#yeah he might go after yok first
fanfictionroxs · 1 year
Going to start telling people that this is the plot of Not Me 😈
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mirmoria · 23 days
I saw this post and HEAR ME OUT.
Khaotung-> playing an underground boxer with long hair (that he ties up during fights). I desperately need to see khao with long hair, rocking graphic sleeveless t-shirts going around punching mean people. and you might ask "oh this sounds a lot like yok" and I- I. um. I don't really have an answer to that!!! but what I can tell you is that this character really enjoys flower symbolism, k-dramas, scrap booking and cats. so. there you go, the non "yok-ness" of my khao boxer oc. he's a little emotionally constipated and his love top love languages are touch and quality time.
First -> now this could go in either one of two ways. he could either play:
a trainer/doctor who used to box and almost went pro but had stop due to a sever injury who khao's character meets at the boxing gym. this character definitely has an aloof ,"you can do better", ever-so-stern mentor personality who also constantly dotes on khao's character and does not even realise he's doing it.
his writer/lawyer/artist childhood best friend who has no idea he boxes (the glasses! stay! on!). now this. this could be TERRIBLY fluffy. I'm talking everyone knows this character and khao's character are in love EXCEPT them. they're constantly looking after each other, they know each other's cues like the back of their own hands, they bicker and yeah they're basically firstkhao irl in behaviour. but ooooo there's angst!!
k I'm done!!
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dropthedemiurge · 1 month
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers. Spread the self-love~ 🫶🏻
Thank you for the request, I finally got to it :D Five fics that I've written which are my favourite - (and I had to choose only those I've already finished, but a lot of my fav settings are in the long long chaptered poly fics x)) 1. Caught In the Downpoor – Sky/Rain, Love in The Air I love the entire trilogy I wrote because it was a silly whimsy idea that we had a lot of fun developing on discord and then I started writing it, and other people supported it too and now there are so many awesome SkyRain fics out there that absolutely fit my taste with ADHD, platonic bdsm and close friendship vibes. This is just such a comfort ghost ship for me that is popular enough to constantly return to xD I might even write fourth story for them one day! Who knows when inspiration hits but I'm not really done with those weather besties.
2. Young And Menace - Sand/Ray, Todd/Black, Not Me + Only Friends I love this one because crossovers of any Thai BL with Not Me is an amazing idea, in my opinion. And since we got to know Sand lived in the same building as Black, and we didn't get to see him using his bat, I took the headcanon of them being friends and ran with it xD Plus, I think, this story just poured out of me in one sitting and I didn't really know what was going to happen, but all of them ended up very emotional. And poetical. And I consider it well written so yeah, my fav!
3. I let you paint me in black - Black/|Yok, Not Me I am back with my Not Me fics and ghost ships :D We joked on NM discord that Yok definitely tried to get it on with all of gang members, and he's also the kinky one - meanwhile Black is on the violent side. I put handcuffs on Yok, gave Black some tools and played with them like dolls. And as expected, they had a lot of fun! This and its sequel fic are some of my short stories that I write in one sitting simply for an idea but I think I managed to capture some tension between these characters which I don't usually have in my stories.
4. Capturing the sight of a broken soul - Nick/|Sand, Nick/Boston, Only Friends Uh... I don't need to put a disclaimer about another ghost ship, do I? I just love platonic bonds and close friendship that are borderline romantic or touchy. And somebody needed to comfort Sand after everything he's been through! Come on! And Nick had to repay with his kindness and softness back. Also I challenged myself to write Boston's POV here which was... extremely fun! I was thinking how he and Sand could get to a more friendly side, and I think I found the way.
5. Boredom is a crime - Korn/Wai, Bad Buddy Last but not least, this was my first ever fic I wrote for Thai BL series. Which was on itself fascinating, as I haven't been really writing for years in my other kpop fandom. But meeting other fans and ficwriters, getting overwhelming support and attention for my works and forming community felt so inspiring that I started writing and drawing for myself and for fun again. It was also the time when I challenged myself to write coherent stories in English, and I practiced on BBS and NM. Also I should really write more (even more) asexual and ADHD characters... Anyway, Korn's POV is still my favourite and I had a lot of fun and it's a very important milestone.
It was a nostalgic journey, and I remembered once again what I love writing about. I never know what message do I give but I hope my stories are simply comforting or fun to explore for other people =)
I'm passing the torch to @ullvide @xagan @springkitten @doyou000me @wereflamingo-in-thai-dramaland (or tag me if you already did such post!)
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motheatenscarf · 3 months
Oh yeah, also, -HUGE SPOILERS for the first half of Dawntrail-
there are lizard eugenics, it turns out the magically inclined "Head of Reason" on the two-headed Gulool Ja Ja is dead, and also Wuk Lamat is sharing the role of Dawn Servant with Koana.
The lizard eugenics threw me for a loop, but I guess we'll chalk that up to goblin slavery with "weirdly dark shit we're just gonna fix by saying 'Maybe you shouldn't do that'" despite there being centuries of turmoil and strife behind it... aight.
The third bit I called, more or less. I did say they'd have to share power, but I thought it was gonna be all three siblings. Really thought the first brother would matter more or get more screentime devoted to huamnizing him, but I guess he's just gonna fuck off and kill our second weirdly human Roegadyn in Kenteramm or whatever his name is. Both will be back, I'm sure, but I don't... care...
They gave the motives I thought the warmonger brother might have to Bakuul Ja Ja instead, hence the lizard eugenics. I. Sure? Why not. He also fucked off after he revealed that only one in a hundred of these Blessed Siblings their culture strives to create ever live long enough to even crawl out of the shell. I'm assuming now that he'll come back to make some heroic sacrifice at the end or something.
As for the other head being dead, yeah, I kinda figured that during the duel with the Dawnservant, but woof. Didn't realize the head had been dead for THREE years? That... okay, look. I know Ardbert had been dead for 100 years and still somehow had meat on his body for Elidibus to scoot around in for a meatsuit. But like. I assumed that was ascian shenanigans. I even handwaved the Alchemist job trainer's dead wife being dead for 5 years and still looking fresh as being some embalming or preservative or whatever.
But uh. Stretching my disbelief here, especially since it was the head that commanded magic that went. If the Head of Resolve had died, I could chalk it up to magic bullshit again but... guys they're just conjoined twins. Fucking sepsis and necrosis, you have pirates with peglegs because their limbs had to be amputated or they'd die, this is a thing.
Oh, another thing I guess I should put on the record before finding out for sure, but I think Guluul Ja Ja's little entourage that entered the golden city with him have some lingering effects of the city keeping them young. The Yok Huy specifically mentioned eternal youth in their descriptions of that paradise, and I don't think Roegadyn live to be over a hundred on average, let alone reaching that age and staying that spry. Maybe some kind of fountain of youth thing going on.
Erenville wants to go traveling now to meet back up with his mom to tell her he found the Golden City, despite, y'know, not actually setting foot inside it and seeing what's there. I know it's supposed to be sealed away for a good reason but TRANSGRESSION AND CONFLICT IS WHAT MAKES THE STORY HAPPEN. ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
GOD. I'm so angry lol!
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surrealsunday · 2 years
Question time Jaime!
I’ve been rereading PP again and after the window sex in Kinns office, Evil Daddy Korn shows up and it’s made pretty obvious that not only is he not surprised that Porsche is there, it feels more like he knew or expected Porsche to be there. Since this is the beginning of their sexual relationship and not much had happened between them before for anyone to truly suspect a relationship, I’m curious as to how Korn knew. Did he notice Kinn acting differently with Porsche from the beginning? Did he know Kinn had been spending time with Porsche outside of work like when he showed up at Yoks that night? Did he have an employee secretly watching Kinn and reporting back? Obviously he very closely monitored Kinn because he needed him to submit to the whole marriage fiasco, but I was wondering if you had any insight to how it all started from Korn’s POV. When did he first suspect? What was his plan from the beginning? These are the questions keeping me up at night.
Also, a slightly unrelated question but do you still think you might write more fic for KP? I loved all of your Elu AU’s and PP was a really fun read. No pressure but I’m dying for you to write more KP.
Omg a PP ask! This is fun!!! And I love that you're re-reading. That makes me ☺️☺️🥹🥹.
So, Korn showing up and not being surprised is very intentional, yes. It's meant to indicate two things: One, that Korn knows absolutely everything that goes on in his business, but especially in his son's life. It's meant to be a sign of Korn's control over Kinn, and really his desire to keep Kinn under his thumb. And second, Korn's comment is meant to hint at Kinn not being as subtle as he is in Porsche's POV. Like... Kinn was down bad from the start 😂. He was not subtle. Porsche is just a dumbass and not observant until Kinn's blinding him with his perfect smile 😌. And then when they start spending time together? Yeah, it's for damn sure that Korn not only knows they're spending time together (the previous late night in Kinn's office) but that he's aware of the changes in Kinn's behavior. It's the same reason I show Kit being threatened from the start. Not only because Porsche is a babe (valid... who wouldn't recognize Porsche is a babe and be thrown by how much of a babe) but because Kinn's behaviour changes immediately with Kit once he's started something with Porsche (and I literally mean just started something, i.e. speaking to Porsche). And yes, I don't explicitly say it in the fic but it's fair to assume that Korn has multiple people reporting to him. I mention that Chan is loyal to him, Porsche mentions that security likely has an idea of what's going on, Pete says Korn knows everything that goes down, etc etc. So for sure he has his ways of getting that info.
As for Korn's plan? In my eyes, initially he's not all that concerned with the idea of Kinn fucking around with someone new (even a subordinate). It's that Kinn's behaviour changes and it's quite obvious he's completely enamoured and distracted by Porsche that makes Korn start paying attention. The merger and Kinn+Tawan would have been in the works for a while (long before Porsche) but it's only made explicit to Kinn that these are the plans after Kinn is already in deep with Porsche. Kinn was aware of the merger beforehand, but not the full extent of his father's plans.
Oh and when Korn started really paying attention to Porsche/Kinn? From the beginning when Kinn sends Porsche to the minor firm. That was not normal. It's mentioned in the fic that only Chan or Pete are tasked with those duties. Kinn doing that was out of character and seeing as Korn pays attention to everything (to be a master manipulator you have to be a control freak), that is something that would have been reported to him.
And yes! I have every intention of writing another KP fic. I've been struggling with writing in general lately (gotta finish my Elu fic!) but I have an idea I'm fixated on for KP that I really want to put to paper. So hopefully I can stay inspired and make that happen. And I am so flattered you care and would want to read it. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Also sorry this is the longest ramble... that is who I am as a person lol.
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agendratum · 2 years
oh no i absolutely do not have time to talk about this because work but i’m thinking again about how few lines pete has after coming back from the safehouse
idk if any of this is going to make sense but
like yeah in the first half of the story pete might be pretending to be a background character, but he’s actually there a lot, very present, throwing these and those phrases around, monologuing occasionally to explain this and that to porsche. you actually *hear* him the whole time.
10th episode? literally pete’s time to shine. he actually makes his presence felt there on purpose.
he gets captured by vegas and if anything he starts talking more. he talks in defiance to vegas, he talks to himself, he talks to get through to vegas. so many lines! so many thoughts, opinions, so much of him being an alive character.
there is a whole monologue again in their final confrontation in the safehouse. a whole monologue of him voicing what he’s feeling in the moment, letting it all out. but he’s so tired at this point, so confused, hurt, desperate, *tired*. he manages an “i’m sorry” before he knocks vegas out
he manages “somebody help me please” when he steps out. but here he’s already, i don’t know how to say this- there is no more him in him at this point.
he comes back to the main house, and i mean, everyone literally thinks he’s an actual ghost for a moment.
in their bathroom, with porsche, this is pete on autopilot. “i went home, i really went home, please believe me” this is pete, bared of every protective layer he had, using his last defense, but it might as well be a piece of torn napkin he’s waving in front of porsche. and porsche sees it and he stops trying to get out any more lines out of pete
there is a silent scene of pete crying into the bowl of noodles. there is a silent scene of pete in yok’s bar, even as there so much comforting noise, and music and familiar voices and happiness and relief around. there is a silent scene of pete trying to have a smoke outside.
and then vegas shows up. and pete pulls a gun on him (a more real defense, still as useful as a napkin in pete’s hands tho, because he can’t shoot vegas, he can’t), still doesn’t say anything. it’s only when vegas presses him against that damn tree, putting them in a way too familiar dynamic for a second there, and apologizes for fuck’s sake, making a confused pete even more confused, pete who’s trying to make sense of himself now and failing, pete who’s trying to gather himself back from the pieces he has left and not managing, that’s when pete gets a “get the fuck out of my life” out.
and then he doesn’t say anything else for the rest of this scene. and it’s vegas who’s saying all these things that pete at his point couldn’t possibly say. and it’s vegas’ arms pete falls into, because he’s sososo tired, and so desperately needs to, and what could he possibly say about this. and it’s vegas seeing him again, words or not, and pete cannot hide from him anyway
next words he’ll say will be at the parking lot. before that there are going to be two scene with pete where he’s not going to say anything again.
in the parking lot he’ll shout to draw vegas’ attention. then he’ll tell these guys to go after kinn. that will be a fake line, that’s pete playing a role. and then he has only two lines again. vegas says he’s sorry, pete responds, bitter, “sorry?”. pete’s still so broken, so confused, so so so angry, and then vegas scares him. because vegas wants- to die? and that makes pete shout, and that makes pete even more confused, so fucking confused, because what the fuck *is* he talking about?
and then vegas tells him he loves him. and that dumbfounds pete for a good while. he doesn’t respond, he sobs into the kiss, he sits on the floor as vegas escapes. and not to derail my pretty serious very emotional about pete post with my stupid metaphors, but i’m pretty sure it was pete’s windows system finally restarting after all this time of him being almost fully silent, not being able to understand or express himself in any way since he escaped. this rewired pete
he finally knew what he wanted to say
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daltoneering · 2 years
I've been thinking a bit about some of Porsche's thought processes in this episode, and particularly in the last scene. I think there's a really interesting thing happening with Porsche with regard to how he expects Kinn to react and how Kinn actually reacts, and how that parallels with episode 7.
Kinn is simply not talking to him--Kinn is compartmentalising to deal with things, and in this situation with Tawan's promise of evidence and helping them find the mole, Porsche is his bodyguard, not his boyfriend, and as such should just let him get on with things without questioning him--and so Porsche decides to take matters into his own hands. While Kinn's trust issues are the main star of the show, Porsche is very untrustworthy of Tawan, and by extension untrustworthy of how Kinn reacts around him--I think up until Tawan gets given his own nice room Porsche sees himself and Kinn on the same side against him, but after Kinn lets himself slip and starts reminiscing with Tawan, Porsche starts to wonder--is this something I should be worried about?
He goes to Yok for advice because as much as Porsche is emotionally self-aware and is constantly his full genuine self, this is his first proper relationship, and he doesn't know how these things should go. He does his little seduction ritual and has sex with Kinn instead of sitting down and having a conversation, because they've previously communicated and solved issues with sex, so it must work again, right? Wrong. They're gonna have to learn how to use their words too, especially in a situation as complex and high-stakes as this one.
So when that doesn't work and Tawan is still threatening to take Kinn back from him (and note that we have yet to have a verbal love confession from Kinn, so while I do think Porsche wants to trust him fully, he can't help the doubts that are creeping in), Porsche decides he's got to take it one step further, and bugs the room. Now Porsche isn't stupid, but I think he is prone to getting caught up in "oh yeah this is such a good idea haha GOTCHA TAWAN BITCH" thoughts and therefore not being as careful as he should be. (This is also based off his previous bodyguarding excursions in eps 2-4.) He fully believes that Kinn will let him get away with things that he wouldn't let others get away with because he has countless times in the past (and because of their relationship). He's feeling confident about his little plan, maybe even thinks it might help in the long run, and that overconfidence is what makes him slip up and gets both him following Kinn and Tawan discovered and the bug discovered.
This isn't the first time Porsche has been caught in an awkward situation doing something shady. Last time, he had Vegas all over him; this time, he's showing mistrust in his boss and doing some illegal bugging. The first time, in episode 7, he was expecting Kinn to come in and save him and be glad to see him--and despite Kinn's fury at what he saw, because it was just the two of them and he was able to let his walls down with Porsche, he was able to apologise and make things right.
So this time, when Porsche gets caught, I think he is expecting a similar thing: for Kinn to be angry with him, initially, but then to soften and understand why he was doing it and make up with him. What he is not expecting is for Kinn to sit there in his cold mafia mask and order him to be locked up. For all that Porsche often takes things at face value, he really needs to learn how to read Kinn's face--to understand that Kinn can't be soft with him here, because it would weaken his image and put Porsche in further danger.
The difference is that the first time, they were alone; the first time, the main danger point of the external situation (relating to the plan with the Italians) had passed, and so Kinn was able to let his mafia side go and be his true self with Porsche. This time, they are in front of a room full of other bodyguards, in front of the very source of their problems (Tawan); they are right in the crux of the main danger point of the external situation (needing to get the evidence and expose the mole): Kinn has to be his mafia self in order to protect both Porsche and his family.
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ryansjane · 3 years
the preview for next ep is so chaotic ahdjdkshs they're like someone's following us oh no! then yok is running away from something/someone all accompanied by tense music then there's just seanwhite jubjubing in the garage followed by black seeing them & then black just jumping white's ass and as the preview ends they just play my side ost as if nothing happened😭
JUBJUBING OMG, cutest expression!!! no cause you're absolutely right, SO MUCH is gonna happen next week & I'm flabbergasted in advance!!! so let's put it all together:
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firstly we have seanwhite going out of the garage & being seen by namo who's gonna ask what's going on. seanwhite's expressions in the first pic indicates that they were caught doing something romantic-coded, and that's only confirmed by namo asking that question. are we going to go straight into soft in love seanwhite??? I'm screaming in advance!!!
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then we have gram telling eugene she's too good for black & like??? this whole gramblackeugene storyline has been shady for a while but gram shading the dude he's supposed to love does it for me, I'm so confused by those three & I feel like there's still so much to uncover.
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then we have this random ass car, probably one of the people following them
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then another danyok moment IN PUBLIC omg! once again opening up & being each other's confidants, love that for them!
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then seanwhite start being followed, except it's on the way to the garage bc we've seen this road many times before, so that's pretty scary. as we can see from their clothes they're coming back from the abandoned building where they had their first kiss.
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yok is also followed in the place where he's talking to dan, which might freak dan out bc he's scared for yok, and also doesn't want to be discovered.
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then of course, the jubjubing 😌😌😌 I can't believe we all thought this would be seanwhite's first kiss but it's just them reaffirming that they're totally in love with each other 😭
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and then probably THE most fucking important scene, sean revealing that he KNOWS! and more importantly, from sean's jacket & the background it probably happens before or after the kiss, ahhhhhhh!!!
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and then the return of black!!! I think this will probably be the last scene the episode ends on bc p'nuchie love leaving us on cliffhangers lol, but yeah ep 9 is gonna be absolutely insane & I can't wait!!!
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zetalial · 5 years
My top 10 favourite FMA 03 episodes
Hey, I figured I’d make a list. Everyone likes lists, right?
This was going to be just the list but then I decided to add some thoughts and add pictures so now this is a long post… I’ll be counting down from my tenth favourite.
10. Episode 23: Fullmetal Heart/Heart of Steel (whichever title you prefer)
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Odd choice, much? This is only a breather episode yet for some reason it’s one of my favourites. Maybe it’s because the characterisation of everyone is just great. You’ve got Edward, Maria Ross, Hughes, Winry and Alphonse all interacting and going through all the aftermath of Lab 5 and it’s just the kind of episode that appeals to me. It’s got some moments of humour as well as the angst. I’ve already made a separate post on this episode actually.
There’s a negative in that Al’s identity crisis is present here and that’s not my favourite arc. That actually gets more focus in the next episode though. I wouldn’t exactly call it an eventful episode either unless you love intense conversations like me. (Hughes is the best, by the way.)
9. Episode 8: The Philosopher’s Stone
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Better known for being the Barry the Chopper episode. It also comes immediately after Nina so a lot of it deals with the aftermath of that. Of course, where Fullmetal Heart is a breather, this is the opposite. This is where the evil writers decide to twist the knife that was the Nina incident by putting our beloved 12 year old hero through even more emotional turmoil. As a lover of angst,  and exploring fallouts, I loved this episode. (I debated including the Nina episode, Night of the Chimera’s Cry, for this list but chose this one instead.) The encounter with Barry is always very striking, seeing how worked up Ed gets and how unnerved he is. Meanwhile you’ve got Al keeping a clearer head trying to move on while Ed’s not ready to yet. Meanwhile you’ve got other characters around but not able to provide comfort. Mustang, Riza, Winry, even Hughes.  Seeing human Barry adds to the lab 5 arc later on too.
Negatives might be that it’s too angsty, I can see it being a turn off. Villain is very blatantly evil. I personally don’t mind that sort of thing though. Also Winry is present but doesn’t do all that much.
8. Episode 17: House of the Waiting Family.
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I swear this list isn’t all Breather episodes! But, yeah, this one deals with the fallout from the Scar battle some and does a bunch of other stuff. I’ve already made a separate post about this one too. It’s an episode of recovery, and family. Ed and Al embracing the past they’ve left behind once more. You’ve got Ed visiting his mother’s grave, Winry encouraging Ed and Al to come home again, Ed almost confessing his guilt about the transmutation to Al, Winry finding Ed’s watch and the message inside, Al having trouble remembering the past, Ed and AL reflecting on their home they lost. It’s a good reflective episode. Family is one of the central themes in FMA, and this episode certainly gives that feeling. It’s a pleasant episode with only a little angst and plenty of humour and heart.
7. Episode 31: Sin
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I feel like this might be another odd choice? This is the moment where they reveal the origins of the homunculi and how they do it is absolutely enthralling. Izumi explaining how she tried to bring back her unborn child. Wrath letting himself be led to the island. Izumi attempting to strangle him, but unable to do it. Wrath strangling her. Ed and Al’s horror and instinctive denial as Wrath reveals what the story has been building up to. And there’s all the other stuff that’s going on to. Sloth and Envy fighting Greed. Kimblee and Archer meeting and agreeing to work together. Lust and Gluttony in a group of refugees, intending to cause trouble. This episode is so named to focus on the Homunculi and it very much does. The scene between Envy and Wrath is absolutely enthralling. These are the stories that FMA 03 thrives on, in my opinion.  It ends with Al of all people furiously attacking Wrath, so it’s hard to resist not going straight to the next episode.
6. Episode 47: Sealing the Homunculus
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This one is right near the end of the series. I was sorely tempted to go with 48: Goodbye. These two are pretty equal in my mind really. This one is more exciting though. Lust is incredible, her fight with Wrath is one of my favourites, she can switch between being utterly ruthless and vulnerable in an instant. Her end completed her character arc in such a compelling way. She’s one of my favourite characters and you can see so much of it in this single episode. But she’s not alone! It’s also got Sloth and we finally get to understand her motivations and feelings while she also meets her demise. Ed and Al both go through more emotional turmoil even though it’s framed as a triumph for them. Wrath is being Wrath. And it leads so tantalisingly into the next episode.
Negatives might be how Al defending Sloth is a touch frustrating. Also Wrath is being Wrath. Yes that’s a positive and a negative.
5. Episode 13: Fullmetal vs Flame.
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What’s that, a light-hearted humorous episode with only a small amount of angst? This episode is a gem. It pretty much ties up everything that came before and leads very naturally into everything that comes after. I’ve been thinking that if people wanted to watch 03 but have already seen BH, this one wouldn’t be a bad place to start if you don’t want to retread the beginning at a slower pace. (Though you do miss out on some nice episodes). Beyond that, this episode is loads of fun. The fight displays Mustang’s abilities well, shows off the relationship between him and Ed, Hughes is awesome as usual, Al has a cute cat and did I mention the scene where Mustang loves dogs? The little bit of angst mostly comes from Mustang and some trauma he has from Ishval, leading into the Scar battle next episode very well. He’s being built up great. This episode is simply awesome.
4. Episode 3: Mother
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Ah, there’s the mix of darkness and family I love. I’m always mentioning this episode and I love how it explores Ed and Al’s past and shows their characters and how they decided to perform the human transmutation. At first it’s heartwarming and then it’s heartwrenching. Ed and Al have always been my favourite characters and seeing their backstory explored in such detail is wonderful. Have I mentioned the part where they walk away from their burning house while Bratja plays with Al narrating? How about Ed coldly standing at the grave swearing to bring their mother back while Alphonse is crying?
3. Episode 51: Laws and Promises
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Right to the opposite end of the series. The last episode is so very striking to me. See Ed and Al sacrifice themselves for each other is spectacular. Dante’s plan so quickly unraveling and I’ve talked about how much I love Envy’s final scene before. The epilogue ties off the series fairly well while still leaving things open-ended. Mustang’s fight with Pride is awesome. His scenes with Riza are lovely. Ed’s scenes with his father are interesting. Dante’s demise. Wrath getting to live and getting automail Winry made for Ed. Izumi teaching Al more alchemy. That final speech that closes the series, where the title of this episode comes from. It’s strangely optimistic and hopeful. It’s nice.
2. Episode 28: All is One, One is All.
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Another backstory episode. It features Ed and Al’s survival on Yok island with older Ed and Al reflecting on the past. I think this episode builds to its climactic point of Ed and Al coming to understand what Izumi wanted to teach them very well. I’ve made a post about this episode too. (I talk about episodes I like, okay?) The appearances of Wrath leading up to another nice cliffhanger ending are also nice. It’s another episode of reflection and I love it. Young Ed and Al are always great.
And finally:
1. Episode 22: Created Human
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I loved the aftermath of Lab 5. I loved the origins of the homunculi. I love when Ed faces emotional turmoil. And I absolutely love this episode where the Lab 5 arc reaches its dreadful conclusion. Everything about it is great. The moral ambiguity, the homunculi’s goals, Ed getting pushed to the brink, physically and emotionally, just everything that Envy and Lust do, even the older Slicer brother advising Ed. Everything has been building to this moment and it’s executed brilliantly. It makes you start to feel sympathy with the homunculi when they compare themselves to Al’s own inhuman state. It makes you feel Ed’s desperation to save his brother. Al protesting but everyone ignoring him. Envy and Lust talking about equivalence. When they reveal that everyone the brother’s has been working for was leading them here. That moment at the end where the military steps in to save the brothers. Scar doing his own stuff and deciding to help them. There’s even the delightful moment where Mustang breaks the fourth wall at the beginning.
Yeah it’s my favourite.
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dkronpa · 5 years
Chapter 2: Lost in Sacrificial Fate ~Trial~
Wooo! The trial is finally done, this is a pretty long one so hopefully you guys don’t mind that. Hope ya’ll enjoy
Bold are blue statements
Bold and italic are yellow statements
“Now, let’s begin with a simple explanation of the class trial! You’re votes will determine the outcome of this, you will debate on a variety of topics regarding the murder and then try to identify ‘whodunit’. If you can correctly guess the culprit, then the culprit alone will be punished…but if you guess the wrong one. I’ll punish everyone besides the culprit! Now…where will this trial go? I hope it’s good!”
 “There’s not really much to discuss though, is there? It’s kinda obvious who the killer is in this case.” Shinko-san started off.
 “It’s obvious? But I still don’t have any idea, even after the investigation.” Yokozawa-san said.
 “No need to worry, that’s why I’m here to show you all how this case went down. Simply put, Irunami died because of a freak accident when the lighting rig fell. Everyone in the audience is a witness to that. So, whoever was working the lighting must be the one that’s accountable. So, it has to be Okanaya that’s the culprit of the case!” Shinko-san declared.
 “E-eh?! Me again?!”
 “Did you seriously not even put that together? Of course, if the lighting rig was what killed Irunami-chan, then the one working the lighting rig would be the most suspicious.” Kurosaki-san sighed with a smirk.
 “Bullshit! You can’t just say I’m the killer because of that! B-besides, surely that wouldn’t be reason enough for me to be responsible! M-Monokuma?!”
 “Weeeeeell…even if its an accident, the one who ultimate caused the accident is still gonna be the culprit for that death.” It was an ambiguous answer that didn’t say Okanaya-san was the culprit.
 “Aren’t we moving a little quickly?” Ishikawa-san interrupted. “To simply decide Okanaya-sama as the culprit at the start of the trial would be foolish. Shinko-sama, please keep your rash accusations to yourself, I would prefer it if you didn’t hurt our chances passing the trial.”
 “Huh?! The fuck did you say to me?! Do you know who you’re talking to, bitch?!” Shinko-san growled.
 “Save your breaths for the discussion, would you?” Amaterasu-san stepped in. “The problem here is if this case is an accident or not, and if it is an accident, does that necessarily mean it was Kobo-chan’s fault.”
 “It definitely wasn’t me! I’m telling you all now!” Okanaya-san said again. Was Irunami-san’s death an accident…? We need to figure that out first.
 -Non-Stop Debate 1-
Truth Bullets/Lie Bullets:
Broken Spotlight/Undamaged Spotlight
Okanaya-san’s Account/Okanaya-san’s Mistake
Lighting Rig/Metal Pole
 Amaterasu: If you guys don’t decide whether this case is an accident or not, we can’t progress…
 Toson: Obviously…The murder happened on accident….and Okanaya is responsible.
 Kobo: Don’t just say that! This could’ve been on purpose!
 Karma: You do realise that if it was on purpose then you’d have to be the killer, right…? You were the only one working the lighting rig
 Kobo: N-no way! It ain’t that easy! The killer…could’ve sabotaged the lighting rig!
 Karma: Oh! I guess that’s true! Then maybe the case is a real homicide!
 Ryuu: (We first need to decide if this case is a homicide or an accident…how am I supposed to prove that?)
“No, that’s wrong!”
 “Shinko-san, I don’t think Irunami-san died from an accident. When I was talking to Okanaya-san during the investigation, he told me that he made sure that the lighting rig was secured last night. So, if it really was secure, I doubt it would’ve just fell on accident at just the right time to kill Irunami-san.”
 “Okanaya told you that…? Hmm…usually I wouldn’t believe the words of a suspect-“
 “Didn’t we do that for you the last trial?” Kurohiko-san pointed out.
 “-but I checked the lighting rig as well, just to make sure Okanaya didn’t fuck it up…and yeah, it was secure. Totally forgot about that.”
 “How convenient of you to forget that.” Okanaya-san snarled.
 “However, that doesn’t mean the killer isn’t Okanaya. It just means the murder was on purpose. With his own testimony, we know the lighting was secure the night before and that means the lighting rig needed to be released by someone. Namely, the only person working the lighting rig.” Shinko-san said.
 “Huh…? Well, maybe it was sabotaged or something the night before and it had nothing to do with Okanaya-kun.” Yokozawa-san suggested.
 “We all finished at 9 every night, so it’s not impossible to say that someone just snuck into the auditorium after we all left.” Ram-san said. No…simply getting would be pretty difficult because…
My logic follows!
“Shinko-san, you locked door at night after rehearsals, right? Then the door wouldn’t be unlocked until we started again in the morning.”
 “Yeah, that’s right. I didn’t want anyone going in and messing with stuff without supervision. And because of that, nobody could’ve gotten into the auditorium outside of any rehearsal times.” Shinko-san confirmed.
 “Could someone sabotage the lighting rig before the performances began that morning? We did not start the show until 12:30 or so.” Asano-san suggested.
 “No, that’s not possible either. I was by the ropes for the lighting rig as soon as we got in that morning and didn’t leave until the murder happened, nobody had the chance to fuck around with the lighting rig.” Okanaya-san shook as head.
 “I feel like you’re too honest for your own good.” Graves-san laughed.
 “The honesty is appreciated though. Makes our job a lot easier.” Sly-san said.
 “Did you do it though Okanaya-kun…? Did you kill Irunami-kun…?” Hachi-san’s voice trembled with a mix of anger and anguish.
 “Hell no! Now that I know it wasn’t an accident, I’m gonna prove I didn’t have anything to do with this! Don’t worry Hachi, we’ll find out who did this and sent them straight to hell!” I believe him. I really don’t think Okanaya-san is the killer, so I need to prove that either there was a way to sabotage the lighting rig, or that the lighting rig didn’t need to be sabotaged.
 -Non-Stop Debate 2-
Truth Bullets/Lie Bullets
Cables/Razor Wire
Shinko-san’s Account/Shinko-san’s Mistake
Lighting Rig/Metal Rod
Vent System/Bolted Vent Grates
 Kobo: I’m not the killer…! I’m gonna prove it to you all!
 Doi: Since Irunami’s death was on purpose…doesn’t that mean the killer had to be near the lighting rig?
 Kobo: Yeah, but somebody else could’ve done that!
 Ram: The door was locked…
 Tsukiko: Could there be another way into the auditorium?
 Tomoe: Maybe the killer used a set-up!
 Kobo: Or the lighting rig didn’t need to be sabotaged!
 Ryuu: (Something someone said…I think that might be the key to this.)
I agree with that!
 “Ishikawa-san may be right. Even if the door was locked, there should’ve been another way to get into the auditorium. During the investigation, Graves-san decided to check the vent system and found that it went throughout the whole building. ‘Every floor, every room’ were her words.”
 “It’s true! Look at all the dust on me!” Graves-san spread her arms to show off her dirty outfit.
 “I wasn’t gonna mention it…but if there was another way to get into the auditorium…” Yokozawa-san nodded understandingly.
 “Yeah. Then it’s way too early to say that Okanaya-san is the killer!”
 “God, fine!” Shinko-san conceded defeat.
 “So, at some point the killer went into the auditorium after we all finished up for rehearsals and messed around with the lighting rig. That’s good and all but where do we go from there…?” Graves-san asked.
 “Well…I don’t know if this is worth out time or not, but…I wasn’t there for the moment that Irunami-san was killed, so I don’t fully get what happened. Could we maybe go over what happened?” Kurohiko-san asked.
 “Same for me. I was backstage when it all happened, so I want a clarification too.” Amaterasu-san second.
 “It’s important we all stay on the same page, so we should go over it.” Ram-san agreed.
 -Non-Stop Debate 3-
Truth Bullets/Lie Bullets
Lighting rig/Metal Rod
Fog Machines/Dry Ice Buckets
Broken Spotlight/Undamaged stagelight
Kurosaki-san’s Set/Kurohiko-san’s Set
Shinko-san’s Filiming/Shinko-san’s Absence
Shinko-san’s Account/Shinko-san’s Mistake
 Ram: When the show started…everything seemed normal…
 Doi: I know that Kurosaki-san and I went on first…but after that I didn’t come back….
 Tomoe: Shinko-kun’s movie played fine as well…There was nothing wrong with the movie.
 Amaterasu: And afterwards was Sadao-chan.
 Tomoe: Yeah, Irunami-kun came on stage…but when he called Shinko-kun to the stage…that’s when the lighting rig fell and struck him over the head…!
 Yuuki: There was a broken stage light on the ground too. It must have broken off on impact.
 Ryuu: (…this is just supposed to be a recollection of what happened…so why does something feel off?)
No, that’s wrong!
 “…um…” Even though I objected, I don’t really know where I’m supposed to go with this. Everyone’s staring at me, so I need to at least raise the concern. “K…Kurosaki-san, about what you said…you said the stage light broke off of the lighting rig when it hit Irunami-san, right?”
 “Is there something wrong with that? You’re not gonna suggest the lighting rig wasn’t the murder weapon, are you?” Sly-san asked.
 “It’s not that. The spotlight had blood on it, so I don’t that it’s the murder weapon…it’s just…the part of the spotlight that attaches to the lighting rig…it isn’t damaged.”
 “Huh? What do you mean it’s not damaged, does that matter?” Yokozawa-san said.
 “Yeah, it’s definitely weird. The lights have this kind of metal hoop that goes right around the lighting rig’s pole. Makes it fuckin’ difficult to position then right. There’s no way one could fall off without that hoop being broken off.” Okanaya-san explained.
 “Oh! Then it’s like a condom!” Graves-san nodded.
 “It is definitely not like a condom.” Yokozawa-san said with disgust.
 “Eh…? So, you’ve used one before?” Graves-san tilted her head.
 “I see. It is good you are enjoying life, Yokozawa-sama.” Ishikawa-san smiled and giggled.
 “Th-that isn’t it! M-more importantly, why isn’t that spotlight’s attachment broken off?!” Yokozawa-san threw us back into the discussion. It’s suspicious. Really suspicious.
 “Ah~ Maybe we should take a step back!” Kurosaki-san suddenly chimed up.
 “Oh great. I almost forgot about you and now my headache is back.” Shinko-san complained.
 “Ehhhh!? Shinko-chan, don’t be mean to me!”
 “Wh-who the hell are you being so informal with?! Die, will you?!” Shinko-san’s face flushed.
 “Kurosaki, what do you mean by taking a step back?” Sly-san interrupted.
 “Well, it’s pretty easy to tell why the spotlight’s attachment isn’t broken, right? There’s no need to discuss it at full length.” There’s no reason to discuss it at full length…then is the reason the spotlight’s attachment isn’t broken something simple…?
My logic follows!
“You’re saying that the spotlight that hit Irunami-san was never attached to the lighting rig, right? That’s why it’s attachment was never broken.”
 “Perfecto! Nagata-kyun, we think so much alike!” I definitely don’t want to hear that from you…
 “Wait, if the spotlight was never attached to the lighting rig then how did it manage to get onto the stage? Furthermore, how on earth was it able to strike Irunami-sama?” Ishikawa-san asked. That’s the new question, huh…seems we’ll need to figure that out next.
 -Non-Stop Debate 4-
Truth Bullets/Lie Bullets
Fog Machines/Dry Ice Buckets
Broken Spotlight/Undamaged Spotlight
Kurosaki-san’s Set/Kurohiko-san’s Set
Air Cannon/Fog Vacuum
Trap Door/Regular Floor
Kurohiko-san’s Clothes/Irunami-san’s Clothes
 Tsukiko: There must’ve been a chance for the spotlight to make its way onto the stage.
 Kobo: Maybe it was always on stage…? But we just couldn’t tell.
 Tomoe: Or maybe Irunami-kun brought it on with him?
 Amaterasu: Or there was some kind of fancy trick used…like balancing the spotlight on the lighting rig…and it fell onto Sadao-chan.
 Doi: Talk about suspension of belief…
 Tomoe: Are we overthinking it…?
 Ryuu: (How did the spotlight get onto the stage…? We need to figure that next…)
I agree with that!
 “I think Amaterasu-san said. There was a trick used to get the spotlight onto the stage. When I was investigating underneath the stage, I found that there was a trap door that worked by alternating two different wooden panels between the stage and underneath the stage.”
 “Ah! If that trap door was used, then the killer could get the spotlight onto the stage!” Ram-san concluded.
 “Exactly. I think that’s exactly what the killer did!”
 “That can’t be real!”
“Hold on now Nagata-kun, there’s a massive problem with that! Sure, I can understand the killer using the trap door to get the spotlight onto the stage, but if that’s the case then now did, they manage to hit Irunami-kun with the stage light and kill him?!” Hachi-san objected.
 -Rebuttal Showdown Vs. Tomoe Hachi-
Truth Blades:
Broken Spotlight
Trap Door
Ram-san’s Account
Kurohiko-san’s Clothes
Kurohiko-san’s Account
 Tomoe: Sure, the trap door could have used to get the spotlight onto the stage, but that doesn’t tell us how it struck Irunami-kun! Irunami-kun died right there on stage so how could the spotlight have hit him when it was underneath the stage?
 Ryuu: Isn’t it possible that we’re missing something? There could’ve been some sort of set up used!
 Tomoe: Some sort of set up…? There’s no kind of set up that would work! And there’s no way Irunami-kun hit himself so if there was no way for it to happen…then the spotlight wasn’t brought to the stage by the trap door!
 Ryuu: (I can feel something in the back of my mind…some kind of new possibility with the evidence we have…)
I’ll cut through that argument!
“Actually…Irunami-san might’ve not died on stage like we originally thought.”
 “H-huh?!” Hachi-san frowned.
 “When I was investigating Irunami-san’s dressing room I found Kurohiko-san’s regular clothes in a bag-“
 “You found my clothes and didn’t tell me?!”
 “You wouldn’t have wanted to wear them. When Nagata-kun looked at those clothes there was blood found on them, if I remember.” Yokozawa-san recalled.
 “B-blood on my clothes…?” Kurohiko-san paled. “H-hold on, y-you aren’t gonna accuse me, right?!”
 “Doi-chan isn’t the killer.” Amaterasu-san said.
 “I agree! I cannot see Kurohiko-kun being the killer!” Asano-san added.
 “N-no, I’m not saying that. Kurohiko-san was in his stage clothing ever since his set with Kurosaki-san…after all somebody should’ve seen him enough times to prove that…”
It’s you!
“Kurohiko-san told me that he saw Amaterasu-san a lot whilst searching for his clothes. I’m sure she can confirm that Kurohiko-san was in his stage outfit the whole time after Kurosaki-san’s set.”
“Yeah, he was.” Amaterasu-san stated.
 “Though how exactly does this all mean that Kurohiko isn’t the killer?” Sly-san asked.
 “Th…that’s not really the point I was trying to make. Rather than proving Kurohiko-san can’t be the killer…his clothes actually prove that Irunami-san didn’t die on stage in front of us like we originally thought. Nobody would’ve been close enough to Irunami-san when that lighting rig fell for blood to get on those clothes…”
 “So…you’re saying that Sadao died somewhere else?” Graves-san thought for a moment. “It makes sense…between that blood and the broken spotlight, it’s obvious that Sadao never made onto the stage.” Never made it onto the stage…come to think of it…someone mentioned something else that points to the fact that Irunami-san never made it to the stage.
Here’s my proof!
“Ram-san pointed out that Irunami-san died in his regular outfit despite the fact that she and Asano-san made a stage outfit for him.”
 “Are you saying that…Irunami-kun was in his normal clothing because he was dead before he got on stage…? But, if that’s the case then what did we see on the stage?” Ram-san asked.
 “Yeah, I’ve been thinking for a while that we kind of believed all this way too easily. I mean…we all saw Irunami-kun from the audience. So, that must’ve been him.” Hachi-san said.
 …they have a point. I’m positive that Irunami-san wasn’t alive when he was on stage, so who was it that came on during his set...? “Let’s think of it this way then. If Irunami-chan being in his normal clothes proves he didn’t make it to the stage, then whatever had his stage clothes would be what appeared during his set.” Kurosaki-san said. Whatever…was in Irunami-san’s stage clothes?
Here’s my proof!
“There was a stunt dummy underneath the stage that was wearing Irunami-san’s clothing. Kurosaki-san, are you suggesting that what we saw on stage was that dummy…?”
 “Oui! Very well done, Nagata-kyun~! If the killer utilized that dummy, then it becomes easy to act as if Irunami-chan is on stage!” Kurosaki-san explained.
 “No, it doesn’t.” Hachi-san disagreed. “It explains the silhouette. But it’s not that simple…but there’s two other problems. One, why didn’t we notice? Second, how did the dummy move around the stage?”
 “Okanaya-kun was right next to the stage, shouldn’t he have noticed if the figure on the stage was Irunami-kun or not…?” Yokozawa-san said. Not necessarily…if the killer used that thing then they could’ve stopped anyone from realising that it was actually a dummy.
Here’s my proof!
“Couldn’t the killer have disguised the dummy with the fog machines? There was a lot of fog on the stage that we could barely see who it was on the stage. Because of that, we just assumed that Irunami-san was on stage because it was his set.”
 “And it explains why Okanaya-kun wouldn’t have realised despite being so close to the stage.” Ram-san continued.
 “Okay…that takes care of problem one, but what about how the dummy was moved around the stage…? That still hasn’t been explained.” Kurohiko-san said.
 “We’ve come too far to be wrong here! I’m sure if put our heads together we can figure this out as well!” Ram-san smiled. Yeah, she’s right…the solution is somewhere, we just need to find it.
 -Non-stop Debate 5-
Truth Bullets/Lie Bullets
Kurosaki-san’s Set/Kurohiko-san’s Set
Remote Control Car/Broken Toy
Cables/Razor Wire
Air Cannons/Fog Vacuums
Dummy/Undamaged Dummy
 Ram: The killer must have had a way to move the body around the stage! I’m sure we can find it!
 Kobo: Should we just guess…? Maybe the killer used wires? They could’ve controlled the dummy like a puppet!
 Tomoe: Did they use magic?! They could’ve done it with a trick!
 Sly: Also, possible they carried the dummy around.
 Karma: Or the dummy is haunted…and levitated around the stage by itself!
 Doi: D-don’t say it’s a ghost!
 Ryuu: (Someone brought up an idea that might be possible given what I know…)
I agree with you!
“Sly-san might be onto something. There might have been a method of carrying the dummy around the stage. When I was investigating underneath the stage, there was a remote-control car sitting there. The same car that Amaterasu-san was looking for to use in her performance.”
“Amaterasu was gonna use a remote-control car…? For singing…?” Sly-san raised an eyebrow.
 “Not just any kind of remote-control car. This car was specially equipped and suitable for someone like the Ultimate Thief. This car was modified with a claw that would be used to pickpocket people.” I explained.
 “I was gonna distract everyone when I was singing and use the car to steal stuff. Had it all planned out.” Amaterasu-san said.
 “Right. If the killer used the claw on the remote-control car then it’s possible to transport the dummy around.”
 “He’s right…the arm the claw is attached to is super long and I made sure the car wouldn’t tip over despite any weight on it. It totally should’ve been able to carry around the dummy.” Amaterasu-san confirmed.
 “Then it’s settled. There are no more problems with Irunami-san not dying on stage like we originally thought-“
 “I see your flaws!”
 “Don’t fuck around now, Nagata-kun! There’s still a massive problem that you haven’t answered!” Yokozawa-san interrupted.
“H-huh…? There’s still more?”
 “Geez, you didn’t even realise it…? Guess I have no choice but to explain…”
 -Rebuttal Showdown Vs Junpei Yokozawa-
Truth Blades:
Asano-san’s Account
Kurohiko-san’s Account
Shinko-san’s Account
Okanaya-san’s Account
Ram-san’s Account
 Junpei: You’re saying that everything has been proven but that’s not the case. You still haven’t explained Irunami-kun’s voice when he came on stage to do his set. If you can’t explain the voice then you haven’t really explained anything!
 Ryuu: Are you really saying that after all the evidence presented that Irunami-san was still killed on stage?
 Junpei: We all heard Irunami-kun’s voice, that’s undeniable! It was clear as day, he even called up Shinko-kun to the stage! There wasn’t anything unusual about his set until that moment, aside from the fog machines!
 Ryuu: (I get Yokozawa-san’s point, but even so…)
I’ll cut through that argument!
“No, there was something unusual about Irunami-san’s set. When I was talking to Shinko-san about the performance he said it was strange. It was like Irunami-san was repeating everything he was saying during the rehearsal stages word-for-word.”
“Now that you mention it…” Amaterasu-san murmured.
 “But that’s not all. Hachi-san, you and Irunami-san recorded your sets so you could watch them back, right? Would it not have been possible to use Irunami-san’s set from there when they sent the dummy out on stage?”
 “P-probably…there are speakers underneath the stage. If you plugged the recorder in there, you could play it out over the speakers.” Hachi-san nodded.
 “So…Irunami-kun seriously didn’t die on the stage…? And all of that stuff we talked about is seriously what the killer did…?” Yokozawa-san said in disbelief. “How…? How the hell did someone even come up with a plan like that?”
 “It’s obvious, right? The killer’s just one crafty bastard.” Okanaya-san said.
 “If that’s the case we can finally rule out Kobo-chan.” Amaterasu-san said.
 “But even though we’ve established the method, are we actually any closer to finding the killer…?” Ram-san asked.
 “Hmm…well, the Monokuma File doesn’t mention the time of death, right? Maybe we should try and figure out when Irunami-kun died?” Yokozawa-san suggested.
 “Check everybody’s alibis, right…? Yeah! We can do that! Let’s figure it out ASAP!” Hachi-san said with determination. The time of death…I wonder, do we have anything to show when it could’ve been?
 -Non-Stop Debate 6-
Truth Bullets/Lie Bullets:
Monokuma File 2/Monokuma’s Mistake 2
Kurohiko-san’s Account/Kurohiko-san’s Mistake
Talent Show Line-up/Scraped Line-up Plan
Rehearsal Schedule/Night-Time Announcement
Shinko-san’s Filming/Shinko-san’s Absence
Kurosaki-san’s Set/Kurohiko-san’s Set
 Junpei: Since the Monokuma File doesn’t include the time of death…do we have any way to pinpoint when Irunami-san died?
 Mami: Irunami-kun must have died during the talent show
 Kobo: During it…? How do you figure that?
 Tomoe: It’s not impossible…did someone see him?
 Mami: I do not believe anybody saw him…however, something could have happened…something that could have only happened during the murder. That would give us the time of death.
 Yuuki: Was Senorita Asano always so cryptic?
 Ryuu: (We can’t determine alibis without figuring out the time of death…so how do we go about figuring that out…?)
I agree with that!
“Yeah…something did happen. Something that could have only happened during the murder. Remember how I mentioned earlier that Kurohiko-san’s clothes had blood on them? Well, Kurohiko-san’s clothes could have only went missing during the set with Kurosaki-san. That must have been around the time of the murder!”
 “That’s not necessarily true. Couldn’t Kurohiko have killed Irunami before the talent show and then simply changed into his stage outfit…?” Shinko-san asked.
 “Nope! I can disprove that theory right now!” Kurosaki-san chimed. “You see, Monsieur Kurohiko and I shared a changing room and we were in there the whole time getting prepared for our set-in various ways, so he had no opportunity to kill Irunami-chan in his regular clothing. Not to mention that, even if he did, I would’ve noticed the blood.”
 “V…various ways…?” Shinko-san repeated.
 “Wh-why the hell are you saying weird things?!” Kurohiko-san protested.
 “So that is the kind of man you are, Kurohiko-kun.” Asano-san nodded understandingly.
 “And there wasn’t a chance for Doi-chan to kill Sadao-chan after his set either. I saw him too often backstage while I was searching for my car and not once did, I see him in his regular clothing.” Amaterasu-san joined.
 “And in turn, I saw Amaterasu-san way too often for her to have a chance to sneak underneath the stage and set up all that stuff with Irunami-san’s body. In fact, I saw Amaterasu-san only a few seconds before the lighting rig fell and she should’ve had the remote for the toy car with her, but she didn’t.” Kurohiko-san said.
 “So, you two are each other’s alibis. At least that sorts them out.” Yokozawa-san said. “So we know there’s about half an hour of time where the killer could’ve killed Irunami-kun whilst Kurosaki-kun and Kurohiko-kun were on stage.”
 “A whole half an hour of knife tossing…” Kurohiko-san shivered from the memory.
 “And majority of the others were in the audience at the time, right? So, they obviously have alibis.” Sly-san said. That actually brings our suspect list down…huh?
 “Wait…is there anybody left then…? Wasn’t everyone either on stage or in someone’s sights in that time frame…?” I asked.
 “Okanaya was working the lights in the wings. Would anybody see him…?” Sly-san asked.
 “I was standing with Okanaya during Kurosaki’s set waiting for my turn, so he has an alibi for that time. We saw Amaterasu a lot as well, she was really pacing back and forth around backstage.” Shinko-san said. Then…who’s even left at this point…?
 “One person.” Kurosaki-san said. Huh? “One person is left. Out of our whole group, only one person standing here doesn’t have an alibi for when me and Kurohiko-san were on stage. One person who nobody saw until the murder.”
 “…w-wait…” It suddenly dawned on me. Out of everybody here, the only person that wasn’t seen until the murder…that was…
 …that person is the culprit? That can’t be right though…
The culprit…is you!
 “Huh? What’s up?” Hachi-san asked, not quite realising it yet.
 “If we go by everybody’s accounts, the only person left without an alibi for Kurosaki-san’s set would be you…” But can that be right…?
 “Hold on, there’s clearly a problem with that! A big one!” Ram-san cried. “H-Hachi-san and Irunami-kun were best friends! It just doesn’t make sense for Hachi-san to be the killer, don’t you think?!”
 “Friends?” Kurosaki-san repeated slowly. “Sorry, but if you start saying lines like that then I’ll start laughing. Laughing so hard I might piss myself, so please don’t start joking around.” It was quick. It’s always quick when Kurosaki-san’s malicious expression reveals itself that I can’t help getting caught off guard. “Friends don’t exist in the class trial, only victims and killers. Those are our only relationships to each other…”
 “That’s not true!” Ram-san yelled, surprising everyone in the room. “…a-ah, what I mean to say is…I want to believe in the friends I made here, if I can’t believe in them then there’s nothing I can believe in…s-so, I want to believe in the friendship Irunami-kun and Hachi-san had…”
 “R-Ram-chan…” Hachi-san murmured. They let out a breath and looked at me. “Okay…if you’re gonna try and point to me as the killer then I want some serious proof because not having an alibi by itself doesn’t mean anything.”
 “If that’s the case, where were you during Kurosaki’s set?” Sly-san asked.
 “I was preparing for my tricks and stuff. Irunami-kun and I had a switching places acting at the end of his set, so I had to set up for that, but I also had to set up for my own tricks. I didn’t have any time to go and kill Irunami-kun.” Hachi-san explained.
 “So pathetic…” Kurosaki-san sighed. “I don’t even want to get into a debate because this is so pathetic…you were killing Irunami-chan and setting up all your tricks for the murder. Not the show.”
 “Th-that’s not true…!” Hachi-san said.
 “Kurosaki, can you just shut up…?” Okanaya-san growled. Kurosaki-san looked at him for a moment and smiled with a nod. “Let’s actually talk about this shit properly. Hachi, you’re saying there ain’t any evidence saying you’re the killer, but you actually got anything specific…?”
 “S…specific…?” Hachi-san thought for a second. “…ah! I got it! The lighting rig! The killer obviously had to make the lighting rig fall somehow, but it’s not been established how that was done! If you can’t prove I could’ve knocked the lighting rig down, then I can’t be the killer!”
 “They’ve got a point. The lighting rig was part of the killer’s cover-up so if Hachi-san didn’t knock it down, they can’t be the killer.” Kurohiko-san frowned. The method of knocking down the lighting rig…it’s true we didn’t decide on what it was, but will that really prove who the killer is?
 -Non-stop Debate 7-
Truth Bullets/Lie Bullets
Okanaya-san’s Account/Okanaya-san’s Mistake
Lighting Rig/Metal Rod
Hachi-san’s Magic Classes/Irunami-san’s Hypnosis Classes
Rehearsal Schedule/Absence List
Air Cannons/Fog Vacuums
 Tomoe: If you can’t connect the lighting rig falling to me…then I can’t be the killer!
 Kobo: So, the issue is how the lighting rig fell.
 Tsukiko: Perhaps the cables were severed?
 Kobo: It’s stupid to say, but…maybe the wind knocked it down?
 Toson: Dumbass, we were inside…there was no wind!
 Amaterasu: Couldn’t Tomoe-chan have climbed up and released them?
 Toson: You’re just acting to be voted for, aren’t you? Nobody could’ve climbed all the way up there!
 Ryuu: (Let’s think carefully about this. The answer might be a little ludicrous, but if it’s the only answer…)
No, that’s wrong!
“No, Shinko-san…I think Okanaya-san may be onto something by saying it was the wind. When I was talking to Yokozawa-san, he started talking about these air cannons that Irunami-san was planning to use during his performance. Pretty powerful ones.”
 “Powerful is an understatement, they could send a person flying from the other side of the stage.” Kurohiko-san said.
 “Urp!” Hachi-san went pale. So…that really might be it.
 “Who was in charge of setting up the air cannons for Irunami-san’s act?” I asked.
 “That was…Hachi. Hachi and Irunami were helping each other set up their sets.” Shinko-san spoke, realising what everything meant. “H…hold the fuck up! Are you really gonna say that Hachi set up an air cannon to knock the lighting rig down?!”
 “E-e-easy now! That doesn’t mean anything! S-sure, I set the air cannons, but someone could’ve changed their positions! Amaterasu-chan was walking back and forth between the wings and backstage, right?!” Hachi-san argued.
 “Can you prove that Amaterasu touched the air cannons?” Sly-san asked.
 “Can you prove she didn’t?! B-besides, if that’s all you got then I don’t have anything else to say! Those air cannons don’t tie to me at all! You can’t tie the air cannons to me!” Did I not already do that…? So, Hachi-san wants something more than what I already showed…something that might link to the air cannons…
Here’s my proof!
“Hachi-san, I have just one question. How do you do your wind trick?”
 “…huh?” Hachi-san somehow went paler.
 “You told me about those magic classes you gave to some of the group, and a wind trick. How did you do that magic trick…? Did you maybe use the air cannons?”
 “Not to mention that everybody who was at those magic classes has an alibi for the murder…! So even though some of us knew how to do that trick, none of us could’ve actually killed Irunami-kun!” Yokozawa-san said.
 “So…it’s really true, huh…? Hachi-san really killed Irunami-kun…!” Ram-san covered her mouth.
 “HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD ON!!!!” Hachi-san bellowed. “It’s all…circumstantial! Because…because…you still haven’t established where Irunami-kun died! Where did Irunami-kun die?!”
 Irunami-san…the most likely place he died would be…
My logic follows!
“It would’ve been to risky to kill him underneath the stage. Kurohiko-san had left his clothes there, so he was definitely going to go there at some point. The only place I can think of…is Irunami-san’s dressing room.”
 “But, other than on Kurohiko-kun’s clothing, there was no blood in there, correct?” Asano-san said.
 “Irunami-sama had thick, curly hair, when he was hit, a lot of the blood would’ve been soaked in by his hair, so a lack of blood isn’t so strange.” Ishikawa-san said.
 “So, you’re saying Tomoe-chan killed Sadao-chan and then took his body underneath the stage and set it up for the switch when the lighting rig fell.” Amaterasu-san clarified, “Then…isn’t there another problem, isn’t there…?”
 “Another problem? What do you mean?” Kurohiko-san raised an eyebrow.
 -Non-stop Debate 8-
Truth Bullets/Lie Bullets
Vent System/Bolted Vent Grates
Costume Rack/Empty Rack
Trap Door/Regular Floor
Hachi-san’s Account/Hachi-san’s Mistake
 Amaterasu: The killer must’ve had a way to get Sadao-chan underneath the stage…the problem is that Tomoe-chan would’ve had to pass through the backstage area to get underneath the stage…wouldn’t that have been impossible…?
 Toson: Right…Amaterasu was going back and forth around backstage…but she didn’t see Hachi at all….
 Tomoe: Yeah…! Yeah! See? I’m not the killer then! Thanks Amaterasu-chan, you’re the best!
 Ryuu: (I don’t doubt that Irunami-san was killed in his dressing room…was there a method of getting Irunami-san’s body underneath the stage without being seen?)
No, that’s wrong!
“That wouldn’t be a problem at all. Remember earlier how I mentioned the vent system? It’s possible for Hachi-san to move Irunami-san’s body through there, right? That way they could’ve gotten Irunami-san’s body underneath the stage without being seen.”
“Oh yeah! The vents are huge, it would be super easy to push a body through there or drag it!” Graves-san said.
 “Nononononononono!!” Hachi-san pleaded. “It’s all wrong! This is all wrong I’m telling you!”
 “With this…all the mysteries have been solved. Hachi-san killed Irunami-san, took his body to underneath the stage then set up the switcheroo trick to make it seem like he died on stage, then joined us in the audience.”
 “…huh?” Hachi-san thought for a second. “…yeah! That’s not possible, Nagata-kun! Not possible at all…! Because if I was in the audience at the moment of the lighting rig falling, then how could I have pulled the lever to activate the trap door?!”
 “A-ah…!” Th-they still have more in them…but I can feel it. This has to be the final hurdle before Hachi-san confesses…okay, I’ll break through this and end this trial!
 -Argument Armament Vs. Tomoe Hachi-
 Tomoe: There’s no way I could have been in two places at once, so I couldn’t have pulled the lever for the switcheroo trick! Your whole basis is wrong because I’m not the killer, I could never be the killer!
 Tomoe: Stop it already…I just want to find Irunami-kun’s killer! I want to find the truth more than anyone, so why are you accusing me?! I’m innocent I tell you, I’m innocent, I won’t let you say I killed my friend!
 Tomoe: Just leave me alone! It’s all a trick by the true killer, you’re being tricked! I won’t allow this killer to get away, so just stop it already! It’s impossible, completely impossible for me to be the killer!
 Ryuu: This is the end!
 Tomoe: How could I have done the switcheroo from the audience?
Remote Control!
“You could have easily activated the trap door from the audience, as long as you had its remote control.”
 “R-r-remote?!” Hachi-san repeated.
 “Kurohiko-san told me about it when he was explaining the trap door to me. He said that practically everything in the auditorium was remote controlled. Kurohiko-san, that includes the trap door, right?”
 “Y…yeah. Trap door, speakers, fog machines, lights…everything.” Kurohiko-san confirmed.
 “And if you were using remote controls, you wouldn’t have had a moment where you could safely dispose of them, right? After all, Hachi appeared right after the lighting rig fell…so, if we searched you, would we find the remotes?” Sly-san asked.
 “You clearly blundered when you volunteered to watch over Irunami-sama’s body, but if you did not it may have been suspicious that you did not wish to be with Irunami-sama after his passing. A conundrum you clearly had not prepared for…” Ishikawa-san theorised.
 “And that’s that…any more objections, Hachi-san?” I asked. Hachi-san simply let their mouth hang open, unable to form any kind of coherent words or phrases.
 “Hey, I’m still kind of fucked here…this was really complicated, so can we go over it all from the start?” Okanaya-san asked. Yeah…I’ll summarise these events and end this case once and for all.
 “This is the truth of the incident!”
Act 1
This case is a pretty complicated one, so I'll try my best to explain it all thoroughly since it relied heavily on a certain trick. First the killer needed to prepare beforehand for the actual murder so they decided, with the work of Irunami-san and Shinko-san, that they would all work to put on a talent show as a cover for the murder. They were going to use their set time in the talent show as their alibi and as a way to frame Okanaya-san.
 Act 2
First the killer prepared a dummy and dressed it up as Irunami-san. Then rigged the lighting bar for the actual talent show by setting up some of the air cannons to hit the lighting rig at full blast. They did this all the night before the talent show, knowing that nobody else from the stage crew would be around so they were free to do what they needed to.
 Act 3
Next was the actual day of the murder, the first few acts went on as normal. However, at this moment, the killer went backstage to Irunami-san's dressing room and used a spare stage light to bludgeon him to death, dressed in Kurohiko-san's clothes to avoid the blood getting on their clothes.  Next the killer got changed out of Kurohiko-san's clothes and into their own.
 Act 4
Then they took the stage light and Irunami-san's body and placed them on the lift for the trapdoor underneath the stage by transporting them through the vents and swapped their bloody clothes out for the stage outfit on the rack, then hiding the bloody clothes in a bag in Irunami-san’s dressing room. Then they took the dummy dressed as Irunami-san and used Amaterasu-san’s remote control car to hold it up. Now it was ready to go on stage.
 Act 5
The dummy went on as Irunami-san and the killer joined the audience through the vent, saying it was part of the trick Irunami-san was planning and waited until the dummy was hovering over the trap door and released the lighting bar by using an air cannon, letting it crash onto the stage. They then used the button for the trap door to switch the dummy with Irunami-san's actual body and feigned innocence, thinking we'd all believe the tech crew was to blame for Irunami-san's 'accidental' death and we didn’t even realise Irunami-san never made it to the stage because of the fog machines.
 And this was the trick you used to fool us all...it’s curtains for you: Tomoe Hachi, the Ultimate Illusionist!
“And that’s all…did I get anything wrong…?”
 “I…” Hachi-san was quiet for a moment before letting out a sigh. They then flashed a smile. “Wow, Nagata-kun! You really did it! You figured out all of my tricks and saw past my illusions!”
 “H…Hachi-san…” Ram-san murmured.
 “Oh? Is that it? Have you all decided now…? Well, if that’s the case, let’s all proceed to the voting tim-“
 “Can we hold off for a moment?” Ishikawa-san interrupted. “I apologise, but before we proceed to the voting…how do we wish to handle this matter?”
 “What do you mean?” Amaterasu-san asked.
 “Do you not recall…? The motive for this particular trial?” Huh…? The motive…the motive, if I remember…
My logic follows!
“A wish…if the killer wins the class trial, they get a wish granted. Any wish they want.”
 “Y-you’re not gonna suggest we let Hachi win the class trial, are you?!” Shinko-san growled.
 “Why not…? If we allow Hachi-sama to win then we may be able to end this killing game. I fail to see any problem with this idea.” Ishikawa-san smiled.
 “Th-that true…” Shinko-san murmured.
 “Hold on now, we can’t trust someone like Hachi-san! They killed Irunami-san after all!” Kurohiko-san argued.
 “Nagata…what do you think…?” Okanaya-san looked at me. What did I think…? I can see it from both sides…if I’m honest, my gut is telling me…
 “…I don’t think we should let Hachi-san use their wish.”
 “N-Nagata-kun?!” Ram-san squeaked.
 “I’m sorry! I know it sounds cruel but…there’s no way this killing game would end that easily! There’s a trick to Monokuma’s motive, I know it! We just can’t take the risk! Please…Ram-san, I know it’s hard but you have to believe in me…I don’t like it either…”
 Ram-san looked to the ground, tugging at her hair so much that her hairband was shifting out of place. “…alright then…I’ll…I’ll trust you.” She said with determination.
 “No way! We can end this once and for all! We can’t let this opportunity pass us up!”
 “It’s too risky! We can’t!”
 “I sense the discord!”
“Ah…I suppose it’s pretty late in the trial, but if seems you’re all at an impasse. This is a very important topic, so I think it’s time for the morphing trial grounds…!” Monokuma announced, pulling out the key from before and causing the trial podiums to change formation.
 -Scrum Debate, begin!-
"Should we let Tomoe use their wish?"
"We shouldn't!" - Ryuu, Kobo, Ram, Mami, Sly, Amaterasu, Yuuki
"We should!" - Tomoe, Toson, Karma, Doi, Junpei, Tsukiko
 Junpei: We should let Hachi-san use their wish to end this killing game!
Kobo: It’s way too risky! We don’t know if Hachi will use their wish the way we want them too!
 Toson: We’ve already trusted a killer in our group, so what’s the difference here?
Sly: I may be a killer, but I’m not the culprit in this case. These are two different matters.
 Karma: We can prevent anyone from having to be executed. Isn’t that a good thing?
(I’ll deal with this!)
Ryuu: There’s no way Monokuma would let us fail a class trial without anyone being executed!
 Tsukiko: Can we not trust Hachi-sama to do the right thing in the end?
Mami: Hachi-san sacrificed their best friend in the group. Are we expected to trust them even after that?
 Tomoe: Please, let me end this killing game once and for all! I can do it, I promise!
Ram: Even if you say that…we can’t guarantee the killing game will end because of the wish!
 “This is our answer!”
 “I’m sorry everyone…I’m sorry…Hachi-san…but if we don’t vote correctly, who knows what might happen?! Our lives are on the line, can we really afford to be taking risks right now?!”
 “You…you are right…” Ishikawa-san conceded. “Even though I do not wish the endless slumber upon anyone…what am I to do when there are so many other lives in front of me that could be jeopardised?”
 “Shit…shit! Fuck this! Fuck this whole class trial, why can’t we just have it be easy?!” Yokozawa-san slammed his fists onto the podium.
 “Then…you’re done…? We can proceed with the vote…?” Monokuma asked. “Great! Then please select who you believe is the culprit from the screen in front of you! Will you pick the right choice…? Or the dreadfully wrong one…? What’s it gonna be? What’s it gonna be…?”
 We watched as the Monokuma roulette wheel spun around, out faces each passing the needle before it eventually stopped on Hachi-san’s icon. Bouquets of flowers popped from the sides of the roulette wheel…we had voted. And the class trial was over.
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qisasqisasqisas · 6 years
La Fanfic de Sherlock Holmes: C1: ‘Awkward Client’
Sherlock Holmes ve John Watson ile birlikte günün son müşterisinin davasına bakmak üzere sinirlerinin yatışması için son on dakikamı ocak başında çayın kaynamasını bekleyerek harcadım. John odanın içinde yürüyüp yürüyüp Sherlock’un suratına bakıp bir şeyler söylemesini bekliyordu. Normalde bu kadar tepkisiz kalmazdı geç kalan bir müşteriye karşı. Ama müşteri geldiğinde zaten bu sakinliğinin sebebi anlaşılacaktı. Neyse ki daha müşterinin gelmesine on dakika var. Çaydanlıktan fokurdama sesleri gelince çayın altını kısıp mutfak masasının yanındaki sandalyeyi çekip John’un koltuğunun yanına koydum.
“Tea will be ready in ten minutes.” dedim ve John yürümeyi bırakıp koltuğuna oturdu. 
“So it will be as a hare’s blood as you Turkish people say, right?”
“Yep.” Başımı salladım ve Sherlock’a baktım. 
“What’s he thinking doctor Watson?”
“Do I look like a telepath?” Bu adam da yaşlanmanın getirdiği aksikilikten her şeye ters cevap veriyor. Bilmiyorum de, çok mu zor be amcacım? 
“Why’s everyone thinking that I know everything about Sherlock?” John ayağa kalkıp sinirle odada söylenmeye başlar. 
“One day!” der bir anda ve ben de ufak bir,
“Bismillah.” derim. 
“Don’t say that word.” der Sherlock ve John’la ben aynı anda ona bakarız. Mükemmel bir ortam. Şimdi 12 saniyelik bir cümleyi 5 saniyede söylemeyi becerecek şekilde konuşacak kesin. O yüzden hızlı okunursa daha etkili oluyor bu cümleler.
“Don’t say that word cause people might think you are related to terrorists. Maybe you really are a terrorist. Still, I cannot find any clue about this hypothesis.”
“Are you serious Sherlock?” John yine ellerini beline koyup Sherlock’un yaptığı herhangi birşeyden çok irrite olmuş gibi konuşmaya ve teröristlerle Afganistan hatıralarından bahsetmeye başlar. Devam et John, benim götü ben kurtaramadım sen kurtar. Bu adam da bir garip hala net bir kanıya varamadım bunun hakkında. Neyse, daha iki aydır bunlarlayım. Umarım John artık yaşlanır emekli olur da tahtına ben otururum. 
“Tık tıık!” diye bir ses gelir kapının arkasından ve bu ses oldukça tanıdık gelir bana garip bir şekilde. Sherlock birden bire yerinden kalkar ve robe de chambre’ını havalandırıp bağlar (evet havalandırıyor). 
“You already knocked the door there is no need to say ‘tiktik’.” 
“Do I come?” der kapının dışındaki kadın. Aksanı tipik bir Türk aksanı gibiydi. Belli ki İngilizcesi de ayyuvidey kıvamında. John kapıya doğru gider ve kapıyı açar.
“Hi. Please, come in.” der ve başını kaldırıp gelen kadına bakar. Bir anda yüzünde çok garip bir ifade belirir ve Sherlock’a döner.  Sherlock sessizce 
“Yeah, I know” der. Kadın içeri bir adım atar. Başımı eğip kadının kırmızı rugan ayakkabısına ve siyah ince çorabına bakıp üzerindeki kahverengi kadife paltoya bakınca bir anda aklımda bir imaj(image) belirir. Flaş gibi beynimde birinin yüzü çakmaya başlar. Hayır. Bu o olamaz. 
“Helloo! I look for Sherlock Holmes.” der ama benim dışımda kimse anlamaz gibi bakar kadına. Sherlock bana döner ve,
“Explain what she said. From her accent she is indeed living in middle eastern side. The letters are very well pronounced and the way she says my name is-”
“Just shut up Sherlock. You cannot stamp her like a cow!”
“Dr. Watson, he is right. So you don’t have to defend her. I think from now I will be doing that.”
“So?” der Sherlock. Ha bu arada içeri giren kadının kim olduğuna gelecek olursak Sherlock’un ‘deduction’ seansından sonra siz anlayacaksınız zaten. 
“She is looking for you.”
“I am here. Is she blind?”
“Sherlock!” John yine abartı bir şekilde koskoca detektife kızar. Yav bi otur rahatla. Savaş biteli 15 yıl olmuş bi sal be. 
“Ask her why she came here?” Kadına dönüp neden buraya geldiğini sorarım. 
“A- aa! Sen Türk müsün? Ay cennete düştüm valla. Biz senlen gel iki oturup konuşalım sen bunların özetini onlara anlatıverirsin. Olur mu kız?”
“O işler öyle dönse şu ana kadar on iki davayı üç günde çözmüş olurduk ama bu İngilizler’in huyları çok farklı. One at a time gibi bir yöntemleri var. Kafa karışıklığından ve dikkat eksikliğin-”
“Stop chit chatting! Now say what she said.”
“Are you Turkish? I fell into heaven vallahi. Come, we sit two times with you and talk about these and you explain them the summary of it.-”
“Just, stop! Let me do my work and shut her down if she tries to talk to you.” 
“Okay Mr. Holmes.”
“Ay kız bu ne diyor böyle? Kızınca da bi farklı oluyor ama, çok sevdim.” diyip ufak ufak Sherlock’a yürür.
“What I told you assistant?”
“Şey, mümkünse susar mısınız? Bir üzerine üzerine yürümeyin çünkü insanlara karşı alerjisi var beyefendinin.”
“A-aa, o ne saçma şey öyle! Ben bunun alerjisini bitiririm, ruhundaki alevi canlandırırım.”
“Ruhunda alev olduğunu sanmıyorum.”
“Stop it you two! Your words are distracting me!” Ömrümde ilk defa bu adamı böyle görüyorum. Sherlock abi biraz sakinleşir misin? Belki de cidden libidosunu bastırmaktan böyle manyak birine dönüştü. 
“Lütfen bir dakika boyunca sessiz ve yerinizde kalın. Öbür türlü yardım edeceğini sanmıyorum.” dedim kadına. Kadın da gözlerini devirip eliyle saçıyla oynamaya başladı. Odayı incelemeye başladı ve en sonunda John’u gördü ve gözleri biraz pörtledi. 
“A-aa! Bu adam burada mıydı?”
“Size kapıyı açan o hanımefendi.”
“Yok artık. Bu bildiğin emekli. İngiliz emeklisi dimi kız bu? Ay seninle oturup bi çay içelim bu olay bittikten sonra. İstanbul’umun çayını özledim kız ya. Keşke olsa da içsem.”
“Aslında şu anda ocakta çay demleniyor. Eğer sessiz olursanız Sherlock Bey sizinle hemen ilgilenir ben de size çay ve kurabiye veririm.”
“Yani ben çay ile susturacağını sandın ha?”
“Ben değil ama eğer susmazsanız Sherlock Bey size gerçekten yardım etmez.”
Sherlock sinirli bir şekilde bana döner ve mutfağa doğru gidip beni de çağırır. -Haluk Meltem moment-
“What are you talking with her? Is it that urgent to talk about tea and biscuits? And yes I will never ever take her case if she keeps on talking like a whale. So try to shut her up or she will leave. Therefore you will not get paid.” 
“Mr. Holmes, I do wonder what to you think about her.” 
“What’s the deduction?”
Sherlock kapıyı aralar ve kadına bakar. John ile içeriden konuşmaları gelir ama konuşmaların hepsi kesik kesiktir. Kadının eksik İngilizcesi ve John’un kadının her kelimesini anlamaya çalışması yüzünden sıfır iletişimle yine de birbirleriyle konuşmaya devam ederler. 
“So as you can see, she likes to connect with people (ürün yerleştirmesi) but also not open about herself. When she is open you think that she is not but actually all the time she is open. Like a 24/7 kebab station.”
(internal “Whaat?”)
“Her appearance gives a lot. She was poor, then with fame she became richer than she imagined. She couldn’t handle the fame and has no control of her life. I assume she is the youngest child in her family. She wanted attention but no, appreciation. That is why she keeps on doing what she is doing. This is why she could not handle the fame. She is not professional even after years of experience. Silly. But still promising.” 
“Is it done?”
“No. This just my first three seconds.”
“Stop exaggerating. We both know that it is first half minute Mr. Holmes. Even I can deduct.”
“Oh really? You already know who she is. So tell me is she a singer or a comedian?”
“She is neither of them.”
“So what?”
“You can find out Mr. Holmes. You are very good at it.”
“So going back to deduction. She has changed her hair colour (1) several times and lots of wrinkles around her face (2). Her heart has been broken and she walks strange (3). I think she is horribly harassed by someone who is very very and very stupid. In fact he is also famous like her.”
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
“Wa-wa-wait! You already knew she was famous right? And you know Turkish?”
Sherlock derin bir nefes alır ve çaydanlığa bakar.
“Give me the damn tea!” Çay bardaklarını çıkartıp tezgaha koydum ve süzgeci de çekmeceden alıp çayları koymaya başladım.
“So Mr. Holmes, how did you learn Turkish?”
“I didn’t.” 
“No you did. So how?”
“I did not learn Turkish. You cannot just learn a language. I decoded it. And of course I would learn your language. At the end I hired you and you can be a spy or a terrorist. Am I right?”
“Yes I am. Hand me my tea.”
“Okay Mr. Holmes but I thought being an assistant in England would be different than in my country. You know. Actually I made mostly coffee when I was an intern and assistant. But-”
“Shame!” Çayını ona verdim ve diğerlerini de tepsiye koyup salona doğru gidecektim ki Sherlock önüme ayağını koydu.
“Where you going?” 
“Mr. Holmes I need to give Dr. Watson his tea and our client Ms.-”
“Hush! Why don’t you go there and just give John’s tea and I will watch how she reacts.” 
“Oh Mr. Holmes this is not a zoo.”
“Do as I say or I’ll-”
“Yes you will fire me and then you decide you need an assistant and you will hire me. I know Mr. Holmes. Okay I’ll do it.” dedim ve sadece John’un çayını alıp içeri girdim. 
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