agree and this feels...bad and also just a hunch but it feels like it's coming from a Cultural Christian who is not American. (also I did get your follow up question and I want to answer that one separately bc I think it's a good but separate point).
I know it's not terribly popular to say but being weird about the term "Judeo-Christian" feels like one of those things that Jumblr and other people in Jewish Millennial/Gen Z spaces online made a big deal about and I'm like "uhhhhh this was a thing my actual Jewish middle school teachers said sometimes; it's not the best term, no, but it was the go-to term in a lot of contexts until quite recently to the point that yeah, Emily going to school in the 2000s would probably hear it even from Jewish profs, and so it's not so much a red flag as a sign that she graduated before 2010."
I also honestly don't mind Jesus being real in TUC 2; at some point if you've decided all other mythology is real why not Christian religion. It feels, in a way, far more Christian-centric to treat Christianity as something that cannot be incorporated, as too real, as compared to say, Norse or Greek myths or Golems.
I will say that I agree that Ally and Marisha do tend to be a bit more limited in how they engage; I actually don't mind Laudna's frustrations with the gods from a "I think this comes from Marisha's personal feelings" perspective more so than a "could we...actually explore this as a throughline rather than a bunch of random-ass statements." I do think that Ally does tend to pull from their own experience; understandably so, but yes, it's very different than my experience as someone not raised Christian let alone strictly so.
I guess, and this might just be difficult to do as an anon ask thing, that I am looking at this very holistically. I am looking far more at what the GM is doing than an individual player, and I haven't had issues with Matt, Brennan, Murph, or Aabria's portrayal of divine forces. I find that Worlds Beyond Number has been explicitly very not Christian (and indeed, heavily influenced by Shintoism and pre-Christian Irish religion) in how the spirits are portrayed, and while I think Matt does tend to draw a lot from Catholic architecture and imagery and vibes, the way the gods engage with the players does not feel exclusively Christian (notably in Campaign 2; none of Fjord, Caduceus, Yasha, nor Jester's experience feel inherently cultural Christian beyond the fact that Travis mentions he doesn't feel like he can connect with the Luxon because 'it's a shape'). So it means I'm not looking to Ally for example for an exploration of religion that is as accessible to me, but I do find that actual play on the whole feels fine. I find a lot of the claims do feel like they get really hung up on specific details (eg: the Santa jokes in Chetney's backstory) instead of the overall feeling (eg: the fact that many of the deities have a very open, fluid, and at times intellectual form of engagement; the fact that the general message is that suffering is not purifying but rather simply sucks; Melora death domain traditions and especially Caduceus's philosophy which is very much outside American Protestantism; the polytheistic society of Vasselheim.)
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Mighty Nein playing Stardew Valley
yall REALLY liked the bells hells one, so i thought i'd do it again! Asks are open if you want to suggest any cosy headcanons, but i hope you like this one😊
Caduceus - Ok caduceus would be obsessed with this game. Forest farm, absolutely despises joja, wants a junimo hut because he loves the junimos but doesnt get one because he wants them to be happy in the spirit world. His farm is filled with trees and beehouses, and he roommates with krobus because they're cool!
Jester - Jester, like cad, is obsessed with this game. She loves to play co-op with anyone whos available, and spends WAY too much time on the character customisation (tbh i think thats just laura) she has multiple outfits for every occasion, and is invested in marnie and lewis' secret relationship. She keeps the pants, obviously. Also she has an *interesting* looking flower garden.
Veth - Absolute chaos. As soon as she learns how to craft bombs, she goes ham fluffernuttering the mines. Honestly forgets its a farming game. Just loves to mess with people and cause chaos.
Fjord - Fjord chose the beach farm. After spending ages gathering materials to craft sprinklers, he realises he cant use them on the beach farm. Cries and joins jester's co-op farm because she knows what shes doing. They end up getting married in game but jester gets annoyed because he forgot to change into his wedding tuxedo before the ceremony.
Yasha - Yasha kind of does her own thing. Doesnt really realise the community center is a thing, she just goes to the mines and keeps a nice flower garden, when shes not playing co-op with beau, she will marry leah. But obviously she will marry beau when she can.
Beau - Beau is a minmaxer. Checklists and charts everywhere to get the maximum amount of money. Shes the type that watches stardew iceberg videos. It takes a bit to help yasha understand the game but shes content to water the crops while beau tries to complete everything as fast as possible.
Caleb - Realises he can get a cat in the game, spends a week trying to make frumpkin's area as nice as possible. Just uses stardew as a break to just chill out. Favourite season is fall and really wants shane to get better. Hes really just an averagd stardew player.
Essek - Essek actually got caleb into stardew. They have a really nice co-op farm together which they have spent far too much time on. He really wants to download stardew valley expanded but caleb is content with the amount of stuff there already is in the game.
Kingsley - if im being honest i havent caught up on mighty nein reunited, but lets just assume theres gonna be chaos. A lot of chaos.
As always feel free to say what you think or suggest some more cozy headcanons!
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mmyashas · 8 months
yasha i am just seeing all the liveblogs about what has happened tonight and i have to say My man this is truly one of the best days ever... im so happy for you For once we can say roier cubito enjoyers won but like. Actually. 😭😭 you deserve it so much my friend and i too have been Flabbergasted..... let's hope this keeps up brother I used to pray for times like this....
and in the spirit of the day, i know you've talked about this a little before i think? BUT. what are your headcanons/predictions/wants on roier cubito's backstory? personally i like... Idk man i want him to be Just Some Guy so damn bad dude. like definitely he'd still apply to the "everyone is on the island" for a reason thing like there's still SOMETHING weird about him but i just Love the idea of him overall just being a regular dude. just some guy from mexico. (or he has like one single insane federation connection about him that flips the whole world on its head, just that one thing)
hello my dearest awesome cool friend calli i am answering while painting so it Might Take a While
roier cubito enjoyers won after 28374919 days of drought.............finally.y...!!!!!!!!!
my own personal thoughts on qroier's past would be mce and squidcraft. he's learnt to survive and even with his memories gone his body doesn't forget, yknow? i'd love for him to be. A Guy tm but i think with the way qroier cubito has been established if you give him any past it'll be fucking insane anyways. Like hes so um whats the word like maleable???? anyways i also like the idea of him being from a group outside the island. like a sponsor sort of thing. <- hashtag IMPOSSIBLE but i made it up thanks to hombre misterioso (rip) (wasnt even involved with roier cubito anyways)
i also think itd be absolutely hilarious and both make sense if abueloier was from the federation . so theres that idea too. Anyways i think at the end of the day i might be happy with it
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sesskagarchive · 2 years
Recs for Underrated Fics
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Last year to celebrate our anniversary, we asked you to share with us fics that you didn't see recommended often (enough).
Here is finally a list of your underrated favs!
-- Admin Chie
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A Silent Night by idreamofinuyokai
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: For Dokugas holiday carol challenge. Sesshomaru wandered, he was dazed and hollow from madness when he heard her song through the forest, and it soothed his savage spirit. He took her, setting things in motion that would take him far from the life hie had lived and fought for.
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Avenoir by Tsuki no Tennyo
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Life in the blink of an eye.
Status: One Shot
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Binded by Lucymorningstar257
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Kagome, now a modern-day miko, discovers Sesshoumaru's spirit during an exorcism. Desperate for answers to her inconclusive past, she resurrects and binds herself to him—a reckless decision that inevitably leads to catastrophic consequences. Domestic fluff that slips into the dark.
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Deep end of the ocean! by Moonlight Silk
Posted on: Dokuga
Rating: MA
Summary: Kagome's world came crashing down after the death of her first love. With no one else to turn to she decided to seek out her brother in law Sesshomaru. However, what she failed to foresee was the desire and confusion he would awakened in her blood, and the destined path they must now make their own.
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Dirt by NiftyPaint24
Posted on: FFnet
Rating: M
Summary: Sesshomaru is a famous freestyle moto-x rider known for his insane style. What happens when he opens up an academy to teach some of other top riders of FMX how to do his trade mark back flips? Insanity, that's what!
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Ever the Lotus by Kanna37
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: "What are you?" Sesshoumaru asked that question the moment Kagome pulled Tessaiga from its pedestal... and it was never answered. When Kagome disappears back home after the fall of Naraku, Sesshoumaru finds himself searching for that very answer. 1st Best Sesshoumaru Portrayal Dokuga 4th Quarter 2011.
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Ghosts by RosieB
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Summary: After Naraku's death, Kagome returned to her time forever, where she mourns her losses. An older Sesshoumaru offers a deal - a comfortable and secure marriage in return for a child. They'll never love anyone - including each other - again, right?
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His & Hers by Tsuki no Tennyo
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: T
Summary: A demon lord trying to navigate through rapidly changing time. An out of time girl trying to readapt to normalcy. They meet in the middle.
Status: One Shot
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Ichi-go Ichi-e by NovemberDoll
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: She seemed to be transitory, and dare he say, weird. Her unusual attachment to him was to the point that it was a nuisance. But was it really? Her hands were growing bruised from hanging on too tight. And he had never expected, was not prepared at all, for the moment she would let go. (AU)
Status: On Hiatus
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Kagome's Trial by FireVixen73
Posted on: FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Kagome has a problem, a very big problem. Inuyasha would kill her if he knew, hell, Sesshomaru would help. Really what could she say to them? 'Your fathers ghost is stalking me, trying to make me save Sesshomaru's life'...that's not going to go over well
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Misery Loves Company by Yanaristocrat
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Unfortunate event have brought Sesshomaru and Kagome to team up and get back at their philandering ex lovers. However, their unexpected friendship forms into something else and they try to fight their perplexed feelings and urges.
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Primero by JeniNeji
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: T
Summary: [COMPLETE] Kagome needs a favor from no other than Sesshomaru. Yes, he, the serious, arrogant, cold and scary Western Lord. But things won't be easy since no one can make Sesshomaru XxxX in fifteen days {Still PRIMERO} Kagome, in a desperate moment, asked Sesshomaru to mate her so Inu-Yasha could mate afterwards. However, she wasn’t expecting the Taiyoukai to agree, much less for them to suffer some unexpected side-effects.
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Red Lotus by Madison/Maddie-san
Posted on: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: Five hundred years later, an obligation brought him to her when the end was near. He could watch her die, or he could vow to look after her until death do them apart.
Status: Abandoned
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Severed Bonds by Rlmpcc110511
Posted on: FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: In a world where your soulbond's name is written on the inside of your wrist, all anyone could do was hope that they meet the one made specially for them. When Kagome and Sesshomaru meet, things do not go according to plan. Soon, Sesshomaru learns from his mistakes, and he will have to fight to earn his redemption, all while war follows them only a few paces behind.
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There's Something About Her by NovemberDoll
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Rating: MA
Summary: When her entire life is shattered by a scandal involving her and the school's most notorious playboy, she comes back after a year posed as someone else. It was the perfect disguise- until he sees right through her ruse. How far is he willing to go to keep her? Sometimes, things are not always what they seem to be.
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When the Belladonnas Bloom by NovemberDoll
Posted on: Dokuga
Rating: MA
Summary: Cursed upon birth, exalted as the most notorious puppet of the Warlord Onigumo, his first and beloved consort finally turns sixteen. A gift from her generous lover: a harem of her own, to quell her insatiable lust. But many a man that stepped in her bedchambers were never seen alive again. That would change tonight, when a golden-eyed concubine accidentally unravels a most hidden secret. (AU)
Status: On Hiatus
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While You Still Think You Know Everything by KEdakumi
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet
Summary: Years have passed since her first love had been gone, wondering into her future, she met a boy that would lead her to a new enemy, a new love and a new life. (Written for insomniac_amy's Tou-sama Challenge)
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humunanunga · 8 months
7 movies 7 tags (stolen from @/clannfearrunt)
What better opportunity to talk about movies whereupon I always got to show it to people who'd never even heard of 'em!
Ultraman: the Adventure Begins (1987): did you know there's a Hanna-Barbera animated adaptation of Ultraman? well now you do, and it's still cheesy, but now it's American cheese. to this day, I must say the name Susan in a sinister voice and point (also sinisterly).
Hanuman and 7 Ultramen (1974): did you know there was also a Thai production of Ultraman? no joke, this was where I'd first heard of Hanuman, but I didn't get all the hindu promo because I had the Japanese-dubbed cut on VHS as a child, which had a label in English but no subtitles that I can recall (I might not have even been old enough to read yet anyway) and I have no idea where my birthparents even found it. I don't remember there being any box art for it, in fact, idk if it even had a case. anyway, it's another a cheesy movie even more continuity errors, but as an adult it's another fun one to laugh at with friends.
Mermaid Forest (1991): okay, now let's switch gears from good old monster fun to some grimdark monster horror, because god. I developed a taste for blood at a very early age. it's based on the manga by Takahashi Rumiko (of Inu Yasha fame), with a soundtrack by Kawai Kenji, and it revolves around the tale of eating mermaids for immortality... but with a catch. the odds are against you, as most eaters either are poisoned by it or turned into unaging monsters. what can go wrong!
Mermaid's Scar (1993): another Rumik World OVA, look at that! but Scar a different adaptation of a different chapter. Mermaid Forest is still my favorite between these two, but I can't introduce one without mentioning the other, and they're both great for the Halloween or Obon seasons.
WXIII: Patlabor the Movie 3 (2002): okay, this one scratches an itch specific enough that if I had to pick one, it's possibly my favorite movie. yes, this is technically the third movie of an anime about utility mecha (called labors), but you don't need to have watched the series to watch this movie. I especially recommend going in blind the first time, no spoilers, ideally on a rainy day in the dark; but in every rewatch afterward you'll notice more and more hints and details. of course, if you do watch, content warning, WXIII (Wasted 13) is a crime drama, so prepare for a suicide near the end of this movie, too.
the Others (2001): is it time to dial it back a bit? well, how about a ghost story about a widow, her photosensitive children, their new housekeepers and the recent intruders. it's been a while, so idk if I still could, but I used to be able to recite this whole movie's script if I wanted to. another one for the spooky seasons, goes great with blackouts and thick fog.
Origin: Spirits of the Past, aka Giniro no Kami no Agito (2006): I'll finish with one more animated movie-- produced by the same studio as for Last Exile, if you like steampunk, but this one's more solarpunk. suspension of disbelief and all that, watching Origin is more about the vibes, okay? the opening is serenaded by Kokia while dragons made of trees hatch from the moon and enter Earth's atmosphere. and it's beautiful. peak grass-touching propaganda, no notes. don't ask about the volcano.
Tagging @child-of-crows, @fangenstein, @marismolotov, @mini-binni, @photochoco and @ruby-goulash.
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spottedenchants · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
something very silly, coming soon to an ao3 near you :3
(related in spirit to this WIP)
Caleb already was listening, and now, very intently at that.
…“with brinjal, yuyo, mushroom- really, all manner of additions”…
Watching too, of course, as Essek distractedly slides an idle, thoughtful finger back and forth across his pretty mouth while detailing the subject matter of the, frankly, presently, less interesting recipe catalogue he must have borrowed from Yasha between their stints in the Archive kitchen.
…“might try without the pastry entirely, just the filling- and without cream, though that has a different name from”-
But Caleb is listening, first and foremost.
There are times in which Essek’s innate tone gains a fetching rasp and his voice dips a little bit deeper, taking up an untranslatable richness that Caleb recognizes well enough by both personal and communal experience. Enumerated, though far from an exhaustive list, these instances include: when Essek is in need of rest, when he’s just completed it, when he is pleasured, when he is pleased, and when—pertinent to this particular moment and among Caleb’s favorite circumstances overall—a word outside Undercommon fits his noble Rosohnan tongue as though his eyes have served as his ears for as long as he’s had need to say it.
Essek is well-read, yes. Well-spoken, too.
Even still, he doesn’t have the sound quite right on ‘quiche’.
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rynnaissance · 2 years
i’m bored so here’s which studio ghibli film i think would be each member of the nein’s favorite
ponyo - jester
she definitely grew up watching that movie over and over. she wondered if her dad might be like ponyo’s dad, somewhere off in the sea. whenever she rewatches it she HAS to have the ramen that they ate in the movie.
grave of the fireflies - yasha
she will not let you watch this with her because it makes her sob (dude me too). the whole war and these children trying to survive would definitely resonate with her in some way.
when marnie was there - beau
just like the rest of us, she thought they were going to be lesbians and then was horrified when she found out the truth. now she loves making people watch it with her without telling them anything just to see their reactions. she goes on a long rant afterwards. i think she relates a bit to anna.
whisper of the heart - caleb
it’s simple, it makes him happy. shizuku is a character that he really resonates with, mostly because she reminds him of what he was like when he was younger. seeing her get a happy ending makes him happy, but after it’s all over his usual self-hatred thoughts come tumbling back to him. he hums “take me home, country roads” to himself when he’s working hard on something. ALSO he fucking adored that cat *insert caleb voice* “although it vas not as good of a cat as frumpkin.”
howl’s moving castle - nott/veth
i mean come on. woman gets transformed into something she finds hideous and accepts the idea that she’s unlovable, only to find that people love her regardless and she breaks her own curse through gaining confidence. nott would fucking adore this movie. also she gets super jittery whenever she sees howl’s room bc LOOK AT ALL THAT STUFF! also she won’t stop commenting on how hot howl is.
castle in the sky - fjord
i can’t really explain it well, but it just makes so much sense. like jester, i think he grew up with it. maybe he watched it first at the orphanage and was mesmerized by it. also pirates.
nausicaä of the valley of the wind - caduceus
jester introduced him to this movie. when she heard he had never watched a movie before she first made him watch ponyo because she was super excited to show him and then nausicaä because she realized how much he would like it. he loves all the giant bugs and how nature is depicted. he’s very quiet when he watches it and just sits there like :) and gives the occasional quiet “that’s nice.”
spirited away - mollymauk
the vibes are so him. he adores the art and every five minutes says “this is my favorite part!” if you haven’t seen it he will make you watch it with him, he makes a fruit platter for snacks of course. i don’t think he really has a deeper connection to it beyond just loving the vibes which is so valid.
if anyone has any other ideas i would love to hear them!! idk if i did that good of a job on this lol
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mouseinthecastle · 2 years
Some two purples and a human writing I started in May but forgot about until I recently got caught up in my Molly/Caleb/Essek feelings again. Essek (and Molly) figuring out some feelings. I wanna make this into a series so bad. Pls check it out and lemmie know whatcha think 🧡💜🧡
It was easy, at first, before it became difficult
In the beginning, Essek spends most of his attention not on his own feelings, but on Calebs.
While Essek wasn't totally sure what to make of the changes to their relationship, he could see that Caleb felt guilty and torn, and he hated to see him that way. Who was Essek to deny this man any ounce of happiness?
It was awkward for them, but they talked. They talked for a long time.
They took time to think about it.
They talked again, this time Mollymauk joined the conversation.
They took more time to think.
Caleb was ever-cautious, terribly considerate, and reassured him constantly. One word from Essek and it would never be brought up again. Essek was sure the strange pain in his chest was from his heart full of love for the man, and nothing else.
Even Mollymauk, to his credit, seemed to be taking this seriously. Taking him seriously, for once.
It wasn't all that uncommon in the Dynasty. Many consecuted souls found themselves falling in love many times in many different ways over their lifetimes. It was said to be a blessing of the Light, to be loved and share one’s love so. Essek never thought much of it; but until Caleb, Essek never thought much of romance at all.
Essek was surprised to find that the practice happened in the Empire as well, although seemingly much less common. Perhaps it was just usual for people to have this much love to go around, Essek wondered. It wouldn’t be the first time his tenuous relationship with attraction left him the odd one out.
He wasn't sure if it would have been easier with any other member of the Nein. He refused to entertain the idea of the mess his life would become if it were Veth. Though he was very fond of Yasha, she would come paired with Beau and that was too difficult to wrap his head around, even in the furthest stretch of the hypothetical. Caduceus, however, was a kindred spirit, and he held a great respect for Fjord. He could picture a life with them, faintly.
But Jester would be the best fit. Essek loved her, and he knew Caleb did, too. Although he didn’t hold the same physical attraction for her as he did for Caleb, he wouldn’t at all mind having her around more often. Spending time with Jester was easy, spending time with Jester and Caleb was a delight.
But the Nein’s other tiefling was a different story, He certainly didn’t dislike Mollymauk. He was a good man, and Essek could admit he was an attractive one as well. He made Caleb happy.
Perhaps that was it. Jester was Jester. She made everyone around her happy, and it was impossible not to fall at least a little bit in love with her. Loving Jester was as natural as breathing.
The purple tiefling was different, so different from Caleb or Essek. He could hardly sit still for ten minutes, let alone spend an evening tucked away reading quietly in the library as Essek often loved to do with the human. The only thing they had in common was that they both had the tendency to be cocky, competitive bastards. But Mollymauk was bright, showy, and loud. Vibrant, in a way that Essek could never compete with.
And they both loved Caleb.
Mollymauk made Caleb happy.
Essek knew that he made Caleb happy too, and that Caleb loved him very much.
But Caleb also loved Mollymauk.
(And Jester, and his old classmates, but those were different stories)
Essek didn’t understand, not really, when Caleb explained it, but he looked at the man, his man, who asked for so little and allowed himself so little joy. Who was he to deny Caleb this, when he himself wanted Caleb to be happy, so badly it hurt?
Essek was reminded again that he was different from most others, in terms of love and relationships. He refused to let his own defects get in the way of Caleb’s happiness. He would catch up, for Caleb’s sake. Essek looked into blue eyes, held his ever-cold hands to warm cheeks, and smiled.
It couldn’t be much different than the strange closeness Caleb already had with their other friends.
For a while, it was not much different than usual. Essek and Caleb’s little cottage in Nicodranas with a teleportation circle in the garden shed and small patio with a curtain of green vines to shade from the worst of the sun often saw different members of the Nein coming and going, and Mollymauk was no exception. Until he was.
They were more present, in small ways. There were small things that calmed his fears, that he actually came to enjoy greatly; but also things that were driving him insane.
Caleb assured that Essek didn't have to be any more involved in his relationship with Mollymauk than he was comfortable with. Mollymauk assured that he would be more than welcome, and made a comment that Essek didn't quite understand, although he did take a moment to appreciate the pretty shade of red it made Caleb’s face turn.
Essek was surprised to find himself invited to their time together more often than not, and although he always politely declined, he was even more surprised that sometimes, he was actually tempted to join.
Away from a crowd to perform for, Mollymauk could actually be pretty sweet and thoughtful when he really put his mind to it.
There were times like last night, when Molly had come over to pick up their shared wizard for a night out:
Molly’s curls flowed fetchingly around their horns and over their forehead. They were wearing the faintest bit of some gold, shimmering glitter on their eyelids. Perhaps by accident, a few stray flecks of glitter had ended up across their collarbones, leading the eye to their handsomely scarred chest disappearing beneath a pale, open collared shirt.
Mollymauk sauntered over to Essek, who was curled up sideways on the seatette with an unusually large cat laid across the tops of his feet, and a somehow even larger tome open across his lap.
“You sure you're good here, floaty?” Molly asked as he leaned over the sofa and into Essek’s personal space. He was wearing enough dangling jewelry to rival Essek’s own, and they jingled sweetly as they moved, “I’m fairly sure there's enough room in the bar for the three of us.”
Essek tore his eyes away from his reading, and used an impressive amount of control to keep himself from jumping when he looked up and saw the tiefling’s face so close to his own. Molly was practically draped across the couch in the same way their cats sometimes did.
“Thank you for the invitation, Mollymauk, but I am quite alright here tonight.”
“Yeah, I figured you’d say that.” They said it good naturedly, but Essek couldn't help but feel shame start to coil in his chest. The tiefling paused for a moment to reach down and lazily pet the cat at Essek’s feet. Dough kindly accepted the attention for a moment before beeping out a strange noise and abruptly turning on her side to clean herself, leg stretched out high.
Both Essek and Molly shared a quiet laugh. It was barely more than a soft breath, but it broke the tension and Essek relaxed a bit.
Molly abruptly stood, and hopped back with a flourish, “However, I think it's a perfect night to get wasted, and I simply can't stand aside while you sit here and stay sober” and Essek realized he had been holding one hand behind his back the entire time. He eyed Molly suspiciously.
“Come now, don't be like that, love.” He says, but he didn't keep Essek in suspense for much longer. From behind his back, he pulled out a bottle of wine.
Essek’s eyebrows raise. A Lionett vintage.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t steal it.” Molly says quickly, “Our lovely expositor lost it to me in a bet. But you know me, the cheap stuff suits me just fine. I figured I’d share the winnings with someone who can actually appreciate how fancy this stuff is.”
Essek purposefully didn’t try to hide the small smile that bloomed on his face. “That’s very kind of you. Thank you, Mollymauk,” he said, accepting the bottle from the tiefling.
The expression on Mollymauk’s face was charming, but hard to place. If it had been anyone else, he would have called the answering smile bashful.
But he didn’t have too long to examine; the next moment Caleb came rushing down the stairs.
“Ach, sorry to keep you waiting. Had to finish a few things up before you get me too drunk to remember.”
Caleb too tried to make an attempt to coax Essek out for the night. Thankfully Molly saved him from the guilt of declining by quickly dragging the wizard away, throwing a smile and a wink back at Essek before kicking the door closed behind them.
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inukag-archive · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could recommend fanfics similar to Behind the Silk Screen or Light Me A Lantern. By similar, I mean with good character development, InuKag and an intriguing plot. I don't mind whether they're complete or not. Thanks in advance!
Hello Nonnie,
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While "good character development" and "intriguing plot" are broad concepts and highly subjective from reader to reader, there is no doubt both fics you mentioned are epics in their scope and style, so we hope this list of epically plotted fics hits the mark for you.
A Tale of Ever After by @knittingknots (M)
Summary: And they lived happily ever after - my vision of what InuYasha and Kagome's happily ever after. Picks up the day of Kagome's return to the past. This is gonna be long...
Kintsugi by @soliska (M)
Summary: AU. Failing to be chosen as her village's miko, Kagome had resigned herself to a humble life. An unexpected summons returns her to the city where she's forced to reconcile the taught virtues and the spiralling, warped reality created by those that abuse their power. She holds the key to repairing the fracture between humans and youkai, and the freedom of her new hanyou friend.
Mating Season by @splendentgoddessess (X)
Summary: FINALLY COMPLETE! 100 Chapters! What was once a cliche PWP is now an epic tale of romance and adventure! See how Inuyasha suffering from "mating season", and a squabble with Kagome over some pocky, sets the dominos in motion for the story of a lifetime!
One Plus One by Misarae (E)
Summary: It's easy math, right? Now it's up to Higurashi Sachiko and Takahashi Naoki to show their parents Kagome and Inu Yasha the right way to solve this problem. No matter what it takes. Modern Day AU
The Lucky Ones by Terri Botta (M)
Summary: Another OLD fic. This one is from 2007. It's very long, but I remain proud of it. It had over 1000 revires on fanfic.net before it was deleted. Summary: Sometimes Fate hands you a gift you never thought you’d ever get, and it’s up to you to accept it for what it is.
Monster by @akitokihojo (E)
Summary: A murderous demon taints the world with unforgivable crimes, taking out his weakness in secret. Unfortunately for him, it isn't that easy. He thinks he's unstoppable, but his arrogance blinds him to the war blooming before him. Kagome and Inuyasha, both powerful in their own way, and even more so together, step forward to try to put an end to things.
Deductions by @witchygirl99 (M)
Summary: Called to the scene of a burglary, Inuyasha noticed three things: 1) Miroku and Sango were still morons in love; 2) the burglary was clearly an inside job; and 3) Kagome Higurashi was irritatingly interesting. But the case was so much more than simply a stolen body from a lab. For someone as brilliant as him, that final realization would come far too late. A Sherlock AU. 
Spirited Soulmates by @fawn-eyed-girl (E)
Summary: Higurashi Kagome is quite happy living alone with her cat Buyo. She enjoys running the most popular spiritual school in Tokyo with her friend Miroku, eating takeout, and drinking beer. She has no desire to be involved with anyone--especially because to do so would mean an end to her spiritual power, and thus, her very successful career. But then she meets National Police Agency detective Matsushita Inuyasha, and her whole world is turned upside down, especially when she figures out they are soulmates. Will she tell him before her growing desire for him overpowers them both? And when mikos start going missing across the country and turning up dead, will she be safe? Or will she give in to Inuyasha, tell him the truth, and let him protect her?
Metamorphosis by Sueric (M)
Summary: InuYasha and Kagome discover that sometimes loving your friends means giving up a little part of yourself, too… Complete
Metamorphosis by KingBaka (M)
Summary: *COMPLETE* "Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction." An unusual youkai attack transforms Kagome's very being. Can she come to terms with her new self, and can Inuyasha accept, perhaps even love, the new Kagome? My longest story to date, and probably the most widely read. Written over two years from 2008 to 2010, then comprehensively edited in 2011. I'm still pretty proud of it.
Youkai in the Mirror by SugarRos (M)
Summary: Kagome Higurashi is lucky. She has good grades, good friends, and the cute, popular boy in class just asked her out. But when she accidentally unleashes a very wicked youkai from a very wicked spell, her luck runs out. Now on the run from a powerful priestess, Kagome must help Inuyasha get his revenge.
The Phoenix Blame: Time Lapse by Fenikkusuken (M)
Summary: COMPLETE. An AR riff on the anime. Rated for coarse language, violence and citrus. Kagome Higurashi, recent graduate of the Imperial Military Academy, finds all of her skills seriously tested when the Shikon Jewel summons her to the Sengoku Jidai.
Purity by Sueric (E)
Summary: Naraku is gone. Kagome has the jewel. After seeing InuYasha's torment, Kagome faces 'the truth' of his feelings. Kagome does the unthinkable, and in a final act of love, Kikyou offers InuYasha one chance to fix it. But is he too late? Originally archived on Mediaminer and FFnet.
That Flesh of Mine by @witchygirl99 (M)
Summary: Kagome just wanted to get through high school in one piece. She never thought one night in the woods would change everything: that monsters were real. They were coming to the tiny town of Sakura for something important, something powerful. And one monster, with claws and fangs and blood-soaked silver hair, was the centre of all of it. Watching her with golden eyes. InuKag.
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mareastrorum · 10 months
WIP Wednesday: The Fool and the Soldier, Ch. 3 (Bladegarden)
The Fool and the Soldier is now up on AO3, updated every other Friday. This is an off-week, so here is a snippet from next week’s chapter! Commentary on Chapter 2 will go up on Friday.
Fanfic Summary: Mollymauk Tealeaf survived the Mighty Nein's encounter with the Iron Shepherds on Glory Run Road, but a short time later, a spirit began hunting him, claiming that he stole his body. This Campaign 2 AU begins with Episode 26 and continues on from there.
Rusted blades.
Dozens, hundreds of red, brown, green, and gray weapons stabbed into the earth, mingling among the grasses and bushes lining the southward road. A garden of metal and wildflowers. At the horizon, dark clouds hovered along the mountain range, slowly moving southwest. The faint outline of a city shadowed the morning mist in the distance.
Yasha had met Molly and the carnival not too far from this place. Bladegarden had been the first large settlement she had visited as a part of the entourage. The city had seemed so overwhelming, but Molly had taken the lead in exploring the place and passing out flyers, while she acted as The Brute protecting him. It seemed so silly now that she knew how capable he was at defending himself from typical troublemakers.
Red flashed across her sight, along with the image of Lorenzo tormenting Molly from beyond metal bars. Yasha blinked that away.
Molly couldn’t defend himself from everything. She needed to become stronger.
Her eyes roamed the landscape, searching for a purpose, but they only found useless, discarded weapons among flourishing plains. This old battlefield reminded Yasha of something, but she struggled to recall what it was. Perhaps the aftermath of a conflict, not a fight itself. Visions came to her again and again in dreams, and there were always so many corpses, but never combat. Blood, fire, smoke, ash, mud. The only face—the only voice—was the crimson man, though she only recalled vague details. Even so, he always seemed so pleased and fond.
Why did it feel so wrong when she only remembered how happy he was to see her?
Yasha sighed as she continued walking. There wasn’t time to linger here. If she did not keep moving, the storm would leave her behind.
Or was she supposed to stop? Pay respects to the lost, even if she did not know who they were or how they died? Was it because of her? Or had she simply been there when it happened? Or only stumbled across it?
What was she supposed to do?
Blue caught her eye. A dark bramble grew out of a boulder, where a greataxe had embedded into the stone. The coloring was strange: black stems, gray leaves, and vibrant blue flowers.
Yasha veered off the road toward the plant. As she grew closer, she marveled at it. Such a beautiful color, like the sky and Beau’s eyes. Reminiscent of the flora that Zuala and Yasha had used to bind themselves to each other. But the center was black and resembled a face, and these had six petals instead of five.
A thorn sliced into Yasha’s hand as she picked a flower, but she paid it no mind. She’d done that so many times by now. She pulled out her book, the pages falling open to the four-leafed clover Molly had given her when they first met. She smiled slightly, reminiscing how it had seemed to bring her luck since then. She flipped through to the next empty page, spotting something about how to curtsy before she placed the flower on that page, a small drop of crimson blood staining the paper near the stem, and pressed the book closed.
Once Yasha had returned the book to her pack, she turned back toward the road. She inspected her hand to see how deep the cut had gone, but there was no wound. She pressed along her skin to see if perhaps it had settled. No sign of injury except the blood she wiped away. As though she had not been cut at all.
Strange. Maybe it had been so sharp that it would not bleed further.
Yasha shrugged it off and let her gaze wander as she followed the road. She had been keeping an eye out for scorpion grass, but she had not yet found any. Perhaps it only grew in Xhorhas. Traveling there with the Nein seemed unlikely with the war. She vaguely recalled seeing them as the winter snowpack began to lessen on the mountains, growing at the eastern edge of the moorlands where the soil was less damp. Maybe in spring, then.
There was time.
For now, Yasha continued south, searching for something, hoping that she would know what it was when she came upon it.
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dent-de-leon · 4 months
A lot of things about Lucien’s backstory make me want to cry, but at least with his parents gone, he’ll never be hurt by them again as Molly/Kingsley…
I just…don’t even know how the Nein would react to finding out what his own parents did to him. How would Caleb feel, who went through something so similar—yet who had a mother and father that truly loved him? Family is everything to him. The look in his eyes if he found out how much Tealeaf was abused by them as just a child—
Everyone was so protective of Beau when they faced her father. Thinking about Beau finding out that Molly’s own parents sold him to a hag in another life, how he was just seen as a part of a devil’s bargain too.
Yasha, who is so full of love and so fiercely protective—meeting these people who broke Molly’s spirit in another life, who betrayed him just like the Skyspear did to her. Yasha making sure they never have the chance to hurt him again.
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zachdefense · 8 months
tag 9 people to get to know better
tagged by @burn-throughout-eternity
3 ships: I'm not too big into shipping so this was genuinely the hardest part. I'll say WolfSpider (Worm), Beau/Yasha (Critical Role), and uhhh... Powder/Isiri (@resolveap) (no I didn't just pick that last one to plug my own podcast how dare you suggest that)
just realized looking back on it that these are all wlw. let's go lesbians
First ever ship: probably Kari/TK from Digimon Adventure 02
Last song: The Pokemon Inside My Heart ft. Hatsune Miku - PinocchioP which is the latest song in the Pokemon x Hatsune Miku collab Project Voltage. All the songs in this collab have been really good, but this one legit had me tearing up.
Last movie: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron at @xsmartacus's birthday party
Currently reading: Just finished Edgedancer by Brandon Sanderson, about to start on Dawnshard by Brandon Sanderson to finally be fully caught up on the Stormlight Archives, then have Bloodline by Will Wight (book 9/12 in the Cradle series) waiting for me after that
Currently watching: Critical Role and Dimension 20 take up pretty much all my TV time, but I've also been putting on Taskmaster as a background show during work, and it's been pretty great.
Currently consuming: Chocolate Chip Cookie flavor Magic Spoon cereal
Currently craving: Stuffed Crust Pizza. As I always am
Tagging: 9 is too many. I can't pick. I'll just say, if you're one of the first nine people to see this then consider yourself tagged. And if you aren't sure if you're one of the first nine: I don't have that many followers, you probably are.
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awaytobeunshaken · 1 year
Angstpril 2023 - Day 25: Nothing Lasts Forever
Fjord ends up being the first of them to pass. He’d retired from the sea some years ago, back to the little house in Nicodranas, though it had of course had been added onto and fixed up in the intervening years. And when Jester messaged because she didn’t want to be alone, they arrived together, though it was Essek who held her hand in her grief, a grief he was destined to share.
And she was there to take his hand when the time came, when he knelt beside that patch of ground in the Blooming Grove, with no marker save for Caduceus’s impeccable memory of the grounds, when he took that bit of soil to sprinkle on the Ermendrud plot in Blumenthal, a symbolic reunion that Essek could only hope had followed a real one.
Kingsley was next, and his passing seemed almost anticlimactic; as someone whom death had seemed to have no real hold on, there was an odd air of expectation among the rest of the Nein as he was put in the ground. But it had been decades since the Somnovem had inhabited his body, and the natural processes of time were different than being struck down by spell or blade, and it seemed that whatever part of soul or spirit that might have been there from the start would finally be allowed its rest.
Beauregard seemed to suffer no diminishment in body or mind as the years went on, and when her time came it felt almost disconcerting in its suddenness. Yasha seemed to feel the same, as she stood beside the grave, haunted, unmoving, until Essek and Caduceus took her hands and led her to a bedroom in the temple, where Essek touched his forehead to hers and muttered, “I know.”
Yasha never returned to the house in Zadash, letting the children take care of whatever belongings remained and taking up residence in a spare room in Jester’s home. Essek would stay there, too, as often as was prudent, and and they would often walk along the beach in the evenings, the fringes of the surf tickling their bare feet. One evening Jester stopped suddenly during their walk and took Essek’s hand and looked out across the water for a long while, as if she’d spotted something in the distance, just on the edge of noticing. Then she shook her head and led them back to the house. Neither he nor Yasha were surprised when she didn’t wake the next morning.
Essek again performed what had almost become habit, transporting her body to the grove, Yasha and Veth in tow, to see her laid to rest beside her mother, beside her husband. And for the first time since losing Caleb, he didn’t try to stop the tears as he knelt and placed his hands on the fresh soil, and despite all he had lost so far, and the dwindling numbers of companions surrounding him, and the thought of all the lonely years still before him, all he could say was “Thank you.”
He returned to the house in Nicodranas with Yasha—Jester wouldn’t have allowed it any other way—but they didn’t stay long. Yasha expressed a wanderlust in her later years, and as the other of their number who had been so thoroughly driven from their home, Essek couldn’t think what else to do but oblige her. In their rare forays into cities he would pose as her guide, or she as his protector, but mostly Yasha wanted to spend her time outdoors, in the wilderness where she could feel the Stormlord. Until at last, tired but fulfilled, she asked him to return her to the Grove to wait out her final days.
Veth, well, they got on well enough in the end. Essek had long kept his distance, not trying to force an unearned closeness, but after Yeza was gone she called on him more and more often, and they had the conversations that they could never quite manage when their respective partners were around, and shared stories of the man whom they had both loved in their own way. “You really were good for him,” she admitted in the end. “I hope you know that.”
After he brought her to the Blooming Grove for the last time, there was little for Essek to do but go back into the world, on his own this time, and make what life he could for himself. Caduceus was rarely inclined to leave his home, and Essek couldn’t bear to stay in the Grove for too long at a time. He made various acquaintances, some he could almost call friends, none he was quite willing to bestow with ‘family’. He made sure to return to the Grove at least once a year, though, to check in and say hello and try what new teas the firbolg had cultivated.
But eventually the day comes when not even Caduceus is there to greet him. He checks in less frequently after that, but still on occasion, otherwise continuing in his work, what work he wants to do: study, research, experimentation. He finds what companionship he can, and speaks of his old friends fondly, and finally understands why Caleb has always referred the people in his life so vaguely, because how could a word truly encompass everything these people have meant to him.
At last, after what seems an impossible number of years alone, he feels the tug towards the Blooming Grove one last time. The generation of Clays he first met are long gone, but Calliope’s daughter is looking after the temple, and Carousel greets him warmly. She doesn’t need to guide him to the place he’s looking for, but she holds him up on shaking legs, and he doesn’t kneel this time, merely presses a hand to his lips and mutters. “I’ll see you soon, love.”
And then Essek Thelyss returns to the temple of the Wildmother for his final rest.
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