#and guess what its an rottmnt oc
demonoftheseas · 2 years
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heard people were making turtle/kinsonas so.....
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the-starry-seas · 5 months
So I guess it's as good a time as any to have a pinned post?
Hi, I'm Sticks! I use vae/vaer/vaers/vaerself and it/its pronouns. This is a multifandom blog with a dash of many other random things. I'm a proshipper, cloneshipper, multishipper, and polyshipper.
I'll tag things to the best of my ability if you ask. Sometimes I'll forget. I love being tagged in ask games, WIP games, last line challenges, literally whatever. Mutuals can DM for my discord.
You can check out my fics on AO3 at lizardwrites (Star Wars) or purpleturtle9000 (Rise/Bayverse TMNT). Or check the tag for sticks' fics to see drabbles and previews. My askbox is open for requests for more drabbles, headcanons, and general rambling.
Consider this a blanket permission for any and all transformative works of my writing. You may post translated versions of my fics on other sites but you may not repost the original work. And please show me what you've made!
I have a lot of OCs and I love talking about them. I also want to hear all about yours! In the meantime, there's a list of mine below the cut. tumblr wouldn't let me link all of them, but you can try copy-pasting the-starry-seas.tumblr.com/tagged/ and put in the character name (I tag with ranks, so put in CT Racer instead of just Racer).
The Murderbot Diaries:
Jude (she/they rogue SecUnit)
Star Wars:
212th Squad (Boot, Mik, Squeaker, Moxie, Onion, Crumpet)
Aces Squad (CT Racer, CT Fury, CS Blue, CT Whisper, CT Ember)
B Roll, all-girls clone squad formed of Bark, Bite, Bumble, and Bee
Clone Force M (CT Winter, CT Bee, CT Indigo, CT Jewel, CC Nebula, CT Zenith, CT Sunny, CT Star, CT Sky, CT Silver)
Ghost Squad (CL Harlow, CS Karla, CT Shay, CT Cavalry, CT Boom, CT Ray, CT Nox, CT Tally)
Green Squad (formerly) now civilians Aralyn, Berry, and Prey Drive
Royal Squad, five tubies adopted by the royal family in a nobody-dies Bail/Breha/Fox AU (Bug, Jaonyc, Yancy, Helio, Vidal)
Shili Squad (Chen Nihaan, Alyx, Bella, Corvin, Watcher, Atlas, Ginger, Circuit, and Synch)
Shiny Squad: Kit's batchmates CT Lucky, CT Shrike, and CT Carno
Grafitti & Rence of the Corrie Guard
Kit also of the Corrie Guard and Fox's shiny/adopted son
Prim Fett (clone, Mandalorian, and adopted daughter of Boba)
Riye Verda (Kamino-cloned, Mandalorian-raised)
Switch (clone, reconditioned, cyborg, mercenary)
Kryndi (florist and Kit's girlfriend in the royal OT3 AU)
Cathedi (Jedi)
Xerin (Jedi)
Clan Merit, composed of Quin, Aya, and Amery (Mandalorians)
Mirshko (Mandalorian)
Torrak Varkus and Torrak Vermil (Mandalorian)
Vinir (Mandalorian)
Soruli and Seryla (Nautolan Jedi and Force-sensitive smuggler)
A'Hidayat (Tusken)
U'Rajya (Tusken)
Tusken OC umbrella tag
Ripper (Yautja in Star Wars)
Valkyries (all-women pirate crew-slash-polycule)
CC Kamor, Eixes Judarri, and Padawan Rivi from the Better or Worse AU, where a clone captain finds and adopts his general's padawan, with the help of the Zabrak smuggler who becomes his queerplatonic partner
Chen Xunielah, a Togruta ambassador and duchess, and her clone husband Chen Nihaan, who form the Chen family with their kids
Neutrobolt & Nitroblitz
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lactoseintolerentswag · 8 months
OC lore? 👀
AJSNSUBSJSN I'm assuming this ask is referring to my silly tags here?
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Well!! I guess I could be a big boy and talk abt my guys 👉👈. Gonna warn off the bat though they're not rottmnt or tmnt related they're my home brew pals and I'll try to keep it short but.
Hard to when my timeline feels like this
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So kudos if any of y'all stick around for the entire post.
World-Building Context:
Urban/modern fantasy genre dipping its toes in eco horror
So basically everyone and everything has this thing called aura (I KNOW BARE WITH ME). It's not visible to the naked eye but everyone's aura is different and specific to them like a fingerprint
When I mean Everything has aura I mean the animals, the plants, the rocks, buildings, etc. The Earth has a whole has its own aura
Spirits are born of Earth's excess aura. Spirits are nebulous empathic entities that communicate through emotion rather than words. They mostly take after animal-adjacent beings (like a giant bird with multiple eyes and a dog's snout) or sometimes mimic objects (like a tea kettle with legs). However, they never appear as human or humanoid
Spirits can bond to places, objects, and people!!! When a spirit bonds with a human it creates a familiar bond
Benefits to the bond: cool sick aura powers for the human that mimicks the ability of the familiar. In turn the familiar gets to feed on the bonded's emotions--lengthening their life span
The later of which is completely harmless to the bondee. A spirit and a person cannot bond unless they have a compatible aura, so to put it in perspective it's like finding someone who has a fingerprint that fills the gaps in your own
Effects of familiar bond: the bondee and familiar will begin to physically change to resemble one another. Not extremely. Someone could grow claws and their familiar's eyes would turn into their color. As stated before you get sick powers, which can be passed down generationally but will get diluted and or evolve into something else
Now spirits used to be widely respected and revered as our equals and sometimes even protectors. It was an honor to have a familiar bond or be passed down a spirit ability from a family member
Things took a turn when a movement that feared spirits as agents of the devil, and claimed people with spirit abilities were corrupted (proven by their changed physical traits), gained momentum in early modern Europe. Many were burned and or executed as witches
This fear permeated throughout the rest of western colonial times and resulted in laws that banned any bonding to spirits. These laws were maintained to present day, accompanied by several scientific discoveries made to deteer spirits (altering a stone's aura to make empathic sound waves unbearable to spirits)
Many present day cities have never even seen a spirit before as they are protected by obelisks made to keep spirits out. There are also many companies who profit off of spirit security through making mass produced charms and the equivalent of spirit bear spray
It's not common to be born with generationally passed spirit abilities but it's also not rare. Think about around the same percent of people born with green eyes are born with spirit abilities
Little Ridge is an old mining turned tourist town founded in the height of the gold rush in the Pacific Northwest in the U.S.
Little Ridge is an epicenter for inexplicable spirit activity. There have been more recorded spirits haunting the forest there than anywhere else. There are also naturally occurring stone obelisks that move on their own
What they're most famous for is the cave mine in which miners kept disappearing and returning with their skin peeled off. So Eventually the mine was closed despite having lucrative minerals. Mind you there is also a spring connected to this abandoned cave mine
In the 1970's New inexplicable happenings kicked off in Little Ridge. A disease was spreading around spirits. Corrupting their form and mind leading them into a state of frenzy. This disease followed similar symptoms to rabies. The infected spirits were labeled as "demons" and were actively sought after to be put down
Doctor Seong-gi Moon, was among the notable animaologists (a scientist who studies spirits) that was reached out to by U.S.'s defense branch to conduct research on the demon phenomenon in Little Ridge. Seong-gi accepted, was even given a grant from his university, and moved his family from South Korea to settle down in Little Ridge
For the first time a fence was constructed to keep spirits out of Little Ridge, and it was deemed safe to resume tourism
This story's present takes place in the years between 1995-2000
Main Cast:
Iris Moon (starts 12 ends 17, she/her): our main character!!! A gangly reckless girl who struggles against authority and has an obsessive fascination with spirits. Has a terrible case of tunnel vision and sticks her nose into other's people's business for the sake of her curiosity. Has a habit of taking care of people while maintaining an emotional distance through being a mouthy pain in the ass. She grew up moving around a lot, state to state, in and out of trailer parks and hotels. She's now living with her uncle in this small town.
Jung-ho (John) Moon (starts 27 ends 31, he/him): Iris's uncle. Taciturn and routine strict like his father (Seong-gi) but gentle like his mother. Despite his overall disdain for people stemming from his awkwardness he's really good with kids. Works as an automobile mechanic and. Other things. Grew up in Little Ridge, many of the town folk know him as John or Johnny. Wears glasses with one black lens. Owns a cat named Sticky with one eye. He is now tasked with raising his niece.
Daniel (Danny) Luna Rivera (starts 14 ends 18, he/him): Danny is in his loud and abrasive angsty teenager phase. A people pleaser at heart and currently victim to his asshole friends, at least they introduced him to alternative style. Starts out as a minor antagonist constantly keeping watch on Iris and his brother, the latter of which he cares about more than he will ever admit. Looks up to Jung-Ho, as that's the only adult who has never let him down. They're also working on a project to restore Danny a cool car. He has metal manipulation abilities and has a lot of piercings he will mold in case of emergency. Redemption arc sibling.
Miguel Luna Rivera (starts as 9 ends as 14, he/him. For now.) Miguel is a goddamn nerd and has a hard time connecting to people and spends a lot of time playing mediator. Has a lot of pent up anger, but is doing amazing in school. Very talented with math and technology (computers specifically) and spends a lot of time at his local radio shack. Looks up to both Jung-Ho and Iris. The later fills a void where the sister he accidentally killed at the age of 3 left. Isn't allowed anywhere without Danny around to babysit, but Iris is a horrible influence and teaches him to sneak. Corruption arc sibling.
It's difficult to explain my last girlie without loosely explaining what I would consider this story's first chapter. So
Chapter One-ish Outline:
> Iris is driven by CPS to go live with her Uncle John who she hasn't seen since she was like 4. She has an arm cast and a crummy attitude
>Jung-ho does his best to give her enough space while also keeping her entertained. Ends up getting a call and having to go to work
>Iris is brought along as Jung-ho fumbles with what to do, she's clearly bored and it's kind of dangerous for her so he gives her his watch telling her what time to come back and some money to go explore historical downtown
>Iris wanders around picking up some vague history here and there in the background. Everyone recognizes her as Johnny's niece. Up at the playground at the fence's edge. Curious she goes to inspect but is interrupted by Danny
>Danny gets into an argument with her about how she's being stupid and how unsafe it is for Her (someone without spirit abilities) to be this close to the fence. Miguel, who was playing. Ends up talking his brother into leaving her alone to go to the nearby convenience store
>Iris disregards what Danny said and cuts the fence with wire cutters since she can't climb with her broken arm. As for why a 12 year old girl has wire cutters? Something she picked up from living with her Mon
>Entertains herself in the woods and has 3 encounters. One where she passes one of the naturally occurring stone obelisks that had an eye carved into it, one where she runs into a spirit that has her standing still in fear. It's almost deer like, but its neck is too long and has too many horns. She leaves an apple from her bag and it leaves her alone. And finally she sees a figure stumbling around
>Upon closer inspection the figure is drenched in blood. All over her blank face and dripping down the only piece of clothing she seems to be wearing, a white gown. No shoes or socks. Iris calls out to see if the girl needs help, but isn't given a response. So, Iris wrangles her own jacket onto her, and wordlessly uses her free hand to guide them out of the woods
>In a nearby diner's bathroom Iris uses paper towels to the best of her abilities to clean this girl's face off. She lets her keep the jacket to cover up the mess on her front. The girl had no wounds of her own
>Iris orders them burgers at the diner and they sit at a booth to talk. Well Iris talks and the girl blankly stares at her. She only responds after Iris belatedly introduces herself, first and last name. The girl waits to eat until after taking her burger apart piece by piece to examine each ingredient, and shortly and quietly responds to Some of Iris's questions
>No she wasn't lost, no she wasn't in danger, and her name is Lucie which is scrawled in poor and shakey handwriting on Iris's cast after prompting
>Of Course with a broken fence predictably a demon is going to come through. One that is vaguely giant wolf shaped with no eyes and bleeding an impossible amount (it's more of a representation of blood as spirits nor demons have bodily fluids)
>It causes chaos and Danny jumps in to defend people, but really all he's doing is cornering a dangerous and hurt animalistic being, while Miguel runs off to go get Jung-ho. Iris steps in naively to keep him from killing it, snapping at him to take a look and see that it's badly wounded and probably scared
>Before it can snap its jaws at them both Lucie interferes by putting her hands on either side of its neck. For a moment everyone is stock still. And then the blood stops draining out of the demon, it starts to shrink, and reforms back into it's original state resembling a jackelope. The spirit runs off back into the woods in a spooked frenzy leaving everyone baffled. The only way to cure a demon is to shoot it dead.
>It's time for Jung-Ho and the police to enter the scene as he furiously and worriedly makes sure everyone is okay. Under his attention Iris missed the moment where Lucie slunk off. Taking her jacket along with her.
>Much later in the evening, back at Uncle John's house, Iris will be unpacking her things in her new room. Jung-ho quickly runs up the stairs to scold her some more as he and the search team found her jacket folded over the fence that had been cut open. Although Iris is a little distracted by the forget-me-nots stashed into the jacket's pockets to listen. And of course she's grounded
SO THERE!!!! This is a very tiny glimpse into my bbgirl wip project that has ruled my life since I was 12. It would be cool to post art of my dudes here when I get the courage. Also. Again. Kudos to everyone who made it here to the end of my rambling :>
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sanssupremacy · 1 year
I was wondering since your ask box was open. What fandoms do you draw for? I don’t wanna request to see something if you don’t want to draw a specific thing.
I mostly do undertale, but i find myself doing art of my sonic oc with her boyfriend, that or just simple sonic fanart.
And i guess rottmnt too, but like its not too common for me.
I'm just too fond with UT and how easy it is to draw the characters
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chubs-deuce · 2 years
is it okay to join the apriltello server even if i dont actively ship apriltello? like i think its a cute ship and i do like fanart of them here and there, i just dont actively think about them as a ship much... its just that the "apriltello is literally incest" debate pisses me off so incredibly much every single time i encounter it that im vary about joining rottmnt servers, cause i dont wanna end up befriending someone only for them to turn out to be some vicious rabid apriltello hater who will get me cancelled for simply just not hating a ship... and the apriltello server seems like the only place to properly avoid this, but like i said i dont actively ship it, so i guess what im asking is, is apriltello like the wast majority of what yall talk about there or are there like a decent amount of other rottmnt conversations too?
Honestly you're so damn valid for that :'D
And don't worry, I actually think you'd fit right in with us! We have several people around who don't actively ship apritello but got as tired as the rest of us of the ridiculous fandom discourse around it, and we have a good amount of off-topic channels that get used fairly frequently as well.
We do talk about Apritello a lot - because duh, that's what the server is primarily for - but it is also far from the only topic we have going lmao. We have a bunch of folks who primarily ship Leosagi or OC x CC ships (we often joke about Leo having a harem because we have like 6 people who ship their OCs with him for example) and again others who are just tired of discourse and merely wanted a place to vibe in peace.
We're very enthusiastic about Rise and tmnt in general so really, the only requirement you'd need to join is to be into tmnt to some degree, not actively dislike Apritello and be 16+ years old lmfao.
And just in case you don't feel like digging up the join link again, have another one here~.
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zinzabee · 2 years
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....yeah I’ll post these ones too, I guess. 
RotTMNT OC shipping with @countlessgifts​‘s Quarry and my girl, Sharron. We were thinking about an AU where they both work for Big Mama and end up falling in love with each other instead of Raph, LMAO. (It does not matter what universe she’s in, Sharron is still dumb af when it comes to picking up on people flirting with her) 
 And then interdimensional sibling nonsense cause its funny. 
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chaoticspeedrun · 2 years
Brighter to my eyes 4
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Summary: Leo is good at reading people, it's what makes him a good strategist, but those blue hues of hers elude his sharp intuition.
Perhaps if they didn't he'd realize he didn't have to change himself for her to see him like he wants her to.
A.N. I wrote this fanfic over an idea of Rise! Leo using a cloacking brooch to hide his true self but it evolved into something way bigger, this fic will takes place in ROTTMNT after "Newsworthy" but April is 18 starting college instead of in High School, while the MC and Raph are 17, the twins 16 and Mikey 15.
Pairing: Rise! Leo x OC, Leo x Reader
Warnings: Angst, FLUFF, Sibling shenanigans, MC is a nerd, but a mean nerd in leather.
Victoire was tied up on a chair in one of the rooms, mind controlled teens surrounding her to make sure she stayed in place.
The door opened and the mutant of the hour walked in with a confident grin "My my, is it the Kaylock's dear daughter, the golden child! You certainly know how to hold a party."
Victoire just looked at him plainly and Hypno rolled his eyes "Oh aren't you just like your parents, can't appreciate good entertainment, but don't worry, I'm sure this show will catch their interest"
Hypno snapped his fingers and two of the biggest party goers went to her side, holding up the chair with her in it while another one opened the window, Victoire gasped as her body was pushed halfway through it, being held back just a bit but enough to see what could happen to her.
Outside and right below her from the second floor window laid the pool with newly added piranha's swimming, Victoire's panic was probably what stopped her from tuning in to the music still playing below.
"Pools filled with piranha's are an underappreciated classic, a little too cliche in my opinion but I'm sure the classics are more to your parents taste." Hypno continued and Victoire noticed some mind controlled party goers still on the backyard pointing at her with their cellphone camera.
"Can we skip to the part where you tell me what you want out of this?" Victoire spoke with whatever control she could grasp as her eyes searched frantically for any sight of the turtles or April.
"So impatient! But I guess I can indulge you" Hypno said just as Victoire caught a glimpse of Donnie behind the mind slaves giving her a thumbs up and then she felt herself stumble forwards, a panicked sound came out of her mouth as she was pushed slightly forward by Hypno before stilling again.
"These teens that follow you around and do everything you want for your attention are just like the flies around your parents, if you say jump, they ask how high, if you tell them you want something it's at the grasp of your hand the next minute, and if you say you don't like something they shun it and dig its grave" He spoke gesturing to the partygoers below "But now they don't follow you, they follow me."
Victoire looked at the mutant from the corner of her eye "Did my parents say your act was bad?"
"Not only said it, but exposed their bad taste on every social media platform possible and by now they probably forgot about it, but their followers didn't, can you imagine what it did to my reputation? So I thought, now that I have the chance I'd give them a spectacle they will definitely remember" With those words she stumbled forwards further.
Vic was about to yell when the speakers started playing loud and obnoxious techno music.
The people started reacting to it, holding their head and looking around confused, that included those who held onto the chair, suddenly Victoire was pushed forwards in the midst of the confusion.
"LEON!" Victoire screamed as she fell, not a second later a beam of light flashed in front of her face and she was airborne again, route changed quickly and then fell on Leo's arms with a huff.
"Don't go falling for me now" he joked before lowering the chair on the floor and untying her, Victoire looked up at him in relief as she stood.
Her legs trembled slightly from the fall and she leaned on him a bit with a hand on his shoulder.
"Oh my hero, I just couldn't help myself but fall into your arms" she joked back trying to make light of the situation while Leo balanced her with an arm on her side, he chuckled slightly, his cheeks feeling a little warm.
They heard yelling from upstairs and saw Hypno being held by Raph and Mikey before disappearing from sight, the music lowered in volume little by little and the party goers looked around in confusion.
"So who enjoyed the bravery test? Now, if that didn't scare you the contents of the pool will! Be careful, those piranhas are very real" Victoire announced loudly with a bright grin for everyone to hear and her words elicited 'ooh's' and 'aaah's'.
A few minutes later the party had resumed, everyone excited as they believed the blank in their memory had all been a party trick, convinced further by Donnie who managed to fool them into letting him see their phones for another trick so he could remove the video they took.
Some others started pulling out the mothman piñata, with a couple of them crying to leave mothman alone and others eager to hit it.
Victoire looked around for the turtles and April, finally finding them by the entrance.
"Hey, where are you going?" at her words they all tensed looking back at her "We're making a line for the piñata and then we'll start the bonfire" she told them nearing and saw them all exchange glances.
Leo smiled nervously but before he could say anything April spoke "Ah well we already caused enough trouble as is, it'd probably be best to-"
"Really?" Victoire looked back at April with her arms crossed "I don't know if you guys remember this, but you just saved my life from a guy who wanted to get back at my parents for calling his show boring."
"But if we hadn't been here-" Raph started.
"I'd be fish bait" she deadpanned "Hypno didn't come here because of you guys, you were all just hanging at my party when a mutant hypopotamus decided to kidnap ME."
"But aren't you weirded out?" Donnie asked exasperated "How can you be so calm? You were in a deadly situation, you found out a bunch of your guests were mutants and your party was ruined! How are you taking it all in stride?"
"You underestimate how many people hate my parents or want something from them, I also don't live in the safest city in the world and my party looks perfectly fine, in fact I got a pool full of free piranha's for halloween, everyone will be talking about it" Victoire paused looking at everyone and then her eyes clashed with Leo's who stiffened in his place.
She kept looking straight at him while she continued "The only thing you guys have done since that whole fiasco started was protect me, you didn't owe me an explanation of who you were when it's obviously something that puts you at risk even if I did ask nor were you obligated to help me, but you did"
The guys all seemed to relax a little and Leo smiled recalling her words from when they were walking through the hallway, Raph and April looked a bit shy and Victoire smiled at this "I don't know about you but I actually thought we had a great time all together exploring the haunted house before that happened, I don't think I've laughed like that in a while" she was the one looking a bit sheepish now "So no, I'm not weirded out that my new friends are a bunch of ninja turtles with magic weapons, that's literally the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me."
They all looked at Victoire with wide eyes and a small hopeful smile grew on all their faces as she called them her new friends, she returned the smile with a soft one of her own.
Victoire huffed, being suddenly attacked by a hug from Mikey, she smiled into it, hugging back as the rest joined in, even Donnie but mostly with his metal arms.
"Let's go Victoire!" Mikey exclaimed separating from the hug "I wanna see if we got the most stickers during the bravery test!"
"Just call me Vic, Angelo" she grinned at his excitement.
"Alright! I want to hit that piñata!" Raph exclaimed with a fist in the air followed by a chorus of 'yeah's' while they walked back and Victoire warned them to go last so everyone else had a chance to get a turn.
Leo walked beside her while the others happily rejoined the party, Vic turned to look up at him and he smiled questioningly.
"So, could you just make a portal anywhere? Like Japan, Germany, etc?" She asked.
"Oh ho hoh, I can make portals to even cooler places than those" Leo smirked "Have ever heard of the hidden city?"
Taglist: @saspas-corner @mysstical-siren
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roseyoori · 1 year
Just the Two of Us~ [peepaw Leo rottmnt x OC reader]
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song: Just the Two of Us by Bill Withers
Chapter 1 Today was a busy in the NYC mutant clinic. Thursdays are building trashday and countless trucks park nearby for convenience in restock. By the time the sun peaks from the dense horizon of building rooftops it's usually 9 or so already. Unfortunately the price that comes with being different is while everyone wakes up at 9AM, your day started 14 hours earlier the night before and the appointments haven't stopped tumbling in since. The night meant minimal chances for human contact and a natural cloak of invisibility protecting your clients, doesn't mean no human activity afterhours though. Frankly in such a cramped city, you doesnt know how she still hasn't been popped for catering to the mutant above the surface. Right after handling the last blood test of the day, you checks your wristwatch.
"4 already! Wow." You puts away the blood test analysis and hollers to see if your assistant was still there. "Todd, you ready to go? Todd?" The capybara does an near perfect job, a friend of the gang with the hospitality and management skills for the position. You peaked in wondering why he wasn't responding to your calls, to find him with someone on the phone behind the counter. You managed to catch his friendly closing phrase before he hung up and turned to you.
"Sorry Doc, I just told them to come by since we weren't too busy anymore. What time is it?" "it's 4, Todd." "WHAAAAT?! 4 already??" he held his mouth. "Oh silly me. I forgot Do you think i should probably tell them to cancel?" "Well…did they say how far they were from here? I'm guessing it's not a regular huh?" The cappy checked his notes on the appointment form, "They said he had a mutant in need for a body check and they were nowhere near their regular physician and got our number from a yokai flyer." Your eyes grew slightly in surprise, "yokai flyers? the ones we printed and distributed for less than 2 weeks 5 months ago? how on earth do we still have them around?"
"They gave the name Casey." "Did they tell you where they were calling from?" Todd thought for a moment, "from a telephone booth. ya know, the one 5 blocks down?" You hummed in thought, you had to be somewhat careful about who knew and visited this location. Only a handful of humans know of the place, most of the rest came from mutants and yokai through word of mouth. But she decided to give it a go, "that should be fine, they should be here in 15 minutes. or 5 if they sneak over. I'll take from here, Todd." The elder creature raised a thick brow. "Are you sure? It's pretty dark out here and you're here alone." You chuckled lightly and gave him a pat. "I'll be fine, i'm a tough girl. besides, i have paperwork to keep me company. just tell the gang i might be a bit late to the party." It doesn't start until 6AM but you figured ending earlier could give you some time to dressup. so much for prepping.
After some remarks about overworking and not skipping meals, Todd gathered his things and skipped out the door, and it was you filling the paperwork. They say 3 in the devil's hour, when unexplainable things are most likely to happen. Your clock reads 4 now but it's all the same, you just feel a sense of tranquility when there's no one else around. 4:08. The ticking fills your ears as easing white noise, a sound of a few that embodied constance and strictness yet often leaves one anxious. It's times like these you enjoyed, like reminiscence, when you adjusted your glasses and reached for the retro-radio-speaker (of course not a real radio. its a bluetooth speaker), playing a soothing latenight 80s radio track. 4:15 the unsure clinkering of the doorbell alerted you to someone coming in.
"They told me they'll be open on the phone, but it looks pretty dead quiet." A young voice spoke, possibly a teen, this must be Casey. Followed by another deeper, gruffer, older and strangely familiar. "It's the dead of night, Case. Normal people would be asleep and I told you don't worry, kiddo."
"No way, you taught me to put my foot down. And i'm telling you we need you to get checked!" The older voice whined, "Why couldn't we wait till we get back to Donnie?" "Because you never do!" The two visitors scower around, they weren't used to the tidyness of a doctor's office, Casey especially since he's never had the pleasure having a normal experience that includes waiting with a seat and a comic book. You can tell he was sceptical and curious at the same time, weirdly peeping under and over and sideways up and down to find any indication of traps rigged. The old timer turtle on the other, was as cool as a fiddle with the whole scenario. Unlike the youngster of a different time, this Leo is still the same one who once ate pizza and played video games all day. Though he grew up with home remedies, this was not particularily unfamiliar per se. "Case, i know there's no one here but please don't embarrass me, bud." "I'd say you're the one acting strange here. Were'nt you the one who said you could never be too careful?" Casey huffed. He eyed the bell on the counter with suspicion, blown up intensely as he slowly lowering his finger on to the little button-top. He was half expecting some explosion of sorts to have been triggered, a ding rung and he shrunk back dramatically. Of course nothing happen. Leo rolled his eyes, he forgets sometimes that the sidekick had a messed up childhood, him partly to blame for his wary disposition now. "Just a sec!" Leo swore Casey almost jump up the counter. Casey almost peed his pants. Leo almost swore out loud, his old heart nearly had a heart attack. He wasn't expecting anyone to still be here, definitely not at this late hour. "Sit down for a sec, would you? I just have to pull these away." Look at them still startled, obeying this random voice from the back and plopping their butts on the cusioned seats. A minute or two later, they hear the voice approaching the counter front. "Okay~" you had the notes in your hand. "Tell me which one of you is Cas-"
Your eyes met. Those eyes can't be mistakened. That blue bandana. Those distinct red banana stripes. That sharp plastron contour.
There was no mistaking those eyes, the look of wonder and strangely…loving and familiar in you. What was this intense feeling in him? He can't remember having ever met you, then what was this lump in his throat? Your eyes had him locked.
That smile you had after might've just broken or casted a spell. "Why hello~" your voice sounded low. Cooing like a dove. Calm. Sweet. Steadying…. "Sorry but, have we met before~?" Instinctively you switched over to your flirty side, eager hand under your chin and winking, knowing full well you were still locking eyes.
to be continued~
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demonfox-art · 2 years
pinned post :3
hi gamers, welcome to @snowthedemonfox's art blog
well.. kinda.
ill still be posting my art on my main, this is just where ill be reblogging all my art to, so its all in one spot. also makes it easier for those who wanna follow me for just my art!
so i guess its more of an archive? idk. anyway enjoy
some noteworthy tags under the cut
#tnplh au - this is my 17776 au, which i have multiple fanfics written for! still slowly working on this #dscp - not MY AU, but a group RP from the 17776 discord. i have a few ocs from this lol
#gaiaverse au - a sonic au featuring some of my ocs, where the basic idea is "what if dark gaia also lost their memory"
#reset au - dont have much for this rn, but its a rottmnt au ive been occasionally drawing stuff for
#space au - tadc au that me and some other members of the bunnydoll server came up with :3 i just wanted an excuse to draw cool designs for the characters
#bunny au - we turned the tadc cast (mainly jax) into bunnies because we can. au is by me and @gen-toon !
#ocs - general tag for oc stuff
#snowgem - fursona :3
each fandom i post stuff for has their own tag but i wont be linking them all here
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apatchedupdoll · 2 years
There’s a lot on Tumblr that I didn’t know I needed in my life. It gets distracting, but then sometimes it flares me up into wanting to make more. It drives me to want to make, either the art style, the ideas, the stories, or something else that makes me want to create. Even if it’s not drawing it could be writing or something else. That being said! Here’s todays art dump <3
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This is pretty much finished, I may add some detail and touches later, but so far I’m happy with it.
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The Komoraku or whatever I’m gonna call it is also going okay. I’ve colored everything, I just need to start adding detail, maybe a little more color differations but it seems to be going on fine. I’ll probably finish this tonight after I work.
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Oh look! Turtle ocs? Nah it couldn’t be. Totally not a bunch of characters I made for the Prisoner’s Bale story. But seriously this is a lot of fun. This is pretty much the first iteration of the family so things could massively change before anything is set in stone. I’ve already changed Tobi’s age like 3 times already. I’m not totally convinced by Sophie’s design and Alex’s patters need some work for sure. There are a few other things I’m thinking about but you’ll have to wait for those changes to find out.
So why am I showing off the characters of Prisoner’s Bale? Well if I haven’t said or made it clear in my last posts (idk man sometimes I don’t make things easy) I’ve decided I’m going to make a comic for the story. Unlike Oh, Where Have You Been Brother? this one will be thought out very extensively. Think of this as sharpening my blade before I even try the Mother’s Land comic. ‘But wait, if you’re making two stories for rottmnt, then why are you making something that doesn’t relate at all?’ I hear you ask curiously while trying to get the cookie jar from the top of the fridge while I start to monologue. Ah, well I really like rottmnt and (as much as I’m happy we’re getting a new movie) I really don’t want to let it go just yet. I find fanfictions are the perfect way to help skills develop. If you’ve seen my Oh, Where Have You Been Brother? you may notice my writing skills are shit. I’ve also realized I tend to write myself into corners without realizing it before the last minute and have to rewrite almost everything, in fact I had a plan and when I posted the latest chapter I realized, oh wait oh shit fuck that means that this won’t work so that means oh god oh fuck shit fuck! I’ll let you guess what I fucked up lol. The point is I’m using my love of TMNT to help me develop better skills for projects that don’t need and can’t have the crutches fanfictions give. Does that mean all TMNT fanfictions do this? No, but this is what I use it for. I just feel like acknowledging it is good and something I shouldn’t be ashamed of.
So that’s my ramble. I hope y’all like the art. Maybe you found something useful and relatable hehehe. Oh and chapter 5 of OWHYBB is on its way. I can see it being finished around Thursday, but spring break is also over tomorrow so bleh! Things will def slow down when writing, still will have daily art uploads. Have a good day! I hope y’all remember not to eat too many cookies!
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inkedeye2345 · 2 months
Got on the wrong foot part Pt.9
who the f#ck are you?
Rise Leo x OC
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WARNING: i do NOT own ROTTMNT or spiderman, blood, NEW CHARACTER, Lesbian content (if you're homophobic wtf are you doing here man), cursing, angst (i guess), family Reunion???and thats it i think i hope you enjoy
no ones POV: (ofc its going to be cringe 😝) Kyle comes out of no where but in...upside down spider women? this isn't in the script damn it "hey you...ya you the one who has been spying on me during my whole entire life...mostly my love life and unfortunately the stupid narrator not you the beautiful reader i'm talking about the person who's narrating this"
fuck you kyle anyways- "okay people lets start from the beginning one last time my name is kyle (just pretend the cool spider gwen back rounds there when she introduces herself) i was bitten by a radioactive spider and for the last three months I've been the only spider women you guys kinda know the rest, I've started to play the electric guitar and skating (skatebored to be exact) saved leo's ass when he would jump into things...and the lieutenant my dad tricked me into believing the world could be a better place, and now i save everyone else" "i don't do dads or even a draxum dad or anything to avoid any distractions but then i met someone i never thought i would but anyways sorry people but if you want to keep reading go on i wont stop you"
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Kyle's POV: "YOU'RE GROUNDED!!!" i slam my door shut hearing draxum yelling at me "DO NOT SLAM THAT DOOR ON ME LITTLE GIRL!!!" after that fight i didn't feel like coming out of my room honestly he doesn't know how it feels like to be lonely or really anything i put my headphones on listening to vent music (alien blue hehe) i lay down on my bed i realized that i've been so busy that i wasent able to talk to Leo,Donnie,April or anyone really im just stuck in this damn ho- "aGHHHhhhhhHhhh wTFffffff" i wheezed as i felt something heavy fall on my body and i see the one and only Leonardo Hamato "holaaa mi amor como estas." i nod my head and smile "doing just great" he nods his head in agreement "you haven't been answering my texts...?" "ya sorry been busy with school shit" i see him get off feeling the weight drift away "well why dont we go out and have fun for once?" i cringe a bit at his suggestion "i cant i'm...grounded" i hear him hum and he jumps out of the open window as i run over to it and see him on top of o bulding next to mine "isss night spider grounded?" i tap my foot the shrug
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this is just what i needed to just get out in the fresh air spend time with my turtle boyfriend in New York City "do any of your siblings know that you're out here?" "uh,ya but raph wants me by curfew...like alwaysss" i chuckle at least he doesn't feel shitty we stayed in silence until CRASH i looked down and see...the lieutenant my dad i stayed there frozen as i took my mask off and started panting why did it feel like i was back where i was as a kid...
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i was just a kid...lost,scared,hurt...i was in the streets ripped clothes scars on my body to show everyone i'm not normal i just adapted to the world i would rob people i didn't know my own parents but one day i just was running from robbing food until i bumped in to a guy
i looked up at him and turn my head around to see the guys after me and look back and the man in front of me "please help..." after a few seconds he picked me up and ran we got to a gym place until we went inside a look alike cave and put me down
but after that i was in the foot clan after that he would train me love me like a dad would but those words kept on ringing and ringing "Kyle i promise you we will make the world a better place and no one i mean no one will hurt you on my watch"
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"KYLE!" i snapped out of my trance and looked at leo "sorry lost in thought" i look down at the building "how do you feel about going on patrol on a rest day?" he smirked and nods his head i smile and put my mask on and jump down to see...a mutant fox?
i put my hand out reassuring him that 'i got this'
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the only thing i could look at where her boobs damn and her Scythe is long but me and leo have to get home fast before draxum pisses himself and leo's brothers mostly raph i lean on the wall "so do you use that for...you know" i make a circle on my left hand and pull out one finger and poke it threw the hole multiple time i see her throw her Scythe at me as it spins but i doge it in time that it misses me and goes back to her grasp "Woahhhhh that was impressive did mommy teach you that" i hear her growl and i chuckle "you have a mouth fox" she throws her Scythe one more time but it its me instead of stabbing it and i grunt as im thrown to the wall "OW i thought we would be good friends but curiosity killed the cat didnt it" i was able to throw my death sickle at her cutting her cheek "you little spider bitch!!!" i see her launch at me and i kick her stomach she falls back i get out of the Scythe's grasp and i felt a punch on my face as we fought i was able to grab her mask and pull it down but something was wrong...no how is she here "Saph...is that you" i take my mask off her eyes widen. "you're alive?" we say at the same time "SAPH LETS GO" she turns around then back at me i look behind her "you're with him aren't you" "no no kyle i swear its not what it looks like" i look down then look up at her as we make eye contact "you were going to kill me weren't you" "kyle no...you know i had to do something so i could-" i immediately cut her off "you left me...YOU LEFT I COULDN'T FIND YOU!" i tear up "WHAT NOW YOU"RE GOING TO KILL ME NOW JUST SO LIFE CAN BE EASY"
"YOU DON'T GET IT I DID IT SO BIG MAMA COULD LET ME GO OR SEE GOOD IN ME" i shake my head "really big mama...?" "LETS GO SAPH NOW THE COPS WILL BE HERE ANY MINUTE" i heard sirens my dad well you know who grabbed her and looked at me i hear him mumble something "you've grown little one..." i put my mask on and shoot my webs to the building and left
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when i got back to the apartments Leo kept on asking if i were okay and then he asked the big fucking question i never wanted to hear in the first place "who was she?" i look at him "shes my.....sister....twin to be exact...she was gone for 16 years and decides to kills me....anyways i'm going to sleep" he nods his head and pecks my temples "this time answer my texts...please" i smile "ya ok" we said our goodnights but my sister kept on on coming up on my head i don't know why she came back or even turned in to a mutant but i do know for one fact
(Hi i'm sorry i haven't posted but i made this so i could say sorry its just that im not happy right now at all and i think i might need a theripist and that sucks ass and i think i have depreshion so this kinda made me feel better and you know that your writter kai stayed up to ruin her idk hour nap and i finished this at 4:21 am so yay well im going to knock the fuck out have a good day/night god bless you beautiful people bye 💙)
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bubble-masquerade · 7 months
I was heavily hyper fixated on rottmnt and other TMNT media. Got severely burnt out on it. So it's going into its own corner here you don't have to check it out.
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🫧You may call me Bubble! I guess haha. Pronouns are in my bio.
🫧I'm ✨neurodivergent✨
🫧I'm an artist... apparently. So most of my posts will be art related (obviously). Also I'm multi fandom. I also do a lot of OC stuff too.
🫧I plan on getting back in to drawing fanart but for now it's just a bunch of OC crap. Pls ask me questions about my ocs I love them so much.
🫧Stalk my page if you want to see what I'm in to. Don't really feel like making a fandom list rn.
🫧I pretty much reblog a lot of other people's art and stuff because y'all make scrumptious shit so my art tag is #berry art if you want to see what I've done so far.
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iced-souls · 1 year
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From this ask meme if you are wondering BUT ANYWHIZZLE
Alrighty im back to this finally whoops i forgor on multiple occasions but yes, i did 18 but now i am doin 50.
Random OC talk? I feel like if i included most of my thoughts this post would go on for WAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY too long so i am deciding on choosing 1 thing. Which i have no clue what to talk about—
I guess some mini plans i wanna finish for them?
I wanna do some posters for each of my……worlds? I still dont know what to call them, ‘original story’? Anyways, POSTERS. Ye Ye. So for my dynaton guys, bygones be bybones, auto-mundus, void-gang, etc.
And then i want to make more character details for the other skeletons in BBB, cause i only have a plan for that news goth skele, and then soop. But i wanna do some ref stuff, or just figure out what they doin in the story—
Next i got an animatic or animation i want to do for my void-gang guys while i wait to actually start its bigger thing.
Also an animation meme for beth and henry [and maybe also sans and paps included] cause i found/got reminded of a song that my brain has put said animation on loop for it so IMMA TRY AND DO-
Aaaannnddd also those others short animations i posted about a while ago that i havent finished yet—
Im also gonna draw some of my old *cough cough*gacha*cough cough* characters because im in an artblock and so its something a lil more fun and simple to do. Maybe ill add say some of those guys lore when i finish up that—
And then that one rottmnt voiceline thing that i havent been working on for a month or 2 now—
Aaannnnd yeah. That’s it for now. I guess im also trying to finish writing down left behind, and seeing how i am procrastinating in that i might start drawing the comics once im done chapter 1 rather than the entirety lmao—
Alrighty, hope that was a neat and/or worthy oc talk—. Some or most of you probably dont know who the heck im even talking about but mmmmmmm—. Ill tag their names/worlds if you want to check them out i suppose. This also Wasn’t specifically an oc but coughcoughcouhghcchohguhuhovhuchouh
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That feeling when you get into something so much you have an urge to make a very cringy self insert , that just doesnt give anything to the team but just makes you happy:
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dakotafinely · 4 years
Hey, ya boi at it again adding stuff to my Netherworld!AU-ROTTMNT[part1] cause I can’t stop thinking about it now! You’re gonna wanna click that link before continuing. It’s the original post I made about this if you haven’t read it.
Added, Barry goes with him. Like, Leo activates a portal-Esque thing only used when opening up the Netherworld (is it obvious I’m still working out how to get him to the Netherworld yet?) and knocks Barry in with him.
Oh, maybe it was carved in the symbol on the floor and it took a blood activation. So like, Leo accidentally cut his foot on the carving, activating the portal. Maybe Barry is the closest to him and he accidentally pulls Barry down with him. It obviously closes before anyone can jump in to pull them out or whatever.
So, I guess they had Barry being the ref for whatever competition Leo dragged them into. Hueso had to help set up, stayed to watch because let’s face it. It’d be hilarious to watch. I also love the idea that Leo is kinda able to pull Hueso into whatever shenanigans he’s setting up.
So, as for the Netherworld here's how it works. A keep reading cause this gets long.
There are five levels. Lovely, Good, Bad, Worse, and Horrible. The names obviously speak for themselves I’d imagine but we’re gonna continue talking about them anyway.
Lovely: it’s mainly filled with people who wanted to do good for the world. Or had good intentions. Religion plays no part in if you get into this level or not. It’s very high quality for those who enter. Fancy housing and plenty of activities and events to keep you busy if you’d like. You have a chance to meet up with old friends and a chance to create new ones. This one is the ideal level to be in. Each home is tailor-created for the arrival living in it. On this level only are you given a chance to reincarnate. At any time you’d like. You can earn your way to this level if you're already dead, but it’s no easy feat. Not many people exist on this level.
Good: It's for people who changed directions for the better in life. Or had lost their way at some point before coming back. Most people here are friendly, but have bad habits. You're probably more likely to end up here than anywhere else. As long as you hadn’t murdered, raped, or tortured someone within your lifetime you should be good. This has a lot of people in it, most taking a “Ten-Step” program to enter the Lovely level and get a chance to reincarnate. Homing here isn’t all too bad, not as personally tailored when you first arrive but otherwise, it’s similar to Lovely housing level. The most crowded level, believe it or not. 
Bad: Despite its namesake. It's mainly for people who ended their lives before they should’ve. Or for people who murdered, or tortured someone as a part of their job, but had no true joy in it. A lot of the people here are either war-scarred veterans or teenagers who couldn’t take life anymore. Lot’s of therapy buildings for these people. They live in more apartments like housing, mainly because it helps bring togetherness for them. Everyone at this level is trying to upgrade to the Good level. Not too keen on getting reincarnated, but to have a better place of eternal rest. Many artistic forms of activities and events are typically just group therapy sessions. It’s actually not really bad at all, more of just a “This child needs some therapy.” type of place.
Worse: Think of people like who did bad things because they thought it was right. People who aren’t the worst of the worst, but they def ain’t anywhere near being the best of the best either. Very stubborn and don’t often try to move up levels out of pride or whatever. Have apartment housing but no activities. Kinda like being put in a time out, nothing to do but think about your actions. Think, non-remorseful Bounty Hunters or Mafia Kings/Queens type of people. Something similar to them anyways. Not necessarily personal kills, or not the ones to technically get their hands dirty. 
Horrible: Now this, this is bad. Everyone who actively choose to be racists, homophobic, sexist, trans-phobic, any form of discrimination without any remorse or any form of redemption. People who murdered, tortured, raped for enjoyment of it with no remorse to their actions. People, who despite living in the worst level, still don’t want to do anything to move to the higher levels. But do complain about not “being able” to. They don’t get the luxury of housing, or anything really. They are still given a chance to go to higher levels, but no one on this level does. It has quite a few residents since people here never leave, it’s mainly built up from eons and eons. A lot of people here never sleep, ever, because if they do, they get nightmares so bad that if they were living, it would kill them. Sleep isn’t a necessity, but it helps pass the time. They are given nothing, only a chance to reflect up everything they’ve ever done. No one here is a good person, they are the worst of the worst.
No one in the Netherworld needs to eat or sleep. But most do out of an unbreakable habit. Both humans and Yokai reside in the same Netherworld. Humans often before they truly enter the Netherworld, are sat down and given the information about Yokai. Their existence, history, what they are, etc. So humans don’t freak out upon entering their level to see Yokai just chillin’. 
Kinda wanna say no Yokai reside on the Horrible level. But at the same time, there are some Yokai on the Horrible level, and it's not a pleasant experience for them especially. I mean, you know why.
Leo & Barry end up in the Bad level, mainly because it wouldn’t really be an adventure if they entered one of the other ones. At least, not to me. So, Bad level for them. 
Can’t decide if I want OC to be a war-torn veteran who just wants to reside peacefully in the Netherworld. Or if OC is a young teenager who wants to take a second chance in life to be better than they were. It's tough because both are so good.
Also, because it's no fun without drama. Since Leo and Barry are in the Netherworld someone can take their place above and become living again. Maybe it's just everyone who isn't in Lovely or Good trying to get out and take Leo and Barry's places. With the exception of OC of course.
Cause, sure getting to live again is great and all. But if its to take someone else’s place when they’ve still got so much life left to live. Then maybe it’s not really worth it. Or OC is just trying to help them to only to get closer to switching places with one of them. Only to become emotionally attached to these two fools and actually want them to live a full life.
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scribble-fics · 6 years
Flirting with the theif (Raffle winner writing)
For @juneart2-0 uwu they wanted their oc marble x rottmnt donnie.
New York. Lots of people, lots of places, and lots of trouble. The city had a knack for pickpockets, burglaries, robberies, and just good old snatching stuff.
Marble was hardly any different from the city criminals. She snatched something because she wanted it. Took what belonged to her. From food, to shiny watches and such that were so easily captured.
Only difference was she was a mutant jerboa.
That only added to the fun, being filled with raw powerful energy she just couldn't sit still half the time. She felt primal, untamed, unstoppable.
That is until four freaky turtles were hot on her trail one night. Yet it was all too easy to stay ahead of them. That is until they cornered her. Chasing her to a rooftop with no nearby buildings to leap to.
"Can you just hold still you kangaroo thief!" The little yellow speckled one shouted, throwing out a chain to capture her. Marble just leant out of the way and snickered. Clearly not worried about being stuck on top a roof with no where to go.
"Kangaroo hm? Good guess."
"Technically mikey we're dealing with a jerboa, you can tell due to the fur texture and lack of pouch"
Marble looked over at the purple one and smiled wider, "ding ding ding. So~ you're the brains of the bunch hm?" She walked closer to the turtle who had puffed his plastron out a bit and took a noble stance, "well i mean, i wouldn't want to toot my own horn or anything~"
All the other turtles jaws dropped slightly at the sight. The mutant was now circling donnie like a hungry lion, inspecting him up and down, "aren't you modest, and a cute one at that."
She ran her fingertips down one of his arms, feeling the turtle shiver a bit and drop his defensive stance, " heh..yeah you know i uh..you're not half bad i mean..heheh.." He sounded like an idiot. Hardly mumbling out responces, a love struck look slapped on his facial features.
"Uhh. Donnie? Want to get back to catching the theif and not flirting?"
Marble's ears perked up a bit when she heard the bigger one speak and she now stood in front of the turtle, holding his shoulders for support as she leaned up to his face, "so, your names donnie? Hm. It fits~"
Donnie could only nod with the goofiest grin. His eyes glazed over with a certain daze to them, "y-yeahhhehhh"
"Well, Donnie. If you ever want to..hangout together, all you got to do is find me~"
With that she unclipped the battleshell that donnie was wearing and snatched it off. Running to the edge and taking a giant leap.
"Wait huh?"
all the turtles ran to the edge. Soon after the jerboa ascended into the air with the fans of the jetpack giving off a gentle buzzing sounds.
"Later turtles! And donnie, don't forget about my offer~"
All turtles turned to their purple clad brothef with a huff. Donnie could only look down at his feet with a face of regret.
"So..just as a confirmation you guys heard her call me cute right?"
(This took forever to do im sorry for the delay. Its also really short because I've had a brainfart lately with ideas. Idk im sorry. If there is anything you want me to tweak or change ill be happy to and i hope you enjoy))
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