tuulikki · 3 months
Prester John came up in conversation on the way to a local Medieval reenactment village and it put me in mind of a somewhat ancient piece of medieval nerd shit on the internet:
TO: GEOFFREY CHAUCER ([email protected])
FROM: ABALIA OF SUSA ([email protected])
Good daye! Ich ben ycleped Abalia. XXVII yeeres haue ich dwelt yn thys worlde, far awey yn the lande of Prester John, yn Inde, wher the riveres of paradise do flowe ynto a see of gravel. Althogh thys be a fayre contree ful of precious stones and tables ymade of solid emeralde, wher even the tiniest tchotchke ys ycrafted of diamonde (seriouslie, ich haue an adamantine shoe-horne), yet ther are fewe worthy men that dwelle herein. In deed, a lord hight Gatholonabes doth convince alle the yonge men for to joyne his cult of Assasines and they spende ther tyme lernynge to kille silentlye and hide in shadowes. And thus no gentil man ys lefte for a yonge damosel swich as myn selfe, save for the wilde menne of the deserte who haue hornes of beestes and speke no human tongue, and thatte ys juste totallie nastie and gross. Perhaps yt semeth nyce to yow, but ich devoutely wisshe to fynde the blessinges of love matrimoniale! Ich do looke for a man riche nat wyth worldlie goodes, but riche yn corage and vertu, and thus ich haue emailed yow. If liketh yow my message, and ye haue nat hornes and be nat an assasin, may it plese yow to sende an replye to me at [email protected].
Source: Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog
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blueiscoool · 3 years
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Ancient Tomb with Bejeweled Woman and Child Found in Siberia
The skeletal remains of a richly adorned woman and a young child have been discovered in a burial mound in the Chinge-Tey archaeological site of Siberia. Grave goods found include gold earrings, an iron knife, an engraved wooden comb connected by a leather loop to a bronze mirror and a rare gold pectoral piece in a crescent shape. The burial dates to the 6th century B.C. when the valley was occupied by the Scythian Alda-Bielsko culture.
The mound is no longer a mound today, damaged to the point of being almost leveled, and was only detected thanks to aerial laser scanning that spotted the circular structure more than 80 feet in diameter. Archaeologists excavated the former mound and discovered a wooden burial chamber in the center. The heavy, elaborate chamber was built on a framework of interlocking beams with a wooden floorboards and topped with three layers of beams to form a roof. The skeletons of a woman aged around 50 years old and a child two or three years old were inside the chamber.
The Chinge-Tey site is in the Turano-Ujukska Valley which has been ycleped the “Siberian Valley of the Kings” because of the proliferation of large burial mounds packed with rich grave goods that have been discovered there.
“A particularly interesting monument was the golden pectoral, a crescent or moon-shaped ornament hanging at the neck” – noted in an interview with PAP the head of the Polish part of the expedition, Dr. Łukasz Oleszczak from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He emphasized that such objects, known from burial mounds in southern Siberia, have so far been found almost exclusively in men’s graves.
“They were considered a symbol of belonging to some social group, caste, perhaps warriors – men at least. Placing him in a woman’s grave is a very interesting departure from this custom. It certainly proves the unique role of the deceased in the community of inhabitants of the Valley of the Kings” — believes the archaeologist.
At the same time, he pointed out that the woman was buried in the central part of the tomb located in the immediate vicinity of the great mound belonging to – as researchers believe – the prince of nomads. “It seems that, like the other dead buried in this mound, she belonged to the princely retinue,” said Oleszczak.
There are traces of even more grave goods, bronze objects buried around the mound. A few pieces have been found — a bronze ice ax, animal-shaped figurines — using a metal detector, but archaeologists believe there were many more than were scattered during agricultural work at the site in the 20th century.
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on-a-drunken-sin · 3 years
i love you
wouldn't you know
how it was uttered a million times
in your life;
while in mine, at 02:39
rolled an indelible yclepe
and more strings
with an utterly, utterly
new beginnings
wouldn't you believe
what an injustice
for these verses are
and ever be
bare, ought to be breathy sighs
as a muttered incantation
makes the soil and hovering skies
crush me in the middle
holding blue, catching drops
like a Roman pantomime
to your song, darling
down to the ground, I
rolled like a tongue
and lingo's your name
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douhti gomes ich the yclepe if you know what i mean
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tillman · 5 years
ajdhlch sonic????? the hedgehog??????? is why his sword is called arondight???????? im losing it your blog is AMAZING and I need to watch sonic now
SONIC ANDTHE BLACK KNIGHT FOR SOEM REASON CALLED LANCELOTS SWORD ARONDIGHT even though that was used in ONE poem (Sir Bevis of Hampton (1324) that JUST NAMEDROPS lancelot as the owner of his sword to make his sword sound cooler:
“A sword he took of mickle might,That was ycleped Aroundight;It was Launcelot's du Lake,Therwith he slew the fire-drake.”
like thats the only mention i can find in any medieval works. and its not even arthurian. it just namedrops lancelot for clout. the only named sword lancelot ever gets is Secace/Seure in the vulgate cycle, his non magic sword he named. for fun. 
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thedaemonn · 5 years
When The Earth Opens -N
'As I Am In Such Sunder, As Is Thee Whom Partakes Of Mine Table, Ye Be Sufferers Beside Mine Tails, And Betwixt Mine Riht Wings. Site Down Nearest Mine Left, So Ye May Be Nearest My Drawls, Fore I So Have A Tale Of Tribulation To Recite Upon Thine Ears, And Fore Thine Spirit.... Forthy Gan The End Of Days. Accompanying The Tides Of Thee East, Comes On Waves So Great, Mine Brother Lernaean Hydra, From The Floods Of Lerna. And Out From The Western Mounts Comes Mine Brother Chimera, Roaring As He So Does, Canstow Hear Of His Bellows? And Of The North, Bore Up From The Dirt, Mine Youngest And Most Coy, Orthrus, Mine Twin In Appear, Al Be That In Thine Mind... And Ich Be Of The Southern East...And Ich Rise Up From Bellow He Called Armageddon, Mine Tongue Licks The Earth With Flame, Mine Spirit Withholds No More Of My Torments, For Mine Name Is Elegel Of Aegean Patmos Of Capricorn, And Thine Name Is Lelluvia... And Ye Hold Me Back No More. Ye Child Of Mine, Ye Cometh Unprepared To Ye Unfolding. Ye Scarcely Know Thine Differences In The Dark N' Day. Yet Ye Tug Me To Mine Roots, Mine Knees Ich So Stumble...Ye Are The Earths Temptations As Ye Be Mine. As Lapis Lazuli And As Gold So Adorn His Mighty Seven Heads, You So Adorn Our Hopes. And As Ye Stumble Out Amongst The Field Of White Barley, My Brothers Ye Meet In This Order; And I This Order Ye Meet; Edelweiss Is Thine Resemblance For Sely Is Thine Heart, Nathelees...Lelluvia, Ye Name Be. Arisen In The East The Tides So Rain Upon You, Sweltering In Degree. "Hydra Of Lerna, Steadfast Must You Become! For I So Wish it So! I So Wish It!" He Whom Respondeth To Hydra Ceaseth In Path, "Aye, Ye Be Lelluvia Oft Ye Name Be Murmured As The Day Draws Suit. Aye, I Detesteth Thee, For Ye Groweth The Concerns Of Mine Brothers And Of Mine Lords, Ye Draw Favor And Compassions! Spite I Grow As Weeds In My Core For Lelluvia, In My Core So Grow Weary Yet Never Cease!  For Mine Spite Groweth As Roots On Vines, AYE, Behe Vine I So Curse To Compel Ye As I So Spite He Also!"  "Cease Ye Vile Tongue. I So Plead, Though I So Revert Away, Tell Me Of My Purpose Here" "Aye, I Knoweth Not, Trew One. Ye Be Choking Mine Way, For I Be Hydra Of Lerna, And I Be Known As Lernaen Hydra, And As Such Many Men Befell My Tides, That Ye Be No Obstacle." Yet Omi Voice Broke Through Mine Darkened Skies And Halted The Beast Of Lerna To Clench His Jaws. "Tell Me Of Whom Ye Are, Beast, For I Know Of Ye, Yet You So Appear Differently And Draped Ye Are, In Remorse And Anguish" "I Behe Whom Poisoned The River Of Anigrus. I Behe Whom Ἡρακλῆς Of Ἄργος, Sent By Ἀθηνᾶ, Did So Fail In Conquest. I Be He, Son Of Ἔχιδνα And Son Of Τυφῶν Who Doth Pulls Me. I Behe Child Of Ἥρᾱ, Goddess Of Partnerships. I Behe, Leviathan, Whom Caused Terror In Thine Hearts Of Thee Watchers. I Behe, Tiamat Of Babylon And Of Sumeria, Whom So Caused Waves Of Terror And Floods Of Agony, Much As My Brother Ycleped Misery. I Behe Of The Ocean...For I Be Me' And As Rapid As He Arose, He So Serpentine Forward.  And Ane Ye stood With Little But Ye Own Accompanied Thought, Entwined Within Another Of That Which Is To Proceed. And To Ye I Outstretched My Arms To The North To Lapian He Who Is My Eldest Maeg, Chimaera. 
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fanarttheater · 5 years
AMV Spotlight – Where a Miracle Begins This week our AMV Spotlight is Where a Miracle Begins by editor ycleped. This AMV drastically changes the tone of its source. We hope you enjoy it. + AMV Spotlights Here+ Ycleped Videos Here
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kavfka · 6 years
don’t want to put j’s name in here bc im afraid i’ll Jinx it but im in love and terrified that it wont be reciprocated ! all i want is to be loved by this guy and to spend time with him and to date. i want to date him.
i need to work on my canterbury essay
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kilieit · 8 years
lore book transcription: voidsent
for a poster on the RPC
I picked out passages from various sections that seemed relevant; apologies if I missed anything
Also there are, like, four pages of voidsent creatures in the Bestiary, I’m not transcribing all of them (sorry) but I’ll provide a list of their names in tiers and you can send me an ask if you want a specific creature’s profile. If someone offers you scans, they’re on pages 297 through 300.
...except Cuchulainn; I’ll transcribe him. You’ll see why.
Basic Aetherology - Life and Aether [ref: 008]
Within all beings - whether it be man, animal, or even plant - does aether flow. It is the spark which grants life to the lifeless. Conversely, death can be said to occur once aether has left a corporeal object. From this it is clear to see why many scholars use the words “life” and “aether” interchangeably. It can be assumed that a young man of sound mind and body will possess a high concentration of aetherial energy in his humours, whereas an older man, or one inflicted with corruption, will not. Some scholars have expanded on this hypothesis saying that the consumption of food serves not only to feed the belly, but to provide the body with aether lost through exertion.
Aether is not by any means static. It constantly flows through creation, forming currents through earth, water, and air which ensure that life is sustained throughout the world. The stoppage of these currents would be akin to the atrophication of a limb cut off from the heart. Aether is the lifeblood of Hydaelyn, and without it She - and Her children - would perish.
History - Victory in Meracydia [ref: 027]
In a breakthrough by the [Allagan] imperial mages, communion with voidsent was achieved, ultimately culminating in the signing of a pact between Emperor Xande and the self-proclaimed “ruler” of the void, the Cloud of Darkness. In exchange for an unlimited supply of vessels which would house the minions of the void, allowing them to remain in the corporeal realm, the emperor merely demanded that the voidsent fight for him on the shores of Meracydia. With each enemy slain, a new vessel would become available, allowing for the immediate summoning of a host and subsequent possession of the body. The more the undead army killed, the larger their ranks swelled, until not even the mighty Bahamut reborn could overcome their numbers.
History - Voidmagicks [ref: 031]
Although the Mhachi were known as masters of black magic, the extent of their powers was not limited to Shatotto’s school of spellcraft. Toward the autumn years of the Fifth Astral Era, the civilisation had begun perfecting voidmagicks - the summoning and manipulation of creatures known as “voidsent” from beyond the corporeal realm.
A report by the scholars of the Nominated Observers of Artifacts Historical defines the “void” as “An otherworld parallel to the one in which man dwells. Abnormal events can weaken the veil between world,s tearing it asunder and allowing the voidsent to invade the material realm. These fiends have a depraved appetite, and seek our world merely to consume the aether it contains, allowing neither beast nor man to stand in their way.”
The mages of the Allagan Empire had previously experimented in forging covenants with the demons of the void in hopes of harnessing the creatures’ powers. The Mhachi expanded on this endeavour, adding extra protections to their experiments so as not to invite the same fate that befell the Allagans. To this end, the mages developed an occult device - the Nullstone - to preserve themselves and their city should a pact be broken. If a summoned voidsent refused to obey the master, a voidmage could smite the feral being using the Nullstone to sever its ties to the corporeal realm. It was in mastering this power that Mhachi came to believe in their civilisation’s supremacy over all others, eventually driving them into war.
Powerful voidsent were brought to heel via the Nullstone, reducing them to naught more than strategic weapons for the Mhachi military. A mage by the name of Calofisteri combined the power of an aether-infused crystal with the ritual consumption of voidsent blood to achieve a twisted form of immortality, that she might guard this artefact from those who might seek to destroy it.
Creatures categorised in the upper rungs of the twelve-tiered voidsent hierarchy cannot pass through dimensional borders by way of an artificial tear. They instead require a willing vessel from the corporeal side, possessing their soul and entering the world by way of a “summoning”. The Nullstone has the capability to destroy that vessel and nullify the pact between it and the summoner, making it a powerful tool in maintaining control over even the most powerful of voidsent.
History - The Nymian Plague [ref: 033]
It was not until it was too late that Nymian scholars discovered the amphora to be part of an elaborate Mhachi plan that would see the unleashing of Bitoso - a pestilence-carrying voidsent summoned to Eorzea for the sole purpose of decimating the Nymian population.
Those who contracted the voidsent’s disease experienced disfiguring symptoms - their nose and ears melted away, their limbs shriveled, and their flesh turned a ghastly shade of green.
The Ascians - Igeyorhm [ref: 213]
“For the glory of Lord Zodiark!”
In the Thirteenth, Igeyorhm’s power proved too much for the inexperienced Bringer of Light and their one-sided battles eventually resulted in a Flood of Darkness consuming the entire world and rendering it a nigh-empty void. What life remained quickly atrophied into aether-starved monsters relegated to fighting amongst themselves for dominion over their corrupted realm. Void of its aether, the Thirteenth could no longer be rejoined with Hydaelyn, ultimately losing its value to the Ascians. After fleeing to the Source, Igeyorhm sought redemption for her failure by enacting Lahabrea’s will. [...]
Bestiary - Voidsent [ref: 296]
“The creature is not born of this land, but cometh otherwhence, yet fro whethen it came, men wot knot, and voidsent it is thus ycleped.” - Frandelont Raimdelle
Prior to its discovery as an actual existing realm parallel to ours, the void was simply an imagined place that ignorant peoples used as a convenient answer to questions they were unable to answer. Whither comes the unknown beast? The void. What causes the moons to wane? The void. However, it has since been proven to be a realm not dissimilar to ours, albiet one devoid of light, a trait that has given rise to terrible creatures - creatures who will stop at nothing to invade our realm and sup on our life-giving aether.
Bestiary - The Properties of the Void and Voidsent [ref: 296]
If recent treatises penned by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn are to be believed, Hydaelyn may be more than a realm created and ruled by a pantheon of Twelve, but also the embodiment of two sentient beings - the eponymous “Mother” of our world and Her antithesis, Zodiark, and that it is a conflict between these two that resulted in the void’s creation. Hydaelyn - will of Light - sensing treachery at the hands of Zodiark - will of Darkness - banished Her twin, sealing Him deep within the moon. This excision of Light from Darkness, however, left a wound in the aether, splitting the corporeal plane from the “Source” into ten and three mirrored “reflections” which, while identical upon their formation, saw separate and unique evolutions.
A successful foray into the void by members of an expeditionary party known as the “fellowship of NOAH” revealed the realm to be a dark vacuum lacking any and all traces of aether, but possessing traits that suggest it may once have been teeming with life. The Scions expand on these observations, explaining that the void is actually one of Hydaelyn’s reflections from which all light was struck following a “Flood of Darkness”. Stripped of balance between Light and Darkness, ambient aether could no longer exist, leaving a realm “void” of life energy. Without the aether required for survival, the realm’s denizens grew twisted of mind and body, eventually devolving into what we now know as voidsent.
Bestiary - Summoning Voidsent [ref: 296]
Though one could walk a thousand malms and never reach the other, the void and the Source lie but a hair’s breadth apart, separated by an unseen veil serving to prevent travel between the two worlds. This veil, however, is not absolute, and with the right amount of aetherial force can be torn to create temporary gateways - gateways to which aether-starved voidsent are drawn, sensing the life energies of our realm. Naturally occurring rents are typically minor, allowing only the smallest and weakest of voidsent through before the wound heals. However in the years leading up to and following the Calamity, the barrier between the two planes has grown weak, resulting in larger and more frequently tears and thusly stronger intruders.
Recognising the power that lies in this dark realm, mankind has developed methods of creating artificial rents and therefrom summoning voidsent, binding the beings into service with precarious bloodpacts. In the Third Astral Era, the emperor Xande sought to enter a covenant with the Cloud of Darkness that he might utilise her power in the conquering of the world. Taking cue from the Allagans, mages of Fifth Astral Era Mhach summoned voidsent into Eorzea not only to fight their wars, but to power their creations... an endeavour that ultimately met with disastrous results. Since then, void summoning has fallen out of fashion, being deemed both dangerous and harmful to the world’s aetherial balance. Natheless, this has not prevented cultists from dabbling i nthe deadly art - their achievements finding immortality in forbidden tomes such as the Necrologos.
Voidsent summoning is oft conducted using one of two methods. The first entails the opening of a voidgate - a rent in the veil large enough for most of the realm’s denizens to pass through. However, casting a spell capable not only of opening a hole of sufficient size, but sustaining it for any duration is costly, requiring massive amounts of aether. The second is far more aether-efficient, requiring but a small hole through which the soul or essence of a voidsent passes. The soul will then possess a “vessel” provided by the summoner - the drawback of this method being that, the stronger the voidsent summoned, the more powerful the vessel required to contain the soul.
Bestiary - The Voidal Heirarchy [ref: 296 - 300]
Using knowledge gathered from folklore, encoutners, and actual summonings, scholars of the void have taken to categorising the creatures into one of twelve rungs representing relative strength and intelligence - the lower the number, the more formidable the voidsent in relation to others. These ranks by no means have bearing on a creature’s actual standing within the void, and merely serve to help Eorzeans better understand these mysterious and violent visitors.
One theory places the void’s formation in the hands of champions such as Cuchulainn who wielded a stone known as “auracite” to conquer their plane’s primals. The weapon, however, possessed a fatal imperfection: a propensity to bleed primal energies. With each victory, the heroes changed, transforming at last into fiends of endless appetite. Insatiable in their hunger for aether, they ultimately went to war over the star’s ever-dwindling life force. It was during this war that the Flood of Darkness was unleashed.
Rung 1
Cloud of Darkness
Rung 2
Rung 3
Feridad - Succubus - Forgall - Arachne
Rung 4
Arch Demon - Ahriman - Succubus - Dahaka - Blackguard
Rung 5
Anchag - Arioch - Ahriman - Troubador
Rung 6
Soulflayer - Bitoso - Boogyman
Rung 7
Rung 8
Persona - Parthenope
Rung 9
Vodoriga - Ogre - Page 64 - Hellhound
Rung 10
Flan - Hecteyes
Rung 11
Imp - Gaelicat - Bomb
Rung 12
Gnat - Deepeye
"Low Rank”
“Middling Rank”
Demon - Gargoyle
“Higher Rank”
(No Rank Given)
Mimic - Byblos - Void Monk - Atomos - Sawtooth / Irminsul - Cuchulainn - Diabolos
Bestiary - Chimeras [ref: 303]
[Transcriber’s note: I will include here only the profiles of voidal chimeras.]
The naga is a sizeable scalekin-like creature, large enough to swallow an entire phurble. Originally thought to be native to the eastern continent of Othard, naturalists now know that the aberrations are actually chimeras pieced together in a Third Astral Era laboratorium from the limbs of voidsent summoned to this realm by godless Allagan aetherochemists. Records claim that they created the naga for no other reason than to discern whether such grafting and splicing of voidal flesh was, in fact, possible.
Using knowledge gained in the creation of the naga, Allagan aetherochemists ultimately succeeded in cloning flesh that, for all intents and purposes, was identical to that from creatures of the void despite being grown entirely on this plane. This flesh was subsequently provided to the imperial army whose weapons division scientists fused it with antling tissue, creating what they believed to be the perfect infantry soldier.
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jackson38toh · 6 years
The upper crust
Q: Why is the highest social class referred to as the “upper crust”? Is it because the top crust on a loaf of bread is often better than the bottom, which may be burnt?
A: The adjective “upper” has been used literally since the 14th century to describe ground that is elevated, and figuratively since the 15th to describe people who are elevated in rank.
That early figurative sense may have inspired the use of “upper crust” as a metaphor for social and other elites. There’s no evidence that a loaf of bread had anything to do with it.
The earliest literal example for “upper” in the Oxford English Dictionary is from Kyng Alisaunder, an anonymous Middle English romance, believed written in the late 1300s, about the life of Alexander the Great:
“Þe kyng þennes went forþ … in to ynde in þe norþ, Þat is ycleped … þe vpper ynde” (“The king then went forth … into the district in the north, that is called … the upper district”).
The first figurative example is from a 1477 entry in the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen, Scotland: “That Alexander … be continevit vpper and principale maister of wark” (“That Alexander … be continued as the upper and principal master of work”).
When the noun “crust” appeared in the early 14th century, it referred to the “outer part of bread rendered hard and dry in baking,” according to the OED.
The dictionary’s first example is from Otuel a Kniȝt, a Middle English romance about the conversion of a Saracen knight to Christianity: “Anawe of Nubie he smot, / That neuere eft crouste he ne bot” (“Anawe of Nubia he slew / That a crust would nevermore renew”). Oxford dates the romance at some time before 1330.
Over the years, the word “crust” took on many figurative meanings, including a scab on the body (1398), the outer portion of the earth (1555), and a hard coating or deposit on the surface of something (1619).
When the phrase “upper crust” appeared in writing in the 15th century, it referred literally to the top crust on a loaf of bread. The first OED citation is from The Boke of Nurture (1460), by John Russell, a manual on manners, food, and dress: “Kutt þe vpper crust [of the loaf] for youre souerayne.”
Russell, a senior servant to Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, is describing how a domestic should wait on his master, or sovereign. There’s no reason to believe this little-known comment inspired the use of “upper crust” to mean the elite—a usage that showed up more than three and a half centuries later.
The earliest example we’ve seen for “upper crust” used figuratively to mean the aristocracy is from an 1823 dictionary of sports slang by Jon Bee, a pseudonym of the English sports writer John Badcock: “Upper-crust—one who lords it over others, is Mister Upper-crust.”
The first OED citation is from The Clockmaker (1837), an account of the fictional adventures of Sam Slick, by the Nova Scotian writer Thomas C. Haliburton: “It was none o’ your skim-milk parties, but superfine uppercrust real jam.”
The dictionary’s next citation, which we’ve expanded, is from another Haliburton book, The Attaché (1843), a collection of Sam Slick adventures in England: “I want you to see Peel, Graham, Shiel, Russell, Macaulay, old Joe, and so on. These men are all upper crust here.”
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from Blog – Grammarphobia https://www.grammarphobia.com/blog/2019/01/upper-crust.html
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