#yea its stupid but omg i just want to hug the squad
That feeling when you get into something so much you have an urge to make a very cringy self insert , that just doesnt give anything to the team but just makes you happy:
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m0onbean · 6 years
friends to lovers!au mark lee
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i was inspired bc my sister recently confessed to her best friend and the way she did it was hella cute soo....
when you first entered high school you didn't know anybody since you just moved in town
nd it was rlly hard trying to adapt since you were a new kid + u were socially awkward 
on ur first day of school u sat down in ur seat in English nervous as hell bc there are so many... unfamiliar faces.... hELP
and next to u is your seat partner who is this guy who has brown hair and is wearing a pink sweater nd ur like .... ok u can do this u can make conversation with him
but then the teacher interrupts and ur like WeLP THERE GOES MY SOCIAL LIFE AND MY CHANCES OF MAKING FRIENDS :)))))))))))))))
ur teacher basically just talks about the syllabus and other boring stuff nd honestly his voice is so monotone that u just feel like napping
nd u notice that the guy next to you is also trying hella hard not to sleep and you smile to yourself at how his head cutely falls down as he's dozing off but then he immediately wakes up nd pretends like nothing happened
your teacher just keeps on talking and at one point he's like "i hope nobody's fallen asleep yet! :D" jokingly 
and under your breath you're like "... we're literally all about to pass out" 
you expect nobody to notice but then u hear the boy next to you let out a small laugh nd u look over and ohmygod he looks so cute whenever his face scrunches up from smiling!!
when the bell rings you're about to get up and the boy suddenly approaches u and is like "hi... i'm mark... i'm from canada" 
nd you just laugh and go "hi mark from canada i'm (y/n) from ___" nd then he gets rlly embarrassed bC WHY DID HE SAY THAT
but its ok bc u thought it was cute
nd from then on he introduces you to his friend group which is just filled with a bunch of crackheads honestly
u join their squad and for the next highschool years you basically become best friends with all of them
but mark... he becomes your #1 bff immediately
you're both awkward & dorky so when u two are laughing to eachother about some dog meme on Instagram haechan and jisung judge you two so hard 
you two like to go on adventures together in town like maybe riding bicycles to a park OR going into costume shops just to have fun trying on wigs 
during English the teacher probably hates you two bc instead of focusing on how to write an analytical essay u and mark are listening to music while playing endless rounds of tic tac toe
anyways the whole school year passes nd now u two are sophomores 
a lot of people gossip about u two and speculate when u two are gonna start dating but ????? you don't see mark that way and ur 2971301% sure he doesn't see you that way either
in fact u two like to make a lot of dating jokes and pretend to be a youthful, happy couple so y'all can get free things from cashiers who can't resist your adorableness
yet sometimes.... u wonder what it would be like to actually date him but u convince urself that a) mark doesn't like you THAT way and b) being best friends is just as good
jeno is your #2 best friend because he's actually the most normal one in your squad + he's actually rlly compassionate and reasonable like DAMN husband material
nd u tell jeno that u always wonder what it would be like... to have mark has ur boyfriend and he'd be like Well not much would change right? 
whenever ur away from mark u two are either facetiming or texting
whether it's just sending eachother funny memes or tagging eachother in videos of cute animals ... u never go a day without interacting
one day he suddenly doesn't reply to any of your texts or calls and you're ??? ok mayb he's just busy bc he does play basketball a lot with the boys
but then..... u start getting worried so u ask ur groupchat where he's been
you: has anyone seen mark? he's not responding to any of my messages
dream groupchat~
bitch #1 (renjun): why ???? r u worried about him ;)
bitch #2 (haechan): OOooOoOo bc u care about ur Boyfriend?!!
bitch #3 (jisung): omg i'm blushing u 2 are so cute uwu
you: omg shut up i hate you three
jeno<3: i heard he's at the hospital
nana<3: yea he injured his foot
dolphin: yah not to be a snitch BUT he told us not to tell you
you: wait what?!
you rush to the nearest hospital on ur bicycle and when you find mark just chilling on a hospital bed with a cast on his foot u almost pass out
nd he's rlly surprised at first but when he sees tears stream down ur face he immediately feels like the worst guy on Earth
he has to hug you nd tell you 194820 times that he's OK and that he's sorry for not telling u abt the injury
when u find out that some guy ran over his foot with a skateboard u immediately find the guy at school and almost kick him but the whole squad holds u back
at school chenle privately tells u that mark didn't want to tell u abt the injury bc he didn't want you to worry about him but ??? that's BS!! 
chenle tries to imply that mark cares about u in a Special way but u completely miss it
in fact, the rest of the dream squad always talks about u two behind your backs and are like "when tf r they gonna realize their feelings"
even tho haechan wants to just leave you guys in a room to talk about it the rational ones (aka Jeno & RenJun) are like "no just let them figure out on their own"
junior year starts!! and u feel...... different
everyone around you starts to date and you wish you could too
some ppl have asked u out before but u kindly rejected them all.... but why?? why don't u have feelings for them?? they're cute and probably ur ideal type yet u still don't want them
nd whenever all ur frieds are in relationships u feel left out 
Jaemin tells u that u don't need to date to "fit in" but you don't understand why u're not attracted to anyone
so imagine how ... lost ... you feel when mark starts dating someone
he's mentioned this girl a couple of times before and how she's pretty nd u would always agree and encourage him to make a move
but it's all too sudden and unexpected when he texts you about it
chat with mark-
morkypoo: (y/n) i'm dating her
you: who? that girl you mentioned a few times?
morkypoo: yea
morkypoo: you're not mad right?
you: no! i'm happy for you! why would i be mad
morkypoo: idk 
and you WERE happy for him!! but u kinda just relied on him to stay single forever with you so y'all can make fun of the other dream boys when they date 
besides that.... you sort of feel.... jealous?!
so ur on a phone call with jeno panicking and ranting abt how you're so confused!!!
and jeno just calmly listens and is like "okay let's see here... why would you be jealous?"
nd u would be like "because i want him to be my best friend and i don't want him to ditch me for someone else i guess!!!"
"any other reason??"
and you would think hard about it and suddenly
oh shit
you like mark.
in your panic you hang up on jeno and throw your phone somewhere 
and your heart.... aches. 
like there's this sharp pain around it and wow. This sucks.
the tall boy from Canada whose face scrunches up whenever he laughs, the boy who you share blankets with during movies, the boy who you have as your lockscreen is actually ... your first love...
so in order to forget your pain you try to deny it 
its normal for friends to sometimes feel attraction right??? it's okay for you to think about kissing your friend right???
without even realizing it, you start distancing yourself from mark in an attempt to figure out your feelings
mark is confused about why you stopped tagging him in Canada memes and why you always go to sleep earlier nd can't call him anymore
during school you two still talk a lot ofc but whenever mark's gf comes around to kiss or hug him you immediately turn around and leave 
the dream squad watches this happen for a month before they finally decide to deal with this shit themselves
haechan: ok squad our lovely couple is falling apart we need to save them
renjun: haechan we aren't going to lock them in a room!!
jeno: well (y/n) is sad about mark dating someone else
jisung: that idiot... why'd he have to date that girl
jaemin: idk bc we all know he doesn't really like her
chenle: ur right she's annoying af
haechan: i watched them talk before... the conversation was STALE
and as the boys try to figure out a plan, you lay on your bed contemplating everything with your heart feeling stuffy
junior year ends and summer starts 
but now, you're certain of your feelings
mark offers you to get ice cream at night and you agree
when you both arrive at the ice cream store you realize how much you loved just spending time with mark
and how you would die if your friendship fell apart bc of your stupid feelings
after you two are done, you say your goodnights and you enter your car with a clouded mind
and you sit in your car, not even budging, just thinking
before u know it, you grab your phone and you dial mark's number
he answers after the first ring and is like "(y/n) what's up?"
"i know this is really embarrassing and i'm probably going to regret saying this but... i think i like you. no. i like you, mark."
the line goes silent and you can tell he's shocked
after seconds you hear him go, ".... oh okay." nd you scramble to hang up the call, thinking you messed everything up
he sounded really surprised and you start beating yourself up over it
when you drive home, you get a text response from mark that says
morkypoo: i think i like you too
morkypoo: no, i like you. 
after your confession it seems like things are back to normal except now you cuddle closer to him and hold hands with him a LOT
your favorite thing is to surprise him with pecks to his cheeks bc it gets him so freaking embarrasing and flustered!! and now he's scrambling for words bc u literally made him forget what he was about to say
u two decide not to tell the dream squad abt your relationship until a few days
but ofc the plan goes wrong bc suddenly as u two are watching Netflix while sharing popcorn mark gets a call from haechan
nd mark is ? and answers it 
AND haechan is like "hey mark let's meet at the library tomorrow at 2:00pm"
mark, suspiciously: u never go to the library...
haechan: uHHHHH i want to read books ok bye see you there!!!
then he just hangs up and mark is is hella confused and you're just staring at him with the same ? expression
not even a second later your phone starts ringing and guess who it is. yup, haechan.
haechan: let's meet at the library tomorrow at 2:10 pm! oh yeah and don't tell mark!! ok bye!
after discussing it with mark, you 2 come to the agreement to just play along with whatever game haechan was pulling
and once you arrive at the library you're immediately pushed into a study room by haechan and he's like"TALK OUT YOUR FEELIINGS" then locks the door
hmm and guess who else is in that room? mark.
u 2 look at eachother then start laughing bC HAECHAN WAS TRYING TO set you guys together but y'all were one step ahead
to surprise haechan (who was trying to pretend like he wasn't spying on you two from the door's window), you kiss mark on the cheek 
the door bursts open and haechan is like ???WTF that fast???wow i'm good at this-
you: no we were already together
haechan, pulling out his phone: i'm telling the squad that you two are fake friends for not telling us this earlier
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qtjeno · 6 years
Boyfriend! Ten Scenarios
i feel like this was requested 10 years ago omg im so sorry shfjaniubfeuioqn also i didnt proof read bcs i just woke up and its like 10 am.
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you would hate ten
like so much
and like tbh he didnt deserve it
and you knew that
but you just did not like him
he was so cocky
and you guys went to the same dance studio
you weren’t extremly serious about dance
but ten was
you thought sometimes he took it too seriously
and like if you were given the chance to punch him, you would have
you guys rarely talked, but you have known him since primary/ elementary school
well,, known of him
he was quiet
but he was one of the kids who moved to the school and immediatly became popular
and he had a set group of friends
and you wanted nothing to do with that group
there was always drama
and someone from the group was always dating a new person every week
on the other end of the table
ten actually highkey lowkey had a crush on you
and luckily for ten
you guys had a mutual friend
johnny was your cousin and was apart of ten’s friend group
the friend group
the one you despised
but you didn’t mind johnny as much
bcs you guys grew up together
and you knew johnny well
so the only time you would willingly be near ten was when you had to talk to johnny
and he would get flustered when you smile or laugh
but he is good at hiding it
eventually johnny caught on
and at lunch he asked ten if he had a crush on you
and he tried to deny it
but johnny isnt an idiot sometimes
so ten eventually gives in
and after that johnny tries to get you to hang out around him more
like he stops you in the halls more often
and ur like ‘what????’
and he says something stupid
“did you know that oreos are v e g a n”
“johnny, i dont care”
just so that you’re near ten
what a good wingman 
but ten is definetly getting teased by johnny
but gradually you start hanging out with johnny more
bcs he stops you every five seconds to talk
so you might as well hang around him
you try your best to avoid him while the school is busy
bcs you dont want to slowly become apart of his friend group
that isn’t your cup of tea
but during free block (study hall) you hang out with johnny, ten, mark, jaehyun, and sometimes lucas
lucas insists on calling it the ‘english squad’ 
you have rejected this
slowly you realize that they aren’t assholes
and that ten isn’t that cocky
he is acually really quiet
and dances really well
also he is cute
ten starts to get more comfortable with you instead of being flustered
and for a while everyone thought you were dating bcs you guys hung around each other so often
and ur like ‘lmao i wish’ in ur head
and your friends were like ‘ i though you hated ‘them’”
so after a while ten gets his goddamn head out of his ass
and ask you out
after johnny got mad at him bcs ten thought that you didn’t like him
i feel like ten asking you out would be really chill
so he asks you to walk with him to the studio one day
and you happily accept, but wonder why the other boys aren’t coming on the walk since you guys usually walk to your destinations after school together
as you walk you both steal glances at each other
until once you catch him when you were trying to look at him
and he starts blushing
and the words “you’re so cute” slips out of your mouth
and he looks stunned
and you get really quiet and can’t look at him
and then he turns you to face him
and he says “you’re cute too”
and kisses your forehead
and that was his kind of way of asking you out i guess???
like you got the message
and after that y’all got more comfy with one another
so he unofficially asked you out
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ooh ten would be so cliche
amusement park dates? yes
cafe dates? yes
park dates? yES
ten is very hyper once you get to know him
sometimes you wonder how he screams so loudly when in public hes so quiet
you swear he is a different person
he would want to make dates the best they could possibly be
especially when he is busy
bcs he feels like he owes it to you
but he is also always down to just sit around at your house and just talk
a lot of the time while you guys are walking to your date destination 
he would just admire you
and you realize and get all nervous
and you have to tell him to stop
and he will have that cute ass smile and ask why
uwu my heart
when you guys are at cafes you probably like to take pics of ur drinks and snacks before yall can eat
and he gets whiny
“y/n LEt mE eAT!”’
‘‘GiVE mE a MinUtE thE LighTinG isNt RIGHT!!”
i dont think he would mind pda that much
bcs hes a flirt as it is
and he would always have his arm around you
and he would always hug you whenever he felt like it lmao
a lot of the time yall just go on quick dates after dance practice
maybe just go to a small restraunt
or a convenience store and make some ramen
he is such a softie
he probably likes to squish your cheeks and then peck your lips
you probably go to his dance comps
and he goes to yours
but youre literally out here screaming
bcs did you see that?!
you see that??!!!?!?!
The Best Moments
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did someone say THE legendary dance couple
yea they did
i know
because it was me
your dance studio probably has a youtube channel
kinda like 1 million dance studio
and everyone @ the nct dance academy posts on it when they cover choreos or make original choreos
and so you and ten often do dances together
and ppl deadass probably stan yall
like who yall stan in nda
lmao ten and y/n, how bout u
catch yall covering trouble maker
wow legends
yall are probably around the same height
bcs ten aint that tall
so youre just the right height to smack him on the back of the head when he makes an inapropriate joke
also fruits?
bcs i guess fruits are s c a r y
and he refuses to tell you why
but you respect him
and your like
“fine ill just take the strawberries back to my place”
you probably ocassionally stay up late
and he’ll text you
“you up?”
and you’ll say yea
and he’ll ask you if he can come over bcs it was a really long day and he wants to see you
and thatll make your heart ache
bcs ur literal sweet uwu baby boy wants to see you
and when he comes over he immdeiatly hugs you
and you can see the exhaustion in his face
and so yoou guys just cuddle in bed
and he rants to you about his problems 
and you listen while you run your hands through his hair
uwu my heart
uwu his heart
uwu your heart
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
So not sure if ur actually doing headcanons but I want one where MJ is Midtowns BAMF. Like she gets arrested in protests and punches Nazis in the face and she ain't got time to do makeup and dress pretty because she's raising money to get young black girls through school. Like, she's the real life superhero and Peter is the romantic interest, but also she's incredible smart and help Pete with issues in his suit not even Tony Stark figures out. Just badass MJ
MJ is bamf, okay?? like, we only get maybe (and I’m being generous here) 10 minutes of her in the whole movie but I know and you know and we all know that she is the most boss-ass bitch at Midtown. LEMME TELL YOU ABOUT IT-
so MJ in middle school was crazy popular
she was the girl™ and pretty much everybody (girls, boys) had their first crushes on her. she was pretty, smart and admittedly a bit of a conformist….so everything that was cool was what MJ did and no one was better at being popular than MJ…
then, in 2013 George Zimmerman is acquitted for the murder Trayvon Martin and MJ isn’t interested conforming anymore. BECAUSE BLACK LIVES MATTER and she’s a black woman and the system she’s been conforming to, the system that makes her “popular”, isn’t a system that supports her and her culture and just like that MJ is Queen’s resident intersectional feminist
she stops wearing makeup (not because makeup inherently is anti-feminist but because she only wore it to fit in and that’s some bullshit) and wears clothes that her grandmother wore to Civil Rights marches in the 1960s and she feels, for the first time, like herself
and she stops being social because not because she’s an asshole and doesn’t like people but because she has SO MUCH TO CATCH UP ON, OKAY?! she spent years not fighting for her rights and the rights of all women and the right of LGBTQ+ people and sexual assault survivors/victims and every minority group ever. and she needs to know. she needs to learn. and she needs to do it now. 
their entire freshman year of high school people still flock to MJ because she’s MJ and she’s amazing. and even though, basically overnight, she’s dedicated her life to something beyond being popular in high school she’s still MJ. and, frankly, the fact that she’s a protest babe is fascinating to stupid fourteen year olds
MJ thinks its stupid. she doesn’t go to protests to be cute, okay??? its serious business because this country is some bullshit and systematic oppression isn’t going to be fought against in Washington so she’ll fight for it in the streets. 
she marches in every march she can manage, from marches for science to planned parenthood to pride month to BLM to marches for immigration. EVERYTHING. 
the first time she gets arrested its in the midst of Trump mania during the 2016 election season. a group of racists form downtown with their racist signs and their RACIST chants. and she joins the small coalition of people that protest their little racist hoedown. a guy with a stupid red hat calls her the n word and crudely tells her where she can put her “liberal mouth”
she absolutely decks him in the face AND EVERYTHING TURNS INTO A FULL ON BRAWL. and she gets arrested and is kept overnight. her brother bails her out first thing in the morning and when she asks what took him so long, he tells her that he’s been dealing with reporters outside their house all night because SOMEONE went viral. 
that someone is MJ. 
and she’s hella pleased. 
when she gets to school that day everybody is looking at her like she is the most fabulous person to ever exist and while she doesn’t agree, she thinks Maxine Waters holds that title, it feels nice to be appreciated for something besides how “pretty” she is. for the first time she feels like her classmates see her beyond the #fade of protesting. they see how serious she is about changing the world, about making a difference. 
and so sophomore year she starts going to parties. she, like, doesn’t interact with people much (again, she has a lot of reading to do) but she’s there. because midtown kids aren’t the shitty majority, they’re diverse and woke and kind of cool. eh. not as cool as her, tho. 
MJ gets arrested a few more times (all for the greater good) and the myth of Michelle Jones only seems to grow at Midtown. like everybody has their version of crazy things MJ did. some of which are true, some of which aren’t. she low-key enjoys during lunch listening to people at surrounding tables talk about her like she’s a superhero.
“I heard MJ met Hillary Clinton and told her she’s too moderate” “well I heard she was at the Women’s March in DC and came up with the chant we reject the president elect” “well I heard she started working with the New York Philharmonic to bring their musicians into homeless shelters and prisons to give underprivileged people access to music” “well I heard she’s punched like fifteen Nazis”
and some of the rumors are true, some aren’t. but she never clarifies which are which. she sort of enjoys being more legend than teenager. 
BUT THEN stuff at Midtown goes really weird. like her teammates almost die at decathlon in DC and Liz’s Dad gets arrested and she’s made team captain. and Peter Parker is definitely hiding something. 
not that she cares because she’s got money to raise for young black girls’ education and charities to volunteer for that house homeless LGTBQ+ youth that were kicked out by their homophobic families
basically, she’s got better things to worry about then the fact that Peter Parker is definitely up to something
she finds out he’s a superhero completely by accident 
she’s at a rally against Trump (which, honestly, feels like all she does lately because this orange cheeto is always doing something abysmal) and some a-hole tries to set off a bomb to attack the protesters. before he can hurt anybody, tho, SPIDER-MAN shows up and saves the day.
and Parker is such a moron he doesn’t even try and change his voice when he’s on the job. like, Parker…get better at your job, man. she KNOWS what his voice sounds like and Spider-man is definitely Peter. 
the next day at school she sits by him and lunch and everyone in the cafeteria gets SILENT. because OMG WHY IS MICHELLE JONES sitting with Peter Parker? like, she’s a goddess and he’s kind of a loser. what’s happening????
she jots down a note and slides it to him. its simple. gets straight to the point- “I know you’re Spider-man” and Peter’s eyes to HILARIOUSLY big. like, he can’t even believe that she figured it out. but, uh, she’s way smarter than him so of course she did. 
and, its weird, but they slowly become friends after she knows his secret. they do their homework together and Peter starts to go to marches with her. she doesn’t invite him, he just kind of shows up hoping to see her. and she SUPPOSES if she’s going to have a love interest (because, um, he may have super powers but she’s the one that’s going to change the world one day so he’s definitely her love interest) Peter isn’t a terrible one to have
he even gets her an audience with Tony Stark who she basically commands to throw some money at charities that need support right now in this weird dystopian Trump era of human existence
and after that meeting MJ gives Peter a hug. he seems sort of shell shocked and star struck but that’s not her problem
AND when Thanos appears and makes this whole weird world even worse Peter is called to action to help the Avengers punch their way to a diplomatic solution. but before he can ship out with the rest of the squad the tech in his suit goes haywire and MJ has to fix it because Tony Stark doesn’t know what happened and Peter sure as hell doesn’t. she spends the better part of the night getting him battle ready. and when the time comes for him to go and fight she doesn’t give him a kiss for good luck or hugs him and tells him to be safe. she simply tells him that she needs the world to be in one piece if she’s going to save it. and that he needs to go make sure she’s got a world to save. 
so he does. he and his team defeat Thanos and two days after the end of the war, she’s back on the streets protesting against corruption. because the world didn’t stop spinning just because an alien invaded. no sir. 
the first day of their senior year, Peter slides MJ a note and instead of revealing any kind of secret identities like the first time, its a question. 
she looks up at him genuinely surprised. “you wanna go out with me?” she asks, “why?”
he gets flustered and manages to tell her what she already knew, “you’re like a freakin’ superhero. who wouldn’t want to go out with you?”
he gets a kiss for that comment. their first kiss. “yea, i’ll go out with you.”
“tonight?” he replies, almost too eager to sit still. 
she rolls her eyes and turns back to her book about dysphoria in the trans community, “I’m going to a BLM march.” “i’ll go with you.”
and that’s their first date. their second is private dinner with the Obamas to thank the Avengers for saving the world. and when the former President asks who Michelle is Peter introduces her as “the girl who is going to save this country” and Obama smiles wide at her, shakes her hand and says sincerely, “well, its very nice to meet you” 
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