#yay more rwby au lore
The main religion of Vale is the Orthodoxy of Lux, or Luxizm for short. In Vale, Luxites give their faith to a "one true god of light" that created Renment, plants, animals, and people. The God of Light, which Luxites refer to as "God", also created angels that would help him govern the land... but then the darkest angel rebelled against the God of Light, which forced him to cast him down to Earth. This fallen angel, which Luxites refer to as the Devil, created the grimm to torture the God of Lights' creation, but the God of Light once again helped mankind by giving them Aura, Dust, and Semblances. The God of Light also blessed some humans with angelic power, the Silver Eyed Warriors, but that's a lesser know story.
Luxites practice by going to church on Sunday, having holy books in their houses, etc. As a darker belief, some Luxites justify their racism against the Faunus by using a specific interpretation of the Luxizm bible that implies Faunus were created by the Devil.
While Vale is mostly united in it's religion, Mistral has a ton of different religions that are all united by a single mythology. In Mistrali mythology, an ultimate (gender neutral) god of the universe created the brother gods of Light and Shade, who then created Renment and all the other gods living there. The relationships between the gods changes from story to story, sometimes the Shade god is the son of the Light god and grandson of the ultimate universe god, other times the brothers and ultimate god are aspects of the same being worshipped as a trinity. The seasonal maidens, who are seen as the reincarnating avatars of the original seasonal goddesses, are usually worshipped together, but their relationships to each other change as well (are they sisters, or two sets of sisters that are cousins to the others). Menagerie mythology is largely the same as Mistrali mythology, but focuses more on the god of Animals and are where most of his stories come from. Unfortunately, the racist Luxites think the god of animals is the devil in disguise.
The main religion of Atlas is... none. It's people are mostly Atheistic or Agnostic and most of them became that way after Atlas seperated from Mantle.
The main, and usually only, religon of Mantle is the Northern Orthodox. The belief system is mostly the same as Luxizm, but unlike them they believe that the Devil god of Shade is the brother and equal of the god of Light, so members of this faith respect and sometimes worship them both. That is the main reason why the two religions split.
While some of the people in Vale make trash memes about Northerners being demon worshippers, the truth is that members of the Northern Orthodox worship the god of Light out of love, and the devil god of Shade out of fear so that he spares their loved ones. Atlesians mostly look down on the religious people of Mantle (literally) for being backwards and highly superstitious, which is another reason why the two don't like each other.
The majority of the people of the Atlas colonies in Mistral are members of this religion.
Just like it's community, Vacuo is the least unified when it comes to Religion in Renment, even less unified than Mistral which has a common mythology. It has a little bit of everything, some Northern Orthodox participants who are the descendants of colonists, some old faith people who worship their ancestors and the land, lots of Atheists, and the occasional Luzite immagrant.
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craziechwiv · 1 month
Rwby AU Demons x Heroes Info-dump
Yay Information dump, woo. I'm very excited :DDD
Succubus!Ruby: Ruby is a Semi-high tier Succubus who freely roams the lands in search of mortal to feed off of. Whether it be through sexual contact or just feasting on their blood. Now in her early lifes, she'd go all out with killing dozens until she met Jaune, who has now became her one and only. Those meaning one place for a quick meal and only she can have him. She's a bit of a jealous lil demon.
Later in the story though, she does gets more accustomed with the Cathedral and Jaune's friends, aka; by infiltrating it and dawning the alias; Reaper Ruby!
Paladin Jaune: Jaune is a skilled yet still-in-training paladin for the Cathedral him and his team reside in. They aren't stationary as they all take up jobs and tasks to help keep the people in the village safe. He was one tasked with trying to figure out what happened to a neighboring village which led to his encounter to a blood lusted Ruby.
They had a bit of a fight with Ruby being amazed at Jaune's skills and endurance to keep fighting so she let him live...and now stalks him.
Very, very closely.
Champion Pyrrha: The name says it all, she has the fame in canon and fame in here. She is well known for her many feats such as; Killing a dozen demons at a time with ease, defending their home village from invaders all shapes and sizes, winning many spear throwing competitions, and most importantly to their friend group...
Having a massive crush on Jaune....who fails to realize some things.
Monk Ren: Him and Nora we're traveling partners up until they met Pyrrha and Jaune when they traveled to the village and decided to stay there. Despite their ups and down, Ren was always the level-headed of the two and was the only one to keep the short tempered (and short in general) Nora down.
Dwarf Nora: Nora was traveling with Ren after she was abandoned and left dead by some 'friends' she trusted. It took a while for her to warm up to Ren, and longer for Jaune and Pyrrha. But once you're on her good side, she'll make sure you AND her come out unscathed. Wielding a hammer passed down her bloodline and unnatural strength, she's that short fuse force you do not want to mess with.
Priestess Glynda: A powerful cleric in her time, she rose through the ranks to become the leader and sworn protector of the Cathedral and the town that it resides in. Of course, with help from the others heroes as well. Not much is known of her true powers and past, but it may come to light after she met a certain in disguise demoness with the same last name of her mother...
Sun & Neptune: Classes and lore will be added soon...
Weiss: Lore will be added soon...
Chapter 1 >
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bobo-archive · 2 years
ok I'm dumb af is Soni a person or a team name??
Team name! SONI’s not even the main focus of the au I use its name for, I just have nothing better to call it.
It’s composed of 4 characters (who I try to keep hidden from some but tumblr is the definition of I’m too lazy to care)
The leader is Summer Xiao-Long - the entire reason the au exists actually
The O is Octavia Coal. Even more paradoxical than Summer because I am 99% sure her parents are dead in RWBY canon
The N is Nyla Lissie. She’s actually original so woohoo.
And finally the I is Ilie Schnee. I talk about him, a lot, you can check the tag for lore on him lmao.
Anyways I guess that’s clarified now. Yay! Also SIDENOTE, I know people pronounce it Sony, I’m clarifying it’s Sunny. Trust me. I get it. I sometimes pronounce it Sony and I’m the creator. You’re understood in that mistake.
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