#yeah come and get me I said Louis has *gasp* FLAWS
pinkykitten · 7 years
Melted Laughter
Bucky Barnes x female! reader
Warning: none
Specifics: Comedy, fluff, some flirting
People: Bucky Barnes, you, waitress, Steve Rogers (mentioned), Tony Stark (mentioned), Pepper Potts (mentioned)
Words: 1,019
Requested: By @jinx-is-fire​ so a cute bucky x reader where bucky takes her out for ice cream and keep making each other laugh so the ice cream melts before they can eat it lmao
Authors Note: The scene with the purse was me and my other sister. She wants that type of purse so bad so we joked about that the other day. This was fun to write cause I love some comedy in the readers. I also love writing for Marvel I love the characters so much! This was fun, thanks so much for requesting. 
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You were going on your second date with Bucky Barnes. One of your girlfriends back at S.H.I.E.L.D. hooked you guys up. You took a look at his background and everything he has been through, yes he was a very terrible man but the thing is, that wasn’t him. You understood that and felt sorrow and sadness for this man. If you were being honest with yourself, you loved him more because of that. Everyone has a flaw, an imperfection in their life, and you see that Bucky tries to live his life peacefully. He was so sweet to you and treated you like how you deserved to be treated like, a lady.
Shoes clicking every time you take a step towards the delicious ice cream shop. It was summer and Bucky had asked you out on another date. It was hot and your skin felt all sticky. People fanning themselves, and driving with the windows opened. You and Bucky were going to eat ice cream and then go to the movies. The theater was having a classic old movie playing, so you thought of surprising Bucky.
You walked in the cold store, the air blowing as you stepped in at the doorway. You got all dressed up for this date.
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You looked around spotting Bucky waiting patiently. You walk up to him pulling your shades back on your hair. You come up to the handsome man and yell an excited “hello” to him. You bend down a little to kiss him on the cheek and he goes up as a gentleman and hugs you. He smiles automatically when he sees your grin. You being so happy that you get to spend time with this man.
“So what's up with you stranger,” you question jokingly.
“Well, I’m hanging out with a beautiful young lady at an ice cream shop and I couldn’t be any happier,” Bucky smiled.
“I think I can make it better,” you sang and you dig in your purse. You bring out your wallet with Bucky looking at you curiously. You whip out the paper and sit quickly next to Bucky. You put the tickets out in front of you and him. Bucky suddenly gasps and he grins from ear to ear.
“Y/n! I love this movie, but how did you know?”
“I have my ways,” you raise your eyebrows up and down which makes Bucky laugh. You thank silently Steve for telling you what Bucky's favorite movie was.
“Thank you y/n, but I possibly couldn’t let a amazing woman like you pay for this. I am a gentleman and now the prices for movies are so high and-”
“Bucky, it's fine. How you can pay is with that good looking smile.”
“Oh you think my smile is good looking? What a cheesy and yet such a cute compliment,” Bucky joked. You giggle, “I know it's very hard to believe but you got listen to me cause we all know women, well more like me, I am smarter,” you say as you stifle a giggle. You move across from Bucky to look at him more comfortably.
“I don’t know about that. You make me think otherwise,” Bucky grinned.
The waitress came over and took your orders. You and Bucky ordered the old fashion banana split to share.
“So how you doing with the new iphone that Steve bought you,” you questioned while waiting for the sweet dessert.
“Y/n! You have no idea how hard this is!”
“But Bucky that's what she said,” you snickered evilly knowing Bucky doesn’t like those dirty jokes.
You tried to not laugh and Bucky gave you a fake serious face but broke it and you and him snorted in laughter.
“You caught me. But no seriously I don’t understand any of these new gadgets crap! Excuse me I meant garbage. Like it was difficult to understand the other iphones, especially how to turn them on.”
“Bucky there was one button on the other iphones to turn them on! Oh my god how difficult was that like it was right in front of you, the only button on the phone!” You cracked up, while putting your hands in your hair pretending to be stressed out.
“See thats why I need you in my life! Without you I probably wouldn’t even remember to use the bathroom!”
“Its okay baby, I will take care of you and make sure you drink your prune juice,” you talked to Bucky like a baby with your outer lip pouted out.
All of a sudden your phone buzzed with a notification. You looked at the notification and saw that it was Tony that posted a pic on instagram. It was Pepper Potts with a Louis Vuitton purse at her feet next to her Louis Vuitton shoes.
“What is it,” Bucky asked.
“Look at this,” you yelled while showing Bucky the picture. “She has the purse like it was nothing placed on the floor! Like no way! I would need the purse to have its own chair and its own seatbelt in the car,” you joked while putting the phone away in your purse.
“Yeah and in restaurants it would have its own seat and you would be like, Excuse me waiter, water for this one,” Bucky impersonated you doing a very funny high pitched voice. While acting out the scene, him pointing next to him as if he is referring to the purse.
You and him just roar with laughter at him pretending to be you.
The waitress comes back to tell you that this whole time the ice cream has been on your table and that you guys need to be quiet.
You and Bucky peer down at your melted ice cream sundae, as you and him are being reprimanded by the waitress you look at his face and you and him are trying not to laugh. You and his face all red, trying to keep the howling laughter of both of you all contained.
The waitress leaves and you hold Bucky’s hand and whisper, “how bout we get some popcorn at the movies,” you suggest while giggling.
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Don't Ever Leave Me Alone
Hiiii I am back! I'm just posting this one today because I finished it and I wanted you all to have something. SO. This one is the prompt about Louis having a fast labor coming home from work. I hope you enjoy! --- There are a few things Louis notices upon waking up. One is that it's quite a bit brighter outside than when he usually wakes up. And two is that Harry is not in bed beside him. And Louis doesn't remember hearing his alarm go off at all this morning. Which can only mean one thing. Harry turned off his alarm and snuck out to work in hopes that Louis would sleep in and not bother going into the studio. Louis has to admit that Harry almost got away with it but there was one flaw in his little scheme. He didn't take into account the tiny life rolling about in Louis' belly. Emma Grace has been waking Louis up every single morning ever since she began kicking. Running out of room hasn't even stopped her. Louis' belly is huge now, rounded out and blooming with life, just two weeks shy of his due date. And really Louis knows Harry was only trying to be helpful and nice. He's a worrier by nature and having Louis working so close to his due date has nearly driven him insane. Louis isn't even surprised the boy turned off his alarm and he'd be quite thankful if he wasn't such a workaholic. He didn't sleep nearly at all last night. He was hot and nauseous and just overall uncomfortable and waking up this morning, he's rather displeased a few hours of snoozing hasn't helped the matter. A whimper escapes his lips when he stands, his body sore and his muscles are tight and rigid. Emma Grace tumbles about, causing Louis to take a deep exhale, pressing a hand near his belly button where her tiny little toe shoves out from the skin. "Daddy thought he got us this morning, didn't he little Emmy? He'll be shocked when we both come bouncing into that studio now won't he?" Louis hums, placing a hand beneath his heavy belly to alleviate the weight and pressure settled on his hips. He pulls out a t shirt from the closet and tries to ignore the subtle tightening of his stomach muscles around the baby. He's been having Braxton hicks for months now and just this past week they've really picked up and become a bit painful. He's realized ignoring them really is his only option as no amount of water, shifting, or lying down ever seems to help. He rubs his palm in a soft circles over his rounded belly as it firms up beneath his t shirt. Nearly as quickly as it came it fades and he waddles into the bathroom with a deep puff of breath. He undresses and scrunches his face, pressing a fist to his back as a dull throb pulses at his lower spine. Emma Grace has now settled so he's at least counting that as a win as he steps into the steaming hot shower. He's hoping the water will alleviate his soreness and settle the slight queasiness in his tummy. He finds himself cringing against another painful twinge in his belly as he stands beneath the spray. It's a bit more uncomfortable than what he's used to but he chalks it up to being bigger and sleeping weird. It ends just as quickly and allows him to finish his shower in semi-peace. Emma Grace gives him a swift elbow to the side when he steps out from the shower and he huffs, gripping onto the side of the counter. He feels the tightening start up again and scrunches his eyes closed, ignoring the droplets of water dripping down from his hair onto his sore body. He exhales sharply and sucks in his tight middle uncomfortably before rubbing a hand down the front. The pain fades again and he huffs in annoyance brushing his teeth quickly when he catches a glimpse of the time. He pulls his t shirt over his belly and pouts when it fits like a glove to his skin. "Suppose I'll have to invest in a new wardrobe if you don't come out soon, hm?" Emma Grace responds by jabbing him again in the side and he cringes as it quick starts another cramping sensation in his belly. He has no time to stop and breathe through it though as the boys only have the studio for a certain amount of time. He huffs once he steps out into the sun, rubbing at his belly irritably when the tightening and cramping continues despite his wishes for them to promptly fuck off. He grunts upon sitting in the car and whimpers in annoyance when his belly hits the steering wheel. He pushes the seat back as far as he can and throws the car into reverse, each movement becoming grumpier as the pain in his tummy continues. Midway to the studio, his stomach acts up again, the cramp gripping tightly at his muscles, refusing to let go. He feels an intense pressure deep within his belly and kicks his feet uncomfortably about as the pain worsens. He hisses and bends over himself, rubbing his side. He takes deep breaths, belly poking out dramatically as he does to try to get a handle on the pain. Once the pain ends, his belly begins to come to life with the baby inside tumbling about much faster and more prominent than ever before. Louis pushes his belly forward in discomfort and lets out a low grunt, pressing his head to the seat as the movement causes another pain to start up. His back muscles clench and he whines, rubbing irritably with his thumb and index finger at the base of his spine. He finally makes it to the studio, despite feeling five or so more stomach pains. He rips the door of his car open grouchily and steps out only to be met with another pain. He groans and presses his head to his car, slamming his fist to the metal as his belly presses forward tightly. He puffs out a breath of air pressing a hand down onto his belly, hoping a bit of pressure will help the pain pass faster. It doesn't help but he's eventually able to move again. He glues both hands to his back and waddles to the door huffing the entire way at his utter discomfort. As soon as his hand curls around the handle, his middle contorts again. He gasps and presses his chin to his chest, gritting his teeth together. He looks down and watches as his belly moves about, changing shape as it grows tighter and tighter around the hyper baby inside. The pressure from before returns and he has to bite his lip to not moan out like his body begs him to. It ends just as before and he huffs opening the door of the studio. He doesn't care how loud it slams to the wall, he wants Harry to know he's made it despite him. He's nearly to their studio room door when he feels another pain blossom in his belly. He gasps and bites his lip, gripping onto the belt loop of his jeans as the other hand presses to his tense middle. He grits his teeth together and a soft grunt leaves his lips as his belly pushes forward abruptly, tightening up painfully. The pain fades and he blows a piece of fringe away from his face before opening the door. Two very shocked faces greet him and not one of them is his curly headed husband. He huffs and sits heavily onto the couch. "Well. Surprised to see me?" He sasses, cringing slightly at the pressure bubbling in his belly. Emma Grace does some sort of stretch that has his belly throbbing and a soft moan leaves his lips as his hand grips the leather couch. "Um a bit..Harry said you weren't.." It takes a minute for Louis to respond as he breathes heavily through the ongoing pain in his belly "Coming? Yeah. He thought that. Where is he anyway?" "He um..went to get lunch..think he was gonna bring it back to you." "Well good. He doesn't have to make the extra trip then." Louis sasses, pushing his hand beneath his top to lay it on his sore middle. It feels quite hard now, like the skin of a drum and it's so heavy he feels like his back might break. "Um...are you alright Lou? You look miserable." Louis cringes, rubbing a hand in lines over his belly as it rolls forward with another twinge. The baby within him makes a sharp movement and his belly contorts into a misshapen oval. He presses his head back onto the couch and whines shaking his head. "I'm fine." "I think I should call Har-" "NO. Don't you dare." "You don't look very 'fine' to me, Tommo." "Well you try to have a TWELVE pound baby rolling around in your stomach, Payno. It's heavy as hell and yeah sometimes it hurts a BIT." He snaps, pain growing more intense around his middle. He hisses and sits up, pressing a hand to his knee. "Uh..I guess you're right...I'm um..I'm going to record.." Liam says, before scampering off into the booth. Louis shoots a look at Niall and snarls. "And just what the FUCK are you staring at Horan?" "Ehm..she's really TWELVE pounds?" "Niall...do me a favor and FUCK OFF." Louis roars, rubbing irritably at his belly. And really, he's not annoyed with Niall in the least. His stomach is just KILLING him at this point. He's never experienced such awful Braxton hicks his entire pregnancy. They're so strong now he feels like sinking to the floor. Still Niall rushes off too, somewhere in the booth with Liam, Louis doesn't care enough to see exactly where. He presses his head back into the couch and rubs up and down his sides, blowing out large puffs of hair as he peers down at his aching belly. It looks huge now, bigger than even yesterday, and it's seriously misshapen, making his middle look alien like. And his stomach muscles are so tightly bound around Emma Grace he can feel every tiny little move she makes. He's in some serious pain now and it's now almost constant. Liam leaves the sound booth and shoots him a confused look at his current position, squatted down and bent over the couch. "Are you um....well..never mind.." Liam mumbles, not wanting to further upset the boy, "Uh..Niall and I are going to get lunch..I told Julian you were out here." "T-thanks." Louis whimpers. "Are you sure you're-" "I'm fine." Liam leaves without another word and Louis stands up with a whimper. "Fuck..." He whimpers, rubbing the bottom of his bloated belly. His phone blares from the couch and he curses again, attempting to bend down. "Fuck..fuck..." He mumbles, gripping onto his belly before grunting at the pain. He bends awkwardly to the side, moaning as his stomach throbs. "Hello?" He grumbles. "Louis, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Harry's voice booms. Louis is off put by the volume of his voice despite knowing the poor boy is just scared out of his mind. "I'm at the studio." He grunts before throwing his head back and rocking from side to side. "Oh..." His voice trails off and Louis nods. "Yeah. Saw that you forgot me." "I didn't forget you, Lou. I just really wanted you to sleep in...you need some rest and-" Louis hisses as his belly pushes forward again. "Lou?" "Yeah whatever H. I've got to go. I'll be home in a bit." "I...do you need me to come pick you up later?" "No I d-don't..." "Ok..I think I'm going to lie down for a bit. I've got a bit of a headache." Louis hangs up before responding, throwing his phone off onto the couch somewhere. He groans and presses both hands to the coffee table before squatting down a bit. For some reason, the position makes the pains in his stomach semi bearable. Once it ends, he waddles miserably into the sound booth. He's pretty sure there's no way he can sound good right now. He's holding in some major moans and his skin is on fire. He's pretty sure if he opens his mouth, either a scream or vomit will come out. NOT a pretty melody. Still, he has to prove Harry wrong because he's Louis and that's just what he does. He wobbles to the booth, gripping onto whatever he can put his hands on with every step as his belly vibrates with intense pain. Julian is speaking to him but he can't bring himself to answer anything he's saying. Once inside the booth, he folds over himself, gripping onto the side of the wall. He takes a few shuddering deep breathes and shakily puts the headphones onto his ears. He opens his mouth to sing just as an intense pain racks over his belly. He grunts loudly and bends over himself with an intense groan. He feels a huge pop and gasps as water gushes from beneath him. "I....J-Julian I..I have to go..." Julian stands up confused but Louis waddles out without a word, groaning in intense discomfort. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh..." He groans in the hallway, squatting down as the pain intensifies in his belly. There's so much pressure built up in his belly it feels like it might pop wide open. It's hard as a rock and refuses to let up for even a second. He makes it out to the parking lot and bends over, gripping at his knees as he grits his teeth together. He feels an intense blossom of pressure and curses, forcing himself to waddle to his car. "UGHHHHHHH.....ohhhhhhh...." He grunts once inside the car, pressing his head harshly into the seat. He presses both hands to his belly and bends over as the pressure mounts. He shakily grabs his phone and dials Harry's number. When it goes to voicemail, dread fills his entire body. Because it's then he realizes he has to drive himself home. In the throws of hard, HARD labor. He grips onto the steering wheel and puts the car into reverse just as the first contraction grips at his middle tightly. "Ohhhhhghhhhhhhh...ohhhhhhghhhh...." He grunts. "Wooo...wooo...wooo..." One hand rubs large circles over his middle as both legs bounce in discomfort. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh FUCK..." He grunts, gripping onto the seat as he pulls out of the parking lot. "FUUUUUCK....." He screams, lifting himself slightly from the seat as a large amount of pressure bears down. He feels as though he's sitting directly onto his daughter's head. A contraction bears down his belly, pressing it harshly into the steering wheel and he screams again as the undeniable bearing of pressure makes him want, no NEED to push. "No..no..no..fuck please no. NOT NOW..not now EMMA...ohhhhhhhhhh...." He groan, pressing down on his belly. His belly jolts forward painfully and he grunts, face pouring with sweat as he shakily crosses his legs as his body begins attempting to push without his consent. The pressure bearing down on his belly is intense and he grips onto his car seat with a low groan. His belly contorts and misshapes as he grips onto everything he can in his car in an attempt to keep from pushing. "NOOOO..." He grunts, pressing his hand beneath him as to push the baby back up inside him. He hisses when he feels the head begin to emerge. "Mmmmmmmgh..." He grunts, beginning to push anyway. "FUUUUCK..." He screams. He somehow finds a way to pull into his driveway and opens his door, squatting immediately to the pavement. Another push involuntarily works its way over his body and he sobs in pain as he waddles to the door. He has to squat after every step but he finally makes it inside. "HARRY!" "HARRY FUUUUUUUUCK..." He screams as he bares down again, gripping onto the opening of the doorframe. He hears a creak from the living room and watches as Harry stumbles into the doorway, rubbing at his eyes. "Lou, what the-" He stops and gasps, rushing over to the boy as he bears all his weight down onto him. With one final push, Emma Grace falls into Louis' hands and Harry's eyes grow wide. "What the-" "Scissors.." Louis mumbles. Harry stumbles wide eyed into the kitchen and retrieves the scissors before going back over to Louis in the doorway. "You..how did you..I mean..WHEN did you-" Louis smirks and holds the brand new baby girl to his chest. "You left me." Harry rolls his eyes. He'll never leave him again. That's for sure.
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