#yay mary morstan
no-side-us · 6 months
My first reaction to learning Watson has an older brother is the fact that both him and Holmes are the younger siblings in their families, which would make their tendency for misadventures and to getting involved in other people's businesses a life-long trait.
On a more morbid note however, the fact that Watson has an older brother, one with whom he seemingly had a not-so-good relationship with before his death, also paints his reaction to learning about Mycroft in a whole new light. Instead of the general happiness of finally learning about Holmes' history and family, there's an added layer of Watson getting to see a working, happy, brotherly relationship, one he presumably didn't have and now could never have.
And depending on whether or not you think Watson meeting Mycroft happened before or after this story leads to different interpretations. The Baring-Gould chronology puts The Greek Interpreter before The Sign of the Four, meaning Watson accusing Holmes of digging into his family history perhaps has a sting of envy for not having as good a relationship with an older brother as he knows Holmes does.
However, if The Greek Interpreter happened after this story, then Watson accusing Holmes could be what led to Holmes being so unyielding of his own family history, presumably so as to not upset Watson. Though Holmes is generally closed off about himself regarding those sorts of things.
In addition, the detail that Watson's brother drank himself to death makes Watson's view of Holmes' drug use in a new light as well. Looking at this paragraph specifically:
“But consider!” I said, earnestly. “Count the cost! Your brain may, as you say, be roused and excited, but it is a pathological and morbid process, which involves increased tissue-change and may at last leave a permanent weakness. You know, too, what a black reaction comes upon you. Surely the game is hardly worth the candle. Why should you, for a mere passing pleasure, risk the loss of those great powers with which you have been endowed? Remember that I speak not only as one comrade to another, but as a medical man to one for whose constitution he is to some extent answerable.”
Without the context that Watson is speaking about Holmes doing cocaine, I can easily imagine Watson talking to his brother about drinking too much. Obviously cocaine and alcohol abuse are different things, but the list of negative effects, not to mention the fact that Watson feels answerable to their condition could apply equally from a partner in crime as to a younger sibling to an older one.
The opening of the story reveals that Watson has wanted to, but not yet been able to confront Holmes about his drug use. I imagine Watson was the same way with his brother. And we know the watch he tests Holmes with came into his possession recently. Ergo, I'd say that his brother's death is probably the impetus for Watson to finally say something, so as to not repeat what happened with his brother.
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livvyofthelake · 4 months
also how crazy is it that we get to meet mary soon… and by we i of course mean only me because well no one else is reading these books for children. anyway does anyone care about my friend mary watson… née morstan... she’s from the worst book in the universe and as far as i can tell she never appears in any other holmes story and then she dies unceremoniously. but we liked her anyway. because we are feminists <3 she was almost an heiress of buried treasure… and she’s about to meet enolaaaaa yay
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not-yay · 4 years
what if John faked his death instead of Sherlock- a headcanon
okay, so this is my first blog and i ALREADY WANT TO APOLOGISE SO MUCH bc this can break ur heart (yes, i broke my own heart by writing this, you can't imagine how much i criiiied myself)
this is a very sad headcanon of mine 'bout what would happen if John faked his death instead of Sherlock
the idea isn't originally mine, i just found a random post on Instagram but the headcanon is
so, we would have the original fall, but with John jumping instead of Sherlock
Sherlock of course would handle it terribly because John is his world and now his world "died"
he would run to John's body and just hold him with tears in his eyes until somebody came
he wouldn't talk to anybody, he would straight away go to 221B
Sherlock would definitely use a lot of drugs, but mostly not to just handle the pain which he can't, he would try to drug himself to death
and if he succeeded, in the last minutes of his life, he could have a little moment of realisation: "it was fake. JOHN IS ALIVE. but i'm not. i am already dead".
and then he would grab a random piece of paper and leave his note, he would scribble "Goodbye, John.♡ - SH " because he didn't have any other chance to say he loved John, he could only scribble a smol heart
AND THEN- (have i mentioned that i'm sorry yet?)
John would return 2 years later
and he would go to the graveyard to see his own grave and smile at how he tricked everyone
but instead, he starts crying
he does see his grave
but the grave next to his says "SHERLOCK HOLMES"
and it's his fault.
he always believed in Sherlock Holmes and he thought that Sherlock would also believe in him
but no
Sherlock Holmes has stopped believing in John Watson
even if only for a second, it was enough
and John will always blame himself for it
his limp would return because Sherlock was the one who helped him overcome it
John would go to 221B
and he would see Sherlock's note with the heart
and he would start crying again
and Mrs. Hudson would find him lying on the floor
and she would know why is he crying
but she wouldn't be able to do anything
so she would just hug him with no words and leave him a cup of tea
and John wouldn't want to see anybody except for Mrs. Hudson in 221B
and he wouldn't want to go upstairs because that's where Sherlock's bedroom used to be
so he would always sleep on the floor (or in a chair, when Mrs. Hudson would persuade him to)
and he would abandon his blog with the words "nothing happens to me anymore"
but he wouldn't delete it. sometimes he would scroll down and read their conversations and his posts and just remember
he would barely eat, but he would always shave because he knew that Sherlock "preferred his doctors clean-shaven"
and this would go on for a year, until i can imagine this conversation happening:
Mrs. Hudson: John, I know that you miss him, but you can't just lock yourself in the flat and-
John: Why?
Mrs. Hudson: Because you are still alive. And you have to enjoy your life. I know he would want you to. Go ahead and find yourself a friend or someone!
and John would really listen. he would probably go to a restaurant or somewhere else. and he would find Mary
and Mary (and eventually, Rosie) would help him to go on with his life
but at some nights, he would still not be able to sleep
and sometimes, Greg would find him sitting next to the grave, crying
and the limp wouldn't go away
and he would always remember
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ao3feed-johnlock · 4 years
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GujNGI
by anti_catharsis_king
The rumors spread like dragonfire. There’s a new Dark wizard rising to power in the shadows, they say; the name Moriarty is whispered on trembling lips. The Ministry, they say, has been infiltrated by a mysterious witch of equally mysterious intentions. And everyone is curious about the new arrivals at Hogwarts, among them Professor Watson, the new Care of Magical Creatures teacher, and the newly appointed Headmistress: Eurus Holmes.
The wizarding world is entirely unprepared for the malevolently organized chaos about to hit them over their heads. And that’s where Sherlock Holmes comes in. He’s a self-proclaimed investigative consulting Auror, a Defense against the Dark Arts professor, and most importantly, the cleverest man ever to grace the halls of Hogwarts (or so he says) - and perhaps the only one who can prevent the crumbling collapse of the entire wizarding world.
Words: 2124, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Sherlock (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mary Morstan, Eurus Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Irene Adler, Jim Moriarty, Molly Hooper, Greg Lestrade, Philip Anderson, Sebastian Moran, Mrs. Hudson, James Sholto, Archie (Sherlock), multiple OCs, Magnussen (sort of)
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson, Mycroft Holmes & Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler/A Lot Of Random People, Sherlock Holmes/Drugs, Mary Morstan/Smiling A Lot, Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty (background)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Sherlock Harry Potter AU, Developing Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Slow Burn, Sherlock Characters as Hogwarts Professors, yay, Jim Moriarty is a Little Shit, Black Rose, (you'll see what i mean), Ravenclaw Sherlock, Gryffindor John Watson, Hogwarts Houses, BAMF Mrs. Hudson, of course, Hogwarts Express, Platform 9 3/4, Aurors, Ministry of Magic, Lestrade Is Not A Good Detective, Eurus Holmes Is... Interesting, Jealous John Watson, References to Drugs, will add more tags
September 06, 2020 at 08:48PM
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I hate Mary Morsan too
When I first saw this, I thought about just saying something like, “yay, high five!”, but then I reconsidered. Expressing hate for any woman, even a fictional one, is always a bit troubling for me. I truly am a feminist to the core of my being, and as someone who is known for writing the character of Mary as I truly see her in the canon, I’m already uncomfortably aware that people see me as a Mary hater. Johnlock shippers have been getting this since 2014 now: if you hate Mary, it’s only because she gets in the way of your ship, and the Johnlockers hate all of the female characters in Sherlock.
The second is patently untrue. That said, I’ll allow that Moffat and Gatiss are notoriously poor at writing female characters. (This has been well covered in many articles.) They, Moffat in particular, have a troubling way of aligning the concepts of female power with abuse (Irene uses sex to extort people for the terrorist she works for, Mary shoots people when they threaten to show her for the assassin and criminal that she is, even Molly and Mrs Hudson resort to violence in so-called moments of “strength” - Molly with her slapping and Mrs Hudson pulling a gun and handcuffs on Sherlock before having a bunch of men throw him into the trunk of her car). Moffat and Gatiss have an issue when it comes to writing a well-rounded, believable female character whose entire purpose doesn’t revolve around the male main character(s) and doesn’t come off as… well, a man trying to write a woman. That said, filling things out and making them work is also part of the joy of writing fanfic, and I, along with many other Johnlock writers, have definitely done my best to do that. I’ve even given several women on Sherlock their own stand-alone stories, told from their points of view, even Mary! If you’re curious: 
Janine POV: The Green Carnations
Mary POV: Moving on/Making do (split between Mary and John’s POVs), Stand-in, Want (split between Sherlock, John, and Mary’s POVs)
Molly POV: The Red Roses, The Clouded Eye (split between Molly and Sherlock’s POV)
Sally Donovan & Mrs Hudson POV (first and last sections of Inappropriate)
Irene (not her POV, but definitely featuring her): From the Bottom of the Well
I’ve done my best to round these women out and give them credit where credit is due, whether or not I personally like them. I didn’t make them two-dimensional. And I didn’t write them the same every time (for those whose POVs I wrote more than once), either! Molly in The Red Roses is vulnerable, strong, self-sacrificing, and brave. Molly in The Clouded Eye is manipulable, jealous, possessive, yet (I hope) still understandable, pitiable. The point, ultimately, is the same as with any character: to be able to see their complexities, their depth, and to observe their actions objectively. 
People wanted so badly to like Mary. They wanted to love the strong woman that John Watson chose to marry. I didn’t see any hate leading up to series 3 at all, neither toward the character of Mary Morstan, nor toward the person who played her. I saw open-mindedness and a wiliingness to take her into the collective fandom heart. For me, I was always wary, I’ll admit. I thought from the start that it was a mistake to take such a miniscule role from the original canon and make it such a big deal. I thought then that Moffat and Gatiss were trying to stomp out the Johnlock ship and rumours of their queer-baiting. Surely if John got married, we couldn’t possibly see it as gay anymore, right??? I saw their choice of actor as a deliberate attempt to parry the natural chemistry Benedict and Martin have onscreen, and I thought then that it was an overly desperate attempt. I maintain that to this day: I think it backfired. But that generosity of spirit was there toward Mary, even after series 3, for the most part. I saw many, mahy Johnlockers try to include Mary as part of a newly-formed OT3. I saw them identifying with Mary, trying their very best to love her. 
Many of them still may. I don’t. For me, feminism means being seen as a human being first, and if a person’s experience as that type of human being has meant some kind of persecution or prejudice or abuse, it helps understand their actions. But not to excuse them. It doesn’t make it okay to murder people if you manage to look cute while doing it. It doesn’t make it okay if you did it to protect your own interests. That’s just selfishness, and defending it isn’t feminism. That’s just making excuses. Mary is a person who, in some unexplained backstory, chose a career wherein she kills and gets paid for it. She worked, to quote her, for the highest bidder. It wasn’t something she did out of a moral position, for love of country, for self-defense, for a cause, however just, as a cog in some great war machine. She didn’t do it do defend people she loved, or innocent bystanders, or children, or people too weak to defend themselves. She didn’t do it for some satisfying and long-deserved vengeance: she did it for money. Tawdry, dirty, blood money. And then she built a mountain of deceit, fed it to a man who was grieving, his trust broken and all but lost, and sold him a house of lies. And when his clever best friend discovered her, she shot him in cold blood, threatened him while under the influence, and hunted him down like an animal to put an end to him. 
Pardon me if I don’t find that “cute” or “strong” or anything I feel like modelling myself after, anything I would want young women or my own nieces to look up to and admire. 
I’ve talked about this before, but Mary is also extremely problematic in terms of blurring where the moral centre of Sherlock and John is. The thesis of the show has always been that Sherlock and John are damaged, problematic people, but ultimately good men. Ultimately, they’re on the side of the angels. Mary isn’t. Mary is on the side of the terrorists. She’s on the side of whoever will pay her the most to be on their side. In a way, that’s almost worse. Sherlock may “flirt” with Moriarty or Irene (though I always saw it as pretty one-sided on the latter) in the same way that he flirts with danger, with addiction, with obsessive behaviour, but he would never align himself with any of them. He may admire a clever plan, but his far greater fascination and draw is to the plain goodness of John Watson, extraordinary in its very ordinariness, yet it’s hardly ordinary, either. John can pull off making it look ordinary, but for someone who’s been through what he’s been through, it’s amazing that he IS still, ultimately, despite his own problematic behaviour, a good man. He and Sherlock both are, and it’s what they admire in each other, calling one another things like the best and the bravest and the kindest. That’s what they both seek, temporary fascinations with the devil they face every day in their line of work notwithstanding. Mary and Irene are both faces of this evil that Sherlock and John oppose. It’s the way things are: Sherlock and John are on the side of the angels. Mary and Irene work for the terrorists. Having Sherlock and John align themselves with Mary is incredibly problematic. 
I maintain that everything about Mary Morstan was a mistake. It was a mistake to bring her onto the show, a mistake to try to make her 1000% more interesting than she ever was in the original canon, and certainly a mistake to have had John go back to her, to have had him and Sherlock put themselves on her side, to have made themselves accomplices to her crimes by the very act of helping bury her past. It was a mistake to then not see her arc through the way it began, her irritating ghost appearances bearing no resemblance to her canonical behaviour, and her proprietary brokerage of Sherlock and John’s friendship completely out of place and undeserved. 
So yeah: in a response that’s probably 5,000 times longer than you were hoping for (apologies!), it takes a lot to make me admit that I hate another woman, even a purely fictional one. But Moffat and Gatiss succeeded on this one. I do hate Mary Morstan. I hate her because she’s an unrepentant murderer and liar, a narcissist whose only motivations are what she wants and feels would be good for her, and did everything in her power to tear Sherlock and John apart, and failing that, to outright kill Sherlock or manipulate him into killing himself. I see absolutely nothing admirable about this character and am just so glad she’s off the show. I wish she’d never been there in the first place. 
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ukthxbye · 6 years
CHAPTER 6 IS UP! Yay emotions!
Chapters: 6/10 Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes & Molly Hooper, Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Molly Hooper, Original Female Character(s), John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Mary Morstan, Mary Watson, Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Swedenlolly, Developing Relationship, Established Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper Fluff, Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper Kissing, Vacation, Travel, References to Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Sexual Tension, Implied Sexual Content, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Baggage, Haircuts, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Molly Hooper is not okay, Mild Language, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Possessive Sherlock Summary:
After everything, Sherlock Holmes and Molly Hooper know they are in love. Being in love after all this time is not simple and Sherlock believes a holiday to Sweden will help them to examine what they are now.
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missdaviswrites · 7 years
Chapters: 31/32 Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Anderson/Sally Donovan Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Greg Lestrade, Philip Anderson, Molly Hooper, Mary Morstan, Sally Donovan, Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock Holmes), Dimmock (Sherlock), Kitty Riley, Jim Moriarty, Sebastian Moran Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Basketball, college basketball, AU, Alternate Universe - Sports, Alternate Universe - College/University, Unilock, Basketball, probably more dialogue than basketball if i know myself at all, Masturbation, Homophobic Language, Homophobia, First Kiss, First Time, Oral Sex, Coming Out, Anal Sex, Switching, switchlock Summary:
Sherlock Holmes has accepted a scholarship to play basketball at the College of St. Bartholomew's. He expects to be their star player and turn the team's losing record around. He does not expect to fall in love with the team's captain, a certain scrappy point guard named John Watson.
Or: Sherlock is the team's best shooter. John is the team's best ball-handler.
Update: Chapter 31: Valentine's Day
This is the chapter that made me go “aww” and also “yay” because I am almost done!!
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i-am-adlocked · 7 years
Adlock Prompt | Volunteer
FROM ANONYMOUS: “Okay Adlock Prompt - Hunger Games AU but not as Tributes.”
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11253972 FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12541395/1/Volunteer
Major Relationships
Irene Adler | Sherlock Holmes Mary Morstan | John Watson
Minor Relationships
Sherlock Holmes & John Watson Sherlock Holmes & Mary Morstan
Other Tags
AU || Hunger Games AU || Tributes || Can’t tell you more than that || Sadlock || Angstlock || Angst || Yay Angst
Word Count 5,941
Okay, this is the first prompt I have finished... and a lot of you sent me prompts... so I’m kinda keeping up because I really wanna satisfy you all. This one doesn’t even seem to be finished so I’m keeping it open if one of you wants me to continue it.
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love-in-mind-palace · 7 years
Anti honesty: Eurus was the best and she was obviously made to show the difference between evil and good so that people can see that Mary is such a perfect angel!I mean, she killed people and Mary didn't want to??? It was her job and it made her disgusted to see people die, she was the true victim of her job. Whereas Eurus didn't bat an eye at it. So obviously Eurus is a psychopath and Mary is the good misunderstood hero of BBC Sherlock, she deserves more screentime. All hail Mary Morstan 2k17.
I need to write about a book on this angel. Can we kickstart a spin-off. I am dying for that. All hail Mary Morstan!! Yay
Anti-honesty hour. Ask me anything and I will respond with blatant lies.
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ao3feed-irenelock · 7 years
Warning: Some M/M works might show up here because the Sherlock/Irene tag is used in ref to S/I as a side pairing, past pairing, etc. Currently there is no way to filter and exclude feeds on Ao3 to get only S/I F/M works.Solution. Read at your own risk.
by l_am_adlocked
“Okay Adlock Prompt - Hunger Games AU but not as Tributes.”
Words: 5941, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Adlock Prompts
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler, John Watson, Mary Morstan
Relationships: Irene Adler/Sherlock Holmes, Mary Morstan/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes & Mary Morstan, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson
Additional Tags: AU, Hunger Games AU, Tributes, Can't tell you more than that, Sadlock, Angstlock, Angst, Yay angst
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/11253972 via AO3 works tagged 'Irene Adler/Sherlock Holmes' http://archiveofourown.org/works/11253972 Remember to check out http://adler-holmes.livejournal.com
Need an Ao3 invite? Don't want to wait? Get one via LiveJournal or Dreamwidth
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nodancer · 8 years
Fic Rec Days #2 - BBC Sherlock
Not even remotely the 11th anymore but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Same as the first day, only fics with under 1000 kudos. Mostly Gen focused on Mycroft, Mycroft and Lestrade or Mycroft and Sherlock.
A Study in Pizza (Sherlock is a Pizza Parlor - AU) by Valeria2067 Rating: T Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Ex-Master Chef John Watson has returned from abroad and needs a business partner. Also, someone has been causing a series of food poisonings, and the great pastry chef Sherlock Holmes is the only man who can help.
absolutely hilarious asip parody that still cracks me up even though i’ve read it about a dozen times the last couple years. no idea if it’s a fandom classic, but it should be.
Bad Influence by azriona Rating: T Pairing: Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade Gregory Lestrade is a Public Menace in Training, and Mycroft Holmes shouldn’t be half as intrigued as he is.
hands down the best young mystrade fic i’ve read. great dynamic and character development and such good tension.
Breakthrough by stardust_made Rating: T Pairing: Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade What Mycroft really needs to be careful about is his own involvement, the small puff of sentiment hanging over his own clever head. Hence the bad decision of standing outside DI Lestrade’s front door at eleven o’clock at night and tapping on it lightly with the handle of his umbrella.
a lovely, melancholic look at mycroft struggling to keep up his self-imposed loneliness while longing for something else.
Descriptive Complexities by Lucy Rating: T Warnings: PTSD Pairing: Background Johnlock, Mystrade if you squint Down on his luck army veteran Gregory Lestrade finds himself caught up in a murder investigation. While assisting Detective Inspector John Watson, Greg comes to the attention of Mycroft Holmes, amateur detective and older brother of the most dangerous man in the British government, Sherlock.
incredibly good role-reversal au that really manages to portray how differently the characters would act in reversed circumstances. i love the way that mycroft’s situation only enhances his unwillingness to socialize which in turn impacts his ability to do his work - it makes mycroft’s need for a partner seem as inevitable as sherlock's need for john.
everyday is like Sunday by Sarah T Rating: T Mycroft was thirteen.
a haunting look at how after eurus has been taken away, young mycroft is forced to deal with his trauma alone. i’ve reread this several times and it’s hit me with the same intensity everytime.
Lines and Squares by emungere Rating: T Sergeant Lestrade wears an immense amount of armour for someone his age, though of course it’s nothing to Mycroft’s own.
a wonderful short first meeting between mycroft and lestrade. great dialogue and the character voices are absolutely spot on.
Nicotine by Sidney Sussex Rating: T Lestrade and Sherlock quit smoking. Sherlock handles it better than Lestrade.
a fun, short fic about lestrade’s and sherlock’s relationship before john appears.
Scotch by earlgreytea68 Rating: G/T for the main series, M for some of the later stories Pairings: Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, later Sherlock Holmes/John Watson That was how it began, with a Scotch in a policeman's dingy office.
my favorite mystrade fic! set post reichenbach, lestrade and mycroft end up meeting several times to have conversations over a drink, while lestrade slowly figures out what happened with sherlock. lestrade in this truly feels like the competent, intelligent man he was meant to be in season 1. i love how their relationship develops slowly and without giant amounts of pining (and without sex in the main story! yay)
Square Pegs by thedeathchamber Rating: G Warnings: Implied Child Abuse “You’re my brother. You don’t have to be convenient.”
wonderful sequence of scenes from the young holmes brothers’ lives.
Thanks for the cigarettes. by solrosan Rating: G Pairing: Background John Watson/Mary Morstan He just needed a break, some air, some distance from… people.
beautiful short fic about asexual sherlock feeling alienated at john and mary’s wedding and having a conversation with his brother.
The Empty House by AnnieVH Rating: T Warnings: PTSD After a humiliating incident that makes his life even more complicated, Mycroft can no longer call for protection in the middle of the night. But going back inside with a threat hanging over his head is not an option either. His only option is to call Lestrade.
the post-tfp mycroft fic i was waiting for. i love how this writer treats trauma as something that impacts your ability to think and act rationally, even for someone as in control as mycroft holmes.
Triangulation by queenieofaces Rating: G Pairings: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, John Watson/Mary Morstan Sherlock always planned to fix John, after he came back from the dead.   But for all his planning and forecasting and deducing, Sherlock never once thought that someone else would fix John first.
aroace sherlock tries to figure out his feelings for john and john and mary’s relationship. great look into sherlock’s mind and how romantic and platonic love can coexist.
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grassangel · 8 years
this week in fic I want to read - Sherlock edition
John/Mary/Sherlock. All of it
Specifically: whatever happened that made Eurus go ‘you had sex!’ when Sherlock played John and Mary’s waltz for her (I realise that it was actually Irene’s theme, but indulge me and imagine it’s actually the Waltz)
And, since Sherlock’s mind palace is apparently broad and imaginative to sustain distinct personalities of the people he loves, his fantasies about sex with Mary and John
Actually, make that everyone. Molly, Lestrade, Irene, Moriarty, Sally, Anderson, Janine. Pick five and make it a 5 times + 1 time his fantasy came true
Mary’s video messages keep arriving. Some are just for Sherlock, some are just for John. There’s new ones, two, three times a year, always with the right words. After a couple of years, Sherlock gets suspicious and figures out it’s Janine sending them, who then reveals that Mary is alive (she had hypotension after the birth, which ended up saving her even though it lead to her being declared dead) waiting until it’s safe for her to come back. She comes back.
Moving in fic. Either Sherlock into John and Mary’s house, or John and Mary into 221b. Domestic cuteness trying to fit their family under one roof.
Marylock. Again, all of it. Especially the fix-it though
The fix it being that Mary did get shot, just not fatally, and was there to tell Sherlock to save John Watson in person, which ends in divorce. The testimony of Ms Smith does mean Mary gets custody and then yay, happy Marylock where they raise Rosie together
Happy except for the bit where Mary’s the Watson who has to go through the Final Problem with Sherlock. Though it would be exciting, because Mary’s pragmatic enough to play the first round, but knows Sherlock well enough and is familiar enough with Mycroft’s games that she refuses to play (and helps Sherlock cheat) the rest of the time.
Cuteness with Rosie! All of it.
Apparently there were deleted ideas for scenes where Mary learns the violin and general other bonding with Sherlock, so all of that please, with gradual falling in love.
Sticking with canon, phantom!Mary as a constant companion from Sherlock’s mind palace is A+ stuff (A++++ if Sherlock has sex in his mind palace with her. Vague guilt optional, even if J/S is a thing)
ACD!Canon where Holmes beats Watson to the punch in proposing to Mary because he really can’t stand the thought of her intellect being stifled in a conventional marriage, so offers her the intellectual and sexual freedom of a marriage with him. (They have sex like... twice. Which does of course mean that when Holmes returns, there’s a soppy reunion with his wife and toddler.) 
Also great as a BBC!Canon AU where Mary’s sniffing around for a flatmate after constructing a new identity for herself
Sherlock & Rosie. Just lots of cute parentlock. Without any of the ship that must not be named. That’s all I want.
Though that AU where John does end up dying and Molly and Sherlock and Mrs Hudson retire the country and raise Rosie would be very welcome. 
Mary and/or additional babies is also welcome
That being said marriage of convenience J/S because they need to think of Rosie (and because Mary told them to) would be bearable if it were purely platonic.
Eurus/Watson. A bunch of Eurus’s issues are obviously jealousy that Sherlock has friends and she doesn’t, so the obvious answer is to have one of her own. And it could go either way. John very obviously has a type (dangerous, with the Holmes genes as a bonus) whilst Mary shares a similar pragmatism as far as people dying goes and is smart enough to not lag too far behind Eurus.
Basically it’s either J/S + Eurus/Mary or Mary/Sherlock and Eurus/John, both being a delight.
A point in Mary’s favour: learning violin from Sherlock with Mary coming along eventually to ‘talk’ with Eurus.
Holmeses/Watson+Morstan. The sedoretu AU where Eurus’s personality disorder was fucking treated properly by her parents and Mycroft, John and Mary adopt one another as moiety siblings whilst Sherlock’s away, and there’s a collective ‘oh no they’re hot’ moment when Sherlock returns with his baby sister in tow.
The murderous and altogether unhealthy and rather criminal polyship of all the Holmes siblings, Moriarty, John, Mary and Irene I had to make a map, and yes, I had to put a nope category just because Irene would find Eurus too murderous and manipulative. But yes, AGRA was definitely hired by Moriarty at some point, fucking with biggest bro’s plans is definitely Eurus’s M.O., and while Mycroft and John would get off on getting tied up and whipped by Irene, that didn’t really deserve a pink line.
Darkest timeline AU where the Holmeses are part of a criminal empire because Sherlock ended up playing with his sister. Eurus, Moriarty and Sherlock are the three heads who share the leadership. (Moriarty was approached when he was nineteen or so by Eurus who complimented him on Carl Powers. After a couple of rocky years (and having to save Sherlock from his boring attempts to be normal) they establish their empire.) Mycroft is the straight man who goes ‘siblings? what siblings?’ when asked about his criminal ties, but he loves the power being part of such an empire. John is one of Sherlock’s strays, Mary is a contractor who both Eurus and Sherlock developed an interest in (and Mary correspondingly developed an interest in John), and Irene is a contact Moriarty developed on his own but it was Mycroft who persuaded her she’d be better protected if she joined the empire formally. And everyone’s kind of suspicious about how close Sherlock and Eurus are, especially since they both fuck Moriarty, John and Mary with various degrees of frequency, but Sherlock and Eurus know each other back to front and inside out enough that it’d be boring to go the incest route. (Even though she’s inner circle, Irene still isn’t quite certain that it never happened.)
The cute and not badwrong Eurus & Sherlock fic where ooops, they hugged too long and/or didn’t tell the rescue team to send a pair of bolt-cutters down to John and Sherlock decides that fixing his sister is his next project alongside raising Rosie. It kind of works.
Canon-wise, all the little gift exchanges that happen, much to Mycroft’s displeasure.
Eurus is a bit too into Sherlock so fic detailing all the times she’s tried to get rid of John and Mary because they’re stealing him away from her. (Which could very easily lead into a Holmeses/Watsons situation)
AU where instead of Redbeard taking place when they’re like... five, they’re fifteen instead and Victor is kind of Sherlock’s best friend, kind of his boyfriend and Eurus is jealous. Eurus succeeding in convincing Sherlock they’re meant for each other and non-con/dub-con happening is entirely optional.
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purpleyin · 7 years
Thoughts on Sherlock 4x01
Expect spoilers...
So, only just watched this in the last week and I actually remained spoiler free for this episode too, yay!
It feels like Sherlock’s spinning plates of cases, waiting for Moriarty’s plan to become apparent, were his keeping busy to avoid feeling. Not just his usual kind done for the high alone, but in a nervous way. I think it would be only natural Sherlock would have some fear of what was to come considering his last dalliance with Moriarty endangered the lives of his closest friends, resulted in his faked death and exile whilst he spent ages away hunting down Moriarty’s network. It cost him a lot to deal with that and at least temporarily damaged relationships too but I doubt Sherlock would let himself consciously feel afraid of what might come if it holds no advantage and therefore just ends up throwing himself into work work work.
Felt like Ajay wasn’t so rational about assuming Mary to be the traitor but I guess years of torture and the idea of revenge eating away at you might well do that to someone, he couldn’t see there was another possibility, much like Sherlock couldn’t see that the Thatchers might not be about the pearl/Moriarty. Definitely a theme of people not being able to see what’s really happening.
The use of pool imagery for an episode that appears to herald the return of Moriarty’s schemes was a nice touch too given the TGG poolside appearance and the fact water distorts things.
I did like that it was Norbury and not Lady Smallwood, but the scene at the aquarium bugged me for a number of reasons. One, because they had Sherlock keep blustering on despite Mary’s multiple warnings, that being necessary narratively to add to the blame he gets for Mary’s death, even though I think Mary couldn’t said it more clearly (code word for shutup right now that John might have mentioned?) or that Sherlock actually ought to have taken notice of her after how long he’s known Mary.
Two, because surely Mary could’ve knocked Sherlock out of the way? There could be some justification for taking the bullet for him as a more surefire way of stopping him being shot, as well as her sort of apology for shooting him and it being getting even, but pushing him out of the way even if not 100% successful would’ve probably meant nobody taking one in the chest. It just made Mary’s death feel overly contrived to me, though it wasn’t a surprise given the likelihood of the writers sticking with ACD trajectory of Mary Morstan.
In short, I liked the mystery in the episode but boo to Mary dying and how they did it exactly.
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missdaviswrites · 8 years
Chapters: 3/3Fandom: Sherlock (TV)Rating: MatureWarnings: No Archive Warnings ApplyRelationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mary Morstan/John Watson (Past)Characters: John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Mary Morstan (hallucination)Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, First Date, First Kiss, First Time, Post-The Lying Detective, canon-compliant through The Lying Detective only, sympathetic Mary Morstan, you know Mary shipped it anywaySummary:
Enough time has passed since Mary's death that John is finally ready to start a new relationship. With Sherlock, he hopes. But given Sherlock's stated aversion to romantic entanglements, John is a bit worried about being rejected, and doesn't know how to proceed. Fortunately, there's someone who can help him along.
Got it done before the new episode negates it all! Yay!
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