#yeah i guess daryl smells like home
radiant-reid · 11 months
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Summary: Based on 14x09 where BAU!Reader recounts how working the case reminded her of Spencer's addiction
a/n: tbh this is trash, just trying to get some motivation back
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (Fluff)
Content Warning: references to Spencer's Dilaudid addiction
Word Count: 1.1k
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There are flowers on the table. 
That's the first thing Y/n notices and the only thing out of place in their otherwise tidy house. Spencer's always been a clean person. 
The kid clutter- books, coloring pens, tiny shoes, the occasional Lego figure- that clutter, he's proud of.
Next to the vase is a bowl of pasta in a tomato-based sauce, and she guesses because of that, there's at least one child-size shirt soaking in the laundry with a stain on it.
"Hey, beautiful." Spencer makes her jump with his silent footsteps, followed by sudden voice. He touches her shoulders, massaging them softly. 
She turns around, placing a quick kiss on his lips. "Hey. Missed you."
He pulls her forward, resting his head on top of hers. "Missed you too. Glad you made it back safe." 
Things are different since the bureau mandated Spencer take time off as part of his reinstatement after prison. After the births of their three kids, Y/n stayed home, naturally, on maternity leave while Spencer continued going out on cases with the team. In between, and for most of their relationship and marriage, they worked at the BAU, spending almost every minute together. But this is different. Now, Spencer's the one that spends more time in DC, and in his 30 days not working at the BAU, he does an excellent job as a househusband. 
Y/n pulls back, admiring his features for the first time in days."Sleeping angels?" She checks.
He scoffs lightly. "Not so much." She raises her eyebrows, humored. "Water, bathroom, another story, you know how it goes."
She chuckles. "Oh, yeah, I've heard that song before."
"Love them, though." He adds. "Are you hungry?"
"Starving." She turns to the delicious-smelling pasts on the table while his hands stay on her waist. Spencer's learned a lot while being a dad but his learning to cook has been very rewarding for her.
They move to the couch, needing to be closer than they would be if they were sitting at the table. 
Her smile dimmers after she's complimented his cooking, and he's called her beautiful again. It's an easy difference in demeanor to spot for Spencer as a husband rather than a profiler. 
"The case?" Spencer guesses. 
Y/n takes a deep breath in and shrugs. "One like that wouldn't get to me usually." She tries to dismiss her feelings.
He catches it, having used the same technique many times. If it's bothering her, they're going to discuss it. "It was Tara's ex-husband that discovered a pattern?"
"Mm-hmm, uh, Daryl, he brought it to her, thinking there was an angel of death unsub killing people in the recovery community." She recaps, although he already knows from their discussion on the phone. 
Technically, he's only allowed to know the basic details, not offer advice, but as long as Emily doesn't officially know that the occasional case-solving tip comes from Spencer, it's okay.
"What was his vice?" He asks.
Tara didn't want to spill all the details, but Y/n had made a few assumptions. "Alcohol, drugs later, I think." 
"So why was this one more difficult than usual?" Spencer asks, frowning then it hits him. "Oh." 
Y/n feels a pang of guilt in her chest at Spencer's expression contorting. "No, I don't mean-" She pauses, not knowing what to say. Neither can deny that her feelings are connected to what Spencer went through.
"Comparing the victims to me?" He guesses again.
Her selfishness feels even worse than her guilt. "No. Tara had to give a heart-wrenching speech. And we were in very different situations, her and Douglas and you and I, but it made me think about that time." She tries to explain it.
Spencer understands, and he nods solemnly. "We never talk about that in relation to you." He realizes that it's something he feels guilty about.
"I don't like to talk about it." She shrugs. "Just hearing what Tara said struck a chord." She could feel Tara's pain through Emily's repeated words, and it was all too easy to remember the heartbreak of seeing someone she loved struggling.
Spencer takes her hand, squeezing it lightly. "We can talk about it whenever you want, you know?" 
"Not now." She shakes her head. "I missed you." 
He smiles softly, resting against the couch and spreading his arms out. Y/n rests her legs over his and tucks herself under his arm. "I missed you too." He kisses her forehead and holds her closer. Things feel better when they're all under one roof. "Y/n, it's really important to me that you know how much I appreciate you staying through that. You're an angel, you know?"
"Spence." She coos, touching his cheek softly and momentarily getting caught in his eyes. "It wasn't a hard choice to stay with you and support you through that. I love you, and I'll always be here for you."
He takes a deep breath in. "I love you too. I could talk about how grateful I am for you forever, you know?"
"I know." She laughs lightly, having heard those speeches from him more than once. It never gets less heartwarming.
Spencer shuffles slightly, reaching out to take something off the coffee table. She raises her eyebrows until a look of recognition takes over her features. 
"A photo album?" She asks curiously. "Why's that out here?" 
"It's our first." He explains as he opens it, tracing his finger over the cover page. "Tillie wanted to see it." He finds the page he's looking for, showing her a photo of them. 
Y/n grins, looking at it, remembering the exact second it was taken. "You look so little." She coos, touching the glossy picture of them. They're not much older than 25, fresh-faced, innocent, and dressed nicely. Spencer's smiling the adorable smile he still smiles today. It's stayed the same through every challenge they've faced.
"You've always been so beautiful." He mumbles, stroking her hair with his spare hand.
Her cheeks heat as she taps him on the shoulder. "Stop." She whines. 
"Never." He shakes his head. "You're gorgeous, and I'm going to make sure you know it. I have no idea how I got so lucky."
She chuckles, shaking her head. "I'm the one that got lucky, marrying a genius."
"I married a genius too," Spencer claims, and he pulls her even closer to him like there's any chance she wants to move.
"Can we just sit here a while?" She asks as she relaxes more into him. 
He leans down to kiss her forehead. "For as long as you want, angel."
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optimist-pine · 2 months
Summary: in which Daryl discovers something about his heart
Warnings: Typical TWD content
Word Count: 1,021
Era: Season 4, the Claimers
A/n: The most selfish thing I've ever written - but also my favorite <3
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Wooden boards creak beneath the soles of his boots as he climbs the stairs of the cozy cottage. Beside the front door, using the wall as a brace, he toes off mud-caked shoes, adding them to the pile of others, all smaller than his own. Dried clumps of dirt scatter about, some falling through gaps in the porch to join the barren ground below. The lanky old tomcat abandons sunbathing to rub lazily against his pantleg with a purr, and Daryl appeases him with a good scritch under the chin.
The screen door is unlocked as always, and as he crosses the threshold into the home his heart settles into a comfortable lull. A breeze flows in through open windows, ruffling faded curtains and artwork made by tiny hands taped to walls; fluttering the pages of a book laying open and knocking over pieces of a board game strewn about the floor. It fills the space with the gentle sounds and smells of early summer. Blooming flowers and birdsong.
He sets his kill down as he passes through a kitchen that bears the remains of freshly baked muffins, few left intact in an abundance of crumbs. Out of a cooling teapot wafts a pleasant blend of lavender, cinnamon, orange, and clove.
He pauses for a moment before the back door, listening as laughter and high-pitched squeals echo just beyond it. Then, pushing his way to the other side, his heart leaps. He's barely taken a step when he's bombarded.
"Daddy!" Voices shout as a tangle of little arms entrap him, tiny bodies clinging to his legs and stepping on his toes. A baby's happy shrieks add to the clamor of giggles as he ruffles sun-warmed heads, attempting to tug his feet forward.
But then they get him down and he lands with an 'oomph' in the soft grass, sharp elbows and knees clambering across him like he's a new piece of playground equipment to explore. The dog's licking his face, and the baby's hands clap excitedly and now everyone's laughing.
"Woah woah woah, time out." And there you are. You lean over the chaos with a grin, the sun framing your silhouette as tree branches sway behind you. You smell like spearmint and lily of the valley, cheeks pink from working the garden, and as your hand comes to rest on the slight bump of your belly he knows he's never seen a more beautiful sight.
"Did ya leave somethin' dead on my table again, mister?" You question, hands moving to your hips in an attempt to be stern.
There's no getting away with denying it, so he'll plead his case instead. "Ain'tcha gonna help me out 'ere?" He asks, reaching a hand up to you.
You ignore it with a shake of your head. "Guilty men must pay for their crimes." With a sharp nod, you turn to the children. "Show 'im his punishment." You instruct, bare feet making way to gather up the baby who's beginning to feel left out.
Those itty-bitty fingers are too good at finding every secretly ticklish spot, and he can only hold out for so long before he has to wriggle away from their assault.
On his feet again, he reaches out and spins you toward himself breathless and spirited. "Guess if 'm already a criminal I migh' as well steal'a kiss." He says, moving his hand to cradle your bump and the little one growing inside.
"Might as well, huh?" You repeat, the smile on your face so radiant that when your lips touch an overwhelming contentment courses through him. A soft, pudgy palm lands on his cheek and the two of you pull apart to the wide eyes and dulcet coos of the baby. He cups his other hand around the little head, placing a tender kiss on top.
The little rascals waste no time returning to their ruckus, tugging at him to follow. "Daddy, c'mon! We gotta show you somethin'!"
"Yeah! C'mon, Daddy!" The voice cries.
But he's stuck in place, unable to move as everything begins to fade away.
... No... Daryl can feel consciousness pulling at him, roughly dragging him into a new day. He begs his mind to stay; to linger. He never wants to leave this moment, a memory of something that never happened - that would never happen. But he can't stop it and he wakes on the cold cement, eyes opening only to focus on the bloodied floor where a man took his last breath a few hours ago.
He knows now. He can't stay with these people. The desperate ache in his chest reminds him of everything he'll lose if he gives up now. Even if all he loses is a dream. It would be too much.
That night, ready to make his move and depart from the men while they're distracted, he hesitates, just for a second, his heart dropping suddenly into his stomach. It's Rick, and Michonne, and... you. Sitting on a log right there, so close, face illuminated in the flickering firelight. Even in the darkness, he can see the swell of your abdomen holding his future - your future.
Your eyes find him at the same time that the barrel of a gun is aimed at your head. He's never felt a fury like he does now, all-devouring and consuming...
When it's over, you pull him close, burying your face into him like you can hide away in the folds of his clothes and the beat of his heart. His arms wrap around you so tightly, and oh - how he wishes he could keep you right here, where he knows you'll both be safe and protected. But he can't.
You pull away slightly, just enough to whisper, "We're okay. We're gonna be okay."
He nods, one hand on your belly and the other bringing your head back to his chest. Just for one more moment. He desperately wants to tell you his dream. To tell you that he believes that too. But he settles for, "I love you."
Your voice echoes back, clear and true, "I love you too."
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cultofdixon · 9 months
It’s the thought that counts
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Baked goods to win the girl’s heart when yours was already his • SFW
Requested: Anon
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“Yea think she’s gotten used to this place?” Daryl asks his best friend Carol while they were on the porch, her thinking they were watching everybody but of course he was watching a certain somebody.
“Yeah, I think she’s liking it so far. She is more careful than the others who sort of dived into this place”
“Good…that’s good” He crosses his arms leaning against the post next to the stairs as Carol leaned over the railing noticing his attention never leaving. “She livin’ with yea right?”
“Yeah, Y/N didn’t mind staying in Rick’s the first night or two but once I asked if she’d like to stay with me? She jumped at the opportunity” Carol is close to both Daryl and Y/N. Just one of them is more forward about their feelings.
“…she doesn’t want to be with me in the Grimes residence?” He didn’t even think for long about those words when he asked them. All he knew was the instant realization made him quickly avoid Carol’s smirking. “Fuck off”
“Y’know you’re going to be seeing them a lot right? You’re close friends and she’d rather be around you than anybody else”
“Why yea say that when she’s literally over there talking to this…Aiden fucker”
“Because he’s the head runner for the supply runs. Y/N got asked by Deanna to join said group for her job here”
Daryl scoffs bringing his gaze to the ground. “Bet yea that son of a bitch is flirtin’ with her”
“You care too much and see so little. She’s coming over” Carol whispers the last part causing Daryl to straighten up brushing off dirt or whatever was on his person, nothing. “Hey Y/N”
“Hey! Hey Dar” Y/N smiles at the archer watching him return that smile of his. “I’m glad I saw you were out here”
“Oh yeah?” Carol smiles with intentions that Y/N caught on making her role her eyes as Daryl was left clueless. “Why is that?”
“That Aiden guy?” Y/N gestures with her head. “Makes me really uncomfortable…I’m gonna try and get Deanna to let be on the recruiting team”
“Yea wanna help them bring people in?”
“You’d be good at it.” Carol adds to Daryl’s concern with a bit of a bright side. But Y/N respects the honesty. “But be careful with these people yknow? Aaron is part of the recruiters and they are nice but—“
“I know how to take care of myself…it’s honestly just to have a reason to get outside the walls without needing an escort”
The two look at each other confused as Y/N gestured with her head toward the brothers talking to each other.
“They think I can’t handle myself” She laughs in response to both of them scoffing. “Anyway, I’ve gotta go talk to Deanna and hopefully Maggie can help me convince her…I shouldn’t be out long”
Carol nods smiling, thankful, that she keeps her update and more importantly him. Daryl watches Y/N leave the porch as a thought came to mind.
“Is she going to the party?”
“I don’t know. But I am, to get on people’s good side. Why?”
“I don’t know…if she ain’t then I guess…uh I could…uhhh…”
The woman couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her throat making her friend the archer blush out of embarrassment. She gently grabbed his bicep ushering him inside and deciding to help him.
About an hour or two has passed and Y/N entered the home with a bit of an exhausted look to her complexion. A small smile graces her features as she makes her way into the kitchen finding Carol making another casserole, at least with all the ingredients it looks like she was doing that.
“Another casserole?” Y/N smiles bringing herself to the kitchen island finding all the different items on the counter. “Smells good”
“Oh yeah, another one. The one I’m making is for us though…and a few cookie batches to win some people over”
“Who woulda thought you can make all these things with what this community has found over however long this place has been around…” Her smile falters for a second before she shook off that feeling. “I’m gonna see what they have for anything comfortable. I’ll be back in like. An hour…ish”
“Going to take advantage of the shower and hot water?”
“If I could live in it, I would” Y/N laughs on her way out and the second she left the kitchen, Daryl groans getting up off the floor.
“You didn’t have to do that”
“Didn’t want her to see me” Daryl brought the bowl over with half the cookie dough since a batch was already baking. “Don’t want to spoil shit”
“Well, hate to break it to yea but I don’t think she’s going to want burnt cookies” Carol states indicating they both missed the timer going off as Daryl quickly turns around to pull the batch out.
After Y/N got ready for the evening, thankfully finding leggings and a sweater to wear, she brought herself back to the kitchen finding no Carol but Daryl beating himself up about the batch of cookies in front of him. He was tapping one against the counter telling them both how hard it was.
“Messing with one of Carol’s failed batches?” Her voice startled him out of his thoughts as he sets the cookie he was messing with down trying to think of the words.
“Uh. Yeah” He doesn’t want to say it’s his. “She’s gettin’ another tupperware container from Rick’s”
Y/N took a seat at the island reaching over and taking a cookie as Daryl gives her a concerning look. “What?”
“They’re burnt”
“But not all of it. ‘Sides Id always eat my dad’s burnt cookies whenever he tried to make them.” Y/N broke apart the cookie eating the bits that weren’t burnt too bad. “They are really good, props to the chef”
I’m right here and I should just fucking say I made them Daryl couldn’t help the small twitch in the corner of his lips as he watches her take a few more before taking her leave after telling him she’ll skip out on the casserole.
Before she completely disappeared, Daryl quickly rounded the island as his fast pace made Y/N stop giving him a questioning but curious look.
“I-…Sorry. Forgot what I was gonna say”
“That’s okay. Come find me when you do remember, Dar” Y/N smiles warmly, heading back upstairs with the cookies he made as he watches her go.
Felt like perfect timing for Carol to come back watching Daryl stare upstairs smiling a bit to herself when she noticed his emerge.
“Talk to Y/N?”
“About…asking her out or?”
“No…” His shoulders slumped slightly as he brought himself to look at his friend. “Anyway. Another batch or should we try and get the dessert?”
“You’re lucky I found a cake tin at Rick’s and I’ll take care of it. Gotta make it perfect” Carol smiles heading toward the kitchen once more. “But you can help, and it’s the thought that counts”
Daryl found out through Maggie that Y/N was going to go to the party. Taking the opportunity to scout around the entire community to ease her anxiety and Rick’s. So he was going to wait til she returned to the house to present her with the dessert he (well Carol) made.
Cheesecake. It was HARD. Like real fucking hard. But thank god there’s a vegan option that Carol found in one of the old cookbooks in the house.
“Hey Daryl” Aaron’s voice caught the man off guard as he was following Y/N a moment to make sure she was alright and none of Deanna’s sons were being annoying. “How are yea holding up?”
“Fine. Ain’t going to the party?”
“Eric’s house bound so I was never gonna go but least you thought about it.” Aaron smiles at the archer taking his chance. “Wanna have some dinner? It’s spaghetti”
The archer knew it’d be a while before Y/N made her way back so he took the opportunity and it was a good one. He had a reason for himself to enjoy this place a bit.
Y/N turned away from the window when she heard the knock on her door. Half expecting Carol on the other side but she was happily met with Daryl after he had gotten back from dinner and receiving a bike frame. She was going to ask if he himself went to the party but her eyes were drawn to the cheesecake held in his hands.
“Did you make that?” A bit of a spark in her eyes caught all of Daryl’s attention as he nods fighting back a smile when hers emerged. “Wow…how did…how is it even possible without milk?”
“Cashews apparently…or whatever kind of nut that can be made into milk..” Daryl thought back to the mini argument he and Carol had while making the nut milk about said substitute.
“…Cheesecake is my favorite, I’ve only ever told you that.” She smiles taking the plate when it was handed to her as she couldn’t contain her laughter. “I can’t eat all of this tonight”
The two found themselves back in the kitchen as Daryl let Y/N cut herself a slice about to cut him one when he objected. Given he made it for her.
“We can share then” Y/N smiles wrapping up the main cake and tossing it in the fridge before grabbing two forks for the one slice. “You really didn’t have to make this for me…”
“I wanted to” He felt the heat rise in his cheeks as Y/N couldn’t help but match the same blushing expression on herself. “I’ve always wanted to do this…as if like…”
“Asking me out?” Her tone shifted and Daryl first heard it as confusion but then thought it over and remembered hearing the bit of excitement in her voice. “This…is definitely…”
The small pause caught his whole undivided attention as his eyes looked at her waiting for more watching her take a bite of the cake and absolutely enjoying it.
“One of the greatest things to happen to me” Y/N smiles enjoying the cake sliding it over for him to get a taste of his work. Thought the way he took a bite and enjoyed it more than what a typical baker would with their own work. She knew he didn’t make it, she knew the thing he made were the burnt cookies that she did enjoy.
“Uhm. So…Do you—-“
“I’d love to, Dixon” Y/N continues to smile bringing herself around the island and gaining a bit of courage to press a kiss to his cheek. The smallest affection and impact making him lean into it and chase for another that she would happily give. “It took you long enough…and can I just say something?”
“‘Course” Daryl gave her the smallest smile as Y/N pulled herself close bringing her lips to his ear.
“I think I like the cookies you made more” She whispers with a smile, giving him one more kiss on the cheek which permanently left the blush on his cheeks before pulling away and taking the plate.
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lanadelnegan · 8 months
My Past, My Future - Part 5 (Final part)
Negan x Reader x Daryl
part four here / part one here
Warnings: 18+, smut, angst
Note: I'm sorry this took so long for me to post. Been kinda out of it lately, but probably gonna start posting regularly again.
Red = Negan / Blue = Daryl / Pink - Reader
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"Negan..." Your jaw lowers slightly in disbelief as you look up into his tired eyes. Before your brain has time to stop you, you lunge forward, wrapping your arms around his neck and inhaling the familiar smell of him. "God I am so glad you're okay." A tear falls from your cheek as he nuzzles his face into the side of your neck and holds you tight.
Pulling back slightly after a moment too long, you clear your throat awkwardly and drop your hands to your sides. You quickly wipe the tear slipping down your cheek as Negan tilts his head at you empathetically. "Baby.."
"No..." You shake your head, remembering how Negan left you - alone and worried to death. "Negan, I - I don't understand. Why? Why did you leave?" You ramble, letting the hurt and anger wash over you all over again. "I looked for you for three weeks straight. I didn't eat.. didn't sleep.. just cried until I couldn't anymore."
"I saw you two.. kissing.. I thought -"
"You thought wrong, Negan. I wanted it to be you. I told Daryl that after the kiss. I came back to Alexandria that night to tell you, and you - you were gone. How could you do that to me? Just leave and not even look back like I never meant anything to you?"
"C'mon, You know that's not true... Was I supposed to just stay there and fuckin' watch you be with him?!"
Before you can respond, the front door swings open behind you and Daryl quickly appears at your side, wrapping his arm protectively around your waist.
Negan scoffs, glancing down at Daryl's hand gripping you possessively. "Seriously? You two are a thing now, huh? And you expect me to believe you were gonna fuckin' choose me?"
"Believe what you want. It's the truth. Not that it matters anymore. You left. You made your decision."
"Yeah." Negan nods. "I guess you did too."
"You dunno what the hell you're talkin' about. Got no right to talk to her like that when you just up and left." Daryl's jaw clenches as he glares at Negan.
"Seems like it worked out for you. I dunno why you're fuckin' complainin'."
"Cuz I'm not selfish. I wanted her to by happy."
"And I'm selfish? For leaving behind the love of my fucking life just so I wouldn't get in the way of her and another man!? If anyone's selfish it's you! Throwing a fit because the girl you were too scared to admit your feelings to wanted me and not you."
You grab Daryl's wrist, pulling him back as he lunges forward at Negan. "Enough! This is too much. I can't - I can't deal with this right now." You cry as both men reach out to comfort you.
Negan lets out a long sigh. "Look, it's getting dark. And I know you're tired. Let's call it a night and sort this out tomorrow."
Daryl hesitantly nods, accepting Negan's offer when you look to him for an answer and you both follow Negan into the house. It's old and wooden and Negan's smell fills the air. Your heart aches at the thought of Negan here by himself all this time... he is here by himself right?
"Do you.. live here alone?" You ask, looking around for any signs of other company.
"Nah. Girlfriend should be back any minute."
You roll your eyes at the teasing tone of his voice, trying to hide your smile when he winks at you.
"Hungry?" He points behind himself to the kitchen.
"No.. thanks. Just tired."
"You two can take the bedroom.. I'll sleep out here on the couch. Just let me clean up and change first." Negan says before heading to his bedroom. "Make yourselves at home." He calls out before shutting his door.
Six months ago you were confessing your love for each other and having sex on your couch. Now he's offering up his bed to you and another man? Daryl rests his hand on your lower back and you turn around to hug him, laying your head on his chest.
"Daryl.. I want you to know you have nothing to worry about. We'll leave in the morning."
"Not worried." He reassures you by planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. He knows he is, but the last thing he wants is to put more stress and pressure on you right now.
Negan enters the room again, announcing his presence with an awkward clearing of his throat. "Room's ready. Changed the sheets."
Daryl leads the way, bumping past Negan rudely as he disappears into the master bathroom. You walk past Negan, brushing your hand against his before he gently wraps his hand around your wrist and looks down at you. "The idea of you in my bed with another man fucking infuriates me. Everything I do.. everything I did.. was for your happiness. Not mine... Just so you know." His hazel eyes fall to your lips for a moment before he slowly looks back up into your eyes. You restrain yourself from kissing him, remembering the way his soft lips felt against yours as his stubble pricked at your face. You can't deny you miss kissing him. Having long deep conversations with him.. Fucking him. All your memories together flow through your mind as you stare up at him.
"Are you happy with him, y/n?" Negan's eyes dart back and forth between yours.
"Good..." He nods before walking away and you watch him sink to the couch as you enter his bedroom. You find Daryl already laying in bed and immediately climb in the bed behind him to comfort him. You know this must be difficult for him. You nuzzle your face into the back of his neck. "Baby.. I told you not to worry."
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He doesn't say anything as you run your fingers comfortingly through his thick strands of hair. "I love you, Daryl."
"You love him too." He says matter-of-factly.
You don't respond, knowing you'd be lying if you tried to argue with him. So instead, you wrap your arm around him and settle into the sheets. The pillowcase smells like Negan as you shut your eyes and drift off quickly, dreaming of a world where you don't have to choose between the two men you'd die for.
As soon as Daryl hears your light snore, he slips out of bed, quietly finding his way into the living room where Negan is wide awake on the couch staring at the ceiling.
"We need to talk."
Negan's chest rises and falls as he lets out a long sigh. "Nothin' to say."
"Oh.. now you wanna stay quiet?"
"Now you wanna fuckin' talk?"
Daryl ignores Negan's comeback, sitting in a chair across from the couch. A long moment passes before Daryl finally speaks again.
"I know you love y/n. I know you've changed. But I'll never forget what you've done. When we came back to Alexandria and realized you were gone... I hoped you'd never come back."
Negan huffs, leaning back further into the couch before Daryl continues.
"Until I saw how much it broke her. She wouldn't eat. Wouldn't sleep. Unless I made her. Was so worried about her I couldn't let her outta my sight. You did that to her."
Negan gulps down, fighting back tears as he hears how much he hurt you.
"And for some stupid reason.. she still loves you."
Negan scoffs, shaking his head slightly before gazing back up at the ceiling. "...When Lucille passed, I knew I wouldn't be able to love anyone the way I loved her. Lucille was.. my everything. Hell, named a fuckin' baseball bat after her just so I wouldn't have to say goodbye... You know where that bat is now?"
Daryl grunts, waiting for Negan's answer. Negan's head nods towards the fireplace, as they watch the wood crack underneath the flames for awhile.
"I said goodbye to Lucille that day because I finally found someone I could be happy with again... When I made the decision to leave, that was for y/n. Not for me. I knew you'd be there to take my place, and I thought that's what she fuckin' wanted. But me? I didn't eat either. Didn't sleep. Worried about her every day. Still fuckin' do."
Daryl's head drops forward as his elbows rest on his knees, carefully taking in Negan's words.
"She misses you."
"Why are you tellin' me this?"
"Cause I want the same thing as you. Just want her to be happy."
"So what? You're.. giving her back to me?" Negan's head shakes sarcastically, mocking the idea.
"In your dreams.... What I'm sayin' is, we love her and she loves us. Why make her choose?"
Negan's nose scrunches as he looks to Daryl, sitting up now and leaning forward. "Wait, wait, wait. You're not serious. Are you seriously suggesting a... throuple?"
"Nah. I ain't gay." Daryl grunts. "It's not about me and you. Just her."
"Too bad. Thought you were finally comin' around." Negan raises his brows suggestively, making Daryl stand and roll his eyes annoyed. He stops at the bedroom door, looking back to Negan expectantly. "You comin'?"
They both quietly enter the bedroom and slide in bed on either side of you. Still asleep, you snuggle against the warm body in front of you, roaming your hand along his stomach before stopping suddenly, realizing it's not Daryl. Your eyes jolt open to meet Negan's gaze in the dim lit room as he smirks down at you.
"It's okay, babe." Daryl whispers in your ear from behind.
"You still love me, baby?" Negan asks, tilting your chin up and hovering his lips over yours.
You answer him by pressing your lips to his, closing the small gap. You can't help the involuntary moan that escapes your mouth as you taste him again for the first time in so long.
Negan's hand cups the back of your neck, bringing you closer as he deepens the kiss and flicks his tongue against yours. His mouth opens slightly as a throaty groan escapes and you almost whimper at how turned on you are. Finally turning your attention to Daryl behind you, your arm reaches behind you to grip his hair and pull him in for a kiss. He kisses you back hungrily as his rough hand glides down the side of your body, tracing your curves before reaching your ass and firmly squeezing.
After a moment, you pull away from his mouth to adjust yourself, leaning up for a moment to remove your shirt and bra before laying flat on your back between the two of them.
You stare vacantly at the ceiling, blinking a few times as you attempt to wake yourself from the obvious dream you must be having. But to no avail, your men remain pressed against your body as they nip at your skin and tease you with their fingers.
Shifting lower in the bed, they both take a hardened nipple into their mouth, making your head push into the pillow below you as you bite your lip to suppress your moan.
Negan flicks his tongue lightly over the sensitive bud, while Daryl's lips suction around the other, sucking over and over. You can't hide your noises anymore as you let them hear what they are doing to you. "Ohh my god. Fuck... that feels good."
Negan grins, letting his teeth gently squeeze your nipple before lowering his hand. He easily pops open the button on your jeans before roughly pushing them down your legs. Daryl raises to his knees, helping you get your pants and underwear off your ankles until you're completely bare in front of them.
You've been with them both one on one on multiple occasions, but this feels.. much more intense with both of them at the same time.
As Daryl bends down, getting ready to position himself to eat your pussy, Negan stops him. "Look man, not tryna be selfish here. But I've been deprived of that pussy for way too long. So please, allow me." He pleads.
Daryl glares at Negan for a moment before finally moving out of his way and letting him devour your cunt. Negan's face is buried between your legs the second Daryl gives him the go ahead and your jaw lowers as you make an o-shape with your lips at how good his mouth feels. His stubble tickles your inner thighs while his tongue repeatedly flicks deep inside of you.
"Fuck!" He comes up for air, before pressing his nose to your hole and inhaling the smell of you. "Goddamn I missed this sweet pussy."
"Move." Daryl demands, taking Negan's place and tossing your legs over his shoulders. His fingers spread your pussy lips apart, allowing him better access to your clit and sucking it harshly, urging you to orgasm.
Your gaze is focused on Negan as he stands by the bed, quickly discarding his clothes.
"Daryl!" You moan his name as your orgasm rushes through you, letting your eyes stay locked on Negan's, hoping to bring out his possessive side. A smirk appears on Negan's face as he chuckles darkly, knowing you're trying to make him jealous.
Just as Daryl comes up for air, wiping your juices from his chin, the bed dips as Negan crawls over you, taking your lips in his.
"You tryin' to tease me, baby? Cause it's fuckin' working."
He kisses you rhythmically before pulling on your lower lip with teeth and grinning at you. While you're busy locking tongues with Negan, Daryl positions himself on his back beside you. "Come mere baby. Need you."
You roll over on top of Daryl, letting your knees rest on either side of him as you hover your wet opening over his hard length and slide down slowly and completely, filling your cunt to the brim as your head falls back in pleasure.
Negan settles in behind you, bumping his hard cock against your ass. His hand wraps around your long strands of hair as he pulls, bringing your head back further and exposing the front of your neck.
Chills run down your spine when Negan whispers throatily in your ear. "Think you can take us both sweetheart?"
You answer him with a frantic nod and he chuckles, biting at the sensitive spot behind your ear and making chills spread over your arms.
"Fuck. Bend over him. Now." Negan grunts, pushing your back until you're laying over Daryl with his cock still inside you.
Negan's hand spreads one of your ass cheeks as he leans back slightly, watching you slide up and down on Daryl's cock. "Goddamn. You are creaming all over his fuckin' dick, darlin'." Negan's thumb reaches out, gathering a line of your juices from Daryl's shaft and bringing it to his mouth. He groans at the taste, eyes rolling in the back of his head as he sucks his own thumb. "Fuck." He whispers, dropping his thumb to your tight asshole now and circling it slowly. "Where do you want me baby?" He asks, pushing this thumb through your tightness. You cry out at the unfamiliar feeling.
"In.. in my pussy." You whine.
"Yeah? Such a big girl, so confident that you can take two big cocks in your little cunt at the same time." Negan chuckles darkly, pulling his finger out of your ass and rubbing his tip through your folds from behind as Daryl's breathes loud and heavy while you ride him.
Negan's hand grips your waist tightly, holding you in place as he guides his cock to your already filled hole. He slides his tip along Daryl's length before ultimately pushing through and burying himself deep inside you. Daryl grunts, adjusting slightly at the feeling of Negan's dick against his own.
You cry out as your walls are stretched further than they've ever been, and the thought of your men rubbing their cocks together inside of you makes your stomach flutter.
"Oh my goddd." You cry, overwhelmed at the intensity of being so full. Not only are your walls stretched to their limit, but both of them are painfully deep. Pressure and heat build in your abdomen as you feel yourself embarrassingly close to coming already.
“Holy shit, feels so fuckin’ good.” Negan whimpers, dropping his head back heavily as he thrusts into you.
Daryl’s jaw clenches as he stares up at you through glazed over eyes. “Is it too much babe? Tell us to stop if you need-“
“No. Please. Please don’t stop.” You beg, crashing your lips against Daryl’s as you moan into his mouth. Negan brings his hand down roughly, smacking your ass cheek and making you yelp into Daryl’s mouth.
Negan grunts, grabbing the back of your hair possessively and pulling your back against his chest. Your head turns as he kisses your lips sloppily from the side, bringing his hand around to wrap firmly around your throat as his throaty whisper flows in your ear. “I might be willing to share, but kissing another man when I’m balls deep in this cunt? Not gonna fuckin’ happen, doll.”
From this angle, one of their tips press repeatedly into just the right spot, making your cheeks burn hot. And Negan’s filthy words are just what you need to send you over the edge.
"Daryl! ... Negan! Fuuuck." You scream out, feeling warm liquid rush out of you. Both men groan at the feeling of you soaking their cocks as Negan's moans become faster and louder and Daryl grows quieter - an indicator that he's close.
"Come in me..Please.” You breathe out.
"Who?" Both men say in unison.
"Can't hold it anymore. I'm comin' baby. I'm fuckin' coming. Ahhh, fuuuuck." He lets out a long groan, spilling deep inside of you.
Daryl groans at the intense feeling of yours and Negan’s warm liquids surrounding his cock. He bites his bottom lip as he shoots his load in you, following each pulse of his dick with a mix of raspy whimpers and moans.
Negan slides out of you as you lift yourself off Daryl, falling to the bed next to him. When Negan joins you on the other side, you lace your fingers in both of their hands as you lay there out of breath.
"What the hell just happened?" You chuckle, not able to hide the ridiculous smile on your face.
"We don't wanna make you choose. Just want you to be happy. If you want us both, you've got us."
"But.. that's.."
Negan leans in, kissing your cheek before settling into the sheets and closing his eyes. "There's no rules in the apocalypse, baby. Shoulda learned that a long time ago."
tagging my babies: @loganlostitall @chaospossum @negansbabydoll66 @redqueenphoenix @n3g5nx @crustyweirdo @youngpersonaathletebear @sadgirlzluvdilfs @ilovebill-and-gustav @neganscumbucket @manipulatorpoem @im-a-goddamn-cat @raininhell @mahogany-cherry-wine @daryldixmedown@munsonslovergirl @sanctuaryforthelost @thelauraborealis @carlgrimesbbg @c3linesworld @blueheisenbergtragedy @dekuumademecumm @midnight-dixon @arthi-s
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Change Part.6
Summary: Y/n is a loner but loves ballet but her family doesn’t have enough money for her to dance at the studio, Daryl is a redneck who hates people and prefers bikes, until one day these two run into eachother and their lives change drastically, will Daryl toughen her up? Will y/n soften Daryl? Or both? How will things go when people start coming back from the dead
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon x f!reader
A/n: This is going to be a series, it’s gonna start with how they met eachother and their lives before the apocalypse, eventually it’ll blend with twd story line!!
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It had been a week since the incident with the walker, Daryl refused to let me go out alone again and I didn’t blame him I didn’t want to be alone either it was too risky, it wasn’t just my life in danger, I had a baby to worry about and I refused to leave Daryl alone in a world like this, I rolled over in bed admiring his sleeping form, his hair all crazy, I love him so much and the fact that our family was just about to begin tore something from me that I always dreamed about
“Mornin” he grumbled as I ran my hand through his hair
“Sorry did I wake you?”
“Nah I was up a while ago just waiting for ya”
“Mmmm” I didn’t know if it was the pregnancy hormones or what but my mood was at an all time low and I didn’t wanna drag Daryl down too
“What’re ya thinking about” he asked as he squeezed my hip
“Angel I know ya like the back of my hand, I know when yer over thinking”
I sighed hating that he’s always been able to crack me out of my shell he shown me time and time again that I can trust him with anything, he’ll we’re having a baby together why shouldn’t I tell him
“Just been thinking where my family are now, I know I haven’t talked to them in like a year but I still wonder if they’re even alive”
“The last time you talked to them they called ya a selfish slut, ya shouldn’t worry about them, all they’ve ever done was hurt ya angel, we got our own family now, one that’ll love ya more than they ever could” Daryl wasn’t much of a big speech kinda guy but when he knew I needed comforting he pushed that side of him away to be there for me
“Yeah I guess you’re right, like usual” I said laughing as he pulled me closer so I could lay my head in his chest
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I was sat in the living room curled in a blanket reading the new twilight book hearing the rain patter against the windows, the smell of a roast in the oven that Daryl had put in, right when I got to the part where Edward was leaving Bella the phone rang, Daryl at my side handed it over scoffing at the caller ID
Caller ID: Jackson L/N
“This can’t be good” I sighed clicking answer and putting it on speaker
“You need to come home” not even a hi or nothing
“Why? None of you have bothered to contact me in months what is it this time?”
“Dad lost his job, mom and dad need money for rent” I could see the anger written all over Daryl’s face
“Jackson I have my own life now, I can’t be helping you guys out ever time you need money, I have bills of my own and I don’t wanna waste my money on people who don’t even care about me”
“Are you serious right now?” He asked enraged
“Why can’t you help, you’re the one that got that football scholarship, I had to work my way through university and I’m still paying off student loans, plus Daryl and I have to pay for our house and car and motorcycle”
“You know what this is done, you’re out of this family for good this time, mom and dad should’ve gotten rid of you when they had the chance you selfish slut” the phone disconnected signalling he hung up
I looked at Daryl feeling my chest tighten, I never wanted this I was never the golden child in their eyes, I only ever felt like I mattered when Daryl came into my life
“He’s lucky this was over the phone or I’d beat him into the ground” Daryl groaned rubbing my legs over the blanket
“Why am I never good enough for them?”
“Ya got that wrong Angel, they ain’t good enough for you”
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As I sat outside eating breakfast Daryl and Merle got ready for the day, Merle was going to Atlanta with some people from the camp and Daryl was going out hoping to find a deer he’s been tracking for a while
“I gotta go now Angel” Daryl said as he stung his crossbow over his shoulder
“But I don’t want you to go” I whined getting up to wrap my arms around him
“I know but I’ll be back later this evening just try and stay around the other, don’t want another problem like last week” he said placing a kiss to my cheek
“Fine just promise me you’ll be safe out there, that you’ll come back to me”
He picked up some extra arrows and disappeared through the tree line
“Ya got him wrapped around yer lil finger don’t ya” Merle mocked
“Come on Merle can’t you just be happy that he’s happy, I know you don’t like me much but you’re my family now and I’m yours, plus I’m carrying your niece or nephew can’t we just be cordial for once” I said exhausted from his constant bickering
“Don’t matter ta me ya got knocked up, ya made my brother soft and yer gonna see ya ruined his life” he picked up his weapons and left the camp site leaving with the Atlanta crew
“God when do I catch a break?” I sat back down in the camp chair not noticing someone sit next to me until they talked
“You okay sweetie?” It was Lori
“It’s just Merle, always a pain in my ass, just been thinking about what’s gonna happen now with the baby and everything I’m just scared” I looked at here to see if she’d give me advice but here eyes were wide
“What?” I asked confused
“You’re pregnant?”
“Yeah, I guess we never really mentioned it”
“You know when I found out I was pregnant with Carl, I was a wreck I was young and scared and didn’t know what to do with myself, but the moment I saw him curled up in my arms so little without a care in the world, I knew what I had to do to protect him from harm, everything will be okay” she smiled patting my back
“Thanks, that helps a bit I just wish it wasn’t in these circumstances”
“How far along are you?”
“About 4 months now, I’ve been taking my prenatals and everything”
“Well I’m always here if you have questions about the baby or changes you go through, but I have to go cut Carls hair”
Something clicked, maybe since this was a new start for Daryl and I and with the baby in this new world maybe I needed a new look, something to liven my spirits
“Umm Lori, would you be up for cutting my hair too!” I asked as I ran up next to her as she walked towards her camp
“I’d love to”
I sat next to Shane as Lori worked on Carls hair, he couldn’t stop complaining but it was adorable
“One day you’re gone wish you had her cutting your hair” Shane said laughing
“Doubt it”
“Trust me Carl, one day you’ll crave to be have these moments again with your mom, it may not seem like it but you will” I said seeing a little smile on his rosy cheeks
“Alright you’re all done” Lori said as she swiped off his extra hair on his shirt
I sat down in front of her as she wrapped a towel around my shoulders
“Alright how short do you want it?” My hair was down to my mid lower back
“How about just below my shoulder”
“That’s quit a chop”
“Well I need it”
She held my hair back and it a split second it was chopped, she straightened out some uneven pieces and it was done
“Well what do you think?”
“It’s really nice Mrs. Dixon!” Carl said with a beaming smile
“Well thank you but you can call me y/n sweetie” he was adorable I hope my child is as sweet as him
“It suits you perfect dear”
“Thank you! I should go clean some clothes done at the quarry, if you need anything I’ll be down there!”
I spent most of the evening down at the quarry cleaning and scribbling mine and daryls dirty clothes, laying them out on some rocks to let them dry, meanwhile dipping my feet in the cool water helping to sooth my ankles that have been getting a bit swollen
I looked around hoping no one was near, I haven’t been able to get a good proper bath in a while so I stripped down my clothes leaving only my bra and panties, submerging myself in the lake floating belly up watching the clouds pass by just like the time Daryl took me here
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“Daryl Dixon did you drag me out here just to see me naked?” I asked smirking as he started taking off his shoes and pants
“Come on it’s nice out yer gonna love it” he said as he was stepping into the lake
I bit my lip feeling that thrill shoot through me, I stripped to just my panties and bra, I walked over taking his hand
“Aren’t you going to take your shirt off?”
“Ya sure?” I knew he was embarrassed about his scars but they weren’t his fault
“You know they don’t bother me, I love you for you, not what happen to you” I said squeezing his hand reassuringly
He lifted it over his head and threw it back over to my clothes pill
“Come on Dixon show me how great this’ll be, better not let me drown” I laughed as I dragged him in
“Still can’t believe yer my girl”
“And I’ll be your girl until you’re sick of me”
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“Well well well what do we have here?” I heard behind me as I pulled on my clothes after drying off
“What do you want Ed?” I groaned feeling that touch of fear he instilled in the women of the camp
“Showing yourself down here for the whole camp, you’re asking for it” he said stepping closer
“Leave me alone Ed”
“Ya ain’t got your man around who’s gonna stop me?”
“Don’t you touch me or you’ll be sorry”
He stepped closer squeezing my jaw now face to face
“Like I said ain’t no one gonna stop me” he said as his other hand started to wander down my arm
Before he could get any further he was ripped away Shane throwing him to the ground
“Touch her or anyone else again Ed and I’ll beat ya to death I swear, come on y/n” I gathered up all the clothes I washed and ran to Shane’s side as he lead me safely back to the camp
“Thanks, I didn’t know anyone was around”
“Ain’t your fault, Ed’s one sick man you stay away from him, stay with the group until Daryl or Merle gets back”
I sat down next to Amy folding up the laundry still to shaken up to have conversation that’s when a car alarm was ringing around the quarry, the group was back and it felt a little better knowing Merle would be here while Daryl was gone, Shane shut off the car alarm and others filtered out of a cargo truck
Lori and Carl had their moment with their “back from the dead” father and husband which was incredibly heart warming but then I realized something
“Where’s Merle?”
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Please please please give me some ideas for this story going forward🩷 How should I incorporate the ballerina story line into the new world??:)
Taglist: @pinchofthetwd @bigbaldheadname @strawberrykiwisdogog @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @l0kilaufeys0n7 @deansapplepie @severelykinky @tesfayera @daryldixmedown @secretsicanthideanymore @mordilwen-of-mirkwood @secretsicanthideanymore @superbowlisgay @pollito-chicken @minnie-min @writer-ann-artist @twisteduniverse5 @heidiland05 @lettersfromyourlove
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sinsandsweetness · 9 months
Girl I have a weird fantasy about Daryl being a trucker before the world ended, like he’s older and picks me up on the side of the road after I’ve left home and tells me if he’s gonna take me where I want I go, I’ve gotta give him somthing to make it worth it.
Then giving him sloppy road-head and getting fucked in the cab till I’m dumb
Absolutely love your writing babe 😘
I actually rlly love this. especially since I’ve dated a truck driver who looks like young Norman and will literally sleep the whole time in the cab when he goes on jobs…
I imagine you sitting in the passenger seat, cross legged and snacking on some licorice from a gas station. You’re almost 6 hours into the drive. Still another two nights until you’re in the state you actually want to be in. Nice and far from all the bullshit you’re running away from.
Daryl keeps glancing over at you reading your book, leaned up against the window. Paying special attention to how short your denim cutoffs are and how tight your white tanktop is. Leaving almost nothing to the imagination. The thought dawns on him that in two hours, when the sun has set and both of your eyelids are getting all heavy, he’ll have to pull over at a rest stop. And when he saw you with your duffel bag and your bright red boots, sticking your thumb out as you walked along the shoulder of the highway, he didn’t think about the fact that there’s only one bed in the cab. One, tiny, little mattress, and two of you. You’re way too far in the middle of nowhere to find a motel either. No service. No trace of civilization for at least a couple hundred miles.
Wow. You must be stupid or something. To get in a truck with a stranger. Hell, he could have been some kind of creep. Have you seen any horror movie ever?
He looks back over at you during his internal questioning. Gosh you’re pretty. Effortlessly stunning. Hair a little wild and undone. No makeup on that he can tell at least, but he’s never really been good at noticing that stuff anyway. You’ve got layers of mixed metal jewelry. Necklaces and rings and earrings. All glimmering in the golden hour sun. You kicked your boots off hours ago. Blue polish all chipped off nearly all of your toes. Truthfullt, you’re kind of a mess. A pretty one though.
“What?” You ask him, your honeyed voice brings his brain back to earth.
“Oh- uh… nothin’,” he looks back at the road. Where he should be looking anyway. “Just, it’s gonna be dark soon. Won’t be able to read.” He keeps darting his gaze over at you while he talks.
“That’s ok. I’m sure I’ll find something else to entertain myself with.”
“You should try and sleep. Don’t think we’ll pass a motel until tomorrow night.”
“Oh that’s okay, I’ll just sleep when you do.”
He was hoping you wouldn’t. He was hoping he could avoid the awkwardness of the sleeping situation altogether.
“Yeah, I mean if you want. There’s only one bed so I just thought-“
“What, you don’t wanna share?” You’re giving him a look that he can’t decipher. Are you… flirting with him? You toss your book into your bag and unbuckle your seatbelt.
“Uh- what are you- what are you doin’?” He asks as you climb into the back.
“Well since you’re kickin’ me to the floor I guess I’ll try and catch some z’s before you pull over.” He’s glancing back every few seconds. Trying to keep his attention on the road, but a little too intrigued by you peeling your shorts off to succeed in doing it.
“I’m not- I wouldn’t make you sleep on the floor, I just didn’t- I don’t want to -“ fuck. He didn’t want you to feel like you had to sleep with him. Like you had to share the dingy little sleeper cab that can barely fit his own broad shoulders, let alone another person. An incredibly attractive and insanely good smelling girl. One that’s bending over to fix the sheets and baring her lacy hot pink thong in the process. His eyes widen and get all shifty. Should he look? Should he pretend he doesn’t see?
“Don’t want to what? Sleep with me?” You scoff as you sit back on the bed thing your hair up into a messy blob at the top of your head with a hair tie.
“No I-”
“Don’t worry, I know what you mean. But I really don’t mind. In fact, I probably owe you anyway.”
“O-owe me? I already told you I’m going your way anyhow.” He says, reminding you of his refusal to take any cash.
“I know, but you’ve been so nice and sweet for picking me up in the first place. Wanna make it up to you.” You’re voice is low and sultry. And your words go straight to the tent in his jeans, the one that’s been half hard and ignored since he first invited you into the truck. He glances back at your half naked frame, relaxing into the sleeper cab mattress. Seeing your tanned legs and pretty panties. Wild hair and a playful, up to absolutely no good look in your eyes.
He wants to focus on the road. He does. But his mind is racing with all the ways you could make it up to him. Since you’re offering that is. And he really doesn’t know how much longer he can pretend he doesn’t want to pull over and plow you til the sun comes up. Especially with the way you’re looking at him, hand trailing down to tickle at the waistband of your underwear, biting your lip and flipping through your own filthy fantasies about the handsome, young trucker who’s been kind enough to help you out.
He catches your gaze as he glances back once more and the lustful look in his baby blues sends a jolt straight between your legs. You smile and lick your lips, wanting to be extra clear of your intentions,
“I’m ready whenever you are, pretty boy.”
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deansapplepie · 3 months
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MarchWeres Day 6
Prompt: Wet Dog
Pairing: Werewolf! Daryl Dixon x Reader
Word Count: 421
Warnings: none 🥰
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A heavy rain had surprised all of you, making most of the residents of Alexandria stop their activities and seek for shelter, you being one of them.
After you dried yourself and changed your clothes you sat by the porch, on a rocking chair, a cover around your shoulders and a cup of tea in your hands. You couldn’t see a single thing, but you looked at the rain in hopes you’d see them coming back home. Where were they? Were they safe?
It passed a long time till the rain got a little lighter, and still they wouldn’t arrive. You hoped they had found shelter and that they were on their way back home.
Some time after you were surprised, your mind wandered all around and you didn’t noticed the dog approaching you and jumping on you. “Dog!” You exclaimed at the wet dog that was all over you. “Where’s your daddy? You took too long to come back home.”
The dog just ignored you pawing and licking you as if he hadn’t seen you in ages. “I ain’t no dog daddy.” You heard the raspy voice of your lover.
“Oh, yeah you are. I’m his mommy, so you’re his daddy.” You looked from the dog to him, and got up from your chair. “Look at you, you’re wet like a dog.” You got a little closer to the soggy man. “You smell like wet dog too.”
“Maybe, that’s ‘cause technically Imma dog.” He threw his belongings on a corner in the porch.
“In fact, you’re a werewolf, but being a dog helps my arguments that you’re Dog’s daddy.” You took some wet hair from his temple and eyes.
He rolled his eyes, he’d let you win this time, it wasn’t a completely lie, because his connection with Dog was very strong. “I just arrived from an unsuccessful hunt, I’m soaking… ain’t I getting a kiss or something?”
“I’m glad you’re back, I was so worried.” You confessed, cupping his rain wet face with your hands. You tip toed and placed a loving kiss on his lips. “Let’s get inside, you need to take out these clothes and have a warm bath.”
At that exact moment Dog shook all the water he had on his fur, getting both you and Daryl wet. Well, you, Daryl was already wet. “Guess, ya’ll join me in bath.” He smirked a you.
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series) Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325
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reevesdriver · 2 years
Polaroids: Part 2
Summary: Negan takes a liking to you after finding Daryls wallet containing nude polaroids.
Word count: 2551
Character(s): Negan
Reader: Female Reader
Warning(s): None / 🌕🌑 
Support Me: Kofi
Part 1 | Part 3 | 
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A few weeks had passed since that day in your home and Negan had turned up three more times but every time you’d managed to avoid him like the plague. You always made sure to stay out of the way, even going as far as walking to the opposite end of Alexandria and hiding behind one of the houses or ‘suddenly’ needing to go on a run for some urgent things.
Rick and Daryl had noticed the shift in your behaviour and did anything they could to help you avoid Negan despite not knowing what really happened between the pair of you. Today was no exception, Negan was due and Daryl decided to take you out on a run for supplies so you didn’t have to see him.
You travelled further then you needed to but Daryl insisted on widening your search into uncharted territory just incase you happened to hit a gold mine of supplies that you could scavenge. Pulling outside a row of stores you climbed out of the car after scanning your surroundings for any walkers or people and grabbed your gun and knife from the footwell and your bag from the back seat.
“Looks like we still have a few hours of daylight left, might as well take our time before we need to go back.” Daryl said as he followed you to the front of the first store in the line.
Peeking through the window you could see that it was a clothes shop that had barely been looted. “I’m gonna head in here first, need some more clothes and might as well get what I can for the rest of the group. I know the world has ended but I’m sick of wearing the same clothes everyday.” You say and Daryl nods.
“I’ll check next door. Shout if you need me.” He says and walks to the Pharmacy next-door. Pushing the door open you step inside the store and hiss when the bell above the door rings, keeping still you wait for a few seconds until you decide that there is no threat and holster your weapon. Scanning the nearby racks you grab a few t-shirts and tank tops for yourself since the weather was beginning to get warmer and stuff them into your bag.
Moving through the store you filled your bag with clothes you needed until finally you reached the lingerie section. You grabbed a few new bras in your size that were most comfortable fit and then stepped to the underwear and checked through the different types. Picking up a pack of thongs you chuckled to yourself trying to remember the last time you ever actually wore a pair.
“You finished in here yet?” Daryl speaks making you jump.
“Yeah, just need to grab some clothes for the people back home and then I'm done in here.” You say shoving a few pairs of different underwear unto your bag and zipping it up. Grabbing a few bags from behind the counter you and Daryl hastily shoved some clothes of different sizes into the bags and loaded them into the boot of the car next to a bag that Daryl had filled with some medical supplies from the Pharmacy.
“We should search that grocery store, there should be a lot of food left if the rest of these stores have been untouched.” Approaching the store you both check around to make sure that you’re still alone before entering. You cover your nose and mouth as the smell of rotten food hits you. “Guess there won't be any fresh food.” You say and Daryl hums. “Don’t think anywhere has fresh food anymore, gotta grow it ourselves.” He adds.
The shelves are mostly full of foods, you can tell that some people were clearly panic buying when the first broadcast came through about the outbreak but there was still a lot of things remaining. When you finished filling your bag you sat on the edge of the counter, swinging your legs and picking at a tare in your jeans as you watch Daryl stuffing tins of food into a bag.
Standing up Daryl kicks the bag over to yours and moves to stand between your legs, instantly you wrap your arms around his neck as your lips meet and his hands rest on your waist. Pulling away from your lips Daryl sighs and rests his forehead against yours. “Me n’ Rick are worried about you. You’ve been different ever since Negan came to see you. What happened?.”
“Daryl.” You sigh. “He was the one who found your wallet, and like anyone would do he looked inside and found the polaroids. He didn’t know it was yours but recognised me so wanted to tell me that I was lucky it was him who found it and nobody else. Then he left.”
“You sure that’s all that happened?”
“Daryl please I-shit.” You cut yourself off when you notice a few stray walkers coming into the store. Daryl steps back and grabs his crossbow raising it ready to shoot but you stop him after noticing that it was a huge crowd instead of a few strays.
“Don’t waste your ammo, we need to get upstairs before they see us.” Grabbing Daryl's bag you throw it to him and grab your own as you both run to the back of the store and through the stairway door. Running up the stairs behind Daryl you managed to avoid tripping up as you burst through the door to what appeared to be an office.
Without saying a word you and Daryl worked in unison to barricade the door with the heaviest pieces of furniture that you could move as well as sliding the flimsy and useless chain across to keep it in place.
“We should be safe up here for a few hours until they move out of the store, then we can make a run for the car and get out of here.” You say gazing through a slit in the blinds at the crowd of walkers that were pacing around on the street outside. Daryl had his ear pressed to the barricaded door. “They didn’t see us, can’t hear em coming upstairs so we’re good.”
You step away from the window and look around the room to make sure that there was one door in and out. It was only a small office, there was a desk in the centre of the room that had now been shoved against the door with a chair and a filing cabinet, and a couch that you had been unable to move pushes against one of the walls.
Daryl walks to the couch and throws himself down on it and you join him sitting by his side. As the sun faded and the moon rose the sound of groaning walkers in the store below and on the street didn’t diminish. You both took it in shifts during the night keeping watch whilst the other slept but as you try tried to figure out an escape route Negan was pacing back and forth in his bedroom at the Sanctuary.
The leader of the saviours was livid. It had been weeks since he had seen you and every single time he went to Alexandria you were either nowhere to be found or out on a run with your fuck-buddy Daryl. Negan hadn’t been able to sleep properly since your last encounter and the lewd photos he had tucked away in the top drawer of his bedside table did nothing to ease the sickly feeling of not seeing you.
Countless times he’d stormed away from Alexandria just to return to his bed and angrily fist his cock whilst looking at the polaroids he’d taken of you and more than once he’d pretended that it was you he was balls deep in instead of his wives. You were the only thing on his mind 24/7, even fighting walkers had taken a back seat as a few times he’s been distracted and almost bit before one of his men stepped in.
Negan decided whilst in bed that night that he was going to see you tomorrow regardless of whether you wanted him to or not, and if you were on a run then he would simply wait until you got back. You were done avoiding him.
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You woke, slumped against the wall as your forehead burnt from the sun that was shining through the window down at you, jumping up you look to the couch to see Daryl led on his side and snoring. Peeking through the curtain of the window you see that the street is empty and you can no longer hear the sounds of groaning from multiple walkers.
“Daryl come on.” You tap his shoulder and he jolts awake. “I can’t hear them anymore we need to leave.”
He nods and forces himself off the hard couch. You both work to move the furniture from in front of the door and grab your bags throwing them over your shoulders. Making a quick break through the store Daryl slips in a pile of blood and lands awkwardly on his arm making him swear in pain and draw a few walkers over “Leave the bags we can come back for them.” You shout grabbing him by his uninjured arm, Daryl stands and drops the bag from his throbbing shoulder and takes his knife out stabbing a nearing walker in the eye as you reach the car. You open the door for him and Daryl quickly climbs in and watches as you take down another walker and get into the drivers side.
Starting the engine you waste no time in pealing out of there and as you look through your rearview mirror you see a crowd of walkers leaving the stores and walking in your direction. The crowd fades as you change gear and speed up back down the long road to your compound.
“Thanks for helping me.” He nervously chews on one of his nails.
“I wouldn’t just leave you Daryl. I’m not a monster.”
Driving up to Alexandria the gates are opened for you and it takes a second or so before you see a familiar truck parked near the entrance. Under the midday sun you can see Negan leaning against the truck with his arms crossed as he speaks to Rick but soon his attention is pulled away as you and Daryl pull into the compound and park.
“You alright?” Daryl asks, noticing how you frowned when you saw Negan.
Nodding your head you reply. “Yeah I’m fine. How’s your arm?”
“Hurtin’, think I’ve got some spare painkillers.”He replies climbing out of the car, as Rick approaches the two of you his face drops slightly when he sees Daryl wincing and the pair of you sprayed with blood. “What happened?” He asks.
“Store we were at got overrun with walkers, we had to stay there until the crowd thinned down enough for us to make a run to the car.” Daryl responded. “Killed a couple on the way out but managed to bust my arm up real good.
You grabbed your bag from the back seat of the car and throw it over your shoulder. “We got some bags in the back full of clothes and medical supplies, only as much as we could fill up but we dropped the bags of food we had trying to get out.”
“We’ll sort that out later, I’m glad to have you both back in one piece.”
“Why’s he here?” You ask as Negan begins to approach.
“What, am I not allowed to drop in and see my favourite group?” He says with his token smirk. “Ya’ll intrigue me so I’ve come to watch how you work. My men could do with a few tips and I wanna help them with that.”
“Fantastic.” You mumble. Rick and Carl work to unload the boot of the car whilst Daryl returns to his home to deal with his arm and you turn to head to your house so you can unpack your bag.
Unfortunately for you the sound of another set of footsteps behind you put you on edge, turning round when you get to your front door your suspicions are confirmed when Negan walks up to the porch behind you. “You been avoiding me Princess?” He speaks but you still don’t acknowledge him . “Oh come on now don’t tell me you’ve gone all shy.”
“Sorry Y/N.” Rick interrupts as he joins you and Negan at your front door. “I know you’ve just got back but I wanna gonna go over the routes for the runs tomorrow, can you show me where you went yesterday.” Rick says shifting nervously as he avoids Negans glare.
“Sure, come in.” You walk through the door and hold it open so Rick and Negan can walk in, shutting it behind the leader of the Saviours you take your shoes off and walk to the living room.
Dropping your bag to the floor you remove the map from one of the side pockets and work on unfolding it on the coffee table as Rick and Negan take a seat on your couch in front of you. Your breath catches in your throat as you see Negan sitting in the same spot as last time, catching his eyes Negan winks at you as he places hit bat next to him.
Your map had been marked with multiple different coloured dots indications places searched and areas to stay away from. Tracing your finger from the green dot that marked Alexandria you followed the route that you took trying to remember any turns along the way until you reach an unmarked cluster of stores on the map.
Adding a red dot to the map you speak. “I think it’s around about here, I’ll recognise the route once I’m out on the road. The herd should have moved on by now so I'll be able to go back there in the morning and retrieve the bags we dropped and maybe pack a few more too if I get chance.”
“Y/N you barely got out and Daryl busted his arm.”
“We need the supplies Rick. It would be better for us to completely gut the place before anyone else finds it, the rest of you can go out as a group to a different location and I’ll go back to those stores since I know the layout. The less people that go the more bags I can fill and put in my car.”
“I’ll go with you.” Negan adds with a stern face making you and Rick look at him. “Can't be sending people out on their own, especially the valuable ones.”
“You alright with that Y/N?” Rick asks still unsure of Negan intentions but not wanting to upset him.
“Yeah, better having backup just incase it goes sour.”
Standing up from the couch Negan makes you jump as he claps his hands together. “Well alrighty then. I better go back and tell my men so they don’t come stormin’ this place. I’ll see you tomorrow morning doll.” He smiles and winks at you again. Rick escorts Negan out of your house and as you peer through your curtains you watch as he drives off.
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Tagged: @toxic-ink​
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Daryl x reader - no angels here
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Part 2:
You spent most of the afternoon with him.
Daryl saved you the fish he cooked, setting down on the dish he left near the first to keep it warm.
He did a few things, keeping himself near the camp for when you joined reality again, which took maybe an hour or two, and when you did you just smiled at him.
“Come on, don’t do that shit.”
You just smiled a little more at him.
“Don’t do that. Don’t pretend everything is fun cause it ain’t.”
“It’s fine Daryl. I just just wanted to spend a few hours with you, please?”
He glanced at you and sighed, raising his hands.
He knew he couldn’t get you to talk about it if you really didn’t want to, nobody ever could.
“Alright, fine.”
“Thank you.”
You reached behind your back, and you pulled out a little blue flower, holding it out to him with a little grin.
“Come on, nobody will see.”
“Nah. No. Not a chance.”
You laughed a little, grinning as you set it down next to the bag, looking at the sun which was slowly starting to set through the trees.
“I should get going back before it gets dark.”
He nodded his head, taking you back to the stones so you could walk across, your hand in his and you both stopped on the other side.
Daryl looked at you.
“You gonna come back?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Yeah, I’d like that I guess.”
You chuckled a little bit, nodding your head.
“Alright, I’ll come back soon, I promise.”
“Better keep that promise.”
You reached up with your free hand, brushing some of his hair from his face, moving your hand to the side of your head and you stood on your tiptoes.
Daryl leant down, letting you press a gentle kiss to his forehead, and you dropped yourself back down to the ground.
Running your thumb along his cheek before stepping back.
“Please be safe Daryl, and come home soon, even if it’s for a few days.”
“I will, and I’ll think about it. Go before it’s too late.”
You nodded your head, letting go of his hand as you made your way back from where you had come from.
Daryl watched you leave before making his way back to his camp, and he sat down, looking down at the flower you left for him.
You always gave him a blue flower if you found one, no other colour, always blue.
You once told him it was because blue was his colour, but you never explained to him why you thought that, you just insisted that it was.
Picking it up, he put it inside the pocket of his trousers so he wouldn’t loose it and he wrapped his arms around his legs, staring into the fire.
You made it back to Alexandria just as it got dark, and as you approached the gate, you felt someone watching you again.
Turning around, you looked around, trying to find something, trying to find anything even if it was a walking but there wasn’t a sound, so you carried on, knocking a couple of times on the gate.
It was opened and you grinned a little at Aaron.
“You were out a while, is everything alright?”
“Yeah. I just went for a walk, I found something for you.”
You dug through your pockets and you pulled out a four leaf clover, setting it in his open palm and he shone is torch over it.
Aaron chuckled a little bit.
“You always find the strangest things.”
“I know! See you later!”
You padded back to your house, stepping inside and you went upstairs to change before heading back downstairs, going outside briefly to to get your book before heading back inside.
Sitting on the couch, you listened to the record you had playing, resting your head on the back of the couch as you carried on reading.
You didn’t want to fall asleep, you couldn’t, so you practically fought in order to stay awake.
It didn’t do anything to stop your dreams, you could still hear the calling echo around you in the dead of night, and the whole view around you crumbled into a burning wasteland.
It felt so real.
You could practically hear the fire crackling, smell the ashes as they fell from the sky.
You could feel the eyes burning into you as always, and you looked down at your hands, the talons on your fingers, the blood that seemed to drip from your hands.
You knew what this was, of course you did.
This was your own personal slice of hell.
Raising your gaze again, you got up, following the mental map you had made of the house to go outside and you stood there, but nothing seemed to change.
You were still stuck in that other world, a part of you unable to escape, or maybe it had, you didn’t know.
You felt a hand on the side of your face, and you snapped back to reality, eyes locking with gold ones.
The man raised a finger to his lips, slowly moving you back inside the house and he closed the door before letting go of you.
“You shouldn’t be here.” You said.
He shrugged a little bit, and gestured to the couch, so you followed him, sitting down while he sat down in the table.
“I could say the same thing you, except you’ve been here for years.”
“Exactly, so why are you here? Because we both know that you’re stupid enough to try anything alone Balthazar.”
The white haired man grinned a little bit, nodding his head.
“Yeah, I know. It’s why I’m not here to try anything stupid.”
He looked at you for a moment.
“They know someone is missing (Y/N), they’re not happy about it either.”
“What do they want us to do, just leave?”
He shrugged again, letting out a small sigh as he sat forward, resting his arm on his knees.
“Look, all I know is that sooner rather than later they’re going to know it was you, they’re not going leave that alone, we both know that. You’ve been my friend all these years so consider this a favour to you, and a warning. Go back.”
“Don’t be so stubborn (Y/N), I get what you’re doing, I do. Just go back, before they realise, save yourself the hassle.”
You shook your head, leaning back on the couch.
“Come on you know just as well as I do what’s going on here, you blocked out your memories because you didn’t want to remember what happened there, but they’re coming back, and when they do, that’s going to be a beacon basically guiding everybody directly to you.”
“Then let them come, because you know what, I’m done playing by their rules Balth, I’m done with it. If you want to play by them then fine, but I’m not. Not anymore. I never did anything wrong.”
He sighed softly, giving you a sad smile.
“I know…”
“So yeah, if they want to come after me then let them, I’ll handle them.”
He held his hand out and you took it, clasping your hand with his and he placed his other hand around yours.
You sat forward, resting your head on your conjoined hands, and his did the same thing.
“You’re my brother Balth… but even you know this can go on anymore..” you whispered.
“I know… I know that but there’s just… jeez this is just so stupid…”
You grinned a little, moving your head to look at him.
“Still won’t even use gods name in vein huh?”
He looked at you.
“Some habits die hard, you know?”
“At least one of us has the freedom.”
He scoffed and let go of your hand, and you leant back again.
“So you staying or going?”
“Going, if I’m gone they’ll know exactly where and why. It’s safer for you, I’ll do what I can to delay the search for as long as I can but I really can’t make any promises.”
“Don’t, this is on me.”
He nodded and got up, walking back over to the door and you followed opening it for him.
“Just… be safe…”
You nodded, watching him leave before going back to reading the book you had been reading before you were distributed.
It was slowly getting longer and longer from the last time you had slept, until the point where it was nearly three days, you were exhausted and didn’t leave your house, but you still couldn’t sleep.
You would take quick naps, but you would wake up not long after, barely getting any real sleep.
With your tired state came a lot of hallucinations, getting lost in your own mind and leaving the space of reality.
When that happen you would just sit there, staring at a wall or your hands, and that’s how Daryl found you as you walked through the door of your house.
He had only come to return your bag, and check on you since you hadn’t been since the first and only visit you had given him.
You were sat on your stairs, some papers scattered around you and you were staring at the floor, at your hands as if there was something on them.
Slowly setting his back down, he closed the door and crouched down, picking up the papers to tidy them and set them aside.
He could tell they were your drawings, and he flicked through them.
They were mostly the same thing, just fire, dark figured in the shadows or red eyes through the flames, a couple were happier.
Bright flowers, fields of endless colours or of animals.
Setting the papers down at the side of the stairs, he shuffled over, kneeling and he leant forward, blowing air onto your hands.
He looked up, his eyes connected with yours and when you saw him you smiled slightly.
“Daryl…” you whispered.
“Let go.”
He took your hands, standing up and you did the same thing.
Daryl let go of one of your hands, so he could grab the bag and he led you down the hall to his room, and tossed the bag aside, leading you to the bed.
You did, and you watched him go through some of his things and he grabbed some clean clothes, then he turned to you.
“Stay here.”
Daryl went for a shower, and shuffled over the bed, laying down on the right side, waiting for him to come back.
It was only a few minutes until Daryl came back, and he dumped everything he was carrying on the floor, and you sat up.
Daryl sat in front of you, handing you the towel so you could dry his hair.
“How long has it been?”
“I saw you at the start of the week.”
“That’s not what am asking and you know that.”
You sighed, ignoring the question.
“Keep ignoring me, I’ll just let askin’.”
“Days. I don’t know how many.”
He nodded his head, leaning back so he could look at you.
“You can’t keep doing this shit.”
“It’s fine Daryl. It happens.”
“Yeah, last time it happened you took a god damn hike for half a year and left a three word letter that said you’d come back.”
“I just needed time.”
Daryl turned around so he could actually look at you properly and you lowered the towel.
“How much time you gonna need time? Huh? Six months? A year? Two years? You gonna leave a letter this time like you did last time?”
“Daryl don’t, please.”
“No, I’m not letting you keep this up because it’s destroying you.”
“And you being out there for nearly two years isn’t destroy you? Daryl what you’re doing here is no different than what I did then, we both know that.”
He snatched the towel from you and stood up so he could carry on drying his own hair.
“It is, I’m looking for Rick, you just ran away. You won’t even tell anybody why. It’s bullshit.”
“You can keep saying that, but it doesn’t change the fact that it is the same thing. I ran away and that’s what you’re doing right now.”
You got up as well, making your way over to the door you opened it.
“If you came back just to have a go at me just go Daryl…”
You left the room and closed the door, making your way to the stairs you picked up your papers and walked back up them, heading to your room and closed the door.
Setting the papers on your desk, you laid down on top of the cover.
You were facing the window, staring out at the blue sky, half asleep half awake when you heard somebody walk in.
The bed dipped a little and Daryl dropped the towel over you, making you turned to look at him.
“You can it so it don’t get all fucked.”
With a sigh, you sat up so you could finish drying your friends hair for him.
He didn’t say anything else, and you let the silence pass for a few minutes.
“It’s bad…” you said quietly.
Daryl nodded, letting you rest your forehead on his back.
“This why you wanted me to come back?”
You set the towel over his head, and you laid back down, this time facing the wall.
“I know you don’t want to be here Daryl, so you don’t need to stay, it’s okay. You can go, I know why you need to be out there.”
Daryl tossed the towel into the hallway, and laid down, keeping his back to you.
“Yeah, and if I go you’re gonna stay awake until it fuckin’ kills you, so I’m staying.”
You closed your eyes, shuffling closer to rest your head on his back and esting your arm under your head.
“I’m sorry…” you whispered.
Daryl reached behind him, grabbing your free arm and he wrapped it around him, locking his fingers either his and he held it there to keep you there.
“Shut up…” he grumbled.
Daryl was tired, he wanted to sleep but he waited for you to fall asleep first.
He knew you by now, it wasn’t the first time you hadn’t slept for a long time.
You needed somebody to stay with you while you slept, someone to just be there so you felt a little safer, usually that person was him, since he was your closest friend.
It was the only reason he came back, because he’d lost enough people he didn’t want to loose you to you running off somewhere again or the lack of sleep finally catching up to you and your body shutting down.
The moment you moved he was awake, and he rolled over to check on you, but you were still asleep, you had just rolled over to your other side.
When you finally woke up, it was night, and you went to get something to eat before going back upstairs to go back to bed.
“Stop moving or I’ll go…”
You gave a little laugh, laying back down, resting your head next to his shoulder.
You slept through the rest of the night, and finally woke up early the following morning feeling a lot better.
Daryl was already up and downstairs, and you sat at the table.
“Wanna tell me about those drawings.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. He wasn’t giving you an option.
“Bad memories.”
That’s all you gave him, and he looked over at you.
You moved to sit at the front of the house, enjoying the empty streets, and he brought out a cup of water for you, setting it next to you and he sat opposite you.
Daryl wanted to go back out there, but right now he decided he was going to stay just for a little while to make sure you got back on the right track, because you would’ve done the same thing for him if it were him going through this.
But he could see the conflict written all over you face despite the smile you wore
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wclkmans · 2 years
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[ savannah lee smith | cis woman | she / her | twenty-six ] —— it’s just another typical week in hawkins i guess — isn’t that right, monica mckinney? huh, guess they can’t hear me over maneater by daryl hall & john oates playing on their walkman, but it looks like they’re headed to work at lovelace lingerie. did you know monnie has been in hawkins for her entire life? yeah, they’ve been described as a bit judgemental, but i suppose them also being poised outweighs the negative. i’ve also heard people say they remind them of an old cheerleader uniform collecting dust in the back of your closet, a collection of plaid skirts and babydoll dresses, a permanent hole in your heart like a missing puzzle piece, using men as an accessory to a new outfit, and the feeling of being alienated from your own surname… however, that could just be this weeks newest rumor.
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character inspirations — dionne davenport (clueless), shiv roy (succession), blair waldorf (gossip girl), aubrey hope (gossip girl reboot), olivia pope (scandal), hanna marin (pretty little liars), bianca stratford (10 things i hate about you), madeline mackenzie (big little lies), north (detroit: become human).
full name — monica mckinney nickname(s) — monnie, mon, mckinney name meaning — unique, to advise, alone, nun, solitary age — twenty-six date of birth — january 2nd, 1960 place of birth — hawkins, indiana current location — hawkins, indiana gender — cis female pronouns — she / her sexual orientation — heterosexual ? but why are girls so pretty and why do they smell so good and why (she is a lesbian) religion — catholic occupation — owner & sales expert at lovelace lingerie education level — bachelors in business and fashion merchandice residence — single family home with jason & izzy family — douglas mckinney, father. maura robinson mckinney, mother. patrick mckinney, younger brother, deceased. finances — upper middle class spoken languages — english faceclaim — savannah lee smith
tw: abuse mention, implied abuse, mention of hard drug use
bread and born like championship horses, the mckinney household was held to very high standards. maura robinson met douglas mckinney in university where maura attended for an mrs. degree and douglas ? engineering. he was a few months from graduation when maura stuck her nails into douglas’ back. he had a future, came from a great family name, and could allow maura to get her ❛ degree ❜ within her first year of school, letting her party the rest of it away.
married before maura’s senior year was over, she swiftly moved into douglas’ single family home he already owned — and maura went straight into decorating. she turned the place into a home and with a home comes the next step in their relationship. the first born was monica herself, followed closely by patrick. two beautiful children was enough for maura, and all douglas really wanted was a son.
monica grew up in a semi-normal, albeit, very privileged life. her father came from money and rose the ranks fairly quickly in his bland corporate business career. maura and monnie didn’t care what he did, only that he brought home the money to support them and their vastly expensive tastes. monnie learned her taste after her mother. money and material goods were in place of love and affection, and monnie didn’t care.
she was fairly popular in school, mostly since she bought her way into it. her friends were fake, but they were there. the only real friends she made were on the cheer squad — especially veronica. to stay in shape and keep up with appearances and popularity, monnie joined the cheer squad in high school after doing cheer for a few years on a private team. it was something she enjoyed because there was a certain power in it that everyone had. the boys wanted you, the girls wanted to be you. influence was all she ever wanted.
and, oh, did boys want monnie. she is very aware and confident in and of her sexual nature, its one of the one things she is very sure of in herself. she didn’t care if it was because she came from money and made any guy on her arm the new coolest kid in school. she just wanted an accessory — and when they got too invested, she’d try a new one on. there was never any real feelings in her multitude of relationships, which she could easily blame on the lack of example offered to her by her own parents. everything in her life was transactional. so much so that she often wondered why she never actually liked any of the men she dated (... lol)
but patrick ? oh, patrick was different. he was such a good kid. always sticking up to bullies and even working his way up when it came to gaining friends and sudden popularity as well. having monnie for an older sister probably helped, but patrick got onto the basketball team all on his own. he liked the team, even if he didn’t agree with everything they said or did. he was the better, nicer mckinney kid, and everyone knew it. 
things started taking a turn for the worse when monnie was in her last year of university. she was close to getting her degree and moving somewhere like new york or europe for fashion when she found out about the abuse. she surprised patrick at home one night when she noticed the first bruise. 
patrick told her about everything that night in her car. he talked about the way dad was acting and how his attitude had suddenly shifted. he was normally an absent father, but now he needed to know everything that was going on in patrick’s life. how he suspected alcohol at first, but then he found the baggie he had been hiding in his briefcase. 
he then talked about when the hitting started. first, it was when patrick got in the way, then it turned personal. maura was never involved, but she also never involved herself. her after university plans changed that visit and she decided staying in hawkins would be best — at least until patrick was able to leave too. back at home, monnie would help try to cover his bruises with her makeup, but the bruises were always too multi-colored for her foundations to work.
then, all of a sudden, patrick was gone. something about a murderer on the loose who had already killed two people — patrick now being their third. but when monnie went to see his body, she knew there could never be someone capable of doing what had happened to patrick. she knew abuse like the back of her hand, and the stories of witchcraft and satanism weren’t enough for monnie to feel okay about patrick being gone. she wouldn’t accept it.
especially when the stories came out from his friends about him being lifted into the air, crumbling together, only to fall back into the waters of lovers lake. a spot she used to frequent when she was in school but now refuses to go near. and then when the earthquake hit and the news broke out on what was ruled the cause of patricks death ? monnie couldn’t deal. she doesn’t believe that munson kid killed her little brother, but she most definitely doesn’t believe what happened to his body was due to exposure. wrong place wrong time. 
monnie is now the only child in the mckinney household. she acts as though his death didnt do anything to her or change her at all, but it did — it changed her family quite a lot too. her mom finally left her dad and he skipped town. monnie hates that it took patricks death for their father to finally leave. 
after the earthquake and when the town started to settle did monnie settle, too. she couldn’t leave hawkins now — not when her brother was buried here and not when she didn’t have answers. instead, monnie restarted up the lovelace lingerie at the mall, becoming the new owner of the establishment. and then she bought a small house to fit her needs just perfectly.
still a wild bitch, monnie is being as true to herself as possible, while also trying to not let patrick’s death influence her life too much. something she’s already failing at.
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lunagb · 11 months
A Plague of Sleet and Rot (ASoIaF x The Walking Dead)
CHAPTER 3: Tell It To The Wolves
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Time Frame: Atlanta Arc - Post Rick’s Coma
Featured Characters: Jon Snow, Rick Grimes, Glenn Rhee, Andrea, T-Dog, Morales, Daryl Dixon, Jacqui, Shane, Carl, Carol, Sophia, Jim, Dale
Warnings: Graphic bloody violence, vivid descriptions of gore, death-related trauma, ptsd, flashback episodes
Summary: Jon Snow awakens on a highway outside Atlanta, Georgia with only faint fleeting memories of his last day on the wall. This totally alien world shocks him to his core but he's given a beacon of guidance through it when he spots a man on a horse approaching him. Together Rick Grimes and Jon Snow will set out, looking for Rick's lost family and Jon's lost land. After all, The Wall needs its Lord Commander.
[Art above is a piece by Art.of.Azrael. You can support them here: https://linktr.ee/Art.of.Azrael ]
The vile smell of rot infected the cramped inside of the truck. Jon paid it little mind. Instead, while the others chatted cheerily without a care in the world, he allowed himself to wallow in his thoughts. Ever since arriving in this strange place, he’d had nary a moment to truly contemplate the situation.
“What purpose could the Gods have by sending me here when I am needed most? Is this some cruel jape? A punishment? Mindless cruelty? No. None of those are right. The Gods are about as humourless as Thorn and I’ve done them no wrong. I said my vows beneath their eyes. I broke hundreds of years of tradition to give sanctuary to their most devout of followers. And I’m trying to be the shield upon which the long night’s attack breaks. What cause would they have to punish me? As for mindless cruelty. The Gods are mysterious and strange. Cruel? Sometimes. Mindless? No.
Then what? If not the Gods, then who? The Night King? Mellisandra? The curse of a wildling shaman?
No matter. Whatever or whoever has torn me from my duty; it has no bearing. I will not play their games. I will find a map, find the closest port to Westeros and head back home. Even if I must walk across all of the four known continents as a lowly barefoot beggar. I will resume my watch.”
Andrea’s voice dragged Jon from his mind.
Andrea shoved him.
Andrea’s rot-covered face scrunched up.
“I’m sorry. The way I treated you. It… it wasn’t fair.”
“You were scared. I understand.”
“No. Argh… call me a bitch.”
“Say, ‘Fuck you, you’re a bitch, don’t ever talk to me like that again,” please.”
“Just do it.”
Jon cracked a smile.
“Fuck you, you’re a bitch, don’t ever talk to me like that again.”
Andrea chuckled.
“Thanks, kid. And thanks for saving my life. I owe you.”
“Being saved doesn’t come with debt.”
“I. Owe. You.”
Andrea poked Jon’s chest. Jon thought it best not to argue.
“Thank you for saving my life too,” Jon said.
“All I did was hit the bastard with my gun.”
“Yes. And you also kept a level head and didn’t panic. Even when faced with death. Your attitude saved me, yourself and everyone else.”
Andrea smiled and looked away.
“Yeah, I guess.”
The calm, trundling rumble beneath the truck’s floor suddenly became a bumpy, crunching racket. Jon got up to investigate. Looking out the front window made his stomach churn but he did it all the same. The odd black road had become a winding gravel trail that lead down into a huge pit. At the bottom was a lake and sheer walls lined its shore like those of a giant castle. Forest surrounded the pit on all sides. Nestled amongst the forest, at the end of the gravel road, was a camp. Plastic huts, cars and an especially large, rectangular car lay about in a scattered clump.
“It ain’t much, but it’s home,” Jacqui said.
“How many of y’all are there?” Rick asked.
“Thirty? Maybe twenty-five? People have been trickling out for the past week or so,” T-Dog said.
“What defences do you have?” Jon asked.
“We have a look out on the RV,” Morales said.
Morales pointed to the larger, rectangular car.
“And a patrol group. Day and night,” Andrea said.
It wasn’t enough, Jon knew. They needed walls, turrets, traps, and fortified shelter. But that conversation could wait. There was a more pressing matter.
“When will we go back for Merle?” Jon asked.
Everyone went silent.
“Best not to dwell on it. Nobody’s gonna be sad he didn’t come back,” Morales said.
“Except Daryl,” T-Dog said.
“Daryl?” Rick asked.
“His brother,” T-Dog said.
Rick’s expression soured.
“He’s got water and we secured the door. We’ll regroup tonight, and get him in the morning,” Rick said.
Jon’s jaw clenched.
“Fine. Then you can be the one to tell this Daryl, that you’re leaving his brother on a roof all night in the middle of all that,” Jon said.
“Fair enough.”
The rest of the trip was spent in silence and the lingering stink of rot. Eventually, they made their way down the winding, sloped gravel road and arrived at the camp. Glenn had arrived before them and it seemed just about every person was gathered around his red car. All eyes were on the truck as they pulled in and as soon as they were stopped and still, Andrea hopped out the back. Jon followed her out and was nearly barrelled over as a skinny blonde woman threw herself at Andrea.
“You’re okay! Oh my god, what is all this? Is that blood?” The woman asked frantically.
Her soft features were tight with fearful strain. A frantic terror festered in her otherwise calming blue eyes.
“Walker blood, it’s alright, Amy,” Andrea said.
Amy pursed her lips as she guided Andrea off into the camp. Next, Morales got out. A grin spread across his filthy face and he sprinted over to a woman and two children.
“Papá!” A little girl and boy cried and ran to him.
Morales went to hug him but they screamed and dodged him while giggling.
“No! You smell!”
“Get back here! You’re not getting out of it!”
Morales chased after them and the children let out a chorus of screaming laughter.
Jacqui helped T-Dog into the camp and they were greeted by laughter and pats on the back. A group of women swarmed T-Dog and fussed over his battered body as they led him away.
Finally, Rick left the truck.
The camp quietened as sceptical gazes fell upon Jon and Rick; a look all too familiar to Jon. However, three faces in the crowd stood out. Shock and fear stood out like a sore thumb amongst a sea of doubt. A woman and a small lad looked at them with disbelieving, teary eyes, while a man looked as if he’d seen a ghost.
Jon looked at Rick. Tears were streaming down his face.
“Oh my god,” Rick whispered.
“Dad?!” The little lad cried.
Rick flung off his rot-covered, plastic cloak and the lad broke from his mother's arms. They ran to each other and despite the filth covering Rick, they embraced. Rick practically threw himself to his knees as he pulled the lad to his chest. The lad’s short and skinny arms could barely fit around his chest. Crying, Rick picked him up just as the woman threw her arms around him. Rick buried his face into her shoulder, then kissed her and the top of the boy’s head. They stared into each other’s teary eyes. A necklace hung from the woman’s neck. A ring was stringed through it. Rick held it between his thumb and finger as if it were made of gold, grinning ear to ear.
All eyes were off Jon and he gladly faded into the background. He was happy for Rick, truly, but he had more pressing matters. He made his way past a man looking at Rick with a pained look. A tall and burly fellow with a stubbled jaw that could cut glass. Jon slunk by and approached the so-called RV.
An older man in a bucket-shaped hat stopped him.
“Hey, the name’s Dale, are you on your own, son?” Dale asked.
“Are there any maps inside this RV?” Jon asked.
Dale blinked at him.
“Uh, yeah.”
Jon went to step past him but Dale moved into his path.
“Whoa. I ain’t letting you in like that. You’ll stink up the place.” Dale grinned. “More than it does already, anyway.”
“Sorry but it’s important I have a map.”
“Alright. Wait here, I’ll get ya a map.”
“Thank you.”
Dale went inside the RV and Jon peered through the door after him. Whatever this RV was, it seemed to be a small home. A genius contraption really; a home that could move. As Jon waited outside, the burly man who had seemed shocked to see Rick approached and offered a handshake.
“Jon, right? My name’s Shane. I heard what you did for my people out there. You’re a good man.”
Jon accepted the handshake.
“Thank you, but they played no small part either.”
Shane smiled and nodded. He looked past Jon to the RV.
“Dale!” He yelled.
“Yeah?” Dale yelled back.
“We got any spare tents?”
“One or two.”
“Get one and get Jon here set up.”
“Will do!”
Shane nodded, smiled at Jon again and made his way back to Rick. He put his arm around him and guided Rick and his family over to where the tents were set up. Shane and Rick laughed together.
Shortly, the camp seemed to fall back into motion. Some people gathered around Glenn’s car and began poking around. Some sat about chatting and laughing. Some managed supplies. Some handed out food. All was surprisingly orderly. If Shane was their leader, as Jon suspected, he seemed to be doing a fine job.
“Sorry about the wait,” Dale said as he exited the RV.
He handed Jon a thick book labelled, ‘Road Atlas,’. Jon thanked Dale and flicked through the book but all the maps were a bunch of nonsensical coloured lines and numbers.
“I meant a map of the continent,” Jon said.
“Oh, it’s at the back,” Dale said.
Jon went to the back of the book. He froze. A continent unlike anything he’d ever seen was on the final page.
“Th-The world. Do you have a world map?”
“The world? Why-”
“Do you or don’t you?!”
Dale’s eyes widened and he took a step back.
“I’ll uh, I’ll see.”
Dale hurried back inside the RV and came out a moment later with a book simply labelled, ‘Atlas,’. The map on the very first page stabbed Jon’s heart with a blade of ice. It froze him from head to toe. It was all wrong. No Essos, no Sothoryos, no Ulthos and no Westeros. Frantically, he flicked through page after page after page.
“Son?” Dale reached out. “Are you okay?”
“Where is it?!”
“Where’s what?”
Dale frowned.
“There’s no country called Westeros, son.”
“Yes, there is! To the east of Essos and the west of the Sunset Sea!”
Dale looked past Jon. Jon followed his gaze. People were staring.
“How about you come inside, son?”
“I’m not mad! You think it, I know, but I’m not! Westeros is my home! I need to return to my watch! Lives depend on it!”
“I don’t think that. Let’s talk about it inside, okay?”
Dale spoke to him as if he were a child but looked upon him with the pity afforded to a witless beggar. Jon threw the atlas to the ground and stormed off. He needed to think.
Jon thought the bottom of the pit would be empty. He thought wrong. Everyone from Atlanta was gathered about the water, washing the rot from their bodies and clothes. Their families helped them, laughing and playing without a care in the world. Children. They were all children; blind to the world.
Jon went to the other side of the lake to clean himself. He left behind their voices and welcomed a sweet silence. One of them followed him, though. She thought she was being stealthy, but she was about as stealthy as a giant in a swamp. When Jon eventually knelt before the water to clean, she approached him.
“You don’t need to do that. Let us,” she said.
“I’m fine.”
Jon took off his cloak and soaked it in the water. Brown rot infested the already murky water. The woman, Rick’s wife if Jon remembered correctly, stared at his leathers. Everything about her was neat and orderly, from her perfectly braided brown hair to her creaseless dress. An utterly impractical choice, Jon thought. As well as vain. A child’s choice. Pants and a jacket would serve her better.
“Did you work at Disney World or something?” She asked.
“How’d you come by those clothes then?”
“The night’s watch.”
Jon began undoing his leathers.
“Please, let me do it for you. You've already done so much and besides, it’s women’s work anyhow.”
“Leave me alone.”
The woman’s smile tightened. The corners of her mouth fought to hang on.
“Alright then. Have it your way. My name’s Lori. If you need anything, come to me.”
“Bye Jon.”
Lori left him. She muttered something as she left and giggled to herself. Jon ignored her and soaked his leather tunic in the water. The rot spread further across the water’s surface. Chunks of rotten flesh floated on the top. As Jon scrubbed, he thought about the map.
“This place is wealthy, undoubtedly. It stands to reason that their explorers may have seen more of the world than any Maester had knowledge of. Sam had often spoken about theories of other lands beyond the Sunset Sea. Perhaps, this was one of them. Westeros and the other known lands may exist somewhere on that map as smaller pieces, under different names. Yes, that must be it.”
Jon decided once he was clean, and his clothes were dry, he would study that map until he found his home. Surely, it would be a laborious task. But it was one he would undertake without complaint. Jon wished he’d paid more attention during Master Lunwin’s lessons on the world.
Once his cloak, leathers and gloves were clean, he folded lay them out to dry on some rocks under the sweltering summer sun. Truly, this land’s sun would leave even a Dornishman lusting for a cool bath. Jon knelt before the lake again and removed his mail. Then, his undershirt. But as he did, he caught a glimpse of his chest. The rot hadn’t found its way to his skin, leaving it clean and pristine. But what the rot left uncovered terrified Jon more than any white.
From his collarbone to his navel, stab wounds littered his front. Healed and scarred, but stab wounds nonetheless. Jon’s breath caught in his throat and he dropped the shirt as memories flooded back.
Harsh words. Drawn blades. Threats and promises. An apology. Pain. Awful, unbearable pain. The pain of the flesh. The pain of the heart. The pain of the soul. Then finally, a cold release.
Jon touched a scar above his heart. His chest tightened. His breaths became short and sharp. Then, fast and rapid. His head spun. His stomach churned. His heart pounded with a stabbing throb up his dry throat. He wanted to cry and be sick but found himself unable to do anything but kneel before the rot-infested water and stare at his murky reflection. A ghost stared back at him.
There was no going home. The Gods had given him a second life in this world. Perhaps to torture him, perhaps for their own amusement. For, what kind of life would it be? This world was a broken one where the dead ruled and the people frolicked among the rot like the spoiled children they are. Jon punched the water and looked to the sky.
“You should have let me die you cruel sons of bastards!” He yelled.
The Gods, as always, said nothing. Or perhaps they could not hear him. This cursed land had no were woods as far as Jon could tell. His death had surely doomed his home. Without him, the night’s watch would fracture and the long night would sweep across the world. Arya, if she was truly still alive, would die. As would Sam, Ed, Grenn, Eddison, Pypar, and Ghost. The thought of Ghost, alone in such a world finally allowed Jon to cry. He lay on the silty shore and wept. He shouldn’t, he knew. Such a thing was for women and small boys. But wept he did anyway. He cried and cried until he could no longer and just lay still beneath the summer sun.
He could not remember the words spoken to him before his murder. All he knew was they were words of betrayal. It had been his own brothers that had sent him here. Not the game of Gods nor the trickery of sorcery but bitter steel. Over what, Jon did not know. Their betrayal stung worse than any blade. Jon only prayed that it wasn’t a friend wielding the blade.
He felt pathetic just laying there but what else was there to do? Rejoin a group of children who thought him mad? Carve out a life in a dead world upon a most-like dead people? What purpose could such a place have for him? What common cause was there worth finding among such ignorant fools?
He had experienced death once, he could do it again.
It was then, Jon remembered Merle. He was truly a vile creature, but a man nonetheless. Leaving him on that roof had been just as bad, if not worse than anything his foul mouth had said. Jon sat up.
What would his father say if he came to him in the afterlife without undoing that wrong?
Jon stripped off his britches, socks and boots and scrubbed them against the rocks.
That night, Jon reluctantly joined a group around one of several night fires. The tent Dale had set up for him was made of plastic and the strange material did nothing but remind him of being covered in rot. He had enough of being sick for a lifetime. Of all of them, Dale was one of the more bearable. He spoke softly, told fine japes and seemed to have a good head on his shoulders.
“Our world is gone now,” Dale had said, “and it ain’t coming back anytime soon. Best we find a way to live with what we have instead of clinging to the past.”
The unspoken message hadn’t gone unnoticed by Jon, but he still appreciated the honesty. It was refreshing to hear someone acknowledge the hard truth of this world.
When Jon had joined them by the fire, Rick was speaking. His son sat curled in his lap and Lori sat by his side. Shane sat across from them, thumbing a small cross hanging from his neck. He had a hard, vacant gaze that fixated on Rick’s hands as they stroked his son, Carl’s hair and held Lori.
Everyone from Atlanta was around the fire, plus a few extras. Andrea’s sister Amy had joined them. As had Dale. Amy cuddled up with Andrea. Her golden hair and floral, white shirt were stained and greased. Dale handed out small bits of food with a smile and bags under his eyes. Only Morales wasn’t there. He was at his own fire with his family.
“Disoriented. I guess that comes closest. Disoriented. Fear, confusion, all those things but disoriented comes closest,” Rick said.
“Words can be meagre things. Sometimes they fall short,” Dale said.
“I felt like I’d been ripped out of my life,” Rick said.
“Did you now?” Jon asked.
Rick gave him a queer look.
“Yeah. I did.”
“Well you have it back now, don’t you? Your wife. Your child. You’ve got them back. You’ve got a purpose. Aren’t you lucky?”
The truth seemed to sour the expressions of the children around the fire. Ignorant scowls and harsh, veiled eyes.
“Ain’t nothin’ lucky about any of this,” Lori said. “Our world is broken and it’s taking everything we have to keep what’s left together.”
“It might never be fixed,” Rick added.
“Naw, it will. We’re the USA, man. We’ll be up and runnin’ again in no time,” Shane said.
That seemed too cheery the mood once again. Rick cleared his throat.
“For a while, I thought I was trapped in some kind of coma dream. Something I might not wake up from ever.”
“Mom said you died,” Carl said.
Pain flashed across Rick’s face. He smiled at Carl and ran his hand through his hair.
“She had every reason to believe that. Don’t you ever doubt it,” Rick said.
“When things started to get really bad they told me at the hospital that they were gonna evac you and the other patients to Atlanta. That never happened,” Lori said.
“I’m not surprised after Atlanta fell and from the look of that hospital it got overrun,” Rick said.
“Yeah, looks don’t deceive,” Shane said, “I barely got them out.”
Shane nodded to Lori and Carl.
“And I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you,��� Rick said. “Can’t begin to express it.”
“There go those words falling short again, poultry thing,” Dale said.
Suddenly, a sharp crackling cut through the sombre atmosphere. Away from their fire was another. A big man called Ed had tossed a log onto it.
“You wanna rethink that log, Ed?” Shane called out.
“It’s cold man!”
“Cold don’t change the rules does it?” Shane said. “We keep our fires low so we can’t be seen from a distance right?”
“I said it’s cold! Why don’t you mind your own business for once?”
Shane got up and marched over to Ed’s fire. Everyone seemed to look away but Jon didn’t. He was curious how Shane would hold himself. Sitting at Ed’s fire was a mousy-looking woman called Carol and a girl, Sophia. Carol shuffled on her log and looked at the ground.
“You sure you wanna have this conversation man?” Shane asked.
Ed smirked.
“Go on. Pull that damn thing out then. Go on!”
Carol’s weathered, weary face flinched and she scampered to the fire.
“Christ…” Shane muttered.
Carol yanked the log out by the end untouched by fire and smothered it with a jacket. Shane crouched down beside her.
“How are you doing this evening?” He asked, softly.
“Fine,” Carol whispered.
Shane nodded.
“Sorry about the fire…” Carol said.
“No no, no apology needed.”
Shane smiled at her and went back to his fire. Scowls and glares bore down on Ed for every other fire. The kind of man Ed was, was plain to Jon. But Shane was something of a mystery. The friendly, responsible persona he gave off felt somewhat uncanny. But everything in this place felt that way, Jon supposed. Not that it was of any concern to him.
“Have you given any thought to Daryl Dixon?” Dale asked.
“I’ll tell him. It was my call,” Rick said.
“He only acted up cause of me,” T-Dog said.
“It’s not a competition guys,” Glenn said. “And not to bring race into this but it might sound better coming from a white guy.”
T-Dog curled his lip and looked away, but said nothing more.
“We could lie,” Amy said.
“Or we tell the truth. Merle was out of control. Something had to be done or he would have gotten us all killed,” Andrea said.
She looked at Lori.
“Your husband did what was necessary. If Merle got left behind it was nobody’s fault but his own.”
“Your fear left him on that roof,” Jon said.
“Damn right it did. What do you think would have happened if Merle was with us when the walkers came at us? He’d have done something stupid and gotten us all killed!” Andrea said.
“And you know that for a fact?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“So, we tell Daryl his brother deserved it? I don’t see a rational discussion to be had from that,” Dale said, “word from the wise. We’re gonna have our hands full when he gets back from his hunt.”
“At least he ain’t dead. Only about twelve or so geeks could get up that staircase at a time. No way they’d break through those boards we set up. That ought to sweeten the story,” T-Dog said.
“I doubt so,” Jon said.
“It will,” Rick said.
He stroked Carl’s hair and pulled Lori closer.
“When I came home and found my house empty-”
“I’m so sorry,” Lori said.
Rick kissed her head.
“I knew you were alive. That’s what kept me going. We tell Daryl that his brother’s alive and we’re gonna get him, it’ll light a fire under his ass. Sure, he’ll be pissed, but hope’ll drive him to help us get Merle back.”
“I’ll put together a team. A small one this time. No more than five,” Glenn said.
“I’ll go,” Rick said.
“No, you can’t! Not when we just got you back,” Lori said.
“Dad, please don’t,” Carl said.
“They’re my cuffs, locked by my key. I put him there. I’ll get him back.”
Lori frowned and Carl sat up.
“Then I’m coming too!” Carl yelled.
“No, you need to stay here and keep your mom safe.”
“No fair! I can help! Shane taught me how to shoot and how to use a knife! I can keep you, safe dad.”
Rick scowled at Shane. Shane shrugged.
“It was about time he learned anyway. Shoot, he should’ve already known.”
“See!” Carl said.
“It’s too dangerous-”
“It’s not for kids. That’s that, son.”
Carl stormed off back to his tent and aggressively zipped it shut. It wasn’t the first tantrum Jon had seen since he arrived in this world.
“I’ll come too,” Jon said.
Glenn nodded.
“Alright. Well, Daryl will wanna come too so that leaves one more spot. I was thinking-”
“I’ll come,” Andrea said.
“No…” Amy pleaded.
“No,” Glenn said.
“Why the hell not?” Andrea stood up.
“That’s why. You’re too hotheaded. I need level heads out there. I want Morales.”
Andrea looked at Shane but he just shrugged.
“The man’s spoken.” He gave Glenn an approving look.
“You’re taking Jon,” Andrea said.
“Yeah? And?” Glenn said.
“He’s! … well you know.”
“I’m what?” Jon asked.
“Uh, you’re- you can’t shoot. Can you?”
“I’ll show him how in the morning,” Shane said.
Andrea huffed and stormed away.
A taste of home visited Jon that night. A dream of sorts he often had played out in his mind. He saw the world through the eyes of a wolf. Although, usually, he’d see the woods beyond the wall or the gift. This time, as if to mock him, he saw the woods of this world.
He prowled through the night, stalking a deer. The muggy, humid night air penetrated his thick fur. It slowed him, tiring him out far more quickly that any fierce northern chill. But still, he stalked, doing his best not to pant. His stomach churned. He was so hungry, so terribly, awfully hungry. It gnawed away insistently at his mind, driving him beyond his means.
The scent was hard to follow. Death lingered everywhere. Its strong scent attacked his nose to mask his meal but he knew the smell well, it could not hide from him. This deer was far more stupid than any Westerosi deer. It did not try to hide its scent or keep a keen eye out for hunters. Even its footsteps were as loud as thunder.
Eventually, he found the deer drinking from a lake. Silently, he crept through the underbrush as close to the forest’s edge as he dared. When the deer was deep in its drink, he leapt. He flew through the air and sprinted to the lake. The deer screeched and try to run but he was faster. He pounced on it and tore out its throat with a single bite. It flailed as it died but yielded to death quickly. It was a fat thing, fed well by the wealth of this land. He dined for hours on its juicy fat, tender muscle and hardy organs. Blood stained the ground and his fur and infected the water. Once he had finished feasting on the cartilage in the bones, he lay beside the scraps with a full stomach and gazed at the sky. The moon hung above him as a watching, glowing eye.
He had eaten the whole deer, all except for a single hoof. It sat in a pool of blood, decapitated and decrepit.
He howled. He howled for home, howled for friends, howled for family, howled for life. But all that howling brought out the dead. They stumbled from the woods as an endless hoard. They blocked his escape; an impenetrable wall of rot. He snarled at them with a silent baring of his teeth but when it had no effect, he jumped in the water and swam across the small lake to safety on the shore.
Jon awoke with a start. The full moon shone in his eyes. He’d slept outside, by the fire pit. He couldn’t stand the plastic of his tent. As his heart slowed, he became privy to hissed whispers. Two silhouettes stood by the rows of tents. One had the other’s wrist clutched.
“No, you need to leave,” One hissed.
“Come on, let’s just sneak off, he’s asleep he won’t know,” the other kissed back.
“He’s asleep, is he? Just like how he was dead?”
One of the silhouettes tried to yank free. The other let go.
“That’s not fair, he was in a coma and all alone in all of this. It’s a miracle he’s still alive.”
“And yet he is. This can’t go on. In fact, it never did, get it?”
“You felt something, don’t lie.”
“Not anymore.”
One silhouette stormed off, leaving the other to stand aimlessly. Jon rolled over and shut his eyes. Whatever that was, it was just more childishness.
The next morning, Jon awoke to the laughter of children. Sophia and Morales’s kids ran past his sleeping bag, waving sticks around. For a moment, it made him smile. Until images of Arya, Bran and Rickon slipped into his mind. He pushed the memories aside and reached for his clothes. The night had been hot so he’d slept in his britches. But when he reached for them, they were gone and replaced by the odd clothes of this world. Jon shot out of his sleeping bag and in little more than his britches, stormed through the camp.
Eyes followed him everywhere as well as hushed whispers and suspicious looks.
“Everything okay, son?” Dale shouted from the top of the RV.
“Where are my clothes, my mail, my sword!?”
Dale raised an eyebrow.
“Lori has your clothes. They weren’t cleaned proper so she’s cleaning them for you. You ought to thank her. As for your sword. The kids tried to play with it so I put it back in your tent. What were you doing sleeping outside anyhow?”
Jon looked around and saw Lori off with the other women. She was standing before some kind of board, pressing a metal triangle against his cloak. Steam rose as she applied pressure. Jon marched over.
“What are you doing?” He snapped.
Lori looked up. Her eyes widened.
“Your chest! What happened?”
Jon looked down at his scar-riddled chest. A fire burned in his cheeks. He snatched up his cloak and covered himself.
“Old wounds. Don’t take my clothes again. Return them.”
“Sorry, but I saw how filthy they were still. I didn’t want you covered in all that… stuff. I laid out some fresh clothes by your bag. They’re Rick’s old clothes so they might be a little big.”
As hot as his wrath was, Jon couldn’t help but feel stupid speaking to someone so earnest that way. He looked away and muttered
“No thank you. Just return my clothes.”
“I can’t. They’re not dry yet.”
Lori gestured to the board.
“Mail doesn’t need to dry,” Jon said.
Lori shrugged.
“True, go on then.”
Jon rounded the board and picked his mail off of the pile of clothes and hurried back to his sleeping bag, feeling a little ashamed of himself. As ignorant as these people may be, taking out his wrath on them would be no better than kicking a dog.
He gathered up the clothes laid out for him by Lori and dressed. He slipped on a blue, short-sleeved shirt made of a strange, soft fabric. Where they got the dye from, Jon hadn’t a clue. Nor how they’d gotten the image of a boy in a blue and yellow, full-body suit on the front of the shirt. He decided to not question it and continued dressing into the hardy, faded blue pants and leather jacket. The jacket felt odd, unlike any leather he’d ever seen. But it had fleece sewn on the inside, which oddly made it feel homely. He slipped his mail on, then the jacket over it and finally his cloak before donning his gloves and boots. Again, despite the heat, Jon refused to part with them.
After dressing, he went to his tent to collect Longclaw and his dagger. He found them lying neatly where his sleeping bag had been. He drew Longclaw and his dagger. They were undamaged. The dark ripples of Longclaw’s valyrian steel glimmered at Jon despite the lack of any light. He reattached it and his dagger to his belt and stepped out of the tent. As he did, Shane emerged from Rick and Lori’s. He froze, eyes wide, before smiling and laughing.
“There you are! Been lookin’ for ya.” Shane put his arm around him. “Come on, I’ll show you how to shoot. Best you know before Daryl gets back. We’re gonna need all the support we can get.”
Jon went along with Shane out into the woods. He lead Jon to a small clearing nestled in amongst the dense, tall trees and knee-high shrubs. The chaos and noise of the camp evaporated and a gentle quiet lingered around them. If it weren’t for the heat, Jon could've almost believed he was at home during the summer.
“Right, first thing’s first. There are five rules to owning a gun. Well… four now I guess. Unless you’ve got a pair of earmuffs and goggles laying about?” Shane laughed and nudged Jon.
When it was clear that Jon wasn’t going to laugh, Shane dropped his smile, pulled out a gun from his holster and showed it to him.
“First, keep your gun pointed in a safe direction at all times. Second, always treat it as if it were loaded. Third, if you ain’t shooting, keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to fire. Finally, always know your target, line of fire and what lies beyond your target. That clear?”
“Alright.” Shane pointed to a notch behind the trigger. “This here’s your safety. It stops the gun from firing. Always make sure it’s turned on when you’re not firing and turned off when you are.”
Jon nodded and Shane put the gun into his hand.
“Hold it with both hands and point it at that tree down there. Raise it to your eye.”
The gun was far heavier than it looked. Jon raised it to his eye and aimed it at the tree.
“See those three white dots at the top?” Shane asked.
“Line them up.”
Jon moved the gun until the dots were lined up.
“Feet apart.”
Jon spread his feet.
“Move your left foot back a tad.”
Jon moved his foot back.
“That’s good. Back straight.”
Jon straightened his back.
“Okay, and you are ready to fire. Put your finger on the trigger and squeeze it gently.”
Jon took aim at the tree, held his breath and squeezed the trigger. The gun practically exploded in his hand. His ears rang and his head spun. When his hearing returned he was greeted by Shane’s laughter.
“Hell yeah, nice shot kid! You sure you've never done this before?”
“Only archery.”
Shane laughed again.
“Y’all still use bows and arrows in England?”
“I’m not-’
“Welp, you’re in Georgia now, man and every Georgia man worth his salt need a gun.”
“Right, well thank you.”
Jon turned to leave.
“Hold on man. We ain’t done. You know how to reload?”
“All good. All good. Say, how old are you anyway?”
“Ten and seven.”
Shane cocked his head.
“Seventeen,” Jon said.
“Really? I figured you were grown. Well, you’ll be a man soon enough, and you’re gonna need a gun if you’re gonna stay here. I doubt England will be back in order before we are.”
“Back in order?”
“Yup, you’re in the USA man, the most powerful country on Earth. If any government’s gonna get its shit together and retake their country first it’ll be ours.”
“You really believe that?”
“Sure do. Shoot, they’ve probably taken back half the country by now. Any day now this’ll all be over. But you’ll probably be stuck here for a while I reckon. Gonna be a minute before Europe’s back up and runnin’ I’ll tell you what.”
Jon pitied the poor man. It hadn’t occurred to him until now, but perhaps their ignorance was in some part intentional. No rational person could truly believe everything would just miraculously sort itself out. Jon listened along to his reloading lesson. These weapons were quite a lot more complicated than they appeared, covered in valves, buttons and slides. This land’s blacksmiths must be quite skilled indeed.
Once Shane had finished, he left Jon alone to practice. However, as Jon fired away at the tree, a pair of eyes bore into his back. Jon could make out the lad in the corner of his eye, crouched in the shrubbery, believing he was unseen.
“If you want to hide start by not wearing a yellow jacket,” Jon said.
Carl’s eyes widened, but quickly a scowl plastered his face. He stepped out. Jon switched on his safety.
“How come you get to go? You can’t even shoot good.”
“And you’re better?”
Carl pulled out a gun tucked under his shirt and ran to Jon’s side. He took aim, switched off his safety and unloaded three shots into the tree. Each shot hit the exact same place. He switched on his safety.
“You’re allowed to have that, are you?”
“Are you gonna tattle?”
“How’d you get it?”
“Shane sucks at hiding stuff.”
Carl grinned and held up a little key. Jon chuckled.
“You should put it back before he finds out.”
“Duh. So, how come, huh? I’m a better shot. I should go.”
“You’re a child.”
“So are you. I heard. Seventeen isn’t an adult yet.”
“Because I’m a warrior and I’ve proven myself.”
Carl’s eyes brightened.
“For real?”
Jon nodded.
“I stood guard at the edge of the world as the shield that guards the realms of men.”
“Cool! So is that real, then?”
Carl pointed to Longclaw.
“It is.”
“No way! I thought Dale was lying.”
“Its name is Longclaw.”
Jon drew Longclaw and Carl marvelled at it.
“You named it?”
“Every good sword needs one.”
“What about your gun?”
“Isn’t it Shane’s?”
“Nah, Shane’s is black. That one’s silver. You heard him. You need a gun. He gave it to you.”
Jon thought for a moment before cracking a small smile.
“Needle, then.”
“Why Needle?”
“A brave warrior, about your age, wielded a sword with that name.”
“Were they better than you too?”
Jon laughed.
“Yeah, she was.”
As Carl smirked at him, Jon considered the boy. He seemed different to the rest.
“You overheard what Shane said, about the world being fixed. What do you think?”
Carl’s expression darkened. He shuffled his feet.
“I guess, I hope it’s true. But I heard my dad’s story about the tank. If the government is still fighting, how’d it end up there? No way walkers could beat a tank on their own. I think… it probably got left behind cause the soldiers ran away.”
Jon nodded.
“Most likely.”
“It still isn’t fair though,” Carl muttered.
“How so?”
“Well… it is but I just wish they wouldn’t lie. Dad said I need to stay to protect my mom but that’s bull. Shane already does that and the city’s way more dangerous than this dump.”
“Men often hide from hard truths with lies. To others and to themselves.”
Carl cocked his head and smiled.
“You talk funny.”
“You look funny.”
Carl giggled and ran at Jon. Jon kept him at bay with a hand to the top of his head and as Carl swung his short arms through the air, Jon found himself laughing.
Jon returned to the camp with Carl in tow. Before arriving at the main gathering area, Carl slunk off into Shane’s tent. Jon left him to it and looked for Shane. He wanted to find out if Needle actually was his or not. On his way, he found Glenn watching as the others stripped down the red car he’d taken from Atlanta.
“Look at them. Vultures,” Glenn said.
Jon had little sympathy. Ultimately, it was a toy. The parts would be better spent on the other cars. They were bigger and could carry more people and more supplies if they ever needed to leave in a hurry. A car like that would only get in the way of an evacuation.
“A shame,” Jon said.
Glenn nodded and eyed Needle.
“That was you shooting I gather.”
“Yeah. Apparently, I’m good at it.”
“Great. Nothing’s more dangerous than someone who can’t shoot.”
Jon spotted Shane over by Lori and Rick, cleaning a knife and went to go over to him when Glenn suddenly grabbed his arm.
“Shit. Dixon.”
Jon followed his alarmed gaze and saw a rugged-looking man with squinted eyes and a scowl making his way out of the woods. In one hand he had a crossbow which as like everything, was unlike any crossbow Jon had ever seen. In his other hand had held a collection of dead squirrels and large, rodent-like creatures by their tails.
“The hell you mean, ‘Shit Dixon,’? You ain’t happy to see dinner?” Daryl shouted.
Every bit of motion around the camp screeched to a halt and all eyes were on him. Daryl looked up at Dale on the RV.
“And what are you lookin’ at old man. Take off that stupid hat and go back to On Golden Pond!”
Daryl looked around.
“The hell’s the matter with all of y’all?”
Rick and Shane started to make their way over. As did Andrea and Morales. Dale climbed down from the RV.
“Listen, son, we’ve got some bad news.”
Dale touched Daryl’s shoulder and Daryl shook him off.
“What bad news? Where’s Merle?”
Rick stepped between them and Shane gently moved Dale back.
“We had some trouble in Atlanta. Merle-” Rick began.
“Who the hell’re you? Where the fuck is Merle!?”
“Atlanta,” Shane said.
Daryl’s face dropped. His eyes darted from Shane to Rick and back to Shane as he started to pace.
“He dead?”
“No,” Rick said.
“How you know?”
“Cause we barricaded the entrance to the roof he’s on.”
Daryl cocked his head as he paced back and forth.
“You left him there? No. No way Merle’d let y’all just leave him there.”
“He’s handcuffed there,” Rick said.
“What?! Why the hell?!”
“Cause he was losing his mind, man. Look what he did to T-Dog,” Shane said.
Daryl glanced at T-Dog and scowled.
“Y’all know how he is. The hell’d you set him off for?”
“Fuck you man! He’s a racist asshole!” T-Dog yelled.
“Yeah, so what are you doin’ settin’ him off for?! Course he’s gonna attack you!”
T-Dog stepped forward but Jacqui stopped him and led him away. Daryl shook his head and paced more.
“Okay okay. He fucked up. But why’d you leave him?”
“Walkers were surrounding the building. We had to fight our way out. Merle was pissed off and coked out of his mind. Good chance he’d do something to get us all killed,” Rick said.
“And who the fuck are you?!” Daryl yelled.
“Rick Grimes. Carl’s dad. Lori’s husband.”
Daryl nodded, looked at the ground and then suddenly tossed his rodents at Rick. Rick ducked, Daryl came at him and Shane tackled him to the ground. Daryl threw Shane off him, yelled and drew a knife from his belt. He shot to his feet and Rick and Shane backed up.
“Watch the knife,” Shane said.
They spread out and circled around Daryl. Daryl slashed at Rick. Rick stepped back and caught Daryl’s arm. He twisted the arm behind his back, forcing Daryl to drop the knife. Shane rushed in and got Daryl into a chokehold. Rick let go and Shane brought Daryl to the ground.
“You’d best let me go!”
“Don’t think I will.”
“Fuck you. Choke hold’s illegal man.”
“Yeah, you can file a complaint.”
Jon made his way over and stood before Daryl.
“We’re going into the city to get him. Are you coming or not?”
Daryl stopped struggling and squinted at Jon.
“And who are you meant to be? Fuckin… Sir Lancelot?”
“Jon Snow. I was with them on the roof when we left Merle. It was all our’ decision, not just Rick’s. We all share the blame. It was wrong so let us make it right.”
“If that’s meant to make me feel better, it don’t.”
“Well,” Rick said, “You’re more than welcome to stay here.”
Daryl scowled.
“Fine. Okay.” He raised his hands and Shane let go. “Sorry,” he muttered and picked up his knife.
Daryl stormed away to the tents with his crossbow and rodents in hand.
While Rick, Glenn and Morales packed up the truck, Jon was sent off to find Daryl. He felt like a nanny. Jon, however, was far more interested in finding Shane. After everything had settled, he’d disappeared like smoke in the wind. Eventually, Jon found him over by the tents again.
Shane started.
“Huh? Oh, yup? What’s up?”
“This gun? Is it mine or am I just borrowing it?”
“Oh, yeah. I meant to tell you. It’s yours. Uh, shit, hold on.” Shane undid the scabbard from his belt. “Use my holster for now. I’ll get ya a spare later.”
Jon clipped the holster to his belt alongside Longclaw and put away Needle.
“Have you seen Daryl? I’m meant to be finding him,” Jon asked.
“He’s in his tent. That one at the end. You seen Carl? That’s why I’m down here. To look for Carl.”
“Carl’s with Lori.”
“Oh, right. Yup.”
Shane clicked his tongue and slunk away. Jon glanced at Lori and Rick’s open tent before making his way to Daryl’s.
“Daryl? You there?” He asked.
Jon stuck his head in. The putrid smell of blood attacked his nose. Daryl was sitting cross-legged in the middle of his tent, skinning a squirrel. Daryl scowled at him and glared with his weathered, squinted eyes. His skin was akin to leather. Oddly enough, a man with his demeanour wouldn’t have been out of place on the wall. But he was still a child, like the rest of them.
“Never skinned a squirrel? Sir Snow?”
Admittedly, Sir Snow was a new one. Better than Lord Snow, Jon figured.
“I have actually. With my brothers when we were boys.”
Daryl grinned.
“You go huntin’?
“Once we were old enough to ride.”
“Ride what? Dirt bikes ain’t no use for hunting.”
Daryl sneered.
“You rich or a country boy or both?”
“Rich,” Jon admitted.
“Figures,” Daryl huffed. “That how you got that? Daddy’s money?” Daryl gestured to Longclaw.
Jon didn’t allow his anger to show.
“A gift. From a great man.”
“’Kay. Well, you owe me a hold when we get back. For leavin’ Merle.”
“That’s fair. Careful though. It’s sharp.”
“Better be.”
“It’s time to leave. They’re ready.”
Daryl nodded and picked up his bow. The bolts were strange. They were yellow and made of what Jon assumed was more plastic. The crossbow had metal wire instead of whipcord and was made of yet another strange material that seemed to differ from plastic.
Together, Jon and Daryl arrived at the truck. Daryl looked to Shane who was standing with Lori, watching them.
“Dinner’s in my tent. Skin it yourself!”
“You just worry about your brother!” Shane yelled.
“I put blood, sweat and tears into them possums and squirrels. Don’t you let them rot, now!”
“Don’t forget those guns out there neither! Rick dropped a whole goddamn arsenal out there!”
Lori elbowed Shane in the ribs and gestured to a snickering Carl. Shane smirked and shrugged.
“Come back safe all of you! Good luck!” Lori yelled.
“We will!” Rick said.
They all waved goodbye one last time and got into the truck. Jon sat in the back beside Daryl and Glenn and made sure to keep his eyes away from the windows.
“He’d better be okay. It’s my only word on the matter,” Daryl said.
“The entrance is barricaded. The walkers can’t get at him. The only thing that’s gonna get through the door is us,” Morales said.
Glenn started the engine and its roar ushered them off down the gravel road.
The ride back to the city was done in silence and no one looked at each other. It was only once they were a good ways down the black road back to Atlanta that Glenn broke the silence.
“What the fuck?”
Everyone gathered around the front window. The road was smeared all the way into the city with rot. A lone walker with twisted legs crawled along the road. Glenn drove around it and eyed it with disgust. No one said a word for a bit. Until Morales spoke.
“They’re leaving. They’re leaving! We gotta go back! They’ll be heading right for camp!”
“What about Merle!?” Daryl yelled.
“What about my kids!?” Morales yelled back.
Just as Daryl looked ready to draw his knife again, Glenn slammed the brakes and everyone lurched forward.
“Alright alright,” Rick groaned, “let’s all calm down.”
“How can you say that man? You got a kid back there too don’t you?!” Morales yelled.
“Daryl, how long’s it take to walk from here to camp?” Rick asked.
Daryl shrugged.
“Two days, maybe three.”
Rick clicked his tongue.
“You hear that?! Two days! And that’s with sleeping, I’ll bet. We gotta go back! Merle has water, he’ll be fine.”
“Fuck no! We can get Merle and get back before the sun sets. Walkers ain’t gonna be there ‘till at least tomorrow. They’re slow as all hell!” Daryl said.
“I’m not risking my kids for some red-necked, racist bastard!”
Jon grit his teeth.
“I gave him a saw.”
They all stared at him.
“You did what?” Rick asked.
“Why?” Glenn asked.
“So he wouldn’t spend the night chained to a pipe. It’s barbaric.” Jon chewed his lip. “But, if we don’t get him today like we said he might leave the roof. And if he thinks we went back on our word, he might come looking for vengeance.”
“Better we have to deal with a pissed-off red-neck than a hoard of walkers,” Morales said.
“Yeah, but you heard Daryl dude, we have time to get him,” Glenn said.
Morales looked at Rick with desperate eyes. Rick sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
“Those guns will help us defend the camp. If there’s a good chance we can get them I say we take it,” Rick said.
“Fine!” Morales shouted. “Fuck all of you, then!”
Morales stormed to the back of the truck, flung open the back and started walking back along the road. Jon went to the back of the truck.
“Should I stop him?” He asked.
“No, he’s scared about his kids. That’s a good reason to leave,” Rick said.
Jon nodded and rolled the door back down. It was nice to see everyone with their priorities straight for once.
Glenn drove the trucks down a pair of metal rails in the ground. He pulled the truck into some sort of yard where other rail tracks met and parked among them.
“We walk from here,” Glenn said.
Everyone hopped out of the truck and gathered up their supplies. Glenn cut a hole in the wire fence beside the rails and they headed into the city. They moved in a tight circle, slowly clearing every street on their way to Merle. But eventually, they stopped bothering. The streets were empty. A deathly silence lingered over the stone jungle, accompanied by the putrid smell and taste of rot.
“Our exit must have drawn ‘em all away,” Rick said.
“That or they ran out of food,” Glenn said.
“Naw, they ain’t that smart. Bastards can barely walk straight,” Daryl said.
“One did climb a ladder before,” Jon said.
“Ain’t the same as migrating,” Daryl said.
“Regardless, we shouldn’t let out guard down. Atlanta’s a big place by the looks of it. Just cause these walkers left doesn’t mean the rest did,” Jon said.
It seemed they could all agree on that much.
Eventually, they reached the building that had once held them, prisoner. The windows on the ground floor were all smashed in and the frames were coated in dried rot. Rot caked the ground surrounding it, more so than the rest of the street. It was on the walls too, like a decrepit mural. But that’s all there was, rot. Not a single walker was anywhere to be seen. Even so, they moved through the building carefully with guns raised. Jon kept Needle’s safety off and did his best to make sure it never pointed at anyone as they swept the halls but with four of them in such a tight space it was hard to do so. Jon made sure to keep his finger off the trigger, just in case.
The smashed windows let in some light to the store’s main lobby, but the backrooms and connecting halls were still consumed by darkness. Shadows leapt at him from the corners of his eyes, mockingly so, daring him to fire. He kept his mind steady and sharp and didn’t allow himself to be fooled.
Eventually, they reached the stairwell. A walker was standing in it aimlessly. When it caught sight of them it stumbled down the stairs, arms outstretched. Its brown and yellow eyes flared at the sight of them as it let out a hissing, gurgled screech. It tripped over itself and tumbled down the stairs to Daryl’s feet.
“Ugly skank,” he said before shooting a bolt into its head.
When the bolt punctured its skull, a strong rotting smell was released into the air. They all covered their mouths and gagged as they hurried past the corpse up the stairwell. They arrived at the top to a still well-fortified doorway. Daryl kicked down the boards.
“Merle?! We’re here! Merle?!” He yelled.
When there was no answer, Daryl’s kicking got more frantic and Jon’s stomach dropped. He pushed past Rick and Glenn and helped Daryl pry the boards off the wall. Together, they ran out onto the roof to find no Merle in sight.
“Where the hell is he?!” Daryl grabbed Jon’s collar. “Are you lyin’ to me boy?!”
“He should be here! I don’t know!” Jon yelled.
He thrust Daryl off of him. His strength must have caught Daryl off guard as he was sent crashing onto his back. Jon sprinted over to where Merle ought to have been and came across a grisly sight. The handcuff’s remained as they were, chained to the pipe and unbroken but they hung above a dried pool of blood and a decapitated hand. A trail of blood led to the edge of the roof to a ladder heading down into the alley. Jon ran to the edge and looked over but the trail ended and there was no Merle in sight.
“No!” Daryl screamed, “No!”
Daryl paced back and forth, tears in his eyes. Rick and Glenn stared at the gruesome scene in varying states of shock.
“What the fuck man,” Glenn said.
Rick knelt before the hand, his jaw clenched. He unlocked the handcuffs and returned them to his pocket.
“I told you!” Jon yelled. “Your childish fear has killed this man!”
“I know…”
The lack of excuses only fueled Jon’s rage, but even it was surpassed by Daryl’s. With clenched, trembling fists Daryl dropped to his knees and cursed blindly at the sky. Guttural and manic, his cries were akin to a raging beast. Suddenly, his eyes snapped to Rick. Wide and wild, they bore into Rick like that of a starved wolf. He whipped out his knife and lunged at him. And as they struggled on the ground, and Glenn fought to get Daryl off, Jon approached the edge of the roof.
What was there to do now but die in this dead and rotting world? He had failed. Both himself and everything his father had worked so tirelessly to ingrain in him. Better he face him, ashamed as he is, rather than linger as a spectre.
He went to step onto the roof’s curb but found himself unable. Each time he lifted his foot, memories of a cold embrace of nothing flashed clearer and clearer in his mind. His body would not allow him, and his mind was too frightened to argue. Jon collapsed back from the edge onto his ass. He lay on the stone roof and wept as he gazed up at the summer sun.
0 notes
lazyneonrabbitt · 3 years
Full moon meetings
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Werewolf!Daryl Dixon x Reader
You get stuck in the woods, surrounded by walkers when something saves your life.
Running from walkers was terrible. The only upside here was that you were alone and you could hide way easier than with a group. The other bad part was that it was currently late at night and you had to leave most of your stuff at your campsite because of the small herd that woke you up. The slightly better part was the full moon brightening the area which helped you spot a cabin up ahead to hide in until the walkers passed.
You rushed in and blocked the door behind you, waiting for the herd to pass. When it finally did you carefully scouted the way you came from and backtracked towards your campsite with the hopes that everything was still fine. On your way back you managed to avoid running into another small group of walkers but your camp was ravaged. You could find two knives that you took with you but the bag of food you had to leave behind was trampled completely. Now you were stuck in the woods, alone and with no food.
Your group had ditched you after you've gotten in a fight with someone and they all chose their side instead of yours. You sighed and dug around for anything that was still good enough to take with you and left for the cabin again. Memories of the fight that got you into this mess kept repeating in your head, causing you to not notice a ditch that you casually stepped into and slipped with a shriek, alarming all the walkers you so desperately tried to avoid. This time you didn't have enough time to escape and ended up surrounded, slowly taking down stumbling walkers but it wasn't long before you had them all getting too close too fast and there was no way out of this for you this time.
Not until you heard more growling, but a different kind then walkers' growls. You cowered down and hid your head between your knees, just waiting for it all to be over with as the growling became louder and the shine of the moon seemed to disappear underneath you. There was more growling and a lot of movement but nothing seemed to be directed at you and it surprised you how long you were actually surviving this whole thing. When the walkers' growls died down and the movements seemed to stop, the moon shone on the ground near you again and you carefully lifted your head to look at what happened, only to touch your nose against something wet before opening your eyes. You jumped up with a scream and ran off in the opposite direction, frantically looking back to see a giant creature standing among the corpses of the walkers that surrounded you just now. It didn't seem to move as you slowed your run and rounded it from a large distance, back on your way to the cabin to hole up in for the night, hoping the creature wasn't gonna attack you when it got hungry again. Finally back at the cabin you sat down and let out all the anger and frustration you had bottled up and cried into the murky bed that sat in the far corner. A group of walkers got in the way of his search for food. These nights were best for hunting and he always brought back the largest catch for the community. the ones who knew never spoke about it, and the ones who didn't never seemed to question it and somehow all accepted that the moonlight helped seeing late at night so it was easier to make multiple kills in one night. The group of walkers was a big one, but split after a noise somewhere further down into the woods which he also decided to follow. He came across a small campsite with only one sleeping bag and minimal supplies when another small group passed through, ruining everything in sight. He decided to watch from a distance to see what the walkers were fixated on and after a while of observing he ended on a survivor in the middle of another small section of the herd, surrounded and unable to get out by themselves. He watched as the person gave up and crawled down. As if his body moved on its own he jumped in and started gnawing away at the walkers, clawing and biting at them until all of them were down. He stepped away from the girl and sniffed around her, trying to smell for other humans or any sign of a walker bite but he found none. While he was busy she had raised her head and bumped her nose against his and jumped up with a shriek. He stepped back in confusion and stared as she ran off into the distance. He stalked her back to the cabin and decided to go back to hunting after seeing she got in safe.Normally he'd store his kills in the cabin but for now he'd have to think of something else.
You woke up later, your eyes still hurt from crying so it took a while longer to get adjusted to the darkness. When you were able to see properly again you checked out the cabin again, better this time now that you were safe and rested. While staring at the far wall you dragged yourself out of bed, stepping on something and dropping to the floor. Said something moved. "What the.. Shit!!" You called out as you tried to get away from the thing that you ran into earlier. It was large, covered in fur, and ..snoring? No, that wasn't a snore. That was more of a huff. Shit, you woke it up. It grumbled as it opened an eye to see what happened and saw you on the floor, staring in fear. It decided to get up and move further away from the bed and plop down on the floor again, keeping an eye on you until it had settled and closed them again to continue its sleep. Carefully getting back up you to make it back to the bed you spotted something near the door. Taking a better look you saw it was a pile of animals, not chewed down or torn apart but seemingly skillfully hunted. From what you could see there wasn't a lot of blood on them but their necks were clawed open or twisted in a gross way so you stopped looking and lied back down. Rest didn't really come anymore so when it was getting brighter outside you carefully snuck out of the cabin with all your stuff and left without waking the thing that accompanied you.
"I'm heading back to my group now, bye." You whispered softly as you closed the cabin door and walked off to what you hoped was your next safe stop and some food.
After what felt like an eternity you managed to catch a fish to fry and finally eat something. You took a break at the riverside and moved on after you had rested enough. You walked for a bit when you ended up on a road with a sign telling you about a place called Alexandria, a safe space according to the writing. It felt like a dream come true and you quickly made your way towards where the sign told you to go and close to sundown you finally arrived at the gates. You were quickly called after by someone on top of the gates. They asked you all kinds of questions  after someone opened one part of the gates before letting you in. A small group had gathered already and a guy named Aaron had given you some water and was talking to you together with another guy who introduced himself as Rick. He was a lot less nice than Aaron but you understood where his concerns came from. "She's fine. Quit bein' harsh on her." A gruff voice spoke from behind them. A guy with long shaggy hair moved into the group and you tried your hardest to remember if you ever saw him before but you had no idea who he was. "Ya said ya were goin' back to yer group. Why're ya here alone?" The two other men looked at him with confused looks on their faces but you tried to go along with what he said. "Yeah, I don't have a group. Thanks again for saving my ass. I didn't want to be bothering you any more than I already did." You said apologetic, hoping you came across convincing enough. "S'alright. good ya found this place." He added before going into a discussion with the other two, just out of your earshot. The man named Rick came back and brought the news that you were accepted into their community as long as you posed no threat to anyone and pulled your weight in the group. You agreed to all the terms he gave you and led you to an empty home where you could live for tonight. They all understood you were tired and left you alone for the time being. After you cleaned yourself up you went to sit down on your porch to take in your surroundings. It all felt surreal, it looked like this place had never even seen a walker at all.
"Hey, you." The guy from before made his way over to your porch and sat down next to the bench, keeping an acceptable distance to not scare you off. You welcomed him and moved down to sit closer so you could talk easier. "You saved me last night, didn't you." You asked quietly, not sure if it was something okay to ask about. He nodded and thanked you for not freaking out about it. "S'alright. My name's Daryl."
"Thank you for saving my ass, really. And for  saying what you did when I got here." You had introduced yourself before at the gate and now you talked about how you lost your group and ended up in the area. It was clear you were skilled enough to survive on you own as long as you didn't get caught off guard. "So, am I allowed yo ask about last night?" You wondered carefully, earning a smile and a nod. He told you about his hunting trips during the full moons and the further his story went, the more he wondered how you were so calm about it all. "I guess I have a soft spot for big monsters that are nice to people? I used to watch old monster movies for days on end before al of this." You turned away shyly. "I gotta admit, I've always been a sucker for werewolves." Saying that out loud made you want to curl up and disappear, but instead of being answered with something hurtful or being laughed at, you got a genuine smile and a "Glad I saved yer ass, then." He replied casually. "Finally someone who ain't scared of that side." The sad tone in his voice was hard to miss now and you felt bad for him. You gave him your biggest smile and leaned closer to him. "I like both of your sides."
You were new here and it was all still a little scary, but you knew it was all going to be alright with your big, not so bad wolf at your side.
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walkerwords · 3 years
“The Savior Sessions” Part 23 of 33 - Negan x GN!Reader
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Summary: You were right in Alpha seeking revenge for crossing into their lands and now swarms of Walkers are arriving at the gates of Alexandria. Still trying to deal with the emotions in your own mind, you are tasked with supervising Aaron and Negan who are to work together. What happens when the three of you get stuck over night in a cabin together and what is Carol thinking?
Word Count: 6061
Warning: Swearing
Song I Wrote To: “My Blood” by twenty one pilots
Note: This one takes place in ep 3 of season 10 called “Ghosts”. In this chapter, we get a better look at the reader’s life before the end of the Savior war and especially what they knew about Carl and the letter he left for Negan.
A cataclysmic event.
That was what you witnessed when they dropped fire on Atlanta. Everything was burning and the air was thick with the smell of hot metal and melting tar. You could still remember the way your skin felt as you ran through the street, trying to flee from the destruction. 
That was the first night you finally saw a Walker up close. You had seen them on the TV and images that flashed on public monitors in the heart of the city, but never had one been mere feet away. It moved towards you as if you were the only thing in the world that mattered. You wanted to run, to scream, but you just stood there, watching. 
You could hear the commotion behind you as people ran for their lives, but nothing could distract you from the Dead man in front of you. Fresh blood dripped from its mouth as it reached for you. Stumbling back, you couldn’t think to do anything else but examine how something as beautiful as a human being had become...this. 
A shot came from a nearby convoy as the military tore through the rubble-filled streets, ending the Walker once and for all. They didn’t stop to ask if you were okay and they didn’t yell at you to run, they just kept going and you were alone again. 
As you stared down at the man that once was, you couldn’t stop the thoughts that ran through your head that said, “Perhaps this is next for all of us. Perhaps this is what is meant to happen.” 
That thought followed you all the way from the city and into the hills where you eventually met Carl Grimes and it had never truly left you. 
Even now as you watched Walkers approach your home in waves, those two little sentences were buzzing in the back of your mind, trying to make themselves known. However, just as you had for about a decade now, you shoved them away and picked up your weapon. 
The number of Walkers that fell upon Alexandria was something that you hadn’t seen in years. Being so far from the cities, it was rare to find massive hordes right near the communities or even groups of more than ten or fifteen. However, now there were groups of ten or twenty every time you turned around and you knew why. 
Alpha was pissed. 
You had tried to warn them when they went over her borders, but of course, nobody batted an eye when you spoke up. 
You couldn’t understand how one day your thoughts mattered and the next, they went clear over everyone’s heads. You knew you weren’t in charge, that didn’t both you. What did bother you was that your people had begun to question you, rather than relying on your council. You started to notice it after the blizzard and then even more so as your relationship with Negan furthered. 
While you still held a position of respect within Alexandria, you knew that you were looked at differently because of Negan, but you didn’t hold an ounce of resentment towards the man that you loved. Negan was the most important part of your life now and if that meant that nobody looked to you anymore, that was something that would have to get used to. 
Especially in moments when you were the only one dealing with the Dead. 
Aaron and the others had arrived home in the early hours of the morning, desperate to get their children home safely and when they saw you on watch, they had avoided your eyes immediately. You knew why they crossed over, but if you had had it your way, you would have been glad to watch the world burn. 
There had been a discussion, well rather an argument, earlier as more waves of Walkers approached. Lydia had been present in the meeting hall when Daryl had begun questioning her.
You had stayed in the back, ready to jump in to defend her if necessary, but she was handling it well. Lydia had explained that she didn’t think the Walkers were from her mother and that Alpha would have sent a horde. You weren’t so sure about that.
You knew fear tactics and this was textbook. 
Then there was the fact that Alpha now wanted to speak to Michonne and Daryl. You hadn’t even volunteered to go with them to the South border because you knew they would shut you down. However, you didn’t mention that bringing Carol was just as much of a risk. While you were pissed and wanting blood, Carol’s vendetta was even more personal.
Once some of the Highwaymen began throwing insults at Lydia, you took her out of the room and let Daryl deal with them. The last thing she needed was more venom thrown at her and you weren’t going to have her stand by and be spit on. 
Instead, you began to help clear out the Walkers again while you thought about what to do about her mother. While you didn’t agree with accepting Alpha’s terms and her borders, antagonizing her was the last thing you wanted to do.
If you were going to take her out, you wanted to do it when she didn’t expect it. You didn’t want a firefight or a clashing of swords, you just wanted her and Beta dead. It was that simple. Though, like most things in the fucked up world known as the apocalypse, nothing was ever truly simple. 
Negan was not too far away from you, helping to load the corpses into the wagons. You were keeping an eye on him as he worked, but you kept finding yourself distracted as the day wore on. Especially by one memory in particular…
Months Earlier…
“This is either a trick or you pulled some huge strings on the puppet masters of Alexandria,” Negan said as he closed the door to your house behind you. Lydia who was sitting on the couch glanced up from the art book in her hands, something you had found in the garage a few days before and gave to her. 
“If you keep questioning Michonne’s decision, she’s gonna send your ass back out into the cold to sleep in the snow,” you warned, taking off your heavy coat.
“I’m not complaining,” Negan said with a grin and a wink. With a sigh, you gestured for him to make himself at home. 
“Lydia, did you eat?” you asked as you entered the living room to turn on your newly fixed fireplace. 
“Siddiq brought me something,” she said quietly as she stared at Negan who looking at her with curiosity. You gestured between them.
“Lydia, this is Negan. Negan, meet Lydia,” you introduced. 
“Nice to meet ya, kid,” he said with a neutral face, trying to gauge her reaction. 
“Hi,” she said shyly, folding her legs underneath her on the couch. 
“Jailbird here is gonna be staying with us when it’s below zero,” you explained as Negan leaned against the wall near the fire. “So just watch where you step so you don’t step in his ego while he’s here.” Negan scoffed. 
“Wow, (Y/N), that hurts,” he said. 
“Yeah? Well, so does this,” you said, as you gestured to the fresh wound on your side. “I’m gonna go change the dressing, try not to corrupt her, yeah?”
“I would never!” he called as you climbed the stairs towards your room. However, instead of searching for gauze, you remained on the landing and listened in on Negan and Lydia. “What are you reading?” Negan asked after a moment and you could hear the flipping of pages in the quiet of the room. 
“(Y/N) found it in the garage,” Lydia said. 
“Ah, Dalí,” Negan said. “I like his stuff.”
“The clocks are cool,” Lydia admitted and you smiled to yourself. 
“That they are,” Negan agreed. “How are you doing? I heard life is sort of kicking you in the teeth at the moment.” 
“I’m better than I was yesterday,” Lydia said. “At least a little bit.”
“And tomorrow you’ll be a bit better than you were today. Takes time,” he said.
“Nobody wants me here,” she whispered, almost too quiet for you to hear. 
“(Y/N) does,” Negan said, “and trust me, coming from them, that means a lot.”
“Why are you locked up?” Lydia suddenly asked and Negan remained quiet. It was only after about a minute that he sighed. 
“Do you really want to know? It’s not a pretty story,” he said. 
“Neither is mine,” Lydia admitted and then you heard her shifting on the couch, settling in to listen to him. 
“Alright,” Negan said, almost reluctantly. “It all started when a man named Rick visited Hilltop for the first time…” 
You were knocked out of your memory as arguing reached your ears.
Still reeling from your thoughts, you searched for the cause only to see Gabriel stepping in between Aaron and Negan. Aaron’s morning star prosthetic was already attached and you could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears as you rushed over to find out what the damn issue was. 
“You need fighters,” Gabriel was saying. “He can fight, you’re taking him.” 
“What now?” you asked, already regretting the question. 
“Your buddy doesn’t trust me to help him take out Walkers,” Negan explained. “Though, I’ve already expressed my desire to stay here and bury corpses instead of hanging out with Captain Hook here.” Aaron glared at Negan and you were already getting a migraine. 
“Seriously?” you asked Gabriel who was already on the verge of giving up. “Fine, I guess I will play babysitter.”
“Fucking perfect,” Aaron swore. 
“Hey,” you said, pointing at him, “don’t break the asshole pact,” you said, reminding him of the conversation the two of you had on his porch before you left for the fair. You had finally repaired your relationship with Aaron and you weren’t going to blow it now. 
“I know, I know,” Aaron said, getting where you were coming from, “but it doesn’t extend to him.” 
“I never said it did,” you defended. 
“You want to referee these two?” Gabriel asked, throwing his hands up in defeat. “Fine, be my guest!” Gabriel stormed away and you turned to both of the men before you with your arms crossed. 
“Great, now you’ve pissed off the Priest.”
The three of you walked through the thick forest in silence. 
Normally, you would have been chatting or joking with Negan about being outside the walls for the first time together, but your romantic getaway was nowhere near as special as you thought it would be. 
Aaron dragged his feet alongside both of you. You could hear his feet digging in the mud and you knew he was doing it on purpose to annoy Negan. Jesus had taught him how to move through the woods in silence just as Lydia was teaching you. 
This only made you even more annoyed.
“You’re quiet today,” Negan observed, poking at your side. You looked over at him and took his hand, squeezing it a few times before letting go. 
“Sorry,” you said, returning your hand to rest on your sword.
“What’s gotten into you?” Aaron asked. 
“I’m pissed off, Aaron,” you explained with a huff. 
“Well, I can see that,” Aaron said. 
“Not helping,” Negan shot back. Aaron just rolled his eyes at Negan’s comment. You pushed on, ignoring both of them. It had only been a couple of days since the satellite fell and while Eugene felt that harvesting the tech from the machine was necessary, you still thought it was foolish. 
Your mood wasn’t getting any better no matter what Lydia or Negan tried. If you were being honest with yourself, you just needed a break. All you wanted to do was go away for a while and not think about communities arguing or masked menaces tracking your every mood. 
You just needed a moment. 
Now with the meeting happening at the Southern border, you didn’t know what to expect. Just as long as Daryl came back in one piece, you would be okay.  
For now. 
The three of you ended up in a clearing not too far from Alexandria, but far enough to see where the Walkers would be crossing towards the main road that led home.
Aaron gave Negan an old broomstick to handle the Walkers and he wouldn’t give in to your request of giving Negan your knife. It was ridiculous, but you figured it was better than Aaron yelling and Negan making ridiculous comments. 
“You have that look on your face,” Aaron observed as he took a swig of his water after taking out another Walker. 
“What look?” you asked, unbothered by the blood stuck to your blade. Negan was nearby, always twirling his stick around to amuse himself. 
“It’s the same look you had the day Rick and Daryl brought Jesus to Alexandria,” he explained. 
“Annoyed?” you asked, staring off into the trees. 
“More suspicious,” he said. “Though, I would throw in just a dash of pessimism, too.”
“Is that so?” you asked.
“You know, when I met you, I really didn’t like you,” Aaron said and you scoffed.
“Ouch,” Negan muttered. 
“There was just something about you that I didn’t get,” he went on. “Rick acted as if you were some kind of boogeyman.”
“This isn’t sounding any better, Aaron,” you said, leaning on your sword. 
“What I’m trying to say is that you always seemed like the black sheep of the family and I think we need that kind of thinking right about now,” he said, surprising you. 
“I thought you would be on team, ‘cross the border’,” you said.
“So did I,” Aaron said. 
“But?” you prompted. 
“I don’t know anything at this point. At least, I feel as if I don’t,” he admitted. “All I do know is that we can’t treat these...people like we have in the past with other enemies,” Aaron said and you didn’t miss the glance he threw at Negan. Negan ignored him, but he was still listening.
“Right, and now with Daryl agreeing to meet with these psychos...” you sighed.
“Daryl knows what he’s doing,” Aaron tried.
“Well, out of the three of us here, I’ve known him the longest. I know how blind he can be when it comes to his family and with Carol hurting the way she is, he ain’t gonna stop until Alpha is dead,” you said. 
“I remember how he used to be,” Aaron said, but you shook your head.
“You didn’t know him before Alexandria, before the Prison,” you said. “Daryl used to be loud and sharp. After his brother went missing he became standoffish and reckless. Nobody could work with him, not even Rick. The crazy son of a bitch once impaled himself on his crossbow bolt when his horse threw him off. Then, he got shot in the same afternoon on Maggie’s farm cause Andrea thought he was damn Walker. The man doesn’t know when to slow down.”
“Is that a bad thing?” Aaron asked. 
“It was when nobody knew him. Nobody knew what to expect. The only people he was even decent to were Carol and Carl.” 
“Not you?” Negan asked, hauling another body over to the pile. 
“Definitely not,” you said, thinking about all the arguments the two of you would get into. “We were civil, but I think we saw too much of each other in another. I remember Merle, Daryl’s big brother seeing us work together against the Governor. He used to make some really ridiculous comments, but one always stuck with me. Merle would say that we were ‘just two screwed up kids who ended up at the end of the world,’ and hell, he was right.”
The three of you worked into the late afternoon, early evening as sweat bloomed on your brows and blood stuck to your boots. 
Negan did his best to take out the Walkers with his stick, but he was itching for a blade. If Aaron wasn’t around then he knew that you would give him one without question. 
As he watched you, he could see how anxious you were getting. You had mentioned that Daryl never slowed down, but you never did either. You became distant and restless when you didn’t have a target in your sights. It was one of the many things he loved about you. 
After taking down another three Walkers, you wicked the blood from the sword that had become a part of you. 
“I’m going to get some more water,” you announced. “Try not to kill each other.”
“I’ll do my best,” Negan said with a wink. You ignored him as you grabbed the canteens and headed into the trees. 
Negan and Aaron were silent as they continued to kill the Walkers that broke off from the main horde that the others were handling. Without you to be there as a buffer, Aaron began to bite his tongue so he didn’t blow up at the man next to him.
Negan however, could feel the heat coming off him. 
“Are you just gonna keep staring at me or are you going to man up and tell me what’s on your mind?” Negan said, turning to face his adversary. 
“I have nothing to say to you,” Aaron said. 
“Ah, we both know that’s not true,” Negan said. “You’ve been just dying to give me a piece of that mind buried under all those curls. So, come on, lay it on me.” Aaron was quiet for a moment before he let his anger win over his decision to remain somewhat civil.
“You’re not good enough for them,” Aaron said and Negan raised his brows, taking in the words.
“If you think that pisses me off,” Negan began, “then I hate to break it to you, but you’re not the first to disapprove.”
“I won’t be the last either,” Aaron threatened and Negan caught onto what he was saying. 
“If this is about Maggie,” said Negan, “then I think you need to take a step back. She can want me dead all she damn well pleases, but the fact is, she had her chance to kill me and she didn’t take it.”
“She’d do it now,” Aaron said. 
“Why, because I’m in love with one of her friends? Are they friends? Because last time I checked, (Y/N) never talks about her.”
“You don’t get to dissect every relationship they’ve had. You are the reason that (Y/N) lost two people they really cared about, three if you count Sasha,” Aaron said. 
“I had nothing to do with Sasha’s death,” Negan said. “I didn’t kill her.” 
“No, you didn’t,” Aaron agreed, “but you are the reason she’s dead.” Negan glared at Aaron, trying to control his breathing. 
“It was war, Aaron, or are you forgetting your merry bunch of survivors killed my men as they fucking slept? You pulled the trigger first. You can be pissed at me all you want, but do not look at me and see a monster when you’ve shed just as much blood.”
“You wanna know what I see?” Aaron asked. “I see someone that's pretending.”
“Come on, man, just let it go,” Negan said as he moved past Aaron, going to follow you. However, Aaron was faster, throwing out his leg and blocking Negan’s step, sending him to the ground. “Jesus!” Negan swore. “Did you just trip me? What, are you? Twelve?” Aaron sneered at him, but Negan wasn’t having it. Getting to his feet, he towered over Aaron. “What the hell is wrong with you? I've been puttin' my neck on a block for you people all goddamn day!” 
“You don't give a damn about us,” Aaron said, not believing it for a second.  “If you gave a shit, you'd leave. That's what everyone needs.”
“I can’t do that and you know it,” Negan said. 
“Because you love them?” Aaron asked with a scoff.
“Is that so hard to believe?”
“Coming from you? Absolutely! They may have forgiven you for all the death and torture, but the rest of us haven’t!” 
“Nobody has forgiven anyone!” Negan said. “You think (Y/N) forgives me for murdering their friends right in front of them? They don’t and I haven’t asked them to! Look, I did what I had to do back then.” Aaron was silent then as Negan’s words cascaded over him. 
Aaron then tilted his head just as a predator would when watching its prey. “What did you say?” he asked, but Negan remained silent. “No, no, no. Open that up. Tell me why the love of my life had to die,” he ordered. 
Negan shook his head, but he took the bait. “Okay. One simple fact. One truth kept my people going... if you don't protect what belongs to you, then sooner or later, it belongs to someone else. That goes for your land, your wallet, your home, your country... everything. It is your job as a man to protect it. That's the story of America, the story of the whole goddamn world. And ain't nothing changing it... not you, not me, nobody,” Negan said, getting into Aaron’s face, but the latter wasn’t backing down. 
“Are you saying that Eric's death was my fault?” he asked but Negan remained still. Aaron then shook his head, stepping into Negan’s space even more. “Well, if I failed Eric,” he whispered. “Then you failed your wife.” Negan went still, looking down at Aaron with fury in his eyes.
“Careful,” Negan warned, trying to remain calm, but Aaron wasn’t done.
“Yeah. She died hating you, right? Gabriel told us the story and I know that (Y/N) has heard it, too. Hate to break it to you, but you will never see her again.” Negan’s mouth turned into a smirk as light entered his eyes. 
“What? You wanna say something?” Aaron challenged. 
“Yeah,” Negan said and then with a quirked brow pointed over Aaron’s shoulder. “Behind you,” he whispered as Walkers converged on Aaron. Aaron took out one in a hurry as another, which was covered in vegetation, fell on Aaron, taking him to the ground. Aaron yelled as the Walker reached for his face, but he was able to hit it over the head with his morning star, killing it easily.
However, something was wrong. Negan was gone and Aaron couldn’t see.
By the time you got back to the clearing, it was night. 
Of course, this was the time for you to get turned around and have to double back. You pushed into the clearing, ready to get the boys back on track when you were met with an empty space. 
“Seriously!” you yelled, throwing your hands up. “I say not to kill each other and they leave me,” you muttered. “No, no, (Y/N) they’ll be just fine, just two people who hate each other. Why should it matter if they both care about you? It’s not like that fucking matters.”
You continued to talk to yourself as you shone your light on the ground and managed to find Negan’s footprints. “It’s a good thing you’re practically bigfoot,” you whispered as you headed into the trees. You were then very happy that Daryl had taken all that time to teach you how to track or you’d be out there stumbling over Walkers and roots.
The tracks were accompanied by another set. You figured they were Aaron’s considering how precise they were. Walker tracks were more random and uneven. They led away from Alexandria which only made you even more annoyed. “Right, let’s go away from the walls and the warm food. Assholes,” you swore as you climbed over a fallen tree and kept moving. 
Eventually, you saw a flickering light in the distance. Stepping over what was either a dead Walker or a half-eaten deer, you arrived at a cabin. Noises of alarm echoed from the cabin and you ran towards it, kicking open the door. You slid into the main room just as Negan finished killing the last Walker with a crowbar. You would have to ask where he got that later. 
“What the hell?” you asked, alarming Negan. 
“(Y/N)?” Aaron’s voice came in the dark. “Negan?” 
Negan looked at you and in the dark of the room with only the moon to illuminate his features, he looked incredibly intimidating. “You alright?” Negan asked Aaron who was looking around the room rapidly. You took a step closer to him, confused. 
“Yeah,” Aaron said. “How did you…?”
“Your light switched on,” Negan explained, reaching down to turn off the flashlight that was on Aaron’s belt. 
“What’s wrong, Aaron?” you asked. 
“I can’t see,” he said, looking around the room, trying to focus on anything, but couldn’t. Negan kneeled in front of Aaron who stiffened as Negan got close. 
“Flowers growin’ out of the Walkers is hogweed,” Negan explained, looking at Aaron’s eyes. 
“Nasty shit,” Negan said with a glance over at you. “Causes rashes, blindness…”
“Is it permanent?” Aaron asked as you leaned against the wall. 
“Sometimes,” Negan admitted. “You wash your eyes out?” 
“Yeah, in a stream, but I… I didn’t have,” Aaron tried and then you realized you still had the water. 
“Here,” you said tossing the full canteen to Negan who gave it to Aaron. Aaron drank half of it in one go, desperate to quench his thirst. 
“Alright, come on,”  Negan said as he helped Aaron off the floor and you were surprised to see that Aaron let him. Negan got him settled in the old chair before joining you next to the window. 
“What are you doing?” Aaron asked. 
“We’ll take watch and leave first thing in the morning. That good with you?”
“Yeah,” Aaron said softly. “Yeah, that’s good.”
“You two are both idiots,” you said, crossing your arms. 
“We know,” Negan and Aaron said at once and you couldn’t help but smirk at that. Aaron settled into the chair, the reaction to the hogweed taking its hold, but he didn’t sleep.
Instead, he listened. 
“Maybe don’t run off in the middle of the night when a lot of Walkers are around, okay?” you said.
“Sorry,” Negan said sheepishly. You nodded to him, peering out the windows, letting your mind wander. “What are you thinking?” he asked. 
“You look lost in thought, have all day,” he said with a shrug. 
“Uh, I was thinking about Rick,” you said. 
“Anything in particular?” he asked. You were quiet for a moment before turning to fully face him. 
“I lied to you before,” you said. 
“When you asked me what the vote was on what to do with you. I told you that Rick just decided. He and Michonne had the final say, but that wasn’t the whole truth,” you admitted. “Rick asked me what I thought he should do.” Negan was quiet for a moment.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing at first,” you said. “I didn’t have an opinion right away. I was angry with you and I wanted you to pay for what you did, but I… I didn’t know if death was the answer. I was conflicted.” 
“Why?” he asked and you looked at him with glossy eyes. 
“Because of Carl,” you admitted and you saw something shift behind his eyes at the mention of the late teen. “I read the letter that he wrote to you. Michonne let me after she had given me the one Carl left to me. I knew what Carl wanted. He wanted the fighting to stop, he wanted the hate to stop, and he wanted you to be a better man. How was I supposed to deny him that?”
“Did you tell Rick this?”
“Sort of,” you said with a sigh. “I told him that Carl had written to me asking me to take care of him and Judith. Carl trusted me to be the protector of his family because he couldn’t anymore, but he never needed to ask. I would have died for Rick and I will die for RJ and Judith if it came down to it.”
“I know,” Negan whispered. 
“I thought about it for hours, the question Rick asked me, and then I told him that it wasn’t up to me and it wasn’t really up to him either. Carl had already made the decision. Rick had already made promises to the people he loved. He promised his best friend, Shane, that he would protect his family because Shane did it first; He promised Lori that he would protect Carl and he did.
“What happened to Carl wasn’t Rick’s fault no matter what he thought. Most of all, Rick promised Michonne that he would build a good life for their daughter, and I had to remind him that he wasn’t allowed to break that promise. Carl had an idea, and if we had killed you, we would have been dishonoring him and everything he wanted to fight for but couldn’t. I had to make a choice and for once it wasn’t for my survival, but for securing Carl’s legacy. You once asked me why I stayed in Alexandria when I felt as if I never quite fit.”
“And you said it was because Carl was buried there,” he remembered. 
“Alexandria is strong and still standing because of Carl. It’s not just because his grave is there. It’s because everywhere I turn, I see that kid’s influence. I made a promise when I read the letter he wrote to me. I can’t break it now and I never will.”
“Where is all this coming from?” Negan asked. You wiped at the tears that formed in the corner of your eyes. 
“I feel as if I’m starting to lose sight of him, Negan,” you said. “I look around and I don’t see Carl, I see Alpha’s face or Jesus’ blood on my hands. I can’t see the good anymore.” 
“There is still good in this world, (Y/N),” Negan promised. “You just gotta search a little harder.”
“I’m tired of searching,” you said. “I try to be there for Lydia, but most days I have no idea what I’m doing. What the hell does she see when she looks at me? I don’t even know what I see when I look at her.”
“Do you wanna know what I see when I look at Lydia?” he asked. 
“I see a scared kid who’s had a shit life and who needs you to look out for her,” Negan said. 
“Right,” you said, but Negan wasn’t convinced you were getting it. You then looked up at him. “What do you see when you look at me?” Negan didn’t even hesitate.
“Possibilities,” he said and it threw you for a loop. Looking at him in the dark of the cabin, you could only see the truth pouring from him. 
“What do you see when you look at yourself?” you whispered.
“Not much,” he answered.
“It’s alright,” he said. “I’ve accepted it. You know, when I went back to the Sanctuary and saw what everything had become, I finally got it.”
“Got what?” you asked. Negan reached out and dragged his knuckles along the back of your arm, savoring the feeling as if you were going to fade away. 
“That my number was up the second Rick told me he was going to kill me in that clearing,” Negan said, avoiding your eyes. “I just didn’t know this would be how he’d do it, condemning me to a life of self-hatred,” he said with a self-deprecating laugh. 
“Why are you saying this to me?” you asked.
“I’m just trying to let you know that it’s okay if I don’t get the happy ending. I was more of a fan of horror films than fairytales anyway,” he admitted. 
“What am I supposed to do with this?”
“Just…” Negan trailed off and then pulled you towards him, wrapping his arms around you. “Just be still with me right now. Just, be still.”
Negan eventually fell asleep after you convinced him to get some rest. 
You were too wired to even think about sleeping. You sat on the floor between Negan and Aaron, your sword reflecting moonlight across the dark room. The next time you heard a voice, it was Aaron’s and not Negan’s. 
“I’m sorry,” Aaron whispered. “I didn’t mean to run off.”
“It’s okay,” you said, reaching up to squeeze his hand. Aaron went to say something else then when Negan began talking in his sleep. You were used to it from all the times you spent by his side in bed, but Aaron froze as he listened to the nonsense. 
It wasn’t until actual words were formed that Aaron sat up. “Simon,” Negan muttered. “Si…,” he said again and then went back to mumbling before growing silent again. It had been a while since he dreamed about Simon, you realized. 
“What the hell was that?” Aaron whispered. 
“Negan, he talks in his sleep. He says the names of his victims sometimes.”
“Simon?” Aaron asked, surprised. 
“Negan strangled him when he tried to overthrow him. Simon was the one who ordered all the men and boys to be killed at Oceanside. He killed the boy at Hilltop and was the one who massacred Jadis’ people. Negan never knew any of it,” you whispered. 
“Makes sense,” Aaron said and you furrowed your brow.
“How so?”
“Negan doesn’t hurt kids,” Aaron said simply. 
“No, no he doesn’t,” you said, glad that Aaron understood that. 
“He still grinds my gears,” Aaron said. 
“I know.”
“And since when is he a fucking botanist? Hogweed, really?” Aaron scoffed. 
“He’s been out in the world for a long time,” you said. 
“Yeah, I know,” he said and then, “I never knew about Rick.” You sighed, but you figured he had been listening. 
“Nobody knew, that was the point.”
“I guess I never realized just how much he put on you,” Aaron said. 
“I didn’t mind,” you said, leaning your head against the chair. 
“Maybe you should’ve.”
The next morning, Aaron was still struggling with his eyesight, but it was getting better. 
Negan slung one of Aaron’s arms around his shoulders to help him walk as you carried the weapons. Rosita pulled open the gate when you got home and yelled for Siddiq as you explained what happened. The doctor came running down the street with worry. Once he saw that Aaron was in one piece more or less, he took him from Negan.
You knew that Siddiq and the new doctor, Dante, would get him fixed up in no time. After making sure Aaron was okay, you began to lead Negan back to his cell. As you approached the Grimes’ house, you noticed Michonne, Daryl, and a very pissed of Carol standing on the stoop. 
“Uh oh,” Negan said as he stuck close to you. As you got closer, Carol shoved past both of them and into the house. The look on Daryl’s face made you incredibly nervous considering he had just returned from the meeting with Alpha. 
You and Negan stopped next to them and Michonne seemed to relax at the sight of you, knowing that at least you were okay. 
“What happened?” you asked. 
“Carol shot at Alpha,” Michonne divulged and you sighed, trying to contain your anger. 
“Fucking fantastic,” you swore. “How much shit are we in now?” 
“She knew we crossed,” Daryl said. “She knew about all of it. The fire, the blizzard, and even when Michonne and Aaron crossed by the river. She’s got people everywhere.” 
“So Carol felt the need to light the fire further?” 
“You’re telling me you wouldn’t have?” Daryl challenged but you remained quiet. Daryl shook his head as he walked away. “I need to find Lydia,” he said before heading across the street. 
“This is only going to get worse now,” you said to Michonne who nodded. 
“I know,” she said. “Get ready for a fight.” Michonne turned and followed Carol back into the house, still rigid from the night before. You sighed, gripping the sides of your head as every fear was coming back.
“Are you actually pissed Carol tried to kill Alpha?” Negan asked. 
“No,” you said, removing the keys from your belt, “I’m pissed that she missed.”
AN: Next Chapter is going to be an important one. Hint: Carol becomes desperate and turns to an unlikely ally. 
@lucillethings @cameronsails @stark-dreams @amaroho @thanossexual @yes-sir-hotchner @boom-bunny @delusionalteenagewhispers @scootankle @ritajammer21 @writteriguess​ @tea-atfive @jennydehavilland @waspyyy @yespleasejayhalstead @hoemadegrace @writingdeadangel @huffledor-able541 @pulplorrd @felicisimor​ 
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Birthday - c. 13 - Georgia
Summary: Just a whole lot of feelings.
A/N: Sorry I didn’t post when I said I was going to, thank you guys for your patience though! Also, if you haven’t seen it, there’s a link on my page to help raise money for a friend of mine to get bottom surgery, if you wouldn’t mind taking a look and considering donating or reblogging to get out the word. 
Georgia Masterlist | The Walking Dead Masterlist
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“Not who I expected to see waiting outside the pharmacy for me but, I’ll take it.” Tara called out as she walked across the small parking lot to her car. Parked right next to her four-door was Daryl’s truck and he was standing there waiting, leaning against the tailgate.  
“I haven’t heard from her in a couple days, just wanted to be sure she’s alright.” Daryl replied.  
“You mean after you told her you didn’t want to date her?” Tara asked, crossing her arms over her chest.  
“Ain’t that simple.”  
Tara groaned, already exhausted with both of you. “It is that simple, she really likes you and come on, I know you like her. You fucking stopped at the drug store to talk to me because you’re concerned about her. That’s pretty solid proof that you like her too.”  
Daryl looked away, scuffing his foot on the ground and taking his pack of cigarettes out to smoke, he needed something distract himself.  
“Can I have one?” Tara asked, already holding out her hand for one of his cigarettes. Her sister would probably kill her if she knew but Tara smoked occasionally, more recreational than anything else. “She’s staying at my house in Woodbury. Her dad’s supposed to be home soon, think she’s just waiting it out away from her mom.”  
“He any better?” Daryl asked lighting his and then holding the lighter for her cigarette. You’d be bitching about the smell no doubt, or pretending it didn’t bother you.  
“Not really,” Tara shrugged, “he doesn’t hit her or anything but he’s pretty dependent on her mom. I mean, the guy’s been in and out of rehab for years now, he can barely hold a steady job. Last time he was in the hospital he was on suicide watch cause he’s so miserable. Why are you asking me all this anyway? Why not ask Maggie?”
“Some friends ya don’t tell everything to.” He replied. “Ya let me know how she’s doing?”  
“Go to the diner and make up and see her yourself.”
“I already told her, she’s got enough shit going on, don’t need me adding to it.” Daryl replied.  
“Before you go,” Tara stopped him as he started to walk around to the driver’s side of the truck. “Just tell me, do you like her? Would you date her?”
He nodded, slowly. Not like he was unsure, just like he was trying to censor his answer. He settled on “yeah” because anything else would have been too much to tell kid. He would date you, hell, he was pretty sure that he would marry you if he was given the chance. He’d never thought much about liking anyone before. Daryl had seen Merle with different women his whole life but he’d never really bothered appreciating any of his own. People just came and went and he figured that was exactly how life would always be. And now there was you and he wouldn’t mind setting up a future, he’d already laid one out in his head. A nice one, like all the upstanding people in King County, the ones who whispered about him, had. There’d be a house, or a farm like Hershel’s, and kids if you wanted them though he’d never thought of himself as needing to bring any children into the world. It’d be nice though and you’d both be happy.  
“Don’t tell her I stopped by?” Daryl asked.  
“I won’t.” Tara replied, “think about it though? Cause she was happy with you and she was standing up for herself and she never used to. I don’t want her to lose that.”  
Daryl shut the door on the truck and Tara backed away as he started the engine, reversing and then peeling out of the parking lot. She took another drag of the cigarette and dropped it on the ground, smashing it into the white line with her shoe.  
You were working at the diner that afternoon and when you saw Daryl’s truck pull into Dale’s Autobody across the street you considered taking a ten minute break just to go talk to him. If you could figure out what was going on between the two of you, or even just apologize for what you said in the grocery store. You would’ve killed for a time machine that night, imagining the possibility of rewinding yourself back to the moment before you told him, of being able to pretend you didn’t feel the way you were feeling.  
If you could’ve done it over again you wouldn’t have said anything. Kept quiet until, and you hoped there was a possibility, he liked you so much that he couldn’t possibly reject you. And yet, you knew it was pointless to think that way. Standing in the parking lot with him, you had known that the only thing you wanted in that moment was him.  
Maggie sat on the top rung of the wooden fence with you, lanterns set out to illuminate the make shift camp site that she and Tara had put together for your birthday.  Glenn had come once it was dark enough that no one from the house would realize that he was there. You were usually wired, especially considering the amount of alcohol that Glenn and Tara had both brought with them. You had half a bottle of wine left, holding the nose in your hand as you sat there with Maggie, silently staring ahead to the porch light that looked more like a lightening bug at this distance.
“Glenn’s been talking about college,” Maggie finally said. Tara and Glenn had both punched out early but you and Maggie couldn’t seem to fall asleep. Or maybe she was just sitting up with you to be nice. “It’ll be nice to get away from all this. Have you talked about it with your parents?”
“My mom says the college fund is,” you sliced your hand across the air, “gone. Guess it’s waiting tables for me.”
“Woodbury has a college, maybe you could go there?”
“It’s not Emory...” you replied. “I don’t know any more honestly. I just wanted to go to college cause I wanted to get out of here. Guess I still do.”  
You had thousands of dreams of college as a kid. Getting out of King County and never coming back. You could be one of those kids who moves to the city without leaving a forwarding address, who disappears from the average existence of small-town life. Breaking whatever mold, you had been born into. It always seemed like it would be you, Maggie had the farm and she complained about the church but you knew she loved it. But now she was talking about life outside of King County and it seemed insane to you that you would be the only one contemplating all the things in your life that you thought about changing. Maybe some of them could stay the same.  
“I told Daryl I liked him.” You said, “told him I was gonna be 18, we could date.”
“What’d he say?” Maggie asked, reaching for the wine bottle to take a sip.
“Same thing he’s been saying, that I shouldn’t ‘get dragged into his life’.”  
“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you.” Maggie sounded too hopeful for her own good. And why shouldn’t she? Even if she thought about leaving King County everything about her screamed small town. The high school sweetheart, the southern twang, the pastor’s daughter dichotomy. She hit all the marks.  
“Means he doesn’t want to.” You replied, taking the wine back.
“Well take it however you want but, maybe it’s a sign? You been getting too close to something dangerous. I love you and you know that but you were spending all your time with him, not going to church, not doing stuff with me or Glenn or going to youth group. Maybe it’s a good wake up call. Your mama wouldn’t want you tossing it all away for a boy. Especially not Daryl.” Maggie stated.  
You knew somewhere along the way you had given up trying to keep up appearances. You weren’t the sweet kid who had sat all through Thanksgiving and then snuck out at the end, something had changed and you had stopped caring if people knew who you were hanging out with. Deanna had only seen you because you’d gotten too reckless.  
“Guess so.” You said, hopping down off the fence. You had never told Maggie about your mom and you certainly couldn’t now. You weren’t even sure that she would believe you.  
“What?” You asked, eyes meeting hers in the dark.  
“You got that look, like you did before you dragged me to Dale’s.” Maggie said, watching the slow smile on your face as you bit your lip.  
“Just thinking.”
She was right though, and you knew it. Even as you climbed into the tent you were sharing with Tara, laying on your back as if you could see the stars through the vinyl, your head was swirling with any sort of idea you could grasp at. Maggie could say whatever about you and what you cared about but at the end of it you knew what you wanted. Her pep talk wasn’t going to deter you.  
In the morning you stopped at Dale’s, church bells ringing as you got out of your jeep. You were supposed to be meeting your mom for service but you had pit stopped here. Axel was out front working on a car and he waved when he saw you. Daryl wasn’t overly forthcoming with information about his life so it didn’t surprise you that he would’ve neglected to tell anyone about the night at the grocery store.  
He was in the back, maybe just finished with something cause he was wiping his hands on a rag from the back pocket of his coveralls and you weren’t quite ready for the ache in your chest at the sight of him. Your heals on the concrete weren’t quiet and Daryl looked over when he heard them, jaw tensing.  
“What’re ya doing here?” He asked.  
“I thought about what you said.” You replied, a little less confident than you had felt when you stepped out of your car. “And I’ve come to a decision.”
“Am I supposed ta ask what that is?”  
“Yes.” You moved closer, he wasn’t running but he looked a little reminiscent of a caged animal.
“I got work.”  
“Wait, just hear me out,” you begged. He started to say something, no doubt telling you to leave, but you stopped him, forging ahead. “I know I told you that I liked you when we were at the grocery store but it’s more than that. I love you. And I think you love me too. I’ve been thinking about leaving King County and getting away from my mom for a long time and lately I been thinking I don’t care. There’s still some things I want, ya know, but I can get ‘em right here and mostly, I just want to spend time with you.”
There was a lot Daryl wanted to tell you, that you were right. He did love you. “Ya don’t know what yer saying.”
“I do.”
“No,” Daryl snapped. “Ya don’t! There ain’t a future here for ya. Yer wasting yer time and one day, you’ll wake up and yer gonna realize that’s all ya been doing, wasting time, and yer gonna want out. Save yerself the trouble and just go.”  
“I’m not wasting my time.” You insisted.  
“I got work.”  
“No, Daryl,” you grabbed his arm, stopping him from turning and leaving.  
“I told ya before, I’ll say it again, there ain’t nothing here for ya.” He replied, pulling away from you.  
“Fine then tell me I’m wrong.” You said, “tell me you don’t love me and I’ve just been imagining it.”
“I got work.” He repeated, brushing passed you.  
You knew what you should’ve been feeling. Depressed, angry, absolutely gutted. All of those fit the bill but you couldn’t make yourself feel any of those. As you climbed back in your jeep, pulling out of the parking lot, all you could feel was the smallest, fleeting, sense of hope. He hadn’t said that he didn’t love you. Nothing he said suggested that he didn’t feel the same way. You’d been thinking that he just didn’t like you back but it wasn’t that at all. He was just afraid.  
You knew how you felt. And now, you knew how he felt too.  
taglist: @gigilame @sabertooth-potato @enrapturedbythemoon @thanossexual @yespleasejayhalstead @cbarter @onemorebeautifulnightmare @mainokutan @solllaris @twdeadfanfic @legit-emily  @hopesxxhigh @coffeebooksandfandom @jodiereedus22 @tehfabbooty @thecaptainsgingersnap @of-storms-and-sadness @alwaysadreamingoptimist @bucky-barnes-babies @ly--canthrope  @daryldixonandfrogs @jaycc7983 @easnuppa @imaginecrushes @tonystarkismyboy @watchmeaspire @harpersmariano @guccicloudz @sapphire-angel @buzzybhee @alexbealee @elodieyung @its-evita-here 
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floral-and-fine · 4 years
Heaven Bent part 2
Daryl Dixon x female reader
Part 1
Summary: The reader finds Sophia lost in the woods, too bad neither of them have any sense of direction. 
A/n: Thanks for the support on part 1! Daryl is probably the hardest character I've ever written for. I've got a lot of ideas for this fic, just hoping I stay motivated. Thanks @ewokiee​ for all the help especially when I’m stuck!
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You groaned, rolling over to your side and snuggling further into the covers. This had to be the softest bed in the world, with fluffy plush pillows stuffed with down feathers under your head and a thick warm blanket draped over your body. You wanted nothing more than to stay here and never leave. God, this was a million times better than cold nights sleeping on the ground, this bed was heaven, absolute heaven.
However, how you got here though was still a bit foggy, the last thing you could remember was an angel with a horse coming to save you and Sophia. Maybe this truly was heaven you thought to yourself. Either way, you were better off here than you were in that forest.
You peeked an eye open as you heard the door creak. An old man with white hair stepped into the room. There was an air of wisdom and sensibility about him.
“God?” You whispered, sitting up slightly.
The man gave you a skeptical look. “You must still be delirious,” he mused. “I’m Hershel, and this is my home.”
You nodded, taking a better look around. The room was decorated nicely, a typical farmhouse interior with white trim around the doorframe and windows. Definitely a nice place though.
He walked over to the side of the bed and looked you over. “How are you feeling?”
“Better,” you answered, stretching your arms above your head.
“Good,” Hershel muttered. “When you first got here you weren’t making a lick of sense. You and that girl were in those woods for at least a week.”
“How is she?”
“She’s going to be alright. She just needs to rest,” he explained. “Most people had given up hope on finding her, my guess is she would’ve died without your help.”
You nodded, satisfied knowing Sophia was going to be okay.“That reminds me,” you started. “Where’d my angel go?”
Hershel quirked an eyebrow. “Angel?” He repeated.
“Yeah, I was saved by an angel,” you explained, trying to remember what he looked like exactly. You recalled his wings and halo, and that he didn't quite act like an angel should.
Hershel stifled a laugh, “That man is a lot of things, but I doubt he’s any kind of angel.”
“I know, but he’s an angel to me,” You looked down fiddling with the blanket on your lap, “I’d like to thank him now that I’m thinking more clearly… I can’t remember if I did when he found us.”
Hershel nodded, “If I see him, I’ll send him this way. Trish will be bringing up something for you to eat and some clean clothes.”
“Thank you,” you smiled, your eyes meeting his before he left the room.
In long strides, Daryl headed towards the RV, wanting to check in real quick on Sophia and Carol.
The look on everyone’s face when he returned with her and a stranger ranged from genuine surprise to shock.
Carol ran as fast as she could, meeting him at the edge of the woods. Immediately she crumbled to her knees, crying, as Daryl placed Sophie in her arms, muttering thank you over and over again.
Other than Daryl, it seemed like no one else believed that Sophia was still alive out there, and most of them had given up on finding her too.
Daryl thought back to you, back to the way you smiled at him while you were delirious, it was an image he couldn’t get out of his head. He couldn’t remember a time anyone else ever looked at him like that.
Just as the RV was in sight, Daryl could overhear voices coming from the woods nearby. Carefully, he wandered over, curious as to who was being so secretive.
Even with their voices hushed, it didn’t take Daryl long to identify who was talking. He frowned to himself listening closer, it was Rick and Shane, and from the sound of it, they were fighting over something.
“So what? We’re supposed to take in every stray we meet?” Shane argued.
“She helped one of our own,” Rick reasoned, stepping forward. “Sophia is alive because of her. We owe it to this woman.”
“We aren’t living in that kind of world anymore,” Shane insisted, gritting his teeth.
“Take a look around you,” Rick hissed. “We’re here right now because of the decency of others, we aren’t those kinds of people, we aren’t animals, we aren’t just gonna abandon her.”
Daryl huffed as Shane tried to pull that same bullshit like he did over the search for Sophia. All that survival of the fittest crap. If that really were the case, their group would only consist of him, Rick, and Shane.
“Daryl should’ve left her in those woods,” Shane spat. “We can’t afford to have another mouth to worry about.”
Daryl clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles turning white. Shane was really starting to show his true colors, a part of Daryl was beginning to think the group would be better off without that asshole.
Rick shook his head, he couldn’t believe Shane would even suggest telling that woman she had to go, to send her back out there on her own. And now this? Did he really think so little about the lives of others?
“I don’t know what your problem is, but all that shit about numbers or math or whatever ain’t right, she’s a person, a good person… She stays. End of story.”
Rick stared Shane down, making his point crystal clear. He knew the rest of the group would agree with him if it came to the point of getting the others involved. Rick had no idea what was going on inside Shane’s head, but it was sending him red flags.
Finally, Shane scoffed and stomped away, obviously still pissed off.
Sighing, Rick ran a hand over his face, he was going to need to keep a closer eye on Shane. This wasn’t the first time he’s made Rick worry. Shane was acting unpredictably lately, and some of his behavior was off the rails, there was no telling what he might do next.
Daryl started walking back the way he came, for a hot second there it seemed like things might have gotten ugly, in which he would’ve stepped in and backed Rick up.
You took another big bite of the apple Trish had brought up, moaning as you savored the taste, it felt like ages since you had fresh produce.
“You can take a shower in there,” Trish explained gesturing to the attached bathroom. She sat some clean clothes on the dresser for you. “Tried to find you some things in your size, hope they fit alright.”
Your eyes widened as you processed what she just said… you could take a shower? You almost wanted to celebrate over the news. Honestly, ever since waking up it felt like you had won some kind of lottery or a free vacation. You thanked her as she left the room.
The moment she was gone, you scurried out of the bed, stripping out of the dingy clothing you had been wearing for the last week. You could only imagine how terrible you smelled, surprised anyone welcomed you into such a nice home.
Turning on the faucet to the tub, you practically squealed when the water started heating up. Carefully, you removed your jewelry, setting it all down on the sink.
You couldn’t even describe the sound you made as you stepped in under the showerhead. It was a strange mix between a sigh, a laugh, and a moan.  
A week’s worth of grime and dirt rinsed off your body and down the drain. You scrubbed every inch of yourself, wanting to make sure you took full advantage of this chance. Who knows if you’d be fortunate enough to meet anyone else with a working shower on your travels.
For a few extra minutes, you just stood under the running water, enjoying every second of warm water before finally getting out of the shower.
“Ah, there you are,” Hershel said as Daryl approached the house. The old man was sitting in a chair on the porch, keeping an eye on Rick’s group. “Our new guest was asking for you.”
Daryl narrowed his eyes, unsure what you’d want from him.
"She seems to think she and that little girl have a guardian angel looking out for them," Hershel chuckled.
Daryl scowled. "Don't know what you're talkin' 'bout," he grumbled, climbing up the steps of the porch.
Being inside the farm house made Daryl feel uncomfortable like he was too dirty or something. All his life he couldn’t remember being welcomed into a house this nice looking.
Careful not to touch anything, he started going up the stairs. He didn’t even dare to touch the white banister, worried that he was tracking in dirt on his boots.
He knocked on the door and stuffed his hands back into pockets.
“Come in,” you called, still drying your hair. You were grinning like an idiot when Daryl stepped in. “There’s my angel!” You announced.
"Will you knock it off with all that angel crap?" Daryl demanded trying his best to be intimidating and tough.
You giggled, setting the towel down, and approached him. Your eyes and smile were the same, the exact same as they had been the first time you had mistaken him for an angel. He’d never admit it out loud, but he liked it, the way that you saw him.
“Why? As far as I’m concerned you’re heaven sent. Without you, me and Sophia would’ve died out there.”  
Daryl turned his head away, rubbing the back of his neck, he’d be damned if he allowed you to catch him blushing.
“Anyways, I asked for you, cause I wanted to say thank you,” you explained, reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder, right before giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks,” you murmured.
Daryl scoffed, wiping his cheek with the back of his hand. “It was nothin’.”
You shook your head, “it wasn’t nothing.”
His piercing eyes met yours and your heart practically stopped. Just as you were about to lean forward again, Daryl cleared his throat, “you oughta put on a shirt, before going out there.”
You laughed, grabbing the white tee off the dresser, you were too distracted by Daryl to realize you were only wearing pants and a bra.
He rolled his eyes and left the room closing the door behind him. As you were pulling the shirt over your head you could hear him slowly descending the stairs muttering something to himself.
“You mean it?” You asked Rick flabbergasted, worried you didn’t hear him right. “Are you really saying I can stay with you all?”
“I am,” Rick nodded. “As far as I’m concerned you're one of us.”
With an excited shriek, you slung your arms around his neck in a quick hug. “Thank you!”
Rick laughed and patted your back.
You were ecstatic, when he asked to speak with alone and had pulled you to the side away from everyone, you assumed he was going to tell you that you had to go. But instead you received the best news imaginable for your situation.
As you pulled away from Rick, you felt someone watching you, it made the hairs on the back of your neck stand.
Looking around you saw a man with a buzzed haircut who was stalking off, he hadn’t spoken a word to you or bothered to introduce himself, but you heard the others refer to him as Shane. His body language was very aggressive, he was definitely pissed about something.
Once he was out of sight, you rubbed your arms up and down getting rid of the goosebumps that had appeared and made a mental note to avoid that man as much as possible. Whoever he was, he was giving off some serious bad vibes and nothing good was going to come of it.
“Did he tell you!?” An excited voice screeched, snapping you out of your stupor. Two thin arms wrapped around your middle, hugging you tightly.
You laughed, “he did!”
“So that means you’re staying with us, right?” Sophia asked, practically squeezing the life out of you.
Looking up from Sophia, you saw her mother standing nearby, a soft smile on her face as she watched the two of you.
You gave her a small wave, before returning Sophia’s hug.
You settled into a routine with the group rather quickly, helping out with whatever you could from laundry to going on runs with Glenn. They were all friendly people for the most part with the exception of Shane.
Anytime the man was around, it put you on edge even with the others around. It seemed pretty apparent that he didn’t like you much, he’d seem perfectly fine until he noticed that you were nearby. All you could hope for was that he wouldn’t try to persuade Rick to force you to leave.
You were humming a random song to yourself while hanging laundry on the clothesline. It was a good day for it, plenty of sunshine and even a nice breeze, these clothes would dry in no time.
Reaching down into the wicker basket, you pulled out a white t-shirt, as you were pinning it to the line someone grabbed your forearm.
You gasped, where the hell did Shane come from?
“Shane,” you stuttered, wrenching your arm out of his grasp. “You scared me.”
He looked down at you, his eyes full of hatred towards you. “You’re going to get us all killed.”
You furrowed your brow, “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb,” He snapped, shaking his head. “Not everyone is capable of surviving this… you’re weak…”
You shrunk back, worried that whatever you did or tried next would only set him off.
He took another step forward, “I’ll be damned if I let you risk it for the rest of us.”
Daryl's eyes narrowed as he came out of the woods. His grip on his crossbow tightening. Your body language alone was enough for him to notice that you were uncomfortable.
“Hey!” Daryl shouted. “Thought you wanted me to teach you how to skin an animal.” He held up the rabbits he just caught.
You blinked in surprise, looking at Daryl, his expression was practically murderous as he stared at Shane, who immediately backed off, taking a few steps away from you.
“Well I ain’t got all day,” Daryl complained, gesturing for you to come with him.
Finally, it dawned on you what he was doing.
“R-Right,” you squeaked, quickly shuffling away and over to Daryl. You kept your head down, still feeling Shane’s eyes on you.
“C’mon,” Daryl said, gently placing a hand on your upper back and guiding you back towards the RV.
“Thanks, Angel,” you murmured, once you believed you were far away enough that Shane couldn’t hear you.
“Don’t mention it,” he muttered, turning around and giving Shane a dirty look. The next time that asshole decides to corner you like that, Daryl was going to beat the shit out of him.
Tags: @xaestheticalien​ @twdeadfanfic​ @amaroho​
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stonecoldjerseyfox · 3 years
Jersey on my mind (part 33)
The large round eyes, belonging to the auburn fox, flutter from left and right, back to left, before it takes a deep breath and leaves its safe pot to seek food for the day. The night’s hefty downpour prevented it from going out, and now it’s hungry. The new world order has made it a lot easier to find food, which also means that the feeling of hunger is seldom reminded. But during the night, its stomach has been rumbling for something tasty, a bird or anything really. On soft paws, the fox hurries across the grass before stopping abruptly, to check that the coast is clear. But its home environment, a forest somewhere in Virginia, is deserted and free from danger. It had been a long time since this fox had experienced a hunting season, or heard the sound of quad bikes smelling of exhaust fumes pulling through its natural habitat. The fox hurries on, but just a few meters on it stops abruptly again, pricks up its ears when a rustle is heard. Silently, the fox hurries into a bush, at the same time as the grass is split some distance away by a pair of worn Keen hiking boots. The sun plays through the rustling foliage; a soft clatter, a result of the soft breeze that pulls through the forest.
After rain comes sunshine, it’s said. But the crooked male who stumbles between the tree trunks with trailing steps, has no idea of ​​the beauty of mother nature that surrounds him. Nor any idea that he was once a thinking, living being. Many months have passed and time has not been gentle on him. A piece, large as a clenched fist, of his cheek is ripped out, but it doesn’t worry him. He totally lacks the ability to feel, to reason about whether he needs to see a doctor or put a bandaid on it. That time is over. The only instinct that remains and clings to the man’s poisoned, dead consciousness is hunger. An incurable, constant hunger for meat. That’s what drives the man forward through the forest, without, unlike the fox, being on his guard. It’s also this inattention that is reminded when a 5.45 mm bullet penetrates his skull, between the ear and the eye. The loud sound makes the fox give up his attempted excursion and rush back to his burrow.
Daryl tears his eyes from the walker who collapses on the ground like a shattered house of cards, and glances to his left. 
“Home run.” He says as Mila lowers the rifle. “Ya’ wanna let me have a fair chance?” “It was you who said we should compete.” Mila threads the rifle’s shoulder strap over her arm and gives him a cheeky smile. “Gotta level up your game, Dixon. It’s not a contest if I let you win.”
Mila starts walking and Daryl follows. He should have suspected that she was competitive. So far, she leads with eight hits against his three. 
They’re heading west. A few days earlier, Glenn, Rick and Sasha returned to the Safe-Zone after a run, announcing that they had passed a mall they hadn’t seen before. As it got dark, all three agreed that it would be foolhardy to go in and investigate. Instead, Daryl suggested that he take on the task; leave early and check the place out.
“Take someone with you.” was the only thing Rick said before heading off to bed. 
In front of Daryl, Mila’s trotting on towards their goal as fast as her feet manage. The untied boot laces bounces around her feet, whips up fallen leaves. They have accomplished about 2 miles which is halfway according to Rick’s description, made their way through woods and abandoned streets. Not taking the car was a conscious choice; Daryl wanted to do the walk. In nature he can breathe, he needs it and all its simplicity as if it were oxygen. He can not imagine spending the day with anyone else then her, on foot, on a mission to explore. Neither more nor less, yet everything.
“How far did they say it was?” Mila turns and looks at him; the long hair forms a fan around her face of the rapid movement. 
“‘Bout halfway.” He replies.
“And we’re supposed to do what again?”
“Scout the place for supplies, then go back another day if it’s any good.” Daryl offers Mila his hand as she makes her way over a big branch, lying in their path. “Ya’ had anything in mind?”
“Carol asked for some new fancy kitchen knives.”
“Course she did.” Daryl grimaces, amused by Carol’s request, and climbs the branch. 
“You go way back, you two, huh?” Mila squints at him.  
Daryl squints back at her; Mila’s sapphire blue eyes are curious and gleams in the dancing sunlight that penetrates the dense foliage above. He shrugs a little. 
“No more than anyone else.”
Mila lifts her eyebrows at him, she wants to hear more. Daryl sighs.
“We just-” He pauses, doesn’t really know what to say. “Get each other. Somehow.” How should he describe their friendship? Carol is one of his closest, most dearest friends. She’s warm, kind, fierce and she has a haunting ability to read his mind; knows what he thinks without him uttering a single word. Might be a mother’s instinct, or it might be something else, but Daryl values her ability immensely, not being very good with words himself. In the beginning, way back, he felt irritated, exposed and vulnerable in Carol’s presence. Could just as well be because he was a full blown ass to everything and everyone, but Carol made him feel human, made him feel like ‘someone’. She helped him find purpose and meaning in the group, never doubted him. Gosh, if it wasn’t for Carol, he thinks and looks at Mila, he would never be where he is; here, with Mila, being able to talk with her, not sounding like a buffoon or a total piece of shit. Crap, without Carol’s tremendous influence, Mila would probably have shunned him like the plague. He’d never in his life thought he’d soften up like this, but right now- He owes Carol everything for believing in him, not giving up. What if he’s been a good influence on her as well?
Out of nowhere, Mila says:
“You’ve gone through a lot together. Of course that must be more than friendship, that’s-” She searches for words. “-family. Strong bonds. Growing together, always having each others back. That’s valuable.”
“She’s great.” Daryl says and looks at Mila; wow, she really put words on his feelings. 
“Invaluable, I would say.” Mila smiles. “Who could have dreamed of having a babysitter in the middle of a zombie apocalypse? One who’s also chef, baker, friend- a hell of a soldier.” She chuckles and grins at him. “And here I am, with you. Hell, I might switch to Carol, now that I think of it. She’s awesome.”
Daryl takes up a handful of leaves and throws at her. Mila laughs and leans in, pulls him into a kiss, lips with a lingering taste of this morning’s breakfast; coffee black as hell and the blantest looking bowl of oatmeal Daryl’s ever seen. Her lips sweep over his and Daryl, still holding onto the crossbow, puts his arm around her neck and replies the kiss, feeling her soft hair brush against his arm. 
”I guess I get to work a little extra then.” He says with a smirk. “I won’t start baking though.”
“You sure?” She raises her eyebrows. “I'm pretty convincing.” 
For you and the kid I’d probably do whatever the hell you wanted, if you asked me to, Daryl thinks. Damn, he would go through fire and water for ‘em.
“Let’s get this over with.” He puts a loop of her hair behind her ear. ”come on, Jersey.”
With his arms still resting around her neck, they continue to walk. Above them the treetops rattle pleasantly in the wind. The birds chirp and some distance away two squirrels perform their dance for each other around a thick tree trunk, wiggling their tails and noses simultaneously. But something’s disturbing the overall peaceful atmosphere. Maybe it’s intuition, but something's not quite right. Something in the distance makes Daryl stop abruptly. All of his muscles tenses and Daryl pricks up his ears, just like the fox he saw earlier. Male voices, more than two. Like a laser pointer, his gaze moves from left to right, frantically scouting for the slightest movement, the slightest deviation from the green vegetation around them. Suddenly he sees it. Ten meters in front of where they have haltered, the greenery, scattered with a few trees and bushes, opens into a paved road. On the other side of the road lies two buildings. It’s the dirty, black pickup parked in front of one of the buildings that has caught his attention. That and the armed men surrounding it. 
Before Mila has the chance to react, Daryl grabs her by the jacket and forces her to crouch. He raises a dirty index finger in front of his lips, as a sign that she should be dead quiet. Mila looks around, understands that he has seen something she has not seen yet. The sound of voices at a distance makes her look beyond the trees and bushes and she catches sight of the pickup. Carefully they make their way over to a pair of bushes that separates wilderness from domesticated. He pulls her down in the tall grass behind the foliage, out of sight, but the men in the parking lot don’t take notice of what’s happening in the vegetation at the other side of the road. Their attention lies fully on the boxes of ammunition they carry out of the run down building. They stack them on the covered truck bed, then return inside to grab some more, like a running band. Mila scouts through the foliage.
“Anyone you’ve seen before?” She asks in a low voice.
“Nah.” Daryl shakes his head while he follows a man with shoulder-length blond hair with his eyes. The blonde man disappears into the building and another comes out with yet another box. “Nah, they’re new.”
While five of the men fill the truck bed with boxes and cartons, the sixth man is standing on guard, armed with an automatic rifle, eyes searching the surrounding for any dangers, or other people. 
“Maybe we should lie low for awhile.” Mila states. 
Yeah, certainly feels foolish to make themselves known. Instead they lay low behind the bushes, watching the unknown group from a distance. Daryl looks at Mila’s profile; her forehead is furrowed and she seems to think, while biting on her lower lip. 
“Whatcha thinkin’?”
“There’s-“ She counts. ”-six of them. There’s two of us. And I’m not good at math, but-” Once again Mila peers through the foliage. “And one doesn’t need that much ammunition unless there’s a threat.” She mumbles. “Or if you yourself is the threat.”
Daryl doesn’t answer. He thought exactly the same. There’s two possible scenarios for the reason behind this hoarding and he doesn’t like any of ‘em. His thoughts wander back in time, to the prison and the Governor, beheading Herschel and splitting the group, which caused him to flee headlong with Beth. An unpleasant sensation begins to take shape inside his stomach, a bundle of painful memories cutting his insides like barbed wire. There can’t be another Governor situation, not another battle. No more losses.  
“Wonder where they’re staying.” Mila continues. “You think they have their own Safe-Zone somewhere?”
“More like Alamo.” Daryl replies, considering the heavy armor. “Ain’t lookin’ too good.”
“As long as we stay far away, we should be fine.” 
Mila pats him on the knee and turns her eyes away from the gun shop. She makes herself comfortable, takes off her backpack, opens it and takes out two plastic bottles of water, followed by a half filled bottle of vodka. Daryl grins.
“Ya’ got a problem, Jersey.” He says and receives a bottle of water. 
“I know.” She says. “If you happen to stumble across an AA meeting I promise you I’d attend, without hesitating.”  
“Been like this for long?” He drinks and looks at Mila over the clear plastic bottle. “The drinkin’ I mean.”
“My family has a long tradition of desertion, foolish luck and malicious alcoholism. I’m not exactly surprised.” Mila fiddles with the cap of the vodka bottle. “Luckily I have a quite high tolerance. Besides, I can’t really stop either. It’s considered a disease I’ve heard.” She grins amused. “Back in Russia they’d die of laughter if they heard.” She pauses and squints at Daryl in the sun. “You’d like me to stop, right?”
“You do you.” Daryl responds. Ain’t his business to tell her what to do. Nor his right to.
“That’s new.” Mila says. 
“Doesn’t seem to be that much of a problem, that’s all.” 
“Good for me then. I didn’t plan to stop, not yet at least.”
“Take ya’ time.” Daryl says. “As long as ya’ safe. And the kid. Ya’ doin’ fine.”
“Might be hard to put your head around, but I was actually quite deep in the shit a couple of months ago. Though-” Mila pauses. “I’d lie if I said I didn’t feel guilty. This-” She nods at the bottle. “No kid should grow up around it. I mean, I did and that didn’t go well. I’d throw myself over a cliff if anything happened to Juri, but-” She sighs. “I have flaws, demons. But I’ve sworn to myself, and Juri, that he’s safe, no matter how wasted or fucked up I am.”
Daryl reaches out his arm, pulls her towards him. 
“He wouldn’t be more safe with anyone else.” Daryl says and squeezes her a little. “Ya’ doin’ good, Jersey. Drunk or not.”
A bang, the sound of the door to the pickup’s flatbed closing, makes them both jump in the grass. They turn their heads and look through the foliage, seeing the men step into the car and onto the loaded flatbed.
“Let’s go.” They hear one of them holler.
The engine starts and they drive out of the deserted parking lot in front of the gun shop, turn left and disappear.
“Coast is clear.” Mila declares. “Let’s get going.”
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