ihatethebrits · 2 months
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i’ve never posted on tumblr before, i feel like an old man tryna figure out how this works 😭
anyways these are so fun to make
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gemini-sensei · 11 months
Hear me out... (unedited)
Reader just broke up with her boyfriend. She's sad about it, yeah, mostly because she's been looking for "the one." All she's ever wanted was to marry the love of her life and have a family with them, but it's slowly starting to feel like that is impossible as everyone she's gone out with has either said she isn't their type or things don't end well. Case and point, her most recent ex who found someone else...
Reader feels a little hopeless. As her friends start to make families of their own, she feels even worse. She's there for them as they go through pregnancy and have their babies, being an aunt to their kids and a babysitter when her friends want to have a night out. She loves the little ones, but at the same time, she feels cheated out of the life she wanted for herself.
Hawk, her best friend, watches from the sidelines and doesn't know what to do. He takes her out in an attempt to forget about it, distracts her mind from it all. The one time they got drunk, she swore up and down about how her ex made so many empty promises to her and how upset she was when he left because she thought he was the one. Why couldn't he have been the one?
She cried in Hawk's arms before throwing up on the bar floor. After that, he decided that drinking wasn't the best distraction. So they did other things... like play video games and go sight seeing and practice karate.
Reader appreciates everything he does for her. He's the best and she always tells him as much.
It's when Yasmine is pregnant that she comes to a realization. Well, Moon helps her get there.
As the two women are leaving Yasmine and Demetri's home, Reader says something about how she can't wait to have all of this; the lush house, the loving partner, a baby on the way. It's not the first time they've talked about this.
"Why wait at all?" Moon asks.
Reader sighs. "I don't know. I'm still trying to find that special someone, you know?"
"They're not worth waiting on if you're ready for a baby," Moon tells her. It's quiet for a moment, Reader a little warm in the cheeks. "Reader, we all know how long you've wanted a family. Sometimes it's all you talk about. Just skip the search for someone and go for the baby. No one said you had to actually have a partner to have a baby."
Reader looks at her, a little stunned. She knew single women had babies all the time, through whatever means led them to that path in life, but she never considered it for herself. She blinks and licks her lips, smiling. "I'll have to think about it."
Moon giggles. "Definitely think it over."
And she does. Reader thinks about it for months before she comes to a decision.
The first person she tells is Hawk.
"I've decided I'm gonna have a baby," she tells him.
He laughs. "We all knew this about you."
"No, I mean soon. I'm gonna get pregnant soon and have a baby, Hawk." He looks at her questionably because he's known her plan all their lives: meet the person of her dreams first, then start a family. Sitting with her in his lonely apartment, he knows she's single as fuck. She knows he knows this and goes on to elaborate. "I'm tired of waiting for someone to love me enough to have a baby with me. I'm just gonna do it myself."
"Okay, but that's a lot more responsibility put on you," he says, concerned and only looking out for her best interest.
She nods. "I know. I've thought through all of it. I know what I'm doing."
He stares at her and sees how determined she is in this decision. Whether he thinks her doing this on her own isn't the best idea or not, he knows he won't be able to change her mind. "Okay. So are you gonna go to a sperm bank and tell them you want a donation?"
"No," she says and he almost chokes on air.
"That's too expensive," she tells him. "I can spend that money on something a lot better. I mean, who knows how much I'd waste if it doesn't take the first or second or even third time, you know? I'm just gonna find a tinder hookup and go from there."
Now he puts his foot down in protest. "No. No way, Reader. For someone who's put a lot of thought into this, that is the worst way to go. I mean, you could meet someone dangerous or someone that you don't want to get you pregnant. Just save up for the clinic."
"I don't want to wait for that," she tells him, looking at him rather cross. But it's more out of desperation than being angry. "What other choice do I have?"
He says it before he thinks it through. "You have me."
She stares at him stunned. "What?"
He swallows hard but committs to it. "Reader, I don't want you getting hurt. I mean, all I want is for you to be happy. I'd do anything for you. I'd kill for you and you know that. So why not this?"
She sits silently and listens, then asks, "You'd really do this for me?"
"I'd do this with you," he tells her. He takes her hand and squeezes it. "Then you wouldn't have to do this alone and the kid can have both parents around."
She smiles.
"This is what best friends are for, right?"
She laughs and hugs him, nearly knocking him over. "You're the most amazing best friend ever!"
They hold each other for a moment longer than maybe what was necessary, then pull away from each other. He smiles at her a little cheeky.
"So, should I go get a turkey baster?"
He hits him on the arm. "Shut up! And no!" She sits shyly for a moment, cheeks growing hot. "That's another reason I didn't wanna use a clinic... I still want the have the whole... involved experience."
His eyes darken and he licks his lips. "Oh, I see."
He puts a hand on her thick thigh and squeezes it. She giggles nervously and puts her hand on his.
"Now isn't the time," she tells him, quickly explaining, "I'm not ovulating."
"We could still practice," he offers, wearing a cheeky smile.
She bites her lip and nods. "Yeah, a little practice wouldn't hurt."
They move to his bedroom, where their friendship takes on a whole new meaning. As he holds her pudgy waist and pounds her from behind, he silently hopes it takes some time for her to get pregnant because it's the best sex he's ever had. She moans and curls her fingers into the sheets, also wishing the same thing.
And even when they're cuddling in his sheets after their practice run, they're blind to the fact that this changes everything. But it does at least open up their hearts to the truth that's been there all along: they've been each other's meant to be for a long time. They just don't realize it yet, just like they haven't all these years they've been friends.
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storyshark2005 · 2 months
I don't want any particular Cobra Kai S6 spoilers UNLESS someone can tell me that there are Demetri/Yasmine vibes. If there are please tell me.
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queencobrakaii · 2 months
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To get to know each other better and bond more, Demetri and Yasmine introduced each other to their favorite TV shows and movies.  It was kinda hit and miss.
Demetri was either bored out of his mind or criticizing the story of her favorite romcoms.  She fell asleep during his favorite Batman movie.  That one kinda hurt.
Demetri’s next venture was Doctor Who.  His girlfriend wasn’t thrilled.
“Give it a chance,” he urged her.
Somehow, Yasmine managed to sit through Series 1.  Series 2 captured her attention.
By Series 3:  “I like Martha, but the chemistry just isn’t the same.”
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danielsbian · 1 month
demetri is so real i also love evil women
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
for my new ask game!
3, 8, 16, 18, 21, 33, 40, and 50
3. Have you ever written a soulmate AU? If you haven't, why would/wouldn't you write one?
I have this series! I wanted to take the soulmate AU and make it something more choice-based, more in line with “If soulmates do exist, they’re not found. They’re made. People meet, they get a good feeling, and then they get to work building a relationship.” It’s the best take on soulmates I’ve ever seen, and it’s the kind I tried to replicate in that series! Idk if it’ll ever get updated, but I do wanna use that worldbuilding for something else one day.
8. Have you ever written any friendships that could've easily become romantic relationships? How did you navigate it?
I have! Honestly, there are plenty of those. I just navigate it by writing what feels true to me—do I want to pursue a ship with them? What would it add to this fic, if anything? What does it add if I keep them as friends? What tropes does it subvert, one way or the other (obviously this in itself is not a reason, it’s just an additional consideration)
For example: there’s a ship in an upcoming fic that I definitely didn’t plan initially, but which I think adds a lot of weight overall. It drives both characters in interesting ways but never detracts from their character arcs—neither of them have to give up anything for the other, and neither would ever ask that of the other.
(…actually there’s two ships like that 😅 in different fics, but still)
16. Are there any relationship dynamics/tropes you enjoy reading about, but wouldn't want to write yourself? Vice versa?
I’ve read a few “love triangles” but I’d never write one. But that’s also a trope I try to avoid whenever possible anyway, because they’re usually love corners/angles, not true triangles. And it’s usually sexist af, because in this trope, the “triangle” is never really about the girl at the center, it’s always about the guys fighting for her.
18. Pick a few characters you've written for (or, for a fun twist, asker chooses). Tell me about their relationship in three sentences or less.
Hmm…Mai, Aang, and Katara.
Mai and Aang: absolutely the opposites attract besties. No one expects them to get along as well as they do, but Mai finds Aang endearing in an odd way (he reminds her of Ty Lee), and Aang thinks she’s really cool, especially her sharp aim.
Mai and Katara: they aren’t sure what to make of each other at first, especially since their first meeting was them fighting each other. Really, it’s Aang who gets them to have a conversation after all of that—he just wants the two coolest people he knows to be friends. And it works! Mai and Katara hit it off splendidly once they get past the awkwardness.
Kataang: self-explanatory: they’re a badass power couple and I love them 🥰
21. Not all relationships are romantic. What's your favorite non-romantic relationship that you've written about?
Currently, Barry & Morgan 💞 I didn’t actually intend them to be as prominent to the AU as they are now — I loved them in s2, but writing the s1 arc just kicked that love into overdrive. They’re so, so special to me and I love them so much 🥹
33. Are there any canon romantic couples, in any media, that you just can't stand?
Reylo for sure, Spallen (do they count if they were only briefly canon?), Hawkmoon, Yasmetri, Quickwest (again, briefly canon), Toriguel, Samrobby
(Obviously this is not a judgment on the shippers, but…yeah, I’m not a fan of these ships 😅 there are others that I tolerate sometimes, but those aren’t on this list. Tbh I might even be forgetting some, but that’s most of them at least)
40. Pick a relationship (not necessarily romantic). What tropes apply to this relationship? What tropes does this relationship subvert?
Morgan and James! They’re Lovers to Exes (subverting the common Exes to Lovers trope)…and they’re also Exes to Friends. And ofc James is her Guy in the Chair—even after she joins Team Flash, he’s still there when she needs him (and vice versa ofc…granted he doesn’t have powers, but she’s still going to be there for him as much as he lets her)
50. Free space! Brag on yourself! Advertise your writing! What are you most proud of recently?
Currently, I’m super proud of the first Childhood Friends AU fic I posted! And my first Izumi & Zuko fic 💞
fanfic relationships ask game!
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danielslaw · 2 years
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kai-kat · 3 years
Still salty about yasmetri being canon...
Am I the only one who thinks it would have been better if Yasmine had her own redemption arc without dating demetri?
Or like no redemption arc at all
It just doesnt sit right with me ugh
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My Favorite Cobra Kai Ship
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soe-leo · 3 years
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pawpyrus · 3 years
ok i might sound a LITTLE delusional but i think i have a Plan for if elimetri were the “other lgbtq rep” in store for cobra kai. basically how the writers would solve the problems created by hawk/moon and yas/metri that have been so unceremoniously shoved down our throats this past season.
obviously, spoilers for cobra kai season 4.
so, the binary brothers are basically back on track with each other even with all the shit that’s happened between them, so there really isn’t a problem with demetri needing to get over/come to terms with what hawk did. he already has forgiven eli by the end of season 4, heck by the end of season 3.
our first obstacle is yas/metri, a ship that i think people are supposed to like? but again yasmin doesn’t have a personality other than “hot” so i don’t know where we were supposed to become attached to her. i think that this, however, could have been on purpose. the cobra kai writers may be shit sometimes but other times they’ve left in hints that seem unnecessary in past episodes for things that were going to be important later on. for example, stingray coming back on screen seemed useless, but his character returning resulted in a major plot point for this season and season 5. this is the only example i can think of off the top of my head, but tv show writers do this. they make things happen that don’t make sense until later when the audience goes “oooooh i get it now”.
i think this will happen with yasmin. her entire relationship with demetri is very one dimensional. there doesn’t seem to be any basis other than simple high school hormones and physical attraction. maybe in a later season, we’ll see yasmin dump demetri for another guy for no reason. yeah, that would suck for yasmin’s character because she has been written so poorly for so long that she deserves a major revamp (and the chance to learn karate and embrace her inner girlboss), but i wouldn’t put it past the writers to continue using her as a prop for the main cast’s storyline to continue. hell, they used moon’s queerness as a launch pad for hawk to get angry for a bit before completely abandoning the idea to push her back into his arms, further using her as nothing more than a motivational poster. but hey, feminism, am i right?
yasmin could also just completely dump demetri for moon. i would not be disappointed at that because those two ladies have been eyeing each other for a bit, so who tf knows. the writers sure love to throw curveballs at us so i wouldn’t put it past them either.
now onto hawk/moon. this is a little more complicated because honestly, i don’t see any chemistry in this ship either, but i know it “makes sense” in the storyline of the show. i don’t know how to explain it but it makes more sense than yas/metri at least. there was, if only a little, more development between the two that made their relationship make sense in the context of the early show, and their break up made perfect sense as well. though, moon has a history for being used to further hawk’s emotional journey, so i don’t see why the writers would stop now (please free my sapphic queen from the unrelenting grasps of sweaty high school boys!).
the best case scenario would, again, have moon and yasmin run off into the sunset together to be sapphic queens but that might not happen. how i think the writers could deal with it more realistically is that moon really wanted hawk to win the tournament, so she kissed him to give him that boost of confidence. you know, sex positive feminism and all. i wouldn’t put it past moon to want to help someone who she has seen has changed into a better person. even if she doesn’t have feelings for him anymore (which i’m fairly certain she does not), she knows he still yearns for her, so she uses what little power she holds over his tiny hawk brain to help him. 
another option is that perhaps she’s come to terms with her sexuality and can now see that eli needs to do the same as well. she could have realized her “attraction” to hawk was actually just comphet, and likely his “attraction” to her could have been as well. i mean look at how he treated that relationship!!!!! a tattoo???? for a high school sweet heart you dated for like 3 minutes? we know hawk is impulsive and all, but we also know he equates a lot of his self worth with being able to have a girlfriend, as he explains this rather explicitly in earlier seasons before he “flipped the script”. this could be due to internalized homophobia or just plain old being so deep into the closet he didn’t know he was in there.
i think moon would be able to talk with eli, either on or off screen, about how their relationship likely wouldn’t work, as well as apologize for leading him on with the kiss. she would encourage him to reach out and find other people to date, since she’s noticed he’s been so hung up on her for all of this time (how long as it been???? like a year???).
it’s been pretty hard to see if the instability of these relationships is on purpose and they are doomed to fall at the hands of elimetri or if it’s literally just that the writers realized they made the most gay friendship ever and went “oh shit, the republican fanbase” and decided to try and “fix” it. 
either way, i’m holding onto hope that elimetri becomes canon in the seasons to come because at this point, if it isn’t, it’s going to be such a disappointing case of queerbaiting. with everything they’ve hinted at explicitly or through twitter retweets and likes, i’ll be one sad lesbian if season 6 rolls around and still no elimetri. i guess we can just add another show to the queerbait hall of fame if that happens.
TL;DR : yasmin’s character is yet again reduced to “hot girl” so she dumps demetri for no reason. moon talks to hawk about how their relationship wouldn’t work and tries to help him figure out his own sexuality, leaving him and demetri as free agents.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Demetri and Yasmin both have a crush on reader but reader doesn't know so one day the reader accidentally walks in on them having sex then they ask her to join them
🤭🤭🤭 as you wish
Demetri x Chubby!Reader x Yasmine
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The how and the why were a little foggy to Reader, but she wasn't complaining as Demetri sucked on her tit. He was pulling moans from her that had her flushed and embarrassed, but she couldn't think much of those feelings due to Yasmine’s fingers ramming into her wet cunt fast and hard. They made her head spin.
The couple sat over her, having let her lay out on their large, pretty bed nude. They played with her as they pleased, catching her up to speed with their little fun activities she'd walked in on. Yasmine assured her that it was okay and that she was more than welcome to join them, even encouraged. So she supposed that's why she was laying there, getting hickeys sucked onto her breasts while Yasmine played with her sopping wet cunt, driving three fingers into her g-spot. Reader threw her head back, babbling out of pure pleasure.
"I'm so close! I'm so close! Please, please, Yasmine, I wanna come!" she begged.
Yasmine smirked, using her other hand to tease Reader's clit. She started to slow her movements, planning on edging her a little bit. "Is that so?"
"Yes! Yes, I wanna come on your fingers! Please!"
"I don't know," the blonde hummed, looking at her boyfriend. "What do you think, Dem? Does she deserve to come yet?"
He moaned around Reader's nipple and gave it another hard flick with his tongue before pulling off with an audible pop. He licked his lips and looks down at his handiwork, the patchwork of hickeys he decorated Reader with, then turned to Yasmine. "I don't know. Maybe. It would be nice to have her on my cock, thought, and there's only one way that'll happen..."
Yasmine nodded, humming softly. "If she's prepped enough for your big, fat cock."
Reader's cunt clenched around Yasmine's fingers as she heard the words "big" and "fat." She'd caught a glimpse of the monstercock her friend had when she's walked in, but it was the first time she'd thought about taking it.
"Please..." she whimpered.
Yasmine removed her fingers completely, making Reader whine loudly. However, the blonde kept her folds spread with her other hand as she sucked the wetness from her finger, getting a taste for Reader. She hummed around her fingers, pulling them out with a loud smack. "She tastes so good!"
"Let me try," Demetri said, then lowers his head between Reader's thighs. He shoved his tongue into her soaked pussy, making her squirm some. He groaned, waves of pleasure coursing through her as she laid at their mercy.
Then he flicked her clit with his tongue, over and over again, until she came around nothing. Her walls clenched around nothing and she writhed between them pathetically as she came. Demetri kept her legs spread wide whilst he licked up her cum, moaning at the taste of her.
"You're right, she does taste good," he says once he lifts himself from her.
Reader lay boneless between then, under their watchful eyes. Then Demetri got up and pulled her to sit up. Yasmine aided, giggling as she ran her hands over Reader's nude body, mumbling about how pretty she was.
"On your knees," Yasmine instructs and they both come to stand on their knees facing each other. She smiles at Reader, holding her hands as Demetri sat behind Reader, cock at attention. "You'll love this, I know it."
Once settled, Demetri grabbed Reader by the hips and guided her to his cock. He slipped it between her legs and rubbed along her pussy. Her essence spread over his length while she rocked her hips against his, prepping himself before finally sinking into he'd tight, juicy cunt. He wanted to make sure it wouldn't be too hard on her.
Reader looked up at Yasmine, who nodded encouragingly to her. She couldn't wait to watch the chubby woman take her boyfriend's thick cock. She helped by holding Reader steady and upright as she was still a bit dizzy and dazed by her first orgasm of the night. They were all moaning as they went through the process, Yasmines eyes glued to Demetri’s cock as it glistened between Reader's thighs.
Then he positioned the tip at her entrance and pushed into her, or rather pulled her down onto it. She squealed at the entry, feeling how bulbous his tip was, but kept going. She pushed herself back on him with his guided help whilst Yasmine played with her fat tits, pinching her nipples time and again.
Demetri sat behind her, marveling at the way her pussy took his cock. Her pretty pussy lips stretched around him beautifully and she seemed determined to take all of him in one go, which he wasn't going to complain about. It was mesmerizing and pleasureful as he felt her tight, gummy walls swallow him up until her ass met his hips and she groaned heavily.
"So deep..." she panted, resting back against him. Her head fell back on his shoulder. "So big..."
Yasmine giggled and licked a stripe from Reader's tit up to her neck. He peppered a few kisses there before whispering hotly. "He just fills you up, doesn't he?"
Reader moaned softly, nodding. Her eyes were screwed shut while she adjusted to just how big he was, how deep his cock reached inside of her. Yasmine admired her pinched expression before smiling at Demetri. This was what they wanted after all.
They wanted Reader.
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thorniest-rose · 3 years
If I had to guess it’s because they want Vanessa Rubio to be relevant but aren’t creative enough to give an adult woman an arc outside of romance. Also Johnny is the writer’s favorite and they see Carmen as his prize for being less of a manchild (see also: Yasmetri, Hawkmoon)
UGH that sucks!!! And it's funny because I've seen a few people say that since S4 dropped, that Johnny is the writers' favourite character and they don't care as much about Daniel. And that's probably true, but it makes me so sad because Daniel deserves just as much attention as Johnny. This is why I felt annoyed that Terry seemed more fixated on Johnny towards the end of S4 than he was on Daniel... like how does that make any sense considering his personal history with Daniel? Like, not everything has to be about Johnny? And I say that as someone who really, really loves Johnny! But sometimes I feel like the writers WANT Daniel to be a little annoying and a little brittle, so that Johnny comes across as more endearing compared to him, and I hate that honestly. Even today the LA Times published a piece saying Johnny was the heart and soul of the show and like... he is, but Daniel is too!
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queencobrakaii · 2 years
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eaglelarusso · 3 years
It's actually really funny, I was just reading over my Fanfiction and read this
"Eli rolled his eyes, their relationship was a lot like Ruby and Otis and he found it disgusting, Yasmine litterelly used to bully both of them and now their together, it just didn't seem right."
But I myself litterelly ship Ruby and Otis, yet Yasmine and Demetri don't make sense even though there both so similar and I ship one and not the other
ahhh it's 1am fam, did that make sense?
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